#2017 snippets
hirazuki · 3 months
Hi! Re: the WIP folder game, please could you share more about...
lemon balm and salvia, blue, mairon & maedhros
tsukuyomi (curious about this one bc i've also got a scene coming that mentions tsukuyomi-no-mikoto skdjas)
Fate/Postscript is a Fate series (TYPE-MOON) fic that follows the universe of Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night, and veers a little into the El-Melloi II Case Files territory. Not sure how familiar you are with this franchise (always happy to give you more details!), this is basically an OC/Sasaki Kojirō | Assassin story, because my favorite character from this franchise is, once again, a minor side-character with precious few fics to his name and needs some love nevermind that this has been languishing in my drafts since like. 2017, let's ignore that
“At any rate,” he said after a few moments, “I really do recommend that you keep your visiting hours with me late at night.” She looked over her shoulder at him, confused. He pointed to the crowds of people walking up and down the stairs. “It does not do for a young woman to appear to be talking to herself.” She cackled, loudly. “Why should I care what people think? I’m not even from around here. And besides,” she continued, after a few more swings with the sword, “some of us actually sleep at night.” “A pity,” he said, closing one eye. “When there are other things you could be engaging in.”  She spun around again, attempting to take a swing at him. Before she even knew he had moved, Kojirō leapt up, drew his sword and, flicking the tip under her sword’s edge, cleanly disarmed her. Her blade went flying vertically in the air, and he caught it easily. He flipped the edge towards himself, and held it out for her to take. “Come now, allow a man a little harmless flirting.” She snorted, amused, as she took back her sword from his outstretched hand. “There is nothing harmless about you.” “Maybe so,” he conceded as he sat back down. “But I am bored, and you are the only one I converse with.”
lemon balm and salvia, blue, mairon & maedhros ... ahaha *hides face in shame* This is a tumblr writing prompt that @celebbun sent me... over a year ago... *weeps* T_T
First Age, 465 He's bleeding out. How will he go back to Angband, in such a state and with such news? Himring... Himring is not far. Closer than Angband. Perhaps... perhaps he could -- He shakes his head free of the delusion a moment later. He cannot. Even were Fëanor's eldest inclined to humor his plea after everything, his own loyalty and sense of duty will not allow him. He curls up tighter, further into the dark tree hollow, and closes his eyes and falls into fitful sleep, to thoughts of red hair and white fire.
Tsukuyomi is a Naruto fic! (this probably won't be its final title). Again, not sure how much you know about this series, but basically at one point, almost all characters are put under a virtually unbreakable illusion (the name of this technique is Infinite Tsukuyomi, hence the name of the WIP) where they are trapped in their own dreams, and they experience their perfect world as though it was their reality. We get to see a good number of these dreams, and they give us a really neat window into the supporting cast, for instance, with whom we don't necessarily spend too much time with in the main story, getting to see their hopes/fears/what makes them tick, etc. We don't see everyone's obviously, and Orochimaru's (one of my faves) tsukuyomi dream is skipped over, so this would be my take on what his ideal world would look like. I've got some ideas jotted down as to what it would include, but don't have anything actually written down yet ^^
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 11 months
Inspired by @stargaze-sunflower 's beautiful fics: Soldier, Poet, King and Left Behind
(My writing is a little rusty, and it's the first time writing anything for the Ducktales fandom, so it may be a bit inconsistent.)
With how often the world seemed eager on calling it quits, Dewey often forgot that his brothers are not an open book to the world as they are to him, they they weren't as transparent as they were to him. The quirks, the idiosyncrasies, the very essence of who they were—lost in translation to those who lacked the familiarity he had.
The realization knocks on Dewey's door with persistent consistency, a disappointment that keeps dialing his number. How many times must the epiphany ring before it connects? The disappointment, an unwelcome guest overstaying its welcome.
Dewey, thanks to a lifetime of triplet camaraderie, wouldn't label his brothers as cryptic, but he clings to the firm belief that others simply lack the decoder. The triplets' language is one he's been fluent in since birth.
Huey, the stoic scholar, wore his emotions like regal insignias, unfurling them proudly in the wake of accomplishment, displaying them like his Junior Woodchuck badges, full of pride with the knowledge that they got him somewhere. His world was one of cold calculations and empirical truths—a ruler navigating the realm of logic, as if his identity were sandwiched between the pages of a textbook.
Dewey, on the contrary, thrives on spontaneity, a heart-wearer in a world of calculated composure. While Huey wears his heart like a crown, Dewey showcases his with the flair of a street performer.
Louie, on the other hand, existed in shades of subtlety; a riddle wrapped in an enigma. His eerie stillness and deliberate quietness give off the impression that every move is choreographed, every smile, every laugh, every subtle movement a masterstroke of intent. Louie's deceptive nonchalance allows him to glide through life, leaving bystanders questioning if he's tuned in. Yet, beneath the surface-level disinterest, a closer look reveals unwavering awareness. Louie observes, constantly on high alert, plotting the next move—a skill heightened since their days with Uncle Scrooge, where death threats, traps, or just death were as common as morning coffee—an escape route woven into the fabric of his existence.
Nailing down what's going on with Louie was a bit of a puzzle. Most folks wouldn't have a clue about what he was feeling, but spending even some time with the guy, and suddenly it was like the easiest thing in the world. Louie's emotions were like this hidden force, internal yet gently seeping, exuding a subtle, almost imperceptible glow, discernable for anyone who bothers to notice. It's not like he's throwing his heart around for all to see, but if one squint just right, they'd find it stitched into every inch of him.
And that was the problem—nobody cared to try. 
He hadn't really noticed it, what with the world throwing the towel every five seconds, and Uncle Scrooge's ridiculously long list of enemies having it out for him, and by extension, them. The problem was external these days, and he was focused on keeping them alive, forgetting that just because they were alright physically, didn't mean they were okay emotionally. 
Louie certainly didn't seem to be. 
Outwardly, his younger brother was doing his damned best to maintain his usual facade—no tears, no forlorn smiles. The dry, sarcastic humor persisted, and his pessimistic outlook on life remained intact. But it seemed carefully curated, with none of the instinctual ease that Louie possessed. Any topic seemed carefully brought up, every joke timed to perfection. If Dewey hadn't known his baby brother for as long as he did, he would have been fooled—scratch that, he had actually been fooled, hadn't noticed the Louie's suffering until now. 
For all that Louie made sure the stage was set, there seemed to be something deeper behind the curtains, something was amiss. Dewey observed how Louie would simply stare at the screen on his phone, not scrolling, and no noise to indicate that it was a video—no earphones in sight either. He often drifted into a daze, a startled expression flashing when someone caught him in the act. His posture changed, becoming more withdrawn, as though attempting to make himself as tiny as possible, his hands buried in pockets and figure hunched.
During the Ottoman Empire marathon, an emotionally charged episode failed to elicit a single tear, a departure from Louie's typical reactions. His eating habits shifted, his favorite foods untouched. He absorbed blows without protest—no complaints when Huey accidentally shrunk his beloved hoodie or when Dewey spilled his rare cherry-flavored Pep!; he had simply cleaned it up and moved on.
Louie seemed to shy away from confrontation—not complaining once on adventures, a dry remark here and there, sure, but nothing more than that. Purposely avoiding deeper engagement.
It was like he was waiting for the grand finale, you know, the moment when the sky opens up and all the plot twists rain down. Louie, usually all chill and snark, seemed to be on edge, like he was expecting something big, something that would make a reality show producer jealous.
His entire vibe was off—skittish and scared, eyes playing host to some emotion that looked way too close to fear. It made Dewey want to tuck Louie into his ribcage, next to his heart, the safest place in the Dewey universe. He had the urge to pull him into a bear hug, to scare away whatever was spooking him because nobody messed with his baby bro on his watch. 
And that led Dewey to the biggest, glaring, warning sign that something was wrong with Louie, he didn't care for comfort anymore. 
Louie was the comfort connoisseur. Not the kind who demanded a five-star suite with golden faucets, but the guy who could turn a budget motel into a cozy nest. He was the master of finding the sweet spots, the snug corners, not the easiest paths, like everyone believed—though, he knew that was a plus in Louie's book—but ones that would lead to the outcome being downright comfy. 
The fact that they managed to get such a good houseboat deal? All Louie's doing. Even in sketchy hotels, when Uncle Donald's wallet hit rock bottom, Louie would manage to snag the coziest rooms and the better grub. Louie was the personification of marshmallows over cozy campfires, something warm and gentle, like twinkling fairy lights and comfy teddy bears. 
Louie was the comfort guy. Which made the current version of him a puzzle missing a few pieces. Safety was another thing he clung to, like a kid afraid of the dark. He was the kind of guy who'd rather avoid a situation than risk a scrape, especially for the people he cared about. But these days, apathy, especially toward his own well-being, seemed to have taken over.
A spider crawling on him hardly elicited a blink, an arrow piercing through his hoodie didn't make him flinch. There were no screams or tears when he got hurt—Louie appeared almost resigned, as if letting fate take the reins, even if it meant getting hurt or, worse, dead. It scared the heck out of Dewey, and he was pretty confident Huey felt the same way if the startled stares were anything to go by. 
Speaking of which, his older brother seemed to have come to the same conclusion as Dewey, because he kept trying to talk to Louie in a soft, cajoling voice, the one you'd use when talking to a scared animal, and Dewey knew that he wasn't the only one reading the fear in his brother's eyes, it didn't give him relief. They would need to stage an intervention, before both his brothers got hurt. 
Huey wore the crown of the oldest sibling with a sense of pride, and Dewey could admit, he handled it like a pro. He embraced the role with great responsibility. Delighted with the knowledge of what ailed his younger brothers, Huey was their soothing balm, guiding them through problems with care and genuine concern. He played the role of healer, tending to their injuries, and the voice of reason, gently talking them out of their fears. This was especially true when it came to Louie. And Dewey knew his older brother must be internally kicking himself for not catching on sooner—especially considering how diligently both of them worked to make sure Louie was okay. 
Now, Louie was the epitome of independence. It wasn't like they needed to hold his hand, and neither did they need to circle around him like well-intentioned piranhas, but Louie was just so young. He would clutch their arms when crossing the streets, giggle at the whimsy of bubbles, liked to make blanket forts when he was sad, and, when he had been younger, had been terrified of his own shadow. This was the same brother who had proudly unveiled his first scheme to them with a broken front tooth, the one who glowed when given even the smallest amount of praise, and shed tears over cheesy TV shows—it was hard not to feel protective, Louie was just so young. 
And Dewey knew it was unfair, because for all that they called Louie their baby brother, they shared the same minute of birth. Born within mere seconds of each other, they were the same age, so calling Louie young was hypocritical. But, Dewey couldn't ignore the instinct to shield Louie from the cold, cruel world. This instinct had only grown stronger after living with Uncle Scrooge, where danger seemed to lurk around every corner. Louie was just so small, so fragile, and the world was filled with potential threats. Dewey's desire? To obliterate them all.
He wondered if this was a glimpse into Uncle Donald's feelings. A mix of acknowledging Louie's capability to handle things and yet harboring an intense desire to swoop in, shield him, and keep him hidden from the harshness of the world.
Louie, for all his clever schemes and wit, wore his sensitivity like a second skin. Criticism struck deep, and he carried the weight of self-imposed standards. If he sensed failure looming, he was quick to surrender. Louie, much like Huey, was entangled in the intricate workings of his own mind. Both brothers lost in the labyrinth of thoughts, plans, and fears. Perhaps it was this shared trait that made it easier for Huey to navigate Louie's fears, offering comfort and perspective in the storm of his worries.
Dewey and Louie were similar in the sense where they shared a depth of feeling, yet their emotional navigation took distinct paths. While Dewey emerged as an empath, immersing himself in others' emotions, Louie delved further. He didn't just feel the pain; he saw the intricate web of ways it could have unfolded. Louie's ability to perceive and internalize others' emotions went beyond empathy; he could sense their unspoken fears and anticipate their reactions. This insight allowed him to choose words that would elicit the desired response.
So, while Huey used carefully chosen words and guided conversations to comfort, to be able to articulate their feelings, Dewey brought a different kind of solace. He understood that sometimes words fell short. That sometimes, no tears could be enough to express the sadness, no smile bright enough to showcase the depth of happiness one felt, no eloquent expressions could adequately convey certain emotion. 
It was why he preferred physical reassurance; so while Huey cajoled and coaxed, Dewey swooped in with hugs, cuddles, and hair ruffling, providing a tangible stability that words often struggled to achieve, actions speak louder than words and all that. 
Unfortunately, Dewey couldn't just dive in for one of his bone-crushing hugs, especially without any kind of lead-up. Louie wasn't into grand displays of affection; he preferred subtler gestures like hand-holding or an arm around the shoulder. Dewey had to stick to those or risk sending Louie running for cover.
There was another hurdle: Louie's aversion to vulnerability. He despised showing weakness, so any attempt to breach that barrier had to be done with utmost care, and preferably in private. And Dewey loved his brother, but even he knew he wasn't the poster child for subtlety, so that task fell squarely on Huey's shoulders. Not that Dewey doubted his older brother's capabilities; after all, being a big brother was a serious gig for Huey, and he took his responsibilities seriously.
So, all that was left to do was wait, and make sure Louie didn't die, which seeing how apathetic he was to his own well-being, would be a feat. 
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star-spangled-man · 6 months
not to be dramatic but this hit me hard and soft album might be the best thing that happens all year
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thelegendofmrrager · 1 year
what if I started reblogging osmosis jones fanart again. would that drive the property value down around here. would it scare the normies away
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angrennufuin · 3 months
Prose snippets I have thus far written and converted to the neocities
Linmir takes a nap
Linmir has a nightmare
Clem has a visitor (guest author ~my husband~)
Rosen has breakfast
bone apple teeth
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l-thefriendlyghost · 1 year
So awhile ago I wrote this scene for my au. Sadly I can't have it in my actual fic. Because it doesn't serve a purpose. Outside of the fact I just really liked it. So I decided to post it here! :)
McDuck Manor, April 20, 2006.
Scrooge was awoken by loud banging on his door. He'd fallen asleep in his stiff armchair. The fire still burning in the hearth.
The floor board groaned as he got up. Adding a slight ominous to the atmosphere. As he approached the large front door, whoever was on the other side continued banging.
The cold air flooded in as he opened the door.
A few drops of rain coming in along with it
Scrooge looked up into Beakley's face, relieved and confused at once.
Scrooge wasn't sure how long it had been since they met, he knew it must've been before…
"Beakley?" Scrooge said, astonished at her showing up at the blue.
"Scrooge I- we need somewhere to stay" She said, Scrooge looked to the thing in her arms that he'd not noticed before. She held it apart from her. Allowing him to look at the thing.
It was a duckling, sleep safe and sound.
"My granddaughter, we need a place to stay" Beakley cut off his question "and you're the only person I trust"
Scrooge was filled with hundreds of questions. In truth while he considered her a good, and faithful friend. They'd always maintained more of a working relationship.
He hadn't ever asked about her personal life. And it was a shock to find out she had kids, let alone a granddaughter.
Scrooge stepped aside allowing her to shuffle her way in. Beakley pushed her way into the manor with Scrooge. The manor was mostly quiet, the only sounds coming from the walls creeking as they settled.
Scrooge led her through the dark halls, the fire light fading as they progressed through the house. Beakley didn’t bother asking about turning on any lights. She didn’t need them anyway. Years of shush training had made her eyes adaptable to dark invermints.
They stopped outside of thick french doors. In the middle of the corridor of the third story. It was scrooge's home office. A myriad of strange things littered the room. It was a room beakley had been in many times before, mostly when meeting Scrooge about shush business.
She was so accustomed to it she noticed a few missing items. She hadn’t been there on the fateful night of the launch of the spear. But she’d gotten word of it before the night was over. Shush had been the first people Scrooge had sought help from. Beakley felt a dull pang of guilt at her inability to help.
She sat down onto an armchair across from Scrooge that groaned under her weight. Causing her to stiffen in an attempt to put less of her weight down.
“Beakley, what’s going on?” Scrooged asked, he knew that Beakley most likely couldn’t dispense a lot of information. Because if she was here instead of shush, well there is no telling how much danger they were in.
Beakley looked down at the duckling who still slept soundly in her arms. "Scrooge, I need you to trust me" she said gravely.
Scrooge sighed before relenting. At least for the moment.
"The triplets' bedroom is down the hall." He said slumping down into his seat. "She can share one of their cribs."
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e17omm · 1 year
Contemplating if I am going too far and going OOC with how "human" I am writing Bella in the later chapters.
I feel like I should tone it down a little, I still want it to feel like Bella...
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jimalim · 2 years
New Aly and AJ vinyl is so pretty 😍
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comrademango · 9 days
Help a family of 10 evacuate from Gaza
Hello, @hebaalmaqadma reached out to me to share her family's campaign. They are a family of 10 individuals, one of whom is married with a child, and one of whom is her youngest brother Adam who has cerebral palsy. More details are in their GFM campaign page:
It's close to goal (€82,715 raised of €85,000), with the most recent donation 15 hours as of the time of writing this post (17/09/24 18:24 GMT+8), but they might increase the goal due to other huge expenses. The campaign is verified by The ButterflyEffect Project where it is listed at no. 294 in their list of verified campaigns.
As in the campaign page, her IG is @/heba_almaqadma where you could see in her story highlights her getting notified that her writing got included in the book, Daybreak in Gaza. Also linked is her article:
The earliest post on her tumblr is from 2017, and in one photoset, you can see her coffee cup with her name on it. Look over to her blog, see a few snippets of her life before this bombardment, check out the campaign page, and please boost and/or donate.
Free Palestine.
Tagging for reach, DM me for removal:
@frustrated-froglet @heydreamchild @neptunerings @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @eastgaysian
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@astarionstdick @amethyinst @thesummersucks @oceanmonsters @mietowka
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@jeemar @alicent-archive @alysscoven @visenyaism
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ya’ll ever get that feeling where you are slowly dying internally from doing 7 entire AU’s of Bendy in a nutshell and trying to find time to work on them all? Yeah that’s me right there, Seven. freaking. Au’s. yeah. this is why i shouldn’t be allowed to be given ideas ya’ll  like for real- i just recently made other blogs of my other AU’s- i am not okay- LOL but check them out if you want, who knows if i ever just fucking lose moviation for this blog again there are other blogs of mine out there LOL
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rassicas · 3 months
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I've gotten a hold of a very rare issue of Nintendo Dream from October 2017, containing an interview with the Splatoon developers. like seriously, i hadn't seen any documentation of this anywhere. HUGE huge thanks to @squidhominid, who spent Too Much Money to buy a copy and scan it!! Since a lot of it is formatted in blurbs like what's pictured above, I'd been unsure how to organize and share translations...I've decided I will gradually share snippets of it like so and compile it all later. Please be patient. Translation under the cut.
In relation to the characters from Story Mode The Rule-abiding Octarian Army
---Is Octavio a DJ and a general? Inoue: Well, his name is General DJ Octavio (laughs). He commands the Octarian army, so naturally he's a general. [[TN: Octavio's JP name includes "General" rather than just "DJ Octavio" like in english.]] ---Going off of that, there are other ranks, right? Amano: That's right. The Octarians as a species act seriously, so if they didn't have ranks they wouldn't be able to work properly. (laughs) Inoue: Originally, we made Octavio as a character as a pair to Cap'n Cuttlefish on the Inkling's side. Now as for why Octavio is an octopus that holds wasabi sticks... the act of "grating" wasabi made us think of "scratching", and "scratching" made us think of "DJ"...So he came to be both a general and a DJ. [[TN: takowasa, or octopus and wasabi paired together, is a popular izakaya snack. Same goes for atarime, (cuttlefish's JP name) dried squid. It's supposed to be like a snack showdown.]] Nogami: The Octarians are led by music. Octavio makes his own music to control them. Inoue: The music tells them to move and work according to the rules (laughs). ---So, for him as a general, is the music just for controlling the Octarians? Or does he enjoy it? Amano: It is for leadership, with that 'duntz duntz' sort of tempo. So I think for him, he sees the popularity and influence of the Squid Sisters as something that has a military-like controlling power. ---Is Cap'n Cuttlefish unable to turn into squid form, and can Octavio not turn into humanoid form? Amano: Cuttlefish can probably transform and produce some ink, but not like he could in his younger years. It's like when your grandpa says he's gonna do a squat, and he can kind of do it, but not really... it's like that. Inoue: Octavio became unable to take on his humanoid form due to an injury he got long ago. In a Sunken Scroll in S1, you can see a figure who appears to be Octavio before he was injured.
[[TN: This has to be the true origin to the information of Octavio being unable to take on humanoid form! I was troubled by the fact that when this info was brought up by the writers of nintendo dream in that 2018 issue in a way that made it sound like obvious information, they didn't say when or where they heard it...but this is it.]]
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cityofmeliora · 2 months
notes / thoughts on Terzo's characterization (Terzo is so disappointed and depressed and i love him)
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a few weeks ago i saw this post from slavghoul which has snippets of TF describing the Papas. it includes this quote:
“He represents this frustrated old guy who hates everyone, especially himself. But despite his wounds and his darkness, he has a sense of humour and is endearing, like most of my heroes. The late actor Christopher Lee was an inspiration to me. In many ways, he is Papa.” (Metallian 7/2015)
i thought this quote was really interesting because i'd never seen anyone talking about that side of Terzo before. Terzo hating "everyone, especially himself" felt at odds with the charming personality he typically displayed. i wanted to know how that developed and where his "wounds and darkness" came from. so i did some digging for quotes on Terzo's history and characterization. here are my notes + thoughts:
something that came up again and again in my research is that he is actually quite antisocial when he's not performing. it seems like he didn't want people to know anything about him past his stage persona.
TOUR MANAGER: No one in the crew really gets to see or speak to Papa, ever. Only Anna and myself have access. He is not in the building and then he'll just be there, just for show time. The only thing you really need to know about Papa is what you see of him on stage. Ghost - The Devil's Hands (Documentary) (2017)
he almost never interacted with any of the nameless ghouls or the tour crew. in fact, he really went out of his way to avoid them. he traveled separately, would appear right before the start of a show, and then he would disappear as soon as it ended. in "The Devil's Hands", it showed they sometimes had trouble locating him when he was needed.
With this new era, can you introduce Papa Emeritus III? NAMELESS GHOUL: I don't know him very well yet. We haven't really done our mileage with him, so I am sure that we will find out. But he seems nice. He seems okay. Obviously, he's very close relatives with Papa number two, who was a little bit of a hmm. I'm sure that he isn't like, completely different, but we'll find out. He's a bit of a recluse, and he sort of travels on his own. And he sort of appears when we're due onstage and then he disappears when we're offstage. So yeah, I guess we have a little bit of a social disconnect there, but I don't see a big problem with that. I mean he seems to be doing well on his own, and I don't know if he has a little harem somewhere that occupies his time offstage, I guess. I'm assuming that. Loud TV (July 2015)
INTERVIEWER: How has it been working with the third Papa? How is he fitting into the group? NAMELESS GHOUL: We like him, actually. He seems to be quite nice. Obviously, we haven't really done our "miles" with him yet, so we don't know him that well. And he doesn't travel with us- he sort of goes separately everywhere, and he appears just before the show and then he just disappears. So we haven't really had the time to sort of fully get to know him. But overall, he seems quite a joyful chap. Metal Injection (September 2015)
predictably, his bandmates did not know him very well. but they always remarked that they liked him and that he seemed like a nice, chill guy. (they also assumed he had a harem that he spent time with when he wasn't performing, which is probably not true, considering how much effort he put into avoiding people whenever possible.)
NAMELESS GHOUL: We don't really socialize with Papa, so… But he seems nice! But he's very occupied in his harem. [...] He's a little bit cooler. He seems to be the nicer of the two brothers --I don't know if there are two-- but he seems to have, I don't know, a kinder mother, probably, or something that makes him slightly.. INTERVIEWER: A little different. NAMELESS GHOUL: Yeah, he's a little bit different. AMBY (October 2015)
i don't think his charming, pleasant demeanor was just an act, though. i think it did come from a genuine part of himself... he wasn't always an antisocial recluse.
before he became Papa, he was a cardinal in Krakow, Poland. Bishop Necropolitus Cracoviensis (the character representing Zbigniew Bielak, the artist who does the album art for Ghost) characterized younger Terzo as having enthusiasm in all his endeavors. he was always a very devoted member of the clergy who had big dreams of progress and modernization for the Ministry and the world. he had a strong interest in Futurist art and philosophy.
Bp. Necropolitus Cracoviensis remembers: "...our relationship goes a long way back to the times before his papacy, that is when he was still a cardinal in my hometown, in Cracovia...(...) Although we had our share of juvenile recklessness - be it indulging his beloved cream pies - allegedly verging on six hundred sixty six portions a year but that must be a rumor I believe, or wild parties at the attic of seminary school (laughs) - even in his formative years, he remained a focused man of vision, looking far into the future, always addressing his people's needs and longings to keep our church together in those turbulent, rapidly changing times (...) there were so many temptations to syndicate among our good people (...) (...) We would sit down to studying exciting Futurist manifestos, sketched the blueprints of utopian metropoles, spiked with shiny skyscrapers stabbing at the heavens belly... Wantonly swollen zeppelins would to carry our gospel of indulgence to the farthest corners of the globe to summon and enslave. (...) Forged in nostalgia of steam and fire, this brave new world of ambition, vice, lust and greed - all so inherent to the enlightened modernity, was always with him through all these years. And it is now - when our church continues to grow stronger and wealthier under wise reign of Papa Emeritus III - that these visions may finally be witnessed and embraced in the preachings of 'Meliora' - his most contemporary and humane Encyclical." (https://www.facebook.com/thebandghost/posts/994031900615606)
those core values of ambition, vice, lust, and greed stayed with him when he became Papa. though he had a revolutionary spirit, he's actually described as "less rebellious" in Metal Myths. Terzo took his job as Papa very seriously, and he cared about being successful and achieving his goals. while he and Secondo certainly had vice, lust, and greed in common, it was Terzo's ambition that truly set him apart.
"It felt like the goal was to take Papa II's sense of modernity and remove the recklessness." Metal Myths: Ghost Pt. 2 (April 2022)
How would you describe the personality of Papa Emeritus III compared to his predecessors? NAMELESS GHOUL: "First of all, Papa Emeritus III is an entertainer! He loves projectors, he loves the public, and he loves success. The first Papa Emeritus was someone very rigid, very strict, and very solemn. A real son of a bitch! (laughs) To be honest, we don’t miss him at all! Papa Emeritus II was a pervert a little bit sadistic, and, in hindsight, I think he wasn’t very at ease on stage. He wasn’t a showman, unlike Papa Emeritus III! Him, he’s the guide we missed to rise up the quality of our shows, to reach the step above and communicate with our fans." (MyRock #44 (2017) translated from French by @ a-wandering-ghoulette)
unfortunately, his ambition eventually led him to become disillusioned and depressed.
Terzo looked forward to becoming Papa. he worked so hard for it his whole life, only to be confronted with the realization that his time as Papa --and therefore his achievements-- would be limited.
he was a nice guy, but he was also was egotistical. he was a showman and an intellectual, and he thought very highly of himself.
NAMELESS GHOUL: He's a little bit more chill. But obviously, all the Papas are definitely pompous assholes. INTERVIEWER: That's part of the job. SPECIAL GHOUL: That's one of the criterias, the prerequisites, that you have to be this sort of flamboyant diva, know-all, show-off. Metal Injection (September 2015)
his self-hatred came from his inability to be the person he wanted to be. it's not that he felt like he couldn't measure up, it's that he felt like he wasn't allowed to express his full potential. Terzo's mindset was "i know i'm good enough. and i could prove it if they would just let me." but he wasn't really in charge, and his vision was at odds with the goals of Sister Imperator.
Terzo felt so stifled, it makes sense that he became a "frustrated old guy who hates everyone, especially himself."
and i think this is the reason for the paradox of him having a kind, charming personality onstage and being unsociable offstage. he still gave it his all. he did the best he could with the time and resources he was allowed. that zealous man of the people was still in there somewhere. but he felt betrayed by the clergy, the organization he dedicated his life to. his career ended up being unfulfilling and he was ultimately really bitter about the way things turned out.
he was good. he never got to be great.
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1989deluxealbum · 1 year
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You're telling me on the August 23, 2017 Taylor Alison Swift announced the first single off reputation and on August 23, 2023 Taylor Alison Swift gave us a snippet of LWYMMD (Taylor's Version)
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atvbs · 7 months
i have a social experiment i wish to conduct on you people.
are you familiar with and have read the zootopia abortion comic (c. 2017)
i would appreciate rbs for the sake of sample size but it is not mandatory. thank you for your time.
also if you are in that percentile of the second to last option. im not going to explain to you what it is look it up yourselves if youre that curious
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perfectsunlight · 3 months
warnings: none
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ivory sat in a bustling building, surrounded by her bandmates preparing for their latest award show pre-recording. they’d been at it all week just going over the final details of the choreography. truth be told, she felt like she could run her choreography and lines in her sleep.
thankfully, their first stage went well. despite the initial nerves, ivory knew she was ready. she had done her part and she knew her members had done theirs as well. everything went according to plan, except for her not planning to feel so empty after performing.
the fans cheered so loudly she could hear it even backstage, but she felt as if she was missing something. she watched her other members calling their mothers and fathers, sharing hugs and exchanging laughter over the phone.
she had everything in the world right now, but she was missing the only person she wanted around. however, she knew better than to ask jennie to come, especially after the last time she didn’t show up.
as they watched the playback and discussed their performance, a curious glance from one of the members pulled ivory from her thoughts of her mother. 
“are you left-handed?” chaewon asked, pointing to the way ivory held a microphone with her left hand. sakura joined in with a playful gasp, shocked to see this new information from one of the youngest members. “are you actually?”
ivory paused, caught off guard by the sudden attention to her hand preference. “yeah, i’m left handed.” she exchanged a quick glance with eunchae, who simply grinned and pointed at herself. “i always knew.”
yunjin playfully nudged eunchae, “you two go way back, of course you knew.” kazuha hummed in agreement. “but there’s no way we didn’t notice before. are you sure you didn’t recently become left handed?”
“yeah,” ivory replied with a small smile, her fingers wiggling in front of her members. “i've always been left-handed.”
chaewon raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. “you know, left-handed people are supposed to be more creative, right?”
sakura nodded eagerly. “yeah, and they say left-handedness runs in families. do you have any other lefties in your family?”
ivory thought for a moment, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips. most families were related, but her family was a bit different.
“only my aunt.”
JAPAN 2017
“aw, who is this?” lisa cooed as she watched jennie carry a toddler backstage. the bustling energy of a pre-concert atmosphere surrounded them, with staff members moving hurriedly and the other members of blackpink preparing for their performance. the soft hum of instruments being tuned and snippets of chatter filled the air space.
“this is jane, my baby cousin,” jennie lied, smiling softly as she shifted the little girl in her arms. jane wore a tiny pink dress with matching shoes, her chubby cheeks and wide eyes making her look like a living doll.
ivory’s brow furrowed slightly at the unfamiliar word "cousin," but she didn't say anything. she looked up at her mother with confusion, not fully understanding why jennie had introduced her that way.
the toddler stayed quiet, clinging to jennie as the members of blackpink gathered around, cooing over her.
“say hi to auntie lisa.”
jane ivory kim, with her big brown eyes and wisps of dark hair falling into her face, looked at lisa with a mixture of curiosity and shyness. she buried her face in her mother’s shoulder, peeking out occasionally to see if the thai girl was still there.
lisa laughed softly, reaching out to gently stroke the young child’s arm. “hi, jane! you’re so cute!” she turned to jennie with a playful smirk. “i didn’t know you had a cousin this young.”
jennie nodded, adjusting the toddler in her arms. “yeah, she’s visiting for a bit with some of my other family members. just thought i’d bring her along today.”
as they chatted, rosé walked over, her eyes lighting up at the sight of jane. jisoo stood next to her, smiling while waving at both jennie and the tiny girl in her arms. “who’s this little cutie?” the australian whispered, causing a pair of curious eyes to peer out from jennie’s hair. 
“this is jane,” jennie repeated, her smile never faltering. “she’s a bit shy.”
“hi, jane,” jisoo said softly, her voice as warm as her smile. jane’s eyes flickered between the women before she gave a small, tentative wave. “i’m jisoo.”
“she kind of looks like you, jennie.” lisa said with a small grin as she took in the toddler’s features more closely. their eyes were the same, cat-like and a warm shade of brown, and there was something about jane’s demeanor that mirrored jennie’s own.
jennie felt a pang of panic in her chest at her member’s observation but managed to keep her smile. “yeah, i guess the genetics are strong,” she replied, brushing a strand of hair from jane’s face. she was grateful for the dim lighting backstage, which helped hide the emotions swirling in her eyes.
lisa and jisoo went off to take instagram photos while rosie left to find her phone. jennie looked down at her daughter while ivory gently played with strands of her mother’s hair, causing the idol to groan softly. “hey, what did i say?” she whispered to the young girl, trying to maintain a stern tone despite the affectionate smile tugging at her lips.
jane giggled, her tiny fingers tangling in the soft waves. “i’m tired, mommy,” she whispered back, fighting back the urge to take a nap right there on her mother’s shoulder.
jennie’s blood ran cold at her daughter’s words. she quickly cleared her throat and gave her daughter a look that jane had never seen before. “i’m not mommy, not here,” she said firmly, her voice low and urgent.
ivory’s gummy smile faded, replaced by a confused pout. “why?” she asked, her small voice barely above a whisper. jennie’s heart ached at the confusion in her daughter’s eyes. she bent her head down, bringing herself to jane’s face. “just trust me, okay? don’t call me mommy,” she explained, hoping her daughter would understand.
the young girl nodded slowly, though she didn’t fully grasp the reason behind the lie. she remained silent, her eyes reflecting a mix of hurt and uncertainty. all she did was stare at jennie with a look of betrayal that cut deeper than words. jennie sighed, guilt weighing heavily on her as placed the girl down while straightening her own clothes. 
she ruffled jane's hair, trying to mask the guilt she felt. “now, be good for rosie, okay? i'll be back soon.” she whispered while holding her daughter’s hand and walking her to the greenroom where rosé was.
“hey rosie posie, can you watch her while i get my hair fixed?” the idol asked with a signature smile, gently ushering the young girl at her feet towards the brunette. the australian grinned warmly at jane. “of course, i'd love to hang out with you!” she said cheerfully, kneeling down to jane's eye level. “we can have so much fun together.”
jane nodded hesitantly, her uncertainty about her surroundings evident in her eyes. she clutched onto her mother's hand for a brief moment before letting go, giving jennie one final look over her shoulder as she was led away by rosé.
rosie looked through her bag before pulling out a pink pen and handing it to the young girl next to her. “do you want to draw?” she asked sweetly. jane hesitated for a moment, then nodded eagerly. she took the pen with her right hand, holding it awkwardly as she looked down at the blank sheet of paper rosie had set in front of her.
“here, let me show you.” rosie gently took jane's hand and guided her through the motions of drawing simple shapes. jane watched intently, her brow furrowing in concentration as she mimicked rosie's movements.
“there you go!” rosie praised, her eyes twinkling with encouragement as jane managed to draw a lopsided heart on the paper. “you're doing great!”
jane beamed with pride, her small fingers gripping the pen more confidently now. she continued to draw, each stroke becoming a little smoother as she got the hang of it.
rosie leaned back, watching jane with a fond smile. “you know, i'm left-handed. that's why i hold the pen like this,” she explained casually, not realizing the impact her statement would have.
jane paused, looking at her own hand and then at rosie's. “left-handed?” she echoed, her curiosity piqued. “yeah, it means i write and draw with my left hand,” rosie clarified, demonstrating with a few quick doodles on another piece of paper. 
jane glanced down at her right hand, suddenly aware of how different it felt compared to the brunette’s way of holding the pen. she quickly moved the pen to her other hand, mimicking rosie’s grip as best as she could.
“do you want to write your name? here,” the idol guided jane’s hand, helping her form the letter “j” with deliberate strokes. ivory’s brows furrowed in concentration, but soon a small smile spread across her face as she successfully wrote her first letter with her left hand. encouraged, she eagerly continued, with rosie patiently guiding her through each letter of her name.
by the time jennie returned, her hair freshly styled, she found jane writing on the setlist paper with rosie’s pen. “look,” the australian grinned while motioning towards the young girl who was too busy drawing to notice her mother’s return.
jennie's heart swelled with pride mixed with a twinge of guilt. she approached quietly, not wanting to startle jane. “wow, look at you.” jennie whispered softly, leaning over to admire her daughter's messy writing.
ivory looked up, her eyes lighting up with a mixture of surprise upon seeing her mother. she didn’t say a word, but simply held up the paper proudly.
“when did you learn that?” the idol chuckled while taking the paper to admire it. she glanced down and noticed which hand her daughter was holding the pen.
"left hand. rosie taught her how to write, not me." she thought to herself. jennie's smile faltered before it was replaced with genuine happiness spreading across her face.
“i guess she’s left handed. but seriously rosie, thank you for watching her,” jennie said sincerely, her gaze shifting to the brunette idol beside jane.
rosie nodded warmly. “she's a natural learner. it was my pleasure,” she replied, a gentle smile gracing her lips. 
“blackpink, you’re on in 5.”
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A Guide to Black Dresses (Band)
Who are Black Dresses?
Black Dresses is a Canadian musical band, formed by two women, Ada Rook and Devi McCallion, who are both artists on their own.
The band was formed in 2017, following their first ever single - Paper Planes (cover of MIA). 
Devi and Ada started the Black Dresses project when they were friends, however they're currently in a relationship and implied to be married to each other.
They started the Black Dresses project, as a form of venting, and did not expect to blow up in the slightest. However, following the release of their debut album - WASTEISOLATION, they gained attention of the internet. With their unique sound palette, dark and vulnerable content of the lyrics, and general surrounding of enigmatic no-name artists, they started to quickly follow with underground cult following. 
Gaining much praise, getting a score of 9 out of 10 from Anthony Fantano, and especially, becoming viral over the song "IN MY MOUTH".
Unfortunely the band diss-banded after harassment that Devi received from the internet users after they found her online presence and internet footprint. Both Ada and Devi didn't really like the attention they gathered. So in 2020, they stopped making new material. But did in fact release old unreleased stuff all up to 2022.
In 2023 they announced working on their 7th album and making new music. Releasing more singles and uploading little snippets on them working. Confirming that way that they're a band once again.
The musical style
Black Dresses musical style is based on mixing a lot of genres. As an underground artists, Black Dresses are influenced by a lot of lesser known styles and genres coming from the outsider world of music. 
You cannot really explain their sound in simple words, but i'll try. Their genre is often described as "Noise Pop", but they're much more than that.
I'll try to describe their general sound, but i will go into more details following the guide's part about each individual album.
Most of all, Black Dresses are an electronic band, they do use real life instruments, mostly guitars and drums, but it's mostly electronical elements.
Black Dresses mixes elements of Pop, Industrial, Noise, EDM, Rock, and are mostly described as extremely experimental.
To lesser extent they also use hip-hop, ambience, metal, glitch, synth, and screamo.
Their vocals are rather amateur, which shouldn't really scare you, as it just adds to the charm. They're also notable for their usage of screaming vocals.
Themes of Black Dresses 
The main themes of Black Dresses music are:
Mental suffering,
Living with mental ilness - such like depression or severe anxiety,
Coping with trauma - mostly from their childhood, and the sexual abuse they went trough from the hands of adults in their life.
Healing from those experiences, seeing hope in the future.
And environmentalism - raising awareness about the issues of global warming and pollution.
But there's ofcourse many more songs that don't follow these themes. 
Black Dresses often get accused of being "edgy", however you shouldn't perceive them like that. Their music is full of real struggles that both Devi and Ada are going trough. They do NOT romanticize or fetishize the themes of their music, nor they sugarcoat it or exaggerate it. 
Not to mention their music is full of hope for better tomorrow and wanting to improve, giving it all a positive message.
Release guide
2018 - WASTEISOLATION: Their debut album, definitely the darkest in terms of themes. Essential for every fan of the band, the best place to start. Mostly lighter in sound, doesn't incorporate as much noise as following releases.
Really accessible for newcommers.
2018 - HELL IS REAL EP: A 5 five song EP making a bridge between WASTEISOLATION and THANK YOU. It's a bit moodier than the previous project, but also it's a place where Black Dresses started to use more screaming vocals and noise elements.
2019 - THANK YOU: Second album, much more surreal in the sound palette, much noiser and more electronic. Black Dresses at this point got a little less personal in their lyricism.
2019 - DREAMS COME TRUE 2019: A sequel to their first ever project together, DREAMS COME TRUE 2017 which i'll mention later. It follows 3 WASTEISOLATION songs re-made and re-worked. As well as one brand new song.
2019 - LOVE AND AFFECTION FOR STUPID LITTLE BITCHES: Black Dresses (succesful) attempt at poppier sound. Much less crowded instrumentals and simpler, catchier beats. Doesn't belittle their noise elements and screaming ofcourse! 
2020 - Peacefull as Hell: Black Dresses most popular album after WASTEISOLATION, got an extremely positive review from Fantano and semi-blow up on the internet. A fan favourite.
Black Dresses production got more professional. 
The sound is much lighter and goes into the direction of electronic pop rock.
2021 - Forever in Your Heart: Black Dresses heaviest project to date. Ada and Devi at their most industrial and metal. A lot of screaming and noise. Another fan favourite.
2022 - Forget Your Own Face: Their latest album, as for the time of writing this guide. Their most disorganised project (which was intentional), full of distortions and noise and screams. It was a surprise release and is made from re-made unreleased material going as back as 2019. It contains some of fan favourite songs.
Other notable work:
2017 - DREAMS COME TRUE 2017: First ever released collaboration between Ada and Devi, a short 4 song EP.
2017 - LETHAL POISON FOR THE SYSTEM: A 3 song EP in collaboration with 99Jakes and Laura Les - a member of 100 GECS. Includes first single Under Black Dresses name.
2018 - CRUSH: Single, a cover of Tessa Violet.
2020 - 745 Sticky Remix: Black Dresses remix of 100 Gecs song that ended up on the official 100 Gecs remix album.
2023 - Shines: Single, a collaboration between the band Purity Ring and Black Dresses.
Merch and how to support them
Black Dresses ocassionally releases their albums on cassettes, however they were all limited and are currently unavaible. No official CDs or Vinyls were ever made.
You can buy at any time Black Dresses hoodies or T-shirts on https://black-dresses-merch-store.creator-spring.com/
(Ada also sells her merch on that)
You can buy their albums over Black Dresses bandcamp, or support them directly trough Patreon.
You can also contact Devi or Black Dresses trough an e-mail and show your support with words!
 (Please do not send this e-mail to anybody who could harass them) 
That's all, i hope you'll have a wonderful time listening to our gals! :DD
Black Dresses Extended Universe Guide
What's that? You're interested in checking out Ada's and Devi's solo stuff? Well, it might be much more confusing or interesting than you think, in fact, it's a whole rabbit hole. So let me introduce you to, what i like to call, the "Black Dresses Extended Universe" (BDEU or simply BDU). 
BDU is a collective of every side-project, nickname under which one of the girls released music, or any other band that contains either Ada or Devi.
Ada Rook's side of EU
Let's start with Ada Rook, since there's a little bit less going around her.
Ada started releasing her music in 2015, following her first OST for her game (as she's a game dev), and her first EP in 2016 "void memory".
Ada used the nickname "rooksfeather" or simply "rook", however after the release of "Parasite" she started using her full name.
Ada's solo discography follows 8 EPs, 4 Soundtracks, and 6 albums. 7th one on the way 
Her musical style is similar to Black Dresses, but more into industrial and rock side of things. Her older music used much more ambience and was darker, moodier. Her recent style incorporates much more screaming and poppier sound. However, in case similar to Black Dresses, each album have it own distinct sound. 
She also released one album with an artist called Deathirl, "DEATH IN REAL LIFE" and it's extremely rare media, not even listed on RYM. However reuploads of it exists.
She have one Alter-ego, called "Crisis Sigil" Under which she's doing extreme grindcore. Crisis Sigil released 2 EPs and 1 Album.
Ada is also a part of 2 other bands beside of Black Dresses,
"rook&nomie" is a collaboration between Ada and ESPer99, they released 2 albums. Their style is much more poppier than anything else that Ada does.
"Angel Electronics" is a fresh new band formed by Ada and Ash Nerve. They're doing power electronic rock, and their sound is more joyful. They released 1 album so far.
Notable Ada Rook releases:
"Shed Blood" by Rook
"Parasite" by Rook,
"2,020 Knives" by Rook,
"UGLY DEATH" by Rook,
"Rookie's Bustle EP" by Rook,
"GOD CUM POLTERGEIST" by Crisis Sigil,
"ULTRA PARADISE" by Angel Electronics,
"Superego Royal Jelly" by rook&nomie
Devi McCallion's side of EU
Wow, we are in for a heck of a ride... Oh well,
Devi started releasing her music since the age of 15, however most of it is probably lost media at this point. She's putting music out on her own label - Blacksquares, Under many different alliases and side projects, i'll talk about each one later.
Devi's style is mostly indie pop, influenced by sub-genres like dream pop, synthpop, ElectroPop and simply underground pop.
Her music is often simplistic and cartoony, but it's hard to explain her signature style in words. 
But it's worth checking out.
Devi rarely releases anything Under her real life name, mostly singles. But she did release 2 albums Under her real name together with Katie Dey, mixing production of both girls. 
Devi used many different nicknames trough her career, such like Dizzy Girl, Devi April McCallion, Vriska Serket, Walking Patriarchy and The Little Fears, however all of these names aren't connected to any specific releases, as far as im aware (Devi's music is a huge Rabbit Hole, full of lost media and rare material).
It's also worth mentioning that she released a compilation of her unreleased material Under the name "Blacksquares", it's titled "LIFE IS HELL (ASMR)".
Okay, so now we are going to talk about each one of her musical projects. We'll start with 4 of the most essential ones, then the more obscure ones, and we'll finish it all with Devi's other bands beside Black Dresses.
1. EAT BABIES? - A name she really doesn't like to be assiocated with, so it's better to treat this project as a fun fact, rather than the core of her career. EAT BABIES? was her first ever project (that we are awere of) Under which she released 2 albums and 2 EPs. It was much more amateur than what she's used to do now. And she doesn't like to associate this project with herself due of the fact she was much different person back then. 
2. Mom - is her second most popular nickname. It was her primary stage name for a long time untill 2015 when she came out with "Girl Rituals".
Mom released 5 albums. And semi-blow up with a song titled "joyfulthought". Mom is a time when Devi really started to work on her pop sound and signature style. 
3. Cats Millionaire - the third most popular Devi project. Cats Millionaire was active from 2011 to 2013. Released 2 albums, 4 EPs and 2 mixtapes. 
Cats Millionaire is characteristic for overall theme of My Little Pony, since Devi used to be a brony. The lyrics and aesthetic are all about MLP. The sound was much more soothing and toned-down than most of Devi's releases.
4. Girls Rituals - Devi's current main allias and her most important project that's still active from 2015 to this day. Under that name Devi released most of her music, and she really perfected and evolved her pop sound with each and every release. Beside of many singles, she released 2 EPs (one with Ada, one with 4lung, however the second one is since deleted because of the 4lung allegations), 1 remix album, 1 instrumental album, and 5 albums. With "Reddishness" being Girls Rituals fan favourite release.
Now, Let's get over every other side project.
10 Chains - only one instrumental album have been released. It's noise/ambience.
Doro Doro Dono/More Bears- Just one single released each for two of these projects,
traptraptrap - 2009. one album released. Despite the name, it's her usual pop stuff.
Triangle Giant - named after one of Devi's bands, only one EP released. ElectroPop.
Yellow Bile - 3 EPs released. Usual pop stuff. One of the EPs are lost media.
Tiny Magnesium - Really obscure stage name for her usual pop sound. 2 short albums released.
Leader Misty - Pokemon themed 2008 project, one instrumental album.
Holographic Rainbow - Only the soundtrack to the discontinued web comic (of the same name) have been released.
Hexi Wing - name she used to release her self-spoken erotic fan-fiction. You're probably not interested in that 👀.
Now, last but not least, Devi's multiple bands before and after Black Dresses.
Dr. Massive and The Headwound Extravaganza - was a 2008 electronic band that released mostly covers of rock songs. Only one album have been released and the band is 100% discontinued right now. Devi was responsible for programming, drums and vocals. There also were
Mike Will Smith - percussion and vocals,
Allan Burke - synthesizer and vocals, 
Jonathan Oscar Cianni - programming, bass,
And Sensitive Bear - bass and vocals.
Unfortunely i couldn't find any info about the band members.
Giant Triangle - A band where Devi used to do vocals from 2008 to 2016, the band had a lot of members that went and go, but it seems their only official release is an 2020 EP. Usual electronic and pop.
The Various Endeavors? - a 2009 band who's appearently still active? They released one synth punk album, and a compilation of unreleased tracks in 2021. John Bevier and Tyler Bruce are in the band along-side Devi.
VCF Freq - A collaboration between Devi and Boy Pussy, they're doing minimal techno. They're Technically still active but their only 2020 EP dissapeared from any streamings. It's thankfully archived on Soulseek.
Anarchy 99 - A collaboration between Devi and So Drove, they're doing electronic pop rock. They're still active from 2020 and actually release new material consistantly. A couple of singles have been released and one album.
Notable Devi  McCallion releases:
'Self-titled" by Mom,
"3" by Mom,
"Fun Fun Fun" by Cats Millionaire,
"Reddishness" by Girls Rituals,
"Im Desperate" by Girls Rituals,
"CRAP SHIT" by Girls Rituals,
"Cow" by Girls Rituals,
"Rockstar Super Heat" by Anarchy 99,
And that's all there is to BDU ;)) have fun Discovering it! ❤️
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