[Happy Birthday to our fav hero, America!!! Fun fact nobody asked for, the 4th of July used to be Phil-Am friendship day and was a no school day God I wish they kept that last part]
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[Young Ame and 2p!Phil in matching uniforms from that doodle Himaruya posted]
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hetaliabrainrot · 4 years
Birthday boy!!
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purpnblue-notactive · 8 years
Dark King 1p!America x S/o
(this was actually really fun to write. Holy shit, I hope you guys enjoy it. -AdminBlue. P.s sorry it’s really late)
Your life used to be bright. You had dreams and reached for the future but before you could grasp the doorknob that could set you free...HE came around. Suddenly, you had chains around your wrists and ankles, your future far and unreachable from that moment on.
King Alfred, he ruled over your home land, the previous King died of old age and left everything to his Grandson. You didn’t think much of Alfred when he first became King, though as time went by, you grew to despise him. He started off so nice, so caring, a great kind. Then something changed, he became ruthless and cruel. You had assumed the power went to his head...maybe it did. If only for you.
Now, here you were, getting dressed up to walk down the aisle to marry this cruel man. Your family was in there, chains on their wrists. Alfred threatened to have them executed if you didn’t marry him. You weren’t selfish enough to just let them die because you didn’t want to marry him, you faintly heard the music begin to play. A maid led you out to double doors, slowly the opened and at the end of the Aisle you saw your future husband and the priest.
One step, You glanced over to see your family, your mother crying into your father’s arms as he kept his mouth shut. Your siblings had a look of fear in their eyes, for themselves or for you, you couldn’t be sure anymore. Second Step, You thought back to when you first personally met the King. Was that when he started to change? Alfred had actually snuck out to see the town and the people, you had accidentally bumped into him and, not realizing who he was, began to make friendly conversation with him. Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine steps. Alfred beamed as you were one step closer to being his. Ten steps, you stood in front of Your King, Your future Husband, and you forced a smile. The Priest began his speech as thoughts rushed through your mind, they all froze when he asked that dreadful question. You realized which door to your future you opened.
“I do.” You spoke calmly despite your scared demeanor.
You opened the door to your personal Hell.
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maplesocks-blog1 · 7 years
Versions of Human!AmeCan
(Personal Head!Cannons) 2p AmeCan - Rough Sex. Violent Fights. Cuddles. Dominance. Constant Power Struggle. BDSM. No Marriage. No Interest In Kids. Constant Fucking EVERWHERE. Bad For Eachother But Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way. Constant Fighting For “TOP” Position.
AmeCan: Cuddles. High School Romance. Tender Sex. No Fights. So many Cuddles. Soft Words Spoken Tenderly In Eachother’s Ears. Marriage. Probably Lots Of Kids. Breakfast In Bed. Sneaks Up On EachOther For Kisses. Lots Of Slow Dances. Neither Really “BOTTOM”.
Peaches N Cream: Teasing. Lazing About With Snuggles. Lots Of Teasing. Owns Cats. So Much Teasing. Shares Morning Coffee. Marriage. Lots Of Kids. Teasing Out The Wazoo. Lazy Mornings. Cuddles. Horror Film Nights. Dominating Sex. Snuggles. James Is Protective. James “TOPS”.
Organic Maple: Unhealthy. Long Talks. Gets A Lot of Cats. Gardens Together. Allen Cheats A Lot. Fights About Politics. No Children. Marriage. One-Sided Violence. Lots Of Strange Mornings. Rare Sex. Allen Is Protective. Shares Interest In Pancakes. Allen “TOPS”.
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deafseries · 4 years
Could you rate your favorite ships (im gonna guess that most of them have england in it)?
You fool...my favorite ship is 2pAmerica/1pAmerica. I love these funky lil guys. I love edgy/cheery ships so so much they make me 🥰🥰🥰🥰 this ship is a solid 10/10. I would write for it but idk if you guys wanna see it 
My second favorite is England/Russia. Gives me very much old men watching the news vibes...going on fancy dates...holding hands..wow!! 
UsUk is obviously high on the list too but not as high as it could be....as much as I love it now I used to hate it like 3 years ago and low key based my friend group around ppl who didnt like UsUk and I STILL HAVE...that friend group so I have to pretend I still dont like usuk LMFAOOO
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no-safe-workplace · 5 years
NSFW HCs for your version of 2pCanada, please? You've got me curious ovo
Ah yes. Nathan, the fuck boy, the man whore…. The clueless fucking virgin. I mean this in all the best ways possible, mind you.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nathan L. Vivian is my headcanon name for him. He’s not all silent and brooding as other people make him. He’s actually loud, cocky, very 1pAmerica like. Unlike Alfred, though, he’s absolutely clueless when it comes to sex. He acts like he has big dick energy and that he knows what he’s doin… He don’t. He really don’t. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~He’s got a big dick, don’t worry, it’s the ‘he knows what he’s doin’ part that’s very, very inaccurate. He’s clueless and due to that a very submissive top. He’ll bottom but will be shaky, and kinda pillow-prince-y. As a top, he would be matched almost perfectly with a power bottom. He’s basically just a soft boi who needs some love.
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How did 1p Prussia, 1pAmerica, and 2p England’s first kiss go like did they make the first move or did their s/o? Was it smooth or was it awkward? What where they thinking?did they keep kissing them afterwards? ect.
Prussia: Gilbert would make the first move. After years of being around Francis, he can tell 99% of the time when someone is ready for a kiss. He would wait for that moment and then swoop in! The kiss would be short and sweet. He would then break to make sure the other was ok. Gilbert would want to continue, but he will leave that up to his s/o.
America: He made the move. He leaned in close, looked at their lips, then back to their eyes. He wants to make sure the kiss is wanted first. When he receives a nod of the other moves in, then he will start the kiss. It would be soft and light as the lips tenderly meeting each other for the first time. When they break, Alfred will have a wide smile on his face and be ecstatic. He would immediately move in for another, and another, and another. It would be surprisingly smooth, that is until Alfred gets too excited and accidentally bumps their nose.
2p England: He would want to kiss his s/o on the lips soon after the 3rd date, but being a pure cinnamon roll that he is, he would not make the first move. His s/o would have to lean in or surprise kiss him first for Oliver to move in and respond. After the first one, Oliver would be blushing a million shades of red, but would have a big smile on his face. Oliver would them proceed to kiss every feature on his s/o’s face before going back to the lips,
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This is Canon I would know I'm right here
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Souvenir from New York, didn't know Lika got some too ^_^
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How would 1PAmerica and 1PEngland individualy react to their s/o losing their memory in an accident and not knowing they are just friends? When they visit them at the hospital and they ask:"Who are you?"
America: he'll ask "don't you remember me?" many times before telling you that you were his partner/girlfriend/boyfriend. He'll tell of the memories you two had and cry a bit about how you don't remember. He'll do this to manipulate you and (not so) hopefully things will work out.England: would do about the same with an "I'm your boyfriend, love. Can't you remember?" He'll be gentle though and won't cry. He'll tell you of your memories together and say how sorry he is that he wasn't able to protect you. He'll also tell you that you two kept your relationship a secret as well just incase others call bullshit. He'll keep by you the whole time at the hospital
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werewolftalia · 7 years
Did you ever get my ask about America protecting his s/o from other alphas?
I’m afraid I did not! Sorry! I don’t really know if you want headcanons or a scenario, so I did both.
Headcanons:- It doesn’t matter how many injuries he takes, he’s going to protect his s/o no matter what.- If the attacker tried to hurt you, they’re going to leave with a limp and lots of bleeding.- If the attacker succeeded in hurting you, even slightly, they’re not leaving at all.- Don’t forget how powerful Alfred really is, especially in his wolf form.- Makes sure your 100% okay afterword, whether or not you actually got hurt.
Scenario: Alfred was simply hunting, minding his own business, until he heard a scream. Your scream, to be exact. He barreled over to where he heard the noise come. There they were, his lover, about to be attacked by a wolf that looked to be a lot bigger than you. Just as the large animal was about to bite you, Alfred jumped in the way, bringing his sharp claws down on the wolf’s head. The wolf was surprised by the sudden change in events, and could barely get out a whisper before Alfred went on the offensive. Alfred was mercilessly biting, clawing, and scratching your attacker as you watched in shock. You yelled for Alfred to stop, which he did after what you were screaming at him clicked in. The other wolf was bleeding terribly and barely had one working eye by the time Alfred had stopped his attacks. You nuzzled Alfred’s neck and slowly got him away from the hurt wolf, whom had been trying and failing to stand. Alfred had plenty of scratches on him from the fight, but
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oneletterwrites · 8 years
hi! I was wondering (since you like 2pX1p) if you knew the name/had a link to a 1pAmerica X 2pAmerica fic i can't seem to find. it's set in a kinda-Cardverse setting with shapeshifters in Allen/Tommys kingdom (I'm not sure which name is used) and Allen has wings. Alfred is a prince from another kingdom who meets him at a ball and after alfreds dad (Arthur I think) sends hi to live with Allen for a year becuase that's how they court. Alfred is scared of thunder too. thank you for any help!!
Read it here on FFnet or AO3! Ah I’m happy you liked it :D It was really fun to plot it out
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purpnblue-notactive · 7 years
Could you please tell me how would 1PAmerica react to sending his crush a love letter that says "Meet me at 8 if you feel the same way and want to date" and then they don't show up. Only to later realize that they just can't get pm and am straight and where there 12 hours later? Thank you very much :3
Honestly, Alfred will be relieved to know they do feel the same and he wasn't just humiliated and stood up. He'll use this moment as an on going joke even when his s/o points out that he didn't even specify whether to meet at A.m or P.m in his letter anyways. This will be a great story to tell their kids and friends.
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1PAmericas and 2pAmericas reaction to their female s/o lifting her shirt and putting it over the America's head so they have her boobs in their face please ❤️
America: Depends, if he is playing games, to distracted to notice. If he isn’t his face will light up like Christmas and play with them
2p America: LOVES IT! Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, why don’t you bring those two beauties closer? proceeds to motorboat
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[Poorly edited memes pt. 2 for the gays]
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purpnblue-notactive · 8 years
1PAmerica and 2PAmerica reacting to their crush who crushed (lol!) at their place and goes to the fridge naked below the shirt because they are put of underwear
1p!America: He’s gonna get hard but either he will have the confidence to try and put the moves on his crush or runs to the bathroom to take care of the problem
2p!America: He’s going to put the moves on his crush and hopefully this will end with the two of them finally getting together.
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