#2003 stuff
jessicanjpa · 2 months
An excerpt from this chapter of 2003. The Cullens have just moved to Forks and Edward is exploring the woods behind the house.
I was surprised to find the remnants of an old trail not far from the river. It hadn't been used in a long time; for most of its length, the only sign was a winding track of evergreens that were significantly shorter than their neighbors. A rusted tin can was the only other evidence that a human had ever passed this way. Maybe this path led to an old deer stand or something like that.
I explored here and there, finally taking to the treetops so I could follow the "path" more easily. I was finally rewarded with the sight of a big rectangle so regular that it had to be manmade. It was partially obscured by the overgrowth and the rotted branches that had fallen on it in recent years, but it was definitely a building. I swung back down to the forest floor, surprised to see not a deer stand or a spartan hunting shack, but an adorable little stone cottage.
It was like stepping into a fairy tale. I had landed just far enough away to use the little path of flat stones that led the way home to the front door. The decaying, broken roof was an eyesore, but everything else was perfect... in a crumbling, half-reclaimed-by-nature sort of way. Wild, meandering honeysuckle had completely taken over one wall. Nearly every stone was outlined and softened with moss. The arched door wasn't in the best shape, but it was made of sturdy oak that had easily outlived the roof.
I walked a wide circle around the whole thing. A stone chimney crowned the southern corner, and there was a little door in the back that opened directly into what probably used to be a garden. Now, it was just a little outline of rotted miniature fencing, completely overrun by natural growth. Only a single climbing rose plant had survived to tell the story of the former inhabitants, clinging to the mossy stones as if to escape the encroaching wilderness.
I reached out and gently touched its petals. Stubborn rose, I thought with a smile. It was a good omen; Rosalie and Emmett were going to love it out here. It'd been a while since they'd really needed four walls of their own to knock down as they pleased, but it wasn't every day we found a house that came complete with a fairy tale cottage, either. I was almost jealous.
I carefully inspected the rest of the exterior before easing the door open. Esme would want to know every detail, though of course she would soon be out here to see it for herself. I stretched my gift back toward the main house to her mind abuzz with renovation plans. She might not be able to get to the cottage right away. I grimaced around the tiny living room. The beehive fireplace was in good enough condition, but the wallpaper was an affront to all that was good and holy. Hopefully the smell would get thrown out with it.
The kitchen was little more than a camper's stove and a sink, which was just as well. Two rickety chairs crowded up to a tiny breakfast table that had seen better days. I was far more interested in the old piano that took up the wall across from the fireplace. I didn't expect much, what with the exposure and the humidity it must have suffered over the years, but I still let out a disappointed sigh when the keys refused to be pushed, much less make any sound. I took a peek inside; the strings actually didn't look too bad. I already had the Steinway baby grand anyway, but it would be a shame to send it to a junkyard. Maybe I could find a local piano repair shop that enjoyed restoring hard luck cases.
Just like the main house, the cottage seemed bigger inside than out. I followed a little hallway—it was arched like the front door, as though I had wandered into a tiny castle—and found a generous bedroom matched against two smaller rooms. No signs of plumbing ever having been installed: that would give Esme a pleasant challenge.
The whole thing was perfect. Maybe if Rosalie and Emmett spent enough time out here, they would even agree to switch bedrooms with me. I didn't exactly need a full suite, but I wouldn't say no to my own shower and enough room for all my books to come out of their boxes. They were getting the better deal by far; this place was a jewel. And it felt right, somehow; it had been a shame to see the hunting cottage back at our old Hoquiam place fall into disrepair. Having this little find on our new property seemed to make up for it.
I headed back to the main house, wondering who had lived out at the cottage once upon a time, and why. I supposed it might be as old as the house, or even older; there could have been a whole line of occupants. The cottage had its own little story to tell. Perhaps it had been used as a mother-in-law unit once: a whimsical grandmother with plenty of cats and plenty of time to tend her roses. Then a little honeymoon retreat for a blushing couple who had set up house with a second-hand breakfast table, then a brooding pianist who needed solitude to work on his compositions.
And now it would house a pair of lovesick vampires who would hopefully leave it in one piece and pass it on to continue the story. The older we all got, the more distanced we felt from stories like these, no matter how picturesque the setting or how vivid an imprint our renovations left behind. But I supposed we were just stewards like the rest: here for a day, then nothing more than a fading memory.
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turtle-ika · 10 months
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like they say, representation matters
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harveylikestoart · 4 months
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Leader moments!
Screenshot of original post cuz i can’t be bothered searching rn
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kremzeeks · 4 months
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Please... I only wish to examine your brother. I mean no harm.
Donatello being over-protective of Leo in BIG BRAWL, PART 3
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pumpkinpie59 · 5 months
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this person on youtube has been uploading HUNDREDS of stolen tmnt fanart for their videos
some people i know and i have commented, calling them out but they keep deleting the comments
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please please go report them and call them out
this behavior is so disrespectful of artists
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wormspoodle · 2 years
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i think rise donnie would try to make the other donnies more like him if they met idk
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takkytakk · 1 year
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wasn’t expecting it at all
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sweeneydino · 3 months
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Well, that's not a good impression.
This au's Baron Draxum will either be a lovely addition to the expanding family or an absolute bastard that you can't wait for the karma.
And since I'm feeling evil, it's the latter.
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joyfuladorable · 4 months
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Parts 1 to 4 of a Very Specific Part of the SAINW Roadtrip AU that I'm working on with @toonzxy and @deadpool1763492 We posted Parts 1 (mine) & 2 (Toonz') on other socials a While back and forgot to post them here, but hey! At least you get all the parts together, lol! Now, I wonder what comes after this? And what comes before? >:3c
Bonus textless Part 4 cuz I like it:
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redkehlchen · 7 months
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Some 2003 season 2 doodles! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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infestedguest · 7 months
Official Alphonse Elric Plushes ranked by yours truly.
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jessicanjpa · 8 months
a good day
(An excerpt from this chapter of 2003, set just a few weeks after the Cullens arrive. Edward and Esme are doing paperwork at the dining room table when Carlisle gets home from work. Bonus: this is the first time Bella is mentioned in Tale of Years!)
"Carlisle's home," I told Esme, turning my head to the familiar sound of my father's thoughts. A moment later, we heard the powerful rumble of the Mercedes turning off the main road.
You won't believe the day I've had!
Carlisle burst in the kitchen door a moment later, grinning from ear to ear. He swooped down to receive Esme's welcome-home kiss and poured another mountain of mail onto the table out of a bulky package. There was so much mail—especially in the beginning of a new move—that we couldn't risk raising the postal workers' interest by receiving each piece separately. One of Jenks's "services" was routing a good chunk of that mail to us via packages like this one.
"You're in a good mood," I teased, catching the tallest pile of papers—Alice's investment reports—just as Carlisle's new addition sent it tumbling off the edge. Those "Go Paperless" campaigns were starting to look better and better. We could singlehandedly save a whole forest at the rate we were going.
"Indeed I am," he said. He kissed Esme again for good measure. "Days like this... they make everything doubly worthwhile."
"Tell us," Esme said with a knowing smile. She pushed out the chair beside her with her foot, paperwork forgotten. He sat down and took her hand.
"A young man was brought in after a motorcycle accident," he began. "It didn't look good; his blood pressure was already threatening to bottom out. Extensive road rash, compound ulnar and femoral fractures... and a suspected open-book pelvic fracture. The paramedics had a binder on him already. Dr. Snow called for a helicopter as soon as he was brought in. Forks is only a Level IV trauma center. Everyone said it was too late—and it would have been, if I had let them waste any more time.
"I took over immediately. I nearly got fired on the spot, and I may still face a lawsuit for breaking protocol if he doesn't make it in the end. But I'm confident he will. I suspected a rupture of the iliolumbar vessels. I opened right up and started with the gauze packing, and we didn't even have the right kind of arterial balloon but I managed to get them all distracted so I could get the sutures done at my speed—oh, I'm sorry, Edward..."
My throat flared at the bloody imagery as Carlisle chattered on at superspeed, but his good mood was infectious. He lived for scenarios like this: when he was able to save a patient when no one else could, either because of his acute senses, his vast experience, or his ability to operate at vampire speed when he could get everyone else to look away for a moment. Or all three, in this case. Carlisle looked so happy on days like this. So young.
"We still had him lifted to Harborview in the end," Carlisle said in conclusion, "but he was already stabilized. Dr. Snow is still upset about how I had taken over. I actually shoved him out of my way! But even he can't deny that I had saved a life he had already pronounced lost. Once we were cleaned up, he took me out to the lobby himself and told the patient's friend—none other than our local chief of police—about my being a miracle worker."
"Only three weeks this time," Esme said, gazing at him with adoring eyes. "Only three weeks and you're already the Miracle Worker."
Carlisle smiled bashfully at her praise, then went on to describe how Chief Swan had nearly broken down right there in the ER lobby, gushing his gratitude for Carlisle's heroic rescue. Apparently one of the nurses had already let it slip that his buddy wasn't going to make it. It sounded like he had personal experience with motorcycle fatalities, making him doubly in awe of today's outcome and of the Miracle Worker.
Carlisle tended to accumulate nicknames wherever he worked: any number of variations on the themes of Doogie Howser and Miracle Worker. His fellow physicians either loved or hated him, but in the end, they always came to respect his good instincts. Having made some minor forays into the medical field myself, I was most in awe of Carlisle's ability to take decisive action during blood-soaked emergencies. He took risks most emergency physicians wouldn't dream of, and they nearly always turned out for the best. And I couldn't imagine being able to open up a pelvic cavity full of two liters of gushing blood and get right to work.
"Chief Swan sounds like a good man," Esme said fondly.
"I think so, too," Carlisle agreed. He was picturing a nondescript middle-aged man with brown hair and a mustache. The man's chocolate-brown eyes teared up as he acknowledged Carlisle's help. "We talked for a bit. He lives alone, though his daughter occasionally comes to visit in the summertime. He's an avid fisherman—he even asked me if I would like to join him out in his boat someday."
"That'd be a good trick," I said, rolling my eyes. Fishing and vampires didn't mix. Hours of sunshine with no escape, fish getting frightened away, sharp hooks in human fingers, close observation... Carlisle smiled sadly, going on to say how he had politely declined but thanked Chief Swan for the invitation.
It was a shame. Like Alice, Carlisle would have loved to have a human friend. Someone he could be fully honest with, or at least someone he could bond with over the things he would be able to talk about. But experience had taught us to keep our human peers at arms' length. It was better that way... for all of us. And fate seemed determined to remind us of that fact. The very next day gave us a scare like we hadn't had in years.
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turtle-ika · 1 year
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teen wolf was a mess, but some scenes were very iconic
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heroesriseandfall · 9 months
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Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files (2003) — Roy leaving voicemails for Dick after Donna Troy’s death
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Identity Crisis (2004) #7 — Dick leaving voicemails for Tim after Jack Drake’s death
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oozedninjas · 7 months
Master post of all my writings. TW: dark content + NSFW I MDNI I all my readers are female by default unless specified otherwise.
All characters are depicted mid-twenties and older. Any bitching about this matter equals instant block ♡
Art inspired by my writings is more than appreciated, but please add in your description the link to my post, or submit it to my inbox ♡
Please don't spam like, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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✪ Popular posts SFW + NSFW
Who fell first and who fell harder (across the mutant verses)
How would they sound in bed? (across the mutant verses)
How would they fuck your brains out? (across the mutant verses)
Hard crush (Leo and Raph crushing on you, 2007)
How would they eat you out? (2007)
Turtle’s favorite sex positions (general verses)
Turtles when they're mad at you! (general verses)
✪ Short thirsts and HC
Grown-ups HC (2007)
Lovely things they do for you (2007)
Realizing they are in love (Bayverse)
Red flags! toxic hc (general verses)
Their significant other is a nightwatcher fan! (2007) I p2
Biggest insecurities are when it comes to dating (Bayverse)
Their O faces I NSFW I Bayverse
Marking HC I NSFW (general)
Cock warming HC I NSFW (2007)
How to blow Donnie, a guide! I NSFW (2003)
Soft toy play | NSFW (2007) Leo centered
Raph has a wet dream about you | NSFW (general verses)
✪ Seasonal Specials
You know, hot Valentine, kinktober, no-nut-November, creampie December...
✪ Dark Library
Compilation of dark fics, requested, or otherwise!
✪ General suggestive and smut stuff
Ghost Bridal (2007)
18+ I NSFW I Mating cycles I 10 years after the 2007 movie I You lend a hand with his mating season
Yum, baby yum (general verses)
18+ I Making out Headcanons that are not precisely written in hc format I suggestive I General verses
Ninja's Heartstrings (2007)
18+ I The first part of a trio smut I suggestive? I You're in love with Leo and Raph but refuse to choose just one.
Snap call (2007)
18+ | You send him nudes while he is on patrol, and Raph isn't quite happy about it. | Nightwatcher Raphael x fem reader
I wanted you to be my first (general verses)
18+ | Short thirst of their first time with f!reader
What do they love in bed? (2007)
18+ | General preferences
First time churring (2012)
18+ | Title is pretty self-explanatory
✪ Fluff??? Here???
Raph is mustering the courage to confess his feelings, but nothing goes as he plans after your birthday party.
Would they love you if you were a worm?
✪ Pieces of art from my writings:
Red Night
Get a room! (incorrect quote)
Updated: 02/May/2024 | All content published here belongs to oozedninjas™ Do not repost my work.
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pumpkinpie59 · 3 months
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art style study uwu
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