askdrzinasia · 1 year
After dinner stunning view
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Late evening view at the Petronas twin Towers
Having dinner at the mall at ground floor of the Petronas Tower had this view as dessert.
It was and is stunning.
An architectural wonder by day or by night. Worth a visit or two, either up in the towers, or simply enjoy the shopping and dining in the mall from the Ground floor.
Six year the the absolute tallest
Petronas Twin Towers is 452m high and was ranked the tallest building in the world from 1998 to 2004. Then it was overtaken by the Taipei 101.
Later during our visit, we travelled to the top of the towers, enjoying the view and enjoying the vertigo.
But I still coming back to the photos of this evening walk.
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yahwehscholar · 6 months
Bible Prophecy Timing
There is an important book in the Christian bible on the topic of prophecy timing, and that is Daniel. Reading this for the first time, after reading all the way through the book, tied my stomach up in knots because I knew what it meant. Here’s the verses:
“From the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the 1,335 days. But go you your way until the end; for you will rest, and will stand in your inheritance at the end of the days.” -Daniel 12:11-13
These ‘days’ also mean ‘years’ in the longer fulfillment of this prophecy. They are two separate periods of time; two halves of one week, or 7 times. The start was around 607BCE, when Jerusalem was overthrown the first time. Add 1,290 years and 1,335 years, and arrive at 2019CE. That year is past now.
There was a literal 7 year period that the king of Babylon suffered at the beginning of this time, and at the end there also is a 1,290 day + 1,335 day period. The last 7 times might have started the day of the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. Add 1,290 days and 1,335 days, and arrive at October 27, 2024. That’s still in the future.
The central issue in the bible is whether Yahweh the Creator has the right to judge his creation, or if he is unfair and therefore unrighteous. Cain argued this way. Yahweh said whoever killed Cain would suffer vengeance 7 times, and then Yahweh killed Cain in the flood. The issue in the heavenly court is whether Yahweh is righteous. So, Yahweh himself must execute a sentence of 7 times of vengeance. Yahweh is pictured of as the tree from Daniel 4 that was chopped down. The earthly kingdom Yahweh set up centered in Jerusalem became desolated. I can only imagine what effect figuratively chopping down Yahweh God had in heaven.
Yahweh’s prison sentence has to be over by now, even counting for tolerance. Yahweh will act soon. Christ will return. The dead will be resurrected.
After serving this 7 times, Yahweh has proven that he is righteous and will do everything he said he would do. He will have the authority from heaven to execute vengeance saved up over this 7 times, and long before. Yahweh will turn this earth into a paradise for his people to live on forever.
Yahweh awesome! Amen
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antti-nannimus · 1 year
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pakchinanews-blog · 6 years
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Royole Corporation FlexPai, the world's first foldable screen smartphone, made its debut at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. #2019CES (Photo: VCG) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiKfKoAqv5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d9evhjpgs0c7
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ebisss-my · 6 years
Realiti maya membuat percikan, tetapi tidak bersedia untuk waktu perdana | Tech / Gadgets
Realiti maya membuat percikan, tetapi tidak bersedia untuk waktu perdana | Tech / Gadgets
Para peserta menghadiri lawatan realiti maya di gerai Intel di pameran elektronik pengguna CES 2019 di Pusat Konvensyen Las Vegas di Las Vegas, Nevada 10 Januari 2019. – Gambar AFP
LAS VEGAS, 11 Jan – Realiti maya menunjukkan sisi yang menakjubkan di Pameran Elektronik Pengguna minggu ini, memancing orang ke arena hoki, bidang besbol dan bahkan ke internet dengan pembuat masalah filem animasi W…
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amntenofre · 5 years
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Egyptian Religious Calendar
Today 30 July 2019 - XXIX day of Ipet-Hemet, the eleventh month of the Egyptian Lunar Calendar (in the CDXX Great Year of Ra according to the Egyptian Civil Calendar). According to the Egyptian Religious Calendar today is the FOURTH EPAGOMENAL DAY dedicated to the celebrations for the birth of the Goddess Isis. Best wishes to all for this highly sacred and blessed day!!! [For more informations, see my book “Egyptian Religious Calendar: CDXIX-CDXX Great Year of Ra (2019CE)”, where you will find the full version of the Egyptian Calendar with the complete translation of the Temples’ calendars: http://a.co/d/clZRHoW Furthermore, by subscribing to "AMENTE NOFRE-MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY" you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar and to our online courses in Egyptology, here's the link with all the infos: https://www.patreon.com/amentenofre ] Religious Festivities: The XXIX day of the lunar month is sacred to Atum. It is the “Feast of the Attender” and Utetj-itef is the God of the Feast. - Fourth Epagomenal Day, Birth of Isis: “Fourth (Epagomenal) Day: the Birth of Isis. Words to be said on this day: 'O, this Isis, daughter of Nut, the Eldest, Lady of Magic, Provider of the Sacred Books, Lady Who appeases the Two Lands, Her face is glorious. I am the brother and the sister.' [c.c. , verso X] “The Name of this day: 'Isis, Eldest Daughter of Nut, You make him who is under Your command to prosper' .” [Papyrus Leiden I , 346] “Birth of Isis (...).” [T. Behdet, c. Horus] “Birth of Isis: it is a beautiful feast for the sky and the earth (...).” [T. Iunyt] image: Temple of the Goddess Isis at Philae (now on the Agilkia island): the Entrance-Gate of the First Pylon, flanked by Isis (to the left) and Hathor (to the right), and by two protective guardian Lions. On the background, Isis represented on the west tower of the Second Pylon
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ir-egipto-travel · 5 years
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Today 27 September 2019 - last day of Tekhy, the first month of the Egyptian Lunar Calendar (in the CDXX Great Year of Ra according to the Egyptian Civil Calendar).
Religious Prescriptions:
Favorable day
“If you see anything, it will be good on this day.”
Religious Festivities:
The last day of the lunar month is sacred to Thoth. It is the “Feast of the Going Forth of Min”; Horus the Avenger/Protector of His father Osiris and Nehes (Seth) are the Gods of the Feast.
- “Feast of Montu and Horus of Madu.” (two-day festivity, II and last day)
[M. K.]
- “Feast of Satis and Anukis.”
[T. Thutmosis III, Elephantine]
- “Opet-Feast of Amon (...).” (twenty-four days, X day)
[T. Ramses III]
- “Procession of the Goddess Hathor and Her Ennead (...).” (fifteen days, X day)
[T. Behdet, c. Hathor]
- “Feast of Menhyt-Nebtu (...).”
[T. Iunyt]
(extracts from
“Egyptian Religious Calendar: CDXIX-CDXX Great Year of Ra (2019CE)”. The book is available on amazon: http://a.co/d/clZRHoW
By subscribing to "AMENTE NOFRE-MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY" you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar and to our online courses in Egyptology, here's the link with all the infos: https://www.patreon.com/amentenofre )
'Ipet-Sut', the highly sacred Precinct of the God Amon-Ra at 'Uaset'-Thebes ("karnak"):
view from the Third Pylon towards:
the Festival Court of King Thutmosi II (with the Obelisk of King Thutmosi I, to the right),
the remains of the Fourth pylon (of King Thutmosi I, 1504 BCE) with its Entrance-Gate,
and the 'Uadjet-Hall' (built by King Thutmosi I, 1504 BCE, between the IV and the V Pylons) with the Obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut (to the left).
The blocks in the right and left foreground are the remains of the Third Pylon, built by King Amenhotep III.
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Happy Summer of 2019 to everyone that I know on tumblr!
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A discussion about expectations of time.
I’ve been considering this thought a while since the new year and I’m curious what people think.
Toward the end of 2018, I started to really pick up on people using the year we live as a qualifier for the things we should have and put up with. I.e. “it’s 2018, how is there still (insert margilizing of a minority)?” And I started wondering about it. Then the new year happened and it just changed he year to 2019 in the same type of sentences.
So I started to wonder why it is that people have an expectation on a year to be fulfilling a kind of subset of social justice requirements.
Initially it was kind of funny to me because I couldn’t help but picture people in the Victorian era with their high “modern” society, being like “it’s 1846, why do we even have poor people anymore” and other such ridiculous statements (I’m not saying we should have poor people, I’m trying to demonstrate a class difference and complete disconnection of the high classes of the time in that statement). But then the idea kept coming from other social media I have and it almost seems abundant, but that may be due to me just not ever noticing it before.
I guess the reason it’s so odd to me is because it’s been like 200,000 years (that we know of) and I guess I don’t understand the expectation to suddenly be on these years? I mean, yeah it’s 2019CE but I don’t see how that changes anything? We existed for hundreds and thousands of years before 1CE and I’m just like “did they also have these expectations for their years?”
The reason I bring this here is because I feel like if I asked most people, they would look at me strange and tell me I’m reading too much into it. So instead I’m asking anthropology tumblr (and others if you want to chime in) about it.
I can’t help but wonder if it’s almost like a new type of euphemism or a placeholder for just things you could leave in the past but I feel like there are plenty of people smarter than I am that maybe have a better informed view on the idea of having expectations on years.
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maisondesbieres · 4 years
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Nouveautés 18 JanvierOn commence la semaine du bon pied :Cidrerie Compton- Camerise BourbonVieilli en fût de Bourbon il présente des notes de vanille et une belle complexité.- CameriseCidre co-fermenté avec de la camerise. Ce cidre brut est tannique et fruité. Vieillissement en cuve inox.Cidrerie Le Somnambule- Pimbina 2019Ce petit fruit amère donne à notre cidre fermier un parfum unique et exceptionnel qui rehausse les arômes déjà complexes des levures indigènes.Brasserie Les 2 Frères- Gin sans alcool  Au goût, il a une texture un peu liquoreuse, très floral et boréal. Le concombre lui donne un goût frais. Le poivre des dunes amène un piquant/sensation de chaleur, ce qui manque dans les autres gin sans alcool.5e Baron- Couronne SolaireNew England Pale Ale aux houblons Motueka et Mosaic- Two Tailes PilsAprès 6 semaines en cuves, notre pils, brassée avec un profil de grain 100% pilsner et de houblons Saaz et Hallertau Mittelfrüh se veut une lager sèche.Ô Quai des Brasseurs- Perle NoireStout vieilli en fut de whisky Jim Beam- PiranhopVoracement houblonnée, cette belle IPA américaine aux parfums d’agrumes chavire tes papilles gustatives et monopolise ta salive.
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The yellow pagoda in Skóun
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The small town of Skóun is where the National Road 6 and 7 splits today. But even if the place are offering a wide array of food and drinks for the road traveller, there are some more to see and experience.
One of them is the Yellow Pagoda, the main building inside the Wat area and the necropolis close by. A simple, yet splendidly decorated building with some intricate design details.
Visit Skóun
I attended a funeral for a good man in Skóun back in 2019, and got a lot of opportunities to look around and inside the temple area and wat.
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Inside the Pagoda in Skóun.
Later I have visited in connection with parties, weddings and religious holidays like Pchum Benh. It is nice to revisit this pagoda from time to time.
Other options than a variety of fried spiders in Skóun are bustling, local markets. And some restaurants selling very good versions of local khmer foods. And some international options as well.
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yahwehscholar · 8 months
Yahweh (יהוה) is the One True God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus and He deserves all the honor, praise, and glory. Thank you for all of your blessings, and the knowledge of your will through the prophets. I know the time has been accomplished, and you will fulfill your promises soon. Help me to reach as many hearts as possible, and to present this information worthy of your blessing.
I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness, but I haven’t been for a long time. The religion has a teaching about a period of “seven times” that ended in 1914. It’s actually quite central to the religion’s theology. They calculate the “seven times,” which comes from Daniel chapter 4, as 2,520 years.
However, I read all the way through Daniel in one sitting. At the very end of the book, when an angel is talking to Daniel in front of two other angels, he tells him two exact periods of time, 1,290 days and 1,335 days. The theology counts each day as a year in the greater fulfillment of this prophecy. So, this must be the length of the seven times (Daniel 4) or one week (Daniel 9:27). 1,290 + 1,335 = 2,625 years, or 105 years later than 1914. If we use the same start date of 607BCE, add 1,290 years, we come to 684CE. This was about the time Islam took over the Middle East and construction of the Dome of the Rock began construction on the site of the temple Solomon built that Nebuchadnezzar burnt to the ground. I think that is important. 684CE + 1,335 = 2019CE.
Yes, 2019. It’s more comfortable for me to write about this since that date has passed. I’ve been carrying this heavy weight of the knowledge of this prophecy since 2014. Now, it’s 2024. Nothing earth shattering has happened, Christ has not returned, the dead people haven’t been resurrected. I have not lost faith in Yahweh even though the time is passed. I believe this time is actually a judgement sentence for being responsible for Cain’s death (Genesis 4:15). The time has been completed, and Yahweh is choosing the perfect moment in time to act. He will do what he wants when he wants. I don’t know.
One interesting thing is the solar eclipses. It was August 21, 2017 when I saw one. There was just another one a few months ago, and there will be another one on April 8, 2024. This is between Easter and Passover this year. But I counted 1,290 days + 1,335 days since the first one, and I came to October 27, 2024. That’s about the time of Yom Kippur, another important Hebrew holiday.
It is very interesting that these two holidays, Easter and Passover, are weeks apart this year. Don’t celebrate Easter, it’s the name of a pagan goddess. Celebrate Passover, and the memory of Christ’s death.
The “Trinity” teaching is blasphemy. The three are separate, and only Yahweh the Father is God. Jesus is not God, he is God’s son. The holy spirit is not a person at all, but most likely marijuana. It’s the incense that is offered up with prayer.
The name Yahweh (יהוה) has been replaced in most translations of the Christian bible as “the LORD.” This is a title, not his personal name. I always replace “the LORD” with the name Yahweh when I read those bibles. His personal name is so important. It makes it clear that there is a distinction between Yahweh and Jesus. The name Jesus means ‘Yahweh is salvation.’ Yahweh had to come first. It makes no sense to believe Jesus is God.
It was pointed out to me that the book Hebrews was written by Jesus. When I read the scriptures, he plainly states that he is the author. (Hebrews 1:1,2; 12:2) That is very interesting.
Thank you for your time. Be kind, make good choices so good things can happen, remember to pray. Don’t celebrate Easter!
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antti-nannimus · 1 year
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tak4hir0 · 5 years
2020年1月7日~10日に、世界最大の家電見本市「CES2020」がアメリカ・ラスベガスで開催されます。 毎回、CESに合わせて各企業が新発表等を行っています。当イベントは、VR/AR/MR領域に関する発表や展示について、識者・業界関係者が注目したものやトレンドを報告するセミナーです。大好評をいただいた2019CES報告会の登壇者とほぼ同じメンバーで開催いたします。 ■登壇者 西田宗千佳氏 1971年福井県生まれ。フリージャーナリスト。得意ジャンルは、パソコン・デジタルAV・家電、そしてネットワーク関連など「電気かデータが流れるもの全般」。取材・解説記事を中心に、主要新聞・ウェブ媒体などに寄稿する他、年数冊のペースで書籍も執筆。テレビ番組の監修なども手がける。主な著書に「ポケモンGOは終わらない」(朝日新聞出版)、「ソニー復興の劇薬」(KADOKAWA)、「ネットフリックスの時代」(講談社現代新書)、「iPad VS. キンドル 日本を巻き込む電子書籍戦争の舞台裏」(エンターブレイン)などがある。 近藤"GOROman"義仁氏 株式会社エクシヴィ 代表取締役 2010年株式会社エクシヴィ設立。2014年〜 Oculus Japan Teamの立ち上げに参画。Facebook Japan株式会社にて国内のVRの普及に務め、パートナーサポート、講演活動を行う。個人でも”GOROman”としてVRの開発と普及活動を広く行う。2018年VRアニメ制作ツールAniCast を発表。東雲めぐ©GugenkaのSHOWROOM生配信に技術提供。エイベックスとアニメ制作のパラダイムシフトを目指すAniCast Lab.を設立。 著書「ミライのつくり方2020-2045 僕 がVRに賭けるわけ」 諸星一行氏 ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 所属。xR Tech Tokyo 運営責任者。雛乃木まやさんを敬って家内安全を築きたい、めぐるーまーで雛乃木神社氏子の観測者。 モデレーター:久保田瞬 現Mogura VR編集長、株式会社Mogura代表取締役社長。VRジャーナリスト。VRが人の知覚する現実を認識を進化させ、社会を変えていく無限の可能性を感じ、身も心も捧げている。VR/AR業界の情報集約、コンサルティングが専門。国内外のイベントに足を運んでいるなどネットワークも広げている。 ■本イベントの対象者 ・VR/AR/MR事業をされている方、VR/AR/MR事業の情報を収集している方 ・VR/AR/MR開発者 ■参加を通して得られること ・CES2020でのVR/AR/MR分野に関連するの発表・展示に関する情報 ・VR/AR/MRの技術トレンド ■開催概要(予定) 19:00 開場 19:30 開始 告知 デジタルハリウッド大学院様(会場提供) 第1部 プレゼンテーション「CES2020で気になったトレンド」 フリージャーナリスト 西田宗千佳氏 株式会社エクシヴィ 近藤"GOROman"義仁氏 ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 諸星一行氏 Mogura VR News久保田瞬 第2部 ディスカッション フリージャーナリスト 西田宗千佳氏 株式会社エクシヴィ 近藤"GOROman"義仁氏 ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 諸星一行氏 Mogura VR News久保田瞬 第3部 Q&A 21:30 終了 ※ここにあげた論点は一例であり、変更がありうることをご理解ください。 日時:20120年1月16日19:30~21:30(受付開始19:00) 場所:デジタルハリウッド大学院 〒101-0062 東京都千代田区神田駿河台4-6 御茶ノ水ソラシティ アカデミア 3F Google Map https://goo.gl/maps/19UPSAyJ9Uf68wRCAアクセス:JR「御茶ノ水駅【聖橋口改札】」より徒歩1分 東京メトロ千代田線「新御茶ノ水駅【B2出口】」直通1分 東京メトロ丸の内線「御茶ノ水駅【出口1】」より徒歩4分 JR「秋葉原駅」より徒歩9分 都営地下鉄新宿線「小川町駅」より徒歩6分 参加費:一般 2200円(早割)、2700円(通常) デジハリ大学・大学院生 無料(学生証の提示が必要です) 定員:200名 主催:Tokyo XR Startups株式会社、株式会社Mogura 協賛:デジタルハリウッド大学院 申込方法:本ページの「チケットを申し込む」より参加登録へお進みください。 ■FAQ Q:当日は飲食などの用意はありますか? A:特に用意致しませんので、ご自身でお済ませの上お集まりください。 Q:会場では喫煙可能ですか? A:会場内は完全禁煙です。 Q:当日キャンセルは返金できますか? A:申し訳ございません。当日キャンセルでの返金は対応しておりません。 ■主催者・本企画に関して Tokyo XR Startups 株式会社は、VR・AR・MRなどXR 領域のスタートアップに対し、 資金提供やワーキングスペースの貸与、バックオフィスサポート等の支援を行うインキュベーションプログラムを運営しております。 株式会社Moguraは、VR/AR/MRの普及と業界のバックアップを行っています。VR/AR/MR専門メディアのMogura VRの運営のほか、VR/AR/MRに関するリサーチや導入支援・ビジネスマッチングなどの企業様のサポート、イベントの開催、関連製品の販売を行っています。
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amntenofre · 5 years
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Egyptian Religious Calendar
Today 1 August 2019 - I day of Up-Renepet, the twelfth month of the Egyptian Lunar Calendar (in the CDXX Great Year of Ra according to the Egyptian Civil Calendar). HELIACAL RISING OF SOTHIS: this morning the sacred star Sothis/Sirius has risen before the Sun in the horizon of the sacred city of Memphi(s), the "balance of the Two Lands" (the Heliacal Rising of Sothis occurs on 19 July of the Julian Calendar, which correponds to 1 August 2019 of the modern Gregorian Calendar). On this day Sothis, which is the heavenly form of the soul of the Goddess Isis, returns to be visible in the sky. The Heliacal Rising of Sothis announces the birthday of the God Ra-Harakhty. We wish you all the best in this highly sacred day!!! Furthermore, this year the Heliacal rising of Sothis falls on the New Moon that marks the beginning of 'Up-Renepet', that is, the last month of the Egyptian Lunar Calendar (and it is sacred to the God Ra-Harakhty), and this is a very favorable event. Concerning the New Year of the Sothis-based Lunar Calendar, it will begin on the New Moon after the Heliacal Rising of Sothis, that is, August 30. [For more informations, see my book “Egyptian Religious Calendar: CDXIX-CDXX Great Year of Ra (2019CE)”, where you will find the full version of the Egyptian Calendar with the complete translation of the Temples’ calendars: http://a.co/d/clZRHoW Furthermore, by subscribing to "AMENTE NOFRE-MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY" you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar and to our online courses in Egyptology, here's the link with all the infos: https://www.patreon.com/amentenofre ] Religious Prescriptions: Favorable day Religious Festivities: The I day of the lunar month is sacred to Montu-Ra-Harakhty. It is the “Feast of Psedje(n)tyu/Feast of the New Moon”, and Thoth is the God of the Feast. - “Birth of Ra-Harakhty (...).” [c.c.] - “Feast of Ra.” [c.c.] - “Neheb-Kau takes place on this day.” [c.c.] - “Feast of Osiris.” [c.c.] - “Feast of Isis.” [c.c.] - “Festival of Khnum” (three-day festivity, I day) [T. Thutmosis III, Elephantine] - “Festival of Amon” (three-day festivity, I day) [T. Thutmosis III, Elephantine] - Feast of Sothis/Sirius: “The coming out of Sothis in its day (...).” [T. Ramses III] - Feast of Horus. [T. Behdet, small calendar] - “Coming forth of the Sed-Feast of Ra (...).” [T. Behdet, c. Horus] - Feast of Ra (...).” [T. Nitentóre] - Feast of the Appearing (...) [T. Ombos, west side] - “Feast of the Appearing of Min.” (every New Moon day) [T. Ombos, west side] image: Temple of the Goddess Hathor at Nitentóre (Dendera): the western staircase leading to the roof of the Temple. On the wall at right, detail of the procession ascending to the roof of the Temple: priests carrying shrines; on the wall at left, detail of the descending procession: priests carrying sacred standards
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Date: September 23, 2019CE (Autumn Equinox) Current moon phase: Wanting Crescent (35% Illumination) Moon sign: ♋ Sun sign: ♌ Greek deities: Persephone Demeter Hades Kronos (Comment any I missed) Mythos: Persephone returns to her husband, Hades, while Demeter begins to mourn. Follow "the.gaianaut" on Instagram (@the.gaianaut for those on Instagram seeing this) #astrolgy #moon #moonsign #waningmoon #sun #sunsign #autumn #autumnequinox #autumnequinox2019 #hellenism #persephone #demeter #hades #kronos #harvest #reapingtherewards #paganism #pagan #pagans #pagansoftheworld #witchcraft #witch #witches #witchesoftheworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wwJailFIQ/?igshid=187pvhqgerwjx
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