#24 hour pharmacy
tomthefanboy · 1 year
People need their party pills for the holiday tomorrow!
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brattybottombunny · 4 months
why bring your child to the doctor’s office late at night if you’re not even going to pick up any medication they need tonight and you’re just gonna wait till the morning…
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pastafossa · 2 years
So I was up late last night cause first there was a minor ceiling leak (plumber coming next weds, ugh), and then poor dad got SO sick and it wasn’t immediately clear whether he’d need to hit urgent care and/or hospital and since I am generally The Up Late Person, I was the best suited to be the potential driver. We ended up not needing to go, but can I just say how baffling it was to open up google and hunt for after hours care only to find multiple urgent care centers that, while not technically open, had 24/7 virtual urgent care. This did not happen in my old town - if it was after hours, you were SOL, go bother the ER. Not here. Instead? Urgent Care’s up, call in and vid call, here ya go, head over to the 24 hour pharmacy (also a !). 
And I’m not sure if that’s just the difference between Small Town vs Large City, or if it’s Old Shitty State versus New Better State, but still, I’m continuously finding shit like this that seems weird but I’m now realizing isn’t.
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grouchythefish · 1 year
I miss 24 hour grocery stores and it makes me mad that people attribute the loss of them to the pandemic when actually it happened way before that.
But anyways I am craving ice cream so badly right now holy FUCK
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fursasaida · 2 years
Doctor: here's a prescription. The pills are very low doses so that you can experiment with the dosage and timing and figure out what works best for you. The max is 30 mg a day.
Me: great!
[2 weeks later]
Me: Hello, I would like a refill on this prescription please.
Pharmacy: it's not time yet. You have a month's supply.
Me: But we were figuring out the dosage, and it turns out I need 30 mg a day, so obviously I'm gonna run through 90 2.5mg pills pretty fast--
Pharmacy: if the doctor changes the dosage you need to have them call us, because your insurance isn't going to pay for it.
Me: But I have 3 refills--
Pharmacy: that's nice. The doctor has to send a new prescription.
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goldkirk · 2 years
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
oh my godddd my doctor called in my adderall prescription wrong and i’m texting back and forth with her assistant/receptionist/whoever and it’s a nightmare
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fxa · 21 days
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selfchiller · 1 month
Pharmacy line anxiety
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
Tomorrow’s to do list:
A fuckload of laundry
Wipe down everything (especially the windowsill where Benji likes to walk around on his dirty paws even though he has a cushion to sit on up there)
Clean Benji because he will probably get himself covered in grass
Hand Benji and all of his things safely over to his dad
Pick up my prescription
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agayconcept · 3 months
#well. my pharmacy got a new pharmacist who is Extremely Transphobic and is refusing to fill my HRT script#claiming i already filled it in april but i havent been there since february#accusing me of trying to hoard hormones for other trans ppl (??? i have Never met this woman what the fuck)#even says she put it into the system herself and ran it thru my insurance#i called them and confirmed#so she is now committing fraud#and on top of that Insists it was picked up therefore either she is lying and threw it out or she did give it to a complete stranger#(which is. So Massively Illegal)#so i need to report her to the college of pharmacists#but the problem is that now i obviously have to move my scripts to a diff pharmacy#so i spent all day yesterday asking local trans folks until i found a good one thats v accepting#so my drs office called that shitty pharmacist to fax it over to the new place and#she refused. absolutely wont do it.#insists she needs to 'speak with their head pharmacist first' to probably spew a bunch of transphobic lies#so ok i call the new pharmacy & explain everything going on with this bigoted pos & they say np they will call & put up w her to get it done#except ?? she is now HOLDING MY PRESCRIPTION AND ALL FUTURE ONES HOSTAGE AND REFUSING TO SEND ANYTHING EVER#and is threatening to label me in the system as drug-seeking#THIS IS LIKE 4 CRIMES WE'RE UP TO NOW WHAT THE FUCK#this woman is waging a one-person-war against me for existing as trans#and has now 1) committed medication fraud 2) committed insurance fraud 3) improperly handled medication 4) threatened a patient#so uh. i guess im gonna be involved in a legal case now#and on top of all that ??? i have No Way To Get HRT#at all#bc she put it into the system that i already received it so legally no other pharmacist can give it to me for months until that times out#so i guess thats a 5th crime bc she is now responsible for denying someone their meds and forcibly detransitioning them#ok. ok ok ok.#i have been having a 24 hour long panic attack and im literally sick from it#cant stop throwing up. feel like im gonna die#transphobia#medical discrimination
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spprkle · 6 months
Navigating Convenience: The Impact of 24-Hour CVS Pharmacies on Local Communities
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In today's fast-paced world, convenience is a commodity highly sought after by many. Whether it's grabbing a quick meal or fulfilling urgent needs, the demand for accessible services has led to the rise of establishments catering to round-the-clock availability. Among these, 24-hour pharmacies play a crucial role in ensuring continuous access to essential healthcare supplies and medications. In particular, CVS, a prominent pharmacy chain, has been at the forefront of this trend, with numerous locations offering 24-hour services across the country.
For individuals in need of urgent medical assistance or prescriptions outside regular business hours, the query "CVS 24-hour pharmacy near me" has become a familiar search term. This simple phrase encapsulates a significant aspect of modern consumer behavior – the reliance on easily accessible services that adapt to the demands of busy schedules and unexpected emergencies.
The proliferation of 24-hour CVS pharmacies reflects a growing recognition of the importance of accessibility in healthcare. By extending their operating hours beyond the traditional 9-to-5 model, CVS addresses the needs of individuals whose work, responsibilities, or medical conditions may not adhere to conventional time frames. This accessibility is especially vital in emergencies, where access to medication can make a crucial difference in health outcomes.
One of the key benefits of having a 24-hour CVS pharmacy nearby is the peace of mind it offers. Whether it's a sudden illness in the dead of night or the realization that a prescription needs refilling after regular business hours, knowing that a reliable pharmacy is open around the clock can alleviate stress and uncertainty. This accessibility is particularly valuable for caregivers, parents with sick children, or those managing chronic conditions who may require medication at any hour.
Moreover, the presence of 24-hour CVS pharmacies contributes to the overall resilience of communities. In times of crises, such as natural disasters or public health emergencies, access to essential medications and supplies becomes even more critical. By remaining open 24/7, CVS pharmacies serve as lifelines for individuals unable to access healthcare facilities during emergencies, ensuring continuity of care when it's needed most.
However, the convenience offered by 24-hour pharmacies also raises certain considerations. Critics argue that round-the-clock availability may perpetuate a culture of instant gratification and encourage over-reliance on medications for minor ailments. Additionally, staffing and operational costs associated with maintaining 24-hour services can pose challenges for businesses, potentially impacting pricing or resources allocated to other services.
Despite these concerns, the demand for 24-hour CVS pharmacies continues to grow, underscoring their significance in today's healthcare landscape. As consumer expectations evolve and technology enables greater convenience, pharmacies must adapt to meet changing needs while balancing considerations of accessibility, sustainability, and responsible healthcare practices.
In conclusion, the query "CVS 24-hour pharmacy near me" embodies a broader shift towards convenience and accessibility in healthcare services. By extending their operating hours to accommodate diverse schedules and emergencies, 24-hour CVS pharmacies play a vital role in ensuring continuous access to essential medications and supplies. As they navigate the intersection of convenience, healthcare, and community resilience, these pharmacies remain integral components of modern healthcare infrastructure.
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thatmartiangirl · 10 months
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I have made a handy diagram of my current problem
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dejablonde · 10 months
CVS needs to give pharmacy hours before the store hours, like
I couldn't give a fuck when I can buy a toothbrush or bandaids, I need to know if I can have my antibiotics sent to your store now or suffer 14 more hours until you're open
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randomactsofpigeon · 10 months
You know if I ever do manage to get pregnant, I'm going to have to find a new obgyn, because if this one thinks I'm going through a goddamn C-section with a physician who doesn't understand or doesn't respect appropriate pain management, she is out of her goddamn mind.
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medilifepharmacydubai · 11 months
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