montagsgedicht · 5 years
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'Windschatten' ist das Stichwort für das nächste @montagsgedicht am Montag, dem 2. Dezember 2019, ausgewählt von @engrammatik . Wer am Montag um, ab, vor, nach oder um 15 Uhr herum einen selbstverfassten Text zum Thema auf einem eigenen Blog hochgeladen und mit den AUFFINDBAREN Tags 'windschatten' und/oder 'montagsgedicht' versehen hat, kann teilnehmen. Viel Freude beim Dichten und Denken!
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desorden-en-letras · 5 years
Aquélla mirada que transmite compasión, paz, esperanza, de color ámbar, sublime, es una virtud que hace de ti algo completamente hermosa.
Sir. Black Sould
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 years
Beastars episode 8 was so good! God, fuckin, Legosi and Haru’s relationship continues to just be super interesting, particularly since Haru has a lot of really interesting and possibly-drama-creating lines this episode, ranging from a pretty like, I wanna call it almost venomous (ironic adjective for an herbivore) comment about just how much Legosi can’t understand her since he’s a carnivore and stuff, but also she reminisces on the day they met and how she got attacked by a predator (Legosi really wanted to tell her it was him oops) and also makes sure to tell him that they are friends, but then also when he saves her at the end and she can’t see she’s all “Louis thank god you came” and Legosi continued to be nice and stuff and Haru even apologised but like, it honestly feels weird how invested I am in this high school romantic drama series given how I’d honestly say I’m really jaded and cynical about that sort of relationship drama story but like, this just does it so well with clashing ambitions and ideologies and stuff. Speaking of which, Juno, not satisfied just being the wolf girl with a crush on Legosi, strives to be the Beastar, and has like a confrontation with Louis that’s oddly full of sexual tension but also is super interesting and speaks to the way Juno sees the world and Louis sees Legosi. Fun. Speaking of that world by the way, that thing Legosi was saving Haru from earlier was a blackout at the festival, since obviously if it’s a blackout nobody can see and that’s prime time for carnivores to just eat people. But actually, nocturnal animals exist, which is characterised here with what effectively amounts to night vision. That’s actually a really cool thing to include and it’s great seeing all the non-nocturnal animals like huddle up while the nocturnal animals get in a circle around them to protect them, it’s just like a detail of the world that I’d never even thought about and it kind of shows the ways in which primarily predators in this episode have certain privileges that they use for, in this case, good. Just a fuckin, always fascinating world this show takes place in. Great time.
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samsi6 · 5 years
im windschatten, ganz ruhig und still,
vermodert ein karton
der das vielleicht so gar nicht will,
der lieber klar und strong
als qualle übers weltenmeer
unendlich weit die ferne suchte,
jedoch wehte es ihn hierher,
wo er nun lauthals fluchte,
wenn er es denn nur könnte,
er kann es aber nicht,
weshalb hier ohne rente
er liegen bleibt, der wicht
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devonjwerkheiser · 5 years
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devonwerkharder “Happy birthday and happy engagement to my only sibling, who lives half way around the world...love you dearly.”
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aka-kamala-khan · 6 years
Peter 🅱️. Parker is who MCU Hawkeye should have been, don't @ me.
Tired, depressed human being ☑️
Competent super hero ☑️
Existential dread ☑️
Constantly bruised and beaten ☑️
Reluctant mentor (introduce Kate Bishop, you cowards) ☑️
In conclusion I am right.
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loondonboy · 5 years
good night, taylor! good night, tumblr!
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rebel-ashes · 6 years
One day you will be gone and all that will remain of you is a memory.
I pray that day never comes.
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zepolaicart-blog · 6 years
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Februabba - Day 12: Time
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ghmusings · 6 years
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frogdrip · 6 years
It’s important to overwhelm in a moderate fashion
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lostseawords · 5 years
The more I think about it
The less I’m sure I belong
I should keep myself a secret
Something like a bird song
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opheliarot · 6 years
Rosemary for remembrance, and pansy for thoughts— touch her only with temperance,
paint her golden with reverence, tie her hair up in knots. Don’t worry over her severance
from reality, her irreverence for the flowers that rot. Did you expect deference? 
Deference? Your inference reduces her to an afterthought; this is not her interment:
she is not buried by embitterment. Are you? In your overwrought concept of her, is her innocence 
the cure to your belligerence? How necessary is it that she garrote herself for the sake of your deliverance? Watch her choke on rue in recompense.
you must wear your rue with a difference. h.t.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 years
War of Underworld episode 8 was probably the best WoU episode so far tbh. After that one move Alice did last episode that wiped out a shit ton of enemies, all the spatial resources or whatever have been depleted, so when the Dark Mage leader bitch goes up to Vector and starts flaunting her assets shall we say, not like to seduce them it’s just SAO so the cinematography has to do that, he’s like “yo you wanna just kill 3000 orcs or goblins or trolls or what the fuckever and then get resources that way?” and she’s like “bitchin” and the orc or goblin or troll chief or whatever is super sad and emotional and like I couldn’t really care for his loss personally, but like horrors of war, villains being totally fucked up, etc etc it’s better than what we’ve had before. Meanwhile some orc or goblin or troll chief, but not the one whose troops got sacrificed so the dark mages could do their thing, sees Alice after she did that fuck off giant beam last episode, and concludes that she must be the Priestess of Light that Vector’s looking for. Obviously this title is as new to Alice as it is to us, but she decides to use it to her advantage and when she reports back to camp they make like a plan to have her and some others bust into the Dark Territory and do shit from the inside while a giant flank stays behind to defend the gate and stuff, and like, cool, actual military tactics that put our main character in a position of agency, that’s great I’m glad that happened. And then when they’re all flying through on their dragons and shit, Eldrie sees the big ass worm spell the dark mages are up to, and Return Recollections his snake whip and says like “if you’re the mightiest of snakes then beat these mere worms” or something, a line that’s like actually kinda cool, and he like lures the entire spell towards him and he like, hardcore fucking dies really badly, but SAO’s a shounen so him remembering his mum means he can power through and keep alive until like -100,000 health at which point the spell’s basically completely dissipated and he dies in Alice’s arms. Honestly, I think that’s cool. Eldrie’s not really much of a character but at the very least he’s a bit more established than some others have been and it’s nice to have a proper character death for someone on our side that we actually know, rather than just, Fanatio’s knight. Also like the entire sequence of all the dragons flying into the enemy territory and Eldrie luring the attack away and shit is the best action animation in WoU so far, and all of these reasons combined are what make this the best episode of War of Underworld. Thank god.
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haechanfluff · 6 years
thank you for 1,300 followers! it really means a lot and i’m glad you all are enjoying this blog! feel free to send in your own blurbs!
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avi-arts · 6 years
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Day 768:
Story boardin
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