louisupdates 4 months
Louis Tomlinson in a restaurant in Santiago, Chile [22.5.2024] 馃摳 purowebeoo.cl on TikTok
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murderous-coffeebean 4 months
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Some Vetvimes for y'all~
Discworld 漏 Terry Pratchett / art 漏 Murderous-Coffeebean (tumblr & dA)
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prosy-days 4 months
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May 22, 2024 - Day 337
Decided to ball up some yarn while watching TV this evening.
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godsnameisjoy 4 months
Date: 22 May 2024
Duration: 61 minutes at 11:50 PM
I finally understand one habit making method suggested by Paramahansa Yogananda. When one wants to change from an old bad habit to a new one, there is much to be read in Yogananda鈥檚 writings. One of his methods is to make a strong suggestion to one鈥檚 own mind about the opposite new habit one wishes to establish. He has also written about making and breaking habits at will.
Our deep sleeping mind becomes accessible to us in meditation only after we have been blessed with an interiorised sense of hearing during meditation. I speak from my experience. Our hearing doesn鈥檛 interiorise until after many months of diligent meditation in the post-subconscious, post-kundalini phase.
Our deep sleeping mind doesn鈥檛 form images. Now imagine your attention travelling inwards to the image free mind space in meditation, not sleep. Now add an affirmation to your attention which is already in the image free depths. The words form shapes in a mind space that has no images. It鈥檚 a powerful self suggestion.
It鈥檚 likely that the flow of neural connections can be reversed at the depth of mind where no images form. I am able to consider it as a possibility after my recent mediations in the depths where no image forms. It鈥檚 one thing to dissolve one鈥檚 oldest thought routes in the chemical of peace. It鈥檚 another thing to allow the chemical of peace to create new channels of thought.
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phototagebuch 4 months
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thornilee013 4 months
Also 101 pls - @jtl-fics
prev | 101 Ways Not to Say I Do | WW 22.5.2024
"Do we get to know what this magical venue is?" Neil asked, rubbing the fabric of his shirt between his fingers.
"It's a nice one. A community garden nearby with an event building meant for weddings and such. Now come on, Allison, Renee, and her husband will be arriving in the next few days to help pull everything together, but I think we can pick out a cake flavor before they get here and manage to keep our heads on our necks."
"Oh? So picking out tuxedos is out of the question?"
"I think if we didn't let Allison choose your outfits, she would put all our heads on spikes without a second thought."
Andrew and Neil nodded grimly.
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madmanii 4 months
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May I shake your hand?馃
Aaa drawing the best face shin ever made hehe cx it's never too late to catch up on one's passed hyper fixations- even if it was slow and painful--- oh & coming from a video game background, I loved eating the different details c":
22.5.2024, Commsion/support Mani
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twostonesreversedos 4 months
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takovanormalnielie 4 months
N. se pomalu d臎l谩 l铆p. Vypad谩 to na拧t臎st铆 jen na n臎jakou alergickou reakci. Necht臎la jsem ani p艡em媒拧let, co v拧echno by to mohlo b媒t, proto啪e nic z toho by nebylo v暖bec dobr媒. Jsem te膹 o n臎co klidn臎j拧铆. Z铆tra se je拧t臎 uvid铆, jestli nem谩m n谩dor v b艡i拧e. Vtipn媒 je, 啪e m臎 v铆c znepokojuje odklad HRT, ne啪 samotnej n谩dor.
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c0llarb0nez4ever 4 months
Start: 22.5.2024
Goal: 70-73 kg, about 1 kg per week
Gonna reblog and add my progess
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louisupdates 4 months
Louis Tomlinson arriving in Santiago, Chile [22.5.2024] 馃摳 keremliam
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soedagoeng 4 months
Kavi Sang Pembelajar dan Menjadi Diaspora
Di pojok kreativitas Welt Museum, anak-anak diberi kesempatan mewarnai gambar yang sudah disediakan oleh pengelola museum. Setelahnya karya itu bisa ditempelkan di dinding dengan bantuan magnet.
"Dek, buatlah nama dan negara di kertas mewarnainya kayak orang-orang yang tempel karyanya di dinding tuh. Kavi, Indonesia."
"Ndak, Dedek Jerman. Bukan Indonesia."
Itu momen pertama dia menolak mengasosiasikan dirinya dengan Indonesia. Kami kira cuma sekali itu saja. Tadi pagi waktu di strassenbahn pas ditanya, "Dedek tu orang mana?"
Kavi jawab lantang, "Dedek orang Passau. Negara yang dekat Austria. Jerman. Bukan Indonesia. Dedek suka Passau."
Beberapa waktu lalu memang dia pernah bilang suka sekali dengan Kota Passau. Karena ada sushi, spielplatz, dan banyak sungai katanya. Kalau dingat juga, memang cuma Kavi yang menangis ndak mau pulang saat di Passau. Begitu berkesan Passau buat Kavi. Semoga kita bisa ke sana lagi ya, Dek?
Apakah Kavi di kemudian hari akan menjadi diaspora? Siapa yang tahu. Semoga keputusan yang diambil adalah yang terbaik buat Kavi di masa depan. Semangat belajar menuntut ilmu dengan tekun, Kavi Sang Pembelajar!
Wien, 22.5.2024
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wanderrealms 4 months
Nightingales somewhere
Helsinki, Finland 22.5.2024
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tagesnotizen 4 months
22.5.2024 | Oerlikon | 10.00h
Schneckenkragen ausverkauft, Schneckenk枚rner in Aktion.
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jukti-torko-golpo 4 months
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Snapshots of a rain soaked day. I went out to get wet in the rain deliberately after ages. It felt good. Also buldak sauce and maggi masala, combined, create an amazing taste.
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thornilee013 4 months
Slim Jim - @jtl-fics
prev | Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic | WW 22.5.2024
Jean couldn't deny the truth in that. "Can you only go where I go?"
Riko frowned. "I can go wherever I want. But not many people can see me, and even fewer can speak with me."
"Why did you run this morning?" Jean asked, not being one to waste time on any further smalltalk.
"Run from what?"
"The sun."
"I didn't. I just got tired of waiting," Riko said, but Jean could hear the lie in his voice.
"I can't sleep like this, Jean," Riko whispered.
"Watch your mouth."
"I'll stay up with you tonight," Jean said, then quirked up his eyebrow. "If you can admit that you were lonely."
Suncatchers and Golden Hours
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