dante-mightdie · 5 months
thinkin' about 1950s!mafia!price and the pretty little lounge singer who performs at his club. waits for you in your dressing room after your set with a bottle of disgustingly expensive champagne. reaches down to pull a knife from his sock to pop it open with...
calls you dearie, sugarpie, dollface...
kisses your pouty lips and mumbling an apology when he gets pulled away from your dates to deal with ahem... business...
dresses you up in the finest silks, furs, and jewels so he can parade you around on his arm, showing everyone what belongs to him...
has a wicked temper that only you can calm him down from. cupping his cheeks and saying his name in that soft, sing-song voice that never fails to melt his heart
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reality-detective · 2 months
● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.
human trafficking
● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States
● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence
Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders - many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed
○ 13818, 13848 and 13959
● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it's the mafia and it's seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican's ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We're going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas
GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act
● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11
● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world
● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods
● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities
● Back to constitutional law - get rid of the corrupt law of the sea
● Newly elected leaders - only 10% of current governments
● World peace for 1,000 years
● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth
● Gold Standard!
● Introduction of new hidden technologies - 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy
● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices
● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth
● Odin project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
Do your own research 🤔
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homelesstravelers · 4 months
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- Starting price is two yen!
- Oi! You! Why is it so cheap?!
(Shr, shr, shr)
-Uh, I mean... I was banned from selling! That's all!
((Another one redesign for 1950s mafia detective roleplay. Monoma is the secretary of the detective agency. Hawks is detective))
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hccn-overseer · 9 months
Issue 25, 10/04/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Affiliate Happenings
By Roo
Joe Hills: (Nearly said Joe Hills and I think that says a lot about me.) Joe Hills.
Mumbo Jumbo: Mumbo Mug… I now know what to get everyone I know for their birthdays. 
Pearlescentmoon: Happy Wet Cat Wednesday to all those who celebrate.
ZombieCleo: Everyone, go check out Cleo's clock tower game! It is very cool and not inspired by Life SMP Mafia in any way, shape, or form. 
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Now onto other news under the cut!
Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of -5 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the entire day without any unusual effects. Temperatures are expected to become significantly cooler this week.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 8 degrees and a low of -3 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day with spider web patterns during the sunnier patches.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 6 degrees and a low of -2 degrees. Skies will continue to be cloudy with light winds of 10 miles per hour.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 10 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be sunny all day with minor skyquakes during the early afternoon.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 3 degrees. Skies will be partly sunny with whispering winds throughout the entire day.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 7 degrees and a low of -4 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the entire day, with the rain variation being prismatic: falling in rainbow-hued drops.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 13 degrees and a low of 0 degrees. Skies will be clear throughout most of the day with a chance of thunderstorms in the early morning. Expect them to clear quickly if Bdubs is present.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 11 degrees and a low of -2 degrees. Skies will be sunny throughout the day with patches of pink and orange hues tinting all areas during the late morning.
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Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A guidebook on couple’s therapy This guidebook, titled So, You’ve Gotten Married In Vegas was found near Welsknight’s cathedral and appears to have been written in the early 2000s. The binding is well worn and notes are scrawled in the margins of most of the pages. The advice inside appears to have been written by a person who absolutely despises their spouse and desperately wants to divorce them. It reads as less of a guidebook and more as an angrily written diary of someone with an on-and-off relationship with their spouse over the course of 5 years. Staff members have noted feeling ill at ease when reading this book and have the strong urge to pawn it off to the nearest shop that will take it.
Item 2: A baseball card of Honus Wagner Perhaps the most confusing object dropped at the lost and found, this card was found near Impulse’s base and appears to be autographed by the late baseball player himself. It glows in the dark and has been said to whisper prices to anyone who holds it, seemingly random high numbers with no other context other than perhaps what the card could be sold for in another place.
Item 3: A painting of three women asleep at a table This painting appears to have been created sometime between 1982 and 1991, and depicts three women at a 1950s restaurant snoozing away at a colorful table filled with hamburgers, french fries, milk shakes, and waffles. The painting itself is drawn to mimic the cubist art style, and contains vivid colorations of the food more so than the people in the painting.
Item 4: A key ring full of ornate keys This key ring contains approximately 40 keys that are all designed in the style of 1400s French decor. It is unknown what they open or how they were acquired, but staff members have been using them to attempt to open everything that they are able to get their hands on.
Item 5: A kitschy cat wall clock This black cat wall clock has two eyes that tick back and forth in keeping time, as well as a swaying tail. Staff members have noted occasional meowing coming from the clock as well, and the office cats have plotted to see it destroyed over the next few days. If you would like to take this off of our hands, please do so quickly!
Item 6: Two bottles of hand sanitizer These large bottles of hand sanitizer were found near Pearl’s base, each filled half way. They have no unusual qualities and staff members have been using it as well, noting that it has a pleasant perfume mixed in as well.
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Fun and Games
This weeks fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia and Azure!
Word Search and Crossword by Lydia
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Brain Teasers by Azure
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And that's all for this week folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!
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abimess · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff Series Masterlist
Masterlist | Be notified of my stories | Requesting guidelines
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You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Forbidden (AU) [Ongoing]
Warnings: smut (18+ only!), fluff, angst. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: Meeting the perfect woman at a party has three complications: 1) you're married; 2) she's your student; 3) she’s too good to let go.
It only takes the holidays (AU) - Wattpad || AO3 [Finished]
Warnings: death, grief, alcohol, swearing, mention of sex (not smut), angst with happy ending. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: Life happens and things change, but it seems like some feelings stay the same. After ten years, Wanda finally comes back to her hometown to spend the holidays with her family, what also means seeing you again. What will come out of this encounter?
The high price of love (AU) - Wattpad || AO3 [Finished]
Warnings: fluff; smut (+18 only!), angst with happy ending. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: Loving and desiring someone are the best things a human can possibly do. But what happens when you feel these things for a woman much older than you?
The Edge of Darkness (AU) - Wattpad || AO3 [Finished]
Warnings: death, injury, fight, supernatural, mystery, occult. [pronouns: not used]
Summary: In the 1930s, a phone call from a hospital snatches you from your quiet routine, reconnecting you with your past. The call takes you back to Wanda Maximoff, bringing with her several feelings buried by time. Unfortunately, though, the unexpected phone call will bring you terrifying experiences and traumas, as well as a reunion with the green-eyed brunette.
The Story Of Us (AU) - Wattpad || AO3 [Finished]
Warnings: breakup, heartbreak, argument, alcohol, make out; angst with happy ending. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: You and Wanda have known each other since you were little. And a love story that could've been as simple as a clichéd romantic comedy suffers the effects of stubbornness and immaturity, ending up becoming something almost like a Greek tragedy.
The Proposal (AU) - Wattpad || AO3 [Finished]
Warnings: fake dating, blackmail, nudity (no smut), swearing. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: Wanda Maximoff is the book editor of a North American multinational corporation. You, as her assistant, are obliged to do all her bidding. And that includes marrying her when the redhead is in danger of being deported back to Sokovia. But it's all good. After all, what could possibly go wrong?
Legends of Order and Chaos - Wattpad || AO3 [Finished]
Warnings: violence, fighting, angst with a happy ending, smut (+18 only!), more warnings per chapter. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: In the grand calculus of the multiverse, the gods created two vital energies to maintain the Cosmos in constant balance, the Chaos Magic and the Order Magic. But when the Scarlet Witch puts all of the existence at risk, you, the Order Keeper, must do something about it.
Split City, Divided Heart - AU [Hiatus]
Warnings: violence; guns; bladed weapons; blood; death; torture; kidnapping; mentions of sex (no description); drugs; mob/mafia; angst with happy ending. [pronouns: she/her]
Summary: In the 1950s, the two most famous mobs in New York lived in a truce, in peace. But false peace is like a bomb, and this one is about to explode.
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notnctu · 4 years
can you rec me good nct writers~ and fics
i really dont read often im so bad with that but i can totally list a few that i’ve really enjoyed!! i also do fic recs on @doyounqkim !!
authors i have a huge fat crush on: @slightlymore ; @nctream ; @gentledreaming ; @jenomark ; @starryhyuck ; @hyucksie ; @mjlkau ; @mistymark
fics that i love love!! 
- seven deadly sins by @misfitneo | mafia aus are hard to pull off in full lengths but this series is perfect articulated and overall hats off for execution and characterization of each member!! my fav is haechan’s pride :) 
- the one with the ex boyfriend [jaemin] by @mistymark | big brain energy all around LOL the idea, the format, the dialogue!! jaemin’s specifically was inspo for jaemin’s part in tatjilb and for author xuxi’s both sides (jungwoo fic) ! 
you and your ex boyfriend, jaemin, take part in a video interview surrounding your past relationship.
- money talks by @peachydyoung | one of my fav fics ever!! everything down to the details and dialogue exchange between doyoung & y/n, i felt every emotion reading this fic & something abt how doyoung is portrayed in this fic butters my toast 
sugardaddy!doyoung, smut, angst - The owner of a multi-billion dollar company plans to invest in your career for a small price. He gives you one rule… Don’t get attached.
- unfortunate events by @turtletaemin | this was the second nct fic ive ever read & to this day i can recall scenes from memory LOL it’s just so good .. and i mean.. jaehyun and bff!johnny !! an excellent combo :3 and not at how i subtly relate to y/n in this fic hahahahaahah
jaehyun smut, crack, slowburn - apparently you’re the really cute dumb ass that johnny’s been telling jaehyun about, and you fit the description perfectly.
- lights, camera, f*ck you by @neocitybynight | it would be absolutely unjust if i didnt include sunny’s work of art ! one of the best fics ive read in a while and im talking about plot & all the writing technicalities i wont go on abt bc ive already done so lol sunny u r a genius my love 
hollywood!au, costar!haechan, flangst, smut - Fade in. You’re one of Hollywood’s hottest rising stars, and have just landed the role of a lifetime in the Johnny Seo’s upcoming 1950s period piece. Unfortunately, your co-star is none other than Hollywood’s most notorious playboy Haechan Lee, one of your absolute least favorite people in Tinseltown. As plots unfold, fake relationships are born, and hearts are broken, it may be hard to keep the drama strictly onscreen 
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Ye Jin and Hyobon (daughter of Lady Dr. Kim). A post from WIOTM, May 18, 2012
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▲ On the rock at Belvedere. On the left is Onni Durst. Hyobon, wearing a pink hanbok, is sitting behind Moon. In front of her is Annie Choi, the mother of Sam Park. On the right in Yeong-choon Oh who raised money to get Moon out of jail in Seoul in 1955. He had been in jail for a couple of months, serving a two year sentence. Mrs Oh left the UC and her story is told in the Tragedy of the Six Marys book. Yeong-choon Oh was a key church member in the early 1950s. She witnessed to Annie Choi’s mother in Busan. In this photo Annie Choi appears to not want any more advances from Moon.
Updated October 3, 2021
I happen to know a woman named Hyobon Bang. Her mother, Lady Dr Kim joined the church not long after Hyobon was born. So Hyobon is not a second gen but one of the first non-blessed children to be raised exclusively in the UC. Not only that but Hyobon’s family was extremely close to the Moon family, so close that Hyobon was made to be “Ye” Jin Moon’s nanny. (That’s SMM’s first daughter with Hak Ja Han.)
Once, Hyobon told her husband that True Father told her that Ye Jin Moon was such a difficult person to be around and Hyobon was so sacrificial and long suffering person that she was the only one who could have been Ye Jin Moon’s nanny.
Just a few short years ago the husband of Hyobon told me another story about his wife and Ye Jin Moon. He told me that at some point in her life Ye Jin was so depressed that she couldn’t get out of bed till late afternoon or early evening so Hyobon would take her place at her college classes. Since no one really knew Ye Jin they never questioned Hyobon showing up in her place. Hyobon actually got the degree not Ye Jin. Later in life it was Hyobon who got the mega paycheck job when she was sent by SMM to open a car factory in China [Panda]. Meanwhile Ye Jin never worked outside the home.
I recently thought about all that and had an interesting observation about it. It occurred to me that Ye Jin Moon was extremely depressed because it was around that time she found out her Father had cheated on her beloved mother and that there was a bastard son born from that affair named Sammy. Who wouldn’t be depressed if one of their parents were found to be cheating on the other? How much worse it must have been for the children of SMM and Hak Ja Han to find out that there messianic father, their perfect father cheated on his perfect wife, his messianic wife? What a blow to their family life it must have been to learn that little secret huh? What a blow to their faith to learn that secret knowledge about their father.
Then I thought about Hyo Jin Moon (the first son born to Hak Ja Han). I thought about his miserable life. How he came to love porn more than his real life wife Nansook Hong. I thought about his drug abuse and his alcohol abuse and his life as a partying playboy who had sex with countless women. I thought about him beating his pregnant wife when he came home drunk and drugged up after finding her praying beside their bed. I thought of all the things I’d read about him in his ex-wife’s book “In the Shadow of the Moons”. I thought about how Hyo Jin Moon became a monster, and in my mind it all went back to the fact that his father, his perfect father had been caught cheating on his beloved mother. (real messianic stuff huh?)
I then thought about all the children of the ‘True Family’. The stories of those children, one by one, is the saddest of stories. Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, divorce, suicide, some of them have even beaten young second gen children and UC members…ask around, read all the stuff on WIOTM and https://howwelldoyouknowyourmoon.tumblr.com/archive/.  The stories are there, too many to repeat here. Maybe some of you even know more then I do about the children of SMM and HJH and the fallen ways in which they conducted their lives. How ashamed would the parents of you second gen children be if you all had turned out like the Moon children. And yet we teach our children to worship the Moon’s.
It sickens me to know that the Unification Church leaders teach you that all those bad things that have taken over the lives of the ‘True Children’ are your fault. You, as members have failed to complete the formula course so Satan invaded the ‘True Family’. Bull shit! Satan invaded the ‘True Family’ when Sun Myung Moon cheated on his young virgin bride, Hak Ja Han. That secret knowledge is the knowledge that broke the ‘True Family’. They paid the price for their father’s sexual sins. And they are still paying for it.
Years ago I wrote to Mike Jenkins telling him what I thought of the affair Rev Moon had with Sammy’s mother. I told him that the true family would fall apart because God was not with them and that God was showing the rest of us that He was not with that family by allowing them to fall apart. I told him there was nothing anyone could do to stop their decline because SMM was a fornicator not the holy man he claimed to be. And now, even the members in Korea are trying to have to two top sons of SMM ousted from their positions of power because they are more like thugs, more like the Mafia, than true children, true people. Their words not mine! It will only get worse.
Because God must show that what Sun Myung Moon did was against HIS Holy Will. You will know a tree by it’s fruit.
Confirmed as fact, and permission to publish given: “Hyobon went to classes at Smith College for Ye Jin. She took many of her tests/exams for her. Wrote her papers, etc.”
John Wayne Robbins described his wife, Hyobon, as being a “slave” to Ye Jin.
Lady Doctor Kim background info
The Amrine house, a view from outside. An interview with John Wayne Robbins
The Strange Case of Lady Doctor Kim by Craig Maxim
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auntynationalsblog · 4 years
5 Netflix Films for the Week, set before the 21st c.
How’s quarantine going? Yeah, same here. But it’s Monday after all, and you still have over 150 hours to kill if you’re dealing with this quarantine via a week-by-week approach. I can help you kill around 8%, 12 of those hours. Here are five must-watch films set before the twenty-first century. Don’t watch them all at once, that’s lame. 
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No spoilers. 
5.  The Revenant (1823)
Main Cast:  Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy 
“Revenge is in the Creator's hands.”
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Many of you will know of this film as the one which finally gave LDC his first Oscar, for Best Actor, at the 88th Academy Awards. Unfortunately, you would have stopped at that information and not bothered to watch the film. Released in 2015, the film is based on a novel of the same name. The definition of ‘Revenant’  is “a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead.” The story-line does not deviate from the title, as an American frontiersman named Hugh Glass is engulfed in a bear attack and is left for dead by his hunting crew. But he survives. And he’s fucking pissed. The novel is called The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge, and yeah, the film is pretty vengeful too. Interestingly, even though Hugh Glass was indeed a real person, and it is mostly believed that the film and novel are based on a story, there exist no writings from the man himself to verify the description of his story. His story was first published in a Philadelphia literary journal known as The Port Folio. Some say that it is no more than a legendary tale. Nevertheless, a brilliant film, don’t miss out. 
4. Before Sunrise (1994)
Only Cast (LOL): Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy
“If there's any kind of magic in this world…it must be in the attempt of understanding someone.”
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If you’re a fan of love stories/romantic films, and if you haven’t come across the Before Trilogy, I don’t know what kind of love stories you watch. Why is this film unique? In technical terms, it’s minimalist. In simple words, there’s no real plot. There’s no action or drama or horror. These two just walk and talk. Then they talk some more while walking, and when they’ve nothing to talk about, they just walk quietly. So why watch the film? For starters, it’s very peaceful and relaxing, unlike The Revenant, which is fucking intense. Secondly, the conversations in the film constitute some of the best dialogue-exchanges in the history of cinema. Their characters are very carefully crafted, as their varying perspectives on living and loving bring out some deep AF points throughout the film. It is a slow film no doubt, but I promise you that the blandness is worth it, and the ending is too nice. Don’t get bored, give the film some time and thank me later. 
3. Django Unchained (1858)
Main Cast: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, and Leonardo DiCaprio
“Sold! To the man with the exceptional beard and his unexceptional nigga!”
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Django Unchained is Tarantino’s highest-grossing film ever, for good reason. Although it has been criticized for historical inaccuracies, violence, and unprecedented high use of the N-word, Tarantino delivered one of the most dramatic and entertaining films from the era of plantation slavery. While the image above portrays Foxx, a slave, and LDC, a rich plantation owner, the highlight of the film was the German dentist-turned-bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz, played by Christoph Waltz. Waltz’s performance is impeccable, only matched by his portrayal of Standartenführer Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds (also directed by Tarantino). While the film starts off with Dr. Schultz hunting for his bounties, it eventually goes on to become a rescue mission, where Django and Schultz look for the former’s estranged wife, Broomhilda von Shaft. TW; extreme cursing and racism. But the film is a work of art. In fact, Jamie Foxx has revealed that LDC was pretty uncomfortable on the set, as his character had to use extremely racial slurs. But boy, he pulled off that role brilliantly.
2. Zodiac (1969 - 1980s)
Main Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr.
“I wanna report a double murder. If you go one mile east on Columbus Parkway, to a public park, you'll find kids in a brown car. They were shot with a 9mm Luger. I also killed those kids last year. Goodbye.” 
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What happens when Iron Man, Hulk and Mysterio gang-up against one of America’s most notorious serial-killers? For now, I can only tell you that it was a pretty uneven contest. Based on a true story, this film depicts the useless San Francisco Police Department’s hunt for the Zodiac Killer, led by Dave Toschi (Ruffalo), and aided by political cartoonist Robert Graysmith (Gyllenhaal) and crime reporter Paul Avery (Downey). In case you’re wondering if they’re fictional characters, they’re not. They became pretty famous while the Zodiac Killer was running havoc, and have multiple articles and Wikipedia pages dedicated to all three of them. The Zodiac Killer remains unidentified by the way, and the cases are still officially open. Why watch the film then? Because the mysteriousness of it will blow your mind. Note that the film is directed by David Fincher, the same guy who directed Seven, Fight Club, Gone Girl and Mindhunter, among many other murder mysteries and thrillers. Don’t be surprised if you spend the rest of the day investigating the case yourself, happens to the best of us. 
Consolation Prize: The Irishman (1950s - 1970s)
Main (legendary) Cast: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci
“I work hard for them when I ain't stealing from them.”
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I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking how can a film with a cast of three actors who redefined cinema in the late twentieth century earn only a consolation prize on this list? The truth is, that such crime/mafia/gangster films, no matter how legendary the cast is, only appeal to a particular audience. A lot of film buffs who truly appreciate cinema and actors are simply not enticed by this genre, which is okay. Nevertheless, this film, which spans over 200 minutes, is one of Martin Scorsese’s best works, along with other mob movies like Goodfellas and The Departed. Based on a true story, it follows the adventures of ordinary truck driver-turned-assassin Frank ‘Irishman’ Sheeran (De Niro), who gets mixed up in some extraordinary business with mobster Russell Bufalino (Pesci), his Pennsylvania crime family and American labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino). The punchline of the film is “I heard you paint houses” - a mob code implying: I heard you murder people for money, the paint being the symbol of the blood that splatters when bullets are riddled into the target. Typical Scorsese, mesmerizing direction. The punchline is also the name of the novel the film is based on, in case you love reading about organized crime. 
1. Dallas Buyers Club (1985)
Main Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto
“Sometimes, I feel I'm fighting for a life that I just ain't got the time to live. I want it all to mean something.”
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On the day of the 86th Academy Awards, Facebook and Twitter erupted in outrage. LDC had not been awarded the Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of  Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street, also known as The Film You Must Never Watch With Your Family. I merely asked every hot-tempered schmucks who posted that LDC had been snubbed, “Have you watched Dallas Buyers Club?” Either the answer was no, or the answer never came. The point being, Dallas Buyers Club is one of the best films ever made. Based on the true story of Ron Woodroof, a once homophobic, junkie cowboy diagnosed with AIDS, co-starring Jared Leto (who won best supporting actor) as Rayon, a fictional trans-woman with HIV, this film tells us an extraordinary tale of friendship, hope and empathy. When Ron discovers that the Federal Drug Administration has been systematically banning cheap drugs that can improve the condition of existing HIV-AIDS patients, he opens a ‘buyers club’, that enabled sick people to make drug purchases at lower prices. Things get more interesting with the role of  Dr. Eve Saks, an AIDS doctor, who recognizes the villainous role of the state, but wants to remain within the ambit of the law. Ron’s character development might be the highlight of the film, as he transforms from a selfish, homophobic asshole to a dying man waging war against the American government, fighting for the healthcare of the underprivileged. Very few equally magnificent films have come out post Dallas Buyers Club. Don’t miss out. 
So that’s it folks. Make good use of your quarantine by immersing yourself in good quality cinema. I’ll come up with some more suggestions on films and TV shows soon enough. Till then, Netflix and Don’t Chill. 
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dante-mightdie · 5 months
Price!Mafia 👀💦
Man definitely be the type to carry the reader bridal style over small little things like a mud puddle don’t want those heels to get dirty
kicking and squealing rn
he’s just such a gentleman!!! always pulls your chair out, opens every door you’re gonna walk in, helps you put on your coat or offers you his when it gets chilly
always refills your glass when it gets empty and he always makes sure you get served first
kneels down and gently grips your ankle as he helps you put your heels on <33 places a kiss to the inside of your knee with a cheeky grin
melts when you call him jonathan. sounds like honey pouring from your lips
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reality-detective · 10 months
● Confiscated private and corporate assets
● Seized the NYSE
● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.
Human trafficking
● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States
● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence
Khazarian assets confiscated
● Among the top 3 executive orders - many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed
○ 13818, 13848 and 13959
● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!
● DS money will be used up quickly
● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)
● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead
● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it's the mafia and it's seizing all the Rothschilds central banks
● Brexit has severed the Vatican's ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets
● We're going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas
GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act
● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11
● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world
● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods
● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities
● Back to constitutional law - get rid of the corrupt law of the sea
● Newly elected leaders - only 10% of current governments
● World peace for 1,000 years or longer.
● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth
● Gold Standard!
● Introduction of new hidden technologies - 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy
● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices
● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth
● Odin project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
- Benjamin Fulford
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Writing Prejudice in a Fantasy Setting
There are a lot of aspects of culture strongly impacted by the world in which they are cultivated. While some Fantasy settings are a bit closer to home, others are completely foreign to our earthly world, and those changes to the world, history, and culture will impact social policies and issues. Due to my extensive study of homosexuality in history, I’ll be using that as my topic, but these topics can be applied to other prejudices.
Without Christianity, there’s probably no Homophobia
Prior to the forced widespread practices of the Christian faith, a fair number of cultures and societies had little problem with homosexuality. Among viking men, they didn’t give a crap so long as the bottom was just as strong a warrior as his lover. In Ancient Greece, the Band of Thebes was an army made entirely of same-sex lovers under the belief that they would fight harder to protect and impress each other. In Native American tribes, there was nothing wrong with a man choosing to do the women’s work, and they were even sought out as the village wise-men. And up until around the 1800s, lesbian activities weren’t even really considered sexual at all by European and American standards due to the idea that women themselves had no sex drives. Even then, the actual reason that Christians were against homosexuality was due to the ideologies of the faith at the time. See, Christianity began to spread through the Roman empire in the 300s AD, but Homosexuality only began to be seen as a sin by the church in the middle of the 1200s AD, 900 years after it spread across Europe. And the source of this sudden shift? Again, it had very little to do with actually going against the Church itself. See, in this era of Christian belief, Earthly life was seen as sort of an awful waiting room, and the only thing that mattered was getting not only your own soul to Heaven, but getting as many other people into Heaven as possible, hence the historic tendencies of Christians to shove their beliefs down the throats of everyone they invaded at knife point. Because the only purpose of life was to lay it down in service of God and to get into Heaven, taking pleasure in Earthly delights was considered selfish and sinful. Because two men engaging in intercourse would not yield offspring and was thus only an indulgence in lesser Earthly delights, it was labeled as a sin because it wasn’t in service to the Christian values of the era. 
So, why did I just write a long paragraph explaining why homosexuality is a sin? Because a fantasy world isn’t guaranteed to have Christianity existing within it, though some writers have equivalents, such as the Faith of the Seven in A Song of Ice and Fire which also derides same-sex relationships. Thus, if you’re planning a novel in a fantasy setting where one or more of the belief systems is against homosexuality (or anything else) this may help serve to inspire you to think about why these things are seen as a sin, how long ago these ideas became a sin, and if the culture has changed since then, are opinions any different now? Homosexuality became a sin in the mid 1200s, but by the time Chaucer started writing the Canterbury Tales in 1387, there were already stereotypes and derogatory slurs used to refer to homosexual men. Understanding the roots of these prejudices can be an integral part of world building and understanding your created world. Nobody really hates for no reason, as prejudices arise from differences in opinion. So ask where these prejudices come from, why do they hold these prejudices, what social, political, or cultural taboo might be being broken by these actions? Ideologies change, and what was offensive long ago might not be offensive now, but people are slow to change. Just because the culture is different doesn’t mean the mass population has changed at the same pace. Old grudges are slow to bury.
The LGBT Community is a Subculture, and thus should be fleshed out and treated like any other culture in your story.
Based on the culture, stigma, and social acceptance you established in the first part, this is where you expand upon it. Due to the need to keep gay romance or sex discreet, gay men developed secret codes to let other men know which team they played for. Whether it be wearing a red carnation in their lapel, wearing a green tie, or carrying a bandanna in their back pocket, there was usually some sort of discreet code. This also extended into dialogue, as phrases like “Are you a friend of Dorothy?” was a common coded way of asking someone if they were gay. Other themes and symbols associated with homosexuality include lavender, such as with the Lavender Scare which accompanied the Red Scare of the 1950s and 60s, or the Pink Triangle worn by homosexuals in Nazi Germany. Symbols could be connected to myths and legends, such as the notoriously bi/pansexual god Apollo. Apollo’s symbols could easily be reclaimed by a closeted shadow society of LGBT people. Phrases such as “Do you weep for the Hyacinth?” could be a stealthy way of finding other homosexuals borrowing from this myth. Beyond these clues and coded messages, there are other aspects of LGBT culture, such as the rise of Shade and Reading with the popularity of drag balls. Most homosexuals moved to larger cities where their chances of finding a partner was better, and due to the higher population density, they were far less likely to be known by half the town, and thus gossip was far less of a terrifying factor. LGBT people would designate locations as safe spaces for them to gather, and many of these locations, including the famous Stonewall Inn were under Mafia protection for a price to be allowed to meet in peace. Subcultures also tend to come with their own language and beliefs, such as the unspoken taboo of outing someone else from the closet. Usage of terms like brownie queen, shade, reading, and twink started off as discreet terms used within the community, and some such as buns have become so widespread that they’re not even necessarily connected to the community anymore, but originate from coded messages used to talk discreetly.
While there are other contributing factors to prejudices in a fictional setting, I’ll wrap up the discussion here, but I can return to it some more at a later date.
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Ten Interesting Italian Novels
1. Nicolò Ammaniti - I’m Not Scared
“In the midst of that sea of golden wheat, nine year-old Michele Amitrano discovers a secret so momentous, so terrible, that he daren’t tell anyone about it. To come to terms with it he will have to draw strength from his own imagination and sense of humanity. The reader witnesses a dual story: the one that is seen through Michele's eyes, and the tragedy involving the adults of this isolated hamlet. The result is an immensely powerful, lyrical and skillfully narrated novel, its atmosphere reminiscent of Tom Sawyer, Stephen King's Stand By Me and Italo Calvino's Italian Fairy Tales.” (GoodReads)
2. Elena Ferrante - My Brilliant Friend: Neapolitan Novels, Book One 
“Ferrante’s inimitable style lends itself perfectly to a meticulous portrait of these two women that is also the story of a nation and a touching meditation on the nature of friendship. The story begins in the 1950s, in a poor but vibrant neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples. Growing up on these tough streets the two girls learn to rely on each other ahead of anyone or anything else. As they grow and their paths repeatedly diverge and converge, Elena and Lila remain best friends whose respective destinies are reflected and refracted in the other. They are likewise the embodiment of a nation undergoing momentous change. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante tells the story of a neighborhood, a city, and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the their relationship.” (Amazon)
3. E.M. Forster - A Room with a View
“Lucy has her rigid, middle-class life mapped out for her until she visits Florence with her uptight cousin Charlotte, and finds her neatly ordered existence thrown off balance. Her eyes are opened by the unconventional characters she meets at the Pension Bertolini: flamboyant romantic novelist Eleanor Lavish, the Cockney Signora, curious Mr Emerson and, most of all, his passionate son George.” (instantlyitaly)
4. Fred Plotkin - Italy for the Gourmet Traveler 
“Fred Plotkin takes us beyond the traditional tourist experience and lures us to special places, whether in big cities or out-of-the-way villages. Under his discerning eye, we learn about the food, wines, local bakeries, olive oil distilleries, cheeses, markets, restaurants, and best kept secrets of Italy’s culinary world. Lovingly drawn portraits of the people who make world-famous regional specialties, and local history make each village, town, and city come alive.” (Amazon)
5. Erica James - Summer at the Lake 
“It was a wedding invitation that changed everything for Floriana. If she hadn’t been so distracted at the thought of having to witness the one true love of her life get married, she would have seen the car coming and there would have been no need for elderly spinster Esme Silcox and local property developer Adam Strong to rush to her aid. If she hadn’t met them she would never have had the courage to agree to attend Seb’s wedding in Lake Como. For Esme, Lake Como awakens memories of when she stayed at the lake as a 19-year-old girl and fell in love for the first time. So often she’s wondered what happened to the man who stole her heart all those years ago, a man who changed the course of her life.” (Amazon)
6. Peter Robb - Midnight in Sicily 
“Off the southern coast of Italy lies Sicily, home to an ancient culture that with its stark landscapes, glorious coastlines, and extraordinary treasure troves of art and archeology has seduced travellers for centuries. But at the heart of the island’s rare beauty is a network of violence and corruption that reaches into every corner of Sicilian life: La Cosa Nostra, the Mafia. In an intoxicating mix of crime, travel, and food writing, Peter Robb, a writer who lived in Southern Italy for fourteen years, sets out to understand both the historic roots of the Mafia and its central place in contemporary Italian politics. And whether he’s touting the gustatory strength of Neapolitan espresso, unveiling the Arabic origins of pasta, or unraveling the criminal history of a bandit, Robb seductively brings Sicilian culture to life.” (Amazon)
7. Dante Alighieri – La Divina Commedia 
“Undoubtedly the most important Italian book of all times, La Divina Commedia is one of the masterpieces of world literature. Supposedly written between 1306 and 1321 by Dante Alighieri, the book tells the story of the journey the writer is able to take in the afterlife. Divina Commedia is divided into three parts, called cantiche: l’Inferno, il Purgatorio and il Paradiso (Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise). Each cantica is then divided into 33 canti.” (Amazon)
8.Elena Ferrante - The Story of a New Name: The Neapolitan Novels, Book 2 
“The two protagonists are now in their 20s, and marriage appears to have imprisoned Lila. Meanwhile Elena continues her journey of self-discovery. These young women share a complex and evolving bond that brings them close at times while driving them apart at others. Each vacillates between hurtful disregard and profound love for the other. With this complicated and meticulously portrayed friendship at the center of their emotional lives, the two girls mature into women, paying the sometimes cruel price that this passage exacts.” (Amazon)
9. Carlo Lucarelli – Almost Blue
“The last book I selected is by one of my favorite writers, Carlo Lucarelli, one of the best Italian crime novelists. The book is a noir that tells the story of  Simone, who is blind and spends much of his time listening to radio scanners. By doing so, he hears everything from police radio calls to telephone conversations. There have been a series of murders of students in Bologna, Simone overhears the voice of the murderer and eventually becomes a vital part of the police investigation  –  but because he’s blind he can only identify the murderer by his voice.” (Amazon)
10. Italo Calvino - Italian Folktales
“Each story is accompanied with a note explaining its origin, and you'll be able to trace themes; for example, many of the Venetian tales feature water and extravagant court scenes, while the tales from southern Italy often reveal influences from Greek mythology. You might also be able to spot the origins of certain Italian proverbs or sayings.” (Amazon)
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houseofcardsjcink · 5 years
house of cards: the site canons
here it comes, the site canons! just a sneak preview of the kinds of families that will be available for the taking. please note that available canon roles won’t be revealed just yet just for the sake of some build up, but do feel free to ask for more information if you’re curious!
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Family: Los Turpiales
Loosely Based On: Cartel of the Suns / Gente Nueva (Los Chapos)
Area of Origin: Venezuela
Specialty/Type of Crime: 
Drug Cartels / Drug Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Contract Killing (Hitmen)
Hierarchy List (Available Canons):
President (0/1)
In HOC’s case, this is the acting leader of Los Turpiales’ Macau branch, who heads all operations in their territory and reports back to the main president back in Venezuela.
Vice President (0/1)
Works alongside the President to conduct administrative and executive duties. Usually known as the face of the group, in order to protect their leader’s identity as well as to issue the missions and discuss operations with the rest of the group.
General (0/1)
The leader of all field operations. Most of the time, the general has the final word when on the field and is essentially one of the most skilled and capable soldiers that the group has.
Captain (0/1)
The leader of all administrative operations. Usually this position is filled by the most intelligent and resourceful soldier available, as their job  includes tactics and planning for missions.
Lieutenant (0/2)
The head of operations in the operating groups. Usually the “brains” of the group who follow orders from the General and/or Captain.
Soldiers (1/x)
There are only two operational groups capable of taking missions in the Macau branch currently. The lowest and easily dispensable of the group. This role is commonly the one that holds the population of participating Nerve players.
Los Turpiales - the national bird of Venezuela. 
An organization rumoured to have been first led by high-ranking members of the Armed Forces of Venezuela who are involved in international drug trade. Having been first formed in the 90’s in the chaos of Venezualan coup d'état attempts, the Venezuelan officers allegedly resorted to the drug trade and trafficking due to the booming business of the illicit business.
Los Turpiales flourished greatly during the first few years of the business due to the Venezuelan government authorizing the military’s access to a budget of millions of dollars meant for social programs that… mysteriously disappeared after some years. The government also gave legal immunity to drug trafficking officials to maintain the loyalty of the cartel to the nation. It was during the 2000’s when the cartel was ousted by the United States Drug Administration for being an attractive route for drug trafficking, and after some investigation an arrested drug vigilante exposed the government’s use of security forces to arrange drug shipments. Now forced to expand elsewhere in a more discreet manner due to the discovery of their existence, Los Turpiales has decided to cross the Pacific in search of opportunity on a different continent.
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Family: Cha Cha Noi
Based On: the Golden Triangle
Area of Origin: Thailand/Laos/Myanmar
Specialty/Type of Crime: 
Drug Trafficking (particularly opium & heroin)
Opium Poppy Farming
Illicit Drug Laboratories
Hierarchy List (Available Canons):
Thai Branch
Leader [0/1]
As this group originates in Asia and their base of operations is close to Macau, this will be the main leader of the branch.
Vice-leader [0/1]
Works under the leader and provides assistance with any work or executive directions.
Operations Supervisor [0/2]
The leader that oversees all operations and objectives planned by the higher ups. Usually responsible for organizing and executing plans and/or obtaining sensitive information.
Cargo Manager [0/3]
As Thailand is one of the opium producing countries, they are responsible for coordinating the transport of all resources through their territory.
Members [0/x]
Normal members of the group that follow orders. More often than not the population of criminal Nerve Players come from this rank.
Lao Branch
Leader [0/1]
As this group originates in Asia and their base of operations is close to Macau, this will be the main leader of the branch.
Vice-leader [0/1]
Works under the leader and provides assistance with any work or executive directions.
Operations Supervisor [0/2]
The leader that oversees all operations and objectives planned by the higher ups. Usually responsible for organizing and executing plans and/or obtaining sensitive information.
Sales Manager [0/3]
The manager(s) responsible for organizing all administrative tasks and keeping track of product sales.
Members [0/x]
Normal members of the group that follow orders. More often than not the population of criminal Nerve Players come from this rank.
Burmese Branch
Leader [0/1]
As this group originates in Asia and their base of operations is close to Macau, this will be the main leader of the branch.
Vice-leader [0/1]
Works under the leader and provides assistance with any work or executive directions.
Operations Supervisor [0/2]
The leader that oversees all operations and objectives planned by the higher ups. Usually responsible for organizing and executing plans and/or obtaining sensitive information.
Drug Trade Coordinator [0/2]
As Myanmar is one of the opium producing countries, they are responsible for keeping track of illicit drug trade operations through their territory.
Members [0/x]
Normal members of the group that follow orders. More often than not the population of criminal Nerve Players come from this rank.
Cha Cha Noi - to do something slower or slowly.
The Golden Triangle, named after the 950,000 square kilometers that overlap Thailand, Laos and Myanmar, was the world’s highest producer of illicit opium up until the twenty-first century, until Afghanistan took the number one spot. Regardless of that fact, the family that heads a majority of the drug trafficking operations between the three countries, has not deterred from their goals and continue to make copious amounts of money from their operations. Due to the lack of government will and ability to take on the illicit trade happening within their nations, a majority of the civilian population contribute to the opium poppy farming within Myanmar and the highlands of Thailand. The cultivated opium is processed in drug laboratories, to be further refined before being shipped out to international locations.
Cha Cha Noi still takes advantage of the public desperation to this day, although rather than treating the civilians like slaves, are actually well known for paying those under the poverty line for their work due to the horrible living conditions. One of the more benevolent families who value trust amongst themselves and looking out for one another like a true family, Cha Cha Noi is one of the oldest operating families in Asia and takes great pride in their work. Despite the high prices that come along with their services, taking advantage of their help when offered will guarantee nothing but the best results.
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Family: Gambino
Based On: the Gambino Family
Area of Origin: New York City 
Specialty/Type of Crime: 
Labor and construction racketeering
Gambling, extortion, money laundering
Prostitution / Human trafficking
Hierarchy List (Available Canons):
Capo (Boss) [0/1]
Essentially, the leader of the group. In HOC’s case, this role is taken by the acting boss of the Gambino family’s Macau branch.
Consigliere (Advisor) [0/1]
Another self-explanatory role. Their role is to work closely with the boss and provide insight and information, as well as supervise the rest of the group in the stead of the boss.
Capo Bastone (Underboss) [1/1]
Usually the son or a relative of the family head, this is a position meant to prepare potential candidates that will serve as capo di tutti capi, or the boss of all bosses.
Caporegime [0/2]
The leader of the operational groups conducting operations in Macau. Usually the tactician or “brains” of the group.
Members [0/x]
This role is commonly the one that holds the population of participating Nerve players, and are the lowest ranked members of the family.
Associates [0/4]
Not technically considered true members of the family, but associates are usually business owners or normal people who are under the protection of the famiglia. In turn, they provide resources (money, info, etc.) or aid.
Gambino - one of the infamous Five Families of the Cosa Nostra.
Is it really one of the infamous families of New York tracing back to the Italian mafia? Well, that’s what the Gambino famiglia claim to be. They say that the current capo is distantly related to the original family, although who really knows whether that claim is true or not. Regardless of such a trivial matter, the Gambinos certainly show their aptitude and expertise for organized crime. A city based mobster family thrives in the metropolis, the original family was formed in the late 1950’s after Carlo Gambino, an underboss, orchestrated the assassination of the current capo. With an ally in Cuba that helped him expand trade and power, the family’s success and fortunes grew after taking control of the gambling interests there.
The group’s operations eventually extended from New York all the way to California, infamously known for labor and construction racketeering, loansharking, extortion and fencing. Clever with their money and even more clever with who they chose as (temporary) allies, the Gambino family is definitely not one to be taken at their word, as they are opportunists at heart that only seek their own selfish desires.
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Family: La Quincaillerie
Based On: la Brise de Mer
Area of Origin: North Corsica
Specialty/Type of Crime:
Money laundering
Clubs (night/gambling/casinos)
Involved in armed robberies and suspected murder cases
Hierarchy List (Available Canons):
Caïd (Boss) [0/1]
This will be the acting boss of La Quincaillerie’s territory who heads all operations and answers only to the main boss who is still in Corsica.
Parrain (Godfather) [0/1]
Essentially, the Godfather is the advisor to the boss of the group and supervises the rest of the lower ranks in the stead of the boss.
Spécialiste (Specialists) [0/2]
While there are usually multiple “specialists” who head the multiple groups who carry out missions and orders decided by the higher-ups. Usually the brains of the group who lead their members.
Associés (Associates) [1/3]
These are more or less normal people who own businesses or have attractive skillsets that are affiliated with La Quincaillerie. In exchange for money and cooperation with the group, they and their business (or just their personal safety and assests) are guaranteed protection in turn.
Beaux voyous (The “Good Fellows”) [0/x]
There are only currently two operational groups in the Macau branch of La Quincaillerie. Any normal members fall into this category, and are commonly the members that participate in Nerve.
La Quincaillerie - an odd jobs shop, filled with miscellaneous items.
When someone says that they are, “Going to the quincaillerie,” it is often associated with something innocent. A simple shop where they could possibly have what you need, or possibly don’t. Sometimes it could be a hardware store, or a store for gardening supplies. It really does depend on the context. So of course, what better to name an organized crime group?
During the 1970’s, they became well known in Corsica for their infamous, violent armed robberies. From a Swiss bank to an airplane hangar, they have organized robberies and heists all over Europe to show off and exercise their vast control of the continent. With a capital estimated to be around 150 million Euros, a majority of the money is invested into illegal activities circulating their island and also to the rest of France. Surprisingly, they also invest in legal activities such as tourism and infrastructure construction, gaining them a certain influence on the island economy. Investments in casino activities have also been noted to take place in parts of Africa, Latin America and Italy, making them one of the most influential groups currently within the boundaries of Macau.
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Only now is the world figuring out that making up stories to sell papers may have been the least of the sins committed by the Enquirer, which was propped up in its 1950s’ infancy by Mafia money and which later forged a close relationship with Roy Cohn, the notorious New York fixer attorney who took an up-and-coming New York developer named Donald Trump under his wing while fighting off allegations including (wait for it) extortion and blackmail.
Since Trump was elected 45th president of the United States, we’ve learned that …
a) Pecker’s AMI reached a deal with federal prosecutors in Manhattan to avoid prosecution and tell all about how it aided Trump by working with Trump’s legal fixer, Michael Cohen, to pay Trump’s mistress Karen McDougal $150,000 in a scheme to keep her out of the news right before the November 2016 election.
b) AMI’s Enquirer protected Trump in myriad other ways, from paying off a doorman with a salacious Trump rumor to publishing false stories that his opponent Hillary Clinton was gravely ill just as Trump’s political fixer, Roger Stone, was suggesting that bogus line of attack.
c) That while the Enquirer was aiding and protecting Trump it was also -- according to reports -- holding onto a remarkable source of protection: a safe containing damaging stories about the president it had buried over the years.
The yeoman’s work that Pecker’s Enquirer had performed on behalf of Trump’s election -- combined, possibly, with the treasure trove of dirt inside of that safe -- meant it was time to cash in on the newfound connections of the man who went in just a decade from scamming Trump Vodka and Trump University to running a global superpower. And no connection was worth more than the vast wealth of Saudi Arabia.
What the public didn’t know in the early months of Trump’s presidency was that Donald Trump Jr. had secretly met in Trump Tower in early August 2016 with a longtime emissary for the Saudis and its closest ally, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), George Nader, and two figures from the world of intelligence: Erik Prince, founder of the notorious firm known as Blackwater, and an ex-Israeli intelligence agent named Joel Zamel.
Nader, according to the New York Times, said the Saudis and the UAE wanted to help Trump win the election. Zamel proposed a covert social media campaign. Trump Jr. swears that nothing came of the meeting -- even though a sleazy social-media campaign exactly like the one Zamel proposed helped Trump narrowly win the Electoral College. When Trump became president, he could have gone anywhere for his first international trip: He went to Saudi Arabia. When the Saudis and UAE split with Qatar -- a key ally where American troops are stationed -- Trump baffled his own administration by trash-talking Qatar.
In July 2017, the president invited his good friend David Pecker to the White House and -- after chatting with Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was developing close ties with MBS -- the two men had dinner with Kacy Grine, a French businessman who’s a longtime adviser to MBS. Two months later, Pecker went to Saudi Arabia and met personally with MBS and Grine and pitched business opportunities.
About six months later, shoppers in U.S. supermarkets, Walmart and other retailers might have been shocked to see a colorful piece of pro-Saudi propaganda at the checkout. The New Kingdom was a glossy publication with many color photos lauding MBS, overwrought text describing Saudi Arabia as “a magic kingdom,” no ads and a ridiculous cover price of $13,99. The magazine -- just ahead of an MBS visit to America where he met Trump, Pecker (and, ironically, Bezos) and other luminaries -- was of course published by AMI.
During this same period, Team Trump and MBS grew even closer, with Kushner traveling to Riyadh in October 2017 for two days of secret meetings where, according to several unconfirmed reports, he may have shared U.S. intelligence a short time before MBS rounded up and detained some 200 high-ranking Saudis. At the same time, Trump fumed over the investigative journalism of the Bezos-owned Washington Post. Even though Bezos is by all accounts a hands-off owner with no say in the Post’s journalism, Trump at one point reportedly demanded that the U.S. Postal Service hike the rates charged Amazon.
Which brings us to Oct. 2, 2018, the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and the Post’s vow to get to the bottom of it. Three months later came the salacious Enquirer report on Bezos. Its publication was joyously celebrated by none other than President Trump, who sounded like a Mafia boss, albeit a dumb one, with a tweet about the troubles of “Jeff Bozo.”
But Bezos didn’t take the news lying down. He hired a well-known investigator, Gavin de Becker, to launch a detailed investigation of how the Enquirer obtained his private text messages. Early reports suggested a focus on the brother of Bezos’s paramour, Michael Sanchez, who is a political supporter of Trump and a friend of Trump-Russia scandal figures such as Carter Page and (wait for it ... again) Roger Stone. And maybe the simplest explanation is the best explanation -- except that Bezos wrote on Thursday night that what apparently made Pecker “apoplectic” was questions about Saudi Arabia.
Just go read the whole thing. This is only a small sample. Will Bunch wrote it, so you know it’s gonna be good.
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CPY - TORRENT - FREE DOWNLOAD - CRACKEDeFootball PES 2021 - Celebrate 25 years of PES with the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update* - available at a Game Overview. Please note that the latest data for certain licensed leagues and teams will only be available via an update post-release.
eFootball PES 2021 free download pc game is the riskiest football endeavor Konami has launched this generation. Announced as an update from last year's edition, PES 2021: Season Update has the same games and base modes as PES 2020, while adding the kits, squads and transfers of the new..
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E Football PES 2021-CPY. Cpy - torrent - free download - cracked. eFootball PES 2021 - Celebrate 25 years of PES with the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update* - available at a special anniversary price!
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STANDARD EDITION Purchase this version of the game and receive the following myClub content: - 3 Player Contract Tickets x 10 weeks - Premium Agent x 10 weeks *Premium New updae cpy crack 1.03.00 : download here. eFootball PES 2021 Full Games + Crack : DOWNLOAD HERE.
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EFootball PES 2020 Game Free Download
EFootball PES 2020 Game Free Download for Mac/PC. EFootball PES 2020 Game Download Full version highly compressed via direct link available. EFootball PES 2020 Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. EFootball PES 2020 It Is a Full And Complete Game. Just Download, Run Setup, And Install.
Download EFootball PES 2020 Game Overview
Please note that the latest data for certain licensed leagues and teams will only be available via an update post-release. You will need an internet connection in order to download this update. See the official website for more details.
*Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, certain real-world football leagues and/or tournaments may undergo sudden regulation changes. As a result, there is a chance that in-game regulations may not perfectly match their real life counterparts. Other changes that impact leagues and tournaments may also be implemented in future updates without prior notice.
Uni-android tool v2.02 loader download. Celebrate 25 years of PES with the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update* – available at a special anniversary price!
*This product is an updated edition of eFootball PES 2020 (launched in September, 2019) containing the latest player data and club rosters. Please note that some leagues will have their rosters updated post-release.
STANDARD EDITION Purchase this version of the game and receive the following myClub content: • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 10 weeks • Premium Agent x 10 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 2000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
ARSENAL EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following Arsenal content: • ‘Iconic Moment Series’ x 1 player • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
FC BARCELONA EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following FC Barcelona content: • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
FC BAYERN MÜNCHEN EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following FC Bayern München content: • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
JUVENTUS EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following Juventus content: • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
MANCHESTER UNITED EDITION Purchase this edition and get the following Manchester United content: • Full squad (manager and players) • Digital kit • Original in-game menu theme • 3 Player Contract Tickets x 30 weeks • Premium Agent x 30 weeks *Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.
It also contains the following purchase bonus: • 3000 myClub Coins *The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
Product Overview The eFootball PES 2021 Season Update features the same award winning gameplay as last year’s eFootball PES 2020 along with various team and player updates for the new season. Also comes with the UEFA EURO 2020™ mode – all at a special anniversary price!
Pes 2021 Download For Pc Full Version
・The Biggest Clubs Play with the biggest teams in world football; including German champions FC Bayern München, Spanish champions FC Barcelona, global giants Manchester United and exclusive PES partner Juventus!
・myClub Create your very own dream team from scratch and face off against human rivals from all over the world.
・Matchday Compete in online PvP events themed after real-life football rivalries and other big matches.
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・Master League Take the helm of a football club and lead them to the top in this engrossing single player mode.
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 8.1/10 – 64bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 / AMD FX 4350
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 670 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 40 GB available space
Additional Notes: Resolution 1280 x 720
Pes 2009 Download Full Version
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 – 64bit
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 / AMD FX 8350
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 760 / AMD Radeon R9 270X
Storage: 11 GB available space
Additional Notes: Resolution 1280 x 720
How To Install Download EFootball PES 2020 Game
1. Download the installer from our website(using the download)
2. Then run the“.exe“and start to install the game
3. During the installation, then follow the instructions
4. The game starts to automatically download and install.
5. Wait until the installation is complete
6. Then pop up with the download key, and then activate the game
7. play it!
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Click on the below button to start EFootball PES 2020 Mac Game Free Download. It is a full and complete game. Just download and start playing it. We have provided a direct link full setup of the game.
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0 notes
dante-mightdie · 5 months
Ohhhhhhh. Mafia boss! Price???? Your brain….YOUR BRAIN.
Has terrible rage until we cup his cheeks???? Your mind!
I raise, has a bad nightmare and he buries his face into an our soft, plush chest, while fingernails gently scratch his scalp and he falls asleep peacefully to the sound of a soft lullaby. >:(
mmmm imagine he fought in the war too so he has nightmares about being back in the trenches
closes his eyes whilst he lays against your chest, listens to the soft thumping of your heart whilst your manicured nails lazily drag through his hair, gently scratching at his scalp in a soothing motion
slowly drifts off to the sound of your angelic voice singing a love tune in his ear
305 notes · View notes