#1h30m link
pocketgalaxies · 6 months
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the 2023 "capable" compilation (2021-22 edition) bonus:
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snowfaded · 6 months
norsk bokmål practice, total -- 1h30m
general studying, vocab + grammar: 1 hour brick by brick challenge, letter challenge (letter a!): 30 mins
i was having a ridiculously hard time finding a norwegian to english dictionary to reference that wasn't outdated (if anybody has a link to a good one please let me know !!), so i kind of had to improvise and was able to pick 14 words to write down. so consider this a reminder to self to invest in a norwegian -> english dictionary!
general improvements: i'm becoming better at both my pronunciation and understanding of how the norwegian sentence structure works <3
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ooooh the one with Impulse and Bdubs happened somewhere at the start of season 8 actually (maybe even 1st ep? i dont remember honestly)
plus there was another moment where Bdubs was talking about DL. it was on this Rens stream (somewhere after 1h30m)
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(he was talking about him and Impulse being chased by Pearl and i think how their permadeath happened? i haven't watched DL at all btw)
yooo tysm for the link, I will be sure to watch this when I have time
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sunjaesol · 3 years
Please all go and watch “Ma Rainey's Black Bottom” on Netflix. It’s Chadwick Boseman’s final movie and an amazing one at that. Adapted from August Wilson’s play, it tells the story of the band members of blue’s singer Ma Rainey as they converse and fight about the struggles of a black man in 1920s America.
It very much felt like a play (pacing, blocking, conversations, minimal locations) and I adored that. It’s 1h30m of tensions rising till it all explodes in the final moments. It reminded me of a play by Beckett, very existential and meandering, but in a way that still drives the plot forward.   
While I originally saw it for Boseman’s performance and enjoy him one last time, there was no weak link in the cast whatsoever. Viola Davis as Ma Rainey and Glynn Turman as Toledo specifically took my breath away. 
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fieldtomatoes · 4 years
oh no I dropped my monster documentary masterlist I use for my magnum social distancing
[Titles marked with * are restricted to Canada, but might be accessible through a proxy/vpn, any one of them could be on American Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu I just don’t know, and if all else fails, most are available on one rental platform or another although I know that’s not ideal.]
Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World - 1h43m Covers the influence on all genres of music by Indigenous musicians including Charlie Patton (Blues), Mildred Bailey (Jazz/Swing), Link Wray (Rock), Robbie Robertson (Rock), Buffy Sainte-Marie (Folk), Jimi Hendrix (Rock), Randy Castillo (Metal), Jesse Ed Davis (Rock/Blues), and more, with interviews from Robbie Robertson, John Trudell, Taj Mahal, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Iggy Pop, Martin Scorsese, and more. Probably the best documentary I’ve ever seen. Trailer Available: a slightly abridged version (20 mins shorter, not sure what it cuts out) here, Kanopy, or rental services
The Island President - 1h38m Follows former president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, who was elected after 30 years of dictatorship as he fights for his people’s survival and to end the rising sea levels that are washing his country away at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2009. Trailer Available: here
Angry Inuk* - 44m Provides the Inuit perspective on seal hunting; how they have been the victims of propaganda spread by animal activist groups and how increasingly restrictive bans have affected their culture and way of life (obvious tw for footage of raw seal meat, blood, and organs). Trailer Available: here
Genderize* - 13m Comparative interviews from 2012 and 2016 with a sibling trio about their understanding of and experience with gender and growing up. Personal endorsement, Chase is one of my profs and he’s literally the best instructor I’ve ever had. Available: here
Kumu Hina / A Place In The Middle - 1h17m / 25m The story of Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, a teacher and community cultural figure who is Māhū (embodies femininity and masculinity; is in the middle). “A Place In The Middle” is the abridged version that focuses on the story of Kumu Hina’s Māhū student, Ho’Onani, joining the all-male hula troop, which is the B-plot of the original documentary. Trailer Kumu Hina available on: Kanopy or rental services // A Place In The Middle available: here
I’m Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas* - 52m Chronicles the writing of classic Christmas songs such as “Silver Bells”, “The Christmas Song”, “White Christmas”, and many others that were actually written by Jewish composers, with integrated performances of said songs by Canadian musicians including Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies who has contributed his fair share of amazing Christmas songs as a Jewish musician. Trailer Available: here
And We Knew How to Dance* - 55m Contributions of Canadian women during the First World War, told by the women themselves from interviews conducted in the early 1990s. Includes women who moved to the prairies to take over farms, were nurses and ambulance drivers on the western front, and became floor managers of factories, among other jobs, and discusses the sexism they faced. Available on: National Film Board
Reel In The Closet - 1h22m Showcases and discusses the home movies of LGBT people going back to the 1930s, and how they documented their hidden, but full, lives. Trailer Available on: Kanopy
Reel Injun* - 1h32m Examines the portrayal of Indigenous people in film throughout the 20th century and the evolution of the “Hollywood Indian”. Features interviews with Adam Beach, John Trudell, Charlie Hill, Sacheen Littlefeather, Robbie Robertson, Graham Greene, and more. Trailer v1 / Trailer v2  Available on: Kanopy or rental services
The Legacy Of Brendan Burke* - 45m Discusses homophobia in the National Hockey League and the awareness that was brought to that topic when Toronto Maple Leafs’ GM Brian Burke’s son, Brendan Burke, came out on TSN with a message of solidarity with all of the closeted players in the league. Features anonymous testimonies from gay players as well as interviews with Mark Tewksbury, Patrick Burke, and Georges Laraque, among others. (Important to note: the NHL is the only major sports league in North America to have never had a player come out, either during or after their career). Available: here
Tab Hunter Confidential - 1h30m Tab Hunter recalls what it was like being a closeted gay man in the 1950s, while also being one of the biggest stars of the golden age of Hollywood. Provides insight on the lengths that pioneering movie studios went to to conceal their LGBT actors’ sexualities. Trailer Available on: I found a free version after a google search, or rental services
Jon Richardson - A Little Bit OCD - 47m British comedian Jon Richardson, often mocked for his “OCD tendencies” investigates the disorder, how it affects the lives of nearly 1 million people in Britain, and whether he might be one of them. Available: here
No Sad Songs - 1h02m An Aids Committee of Toronto (ACT) film from 1985 that profiles Jim Black, a young man with AIDS and documents the gay community’s response to the AIDS epidemic through interviews and artistic interpretation. Considered to be the first major documentary about AIDS. Available: here
INVASION - 18m “In this era of ‘reconciliation’, Indigenous land is still being taken at gunpoint. INVASION is a new film about the Unist’ot’en Camp, Gidimt’en checkpoint and the larger Wet’suwet’en Nation standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence against Indigenous people.” A feature length film is coming later in 2020. Available: here
More resources:
CBC DOCS (imo better selection and layout than PBS, worth using a proxy if you’re not Canadian)
National Film Board (if you go to a Canadian university, go through your library’s database link for more options)
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escuelaatlantida · 2 years
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📚 INTENSIVO EVAU 2022 📚 🔥 PRIMER TURNO COMIENZA ESTA SEMANA Siguen abiertas las inscripciones para el Intensivo Selectividad (EvAU) 2022, donde hemos concentrado todas nuestras habilidades, técnicas, apoyo, programas y trucos para ayudar a nuestros alumnos a obtener la mejor nota posible en las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad y a llegar con seguridad y confianza a los tres días de exámenes. El primer turno del Intensivo se desarrollará del 12 al 21 de Mayo. El segundo turno del Intensivo se desarrollará del 23 de Mayo al 2 de Junio. Son diez días para preparar a fondo la prueba más importante de 2ºBachillerato, ayudando a todos nuestros alumnos a obtener la mejor nota posible. 🌳 💻 Modalidad presencial y online 👉 ASIGNATURAS * MATEMÁTICAS CCSS * MATEMÁTICAS II * LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA * FÍSICA * QUÍMICA * INGLÉS * BIOLOGÍA 👉 PROGRAMA * GRUPOS REDUCIDOS * NÚMERO DE ASIGNATURAS A ELEGIR * 15H POR ASIGNATURA * CLASSES DE 1.30H * REPASO DE TODO EL TEMARIO * RESOLUCIÓN DE EJERCICIOS * SIMULACROS DE EXAMEN * GESTIÓN DEL TIEMPO * APOYO 12 HORAS AL DÍA * MOTIVACIÓN 👉 CALENDARIO 📆 Jueves 12 de Mayo. Comienzo del Primer Turno del Intensivo. Presentación de profesores y alumnos. 📆 Jueves 12/Mayo a Sábado 21/Mayo. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo. 📆 Lunes 23/Mayo. Comienzo del Segundo Turno del Intensivo. 📆 Lunes 23/Mayo a Jueves 2/Junio. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo (salvo Domingo 29/Mayo). 📆 Viernes 3/Junio. Taller de técnicas de relajación para todos los alumnos del Intensivo. 📆 Sábado 4/Junio a Jueves 9/Junio. Todos los profesores de Escuela Atlántida estarán disponibles para resolución de dudas vía whatsapp o email. 👉 PRECIOS El precio del curso intensivo varía en función del número de asignaturas elegidas: 1 ASIGNATURA 180€ 2 ASIGNATURAS 325€ 3 ASIGNATURAS 480€ 👉 INFO & INSCRIPCIONES Link en bio #evau #evau2022 https://ift.tt/s0KV4x1
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philsdrill · 6 years
Chapter 34: Feel Safe
Fic Summary: “Everyone had a link with their soulmates, some could hear some of their partners thoughts, some had a tattoo that would appear with their partners name; for me, I knew when they got sick.” For a while Phil has thought that his soulmate might have an eating disorder and doesn’t expect to meet him in the restaurant where he works.
Genre: a lot of fluff, recovery, really fucking domestic, waiter!Phil
Warnings: eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, hospitals, panic attacks, references to past abuse, mentions of suicide, mentions of self-harm, a lot of awkwardness, small amounts of smut. This is potentially triggering so for your own sake, please think twice about reading if anything this might affect you.
Disclaimer: I don’t have personal experience with eating disorders, but have done some research. If I have anything about them wrong, feel free to send me an ask and I’ll sort it out.
Word Count (for this part): 8.3k
[Uploads will be hopefully every couple of weeks! (follow @philsdrill-updates to hear when I post)]
A/N: Less than two weeks!? This is the fastest I’ve been since July 2016! I wrote the first 700 words of this on the train home last weekend, which was an achievement, as its usually 1h30m spent standing on a very busy train. Now, something you might’ve noticed from the way time is progressing, but the fic is slowly getting to its end - I’m predicting about five more chapters. The first chapter was posted on June 4th 2016, so it's my goal to get it done well before June this year.  
<= Previous Chapter
Dan's POV:
Summer. The one time of year when England would get at least a little warm weather. Children, teenagers and students would be free from the teeth of school, college and university. The start of July was due to bring the start of the hot weather so I knew I'd need to look out my summer clothes soon.
We were fast approaching the one year anniversary of the day I'd met my soulmate, Phil. That anniversary was the day we'd chosen for our wedding, realising that if we wanted to pick out a date in August, we might as well choose the one that meant something to us as a couple.
My brother, Adam, had sat his A-Levels and finished his second-to-last year at school. Phil and I wanted to go down to see him and Ethan at some point, but we knew that realistically the next time we'd see them was when they were up here for our wedding.
In addition to finalising the details for our wedding, Phil had been trying to upload more cooking videos to his YouTube channel. He felt that he'd been slacking a bit, and had only uploaded a couple of videos since the pizza one, but with renewed energy from the good weather, he was able to get things back on track. I decided to help him out a bit, learning how do the editing and sometimes helping him out with this, as it was his least favourite part of the process.
Scorching heat arrived on the second of July, we didn't have it as bad as down South, but still, I was digging around in my drawers to try and locate my shorts. They'd been put at the back of my bottom drawer, shoved away without a second thought as we moved in in January. Eventually I unearthed them and set my favourite pair on the bed, to put on for the day ahead.
I changed from my pyjamas into a fresh pair of boxers and a loose t-shirt, then came over to the bed to retrieve my shorts. I didn't think twice as I stepped into them and pulled them up, that was until they got stuck. I looked down to see whether they had gotten caught on my underwear, but no, it just seemed like my thighs were too big to get these shorts on anymore. I tried putting more force into pulling them up, but to no avail. It seemed I wasn't getting these shorts on today.
I wasn't too disheartened, however. I had other shorts, so I made my way back to the drawer to select an alternative pair. This pair were made of a softer fabric, with an elasticated waistband, so they'd stretch, right, even if my thighs had filled out a little bit over the last year.
I stepped into them and pulled them up and it was only when the waistband snapped over my lower stomach that I was filled with regret. They were tight, incredibly tight. They accommodated my thighs okay, but the pressure on my stomach was too much, both in physical feeling and in mental, as they were now acting as a constant reminder of how much weight I'd gained over the last year. Curious, I made my way to the bathroom and dug the scales out from the back of the cupboard. Phil had put them well away after we moved, knowing that seeing them on a daily basis would be too tempting for me.
I stepped onto the scale and as I read the number that flashed up on the small screen by my feet, I was filled with an urge. I hadn't felt this urge in so long and as much as I was trying to fight it, I found myself on my knees in front of the toilet, fingers in my mouth, only centimetres from the back of my throat.
I found myself in a strange kind of limbo, my fingers wanting to go that little bit further, but there was something stopping me. Was it the knowledge that by doing this I'd be relapsing back into something I'd put so much effort into giving up? Was it knowing that Phil would be disappointed in me, even if he tried not to show it? I sat there, fighting a battle with my own brain, tears streaming down my face as I broke down in panicky sobs, unable to form any coherent thoughts of how to pull myself out of this.
I couldn't do this myself. I was slowly descending into a full on panic attack and I could barely even move, never mind think about calming down or trying to get to my medication. My fingers still in my mouth, I did the only thing I felt I could manage, I yelled for Phil… and maybe it came out as more of a muffled scream, but all that mattered was it was loud enough for him to hear.
“Dan?” Phil's voice said, full of concern as he entered the bedroom a few moments later.
“Help?” I choked, trusting that Phil would be able to get me out of this.
Phil’s POV:
The first thing I noticed, clearly, was that Dan was sat on the floor in front of the toilet. I assumed that he was feeling sick, but he couldn’t thrown up yet or I’d have known about it
“What’s wrong?” I asked softly, as I approached him from behind.
Dan didn’t reply, the crying and sobbing clearly having overwhelmed him. It was only as I sat on the floor next to him that I noticed he had his fingers in his mouth. It took me a few seconds to realise what that meant, but Dan was struggling with something much more than an upset stomach. I could see from his expression that he had some kind mental battle going on inside his head.
“Okay,” I mumbled, trying to think what I should do, “You okay if I touch you?”
Dan choked out a ‘yes’, not even moving his hand from his mouth. I loosely gripped his wrist, not forcefully, but wanting to be able prevent him moving his hand any further if I needed to. My other hand, I brought around his back, hoping that a loose hug would be comforting. Before I could ask Dan what had triggered this, I knew I needed him to calm him down a little, so I rubbed circles on his shoulder and guided him into one of his breathing exercises.
As he put all of his focus onto his breathing, I was gradually able to move Dan’s hand out of his mouth and away to a safe distance. He still wasn’t doing good, but I was hopeful I’d done enough that he’d be okay on his own for a moment while I went to find his medication. I filled the bathroom glass with water from the sink and handed this to him.
“Small sips, okay,” I said, making sure he hand a decent grip on the glass, “I’ll be right back, I’m just going to grab your coat. That’s where your tablets are, right?”
“Think so,” Dan said, sounding a little unsure of himself.
I hurried out into the hallway and grabbed Dan's coat from its hook by the door. I returned to the bathroom with it immediately, waiting until I was back with Dan before unzipping the pocket. Thankfully, they were where I expected, down to the very pocket he usually kept them in.
Getting the tablets down was never an easy one, but I remained by Dan’s side as his gag reflex fought against them. Once he’d successfully swallowed them, I took him back to doing the breathing exercises, knowing they would take their time to have an effect.
Dan was relaxing more into me and I felt that he didn’t need to be right in front of the toilet any more. “D’you want to move away from the toilet a little?” I asked, encouragingly.
Dan nodded in response, so slowly I shuffled back towards the bath, pulling him with me, both of us sliding easily across the floor tiles. I leant back against the bath and got Dan nice and snug between my legs, leaning back against me.
“Deep breaths,” I reminded him, noting that he’d lost some of his progressing in moving, “Nice and slow.”
I rested my chin lightly on Dan’s shoulder as I listened to his breathing. I settled my hands around his waist, wanting to make this comfortable and natural for him. It clearly wasn’t, however, because Dan shuffled uncomfortable and pushed my hands away.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” I asked gently, hoping that he would be able to form an answer this time.
“My shorts are too tight,” Dan complained, clearly trying to avoid my question by stalling the conversation.
“Okay let's get them off then,” I said simply, thinking that if Dan was more comfortable, we’d be able to work things out.
I slipped my hands beneath the waistband of Dan’s shorts, not expecting him to have any problem with it as we undressed each other fairly often. I was taken aback when he flinched away, shooting forwards out of my embrace.
“Dan?” I said hesitantly, confused by his actions.
“I…” Dan choked, “S’my shorts that are the problem… They’re too tight on my stomach and…”
I felt incredibly bad the moment I realised that I’d misunderstood and caused this reaction. Now he was sitting alone in the middle of the bathroom floor, I noticed how much Dan was trembling. I felt really bad for my misunderstanding and now I had to figure out what I could do to help.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise,” I said, apologising for my mistake, “Can you take them off? Getting rid of the pressure might help?”
Nodding, Dan reached down and pulled his shorts down, accidentally getting his boxers too. It seemed he didn’t care though, tossing them both across the floor, away from him and towards me. Reaching out, I picked up the shorts to look at the label. They were an extra small and I knew that Dan should be at least a small or maybe a medium.
“I think we need to get you some new shorts,” I commented, setting them aside.
“But I've gained weight,” Dan mumbled sadly.
“That's a good thing, remember,” I reminded him.
Dan sat silently, making eye contact with me, but not saying anything. I could see that he would probably be stuck in this mindset for the rest of the day, but I was going to have a go at getting him out of it.
“Dan are you feeling okay enough to get up and we’ll go back to bed for a bit? I asked him, just wanting to cuddle with him and see if that improved things.
“Mmm okay,” Dan mumbled.
I got up, returned Dan’s boxers to him, then helped him to his feet. He stepped back into his boxers, then I gave him a little support back through to our room. Once on the bed, he crawled up to the pillows and slipped under the duvet, pulling it up around him. I took my trousers off and joined him, making sure he was okay with the contact before cuddling up next to him. Dan was still shaking a little, but I was hoping that he felt safe now and that the warmth of our bedding helped him feel better.
Dan gradually relaxed, letting himself melt into my arms and the shaking slowly easing into stillness. I knew he would still be feeling fragile, but I was glad his anxiety had calmed down now. That would let me work on how he was feeling about his body, which I felt was important to tackle before he made it worse.
“What can I do for you?” I asked him, wanting to help him in whatever way I could.
“Just stay here,” Dan mumbled in response, “I just wanna be close to you.”
“Are we close enough?” I asked, “Or would more skin contact help you?”
“Could we take our shirts off?” Dan asked timidly, “It just makes me feel really safe.”
“Of course,” I said, pulling my shirt off over my head, while Dan did his own.
Letting out a content sound, Dan cuddled back into my chest. I brought my arms around him and gently rubbed his back. After a while, one of my hands trailed down to his hip, but I stopped it there, not quite knowing where his boundaries lay at the moment.
“Where are your boundaries today?” I asked him, “I know I should’ve asked that earlier but I didn’t think…”
“Like just don’t touch my stomach, I guess?” Dan said, sounding unsure, “I don’t know; I might be fine with it now but it was just too much earlier with the shorts.”
“Are you feeling any better about your body now?” I asked him, knowing that sometimes after the initial panic passed, his body image issues would too.
“Not really,” Dan mumbled, “I just… I feel like a bit of a whale today… like my stomach’s… fat… and I feel… just big.”
“You just look strong and healthy to me,” I told him, trying to remind him of what was important, “My beautiful little Dan.”
“Phil, I’m not little, I’m taller than you,” Dan groaned.
“Physically, yes, you’re taller than me,” I said, “But when you curl up all small like this, you’re not.”
“Makes me feel safe,” Dan mumbled, again bringing up this point.
“I know, and I want you to feel safe,” I told him. ”I want you to feel okay about yourself, so I’m here for you, okay?”
“Thanks,” Dan said, a hint of a smile in his voice.
“Now,” I said, “Only if you’re up for it, but will you let me show you how beautiful you are?”
“What will that entail?” Dan asked, voice curious but a little concerned.
“I just want to kiss you all over, make you feel loved,” I admitted, pressing a kiss to his neck to give him the idea.
“Mmmm okay,” Dan mumbled, clearly enjoying the touch.
I moved down the way, kissing Dan’s collarbone, his chest, his nipples… I worked on giving him compliments after every few kisses, which he was clearly enjoying. I stopped just North of his stomach, knowing this was where one of his boundaries lay.
“Dan, can I go lower?” I asked gently.
“Yeah sure,” Dan said, almost cheerfully.
I moved down to his stomach, these kisses more tentative, but still with the same meaning behind them. My lips ghosted over the scar from his surgery, kissing that too, because although it wasn’t inherently beautiful, it was a part of him now. I loved every little part of Dan; as a whole he was beautiful and that scar had great meaning behind it.
“You’re so pretty,” I told him, “Beautiful, despite the scar, and despite what your anxiety is telling you. You look so healthy and full of life. I love you.”
“I love you too Phil,” Dan replied, sounding a little tearful, “Thank you so much for doing this for me.”
“It’s no problem,” I said, lifting myself up and going to capture his mouth in a kiss, to distract him from the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm him.
The kiss that started as a distraction soon turned into something a little more heated. I was lying on top of Dan’s naked body and I was starting to feel something. Dan was turned on, and although I didn’t share his predicament quite yet, I could let myself if that was what he wanted.
“Mmm Dan,” I mumbled, pulling away when an appropriate moment arose, “What are you wanting? I feel you… but are you in the mood?”
“Could you m…” Dan started, hesitating, “Could you m-make love to me? Like slow and cuddly and…”
“Of course,” I said sweetly, rubbing my hands gently over Dan’s abdomen, “And don’t worry about whatever we had planned for this morning, that’s officially postponed.”
With a few strokes to Dan’s length and a few to my own, I was soon reaching for the lube. We hadn’t exactly been active in the last few days, so Dan took a bit more prep than usual. Sometimes, when it was lust controlling our actions, the stretching process could be a bit tedious, but on days like today, it was a mutual bonding of sorts. I had Dan on his back, so I could keep an eye on his expression and we were both talking through the process, me making sure Dan was comfortable and that everything was going smoothly.
The love-making itself was like Dan asked for, slow and cuddly. The pace allowed my movements to be more judged and precise and allowed Dan to feel every last bit of sensation without being overwhelmed by the next. I was on top of him, but spreading my weight carefully to make him feel cuddled but not squashed. Dan’s climax came first, so I worked him through it, then pulled out and finished myself off with my hand, not wanting to overstimulate him. I made fast work of myself and cleaned us both off with tissues, before moving to cuddle Dan properly.
Post sex cuddles were always special, but there was something about today’s which had an extra heartwarming quality to them. Dan had been through a lot this morning and I just wanted to hold him close. He was clearly feeling good now, but I could tell he was exhausted. Nothing drains your energy quite like an panic attack, and sex on top of that was the recipe for a tired Dan.
“If you want to go back to sleep, that’s okay,” I told him, “I’ll set an alarm for say, half-twelve ‘cause I’m going to stay here with you.”
“Thanks,” Dan said, yawning.
With all the skin contact Dan could possibly need, we lay there and let ourselves fall asleep. I maybe didn’t need it in the same way Dan did, but I was enjoying his presence too much to do anything else. We’d get up again in time for lunch, and so what if we went back to bed again after breakfast?
I was never fully asleep, spending the time drifting in and out of consciousness. Dan was fast asleep in my arms and I didn’t want to disturb him until the alarm went off. I noticed the time about ten minutes before the alarm was due and thought I would keep an eye on the time, cancel it and wake Dan more nicely. In the end, however, I dozed off again and I didn’t get to cancel the alarm before it was blaring loudly next to us.
I silenced it as quickly as I could, but the damage was done. Dan had been rather rudely awoken from his sleep and I’d been hoping to make things nicer on him by doing it myself.
“Hey,” I said, my voice a little rough with not having been used in a couple of hours, “Time to get up?”
“I guess,” Dan said, his voice similarly scratchy, “Mmm, I could do with a drink.”
Moving my leg out from underneath Dan’s and attempting to shake some feeling back into it, I sat up slowly. Dan remained lying down, hair in his eyes, looking comfortable.
“Maybe you should get up and get a drink then?” I suggested.
“Can you get me it? I’m a bit sore,” Dan asked, complaining slightly.
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” I told him, “And then we can figure out where you’re hurting?”
I went to the bathroom and filled the bathroom glass up with water. It would quench Dan’s thirst and he could get something more interesting when we went through to the kitchen for lunch. By the time I got back to him, he had sat up on the bed and was ready to take the water from me.
“You’re sitting up?” I said, surprised, “What is it that’s sore?”
“It was a struggle,” Dan admitted, “It’s my thigh and butt muscles. I’m not sure why; I guess we just had a slightly different angle from sometimes?”
I sat down next to Dan and pulled him onto my lap as he started to drink his water. I slipped my hands under his thighs and gently rubbed against the muscles there, but I knew I couldn’t do much with him sitting like this.
“I think getting you in the bath wouldn’t hurt,” I told him, “We’re both a bit sticky and it’ll help that ease off. We can get lunch after.”
Dan took me up on my suggestion, so I made my way back through to the bathroom to get the bath running. I poured in some sweet scented bubble bath and made sure the water was nice and cosy. When the bath was ready, I helped Dan up and through to the bathroom. He could walk, but he seemed to be finding things a bit uncomfortable, so I gave him a hand.
I joined Dan in the bath for a while, helping him to relax and getting us both clean. Eventually I decided that I could go and start getting lunch ready and leave Dan to relax a bit longer. In the kitchen, dressed in only a towel, I made us both sandwiches, some coffee for myself and some Ribena for Dan. I loaded them onto a tray and brought them through to the bedroom, thinking we could have lunch in bed.
I laid the tray down on a cabinet and took in the state of the bed. The duvet was a bit sticky from our earlier activities, but everything else seemed to be acceptable. We’d change the sheets properly later, but for the moment I grabbed a couple of fleecey blankets to make the bed cosy at the moment.
Dan must’ve heard my moving about, as I heard him getting out of the bath and a few moments later, he appeared in the bathroom doorway in his own towel.
“How are things feeling?” I asked him, “Did that bath help?”
“A lot better actually,” Dan nodded happily, “Like I’m still a little achy and still a little on edge from earlier… but yeah, better.”
“D’you want to come sit down and we’ll have some lunch?” I asked him, “I made sandwiches.”
Dan dried himself off a little, then we both settled back on the bed, amongst the blankets. I lifted the tray of food onto our laps and encouraged Dan to get dug in. As we ate, I noticed that Dan was showing a number of his anxious symptoms, nibbling at his food in small bites, not eating the crusts, which I knew he didn’t mind and generally not eating as much as usual. I didn’t feel the need to call him out on his behaviour, because I knew he would still be feeling sensitive. Instead, I just accepted when he had given up and took the remaining sandwiches to put away in the fridge for later.
We spent a bit longer cuddling before we actually got up properly. We were both naked, Dan sitting in my lap, but we were able to control ourselves. Dan was still very open from earlier, but despite the intimacy of our nakedness, we weren’t planning any other sexual activities any time soon.
“I feel really safe like this,” Dan told me once more, “I feel good and happy and I’m almost able to put behind me what nearly happened a few hours ago.”
“Good,” I said, my voice soft and caring, “You’re doing so well; I’m proud of you.”
Later in the day, I went through Dan’s shorts and removed all the ones marked as extra small or below a certain waist size. Most people would probably try them on, but I was confident these wouldn’t fit him and I wanted to save him from any further anxiety. There were a couple of pairs I thought might still fit him, which I’d go through with him later.
We should probably go clothes shopping though, to get him some new clothes for the summer and make sure we had what we needed in preparation for our honeymoon when the time came. Now that I thought about it, I wasn’t sure if Dan had been clothes shopping since I’d met him. I wondered if that was an issue with his body image, so I’d approach the topic carefully.
I brought it up with him in the evening, once we’d established that he only had one pair of shorts that fit. We’d go clothes shopping tomorrow and I’d help him pick out some new things. He did admit that clothes shopping really didn’t make him feel good, but he understood that it had more or less become unavoidable.
The next morning, as we ate breakfast, my first priority was to check in on Dan’s anxiety levels and see if he was feeling up to going clothes shopping.
“How are you feeling this morning?” I asked him, “Like anxiety-wise? Any issues?”
“Pretty good,” Dan told me, happily, “Like I’ve recovered from yesterday and I feel fine at the moment. I don’t know how I’ll be trying on clothes, but I’m willing to give it a go.”
“Okay, great,” I said, enthusiastically, “Well I’m thinking we’ll just get ready and then head out; is that okay with you?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Dan nodding, taking a sip of his juice.
When we were finished, we tidied our breakfast stuff away and then got ourselves ready to go. It would be good to get the shopping over and done with early in the day, meaning we’d have longer to ourselves later on. I didn’t really have any idea how long we would be, but I had a strong feeling we would be in town until lunchtime at least.
I drove us there, parking in a car park near to the majority of the shops. We could easily have walked or taken public transport, but I preferred to be able to get Dan home quickly if I needed to. I hadn’t asked him or anything, but I had the feeling that having the car probably made things easier on him.
The first shop we visited, I ended up helping pick things out for Dan to try on. He had arrived  in front of a rack of shorts, looking a bit overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. I studied the various styles, knowing that Dan, contrary to his own beliefs, was really quite skinny. Shorts with wider legs might drown him, but equally I didn’t want him having anything too skintight as yesterday suggested that could be an issue. In the end we settled on three styles for him to try on, each in two sizes so we could see what was the better fit.
Dan also had a couple of t-shirts to try on; those seemed to be less on an issue for him to pick out. Soon enough, we’d browsed through enough of the shop and were heading for the fitting room. I followed behind Dan, nobody giving me a second glance. I’d initially thought I was just there for moral support and to give him opinions, but he pulled me into the cubicle with him.
“You don’t want me to wait outside?” I questioned, a little surprised.
“I’d rather have you in here, if that’s okay?” Dan admitted a little timidly.
“Of course; I just wasn’t expecting that,” I explained, hanging my coat up on one of the many hooks as it was warm and we could be in here a while.
I let Dan get on with trying on the clothes, sitting myself down on the bench to keep out the way. He looked good in all the shorts and I made sure to tell him this, but in the end, we only left with two out of the three styles… and the t-shirts. However, that was still good progress.
In the second shop, Dan seemed to have found an ounce of confidence from somewhere and was now picking out shorts himself. I had slight reservations about one pair and how they would make Dan feel, but it was his call, so I’d let him try them on. Again he had a couple of t-shirts, but he hadn’t been shopping in a long time, so he was needing a wardrobe update.
We headed for the fitting room, but this time the employee at the entrance wasn’t for letting me through with Dan.
“Sir, you don’t have anything to try on?” the man said, putting his arm out in front of me to discourage me from going any further.
“Can I not go with him to see the stuff he’s trying on?” I asked, confused.
“No, policy says you have to be trying on something to be in the fitting rooms,” the man said firmly.
“Alright then,” I said, a slight challenging tone in my voice as I had an idea.
I picked out a random shirt to try on, not one I particularly liked, but the man didn’t need to know that. This time, as I headed for the fitting rooms, he had no choice but to let me through.
I headed around the corner, knowing that Dan would be somewhere along here, but not knowing which changing room he’d be in.
“Dan?” I called out, not too loudly, but hopefully loud enough that he’d hear.
“I’m in here,” his voice responding, a foot sticking out from under a cubicle door further down.
I walked the remaining few paces to Dan’s cubicle and stuck my foot under the door, “Hi, I’m here; you gonna let me in?”
“Sure, two seconds,” Dan said, making some rustling noises, and after a couple of moments, unlocking the door.
Dan was standing there in the particular pair of shorts I was less sure on, and a t-shirt. Now, don’t get me wrong, the shorts looked good on him - in fact, they looked amazing - but they were quite tight fitting and I didn’t know how Dan would deal with that.
“Mmm, you look good,” I told him, shamelessly checking out his arse.
“I don’t know Phil, I think these make me look fat,” Dan said, pulling at the hem of the shorts, proving my suspicions correct.
“They don’t Dan; they’re just a bit more tight fitting and than the others you’ve had on,” I told him, trying to give him the assurance he needed. “They’re different, but I like them on you. Turn around?”
“They make your butt look really good,” I told him, appreciating the better angle I had on it now.
“You think?” Dan asked, curiously.
“Yup,” I said, pulling him into a hug with one arm and patting his butt with the other, “Real good.”
“Thanks,” Dan said, uncertainty in his voice, “I’ll try the rest on and think about them. I believe you when you say they look good and I want to be a little more adventurous, so maybe I’ll give them a go.”
In the end, Dan did buy the shorts and I was proud of him for taking that step. He might not be completely comfortable with them, but that was something we could work on. Maybe it would be a case of getting him wearing them around the house first to get used to them.
Upon leaving the shop, I noticed that Dan seemed a little jittery and unsettled, so now seemed like the perfect time to take a break from shopping and get something to drink. I took him to a nearby coffee shop, thinking he could get a hot chocolate or something while I got a coffee.
“Hot chocolate?” I asked, presuming but not wanting to go as far as ordering for him without his approval.
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” Dan nodded, “No cream or marshmallows or anything though.”
“Okay,” I nodded, “D’you want anything to eat?”
Dan looked at the glorious display of cakes in front of him, paled slightly and shook his head.
“D’you want to find us a seat and I’ll order?” I asked him, thinking that would probably be best for him.
“Okay,” Dan nodded, stepping away from me and heading across the café.
The person in front of me moved along to wait for their order, letting me into to order for me and Dan.
“Hi, can I get a regular hot chocolate and a soya milk cappuccino?” I requested.
“Okay,” the lady nodded, scribbling down on her notepad, “Cream or marshmallows with the hot chocolate?”
“No, neither,” I told her, resulting in another scribble in the notepad.
“And d’you want chocolate on the cappucino?” she queried.
“Yes,” I nodded, knowing that even if there was any milk in the chocolate powder, it wouldn’t be enough to cause me a problem.
“Okay,” the barista nodded, “And anything else?”
“Are any of your cakes dairy free?” I asked, interested in the selection, but not actually knowing if I could eat any of them. There were cakes, tarts, doughnuts, pies, cupcakes, scones and even some things I couldn’t identify.
“The caramel tart, the banana bread and the lemon meringue pie,” she told me, confidently, pointing out these cakes.
“Right,” I nodded, having a hard time deciding between the caramel tart and the lemon meringue pie, “I’ll have… the caramel tart.”
It was my sweet tooth that had decided for me in the end, but also caramel went better coffee, so it was a good decision I had come to. I finalised my order, paid, and moved along to wait for our order. A couple of minutes later, I was heading to find Dan, carrying the tray one handed without any thought and getting a few funny looks.
“Hey,” I said, noticing Dan looked a little spaced out as I set his drink down in front of him, “You okay?”
“I think so; I’ve just been feeling a little anxious since that last shop,” Dan admitted, slowly wrapping his hands around the mug in front of him.
“That’s why I brought us in here,” I admitted, sitting down next to him, “I thought you were looking a little off and that a rest and a drink would maybe do you good.”
“I think you noticed before I did then,” Dan said, laughing slightly, “Also, are you sure you didn’t just come in for the cake? What have you got anyway?”
“It’s a caramel tart,” I told him, picking it up and digging my teeth into it, “Mmm, it’s good.”
“Can I check you remembered to order your coffee with soya milk?” Dan asked me, looking mildly worried for a moment.
“Yup,” I said cheerily, “And there’s no milk in the tart either.”
“Okay, great,” Dan said, relaxing back into the seat.
Dan went quiet after that, sipping his hot chocolate slowly, still looking a bit anxious. I put an arm around him and pulled him into my side slightly, “Try and relax a little.”
I followed Dan’s gaze to a small child eating a doughnut; I wondered if that was bothering him.
“Hey,” I said, trying to get his attention back, “Dan, look at me?”
It took Dan a moment to realise I had spoken, then he turned slowly back towards me, “What?”
“Is that bothering you?” I asked, nodding in the direction of the child with the doughnut.
“A little, yeah,” Dan confirmed, “Like not majorly, but I just feel a bit on edge.”
“Just focus on your hot chocolate, okay?” I said, the arm around his back tightening slightly, in protectiveness, wanting him to feel safe, “Let me know if you need anything?”
I finished my coffee and my cake, then waited for Dan to finish his drink. In the end, he didn’t, leaving a little in the bottom of the mug, but I got that; sometimes the hot chocolate powder concentrated at the bottom and made the final bit too strong to drink. I tidied up our stuff and took the tray over to the trolley you were to leave them in. I returned to Dan, who was fiddling nervously with his coat as he stood, waiting for me to return.
I wasn’t quite ready to call it a day just yet; I’d keep an eye on Dan for a bit longer and see, maybe go to one more shop. I found a couple of things in this third shop, but all Dan showed interest in was new socks. I was eyeing up a hoodie, which I didn’t really need and turned to ask Dan’s opinion on it, only to find he was a few racks away, staring into space.
I walked over to him, saying his name and waving my hand in front of him to get his attention, “Dan?”
“Yeah?” Dan said, jumping slightly.
“C’mon, let’s go pay and then we’re going to head home,” I said to him, taking his hand and his packet of socks and walking us towards the checkouts.
“Why? I thought we were going to a few more shops after this?” Dan asked, sounding confused.
“Dan honestly, you’re not feeling it anymore, are you?” I asked softly.
This was clearly the cue Dan needed to show me how he was feeling, suddenly resting his head on my shoulder and sniffing tiredly. I nuzzled my face against him to reciprocate, hoping to comfort him a little.
“Next please,” a call from a checkout operator startled us out of our little bubble as we were next.
My hand not leaving Dan’s, we walked down to the checkout and I rather unceremoniously dumped our about-to-be-purchases onto the counter. I didn’t engage in any small talk with the employee, making fast work of packing the stuff into a bag and paying with contactless to get us out of there faster.
“C’mon, let’s go home; we’ve done well today,” I told Dan, as I sorted out our varying shopping bags and took his hand again.
We walked back to the car park and instantly found my little yellow Corsa. I shoved all the shopping into the backseat, then did the door for Dan as he got in. I made my way around to the driver’s side and got in myself.
“Before we go, do you need anything?” I asked Dan, “Do you feel like you’re going to have a panic attack or is this something else?”
“I don’t think so,” Dan said miserably, “Can we just go home?”
“Yes, of course,” I said, starting the engine and putting the car into reverse.
Balancing the clutch and the accelerator, I slowly backed out of the space, then slipped the car into first. The road we had to turn into from the carpark was busy and it was quite a while before we managed to get a gap. I drove us home, clearly keeping an eye on the road, but with the occasional glance towards Dan to make sure he was doing okay. He’d been sitting quietly with his eyes shut, but I wasn’t too worried about that.
It was once we were back at our flat, parked in our parking space, that I noticed Dan was breathing slightly heavily. He still had his eyes shut, which I’d expected him to open after we’d stopped.
“You okay, Dan?” I asked, as something clearly wasn’t right.
“Headache,” Dan said glumly, blindly reaching a hand out towards me.
I reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently, “How long have you had it? How bad?”
“It kinda started when I had the hot chocolate but it wasn’t bad then and it’s just got worse and worse,” Dan explained, holding his other hand against his head.
“Right, I’m going to come around and give you a hand,” I told him, “And don’t worry about the shopping, I’ll come back for it.”
I took the keys from the ignition, got out and made my way around to Dan’s side. I opened the door for him, then bent over a little to look in.
“I’m afraid you’re going to need to open your eyes for a bit,” I told him, “But you’re heading for a dark room and some paracetamol so it’ll be worth it.”
Dan opened his eyes, crinkling his brow uncomfortable and looking out at me. I moved back to give him a little space, but then bringing my arms supportively around him once he was up. Once he was steady on his feet, I shut the door behind him and locked the car. I brought my arm around his waist and the two of us started to walk towards our building. Getting Dan up the stairs wasn’t a problem as he could walk fine, but I stayed right by his side in case things were to change.
Once inside the flat, I took Dan straight to our bedroom, depositing him by the bed and allowing him to flop onto it, while I went to shut the curtains.
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to get you paracetamol and some water,” I told him, feeling bad about leaving him, but knowing it was for the best.
I was back with Dan in under a minute, a mug of water in one hand and a strip of paracetamol in the other.
I sat down on the bed next to him, “Hey, you want to sit up so you can take these?”
Groaning, Dan pushed himself up and bumped me, almost spilling the water in the process. Once he was sorted, I handed the mug to him and popped out the tablets for him. Dan swallowed them like a pro; in the absence of a panic attack making his throat feel tight he was quite good at swallowing pills. Dan handed me the mug back and flopped backwards onto the bed. I laid the mug down on a bedside table, figuring out what else I could do for him.
“Maybe take your jeans off and get yourself under the duvet?” I suggested, wanting him to be comfortable.
“Can you?” Dan asked, mumbling a bit.
With that permission, I helped Dan to get his jeans off and tossed them across the room. I then pulled down the duvet underneath him, before replacing it on top of him. I moved the pillow down the bed to where his head had landed and helped him slide it underneath.
“You get some rest,” I told him, “We’ve had a successful morning but it was maybe just a bit much.”
I sat by Dan’s side and held one of his hands between mine, wanting to comfort him with some contact, but still allowing me to get away once he was asleep.
“How long can I sleep?” Dan asked, “Will you wake me?”
“I’m gonna let you sleep for as long as you need, but I’ll make sure you’re up for dinner,” I told him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
“Thanks,” Dan said, almost sounding a little tearful.
I sat still and quiet by Dan’s side, holding his hand until he fell asleep. I’d say it took about twenty minutes for him to get to sleep, in which time he gradually looked less uncomfortable - that would be the painkillers working. When I was satisfied he was fast asleep, I slowly let go of his hand and got off the bed, making my movements as slow and precise as possible so as not to disturb him.
I left the room and shut the door over behind me, enough to block out the light from the hallway, but leaving it open a crack so I’d hear Dan when he awoke. I decided that while it was fresh on my mind, I should go down and get our shopping from the car. Grabbing my keys, I shut the flat door quietly behind me and made my way quickly down the stairs. I grabbed the shopping bags, which were no effort on their own, but I’d wanted both hands free earlier to help Dan. In a similar manner, I hurried back up the stairs, not feeling at ease with leaving Dan in the flat alone when he wasn’t feeling his best.
I plopped the shopping bags down in the hallway for the time being, not wanting to disturb Dan when I didn’t have to. Spotting the time, I decided that I’d go and make myself something for lunch. Dan would be missing out, but I felt it was more important that he slept off the headache and I’d make sure that he had a decent dinner when the time came.
After a quick bowl of pasta, I got on with my afternoon. I had a cooking video for my youtube channel to edit, so I decided to make a start on that. With no distractions, as Dan was sound asleep in the other room, I got stuck into my work and before I knew it, it had got to half past five. I would put dinner on, then go to wake up Dan, as he’d been asleep for over five hours.
We were having a chicken roast, so that would take about an hour in the oven. I’d do some vegetables with it eventually, but I wouldn’t need to put those on until nearer the time. After waiting for the oven to heat and putting the piece of meat in, I made my way to our bedroom. The door was still how I left it and Dan was still asleep in bed.
I crept in, shutting the door over behind me again and slowly sitting down on the bed. I pulled the duvet down from on top of Dan’s head and brushed his hair out of his face.
“Dan,” I said, squeezing his shoulder slightly, “It’s time to get up.”
After a minute or so of gentle touches and nudges and talking to him, I eventually got a response. Dan groaned, rolling onto his stomach and burying his face in the pillow.
“You’ve got to get up, love,” I told him, “It’s half past five and I’ve got dinner on.”
“Waaiiit, how long’d I sleep?” Dan mumbled sleepily.
“Like five or six hours,” I told him, rubbing my hand up and down his arm, “How are you feeling?”
Dan was quiet for a few moments, probably thinking about it before he responded, “Okay, yeah. My head seems fine now.”
“Well I think you should sit up, I’m going to open the curtains a little and let you adjust slowly,” I told him.
I got up from the bed to crack open the curtains a little, then returned to Dan’s side, leaning back against the headboard and motioning for him to come up next to me and do the same. With the encouragement, he was soon up next to me, my arm around his back and his head resting on my shoulder.
“Are you doing okay mentally?” I asked him, keeping my voice low, “You seemed a bit anxious earlier before the headache got to you.”
“I was a bit, but I’m okay now, thanks,” Dan said, nuzzling his head against me slightly. “Sorry if I’m super cuddly, I’m just feeling a little uhh… cuddly… I guess.”
“It’s fine Dan, I love when you’re being cuddly,” I told him, with a chuckle, “Like cuddles are one of my favourite things to be honest. Kissing is good, sex is good, but there’s something about cuddling which makes me feel all warm and happy inside.”
“Okay, I’m glad,” Dan told me, “I feel that way too.”
“How about…” I proposed, “After we’ve eaten, we could play a board game maybe, then get to bed early and cuddle?”
“That sounds good,” Dan nodded, a smile growing on his face, “What if I can’t sleep though?”
“I’m willing to bet we’ll stay up talking as we cuddle,” I told him, “And you never have any problems with too much sleep; it’ll do you good.”
When my timer went off to tell me it was time to put the veggies in, I persuaded Dan out of bed and to come through with me. He leant on the counter, watching me as I sorted out the vegetables. He looked fine now and I didn’t feel like there was anything to worry about. The shopping was maybe a little bit much for Dan and he was prone to headaches anyway, so it wasn’t a big deal. Everyone had bad days now and then, but we could get through it and that was what mattered.
As promised, after we’d both had our fill of food, we sat down to play a board game. It was something we both enjoyed but didn’t often do as we usually ended up watching TV instead. Tonight, however, I felt like it was best for Dan not to be watching a screen for hours. If there was anything to bring a headache back, it would be that.
Our evening ended in a warm bath together and then plenty of time cuddling in bed before we actually went to sleep. Dan was clinging to me, like a koala to a tree, and I actually found it quite adorable. He was warm and having him nestled in my arms felt right. Although there was nothing to protect him from, I felt protective and I hoped, that as a result, Dan felt safe.
Next Chapter =>
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sukutomo · 4 years
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Here’s the top so far! Last chance to get your vote in! We close the votes in 1h30m! Survey link: https://t.co/oqxb7NGHIp pic.twitter.com/BOGx0Q8Sn1
— LoveLive! School Idol Tomodachi (Sukutomo 友) (@schoolidolu) December 15, 2020
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Os endividados NÃO SÃO TODOS IGUAIS, e temos só mais 3 vagas para você aprender as melhores formas de atender o cliente que precisa de ajuda com as dívidas! Está quase tudo pronto para a aula para outros Educadores Financeiros! 👩‍💻☕️ Se você já é um educador | planejador financeiro (ou quer ser) e deseja atender seu cliente endividado com excelência, vem comigo! ⁣⁣ Tema altamente relevante para nosso momento atual!⁣  🗓 Sábado dia 06/06⁣⁣ ⏰ Início às 19h (aproximadamente 1h30m de aula) Aula AO VIVO com tempo para perguntas e respostas. ⁣ ⁣ Vou dar exatamente o passo a passo para o educador | planejador atender o seu cliente com excelência, portanto, conteúdo NÃO gratuito. ⁣ ⁣ A boa notícia, é que pelo volume de alunos já confirmados, conseguimos fazer um preço MUITO acessível. ⁣ ⁣ Conteúdo riquíssimo! Link na bio (aquele texto em azulzinho logo abaixo do nome no perfil) ou nos stories. Te vejo lá!! #carolstange (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDSIi2FyNo/?igshid=1qezmt4kaiqnx
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Individual Immunity #5
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For your next challenge, you’ll be traveling around the world!
Starting with a takeoff time from your starting location sometime after midnight EST on Saturday, February 1st, from one of three available starting locations, you will use Google Flights or other travel websites of your choice to plan a trip around the world that is both as fast and and cheap as you can manage. Your flights must come from some commercial travel site. Drew: No pulling a Jordan Pines and trying to acquire a personal charter flight planner to handle your business for you (Yes, that is a real thing that happened, her name is Fatima and she’s lovely, but not applicable to this challenge).
You must touch down at least once in every continent (other than Antarctica). This can include layovers in flights, or choosing a location as the destination.
Your starting location options are:
Los Angeles, California
London, England
Shanghai, China
Here is an example of what your screenshot should look like (except with either Los Angeles, London, or Shanghai):
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The screenshot contains:
The travel time of the flight
The price of the flight
Time and date in the screenshot
Name in the address bar with a summary of the takeoff and landing
In one location, chosen at your discretion, you must leave the airport you’ve flown to and DRIVE to a different airport. That drive must take you from one country into another (e.g. driving from Paris to Nice would not count, but driving from Paris to London would). You would submit your drive through a Google Maps screenshot, or some other driving maps site alternative. (IF YOU PLAN on using a site other than Google maps, let us know so we can approve it ahead of time) There will be no cost calculation for the driving portion, but the time will factor into your final time. You must arrive to the next airport two hours before your flight from that airport is scheduled to leave.
Here is an example of what your screenshot should look like:
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The screenshot contains
the distance of the drive
showing that you are driving from one airport to another
time and date in the screenshot
name in the address bar with a summary of the drive
All layovers have to be at least two hours long in order to avoid penalties. This includes both layovers that are built into tickets, as well as length between landing of one flight before the takeoff of another. You can, of course, risk shorter layover times, but if you do, you risk missing your flight! (This also applies to the airport you drive to, if your flight takes off less than two hours after you arrive at the airport, it follows the same risk)
If your layover is:
1h30m-1h59m: you have a 10% chance of missing your flight
1h-1h29m: you have a 25% chance of missing your flight
30m-59m: you have a 50% chance of missing your flight
1m-29m: you have a 75% chance of missing your flight
We will decide if you’ve missed your flight by random.org, either on a call in your host chat, or if you’re not available, in a video that we record and send to your host chat. If you “miss your flight,�� you will have one hour and $500 added to your total time and cost at the end of the challenge.(Note: missing your flight will not jeopardize other flights, it only affects your total at the end.)
At the end of the challenge, your travel will be scored based on cost, time, and number of countries visited (Max 16 countries). 
7 points for spending the least amount of money 5 points for second least 3 points for 3rd least 1 point for 4th least 5th in each category doesn’t get any points. The same scoring will be used for time spent in travel from time of initial takeoff to landing time back at the same location. In addition, you will receive 1 point for every country visited (again, max 16 countries). After adding all of that together, the player with the highest number of points will win immunity!!
To clarify what we’re expecting from you, we need a series of screenshots showing that you’ve found consecutive flights with safe layover times to make it around the world and back to your starting city. We only need the screenshots of the flights with the prices, not proof that there’s a seat available or to actually put you through the process of booking it.
We understand that this is A LOT (Jess has played this comp, she almost died) SO we’re providing two days for this challenge. AKA: Enjoy the Super Bowl! Grading will take a bit..... Feel free to ask questions at every step, in terms of what’s accepted or not. Collecting the screenshots is a relatively simple task,  but with infinite possibilities, and we recognize how overwhelming that could get.
All of your screenshots will be due to your host chats by 10pm EST Sunday February 2nd, 2020. We strongly recommend you compile them in a Google doc for submission, both for your benefit so you can make sure you have a continuous journey, and for ours in ease of finding them to grade.
PLEASE!!!! make a GOOGLE DOC with all your links rather than in your host chat.
You can update your submissions at any time, but if you do, we ask that you notify us in your tribe chat so we know to come through and check it again.
This challenge is due Sunday February 2nd, 2020 at 10 PM EST.
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tali-zora · 7 years
Pride Night Watchalong!
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G’day everyone! I’m hosting @inevitably-johnlocked usual Saturday night Watchalongs while she’s on holiday. I’ve copied Steph’s usual info, everything will essentially be as normal except I’m hosting the room!
Please note, I’ve had to replace Fingersmith with Imagine Me & You as I wasn’t able to find a high-quality version online that would work in Rabbit.
So without any further ado…
Come join me in watching some great LGBT movies!
RUN TIME: 1h39m + 1h32m + 1h30m (there will be a break between each show)
(convert time)
NOTE THAT THERE IS A ROOM LIMIT OF 25 PEOPLE AT A TIME. If you cannot get in, it’s because the room is full. You can keep trying to get in if someone knocks out.
I’ll post up the link to the Rabbit room HALF HOUR BEFORE SHOWTIME! You DO NOT need a copy to watch it, I’m taking care of all the deets :)
You do NOT have to join Rabb.It to watch with us! Enter a name to go by, and select “Chat Only” when prompted. Once you get into the room, click on the little chat icon in the bottom corner to interact with the crew!
As a side note, and because we’ve been having this become a common occurrence I thought I should mention it. When you log in, PLEASE ensure that your microphone is turned off.
@consultingeastwind @musing-out-loud @hollyberrypie @nobu-akuma @maikanna Sorry if I forgot anyone who wanted to be tagged, let me know and I’ll add you next time! <3
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dietasdicas1 · 4 years
Liquida Run, a promoção da Ativo Store com até 80% OFF e bandana de proteção grátis
O outono chegou e com ele a Ativo Store, uma das principais lojas de artigos para corrida do País, está em promoção. A Liquida Run tem descontos que podem chegar até 80%. Quanto mais você leva, menos você paga. Além disso, em qualquer compra , você ganha uma bandana versátil, que pode ser usada inclusive no rosto como forma de proteção.
Entre os artigos em oferta estão jaquetas, camisetas, bonés, malas e mochilas. As camisetas Hive Tech, por exemplo, comprando a partir de quatro unidades, podem sair por R$ 24,47, cada. Malas e mochilas, a partir de três unidades, podem sair por R$ 39,84. Mas fique atento que a promoção vai até 30 de abril ou enquanto durarem os estoques.
Os descontos da Liquida Run são progressivos de acordo com o número de itens comprados, seguindo uma regra para cada categoria de produto – em bonés, por exemplo, a economia pode chegar a 80% de desconto. 
Preços promocionais da Liquida Run
Jaquetas e moletons por R$ 89,91, a partir de três unidades R$ 49,95 cada.
Camisetas Hive Tech por R$ 62,91, a partir de quatro unidades R$ 24,47 cada.
Camisetas de Poliamida e Algodão por R$ 44,91, a partir de quatro unidades R$ 14,97 cada.
Bonés Por R$ 26,91, a partir de três unidades R$ 5,98 cada.
Malas e Mochilas por R$ 62,91, a partir de três unidades R$ 39,84 cada.
Como usar a bandana
Em todas as compras na Ativo Store, o corredor ganhar uma bandana que une a versatilidade que todo atleta busca com a possibilidade de proteger se. São vários modos de uso, entre eles sobre o rosto, cobrindo o nariz e a boca. A bandana não é uma máscara à prova do novo coronavírus, mas evita que você leve às mãos na boca, nariz e rosto e protege das gotículas que podem espirrar nessas áreas.
Além disso, deve ser lavada com sabão neutro e/ou água sanitária e permanecer de molho por ao menos 1h30m após o uso. Recomenda-se secar ao sol e/ou utilizar ferro de passar.
Ao todo 5 mil estão disponíveis para doação! Para que a bandana saia grátis na compra, é necessário aplicar o cupom de desconto FIQUEEMCASA,
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DOAÇÃO DE BANDANAS – CUPOM FIQUEEMCASA . Galera, sabe as bandanas que utilizamos nas provas? Estamos disponibilizando 5.000 unidades gratuitas para vocês, para ajudar no combate ao Coronavírus. Vejam como é fácil: 1⃣ Acesse o site da Ativo Store > Acessórios > Bandas e escolha a sua (Link na Bio) 2⃣ No carrinho de compra, inclua o código FIQUEEMCASA com cupom de desconto 3⃣ O desconto será aplicado no valor da bandana, restando apenas o valor do frete para sua cidade . INFORMAÇÕES IMPORTANTES – Só é possível adicionar UMA única bandada por pedido e por CPF; – Você pode adicionar outros produtos na sua compra, se quiser, que o desconto será sempre no valor total da bandana; . SOBRE A BANDANA Lembramos que a bandana NÃO É uma máscara à prova do COVID-19, ela apenas evita que você leve às mãos na boca, nariz e rosto e protege das gotículas que podem espirrar na gente! Além disso, devem ser lavadas com sabão neutro e/ou água sanitária e permanecer de molho por ao menos 1h30m após o uso. Recomenda-se secar ao sol e/ou utilizar ferro de passar. . #o2correcomvoce #fiqueemcasa
A post shared by O2CorreBrasil (@o2correbrasil) on Apr 9, 2020 at 1:53pm PDT
Veja modos de uso
Destaques da Liquida Run
Jaqueta 42k de Floripa 2019
A Jaqueta Pro Run da Maratona de Floripa 2019 é ideal para os dias de treinos com temperaturas baixas, pois tem construção tubular sem costura, se modela em qualquer tipo físico e se adapta ao movimento.
Compre aqui
Camiseta Circuito das Estações 
A camiseta do maior circuito de corridas do país oferece o melhor para seus treinos e atividades físicas. A camiseta tem estrutura tubular e modelo e caimento ideal. Desenvolvida especialmente para corredores, possuí nível elevado de tecnologia na sua composição, HiveTech. Com tecido feito em poliamida com poliéster, ajuda na dispersão do suor, contribuindo para o processo natural de manutenção de uma temperatura corporal e o retardo da desidratação.
Compre aqui
Camiseta Bravus Race
Camiseta da Bravus Race, a maior corrida de obstáculos do país que te acompanha durante os treinos e caminhadas. Todos os acabamentos e detalhes da camiseta Bravus foram pensados para um melhor desempenho do atleta.
Compre aqui
Boné Night Run
Boné com design inovador de umas das provas preferidas do corredor a Night Run. Ideal para prática de seus esportes favoritos, conta com tecido leve, sem irritações e aba flexível. Proteja seu rosto contra os fortes raios solares e promova a você mesmo conforto e estilo.
Compre aqui
Mala Circuito das Estações
A mala de academia do Circuito das Estações 2015 é ideal para os praticantes de esporte que precisam de um espaço extra para guardar seus pertences da academia. Com um designer inovador que só o Circuito das Estações pode proporcionar, a mala conta com dois bolsos grandes, alça para as mãos, tecido resistente a umidade e compartimentos para colocar cartões, documentos e dinheiro.
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The post Liquida Run, a promoção da Ativo Store com até 80% OFF e bandana de proteção grátis appeared first on Ativo.
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myportfoliocm · 6 years
AH102 Introduction to Allied Health
CONTACT HOURS: 40 (Lecture 40, Lab 0)
ACADEMIC CREDIT: 4 Quarter Credits
DELIVERY METHOD: On Ground 25, Digital 15
Course Information
Course Description
In this course, students learn about law and ethics related to health care, pharmacology, infection control, vital signs, and complementary and alternative medicine. This course is also designed to develop professional skills and proactive career management. This course includes both classroom and digital activities such as video, tests/quizzes, simulations, and discussion boards. This course will include out-of-class work such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. A minimum of two and a half hours of out-of-class work will be assigned per week.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Recognize the impact of ethical behavior in health care
Explain federal and state health care legislation and regulations
Demonstrate proper laboratory and office procedures
Describe the interactions, mechanisms of action, and routes of administration for prescription and non-prescription drugs
Explain the impact of complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine
Demonstrate professional skills that enhance success
Textbooks and Resources:
All required resources are provided in the digital content.
Any resources provided or assigned in previous courses may be required or used in this course.
Topic Outline:
Law and Ethics in Healthcare
Introduction to Medical Coding
Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Asepsis and Infection Control
Measurements and Vital Signs
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Professional Development: Portfolio Development
Assessment and Requirements
Students will be assessed by a variety of methods including in-class activities, out-of-class homework assignments, quizzes, exams, projects, or other appropriate methods.
% of Final Grade
Graded Homework*
In-class Assignments
*Out-of-class student homework is required as part of this course.
Refer to the campus course catalog for the grading scale.
Students must pass this course with a final grade of at least 60%. Refer to your catalog for specifics regarding your program of study.
Instructional Methods
Instructional strategies may include lectures, board work, demonstrations, lab activities, classroom exercises, discussions, practice questions, examinations, reading assignments, field trips, guest lectures, group projects, and oral presentations. This course may include both classroom and digital activities such as video, tests/quizzes, simulations, and discussion boards.
For Texas Only Maximum Instructor: Student Ratio 30:1
Note: This course contains Career Compass Certified Professional (C3P) activities designed to enhance students’ career readiness and prepare them for a successful job search.
Library Resources
Resources are available in the college library, as well as the Virtual Library. Research assignments should include the Virtual Library. Students may access the virtual library through the student portal.
Technical Support
The student portal allows password reminders and resets, and contains a link to technical support. For Canvas support, clicking the Help link in your course shell provides access to immediate assistance.
AH102 Introduction to Allied Health
Classroom Activities
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Blended Session
Video: HIPAA Scenario
Activity: HIPAA Quizlet
Activity: HealthIT.gov Cybersecure Game
Video: Avoiding Medical Lawsuits
Discussion: Medical Ethics Scenario
Classroom Session
HIPAA Basics
HIPAA Violation Role Play Activity
Violation Complaint Activity
HIPPA Background
Privacy, Security, and Electronic Health Records
Legal Dictionary: Civil Law vs. Criminal Law Website
Medical SOC in Malpractice Cases Article
HIPAA Violation Lawsuit
Case Study: Is It Allowed?
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Blended Session
Interactive: The Four Classification Systems
Interactive The Healthcare Setting
Video: ICD-10-CM for 2017
Interactive: ICD-10-CM Structure
Interactive: Using the ICD-CM Manual
Interactive: Understanding Conventions
Interactive: ICD-10-PCS Code Structure
Interactive: CPT Codebook Symbols
Interactive: Process for Selecting a CPT Code
Video: Overview of the HCPCS Manual
Interactive: HCPCS Code Walkthrough
Discussion: Medical Terminology
Classroom Session
Medical Coding
Classification Systems
Billing Mistakes
Coding Systems and Uses
Medical Coding & Billing Explained
Trends in the Medical Billing &Coding Industry
Coding Case Studies
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Blended Session
Portfolio Development
Discussion: Portfolio Critique
Classroom Session
C3P: Self-Awareness & Conflict Management
Professionalism Strategy Assignment
Making a College Student Career Portfolio
Creating Professional Online Portfolio
Portfolio Creation
Portfolio Content
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Blended Session
Activity: PPE Police Challenge Game
Video: Are You Ready for Emergencies (Protecting PHI)
Video: Fire Extinguisher Training (Fire Safety)
Discussion: OSHA Scenario
Classroom Session
Workplace Safety
Fire Safety Measures
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Contingency Planning
Mrs. Lawry Incident Report Activity
OSHA At a Glance
Safe Response Interactive Training - OSHA
Personal Protective Equipment - OSHA website
Why Incident Reports are a Must
Contingency Planning
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Blended Session
Video: Preventing Spread of Bacteria
Video: Handwashing
Activity: Quizlet
Interactive: Sharps vs. Biohazard
Video: Removing Gloves
Video: Autoclave
Video: Ginny's Story
Discussion: Handwashing
Discussion: Universal Precautions
Classroom Session
Viruses vs. Bacteria
Preventing Spread of Disease
Handwashing Techniques
Asepsis Terminology
OSHA Hospital Standards Activity
Sharps Container
Biohazard Bags
Disinfection, Sanitation, and Sterilization
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Blended Session
Activity: Webquest: Vital Signs
Video: Vital Signs
Video: Manual Blood Pressure
Interactive: Blood Pressure Reading
Activity: Quizlet- Vital Signs
Discussion: Vital Signs
Discussion: Errors in Vital Signs
Measurements and Vital Signs Terminology Quiz
Classroom Session
Blood Pressure
Body Temperature
Heart Rate
Respiration Rate
Body Mass Index
Vital Measurement Demonstration
Vital Sign Measurements Activity
What is BMI
John's Hopkins Website: Vital Signs
Do Vital Signs Wrong Pay Ultimate Price
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Blended Session
Video: Basics of Pharmacology
Activity: Terminology Pronunciation
Activity: Quizlet Common Abbreviation
Video: Parts of a Prescription
Activity: Quizlet Drug Classifications
Video: Pediatric Dosage Calculation
Video: Brand Name vs. Generic Drugs
Video: Don’t Take This with That
Discussion: Opiate Epidemic
Classroom Session
Prescription Drugs
Generic Drugs and the FDA Activity
Medical Marijuana and the FDA
Routes of Administration
Healthline Article
Terminology of Pharmacology
Medication Orders
Drug Measurements
Medication Errors
Top 20 Prescribed Drugs
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Blended Session
Video: Lifelines Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Video: Difference Between MD and DO
Activity: Quizlets
Video: What is Acupuncture?
Discussion: MD or DO
Classroom Session
Complementary Medicine
Holistic Medicine
Alternative Medicine
NCCIH Complementary Health Article
Complementary Medicine Web Research Activity
Final Exam
Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What's In a Name?
Holistic Opportunities Abound
What is Holistic Medicine?
Integrative Health
Integrative Programs
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Dietary Supplements
Chiropractic What to Expect
How Does Food Impact Health?
Introduction to Acupuncture
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escuelaatlantida · 2 years
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El equipo de EA siempre con una sonrisa, desde el primer día 💕 Siguen abiertas las inscripciones de nuestro Intensivo. Primer Turno empieza la semana que viene! 📚 INTENSIVO EVAU 2022 📚 100% 🅳🅴 🅰🅿🆁🅾🅱🅰🅳🅾🆂 Ya te puedes apuntar al Intensivo Selectividad (EvAU) 2022, donde hemos concentrado todas nuestras habilidades, técnicas, apoyo, programas y trucos para ayudar a nuestros alumnos a obtener la mejor nota posible en las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad y a llegar con seguridad y confianza a los tres días de exámenes. El primer turno del Intensivo se desarrollará del 12 al 21 de Mayo. El segundo turno del Intensivo se desarrollará del 23 de Mayo al 2 de Junio. Son diez días para preparar a fondo la prueba más importante de 2ºBachillerato, ayudando a todos nuestros alumnos a obtener la mejor nota posible. 🌳 💻 Modalidad presencial y online 👉 ASIGNATURAS * MATEMÁTICAS CCSS * MATEMÁTICAS II * LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA * FÍSICA * QUÍMICA * INGLÉS * BIOLOGÍA 👉 PROGRAMA * GRUPOS REDUCIDOS * NÚMERO DE ASIGNATURAS A ELEGIR * 15H POR ASIGNATURA * CLASSES DE 1.30H * REPASO DE TODO EL TEMARIO * RESOLUCIÓN DE EJERCICIOS * SIMULACROS DE EXAMEN * GESTIÓN DEL TIEMPO * APOYO 12 HORAS AL DÍA * MOTIVACIÓN 👉 CALENDARIO 📆 Jueves 12 de Mayo. Comienzo del Primer Turno del Intensivo. Presentación de profesores y alumnos. 📆 Jueves 12/Mayo a Sábado 21/Mayo. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo. 📆 Lunes 23/Mayo. Comienzo del Segundo Turno del Intensivo. 📆 Lunes 23/Mayo a Jueves 2/Junio. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo (salvo Domingo 29/Mayo). 📆 Viernes 3/Junio. Taller de técnicas de relajación para todos los alumnos del Intensivo. 📆 Sábado 4/Junio a Jueves 9/Junio. Todos los profesores de Escuela Atlántida estarán disponibles para resolución de dudas vía whatsapp o email. 👉 PRECIOS El precio del curso intensivo varía en función del número de asignaturas elegidas: 1 ASIGNATURA 180€ 2 ASIGNATURAS 325€ 3 ASIGNATURAS 480€ 👉 INFO & INSCRIPCIONES Link en bio #evau #evau2022 https://ift.tt/BLfyAZk
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escuelaatlantida · 3 years
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¡Ya de están llenando las plazas de nuestro Intensivo de EvAU! Tenemos dos turnos, uno para cada convocatoria. Ambientazo, motivación, repaso completo, simulacros, apoyo 24 horas... Lo tenemos todo! Llevamos años ayudando al 100% de nuestros alumnos a sacar la mejor nota posible en Selectividad. Más info 👇 👉 ASIGNATURAS * MATEMÁTICAS CCSS * Matemáticas II (todo el temario) * Matemáticas II (salvo Geometría) * Matemáticas II (salvo Análisis) * LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA * FÍSICA * QUÍMICA * ECONOMÍA * INGLÉS * BIOLOGÍA 👉 PROGRAMA * MATEMÁTICAS CCSS * Matemáticas II (todo el temario) * Matemáticas II (salvo Geometría) * Matemáticas II (salvo Análisis) * LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA * FÍSICA * QUÍMICA * ECONOMÍA * INGLÉS * BIOLOGÍA 👉 CALENDARIO 📆 Martes 18 de Mayo. Comienzo del Primer Turno del Intensivo. Presentación de profesores y alumnos. 📆 Martes 18/Mayo a Jueves 28/Mayo. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo (salvo Domingo 23/Mayo). 📆 Lunes 24/Mayo. Comienzo del Segundo Turno del Intensivo. 📆 Lunes 24/Mayo a Jueves 3/Junio. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo (salvo Domingo 30/Mayo). 📆 Viernes 4/Junio. Taller de técnicas de relajación para todos los alumnos del Intensivo. 📆 Sábado 5/Junio a Jueves 10/Junio. Todos los profesores de Escuela Atlántida estarán disponibles para resolución de dudas vía whatsapp o email. 👉 PRECIOS El precio del curso intensivo varía en función del número de asignaturas elegidas: 1 ASIGNATURA 180€ 2 ASIGNATURAS 325€ 3 ASIGNATURAS 480€ 👉 INFO & INSCRIPCIONES Link en bio 💬 685 680 622 ☎️ 910 232 324 📫 [email protected] 🗺 Calle de Benavente, 8, 28220 Majadahonda https://ift.tt/2ReCEeJ
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escuelaatlantida · 3 years
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📚 INTENSIVO EVAU 2021 📚 ¿Quieres llegar a los exámenes con toda la confianza posible? Ya te puedes apuntar al Intensivo Selectividad (EvAU) 2021, donde hemos concentrado todas nuestras habilidades, técnicas, apoyo, programas y trucos para ayudar a nuestros alumnos a obtener la mejor nota posible en las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad y a llegar con seguridad y confianza a los tres días de exámenes. 👉 ASIGNATURAS * MATEMÁTICAS CCSS * Matemáticas II (todo el temario) * Matemáticas II (salvo Geometría) * Matemáticas II (salvo Análisis) * LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA * FÍSICA * QUÍMICA * ECONOMÍA * INGLÉS * BIOLOGÍA 👉 PROGRAMA GRUPOS REDUCIDOS NÚMERO DE ASIGNATURAS A ELEGIR 15H POR ASIGNATURA CLASSES DE 1.30H REPASO DE TODO EL TEMARIO RESOLUCIÓN DE EJERCICIOS SIMULACROS DE EXAMEN GESTIÓN DEL TIEMPO APOYO LAS 24 HORAS MOTIVACIÓN 👉 CALENDARIO 📆 Martes 18 de Mayo. Comienzo del Primer Turno del Intensivo. Presentación de profesores y alumnos. 📆 Martes 18/Mayo a Jueves 28/Mayo. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo (salvo Domingo 23/Mayo). 📆 Lunes 24/Mayo. Comienzo del Segundo Turno del Intensivo. 📆 Lunes 24/Mayo a Jueves 3/Junio. 10 Clases de 1h30m de duración (1 clase diaria) para cada una de las asignaturas del intensivo (salvo Domingo 30/Mayo). 📆 Viernes 4/Junio. Taller de técnicas de relajación para todos los alumnos del Intensivo. 📆 Sábado 5/Junio a Jueves 10/Junio. Todos los profesores de Escuela Atlántida estarán disponibles para resolución de dudas vía whatsapp o email. 👉 PRECIOS El precio del curso intensivo varía en función del número de asignaturas elegidas: 1 ASIGNATURA 180€ 2 ASIGNATURAS 325€ 3 ASIGNATURAS 480€ 👉 INFO & INSCRIPCIONES Link en bio 💬 685 680 622 ☎️ 910 232 324 📫 [email protected] 🗺 Calle de Benavente, 8, 28220 Majadahonda https://ift.tt/3fft6bv
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