#2) he grew up in a circus. little guy knows swears that would kill a catholic pensioner
2hoothoots · 2 years
I want to commend you on those beautifully written Italian swears on Raz. They're really lifelike!
haha, thank you! i do not speak a lick of italian so i owe it all to the various websites that teach you how to swear in different languages
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titans-imagines · 5 years
The Forgotten Grayson: Part 2
Warnings: Swearing,
A/N: Sorry it’s so late also it doesn’t have the best ending but I couldn’t really think of a way to end it, I still hope you enjoy it though.
prologue, part 1, part 3
I slowly started to realize who he reminded me of, but I knew it couldn’t actually be him, he was back in Gotham probably having some kind of fancy tea party. “Can I help you?” I asked harshly, not letting my emotions get in the way, after all he only reminded me of a person, he wasn’t actually him. That’s what I thought but then he said one word and I felt everything crash.
“Dick?” I asked softly almost not believing what I was seeing. Before he could say anything else, I pulled him into a tight hug. At first, he didn’t hug me back and I thought I had over stepped but, not even a second later, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. Neither of us moved, for what felt like ages, until the girl decided to speak up, “who is she?” we both pulled back from the comforting embrace and I finally got a good look at the girl's appearance. She had short black hair that was partially dyed blue and ice blue eyes. Dick opened his mouth to start explaining but he was cut off by the young girl, “wait, you’re that girl from the circus, right? The one that ran?”
“How- how did you know that?” I asked, shocked and confused.
“I saw you,” she shrugged.
“But how? You look far too young to be there that night,” I asked, clearly confused.
“I wasn’t there when it happened, but I saw it a few nights ago... I shouldn’t have told you that, I’m sorry if I’ve scared you, I just-”
“Don’t worry I’ve seen my share of scary and strange things and it seems like your intentions are good,” I reassured her, offering her a soft smile. She smiled back looking slightly relieved. “I’m Y/N,” I introduced myself.
“I’m Rachel”
“It’s nice to meet you Rachel. Dick, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here?” Dick looked between Rachel and me before responding, “we’re on our way to see a couple old friends of mine.”
“I guess I’ll leave you to it then?” I looked down, internally hitting myself for cutting this reunion short. I was about to leave when Dick spoke up, “You could come with us, if you want.” I thought about it for a moment. On one hand I would love to finally be with my family but on the other hand I would risk losing the life I fought so hard to obtain. “Dick I would love to, but I have a life here. I didn’t get to grow up with a fancy lifestyle, I grew up on the streets and I have worked so too hard to have a better life. I can’t just leave.” He looked down for a moment. He looked as if he was trying to come up with something to convince me to tag along.
“You won't lose anything except for your job, but you can easily get a new one afterwards,” He said before whispering under his breath, “I don’t want to lose you again.” I looked at him for a moment before turning my gaze towards Rachel and once I saw the smallest glint of hope in her eyes I broke. “Okay, but only on one condition.”
“What is it?” Dick asked.
“I call shotgun,” I replied before turning around and walking towards my boss, who was just standing in the back pretending to be busy, “I’m leaving.”
“You can’t leave your shift isn’t over?” He looked up at me confused.
“No, I mean I’m leaving, for good. Some family matters have popped up and I've got take care of some things. It’s super important,” I explained, maybe exaggerating a tiny bit. By now he looked even more confused, “family? You don’t have any family.”  
“Well turns out I do, so goodbye,” I spun around on my heels and started walking back to Dick and Rachel, grabbing my stuff on the way. “So are you two ready to go?” I asked just as they seemed to finish their coffees. “Yes,” Rachel responded bluntly before standing up and walking towards the door, “well are you guys coming or not?” I chuckled lightly, under my breath, before following the girl to Dicks car.
Although I had called shotgun somehow I still ended up in the back. “So, what was it like being raised by Bruce Wayne?” I asked, so far all I’ve been doing is asking Dick questions. “It wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but it was probably better than what you went through. Speaking of which, what was it like living on the streets?”
“Um... how do I put this nicely... Shit. It was shit. I had little to none of everything. Could I ask one last question?” I asked nervously.
“Yeah, go for it”
“Why didn’t you look for me?” I looked down, feeling slightly ashamed that I had even asked the question. “What do you mean? I did look for you. Bruce had people looking for weeks but no one could find you. I thought you had been kidnapped or killed.” He answered looking at me through his rearview mirror. He almost looked guilty, which made me feel even worse than I already did. “I guess Gotham is pretty big...” The rest of the car ride was pretty boring, and I must have zoned out because it was starting to get dark. “So how far away are these friends of yours?” Rachel asked.
“Still a bit away, we should probably find somewhere to crash for the night.”
“I believe there’s a motel just a little further up, it’s not the best but it should do for the night,” I suggested “plus, it’s pretty cheap.”
Tag list(Just message me if you want to be added or removed):
@-thatgirloverthere-, @yagirlkore, @reclusive-chicken-nugget, @a-daydreamers-day
Sorry if I forgot anyone
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dibs4ever · 6 years
Tim and Steph babysit DickBabs baby
Stephanie Brown knocked on the door to Tim’s apartment and waited only a second before the door opened
“Thank God your here” he sighed looking relieved upon seeing her
She smiled lightly and stepped inside “I got your message.....what’s the 911?” She glanced around. It was 2pm in the afternoon on a Saturday. She couldn’t imagine what was so urgent that he needed her here pronto
Tim silently pointed to the couch where a small little lump laid with a harvest yellow colored blanket
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A smile brightened Stephanie’s face “Awe why’s Nathan here?”
Dick and Barbara’s sleeping 11-month-old baby slept peacefully sprawled out on the couch.
“Shh not so loud you’ll wake him” Tim waved for her to step into the kitchen so they could talk
Stephanie followed “Dick has police duty in Bludhaven and Barb had some sort of last minute thing with the Birds of Prey..”
Stephanie nodded “And everyone else?”
“ Busy, which is why Barb randomly dropped him off here 15 minutes ago. Luckily he’s been asleep the whole time” he peaked into the room at the still sleeping baby who was beginning to stir
Stephanie stepped back crossing her arms “So you automatically texted me to come help cause I’m a female “  she smirked
Tim gritted his teeth “No, well ugh I mean...well”
Stephanie laughed “Of course I’ll help you watched him! I haven’t gotten to babysit since before he started walking”
Tim nodded, they turned to head back into the living room only to see that the blanket was on the ground and the baby was nowhere to be seen
Quickly they rushed into the room, glancing around for him
“Where could he have gone?” Stephanie said frantically eyeing the room
Tim jumped without a word and lunged forward catching the baby just as he was falling from the entertainment center.
Tim held him close, but it was more for his own comfort because Nathan wasn’t crying he was laughing
“Was he on top of that!?” Stephanie stood beside him eyeing the 8-foot piece of furniture
Tim nodded
“How? “ she asked her eyes widening “He was only out of sight for 2 minutes”
Tim shrugged and set his squirming nephew down.
They watched as he toddled away happily walking toward the diaper bag his mother had packed pulling out a colorful Abacus.
“Nice toy, babies just love counting” Stephanie joked
Tim nodded “You know Barb, this kid is the mind that she’s molding to her perfection” he joked
Stephanie nodded “Yeah, we’ve only witnessed this since the day he was born” she stepped forward and picked him up
She hugged the baby tightly to her “How’s Aunt Stephs handsome boy today?” She smiled at him
As if he realized she was there for the first time a big grin grew on Nathan’s face and he snuggled into Stephanie’s chest cuddling her.
Tim laughed “My nephew is getting more action then I do” he teased
Nathan began squirming again pulling his head away from Stephanie’s chest “ilk!!” He said opening and closing his hand from a fist
“That's sign language for milk” Stephanie pointed
Tim nodded “Barbara brought some bottles, I’ll go get one for him, he returned a moment later from the kitchen with a bottle of milk
Stephanie laid Nathan on the ground setting a pillow behind his head for support and Tim handed him the bottle
They rose an eyebrow as they watched their nephew raise his legs up and put the bottle between his feet holding it there and freeing his hands
Tim smiled “I swear there is no doubt this is Dick’s child”
Stephanie smiled “Have you ever seen him when Barbara is feeding him?”
Tim shook his head “Out of respect I try to leave the room when she’s doing that”
Stephanie rolled her eyes *men* “Anyways, he does some crazy acrobatics then too. The other day I walked into the Batcave and she was sitting at the computer doing work while he was bent backward over her shoulder while still sucking on her breast”
“That sounds painful” Tim winced “He looks pretty mellow right now, come on I want to show you this new gadget I’m working on. I think it’ll really help everyone on the field” he motioned for Stephanie to follow him to his room.
Tim was explaining to her how the new microcamera he was devolving would fit on their masks, they were so small and discrete that the outside eye wouldn’t even know they were there. There was a loud crash that caused them both to jump them rush into the living room.
“Great he’s gone again” Tim groaned
Stephanie shook her head “The kid won’t even be one till next week, how far could he of gone?” Her eyes shifted to the balcony of his 3rd-floor apartment. “Oh my God Tim! You kept the door open.” 
Quickly they ran to the patio and looked over the railing not seeing anything “Oh my God Dick and Barbara are going to kill me-Commissioner Gordon and Bruce are going to kill me—Jason is going to kill me. The whole family is going to take turns killing me then throwing me into the Lazarus pit so that the next person in line can have their chance at killing me.” Tim rambled
“Shh” Stephanie held a hand up
They could here a light baby giggle but couldn’t distinguish where it was coming from
They glanced at each other “You don’t think? She eyed the air vent
Tim shook his head “He’s not even one how could he possibly get in the air vent, we were only gone like 5 minutes”
They went back into the apartment shutting the sliding glass door and locking it this time. The giggling continued as they made their way in
“Nay Nay” Stephanie spoke checking closets “Come see Aunt Stephy” she cooed hoping to draw out the baby
Tim decided to take the lower route and look under furniture “Nate, come on give Uncle Tim a break” he groaned
They heard a crash and both darted their heads toward each other “The kitchen” they both rushed into the kitchen getting there at the same time. They stopped in their tracks when they saw the baby hanging onto the top cabinets
“How did he even get up there!” Stephanie spoke
Tim shrugged ”He must’ve walked in here, climbed up on the stool, climbed onto the counter got onto the fridge and now he’s hanging onto the top cabinet” Tim observed but Stephanie wasn’t paying much attention. She was trying to calmly coax the infant down. Not wanting to upset him
“Nathan come on bud get down” she spoke as Tim stood at her side
Nathan just laughed, in a swift motion he swung his little body twisting his waist so his legs and feet landed on top of the cabinets then rolled his body so that he was completely on top  
“My brother's son is a freak of nature” Tim spoke in awe
Stephanie scrunched up her eyebrows before elbowing him “Don’t just stand there, help me get him down before he gets hurt” she moved forward
“Nathan come on baby,” Stephanie said as she began climbing onto the counter
But as she did so a grin grew on the baby’s face
He decided to lean forward and tumbled off the top of the cabinet
“TIM!” Stephanie shouted
Quickly he jumped forward catching the baby, the impact causing them both to fall back bumping into the wall.
“You guys okay?” She asked climbing down
Tim pushed himself up as Nathan began whimpering
“I think he bumped  his head,” she said taking the now crying baby from his arms
“Shh it’s okay” she soothed bouncing him lightly
It didn’t help, he began crying harder
“How do we comfort him?” Stephanie asked
Tim thought “The song” he snapped his fingers
“Song?” Stephanie spoke over the wailing baby she was still trying to comfort
Tim nodded “That Song Dick always sings to him Barb said it always calms him down “
Stephanie nodded shifted Nathan to her shoulder “Well take him and sing it” she said the baby was now squirming and crying even harder, obviously worked up
“I-I don’t know it, it’s some circus song about flying and stealing woman”
Stephanie rose an eyebrow “That doesn’t sound like a good song to sing to your baby” she passed Nathan off to Tim. “Let me try and find it” she slipped her phone out
“Okay, I think I found it”, and this one is pretty cool because it’s not a kiddie version it’s a cover by Bruce Springsteen,” Stephanie said
“Just press play” Tim grumbled struggling with the wailing infant
“Oh, he floats through the air with the greatest of ease,This daring young man on the flying trapeze;His actions are graceful, all girls he does please,My love he has purloined away.”
As the song continued with Bruce Springsteen’s rugged voice ringing through the phone speaker. Nathan’s cry’s turned into sniffles until all he was doing was holding Tim’s chest tightly. Stephanie took the opportunity to look him over
“Is he okay?” Tim asked
Stephanie nodded “Yeah he just will have a little bruise on his head that we’ll have to explain to Dick and Barbara but that’s it”
Tim threw his head back “Great, Jason and Roy are going to be pissed”
Stephanie rose an eyebrow “Why?”
Tim sucked in his bottom lip “Jason and Roy might have been secretly using Nathan as a baby model for the past couple months to make money---Dick and Barbara don’t know”
Stephanie chuckled “I mean it’s not wrong on their part, he is a gorgeous child”
There was a knock a the door “Oh thank god this babysitting job is over” he said passing Nathan to Stephanie and going to the door. A few minutes later Dick followed behind Tim into the kitchen dressed in his BCPD police uniform
“There’s my boy,” Dick said with a wide smile
Nathan smiled brightly “DADA!” He stretched his arms out
Dick took the baby from Stephanie and spun him around tossing him lightly into the air before catching him “Oh I missed you!” He kissed the baby’s cheek and hugged him tightly
“I just had a 48 hour shift at the department, before that Nightwing had an 8 hour patrol so I haven’t seen him in three days” Dick explained to Stephanie as he snuggled his sons cheek and kissed the baby again “Daddy loves you so much” Dick cooed then paused rubbing a thumb over the bruise on Nathan’s  forehead “What’s this?” He asked
Stephanie gritted her teeth “Well you see he kinda umm crawled on top of the counter somehow and-“
“Jumped?” Dick finished
Tim nodded “But I caught him, we just kinda bumped the wall” he tried to assure
Dick nodded “It’s okay, Babs and I have had to pad the whole house. He started climbing and trying to flip off everything” he smiled and rested his forehead against Nathan’s “Isn't that right my fiu?” Your daddy’s next flying Grayson huh”
Nathan giggled
“Welp thanks for watching him, it’s great that we can count on you guys” dick waved “See you at the weekly family dinner tonight” Dick waved before helping himself out the door
“I will never get over Dick using baby talk” she shook her head
“I’m not having a kid for a while” Tim commented
Stephanie shook her head “Me neither”
“Glad we agree” Tim smiled at her
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Midnight Circus pt.4
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☾pairing: Jungkook ♡→  reader ☾genre: Angst. Fluff. Mature content. badboy summer fling au ☾summary: “You’re ten times hotter this summer, you know that?” 
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | coming soon
Last night.
“How long are they gonna be in there?” You grumbled, crossing your arms. You were in the passenger's seat, Jungkook on the driver's side, Beah, and Tae left to get popcorn and it’s taking them longer than necessary. He let out an exasperated sigh, reclining his seat a bit. When you looked at him you had to remind yourself of who you were really looking at—Jeon Jungkook. The neon lights from the signs and the flashing light from the drive-in screen illuminated his features beautifully. He was too pretty, too breathtaking to be who he really was. Heartless with an ungodly presence, he seemed to embody temptations of the flesh.
“I’m cold…” He mumbled, looking at you with half-lidded eyes. His hand lingered on his thigh as if to tease you. You swallowed, directing your attention back to the movie. He knew what you were thinking—he’s come to take pride in his apparent control over your will but that’s not about to happen. “Come here, warm me up…” He let his legs drift farther apart, giving you room to crawl over to him. He decided he’d see how willing you were to resist. He moved his finger, signaling you to come like one would a pet.
“No.” You said that almost immediately, insisting on keeping your dignity in this car.
He grinned. “I dare you to.” 
“What’re you? Twelve? I said no. For someone who hates me, you sure won’t leave me the hell alone…” You hissed, crossing your arms as you leaned against the door—you didn’t even want to look at him, but you could hear him shifting around restlessness.
“I don’t know, you’re just fun to play with I guess…” His hand traveled to your thigh. “Other girls would already be half-naked and on me by now, but not you. You’re more entertaining than that, so…why don’t you come make yourself comfortable on my lap…like you did the other night.” You figured he wouldn’t shut up until you engaged him.
“Jungkook, stop…I don’t know why you keep doing this but I’m not falling for it again.” It sounded like you were trying to convince yourself—what you two were doing was toxic and wrong. The tension grew slowly. He sat up and you could’ve sworn he looked a little irritated like he was frustrated but didn’t want to say it.
“I dare you to kiss me Y/N…” He paused, catching you off guard with such a bold request. “I know you want to...You just need a little push...I think that’s one thing we can agree on, physically, we know each other well…” His eyes were dark and he had bad intentions laced with his words.
“That’s the most shallow thing I’ve ever heard in my life, you should be ashamed of yourself. A relationship based on the physical is- is just- just lust, it’s unhealthy and I want no part of it-” He grabbed your jaw, gently cutting you off by kissing you.
It’s happening again—you melted like ice under his fiery fingertips. His peachy pink lips were the key to your willingness, even just peck made you feel sparks. Like a rag doll, he picked you up and pulled you on to his visibly toned thighs, breaking the kiss in his wake.
You just gazed into each other’s eyes, waiting for the other to speak. Your hands pressed against his chest while his hands rested on your hips. He took this chance to press a kiss to your collarbone, the most lethal place to kiss. As nice as his lips were, you saw Tae and Beah in the distance, with more than a bag of popcorn.
“They-…” You cleared your throat, guilt washing over you slowly. “They’re coming back with the popcorn…I- I have to pee…” You opened the driver's side door, quickly trying to get out of your current position before anyone sees. You got out and just as you were about to walk off, Jungkoook pulled you back by your waist.
“Jungkook, please.” That sounded whinier than you intended and he laughed a little. You tried to get his hands off of you but he only continued his efforts.
“Your skirt was hiking up, I fixed it.” He gave you a sweet smile, letting you walk off to the small drive in restrooms.
That was last night—you hadn’t talked to him since then and you weren’t planning on it.
“We’re leaving this paradise tomorrow guys, this is the last day to do something crazy.” Naeun stood as if she was giving an ‘I have a dream’ kind of speech. 
“Why is doing something crazy necessary, can’t we just leave peacefully?” You questioned, eating your bowl of Cap’n Crunch as the others braid each other’s hair in front of the TV. “
“Y/n, you’ve already had your crazy experience.” With the crook of her brow, you found yourself clueless onto what she was referring to. “Let us have our fun?”
“You've been hooking up with Jungkook.” She chuckled.
Your mouth opened in shock. “Not true! We have not been hooking up Naeun, where the heck did you get that idea?”
“Maybe the sudden disappearances of you when we’re all together. And the way Jungkook looks at you, it’s a dead give away.”
Beah had the most innocently confused look on her face when she looked at you then back to Naeun. “You and Jungkook are—?”
“Nothing, we’re nothing.” You sighed. “Look, there’s nothing-”
The front door flew open and silenced you, Jungkook stood there looking around until he saw you. You thought he was here for you but he diverted his gaze from you and walked towards the kitchen.
“They sent me over for popcorn.” He grumbled, looking on the counters for the bag. 
“I made sure we all had the same amount. How’d you kill it that fast?” Jennie said suddenly but she was forgetting that they were all full grown men—food wouldn’t last long. He hummed in an ‘I don’t know’ tone and glanced at you, then back at the door. 
Without a word, he was out the door and you found yourself thinking about the way he was trying to consciously not look at you—he wants me. You smirked, why was that so ego boosting for you? The mere fact that someone like fuckboyish, crude and annoying as hell but also absolutely gorgeous wanted you. Even if the thought of him rarely crossed your mind you found yourself daydreaming, and you didn’t like it. Why was it so bittersweet? To have him or to have him not, that was the question and it shouldn’t have been difficult to answer. The girls finally dropped the subject of you and Jungkook when you brought up the face regimen you’ve been following. You shouldn’t have let Jungkook consume your thoughts, you don’t like him, you like Jimin, and that was the complicated part. Jungkook was never supposed to kiss you like a feverish high schooler at the peak of his manhood or something
—were you supposed to be the means of his satisfaction? Heck no.
It was a warm summer night—the crickets chirped, the moon watched over you and the stars weren’t shy. Tonight is the last night at this place and the least you wanted from it was a nice swim, under the stars and away from everyone else. This seemed more antisocial than you intended but you needed some you time, your thoughts have been scattered and confusing ever since the very first incident with Jungkook. He managed to make you reevaluate your life in ways you didn’t think were possible. Like why did you let him do the things he does, it’s immoral and you weren’t an easy girl but it just happened? A lesson was learned when you two were at the carnival and Namjoon saw, this needs to stop sometime but you weren’t sure when—why does life have to be so cruel?
At the call of your name, you looked back and there was Jimin, wearing a rash guard and some swimming trunks, he smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat. 
“Oh, Jimin, Hi...” You watched him walk over and sit his towel on the pool chair not too far behind you. “You’re up late...”
“So are you, do you like to swim at night too?” He commented as he took off his shoes and sat them near his towel—his hair was so fluffy and blonde, you just wanted to fluff through it. 
“Yeah, it’s just a beautiful night, I thought I’d come out and enjoy it...” You kicked your feet a little bit in the cool water, it looked so pretty—like something you’d see in an aesthetic 80′s movie. 
“I love it,” He was already walking down into the water from the metal later thing on the edge of the pool. “it’s so relaxing.” He said that with a moan like a tone. His hair was pushed back and he began swimming with his head above the water. “But why aren’t you in the water?” He questioned, furrowing his brows in curiosity.
“I’m gonna get in...” You tight lip grinned, you really didn’t plan on getting in with someone else but you decided to be adaptable. Not every day did you have the opportunity to have a whole Park Jimin to yourself, might as well enjoy it. With suddenly shaky hands you took off your cover-up and sat it on the pool chair beside his towel, you wore a rash-guard in order to avoid mosquito bites and a pair of swimsuit bottoms. There are a number of girls who’d kill you to be in this position and for some reason that made you smile. You eased in slowly, testing out the water and then you just walked right into it, your head and some of your torso was above the water but not as much as Jimin.
“The movie and carnival were fun,” Jimin said, making small talk as you swam not too far from one another. He laughed, flashing that million dollar smile that had you at his will instantly. “but I swear, Jungkook finds the most illegal things to do sometimes.”
He could say that again. “Tell me about it...” You scoffed a little.
“Yeah, but that’s Jungkook.” He was right, that was just Jungkook and as long as he doesn’t get caught he was still gonna do it. 
You glanced at him, seeing him stare up at the sky with wonder-filled eyes. “Are you guys close?”
“Yep, we’re practically brothers. I’ve known him since he was just a little kid, we go wayyyy back.” He drew out that last part to emphasize their relationship, they really were very close.
“That’s nice,” You floated around a bit, “I’m curious...does he ever mention me?”
“He has a few times, he said you were the one who did most of that one project that was a majority of his grade.” He laughed, remembering the unfortunate situation. “You really saved him that time.”
“Yeah, that was me.” You sighed in relief—you knew he was bluffing when he said he’d tell Jimin about your little crush. “I should’ve asked the teacher for a different partner.” You shook your head, remembering the mess he put you through.
“I would’ve, I love him but he can be such a troublemaker sometimes. For someone who gets good grades, he’s not that good at managing his priorities or owning up to his responsibilities.”
“Yeah? So I’m not the only one who sees that.” 
“Nope...” By now you two were standing against to edge, the smell of chlorine and grass was making you a little dazed. The silence was nice, being this close to him was nice and for a minute your mind was consumed by a series of things that could happen but you ignored those thoughts—but unbeknownst to you, he didn’t.
“You have the cutest eyes.” He complimented, touching your cheek in fondness—could he be any more charming? You shied away and you honestly shouldn’t have been so flattered but you couldn’t help it
“T-thank you...” You could feel a heat, wash over you and it wasn’t from the summer temperature outside, just a hand on your cheek had you looking at him in wonder. “You have cute eyes too.” You said that sort of awkwardly and he just smiled, finding your surprise and innocent response adorable.
“You think so? Well, since we have the love for each other's eyes in common let’s play 10—things we like about each other? That sounds fun.” Now he turned on his playful tone, as he swam on his back. “You go first.” He urged you to go.
“Uh- Okay...” You swallowed, suddenly all the compliments you’ve wanted to give Jimin left your mind and you didn’t know what to say. “I like your smile, it’s a really warm smile...” You couldn’t keep from blushing at saying that, it made you giddy for some reason.
He smirked. “I really like the way you laugh, it’s cute...”
You giggled and it only made him appreciate that quality more. “Thanks...I like the way you talk...” You were sure your face was about to explode, you were revealing things that you liked about him and vice versa—never in a million years did you think this would ever happen. You swam around, water splashing on your face when you took one too many steps before almost slipping into the deep end. 
“The way I talk?...” He swam over to you and you nervously grinned at the way he stalked towards you. “You like my voice? What about it?” He teased playfully—the rumors of him being needy were true, it was cute how he fished for praise but gave praise in the same manner.
“Y-yeah, um...I don’t know if anyone has ever told you that but it’s really charming...” 
“My turn,” He said softly. “I think your lips,” He paused, purposely trying to leave you in suspense before his gaze softened. “are really pretty...” He was one to talk, to you, his lips were absolutely gorgeous and you’ve always wanted to tell him that—you hoped your eyes said it for you now.
You fluttered your lashes at the compliment and you had to determine whether you heard him correctly—he likes my lips? 
“Really?...” You weren’t even sure why you said that but it seemed to satisfy him as he nodded.
“Mhm.” He hummed in response and you lowered yourself off of the latter so that you would be directly in front of him, kicking your legs a bit to stay afloat. 
“Jimin...” You bit your bottom lip bringing his attention down to your pinkish flesh. You felt a hand on your thigh and it traveled up to your waist, the water started to feel cooler and you shivered and his hand was like a mobile heater. Your mind was going a mile a minute, Jimin was holding your waist, the water turning warm and engulfing you both like blankets—your heart was about to burst out of your chest, was he trying to kill you?
“Hm...” He touched them with his free hand and he smiled when you parted your lips. “Oh, are you trying to bite me?” He cooed, tapping your cheek when you made a biting action just to play around. “Let’s not bite, why don’t we kiss instead?...hm?” He held the side of your jaw and gently pressed his lip against yours—you just about dropped dead...
“Ah-” You pulled back in surprise. “Jimin.”
“Oh, do you not want to?” He mumbled, feeling a little flustered that you pulled away like that. “I’m sorry, I thought-”
 “I do, I’m sorry you just surprised me.” You laughed nervously, holding your arms against your chest and he smiled in relief. “I'm sorry if I ruined the moment, I do want to kiss you...” You looked at his chest then up to his face.
“No, no, don’t be sorry, you didn’t ruin anything.” He dipped back down to give you a light peck before going straight for the kill—long gone was your anticipation of a peck. And so there you are, kissing your lifelong crush in a pool at a campground at the end of summer. His soft, plump, honey-like lips emitted a silent cry of euphoria from you. He could tell you didn’t know what to do with your hands, you held them against yourself as if you were afraid to touch him, it was cute how awkward it looked.
He brought his mouth to your jaw, leaving damp warm trails in his wake, he couldn’t stop smiling. 
“Yeah, I think you left them on the benches.” 
Jin spoke to someone and both you and Jimin looked back, hoping whoever it was wasn’t coming close. To your dismay, the person didn’t state their identity but you were pretty sure it was Tae based on the sing-song hums he made.
“I think Tae is coming...” You mumbled, looking back in worry—you didn’t want anyone to see you and Jimin understood.
Noticing that your cheeks heated at the slowly approaching situation that you wanted to avoid. Like the considerate person he is, he encouraged you to sink lower into the water so that your nose was still above the water. “Take a deep breath.” He instructed. As soon as you heaved your chest up he pushed you under. 
The peaceful echoing sound of water as you were immersed in it had taken you to another planet. You opened your eyes wide and could see him but he was kind of blurry so you just shut your eyes. In order to keep oxygen in your lungs, all you did was pinch your nose closed, there wasn’t much movement. The off-white lights somewhat illuminating the body of water making it resemble an ocean or a lake.
“Jimin, have you seen my slides? I can’t find them.” He pouted, looking at Jimin over the fence that separated the pool from the campground living area.
“Yeah, they’re in the laundry closet.” Jimin continued to act casual even though he felt you squeezing his wrist, signaling that you wanted to come up for air. 
“Okay, I’ll check there thanks.” With that, he marched back inside, and Jimin waited for the cabin door to close.
When it finally did he pulled you up and you gasped for air. “Ah- ah, ah-” You panted heavily, trying to form a sentence. But before you could that, in the midst of you wiping your eyes, Jimin started kissing your neck.
“Sorry about that, but Tae is a blabbermouth, he would tell the whole world if he could,” The more his face nuzzled against you, the more shallow your breaths became. “Now where were we?” He crashed his mouth against your own, making your teeth come close to bumping. He was almost like you imagined, a touch of control all while still being fluffy and sweet. It was a mixture of extremely fast yet painfully slow, you could barely think straight. The sounds leaving his mouth were very audible and that seemed to be the only sound you heard aside from the splashing water around you. A small sound from you had him all over you, he held you like there was no tomorrow kiss you like tomorrow wouldn’t come if he didn’t.
His hands were not shy about joining in on the fun and it was all blurry from there.
It was late, he was bored and you wouldn’t answer his texts. Jimin went out for a swim and he declined the invitation to join him but now he’s just looking for some trouble to get in to, or just something to do. So, he pulled up his sweatpants and pulled down his long-sleeved white sure and rolled out of bed.
He slid on some black slides and sluggishly walked himself outside. It was nice outside, it was the kind of night that he’d want to go out for a nice long drive in the long roads in the semi-country. He walked out on to the porch, the night's wind blowing lightly against his face. He had thoughts about a variety of things, going home soon, starting up school again. There was a lot he hadn’t decided, where he was gonna go, did he even want to go back? Not that his parents would give him a choice. But the sudden flood of decisions and responsibilities gave him a headache, how was he supposed to deal with this? He guessed he’d approach it like he did everything else in life, in a nonchalant manner, it always seemed to work for him. 
The soft sound of splashing water caught his attention, he assumed Jimin must be playing around. He walked over to the gate and peeked at the pool, he was about to call Jimin but then he saw it. 
He was playing around for sure.
There you were, kissing each other and Jimin was just relishing in it. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and he had you propped against the edge of the pool—disgusting. He was no saint but right now he couldn’t help but feel nothing but confusion and disgust for the man he called his brother. The two of you were taking your sweet time and prolonging the kiss by relentlessly going back for more. Jimin was the more ambitious one, he reeked of sensuality and Jungkook was witnessing it in its full effect. His chest began to tighten, he furrowed his brows at the very sight of a man touching you that wasn’t him. He’s never actually seen you with another guy before, except for once when you were in elementary school, but he put an end to that real quick.
He was quiet so no one would notice him but you two were too distracted to notice him anyway. He watched you, doing things with Jimin that he personally never thought would happen. Jungkook just watched, waiting for you to look his way but you never did. One measly sound escaped your lips and Jungkook was livid. He was getting so worked up for no reason, he wanted to run over to you, drag you out of that pool and- Let’s just say, show you your place. As soon as he can get you alone your ass is gonna get it. When Jimin pulled your head back by your hair and started peppering kisses up your jaw. Jungkook’s is eyes went wide and his mouth went agape—He scowled. “I can’t watch this shit.” He stormed off to the cabin and you heard the loud slam of the door, causing you to flinch.
“J-Jimin...” You mumbled, your breath slightly constricted from the position he had you in. He guided your mouth back to his lips and pecked quickly before humming in a questioning tone—his flirtatious tendencies had you shivering at the chilling effect he gave.
“I was supposed to c-call my mom 20 minutes ago...” You smiled nervously and he reluctantly let you go. 
“Okay, it’s getting late so I should go shower anyway.” He and you both got out of the water at the same time, leaving wet trails as you walked towards the pool chairs. You reached for your phone and saw it was close to 11 o’clock, your mom was probably asleep by now, but then maybe not. You grabbed your towel, drying yourself off as best as you could, he handsomely did so himself. He shook his hair a bit and wiped off his face.
“So I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” You stated, trying to dismiss yourself without being awkward. “Goodnight.” 
“Definitely, goodnight.” He winked, leaving you high and on cloud nine—your biggest fantasy was just fulfilled.
Now what?
Jungkook hissed. He laid back in his bed, thinking about the things you said and did, he couldn’t believe he was getting worked up about this. There were a million things he could be getting mad about and he wasn’t really mad—just undecided. Suddenly his body temperature rose to an alarming rate, he didn’t know whether to march back out there, grab you out of the pool and take you right there or burn down a house, with you in it.
He shouldn’t care, at all, he never had before. You two weren’t really even friends, well you were, but you weren’t that friendly—some would say otherwise if they saw what you two were sneaking around to do. He was showing you mercy actually, most girls would’ve been doing far more than kissing and heavy petting. Why hadn’t he been able to get you in bed? And how come that didn’t bother him as much as he thought it would?
It pissed him off to think that Jimin would probably have no problem getting you in bed—you’d probably be all over him in a millisecond. That really shouldn’t matter, yet, he felt that buzzing in his chest of betrayal. He picked up his cellphone in a fit of revenge, he had to say something to you, just out of childish revenge.
[12:58] Jungkook: fuck you
Everyone headed to the clubhouse for breakfast and you stared at the text message on your phone from Jungkook. What is wrong with this boy? You rolled your eyes, tucking your phone into your pocket. Ever since last night, you were confused onto why he would send such a message. Jungkook didn’t come to breakfast, you assumed he stayed in for cereal. And you stayed to do your laundry. 
The little laundry mat down in the recreation was vacant, you assumed no one was intending on washing but you. So, you walked down there with a little white basket of your clothes and your own laundry detergent. When you got there you saw Jungkook standing in front of the dryer. Ehh...I’ll just turn around- No. He can’t scare me away.
You opened the door and he didn’t even look at you.
“Good morning.” You decided you’d greet him first, seeing if he’d respond. He looked at you, giving you a dirty look. “Why are you so rude, it’s common courtesy to say good morning back to someone...” You mumbled as you dumped your clothes in the washing machine with fabric softener and detergent. Still the silent treatment, you knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long so you just waited.
“Why did you kiss me?” He said suddenly, walking to lean his back against the dryer. “The other night, you kissed me even when I was just kidding around with you to do it but you did it.” He frowned. 
“Yeah, I did...why does that matter?”
“I wanna know why you fucking did it.”
“For the same reason you do it, I don’t know. But that’s beside the real issue here, what was with the text message last night? Huh?”
“Think about it.” He quipped.
“Think about it? I’m not doing this Jungkook..” You just shook your head and said nothing. The two of you stood there and you could’ve sworn, for a split second, he looked hurt. Without a word, you left your clothes to wash and went to the cabin for a snack.
“Hey y/n!” You looked up and saw Jimin getting in his car. “I’m going to the convenience store, wanna come?” 
“Sure.” You smiled, walking towards the passenger's seat of the car and sliding in. When you sat down he flashed you a sweet smile, reminding you of everything you two did last night, you bashfully looked away. “You can pull off Jimin...” 
“I just wanna make sure you were okay with, y’know...” He mumbled, referring to last night. “You seemed kind of shocked, it made me wonder if you enjoyed it or not...” His expression was almost childish. It was the way he pouted and looked at you with puppy dog eyes that forced a response out of you.
“No, I enjoyed it! I mean, yeah I was shocked but in a good way...If I’m being honest, I’ve always kind of liked you...” The blush on your cheeks was evident and bright, Jimin was blushing too. “I’m happy we could do that...”
“I like you too, it just seems like you’re more to yourself than anything.”
“Yeah, relationships are kind of...-”
“Scary?” Your mouth went agape as he spoke what you were thinking. “Yeah, I agree. So, why don’t we just leave it at that? I like you, you like me, nothing complicated or scary about that.” Jimin was proposing that you two get to know each other, rather than fabricating a relationship just because of a mutual attraction—that’s fair enough.
“Okay.” You sat back, assured that you didn’t have to try to make something work and then you relized—your clothes are in danger. “My laundry!” You left it unattended with Jungkook.
He laughed a little. “Your laundry?-”
“Sorry, I’ll go with you another time, I left my laundry in the washing machine.” You hopped out of the car and began skipping towards the laundry mat, you prayed that he hadn’t done something to your clothes. When you made it to the laundry mat he was folding his clothes, seemingly not suspicious. You saw that the timer on the washing machine had gone off so you cautiously took your clothes out and threw them in the dryer.
“Damn it, I’m just gonna say it, I saw you last night.” He dropped the shirt he was folding and stared at you, finally getting what he really wanted to say off of his chest. “In the pool.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about...” You feigned ignorance, hoping he wouldn’t start acting crazy.
“Don’t play dumb with me, y/n. I saw you with my own eyes in the pool with him, doing God knows what. Hell, I didn’t know you were such an easy little whore.” He blurted out suddenly, contorting his face into a scarily focused expression.
“Excuse me? Back off Jungkook, what happened last night is none of your business.” He breathed in, getting ready to slap that cocky look off of his face. “Who do you think you are? Bitching over something that has nothing to do with you!” The conversation easily turned into a loud argument.
“Yes, the hell it does. You don’t think I have a right to confront you for fucking around with my friend, behind my back. Y’know, I never liked you, you’re so fucking gullible and now I know you’re a backstabbing slut.” He just wanted to say anything that potentially hurt you, so, he began doing some damage. “You think Jimin likes you? Are you really that stupid? That you’d think he’d give a shit about you? You’re really as simple-minded as you look...He only gives you the time of day for your looks, but deep down, your just another body to him, you’re nothing special.”
“Shut up Jungkook.” You frowned but he only cornered you against the wall, intimidating you further.
“Make me.” He grabbed your shoulders and you went silently out of shock. “Seriously, Make me Y/n.” He brought his face near you. “What’d you gonna do? You couldn’t do anything then and you can’t do anything now, can you?”
“Wha- What are you talking about?” You stammered.
“Junior year, the banquet, that girl beat the shit out of you for talking to her boyfriend...You sat there and let her beat you up in front of everyone until her parents came to get her off of you. You didn’t even hit her back, not once, ever since that day I wondered, ‘does she have a screw loose or something?’ she’s so weak and fucking pathetic. And then, you started to get smart, and that’s when you thought you were better than everyone else; straight A’s, internships, every teacher's favorite little pet. You know what? You’re a spoiled brat who thinks she can get whatever she wants, do you think you can have everything y/n? Because you can’t, you’re far from perfect.” He let go of your shoulders and scoffed, the anger and frustration he had for you showing vividly. You swallowed at his words, not wishing to speak until he was finished with his juvenile tactics.
“And, you know what else? You’ll always be that baby girl in the corner, that’s just not like the rest of us...you’re like—the ugly duck, per se.” He chortled, finding the way you chewed on your lips too satisfying of a victory, he won this argument—hands down. “So sad, but true.”
As if all the oxygen had been taken from your lungs, you stood there red-faced and boiling in anger. You couldn’t escape the tears that insisted on streaming down your face before you wiped your cheek hurriedly. 
“This is why I hate you.” You spoke in a rigid tone. “I never should’ve let this mess go on. We hate each other and we always will.” You bent down in front of the dryer and shoveled your clothes into your little white basket, you couldn’t be around him anymore. “You’re a jerk Jungkook...”
He grabbed your upper arm to try and stop you from leaving. “Y/n, stop, all I’m saying is-” 
“Let go.” You pulled your arm away and kicked his calf, He choked back the pain. You glared at him intently as he lifted his hands in somewhat of a surrender or a sign of standing down. The air in the room was thick, and it wasn’t from the heat of the dryer, you were seriously upset and his stomach churned at the realization that he took it too far
“This is how it’s gonna be?” He countered, watching you walk out the door with your basket, not even trying to look back.
“You’re just gonna walk away!?” He yelled out at you.
“Leave me alone!” You just kept walking to the cabin, ignoring the scene he was making as you left him where he was. You angrily walked into the cabin, sat your clothes on the bed and folded them in the most violently way you could imagine.
“Hey,” Jennie walked in, “are you in a fight with your clothes or something?”
You were torn from your thoughts of killing Jungkook and you paused, realizing you were making quite a scene. You sighed, sitting your swimsuit on top of your shorts. “No.” You continued to fold but much slower.
“What's wrong? And don’t say nothing because it’s obvious that somethings up.” He put your basket on the floor and sat beside you.
“Jungkook and I got into a fight.” 
“Oh, I heard you guys...What were you fighting about?” She asked hesitantly.
“Honestly, I don’t want to talk about it.” You got up and went to the closet to pull out your suitcase and open it up on the floor. You took your folded clothes and sat them in the suitcase, Jennie awkwardly watched you do so. “Look, Jennie, I don’t want to ruin the rest of the trip so could you just give me some space for a little bit? I’m sorry I just need to breathe.” Your tone was a lot kinder and you didn’t want to be curt with her, but you were in no mood for this.
“I understand,” She got up, “but you know I’m here if you want to talk about it.” With that, she left you in the cabin alone. It was nice to know you had a friend to confide in but it was no use, she never knew about that incident with that girl. The only people from your school were you, Jungkook that girl and her boyfriend—you hoped she’d never find out, it was humiliating and Jungkook knew it. You had to be strong about though, you couldn’t let that one incident control you, even if it did feel like the end of the world...
You remembered it vaguely; over the past few years, you’ve tried your best to forget the terrifying event. All you knew was that this boy named Mino was in your chess club, somehow the two of you began talking at the party and she didn’t like it one bit. She ran up to you and pushed her boyfriend out of the way and started picking a fight. She went on about how, quote ‘pitiful and desperate’ you were, and how I needed to get out of her face. As she walked away you couldn’t help but mumbled a sly comment and she went off, she jumped on you in the middle of the formal event and started beating you up. You’ll never forget the moment her parents pulled her off of you and you sat on the ground in tears and suddenly, you were handed an ivory handkerchief. When you looked up to see who gave it to you it was Jungkook, he gave it to you and quickly got lost in the crowd. That was the only day you ever remember seeing good in him and you carried that handkerchief the rest of the night as your friends made sure to protect for the rest of the night, at least for little time that you spent there after the fight.
“You can stop packing your bags Y/n.” Beah walked in, soaking wet from head to toe. “There’s a bad storm coming in.” She ran to get her clothes and to change in the bathroom.
“Isn’t that just my luck?” You threw yourself back on the bed and sighed, there was no leaving the campground anytime soon. To be honest, you didn’t even notice the drizzling rain when you rain out of the laundry mat; you just wanted to get away from him. 
It was odd, how could someone who had no romantic interest in you get upset over a harmless kiss between friends? Maybe it wasn’t so harmless, maybe he felt like it was an insult to him; you couldn’t imagine why though. There was obvious tension between you two, maybe because it was an attraction that neither of you knew you had for each other. You couldn’t understand it, you weren’t a bad person, you weren’t perfect but you weren’t bad. Jungkook was a supposed bad boy, you knew it was probably;y just a front but everyone was fooled, even you at times. It was like no one could touch him, he had an impenetrable layer and you just wanted to break it.
You opened the front door and everyone was scurrying to come back in, but the guys weren’t going to their cabins, they came to yours.
“Who knew it was gonna rain?!” Naeun ran past you and soon so did everyone else. Jennie walked in with Nayeon, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook; Jimin walked in last.
“I ordered pizza and we can watch movies.” Jennie went behind the changing paper to change out of her wet clothes, the boys all went to the back rooms to change too, except Jungkook, he went to sit on the couch and you sat in the kitchen. You didn’t mutter a word to him and he didn’t say a thing to you either.
“Hey, can some put this sunburn lotion on my back?” Jimin walked out of the second bathroom.
“Sure, I’ll do it.” You beckoned him to follow you to the bunk beds you slept at. His hair was wet and you smiled at how flushed his cheeks were from running in here.
“Y/n?” You squeezed the lotion into your hands and sat behind Jimin.
“I heard you and Jungkook got into a pretty heated fight...” Jungkook must’ve been talking with Taehyung or something, or you two were so loud that everyone on the campgrounds knew.
“Um,” You rubbed his back gently, “yeah, I don’t really want to talk about it.” You handed him the lotion and he gave you a knowing look, just sitting on the bed and looking at you. 
“Nothing, I just thought you’d like to talk about it to get it off your chest-”
“Jimin, Jungkook is a jerk and I don’t want to say anything more than that.” You crossed your arms, he put his shirt on completely and pushed back his hair, you felt bad for cutting him off like that. “Sorry, he’s just so mean sometimes...”
“Do you want me to talk to him-”
“No! No...” Before you knew it, Jimin’s hand had gone to the back of your neck, pulling your mouth towards him. He tilted his head and parted his lips, the way he kissed you was very different from Jungkook. If his Spotify playlist could be embodied into a kiss, it would be his kisses. It was sensual, eager, heart racing and full of passion. Jimin was very vocal, he groaned and moaned, and you were surprised, to say the least. You found yourself emitting little whines that you were embarrassed were your own, he had such an effect on you that you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed, is this what it’s supposed to feel like?...
“You’re shaking...” He commented, and you didn’t even notice, you mumbled a little apology and his hand went to your lower back, sending a jolt to your chest. “Calm down, don’t be nervous just relax...” He pulled away, his hands massaging you lightly. “Someones gonna notice that we’re gone, huh?”
“Y-yeah, probably...” You wiped your mouth and got out of his hold, trying to pry his persistent hands off of your waist but he managed to pull you down to the bed and tickle you. “J-Jimin! Stop!” You giggled and tensed up, he tickled your stomach and laughed as your face scrunched up. “J-Jimin-”
“Okay, okay.” He smiled, letting you catch your breath. He got up and you decided you’d trail behind him into the living room. The pizza was being brought in and they were like vultures. 
“We have four boxes, just put some in the living room.” Taehyung grabbed one of the boxes and took it with him but your eyes were on Jungkook, he was eerily quiet. “Jungkook, can you get us some cola?” Tae asked him and Jungkook nodded, getting up and going to the refrigerator. The way his sweats rested at the bottom of his perfect waist made you mad for some reason. When he grabbed a few cans of Coca-Cola, he cut his gaze to you for a split second.
“We’re not watching the Exorcist, I don’t find possessed people entertaining.” Naeun argued with her little sister who insisted on a horror movie.
“You’re just scared!”
“I’ll pick the movie.” Jin intervened. He decided to pick Train to Busan and everyone was pretty satisfied by that. And so the night went on, some of you guys were on the couch, the floor and on the bean bags. You were sitting next to Beah and Jennie, and you managed to get Jungkook off of your mind for the time being but it was contrary to him.
He couldn’t get the fight out of his head. 
All the things he said, he didn’t really mean all of that. He had never brought up what happened that day and neither have you, it was something that just happened and you put it in the past. But ever since that day, the day he gave you his handkerchief was the day he started to look at you more. Just recently did he start thinking you were gorgeous, or maybe you’ve always been attractive and he just never acknowledged it. Either way, he started something with you that he didn’t think would get him in any trouble. He could sneak around, steal kisses when no one was looking and touch you when everyone was around; it was the possibility of getting caught excited him. And when he saw you with Jimin he felt betrayed like he was being cheated on—no one had ever done something like that to him. He so used to getting what he wants and girls wanting him that he couldn’t fathom someone wanting any more than him.
“Scoot over.” Suddenly you got up to sit on the couch, Jimin had pulled you to sit beside him and Jungkook—this was a conveniently long couch. You sat closer to Jimin with a blanket over your laps and you smiled, you actually looked happy—it was disgusting. She’s messing with me, he thought. You were wearing shorts and a sweater, that outfit shouldn’t have Intrigued him like it did, there was something about that ensemble that made his eyes linger too long.
“Jungkook, you can use some cover too.” Jimin offered from beside you, it was like he was oblivious to the unstated tension between you and Jungkook. 
“Thanks...” Jungkook mumbled.
If he were to be completely honest, he regretted everything he said. For the first time in his life, he was sickened with regret. Seeing you next up to Jimin only made it worse, he didn’t want to remember what he saw last night. When he looked over at you, your eyes were glued to the tv, you weren’t even trying to look at him and that was starting to piss him off. He knew you were mad but he hated the silent treatment. He wasn’t about to be ignored.
You sat comfortably, well as comfortable as you could be between these two guys. You tensed, you felt a hand crawl onto your thigh and you shuddered. Jungkook. I can’t punch him, I can’t punch him, that’s what you had to tell yourself, you had to ignore him, then he’ll let up. 
“Ah.” You gasped. He was so bold as to squeeze your thigh, making you jump just in time with the sudden zombie on tv. Jungkook smirked, I’m gonna kill him...
“You okay?” Jimin said softly and you nodded.
“Y-yeah, it just startled me.” Jimin nodded. He found your thigh and rested his hand on it, knowing it’d make you flustered. But he didn’t know that you were far more than flustered. Jimin caught eye contact with you and grinned before laying his head on your shoulder like a cute little puppy.
So, there you sat, two hands on you that knew nothing of each other. One was gentle, caressing your bare thigh and sending butterflies to your stomach wholeness the other one sent a bolt of electricity up your spine, leaving you breathless and pissed.
They both flinched for a second and your eyes went wide, both of them smirked, did their hands just touch!?!?!?!?
they thought they were touching your hand...
This is going to drive you crazy.
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