#20 Best BBQ Dishes For Parties And Dinners
idrils · 9 months
any more recipes you would recommend? i'm trying to expand my cooking skills for this years resolution!
i can't TELL you how thrilled i was to get this message!!
for Videos and Techniques i really recommend bryan lagerstrom on youtube! he does a great job of explaining WHY he does things the way he does. he's a Chef chef, so some of his recipes are pretty extra, but he always offers less labor/time intensive or less costly alternatives
as far as specific recipes, they're under the cut!
this sheet pan guy is one of my favs!
fwiw my wife and i have replaced the sweet potatoes with just making rice in the rice cooker. it's easy and filling and VERY delicious
and while i'm on the kielbasa train, this is a similar form factor but very different flavoures. even better if you roast some broccoli and/or cauliflower and throw it over rice with a slice or two of garlic bread, ultimate comfort food
(and for roasting vegetables - you really can't go wrong with cutting things into bite size pieces, and roasting at 400-425 for 20 minutes, stirring once at the 10 minute mark)
this one has been a classic in my house for a long time. easy, no fuss no muss, easy to customize your level of sweetness. i usually serve it with corn and mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes!
on the other hand if you're looking for dessert recipes, here are some of my mainstays -
in general, i trust recipes from half baked harvest, gimme some oven, and damn delicious!
all that said.
my wife does most of the cooking in our house, and she's an AMAZING cook. the recipes i have to offer are much simpler lmao. if you have more specific questions or you're up for a more adventurous level of recipe, hit her up @gibsonwitch !!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. What is your favorite shade of blue? Pastel blue, teal, Tiffany blue, baby blue, powder blue, sky blue, turquoise. 2. When's the last time you bought something just because? I bought some room sprays and hand sanitizers from this place that makes Disneyland/World scented things because I was missing Disney and wanted to bring some of it to my house. 3. What Ozzy lyric describes you best? I only know Crazy Train and I mean, I do feel like I’m on a crazy train. 4. When was the last time you went for a walk without a specific destination in mind? I don’t do that. 5. Do you daydream? Yeah. My mind wanders and I zone out a lot.
6. What was your last daydream about? Random stuff. 7. Ever won the lottery? No, I wish. 8. How much did you get for your high school graduation? I think around $300 and my parents my threw me a nice graduation party. 9. What was the most important decision you made that screwed up your life the most? Not taking care of/putting off some things and neglecting myself.  10. Do you know what your Chinese horoscope is? Nope. 11. What is love really about? Encouragement, support, growth. 12. What's the most you ever made in a year? I’ve never had a job. 13. Do you have an online diary? You’re lookin’ at it. 14. What's the biggest pot you've won in poker? I’ve never played poker. 15. What's your most prized possession? I love all my things. 16. What Metallica lyric most describes your life? I don’t listen to Metallica. 17. Ever been to Ozzfest? No. I take it you’re an Ozzy fan. 18. How many concerts have you been to? I think I’ve been to 7. 19. Which one was your favorite? All of them were fun, but the Jonas Brothers concerts and the Green Day concert were my favorites. 20. What shade of purple most describes your feelings right now? I don’t know. 21. Pick a shade of a color. Now describe it to me and name it. Nah. 22. Sun tea or brewed tea? My mom used to make sun tea during the summers growing up, which I liked. I haven’t had that since then. Nowadays I just throw a tea bag in a cup of hot water and let it steep for a few minutes.  23. What's the most illegal thing you've done? I haven’t done anything serious. 24. Ever get busted by the cops? What for? No. 25. What's under your bed? Nothing. 26. Vacuum or dustbuster? Vacuum. 27. How many people are on your buddy list? Aw, the days of AIM. 28. How many pairs of rollerblades do/did you own? I’ve never owned a pair of rollerblades. 29. Ever wear out a CD? What was it? No. 30. What's your favorite card game? I like card games like Uno, Apples to Apples, and Cards Against Humanity. 31. Who was the most annoying person you've talked to on the phone? I’m not a fan of talking on the phone in general. 32. What's your favorite fast food meal? Wingstop’s boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings with their ranch and a a side of lemon pepper sauce. 33. Where is the best restaurant you've ever eaten in at? This Mongolian BBQ place was my favorite back when I could eat spicy food. 34. Lamb chops or pork chops? Neither. 35. How many roses have you received/given? I’ve never received or given roses. 36. When's the last time you mowed the lawn? Never. 37. Washed your car? I’ve never had a car since I don’t drive. I have participated in several car wash fundraising events for Girl Scouts and the psych club I was in in community college, though. 38. Ever have a tornado in your town? No, thankfully we don’t get tornadoes. --- 40. What state is your wardrobe in? Uh, it’s fine?  41. What's the last article of clothing you bought? A cute Valentine’s Day themed Baby Yoda shirt from Boxlunch. 42. How many trash cans can you see right now? One. 43. If you HAD to pick ONE song to listen to for the rest of your life, and that would be the only song you ever heard, what would it be? Ah, I don’t know. 44. Ever heard of Shinedown? Yeah. 45. They rock, don't they? I only know one of their songs and I don’t really care for it much. 46. What size is your bed? It’s a full. 47. When's the last time you had pigs in a blanket? I have no idea. It’s been several years. I don’t particularly care for those. 48. Have you ever painted the ceilings in your home? No. We haven’t painted anywhere in this house. 49. What does your lawn furniture consist of? We just have a bench in the backyard. 50. Ever live off of canned soup and ramen noodles for weeks at a time? I do have my nightly bowl of ramen, but it’s not the only thing I eat. 51. What flavor of jelly are you? *shrug* 52. Ever take any of those online personality quizzes? I’ve taken several. 53. What musical group/artist do you love, but hide from other people? I don’t hide any of the musical artists or bands that I’m into. 54. What's on the floor in your bedroom? Nothing. 55. What is the first meal you remember eating? Pfft, I have no idea. 56. Ever been to a drive in? Yeah, a few times. I wish those would make a big comeback. 57. What was the first movie you ever saw? I don’t remember. 56. What's in your keepsake box/scrapbook? I don’t have like a designated box and I don’t have a scrapbook, but I’ve kept a lot of things throughout my life and a ton of photos all stored away in various places.  57. Describe your first date. It was dinner and a movie. 58. Would you recognize most of your classmates 5 years after graduation? Not from my college graduations. 59. What percentile of your class were you in? I have no idea. 60. When was the last time it rained while the sun was shining? I don’t recall. 61. What did you score on your SATs? I never took the SATs. 62. When was the last time you saw a rainbow? It’s been several years. 63. Name your favorite artist/song from before 1990. I have many favorites. 64. Do you think there should be new genres of music to encompass some of the newer rock performers out now? I don’t know, man. 65. What colors is your lava lamp? I don’t have a lava lamp. I did have one as a kid, though. I think it was blue. 66. What's the strangest thing you've ever hung on the wall? I haven’t hung up anything strange. 67. When's the last time you did laundry? My laundry was done a few days ago. 68. How many hammers do you own? I don’t personally have any hammers, but my dad does. I could use one of his if I needed to. 69. Can you name every place you've ever had sex? Yeah, nowhere.  70. How many speakers are in your bedroom? My laptop, TV, iPhone, and my Nintendo Switch.  71. DVD or VHS? I just watch movies through a streaming service. 72. What's the most important thing you ever lost and never found again? Myself? Lost her a few years ago...still haven’t found her. 73. What forms of birth control have you used? Abstinence (I’m a virgin). 74. How many webpages have you created, and can you still find them all? I’ve made a few back in the day, but no I don’t remember any of them. 75. You have .30 in two coins. One of them is not a nickel. What are they? One of them is not a nickel, but the other one is.  76. What's your pet peeve when cleaning the house? I don’t enjoy cleaning in general. 77. Do you use sponges or dishcloths when doing the dishes? We use a dish washing brush. 78. How many people are in your family portrait? Four. 79. How many times have you moved? A few, but only once that I’m old enough to remember. 80. Handcuffs or rope :D? Neither. 81. What season best describes your temperament? Whatever one best goes along with irritability and moodiness. 82. What's the last thing you had to drink? Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. 83. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? No, but parts of my memory from one night when I got too drunk are spotty. 84. What's your favorite song on the top twenty right now? I don’t even know what the top 20 is right now. I haven’t been listening to music.  85. What do your light fixtures look like? I have a ceiling lamp and a floor lamp. 86. How many jobs have you held for more than a month? I haven’t had a job. 87. Ever punched a wall? No. 88. When's the last time you really lost your temper? It’s been a long time. 89. How do you cope? Good question. 90. What's your antidrug? My go-to distractions ASMR, watching YouTube videos, scrolling through Tumblr, checking my social medias, doing surveys, reading, watching TV, coloring, sleeping... 91. Ever grown any plants before? What were they? Nope. 92. Ever own a director chair? No. 93. When was the last time you camped out? Never. I have no interest in camping. 94. Went swimming? It’s been like 7 years now since I last went swimming. 95. Went fishing? I’ve only done it once and very briefly. 96. Oust or Glade and why? Glade.  97. Ever thought you (or a girlfriend) were pregnant, but it was a false alarm? Nope. 98. If 97 is yes, were you glad or sad? -- 99. Do you have a red-eye mouse or one with a ball? I don’t have a mouse, I use the trackpad on my laptop. 100. What do your doorstops look like? Uhh those springy ones. I don’t know how else to describe it. The ones that make a lot of noise if you accidentally bump into it. 101. What was the last conversation you had with someone before they died? I was by my grandpa’s side when he died and I was just telling him how much I loved him, thanked him for everything, and comforted him; letting him know it was okay to go. 102. What do your drinking glasses look like? We have various glasses and mugs. 103. How many bottles/containers are in your medicine cabinet? We don’t have a medicine cabinet, but we have a medicine drawer full of various medications. 104. How many funerals have you been to? Three. 105. How many states have you been to? Five, including my own.
106. What was the last bug you killed and what did you use? A gnat. I just swatted it. 107. What does your country need right now? Unity. 108. Are you creative? I wish I was. I don’t have any creativity, artistic abilities, or good ideas. 109. How so? -- 110. How many computers in your household? Two. 111. Ever help to solve a crime? No. 112. Who is in the picture frame on your bedside table? I don’t have any photos on my bedside table. 113. How many CDs does your player hold? I don’t have a CD player. I haven’t had one in many years. 114. What is one thing you'd like to do before you die? Get my shit together and do something with my life. 115. Do the good die young or do they die before they have a chance to be bad? That seems to imply that everyone ends up bad. 116. What's your favorite totally cliche' saying? Blah. 117. Ever go out of your way to exact revenge on someone? No. I’m not a vengeful person. 118. Was it worth it? I don’t think it would ever be worth it.  119. Ever get pulled over by the cops and get away without a ticket? I don’t even drive, so no. 120. What's the weather like right now? It’s currently 50F. 121. What was your first legal alcoholic drink? Tequila shots. 122. Do you have a door/doorknob to your room? Yes. 123. Name one thing you regret? I have a few regrets. :/ 124. Ever get published by one of those poetry groups? No. I don’t even write poetry. 125. What's the furthest distance you've moved? Across town. 126. How many friends from high school/college do you still talk to? None anymore... 127. Where is your home/heart right now? Right here. 128. What's the most expensive things your parents ever bought you? Many things throughout my life and even still.  129. What's the most expensive thing you've bought? My first MacBook back in 2009.  130. How many hangers are in your closet? Uh, a lot. I’m not counting. 131. If you died right now, would you feel cheated or happy? I haven’t accomplished anything. :/ 132. How many times did you intentionally start to commit suicide? Zero. 133. Ever spent the night in the "loony bin?" Don’t call it that, first of all, and no. 134. What's wrong with society? Ignorance, close-mindedness, greed, hate, violence... 135. How many crazy ice cream trucks are in your area? Uh, I’ve never considered any of them to be crazy. Anyway, lately there’s been an ice cream truck coming through my neighborhood, which is is the first in many years. What a random time, though. 136. What is your favorite cover song? I love the cover of George Michael’s, Fast Love, that Adele performed at an award show after he died in honor of him. I always describe it as hauntingly beautiful. It was just so good. I wish she would have released a studio version of it. 137. Does the weather ever seem to reflect your mood eerily? I’m always moody, so when it’s rainy and gloomy it does. 138. Are you more psychic than most people? I don’t believe in psychic abilities.  139. What's your inspiration? I don’t know. :/ 140. What's the longest relationship you've been in? Whatever it was Joseph and I had lasted 3 years, which is longer than technically the only relationship I had that lasted just a few months. What I had with Joseph felt more like one as well in a lot of ways. 141. Did you ever drop out of school? No. 142. Ever raise a child that wasn't your own for more than 3 months? No. 143. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Probably the stuff I have with birthstone.  144. Ever help someone cheat on someone else? Absolutely not. 145. Are you a cheater too? No. 146. What was the last dessert type food you've eaten? I had some mini funfetti muffins yesterday. 147. Fill in the blank: I'm a ________aholic. Coffeeholic. 148. When's the last time you went to a hairdresser/salon? Last February. I’ve over a year due now.  149. Strangest medical procedure ever performed on you? I had to wear this thing called a halo, which is a weird thing that gets drilled into the front of your head (I have two tiny circular scars above each eyebrow from that) and on the back are some weights attached to it that hang down. It was put on after my spinal fusion surgery and is meant to keep your back straight and things in place. It was awful. And heavy. When it was removed I had to wear a neck brace for a bit because my neck was weak. 150. Do you own any appliances? Yeah, we have several appliances. 151. Do you have an "egg crate" on your bed? Yes. 153. Last time you went to the laundromat? I remember tagging along as a kid with my grandma before. 154. How many hinges are on your front door? I’m not sure. 155. Can I be done yet? Yeah, I think you’re good.  
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cowboysuggest · 5 years
Cowboy Pulled Pork, a recipe by me!
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Ingredients for pulled pork:
1 slow cooker (big pot acceptable as long as it has a THICK bottom and a well controlled stove that has a very low heat setting)
1 hunk of your favorite cut of pork. personally I like boston butt or a big hunk of loin. 
2 teaspoons liquid smoke (hickory pairs best with pork in my opinion)
2 teaspoons your favorite vinegar. (I used apple cider as it pairs well with hickory smoke and pork. The vinegar helps if you have a tougher cut of meat, as it helps break down the meat and make it more tender and soft with the pull apart melt in your mouth feel.)
2 teaspoons orange juice (or lemon, or water) (altitudes above 1000ft double this)
salt, pepper
Put pork into slow cooker on low, add liquid smoke, juice (or water), add salt and pepper to taste.
Wait at least 6 hours, thats it! Do not touch it. Especially DO NOT REMOVE LID! It traps steam there for a reason, to cook it and keep it tender and moist.
The longer the better, if you can do 8-12 hours (12 is best, If yours has a timer to stop at 12 then keep warm then perfect!) on a the lowest setting! As long as the cooked meat is tender and falls apart easily, I usually put it in before I head to bed so its ready in the morning or afternoon. When you check on it at the end there will be a lot of fatty juice in the cooker from the meat, do with it what you wish but remove enough to be able to pull the pork without it being super soggy, but still moist. (You want there to be some juice still! It reheats it super well and you will have leftovers) When it's done I start on the sauce so it's fresh and hot for the sandwiches.
Part 2: The Sauce
ingredients: ( * optional, but really makes it) makes about 15 oz
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar (I do half and half. If I had to choose one then choose apple cider)
1 tablespoon liquid smoke
1 cup honey
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup ketchup (or tomato paste, even puree tomato, canned or otherwise, use sieve to remove seeds)
4 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 cup lemon and/or orange juice. again, I use half and half.
4 teaspoons of worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon lemon zest*
2 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoon mustard (powder/ground)*
2 teaspoon ginger*
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
2 teaspoon onion powder
salt and pepper to taste
a few dashes of cinnamon*
a few dashes of nutmeg*
Add all ingredients in a large pot or saucepan, simmer to reduce for about 20 minutes until you have an almost jiggly liquid, but still runny. Remove from heat and allow to cool, it will thicken as it does. 
Congrats! You just made your own barbeque sauce. Strain, and mix with pulled pork, or put in a bottle and use as needed on each pulled pork roll. This lovely BBQ sauce will keep well in fridge for about 2 months (if its not all gone by then!!!)
Best served on warm bread, like hawaiian or big white dinner rolls. Pairs well with caramelized onions, mashed potatoes, coleslaw (if thats your thing) , salads, oven roasted potatoes, roasted cauliflower, baked beans, sun tea (jasmine is my favorite) , beer battered onion or leek rings, etc... really anything! Also makes great leftovers because as it sits in the fridge, the flavors melt into eachother more... Really great to make in abundance and in advance for packed lunches or potlucks! (best if served hot, but still great cold!) 
My favorite part of this is the sauce, and its especially wonderful because its so easy to make, easy to store, and easy to customize! If its too runny, take out the juice, too thick you add more. feel free to make it your own (if you dont cook often id reccomend getting familiar with it first before doing anything too crazy!) Personally I add a very generous amount of tapatio to mine, but i know thats not for everyone. 
Let me know if you try this, and how you like it / it turns out! Submitted pictures are always welcome :) I hope you enjoy and share this easy dish with your friends! Its a great excuse for a dinner party, even if theres nothing in particular to celebrate, then just celebrate your friends, chow down on some good filling food, and watch a movie or play a game together. Good food is one of the keys to a good life! 
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vands38 · 4 years
things i wish someone told me about coeliac disease (UK edition)
apparently some doctors are still not telling coeliacs what they actually need to know so here’s some fun facts --
*coeliac disease is likely to go undiagnosed if you don’t have digestive symptoms. for a lot of folks, their first symptoms are odd things like weight loss, bloating, mouth ulcers etc that take ages for doctors to correctly diagnose as coeliac disease. I know someone whose only sign was tingling in her fingers (nerve problems are a Thing sometimes). I don’t wanna freak folks out but check this list of symptoms and if you’re worried, ask your doc for a blood test to check for coeliac disease. I went in and out of my docs for years with various symptoms (mostly from the anaemia) and no one caught it until I was finally having noticeable digestive trouble.
* coeliac disease an autoimmune disease. not an allergy. not an intolerance. when you eat gluten, your gut just screams NOPE and throws everything out of there.
* this means if you keep eating gluten you will have serious long-term health problems because your gut can't absorb shit 
* as I mentioned, anaemia is one of these associated health problems. a lot of people have this at diagnosis b/c your gut hasn’t been absorbing the nutrients it needs. it leaves you very weak and tired, and the longer it goes on, the worse it gets. 
* long-term anaemia / malnutrition causes so many fucking health problems I can't list them all. basically, if your body sucks, there's a good chance it's a side-effect of your coeliac disease going undiagnosed. I got shitty joints and a shitty heart and shitty bones and godknowswhatelse and every time my doc is like "hey, guess what? it’s coeliac disease!"
* you know what a common side effect is? LACTOSE INTOLERANCE. this is because, once again, your gut hates you from all that gluten you've been killing it with, so it starts to muck around and kick out other things too. but good news! most of the time this is reversible!!! lay off any lactose for a couple of months, reintroduce it to your diet slowly, and you -- like me -- might be a-ok 
*some folks with coeliac disease can’t digest oats either as they contain a similar protein. I found that I was kinda squiffy with them at first but as soon as my gut had calmed down I was a-ok with GF oats (this is good b/c 99% of good GF biscuits are made with oat flour, RIP to everyone that can’t eat them)
* so... your bones are probably fucked. if you were diagnosed early and your doctors are on it, you might be okay but for a lot of people it means osteopenia, and further down the line, osteoporosis (meaning it's v easy to break bones). you need to be eating, like, double the regular amount of calcium every day. most people are put on calcium tablets with combined vitamin D (to help absorb the calcium) but even on top of that, you need to be getting a lot in your diet. If you're still lactose intolerant then switch to lacto-free versions of dairy products or eat tofu like there's no tomorrow. It's super important that you get enough.
* relatedly, bone health!!! You should be doing MODERATE impact exercises like jogging to strengthen the bones but nothing high-impact like tennis. load-bearing exercises are good too. here’s some examples (in detail) given to me by the rheumatology dept
* people have different sensitivity levels. in the UK, certified gluten-free products have to be 20 parts per million or less, but in the US this is 100! marmite lives somewhere between these two and can cause some coeliacs to have a reaction. please be aware when you eat international gluten-free foods that they might have more parts per million than your body is used to
* because you're super sensitive to gluten, not only do you need to check the bold allergens on the ingredients, but the small print too. it might say "made in a factory that handles gluten" or "may contain traces of gluten" and that’s a no-go
* similarly, be careful in restaurants. Apparently it's still perfectly legal for restaurants to say a dish is "gluten free" and then put your nice GF bread in the same fucking toaster as regular bread and have you shitting your pants for days. Just because the ingredients are GF doesn't mean they're cooking it in an allergen-conscious manner. If its not a Coeliac UK certified restaurant, always ask about their methods. Is that milkshake made in a GF blender? Is your fry-up cooked in a separate pan? The first time I got glutened after my diagnosis it was because my GF naan bread shared a tray with a regular one. A lot of places won't even fucking think about this stuff.
* if you're in a gluten-eating household, you've got a big expense coming up. you need to buy a GF toaster at the very least and I would recommend also a separate baking tray (because pizzas, garlic breads etc stick to that shit like no tomorrow) and a saucepan (or anything else that regularly contains pasta/noodles/etc). You'll also need a separate bread knife and board. Separate butter. Separate strainer if you're the type to drain your pasta. Line anything suspicious (e.g.your sandwich toaster, a communal baking tray) with baking parchment. Don’t use bare rungs in your oven or hob. And buy separate spreads and condiments, unless your household is very well trained in not dipping their crumb-covered knives into those things. I've even got separate plates, kitchen utensils, and cutlery. It seems extreme but I haven't had a cross-contamination incident since. Just think: has gluten touched this? And if so, do your best to minimise the risk.
* living GF is expensive long-term too. GF bread costs twice as much as regular bread. Restaurants often charge extra for GF alternatives. I had to switch from having toast in the morning to cereal because it's much more reasonably priced. I eat more fruit than I ever have before just because GF snacks cost so much. I used to have breakfast bars lol say goodbye to that shit unless you wanna be broke
* things I didn't realise I couldn't eat: crisps (a lot of your standard crisps are made with ??? production methods), candied nuts (most of these are made in factories that handle gluten), soy sauce, strawberry laces and a whole bunch of fave sweets (contain wheat starch to bind them - check this list for safe sweets), marmite (you can buy a GF yeast extract that is only 50% worse than the original)
*good food you actually can eat: most cadburys but not most nestle, GF beer which tastes exactly the same, schar pretzels are actually the shit, so are their BBQ pringles and those little chocolate bars with hazelnuts, Morrisons free from frozen mini hash browns will cure your depression, M&S do these bacon tortilla rolls which... OH BOY. Quiche alternatives are pretty damn good but I've yet to find a pizza that doesn't make me want to cry.
*speaking of supermarkets... Morrisons stock a good range of stuff and tend to have everything in one aisle, M&S have many yummy (and expensive) treats, Sainsbury's has good own brand things including bread, Tesco's are fairly decent and stock a lot of baking things, ASDA are the king of GF cake, if you're still lacto-free then Waitrose sell LF cheese including halloumi, and check your your local hippy food store because I found the best goddamn bread in mine (Incredible Bakery Company - you are £4.50 a loaf but I have no regrets)
*party risks: if there's a BBQ, insist that your things go first or have a separate BBQ, or, if worse comes to worse, just eat cold snacks. (Beware of sausages! Many aren't GF!) If its a chip and dip situation, either everything has to be GF (easily done) or have your own dip. BUFFETS ARE LITERALLY OUR WORST NIGHTMARE. the amount of coeliacs I know that have been glutened at one are INSANE. even if those tasty treats are labelled 'gluten free' they've probably be contaminated. everything at a goddamn buffet is contaminated. Dinner party? Well meaning friends will want to cook for you but unless their kitchen is set up as above, it's safer to bring your own food -- if you're very lucky, you will have friends who take the time to learn about allergens and will clean every item in their kitchen before cooking and serving an entire GF meal. these friends are to be treasured -- nay, worshipped.
*fast food. there’s no good way to put this but you’re never having that guilty pleasure 2am burger again. mcdonalds fries are miraculously GF though. (a lot of takeaways recycle oil so even if the ingredients are GF it’s often not safe but mcdonalds always use a separate fryer for chips). indian takeaway is great as most dishes don’t contain gluten. on the flip side, you’ll only be able to have about 5 items on the chinese menu (soy sauce is in everything, yo) so be prepared to learn those 5 items by heart. dominoes do Coeliac UK certified GF pizza!!! (buuuuut not during covid). chains like pizza express have got our back and will even serve you GF doughballs
*coeliac UK are your best friend! most of the things I’ve mentioned are described in detail on their website. they also have a barcode scanner app that will tell you if foods are safe, and they have a restaurant guide, and useful things like translation guides for when you go abroad. 
That's all I've got right now but hmu with any questions or corrections. Take care of yourself, folks. <3
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foodoliplife · 5 years
20 Best BBQ Dishes For Parties And Dinners
What do you often do to enjoy weekends and holidays when it’s cool outside? Travel to a nearby town, meet up with friends, host a small BBQ party and stay in bed with a favorite book and a cup of coffee or tea all sound great. Among them, those who want to spend their days off with their family and make something good for them would prefer the third choice.
It’s also the aim of this article. We recommend 20 best BBQ dishes for parties and dinners. If you love homemade food, have cravings for BBQ or just find delicious foods to treat your family at the end of the week, these are bound to right up your street.
1. Grilled Steak Kebabs
2. Moroccan Fish Skewers With Barramundi
3. Greek Lemon Chicken Skewers with Tzatziki Sauce 
4. Bourbon Bacon BBQ Chicken Kebabs 
5. BBQ Pork Chop
6. Filipino Chicken BBQ
7. Maple Brown Sugar BBQ Ribs
8. Bacon BBQ Chicken Bombs
9. Sweet And Sticky Chinese BBQ Pork (Char Siu)
10. BBQ Chicken Kabobs with Bacon and Pineapple
11. Shrimp Skewers with Garlic-Lime Marinade
12. BBQ Chicken Tostadas
13. Fall-of-the-bone BBQ Ribs
14. BBQ Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken
15. Grilled Huli Huli Chicken
16. Steak Kabobs with Garlic Butter
17. Grilled Hawaiian Barbecue Chicken in Foil
18. Memphis-Style Barbecue Ribs
19. Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Skewers
20. Skirt Steak Marinade with Chimichurri 
Here are 20 savory BBQ recipes you should serve for outdoor parties and Friday night’s meal. Hope they work well with you!
The post 20 Best BBQ Dishes For Parties And Dinners appeared first on Food - Olip Life.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
A Random Survey Inspired By My Tweets Created by Guia from scyphozoan
1) How are you doing in this time of COVID19? Do you personally know anyone who is not taking COVID19 seriously? Well, now I’m a real hermit crab because I only leave the house literally once a month for my doctor appointments. Pre-Covid I spent most of my time at home, but I got out more compared to this. It’s been a stressful and scary time to say the least. However, a lot of people have been hit hard and seriously affected by this in different ways, so much more than me, and it’s heartbreaking. And yes, I have some cousins who aren’t taking it seriously at all. They’re still going out all the time, partying with large groups of people, and just going about life as normal. 
2) What do you think of TikTok? Have you jumped on it yet? Why or why not? I love TikTok. I don’t make them, but I watch a lot of it. There’s a real wholesome side to it that I really enjoy. 
3) What game have you gone back to playing or missed playing because of this time of self-quarantining? There hasn’t been any.
4) How internet-savvy are your parents? Can you think of time(s) when they surprised you with what they know (i.e. memes, platforms, emoji uses, etc.)? My dad has a Facebook, he browses and shops some online (though he often asks me to do it), and I think he watches YouTube, but that’s about it. He often asks my brother and I for help with something. In fact, I handle all his online billing for him. He’s not hip with memes and whatnot. I was surprised when he mentioned TikTok once haha. As for my mom, she’s a lot better at it. She has Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. She likes to spend a lot of time watching videos on Facebook. She likes sending Snaps to her friends. She texts a lot and uses emojis and Bitmojis and all that. She’s familiar with memes and whatnot. She does her own online billing and shopping. She only asks for help with something now and then.
5) What is your favorite foreign cuisine? What is your favorite food/dish from that cuisine? Italian. I’m a pasta gal. I used to really love Mongolian BBQ, Chinese, and Mexican, but not as much anymore because a lot of what I liked was spicy and I can’t eat spicy foods anymore. :( Mongolian BBQ was my absolute favorite, but I used to load it up with spicy stuff and sauces. I still eat Mexican and Chinese, but it’s not the same. I miss adding hot sauce and hot chili oil to everything.
6) What is an electronic gadget that you’ve had for more than 5 years? Would you say it was worth your money? Do you plan on replacing it any time soon? My laptop, phone, and TV are all less than 5 years old. I do want to upgrade my phone because it’s the XR and in tech world that is considered old.
7) What TV show would you say you’ve re-watched more than two times? Are you re-watching anything now? I’ve seen all of Roseanne (its original run, not the reboot) and The Golden Girls numerous times. I started to re-watch Sister Sister recently.
8) Do you remember the moment when you started feeling alarmed by the development of the COVID19? How did your life change since? Back in March when the lockdown stuff started happening. That’s when shit got real. Like I mentioned earlier, I don’t go anywhere now except for my once a month doctor appointments.
9) What viral video/meme last made you furious or annoyed? Hm. I can’t think of one at the moment that made me furious or annoyed.
10) When was the last time you woke up feeling pumped and determined to have a great day? How did that day unfold for you? Uhhhh. I don’t think I’ve ever woken up feeling like that to be perfectly honest. Certainly not in the last few years. I’ve just never been like a super optimistic, positive person. Well, not when it comes to myself anyway. I am for other people. I don’t know, man. I don’t wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. It’s definitely been the worst the past few years with my severe lack of energy and motivation, but even before. I did used to have more energy and I actually had motivation once upon a time, but.. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. Like, I didn’t set out to have a bad day, but I wasn’t so... gung-ho either. Now I’m just grumpy and moody.
11) Do you use e-mail a lot at work? If so, what are your biggest e-mail pet peeves? If not, what mundane task do you do on a regular basis at work and what do you dislike about it? I don’t have a job.
12) What hobby or interest of your significant other do you have ZERO interest in? What about something you actually think might be fun or something you actually picked up thanks to them? If you don’t have an SO, you can think of a relative or friend as an example instead. My dad is obsessed with sports, which I have zero interest in.
13) Do you use Uber? If so, how often do you use it or cabs in general? Have you ever had an awkward moment with a cab driver? I’ve only used Uber a few times and it was during my vacation at the start of this year. I’ve only taken a cab a few times as well. 
14) If you are employed, what would you say are the best and worst parts of your company’s culture. If you don’t work, what would you say is the busiest part of your day? I don’t have a busiest part of my day, I do nothing. 
15) What was the last craving you fulfilled? I had Wingstop for dinner and I got my white chocolate peppermint mocha from Starbucks as well, which I’ve had just about everyday since Starbucks released their holiday drinks. I’m obsessed.
16) Do you like stand-up comedy? Who are your favorites? When was the last time you remember discovering someone new that you actually liked? I find Kevin Hart to be funny.
17) Have you ever felt affected by the death of a celebrity or public figure? If so, who? Do you remember when you found out and what was your reaction to it? Yeah, there’s been a few. For example, Ryan Dunn’s death was crazy. I had been really into Jackass and the guys for a long time and it was just really sad.
18) What positive affirmation do you need to give yourself right now? Uhhh.
19) How often do you get headaches? What are usually the cause(s)? What are your go-to remedies for it? What was the worst headache you’ve ever had?  I get tension headaches a few times a month. I used to get them more often in high school. I can’t take aspirin and stuff like Advil and Ibuprofen don’t do shit for my headaches. Tylenol definitely doesn’t, which I don’t take anyway because it has acetaminophen and the pain medication I take regularly does as well and it’s not good to take too much of that. So, the only thing I can do is a cold washcloth over my eyes and sleep.
20) What was the last purchase you regret making? What about it that made it regrettable? How about the last purchase that you found absolutely worth your buck? The face masks I recently ordered because they’re way too thin. As for worthwhile purchases, I’ve done pretty well with my Christmas shopping. I’ve found good deals. And I just love buying gifts for my family, so that makes it worth it in itself.
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Group Friendly: Restaurants in Toronto
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/group-friendly-restaurants-in-toronto-2/
Group Friendly: Restaurants in Toronto
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It can be hard enough to organize an event that organizes a group of people in Toronto. Trying to find a restaurant that not only accommodates everyone but also happily satiates them can be hard. No one wants to wait in a line or get shoved into a corner. No one puts baby in the corner (Dirty Dancing reference for those not up on their 80s film classics) and no one will put your people in a corner with these 10 Best picks.
There are choices for the talkative and rowdy, such as Wvrst which has a casual, beer hall mentality with beer flights and duck fries to make everyone happy. Or, if you like sushi and a lot of yelling, try out the infectiously vibrant Japanese restaurant Guu Izakaya. 
Sometimes you need a little more class than sass. Cluny has an atmosphere that warrants a little dressing up, but will happily welcome those in stretchy pants who intend to do Cluny’s bread products justice. In today’s day and age, stretchy pants always have to be an option.
Determine the attitude of the company you keep and match the style of restaurant and ultimately everyone will be happy, whether you are hosting a discerning aunt or your friend who always seems to have a mustard stain on his lapel. 
The food photos from Fishman Lobster Clubhouse are so voluminous, so mountainous, that it seems that this restaurant might scoff at a party of one. All parties are welcome, but the platters of seafood at Fishman Lobster Clubhouse seem more aptly suited for a ravenous group. Tables shudder under the weight of crab legs or Hong Kong style lobster. Floor to ceiling fish tanks house gigantic crustaceans. There is a lobster tower on the menu, if towers of seafood fit the bill for your group. As a warning, it weighs 50 pounds and costs almost $700 (for around 10 people), but it may be economical depending on the size of the stomachs in your company.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Lobsters and snow crabs in ample quantity for any size group.
Courtney’s expert tip: The set menu is a great deal for a smaller group and will certainly fill your bellies.
Read more about Fishman Lobster Clubhouse →
Since Hong Kong-born chef Susur Lee arrived in Canada in 1978, he’s built a reputation on inventive cuisine that fuses the dishes of his homeland with other global influences. Lee is his flagship Toronto restaurant, with a menu that is built around sharable tapas-sized plates. Expect the unexpected with a mashup of Asian and French flavours. Chef Lee’s Singapore Slaw has been a fixture on the menu for years and is well worth the splurge. The presentation is impressive, with the salad mixed at the table and sculpted into a tower. Inventive ingredients range from daikon to fennel seedlings and edible flower petals. Save room for an inventive dessert, such as the French and Chinese Tong Yuen with a rice dumpling, chocolate nougat, Indian pastry and strawberry/creme brûlée. What?!?
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Susur Lee’s restaurant is a fantastic place to share a memorable foodie experience with your group.
Courtney’s expert tip: It’s super easy to book a private dining experience for your group at Lee. Check out their website for more details.
Read more about Lee →
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When you walk into the carbon bar, you feel like you have stepped into the future, with sky high ceilings and glowing white lamps. There is a lot of history in this building (it was once a Disney dance studio!) but now it is all delicious BBQ bites, like the wood fired sweet and spicy ribs with coleslaw and dill pickles. There are also a host of snacks (crocodile bites, anyone?) and craft cocktails that are impressively balanced. Private dining is divine here, with a chef’s table option for a group up to 14, or for larger groups there is the Green Room, an upstairs private dining space which gives a prime view of the dining room.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: BBQ heaven and a private dining room – nothing wrong with that.
Courtney’s expert tip: The carbon bar has catering available for groups of 8 of more (must be placed 48 hours in advance), if you decide to keep your group at home.
Read more about The Carbon Bar →
Take the “a” off of “Planta” and you will realize what this restaurant is all about (and it’s not the hokey pokey). Marketed as plant-based cuisine rather than vegan, this fresh and airy restaurant specializes in delicious food from around the globe that any meat-eater would be proud to chomp. Planta burgers have queso, pickles, buffalo aioli and spiced fries. Enjoy cashew mozzarella, ranch dressing and cauliflower on your pizza. The creative and innovative dishes are plated beautifully and and the light and airy dining room and private dining area will impress your group.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Plant-based dining is sexy and hip. What better way to show off to your friends?
Courtney’s expert tip: Larger groups are suggested to book through the private events link on their webpage.
Read more about Planta →
Luma is a wonderful restaurant to stop by if you are in the heart of the city. Right on King Street around everything that is buzzing, the warm wood within the restaurant offsets the surrounding hustle and bustle. Luma is an Oliver & Bonacini restaurant that has many menus to complement the time of day you choose to dine. You have lunch, dinner or dessert, of course, but there is also a post 3pm lounge menu. The menu is seafood heavy and includes such gems as clam carbonara and miso cod with maple syrup. The Manhattans are named after neighbourhoods in Toronto (the High Park; the North York). It is worth saving room for the desserts, with an amazing “chocolate bar” which is like a soft dark chocolate brownie layered with banana and peanut butter ice cream. Heaven.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Upscale and chic, the location couldn’t be more convenient. Let your group congregate in the heart of the city over excellent food.
Courtney’s expert tip: Luma is available for private events on Sundays, so do contact them if this is something of interest to you.
Read more about Luma →
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Photo courtesy of Blu Ristorante
Blu is the kind of fine dining you want to make time for, although it won’t take much time to have a superb group experience. There are three private dining restaurant rooms, one for 12 guests, one for between 12-20 and one for 22-30. You can also fully buy out the restaurant for an event with 100 guests. Whether you go with a small crowd or a giant one, Blu is the perfect place to slurp some pasta with someone you love (or at the very least, like). Try the truffle wild boar ragu with wild mushrooms over sweet potato and ricotta gnocchi for a dish that will make your eyes roll back into your head.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Whether you are planning a breakfast meeting or a family reunion, Blu is the perfect place to eat well and sit together.
Courtney’s expert tip: Audio visual equipment is available at Blu to make your next breakfast meeting even simpler. They are private rooms, but not completely soundproof, so may want to keep the long-winded speeches to a minimum.
Read more about Blu Ristorante & Lounge →
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Japanese restaurant. Tapas restaurant. Drinking establishment which serves food to accompany the drinks (at least according to the definition of Izakaya). Guu Izakaya does it all. This lively and energetic restaurant opened in 2011 after being acclaimed in Vancouver. Communal style tables encourage strangers to get friendly as they share the experience of eating Japanese comfort food. Baked oysters, beef tongue, almond tofu, sashimi salad and bibimbap are some of the options, and all are exquisite. Dishes are great for sharing, and you can sit at the bar to watch the food being cooked. Don’t miss the cocktail and sake list. A couple of drinks will put you in the right Guu mood.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: This restaurant is already noisy, so your group won’t even make a dent in the energy. Bring your rowdy friends.
Courtney’s expert tip: If you plan on trying everything, order at least two of each dish for a large group and pass everything around. Now is the time to try angus beef tongue.
Read more about Guu Izakaya →
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Photo courtesy of Cluny
Cluny Bistro takes French food and makes it unfussy. You can have your caramelized onion soup and moules frites but you don’t need to have a side of snobbery. Even so, the backdrop for your dining experience is absolutely stunning with high ceilings and may have you convinced that the Eiffel Tower is within walking distance. Groups are more than welcome with a private dining area just for the occasion.The boulangerie is more of the takeaway aspect of the restaurant, with all things pastry waiting to be fawned over and taken home in a paper bag. But make sure to enjoy the classic French dishes on a plate, like the foie gras eclairs or the fried frogs legs. The large patio fits 100 people and its cobblestone floor transports you right to France.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Joie de vivre isn’t something you should keep to yourself.
Courtney’s expert tip: There are a wide variety of cocktails, but there are also fantastic mocktails if you choose not to imbibe.
Read more about Cluny Bistro & Boulangerie →
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The world can be divided into two groups of people: those who say “yay” to a beer hall and those who say “nay.” For those who are in the “yay” category, Wvrst is an informal way to have a lot of fun (and potentially a lot of beer). With communal tables encouraging friendly banter, this King Street located, Munich-style beer hall specializes in all-natural sausage (as you may have guessed from the name). Vegetarians have a ton of options, from the beyond sausages to black bean, green curry and more. Meat eaters have even more variety, from kangaroo to wild boar to rabbit. There are also duck fat fries with dipping sauces. The food encourages the beer drinking and the beer drinking encourages hunger to persist. It is a feedback loop that is just perfect for those “yay” sayers.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Whether or not you come with a group, Wvrst’s communal tables make you feel part of something greater than yourself. Is that the beer talking?
Courtney’s expert tip: Get the fries with a series of dipping sauces. Truffle mushroom mayo? Come ON.
Read more about Wvrst →
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You can certainly judge the closeness of your friendship by how much guacamole you are willing to share with someone. Prepared table side, El Catrin’s comes with avocado, tomato, onion, fresh cilantro and serrano chilis. Plates are tapas style, all the better to share with your group of ravenous friends. If coming with a crowd, you must get El Jefe’s taco feast, or 2 of every taco on the menu (which has everything from beef to chipotle stewed shrimp to charred chayote squash). There are semi-private dining spaces for groups of 13 or more. Did we mention that there is the largest tequila collection in the country here? Bottoms up.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Tequila, large open spaces and sharable Mexican food make El Catrin a group positive destination.
Courtney’s expert tip: This is one of the best patios in the city. Go on a beautiful day and try to tear yourself away from the margaritas. Or brave a cold winter day by the fire pits and be rewarded with a brunch that is 50% off.
Read more about El Catrin →
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onthegoinmco · 3 years
The SeaWorld Orlando Craft Beer Festival is returning with more than 100 crafts brews, wines, seltzers, and cocktails Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays, plus Labor Day, August 13 – September 12.
Guests can sample an unbeatable mix of domestic and local Florida favorites, plus savor more than 20 food items expertly paired to match their preferred brew.
And to top it all off, festive entertainment will keep the party going all day long. This is the one craft beer celebration guests won’t want to miss. 
New This Year! Craft Beer Festival Dinner Series
Guests can enhance their Craft Beer Festival experience and attend an exclusive craft beer dinner on select festival evenings.
Featuring seventeen favorite Florida local and national breweries and distilleries, attendees will enjoy a welcome reception with specialty craft beverages and small bites, followed by a signature four-course dinner complemented with brewery-selected beers and spirits.
Presenting breweries will host a “beer-talk” and interact with guests throughout the evening. Hosted in the private Reef Room at Sharks Underwater Grill, this exclusive ticketed event is the ultimate celebration of craft brews fit for both the “craft-beer connoisseur” and the “craft-brew curious” fan.
2021 SeaWorld Orlando Craft Beer Festival Dinner Series Dates:
Saturday, August 14: Funky Buddha, Oakland Park, FL
Sunday, August 15: Big Storm Brewing Co., Orlando, FL
Friday, August 20: Crooked Can Brewing Co., Winter Garden, FL
Saturday, August 21: Orange Blossom Brewing, Orlando, FL
Sunday, August 22: Wicked Weed Brewing, Asheville, NC
Friday, August 27: Sam Adams, Boston, MA
Saturday, August 28: Ivanhoe Park Brewing Co., Orlando, FL
Sunday, August 29: South Beach Brewing Co., Miami, FL
Friday, September 3: JDub’s Brewing Co., Orlando, FL
Saturday, September 4: Persimmon Hollow Brewing, Orlando, FL
Sunday, September 5: Alcatraz Brewing, Lakeland, FL
Friday, September 10: Sierra Nevada Brewing, Chico, CA
Saturday, September 11: Elysian Brewing, Seattle, WA
Sunday, September 12: Signature Series: Woodford Reserve Bourbon, Versailles, KY
Bonus Dates:
Friday, September 17: Cigar City Brewing, Tampa, FL
Saturday, September 18: Signature Series: Yuengling featuring Sheryl Yuengling, Pottsville, PA
Sunday, September 19: Signature Series: Jack Daniel’s Family, Lynchburg, TN
Theme Park Pub Grub for Every Palette!
SeaWorld Orlando’s Craft Beer Festival features 20+ specialty dishes for guests to discover and pair with their new favorite craft brew, frozen cocktail, or non-alcoholic beverage.
Guests can explore an array of flavors with the brand-new festival fare, including:
NEW! Beer Battered Popcorn Rock Shrimp paired with Kraft Heinz Four Pepper Ranch
NEW! Crispy Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
NEW! Stout Glazed Tuna Lollipop with Daikon & Wakami Slaw & Wasabi Aioli
NEW! Smoked Brisket Kraft Heinz Creamy White Cheddar Macaroni & Cheese
NEW! Beer & Cheese Stuffed Beef Sliders with Pickled Mayo and Ale BBQ Sauce
To explore what’s “on tap” and “on the table”, explore the event guide.
Savor and save with a Craft Beer Festival Tasting Lanyard! 
For the best value to taste a variety of food and drink offerings, guests can purchase a Craft Beer Fest Sampler Lanyard, starting at only $50.00. Pass Members get an exclusive offer: 15 items for the same price as a 12-item Sampler (that’s 3 bonus samples)! 
For all alcohol purchases, including sampler lanyard redemption for alcoholic items, guests must be 21 years of age or older to be served. 
Not into Beer? No fear! Enjoy festival cuisine, frozen cocktails & mocktails, live music, and more! 
Beyond the brews, SeaWorld offers plenty of delicious options for everyone to enjoy at the Craft Beer Festival this year.
From delectable bourbon tastings to chilling frozen cocktails and seltzers, satisfying refreshment is abundantly available in every corner of the park.  
Several festival locations feature non-alcoholic beverage options as well.
Best Way to Play:
Now through August 15, SeaWorld is offering a BOGO 50% Off Sale! Guests can buy one, get one 50% off on single- or multi-day tickets.
And for guests looking for the best perks during the Craft Beer Festival and all of SeaWorld’s special events throughout the year, get a SeaWorld Annual Pass with great benefit options including free parking, free guest tickets, and more. Annual Passes start as low as $12 per month for a limited time.
Don’t forget you can keep up with the latest theme park announcements by following @onthegoinmco on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! 
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The post Craft Beer Festival Returns to SeaWorld Orlando appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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pulsdmedia · 6 years
Weekly Round-up 6/11 - 6/17
Anthony Bourdain may have traveled the world, but he was also an archetypal, born and bred New Yorker. Whether he took us to the Korean BBQ places in Queens or the food market in Dakar, Senegal, he made us think about our place in the world through the lens of food - and isn't that what NYC living is, 90% of the time? This week, we're honoring our favorite rock star chef with an itinerary that takes us to parts unknown. Knock back baijiu cocktails with Sichuan food pairings in Greenpoint, then amble over to a country kitchen in Bordeaux for some wine & cheese. Then fly over to Tokyo for a layover involving hundreds of sakes and sushi by some of the world's most famous chefs. Let's raise a glass to the art of living, and the living of art. 
$40 For 20 Yoga Classes At The Bhakti Center
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Well, we highly doubt Bourdain ever did yoga, but it *is* Monday and we have a *lot* of drinking and feasting to do this week. Give your body a chance to detox before you can retox at this 5-star rated yoga institution - think of it as a trip to an ashram in India. 
6/12 Pouring Ribbons Goes Dutch
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When Tony went to Amsterdam, he drank...and smoked...and ate... Man, he lived large. This time, Royal Dutch Distillers comes to the East Village for a night of complimentary cocktails and vibes. All legal, of course.
$45 For A 3 Course Dinner For Two With Cocktails At Silver Factory
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Of *course* Tony went to Korea - where else do you find such heavy drinkers with a penchant for spice, karaoke, and live octopus? Live the glory days of NYC and nouveau Korean gastropub fare at this fashionable Williamsburg hotspot. 
6/13 Ming River Sichuan Baijiu Pop-up At M Greenpoint
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Now we're stopping over in China, partaking of some complimentary baijiu-focused cocktails and mapo tofu, among other food pairings. Ah, the joys of travel. 
6/14 The Bordeaux Kitchen Launch Party At Albertine
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The spiritual home of foodies the world over. Join Tania Teschke as she launches her new book, The Bordeaux Kitchen, along with cocktails and wine. 
6/15 The Joy Of Sake 2018 Final destination, Tokyo 
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Here's the world's best sake festival featuring hundreds of premium libations and dozens of bespoke dishes by top chefs, many of whom were Tony's peers and friends: David Chang, Chef Morimoto, Chef Nakazawa - sound familiar? It's all in the heart of NYC, the city of cities...
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Best Leather Apron out of top 20
  Yefa Handmade Genuine Leather Apron Stylist – Woodworking – Aprons Handmade Size -23.5 inch x 0.05 inch x 30.5 inch (Dark Brown) Yefa Handmade Genuine Leather Apron Stylist – Woodworking – Aprons Handmade Size -23.5 inch x 0.05 inch x 30.5 inch (Dark Brown) - Leather apron cooking protect your body in contact with high heat, rough, sparks, sharp , flame object. Leather apron large size 60 cm length x 78 cm height imported. Apron with pockets designed with 2 handy and easy-to-reach pockets that are big enough for tools, notebooks, cell phones and more it is ideal for painters, bistros, restaurants, bartenders, servers, waiters, barber shops, pet groomers, blacksmiths, carpenters, baristas, grilling, bbq, cooking, gardening and more. The perfect fit handmade genuine aprons bulk, apron industrial, apron girls, apron leather. Leather apron blacksmith upgrade your look with this uniquely stylish, gray shop apron with genuine full leather aprons straps that will make you look like a pro.   QeeLink Leather Chef Apron for Kitchen, BBQ, and Grill with 6 Pockets, Purple QeeLink Leather Chef Apron for Kitchen, BBQ, and Grill with 6 Pockets, Purple - More durable made of thick split cowhide for durability and it is water & flame-resistant for protection from water and spatter sewing with strong, heat resistant us kevlar thread we pay attention to every detail, emphasis on quality. Premium leather material made of much more durable and soft leather handmade from waterproof and double leather and cotton layer premium leather provides excellent insulation to prevent any burns or wetting during your work. Tool pockets 6 pockets for tools and work accessories include one cell phone pocket and one pencil pocket we offer customer great convenience as much as possible. Satisfaction guaranteed if you’re not completely satisfied with our product, you will get a 100% complete refund. Multi, function they are not only for kitchen but also useful for many other work and home tasks idea for tools apron vest, shop apron, utility apron, work apron, bbq apron, grilling apron, woodworkers apron, workshop apron, bartender apron, woodpecker tools apron, garage apron, lead apron, personalized apron, mechanics apron, machine apron, lathe work apron, metalwork apron, metalsmith apron, blacksmiths apron, gardening apron, bulk apron, farrier apron unique gift apron for men & women.   FunYan Masonic Leather Apron Blue Ribbon Borders FunYan Masonic Leather Apron Blue Ribbon Borders - Made by synthetic leather and 2 inches blue polyester grosgrain ribbon. The adjustable waist belt is 1. 1 inches. 25 inches wide and can adjust for waist line up to 37. 4 to 51.   Masonic Apron Set 15 Pieces Blue Lodge Leather Apron Machine Embroidery Masonic Apron Set 15 Pieces Blue Lodge Leather Apron Machine Embroidery - Masonic blue lodge officers aprons set, 15 aprons with sr warden, wor master, jr warden, sr deacon, chaplain, jr deacon, sr steward, tyler, jr steward, organist, sentinel, marshal, treasurer, secretary, and orator.   DEURA Masonic Blue Lodge Master Mason FRINGE Synthetic LEATHER Apron EMBROIDERED Square & Compass 16″ X 14″ DEURA Masonic Blue Lodge Master Mason FRINGE Synthetic LEATHER Apron EMBROIDERED Square & Compass 16″ X 14″ - Adjustable belt with metal clip and snake hook. Masonic apron. The center material is synthetic leather. Blue grosgrain ribbon border.   Traeger Grills APP156 Black Canvas and Leather XL Grill Apron, Extra Large Traeger Grills APP156 Black Canvas and Leather XL Grill Apron, Extra Large - Available in large and xl sizes. Fully adjustable neck and waist straps adjust allowing for a comfortable fit no matter who’s cooking. Protects clothes and holds grill accessories keep your grilling gear close with the apron’s heavy-duty leather pockets and loops.   Grace life Kitchen Restaurant Hotel Chef Leather Apron Waterproof Oil Anti-fouling Hanging Neck (Black) Grace life Kitchen Restaurant Hotel Chef Leather Apron Waterproof Oil Anti-fouling Hanging Neck (Black) - Easy to wash, quick drying, is not easy to fold, can not be used high heat ironing or soaked in boiling water. Package include1 pcs apron. Perfect apron for cooking, baking, cleaning, gardening, serving, or to wear during a dinner party for children. Gracelife branded houseware are served only by aibao inc all property right owned we manufacture each item to the highest standards. Comprehensive protection, avoid the grease on your dress.   HUNTR Waterproof Apron – PVC Leather For Easy Washing – Great For Hunters, Fishers, Kitchen, Garden, Dish Washing – In Black HUNTR Waterproof Apron – PVC Leather For Easy Washing – Great For Hunters, Fishers, Kitchen, Garden, Dish Washing – In Black - Versatile huntr has designed this apron to be suitable for the widest variety of situations for those looking to get their hands dirty when hunting, fishing, in the lab, the butcher shop, or the garden if that is not your style, this apron is great for the kitchen when washing dishes, cooking, or barbecuing as well. Extra long at 100cm length, this apron is sure to keep you covered and dry, allowing you to face those wet splatters and splashes head on. Adjustable neck and waste straps make this apron suitable for men and women of any size, allowing you to tailor the apron for maximum comfort. Waterproof design will keep you protected and full covered from any platters and splashes that you face. Quick buckle system allows you to easily put on and do up your apron, this means you no longer need to tie up behind your back every time you put your apron on.   Man Law BBQ Products Man-LA1 Protective/Wearable/Outdoor Gear Series Leather Apron, One Size, Tan Man Law BBQ Products Man-LA1 Protective/Wearable/Outdoor Gear Series Leather Apron, One Size, Tan - Real genuine leather, not a synthetic or faux material. Keep the radiant heat from your grill or smoker from heating you up by adding a layer of protective leather. Put in work with the man-la1, leather apron with riveted pockets & clipping waist & neck straps.   ReLU House Aprons for Women and Men – Canvas Cotton Adjustable Leather Strap Apron with Leather Pocket and Center Pockets (Blue) ReLU House Aprons for Women and Men – Canvas Cotton Adjustable Leather Strap Apron with Leather Pocket and Center Pockets (Blue) - Unisex apron, apron can be worn regardless of gender. Pockets will allow you to place something, upper leather pocket x 1, lower canvas pocket x 1. Great gift for all occasions(holidays, dinner parties and etc) if you looking for other aprons, please visit our shop wwwamazoncom/shops/reluhouse. Warning and washing tips, blue and black color can crock(transfer) or bleed color no soaking for a long time no bleach wash by hand in cold water wash separately. Adjustable apron, width x height 24 x 311 inches (61 x 79 cm) adjustable neck strap length 256 inches (65 cm).   Elezay Leather Apron Waterproof Extra Long Apron with Sleeve Thicken Black Elezay Leather Apron Waterproof Extra Long Apron with Sleeve Thicken Black - Extra-long and have good coverage to protects your clothes and trousers from water and dirtiness this apron is also extremely easy to put on and remove allowing you to have efficient work. Material used this product uses high-grade garment faux leather fabrics free of harmful substances, environmentally friendly, safe and harmless, thicken soft inside, skin-friendly. User-friendly design the spacious front pocket of the apron gives you a place to hold onto seasoning packets, meat thermometer, grill slips and recipe cards. Stain free and easy cleaning comfortable smooth sleek surface easily keeping safe from anything oil or water influences, preventing grime and mildew buildup simply wipe down with a soapy washcloth and then rinse with a damp one no need to throw it in the washing machine. Super protection and broad use large bib apron that covers from chest to knee provides great coverage and protection from kitchen grease, spills and food stains.   Master Mason Masonic Apron Blue Lodge Leather Square & Compass for Freemason Master Mason Masonic Apron Blue Lodge Leather Square & Compass for Freemason - A great gift for apprentice freemason member, blue lodge mason souvenir, be good at meetings. Masonic premium quality imitation leather apron1575″ x1378″. “Masonic eye”, “square & compass” symbol with blue embroidered on the obverse, blue fabric fringe. The apron are decorated with 30 inch and 39 inch long belt as the fastenerpocket to back for your mints. Adjustable 36″- 47″ waist belt.   Full Grain Brown Leather Strap Set for Cross-Back Aprons – Stylish Straps with Metal Hardware for Chef, Barber, Bartender, Barista, Tattoo Artist, Mechanic – Adjustable for Men and Women Full Grain Brown Leather Strap Set for Cross-Back Aprons – Stylish Straps with Metal Hardware for Chef, Barber, Bartender, Barista, Tattoo Artist, Mechanic – Adjustable for Men and Women - The apron are decorated with 30 inch and 39 inch long belt as the fastenerpocket to back for your mints. “Masonic eye”, “square & compass” symbol with blue embroidered on the obverse, blue fabric fringe. Adjustable 36″- 47″ waist belt. Masonic premium quality imitation leather apron1575″ x1378″. A great gift for apprentice freemason member, blue lodge mason souvenir, be good at meetings.   DEURA Masonic Blue Lodge Master Mason Synthetic LEATHER Apron EMBROIDERED Square & Compass 16″ x 14″ DEURA Masonic Blue Lodge Master Mason Synthetic LEATHER Apron EMBROIDERED Square & Compass 16″ x 14″ - The center material is synthetic leather. Masonic apron. Adjustable belt with metal clip and snake hook. Blue grosgrain ribbon border.   Imason Past Master Masonic Apron White Synthetic Leather Imason Past Master Masonic Apron White Synthetic Leather - Synthetic lambskin center is resistant to grime and dirt. Includes extendable belt with metal clip and hook. Pocket on back for manual or ritual storage. Measures approximately 14″ x 16″. Obverse embroidered with golden past master and all seeing eye symbol.   DEURA Masonic Master Mason Funeral Synthetic LEATHER Apron Black Embroidered 16″ x 14″ DEURA Masonic Master Mason Funeral Synthetic LEATHER Apron Black Embroidered 16″ x 14″ - Comfort and adjustable design, prevent neck pain with our adjustable cross back strap design the apron coverage goes from chest to mid-shin with split-leg , and is 27″ wide x 36″ tall (66 x 90cm) and fully adjustable for unisex sizing, with long 95″ straps (240m) to fit both small and big bodies, from 25 up to 60 inches (64, 153 cm) waist. We stand 100% behind our product, in the unlikely possibility you don’t like your apron, just send it back and we’ll refund your purchase, hassle-free and if you need new clasps, straps or any small fixing, send us an email, it will be a pleasure to help you. Perfect for every occasion, professional black apron with utility pockets, cool apron style for barista, bistro and coffee shop, florist, mens, womens, coated protection for tattoo artist, art painter, beauty salon, designer barber pro apron, hair stylist, hair dresser, cutting hair, restaurant server, bartender, waiter, waitress, aprons for men and women, uniform, bib. Handcrafted, durable quality, this apron is handmade with durable lightweight 9 oz twill, coated with an extra protection coverage against dust, hair, flour and liquids, reinforced with genuine leather patches and durable anti-rust vintage brass metal hardware, grommets and clasps, with anti-allergic zamak coating for extra support double stitched utility pockets and thick top and bottom hems for strength and structure. Professional style, this apron is a true workwear, fitting most bodies and activities, offering you great comfort, durability and functionality it has clean design, with many utility pockets easy access phone and pencil pockets on the front chest, and large hand pockets to fit all the tools and accessories that you need sleek black color for a professional look, and functional & stylish gun-metal hardware.   Real Leather Apron – Black Leather Body, Pockets and Crossback Straps – Split-Leg, Lined – Adjustable for Men and Women – Pro Chef, Barista, Barber, Woodworker, Shop, Bartender, Maker Real Leather Apron – Black Leather Body, Pockets and Crossback Straps – Split-Leg, Lined – Adjustable for Men and Women – Pro Chef, Barista, Barber, Woodworker, Shop, Bartender, Maker - Length), 21 in / 53 cm (min. Its shoulder straps are 40 in / 100 cm (max. It displays the marks of the real leather, being light, breathable and soft. It is 26 in wide x 34 in tall. With us, you get a handmade apron, made by our artisans and tailors in our own workshop. Perfect for every occasion – cool apron style with water-resistant protection for barber, chef, tattoo artist, workshop, makeup artist, pet groomer, florist, bartender, mixologist, gardener, brewer, hair salon, mechanics, machinist, men, women, genuine leather, natural leather, top grain leather. It’s designed with 100% detachable cross-back and waist straps, plenty of pockets and 2 loops. Fully premium leather apron – this apron is handmade with the highest quality leather supple and more natural with minimal processing. Send us an email, we are here to help you. Length), waist straps are 20 in / 50 cm (max. Professional style – this apron is workwear, fitting most activities, offering you comfort and durability. More it’s lined, riveted and double stitched for comfort, strength and structure. Length), fitting small and big bodies, from 25 up to 60 in waist. And, in the unlikely possibility you dislike the apron, just send it back and we’ll refund your purchase. Cross-back and easy-fastening – avoid neck and back pain with our double-shoulder and waist leather straps, 100% detachable perfect for who don’t like ties or bows. It has exclusive design, with many utility pockets with easy access to tools on the front chest, and lap pockets with slots and loops for all accessories you need. Length), 5 in / 13 cm (min. It’s a sleek apron for a professional look with functional metal hardware and reinforcements. This is why we guarantee and replace any part even the whole apron. We stand 100% behind our product, this apron is not a generic chinese apron.   TINTON LIFE Warm Long Men PU Leather Apron with Pocket Waterproof Smocks Long Sleeves Kitchen Dishwashing Working Uniform Black TINTON LIFE Warm Long Men PU Leather Apron with Pocket Waterproof Smocks Long Sleeves Kitchen Dishwashing Working Uniform Black - Size, one size fits most length 472″/120cm width 452″/115cm sleeve length 236″/60cm. Function, easy to clean oilprotect your arms and knees from getting dirty water and making your work easier and cleaner. Note, special waterproof technique make it does not soak up stains as normal fabric so you almost needn’t wash it simply wipe down with damp warm cloth. Application, apply to restaurant, bistro, dish washer, butcher apron, garage work, pet grooming, kitchen, gardening, car washing, painting, etc. Material, waterproof pu leather, tie at waist apron is soft and exquisite in workmanship,suitable for wearing all the year round.   PU Leather Fashion Apron 25.2×33.5″ Top and Fashion Style PU Leather Fashion Apron 25.2×33.5″ Top and Fashion Style - Made from, high quality 100% pu leather about 630gsm, made in china perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Metal hooks it’s easy for hanging potholder / oven mitt/or towel. One size fits most 252 inches wide by 335 inches tall . Durable & water resistant it’s easy cleaning and water-proof and steam barrier for extra protection comfortably stylish adjustable neck strap with metal hidden button adjustable belt with metal buckles. Multiple pocket can store anything you want tool loops it’s easy for tools holder.   Full Grain Black Leather Strap Set for Cross-Back Aprons – Stylish Straps with Metal Hardware for Chef, Barber, Bartender, Barista, Tattoo Artist, Mechanic – Adjustable for Men and Women Full Grain Black Leather Strap Set for Cross-Back Aprons – Stylish Straps with Metal Hardware for Chef, Barber, Bartender, Barista, Tattoo Artist, Mechanic – Adjustable for Men and Women - Quick buckle system allows you to easily put on and do up your apron, this means you no longer need to tie up behind your back every time you put your apron on. Versatile huntr has designed this apron to be suitable for the widest variety of situations for those looking to get their hands dirty when hunting, fishing, in the lab, the butcher shop, or the garden if that is not your style, this apron is great for the kitchen when washing dishes, cooking, or barbecuing as well. Adjustable neck and waste straps make this apron suitable for men and women of any size, allowing you to tailor the apron for maximum comfort. Waterproof design will keep you protected and full covered from any platters and splashes that you face. Extra long at 100cm length, this apron is sure to keep you covered and dry, allowing you to face those wet splatters and splashes head on. #Kitchen
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/best-leather-apron-out-of-top-21
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ketoeasyrecipes · 4 years
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healthy dinner recipes
Looking For Healthy Dinner Recipes?
These are the best healthy dinner recipes thoughts that our perusers return to over and over for delicious and nutritious recipes. For quite a long time, we've been composing healthy dinner recipes here on A Easyrecipes.info.  Because: if you’re going to the trouble of eating dinner, why not make both delicious and nourishing? This is the energy that energizes us without fail, creating recipes that you'll love to prepare for your loved ones. I needed to make an assortment of a portion of the recipes that have gotten overwhelming applause from our perusers and supporters for being good, however healthy dinner thoughts. What's our meaning of healthy? I don't follow any diet plan explicitly. How we eat by and large follows the Mediterranean diet: parcels and heaps of vegetables and natural products, entire grains, and healthy fats like olive oil. Our concept of health is less about carbohydrate contents and progressively about supplements and a variety of veggies. Did I notice bunches of and loads of vegetables? Huge numbers of the recipes you'll discover here are vegetarian or vegan; however, they taste so delicious you don't feel like you're doing any penances. We trust you'll appreciate these healthy dinner recipes as much as we do!
And now, our best healthy dinner recipes!
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healthy dinner recipes
1. Best Grilled Shrimp Foil Packets Recipe
Try these easy & delicious Grilled Shrimp Foil Packets from Easyrecipes.info at your next BBQ!
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healthy dinner recipes
1 1/2 lb. large shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 smoked andouille sausages, thinly sliced
2 ears corn, each cut crosswise into 4 pieces
1 lb. red bliss potatoes, chopped into 1-in pieces
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbsp. Old Bay seasoning
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp. freshly chopped parsley
1 lemon, sliced into thin wedges
4 tbsp. butter
Preheat grill over high heat, or preheat oven to 425°. Cut 4 sheets of foil about 12 inches long. Divide shrimp, garlic, sausage, corn, and potatoes evenly over the foil sheets. Drizzle with oil, then add Old Bay seasoning and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Top each mixture with parsley, lemon and a tablespoon of butter each.
Fold foil packets crosswise over the shrimp boil mixture to completely cover the food. Roll top and bottom edges to seal them closed.
Place foil packets on grill and cook until just cooked through, about 15 to 20 minutes (or transfer to oven and bake for 20 minutes). 
Also try this 14 Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight
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2. Chicken and Avocado Burritos
Burritos stuffed with juicy chicken, cool and creamy avocado, oozy gooey melted cheese, spicy salsa verde and sour cream!
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healthy dinner recipes
4 burrito sized tortillas (corn tortillas for gluten-free), warmed
1 pound cooked chicken, sliced or shredded
1 large avocado, diced
1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
1/4 cup salsa verde
1/4 cup sour cream or greek yogurt
2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped
Assemble the burritos, optionally toast, and enjoy!
Option: Use taco lime grilled chicken, cilantro lime grilled chicken or tequila lime grilled chicken instead of plain chicken.
Also try this 14 Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight
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healthy dinner recipes
3. Easy Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches (4 Ingredients!)
Looking for easy crockpot chicken recipes? This shredded buffalo chicken is made with just 4 simple ingredients! It's so dang good in a hoagie roll, or even on a salad if you're keeping it low carb. Cook it on high or low in your slow cooker, and enjoy it for lunch or dinner recipe.
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healthy dinner recipes
3-4 large chicken breasts (about 1.5 pounds)
1 (12oz) bottle of Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce
1/2 packet ranch seasoning mix (about 2 tbsp)
2 tbsp butter
hoagie rolls for serving
Spray your slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray. Place the chicken, buffalo sauce, and ranch seasoning mix in, and cook on LOW for 4-5 hours or high for about 3 hours. 
Once the chicken is fully cooked, use a couple of forks to shred the meat (I find it easiest to place the chicken on a cutting board to shred, and then put it back into the crockpot with the juices).
Once shredded, add 2 tbsp of butter to the crockpot and allow it to melt; stir to combine.
That's it! I find it best served on hoagie rolls drizzled with a little ranch dressing. You can also serve with blue cheese crumbles or coleslaw. 
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healthy dinner recipes
4. Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan
This delicious Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan recipe is easy and doesn't require any frying.  Because this chicken Parmesan is baked, it is healthy, quick and easy! Make this crispy baked Parmesan crusted chicken for dinner tonight in about thirty minutes!
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Healthy Dinner Recipes
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 chicken breasts About 1 pound of chicken total
1 egg
1 cup panko bread crumbs
1/2 cup parmesan cheese fresh grated
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup marinara sauce
1 ½ cups shredded mozzarella
2 tablespoon minced parsley optional, for garnish
Line a baking sheet with foil, brush foil with olive oil.  Adjust oven rack so that is in the second from the top space. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Cut the chicken breasts in half and pound to even thickness: Cut through the middle of the chicken breast as if you are going to butterfly it (cutting it open like a book), but cut all the way through to make two equal sized pieces.
After cutting the chicken breasts in half, place them in a gallon sized zip top bag in an even layer, seal it, then pound them to an even thickness using a  meat pounder or a rolling pin. You can also place the chicken breasts between two layers of cling wrap instead of a zip top bag if you prefer.
Pat the chicken breasts dry with a paper towel, then season with salt and pepper.
In one shallow dish, mix together panko bread crumbs, grated parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano, and black pepper.
In another shallow dish, whisk one egg.
Dip one chicken breast into the egg, then into the bread crumb mixture.  Ensure chicken breast is fully coated in the crumb mixture, and gently press with your hand do help the crumbs stick to the chicken.  Place chicken breast on prepared baking sheet, repeat with remaining pieces of chicken.
Place baking sheet in oven on the second from the top rack.  Bake for 15 minutes, or until cooked through.  
Flip chicken, pour 1/4 cup of marinara sauce over each piece of chicken, then top with cheese. Place back in the oven. Turn on the broiler. Broil for 2-4 minutes, until cheese is melted and bubbly and edges of chicken are browning.
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healthy dinner recipes
5. Whole30 Steak Bites with Sweet Potatoes and Peppers
This recipe for Whole30 steak bites is packed with tons of flavor and huge pops of vitamins thanks to colorful sweet potatoes and bell peppers. It's an easy, approachable weeknight dinner recipe that's ready in under 45 minutes.
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healthy dinner recipes
1 large sweet potato (about 12 ounces), diced into 1" pieces
1 tsp sea or kosher salt
1 lb flat iron steak, diced into 1" pieces
3 tbsp olive oil, divided
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 bell peppers, seeded and diced into 1" pieces
4 green onions, thinly sliced
2 tbsp coconut aminos
2 tsp cracked black pepper
2 tbsp fresh chopped cilantro
Place the diced sweet potatoes into a microwave safe bowl, then sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt. Cover with a plate and microwave on high until just barely tender, 4-6 minutes. Stir once halfway through. The potatoes are ready when you can piece one with the tip of a knife and meet just a bit of resistance. Take care not to overcook at this stage or they'll turn out mushy later.
Heat a 12” skillet over high heat. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and heat until shimmering. Add the steak in a single layer. Cook, turning every two minutes, until the pieces are browned and the center is medium, about 10 minutes. Remove the steak from the skillet using a slotted spoon and set aside onto a plate. 
Add the third tablespoon olive oil to the skillet. Add the sweet potatoes, toss to coat in the fat and cook until browned, stirring occasionally, until browned, 3-4 minutes.
Make a well in the center of the pan and add the garlic. Sautee, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 1 minute.
Add the bell pepper and scallions and toss with the potatoes. Sautee, stirring occasionally, until the peppers are bite tender, 3-4 minutes. 
Add the steak and juices back to the pan along with the coconut aminos. Toss all ingredients and cook an additional 1- 2 minutes until the liquid has evaporated.
Add the pepper and cilantro, toss, and remove from heat. Portion onto plates, top with additional fresh cilantro if desired, and serve immediately.
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healthy dinner recipes
6. Chicken Avocado Salad Roll Ups
Chicken Avocado Salad Roll Ups are great appetizers for a party, healthy lunch for kids or light and easy dinner for whole family.
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healthy dinner recipes
2 cups shredded chicken
1 ripe avocado- mashed
2–4 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt (start with 2 and add more if the salad seems to dry)
1 ½–2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons finely diced red onion
2 green onion-sliced
Freshly ground black pepper- to taste
¼ teaspoon salt (or more to taste)
½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 ½ tablespoon fresh cilantro or parsley- chopped
½ cup shredded Cheddar cheese
5–6 Tortillas (8 or 10 inch diameter)
NOTES: I had enough filling for 5 tortillas (10 inch diameter). You can use 6 (8 inch) tortillas.
In a large bowl combine all ingredients for Chicken Avocado salad. Stir until evenly blended.
Spread the mixture over tortilla and roll up tightly. Repeat with remaining salad.
Slice with serrated knife into ½ inch slices. You can slice them immediately or refrigerate until firm (about 30 mins). It’s easier to slice when chilled.
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healthy dinner recipes
7. Spicy Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Crema
These Spicy Shrimp Tacos are marinated in delicious spices and sit on top of a homemade slaw with an avocado crema perfect for taco tuesday or any day of the week!
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healthy dinner recipes
Shrimp Marinade
1lb shrimp, uncooked, peeled, deveined, tails removed
1 tsp dark chili powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp dried oregano 
1 tsp garlic minced, (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder)
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp kosher salt
Juice of 1 lime (about 2 tbsp)
3 tbsp avocado oil
Taco Elements
1 cup shredded green cabbage
1 cup shredded purple cabbage
8–10 small flour or corn tortillas, lightly toasted
Fresh cilantro
Lime wedges
Avocado Crema
1 medium avocado, seed removed and flesh scooped out
1/2 cup cilantro
1 jalapeño, seeds removed
3 cloves of garlic, peeled
2 limes, juiced (3 tbsp)
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
3 tbsp avocado oil
3 tbsp water
1/2 tsp kosher salt
In a small bowl, whisk together the marinade ingredients: 3 tbsp avocado oil, lime juice, chili powder, smoked paprika, cumin, oregano, garlic, red pepper flakes, and kosher salt. Add in prepped shrimp, stir to coat all the shrimp with marinade. Place in refrigerator and marinate for minimum 30 minutes.
While the shrimp is marinating, in a food processor add the avocado crema ingredients: avocado, cilantro, jalapeño, garlic, lime juice, yogurt, olive oil, water and kosher salt. Pulse until all the ingredients are smooth. If the consistency is too thick, add another tbsp of water. Set aside.
Using a mandoline or knife, shred the cabbages. Place in a small bowl, add a few spoons of the crema and toss to combine. Save the rest of the crema to drizzle over the tacos at the end.
You can either cook the shrimp in a cast iron skillet or grill them.
Grill method: Skewer the shrimp on either soaked bamboo or metal skewers. Preheat the grill. Over medium direct heat, cook the shrimp for 5-7 minutes, flipping them midway through. You want the outside slightly charred and pink, with the inside white.
Cast iron method: In a seasoned cast iron skillet over medium/high heat, give each shrimp a good shake (to get rid of some excess marinade) and add it to the pan. Cook the shrimp for 5-7 minutes flipping halfway through. You are looking for the same preparedness as above.
Assemble the tacos: Place the tortilla down, add a few spoons of the cabbage slaw, add a few shrimps, drizzle avocado crema over the top, garnish with fresh cilantro, serve with lime wedges!
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healthy dinner recipes
8. Healthy Baked Eggplant Parmesan
Make a healthy baked eggplant parmesan with crispy almond flour-coated eggplant slices that are baked — no frying or bread crumbs needed!
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healthy dinner recipes
2 medium eggplants, sliced into 1/2” thick rounds
2 large eggs
1 cup almond flour*
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan, divided*
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Cooking spray
1 24 oz jar (3 cups) marinara sauce 
2 cups shredded mozzarella*
1/3 cups thinly sliced basil
Preheat oven to 425°F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper and coat with cooking spray. In a shallow bowl, whisk together almond flour, 1/2 cup Parmesan, Italian seasoning and ½ teaspoon sea salt. Season with salt and pepper. 
In another shallow bowl, whisk eggs with 2 Tablespoons water and season with salt and pepper. 
Dip an eggplant slice into the egg wash, then sprinkle the almond flour parmesan mixture over each side of the eggplant slice. Place on baking sheet. Repeat to coat all eggplant slices. Spray tops lightly with cooking spray.
Bake until soft inside, and golden and crisp on the outside, about 30 minutes, flipping around the 15 minute mark.
In a large baking dish, add 1 cup of marinara and spread evenly. Add an even layer of baked eggplant slices. Add another 1 cup of sauce. Sprinkle with 1 cup mozzarella, ¼ cup of the remaining Parmesan and 1/4 cup fresh basil. Top with another layer of baked eggplant slices and spread on 1 cup of sauce. Top with 1 cup of mozzarella cheese, ¼ cup parmesan and remaining fresh basil.
Bake, uncovered, until top is bubbly and golden, about 15 to 20 minutes.
If you have a nut allergy, feel free to use 1 cup  of bread crumbs instead of the almond flour.
If you want to keep this dairy-free, use dairy-free cheese options.
Inspired by Eating Well Magazine.
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healthy dinner recipes
9. Pineapple Chicken and Rice
Pineapple Chicken and Rice Dinner Recipe. Tender chicken cooked in a sweet pineapple honey Dijon sauce and served over rice.
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healthy dinner recipes
1 and half pounds boneless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 can 20 oz. sliced pineapple save the juice for the sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup honey
2 garlic cloves minced
4 servings of cooked rice.
Season chicken with thyme, salt and pepper.
Over medium heat brown the chicken in the vegetable oil.
Drain pineapple slices and reserve the juice.
Combine cornstarch and 2 oz. of the pineapple juice and set aside.
In a separate bowl combine remaining juice with mustard, honey, and garlic.
Add dijon mixture to the pan, reduce heat and cover.
Allow to simmer for 15 minutes.
Remove chicken from the pan.
Stir the cornstarch mixture and add to the pan and bring to a boil.
Stir for 2 minutes.
Reduce heat and return chicken to the pan. Flip chicken in the pan to get it nice and coated with the sauce.
Add pineapple slices to pan (on top of chicken and around the chicken) cover for 2-3 minutes to allow pineapple to heat through.
Serve over rice.
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healthy dinner recipes
10. Stuffed Pepper Casserole
This Stuffed Pepper Casserole has all the delicious flavors of regular stuffed peppers but turned inside out and made in one pan, keeping the mess to a minimum!
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Healthy Dinner Recipes
1 lb ground beef
1 green pepper diced
1 red pepper diced
1 medium onion diced
1 tsp oregano
Salt & pepper
3 cloves garlic minced
2 cups beef broth
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes (petite for regular)
1 8 oz can tomato sauce
1 Tbs balsamic vinegar
1 cup long grain white rice
1-2 cups Colby Monterey Jack cheese
In high sided pan add your ground beef, peppers, onion, oregano, salt and pepper and cook until beef is no longer pink and vegetables are tender.
Add in garlic and cook until aromatic, about 1 minutes.
Add in your beef broth, tomatoes, tomato sauce and balsamic vinegar, stir to combine then bring to a boil.
Add in your rice and stir to combine, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes until rice is tender and juices are mainly soaked up.
Remove from heat and stir in 1 cup cheese.
Top with remaining cheese and place cover back on to melt.
Serve with chopped parsley if desired.
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healthy dinner recipes
11. Spinach Lasagna Roll Recipe
These EASY Spinach Lasagna Roll ups are totally delicious, perfect for entertaining or serving for weeknight meals. Freezer friendly.
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healthy dinner recipes
2 cups homemade marinara sauce, plus more for serving
9 uncooked lasagna noodles, wheat or gluten-free
10 oz package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed well
15 oz part skim ricotta cheese, I like Polly-o
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 large egg
kosher salt and fresh pepper
9 tbsp about 3 oz part skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
Preheat oven to 350°F. Ladle about 1 cup sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 12 baking dish.
Cook noodles according to package directions, then drain.
Combine spinach, ricotta, Parmesan, egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt and black pepper in a medium bowl and mix.
Place a piece of wax paper on the counter and lay out lasagna noodles. Make sure noodles are dry. Take 1/3 cup of ricotta mixture and spread evenly over noodle. Roll carefully and place seam side down onto the baking dish. Repeat with remaining noodles.
Ladle remaining sauce over the noodles and top each one with 1 tbsp mozzarella cheese. Put foil over baking dish and bake for 40 minutes, or until cheese melts. Makes 9 rolls.
To serve, ladle a little sauce on the plate and top with lasagna roll.
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12. Crispy Garlic Parmesan Brussels Sprouts
Easy-to-make roasted brussels sprouts that will win anyone over. Even the little ones! This recipe comes together in under 30 minutes and is FULL of amazing flavor!
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healthy dinner recipes
1 1/2 lbs brussles sproouts, (ends trimmed and sliced in half)
2 tbsp unsalted butter, (melted)
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt, (more or less - to taste)
1/4 tsp pepper, (more or less to taste)
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/3 cup panko breadcrumbs, (or regular breadcrumbs)
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray.
Trim the ends off of the brussels sprouts. If you have a mixture of large and small brussels sprouts, slice the larger ones in half or quarters. Keep the small brussels sprouts intact.
If using all small brussels sprouts, slice in half or keep whole. I prefer mine sliced in half if they are not too small to get a nice crisp edge when they roast cut-side down.
To a large bowl, combine the melted butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Stir to fully combine. Add in the brussels sprouts and gently toss to thoroughly combine with the butter mixture.
Next, add in the panko and parmesan cheese. Toss gently to combine.
Transfer the brussels sprouts to the prepared baking sheet, making sure to create a single, spaced out layer. Arrange any sliced sprouts cut-side down.
If you have any leftover breadcrumb/cheese mixture, simply sprinkle overtop of the sprouts and press down slightly to help it stick.
Bake 15-20 minutes or until sprouts are fork-tender and lightly browned. Check at 15 minutes. Roasting time will vary based on the size of the sprouts. It's important to keep an eye on them to avoid burning.
Best served right out of the oven. Garnish with additional parmesan cheese, if desired.
BAKE TIME: Please keep in mind that roasting time will vary depending on how large OR small the brussels sprouts are. The bake time listed above (15-20 minutes) is based on 1.5 lbs of smaller brussels sprouts. Check at 18-20 minutes for larger brussels sprouts and go from there.The sprouts should be lightly browned, crisp, and fork-tender when done. It's very easy to overcook them, so keep an eye on them.
MAKE AHEAD? I do not recommend making these ahead of time. They are best served freshly roasted out of the oven. Leftovers will soften as they sit and will be difficult to crisp up again without overcooking them.
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13. Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Looking for an easy Asian chicken recipe? This P.F. Chang lettuce wrap copycat from Easyrecipes.info is a great low-carb dinner!
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3 tbsp. hoisin sauce
2 tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce
2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
1 tbsp. Sriracha (optional)
1 tsp. sesame oil
1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp. freshly grated ginger
1 lb. ground chicken
1/2 c. water chestnuts, drained and sliced
2 green onions, thinly sliced
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Large leafy lettuce (leaves separated), for serving
Cooked white rice, for serving (optional)
Make the sauce: In a small bowl, whisk together hoisin sauce, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, Sriracha, and sesame oil.
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat olive oil. Add onions and cook until soft, 5 minutes, then stir in garlic and ginger and cook until fragrant, 1 minute more. Add ground chicken and cook until opaque and mostly cooked through, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon. 
Pour in sauce and cook 1 to 2 minutes more, until sauce reduces slightly and chicken is cooked through completely. Turn off heat and stir in chestnuts and green onions. Season with salt and pepper.
Spoon rice, if using, and a large scoop (about 1/4 cup) of chicken mixture into center of each lettuce leaf. Serve immediately.
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14. Healthier Broccoli Chicken Casserole
This healthier Broccoli Chicken Casserole recipe is made with tender chicken and broccoli, your choice of pasta, and the BEST creamy cheddar mushroom sauce.
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healthy dinner recipes
8 ounces uncooked pasta* (I used whole-wheat rotini)
1 large head of broccoli*, cut into bite-sized florets (about 1 pound of florets)
2 tablespoons butter or olive oil
1 small white onion, thinly sliced
8 ounces baby bella (cremini) mushrooms, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup chicken or vegetable stock
1 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly-cracked black pepper
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded sharp cheddar cheese, divided
2 cups diced (or shredded) cooked chicken
Heat oven to 400°F.
Cook pasta in a large stockpot of generously-salted boiling water until it is al dente.  However, about 1 minute before the pasta is done, add the broccoli to the boiling pasta water and stir until combined.  Drain both the pasta and broccoli, and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat the butter (or oil) in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat.  Add the onion and sauté for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add the mushrooms and garlic and sauté for 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the mushrooms are cooked through.
Sprinkle the flour evenly over the onion mixture and stir until combined.  Cook for 1 minute, stirring occasionally.  Add in the stock, and stir everything together until most of the clumps are gone.  Add in the milk, Dijon, salt and pepper and stir until combined.  Continue cooking the sauce until it reaches a simmer.  Then remove from heat and stir in 1 cup of the shredded cheese until it is combined.  Taste and season with additional salt and pepper, if needed.
In a large 9 x 13-inch baking dish, combine the cooked pasta, broccoli, mushroom sauce and chicken.  Toss until combined.  Smooth the casserole out into an even layer.
Bake uncovered for 15 minutes.  Then remove pan from the oven, sprinkle the remaining cheddar cheese evenly on top of the casserole, and bake for 10 more minutes or until the cheese is nice and melty.
Serve warm, garnished with extra black pepper and/or fresh herbs, if desired.
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15. Black Bean Avocado Crunch Wrap
When I'm craving a Cruchwrap Supreme, I don't go to Taco Bell, I stay at home. In fact, I can proudly say that I have perfect Crunchwrap Supreme Recipe.
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healthy dinner recipes
4 large whole wheat burrito tortillas, plus 4 small tortillas (0r one cut into four equal quarters)
1 15 ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup Skinny Nacho “Cheese” Sauce
2 jalapeños
2 cups cooked brown rice
2 Avocados, pit removed, and cut into bite sized pieces
1 cup grape tomatoes, diced
1 yellow onion, diced
Prepare all vegetables
Lay one tortilla on a plate surface
Place a 1/4 cup of cooked brown rice in the middle
Place 1/4 of the can of black beans on top of the rice
Continues with 1/4 of the remaining ingredients.
Lay a single small tortilla or a quart of an extra large tortillas on top of the ingredients in the center.
Fold the tortilla around the ingredients in a circular motion, meeting the small tortilla or quartered tortilla you used for the center.
Heat a Non-Stick Pan for Oil-Free Cooking to medium low
Place tortilla folded side down first; this will seal the folds
Cook for about 7 minutes; check to make sure golden brown before flipping over
Gently flip crunch wrap over
Cook another 7 minutes, checking to make sure it is golden brown.
Make remaining 3 (I use different pans to have them all done at once).
Serve with salsa or guacamole or BOTH!
I cut in half to share 🙂
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16. Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Pesto Pasta
Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Pesto Pasta is perfect for summer! Simple ingredients, but tons of flavor thanks to grilling and the pesto lemon sauce.
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healthy dinner recipes
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 pound asparagus, woody ends cut off
Olive oil, kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
12 ounces rotini pasta, gluten free if needed
1/3 cup pesto
1/2 of a lemon, juiced
3 tablespoons shredded Pecorino Romano or parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
Fresh chopped basil and more Pecorino Romano for garnish
Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain and put into a large serving bowl.
While the pasta cooks, preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
Season the chicken with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. On a baking sheet lined with foil lay the asparagus out in a single layer. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and toss to coat.
Grill the chicken for approximately 4-6 minutes then flip over and grill another 4-6 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 160°-165° F. Let it rest for 5 minutes before cutting it.
While the chicken cooks place the prepared asparagus onto the grill grates horizontally. Grill for 2 minutes then roll or flip them over with tongs and grill another 1-2 minutes. Cut into approximately 2 inch pieces.
Add the chopped chicken and asparagus to the bowl with the pasta. Add in the pesto, lemon juice and shredded romano or parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper and toss everything together until coated. Taste for seasoning. Garnish with toasted pine nuts and chopped fresh basil if desired. Serve warm or cold.
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17. Loaded Burger Bowls with "Special Sauce" (Whole30, Paleo, Low Carb)
Loaded burger bowls with pickles, bacon, a quick guacamole, and a "special sauce"! These low carb burger bowls are Whole30 and paleo, too.
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Burger Bowls Meat
1 pound ground beef any %
4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon avocado or refined coconut oil
Burger Bowls
2 small heads romaine sliced and root discarded
1 1/2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes halved
1/2 cup pickles plus more to taste
1 cup red onion thinly sliced
8-10 slices bacon cooked til crisp and roughly crumbled
2 avocados peeled and pitted
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
Special Sauce
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon coconut aminos if on Whole30, see note for details
2 teaspoon maple syrup if not on Whole30, see note for details
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons dried minced onion
Pinch crushed red pepper
pinch salt
In a medium bowl, mix together beef, garlic powder, and salt. Heat avocado or coconut oil in a large skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium heat, then add beef and brown, crumbling with a spatula or spoon.
Meanwhile, prepare remaining elements for the burger bowls.
Make quick guacamole: In a medium bowl, mash together avocado, lemon juice, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Make the special sauce: whisk together all special sauce ingredients, using coconut aminos only if you're on a Whole30 and skipping the maple syrup. If you're NOT on a Whole30, skip the coconut aminos and use the maple syrup only. Set aside.
When beef is browned and crumbled, remove from skillet and return skillet to medium heat. Add red onions in a single layer and cook until lightly charred on the bottom, then flip. Cook until lightly charred on the second side then remove and repeat until all onions are lightly cooked.
Assemble: start with a layer of romaine in your serving bowls, then spoon 1/4 of the ground beef mixture into the center. Arrange remaining items around the beef: tomatoes, pickles, red onion, bacon, and quick guacamole. Drizzle with plenty of special sauce and serve.
You can swap the lime juice for the lemon juice, if you prefer. I wanted to keep the taste more neutral, but a Tex-Mex flair would be delicious!
Don't skimp on the bacon in this recipe! The nicest, thickest cut you can find, the better.
If you're on a Whole30, don't use the maple syrup in the special sauce, only the coconut aminos. If you're not on a Whole30, skip the coconut aminos and go for the maple syrup. 
Whole30 Special Sauce Ingredients:
1/2 cup Whole30-compliant mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Whole30-compliant ketchup
1 tablespoon coconut aminos
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons dried minced onion
pinch crushed red pepper flakes
pinch salt
Non-Whole30 Special Sauce Ingredients:
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
2 teaspoons pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons dried minced onion
pinch crushed red pepper flakes
pinch salt
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18. Mashed Potato Casserole with Crispy Chicken
This mouth-watering mashed potato casserole is topped with Corn, Cheddar Cheese, Crispy Chicken Strips, and a drizzle of brown gravy! It’s easy to make ahead of time and bake later for a quick family dinner!
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For Casserole:
5-6 cups mashed potatoes
1 cup corn
1 cup cheddar cheese, freshly grated
6 Frozen Chicken Strips
.87 oz. packet Brown Gravy Mix
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Take out your chicken strips and let them sit at room temp for about 5 minutes if you prefer to slice them first.
Spread the potatoes on the bottom of a 9 x 13 casserole dish.
Note: If your mashed potatoes are cold, warm them first.
Top with corn and cheese.
Carefully slice the chicken strips into pieces of desired size and top the casserole dish with them.
Bake for 20 minutes, until the chicken is crisp.
Prepare the gravy on the stove top according to package instructions while the casserole finishes baking.
Drizzle desired amount of gravy over the casserole dish and serve!
Milk may be used instead of half and half. You can also use cream for ultimate decadence.
If you prefer a creamier consistency, additional milk or half and half may be added to the mashed potatoes until your desired consistency is reached.
For quicker mashed potatoes, you can peel them and slice them into thirds of equal size so that they finish boiling more quickly.
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19. Healthy White Chicken Chili
Healthy white chicken chili that's easy, creamy and dairy free. This family favorite recipe includes options to make it in the slow cooker!
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½ tablespoon olive oil
1 medium white onion, chopped
1 can mild green chiles (or sub 2 seeded and diced jalapenos)
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons chili powder
¼ teaspoon coriander
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
4 cups low sodium chicken broth
2 (15 ounce) cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
¾ teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
Freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs (or chicken breast)
½ cup frozen corn
1 medium lime, juiced
1/3 cup fresh, chopped cilantro
For garnish:
Tortilla strips or chips
Extra cilantro
Avocado slices
Extra lime wedge
Add olive oil to a large dutch oven or large pot and place over medium high heat. Add onion and green chiles and cook until softened, about 3-4 minutes.
Next stir in cumin, chili powder, coriander and dried oregano; allow the spices to cook for 30 seconds, then add in chicken broth, 1 can of drained chickpeas (about 1 1/2 cups chickpeas), uncooked chicken breast and salt and pepper. Simmer on medium low heat for 20-30 minutes.
After 20 minutes, remove the chicken with a slotted spoon and shred with two forks. Next add in fresh lime juice and cilantro.
Finally, add the remaining can of rinsed and drained chickpeas (1 1/2 cups chickpeas) and ½ cup water (or broth) to a blender. Blend until somewhat smooth, adding a little more water if necessary.
Pour blended chickpeas into soup pot and then stir in the corn, lime juice and cilantro. Allow soup to cook and simmer for 5-10 more minutes. Serve with tortilla chips, an extra lime wedge and avocado if you’d like. Serves 4. Enjoy!
Make this in your slow cooker: 
Making healthy white chicken chili in the slow cooker is EASY. 
Simply add all ingredients except the lime juice and cilantro to your slow cooker. 
I also recommend reducing the chicken broth in the recipe by 1 cup as your slow cooker will create condensation and additional liquid as the soup cooks. 
Cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-7 hours. 
Remove chicken and shred, then add back to the slow cooker and stir in lime juice and cilantro. 
Season to taste. 
That's it!
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You don’t want to sabotage your whole day by eating a bad meal. You’ve had a long day and you just want a quick, inexpensive, healthy meal to eat while you snuggle up in your PJs and catch up on your favorite Netflix show. Since I’m also one for quick and healthy meals, I’ve compiled a list of my 18 Keto Dinner Recipes favorite meals for those who share in my attitude. I hope you enjoy them!
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theblondebuckeye · 3 years
29 Oh-So-Delicious Dinner Ideas for Hot Summer Nights
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We've compiled a list of the 29 Dinner Ideas for Hot Summer Nights for you to prepare on a hot summer night. From classic and simple to healthy and vegetarian – we've even included some delectable kid-friendly recipes!! Summertime adoration! Take a listen to some of these summer specials. Shrimp Tacos, Balsamic Veggie Pasta, Lasagna Roll-Ups, and Grilled Pizza Skewers are just a few of the dishes on the menu. Pizza Kabobs, indeed! Are you intrigued yet? Start reading and cooking!
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Easy Summer Dinner Recipes
One of the last places you want to be on a hot summer night is cooking over a stove! If you're looking for a way to cool off, make a BLT pasta salad, couscous summer salad, avocado pasta, or even a balsamic veggie pasta. If you're throwing a backyard party, grill up some marinated steak or chicken kabobs!
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Best Steak Marinade Tender, juicy, and delicious marinated skirt steak is a summer must-try! This recipe will consistently produce the best-tasting skirt steak! Your steaks will be bursting with flavor thanks to the garlic and lime marinade. 2. BBQ CHICKEN KABOBS 
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Tasty BBQ Chicken Kebab Recipe BBQ Chicken Kabobs are made with chicken, bacon, and pineapple and are ready in 20 minutes! The combination results in juicy and tender kabobs that are ideal for grilling! Don't forget to add the BBQ sauce! 3. SHRIMP TACOS
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Shrimp Tacos Recipe Blackened Shrimp Tacos are a tasty meal made with blackened shrimp, avocado, mango, purple cabbage, fresh lime, and cilantro. They're not only healthy, but they're also a delicious meal! With only 15 minutes of preparation, you're sure to please everyone. To the last bite, it was delicious! 4. ASIAN-STYLE SCRAMBLED EGGS
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Asian-style Scrambled Eggs The fusion of texture and flavor in this high protein, low carb breakfast recipe with Asian greens is quite exceptional. Alternative Video: Quick and Easy Summer Dinner Ideas https://youtu.be/he7UMCPb1UM Suggested Posts: - 15 Simple Canned Green Bean Recipes and Ideas - Delicious Trader Joe’s Fried Rice - Easy Oven Roasted Chicken Leg Quarters Recipe
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Creamy Chicken and Risoni Reisi pasta is used in this one-pot cheesy chicken pasta bake. Perfect if you're looking for a quick weeknight dinner recipe. This recipe is sure to please, with plenty of chicken, tomato, and stretchy mozzarella. 6. RAMEN CARBONARA
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Ramen Carbonara Recipe This creamy pasta recipe is made with 2-minute noodles and poached eggs in this cheat's version of pasta carbonara. It's ramen carbonara, and it's ready in 20 minutes for a quick weeknight meal. 7. BEEF MINCE AND CHICKPEA CURRY
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Beef Mince and Chickpea Curry Savory mince curry transformed into a magnificently simple meal by the addition of chickpeas and served with a lovely tomato salad and toasted naan. 8. FAMILY FRIENDLY FRIED RICE
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Family Friendly Fried Rice Fried rice is a combination of long grain rice, a blend of heated peas, carrots, and onions, and scrambled eggs! You will no longer be ordering takeout! This recipe for Chinese-inspired fried rice is my personal favorite. It’s quick and easy to make, customizable with any of your favorite mix-ins, and so irresistibly delicious. 9. CREAMY ROAST CHICKEN
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Pan-Roasted Chicken in Cream Sauce You've never had roast chicken like this before! This creamy one-pot chicken with potatoes recipe, made with herbs, garlic, and classic Western Star dairy, is a perfect roast Chicken dinner idea the whole family will enjoy.
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Prawn, Mango and Avocado Salad A fantastic almost no-cook healthy meal option or a delicious summer salad. This salad is a magical combination of summer textures and flavors in a large tasty bowl. 11. BARBECUE GRILLED PINEAPPLE & TOFU KEBABS
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Grilled Pineapple Tofu Skewers It's difficult to believe that these grilled pineapple and tofu kebabs are vegan! This is the ideal summer weeknight meal because it is simple, healthy, and light while remaining extremely satisfying. 12. GRILLED HONEY MUSTARD CHICKEN
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Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken If you use the right sauce, grilled chicken is never a letdown! And this grilled honey mustard chicken recipe is no exception. It's ideal for grilled chicken recipes with the best honey mustard marinade. If you don't have much time to fire up the grill, you can bake it! 13. GRILLED VEGETABLES
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Grilled Vegetables Recipe Aren't these summer vegetable skewers lovely? If you're looking for a light summer dinner recipe, this is a great side dish for some grilled chicken or to eat on their own! 14. GRILLED CORN TACOS
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Grilled Corn Tacos These grilled corn tacos are a light and easy summer meal! Lots of lime, cilantro, and tomatillo salsa accent a crisp veggie medley in this delicious filling.
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BLT Pasta Salad This BLT Pasta Salad is light and colorful, making it ideal for summer. It's probably the simplest pasta recipe you'll ever try, and it'll be ready for dinner in just 15 minutes. Your family and friends will beg you to make it again and again! 16. AVOCADO PASTA
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Avocado Pasta It's creamy, filling, and flavorful, and it's vegetarian! Now I'm even more intrigued. Add in the fact that it only takes 15 minutes to put together and you'll be sold. To top it all off, this dish is loaded with antioxidants. 17. VEGAN SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE
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Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe This is spaghetti bolognese with a twist – a vegan twist! Quick, simple, and oh-so-delicious! If you're in the mood to cook, you can make your sauce from scratch with this recipe. 18. BALSAMIC VEGGIE PASTA
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Balsamic veggie Pizza A rainbow of flavors that is also very healthy! The key is to sauté the cooked pasta in a sauce with a splash of white wine if desired. 19. VEGAN CREAMY TOMATO PASTA WITH HERBS
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Vegan Creamy Tomato Pasta With Herbs Although this pasta recipe can be made at any time of year, I find that garden herbs are more flavorful in the summer. This creamy pasta is decadent, and you can eat as much as you want without feeling guilty!
20. PUNJABI LEMON CURRY FISH PIE This coconut milk-based Punjabi fish curry pie is topped with lovely folds of crispy filo pastry. This recipe is lovely all year round and would make an interesting addition to your Easter menu.
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Punjabi Lemon Curry Fish Oie 21. CHICKEN BIRYANI Best Chicken Biryani Recipe For good reason, chicken biryani is one of the most popular dishes in Indian cuisine. Aromatic basmati rice is combined with tender and juicy chicken, as well as a rich, buttery, and spicy sauce. The herbs, spices, and seasonings add a special touch to this dish. 22. BUTTER CHICKEN
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Indian Butter Chicken Recipe Butter chicken, also known as Murgh Makhani, is an addictive Indian dish made with juicy chicken and a delectable sauce. Think again if you think you won't be able to pull off this dish! This recipe takes about 30 minutes to prepare. Plus, it's so good that it can compete with any Indian restaurant. 23. MANGO CHICKEN CURRY
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Mango Chicken Curry Chicken curry is already epic in its own right. The addition of sweet mangoes elevates the dish to new heights. Imagine a rich, savory, spicy curry paired with ripe mangoes! Man, just thinking about it is making me hungry. 24. GOAN FISH
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Goan Fish Curry Goan fish curry consists of well-cooked fish in a curry sauce. Its name is straightforward, but the flavors are heavenly. The sauce's creamy, salty, savory, and spicy flavors make it completely addictive.
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Hidden Veggie Pizza This mild-mannered margarita pizza is loaded with healthy veggies and topped with creamy mozzarella: what the kids don't know won't hurt them. 26. RED ONION AND GREEN PEA FRITTERS
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Red Onion and Green Pea Fritters These gluten-free red onion and green pea fritters are loaded with fresh produce and flavor! For a deliciously simple midweek dinner, serve with naan bread and yoghurt. 27. MI GORENG SANDWICH
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Mi Goreng Sandwich These noodle sandwiches (created by Adam Liaw with Maggi's Fusian range) are hot, spicy, and ready in minutes, taking inspiration from Japan's iconic yakisoba-pan and giving it a Malaysian fusion twist. For an authentic mi goreng experience, add a fried egg! 28. VEGAN BLACK BEAN AND CORN TACOS Read the full article
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Best Manual Pepper Grinder out of top 19
  YHCWJZP Pepper Mill, Manual Pepper Grinder Stainless Steel Spice Mill with Ceramic Core Kitchen Tools Kitchen Supplies 6.5inch YHCWJZP Pepper Mill, Manual Pepper Grinder Stainless Steel Spice Mill with Ceramic Core Kitchen Tools Kitchen Supplies 6.5inch - 🍁 kitchen scales digital weight grams and ounces digital weight grams with bowl 01g for baking grams and ounces analog kitchen towels and dishcloths sets cotton with hanging loop red paper blue black grey with sayings kitchen faucets with pull down sprayer with sprayer sprayer head replacement with pull down sprayer brushed nickel black with soap dispenser aerator head sprayer kitchen aid mixer attachments 6 qt pasta 5 qt 45 quart cheese meat grinder flat beater dough hook grinder. 🍁 kitchen scissors heavy duty dishwasher safe best seller come apart stainless steel set with magnetic holder for fridge kitchen aid mixer attachments kitchen timer kitchen trash bags 13 gallon drawstring 13 gallon scented drawstring unscented bulk gripper 8 gallon 120 count kitchen trash can with lid 13 gallon with foot pedal with foot pedal 13 gallon under sink with automatic lids plastic with lid and foot pedal stainless steel kitchen curtains and valances set kitchen curtains set. 🍁 kitchen tools for kids kitchen tools under 5 dollars kitchen tools and gadgets for baking kitchen tools and gadgets set for baking under 10 best sellers chopper food scraper spatula for kids kitchen tools set with holder steel kids stainless utensils utensils with holder kitchen supplies & cookware for kids for toddlers holder set pink for mom storage rack kitchen drawer organizer for large utensils for utensils and storage 17 inch expandable wire. 🍁 durable and anti-corrosion, perfect for all types of salts and peppercorns. 🍁 the pepper grinder is super efficient, it easily locks the freshness and odor of the pepper and keep at afresh for anytime use.   Nadalan Wooden Grinder Pepper Mill Manual Pepper Grinder Multi-purpose Sauce Bottle Kitchen Tools (8 inch) Nadalan Wooden Grinder Pepper Mill Manual Pepper Grinder Multi-purpose Sauce Bottle Kitchen Tools (8 inch) - Size 5 inch 2”x57 ” (5cm 145cm) 8 inch 21”x86 ” (55cm 22cm) 10 inch 55”x89”(55cm 226 cm), three kinds of specifications, large capacity, to meet the needs of your kitchen seasoning. Mini pepper grinder you can take to travel,picnicbibowa pepper grinder can be used as a salt mill, giving you a salt and pepper set or a spice mill or dried herb grinder. Made of high quality rubber wood, rubber wood retro colors, natural health and environmental protection. Silty thickness can be adjusted by adjusting the top of the stainless steel screws, degree of tightness can control the degree of thickness. Note do not over-tighten the top screw cap to prevent damage to the ceramic grinder.   Xigeapg Wooden Grinder Natural Useful Manual Pepper Grinder Salt And Pepper Grinder Ball Shape Bottle Kitchen Tool New Xigeapg Wooden Grinder Natural Useful Manual Pepper Grinder Salt And Pepper Grinder Ball Shape Bottle Kitchen Tool New - Made from wood, safe and , natural and eco-friendly. Features. Reusable and durable it can be used repeatedly and durable for long time use. Can be used to grind your pepper, easy to use the grinder. The pepper grinder is thick, easy to grip it when you grind the peppera useful and practical kitchen tool, convenient to use.   WillowswayW 2Pcs Manual Pepper Grinder Metal Glass Mill Spice Salt Grinder Kitchen Grinding Gadget WillowswayW 2Pcs Manual Pepper Grinder Metal Glass Mill Spice Salt Grinder Kitchen Grinding Gadget - Ideal gadget to make freshly ground pepper powder spice. Manual design, easy to use and clean. Size 19cm x 52cm/748″ x 204″ (approx). High quality material mde ,safty and eco-friendly. Can grind food for the family kitchen, dining room, restaurants and hotels.   Vktech Stainless Steel Portable Manual Pepper Grinder Pepper Muller Mill Mull Vktech Stainless Steel Portable Manual Pepper Grinder Pepper Muller Mill Mull - Material stainless steel. Ideal gadget to make freshly ground pepper powder spice for enjoying a tasty salad or steak. Size (h x dia) approx 6 x 1 inch / 15 x 27 cm. 100% brand new and high quality. Suitable for milling pepper, corn, mustard seed and other small sized spices.   JUSTDOLIFE Pepper Grinder Wood Manual Handle Round Pepper Mill Salt Grinder for Kitchen JUSTDOLIFE Pepper Grinder Wood Manual Handle Round Pepper Mill Salt Grinder for Kitchen - Size lw 87cm(315276in). Application the pepper grinder is suitable for home, hotel, restaurant and canteen. Manual hand crank the pepper grinder is made with a manual hand crank, ergonomic and convenient control. Easy to store the pepper mill in compact size is space-saving, easy to store. Material made of stainless steel and rubber wood material, high quality and durable.   Manual Pepper Grinder, Salt Shaker For Professional Chef, Best Stainless Steel Spice Mill, Refillable Glass Body With 6OZ Capacity, Seasoning Bottle Manual Pepper Grinder, Salt Shaker For Professional Chef, Best Stainless Steel Spice Mill, Refillable Glass Body With 6OZ Capacity, Seasoning Bottle - Premium brushed stainless steel top, clear thick glass body and non-corrosive ceramic grinding head , excellent workmanship. The salt pepper grinder has a large capacity of 6oz and holds 3/4 cup of spices, which means you don’t need to refill frequently and you can see easily how much spices left through the glass body. The pepper shaker keeps your spice fresh and maintains maximum flavor and quality of your sea salt, peppercorn medley, spices or herbs , etc. We offer zero-risk purchase, 100% satisfaction guarantee and friendly service, 24 hours email customer response service. Size about 12565cm/492256in capacity about 160ml , fits all types of salts and peppers.   LoveAloe Manual Salt Pepper Mill Grinder Seasoning Cooking Tools Kitchen Accessories Cookware Kitchen Gadget,Red LoveAloe Manual Salt Pepper Mill Grinder Seasoning Cooking Tools Kitchen Accessories Cookware Kitchen Gadget,Red - Height is about 123cm, bottom diameter is about 49cm, error is about 1cm. Material pp. The mills have high-quality, sharp blades that make grinding salt or pepper effortless. Quantity 1 piece. Our salt and pepper grinder design is sure to embellish your kitchen and make grinding fresh ingredients a lot easier.   Mills – Acrylic Manual Pepper Grinder Salt Spices Mill Shaker Transparent Grinding – Wood Iodized Manual Iodine Grinder Empty Electric Salt Cutter Mill Grinder Pepper Kitchen Salt Shaker S Mills – Acrylic Manual Pepper Grinder Salt Spices Mill Shaker Transparent Grinding – Wood Iodized Manual Iodine Grinder Empty Electric Salt Cutter Mill Grinder Pepper Kitchen Salt Shaker S - Mills type salt & pepper mills , material plastic , model number as shown , feature eco-friendly , type mills. [Best service] if you have any problem with your products, please feel free to contact us. Simple to use and easy to clean. Professional for grinder salt whith free shipping. Excellent grinder salt, cutter mill, grinder pepper, kitchen salt shaker, mill spice, coffee grinder manual, pepper mill, herb crusher, pepper grinder, mill pepper, salt shaker and pepper, frozen meat knife, pepper shaker, shaker spice, plastic salt shaker, flour mill, pepper, mills, grinder salt, pepper grinder, manual pepper grinder for you.   ❤Ywoow❤ , Manual Pepper Grinder Pepper Spice Salt Mill Shaker Grinder Manual Muller Kitchen Tool Wooden ❤Ywoow❤ , Manual Pepper Grinder Pepper Spice Salt Mill Shaker Grinder Manual Muller Kitchen Tool Wooden - Pfessional fine acrylic oil watercolor brushes for face nail body art craft model miniature painting blue origami paper double sided color square easy fold paper for beginner multi purpose scrubber sponges kitchen scrubbing sponges heavy duty non scratch scrubbing cleaner sponges in 2 colors multi surface non metal dish scouring scrubbers for fast cleaning 20 pack multi use heavy duty scrub sponge extra thin magic cleaning sponges eraser sponge for kitchen bathroom furniture leather car. Nylon grocery tote or lunch bag big check lime silicone reusable food bag large 1/2 gallon storage and size lunch bag tote bag lunch bag for women lunch box insulated lunch container christmas village fabric printed tablecloth rectangle tablecloth ivory rectangular table cloth for 8 foot table in washable polyester great for buffet table parties holiday dinner wedding more rectangle table cloth water resistance microfiber tablecloth decorative fabric table cover for outdoor and indoor. Tablecloth rectangular table cloth in washable polyester great for buffet table parties holiday dinner wedding & more durable goods professional grade chef apron for kitchen bbq and grill with towel loop + tool pockets + quick release buckle all purpose paint brush value pack great with acrylic oil watercolor gouache deluxe art creativity set in wooden case with deluxe art set deluxe art set in wooden case paint brush set 10pcs round pointed tip nylon hair artist detail paintbrushes. Pack non scratch scrub sponge super absorbent multi use cleaning sponges for kitchen dishes bathroom car wash adhesive hooks heavy duty stick on hooks wall hooks hangers for hanging bathroom kitchen home door closet cabinet stainless steel 4 packs 20 pack s shaped hooks stainless steel metal hangers hanging hooks for kitchen work shop bathroom garden adhesive hooks kitchen wall hooks 24 packs heavy duty nail free sticky hangers with stainless hooks reusable utility towel bath ceiling. Him her guys men boys toddlers mom papa brother sound activated party lights with remote control dj lighting rbg disco ball strobe lamp 7 modes stage par light for home room dance parties birthday dj bar xmas wedding show club pub 16 color toilet night light motion activated detection bathroom bowl lights unique & funny birthday gifts idea for dad teen boy kids men women cool fun gadgets gag stocking stuffers leak proof food storage containers with airtight lids standard reusable shopping.   Pepper Mill and Salt Shaker, Manual Pepper Grinder Pepper Mill Shakers with Transparent Acrylic Body, Seasoning Tool for Home Restaurants(White) Pepper Mill and Salt Shaker, Manual Pepper Grinder Pepper Mill Shakers with Transparent Acrylic Body, Seasoning Tool for Home Restaurants(White) - Ceramic grinding mechanism, high hardness, wear resistance,corrosion resistance, and environmental protection. It can be used to grind pepper,salt,sesame and other granule spice. How to use unscrew the cover screw, put the product to be ground, cover it, and turn it. Maintenance method after each batch is used, rinse with water, dry it and then use it for the next time. Suitable for homes, kitchens, restaurants, dining tables, hotels etc.   TraveT Creative Kitchen Supplies Manual Pepper Grinder Black Pepper Mill Seasoning Bottle TraveT Creative Kitchen Supplies Manual Pepper Grinder Black Pepper Mill Seasoning Bottle - The grinder contains a sealing lid that can keep away from dust and moisture so as to keep ground spices fresh. Easy to clean,durable to withstand the wear and tear of time and fit your hand perfectly. Size height 123cm, bottom diameter 49cm. Material pp. Suitable for pepper, salt and any other spices.   Pepper Mill Grinder – Manual Pepper Grinder Sea Salt Herbs Spices Mill Grinding Tool with Long Crank Pepper Mill Grinder – Manual Pepper Grinder Sea Salt Herbs Spices Mill Grinding Tool with Long Crank - 1 this grinder is made of premium materials, safe and healthy, durable to use. 3 long hand crank is designed for more efficient grind, labor-saving and easy to use. 4 the ceramic burr will not change the taste of spices and allows for a more consistent and uniform grind. 2 to grind, simply turn the charming crank unscrew top knob to fill mill. 5 multi-use, can be used for grinding vanilla, herbs, sea salt, pepper and other spices.   Liobaba Acrylic Manual Pepper Grinder Salt Spices Mill Shaker Transparent Milling Cutter Machine Transparent Grinding Tool Milling Liobaba Acrylic Manual Pepper Grinder Salt Spices Mill Shaker Transparent Milling Cutter Machine Transparent Grinding Tool Milling - Grinds coarse salt, peppercorns, herbs and spices. Package include1x pepper millnotesplease allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurementdue to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item we guarantee the style is the same as shown in the pictures. Specificationcolor redmaterial clearsize 6x18cmuses family, hotel, barbecue. Featuresfashion design, very easy to operate. Environment friendly, non-toxic, odorless, soft, oil-resistant. Suitable for restaurant, hotels, and home use.   Qmsellz – Grinder Pepper – 1pcs Hand Manual Pepper Grinder Mill Adjustable Grind Roughness Salt Herb Spice Seasoning Glass – French Handle France Thompson Tall Farmhouse Cuisinart Copper Grinders Good Qmsellz – Grinder Pepper – 1pcs Hand Manual Pepper Grinder Mill Adjustable Grind Roughness Salt Herb Spice Seasoning Glass – French Handle France Thompson Tall Farmhouse Cuisinart Copper Grinders Good - Pcs herb roughness pepper bbq cooking glass mill manual glass pepper grinder unicorn ears color farmhouse france belt volume french giant lohas plastic ikea knob kyocera crank heavy creuset gravity fletcher gears handed shaker hardware thumb oper. Seasoning spice glass manual herb salt bottle bbq adjustable pepper mill japanese handheld mill tall restaurant japan lever hqgsj battery holder commercial cuisinart manual ball insert design orange burr joseph adjustable turkish farm disposable pampered. Hand glass salt manual bottle pcs seasoning grinder spice spice automatic attachment good steel small thompson wood corns trudeau yellow kirkland button green piece duty pump rikon brass large kuhn grinders vintage rechargeable parts grinder grips organi. Pcs roughness spice adjustable seasoning hand salt bbq bottle glass pepper grinder peugot electric drill blue tray cole huge pepper gold industrial kitchenaid dispenser combo salt individual coarseness stainless funnel ceramic unique decorative server nov. You can see more information for pepper grinder, salt pigs, cellars & servers, pepper mill, grinder pepper, mill pepper, spice, mill spice, glass spice, glass salt, crusher, pepper grinder, shirt with corgi, pepper, mill pepper salt, jar spice, electric herb mill, glass salt shaker, glass jar spice, grinder salt, spice glass, glass pepper grinder, tobacco -.   JUSTDOLIFE Pepper Grinder Manual Salt Mill Salt Grinder Spice Mill Pepper Mill for Kitchen JUSTDOLIFE Pepper Grinder Manual Salt Mill Salt Grinder Spice Mill Pepper Mill for Kitchen - Practical the pepper shaker is refillable and reusable, so you can refill it by removing the top. Material made of glass, high quality and durable. Convenient the pepper grinder is adjustable for you to grind fine or coarse pepper. Size s lwh 55173cm(197197681in), capacity 180ml(609oz), m lwh 66203cm(236236799in), capacity 300ml(1015oz), l lwh 6565243cm(256256957in), capacity 500ml(1691oz). Multifunctional the pepper shaker can protect the pepper or salt from moisture, dust and stain, keeping it fresh.   Spice Grinder 304 Stainless Steel Manual Pepper Grinder Flour Mill With Adjustable Ceramic Rotor(silver) Spice Grinder 304 Stainless Steel Manual Pepper Grinder Flour Mill With Adjustable Ceramic Rotor(silver) - Please do not screw the ceramic rotor too tight. Tips1. Please do not fill the shaker too full. 2. Use instructions1,fill the grinder with spice and tighten it. 3,reverse the grinder and then twist the lid to grind. 2,remove the flat top and adjust the ceramic rotor. Please make sure that the lid has been tightened before grinding. 3.   Pepper Grinder,Vouko&artizan 12 Inch Wooden Coarse Pepper Mill, Adjustable Manual Black Pepper Grinder for Home Restaurant BBQ,Pepper Grinder Mill of Glossy Black Color Pepper Grinder,Vouko&artizan 12 Inch Wooden Coarse Pepper Mill, Adjustable Manual Black Pepper Grinder for Home Restaurant BBQ,Pepper Grinder Mill of Glossy Black Color - 【Original wood】this wooden pepper mill grinder is made of beech imported from europe the carefully selected wood with classical charm is sturdy and reliable, providing a long product life. 【Widely applicable】this coarse pepper grinder can be used to grind and store small granular foods such as pepper, coarse salt, and sesame it is suitable for homes, kitchens, restaurants, hotels, etc. 【Adjustable pepper mill】this salt grinder adopts a rotating design to easily adjust the coarseness of seasonings by rotating the lower part with the adjustable design, you can grind it to the coarseness you want. 【Stainless steel grinding core】this wooden pepper mill grinder adopts food-grade high hardness stainless steel grinding core, which is durable, anti-corrosion, rustless, and easy to grind. 【comfortable feel】optimum comfort thanks to the streamlined design and hand-polished body of this pepper grinder the superior beech and high-hardness stainless steel reflect your elegant temperament.   Acrylic & Stainless Steel Mini Cute Manual Pepper Grinder Set Muller Mill Kitchen Seasoning Grinding Tool 2 Pcs Acrylic & Stainless Steel Mini Cute Manual Pepper Grinder Set Muller Mill Kitchen Seasoning Grinding Tool 2 Pcs - Transparent body transparent acrylic body, easy to distinguish the seasoning types and quantity, convenient for use and refill in time. Top-quality matrial made of high quality stainless steel, adopts ceramic rotor, durable for use. Mini design mini and stylish design, proper size to fit the dinning table. Keep freash and taste capable of storing seasonings in the grinder for a long time, preserve the freshness and nutrition of pepper, restore the flavoring effect and medicinal value of pepper, improve your taste. Adjustable thickness control the milled pepper size (coarse and fine) by screwing the steel ball. #Kitchen
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/best-manual-pepper-grinder-out-of-top-20
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
The 20 Best Cheap Wines for 2020
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Now that we’re all spending a lot more time at home, it’s the perfect opportunity to stock up on low-cost, high-quality wines for everyday enjoyment. In our experience, a glass of wine (or two) can help take the edge off of our current predicament (bonus points for rounding up friends online to taste with you, or to play these virtual happy hour games).
With a seemingly limitless selection of bottles available from online shops, you can explore regions and wine styles easier than ever, snatching up some of the special values we’ve tasted and rated. Below, you’ll find the 20 best affordable wines that VinePair has reviewed in the past six months.
These wines all scored a ‘B’ or higher in our reviews, and all have an average retail price under $20. (As a bonus, we’ve included two exceptions that just missed the price cutoff, but are too good not to mention.)
Here are the 20 best cheap wines you can get right now:
Gruet Blanc de Noirs NV (A) ($16)
If your heart says Champagne but your budget says otherwise, look no further. This is one of the best American sparkling wines and you can pick it up for less than $20 a bottle. Made using the same technique as Champagne (secondary fermentation takes place in-bottle), the wine then spends two years on lees gaining complexity, delicious aromas and flavors, and a creamy mouthfeel. This is outstanding sparkling wine that you can afford to drink on any night of the week.
Castello del Trebbio Chianti Superiore DOCG 2016 (A) ($17)
This wine is a damn joy to drink. It’s an old school blend with all indigenous grapes from the region, and so balanced I feel like I’m in Chianti when sipping it. You will love the cherry and cranberry burst on the nose, along with the floral aroma of rose petals. The palate is bright and juicy and makes you want to sip paired with a sunset. It’s under $20 and worth a spot in your everyday lineup. What a wonderful wine.
Aia Vecchia Lagone Toscana IGT 2016 (A-) ($16)
Bringing Cabernet Franc into this blend does wonders for the wine. It brightens up the Cabernet Sauvignon and adds a juiciness to the Merlot. The nose benefits as well, showing cherry notes and some fresh turned soil, giving it a nice earthy depth while not weighing you down. This is the perfect wine to have on a pasta night with family or friends or bring to a dinner party. Everyone will dig it.
Balletto Teresa’s Unoaked Chardonnay 2018 (A-) ($18)
This wine is ridiculously good for under $20. It’s crisp and refreshing while having great depth. There’s no oak, so you get the full Russian River personality without the wooded distraction. It has a great grip on the palate, and feels nice and broad. I want to bring this to the next cookout and wash it down with some grilled chicken and butter-laden corn on the cob… damn.
VineSmoke Chardonnay 2017 (A-) ($20)
This wine is only available on their website — which also promotes their bags of vine cuttings that can be used for grilling — and the Chardonnay is damn good. It has depth and structure to jive with whatever you’re grilling — though chicken and veggies would pair best — and enough acidity so it won’t weigh you down on a nice, sunny cookout day. It’s crisp and soft with subtle aromas that will complement the char.
Los Vascos Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 (B+) ($10)
You just can’t go wrong here. The wine is $10 and solid. It has nice medium fruit and not a ton of oak. The acidity is right, making it not too heavy. Yo, I’m thinking you should get a case of this wine to have laying around for spontaneity or to pull from when you’re on your way to a cookout, a casual dinner party, or even game night with pizza. It’s a legit go-to definitely.
Mercouri Estate Kallisto 2018 (B+) ($16)
Dry as a bone and aromatic for days defines this wine. The nose makes you think of sweet orange blossoms and honey citrus. The palate is like the aroma of a wet stone, and the acidity is wild and crazy. All this makes for a delicious seafood wine. I mean any seafood. Anything from the sea. All of it. It’s under $20 and will give your palate something new to get into.
Mt. Beautiful Sauvignon Blanc 2018 (B+) ($16)
This is a great, clean, and crisp wine with a good grip on the palate. It has a nose that smells like nectarines and watermelons, and a dry palate that begs for a picnic. For a bottle from New Zealand to be under $20 is a big deal, and the quality is so there.
Vinum Cellars Pets Petite Sirah 2016 (B+) ($16)
This wine was made for the cookout, for the BBQ, for that fire pit brisket. It was made for the family secret sauce you slather on any protein on a sunny day. It has deep, dark, concentrated fruit, good integrated tannin, and enough acidity that it won’t weigh you down too much. And it’s under $20 for the win.
Angelo Innocenti Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 ($17) (B+)
This is a hell of a deal. It’s less than $20 and solid AF. It’s full-bodied, but soft and peppery, with comfy earthy smells that will remind you of wild blackberries and a forest in October. The palate is smooth and the drying tannins are not even perceptible. Wine at this price shouldn’t be this complex, but here we are. Bring this to ANYTHING. I mean, name it. BBQ, Netflix pajama jammy jam, pizza party, burger party, pool party, wine and cheese night. Like, anything. It’s also a crowd pleaser.
Tasca d’Almerita Tenuta Regaleali ‘Guarnaccio’ Perricone 2017 (B+) ($17)
At under $20 this is a great way to branch out and enjoy a wine from a grape you may have not been introduced to yet. Perricone is all about those Pinot Noir and Sangiovese vibes. It has ripe earthy fruit with vibrant acidity that makes that fruit pop. The mouthfeel is calm with smooth medium tannins balancing the wine nicely. With the price being awesome, buy a few bottles for your next pasta and gravy dinner party.
Wente Vineyards Riva Ranch Chardonnay 2017 (B+) ($20)
This wine is as intense in aroma as any other Chardonnay in Cali with toasted oaky vanilla stuff and some butterscotch. But what sets it apart is the bracing acidity cleaning up the wine, not letting those intense aromas weigh you down. Also, it’s only 13.6 percent alcohol, which is glorious. It still has that classic big ol’ butter thing going on, but it’s much more approachable.
Casillero del Diablo Reserva Pinot Noir 2018 (B) ($10)
This bottle is solid. It has all the stuff you like about Pinot Noir in a $10 bottle. It’s fruity, tart, and smells like cherries. It’s soft and chewy on the palate and pairs with poolside parties, picnics, and game nights. If you see it on the shelf on the way to the pizza party it will most definitely jive with a pie.
Cline Cellars Estate Pinot Gris 2018 (B) ($13)
Pull out the salad bowl, get to the farmer’s market before they close, load up on the veggies, and get on that group text. This is a wine for spontaneous occasions to please a crowd. It’s under screw cap, $13, and easy drinking. It has crazy, vibrant acidity and some depth for the char on that zucchini.
Wagner Vineyards Dry Riesling 2017 (B) ($15)
If you like the petroleum vibe in Riesling, this wine is for you. It’s the dominating aroma. There might be more going on but the petrol takes over everything. The palate is sweet, with high acid, so as a BYOB for a spicy menu it’s a good crowd pleaser.
Tasca d’Almerita Tenuta Regaleali ‘Antisa’ Catarratto 2018 (B) ($18)
If you dig oaky Chardonnay, but want to branch out, this native grape from Sicily will make you swoon. It has a balanced oaky nose that smells like honey, toasty vanilla, and bananas, along with a grippy palate. The mouthfeel is also tight and broad, making this a great wine for a get-together with close friends with some nibbles and good convo.
Markham Vineyards Napa Valley Merlot 2016 (B) ($19)
The alcohol is way too high and the oak is slathered on, but dammit I like this wine. It’s the kind of crowd-pleasing wine you bring to a family event that everyone will enjoy and can pair with a wide range of dishes. If you are looking for the soft subtly of this grape, you won’t find it here, but if you’re looking to appease a broad range of palate preferences this wine will be a winner.
Wagner Vineyards Fathom 107 2017 (B) ($19)
The Gewürztraminer calms the intensity of the Riesling, but the acidity is too high. The palate flattens out a bit, but something is off here. This wine would only serve you well as palate cleanser for a spicy menu BYOB if you’re in need of a last-minute bottle.
Bonus Wines
These wines were just over the $20 threshold but made our Top 50 Wines of 2019, so we wanted to share them!
Comando G ‘La Bruja de Rozas’ Sierra de Gredos 2017 (A+) ($22)
You need to taste this wine. This is one of the best expressions of old vine Garnacha from Spain. If you like Pinot Noir you are going ape shit for this bottle. It has the bright fruit you love while maintaining a significant tannin structure that holds all the elements together. There’s a rustic edge and an elegant bent and will make your palate sing. Actually you will probably start singing.
G.D. Vajra Langhe Nebbiolo 2017 (A) ($22)
If you’ve heard about the wonders of Barolo but want to see what all the fuss is about before spending some serious cash, seek out this bottle. It’s made using the same grape variety (Nebbiolo), but arrives in a much more youthful, approachable, and affordable guise. Its aromas include concentrated sour cherry and hints of violets and plums. The palate has vibrant acidity and rigid, well-incorporated tannins. At this price, you can serve it on the midweek dinner table, where it will pair wonderfully with lean red meat.
The article The 20 Best Cheap Wines for 2020 appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/20-best-cheap-wines-2020/
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johnboothus · 4 years
The 20 Best Cheap Wines for 2020
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Now that we’re all spending a lot more time at home, it’s the perfect opportunity to stock up on low-cost, high-quality wines for everyday enjoyment. In our experience, a glass of wine (or two) can help take the edge off of our current predicament (bonus points for rounding up friends online to taste with you, or to play these virtual happy hour games).
With a seemingly limitless selection of bottles available from online shops, you can explore regions and wine styles easier than ever, snatching up some of the special values we’ve tasted and rated. Below, you’ll find the 20 best affordable wines that VinePair has reviewed in the past six months.
These wines all scored a ‘B’ or higher in our reviews, and all have an average retail price under $20. (As a bonus, we’ve included two exceptions that just missed the price cutoff, but are too good not to mention.)
Here are the 20 best cheap wines you can get right now:
Gruet Blanc de Noirs NV (A) ($16)
If your heart says Champagne but your budget says otherwise, look no further. This is one of the best American sparkling wines and you can pick it up for less than $20 a bottle. Made using the same technique as Champagne (secondary fermentation takes place in-bottle), the wine then spends two years on lees gaining complexity, delicious aromas and flavors, and a creamy mouthfeel. This is outstanding sparkling wine that you can afford to drink on any night of the week.
Castello del Trebbio Chianti Superiore DOCG 2016 (A) ($17)
This wine is a damn joy to drink. It’s an old school blend with all indigenous grapes from the region, and so balanced I feel like I’m in Chianti when sipping it. You will love the cherry and cranberry burst on the nose, along with the floral aroma of rose petals. The palate is bright and juicy and makes you want to sip paired with a sunset. It’s under $20 and worth a spot in your everyday lineup. What a wonderful wine.
Aia Vecchia Lagone Toscana IGT 2016 (A-) ($16)
Bringing Cabernet Franc into this blend does wonders for the wine. It brightens up the Cabernet Sauvignon and adds a juiciness to the Merlot. The nose benefits as well, showing cherry notes and some fresh turned soil, giving it a nice earthy depth while not weighing you down. This is the perfect wine to have on a pasta night with family or friends or bring to a dinner party. Everyone will dig it.
Balletto Teresa’s Unoaked Chardonnay 2018 (A-) ($18)
This wine is ridiculously good for under $20. It’s crisp and refreshing while having great depth. There’s no oak, so you get the full Russian River personality without the wooded distraction. It has a great grip on the palate, and feels nice and broad. I want to bring this to the next cookout and wash it down with some grilled chicken and butter-laden corn on the cob… damn.
VineSmoke Chardonnay 2017 (A-) ($20)
This wine is only available on their website — which also promotes their bags of vine cuttings that can be used for grilling — and the Chardonnay is damn good. It has depth and structure to jive with whatever you’re grilling — though chicken and veggies would pair best — and enough acidity so it won’t weigh you down on a nice, sunny cookout day. It’s crisp and soft with subtle aromas that will complement the char.
Los Vascos Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 (B+) ($10)
You just can’t go wrong here. The wine is $10 and solid. It has nice medium fruit and not a ton of oak. The acidity is right, making it not too heavy. Yo, I’m thinking you should get a case of this wine to have laying around for spontaneity or to pull from when you’re on your way to a cookout, a casual dinner party, or even game night with pizza. It’s a legit go-to definitely.
Mercouri Estate Kallisto 2018 (B+) ($16)
Dry as a bone and aromatic for days defines this wine. The nose makes you think of sweet orange blossoms and honey citrus. The palate is like the aroma of a wet stone, and the acidity is wild and crazy. All this makes for a delicious seafood wine. I mean any seafood. Anything from the sea. All of it. It’s under $20 and will give your palate something new to get into.
Mt. Beautiful Sauvignon Blanc 2018 (B+) ($16)
This is a great, clean, and crisp wine with a good grip on the palate. It has a nose that smells like nectarines and watermelons, and a dry palate that begs for a picnic. For a bottle from New Zealand to be under $20 is a big deal, and the quality is so there.
Vinum Cellars Pets Petite Sirah 2016 (B+) ($16)
This wine was made for the cookout, for the BBQ, for that fire pit brisket. It was made for the family secret sauce you slather on any protein on a sunny day. It has deep, dark, concentrated fruit, good integrated tannin, and enough acidity that it won’t weigh you down too much. And it’s under $20 for the win.
Angelo Innocenti Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 ($17) (B+)
This is a hell of a deal. It’s less than $20 and solid AF. It’s full-bodied, but soft and peppery, with comfy earthy smells that will remind you of wild blackberries and a forest in October. The palate is smooth and the drying tannins are not even perceptible. Wine at this price shouldn’t be this complex, but here we are. Bring this to ANYTHING. I mean, name it. BBQ, Netflix pajama jammy jam, pizza party, burger party, pool party, wine and cheese night. Like, anything. It’s also a crowd pleaser.
Tasca d’Almerita Tenuta Regaleali ‘Guarnaccio’ Perricone 2017 (B+) ($17)
At under $20 this is a great way to branch out and enjoy a wine from a grape you may have not been introduced to yet. Perricone is all about those Pinot Noir and Sangiovese vibes. It has ripe earthy fruit with vibrant acidity that makes that fruit pop. The mouthfeel is calm with smooth medium tannins balancing the wine nicely. With the price being awesome, buy a few bottles for your next pasta and gravy dinner party.
Wente Vineyards Riva Ranch Chardonnay 2017 (B+) ($20)
This wine is as intense in aroma as any other Chardonnay in Cali with toasted oaky vanilla stuff and some butterscotch. But what sets it apart is the bracing acidity cleaning up the wine, not letting those intense aromas weigh you down. Also, it’s only 13.6 percent alcohol, which is glorious. It still has that classic big ol’ butter thing going on, but it’s much more approachable.
Casillero del Diablo Reserva Pinot Noir 2018 (B) ($10)
This bottle is solid. It has all the stuff you like about Pinot Noir in a $10 bottle. It’s fruity, tart, and smells like cherries. It’s soft and chewy on the palate and pairs with poolside parties, picnics, and game nights. If you see it on the shelf on the way to the pizza party it will most definitely jive with a pie.
Cline Cellars Estate Pinot Gris 2018 (B) ($13)
Pull out the salad bowl, get to the farmer’s market before they close, load up on the veggies, and get on that group text. This is a wine for spontaneous occasions to please a crowd. It’s under screw cap, $13, and easy drinking. It has crazy, vibrant acidity and some depth for the char on that zucchini.
Wagner Vineyards Dry Riesling 2017 (B) ($15)
If you like the petroleum vibe in Riesling, this wine is for you. It’s the dominating aroma. There might be more going on but the petrol takes over everything. The palate is sweet, with high acid, so as a BYOB for a spicy menu it’s a good crowd pleaser.
Tasca d’Almerita Tenuta Regaleali ‘Antisa’ Catarratto 2018 (B) ($18)
If you dig oaky Chardonnay, but want to branch out, this native grape from Sicily will make you swoon. It has a balanced oaky nose that smells like honey, toasty vanilla, and bananas, along with a grippy palate. The mouthfeel is also tight and broad, making this a great wine for a get-together with close friends with some nibbles and good convo.
Markham Vineyards Napa Valley Merlot 2016 (B) ($19)
The alcohol is way too high and the oak is slathered on, but dammit I like this wine. It’s the kind of crowd-pleasing wine you bring to a family event that everyone will enjoy and can pair with a wide range of dishes. If you are looking for the soft subtly of this grape, you won’t find it here, but if you’re looking to appease a broad range of palate preferences this wine will be a winner.
Wagner Vineyards Fathom 107 2017 (B) ($19)
The Gewürztraminer calms the intensity of the Riesling, but the acidity is too high. The palate flattens out a bit, but something is off here. This wine would only serve you well as palate cleanser for a spicy menu BYOB if you’re in need of a last-minute bottle.
Bonus Wines
These wines were just over the $20 threshold but made our Top 50 Wines of 2019, so we wanted to share them!
Comando G ‘La Bruja de Rozas’ Sierra de Gredos 2017 (A+) ($22)
You need to taste this wine. This is one of the best expressions of old vine Garnacha from Spain. If you like Pinot Noir you are going ape shit for this bottle. It has the bright fruit you love while maintaining a significant tannin structure that holds all the elements together. There’s a rustic edge and an elegant bent and will make your palate sing. Actually you will probably start singing.
G.D. Vajra Langhe Nebbiolo 2017 (A) ($22)
If you’ve heard about the wonders of Barolo but want to see what all the fuss is about before spending some serious cash, seek out this bottle. It’s made using the same grape variety (Nebbiolo), but arrives in a much more youthful, approachable, and affordable guise. Its aromas include concentrated sour cherry and hints of violets and plums. The palate has vibrant acidity and rigid, well-incorporated tannins. At this price, you can serve it on the midweek dinner table, where it will pair wonderfully with lean red meat.
The article The 20 Best Cheap Wines for 2020 appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/20-best-cheap-wines-2020/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/the-20-best-cheap-wines-for-2020
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ericathecook · 5 years
Electric Griddle Non-Stick, Smokeless Portable Pancake Griddle w/Drip Tray & Cool-touch Handles
New Post has been published on https://bestelectricgriddles.com/electric-griddle-non-stick-smokeless-portable-pancake-griddle-w-drip-tray-cool-touch-handles-temperature-control-indoor-outdoor-10x21-family-sized-black-non-stick-coating/
Electric Griddle Non-Stick, Smokeless Portable Pancake Griddle w/Drip Tray & Cool-touch Handles
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Price: (as of – Details)
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Product Description
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ATGRILLS designs and manufactures restaurant equipment based on a tradition of quality since 1997. Prepare delicious grilled foods in your kitchen with the Smokeless Electric Grill/Griddle.
Love is at the core of what we do. Take advantage of ATGRILLS’s know-how in manufacturing standard equipment for the food service industry: gas and electric cooking equipment, like cast aluminum/iron dutch oven, electric griddle and so on. Adding electric griddles in your kitchen can be the best way to have fun cooking. Whether cooking eggs, beacons, pancakes, and vegetable, griddles are handy kitchen equipment. Generally, these equipment are versatile and can be an alternative to various kitchen cookware. Griddles are basically a solution to a quick breakfast preparation without hassles.
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Electric Griddle Non-Stick, Smokeless Kitchen Electric Grill with Drip Tray & Temperature Control for Indoor/Outdoor
Color: Black Style No.: HP4525 Wattage: 1200W Weight 4.9 pounds Cast Aluminum body heats quickly & evenly Non-Stick Surface promotes low-fat cooking & easy cleanup Dimensions: 17.7″ x 10″ cooking surface; 21″ x 10″ including handle and frame. ►There may be a slight error (±0.5”) in the size of the manual measurement. Drip Tray: Yes Variable Temperature Control: Yes Electric griddle is safe to430ºF and fully immersible after the heat control is taken off. Cleans up in a jiffy and totally DISHWASHER SAFE. WARNING: *Please kindly use wooden/silicone spatulas so as not to scratch the finish on your non-stick coatings.
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Cool-Touch Handles
The non-metal bakelite handles of the electric grill griddle remain cool to the touch throughout the cooking cycle, providing convenient moving without heating or burning your hands.
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Removable Temperature Control
The removable probe can be set to desired temperatures between 0-430ºF, providing the ideal heat for every cooking task. You can easily adjust the temperature to cook various tasty dishes, such as beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, etc with retaining their natural flavour. This electric griddle is absolutely great for indoor & outdoor use, incl. preparing and serving for dinner parties, individual meals, BBQ-style food and so on.
Outstanding Features of the 10″x21″ Family-Sized Electric Griddle
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      Nonstick Cooking Surface
Premium NON-STICK cooking surface provides stick-free cooking and no-hassle cleaning, which is also 4x more durable than traditional nonstick coating. PTFE and PFOA free and won’t easily crack or peel. It really does NOT need to even be greased, totally prevent ANYTHING from sticking and make cleaning simple.
Slide-out Drip Tray
The oil drip tray keep the food free of fat and grease, making food cooked on the grill healthier. WHERE IS THE DRIP TRAY? The removable drip tray is on the reverse side of the styrofoam of the packing box.
Great Addition to A Healthy Life
Thinner plate material. Heat quickly & evenly. One electric griddle per box.
Non-stick Coating
3-layer Enamel Finish over Interior & Exterior
Titanium-infused Ceramic Coating
Non-stick Maifanite Coating
Non-stick Coating
Non-stick Ceramic Coating
Cast Aluminum
Cast Iron
430 Stainless Steel
Cast Aluminum
Use oven mitts to protect hands
Stainless steel
4.5 QT
2 QT
PFOA and PTFE-free
Indoor & Outdoor Use
Wattage  1200W
Approx weight
4.9 lbs
Enamels exterior Finish
✅【Durable & Portable】: Premium NON-STICK, SMOOTH & FLAT cooking surface provides stick-free cooking and no-hassle cleaning, which is 4x more durable than traditional nonstick coating. The coating won’t crack or peel and totally resistant to scratches. The base is made of cast aluminum for added durability. This portable electric griddle weighs about 4.9 lbs and can be placed in any part of the kitchen due to its elegant and sleek design. It’s lightweight and smokeless for indoor/outdoor use. ✅【Even & Constant Heat】: Do you want speed, space and efficiency for cooking? The electric griddle serves cooking area 17.7″ x 10″ and measures 21.25” x 10.04” x 2.95” overall. ♨Plus the griddle’s heavy cast aluminum base ensures that heat is evenly distributed for a balanced cooking and make it easy to clean, while it promotes even browning and better taste. The rapid preheating properties of the cast aluminum griddle will reduce energy consumption as well. ✅【Low Fat Eating, Smokeless & Healthier】: The griddle with a PTFE/PFOA-Free nonstick surface has plenty of room for grilling all your breakfast favorites and beyond at the same time and works flawlessly for everything from pancakes, eggs, and bacon, to steaks, and chicken while retaining their natural flavour. ♨Electric griddles are with a safe nonstick coating which makes them long lasting and healthy. The removable oil drip tray catches fat and juices for easy disposal and added cleanliness. ✅【Removable Temperature Control w/ Temperature Range】: This electric kitchen appliance has a strong 1200 Watt heating ingredient that heats up shortly (0-430ºF), whereas exact temperature knob makes it straightforward to make the food precisely the way you need it. The control system on the griddle ensures that your heat is evenly supplied across the surface and gives you the chance to observe maximum cooking while making different recipes. It can be stored easily in a kitchen cabinet. ✅【Cool-touch Handles & Easy Cleaning】: The non-metal bakelite handles of the electric griddle remain cool to the touch throughout the cooking cycle, providing convenient moving without heating or burning your hands. It really does NOT need to even be greased, totally prevent ANYTHING from sticking. And the entire griddle is immersible for cleaning after the heat control is removed. Cleans up in a jiffy and totally DISHWASHER SAFE. ♨All electric griddles PROVIDE 1-year WARRANTY.
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