#2: lacey/rumpelstiltskin
kelyon · 4 months
Tell us something about the old fandom days?
Have you ever heard the legend of the Chipped Dagger fandom?
Back in the day, when season 2 was airing, both Rumpelstiltskin's dagger and the chipped cup were having a rough time. They were being stolen, broken, threatened--it's a hard life for inanimate objects.
Apparently, during a livestream (probably the ancient and storied Rumbelle Movie Club) the topic was brought up of how Rumple could go about protecting his most important possessions. The answer the hivemind eventually came up with was to turn them human. The dagger and the cup would have agency to protect themselves (and each other). They could run and hide from attackers. At the very least, Chip could fall moderate distances without shattering.
Somehow, the names we decided on were Chip and Dax. They were kind of a mirror of Rumbelle. Chip was an ultra-femme ray of sunshine and Dax was a living weapon. I think somebody had the idea that Dax had all the dagger etchings tattooed on his back. Chip was blonde and had a chipped tooth.
I want to put into context that the original airing of season 2 had a lot of "mini-hiatuses." Because of award shows and sports, there would be two or three week breaks between episodes. They fixed that in later seasons by having the half-season arcs and a several-month break between fall and spring. I bring this up because we were all suffering from hiatus brain. Belle would get shot at the end of one episode and we'd have a collective panic attack for two weeks before the next episode where it's revealed that her memories are gone and the chipped cup means NOTHING to her and SHE BROKE IT!!
We were looking for any way to make things better.
I don't recall any plots involving Chip and Dax. They didn't go off to fight crime or anything. But there was fanart, and some fics, which I may or may not have contributed to. It was always kind of hazy how romantic the pairing was. Chip was always portrayed as childlike, even though she's a teacup that's at least 28+ years old, and Dax is an ancient symbol of all the dark magic in the world. Usually he was her protector.
Like I said, they were kind of a mirror of their owners. I read somewhere that the animal sidekicks in fairy tales represent the hero's subconscious. (The animals in Snow White are suspicious of the old crone as soon as they see her. The castle objects in Beauty and the Beast are looking for love even when the Beast himself has fallen into despair.) Chipped Dagger came at a very uncertain time for Rumbelle. We were going through amnesia and Lacey and "well, I'll just have to kill him." It was nice to have something that was happier, more wholesome, less complicated. Just a ray of sunshine and her protective stormcloud.
That was what we really wanted at the time.
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deliriumsdelight7 · 1 year
You can take one thing you've written, snap your fingers and with only a thought fix all the little things that went wrong, finish it, or fix the major things you wish you'd done but couldn't... or anything else. What fic would you choose, why, and what would you do to it? I guess that's a lot of question. Sorry. :)
I love this question!
So… I have this oneshot that wasn’t supposed to be a oneshot, but I wrote the first chapter and then realized that the fic as a whole was too ambitious for me, so I marked it complete. The fic is called “Between Two Hearts,” and the original plan was supposed to be sort of a butterfly-effect of how season 2 would have changed if Cora survived The Miller’s Daughter (AS SHE SHOULD HAVE) and gotten her heart back. Now Regina wouldn’t be on the warpath, Snow wouldn’t have blackened her heart, Belle would still have amnesia because Regina wouldn’t have angrily cursed her to be Lacey… and Cora now is free to love her daughter as she never did.
Add to this a Rumbelle/Golden Heart love triangle. With her heart back, all of Cora’s feelings for Rumplestiltskin have returned, but she’s still very much the ambitious woman who will do anything for power. On the other side of the coin is Belle, who - although still kind and good - doesn’t remember her feelings for Rumpelstiltskin and is still sort of put-off by him. Rumpelstiltskin has to choose between being loved for the dark wizard he is (and possibly losing his son AGAIN in the process) or trying to be a good man and woo Belle with the risk that maybe she won’t fall for him this time around.
It’s a story with a LOT of moving parts, and is honestly more than I can handle. But I’d love to see it magically finished.
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lenific · 4 years
For @thestraggletag
Prompt from @rumbelleprompts.
Author's note: This was supposed to be angsty. Just keep in mind that they're cursed. :)
He must have dozed off. Between one eye blink and the next, Lacey had stepped into her surviving clothes and was currently using his brush to untangle her hair.
Personal boundaries were a vague concept in her life.
How well had he taken advantage of the fact, once upon a time.
(Had it really been a few months ago?)
Rolling to his side, he claimed back the pillow she'd abandoned and yawned.
"Leaving so soon, Mrs. Gold?"
Lacey paused, looking over her shoulder. "I never changed my name while we were married. Why call me that now?"
"It might not be legal, but in spirit you deserve it." Gold shrugged. "Believe me, sweetheart. I don't have particularly fond memories of that name."
Lacey rolled her eyes. "Oh, please." With a shake of her head, she pointed the hairbrush handle at him. "Don't try that poor orphan routine with me. When you proposed, you cheerfully gave a lack of mothers-in-law as a good reason to marry you."
"My mother," he corrected. "I'm sure yours was terrific. Not bashing your father with heavy objects is surely a sign of sainthood."
'She was..." Her brow furrowed, the memories hard to access across the years. "A stickler to manners. The real thing. No shams."
Both chuckled.
"God. She'd have hated you."
Gold nodded. "A sign of good judgement. Truly an exemplary woman."
"You're such a charmer." Lacey was smiling, though. "Makes a girl wonder why she'd divorce you."
He laughed. "I'm still wondering why you married me in the first place, Lace."
"Your mom is dead. Didn't we just settle that?"
"One thing to thank her for," he pointed out.
"And you're rich," she added helpfully.
"Of course." He poked her hip with his toes, laughing when she tapped his foot with the brush. "One of these days I'll discover the receipts of all the jewels and properties you've squirreled away, and I'll be destitute."
Lacey's hand travelled to the thin chain under her shirt, and the golden ring it carried. "One property, Gold. Still my favorite birthday present."
His grin turned wolfish. "Your gratefulness was well noted, my dear. Even now I have a fondness for libraries." He sat up to reach over and pull her closer. Lacey came along without complaint. "Might have to pay another visit soon."
Lacey shrugged. "Just pay attention to closing hours this time, you awful man."
"I make no promises." He kissed her shoulder. "I do enjoy overstaying my welcome."
"Well, I don't," Lacey said, and tried to tug herself away. "This is fun, you and I. But there's a reason we're not married anymore."
A reason, yes.
Gold was certain it was a very reasonable one.
He didn't feel like releasing her yet, anyway. "As you wish, Mrs. Gold," and he kissed her hand to punctuate the sentiment.
Lacey huffed. "Seriously, don't call me that. What will it take, a second marriage?"
"Ah, ah. But Lace..." He hauled her giggling form against his chest. "Where will you find a richer husband than I?"
She snorted. "With the settlement I got from my first, who needs one anyway?"
Gold rewarded those words with a kiss at her shoulder. "Is that the only thing you get from him, dearest?"
Lacey turned to face him, placing her hands at his cheeks. "The only thing I can admit to in public," she said.
And then she kissed him.
The end
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Slytherin A to Z Stories ~ E
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The Snakes of HPFT are proud to present our very own ‘A to Z’ Stories series, featuring all of the amazingly talented Slytherin Authors from the @hpfanfictalk Archives!  This series includes 31 Slytherin authors in total, with 60+ of our best stories, all covered by 6 of our amazing artists.  We will be going through the entire alphabet, highlighting a few stories that begin with each letter, and every fic will get its very own Picspam graphic made by one of our talented Snake artists to accompany it.  So be sure to check back in here every so often over the next few months, so that you can catch all 26 letters of the Slytherin A to Z alphabet!
Slytherins say the letter E is for...
- the Edge of Oblivion, a collaborative story by the members of Slytherin House
coauthors include: starbuck, Rumpelstiltskin, juls, Lacey Black, crestwood, M.C. Crocker, Finefrenzy_, & Bunbury
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picspam graphic by Finefrenzy_ @HPFT
Rating: M for Mature Category: Harry Potter Fanfiction Era: Next Generation/Second Wizarding War Story Type: 2019 Collab | Round # 2  [Completed] Pairings: None Summary: Decades past the war, a mysterious illness poses a new and terrifying threat to the Wizarding world. With the world on the brink of a   devastating pandemic, with sickness and death claiming victims at every turn, will they find a cure in time?
- Epitaphs and Eulogies by CelticDreamer7
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picspam graphic by MrsDarcy @HPFT
Rating:T for Teen Category:Harry Potter Fanfiction Era: Alternate Universe Story Type: One-Shot Pairings: None Summary:  The darkness of death and the sorrow of lost has touched us all throughout time.  Some more than others.  How you deal with the darkness defines you most of all.  Moving forward takes time and courage.  The following are accounts of those who found the strength to carry on.
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piracytheorist · 6 years
47, 33, 29, 2, I also want to read your salt!
2.Which storyline do you pretend never happened?
Ha. Lots. Certainly the Wish Emma bullshit. I do have a vague idea of a version of Wish Emma in my mind, but it’s certainly far from the crap the show tried to pull. It’s obvious that at that point the writers themselves didn’t give a crap about characterization, since they kept jumping from “it’s real” to “it’s not real and it’s not how Emma would’ve grown up if she had loving parents” after fans naturally complained about it, so why should I? And I admit the only reason I haven’t fully deleted it from my mind and instead built a more rational, far less problematic depiction of her is because I fell in love with Wish Hook and wanted to make the Wish Realm make a bit more sense in my mind.
But also the Split Queen arc. I couldn’t be bothered enough with it to watch it fully, let alone start fixing it in my mind. Also Liam being a mass murderer, the whole Rumpelstiltskin/Hook friendship thing, Emma becoming... that in season 6, Henry’s mission to destroy magic in the s5 finale, most possibly Robin I’s death... off the top of my mind. Heh. It’s funny that all of them are from s5 on.
29. Which character did the show eventually make you hate?
Rumpelstiltskin. He was an amazing, complex villain, with lots of interesting dynamics with pretty much everyone - Emma, Regina, Cora, Killian, Baelfire, Henry, heck, even David... and while I think he could have joined the “heroes” side as the kinda reluctant anti-hero... which is probably why I enjoyed the Lacey storyline so much. If his love interest wasn’t the true Belle but someone like Lacey... you could have had this not-exactly-evil but also not-exactly-super-heroic couple, who would help the “heroes” every now and then without ping-pong-ing between Big Bad and Hero of the Day. But they had to remove all the grey-ness of his character and so many things that made him him, and have Belle nearly threaten him into turning into the good guy he can’t be... and eventually had not one (Belle), not two (Baelfire), not three (Alice) but four (Wish Killian) characters turn into his morality pets, with very little concern about the final development and resolution of those characters’ storylines.
And because he killed Milah twice and the show not only completely forgot about her, but also made Killian be thankful to him. Like, how’s that fair?
33. Worst CGI?
LOL it’s easier to answer which is the best CGI, since it’s that rare in the show, haha (and yes I have an answer to that and it’s Alice’s Troll). The garden gnome in 7x07 is despicable and only listening to Killian singing saves the scene for me, the scene in 2x06 where Anton is holding Emma in his hand is also so cringe-worthy...
47. Bonus: Rant about something
August didn’t deserve any of his later fame, and I fucking hate that Henry was supposed to have “borrowed” his motorcycle. That asshole owed Emma 20 thousand bucks. He wasn’t a friend of Emma’s. He used her, abandoned her, convinced her first love to send her to jail... and at the end he went like “Please believe in magic or I’ll turn into wood!” ... yeah, suits you right, fucker. Giving him a personal time bomb that pushed him to have Emma believe, when he barely gave a fuck about her before that was probably the worst writing decision they could have done to his character... add to that the fact that he sent her to jail and stole her money, the fact that he was later called “Emma’s only friend”, or whatever the fuck was that that he was supposed to have done in the flashbacks of 6x11... fuck you. Fuck him. A bit pointless trying to ret-con the character who ruined your protagonist’s life instead of facing the problems of his character directly, but hey, it’s A&E we’re talking about.
Salty asks list.
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dancingships · 7 years
CaptainSwan is more Toxic than Rumbelle DEBUNKED
I honestly don’t care if you ship Rumbelle. I will never understand why because as much as you want to justify it away the hard truth is that the ship is problematic and always has been. However, I draw the line when people come at me calling CaptainSwan toxic, call me names & then try to make things up to where Killian is worse than Rumple.
It’s almost as if Rumbelle, EvilRegal and Swanqueen don’t watch the show? Get out of your fanfic, your head cannon, and open your eyes.
Charge #1: Killian lied to get Emma to sleep with him.
Case 1: He lied about helping Bae.
Rebuttal: When? The only discussion I recall them having was Killian admitting Bae/Neal was with him for a time. He also brushed off Emma’s accusation of him being sentimental over keeping his sword. Furthermore, Emma witnessed what Killian *did* do for Bae... instead of keeping his existence a secret like Pan thought he would, Hook helped them find him. By the time they reached Neverland, Hook’s heart was already softening. In the past, he’d made choices that hurt others because the only thing that mattered was his revenge but I think he always did care for Bae. Otherwise he wouldn’t have kept the sword or treasured his memories of young Bae.
I’m not sure if Emma knows Hook gave Bae to Pan but Emma does realize that Hook was a villain. She didn’t even allow her walls to come down even an inch until she realized there was still goodness in his heart.
Also, if Hook was going to use Bae as a way to get Emma into bed then why did he aide them in bringing Bae back from the dead? Cause that sure as hell blocked him from getting into her pants. Case dismissed.
Side note: Funny how Belle has tried so hard to get Rumple to choose good over evil but the poor thing fails every time.
Case 2: He lied about helping Ariel and Eric.
Rebuttal: No, he really didn’t.
Killian: No, it was Ariel. She never stopped believing.
He credited Ariel. If you were expecting him to come completely clean then you must want Henry dead. Did you forget that Zelena had backed him into a corner? Had he mentioned that Ariel was really Zelena in disguise he’d have put Henry in more danger. The truth did come out eventually as they find out that he’s cursed. Case dismissed.
RBer Counter Charge #1: Rumple never lied to Belle to get her into bed
You may seriously want to rethink using that argument.
Case #1: Rumple used a fake dagger to propose to Belle.
And yes, my dearies, it was a fake dagger! Rumple had switched them so that Regina ended up with the fake dagger. He tells this to Zelena in 3x20. Killian handed Belle a fake dagger.
Then the season 4 opener clenches it.
Rumple 4x01: And now, through Belle, there's love in my life again. And once more,  I've started it with a lie. She thinks she has the real dagger. I only lied to her in order to avenge your death.
Sorry. But. Rumple did lie to Belle to get her to accept his proposal and get her into his bed.
Case #2: He lied about Milah
I wonder if Belle would have stayed with him if she knew he was a wife killer?
No wonder she was always afraid of him. He killed his first wife for defying him and daring to leave him for another man. Why not Belle? He certainly got most possessive over her when she tried to date other men but more on that later.
Case #3: Rumple planned to lie to Belle about being a hero.
During the “Shattered Sight Curse”. Rumple had planned to take Belle & Henry to New York. Upon arriving, he figured he would simply tell them he did all he could, tried to be a hero, but in the end he was only able to save Belle and Henry.
I am pretty sure he thought this lie would get Belle into his bed and keep her there.
Also it’s worthy to note that Rumple put Belle to sleep during this so she would not interfere with his plans. More on that below.
Case #4: Rumple failed to tell Belle that he was the Dark One again in S5.
And before you say we don’t know if she would have slept with him or not, uh, yes we do. Because when she finds out in the Under World she rejects him. The only thing she’s ever wanted was for him to accept the goodness inside of him. She didn’t want to watch him be a slave to the darkness and use his powers to ruin the lives of others to suite his own needs. Yet he continued to choose his powers over her.
So yes, this was a rape by deception because he wasn’t revealing his true identity = the Dark One. Belle would not have stayed with him had she known.
Charge #2: Killian treats Emma like an object.
Case #1: “You’re nothing but an anchor.” (5.10)
Rebuttal #1: I love how they only have a few episodes to use against Dark One Killian but we literally have 6 seasons worth of crap to pile onto Rumple.
And yes, I will blame Dark One Rumple for every one of them because Rumple continues to choose the darkness. The darkness was forced on Killian, Killian was consumed for an episode or two and after he sacrificed himself he never sought the power again. There is also a stark difference between reformed Hook before AND after his transformation into the Dark One. Also, we’re seeing Hook first consumed vs Gold who has had 300 years to get control over the darkness where he control it instead of the other way around. In these episodes the darkness is controlling Hook. There’s your difference between the two.
Also, we see Killian’s remorse over what he allowed to happen as the Dark One. He wouldn’t even let Emma kiss him because he didn’t feel like he measured up.
So no, Killian Jones does not think Emma Swan is an anchor.
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Rebuttal #2: Would a man who saw a woman as an anchor, as an object, say this? He was even angry and insulted at David’s accusation.
Rebuttal #3: Also, when Killian wants to propose to Emma he goes to David for his BLESSING not his permission. Because as they both know, the answer is up to Emma. Emma has always been in charge of this relationship. Killian goes to David for his BLESSING out of respect to both Emma and her father.
RBer Counter Charge #2: Rumple never thought of Belle as an object! He always acknowledged her agency!
You gotta laugh at this. When did Rumple ever give Belle a choice? Ok, maybe that one time in S6 when he decided against forcing a magical potion on her that might help him save his son. But other than that? Lets review.
Case #1: Rumple lumps her in with his power
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His power, his dagger, is a possession as much as Belle is. He is determined to “have both of them” even if “one of them” doesn’t want him.
Case #2: Rumple literally took her as payment.
1x12 Rumpelstiltskin: Ah… No. You see, um… I, uh, make gold. What I want is something a bit more special. My price…is her.
Hey, if you can use Dark One Hook, whom was completely different toward Emma than anything we’d ever seen before, I can use S1.
Case #3: Belle was Rumple’s chess piece.
This instance ties into several points I will make below but yes, Rumple makes Belle’s choices for her.
“Shattered Sight Curse”: He put her under a sleeping curse so she would not interfere with his plans. He chose her fate for her in S4 AU and in S6 when he imprisoned her and in the S6 finale.
Charge #3: Killian touches Emma against her will.
Case #1: Up the Beanstalk.
Rebuttal: Context. As they’re going up the beanstalk, Hook proves he’s already read Emma like an open book. When she grabs Hook to keep him from falling into the trap, he’s having a bit of fun with her, he’s flirting, because he knows she feels an attraction for him. She even confirms this when she says she “can’t afford to be wrong about him”. She knows he’s being sincere with her but she’s afraid to trust.
The thing that sets Killian apart from Rumple is that when he gets the hint, he gets the hint. He backed off. He let her go. And he didn’t touch her again. The next time they touch he’s offering his hand to her & she cuffs him.
Case #2: Killian followed her into the street and grabbed her with his hook.
Rebuttal: Wow I didn’t know getting someone’s attention was so wrong! Never mind that she was stopping. Never mind that she did NOT pull away. No, she stood there and told him that she was afraid to lose him. So no, this is not an instance of her not wanting to be touched by him. This is an instance of Killian trying to scale her walls and she willingly lets him see into her fear and takes his comfort.
Case #3: That time in S4 when she literally pulled away (talking to her parents)
Rebuttal: You’re reaching again. Literally. Killian was trying to comfort her. It’s a normal reaction from someone who isn’t in the mood to be comforted. Notice how he did NOT force the connection on her? He took her signal and obeyed. Too bad for you CS haters that she was melting in his arms in the next scene as she sought his comfort.
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RBer Counter Charge #3: Rumple never touched Belle against her will!
You guys have really got to start watching this show!
Case #1: Lacey. Belle didn’t want anything to do with Rumple.
Belle was trying to date someone new! But he was literally badgering her to death to get her to go on dates with him. Which resulted in this:
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Belle literally flinched at his last touch there! Killian respects Emma’s wishes. Rumple can’t take a hint!
Case #2: When Rumple posed as Killian 4x15
Prior to this, Belle has sent Rumple away because he’s once more chosen to take back the dark one power thereby choosing darkness over her. She was also starting to date Will and Rumple was jealous.
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This scene is uncomfortable to watch. Belle has accepted Killian as a friend at this point and we know she trusts him now. She’s seen the change in him not only from what he says but from what he does. And yet, she looks so uncomfortable when Killian (Rumple) touches her. So not only does she feel awkward about Killian touching her but we KNOW she does not NOT want Rumple touching her at this moment. She’s already stated that she wants nothing to do with Rumple.
In fact. She’s scared of him. More of this below.
Case #3: The Season 4 Finale.
This is completely non-consensual. Prior to this, Belle had been seeing Will & wanted nothing to do w/Rumple. Rumple had Isaac write him a happy ending with Belle as his wife again. Belle has 0 memories of rejecting him.
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SIDE NOTE (and speculation): They had a baby in this AU. They were married. Rumple had Isaac write this life for him. If... IF... they had sex during this time then Rumple most definitely raped Belle. Wish Isaac’s help. And I think we can assume they did have sex since I’m pretty sure they weren’t rescued from this AU in under 24 hours.
Case #4: That time Rumple shook Belle.
Also that time he screamed and shook Belle for trying a TLK... pretty sure hands were involved there too. P.S. Rumbelle True Love Status DENIED. And it was denied because Rumple did reject it.
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Case #5: Season 5 Sleeping Curse Kiss
Here we have Belle who has just entered a sleeping curse. A curse Rumple can't wake her from b/c she isn't his true love. She's rejected him again at this point because he once more chose to keep the darkness & lied about it. I'm pretty sure she didn't consent.
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Case #6: When Rumple put Belle under a sleeping curse in S4
More of that below but I’m also pretty sure any touching here was also non-consensual.
Charge #4: Killian has locked Emma up and his intentions were not pure!
Case #1: Hook locked Emma up in 2.9
Rebuttal: Hook didn’t lock Emma up. Cora did via Aurora’s heart.
Never mind that at that point they were still enemies. They were not together. Emma had just left him chained in the Giant’s treasure vault.
But lets look at the context of this scene anyway. Hook agreed to help Emma obtain the compass she needed to get back to Storybrooke. He was fully committed to Emma & only Emma. We know this because she uses her super powers on him and finds him to be truthful.
I can’t take a chance I’m wrong about you.
Emma was afraid to trust because of what being in the foster care has done to her as well as Neal’s betrayal. Her fear and hesitation are understandable.
So is Hook’s response. He works by a code and she broke that code. He knew they’d made a connection and she betrayed him. He’s angry. Of course he left her there & went with the woman who would help him get his revenge.
Our Killian hasn’t locked Emma up anywhere.
Case #2: Killian kept the shears so that he could decide her destiny
Rebuttal: No, he kept the shears so they wouldn't lose the one thing that could save her. I’m sorry, when did he say he would use them against her will?
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There has never been a moment where our Killian forced his will on Emma. He has left every single move in their relationship up to her. She kissed him first. She asked him out first. She asked him to move in. Hell, she practically proposed to him first since she found the ring and couldn’t wait to be engaged to him.
Killian Jones was not going to use the daggers on Emma Swan against her will. Case dismissed.
Case #3: Dark One Hook locked Emma in her house
I’m sorry when? The only instance we can come up with to when Emma was “locked” in a house is when her family didn’t invite her to go with them. ::throws this case out::
RBer Counter Charge #4: Rumple is justified in what he does to Belle. He does it to protect her. His intentions are good.
I’m sorry that’s victim blaming and justifying abuse. He removes Belle’s ability to choose for herself. She is quite literally his prisoner.
But lets go ahead and visit all of the instances Rumple locked Belle away. His abuse doesn’t just span 10 episodes where he was first consumed by darkness like Killian. Rumple’s abuse spans all six seasons.
Case #1: After Belle attempt true love’s kiss
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She is awarded by being once more tossed into a cell. After being screamed at.
Remember the first night she was there? Yeah he brought her pillow. How sweet. Oh wait, no, it was to muffle her cries.
Case #2: Rumple forces her to watch him nearly kill a man
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Case #3: Once more, the sleeping curse in S4
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4x11: Mr Gold: Don't be  ridiculous, dearie. When Belle and Henry wake up tomorrow morning in New York City, they won't remember a thing about tonight. I'll tell then the Snow Queen destroyed Storybrooke, whilst I saved everyone I could. I won't be a villain. I'll be a hero.
Case #4: The Jolly Roger
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Rumple thought he could make Belle love him out of necessity.
Case #5: The bracelet.
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Belle: You call this love?  ... Next time, I will run so fast and so far that you will never even set eyes on this child. Rumple: Let me remind you, dearie, that Rumplestiltskin takes children, not the other way 'round.
Case #6: He locked her up in his library once
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Three of these cases happened AFTER they were together. What does that say about Rumbelle? Hm?
Charge #5: Killian always puts Emma down.
Case #1: “You’ll always be an orphan”  “Blonde distraction”
Rebuttal: More Dark One Hook, huh? It’s almost as if you can’t find instances where Killian has put Emma down... right... because you can’t. 
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Above photo credit goes to Rhylee.
Once again, we know Dark CaptainSwan wasn’t the healthiest. They were hot together but not necessarily healthy. HOWEVER the thing that separates them from Rumbelle is that they learned from their mistakes and moved on.
You’ve never seen Killian put Emma down before or after being consumed by ultimate evil. Even when they were enemies Killian was in awe of her.
And one has to remember that Killian was most certainly horrified at what he did as the Dark One. Killian was ready to pay penance. He thought his torture was justified. He didn’t think he was good enough for Emma. He was going to stay in the Under World and pay for it all. Until he realized that he’d paid the ultimate price and that Emma also deserved that future she wanted.
Case #2: “Vulnerability isn’t your strong suit.”  
Rebuttal: This was apparently 6x02 and not even an insult.
Emma: I have an appointment with Archie. Killian: Ah, you're still gonna see the cricket? I'm impressed. Emma: Did you think I was gonna back out? Killian: Well, you know, being vulnerable isn't exactly your strong suit. Emma: You're right. We've been through a lot. Can't hurt to talk about it. Kilian: I'm glad to hear it, love.
His last line gives us the proper context here. He knows Emma has problems letting down her walls. He’s just happy she’s getting help.
RBer Counter Charge #5: Rumple has always respected Belle!
Every charge I’ve brought against him above says otherwise. Locking her up, touching her without consent and treating her as an object is respect?
But hey, lets throw some more into the mix!
Case #1: Season 3 finale Rumple laughs at Belle being the hired help
Case #2: Rumple likes Belle blissfully ignorant.
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Case #3: “You read too many books, dearie! Maybe that’ll stop filling your head with poisonous thoughts! .... You foolish, gullible girl!”
Case #4: “And because this is YOUR FAULT, you get to come with me and watch, and know as the blood drops from his carcass it’ll be you and your rags to wipe it up!”
Thinks of her as nothing but a maid! How romantic!
Charge #6: Killian chooses power over Emma and her son
Case #1: Killian stole Emma’s magic
I’m sorry, when did Killian steal Emma’s magic? Please do not tell me Rumbellers use that time Zelena cursed Killian’s lips so that SHE could steal Emma’s magic?
Killian was doing all that he could to keep Emma from losing her powers. When Emma kissed him, to save his life, she knew what was going to happen.
Killian did not steal her powers. In order for one to steal something, they have to 1) want the item being stolen (which Killian didn’t) and 2) the one doing the taking (which he wasn’t, Zelena was).
Case #2: Dark Hook stole her memories and sent her family to hell.
Rebuttal: Oh you mean like that time Rumple took Belle’s memories in S4AU, forced her to be his wife and then condemned her friends to death? How about when he beat her father and killed her fiance?
Once again, this is more Dark One Hook. Also, you missed the part where Killian did not send Henry to hell. He was able to overcome the darkness and he won. And he didn’t look back.
Case #3: Dark Hook was going to kill Emma.
Rebuttal: Um. Emma was immortal...
RBer Counter Charge #6: Rumple has spent 40 years trying to get rid of the power! He’s never chosen the power over Belle or his sons!
I swear what show do they watch?
Case #1: Coward Rumple refuses to give up his power and loses Bae
Rumpelstiltskin: Where are we going, boy? What kind of world is this we’re going to? What kind of world is without magic? Baelfire: A better one. (Baelfire pulls out the magic bean and throws it on the ground. A green vortex forms in the ground.) Rumpelstiltskin: My gods, boy! It’s like a tornado! Baelfire: We have to go through it! Rumpelstiltskin: No, no! I don’t think I can! Baelfire: We must! It’s the only way! Rumpelstiltskin: No, no, no, no, no, no! It’s a trick! It’ll tear us apart! Baelfire: It’s not! It’ll be okay! I promise! (Baelfire gets pulled down towards the vortex. Rumpelstiltskin hangs on to him.) Baelfire: Papa! We have to go through! What are you doing? Papa! It won’t stay open long! Let go! Rumpelstiltskin: I can’t! I can’t! Baelfire: Papa, please! It’s the only way we can be together! Rumpelstiltskin: No, Bae! I can’t! Baelfire: Papa, please! Rumpelstiltskin: I can’t! B aelfire: You coward! You promised! Don’t break our deal! Rumpelstiltskin: I have to! Baelfire: Papa!
Case #2: The dagger literally tells Belle what Rumple loves
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Rumple might have been trying to rid himself of the dagger but he did not want to rid himself of his power. He just didn’t want to be chained to the dagger anymore. The dagger left him vulnerable. His power made him a brave coward.
Case #3: 1x12 Rumple: “My power means more to me than you”
True Loves Kiss DENIED.
Case #4: Rumple always chooses himself
4x10 Mr Gold: I don't have  time for everyone else. And if I have to choose between everyone else and me... "Me" wins every time. 
Charge #7: Rumple has made Belle afraid of him.
Belle has feared Rumple. And this right here just pushes this ship over the edge.
Case #1: Season 4 after she banishes Rumple
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Case #2: S6x09: A scared Belle literally runs away from Gold
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He’s trying to force his will on her again. He was about to do it. And she was legitimately scared of him.
Charge #8: Everything Killian has done is ten times worse than Rumple.
Defense #1: Rumple’s intentions are pure.
Rebuttal: No, Rumple’s intentions really aren’t.
The evidence against Killian all stems from Dark One Hook & not the Killian we ship with Emma. Yes, the dark powers re-awoke Hook’s thirst for revenge. But there is an obvious change in his character from who he was in Camelot, to becoming the dark one then to who he was in the UW. Most importantly he showed remorse and never tried to regain the power again. He grew. He moved on.
Rumple’s intentions were not pure in S4 when he planned to leave everyone to die except Henry & Belle. He planned to make them believe he was some kind of hero. Belle didn’t even want to go with him. And Henry wouldn’t have wanted to leave his mothers to die.
Rumple’s intentions were not pure when he told Isaac to create him his perfect life in the Season 4 finale. He once more decided Belle’s fate for her and sent everyone else to live a cursed life without love.
His intentions were not pure when he locked Belle on the Jolly Roger or forced  tracking bracelet on her. Yes, it was to protect his child but he did it at the expense of his wife’s mental health and ended up endangering them. He did it because he thought he could make her love him out of necessity.
Rumple’s intentions were not pure in Season 6 when he lied to all of them about the Black Fairy. He was forcing Belle into another life he created and condemning everyone else to a horrible fate.
Bottom line is: We don’t ship Dark Hook with Emma Swan. Killian Jones fought the darkness and won and he never looked back. He chose Emma over the darkness.
However Rumple’s abuse spans over all 6 seasons and he never once learns to let go of the darkness and be a better man.
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thornfield13713 · 8 years
5 hcs about an au where Belle is a boy (you already did female rumple)
So I did - I’m assuming that you don’t want the role-reversal aspect as well, so here goes. Also - I have a personal grudge against the name ‘Beau’, and, in any case, it sounds a bit too modern for the character. I may use it for this world’s ‘Lacey’ equivalent, who….well, if canon!Lacey was Rizzo from Grease, Beau is liable to be more like one of the guys from that movie. So, male Belle’s real name is here going to be ‘Benedict’ because…well, it’s on my list of French male names, it suits him and also I just like the name,
1. Young Sir Benedict of Avonlea is in a very different situation to Lady Belle of Avonlea. As the son of a minor noble, he is expected to fight, where Belle is kept behind the lines, and he has had much more access to education than Belle might have done. At the very least, he has not had to fight for the right to be educated in politics, strategy, and all he needs to be the next lord of his father’s lands. When Rumpelstiltskin offers his bargain, then, Benedict is part of a group of fighters who have just fallen back to the castle, bringing with them the last survivors of the fall of Avonlea. He’s seen his share of war and horror against the ogres, and may suffer from a bad case of PTSD that he’s trying desperately to cover up. And a chance to end this awful war, where he’s seen friend after friend die around him to buy seconds more time for their people to get away…he would do anything for that. A lifetime enslaved to Rumpelstiltskin seems like a small price to pay in comparison to all the death he has seen already.
2. Rumpelstiltskin is a lot more hostile towards Benedict than towards Belle, mostly due to his own issues with war and with nobles, particularly noble men, and particularly noblemen who are also battle commanders. He’s never quite got past his hatred of the men who drove him off to war all those centuries ago. A lot of barbs about honour and glory and all the reason to spend men’s lives get thrown around in the early days, until it becomes clear that Benedict is a) haunted by his wartime experiences, b) the sort of commander who actually thought of his men first and c) actually decent enough company. He’s even worse at being a household servant - in this case, Rumpelstiltskin’s valet - than Belle was, as a noblewoman would at least have learnt how to sew, but he was intelligent and seemed almost unable to stop himself from arguing with Rumpelstiltskin whenever he thought Rumpel was wrong. And…well, after a few centuries, finding men attractive stops being nearly as big a deal as it was when Rumpelstiltskin was young, and still caught up in this world’s very medieval ideas about homosexuality. On Benedict’s side…well, he’s a young nobleman, and so expected to sleep around a bit, and with no women other than camp followers for miles and no desire to get one of said followers pregnant and feel obliged by his honour to marry her, it seemed more prudent to sleep with other men while on campaign, where no-one would bat an eye at a couple of soldiers finding comfort together so long as they were discreet about it.
3. As I mentioned in my lesbian Rumbelle post, the Enchanted Forest is mostly inspired by Victorian takes on the middle ages, and its attitudes to homosexuality follow suit. Regina is a product of said times, and so her attitude shifts. She knows of relations between men, because they are considered a criminal offence and she has seen men hang for it before, even under Leopold, although such matters were not often brought before the king. It is also considered impossible for True Love to exist between two men in anything but a platonic sense. It doesn’t take long for her to notice something between Rumpelstiltskin and his valet, but the ‘induce TLK’ plan does not come into her head because she does not seriously believe it to be a possibility. Benedict does end up kissing Rumpel - and still gets turned out even without Regina’s interference because Rumpel’s issue was far less ‘I think you’re a plant’ than ‘I am desperately in love with you and that scares me because love has always hurt me before’. Regina still captures Benedict and tells Rumpel that he’s dead, hanged for sodomy upon his return to his people, because the ‘True Love’ aspect is less important to Belle’s imprisonment than that she is someone Rumpel cared about enough to lose his cool - possibly fatally - if she were to be killed in front of him, and the same applies here.
4. This follows over into Storybrooke, where Benedict’s situation is about the same as Belle’s in all respects until the curse breaks and Jefferson (who has a pretty shrewd idea of what’s going on with Rumpel and his manservant from his time working for the Dark Castle) lets him go. They reunite at the wishing well, return to town, and the wraith thing happens. Ben is every bit as angry and disappointed as Belle was in canon, but the thing is, women in society even today are encouraged not to show anger because it invites accusations of irrationality. Men have no such social issues in place, and this changes the way Ben reacts to anger as opposed to Belle - Belle tries to stay calm and leaves when she can no longer control her temper, because she is used to being dismissed - by her father, by Gaston - whenever she does. Benedict has no such compunctions and is quite willing to get into an impassioned argument with Rumpelstiltskin about the whole ‘getting revenge on Regina’ thing. While Belle and Rumpel do argue in canon, it always seems to end with Belle leaving and coming back, because that is the only way she is used to being able to get her point across. Ben is used to having his words listened to, and so he stays and he uses them, allowing him and Rumpel to hash out their issues a lot earlier. It’s still not an ideal situation, but things move a lot faster because of the role societal expectations play in both worlds.
5. Benedict’s reunion with his father also goes differently to Belle’s. Maurice seems never to have really respected his daughter, because…well, once again, Enchanted Forest patriarchy. He might respect his son’s judgement a little more, at least enough not to have him kidnapped, but his reaction to the Rumpel thing is going to be so much worse. Because his daughter going off with a monster is bad enough, he might eventually get a marriage alliance out of it but that’s the only silver lining, but his son taking up with a male sorcerer who beat him half to death? Oh, hell, no. Probably he is still going to assume it’s all Rumpel’s fault, but the kidnapping probably isn’t going to happen because he and Smee are two older, heavyset men trying to drag off a knight twenty years their junior who has actually been taught how to fight, rather than a tiny, rather delicate-looking woman with no formal training. On the other hand, Benedict is still pretty willowy and has been a prisoner for a long time, so that one might go either way.
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 8 years
Anything You Want
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k0umVT
by Leni
"The last thing Rumpelstiltskin expected to find when he stepped into the showroom of the pawnshop Regina had saddled him with, was his formerly sweet and demure maid giving him a challenging look from her perch on the counter."
Words: 1894, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The New (Old) Deal
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lacey (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Relationships: Lacey/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Additional Tags: Cursed Storybrooke, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k0umVT
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lenific · 6 years
Christmas Drabbling 9b/12
Set in All About Lacey. prompt: rumor.
A.N. Thanks to @maplesyrupao3 for the support. :)
Lacey giggled as Gold's thumb flicked over her belly button. "It's not a doorbell, you know." She laughed when instead he rapped his knuckled against the side of the small bump that had become visible over the last weeks. "Oh, you're such an idiot."
Gold grinned at her, kissing her forehead before he addressed her midsection. "If mommy is feeling all relaxed and happy now, you can thank me."
"Oh my god." Lacey swatted at his shoulder. His sense of humor tended to be offbeat and borderline macabre, as it fit his image as the Dark One. When he was in a giddy mood, however, Gold became a total dork. "I mean, thank you, but stop telling the baby I just had a brilliant orgasm. It's weird."
Gold's eyebrows rose, along with the corners of his mouth. "Brilliant?"
"I'm reconsidering now."
Laughing, he passed his arms around her and scooted closer to kiss her before she could take it back. "All right, I'll stop traumatizing our unborn child," he promised, though his hands never stopped caressing her. He had welcomed the news of her pregnancy, but the sight of it had caught him unprepared. When it didn't bring it to the point of tears - happy tears, ecstatic tears - he needed to keep physical contact, just to assure himself that he wasn't dreaming. "Hopper has his hands full already with our family. No need to give him extra business."
Lacey chuckled, too lighthearted to mind the reminder.
She had objected the therapy sessions, but Neal's suggestion had prevailed. At least Archie didn't insist that she visit with a father she couldn't remember.
"If everyone minded their own business like Archie does, my life would involve less yelling at empty-headed morons."
Gold made a commiserating sound. "Is that why you came home in such a snit?"
Lacey sighed. "Can't they fixate on something truly scandalous? One of the dwarves is shacking up with a nun, for Christ's sake. Now that is gossip-worthy."
Except that Leroy was one of Snow White's oldest allies, and after Blue had stripped the younger fairy's wings - a punishment dealt behind the convent's gates, and indiscernible in this realm except for those with magic - even Rumpelstiltskin had trouble wishing trouble on the couple.
"You like Leroy," he reminded her. "You insisted I rent them a bigger place for the same price." He had agreed because he and Lacey needed allies, too. The dwarf was loyal, and the friendship Belle had sown in the Enchanted Forest, she was reaping even under her curse. When the tide turned against him again, there would be a voice in the main council thinking of them. "He's not the trouble. The morons are. What did our dear neighbors come up with this time?" He thought of the most outlandish news the locals had produced. "Am I sleeping with Zelena behind your back again?"
Gold had the nerve to snicker, even though he dropped a kiss on her shoulder as an apology for having raised the subject.
"The only reason that rumor gained any strength at all," Lacey said, pinching his nipple anyway, "was that Zelena started it herself."
"Your very best friend. Tsk."
That deserved an elbow against his ribs. "That was your fault."
Gold had asked her to string Zelena along, when the other woman asked for Lacey's help. Which had entailed taking her calls and listening to her rambles on injustice, mommy issues, and ridiculous innuendo when the conversation turned to Gold.
She had been glad to stop the charade, mostly uncomfortable by how much Zelena shared with her despite Lacey making it obvious that she didn’t care. But by then Storybrooke had seen them take coffee together so many times that, in their tiny minds, they must be bosom friends.
The whole debacle had been ridiculous.
"No," Lacey told him. "It's nothing too do with Zee, thank God."
He arched an eyebrow, expecting details.
Lacey traced the small path of short hairs backwards, ending in his nose and rubbing the tip playfully. He tilted his head so his tongue touched the pad of her finger, making her giggle.
"If you don't tell me, it's because it was silly to get annoyed over it, and now you're embarrassed." He kissed the center of her palm, gazing at her with soft eyes that contrasted his next words. "Or because you don't want me to get angry and remind some fool why they shouldn't bother you."
The idea made Lacey smile.
Anger was a good look on Gold, as long as it was aimed elsewhere. And when he got protective over her...
"Silly," she said anyway, tempted as she was to say otherwise.
She had no memory of that man as her father, so she refused to let a flower shop owner ruin her night any further, no matter how hurtful his comments had been. Gold wasn't taking advantage of her. This baby was wanted, no ulterior motive to its conception. And children weren't damned by their parentage.
"Just another gold digger joke," she lied. "As if I haven't heard them all."
Gold frowned, but as she didn't give more details, he was unable to plan a proper rejoinder to the insult. "Idiots," he grumbled anyway.
"Yeah." Lacey cupped his cheek, leaned in for a light, promising kiss. She just wanted to forget the unpleasant moment. "I'm annoyed again, you know?"
His hand moved to her waist, his smile growing as their legs entwined together. "Well," he said. "Can't have that."
The End 28/12/18
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lenific · 7 years
@nropay asked ‘test’. Set in All About Lacey.
“It’s positive,” Rumpelstiltskin breathed in undisguised awe, staring at the pregnancy test.
Lacey shrugged. “Don’t sound so shocked. It’s not like we ever remember to use protection, heat of the moment and all that.” She turned a little so he could see her smirk. “I’m more surprised it didn’t take sooner.”
Rumpelstiltskin’s amazement shifted to her. “You - you expected this?”
“Never seen me rushing to the hospital to get an IUD, have you?”
He shook his head. He’d just assumed, and tried not to scare her off by raising the subject. “You’re a marvel, sweetheart.”
Lacey grinned. “I know.”
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lenific · 7 years
@thedarkcheessmaster prompted: R is for Remember.
Set in All About Lacey
Lacey twirled her keychain around her fingers before flinging it into the little bowl on the closest side table, where it jingled as it settled next to a couple earrings and about three dollars in change. Rumpelstiltskin was irked at her use of an antique to hold knick-knacks, but she'd pointed out that if the pink, over-stuffed mansion was to be her home, then he had to make a few sacrifices to help her feel comfortable.
Oh, there had been resistance. Particularly against the idea of dinner in the living room, shoes off and away from the stiff formality of the imposing dinner table. Even after Lacey promised not to turn on the TV while they ate, Rumpelstiltskin had loudly protested.
Only the remark that a full stomach often left her sleepy - and wasn't it easier to cuddle up to him if they were already on the couch - had moved him to given in 
He fulfilled his preference for a formal setting by taking Lacey out often, and she, of course, approved of the compromise.
Tonight, however, seemed destined to be spent at home. Rumpelstiltskin glanced up as soon as she came into the living room, and Lacey could see the take-out bags he had put on the low table. "Chinese again?"
It never ceased to amuse her that the man who could conjure banquets with a gesture, was content with noodles and shrimp.
Rumpelstiltskin gave a little shrug, well aware of her bafflement but just as certain that she shared his tastes, and motioned at her to join him on the couch. "You just missed the delivery guy."
The memory of the tall, broad-shouldered boy, perhaps a couple years younger than her but who blushed like a fourteen-year-old at a peek of a bra strap, made Lacey grin. "Pity," she said cheekily. "I like young Po."
"And he's more terrified of you than he's of me, so congratulations on that feat, sweetheart."
Lacey responded with a light kiss on his lips, both a greeting and a thank you at the compliment.
There was a pause as the food was distributed, and once the containers were opened and their chopsticks at the ready, Rumpelstiltskin made the question Lacey had been expecting from the moment she stepped through the door:
"How was your day?"
Or a variation of it.
Without another lecture on recklessness, defending her right to make her own choices would be a waste of breath. He looked genuinely curious, rather than angry as she'd expected. Lacey picked up a bite of pork, and chewed as she shifted her strategy.  
"Oh, you know. The usual housework." She waved around the room as if to take credit for its tidy state. "Washed up the dishes from breakfast, cleaned the bathrooms, did the laundry..."
She couldn't continue as his increasingly amused face prompted her to giggle. Only a couple of months ago, the joke would have left him broody, but he seemed to be finally getting over it.
"All right," she relented. "So I slept in; then it was practice, practice, lunch, and practice." She made a point of counting on the fingers of her left hand, then wiggled her thumb as if searching for a fifth action. "Oh! Then I went out for a coffee!"
Rumpelstiltskin hooked a finger around that thumb, pulling her hand toward him. "Coffee, huh."
"Didn't I tell you about it?" She copied him and left her dinner on the table, unconcerned that it would get cold. Magic was better than a microwave, and such a simple spell would be within her abilities. "I know I sent you a text because the last time you came home and didn't find me, you made such a fuss that the Sheriff is still whining about it."
Rumpelstiltskin chuckled. Not a surprise, since describing a magical duel between the Dark One and the Evil Queen as 'a fuss' had been meant to amuse him. "You don't care about Miss Swan," he said.
"Well, no," Lacey admitted with ease. "But I do care about not putting up with more whining."
"Smart enough," he conceded. "Had a good time, then?"
"Free caffeine, free entertainment; so not too bad. Oh, and before I forget, Zelena says hi."
His mouth twisted into a scowl, but the grasp on her hand didn't alter. He wasn't angry, just concerned. "Lace... Just because she's at odds with Regina, it doesn't make Zelena our friend," he told her, then relaxed at her unsurprised reaction. "But you've seen that already, of course."
One of the reasons she had stuck with Rumpelstiltskin, despite the awkwardness of their situation, was that he never doubted her intelligence. "Subtlety isn't her forte," she explained. "She's so obsessed with you, it made me blush. Not to mention that she'd have happily poisoned my drink if she could get away with it."
He didn't react at her first assessment, but the second had him showing his teeth in anger. "If she ever threatens you..."
"Come on, Rumple. You'd never have taken her as a student if she were that stupid." Lacey frowned. It certainly would be easier to get rid of the woman if Zelena acted on her hate openly. One move to hurt Lacey, and Rumpelstiltskin would send the witch back to Oz in a coffin - with Regina's blessing or not. "She did all the right things: called up to invite me over, mentioned how she felt uncomfortable going to you directly, and maybe I could help her instead?"
"Help with what?"
"Kill Regina, what else. She didn't go into specifics once she realized I wouldn't become her little spy." Lacey shook her head. "You should have heard her go on and on about how we, overlooked branches of Henry's family tree, should stick together."
A roll of her eyes made clear what she thought of that approach. Rumpelstiltskin was ecstatic with whatever attention his son gave him, and as Henry's safety was the main subject he and Baelfire discussed, he made a point of spending time with the boy.
Lacey was glad for him. Truly. She even swallowed her more cutting remarks within hearing of Henry's maternal side. However, that her boyfriend enjoyed his role as grandfather did not give Lacey even the slightest urge to play grandmother.
"You are not overlooked, Lacey," Rumpelstiltskin said, his thought process apparently having traveled down a different path. "Not ever."  
She had no need of the reassurance, but it made her smile anyway.
Meanwhile Rumpelstiltskin had his lips pursed, mind running through his options. "Lace..." he started slowly, "what do you think of learning new tricks from the woman who swears she's surpassed her old teacher?"
Lacey raised an eyebrow. His intent was clear, and pleased as she was at his trust, there was her sanity to consider. "And listen as she brags about it ceaselessly? No."
"Think about it, sweetheart. Please." Rumpelstiltskin met her eye, his gaze intense. "Zelena must have a plan. She doesn't have the patience to hang around and plot, when she could be leveling the town to draw Regina into a fight."
Lacey shrugged with genuine disregard. "What's it to us?"
"If it includes Henry, I must know."
"She wouldn't risk that. To entangle you in her one-sided sibling feud?" Lacey shook her head. "She wants you to fuck her, Rumple, not to slice her neck for hurting the kid."
Rumpelstiltskin considered that. "Still. I am... uneasy... with her pretense of retreat - especially if she's recruiting allies already. In power, Zelena is stronger than Regina. An open duel should be everything she needs - yet she demurs." He squeezed her hand.  "The girl thought nothing of murdering Regina in her bedchamber once. I must know what's stopping her now."
"Better wards?"
Rumpelstiltskin's laugh explained better than words his opinion on Regina's chances to best her sister. "If only it were that simple." Then he glanced at her, his eyes hopeful. "You could help me, love."
"Not like that," she said simply. "I won't spy for you either, Rumple."
"I won't hide behind lies, no. If you want me to draw the truth out of that witch, I'll figure out a way; but I won't pretend I'm her friend."
"It would be safer."
Lacey huffed. "I'm a terrible liar, Rumple."
Rumpelstiltskin's expression softened, and after a moment he nodded and lifted her hand to kiss the back of it. "Of course," he said. "Honesty suits you well, my love. I remember now."
The End 01/11/17
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lenific · 7 years
OUAT. Lacey/Rumpelstiltskin
@ryik-the-rumbeller-oncer prompted: beach
The lawn outside Gold's house didn't include the soothing sound of the waves breaking over the shore, but there were no gasps as Lacey laid down in her skimpiest bikini, followed by unwelcome advice on her dating life, and neither was there a huge row between Gold and the sheriff that ended with Lacey getting tired of the fuss and asking Gold to send her back home while he settled things.
One would have believed that Emma, good little hero that she was, would be thankful for Gold's handling of the local creeps, but instead she'd protested the sudden influx of blind crabs skittering around the beach. Never mind that the idiots had been warned to leave Lacey alone.
Storybrooke would be better as a long-ago memory. Lacey couldn't wait to see that thrice-damned barrier come down so she and Gold could finally head away.
"This is better than the beach anyway," she called out to Gold, who was watching her from the porch, a glass of iced tea in each hand. Grinning, she moved to the knot at her back and proceeded to unravel it.
"Want me fined for public indecency this time, sweetheart?"
The complaint might have sounded more sincere if his eyes weren't giving Lacey an appreciative glance and his lips weren't pulled into a little smirk.
Lacey played along anyway, trying her most innocent look. "But isn't this private property?"
Gold chuckled. "Now that's an interesting argument," he mused as he walked closer, stopping by her sunbathing chair to deliver her drink. That her glass tilted so a cold dribble fell onto her skin was a complete accident, just as Gold staring down and offering to clean her up was gentlemanly impulse.
Using his tongue, however, could be attributed to a different sort of impulse.
"What about the fine?" Lacey laughed.
His shoulders twitched into a shrug. "In for a penny, in for a pound."
The End 12/06/17
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lenific · 8 years
OUAT. Gold/Lacey + Baelfire
prompt: Golden Lace +  “Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
Gold had long given up on the scene in his backyard ever coming to life: the woman he loved, grinning like a loon and wearing one if his shirts underneath her thick jacket; and on the other side, his favorite person in the world, laughing back as he crouched to pack the biggest snowball his hands could handle.
"You think that scares me?" taunted Lacey, giving a low whistle when Bae lifted up a snowball the size of a third of his head. It was crumbling with every step he made, but it still was quite impressive.
Lacey poked out her tongue.
Bae narrowed his eyes, glanced over at his father, who gave him a slight 'go ahead' gesture; looked again at Lacey who had put her hands at her hips and was jumping from side to side. "Can you hit me, Bae?" she called out, so loud Gold was sure his neighbors would complain about the noise again. "Hah! Bet you can't!"
"I can!"
"Bring it on!" Lacey opened her arms and flexed her knees, like a goalie at a soccer match. "See if I can't dodge that liiiiittle, tiny thing!"
Bae eyed his ball, which had indeed shrunk a little in the few seconds the two of them had been squaring off. With a determined look, he held it up and, before Gold could stop him, spit on the surface.
Lacey's reaction, not entirely faked but definitely not signalling that she wanted Gold to intervene, made Gold chuckle. That would teach her to make a more careful selection of the stories she told Bae about the pranks she'd played on her cousins when she was eight.
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
Bae's eyes opened wide, and when Lacey brought both hands to cover her mouth, he gave a piercing shriek of laughter. "You said a bad word!"
Lacey flushed despite the cold. "Now, kid, that's not near as---"
Gold coughed.
"Er." Her panicked gaze flew to him, relaxing when he only smiled encouragingly. Lacey was not perfect, but she was the smartest woman he had ever met. He trusted her to handle this little mishap. "I mean - don't repeat that, okay, Bae? That is a bad word, and I shouldn't have used it. You could get in trouble if you do."
"But you didn't," the boy protested.
Lacey licked her lips, but rallied quickly. "Yes, I did." She pointed in the direction of the chair where Gold had settled while they played. "Your father is not happy with me now."
Not enough of a warning, but luckily Gold had experience pulling up a stern expression. "You are a bad, bad girl, Lacey French," he said in a severe tone. "You should be careful or I'll have to punish you."
Lacey did a double take, eyes flaring at his wording.
"Are you cold now, Lace?" Bae asked, all innocent childhood. He held out his hand, taking hers and tugging her back toward her house. "You're shivering," he sentenced. "We should go inside."
Unable to explain that her shiver wasn't due to the cold, Lacey nodded.
"Don't worry," Bae chirped happily. "Papa never stays angry for long."
Lacey fixed her eyes on Gold, keeping her face hidden from Bae's sight, and lifted one eyebrow in wordless challenge. "Oh, I have a feeling his... anger... can last long enough if he puts his mind into it."
Bae shook his head, rushing to reassure her that his dad was a nice guy. "Aren't you, Papa?"
Gold hoped the heat on his cheeks wasn't too visible. "Indeed," he said as he stood to his feet, moving to join them with slow steps.  He put his hand on Bae's head, ruffling his dark locks and chuckling when the boy giggled in response and threw his arms around his waist. "I am a very nice guy. Do I need to remind you, Lacey darling?"
Lacey gave him a wicked grin, unseen to the boy whose face was smashed against his father's coat, but her voice revealed nothing. "I'm looking forward to it," she said serenely, as if her blue eyes weren't dancing with sweet promises for after Bae went to bed. "Early dinner?"
Bae perked up at that. "With ice cream?"
Lacey's smile widened and she pumped a fist into the air. "Yes, let's!"
Knowing when he was beat, Gold didn't even try to protest.
The End 16/03/17
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lenific · 8 years
OUAT - Lacey/Rumpelstiltskin
Prompt: “I’m in love with you.”
Rumpelstiltskin was only mildly surprised to open his front door and find Lacey already inside. He had never asked back for her set of keys to his house, half expecting to run into this very scene at some point.
One of the things Belle and Lacey had in common was that they were incapable of leaving an argument without having the last word.
"Hello, sweetheart," he said as nonchalantly as he dared, acting as if he'd never found the closet in the master bedroom divested of her belongings, or had needed to make a few extremely uncomfortable calls to find out that the apartment above the library was being used again. "You don't mind if we call for take-out tonight, I hope? Something tells me that soon I won't be in the mood to cook."
Lacey narrowed her eyes. "I'm not staying that long, Gold."
Rumpelstiltskin masked his disappointment with a shrug. "Pity," he said as he closed the door behind him. "I'm calling for Ping's noodle soup. You sure you couldn't stay for that?"
Lacey glared as if he'd offered some vile poison instead of one of her favorite choices.
Rumpelstiltskin raised an eyebrow, honestly puzzled. Lacey had always enjoyed answering the door, a sly smile on her lips as she tugged down her already daring necklines, and flirting with the good-humored yet easily flustered delivery boy.
Rumpelstiltskin would give her an indulgent kiss when she tottered back, bags in hand and eyes dancing with mischief, and made sure to add a hefty tip. Being Lacey's target was not for the soft-hearted, but Rumpelstiltskin liked that Ping's son took it with awkward laughs and mumbled compliments, edging away when Lacey made to grab his heavily muscled arms but giving her a good-natured wave as he left.
The friendly interaction put Lacey in a good mood.
It seemed fair that in exchange they would put the boy through college.
"He's like an overgrown cub," Lacey had told him once. "Big and strong, yet adorably harmless."
Rumpelstiltskin had pulled her onto his lap, giving her a quick kiss at the juncture between neck and shoulder before dragging his teeth to her earlobe to mutter, "Play with your cub, sweetheart. I don't mind."
"Not jealous then?"
He had grabbed onto her hips, jerking her down to press harder against his body. "Does that feel like jealousy?"
She had laughed, turning to kiss him, and Rumpelstiltskin had known that if he dipped a hand beneath her skirt, she would be soaking wet already. Because she may derive some amusement from teasing the innocent, but as whichever version of herself, she was attracted by the man with the power to ruin lives who nonetheless yielded to her whims.
Now there was no laughter, but he still motioned for her to sit down.
Lacey shook her head. "I just came to tell you one thing," she told him, eyes narrowed as if she blamed him for everything that had gone wrong in her life.
He was at a loss as for a reason.
Since she'd gone on her own, there had been a quiet set of eyes following her activities. Nothing noteworthy had been reported in the last two weeks. Her nights at the Rabbit Hole had been unremarkable, and her days were spent either nursing a hangover or in the one decent boutique in town, draining on his credit card with expensive outfits that he wouldn't have denied her anyway.
Rumpelstiltskin couldn't think of anything that would have displeased Lacey, but he waited for the barrage of accusations anyway.
Lacey made a noise of frustration. Then she threw her hands in the air and set off, her heels clicking as she paced from their side of the living room to the other and back again.
He stayed on his feet as well, facing her. "I'm listening."
"You're impossible," she started. "You're the most powerful man in this stupid town, and there are people who cringe - they literally cringe - when I mention you. Never mind all those who set off running if I call you by that other name."
Early on, Lacey had established that she was not calling the man she was taking to bed by the ridiculous name of an imp known in this world for his sound defeat.
Centuries-old emotional baggage, the hope she would return to her original self, and a grown son older than herself; Lacey could tolerate.
The distortion of his tale in this world, not at all.
She would only call him by his true name at the height of passion, when there was no denying he was more than a small-town pawnbroker and that she had claim on all of him.
"I got a reputation," Rumpelstiltskin answered. "You knew that."
"They believe you're selfish and cruel. That you could destroy them if it struck your whim."
"So they're not complete idiots."
Her eyes narrowed. "Even your son won't defend you."
That made his heart twist, and he allowed the pain to show into a bitter smile. "He always was a smart boy," he said, trying not to think of the tension between him and Baelfire. His son had thanked him for his part in bringing Henry back from Neverland, but made clear that he couldn't trust the man who slept with a woman who couldn't give true consent.
Explaining to him that Lacey was as real as Belle had been, especially since there was no magic to bring Belle back, had been useless so far.
"I ran into him the other night," Lacey told him, then sniggered meanly. "Seems his ex girlfriend can drive him to drink himself under the table. Bit pathetic, really." She ignored his scowl. "Couldn't help greeting him, of course. Closest thing to a stepmom he's got. Felt obliged, really," she said virtuously, as if the two of them weren't aware that her aim had been to jab at his son's wounds in exchange for Baelfire's almost tangible apathy every time they'd crossed ways. Forgiveness wasn't something Lacey did with ease (though when she did, she did it sincerely, so that much at least was still familiar). "And you know, Gold. Your kid told me something interesting..."
"Said you might finally be recovering your senses, now that I'm out of the picture." She met his eyes, hers alive with banked fury. "That he couldn't trust you while you kept me around? The hell, Gold! You've been begging for scraps of that guy's time for months, and all along you could have tossed me to the side to get it?!"
Rumpelstiltskin frowned, not sure he caught her meaning. "I never said I was 'keeping' you," he tried.
"That's not the point!"
He clamped his mouth shut. Sometimes the smartest path to take was to remain silent and watch events unfold.
Lacey was glaring at him, now stalking closer and driving a finger into his chest. "You're supposed to be this creepily dangerous bastard. You orchestrated a spell so large it brought your entire world across a portal, just to see your son again. You're the damned Dark One, and you aimed all that power to reconcile with your son!"
Rumpelstiltskin gave a cautious nod to each statement.
She pulled herself up to scream in his face. "So why the hell didn't you get rid of me, if that was what kept Bae away?"
He gave a blink at her question, needing a moment to understand that Lacey was in earnest. How could she not know the answer already? "Sweetheart," he said slowly, grabbing onto her shoulders when she would have pulled away at the sound of the endearment, "I never even considered that."
Her eyes were filled with suspicion. "Never?"
Rumpelstiltskin shook his head.
"But you love him."
Telling her that he loved her had not helped him in the past - he actually suspected it had been the drive behind her departure - so he stuck with other facts: "And I've apologized and made amends for all my mistakes." He dared a quick kiss on her forehead. "You, my dear, are not a mistake."
Her body tensed, and the laugh that left her was disbelieving. "You don't mean that."
Rumpelstiltskin threw caution to the wind. Lacey was here, back under his roof, and if her visit lasted only a few minutes, he wanted her to be sure that she was important to him.
Belle had always chosen to face the truth upfront, and too many times he had hidden it from her. Perhaps he could make amends to the girl she'd been, by being honest with this version of her.
“I’m in love with you,” he told her.
Lacey shook her head. "You can't mean that. Not seriously."
"Is it so bad, Lace?"
"No," she said, her voice so thin he almost didn't catch it. "But it's too good to be real."
He felt an unfamiliar emotion creep into his thoughts. A moment's consideration helped him recognize it as hope. "Don't you believe me, Lacey?" His hands moved to hold hers, brought them to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. He had wasted so much time, and even if he didn't regret one moment spent trying to bring Belle back, he would try to make it up to her. "Please, please believe me," he asked, threading his arms around her.
Lacey didn't answer.
But neither did she step away from his embrace.
The End 15/02/17
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lenific · 8 years
OUAT. Lacey/Rumpelstiltskin
Prompt: “It’s been how long since you’ve had sex?”
The last thing Rumpelstiltskin expected to find when he stepped into the showroom of the pawnshop Regina had saddled him with, was his formerly sweet and demure maid giving him a challenging look from her perch on the counter.
"Good morning, Mr. Gold," she greeted him cheerily.
Rumpelstiltskin gulped.
Perhaps in other circumstances, he could have indulged in fond memories of sharing whole conversations with Belle while she sat on the long table of the main hall and swung her legs contently, always happy to give him a half hour of her time in exchange for a few tidbits about his trips.
But the comparison died the moment his brain screeched that in those days Belle had been in possession of all her clothes while they'd talked.
Lacey, in contrast, was clad in a brief, flimsy ensemble of silk and lace that shimmered under the overhead lights into a tone that took Rumpelstiltskin a moment to recognize as gold.
In all, the ensemble might have skirted the boundaries of propriety as they were in this land. The neckline wasn't any lower than the shirts and tight dresses Lacey adored, and there was fabric covering more of her thighs than some of the shorts he'd seen her wear.
The problem, Rumpelstiltskin realized in despair, was that the sheer lace tantalized more than protected her from lecherous intent. As if that wasn't temptation enough, his eyes wandered without his express permission, noting every inch of her exposed flesh and zeroing in the heretofore unknown sight of her belly button.
It got worse.
Her bottoms skimmed so low down her abdomen that his brain unhelpfully informed him that if there was no sign of curly hair at that spot, it was unlikely he'd find any under the cloth.
He hissed in a breath, trying to hold himself up under the weight of the imagery, and then choked out in a voice more fitting of a startled fool than the collected businessman he was supposed to be, "What do you think you're doing?"
Lacey smirked. "Waiting for the boss, of course. You did say I had better come to work early this week if I didn't want you to start subtracting from my pay."
She dared to give him an admonishing look. "Miss French, if you please. I've grown fond of this formality you're so particular about."
Rumpelstiltskin fought the urge to turn around and flee. Instead he tightened his grip on his cane, as if its tip against the floor was the only thing holding him from either marching over to Town Hall and strangling a new cursed persona for Belle out of Regina, or marching forward and finally taking what Lacey had been so eager to offer for weeks.
He fought down the wave of lust at that thought. Took a deep breath instead. "While I praise you for your punctuality, dearie, I really must wonder at your choice of attire."
Lacey plucked at the thin strap at her left shoulder, letting the flimsy bit of elastic fall down to her elbow. "This old thing?" she asked, trying an innocent tone that was immediately belied by the heat in her eyes. "I didn't think you'd notice anything different with it. Should I take it off?"
She joined action to words, reaching behind her back for what Rumpelstiltskin assumed was the catch holding her top together.
Her head tilted to a side, and her hands slowly returned to her sides. "You mean that, don't you?"
Rumpelstiltskin forced himself to nod.
Her chuckle was loud with disbelief. "At least you do like the view so far," she said, always confident and absolutely in the right.
He didn't bother to shift his expression into disapproval, aware that Belle had always been able to see under his masks and Lacey had inherited at least that. Perhaps he should have turned around, or at least walked past her and avoided the girl until she took the hint and pulled some clothes on.
But either of those options smacked of weakness, and previous experience said that Lacey would only try something even more outrageous the next time. "You are a beautiful woman, Miss French," he told her, then gave a little shrug, "and I'm not that much of a gentleman."
That made her laugh.
Lacey's laughter always tugged at his heart, as she sounded exactly like Belle when he told one of his silly jokes. Rumpelstiltskin smiled back, keeping his gaze at the level of her shoulders, one still sporting a golden strap across it, the other bare of even a tan line, and didn't even attempt to order his eyes to move further upwards.
He did know an impossible task when he stumbled upon it.
"Not a gentleman? I'm so shocked," Lacey said, her voice a purr.
She studied him for another moment, charmed both by his stubborn self-command and his partial success. Any other man would have already taken her up on her offer long before she had to resort to near-public indecency to get this much of his attention. "Mr. Gold?" she called softly, inexplicably happy when he did raise his eyes at the sound of his name. "Tell me what you want."
His tongue peeked out to wet his lips.
Lacey smiled. Leaned so far forward that her hands gripped at the edge of the counter to secure her balance. As she stretched her neck to the side, she knew there was a free line of sight down the valley between her breasts, barely disguised by the gold cloth of her new set of lingerie.
"Anything you want," she pressed.
Rumpelstiltskin wondered how she had known to steal his line, the exact words he'd said a thousand times to a thousand desperate souls. There was always a price attached, he reminded himself. He knew better than most that there was no escape from paying it.
His price would be Belle staring at him in horror, once the curse was broken.
He had more self-control than to give in to the web of lies Regina's curse had created. Lacey's attraction might be rooted in the love Belle had once held for him, but it had been years since then, and years where she couldn't have thought too kindly of him. Not after he had thrown her out of the castle and then left her for dead under the Evil Queen's mercy.
Even if, by some miracle, Belle still trusted him enough that even her cursed self had instinctively looked for his protection, he didn't dare presume that any of her more tender feelings had survived.
"Well, Mr. Gold? If you're thinking you can distract me with your silence, you're wrong, you know."
This was like Belle, too.
I want you to be safe, he thought. And, I want you to forgive me.
In this world where Regina still reigned supreme, with only the foolish and stubborn Miss Swan standing against her, Lacey's safety was paramount. Rumpelstiltskin didn't like to think of what Regina would do if she caught wind that Lacey had become Mr. Gold's lover instead of a torture device held at Rumpelstiltskin's throat.
"I want to get a full day's work out of you, dearie."
Lacey's smile widened. "That can be arranged," she said, slipping off the counter and walking leisurely in his direction. She was almost of a height with him, on those spike heels of the same hue as her ensemble. Meanwhile, entranced, it didn't even cross Rumpelstiltskin's head to move away. Lacey motioned around the room, never pausing on the bee line toward him. "Should we start right here, or would the backroom be more comfortable?"
"You misunderstand-"
She was close enough to have grabbed onto his tie, stretching it between them and then leaning to rub her cheek against the soft material. "No, I didn't." Her smile could have driven Rumpelstiltskin to his knees, if it was Belle behind it. "I know what you want, whether you say it or not. I have been here for three months, and I have never seen you so much as glance at another woman unless you're glaring daggers at her - which is the hottest thing I've ever seen, by the way."
"But when you glare at me... Yes. Just like that." Her eyes sparked. "You've looked at me like that from the start, Gold. For months. I've been waiting for you to make a first step, but I've decided you're off practice." She said all this in the most rational of tones. "It's all right," she continued, now so close that she patted his cheek comfortingly. "I understand. After all, it’s been how long since you’ve had sex?”
"Miss French!" he said in despair. "I want you to be professional while on the job."
Lacey just laughed, inching closer.
"I don't-"
"Lies," she cut him off mercilessly.
"I want you to know who I am!"
That held enough honesty to stop Lacey in her tracks. She looked up, letting go of his tie in shock at whatever she saw on his face. "But I already know," she said, turning confused blue eyes up at him, obviously at a loss. "You're Mr. Gold."
Rumpelstiltskin's laughter sounded pained to his own ears.
Lacey was so close that he could smell her, but the scent was all Belle. If he closed his eyes, he'd be back in the Dark Castle, standing in sunlight within his walls for the first time in years, holding a girl too kind-hearted to understand she should have jumped out and run away already.
"What's my name?" he asked, leveling his voice against a roar at the unfairness of it.
Lacey frowned.
Rumpelstiltskin allowed himself to trace her cheek with a fingertip, exhausted after so many weeks of fighting himself from touching her. "My name, dearie. If you're Lacey French, then I am...?"
"You've never said," she whispered. The crease between her brows deepened. "No one has."
"I'll make you a deal," he told her before she could think too hard of the unlikeness of a whole town being unaware of the name of the most powerful man among them. "Tell me my name, and I will answer your question. No lies. No distractions. Just the truth."
Lacey eyed him. "Why delay the inevitable?"
He gave a soft laugh. "Call me a romantic."
She looked at him, saw that he wouldn't change his mind and shrugged. "I guess one of us has to be," she muttered, glancing down at her outfit with a disappointed scowl.
Rumpelstiltskin's hands itched to touch her, which meant that he tightened his grasp on the cane. "You're perfect," he reassured her. "You always are."
A huff of disbelief answered that. "You're saying no because I'm perfect? I'm trashy, Gold. Not stupid." With that, Lacey twirled around on her heels, stomping toward the backroom.
"You're the smartest woman I know," Rumpelstiltskin called out.
That managed to make her pause, and Lacey looked at him over her shoulder. Blue eyes narrowed with distrust, but she couldn't detect any mockery on his face. "Yes, I am," she told him, more to herself than to him, but then she nodded at her own words. "I'm the best and it's your loss, Gold." Then she resumed stalking away, shooting out an arm to make the dividing curtain flare open to let herself through. Once she was out of view, she yelled back, "And you're a fool!"
Rumpelstiltskin let out a sad smile.
"I know, sweetheart," he whispered. "I know."
The End 07/02/17
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deliriumsdelight7 · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
As I mentioned in my TMI Tuesday post, I’m focusing my efforts on my lighter fics for the holiday season. I wouldn’t consider FFA, Finding a Cure, and Jupiter’s Waters on hiatus, per se, but they probably won’t be updated for a couple of months.
I’m also pruning back my future fics; my brain refuses to come up with short fic ideas, and I can’t keep up, so I’m removing some of the ones I’m less likely to write. Future fics are under the cut, as always.
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat: No progress.
Jupiter’s Waters: No progress.
Trinity: 1,957 words written for chapter 6.
Finding a Cure: No progress.
Breaking Cycles: Chapter 19 officially scrapped. It was mostly just an excuse to have Lachlan and Belle engage in some mild kink, and it wasn’t coming together. Moving on to the next big event.
What You’d Thought Lost: Chapter 11 posted Monday. 2 words written for Chapter 12.
Masters of Destiny: No progress.
Logic & Proportion: No progress.
A Safe Place to Land: No progress.
Future WIP count: 18. Removed 3, added one.
Lachlan/Belle “fake”-marriage-to-fuck-over-ICE fic
Franke Keane/Lacey fic
FFA Sequel
FFA Prequel: Belle and Gold’s first meeting (oneshot)
FFA Prequel: Gold with Jefferson, Prissy and Grace (oneshot)
Spinner Rumpel/Seer Belle “Cassandra” fic
“Agent French.” Kind of want to scrap this one because it’s not coming together in my mind, but I kind of feel like it might someday.
Macelle priest-falls-in-love-with-erotica-writer prompt that’s been floating around. Someone please write this so I don’t have to.
Rumbelle “Ella Enchanted” AU.
Rumpelstiltskin “Time Travel” fic. Angsty angst angst.
Breaking Cycles Deleted Scene
SS/HG Gender-swapped Beauty and the Beast-type story
SS/HG BDSM fic (Dom!Hermione and sub!Snape)
28 Weeks Later Donelle “no infection/second outbreak” AU
Dragon Age AU: Spirit!Rumpel and Mage!Belle
“Language of Flowers” sequel: Bae’s reaction to his dad’s new girlfriend
“Pyre” Rumbelle AU
Desperate Souls/Beauty and the Beast Rumbelle AU (currently outlining)
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