#happy international day against homophobia; transphobia and biphobia love you all
nicoscheer · 4 months
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Via turnered_on
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The last clip is of Aviation (second time he’s played it on this tour)
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argirisliosis The one and only @mileskane brought his "One Man Band" show in Athens last night and everyone in that room went crazy for him ⚡️(as they should)
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
clowning: xzs xi’an food vlog edition 🌶️
you all know the drill. for cpn-loving turtles only. don’t take it too seriously.
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i honestly didn’t expect another food vlog from xz. his past adlad cities had them but it slipped my mind that he did go to a xi’an this time and spent quite a bit of time there — so we’re due another episode. i’m really thankful to xz and his team for the effort they put to share with us!
a few clowning points here ⤵️⤵️⤵️
The first one is how XZ can’t seem to handle spice well anymore, like a chongqing native should. Then you have WYB whose tolerance for spicy food increased. It could be that XZ has been living in BJ for so long that his taste has changed or maybe, he is thinking of the other person in his home who does not like spicy food. This is a long running cpn in cpf circles, that their preferences changed after spending time together. You can interpret this as a sign of a romantic relationship or not — but they definitely spent a lot of time together for their tastes to change and then be the same. except for garlic cause xz can’t really deal with that lol.
case in point, both wearing clothes that are for sun protection ( bobo’s is an ad, but he wears one in his personal time too ) and eating cold skinned noodles ( liangpi ). lol. i swear they have the same aesthetic sometimes.
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we always joke that xz is the art student and wyb is the sport student — but they actually have a lot of things in common if you observe them more. Another one ZZ enjoyed was a meat bun (Roujiamo) which is a popular street food, but the cpn here is back in 2021 valentines day day they ( allegedly ) spent time together in Henan. Someone even saw Lele buying a lot of the same food and people were clowning that it’s for the two to eat as well. let me live in the fantasy that when they are together, they do this food tasting thing minus the camera recording.
and what is that? some people are pointing it out but i’m pretty sure it’s not a necklace. so funny how we panic when we see some vague clue of a personal necklace with XZ. but this is NOT it. Tho i’m still curious…. what could it be? 👀 popular guess is the string of an amulet. we know how superstitious he is so it could be.
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My favorite would have to be the meme/emoticon they used, because it reminded me of what CPFs usually post. I am not sure how popular this is, and i’m positive it’s not exclusive to bxgs, but thinking about xz or his team going to CPF part of the internet and becoming fond of this meme/ emoticon makes me happy. ☺️
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and well, same energy as this “incident”:
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The loudest CPN being talked about tho is ZZ’s wechat video account that just opened. It’s under his studio and was opened 5/17, the day their certification was completed. What a nice coincidence that this day in the lunar calendar is 3/28. ZHAN AI BO. Also 5/17 is the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia ( remember ZZ shared the song somewhere over the rainbow back in 2016. and it’s one of those 🌈 clues that cpfs
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with all of ZZ’s “superstitions”, I feel like the day to open this new account was chosen. and it’s under his company Beijing Bamboo News Culture Media.
So if they already got certified that day, why wait for 5/18 to post. 18= Yibo. Not only that, on Wechat Video they posted at 20:05 which is 8:05. It’s not like weibo where the time stamp stays, users say it’s like IG that says “13 minutes ago..” but does not retain the specific time. So the screenshot below is the time was 20:10 and then XZS caption for the actual post was made 5 minutes ago, the time it was posted. 20:05. I’m not a wild kadian believer but this speaks to me. 😌😌😌
I’m excited for the next couple of days, cause hopefully we will get WDB 5/21. Which is still a rumor and who knows — will be a surprise drop. WYB allegedly going to an awards show 5/23 Huabiao Awards. Please make it happen. I’m looking forward to Movie Actor Yibo attending these kinds of awards show! 5/27 Chunzhen fanmeet with WYB @ Qingdao!!!! It’s been a while since he did something live! So this is a treat. && it’s the same month GG did his Molsion live/fan-meet too.
but wait wasn’t there rumors that xz will go to qingdao on the 27th too for condor heroes prep/training. lol. nothing is confirmed of course but it will be fun is they can be in the same city again for one day and not just in beijing.
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posi-pan · 1 year
Random question, but do you (or does anyone following you) sometimes get sad to see campaigns created to combat queerphobia, but they never talk about anything outside of the big 4? I found out today is “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia” and while I’m so very happy that things like this exist at all, I had a momentary flash of sadness at the realization that anyone who isn’t gay/lesbian, trans or bi is likely going to be left out of the conversation. And that happens to me pretty often.
I always feel guilty for it, because I know it’s important for these things to exist at all. I’m happy to see them existing! I’m happy to see so many people show support of the lgbt+ community, whether they’re a part of it or just allying with us. I love seeing that always regardless of the cause! But sometimes it is just… disheartening to see that pansexuality is never included in these discussions. And if a pan person tries to join, they’re labeled as -phobic and attention seeking or told they’re derailing.
In the case of today, I do understand why it’s not about us. And I know we have plenty of community-made days to celebrate all identities in the community, and I love that too!! But. Idk. Sometimes I just get a little sad knowing we’re not really included in the big stuff. It’s like, no wonder people don’t care about us. They don’t know about us! And when they learn, odds are they’re hearing about us from panphobic resources, so then they hate us. It just sucks.
honestly, it’s not that days like this aren’t about us, it’s that most people think homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia cover everything.
in the case of international day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia, it wasn’t originally called that. it was originally international day against homophobia in 2005. transphobia was added to the name in 2009. biphobia was added in 2015.
and this is true of a lot of names of organizations and events. for example:
the national lgbtq task force was originally the national gay task force in the ’70s, then lesbian was added in the ’80s, and now it’s lgbtq.
the lgbtq+ victory fund was originally the gay and lesbian victory fund in the ’90s, it changed to the lgbtq victory fund in 2018, and this year the plus sign was added.
the glbt historical society was originally gay and lesbian in the ’80s-'90s and changed to its current name in the late ’90s.
the bay area bisexual network was founded in the ’80s and changed their name in 2019 to the bay area bi+ and pan network.
in ’93, bisexuals campaigned to be included in the name of the march on washington, which since the ’70s only included gay and lesbian
lgbt history month was originally gay and lesbian history month in the ’90s
pride month in the ’90s-’00s was gay and lesbian pride month, ’00s-’10s it was lgbt pride month, and in ’10s-’20s lgbtq+ pride month (this is based off government recognition of the month, there have been too many names for pride days/parades/month to list here)
even lgbtqia+ was originally just gay, then gay and lesbian, lgb in the ’80s, and lgbt in the late ’80s-’90s. and all the other variations followed.
so it’s pretty shitty that the people who make pan folks feel bad or guilty for wanting to be included and say we’re derailing had to advocate for their own inclusion in the first place. if they can campaign for language that includes them, why can’t we? why is it “this isn’t meant to include you” for us, but with others it’s “this should include you”? and if all these events and organizations can update their names/titles once or even more than once to reflect the evolving nature of our community and language, why couldn’t they do it again?
all this to say, you are definitely not alone in feeling sad or bothered by general queer things not mentioning or including anyone beyond the main four. and most importantly, you shouldn’t feel bad or guilty about wanting to be included things like this, and you definitely shouldn’t believe the idea that general queer things (such as idahtab) just aren’t for you. speaking about things like this is what gets language updated, as shown. so, keep speaking up about it (if you’re comfortable doing so, of course), who knows what changes could be made in the future?
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
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This has been a very distressing year of increased crackdowns on queer people and queer identities globally. Threats and protests at drag shows, queer events being shut down for safety reasons, another devastating mass shooting at a gay night club, transgender people being attacked, maligned and denied human rights and basic health care all over the place... it's incredibly depressing.
I already have a post here and another one here and yet another one here that are more political in nature. I hope you'll check those out and do what you can to spread the word and/or help out. But for this year's post, in the interests of lightening things up a bit from this relentless grief, I've decided to celebrate some of my favorite queer music artists who you might not have heard of before.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of my favorite queer artists. Just a few that I think don't get the recognition they deserve, and that I was able to come up with off the top of my head within the time I had available to make this post. There are so many great queer artists, and I will probably share more of them in the coming months and years.
Truly one of the most beautiful voices on the planet. I've been a devoted fan of hers for many years, and she just keeps blowing me completely away and breaking my heart and holding it all together. I love her so damn much. She's a blessing to this world.
RVG (for Romy Vager Group, after the lead singer Romy Vager) from Australia are my current favorite new band. Romy has a spectacular voice and she knows how to use it. I can't wait for the new album to come out. Squid is my favorite new song so far, but Midnight Sun is a close second. I've shared it here because it has a video - more entertaining than staring at an album cover.
Ethel Cain
I've already talked about her a lot here on my blog. She's amazing, and her album Preacher's Daughter is one of my favorite releases from last year.
Oliver Sim
I've talked about him before on my blog. Some of you might recognize his voice from the XX, one of my favorite bands. He recently came out with a solo album that I also absolutely love. I know I've shared this video before, but it's such a favorite that I had no choice but to share it again.
Perfume Genius
Love him so much. He always manages to have a simultaneously nostalgic, moody, anthemic and totally 'of the moment' sound.
The Irrepressibles
Ugh. So good. Everything Jamie does is amazing - the aesthetic, the sound, the demeanour. Truly a massive, massive inspiration. His voice totally kills me. This particular song is so gutting and beautiful. If you look up the lyrics, you'll cry.
Chris Pureka
They are such a brilliant songwriter. Emotional, powerful songs, and such a unique, expressive voice. Their sound is deceptively simple but everything is memorable and sticks with me.
I'm aware of how painfully white this list is, but I saved a few for another list I'm working on. You'll see that one in a week or two.
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noa-nightingale · 3 years
Queer Watcher 2021
I am looking back on another beautiful year with @wearewatcher​ and I have to say, I love being in this fandom and in Watcher’s audience as a queer person.
This is the same thing as last year (Queer Watcher 2020), I will list the things I appreciate and enjoy, and once again I am very happy that I can write this. (I also encourage you to read last year’s list since many of the things I wrote there still apply to this year. Also, I will do this again for 2022. ^-^)
This is technically from 2020, not from 2021, but I am eternally annoyed with myself that I forgot to put it in my Queer Watcher 2020 post, and that’s why I am mentioning it now: “I love you, man.” “I love you too.” - Spooky Smalltalk. No, there isn’t anything inherently queer about two men telling each other platonically that they love each other. But here is why I am including it in this list: It’s the open and honest affection. Which brings me to my next point.
First video of the year and I am once again reminded why I love this channel, this content and these people so much. Dish Granted is so wonderfully heartwarming and that’s why I am including it on this list too: I am always looking for this kind of warmth in a world that is often cold towards me (for being queer, for being autistic, for being some other things). I adore Dish Granted and I would like to hug the entire show.
Happy Valentine’s Day to the oars!
Trans Day of Visibility! Watcher asked for trans/non-binary folks to share their art and then supported it by retweeting some of it.
I love it in general when they acknowledge the various Pride days or weeks (International Asexuality Day, Lesbian Visibility Day, Bi Visibility Week etc.)
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
Happy Pride Month! First I have to mention the merch, obviously. I did not see that coming at all and it made me very happy. I love my gay oars pins. A lot. And it is amazing that they give some of the proceeds to the Trevor Project.
Happy Pride Month! Again! This was one of my favorite Watcher moments this year: All three co-founders said Happy Pride in unison and I think a small part of me healed. It was so so damn lovely. (I also enjoy it quite a bit when Shane is kind of awkward with showing sincere emotions, a) because it is endearing and b) because I am bad at showing emotions in a way that is probably “expected” (or whatever) and I hate showing strong emotions in front of other people. Also, I really relate to awkwardness in general lmao.)
Every time our favorite co-founders wore or used their own Pride merch. Idk it makes me happy.
Every time people tell Shane that he is the “protector of the gays” or something like that and he does not really accept it. Like. I agree, it would be kind of uncomfortable if he called himself that.
He’s against French ghosts who are bigots though.
Making Watcher! Now on youtube, and it makes me so friggin’ emotional every time. It great to see these people care about each other and about the content they put out into this world. Heartwarming.
Dish Granted with Steven’s parents - same reasons as the ones above but also because of the accidental Believe Me Maizey. Made me cry. A wonderful reminder of our favorite holographic lesbian and her French Fries wife, and of the magnificence that is the hot daga.
That one moment in the cave ep of AYS - “Joe was here! Looking like a total ten.” - “Yeah, he was looking like a whole goddamn snack.” <3
Every time the existence and validity of they/them pronouns was acknowledged.
The return of the gay oars for Puppet History season 4! I love those guys and I loved to see them again and write my silly little tumblr posts about them. I wish I could put into words how much they mean to me but if you have followed me for a while, you know how much I adore them and how often I draw them. There were many beautiful little moments with them this year, and it was fantastic to see them again. Truly a highlight of this year.
We don’t have to talk about the season finale though.
Actually yes we do - here’s another silly little tumblr post you might find interesting. Still very proud of this one. Read it, it’s good.
Dunking on a homophobic ghost during TMS.
“God’s hot.” I can’t agree with the pile of diamonds here but I am happy that the oars are apparently not the only queer puppets.
I left out the patreon stuff on purpose (and there is stuff on patreon, I can only recommend it!) but I want to include a personal highlight here that made me very emotional. Steven picked one of my questions for Watcher Weekly+ and accidentally misgendered me. It was brought up on the Watcher discord and he was there within 15 minutes, acknowledged his mistake, apologized and said he would make an effort to do better. I know this seems like a little thing but I am not used to people handling a situation like that so well and I am very grateful that he did.
All the wonderful people of team Watcher, and all the wonderful people they had as guests.
The casual, constant support. I have said it before but I genuinely believe that it is more important than making one grand statement and then never touching the topic again.
All that being said, I do not want to put the Watcher co-founders and the Watcher team on a pedestal. They have their faults, they have made mistakes before, they are not perfect - nobody is.
There have been conversations about pronouns and using they/them pronouns as the default, and I think that’s something they can work on. (And, from what I’ve seen, they do. They are making an effort, and that’s all I can ask.) Personally, I also cringe every time I hear the phrase “ladies and gentlemen” - I know it is easy to say it without really thinking about it but I just hate it (in general, this is not just a Watcher thing).
But I believe that the Watcher team genuinely does make an effort and genuinely does care about the LGBTQ+ people in their audience.
So, in conclusion: I enjoy being part of Watcher’s audience, as an autistic person and especially as a queer person. I very much believe that they will grow as a channel, company and as people in the future. And I am very happy to be part of that journey and to be able to witness it.
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potteresque-ire · 3 years
Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈  (June is Pride Month where I am 😊) For the occasion, may I recommend this animated musical short, 秘密港 Safe Haven, by the Beijing Queer Chorus (北京酷兒合唱團)? Published on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT; May 17th, 2021),  the animation, with its lovely (and at times, heartbreaking) song, is about a queer person and their friend who tries to offer their support. The lyrics is English-subbed.
(Below the cut: a wish for the c-queer community; conception of Safe Haven, as explained by the Beijing Queer Chorus; CW/TW for homophobia, violence and forced abortion)
Background for my wish: with the recent Chinese government’s aggressive turnaround in its population control policy to combat its declining birth rate—on 2021/05/31, China further lifted the cap of number of children allowed per couple from 2 to 3 (the number was 1 for almost four decades, 1978-2015; the population control measure has therefore been colloquially called the “One Child Policy”), younger generations of Chinese are already feeling the pressure and fearing the consequences of non-compliance (for example, if the state levies heavy fines on non-child-bearers).   
While I have not yet read articles that directly connect the major policy shift with the c-queer community, I imagine it may bring both relief and additional challenges. The relief will likely take time to come; the challenges, meanwhile,  will likely be immediate. 
This has to do with the root of antagonism against homosexuality in Chinese societies. Unlike in their Western counterparts, Chinese queers have consistently reported that family, instead of societal, pressure as the greatest challenge they face (societal pressure includes that from religion, from government etc). C-queers are expected to abide to the heteronormative traditions of opposite-sex marriage and child-bearing, in a collectivistic, conformist environment still strongly influenced by the Confucian notion that continuing the bloodline is the primary responsibility of a filial child. Men, especially, are under heavy pressure to carry on their family surname. Those who fail to do so are seen as irresponsible at best, moral failures at worst. They suffer anything and everything from constant nagging from their relatives, to ostracisation, to disownment. 
A better known consequence of this cultural antagonism against homosexuality in the tragic Tongqi (同妻 “homo-wives”) phenomenon that is, perhaps, unique to China. 
Tongqi are straight women who unknowingly entered marriage with closeted gay man, who often learn about their spouse’s sexuality only after the filial obligation of having children has been fulfilled. It’s a form of marriage fraud; women who file for divorce, however, are likely to lose custody of their child(ren) under Chinese laws, and so many of them keep mum. The gay men involved are also victims in many cases; the lack of public, open education and discussion of queer topics in the country mean even the queers themselves may not have a full understanding of their own queerness, believe that “straightening” themselves is something they can do with sufficient willpower and love for their family. 
As one may expect, these marriages are mostly unsatisfying; psychiatric issues and intimate partner violence (IPV), which include verbal, emotional and physical abuse, have also been frequently reported. Just how prevalent are Tongqi’s in China that, in turn, reflect how many gay men in China are pressured to remain in the closet and get married? The following numbers may serve as comparison. In 2010, the percentage of gay men married to heterosexual women in the US was 15-25%. In China and in 2018, meanwhile, the reowned Chinese sexologist, sociologist and LGBT rights activist, Li Yinhe (李銀河), quoted an estimate of 80% of China’s ~ 20 million gay men were married to heterosexual wives; i.e. the Tongqi population amounted to ~16 million. Literature has reported a similar estimated size of the Tongqi population—at 13+ million, in 2016. 
(Reason for the numbers being estimates: the exact size of the c-queer community isn’t known. China’s decennial census questionnaire from late last year (2020) once again excluded questions about its own LGBT+ community. "Room mate” is how many c-queers have to refer to their partners).
While the Chinese government decriminalised homosexuality in 1997 and its current laws carry no clauses that target the queer community—the official stance of Chinese government on homosexuality is currently 不支持,不反對,不提倡 “not supporting, not opposing, not advocating”—what may seem to be its non-queer-related policies have indirectly but majorly impacted the lives of c-queers. In particular, the “One Child Policy” has been hypothesised to exacerbate the challenge faced by c-queers, as the only child becomes the sole “next generation” available for producing grandchildren and extending the family bloodline. 
Hence, my expectation / hope that the relaxation of "One Child Policy”, by lifting the cap on the number of children a couple can have, will bring relief to the LGBT+ population—even if the relief will only come years down the road, as the newer generations of c-queers will then have siblings to share their filial responsibilities. 
However, this also explains my worry for now, for the immediate months and years to come, for not only c-queers but the younger generations of Chinese in general. My worry is about how, exactly, the state intends to drive its birth rate upward, and the hardship the new policies may bring. 
The practices of China’s population control policies have historically been brutal. Forced, late-term abortions were common, for example. This is reflected in the country’s birth control propaganda banners, commonly seen in Chinese villages until late 2000s, which were infamous for their verbal violence:
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“Beat it out! Abort it! Miscarry it! Just cannot give birth to it!”
Fines, which were levied on offenders of the One Child Policy, may seem like a better option but can place an unbearable burden on poorer families, of which there remain many in China. Premier Li Keqiang reported, in May 2020, that >40% of China’s population—600 million—are living with a monthly income of ~$140 USD or below, despite the glitz often seen in the country’s entertainment productions. Using One Child Policy era fines for reference, the famous Chinese director 張藝謀 Zhang Yimou was fined 7.48 million RMB (~$1.17 million USD) for his three children, in 2013. Defying the new population control policies may therefore be a privilege reserved for the very powerful and very rich. And the government is likely to be aggressive in enforcing its new policies—the social media accounts of > 20 feminist activists, who advocate for reproductive freedom among other women’s rights, have already been shut down in the recent weeks. 
Will the Chinese government find ways to penalise members of the queer community who do not contribute to the new baby count? Will it turn a blind(er) eye to the Tongqi 同妻 (and to a lesser extent, Tongfu 同夫 ~ heterosexual men married to lesbian women) tragedies happening every day? It’s impossible to say yet.
For this year, therefore, I wish the c-queer community this—I wish it to be safe from the reach of China’s population control policies, whatever they will be. 
Back to the animated short, Safe Haven, which is about coming out. In 2016, a 18,000 people survey by the United Nations Development Programme reported only 5% of Chinese queers had come out to people outside their families. Only 15% have come out to their families. A more recent survey reports a significant improvement in these percentages, with ~50% of gays, bisexuals and transgenders and 70% of lesbians having come out to their families (Table 2). Fully out queers remain rare (<10%).
There’s still, therefore, a long way to go. With queers often being out (if they’re out at all) only to their most immediate/intimate social circles, with the state’s censorship of LGBT+ presentation in visual media, many (especially older generations of) non-queers in China haven’t seen a living, breathing, outwardly queer person before. The process of coming out, by extension—what it means, what it takes for both the giver and receiver of the message—may have never entered the thoughts of these non-queers before.
What should they say? What should they do? What words and actions will convey support? What won’t?
Safe Haven is about these questions. I’ll end this post with a translation of the Weibo post in which the animated short was first published, in which Beijing Queer Chorus explained the project’s conception:
#517 IDAHOBIT# Do you remember how it was like, the first time you came out of the closet, or someone came out of the closet to you? Who was that person? What did you say at the time, and how did that person react?
The person who voluntarily exposes their heart requires courage. The person who receives the message may have their own heart filled with unease. 
Maybe, both are thinking: “What should I do?”
Coming out is such an important occasion. It can, perhaps, change a relationship forever.
Some will welcome warmth and hugs. Some others will get their first taste of homophobia. Yet some others will find neither.
After a queer person came out to their friend, they got, in return, “Don’t worry. I’ll still treat you as a friend.” It made them uncomfortable for a long time. But their straight family and friends didn’t understand. How could this be not a kind thing to say?
What is gay-friendly? What is homophobic? It appears that everyone has their own standards. The same words and behaviours transmit warmth to some, deep offence to others.
So, when we’re talking about “homophobia”, what are we talking about?
To commemorate this years #517 IDAHOBIT#, the Beijing Queer Chorus interviewed its tens of members and their relatives and friends, in hopes of investigating the difference in perspectives between homosexuals and straight people. How can this barrier be crossed, how can they work together to take care of the valuable relationships.
In the stories of all interviewees, a warmth like this can be felt: even with the risks, there remain those who are brave enough to display their true self; even with the misunderstandings, there remain those willing to keep the secrets of others, willing to learn to understand a whole new world.
We condensed these stories into an original, animated musical short, Safe Haven.
We hope every boat riding the winds and waves can find a harbour to unload their secrets. We also hope every person has enough gentle strength to be the safe haven for others. 
We offer our best wishes to every queer who lets their heart be seen ~ may your courage reap its rewards.
We thank every friend and family who have treated these hidden matters of the heart seriously. You make the world a better place.
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dead-p0ets · 3 years
happy international day against homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia everyone! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
i love you all so much <3333
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thisiseuphoria2019 · 3 years
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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Love will always be a beautiful feeling that, no matter who you feel it with, or who you live it for, it will always be remembered. Love is LOVE. Be happy, be free, and love with all your heart ❤️
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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Love will always be a beautiful feeling that, no matter who you feel it with, or who you live it for, it will always be remembered. Love is LOVE. Be happy, be free, and love with all your heart ❤️
"If you are black, if you are white, if you are gay, if you are heterosexual, if you are transgender, whoever you are or whoever you want to be, I support and love each one of you." -Harry Styles 🏳️‍🌈
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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Love will always be a beautiful feeling that, no matter who you feel it with, or who you live it for, it will always be remembered. Love is LOVE. Be happy, be free, and love with all your heart ❤️
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bipositive · 4 years
Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia!
Hello my bi-uties! Firstly, I just wanted to check in and make sure you’re all doing okay! How are you? How’s things? Are you being your bisexual selves? Secondly! I wanted to just say that LGBT+ people are humans and deserving of a basic level of respect and fair treatment. The various phobic behaviours against us need to be challenged whenever it’s found, especially if it’s found within ourselves. To hell with homophobia, transphobia and biphobia! We exist, we deserve respect. With love,                 Bi-Positive.
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boring-side-effect · 4 years
happy International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia!
stay true to yourself, stay happy! remember that you're loved and you're a magnificent creature
i love you all my rainbow family <3
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rainbowsky · 3 years
Hey rbs, Happy holidays! Sorry to bother you but there has been something on my mind lately. Are there any moments where either GG or DD supported/showed support to LGBT?
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That's a more complicated question than you might think.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Because of the political situation in China, it's not safe to appear to be a part of a political movement, especially one that seeks to fight against official positions and policies. It's part of why Pride parades aren't allowed in China anymore. It's a big part, I'm sure, of why there's been a crackdown on queer organizations and queer university groups in China.
The official position from the regime is that every citizen has a patriotic duty to enter a heterosexual marriage and breed as much as possible - they have a '3 child' policy they've been pushing - and it seems that in their minds, being queer directly runs against those goals (as I've said many times, there's no reason why being queer should prevent people from having children if they want to, except the unjust laws that stand in their way).
People can and do express support for or acceptance of queer relationships, but top celebrities can only do so within a very limited narrow interpersonal parameter. There are a few reasons for this:
There is a stated policy that celebrities must express ideas that align with the regime's positions. Any artist who fails to do so could face blacklisting and/or 'reeducation'.
The censorship laws in China forbid homosexuality being presented in a favorable light (or really, at all) in any significant way.
As I stated previously, in China it's not safe to appear to be part of a protest or political movement.
Queer celebrities are especially ill-advised to show any political leanings in support of homosexuality, because it would put them at extra risk. It's also part of why there are so few gay men in China willing to openly admit they are turtles. They don't want GGDD's ship to be given a political tone by the conspicuous presence of queer men in the fandom, so they keep any support low-key and under the radar.
Having said that, GG and DD have both shown alignment with the LGBTQ community from time to time.
They both have been known to frequently wear brands from LGBTQ-led design houses including DSQUARED_2, Charles Jeffrey, Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford, Christian Louboutin, Martine Rose, Jacquemus and others.
GG posted popular gay anthem Somewhere Over the Rainbow for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia back in 2017. (He also sang the song with Zhao Lei live on 2016/11/19, a date turtles believe might be GGDD's anniversary.)
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DD's famous sneakers and ice cream post, which led some gossip sites to claim he had come out of the closet. @potteresque-ire did a great analysis of that post here. There was also good analysis from @untamedconnotations back when the video was posted, and you can find that here.
A 2011 Weibo conversation where GG showed support for a gay friend who had posted about having a new boyfriend.
GG wearing Pride sneakers for an interview.
A Pride flag showing up in the foreground of a Kai Xiao Zao ad GG appeared in this year. This one is ambiguous because it could have been chosen by the brand, but considering that's a photo of Jianguo next to it, it's possible that it actually came from GG (the kadian on the clock - 23:00, 'Love Zhan' is also cute).
GG selecting a rainbow watch to represent romance for a Zenith Qixi Festival ad campaign.
GG singing gay anthem Post Coital Tristesse on NYE last year.
Endorsing some queer-friendly brands, especially Budweiser, Bubly and some other international brands that have been known to be vocal supporters of LGBTQ rights. Budweiser has even done some queer-friendly advertising in China.
When he was in Milan, GG posted a photo (3:50 in video) of a cathedral where people had gathered to celebrate gay marriage being made legal. It's not clear that he posted it because of the queer context, but a lot of fans made note of it. He posted another photo of it during his February 2023 Milan trip. More on this CPN here.
GG sang Tempting Heart when he was on Our Song, which is a song from the 1999 film of the same name. The film is about a love triangle involving a lesbian woman, and the lyrics of the song allude to that.
Some fans believe GG may have posted in reference to the anniversary of Leslie Cheung's death on 4/1/22.
On 23 April 2022 GG posted a Douyin where he read a poem by celebrated queer poet Edith Södergran.
DD mentioned Brokeback Mountain in a video clip
GG and DD are both Spongebob fans.
GG mentioned in an interview that he'd like to see The Whale.
DD chatting happily with queer icon Dan Levy at the Loewe show in Paris.
There's also their frequent association with rainbows.
The rainbow watches in their lives (including GG choosing one for a Zenith Qixi Festival ad campaign, not on that list).
GG appearing next to a rainbow rabbit in a Roseonly ad.
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GG wearing a rainbow stars jacket and Pride colors rainbow belt for his live performance of Running to You With All I Have last year.
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GG wearing a rainbow fox hoodie to interview Wan Fang last year.
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GG wearing a rainbow watch and using a rainbow badminton racket for photo set he posted on Weibo.
DD wearing a rainbow Thrasher logo hoodie during rehearsal for his Just Like Sunshine dance performance.
GG including a set of rainbow colored chopsticks in his annual PR gift box.
DD wearing pants with rainbow patches for a Chanel event on the first day of Pride (not Chanel pants).
I’ll keep updating this post as I think of more, or as more references occur. If you think of one that I’ve missed please let me know.
DD wearing a rainbow colored outfit for the Loewe show in Paris during Pride month.
GG posting a vacation picture with a Pride flag hanging from a balcony.
Bottom line: It's unrealistic for international fans to expect to see overt expressions of Pride from GGDD, like we would see from North American or European stars, but I think they show what they are able to safely show.
Edit: More on DD's Pride rainbow connections here.
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mydaystan · 4 years
Just heard that today's international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. Sending lots of love and support to all my LGBTQ+ people out there, from all around the world. No matter where you're at right now in your life, I wish you happiness and health and safety. You're loved and important 🏳️‍🌈❤️✨
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Happy International Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia Day!
On this splendid, though tragically distancing, day. I would like to tell all the homophobes, transphobes, biphobes and aphobes to hold your silence forever.
Your opinion is your own and you are rightfully entitled to it. But, keep it to yourself. Cause no one wants to see that level of immorality and utter stupidity.
You are just humiliating yourself, you are an example of everything that is wrong with this world.
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If there's even a shred of sense left in you, then think of how many innocent people are being triggered by your hateful speech.
Know that, you are not nearly as fascinating to others, as you are to yourself.
All of us deserve the best things for having to deal with thousands of haters like you every damn day, we are human beings just like you. The only way we're different from you, is that we are far more sympathetic and emphatic and a hell lotta open minded.
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We don't care if you support gender binary, heterosexuality or gender roles. You are irrelevant and you can't stop us from being us.
If you think I'm being brutal then think of all those times, when perfectly validated people who have been violated and bullied because of people like you.
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Unlike you though, we don't spend all our time thinking of ways on spreading increasingly nonsensical hate propaganda, so Arrivederci!
To all my fellow LGBT+ members out there, don't let these troglodytes get to you. You're awesome and I love you all 3000 for that!
Originally posted on my amino blog
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waveringiridescence · 4 years
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( OOC ) HELLO EVERYBODY!! A little message from my foxhole to send you all some love, since today is a very special day: THE INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA, TRANSPHOBIA AND BIPHOBIA. So do not forget to spread the love around, take care of yourselves, don’t forget to be kind to you and others, to do things that make you happy and stay hydrated. 🐳 I should be around tomorrow since it’s a day off, to do a bit of clean up, update and writing. Today, I’ll probably drop by as well, I still haven’t decided what I’ll make of it. Stay safe, stay home, stay awesome! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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