#2020 one is kinda bad tho so you all can make fun of it as you please
mayordea · 5 months
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i am not waiting until july to post just cuz i finished early but— i drew the three lords from fire emblem three houses because…! the game is turning 5 in july. what!!!
its so surreal to me. flawed as three houses is, i am VERY nostalgically attached to it for various, so it is pretty special to me. i was so excited in the hype cycle leading up to the release that i drew fanart of the three lords to celebrate it finally releasing, which these drawings are a redraw of (i also redrew this for the first anniversary, so ive drawn these guys in the same pose three times by this point whatever)
the past versions of this can be found under the cut.
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i like to think ive improved in the 4-5 years since. please
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iwakuraz · 2 days
hello can i ask you about your ocs? your art of them is so cool, i’d love to know more about them
:0 YES!!!! THANK U SM thats so nice of you!!! going on a rant under the cut hehe. hope u do not mind that super bad at explaining so its all just me saying random stuff ajshdj. sorry about that
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the one with buns is called rue and shes an oc I've had since like 2020 ,, shes kinda rude and mean but shes also pretty gay w/ the other character next to her. I think I'm gonna call the other girl paige? but I haven't reallyyyy decided on a name yet! one thing about me is that I'm pretty bad at naming characters. I named her after this one old art website I used as a kid though, the website was called 'paigeeworld'. dunno how many people remember paigeeworld but I do. and paige is def the kinda person to go on art websites like paigeeworld and deviantart. so thats why I'm thinking of using that name. also I named rue after the flower rue
I have a story for them vaguely planned out in my head but I need to flesh it out more. I have the ending planned out but uh. the other parts of the story? yeah. I only have those vaguely decided. they're pretty fucked up tho and .yeah . they make eachother worse probably.
rues birthday is 18th august, paiges birthday is 6th of june. these dates do mean something! paiges birthday is the same day that paigeeworld originally announced their closure (I think?) but rues birthday is something a bit more personal 2 me. their story isn't really connected with any of my other ocs, they're sorta just chilling. I started making a fun silly comic thing with them a bit ago but have barely gotten anything done with that cause school. :[
in my head, paige sorta reminds me of the stummy book song 'we all fall down'. thats why I gave her a cup. bc haha get it...... we're all just drinking out of cups waiting for the day when we can't get enough,,, I think her character item is gonna be a cup. always has a cup of like milkshake or something. yum I love milkshake. a song that I associate with rue is 'please tell me mr wonder' by siinamota. and rues character items is her plush of a bear and a bunny! her plushies are alive btw and talk to her sometimes. but I should probably draw her with her plushies more because right now I only have a slightly old animation of her with them. blehhh
there is another oc who is relevant to these two, her name is rini. but I haven't done a proper drawing of her in a while,, I have a drawing of her from 2022 and I am not showing that. rini is in the same class as paige and rue tho. shes the class representative
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next here is dot. shes the mascot of my neocities site but I like her quite a lot :] shes a pretty big nerd I think. nerd bunny. her main source of literature consumption is reading old instruction manuals on how to use windows 98.
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OKAY NOW TALKIGN ABOUT VIN MY FRIEND VIN!!!! definitely the oc I've posted about the most. full name is vincent but you can call him vin for short, or vinny for medium. I named him after the car seat headrest song vincent. his favourite food is salt packets (the type you get in restaurants) and his favourite beverage is vinegar. VINegar. I like him a Lot and hes basicallyyy my fursona :3 hes a lonely sad teenage cat and I love him so much!!! he doesn't talk a lot, but I think he communicates through likee his tamagotchi or something. again this is another character I have a story planned out for vaguely but I should flesh him out a lot more. I think right now I'm more just using him to represent myself. just know he is very very special to me -w-
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AND. do u see the cat on the left. I think I will name them pepper. they're meant to contrast with vin, I think they're rlly energetic and fun and yeah!!!! :3c <- basically they are that emoticon! been trying to think of a name for pepper forever. I'm thinking maybe the name pepper will work. like yeah sure. I don't think they'd enjoy spicy food so they wouldn't like peppers. thats why I think pepper is the perfect name for them. peppers favourite food is probably dip dab? or whatever those things are called? yknow those weird lollipops you can get that come in a packet full of these weird powder thing and you're meant to dip the lolly into the powder? thats what pepper would eat
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this is (tama)rini!!!! tamarini. basically the bunny version of the rini oc I mentioned earlier and then said nothing about! they collect tamagotchis and are very very very normal about tamagotchi. she looks sorta similar to dot, but thats not intentional. I just like the colour purple and I also like bunnies.
there are SOME others but these are my favourite ocs right now. holds them in my hands and shakes them.
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taruruchi · 1 year
Oh also tell me about yourself 😭😭 like anything really
My pleasure 💪 Let me tell you about the "letters" I occasionally write to myself because it's honestly funny and a while journey
Entry 1, no date: It all started... In late 2019 maybe? It began with just me talking about the people I liked 😭😭 Very painful to read. Why did I type like that.
Entry 2, no date: Short letters directed to them but I'd never show them (think lara jean). Also painful to read, why did I not understand grammar.
Entry 3, March 2020: Another letter to one person, basically me "coming to terms with the fact they'd never like me back and maybe we can be friends instead." Also very. Very painful.
Entry 4, the day after: I WAS GOING THROUGH SOMETHING AND HONESTLY IT'S BOTH PAINFUL BUT HILARIOUS TO READ. I was "coming to terms with the fact that they'd never like me back and they should be happy with someone else" with a dash of self-deprecation. Basically also "cutting ties." Again, a painful but funny read
Entry 5, April 2020: Me liking them again and admitting it and just letting it be. So far this has been a very dramatic teleserye
Entry 6, August 2020: Me seeing that past me was stupid and learning about loving fictional characters 😍 This me was honestly harsh to the me's before, but. Deserved. Then again, she may have crossed a line
Entry 7, March 2021: I realized how stupid everything was, from March 2020 to August 2020. I said, and I quote, "All I can say is, why? They look crusty. And you're kinda dramatic. Though all your words would make for a very good fanfic. I might use them in the future. That's all I'll thank you for." Then I talk about Tsumugi Tsukioka and Albedo OSNDKCKNDKSNF and just "make peace with the previous me's"
Entry 8, August 2021: Just added two more characters who I will not mention bc I don't really like them as much anymore? And I was wondering why I liked them in the first place (I still wanna know why)
Entry 9, December 2021: Remember typhoon odette? Yeah, it was during that time. I'm pretty sure I was typing on the way home in our car. There's a lot of stuff here so the basic summary is judging past me, adding enstars characters (most of whom I don't like as much anymore too), apparently Simeon came home twice?? Idk what card tho, talking about the games I played, Alexa play jealousy jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo, begging for a character to come home, learning I won't have internet for 80% of the time (I was suffering so bad, it's worse I really wanted a card from an on-going event)
Entry 10, January 2022: Most of the bad stuff that happened bc of the typhoon was over! I didn't manage to get that card that I wanted (I did in the future tho) but I managed to get the rest of the cards in the next event 💪‼️‼️ Hence the start of me loving Eden (enstars) (Don't ask how I did it, I'm not entirely sure either. But there were many sleep deprived days with non-stop grinding). I end up talking about the characters I love again (delulu moments)
Entry 11, March 2022: Yeah, fun fact, by this point our wifi hadn't been working for 4 months. And I finally discovered I apparently like Azul Ashengrotto a Whole Ton!! Yay!! (One line here is definitely delusional, idk what I saw back then) I also ramble about my lovely mutuals from that time, some of whom are still my mutuals today! (Shoutout to the homies, love y'all <3) Hmm there's some talk here about some stuff I'd like to leave in the past. But! As it says, on a happier note, I also talked about some ocs and ships <3
Entry 12, March 2023: Updates on my favorite characters, more rambles about my lovely mutuals, and back to being delulu
Aaand that's it! I have surprisingly fewer entries than I thought? Anyway, that's a little silly summed up version of how my brain chemistry changed from 2019 to 2023! Now that I'm remembering it, I might update it soon
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
What keeps you here (listening to Redacted, slightly engaging with fandom, writing for it)? I don’t mean that in the annoying ‘omg why are you here if you’re gonna complain’ way. As I think it’s heathy for a fandom to discuss what could be better about their fandom space and what works and doesn’t work for them in the media they’re consuming (and even as someone who enjoys 99% of this place, this fandom’s ‘don’t even say that you don’t like a thing’ is unlike any fandom I’ve ever been in, big or small).
I’m asking ‘cause I’ve been listening to Redacted since 2021 and it became a fixation, but recently I feel it fading a lot (I don’t find the narratives as compelling anymore with Quinn and Avior being the recent ones, HBS was just okay even tho nothing quality wise changed to me, even my enjoyment of the podcast has waned (and I listen to a ton of podcasts of all types so that should have been the one thing that stayed lol, but they are inconsistent then come back and talk about Pokémon Go only for 70% of the episode every episode lol so I think that’s what’s not helping).
So what brought you here and what keeps you here now? What do you think will keep you engaging with his work? What do you think will (or could be) what makes you step away (whether abruptly or gradually)? (Sorry for all the questions. I’m curious. Hope you have a lovely day!)
Thank you for the ask! I know this is long and a little word soupy perhaps, but i hope you can glean some coherent meaning from it.
Under the cut bc long.
I've been here since very very very early in the channel. Like...... 2020 early. I was getting back into listening to rp asmr after having a small interest in it a few years earlier, and i came across redacted, a lil baby VA. Redacted had some unique qualities in the rp asmr scene, and if we're being honest he still does.
My brain kinda decided to hyperfixate on Redacted, i think because he had plot heavy audios and that wasnt super common in this genre of rp. And in the beginning, the plots were actually decently good in terms of writing and whatnot.
At some point along the way, that fixation became something of a special interest eventually. Probably sometime around early 2022 when i decided to join the discord to finally see some fanart and maybe make friends with people in this fandom. That kinda sent me down the rabbit hole of realizing "oh shit yeah these people have wildly different interpretations of these audios", which started to irritate me in regards to a certain magical therapist and i ended up writing a fanfic about it after being afraid to write for literally most of my life. I got very mixed responses, but some people were really kind and expressed gratitude for my writing and that made me actually want to be a part of this fandom, even if i stay in my own little corner. After that point i started to engage with the content far more critically, and decided that i care about his videos too much to not talk about them and critique them.
I can't really tell you why i stay here, not exactly at least. I think plot-wise the videos have declined in quality greatly, which i started paying attention to. I have been known to enjoy bad media. Like a lot. I watched all of Voltron, all of Vampire Diaries, 13/15 seasons of Supernatural, the Twilight movies, and i fucking enjoyed them. Im just a fan of shit media. Its really fun to critique as well! But like..... I don't think Erik is an all around shit writer, i think he's really good at some things. Character building (the base of a character at least), universe building (for the most part), and the line writing is really good actually, i enjoy them. And i think that he's decent when writing darker content and plotlines, look at the Adam plotline, the Ivan plotline, Imperium AU etc. So i guess the answer is i enjoy critically engaging with it and actively critiquing the art, as well as being attached to the characters and the universe. I have kinda yoinked the characters and they are now my little barbie dolls to play with.
Tbh i ignore most of the fandom bc i just..... simply do not care what people i dont know think about me. I think that majority of this fandom has demonstrated not just a lack of critical thinking skills, comprehension of fandom etiquette, and media comprehension skills, but also a lack of basic human decency and kindness. I do not care what people like that think of me. I know who i am, my loved ones know who i am, and im not gonna let children on the internet stop me from making the art i enjoy.
I take breaks from listening to videos every once in a while (like 2 months at the beginning of this year), but i always end up coming back. I guess im curious as to where this all is going, and i really really do want to see this man get better at writing which..... hasnt happened yet but i guess im patient enough to wait lol. I think he hit a new low recently though. I think the Quinn storyline is the first time that the bad writing actually made me like... angry. Like i was MAD, like shaking laughing in my bed mad. It took me an hour to cool down like what the fuck was that man 😭 If i think about it too hard ill get all riled up again.
I.... don't know what would make me step away tbh. Idk what that would take, but i guess it'd have to be worse than the Quinn arc, which is setting a pretty high bar.
So yeah i think i stay here because i love the characters (or the ideas of them), as well as the universe, and i think writing fics for them is really good practice for me. There's also some very sweet people in this fandom who have been nothing but kind and encouraging to me, and i do not want to let these interactions i have with you guys fizzle out just yet. I may not know yall or directly interact with yall a lot, but i really do love you guys in this little corner of the fandom ive carved out.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
So a followup to that other anon's question: how do you think the Survive crew would handle the events of either Tri or Adventure 2020? Either facing the enemies or being in the same situation. Your pick.
Really glad you said Tri and not LEK <3
I think they'd handle the early stuff well. Taking down monsters as they come, being welcoming towards The New Person. They don't have an 02 equivalent group to suddenly have go missing but if they did I like to think they would notice. But also that's me just being mad at the writers in Tri bc I don't even think it was in character for the 01 kids not to notice jsjskdn
This has nothing to do with the important part of the plot or the enemies I just want you all to imagine a world where more of these kids are going to the same school together and they're all having fun at a cultural festival.
Characters I think MIGHT say something if their partner got infected:
-Shuuji bc he'd feel like his responsibility is to the group as a whole
-Kaito bc if Miu got hurt bc he didn't say anything he'd feel awful and tbh Dracmon would probably say something if he didn't anyways
-Aoi for similar reasons of "I can't let everyone else get hurt bc I was selfish" if even she can't stop crying while telling the others
-Maybe Miyuki? She's definitely someone who would take the L for the team but at the same time...actually yeah I just realized Renamon would tell everyone HERSELF bc she's not risking Miyuki getting hurt jsjdjd
Aaaand yeah that's about it.
Minoru I feel would try SO hard to fix it himself without anyone finding out, even to Falcomon's protests. Takuma is kind of a toss up on account of the whole "player character" thing but considering there is at least one route where he cares more about Agumon than like...the world itself, he might not have it in him to something. Miu would absolutely not risk saying something that might cause anyone to think they had to destroy Syakomon. Same with Ryo and Kunemon. I think Saki would be similar to Minoru in the sense of "I can fix this." After all, Ceresmon can heal herself, right? She would simply not accept that maybe this virus is beyond those powers. No nope nope, her partner is FINE.
I kinda joked about it before but genuinely I do not know how Akiharu would work in the Adventure universe. I'm choosing to imagine him as baby Haru but then also still Takuma's jogress partner bc we need that Omegamon. How did that happen, I don't know, I'm not paid enough (at all) to think of these things. Also I do not think that version of him would be able to tell on his partner.
I think they would handle their partners losing their memories...about as well as the Adventure group. A lot of a panicking, a lot of crying, a lot of trying to do anything at all in the world to stop it. And they would 100% go to the digital world to find them again.
It would be kinda funny if all their partners were in their in training forms though and all the kids except Takuma were like "what the fuck is that thing" isiiskdnd
I guess we kind of already know how the Survive group would react to thinking Takuma was dead for an extended period of time, huh?
Who would be the holder of the goggles in his absence? Minoru? Probably Minoru.
Oh man, it would be so crazy if one of these kids partners ever fused with an evil digimon to make a bigger eviler digimon as a direct result of their grief. Ain't seen nothing like that in Survive ever hahahaha...hah.
I guess the ending would probably also happen about the same way? Lure Big Evil Digimon away from the city, hold out until Takuma gets back and they can just Omegamon their way through it.
Too bad it wouldn't be nearly as gay though :(
I'll be honest I only ever actually got about twenty or so episodes into Adventure 2020? I didn't not like it I just accidentally got behind and never had the will to catch back up. I would kill to see the Survive crew having to zoom call into a battle tho ksjsndn
The real question is are any of the Survive kids as fearless and badass as 2020 Takeru bc that little guy was NOT fucking around.
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passanima · 2 months
watched the rugrats remake
takes a moment getting used to the 3D and some parts stay ugly even then (specially hair) but it's more on model than i expected it to be and generally cute. love the colors
what i do not understand is the changes they made in the story. specially the timeline. instead of being born in the early 90s they are now 2020s babies. in a way it's understandable as the target demographic is likely old fans who are now adults and possibly parents who would want to share the series with their kids, and for said kids to relate to them more. but it kinda adds nothing
the most pleasant add-on to me is seeing the parents work. it's not necessary, because the show is from the point of view of the babies so of course they're unclear on what their parents do when not at home. but it's still nice
most unpleasant is what they did to tommy's grandpa. for some reason they turned him into a 70s hippie wih a braid and tie-dye shirt who does yoga. when. he used to be a "back in my day" type of tired old man who's most sporty activities where camping and fishing but he couldn't do that much anymore as he spent most of his time napping. the only reason i can see to that dramatic a change is the writers thinking he was boring? which is wild to me cause he wasn't. also there was a reason for him napping a lot, plot wise. because he's the one babysitting the most, him being out gives the kids more opportunies to explore and have fun. which is what the whole show is about. also it's easier to forgive him for not taking care of the kids when he falls asleep than when they give him random reasons to be distracted
art style wise the reboot also suck at designing/modelling old people. they just refuse to put wrinkles on half of them, making them indistinguishable from characters in their 20s. it looks and feels really bad
the reboot is lgbt friendly, making the twins mom a lesbian. at least i'm pretty sure she's a lesbian and not bi because she only talks about ex-girlfiends and they got completely rid off the twins dad. makes sense for the character, it always seemed probable for her to be gay but i keep wondering what happened to the dad. is he just a sperm donor in this version? they never say
a otherwise weird thing they did was change some of the babies dynamic. susie is added to the baby crew which i assume means they aged her down. even tho she was the same age as angelica before and a sometimes only character. this was likely done to add more diversity as the baby gang (and parents) are all white but this was done very awkwardly if so
the relationship susie had with angelica and their overall dynamic together is then given to kimi for some reason. like... why
so, overall not that bad but i'm kinda pissed cause
following 'all grown up' where we follow the baby gang as teens... the new show should have been about them as adults, raising their own kids
it would have been way more fun and interesting. i get that it's a reboot, not a continuation, and the original line up of characters are the iconic ones so following them as adults would not have worked as well as a nostalgia bait show + would have given us a lot of new characters to get used to but
what a missed opportunity! the writers noticed there was a diversity problem... grown up show could have fixed that. writers wanted to give us canon gay characters... grown up show could have done that. writers wanted it to be placed in the 2020s... guess what grown up show could have been without messing up the timeline?
we could have had tommy and chuckie getting married and raising kids together but nooooo
i would have loved seeing more different type of families. like, they could still be friends as adults but not all of them parents. i could see phil being a single dad and his sister having a kinda a crazy life compared to him, who came back home after a while and became the cool aunt (other ideas aren't as fleshed out but you get the idea)
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noblechaton · 11 months
on October 16th, 2020, I started playing Persona 5 Royal
on October 16th, 2023, I finished playing Persona 5 Royal
here's some thoughts I have on the game and the inbetween. spoiler warning btw - gonna talk about a lot
I picked up Persona 5 a few Christmases ago for myself while it was on sale at Gamestop because while I'd seen very little from the game I had grown pretty interested - I'd had an interest in Persona 4 and plenty of friends who enjoyed the series in various ways, too, so I figured it'd make for a good like. "in", as it were. but then I never really got around to playing it and eventually found out that a Royal version was coming, one that would have changes and additions and such and decided to just outright wait and get that one since like. it'd be better, presumably
and while I can't really speak to the vanilla experience as I hadn't played it and probably won't I will say that based on what little I know about the game as a whole I'm kinda glad I waited because Royal was an experience
I had few expectations given how unfamiliar with the series I was but I knew it'd be long and that there were sim elements to some degree, though I was surprised by just how engrossing it all was. it really does come across as a life simulator at times, with how much stuff you can do being kind of ridiculous in both good and bad ways imo. I loved the confidants (tho I still think there's one or two too many - Ohya literally never made it past level 1 for me lol) and the minigames like darts, baseball and such. every activity was at least amusing for the most part, though the job elements felt kinda shallow and there were some things I was surprised weren't more involved like the arcades
there's just so much here though, all the same, it's overwhelming but ultimately worth it to try and do at least a little of everything by the time the final credits hit. there's so much going on that it's why I stopped playing at times, because I'd stop for a day or two and then think about all I had going on in the game and all I had to do and just sort of groaned to myself lmao. it borders on a chore at times, but it's always fun. there's a flow to things, where you chat up confidants and play pool and do laundry and go to Mementos to do requests and then go to school the next day and answer questions so you can chat up confidants and play darts and go to the bathhouse. etc. etc. there's a cycle to things that's really addicting when it gets its claws in you, though things are at times kinda mundane and your interest in something can vary pretty heavily depending on the character(s) you interact with
which is to say that I really enjoyed it overall. just about everything up Futaba's palace was some of the most fun, engrossing and immersive stuff I've played in a game, snappy and addictive and so fun. I was having a blast, despite health and personal issues alike, and feel that period of the game is definitely the strongest as far as what I assume the base game was like, and it definitely lived up to whatever hype I'd seen up to that point. I loved the introduction with Ryuji and Ann and the buildup of the concepts and themes, I loved the gameplay and how it genuinely wanted me to think and consider my moves in a way I haven't in most other games, I loved the core cast and how despite some shallow stuff here and there they all got endeared to some level, the music, the style, the story. Yusuke was a great addition, Makoto was even better and Futaba's entire substory felt so impactful and strong, it really resonated with me, and how it connected to the larger narrative was great
and then I hit Okumura's palace and my opinions fucking nosedived lmao. it's not so much that I didn't like the place - the aesthetic was fun, the music and style were still great too. it's more so that Haru had been alluded to or otherwise had a slight presence to that point and then the payoff to her was. Ryuji and Morgana getting into some melodramatic fight over nothing? huh? I genuinely still don't really get it. I don't know why they couldn't do that story earlier on, when it would have made more sense for the characters - nor do I know why it basically assassinated Ryuji's character and likely Morgana's too
it doesn't help that Okumura wasn't at all interesting like the previous palace rulers were - which, granted, was probably intentional given that he wasn't really a natural target in the narrative - and that Haru stayed in the backseat for the duration. she didn't even get that big a moment prior to the boss fight, which was also maybe the single worst boss fight I've ever subjected myself to in a video game, one so bad and frustrating that I almost outright dropped the game as a whole before I took some time and learned how the max difficulty actually makes it easier lmao. the fight sucked, the writing jumped off a cliff, whole place was just nightmare fiction
things rebounded a fair bit with Sae's palace and Akechi taking a more serious role in things and it all kinda smoothed out again through the rest of what I assume was the base game. which I'll say - I loved Akechi. the guy was so much fun, from his social mask that hid the insanity beneath to everything he does in the third semester. easily one of my favorite rival characters in anything at this point, and his relationship with Ren Nobility was a total treat
but yeah. Okumura's palace definitely sucked a lot of fun out of the experience, enough that I took another long break lmao. but a short while back I came back around and knocked out the end of the "vanilla" story, as it were, and found it pretty okay. I think I would have been fine with it had I played that version, but since I unlocked the third semester and got the more Royal portion of the game I will say I don't think I was satisfied with the original ending in comparison
a lot of this stems I think from how much fun I found Maruki I as a character and then as an antagonist. Shido didn't really leave much a mark, the God of Control also didn't do much for me despite the Mementos palace being really neat in design/aesthetic. going from like, realistic, street-level shit people to a girl in desperate need for help to a guy who kinda didn't deserve it to someone who kinda didn't need it to a boring corrupt and shitty politician was kind of lame honestly. I know he technically jump started the game but Shido just left me with very little impact throughout - a guy that needed to go down, but that I wouldn't have flinched at being the third or fourth target lmao. I definitely would have preferred Akechi as the final boss, or something like that
but Maruki was a breath of fresh air honestly. I went into the game with relatively few spoilers or expectations but then it felt kinda obvious that his side of things was both new - an issue with Royal implementation in general imo, it all felt kinda obviously new though I'd say Maruki himself felt the most well fitted - and that whatever he was going on about would impact the end of the game
and boy did it fucking whip
I love antagonists like him. people that you get to know and see and understand as a good person trying to do good for others that's constantly stepped on and shoved around by people with less than good intentions, that finally break and try to take matters into their own hands and become somewhat twisted and corrupted by their own still respectable, upstanding morals and goals. Maruki wanted to help ease pain, to erase it from people and help them, and his intent never shifts wildly nor does he ever come across as some suddenly crazy guy and I really appreciated that. he believes what he's doing is right and, in some way, you could argue that it is - or at least that his goals are in the right place, while his means ultimately aren't
his palace and that entire third semester are sort of highlights for me and I can't really imagine a version of the game without that now. I found it all so strong for the most part that it probably stopped me from ever playing vanilla or at least from playing it for a while
this also brings me around to Sumire - I quite enjoyed her as a character and her story I thought was really solid and given some recent events a fair bit impactful but, as I mentioned, I wish the Royal stuff was better integrated. you go into the endgame and there's a meeting of the Thieves and they basically look at the camera and go "Jeez, sorry, Yoshizawa, you can't come along because you didn't exist when this portion of the game was made :/" and I think that's pretty detrimental. she kind of isn't much of a character throughout the majority of the game, she's rarely acknowledged by the rest of the cast (save Akechi, who I think had his role adjusted in Royal too fwiw) and it really shows, though nothing barring a proper remake of the game could really amend that I imagine and what is there is still good, just sorta nailed into the preexisting structure, as it were
as far as the more general game goes. yeah. this is the one, honestly. I dunno if I can classify it a masterpiece both because I haven't played the others and because there is plenty I didn't like - I found that the romance routes were all pretty hollow for the most part given how most of them end with a sudden turn towards the romantic lol, a good few side characters weren't all that engaging to me and only seemed to exist to give me something to do, Okumura's palace is genuinely that bad, Shido could have felt more important, the twist near the end of the base game was kinda whatever, etc. - but it's definitely really good and has certainly left a mark on me, enough that I keep wanting to play it even now with the game finished. I gave it a 9 when I put it in my media thread and that opinion hasn't really shifted much in the days since. maybe a replay at a faster pace would lower it, or raise it, dunno
above all else though, Persona 5 was an experience, and I feel that word is the best I have to describe it
it reflects a lot of my best and worst days from the last two years, it holds a lot of warmth for me. it's a comfort game, it's fun to play, it's engaging and immersive unlike most any other game I've ever played. there's a lot to it, a lot of gears and a lot of things, it's long as hell even despite my gaps in playing. there's downsides and low points, but there's also some of the rawest shit in a game too. it's got a killer soundtrack, amazing presentation, endearing characters and plenty of stories that gripped me. it ends with an exhausted fist fight against the biggest and yet more understandable antagonist you've faced while one of the coolest tracks in the game plays
it took me three years, to the day, to beat
and I'm glad I saw it through
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kyaruun · 1 year
Since when did the graphics suck they're literally so cute
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This one is literally embedded in my mind like I ASSOCIATE this with you
It isssss literally so cute but your other graphics are also so cute wthhhhhhh
Buuut I can do some tutorials on things you wanna know that I can do? I've been wanting to make a tutorial for a while now actually
. Me too like I don't have a schedule and while I write on a "rotation", I spend so muxh time and energy on irl things that I don't get much time to write. I literally haven't gotten through my reqs from last August. Rip my 800 event from. Before then??? Cannot even keep track it's been like a year
My follow count is only that high bcs I wrote for haikyuu (in 2020 its peak) then I joined the genshin bus kinda early (?) Which is still huge and I wrote misc fics for whatever else, and it was also my edit blog??? And now I'm here shitposting so I got followers from like lots of places
The way yours is in the 700s and a loooot older than mine pls I'm also in the 700s in nazukisser.... insanity
Well personally i love your leo so I think that it should happen because you deserve it. And writing a series.... yes.... smaus are so fun I have domicile on nazukisser for reference if you want it and my fav smau ever is club stupid by tumblr user kodzuvii highly recommend I just become a redhead kita's cousin and tendou's best friend number 1 miracle girl and down bad for suna rintarou whenever I read it.
WAAAA I can't wait to see your revamp !!! Thank you.. I always try to have some sort of match (character/color/style) all throughout!! If you need help/opinions/etc lmk!!!
Right like what happened . We were thriving. Then we boomed for a second and died. Like I see the nazuna x reader tag and ME AND KAZE ARE THE ONLY ONES like bruh? And my fics have been flopping tho it seems everyone's have been flopping too
Yeah the only thing keeping me tied down here is the server..... it's like my lifetime... come back we miss you
I MISS NURI TOO... bee has arknights now....I miss.... and runanananna....... ate swanee's writing.... SHE DOES THAT TO US TOO not that I hate it but she drops like a couple of lines in snippets and dips and I'm like *SCREEEECHES*
If you come back to my server we welcome you back we miss you :(((
I can only be grateful that some of us are left tho.... i7 is so dead and e7 LMFAO??? I was legit the only one it was so darned sad
THAT'S THE ONLY ONE I LIKE!! i love watching vids about journaling and that kind of thing and they make the cutest decorated polaroids so i wanted to do something like that but very cutesy themed,, spring made me think of picnics so gingham <3 i actually played around with a few similar concepts like polaroid + random stickers and i planned to make banners with that but uuuu there are so many characters,, can't keep my focus for too long. i think they came out cute but it's probably too late to use them </3
i always wonder about what do people use to edit their pics because i was born a ps girlie and i still don't know how to use ps properly oops making your themes look nice and cohesive,, those cute pinned etc etc people who edit icons and make them look super aesthetic
i think i never tried to promote my blog because followers don't feel like an integral part of the process for me. i just write what comes to mind and share it with the world: if people like it i'm absolutely delighted and if they don't well,, at the end of the day most of my writing has been fun for me ^^ like come on i've written things that are silly and self indulgent and they worked fine and i'm here like. wow
i have considered writing for more series but the thing is the media i like has a fandom of like. 2.5 people on the good days. so it really doesn't make too much sense to even try that <.< genshin fandom scares tf out of me so i'll keep my extra fluffy albedo thoughts to myself. the bazillion "childe being a dumbass in love" posts. kazuha writing poetry. oops. getting flashbacks to the time i almost made a hypmic blog but i stopped myself at the last second out of embarrassment
i'm torn on whether a) people just aren't interested in that kind of content anymore (no way) or b) people DO read our stuff, they simply don't interact. not even a like. the migration of people from other social media into tumblr,, like sorry but i've been here since 2016? and it gets worst for writers every day </3
i have an immense amount of cute enstars thoughts a day and i feel like if i can't share them i will combust (my best friend has to deal with me every day),, it's mostly cute romantic stuff with my favs and my ocs, for obv reasons so i'm like uuuu should i even tell this to someone it's just embarrassing. like only other enstarries could understand why i keep rotating this bunch of dorks around my brain and getting the biggest serotonin boost out of it ueeee
i kind of miss being in a server with other people. i've been feeling very lonely lately due to uni so i think that'd be good for my mental health but at the same time,, i don't want to go back to talking once in a blue moon you know? ooo to be an anxious mess every day of your life.... like i get nervous so easily and i know i'll make someone uncomfortable so i simply keep quiet or i don't know how to join conversations because my social skills are -1. i'm a bit of a mess TT
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as a bonus for reading all of this, wips of some of the banners/wallpapers? i was working on the last time. rei was meant to be a light pink/purple ish kind of shade but i don't mind how these came out either ^^ i need to print the cgs as polaroids again
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
For the artist asks, 2, 11 & 18 :3
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
in no particular order:
pokesona, the stars are falling (not posted, will be posted with this years redraw), jewel's house, sleeping jewel, jewel's bedroom (also an extra bcuz i really like it but couldn't find the compressed file to put here: be back soon screen)
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i have a lot of fun drawing my pokesona, it was drawn completely using vector lines which was unbelievably enlightening
the stars are falling was first drawn back in 2020 and has become a way for me to compare how my art has developed over the years. 2020 only featured Jason (he/him), 2021 only had Zero (ey/em), and 2022 includes the former two plus Cleo (she/her, but shes bigender and also goes by Liam he/him), 2023 will include Jason and Ambe (she/her). its a way for me to basically do a benchmark test on my composition and anatomy and colours and shading. i always have a lot of fun drawing it and sometimes making whole new brushes. important note: this one was actually submitted to an art contest, sadly i lost but it was actually my first time since elementary putting my art out with the intent to be judged.
jewel's house was my first time drawing and designing a house and finding different places to incorporate hearts was literally so much fun.
sleeping jewel is just super cute and jewel's bunny hoodie is my favourite thing ever. i have it on my phone and could stare at it for hours.
jewel's bedroom is ALSO a redraw. i enjoyed trying to fit so many things in it, i enjoyed sketching, i enjoyed lining, i enjoyed colouring. though this is actually my least fav of the 5 bcuz i fully believe the idea that your art is only as good as its weakest point. that's not to say its bad or that everyone will approach it as critically as possible. not even to say that everything needs to be perfect. but when i was rendering it, i didn't want to shade. so i took a funky brush and just rushed thru shading. in fact you can see that when watching the speedpaint, i just kinda scribbled the shading. HOWEVER that doesnt take away from the fact i think the rest of it is really well done. i think i did well on the bed in particular and the fact that i stylized a real bed that we own and my actual childhood bed that i would die to get back (we owned two, mine was lost when mum and dad had to abandon my childhood home bcuz of shitty roommates and a shitty landlord) i enjoyed drawing my actual stuffed animals and my actual lolita dress. it like actually has sentimental value bcuz of all of that i just wish i did it better.
11. favourite comment you've ever received on your work?
uhhhh so like i dont usually recieve comments on my work aside from my family's "wow i could never do that" soooo well go with the comment you left on my bunny hoodie design bcuz as far as i can remember iirc it was the first time id gotten a nice comment about my fashion designs and i was really happy someone liked it bcuz im like super nervous about my silly fashion doodles :)
18. do you have any larger projects you'd like to pursue? like comics, shortfilm, a series, etc?
yes! id like House Of Misfits to be a cartoon, tho the show would probably be lighter than the short stories bcuz i don't imagine i could explore Amber's backstory on screen. im making a proof-of-concept website which is technically online and more than 70% unfinished.
i also have a coming-of-age novel i need to do research for called Saftey Blanket about a hijabi girl named Aminah in her senior year of highschool (if i made it a series wed get to see her twin siblings realize they're trans which would be fun but rn they are but lil babbies), id like to make a children's cartoon and a visual novel but i don't currently have any ideas for either.
btw despite the fact that i am an animator, i don't want to animate a show. i want to run a show. i don't actually enjoy animations longer than maybe 10 seconds.
i have a side project based around the album A Constant State Of Ohio by Lincoln that would be a very personal project around self image while having multiple personality disorders (and other problems), but i cannot for the life of me make an animatic. there's lots of ideas like this jostling in my brain, like a stop-motion animation of Through The Roof n Underground by Gogol Bordello, where i just simply cannot which i am fine with.
then theres the fact i do actually want to sew my fashion designs, at least that bunny hoodie if nothing else, and i cannot get my hands on any fabric despite owning a sewing machine
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kpophubb · 2 years
Good morning sunshine🧡💛💛💛
How did you sleep?
2:26 📨
Utube dilemma 👹
Lifestyle insp
Memories 🔐
Me if I were
US 🎵
lixie is sending u new pics ~~ 🫧 ; for good mood uuuu 🤘🏻🫵🏻💋 ;
volunteers to take care of you when I'm gone;;; I wanted to attach my piccc but I'm not pretty😭 I know you will argue, because of your angelic nature,
Wishing you as always I lovely day can a way to hear from you ~,hope to talk to you soon ❤️Wait for me❤️
* 🐁 🌙 * hope all the links are workin 🙈
ꕺ♡ 💌 : ….𝕿𝖔 𝙼𝚈 нуυηวιη … ꕺ♡
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♡..hi my darling!! First to tell you that all the links are working🥺 and I viewed everything and I’m so 💖💖 the felix smiling pics, voice message on bubbles, gyu kisses and gyu volunteer 🥹 how on earth are you soooo cute?? You always know how to make me smile <3
♡..I know many people find felix’s voice super sexy ( and I do too sometimes) but most times, it’s just so soothing and relaxing for me tbh. He’s my comfort person. I see him more as my ball of sunshine and my sweet dose of serotonin so hearing his voice always calms me down and relaxes me. Especially the good night messages and words of consolation. 🥺🤍
♡.. I liked our playlist, my love. I’ll be hearing all the songs soon (even tho some of them I already heard). I am so in love with the emojis you added as titles aww.
♡…my week has been so so¿ I mean at the beginning it was super fun bc I felt so active and healthy, my best friend came over at my place and we spent the whole day together 😍 and then the day after, it was my niece’s 6 months. So we had a home party w some guests and I dressed up and had a lot of fun with her! But then..I fell super sick and now my health and mood is all SO BAD I have been snapping at everything bc I feel like crap 💔
♡..your memories board is so cute..😭🤍 it’s melting my heart. I am so flattered and ngl my eyes feel watery at the amount of love you’re showing me. It feels so heart warming to see you have captured every detail of our conversation and I’m just🥹🥹 and Awwh! Yes 100% I’m real. If you ever wanna see me or hear my voice to confirm, let me know okay?? I don’t mind declaring to you confidently that you’re super precious to me and I’m and will always be here.
♡…I also take inspiration from YouTube videos..tiktok videos and mostly Pinterest! They all inspire me and motivate me for my dream self lol. I have 2 acc on Pinterest , one for kpop+ anime & the other one is my personal acc. It’s here if you’re interested to know more about me personally haha.
♡…I’m very happy to be here for you. I feel so glad I can make you feel safe and accepted cause that’s all I ever wanted to make you feel. 💛 I’m still glad I could be there during your bad times those months, and I could see you getting up. I can’t wait to be here for you through the rest of your growth.
♡..and oh my god anonie!! That’s scam!! Pls go reclaim your money baby. I can understand your feelings lmao, I’m always changing my looks or style bc it feels renewing kinda?! I’m sure you’d look great with perm! <3 I’d love for you to show me too. I’m someone who speaks up if someone infront of me is wronged but weirdly enough..when I’m wronged, I stay quiet? Idk I just let it go when it comes to me. But I’m so glad you have ambitions to portray Justice and stand up for people.
♡….it’s okay if every year you take resolutions or plan something and can’t make it sweetie. It happens. I’ve been trying to be where I am since 2020, but finally at the end of 2022 I achieved my goals. Life has its own pace. I’m sure you can be the boss lady you want. 🫶🏻 and pls don’t feel like you haven’t done enough in life or life is passing away without you having done anything remarkable. Im sure even if your past has been filled w traumas and bad memories and no real progress, in the future great opportunities and memories await you. I believe it, truly. 💗 people are truly truly bad and the world is so warped and cruel I agree, 100% and life isn’t sunshine and roses. But at the end, we just have to see the good in every situation (even tho there’s not always good everywhere) and find joy in the small things no matter how trivial and hard it might seem. Baby steps to get there, remember love? I pray you’re always surrounded by nice people from now on who truly make you believe in the magic that you are. 💙
♡… noo, your thoughts aren’t a mess. I love hearing your mind, it’s fascinating how you have a lot of thoughts about things around you. It’s admirable. It never creeps me out or bothers me, so please rest assured and keep telling me everything you feel like. I’d love to be your human diary! <3
♡…no you aren’t childish!! Using emojis are cute and I feel like they help you understand your emotions better behind the message and words. Or else it’d be easy to misinterpret your words. Like if you say “it’s okay” after someone apologises to you it might seem like they’re still mad at you and upset but if you say “it’s okay☺️💗” the other person might be relieved and believe that you guys are truly on good terms now.
♡..and no I don’t mind you being older !! Omg pls don’t feel uncomfortable and think I’ll ever shut you out. Age is just a number, love. And just bc you’re older doesn’t mean you have to feel pressurised to take care of me or anyone younger than you or be more reserved and act mature. To hell with all those stupid rules and obligations made by society. Who cares? Just be you. I love taking care of people, no matter if they’re older than me. I’ll accept you just the way you are so you don’t have to filter yourself for me. I know it’s easier to open up if you’re keeping some things about you to yourself and being anonymous cause you can’t be judged at all, so you can keep doing that. No pressure hun. Take as much time as you need. I’m not running away and never will.
♡… there was a time I believed in astrology but growing up, I stopped? I don’t know it feels very unreal to me. Do humans really have the ability to deduce the events of the future? Idk I’m quite skeptical. But it’s cool to check horoscopes and be interested in it. The quotes are by ours truly, felix. So here’s one for today. 💛
ꕺ♡ ….💌 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 ƒєℓιχ 🌤️ ꕺ♥︎
[☁️….𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲] ⇘ ♡♡♡
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kimnjss · 4 years
just perfect || jjk
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⤑  series: cherry pickers
⤑ pairing: gamer(fuckboi)!jungkook x video vixen(virgin)!reader
⤑ genre: barely any angst... smut!!
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 7.1K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: cursing, slight dirty talk, mentions of blue balls, oral sex (f. receiving), multiple orgasms,  (mutual) masturbation, grinding/dry humping, quiet voyeurism/exhibitionism, overstimulation, handjob, fingering, jungkook is a lot whiner than you’d think, nipple play, spitting, penetrative sex, yn being a quiet dom, riding... yoongi nd hobi run in a museum.
⤑ A/N: this is out a lot later than i wanted ., but a bitch got sad nd didn’t feel like writing :/ - we good now tho . thank you for being so patient w meee .i hope you guys like this one lowkey a big one so let me know what you think x 
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MAY 16TH, 2020 | 15:56
From the moment the two of you stepped onto the shooting set, it was pretty obvious to Jungkook that you were a big deal around here. He was used to putting you on a pedestal and treating you like a princess, but the fact that the other models, the majority of the staff, and the photographer treated you the same way was a bit mind-blowing for him.
Before you're even shedding your jacket, a short woman dressed in all black is rushing over with a robe in one hand and your swimsuit in the other. Ushering you in the direction of where to get changed, all while placing a chilled sparkling water in your hand. Complete with a straw. He follows behind, only half listening as the concept is explained in great detail to you. Following you to the gigantic dressing room, just for you.
A large couch is pressed against one wall, facing a dramatic vanity with an equally dramatic cushion bench. Jungkook is plopping down onto the large couch as you're lowering yourself onto the bench, hair being pinned back by two stylists who are quick to start on your makeup.
Simple chatter flows between the three of you and Jungkook finds himself admiring you with an unwavering smile on his face. You're so pretty. Always so pretty and sweet too. He likes the way you speak to the ladies as if they're old friends, laughing along with them with the prettiest smile on your lips. He's sure he could sit here and watch you forever.
Positive of it when the ladies are finishing with a final brush of your neatly straightened hair. They're waving goodbye as you stand, shimmying out of the tight jeans that you had arrived in. Carelessly tossing them onto the couch beside him before reaching for the hem of your shirt. Getting undressed right in front of his greedy eyes, he's not even ashamed for the way he leans forward on his knees to get a better look.
Forcing a gasp down when you reach back, flicking the clasp of your bra loose. It takes everything in him not to reach forward and take hold of one of your heavy breasts while wrapping his lips around the other. The sounds you made that first time still imprinted in his head. You sounded so pretty underneath him.
“What do you think? Should we get something to eat after this or...?” You speak so casually as if you're not putting on an unexpected right in front of your sexually frustrated boyfriend.
Sexually frustrated might be a stretch, honestly. The two of you found ways to enjoy each other without actually doing the do... but there were times where he hoped, silently of course, that you'd just say fuck it. Sober minded as him to fuck you because he'd deliver no doubt. He'd be more than happy to do it. “Yeah, I could eat.”
He sounds distracted and he is. Rightfully so, because you've just discarded the tiny pair of panties to pull on an equally small bikini bottom. Giving him a pretty good look at your ass and the way it jiggled with each tug of fabric.
“Great. I'll get us something. You're not going to be bored, right?” Arm wrapped around your chest to shield your breasts from him, you toss the bikini top around in your other hand, attempting to untangle the stringy garment.
Jungkook can't even focus enough to answer you properly. He's more concerned with the growing bulge between his legs and whether or not you can tell how turned on he is right now. You do notice, but it's way much more fun to see the uncomfortable shift of his hips, the hesitant tug at the end of his shirt, and the dust of pink in his cheeks than indulging him right now.
Taking your time to secure the bikini top on to your body, you don't pull your gaze from him. And you love the tiny pout that appears on his face once your tits are disappearing from his view. You make a big show of leaning over to reach for the robe you strategically set behind him, chest in his face.
He's letting out a laugh, hands reaching out to find your waist. They're cool against your warm skin, paired with the smile you can easily feel your body heating up. He's looking at you through hooded eyes, almost as if he could devour you at any moment. “You're messing with me, huh?” Gently tugging you onto his lap, hands sliding down the sides of your body and onto your bare thighs.
You're used to being seated on his lap. It's your favorite place to be, honestly. But, with the lack of layers between the two of you, there's nothing to shield you from the very prominent bulge pushing against his pants. Pressed firmly against your core, just one calculated shift of your hips and he'd be nudging against your clit.
And with that shit-eating grin on his face, it's obvious he knows it. Definitely not one to give up control so easily, you're the first one to shift. Eyes fluttering from the drag of his length against your slit, having to force back a moan as your hands tangle themselves in his soft hair. Shooting a well-practiced look of innocence in his direction, you let a soft smile push on to your features.
“Of course not. Why would I mess with you?” He's rolling his eyes instantly, sitting up to press his forehead against yours. Lips stretched into a teasing smile, hands secured tight on your thighs. Easily using his grip to hold your body against his. “Are you sure about that?”
His voice is so deep and unbelievably sensual, you have to physically stop yourself from ripping his pants off and riding him in this dressing room. With a giggle and a shrug, you're hopping off of his lap. Leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips, “Guess you'll never know,” You say, turning to the perfectly timed knock at the door, calling you on to set.
Jungkook is letting out a huff, used to the blue-ball feeling at this point. He doesn't say anything as he stands from his spot, following you out of the room and on to set where they want you. Watching quietly as you're told to pose. Not being able to tear his eyes from you and how good you look in that way too small bikini.
He has always been a huge fan of your confidence. Loved the way you were always so sure of yourself. Loved how you walked, how you talked, how you acted as the entire world belonged to you. It would if he had any say in it. That had to be the first thing he found himself attracted to when he first spoke to you. How confident you were even just speaking to some stranger online.
Conversations seemed to flow with you because you never second-guessed yourself, you never hesitated. You were you all of the time and he loved that. He felt like he didn't have to guess anymore, although it took some time to figure you out, now that he knew you he felt like he actually knew you. He loved that.
The way that he got to know you, the pace that you set for your own reasons really forced him to take his time with you. Not like it was a bad thing. It wasn't bad at all. Because he wasn't in such a rush to kiss you, feel you, fuck you. He was able to enjoy the experience of knowing you. Learning you. Falling in love with you.
All before sleeping with you. 
Literal chills run down his spine when your gaze meets his. Laid flat on your back with the photographer over you, finger snapping pictures insistently. You've got this real sexy look in your eyes, gaze trained on his. Shooting a kiss in his direction and he feels his cheeks darken at the act.
Unsure when exactly he became so easy, but here he was an absolute blushing mess all because his pretty girlfriend decided to blow him a kiss. 
He finds himself sitting at the edge of the seat. Waited with bated breath for the moment you'll look at him again, granting him any ounce of attention to make his heart flutter. And instantly perking up when you're allowed a break. Grinning wide when you're making your way over to him, your long robe draped over your shoulders.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Taking your rightful place on his lap without a second of hesitation. Fingers curling in the hair at the nape of his neck and forehead leaning down to bump against his.
Jungkook allows his fingers to creep beneath your robe, landing directly on your ass. Gently using his grip to pull you closer to him. “You look really good,” He's hard again and it's all your fault. Desperate for some type of attention, he can't help the way his hips lift toward you.
You ignore the movement. “Thank you.” Nails scraping against his scalp gently, knowing how much he likes when you have your fingers in his hair. “I saw the way you were looking at me. Kinda makes me wonder what we'd do if we didn't have an audience,” Words barely above a whisper, but he's hearing you loud and clear.
Every syllable going straight to his cock. He can't even think of what to say, mind reeling of all the possible things the two of you could be doing if you were alone. He wanted to taste you. Has been craving it since the first time he had you upon his face. And fuck, you always looked so good with his cock in your mouth. Jungkook loved to see how determined you were to swallow him down.
Or he could fuck you... on one of these plush circle sofas. Stretch you out and make you whine for him. Tell him how good he's making you feel. For the first time. Have you call out his name while you cum, squirming underneath him.
“You're thinking about it, aren't you?” Voice so sweet by his ear, lips grazing over the shell of it. He's on the verge of losing it while you're just enjoying yourself teasing him. Dark eyes find yours, clouded with lust and a type of need that you've never seen before. Without a word, he's nodding his head, teeth cutting into his lower lip.
A grin pushes onto your features, hand reaching up to push the hair in front of his face back. “Should we go straight home after this, then?” The pounding of your heart only picks up, knowing exactly what you're about to hint at. Yet, you've never been more sure of anything in your life.
You wanted Jungkook. You've always wanted him, but no more than ever. In ways that you never really cared to explore before him and now it's like if you don't do something about it, you'd surely explode. You wanted him to be your first. No need for the dramatics or specialties, it was simple.
Jungkook was the one you wanted to fuck for the first time. “I can't stop thinking about how good it'll feel to feel you... you know?” Brow raised with your hand between your legs, resting flat against the no doubt painful bulge in his pants. His eyes are all but popping out of his head. “Do you want to?”
He knows what you mean. The look in your eye giving way to the fact that you're speaking more than what you've been doing all along. You wanted to do more and you were sure of it. You're not nervous or hesitant, so sure of yourself like you've always been. You wouldn't have said anything if you weren't. 
“Y-yeah. I want to.” 
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MAY 16TH, 2020 | 17:03
Jimin was never a fan of museums. Not once did he think 'Oh, let's go check out this old painting that a bunch of dudes hung on a wall!'. He didn't care for them and didn't understand the hype at all. Would never be caught dead in one... unless his friend's relationship was at stake and an annoying boy with a pretty smile was dragging him into some elaborate ploy to get them together.
Only in that situation would Jimin pull out his beret and tweed jacket and drive the whole hour to the aging building. Hoseok in the front seat, chatting the entire way about how excited he was to check this place out but couldn't because of... circumstances.
He really said it like that, as if the two of them weren't more than aware of what the 'circumstances' were. That was the thing about Hobi, he liked to act like nothing was happening when literally everything was happening right in front of him. Brushed the entire argument off with Yoongi as if it was some fever dream and acted confused whenever someone asked him about it.
So wrapped up in not being seen as weak for caring, he just chose not to care. No matter how many times his friends assured them they didn't care what he did with his romantic lives... because it was literally not their business... he still kept up with the act. Which was why Jimin couldn't be so sure this plan would work.
Who's to say Hoseok wouldn't just act like he's bumping into a stranger and then turn the other way? That would do way more harm than good, hurting Yoongi way more than he needed right now. Especially since this was the first time he's gone out other than the studio in days.
Despite his worries, Jimin still goes along with the plan. Taehyung seemed sure of it, which had to mean that he knew something that he didn't. It would be fine. There was no way they could be put in a worse situation than they are now. Right?
The moment the two of them are entering the building, Hoseok is taking off in the direction of a piece he's excited to see. Jimin spends the entire time following close behind him, secretly texting Taehyung for the proper time that they can 'accidentally' cross paths. It had to be as natural as possible to keep from the two of them knowing that they've been set up.
A squinted glance across the room followed by the most believable 'Hey, isn't that...' and then absentmindedly leaving them alone so they can work out the problems that they have. It was a good plan. It was going to work. He just had to continue repeating it for it to be true, everything was going to go over just fine. Just perfect.
An hour... or six, according to Jimin pass before the long-awaited text is lighting up his phone. A one-worded message letting Jimin know where to head next. His newfound enthusiasm earns an eye raise from Hoseok, but nevertheless, he allows himself to be pulled in the direction of the next exhibit.
They're just halfway there before Jimin is stopping in his tracks, letting out a slightly forced gasp as his eyes widen. “Oh! Isn't that Taehyung... and Yoongi over there?” Hoseok's head snaps in the direction his friend is pointing, heart rate skyrocketing at the mere mention of the man's name.
Across the way, Taehyung is seen doing the exact same thing. Complete with a dramatic hand over his mouth and even wider eyes. Yoongi is not buying it, standing frozen with this scowl on his face as Hoseok and Jimin make their way over to where they're standing.
Oddly, Hobi doesn't seem reluctant to approach him. This was stupid, the avoiding each other, not talking when clearly they had a lot to talk about. While this would be his preferred method to handle things, he hated it when it came to Yoongi. All he wanted was to be close to him again and if that meant looking weak in front of his friends then so be it. He missed him.
He's prepared to say all of that, lay it all out for him, and try to work on mending things so they could get back to where they left off. The closer he gets though, the tighter Yoongi's throat gets. It feels like he's swallowed cotton balls and the sensation makes his eyes water. Heart pounding in his chest, getting louder with each step taken in his direction.
Until it's all too much to handle. Too scared to hear what Hoseok might have to say. Yoongi was out of line, he was the one in the wrong so there's no telling how upset Hoseok might be with him. He couldn't handle that. So, once he's close enough to speak Yoongi is taking off in the other direction. Running away and leaving the three men to stand there confused.
“Yoongi, wait!” Hoseok is calling after him, legs moving without giving him much of a say. Chasing after him like he should've done that night. Instead of walking away, he should've stayed. Made sure that he was okay, tried to make things better. He had been too negligent in their relationship, ignored a lot of the things that bothered him. And this was where they ended up.
He had no intention of doing that now.
Hoseok chases him until his feet ache and then a few feet after that. Catching him outside just a few blocks away from the museum. He can't help the laugh that falls from his lips when Yoongi is stopping to catch his breath, taking careful steps in his direction. “Yoongi, please stop running. I just want to talk to you.”
Too tired to keep up with the chase even if he wanted to, Yoongi is standing. This awful sad look on his face that he tries to mask with a frown, arms crossed over his chest. “I have nothing to say to you.”
Stubborn was fine. Hobi had no problem with dealing with stubbornness. At least he was talking to him. And in this case, he didn't need him to say anything. “That's okay. I have a lot to say to you. Starting with, I'm sorry.” He's moving closer to him, carefully. Not wanting to overstep and set him running again.
“I should've been more considerate of your feelings, Yoongi. You told me you didn't want to keep us a secret and I didn't listen. I'm sorry for making you feel like I wasn't proud of being with you because I am. I love being with you. I just... I didn't think it was that big of a deal? And I didn't want everyone in our business, but I was selfish and should've paid more attention to you.”
He's had a lot of time to think of what he has done and how he could make things better between the both of them. Had practiced his apology a dozen times in the mirror and then a dozen more. The real problem was working up the courage to take the first step. So seeing him here, whether or not it was a real coincidence, there was no better timing than now.
Somewhere within his apology, Yoongi seems to soften. Arms dropping to his side as he listens to what is being said to him. This whole thing, the base of their fight really could've been resolved easily. There's no doubt about that. But when pride and egos get invoked everything becomes a huge mess. But seeing Hoseok in an almost vulnerable state was new, it was nice in a weird way.
But Hobi wasn't the only one in the wrong. Yoongi knew that. “I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have tried to make you jealous. I knew how you felt and I ignored that because it wasn't what I wanted. I could've been more considerate too, it wasn't just you.” A huge smile is breaking on to Hoseok's face, taking the last few steps to close the space between them. He's landing a large hand on the side of Yoongi's neck, thumb stroking against his skin.
“Can we get back together? I don't like not being with you.” His lower lip is jutting out in the cutest little pout, Yoongi can't help but smile at him. Eyes rolling playfully as he nods his head, accepting the eager kiss that's placed on his lips.
Strong arms wrapping around his body and pulling him close. Kissing him in the middle of the street, for everyone to see.
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MAY 16TH, 2020 | 21:11
Jungkook kisses you hungrily, hands roaming around your body with purpose. That being, getting you undressed as quickly as possible. You're giving him the same treatment, teeth and tongue clashing as you fumble with the buckle of his belt. Barely entering his house before his mouth was pressed against yours, not parting for more than a second since then.
He's lifting your body onto his with ease, carrying you up the stairs and into the bedroom. The shirt that he had been wearing was left in the doorway along with your jeans and jacket. Setting you down on the bed, he takes a moment to admire you. Lipstick smudged and eyes sparkling. Your hair fanned around your head against the pillow. The rise and fall of your chest, the longer he looks at you the harder it gets to believe that you're his.
Leaning down, his face finds the crook of your neck. Hands spread your legs apart so he's able to fit between them nicely. Sucking a trail of wet kisses down the length of your neck, he's so hard pressed against you. Harder than you've ever felt him before and you're sure it comes with the anticipation of what's to come.
His fingers are tangled in your hair holding your head steady as he leaves marks against your neck. He's being cautious, careful despite his desires. Not wanting to push you too far or do too much too soon, but all you wanted was him. And you didn't want to go slow. Had done more than enough pussyfooting to last you a lifetime, you just wanted him now.
Plain and simple.
Hands work to unfasten the button on his jeans, tugging them down with motion straying far from being fluid. He laughs at your struggle, pulling back into a kneel. His large hand coming down to replace yours, watching you through a hooded gaze while dragging them down the rest of the way. It had been pretty obvious how hard he was through the fabric of his jeans, but even more so through the thin layering of briefs.
Jungkook was big, that much you already knew. Impressive even when soft and you've never seen him this hard before. Was it all going to fit inside of you? Had trouble taking just two fingers of his and he was much thicker than that. The thought of trying, though, having him stretch you out has a familiar warmth pooling between your legs. A determination settling in your chest. You wanted to be able to take him. Need to.
He's reaching for the hem of your shirt, mumbling something out about fairness. And with a quick lift, your shirt is being tossed somewhere behind him. Large hands cup your breasts, body moving to settle back between your legs. Thumb experimentally rubbing against your nipple through the thin lace and it's not enough.
It seems he has the ability to read your mind with the quickness of the way he reaches behind you, fingering at the clasps of your bra. Moving it out of the way until your breasts are resting freely on your chest. The soft moan that falls from his lips has your walls clenching around nothing. An even louder moan emitting from the back of your throat as his lips wrap around the hardened bud.
“Jungkook,” You gasp. Teeth sinking into your skin while his fingers work the other side into a peak. 
He has been embarrassingly hard this entire day and the sweet moans that leave your glossed lips do nothing but add to that. Absentmindedly his hips rut against yours, thick cock brushing against your wet core, covered by the flimsy material of his panties. It almost hurt how bad he wanted you. Mind reeling with different ways he could take you, but he was so anxious about fucking it up he seemed to be playing it safe.
And you could tell. Even the usually frantic thrusts of his hips were calculated, just barely missing your clit and not nearly as hard as normal. His mouth is releasing from around your nipple to leave a trail of wet kisses down your body, tongue painting wet streaks against your skin. But you're stopping him before he can fit his head between your legs.
“Wait. I-I want to feel you... I want to make you feel good first,” Just as much as this was something big for you, you wanted it to be the same for him. It was not only your first time ever, it was also his first time with you. It should be fun for him too, right?
His eyes are widening as if you just suggested something as bizarre as nude bungee jumping, but the sound of your giggle has his body relaxing almost instantly. He watches as you sit up, arms wrapped around his neck. Kissing him fervently, hands knotting in the soft curls of his hair.
Warm tongue parting his lips, coaxing him into a kiss that can only be described as sloppy. Teeth grazing against his lower lip while your hand palms him through his briefs, his lips fall from yours to let out a low groan. Head dropping to watch the way your hand moves against him. “Fuck,” He sighs out almost in disbelief. 
Soft curses fall from his lips as your grip tightens around him, more pressure applied to the movements of your palm. He's moving his hips along with your hand, eyes fluttering and head bowed. Trying so hard to watch the way your fingers squeeze around him, but it's too hard to concentrate on anything but how good you were making him feel.
“You're so big, Kookie. What do you want me to do?” Voice laced with seduction, it's hot enough to make his cock twitch. If you kept on like that, it won't be long before he's blowing his load. Before even taking his boxers off, how embarrassing. 
He doesn't need to think, because he knows what he wants. Has thought about it on more than one occasion and wanted to try his chances tonight. “I... touch yourself. I want to see you touch yourself,” There's obvious strain in his voice, trying to create a coherent sentence through breathy moans.
His request catches you off guard, so sure that he'd ask you to suck him off or something that would be beneficial to him. But you don't protest, the thought of him watching you do something supposedly private egging you on. It was hot, him wanting to watch you. And it was no secret how inclined you were to giving Jungkook exactly what he wanted.
You're laying on your back once again, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your panties. Making a big show of taking them off, loving the way his eyes follow the material down your legs before he's dragging his gaze up to your bare pussy. Glistening with arousal all pink and pretty.
“Like this?” Middle finger tapping against your clit, body tensing at the contact. Jungkook kneels beside you, breath caught in his throat. Not daring to look away as your finger lightly moves over your clit. “Harder,” He whines, realizing you're teasing him with how gentle you're being.
Giggling softly, you apply more pressure, rubbing perfect figure eights into the little bundle of nerves. His lower lip caught between his teeth, brows furrowed and eyes focused. He looks so hot, gently stroking himself. Cautious in his movements so he's not pushing himself too far too soon.
He watches with bated breath as your hand slips lower between your legs, finger teasing your entrance with your eyes trained on his. Your jaw falls slack as soon as the digit pushes past your walls, eyes fluttering as a soft whimper of his name leaves your lips. “Holy shit.” He groans, picking up the pace of his hand as you do the same.
Not sure if it's the fact that he's watching you or the sight of him getting himself off to the sight of you, but you're speeding toward the edge quicker than you expect. Finger curling up into yourself, just barely grazing the rough patch of skin deep within. The heel of your palm nudging against your clit with a timed accuracy. Back arching as your whines grow louder.
“Fuck. Are you gonna cum?” Wildly in tune with your body, you can't even think to deny it. “Touch me,” You plead and he doesn't need to be told twice. Springing forward and landing his fingers on your clit, rolling it around underneath his touch. Your free hand lifts to wrap around his length, wrists twisting rhythmically. You feel the stutter of his fingers from the effects of your touch. 
All at once, the pressure built in your belly is snapping. Walls clenching around your fingers as your legs shake, eyes blurring as your orgasm washes over you. Jungkook's fingers are quick to replace yours the moment you're pulling out. Pushing deep inside of you and teasing your gspot. Just barely come down and you're already being thrust into a second orgasm, hands flying to grip his forearms.
“Jungkook, fuck. Please, please...” No idea what you're begging for, but the last thing you want is for this feeling to stop. He watches the way your hips move, fucking yourself on his fingers while your arousal leaks out your tight hole. Fists gripping the sheets as you squirm.
He doesn't pull back until your body is relaxing against the mattress, chest heaving up and down as you try to catch your breath. His fingers are wet with your juices, shining in the dull light of the bedroom. Quick to push them past his lips, moaning at the sweet taste of you coating his tongue.
Through hooded eyes, you watch the way his tongue moves between his fingers. Lapping up every last drop of you. As if he had just finished a five-course meal.
“You taste so good, baby.” He's mumbling out, a shy smile pushing onto his lips realizing that you've been watching him. Lowering himself between your legs, wet fingers pushing your hair out of your face. “Are you good to continue?” He smells like you and tastes like you when you lean up to kiss him.
You'd be crazy to say no, knowing how badly he wanted you. How badly you wanted him. The quick nod of your head is all he needs to cover your lips with his one last time, before lowering his body until his face is just inches from your throbbing clit. “Could spend all day down here,” He laughs out, soft lips pressing a wet kiss against your clit.
He doesn't need you to walk you through it, has paid you enough attention to know what you like. Diving it without an ounce of hesitance, tongue lapping against your wet hole. The tip of his nose pressed firmly against your clit, bumping against it so deliciously it has to be on purpose. He's got a tight grip on your thighs, keeping your legs spread wide for him.
Whiny moans vibrate against your pussy as he sucks your folds into his mouth, hand reaching for your clit. Pressing against it more deliberately, rolling it between his fingers as he works his tongue into your tight whole. Moving like a man starved, his groans are just as loud as your moans. Fingers gripping his hair to keep his head in place, hips lifting to meet the swirls of his tongue.
So wrapped in how good he's making you feel, you almost miss the steady rut of his hips. Shamelessly grinding his throbbing cock against the bedsheets. As if he's buried deep inside of you. With his tongue flat against your clit, he's pushing two fingers past your walls. Curling them deep inside of you. And you're seeing stars, back arching off the bed as a loud cry of his name falls from your lips.
Your entire body is on fire, legs shaking while your arousal flows out of you. His fingers continue to move at a steady pace, tongue flicking slowly against your clit until your loud moans are turning into desperate whines. Lips, chin, and nose shiny with your arousal, and all he does is smile. This big toothy grin that makes your heart flutter.
Just about delirious from coming three times in a row... and he hasn't even fucked you yet. God, you wanted him to fuck you. And you could tell he was holding back from doing just that, precum leaking from the tip of his cock staining the sheets. He wanted you too. But he was stalling.
His fingers move between your legs again, teasing your slit as he leans his head back down between your legs. Ready to make you cum with his mouth again. Your cunt throbs with overstimulation, positive that you wouldn't be able to take much more and you wanted to feel him before you were out for the count.
“F-fuck me, Jungkook. Please, I'm ready.” Fingers at his bangs, pushing them back so you can get a good look at his face. The way his movements stutter to a stop, eyes widening just slightly.
But he nods, kneeling back on his knees. Raking his own fingers through his hair, desperately trying to calm the nervous tick in his heart. You were so perfect. Laying beneath him, ready for him to fuck you. And there was nothing else he wanted to do, but he couldn't help but feel a bit of anxiety over it.
It was your first time after all. What if he fucked it up? Ruined it for you and then every single time you thought back to this moment you were filled with nothing but distaste. He just wanted to be perfect for you. And with the way you were looking at him, he felt like he could be. Felt like you thought he might be.
That was something, right?
“O-okay. Uhm...let me get a condom,” Clearing his throat awkwardly, he's cursing himself a million times for not sounding as confident as he should. With a huff, he's leaning over to reach for the bedside table, fishing through the drawer until his fingers are meeting the tiny foil packet.
He puts it on away from you, not wanting you to see him fumble with it due to the nervous shake of his fingers. Once it's secure in place he's moving back between your legs, nearly choking at the sultry look on your face. Long legs wrapping around his hips to pull him closer.
And he feels like he can't breathe.
With his chest pressed against yours, you can feel the hammer of his heart almost perfectly. That paired with the flushed look on your face is enough to make you pull back, getting a better look at his face. “Are you alright? Your heart's beating so fast.”
“Yeah, I'm just nervous. Fuck and I don't even know why...” He's laughing at himself with a shake of his head. It was you. He shouldn't be nervous around you. Always felt so comfortable, so sure when he was with you.
But this was big. This was your first time and he felt like he had to be different for some reason. Better? Yet, little did he know he was exactly the way that you wanted. Just being himself. “Do you want to stop?”
He's shaking his head quickly, eyes widening as he reaches back to tighten your legs around his waist. “No! No. I want to feel you... you look so good,” The last part of his sentence comes out as a whine, his hips lifting to meet yours. The action alone pulling a soft moan from your lips. Almost knocking your train of thought from your head.
“If you're nervous...”
Jungkook is quick to cut you off with a kiss, fingers moving between your legs. Middle finger tapping against your clit before he's drawing circles over it. “Shh, shh... I'm fine.” His words are murmured against your lips, tongue jutting out to swipe over your lower lip. And with the insistent push of his cock against your thigh, you're convinced.
“Okay.” He's smiling, leaning back to take hold of himself. Large palm wrapping around his length, lining himself up with your slick entrance. Breathing out heavily before he's lifting his gaze to meet yours. “You ready?”
Legs spreading in response, you're quick to nod your head. Hands braced on either side of his torso, body laid flat on the mattress. “Mhm.”
Extremely cautious with the way he pushes past your walls, allowing you to feel every inch of him as you stretch for him. It's foreign and a little uncomfortable, he's taking his time, being careful not to hurt you. Stopping halfway to give you a chance to catch your breath, thumb rubbing circles against your clit as an attempt to soothe you.
It brings a bit of the pleasure back, but your eyes remained squeezed shut, blunt nails pressed into his skin. With his head bowed, he's allowing a glob of saliva fall from his lips and onto your pussy, treating it like a lube as he pushes the last few inches inside of you.
You can tell he's holding back, cheeks burned red, and brows furrowed. He's got a tight grip on the sheets above your head, the thick vein at the side of his neck throbbing. Slowly, he's dragging his hips back, pushing back in roughly.
“Fuck, Jungkook.” You gasp, surprised by the pleasure that mixes with the painful stretch. He repeats the action a few more times until he's feeling you loosen around him. But you're still squeezing him so tight. “You're so fucking tight, baby.” He whines, desperate to go faster, harder. Be greedy. 
He's pulling back until his mushroom head is catching against your hole, pushing forward with a loud whine. “I'm gonna cum. Fuck, you feel so good.” You're opening up nicely for him now, his cock slipping past your walls with ease and it's too good to bare. For both of you.
Much different from your fingers or his. And you're not ready for it to end yet. “Not yet.” You groan, fingers holding his hips steady you lift up to take control of the pace. Moving a lot slower, giving him the chance to collect himself. “Hold it, Kookie. Be good for me,”
Your words flip something deep inside him, turning on the compliance inside of him. He wanted to be good for you. Of course, he did, he always did. But hearing you say it just made him desire it more. But at the same time, he was right there. It would be hard to hold back, no matter how much he wanted to.
“I-I can't... Yn, baby.” Soft whines hit the shell of your ear, the grip he holds on your hips tightening, trying to get you to move faster. His face buried in the crook of your neck, sucking sloppy kisses into your skin. All while rutting against you urgently, clutching on to every bit of self-control he has not to finish until your say so.
And you can't help but enjoy it. Having him come apart for you like this. Fingers moving quickly over your clit, whining each time your walls clench around him. It's not long before the pressure is building in your stomach once again, your moans growing high pitched as his frantic thrusts become stuttered.
His head lifts, lips covering yours. His breathy moans dying on your tongue, growing as he feels the beginning effects of you cumming around him. With the flutter of your walls and the shake of your legs around him, he can't hold back anymore. “I'm...” He tries to warn you but is a second too late, already feeling the condom expanding inside of you.
Pretty moans fall from his lips as he cums, fingers continuing their movement between your legs through it all. He cums long and loudly, untimed thrusts hitting against your hips. Your fingers toy with his hair until he's calming down, placing soft kisses against the inches of skin you can reach.
He finishes with a curse, arms giving out and body collapsing onto yours. He's breathing heavily against you, vision blurry and sweat sticking your skin together. But you have no desire to move, enjoying the hammer of his heart against your chest. It matches yours.
It takes him a few moments to come to his senses, pulling out slowly when he does. You feel every inch of him on the way out, a soft moan following. He's quiet with discarded the used condom, cheeks flaming red paired with a dopey smile on his lips.
“What?” You laugh after the third time catching him staring, looking away with blushed cheeks. A soft chuckle falls from his lips, shoulders shrugging as he reaches for you. Gently tugging you into his embrace. “Nothing. I just... liked that?” His cheeks darken, eyes lifting to inspect the ceiling.
Insane how he quickly he could turn into this cute guy afraid of eye contact just seconds after begging you to let him cum. “Me too.” The tips of his fingers mindlessly trace the indents his abs make on his stomach. “It was perfect,” A large smile splits your lips, nodding your head at your own words.
Perfect was the best way to describe it. And it had everything to do with the fact that it was with him, save for anything else that occurred. It was perfect because it was Jungkook. Your head bobs in another affirmative nod, hand lifting to touch his cheek, turning his head down to you.
Kissing him sweetly for a moment, waking the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. A welcome feeling that comes each and every time his lips are on you. As if it were the first time. Everything felt like the first time when it was with Jungkook. “Yeah,” The grin grows on your lips, arms wrapping around his body and head finding his shoulder.
There's not a single thing you'd change about him. About you. About the two of you together. It was exactly what you wanted. 
“Just perfect,”
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— known for your body and surrounded by rumors about your sex life… rumors that he doesn’t think to doubt. until he’s meeting you… forced to realize there’s much more to you then the thonged shorts and lacy costumes.
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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alexmercer2424 · 3 years
Hey!! Can I request the 6 main characters from Hazbin Hotel meeting a human (gender neutral) who’s from 2021 and they tell them all of the crazy, modern stuff that’s happening in the world rn? Thanks!😊
HH Main 6 Hearing about 2020/2021
Given that they all died at different times (with Angel and Niffty who possibly, possibly died around the same time) they all have different reactions
As curious as Charlie was with you being human still and not a demon, the events you spoke about didn’t interest her in the slightest
She’s how old? Her father is whom? Lucifer showed her it all, it’s what she studied at times, so plagues weren’t new, riots weren’t new, and government corruption wasn’t new
It was like reading about the Greco-Roman period all over again just with less myths and stories
Also she was more curious about you humans not learning from history and instead repeating it
Isn’t that your whole thing? It’s like her dad telling her the importance of the Heaven Hell War to make sure it never happens again
And if it does, that Hell is the winning side this time
Alastor had a different reaction
He was amused no doubt
The stock market crash ain’t got nothing on this! Oh how he wished he could’ve been apart of it!
The challenge of people staying indoors but blending in with the crowds of protestors and rioters
It sounded like a time only he could conquer and truly benefit from
But here he was, stuck in hell, waiting for all those corrupt souls to fall into his hands
Angel had no real interest to be fair
He’s never been into politics or news or current events
Probably thought a virus plagued his time as well, probably remembered a story he was told
Is kinda glad his sister didn’t have to live through that tho, wherever she is, heaven or hell
But other than that no real interest
Niffty also had no real interest as in them being real current events
But rather the idea of it all and the plot it could become for her fan fiction
It was like those zombie stories she read about (or some type of reanimation of the dead without labels)
Could make a great thriller or even a romance
Being locked together with someone you loved didn’t sounds like a bad thing to her
Husk had more of a reaction than the others
Because that was so close to him and his time
And yet, it was still so far away
What haunted him most was the being locked away
Being afraid to leave
He experienced similar things, but it wasn’t because of a virus
It was because of metal flying through the air
As for the corrupt government and the riots? He lived through that all already
When will any of us, as humans across the world and not country specific, will learn…
Vaggie was the most effected…
She died just years before this
And as much as she could care less about her own living and her own “what if” life
She cared about those she left behind and loved
They were living through all this
They may have been struggling
They may have been those families losing their jobs or their homes and actually getting sick and suffering just to die…
It made her sick to her stomach, to think about those people she cared about struggling so badly
Living in fear and not being able to do a thing about it besides the minimum
It did make her wish to be alive for a couple more days, or to somehow get up there, to try and comfort them
But she couldn’t… that wasn’t possible…
And Charlie comforting her didn’t help like it should’ve
It just made her feel guilty
Guilty she couldn’t do the same…
I know none of these previous years have been fun… but we’ve made it this far somehow!
To those who have lost someone from the virus, I am so sorry. No one deserves to die over misinformation being spread around, it wasn’t their fault especially if they tried being safe
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
w/ kuroo, kenma, asahi & bokuto
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requests: OPEN
warnings: none!
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i just watched a whole compilation of this and i was dying 🤣 i had to write this who cares that it’s 1 am
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you’re probably picking him up from practice or something like that
when he gets into the car, he’s already suspicious bc tik tok is open
“we making a tik tok?”
“yeah, it’s nothing crazy tho”
he nods and puts his gym bag in the backseat
you tell him you need to get lipgloss before you start filming
kuroo just nods again before taking a swig from his water bottle
and so it begins
you grab your bag from the back and swig it hitting him dummy hard in the process
he has the most unimpressed look on his face and you try to keep your composure
“my bad baby”
“really? over some lipgloss?”
“what? i said my bad, why you tripping?”
kuroo just rolls his eyes and goes back to drinking his water
now you’re pouty cause he’s annoyed with you
and bc you’re petty like that, you go to put your bag back
but not w/o making a show of smacking him square in the face first
the min– the minUTE you turn back around
boom. this dude throws water on you
“oh. my bad princess”
i hate this dude istg
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this poor bby
he just wants to play his game in peace
doesn’t even noticing you setting up your phone, he’s too engrossed in the game
you go and reach for your bag and hit him harder than expected oops–
he just touches the back of his head like ‘damn that shit hurted’
but other than that he just shakes his head and goes back to his game
you hit him again when putting your bag back
now he’s like !! cause wtf are you doing
kenma just looks at you silently as you “rummage” through you bag
eventually he goes back to the game thinking you’re genuinely hitting him on accident
you’re not getting the reaction you want so you hit him yet again
now he’s pouting a bit
“hey. are you doing this on purpose?”
🥺 ugh he’s baby
you feel sooo bad
so you lean over and peck his lips
“i’m sorryyy, did i hurt you?”
he nods a bit
“yeah, why is your bag that heavy anyways?”
oof i love him
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y’all are on your way home from a fun day at the mall
asahi is exhausted but you decide to mess with him before you pull off
he also doesn’t see you setting up your phone cause he’s resting his eyes
tired boi
n e ways, you take out your car keys and smack him in the face with your bag when putting it in the backseat
ngl he was half asleep when you did that so it didn’t register properly
he’s kinda just like ??? but doesn’t say anything
asahi closes his eyes again and you reach over and smack him once more
now he’s awake
“you good hun?”
yes, he calls you hun figHT ME
“yeah, why?”
confusion x10
he just sits up and looks out the window
now that he’s awake you can get an actual reaction out of him
so you hit him in the face one more time for good measure
asahi is just holding his face and looking at you with sad eyes
“aw, i’m sorry babe. are you okay?”
“no that really hurt”
i’m sorry but you just had to laugh
he sounded like a child
“hey! that’s not funny..”
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i believe bokuto is very well versed in tik tok
BUT his fyp is filled with the crackhead side of it so he doesn’t rly know to much abt couple trends
he’s seen a few but that’s it
n e ways, you’re picking him up from his house bc you promised to take him paint balling
your phone is already set up prior to him getting in car
he gets in and kisses you sweetly
“hey babe! i missed you!”
aww you love him so much
you almost feel bad for doing this
keyword: almost
while he’s talking your ear off abt only god knows what you swing your bag to the backseat
successfully smacking in the face while doing so
you stifled a laugh
“sorry kou”
he just nods and continues with his story
and so you hit him in the back of the head
“ow, babe!”
my guy looks like a kicked puppy
“why do you keep hitting me?!”
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry”
this shit is too funny so you do it again
now he’s whining, “babe!”
you’re full on laughing at this point not even trying to make it seem like an accident anymore
you keep hitting him
poor kou 😫
“why are you doing this?”
long story short, he was pouting for the majority of the day
you had to apologize a couple dozen times and kiss his boo boos better
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Noticing people admitting they get jealous of other people's ocs/self inserts and I honestly feel the same??? Not in a mad way, but in a "my heart hurts, unrequited love sucks. Their oc is better and prettier than mine. Why am I doing this??"
Not sure if it's worse but I also make my own ocs for the characters I love. So when i see others ocs, I often get discouraged about my own. Over the years, I've gone into hermit mode and avoided tags so I don't trigger myself. 2020 happened and I wanted to meet new people and make friends. I had the biggest nervous breakdown last year from burnout/stress and I still haven't recovered from it.
I don't like my looks or my body at all; I haven't done a self insert in a very long time. I only recently did it bc I thought it'd help but it made my feelings worse. Irl, I never had anyone crush on me. No one liked me or really dated me. I was often called ugly or fat (right to my face too). I'm not the thinnest either and I was often perceived as gross (not for being fat but for being very weird). If anyone did have a crush on me, I never knew. So why would any of my f/os love me if no one irl did?
I think the jealousy does come from a whole, like dang, their oc is better. like i,, i don't know what it is, but it sucks. like!! and then god forbid their is a fanbase and the comments are like yes!! [ship name]!! and ahh!! i'm like ouch. like it's in no way connected to me whatsoever, but like !!! their oc is so good and mine is not!!
like you're allowed to have an oc, obvs, you can do that and have fun!! i defs avoid tags and for me since i kinda stopped, writing is awful for me. like i will avoid reading other people's works of shigaraki purely because i can never like be on their level and like i can name two people that i will avoid even tho I love them, because I will feel so bad about my own writing
i do self insert when i like listen to music and think, but there's something about imagining myself that i'm like, oh, ew. like since i'm never looking at myself 24/7 i often forget that i have a face, like i have expressions. i wanna be faceless, an objecthead or something, like dang
i think the thing about like f/o is that they fall for the personality, at least in dating sims. like obey me devs are greedy, but they do such a good job with leaving MC as just faceless as possible.
i could go on about how society/internet culture is okay with weird nd cringe as long as it's socially acceptable and that the person is pretty, other than that, fuck off
insecurity is defs the hardest thing to rid yourself of but like you gotta have confidence and dress in things that you like, and do it slowly. but then one negative comment just fucking ruins you
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briankang · 2 years
how did u get into skz and what were the highlights of your time with them so far? also do u have a bias line? or is it just chan? also why chan?
omg ok so!!
i actually vaguely knew about them back in 2019 when around my pace came out and my friends tori and ayanna and i were like AYO THIS SLAPS??? and i added it to my spotify but i wasn’t into kpop as much at the time so i sorta forgot about them for a bit. then like. late 2020 early last year a gc i was in (which. lol) started getting into them and me like oh that’s cool! i distinctly remember them showing me chris and bambam on the survival show and them being like YOU KNOW BAMBAM EXISTS??? and me, who had liked got7 since 2015, like yeah! and me being like. ok but who is this he’s so cute 👀👀👀 and over time they showed me some content every once in a while and i was like oh they’re neat!!! the winter is coming eps and the goddamn. skz up all night videos are distinct to me. anyways it was around gods ddu du ddu du and their final kingdom performance i started to PROPERLY dig in and the day they performed wolfgang changed my fucking life. it was 6 am i hadn’t slept and i saw christopher chan bang flip in and then DO THAT WHOLE SHIRTLESS BIT and decided right then and there to buy their bubbles and stan then forever i never looked back DBWKEJWJEJNDN.
HIGHLIGHTS…..def when hyunjin came back, the release of noeasy. not to be annoying but talking to chris on video call literally changed my life bc i didn’t even enter into a raffle knowingly i just bought my scars albums and then it. it just happened i almost cried TRHEISJSJSJ. he was soooo kind like. it was only 30 seconds but he was just. ugh. so handsome and the fact that he got flustered when i said he looked nice fhejeehejjwjw and us just. chatting like two friends like i was sooooo nervous leading up and then he came up and i felt soooo at ease? the way he looked genuinely like ☹️ that we had to hang up and was like “times up ☹️☹️☹️ see you next time????” and looked rlly hopeful about it like. it lives rent free IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO GO ON ABOUT THIS DHSHSBSJS HE JUST!!!! it will never leave me ive never felt so lucky 💕💕💕💕 however mostly recent highlights have been hanging out with you guys and making friends like genuinely that’s been so fucking fun and i love you guys im so bad at replying unless we talk every day sometimes and can be kinda shy but everyone is SO kind i love stayblr. i also watched the fanmeet and streamed oddinary with tori and ayanna when it came out and that was so. fucking fun idk it was v warm i love being able to share what i love with my friends and not feel bad about it dhsbshwjsj
god. ok so im a libra (chris and i are two days apart actually, two years too it’s fun to me hehehee) and have never been able to pick just one bias bc im indecisive LMAO rn i consider it chris, minho, and felix and hyunjin. minho was not originally here. in fact i used to think he was so weird and didn’t care for his vibes but over time i truly did like warm up to him esp having his bubble. i find him so endearing and the way he just. cares is so subtle and sweet and his humor dhwgejwhjwj i didnt intend to love him like this. felix was an originally top boy tho but. as i always say. if u don’t like felix that’s a red flag like he’s nothing but kindness and warmth. hyunjin was also originally higher in my line!!! his talent is soooo incredible and idk he’s just so cute and silly and passionate and romantic. idk i think we would be besties!!!
oh christopher though. truly cannot explain the love i have for that boy it’s EMBARRASSING like. idk what it is but like that dude came into my life and nothing had been the same RHWJWSHASJSJ like he’s just so. he’s just SOME GUY RIGHT. but like. in the way you’ve KNOWN a guy like that who’s v sweet and well intentioned but awkward and silly. like a dude you were friends with or went to school with. idk that’s what i love about him like he talks about songs he loves or things he did back in the day and im like “wow we would’ve gotten along so well in school like we deadass would’ve been friends and i would’ve had a massive crush on him” RHWHEEHWJEJW like. he is just so kind and FUNNY and passionate and hardworking and just. the way he loves the Kids. ugh it just pulls at my heart and he’s so talented like the way he can literally do everything. the way he’s open with his struggles is so UGH and the way he gets flustered over everything is so cute to me and how he acts cute to everyone and just. idk i want him to succeed and always have good days and all of that. also he is so handsome oh my god like. AND cute like he does both i wish he believe that he was as good looking as he actually is. anyways i love him in a normal way a normal amount.
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