bobbie-robron · 11 months
On this day… 9th of November
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frankesblog · 5 years
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Madelyne Tolentino first reported the siting of the chupacabra. She’s from Canóvanas, a town in the east of Puerto Rico. In 1995, she spotted a scary alien-like creature out of her window. Her description was later debunked but it was too late to expunge it from entering the realm of folklore.
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the-cryptid-files · 4 years
The Chupacabras (lit. “goat-sucker”) of Puerto Rico and the Southwestern United States is reported as being a small bear size creature, 3 - 4 feet, with reptile-like skin, a row of spines from neck to the base of its tale, has red glowing eyes, and jumps like a kangaroo. The first sighting occurred in 1995 when 8 sheep died, their carcasses having only 3 puncture-like wounds on their neck, and were completely drained of blood. However, witness Madelyn Toletino’s description closely matched the alien from the film Species, which was released earlier that year. Perhaps it was a top secret U.S. escaped scientific genetic experiment in El Yunque rainforest. Sightings of this alien died down until creatures also named Chupacabras began to appear in the Southwestern United States and Mexico. These animals were dog-like creatures with scaly skin and little fur. Like their Puerto Rican counterpart, they also sucked the blood of their victims, usually livestock, dry. These Chupacabras are thought to be dogs or coyotes with the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, which causes mange. For some mammals, mange can be fatal and causes blood vessels to constrict, causing fatigue or exhaustion. Carcasses have been found and their DNA tested, and in 2004, 2007, and 2009 they were found to be sickly mangy coyotes or dogs. The lack of blood and puncture wounds are explained away by lividity, where, in death, the blood thickens and coagulates and goes to the lowest part of the body. Most witnesses would not think to turn the carcass over. Sickly carnivores are more likely to hunt livestock, as their normal prey is out of reach. The animal’s canine teeth cause and puncture and there have been reports of animals killing and then leaving the carcass untouched. In addition, most animals that feed on blood, such as vampire bats and mosquitoes have specialized anatomy for blood ingestion, something that has not been found
“Chupacabra.” Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra
Gabbatiss, Josh. “The truth about a strange blood-sucking monster.” BBC Earth. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20161109-the-truth-about-a-strange-blood-sucking-monster
Lewis, Robert. “Chupacabra.” Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/chupacabra
Than, Ker. “Chupacabra Science: How Evolution Made a Mythical Monster.” National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/10/101028-chupacabra-evolution-halloween-science-monsters-chupacabras-picture/#close
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tblpress · 4 years
"There's not enough time in a lifetime to read even a fraction of the amount of stuff that you may want to read in your life. I devote a lot of time to that," he says. "Besides eating and the hangout with the family and sleeping and making love, I can read for months. I just love it. I love it."
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romeorussia · 7 years
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[CAPS] 20161109 Uncle’s Ranch EP.1
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capturingmaya · 5 years
Beyond The Frame
Contextual Research and ideas;
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Explore this idea for the beyond the frame module: taking photographs off each individual veg/fruit and recreate the subject to act as metaphor for the reproducibility and idea that the food we eat is not what it should be. 
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Fruit, 2008 © Krista van der Niet
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Still Life: Balsam Apple and Vegetables is an early 19th century oil painting by American painter James Peale. Done in oil on canvas, the painting depicts a number of vegetables set on a table. 
Vegetables depicted; From left to right, the vegetables depicted in the painting are as follows,
Far left - Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
2nd from left - Blue-green cabbage(Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
3rd from left - Savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda)
4th from left - Hubbard squash (Cucurbita maxima)
5th from left - Eggplant (Solanum melongena)
6th from left - Balsam apple (Momordica charantia)
7th from left - Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
8th from left (farthest right) - Purple-red cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra)
List of gmo food that are already approved:
Sugar beets 
Soy beans 
In 2017, a study was published indicating yet another possible chronic health effect from eating glyphosate, the herbicide sprayed on, and accumulated by, most GM crops. http://gmfreescotland.blogspot.com 
Rainbow papayas are genetically modified and we’re developed after a disease nearly wiped out papaya production in Hawaii.
the popular red grapefruit now grown in Texas is the descendant of one of thousands of mutants produced by a breeder in the mid-1960s by bombarding pink grapefruit tree buds with radiation, a technique for accelerating evolution that has yielded new varieties in dozens of crops, including barley and rice. The crops created through that method, called mutagenesis or radiation breeding, can be certified as organic.
If no DNA from another organism is added, then it is not genetically modified under the rules for new labels.
These mushrooms were not genetically modified. Deleting a bit of DNA enabled a scientist to make a version that does not brown as quickly after being sliced, but no DNA from another organism was added.
—But history as method of analysis/thought/research can significantly change/add to what we think the picture is of…?
—“In each [work of art], lines and colours combined in a particular way, certain forms and relations of forms, stir our aesthetic emotions. These relations and combinations of lines and colours, these aesthetically moving forms, I call ‘significant form’; and ‘significant form’ is the one quality common to all works of visual art.” 
Try to create a still life/ art aesthetic photographing food from this generation. To create this aesthetic I will;
use old lace material to lay the fruits on.
arrange fruits and veg in a way that encourages viewers to take a close look into the image, incorporating all the subject.
gather a range of food that has similarities and differences within its own group to show the organic changes that are natural.
explore different set-ups with the different food groups.
create a bright set so the colours of the food stand out.
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beautyrandomx6 · 7 years
TCL Xess联手上海电信IPTV推出 “播播TV” 视频内容的平板应用程序,合作将 “播播TV” APP预装在移动大屏Xess系列产品中。直播内容包括30+频道,点播内容包括3000+电影,1000+电视剧,200+综艺等网络资源
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missmiumiu · 6 years
[20190228] 教育很重要
由於永齡基金會贈送給臺大醫學院基因體研究中心的號稱to see is to believe的貴儀IVIS被查詩婷博士後研究員和CCC拿去發表標題為「G9a/RelB regulates self-renewal and function of colon-cancer-initiating cells by silencing Let-7b and activating the K- RAS/β-catenin pathway」的NCB 2016假論文
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20161109 台大成立特別調查委員會調查郭明良研究團隊學術不端(←原先的醣基生醫董事長陳良博院士早在105年10月14日接受鄭弘儀主持的電台節目《寶島全世界》訪問時就已為中研院翁啟惠前院長抱不平:『浩鼎案已經過好幾個月了,這件事到底多複雜?參與的人到底多少?他認為,事情的真相很簡單,頂多10個人涉入,有需要拖這麼久嗎?』,並且台灣人體生物資料庫在還沒搞定合作醫院收到的病患檢體智財權歸屬究竟是台灣人體生物資料庫還是合作醫院了沒的情況下,在105年12月19日之前有 36 件生物標誌研發採購案都是「在決標日前就已經可以把得標廠商和金額刊登在中研院科研採購網」上了,包括郭明良於105年12月20日在邱議瑩立委陪同召開記者會前一天完成的BM10601010025 臺灣人體生物資料庫肺腺癌之生物標誌研發;105年11月20日郭明良在立法院開記者會道歉後,105年11月21日醣基生醫就咻地公告了他們把郭明良研究團隊於105年11月1日在PubPeer出版後同儕審議平台上被踢爆學術不端的NCB 2016假論文產地之掛名管理者找去當他們的第三任獨立董事)
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20161110 台大特別調查委員會成立後的隔天,CCC立馬錄製了後來還交給天下雜誌當開頭鋪陳的讓自己不用像NCB 2016第一作者查詩婷博士後研究員和NCB 2016通訊作者郭明良教授一樣請辭以示負責之偷錄音
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20161111 於是臺大醫院研究倫理委員會於下午三點舉行的第85次會議中,繼續通過而非撤回或擱置張正琪教授之編號201511042RINA的「開發生物能量粒線體分析法於體育科技選才和訓練評估之應用」研究計畫簡易審查
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20161111 傍晚就出現了後來CCC指控台大特別調查委員會主席郭大維學術副校長也有在場聆聽但是IEEE Fellow郭大維老師拿出護照打臉CCC突破物理極限的分身術指控的1111校長室五人密會事件。。。
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20170302 與獨董們及媒體似乎關係都很良好的黃建陸先生具名幫CCC發出的打破沉默記者會採訪通知由PTT鄉民幫忙於凌晨時分備份在Imgur
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20170302 CCC攜帶吳佩雯律師在立法院開記者會並且發布不實聲明稿宣稱楊泮池校長為共同作者的CDD 2013與她教授升等無關,還大聲嚷嚷說「正式向侵害本人名譽的毀謗行為人宣戰,將使盡洪荒之力採取法律行動」
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20180905 但是CCC於20180309下午高調至北檢按鈴提告的妨害名譽案,北檢於20190212才發布偵查終結公告。那為什麼還沒偵查終結,CDD期刊於20180905就已經可以線上刊出CCC和郭明良還有楊泮池一起手牽手去幫她教授升等代表作CDD 2013提出的勘誤稿了???
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el-j-clipping · 7 years
2. コーヒーを飲んだ後、13時まで食事をとらない。ケトン体を発生させるためである。また、プチ・ファスティングの効果がある。 3. 昼食と夕食はとっていい。その際、良質な脂質(牧草牛や牧草ラムやココナッツオイルや牧草バターやギーなど)を食事全体の60%、タンパク質を20%、炭水化物を20%摂取することを目指す。炭水化物は就寝前の最後の食事である夕食に摂取することが望ましい。セロトニンを発生させるためである。
ダイエットの第一人者が教える──実践! シリコンバレー式ダイエットの 基本の“き”。|グルーミング&ヘルス|GQ JAPAN
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sxilin · 6 years
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
You’ve got the look - 2016
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crasherglue · 8 years
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2016 / collage works " 20161109 " #glue #crasher_irisawa #collageart #analogcollage #collageartist #cutandpaste #collageonpaper #papercollage #C_expo #rsa_graphics #analogcollagecommune #collagecollectiveco #hippiespirits #freedom
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romeorussia · 7 years
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[CAPS] 20161109 Uncle’s Ranch EP.1
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fccreportfan · 4 years
Lexitel Worldwide Telesync Solutions Corporation International Telecommunications ITC-214-20161109-00292
from International Bureau Filings FCC.report https://ift.tt/35hlEHb from Blogger https://ift.tt/35lpNKu
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three-winks · 8 years
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20161109 Shoot for Arkisha Caitlin’s 1st Birthday
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inscrutabler · 7 years
사실 오늘 좀 피곤한데
집에 오자마자 밥 먹구 맥주 한 캔 들이켰어
내 사랑하는 맥주 바바리아 오리지널은 8.9도인데다가
내가 오늘 코도 맹맹하고 눈도 뜨겁고 그래서
좀 신이 났거든.
셋째가 생겨서 태아보험 가입한 고객님을 만나러 갔었어
생각보다 긴 전철여행이었는데
만나자마자 고객님 얼굴이 환해지면서
오늘 무슨 날이냐고
화장도 예쁘고 머리도 예쁘고
너무너무 예쁘다고 마구잡이로 칭찬을 하는 거야
자기가 왜 결혼을 일찍 했는지 모르겠다며
흰소리를 하는데
으아니 셋째까지 덜컥 생긴 유부남이 뭔소리세요.
살이 포동포동 올라서 동글동글해진 것도 싫고
이래저래 구림병 때문에
모든 게 구린 것 같아 매순간이 고된 나라서
칭찬이 칭찬처럼 느껴지지가 않더라고
그래도 누군가는
이런 나를 예뻐해주겠지
사랑해달라고 구걸하지 않아도
어여삐 여김 받겠지
날 무한대로 사랑하는 우리 하나님도
내 성격 내 깜냥 내 맷집 너무 잘 알아서
맨날 극한체험만 시키는데
나 사실 안 그렇거든
나도 쉽게쉽게 사랑받고 이쁨받고
그렇게 살고 싶거든.
아몰라 베이비토크만 하는 사람도 대통령 될 수 있고
호스트바 출신이건
사이비종교 교주 딸이건
출신 상관없이
나라운영도 할 수 있는
이 기회의 나라 대한민국에서
그런 소박한 꿈 이루지 못하란 법 없잖아.
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