omnya-a-shoman · 2 years
كل حاجة ثقيلة وكل حاجة غبية
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Eleanor and Caitríona: De Beers Flagship Store Opening Event, 24 November 2021, London (Photo: Getty Images)
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Tony, Caitríona, and Eleanor: Wimbledon, Day 7, Centre Court, 8 July 2019, London (Photo: Getty Images)
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Filming has commenced in Leeds and Belgium on the six-parter from Professor T producer Eagle Eye Drama, which follows Tomlinson’s Evie and Pete (Harry Potter star Alfred Enoch), who move into an upscale neighborhood and find themselves in a world of curtain twitching and status anxiety. They find friendship in the shape of the couple next door, alpha traffic cop Danny (Heughan) and his wife, glamorous yoga instructor Becka (Jessica De Gouw), but after Danny and Evie share a passionate night together, there is trouble ahead.
The U.S. streamer and UK network, who never have co-produced together, described The Couple Next Door as a “psychological drama, exploring the stultifying claustrophobia of suburbia and the fallout of chasing your darkest desires.”
Tomlinson is best known for playing Demelza Poldark opposite Aidan Turner across five seasons of hit BBC drama Poldark. Other credits include Stephen Merchant comedy-drama The Outlaws and Netflix’s upcoming adaptation of David Nicholls’ One Day.
Scottish actor Heughan is gearing up for a seventh season of Starz hit Outlander, in which he plays Jamie Fraser, while he is also starring in Priyanka Chopra Jonas rom-com Love Again with Celine Dion – set for May release. He generated headlines recently when his memoir revealed how a brutal rape scene in Outlander Season 1 had impacted him negatively.
Marcella writer David Allison is penning The Couple Next Door, Professor T‘s Dries Vos is directing, and EPs are Jo McGrath, Walter Iuzzolino and Alison Kee.
The thriller is based on Dutch series New Neighbours and feeds into Eagle Eye’s strategy of turning European hits into shows for the major English-language markets, following Channel 4’s Suspect, which is based on a Danish series, and ITV’s Professor T, which is based on a show from Belgium.
The show was commissioned by Channel 4’s Caroline Hollick and Rebecca Holdsworth. EVP Programming Karen Bailey is overseeing The Couple Next Door for Starz, and it will be distributed by Beta Film.
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Instagram Deadline
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Jamie & Claire Fraser: S04E03 The False Bride, 18 November 2018
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How Well Do Outlander's Caitríona Balfe & Sam Heughan Know Each Other? | Vanity Fair Game Show, Season 6 Promo, 14 April 2022, YouTube
Remember… when you’re working with your friends, it doesn’t feel like it’s work. — Ken Jeong
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larrytimelines · 2 years
PSA: stunt kiss in video.
Full video and details here.
Correction: This is on Aug 17 2022 (source)
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a-poet-without-a-name · 5 months
⚠️mild body horror⚠️
one day I will pull this skin from my bones in agony, and search for the imposter hiding within.
that parasite,
who once struck my flesh,
has now become part of me in ways I did not know,
nor know to despise.
for once that skin comes crawling back, it will be to bleeding marrow and empty sockets after lengthy scouring and searching of the body,
in which to find imperfections;
nay, horrors.
evidence of some sins I must have done
to once and forever have received this punishment and crucifixion—
stuck to a cross and nails I was yet forced to bear,
yet somehow through odd trials I had not come to hate.
though the cold irons scald me so, and this flesh imprisons my bones,
I find it is flesh most suited to me,
after all,
and such ends with which others have called themselves to go seems not necessary in lack of my apparent suffering.
I am not discomfited by my parasitic home,
for it is useful and does not seem altogether different from my own bones’ timbre.
do not mistake my seeming comfort for content, however,
old friends and new.
know that though I shall danse macabre,
I do it with bleeding feet and grin affixed with the taxidermist’s pins.
to live with a parasite is to welcome a most bosom friendship with one’s own decay,
and no host lives without suitable agony no matter the benefits they are ought.
a symbiote is still a villain,
but I know I am too,
for I caught and held it here within me,
and I know it writhes most fitfully.
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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jujirou · 2 years
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おはようございます‼︎ 秋田県湯沢市川連は、雨が降ったり止んだりのお天気です‼︎ 昨日、全国やきものフェアinみやぎの、最終日でした‼︎ 昨日午前中全く暇でしたが、お昼頃から久しぶりなお客様や、昨年知り合わさせて頂いたお客様、そして新規のお客様とも知り合わせて頂き、あれよあれよと言ってる内に、展示会終了‼︎ 一人での搬出作業も、比較的スムーズに終え、5時40分頃には会場から出発し、途中エリアメールやら、鳴子ダム放流中、洪水・浸水に注意して下さい…との掲示板に少し驚きながら、鳴子の道や鬼首の峠をひた走り、予定時間より少し早めの、8時頃に無事に到着‼︎ 帰宅後、一杯やりながら、今回のアレコレ話しを、福さんが聞いてくれました… そして今日はこれから、車からの荷下ろしやら、車内清掃やら、荷解きやら、その他アレヤコレヤと有りますが、今日も一つ一つコツコツ頑張ります‼︎ そして皆様にとって今日も、良い一日と成ります様に‼︎ https://jujiro.base.ec/ #秋田県 #湯沢市 #川連 #川連漆器 #川連塗 #国指定伝統的工芸品 #伝統的工芸品 #秋田県の工芸品 #秋田工芸 #秋田工芸品 #秋田のクラフト #秋田の物作り #秋田のものづくり #展示会 #全国やきものフェアinみやぎ2022 #全国やきものフェアinみやぎ #夢メッセみやぎ #7月14日から18日まで開催 #ブースNo111秋田川連塗り寿次郎 #展示会最終日 #展示会搬出 #出張帰省 #kawatsura #japanlaquer #JapanTraditionalCrafts #KawatsuraLacquerwareTraditionalCrafts #jujiro (秋田・川連塗 寿次郎) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgK9va7P_gT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tuntetesinfo · 1 year
Diákok, Tanárok, Szülők,felelős Állampolgárok❗️ 🏁November 18-a ismét sztrájknap. Egy hatalmas összefogás keretében aznapra ORSZÁGOS ÉLŐLÁNCOT hirdet a Egységes Diákfront - Pala Mozgalom. 🏁 Időpont: 🗓️ November 18. ⏱️ 7:45-9:00 📌 Helyszín: Budapesten, az összes megyei jogú városban és egyéb településeken. A városok külön-külön facebook eseményeit nemsokára közzétesszük. Ha szeretnél csatlakozni a saját városodban a szervezéshez vagy ismersz olyat aki szívesen csatlakozna a szervezéshez, akkor vedd fel a kapcsolatot az alábbi táblázatban látható Pala felelősökkel‼️ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pjM5sK1VGHI5DGklGqIjzAI6ZeCwccI_f-erF0k7QCc/edit?fbclid=IwAR3eDMqvOsYMpgoa0-T_5GcdZkfl_2x5Yr6gtkbJPGpdHHBxJBwbNzOj0K0#gid=0 Hívjuk fel a figyelmet az oktatás egyre súlyosabb problémáira! Álljunk ki a saját és az ország jövőjéért! Egy célért, egy időben, egységesen! EGY ORSZÁG, SOK LÁNCSZEM, EGY CÉL❗️ A program szervezését segítik, az eseményt támogatják: PSZ, PDSZ, Tanítanék Mozgalom, Tanárok a tanárokért, CKP, ADOM Diákmozgalom, Szülői Hang, Szülői Összefogás, Pedagógus Egység Esemény arculat, grafika: Gelley Graphic
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by Oswald Chambers | Our Lord told us how our love for Him is to exhibit itself when He asked, “Do you love Me?” (John 21:17). And then He said, “Feed My sheep.” In effect, He said, “Identify yourself with My interests in other people,” not, “Identify Me with your interests...
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nourah-mw · 2 years
إلى من يهمه الامر:
قررنا نحن نورة الوهيبي صاحبة هذه المدونة حديثة العهد عريقة التاريخ بالتوقف عن كتابة التقارير الاسبوعية.
فالمواقف بصيدلية الاسكان لا تنتهي، ومع كثرتها الفتها فما عادت تستحق الذكر بخلاف وضعي في نجران
مع الوقت بدأت استثقل كتابة التقرير الاسبوعي وعليه استثقلت الدخول إلى تمبلر وهذا شعور غير مرغوب به نهائياً فلطالما كان تمبلر ملاذي الاخير ولا رغبة لي بنزع هذه الصفة عنه لذلك وجب القرار
وهذا لا يعني انتهاء رحلتي بذكر يومياتي هنا إنما فقط ترك صفة الالتزام الاسبوعي وجعلها حسب القدرة والرغبة
لذلك وجب التنبيه
شاكرة لكم حسن متابعتكم وتفاعلكم الدائم فقد كان سبب اساسي بتأخير هذا القرار حتى هذا اليوم
نهاية رحلة التقارير الاسبوعية
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imekitty · 2 years
Today I worked on:
Prompt submission: 26 words, Paulina investigates a ghost in the locker room.
Prompt submission: 31 words, Paulina learns about Dark Danny.
Ghost on the Couch: 70 words, more thinking errors
Disillusioned: 276 words, Danny talks to the detective.
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vuelode-irbis · 1 year
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Huevember 18: a screenshot redraw of Ahsoka in s7!!!
ID: a digitally painted redraw of Ahsoka from The Clone Wars in season 7. It's the scene in wich she meets Darth Maul, showing her face and holding a defensive stance with both her sabers ignited. It's painted in a indigo and purple palette.
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larrytimelines · 2 years
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Harry and Tommy in NY - Aug 18 2022
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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Jimin Weverse live 18 Sept. 2022
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Am I seeing it right that right after they kissed, she bends down a bit to tilt and look at the paparazzi? And why is she leaving after them anyway, it looks like they were all done at the gym
Hi dear,
Yeah you can see clearly in this video that she's looking out the door and right after the peck she immediately checks. And H slides his mask over his face and leaves right after.
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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x-heesy · 2 years
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Spaceships & Hoodbitches by Iceberg Black
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