#2016: day six
darcyolsson · 2 years
also if theres no dumb april fools joke this year im going to cry
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terribleoldwhitemen · 2 years
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" well I could take a character with twelve lines over two movies and use him to resolve stephen strange's entire emotional arc within the span of a single 10-20k work of fanfiction, we are not the same
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cupoficewater · 2 years
thinking about the all girls catholic hs i attended that put girl power bullshit all over all of their marketing and then still made sure to drill it into all of our heads that abortion is murder
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mr-e-nigma · 3 years
Twelve year old me is a fucking idiot for not watching Pacific Rim after repeatedly riding the 4d thing at the Adventure Dome
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thebonesofhoudini · 4 years
Peggy Gou - Six O Six (Phonica White [PHONiCAWHiTE 015], 2016)                
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louehvolution · 3 years
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Albums of the Year
Day Six
Today we will be listening to Sanctuary by Suzi Bloom
I found Sanctuary after I was scrolling through Tiktok and found Suzi singing with the demo in her car. I knew that I was going to have listen to this. This ablum came out less than a month ago and because of that there are not many people who have listened to this ablum. I highly recommend that you support this album and follow Suzi.
Also I hope that everyone is staying safe today. Today has been rough in America and I know tensions are high but everything will work out in the end. 
Not Quite Heaven - 10/10 best song ever. This is one of the best songs I have ever listened to. Not even just this ablum or just in the last six day. No I mean ever. It is everything that me religious trauma wants. That and her voice is so gentle yet it can be so deep. Just “cast from Heavens light” is everything.
Too Bad - This song starts off very soft which is not necessarily a bad thing but personally I have a bit of a hard time hearing what she is saying. Lets just talk about the second verse. Basically everything after “wonderland” is so powerful and impactful. The longing, yearning, desire that is felt is so powerful.
Nov 2016 - This is a lovely continuation after the last song. This has almost a Hallelujah vibe. This being the shortest song is a crime. You can tell that she was going through a lot of personal strife and pain. This song has a lot to say about how everyone lives in ignorance to the pain and problems that everyone is facing, and how they opt to be blind to their own pain.
Chelsea - Okay religious trauma. Okay we see you. Also, heartbreak? We feel you. Dare I say homosexuality and religious trauma?
Skinny Girl - TW: ED Yes societal norms for girls. Not too sure about the line “I know its not normal but it also kinda is” is defiantly a choice. This song feels like it comes from a very vaunerable part in Suzi’s life and I think that this song is a good portal of mental illness and eating disorders
The Resurrection - This song sounds so familiar and I just don't know ever I have heard it before. This is a very nice song. Kinda gives me Achillies vibes. I like this song a lot. Also just the ending? Kills me.
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dirt-grub · 3 years
How much butt rock is acceptable to put on this playlist lmao
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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Global Running Day
Global Running Day has celebrated annually on first Wednesday of June. This year it falls on June 6 and it is a day to celebrate the sport of running. Participants of all ages and abilities pledge to take part in the type of running activity by adding their names to the Running Day website. Global Running Day is the evolution of United States, started in 2009 and race organizations throughout the nation. The inaugural Global Running Day held on June 1, 2016. More than 2.5 million people from 177 countries pledged to run more than 9.2 million miles. New York City, Bill de Blasio, declared June 1, 2016, to be Global Running Day in the City of New York. Boston Marathon winner Meb Keflezighi led a run from the Boston Run Base with the group, and the Atlanta Track Club organized a “run around the clock” event, where at least one person from the Atlanta metro area would be running every hour of Global Running Day.
History of Global Running Day
To bring the people together who love Running, this Running Month was established and describes a particular gait of movement in general; both feet leave the ground at some point. Also Running always happens at the same speed, even in the same person. Jogging and Sprinting is considered forms of racing, but distinctly differ from a run. Human beings cannot always run. Admittedly, it was a long time. When Australopithecus is Our first upright ancestor kept evolving, we gained the ability to have a long-striding run nearly 4.5 million years ago. It was vital to our existence as a species as we engaged in what is known as ‘persistence hunting,’ where catching the prey often involved days-long hunt to track and wear the animal down until it could no longer flee, and collapsed from pure exhaustion.
How to Celebrate Global Running Day
Celebrating Global Running Day is simple and exciting.  It is also a day for everyone around the world to celebrate the joys of running. For those of you who think of running as physical torture, or who believe that a jog on the treadmill is about as exciting as watching paint dry, no, I’m not sarcastic: running really can be fun. Participation is easy just pledge to take part in any racing and Running day celebrations is more fun with others and listed ways that can celebrate with others either locally in the Cities, also with us wherever in a virtual format.
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poughkeepsies · 4 years
Every new years I think "this was the worst year ever I'm never going to forget anything about it" and then like two months later all I remember is thinking "this was the worst year ever I'm never going to forget anything about it" without remembering why other than some vague hallucinatory vibes that clown attacks may have been involved. Anyway fuck 2020 whatever shit you pull you'll it'll never be memorable enough for my tiny fish brain.
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No, Facebook, I do not want to see ‘what you were doing on this day 6 years ago’; I would prefer it if 2013 were deleted from history entirely actually but in lieu of that I shall think about it as little as possible! Thanks for facilitating this!
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murphamy-week · 5 years
Dyslexia by xSkaifayax Summary: “What happened?”      Murphy met the older man’s eyes. “None of your business, Blake.”      His change in tone surprised Bellamy, and it even ticked him off a little. “You made it my business when you sat outside of my apartment at 4am.”
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melododdley · 6 years
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#inktoberday6 : Drooling
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fingertipsmp3 · 5 years
You ever get 10 days into the year and you’re already like “this is gonna be a fucking shitshow isn’t it”
#i mean the us government shutdown is still going on#the uk is probably going to leave the eu without a deal#which is going to be catastrophic for everyone involved so i feel bad even saying it will affect me#but it will because like.. a bitch is about to go to the czech republic lmao#i’m really not going to be happy if it turns out i can’t get a visa and i lose my €350 housing deposit#generally the only good thing that’s happening right now is onision just got audited#and owes $500k#which is fucking hilarious but really doesn’t affect the world at large#it just makes me laugh because i’ve been hating on him for literally about six years now and he’s finally got what’s coming to him#so. that’s 2019 as i see it basically#oh i forgot the far right protests in london#those are fun. not gonna lie i hope everyone supporting tommy robinson gets smashed in the knees#we’re going to see the consequences of everything that went down in 2016 this year#i feel like i ought to keep notes because if i live through this someone will definitely ask me for survivor’s testimony in like 20 years#but i just don’t like to focus on this kind of thing#i’ve taken the news off my widgets because all i see is trump did something awful or neo-nazis are yelling again#or someone died or a female celebrity said something unfortunate#and not to be dramatic but i don’t need that in my everyday life#i am so tired#it’s just misery day in day out and man at some point you gotta make the choice between staying informed and staying sane#and i like my relative sanity thanks#i’m gonna go read a book. have a good night kids#personal#rant
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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From Tennessee Lookout:
MASON, Tenn. – The Tennessee Comptroller issued an unusual appeal last week to residents of this small, majority Black town, which occupies fewer than two square miles in rural west Tennessee.
“In my opinion, it’s time for Mason to relinquish its charter,” Comptroller Jason Mumpower wrote in a letter mailed to each one of Mason’s 1,337 property owners.
Mumpower urged local residents to “encourage your local officials to do what’s necessary to allow Mason to thrive. There is no time to waste.”
State comptrollers, responsible for financial oversight of local government, typically communicate directly with elected local leaders and not their constituents. “We have not issued a letter to citizens like this before,” Comptroller spokesman John Dunn said, noting it is “unprecedented for us to publicly call for a town charter to be relinquished.”
But the Comptroller’s unprecedented public callout comes at an unprecedented time not only for Mason, but for the state. Mason, located in the southeastern corner of Tipton County, now finds itself with some of the most coveted real estate in Tennessee.
It’s one of the nearest towns to the massive new site to be built for Blue Oval City, a key component in Ford Motor Co’s multibillion-dollar pivot to electric vehicle manufacturing.
Mumpower’s letter has infuriated Mason’s part-time elected officials, who insist they have no intention of ceding their town’s 153-year-old charter – which would subsume the largely African-American, majority Democratic community under the governance of Tipton County, which is predominantly white and Republican.
“This is our home. We were born and raised here. The majority of the town is homegrown people that live here,” Vice Mayor Virginia Rivers said. “He is trying to conquer and divide us. It’s akin to a hostile take-over and it’s not hard to figure out why here, why now.”
Town leaders are accusing Mumpower and other state officials of big-footing a long-ignored, largely Black community now that major investment is heading its way.
Mason is 60% Black and includes descendants of men, women and children enslaved in the area before Emancipation. For more than a century the town was led by White elected officials.
That changed in 2016, when fraud and mismanagement allegations led to the resignations of nearly all City Hall officials, all of whom were White. Mason’s current mayor, vice mayor and five of its six alderman are Black.
“It’s because of the Black people that are in office,” said Rivers, who first became Vice Mayor in 2021.
“And it’s because of all the places in the world, Blue Oval could have selected, they selected here. There’s no way Mason won’t prosper and grow. And now they want to take it away from us.”
Read more
The Comptroller’s office:
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Yet again like in the past. New day, new Jim Crow-esque tactics, perfectly timed takeovers. This Black American town needs to be promptly saved without handing a damn thing over. The town elected mostly Black officials back in 2015. They’ve been trying to pay off the debt from when the town was previously ran by mostly white officials. Literally playing catch-up. 
This ain’t nothing but a glimpse of what it looks like before eventually uprooting and displacing Black people off the land they have resided on since forever and where their ancestors labored said land as property in chattel slavery and the move into Jim Crow.  
There’s a change.org petition to sign and share to get the word out there.
This person suggested to put Ford in the hot seat by sending a letter like this. Others are suggested to call their office. 
This is the CEO of Ford’s twitter.
Something gotta give. 
This shit should be on the news. But as usual, they make it known after the deed is done or not at all and you end up finding out years later. 
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while were on the subject how long was jason dead for / how long before came back to gotham
Alrighty boys it's time for some MATH by a person who is very bad at math:
First things first, Jason died on April 27th at the age of fifteen. 
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Batman: A Death in the Family
He remains dead and in the coffin for six months. (There is a comic that shows Jason in heaven, but this comic came out in 2001 which is long after Jason should have been up and about if we follow the timeline, but I’m chocking this up to Jason still being dead as far as the writers knew at the time.)
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Green Arrow (2001) #7
Six months after Jason’s death, he is resurrected when Superboy-Prime punches reality in Infinite Crisis and unravels certain events in time, one of these events being Jason’s death. Instead of changing it so the death never happened, Jason’s decaying corpse is reanimated. 
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Batman Annual #25
Jason wakes up in the coffin and digs himself out with a belt buckle from his funeral suit. 
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Batman Annual #25
Jason still retains the injuries from the crowbar and explosion, so he suffers from some pretty intense brain damage which has him stumbling around Gotham for twelve and a half miles, completely catatonic. Some people find him and take him to the hospital where he falls into a coma. 
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Batman Annual #25
Jason stays in the coma for a year before he wakes up. Still relatively brain-dead, his instincts kick in and he escapes from the hospital.
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Batman Annual #25
Then Jason spends a year (or five months, if you prefer the timeline established in Red Hood: The Lost Days) on the streets, running entirely on instinct from both his Robin training and from the years he spent on the streets before being adopted by Bruce. 
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Batman Annual #25
Talia al Ghul gets word of Jason being alive and has him taken to the League of Assassins compound. He stays there for another year, still catatonic and running solely on instinct. His body is in perfect fighting shape, but his mind is mush. 
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Batman Annual #25
To restore his mind, Talia dunks Jason in the Lazarus Pit, healing all of his injuries (and erasing all of his scars, according to RHATO). 
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Batman Annual #25
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50
Jason spends further time with Talia, studying from a multitude of trainers Talia hires to prep Jason for when he confronts Bruce. We can assume this takes a year or so? It’s said that Jason spends more or less a month with each trainer, so I’m going with a year. Over this time, Jason hones his skills and stokes the fire of his resentment for Bruce not avenging him by killing Joker/replacing him with a new Robin. 
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #2
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #4
Then there’s that weird thing where Jason and Talia sleep together, but we’re ignoring that. Jason takes off for Gotham to go beat up his dad. He meets up with Hush and teams up with him in exchange for telling him Batman’s identity. This is a moment fans tend to get confused about: Jason was there for the 2003 Hush storyline. Yes, Clayface was pretending to be Jason, but only for the end of the fight with Bruce. Everything before that was all Jason. He kidnapped Tim, confronted and fought Bruce, and then fled, leaving Bruce to assume that the whole thing was a ruse and Jason was still dead. However, Bruce knew from this point on that Jason’s grave was empty and his body was missing. 
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Batman #618
Jason lies low in Gotham for a bit before the Under the Hood storyline starts in 2004, which I assume is anywhere from six months to a year in canon? It’s unclear exactly how long the gap is, but Hush happened a year prior in real time, so I’m working around that. It’s finally revealed to everyone that Jason is back from the dead, he confronts Bruce, tries to kill the Joker, etc. And the rest is history. 
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Batman #648
Taking all of this into account, we can determine that Jason regains consciousness roughly 3.5 years (or just 3 years if you go by the RH:LD timeline) after his death, he returns to Gotham 4.5 years after (or just 4 years), and Jason being alive is revealed to everyone around 5-5.5 years after his death, which would make him roughly 19-20 years old. 
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