#24th april 1998
anliafail · 5 months
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Cheer up, you know what the Monty Python boys say... Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. x
SLIDING DOORS | 1998 dir. Peter Howitt
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 9 months
𝔅𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔊𝔲𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔫 - 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔗𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔰
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beezlebuth · 7 months
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my current and updated collection of jhonen vasquez comics and memorabilia!
-jthm the directors cut 24th printing (may 2007)
-jthm issue #1 ~a general sense of contempt~ 14th printing (march 2002)
-jthm issue #2 ~human relations~ 10th printing (february 2002)
-jthm issue #3 ~a transient smile~ 8th printing (february 2002)
-jthm issue #4 ~another tiresome descent~ 9th printing (december 2001)
-jthm issue #7 ~in control of a broken machine~ 9th printing (may 2002)
-squee! issue #1 ~when i was little~ 1st printing (april 1997)
-squee! issue #2 ~remember~ 1st printing (september 1997)
-squee! issue #3 ~villains~ 1st printing (november 1997)
-squee! issue #4 ~the super amazing final issue~ 1st printing (may 1998)
-original squee! shirt from the back of the book catalogs
-i feel sick issue #1 ?th printing (november 2011)
-i feel sick issue #2 ?th printing (??? 2011)
-filler bunny #1 january 2000
-filler bunny #2 february 2001
-filler bunny #3 2005???
-jthm snippet from 1997 1st issue of carpe noctem
-jthm cosplay that i made myself :)
-anne gwish tshirt that i made because i only ever found ONE listing for the original and it was bought already :,,(
all of my individual issues of johnny the homicidal maniac came organically to me as i work at a comic book shop and people have sold collections to the owner and he gave me the issues for free!! (he used them temporarily as fly swatters because anything that isnt first printing is worthless)
i also have a small collection of lenore the cute little dead girl if any one is interested. my love for jthm was blossomed from the love i had of lenore when i was young. i grew up with my dad at the comic book store he worked at (the same one i work at now!) and he would buy me the individual issues and hardcover lenore books as they came out. i had to have been 6 or 7 which i probably shouldnt have been reading bloody comics full of profanity but FUCK IT! they changed my life and the more i learned about roman dirge, the more i learned about jhonen vasquez with jthm and aaron alexovich with serenity rose (honorable mention jim mahfood). they inspired me to create my own comic that has helped me to cope with a lot of emotions and personal trauma over this past couple years.
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suzuran777 · 26 days
Analyzing some of the very first BL visual novels
First of all, I've talked about most of these topics during my Citrus con panel on Augustus 24th, so for those who missed it or who wanted a list of all the visual novels mentioned during the panel, those are also mentioned in this blog post! Japanese BL visual novels have been something I’ve been interested in since 2010-2011, and even these days many people in English speaking fanbases are familiar with games like DRAMAtical Murder and the other Nitro + Chiral titles. I've played many older titles which I've previously reviewed on this blog, and in this post I will be looking at some of the very first BL visual novels and how the industry has changed throughout the years.
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Before the very first "official" BL visual novels were released, some visual novels already existed in which a male protagonist had romantic or sexual scenes together with one of the other male characters. Some examples of this are games like Sotsugyou Ryokou (1996) and Ko-Ko-Ro (1998). Most of the other love interests in these games were girls, so they were not promoted as “boys’ love” games.
The oldest visual novel I could find that was promoted as a game which focuses on love between boys, is a game called Sei Valentine Gakuen, released by a company called B.M. in early 1999. This is a game in which you can name the protagonist, and none of the characters are voiced. While checking their old website through Waybackmachine, it seemed like the game had a lot of game-breaking bugs which they attempted to patch out, however the website quickly shut down within what seems like only a year (or maybe a few years) after its release date. Since there's not a lot of information about this game available online, I was surprised that someone bought the game second-hand and made a youtube video about it, so I recommend checking that out! You can watch it here. Despite being promoted as a game that focuses on love between boys it seems like there’s not really romance in the game, so I am curious why they marketed the game in this way.
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Next is a game called BOYxBOY, released a few months after Sei Valentine Gakuen in April 1999. This is one of the games I actually got to play myself, and I was surprised to see this game was released by King Records (the record label) as I didn’t know they used to publish games, let alone BL games. The protagonist has a face and a name this time, but even though all the other characters are voiced, they decided to leave the main character unvoiced for some reason. This game does have romance elements, like confession scenes, but it's still quite minimal. There’s only one character who actually gets a kiss scene for example. This game did get a fandisc a year later, but it seems to be more of a collection of extra materials and minigames rather than something that really adds something to the story of the game.
Another BL visual novel that was released around this time in July 1999 is a game called Graduation (or Sotsugyou) by Joinac, which as the title suggests, focuses on the protagonist spending time with people at his school right before his graduation. This one actually got translated, so it's probably the first BL visual novel to ever get an (official) English translation. Unlike most other games from this time, this one can still be easily accessed too, as a digital version is available for purchase on DLsite.
Entering the 2000s, game developer AliceSoft created their own BL game brand called AliceBlue and released their first BL game called Kakurezuki in 2000. Even though AliceSoft released 18+ rated titles in the past, this first BL title was actually also all-ages. Some reviews mentioned that they don’t really consider the game BL at all, pointing out the lack of romance, and I can definitely see where they’re coming from. Pretty much all the other games I mentioned so far take place in a modern-day school setting, however this game is more of a historical fantasy game (although the plot still only focuses on the protagonist and his daily interactions with those around him).
A lot of the games during this time period still highly resembled the typical dating sim-style game, which was quite popular in the mid/late 1990s. This kind of gameplay means that usually, the player decides what the character is going to do that day, for example, what subjects he takes in school, which club he joins and which locations he visits. In games like Kakurezuki, it’s a bit different you decide what magic skills you want to strengthen that day. This kind of gameplay kind of limits what kind of story the writers can explore, as the plot mostly focuses on the main character’s everyday life and their interactions with other characters, and eventually also became something that’s not commonly used in BL visual novels anymore.
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Later that year, in August 2000, one of the most well-known early BL visual novels was released. This was Sukisho (short for Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai) by Platinum Label. The company promoted this game as the “first 18+ boys love game” though Graduation also seems to be rated 18+ on DLsite. Sukisho gained a big fanbase, as many fans really liked the art (drawn by Tsutae Yuzu) and the characters. Even though the plot still focused on boys going to school, some characters do have a darker backstory. The company even created official forums where fans could discuss the plot of the game and fan theories. Some other boards also encouraged fan meetups at local conventions in Japan. It ended up getting 3 different sequels, a PlayStation 2 port, an anime adaptation, and various drama CDs and novels. These days a lot of BL visual novels get drama CDs, but back then this game really got a lot of extra content compared to other games. Like many others, I personally discovered this game through the anime many years ago, but I played the visual novel later as it has also been fan translated and was quite accessible back then.
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Another visual novel that stood out, and which also got an anime adaptation, is Angel's Feather (2003). Unlike the rather confusing anime plot, which adds a new character that isn’t in the game, I think the plot of the visual novel is actually much better. Initially it does seem like another game about high school boys, but in reality it’s more of an RPG game that focuses on the characters learning more about the world they’re living in, and their own magic abilities. I think just like Sukisho’s artstyle, compared to many other games that were released at the time, the art of this game quite unique. The artist is Yamamoto Kazue, who worked on many visual novels, and is still active nowadays. This game also got a sequel and drama CDs, but sadly the third game they were working on was never released. The studio was also working on a completely new game called White Shadow, however this one also remains unreleased to this day. If you want to read a little bit more information about this game and other unreleased titles, I wrote a blog post about that too here!
The inclusion of RPG elements I briefly mentioned just now in visual novels was not something only Angel’s Feather did. For example, some of these other screenshots are from Ouji-sama Lv1, Teikoku Sensenki, and Apocripha/0. The gameplay varied from a simple battle system to complicated dungeons and hard to beat enemies, depending on the game. One downside of this is that it’s quite a time-consuming process if you want to see all kinds of different endings, as these parts of the game were usually unskippable. Gradually, this is also something that slowly became less common in BL visual novels.
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Generally, a lot of older games were quite difficult to replay as most games only had a limited number of save slots, and sometimes there would be no preview images next to the save files either, so it was quite difficult to remember which save file you were supposed to load. Some of the oldest BL visual novels also don’t have a skip button, which means you have to play through all of the dialogue again if you want to see a different ending. The pictures below are my screenshots from Angel's Feather and Kannagi no Tori, a game that was released in 2001. Luckily both of these games do have a skip button, but there were never enough save slots!
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Other than changes in gameplay and artstyles, something that has also changed quite a lot are the dynamics between characters in adult scenes. In most BL visual novels, the protagonist is either a top or a bottom, and this doesn’t really change throughout the whole game. For example, if the official website mentions that the protag is a bottom, that means he’s a bottom with every single one of the love interests. Something I noticed while playing older games is that this order wasn’t always fixed. In games like Laughter Land and Kannagi no Tori for example, the game would often let the player decide. A game that was released a bit later which also has this option is PIL/SLASH’s game Shingakkou -Noli me tangere. In every route, no matter what character, you make the decision. I think it’s kind of fun when the game gives you choices like this, although I’m not sure if they will ever bring it back.
Terminology and target audience When I talk about these games I use “BL game” and “BL visual novel” as these are easily understood when communicating with an English-speaking audience. However in Japanese these games are usually only called “BL game” or "AVG" which just stands for adventure game. In the early 2000s some official websites around this time would refer to these BL visual novels as ''boys games'' to distinguish them from a genre called “girl’s games” or galge, which are games that would typically target a male audience. Even though the term “yaoi” was becoming less common, some developers would also call them “yaoi games” on their website, as you can see in some of the screenshots below . It’s not like the term “visual novel” is something completely unknown to them, but it’s also not a term I ever see them using to promote their games.
As for the target audience, similar to a lot of BL manga, the target audience for many of these BL visual novels was also women. A lot of websites stated that these were games “made by girls for girls”. However, it’s better to not generalize the whole genre as something exclusively targeted towards women, as some games like Hotaru (released by Tarutaru in December 2000) and its sequels were specifically advertised as games "made by gay men for gay men". One of the games I mentioned earlier, Graduation, was also made by a doujin group that calls themselves the Gay Artist Support, and like the name suggests, they support gay artists and alleys. Therefore it can be concluded that even during this time period, it wasn't just women creating and reading BL.
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Marketing and sales Some might be wondering; how did people discover these games back then? Around the year 2001, multiple websites were created by fans that kept track of new BL game developers, as well as any updates provided by the companies that were already established back then. A lot of these websites also gave fans the option to chat with each other in their forums. Some examples of these websites are BOY'S STREET and Boyslove Kenkyuujo (which translates to BoysLove research institute). They kept track of both commercial and doujin game releases. Companies and doujin creators would both sell their games at events like Comiket, Super Comic City and J-Garden too, where they would promote their games and chat with fans. Their games would also be sold at stores like Animate and Toranoana, which is not too different than how creators sell their BL games nowadays, as both of these stores still exist. A lot of BL game creators in the early 2000s were quite close to each other and collaborated. For example, some doujin groups like Anubis Label, Ritz, Moon Parrot and more created their own magazine called B-GAME, which featured information about their new doujin games, corporate games, survey results, game reviews and more. The picture below (on the right) is a picture I found on the website of doujin group Moon Parrot, promoting and selling their game Kuro no Tsuki at Super Comic City. Of course official BL game magazines also existed, but I think I will make a separate blog post about that (update: you can read it here!).
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Well-known developers throughout the years Next I made a list of some BL game creators that established their brands in the early or mid 2000s, and who continue to be active nowadays. I will mention some newer games as well. There's way too many BL visual novels to include all of them, so I apologize if I missed some that were quite influential!
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Langmaor/Tennenouji: The first game Langmaor released was a game called Enzai in 2002, illustrated by Yura. This game focuses on a boy whose name is Guys, who gets sent to prison as a result of a false accusation. In one interview, Yura mentioned that she was almost afraid that the plot of the game would be “too dark”, as the main character experiences a lot of abuse, but she concluded that at least the game would be unique. In 2004 Langmaor released Teikoku Sensenki, and a year later they released Zettai Fukujuu Meirei (or more well-known as Absolute Obedience). This game had a kind of unique system which focused on not one, but two protagonists. The final game this brand released was a game called Laughter Land (2006. The illustrations of this game were drawn by Yuzuki Ichi who had previously worked on Kannagi no Tori. Yura was also part of doujin group called Tennenouj, which already released their first BL game in 2000 called Sei Crain Gakuen, a BL game that you could play by opening HTML files in your browser. They released their second BL game in 2006, which was Miracle No-ton, a game about a notebook that could grand the protagonist’s wishes (horny wishes only though!). In 2009, Luckydog1 was released, which ended up becoming one of the most popular and well-known games in Japanese speaking BL visual novel fanbases. The game is about the protagonist Giancarlo, who’s a low-ranking member of the mafia and currently in prison, who receives the task to free 4 important members of the mafia from prison. Some BL gamemagazines like Cool-B have an annual popularity poll, and for years, LuckyDog 1 and its characters ended up in first place. On BL information websites like ChilChil it continues to be the highest rated BL visual novel to this day. Two years ago, Tennenouji also released the game Friendly Lab, of which the mobile version is still being updated, so even nowadays they are still very active.
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Nitro + CHiRAL: Or just called “NITRO CHiRal” these days. They released their first game, Togainu no Chi, in 2005. In the early interviews the director stated that they wanted to create something different, as a lot of visual novels around this time focused on schoolboys and modern-day settings. So instead, they wrote a story that takes place in a futuristic version of Japan, devastated by a Third World War. Only a year later in 2006, they released their second game, Lamento -BEYOND THE VOID- which also takes place in a fictional world. Even though the characters look similar to humans, they call themselves Ribika and have cat-like characteristics. The characters in this game are struggling to survive, as a mysterious force called “The Void” is slowly destroying their world. Because of their unique stories and beautiful illustrations, Nitro Chiral quickly gained a big fanbase in Japan too. In some articles published in Cool-B magazine, they mentioned that they were taking even bigger risks with their next game, as the plot would be anything but happy. This was about their third game, sweet pool. Despite that, I think fans already expected dark and serious stories from the company, so it was still well-received. Before releasing DRAMAtical Murder, they released two more visual novels called Itsuwari no Alkanet and World’s end Nightmare, though these were only available on Chiral Mobile, an app that could only be downloaded on certain Japanese phones. These days these games are considered lost media, but I wrote a blog post about what I could find about them some years ago. Afterwards they released their more well-known games DRAMAtical Murder in 2012 and Slow Damage in 2021.
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Pil/Slash: This is a BL visual novel developer that is well known for writing dark stories, with themes like abuse, noncon, physical and emotional torture. Though of course this is not too uncommon in BL visual novels, as all of the developers I’ve previously mentioned include themes like that in their games too.Their first game, Masquerade ~Jigoku Gakuen SO/DO/MU~, was released in 2006, followed by Koibito Yuugi a year later. In 2011, one of their most well-known titles, Shingakkou –Noli me tangere- was released. This game is about protagonist Michael who’s enrolled in a seminary. However, his school life is anything but peaceful, as his family gets murdered and he also discovers a secret society of devil worshippers in his very own school. At the moment this is the second highest rated BL game on ChilChil, after Luckydog1. After this they released Pigeon Blood in 2014, which was also a horror-themed game, and Paradise a few years later, which was quite popular in Japan too. In 2021 they released their newest game, Dystopia no Ou. This game focuses on protagonist Kiriku who dreams about becoming a rock star. Initially, this seems quite different than PIL/SLASH's previous games, but I promise the story still gets pretty dark. The writer credited for Paradise and Dystopia no Ou is Kyuuyouzawa Lychee, who's also the creator of doujin game group LOVE&DESTROY and games like CAGE OPEN and CAGE CLOSE.
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Spray: This company’s first game was Saikyou Darling, released in 2001, but I think they are probably more well-known for their Gakuen Heaven series. The first Gakuen Heaven game was released in 2002, but since then they have released a few newer versions of the game, console versions and a second game. This is another one of these games that people might know because it has an anime and manga series. Spray has released quite a few different games like Soshite Bokura Wa, Piyotan, STEAL! and more recently Tsumi naru Rasen no Ori, but I think other than Gakuen Heaven their most well-known title is probably Kichiku Megane, released in 2007. This game focuses on protagonist Katsuya, a salesman who seems to be failing at everything in life. Just before he’s fired from his job, he receives a mysterious pair of glasses from someone. Whenever he wears these glasses, his personality completely changes. He suddenly becomes very skilled at everything, but also very sadistic. In recent years fans have started organizing fan events for this game at local conventions again, so it’s interesting to see how popular it still is.
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Holicworks: Also known as LoveDelivery, as that’s the name they used to release some of their very first games, like Tsukigami (2007) and Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi (2008). Their most well-known title Taisho Mebiusline, released in 2012. This game is a historical fantasy game which takes place during the end of the Taisho period, in 1923. The protagonist, Kyouichirou, moves to Tokyo in order to go to university. However, he runs into trouble soon after his arrival, as the Imperial Military becomes interested in his ability to see spirits. The writer of this game, Nakajo Rosa, is often praised for the historical research she did in order to write this game. The story covers all kinds of political issues, international affairs and military activity, and combines it with religious themes such as Shintoism. This also means that even for Japanese speakers, the game can be a bit difficult to read, as it tends to use difficult words and kanji. However, I think with a bit of research it’s not impossible. They also released games like Tokyo Onmyouji, Tokyo 24ku, and more recently Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kaidan, though the only game that has an English translation is Tokyo Onmyouji, which takes place in a more modern-day setting, but still focuses on supernatural themes like ghosts and spirits.
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Karin Entertainment: Another developer that has been around for a long time, who released their first BL game series called Bois in 2002. Afterwards in 2004, they released the game Animamundi Owarinaki Yami no Butou~ (Animamundi: Dark Alchemist), which I’m not sure if I should be calling BL game as there are also a few female love interests. The games they released after this aren’t BL games, but instead they created a new branch called Karin Chatnoir Omega, which released the game Omertà ~Chinmoku no Okite~ in 2011. In this game the mafia controls the government, and the protagonist J.J. is a hitman who’s taking all kinds of assassination jobs. In 2016 they also released the game Omega Vampire, which is the first omegaverse BL visual novel.
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Parade: This is a game developer known for creating games in which the protagonist is exclusively a top, or seme, which is also something that was not super common in the past. In a lot of other games almost all of the love interests are younger guys, so I think it was interesting to see at least two of the other main characters in NO THANK YOU!!! were over the age of 35. Even though most Parade games have a lot of 18+ content, like NO THANK YOU!!! and their second game Room No. 9, one should not underestimate the plot, as the writing is really good. My favorite game is probably their latest game, which is Lkyt., a historical fantasy game and my personal favorite.
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CORE: This is the BL branch of a company called Orbit, and their most well-known game is Messiah, which was released in 2006. Though their first game was a game called Ever Loyalty in 2001, followed by Fanatica in 2004. Most of CORE's games only have 1 or 2 characters the protagonist can end up together with, although sometimes other characters in the game also have their own bad endings. In Fanatica, the protagonist only has one true love interest, but a lot of the other main characters are also paired up with each other, so even if they don't have their own route, you do get to see different scenes with them. Even though CORE released their last game in 2008, which is the Messiah fandisc Messiah ~ Paranoia Paradox. It was announced that they are actually working on a new BL project called Tokyo Gentou/Tokyo Phantasmagoria, under the new name Procyon.
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Adelta: Not really 2000s as their first game was released quite some time later, but I think still important because they've gotten quite popular in recent years. This is a doujin game group created by Kurosawa Rinko. The first games this group worked on were Cocoon and Cocoon Black Noise, released in 2014. The game they’re probably most known for is Koshotengai no Hashihime (Hashihime of the old Book Town). This game is quite well known for its references to literature and real writers, and the story also takes place during the Taisho period. Originally it was advertised as a time-loop murder mystery. In 2020 Uuultra C was released, which is a completely different kind of game that takes place during the Showa period and focuses on heroes you’d typically see in a Super Sentai Series, or Tokusatsu movies in which the characters fight kaiju. Adelta is currently working on their newest game, Ooe.
Conclusion Of course there are many more BL visual novels which left a big impact on people, even less serious games like Gakuen Handsome which still get referenced a lot to this day. Another well-known title is Mada Koubou's Hadaka Shitsuji, which was mostly created by artist and writer Togo Mito. It kind of difficult to determine how many BL visual novels currently exist, but BL information website ChilChil currently lists 345 titles in this database. This does however include fandiscs and games that aren't technically BL games, and also doesn't include all doujin games ever released.
The early 2000s was a good time for BL visual novel fans and a lot of developers were making BL games back then, which also meant that there would be many new games to play. These days the number of active developers has significantly decreased, so most of the time you get about 1 or 2 big releases every year. Of course, there are still doujin groups and individual creators who make their own games, but the number of commercial releases is pretty small nowadays.
Some games that were released earlier this year however, are Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kaidan and Haiiro no Arcadia. I am personally also looking forward to the release of Adelta's new game Ooe, and Procyon's Tokyo Gentou/Tokyo Phantasmagoria, so I recommend checking those out when they're released!
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shortyinblue · 3 months
Ateez Basics for new Atiny!
Ateez is an 8 member South Korean boy group that debuted on October 24th, 2018, they come from the company KQ Entertainment, they were KQ's first trainees.
Pronounced Ae-Teez, meaning they can do everything from A to Z (we do not call them by their government name so this is the explanation we stick with). Fandom name is Atiny, which means Ateez+Destiny, pronounced Ae-Teeny.
Ateez have a long and complicated lore that you don't need to try to understand if you don't want to. Most of their music videos tell a story and it is fun to put together, fans have made explanations and guide videos for the lore if you want to get into it. But basically they're pirates that have taken over an oppressive government and you'll see lots of pirate themes throughout.
Ateez's introduction is "8 Makes 1 Team". Hongjoong made them all matching team rings.
•Kim Hong Joong (김홍중) (Captain) 🐿
•Born in Anyang, South Korea on November 7th, 1998, he is the second oldest member.
•Height: 172cm (5’8)
•Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer, Producer, Songwriter, Performer, in other words an Ace.
•Hongjoong was KQ's first trainee.
•Hongjoong is a supporter of multiple organizations like The Polished Man Campaign to end violence against children, you will see Hongjoong always having at least one polished nail, and The Happy Hippie Foundation that helps Homeless and LGBTQ+ Youth.
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•Park Seong Hwa (박성화) ⭐
•Born in Jinju, Gyeongnam, South Korea on April 3rd, 1998, he is the oldest member.
•Height: 178cm (5’10)
•Main Vocalist, Rapper, Dancer, Performer, Actor.
•Seonghwa was the fifth trainee at KQ.
•Seonghwa was in the K-Drama series 'Imitation' in 2021.
•Seonghwa and Hongjoong's pairing name is Matz, they created the name for themselves, it basically means eldests, they created a unit song with the same name.
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•Jeong Yun Ho (정윤호) 🐶
•Born in Gwangju, South Korea on March 23rd, 1999, he is the third oldest member.
•Height: 186cm (6’1) (I actually think he's taller but this is the last height we know of)
•Lead Dancer, Main Vocalist, Performer, Actor.
•Yunho was the second trainee at KQ.
•Yunho was in the K-Drama series 'Imitation' in 2021, and has expressed wanting to act again someday.
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•Kang Yeo Sang (강여상) 👑
•Born in Pohang, South Korea on June 15th, 1999, he is the fourth oldest member.
•Height: 175cm (5’9)
•Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Rapper, Performer.
•Yeosang was the sixth trainee at KQ.
•Yeosang was a trainee at BigHit (now Hybe).
•Six other companies wanted Yeosang to sign with them but he chose KQ.
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•Choi San (최산) ⛰
• Born in Namhae, South Gyeongsan, South Korea on July 10th, 1999, he is the fifth oldest member.
•Height: 178cm (5’10)
•Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Performer, Actor.
•San was the fourth trainee at KQ.
•San was in the K-Drama series 'Imitation' in 2021.
•San is the first Idol from Namhae.
•San and Wooyoung's pairing name is Woosan (☂️), which you'll hear them refer to themselves a lot, even introducing themselves as Woosan instead of their own names.
•San and Wooyoung have matching tattoos above their right knee that says "Amicus Ad Aras" which is Latin for "Friends To The Very End."
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•Song Min Gi (송민기) 🐥
• Born in Incheon, South Korea on August 9th, 1999, he is the sixth oldest member.
•Height: 184cm (6'0)
•Lead Rapper, Main Dancer, Vocalist, Performer.
•Mingi was the third trainee at KQ.
•Mingi and Yunho were friends for several years before they both auditioned for KQ without the other knowing until they saw each other in the KQ building.
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•Jung Woo Young (정우영) 🐱
•Born in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea on November 26th, 1999, he is the seventh oldest member.
•Height: 173cm (5'8)
•Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Performer.
•Wooyoung was the eighth trainee at KQ and the last member to join Ateez.
•Wooyoung and Yeosang met while they were both trainees at BigHit, Yeosang left for KQ and Wooyoung followed him as he wanted to debut together.
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•Choi Jong Ho (최종호) 🐻
•Born In Ilsan, South Korea on October 12th, 2000, he is the youngest member.
•Height: 176cm (5'9)
•Lead Vocalist, Dancer, Songwriter, Performer, Actor, Maknae.
•Jongho was the seventh trainee at KQ.
•Jongho and San found out they are distant relatives as they both come from the same Choi Clan.
•Jongho was in the K-Drama series 'Imitation' in 2021.
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If you've made it to the end hello! When I say these are the basics I mean the basics! These boys are so funny, so chaotic, so talented and I hope you enjoy them and their music as much as we do!
It's never too late to become an Atiny! Even though Ateez will be turning 6 this year this is truly the beginning for them, so I hope you stick around. They'll be starting up their tour again in July!
Stream Golden Hour: Part 1! They usually have a comeback around every 6 months so I think we can expect part 2 by the end of the year!
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In honour of Indycar being back this weekend, here is US racing tunes (every drivers racing number). Enjoy 😊
Helio Castoneves (10th May 1975) - The Blackbyrds - Walking In Rhythm
Takuma Sato (28th January 1977) - Al Green - Keep Me Cryin'
Katherine Legge (12th July 1980) - Queen - Play The Game
Scott Dixon (22nd July 1980) - Jermaine Jackson - Let's Get Serious
Ryan Hunter-Reay (17th December 1980) - Harry Chapin - Sequel
Will Power (1st March 1981) - Stevie Wonder - I Ain't Gonna Stand For It
Ed Carpenter (3rd March 1981) - Barbra Streisand & Barry Gibb - What Kind Of Fool
Romain Grosjean (17th April 1986) - Simply Red - Holding Back The Years
Marco Andretti (13th March 1987) - Billy Joel - This Is The Time
Colin Braun (22nd September 1988) - Bruce Hornsby - Look Out Any Window
Graham Rahal (4th January 1989) - Duran Duran - I Don't Want Your Love
Tristian Vautier (22nd August 1989) - Bad English - Forget Me Not
Agustin Canapino (19th January 1990) - Michael Penn - No Myth
Marcus Ericsson (2nd September 1990) - Brother Beyond - The Girl I Used To Know
Josef Newgarden (22nd December 1990) - Madonna - Justify My Love
Alexander Rossi (25th September 1991) - Michael Bolton - Time, Love and Tenderness
Felix Rosenqvist (7th November 1991) - K.M.C Kru - The Devil Came Up To Michigan
Conor Daly (15th December 1991) - Karyn White - Romantic
Kyle Larson (31st July 1992) - Sophie B.Hawkins - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover
Jack Harvey (15th April 1993) - P.M Dawn - Looking Through Patient Eyes
Scott McLaughlin (10th June 1993) - H-Town - Knockin' Da Boots
Tom Blomqvist (30th November 1993) - Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Boom! Shake The Room
Luca Ghiotto (24th February 1995) - 69 Boyz - Kitty Kitty
Pietro Fittipaldi (25th June 1996) - Michael Jackon - They Don't Care About Us
Alex Palou (1st April 1997) - 702 - Get It Together
Santino Ferrucci (31st May 1998) - Madonna - Frozen
Kyle Kirkwood (19th October 1998) - Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
Callum Ilott (11th November 1998) - Jennifer Paige - Crush
Linus Lundqvist (26th March 1999) - TLC - No Scrubs
Pato O'Ward (6th May 1999) - Busta Rhymes ft Janet Jackson - What's It Gonna Be?
Colton Herta (30th March 2000) - Whitney Houston - I Learned It From The Best
Christian Rasmussen (29th June 2000) - Nine Days - Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)
Marcus Armstrong (29th July 2000) - Ruff Endz - No More
Rinus Veekay (11th September 2000) - Jagged Edge - Let's Get Married
Christian Lundgaard (23rd July 2001) - Babyface - There She Goes
Sting Ray Robb (3rd September 2001) - Dido - Thank You
David Malukas (27th September 2001) - Fuel - Bad Day
Theo Pourchaire (20th August 2003) - Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
Kyffin Simpson (9th October 2004) - Nelly ft Jaheim - My Place
Nolan Siegel (8th November 2004) - Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
All added to this playlist 😊
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months
munson family timeline
*this is mostly for me because i suck ass when it comes to dates*
yn birthday 05/15/1999
eddie birthday 09/04/1998
-september 2016-
eddie: 18
yn: almost 18
yn finds out she’s pregnant and doesn’t know how to break it to her boyfriend. instead she confides in her dad
june 23rd 2017 baby aster wayne munson is born
the only baby boy <3
-november 2017-
eddie: almost 20
yn: 18
yn and eddie are adjusting as teen parents. with eddie working his ass off to graduate high school this time. yn finds out she’s having another baby
august 5th 2018 jasmine hope munson is born <3
-april 2020-
eddie: almost 22
yn: almost 21
covid outbreak happened which leaves everyone having to stay indoors. yn and eddie don’t have much else to do but watch their kids and well—she ends up pregnant again
january 24th 2021 lunaria morgan munson is born <3
-march 2021-
eddie: almost 24
yn: 22
eddie’s career slowly take off with corroded coffin! on occasion when he’s off doing shows, he brings yn along with the kids. the two of them are young, dumb, and having fun. leaving yn pregnant with baby #4 
december 25th 2021 lily belle munson’s born the same year as older sister lunaria <3
-may 2022-
eddie: almost 24
yn: 23
yn becomes a fashion icon! everyone loves her style. she soon signed to a modeling agency. too bad she and eddie get pregnant…AGAIN
february 14th 2023 poppy matilda munson and azalea love munson was born. eddie and yn final babies <3
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killcrqueenz · 2 months
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( layout ib : @/stcpidcupid )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . MEET THE MEMBERS OF ACID FLOWER !
Are you a new Toxic Petal who wants to learn the Acid Flower members? Are you trying to pick a bias? Well, you're in luck! Here is where you can learn about our deadly girlbosses!
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( tw. mentions of child abuse )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . NAWAPORN DUCHANEE, known professionally as TARA, was born as an only child on March 7th, 1997. As a child, she was physically, verbally, and emotionally mistreated by her parents, so she used music as an escape. In 2014, as soon as she graduated from school, she went to South Korea with her aunt to audition for a company, since her parents did not allow her to. She auditioned for JYP, SM, and Pledis, but was accepted to only Pledis. After choosing to sign with Pledis, she trained there for three years before debuting in girl group PRISTIN. She was in the group until its unfortunate disbandment in 2019, and left Pledis and signed with STARBORN in 2020. She trained for an extra year before being added to the Acid Flower lineup during their rebrand in 2021.
FULL NAME › Nawaporn Duchanee
ENGLISH NAME › Tara Nawaporn Hawthorne
BIRTHDAY › March 7th, 1997
BIRTHPLACE › Bangkok, Thailand
NATIONALITY › Thai-British
ETHNICITY › Thai-British
TRAINING PERIOD › Four years (Three under Pledis, one under STARBORN)
POSITION › Main Vocalist, Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Samantha Melanie Coates (actress)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . KWON YOUHA, known professionally as YOUHA, was born on July 29th, 1998. Raised by a single father, she grew up in a lower class household, with her father earning only enough for the two of them to get by, but rarely getting an opportunity to spend on personal luxuries. In 2013, she auditioned for WOOLLIM Entertainment with her friends and was accepted, training there for a year until her debut in the girl group Lovelyz. She was in the group for four years, until her sudden departure from the group and company. Shortly after, she signed with STARBORN CREATIVE and trained there for one year before being added to Acid Flower.
FULL NAME › Kwon Youha 
BIRTHDAY › July 29th, 1998
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea
TRAINING PERIOD › Two years (one year under WOOLLIM, one year under STARBORN)
POSITION › Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
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( tw. mentions of suicide )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . REYNA JANG, known professionally as REYNA, was born as the middle child of three siblings on November 24th, 1998. She had a love for dance since she was a child, and she taught herself since the age of seven. In 2014, she and her childhood friend Diaz traveled together to Mexico City in 2014 to see Kpop group SHINee perform, inspiring them to become idols. In 2015, she saw a YouTube advertisement for STARBORN CREATIVE's global audition, and she sent her own, getting accepted due to her dance and vocals. However, before she could fly out to Korea to start training, her younger sister, Esperanza, unfortunately committed suicide, forcing Reyna to stay at home for a year to mourn her loss. In 2016, she flew out to Korea and trained at STARBORN for a year before her debut in Acid Flower.
FULL NAME › Reyna Jang 
KOREAN NAME › Jang Dayeon
BIRTHDAY › November 24th, 1998
BIRTHPLACE › Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
NATIONALITY › Korean-Mexican
POSITION › Leader, Main Rapper, Main Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Park Jiwon / E:U (Everglow)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . HAN CHAESOL, known professionally as ROWAN, was born as an only child on April 23rd, 2000. Growing up, she mostly kept to herself at home, since her parents were constantly busy working and only had her tutors to help her with her homeschooling and socialization. In 2014, encouraged by her music teacher who worked part-time at STARBORN CREATIVE, she decided to audition for the company for fun, not expecting to be accepted into the company for her songwriting and ability to rap. She trained for three years before debuting in Acid Flower.
FULL NAME › Han Chaesol
BIRTHDAY › April 23rd, 2000
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea
POSITION › Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Moon Sua (Billlie)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . HUANG JINGYI, known professionally as KARMA, was born on September 9th, 2000. She was adopted at the age of two, after her mother abandoned her, to a wealthy couple in Beijing. She was raised to be a doll, to be perfect in every way possible and to never have a voice of her own. However, in 2016, she traveled to South Korea with her family for a business trip, where she one day discovered a flyer for an audition for STARBORN CREATIVE, which she went to that very same day. She was accepted amd trained for a year before debuting in 2017 with Acid Flower.
FULL NAME › Huang Jingyi
BIRTHDAY › September 9th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE › Beijing, China
ETHNICITY › Chinese 
POSITION › Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Wang Yiren (Everglow) 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . HIROI AMANE, known professionally as ATHENA, was born as the youngest of three siblings on July 19th, 2001. Growing up, she was considered as a golden child, helping her parents run their small restaurant, participating in the student council at school, and getting good grades. As she grew up, she became a fan of music, especially dance, under the guidance of her music teacher, who allowed her to sometimes skip her class in order to learn more about dance and eventually started to teach her ballet. In 2015, Amane and her older brother Takuya traveled to South Korea to follow their oldest brother Kazuya and have a chance to debut as idols. All three siblings were accepted into STARBORN CREATIVE, and in 2017, Yuki debuted in Acid Flower. 
STAGE NAME › Athena 
FULL NAME › Hiroi Amane 
BIRTHDAY › July 19th, 2001
BIRTHPLACE › Sapporo, Japan 
ETHNICITY › Japanese 
POSITION › Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist
FACE CLAIM › Fukutomi Tsuki (Billlie) 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⚘°᳝ꯥ‧ٓ . . . CHARLOTTE HWANG, known professionally as CHARLIE, was born as the youngest of two siblings on February 4th, 2002. She grew up with music, since her father is a producer and her mother a retired opera singer. She was born in the United States, but her family moved back to Korea in 2010. In 2015, she skipped school in order to audition for STARBORN CREATIVE with her brother, and both were rejected at first, but when they tried again in 2016, they were accepted. She trained for one year before debuting in Acid Flower.
STAGE NAME › Charlie
FULL NAME › Charlotte Hwang
KOREAN NAME › Hwang Moonsun
BIRTHDAY › February 4th, 2002
BIRTHPLACE › Brooklyn, New York, USA
NATIONALITY › Korean-American
POSITION › Vocalist, Maknae
FACE CLAIM › Baek Jiheon (Fromis_9)
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kaijuposting · 2 years
All the Pacific Rim Character Birthdays I Could Find
...And by "all," I mean I will be writing down character birthdays from all the sources I can find, some of which contradict each other! It definitely sheds some insight into how ideas changed during development, and I think it shows some evidence that not everyone was always up to date - for example, Mako and Raleigh's Drift Space bios seem to be up to date, but Newt's is clearly an older version, as indicated by his age being given as 45 rather than 35.
Update: I found a post on Travis Beacham's blog that lists birthdays! I've added them now.
Mako Mori Bio posted by GdT on Twitter: January 9th, 2006 Drift Space Special Feature: April 23rd, 2003 Man, Machine, & Monsters: April 23rd, 2003 Pacific Rim Novelization: April 23, 2003 Travis Beacham's Blog: April 23, 2005
Raleigh Becket Bio posted by GdT on Twitter: April 11, 1991 Drift Space Special Feature: December 11, 1998 Man, Machine, & Monsters: December 11, 1998 Pacific Rim Novelization: December 11, 1998 Travis Beacham's Blog: December 11, 1998
Yancy Becket Travis Beacham's Blog: November 7th, 1995
Stacker Pentecost Bio posted by GdT on Twitter: September 9, 1983 Man, Machine, & Monsters: December 30, 1985 Pacific Rim Novelization: December 30, 1985 Travis Beacham's Blog: December 30, 1985
Hercules Hansen Man, Machine, & Monsters: November 10, 1980 Pacific Rim Novelization: November 10, 1980 Travis Beacham's Blog: November 10, 1980
Chuck Hansen Man, Machine, & Monsters: August 14, 2003 Travis Beacham's Blog: August 14, 2003
Sasha Kaidonovsky Man, Machine, & Monsters: February 9, 1991 Travis Beacham's Blog: February 9, 1991
Aleksis Kaidonovsky Man, Machine, & Monsters: January 31, 1998 Travis Beacham's Blog: January 31st, 1989
The Wei Triplets Man, Machine, & Monsters: December 24, 1998 Travis Beacham's Blog: December 24th, 1998
Tendo Choi Man, Machine, & Monsters: May 17, 1992 Travis Beacham's Blog: May 17th, 1992
Newt Geiszler Drift Space Special Feature: January 19, 1980 Man, Machine, & Monsters: January 19, 1990 Pacific Rim Novelization: January 19, 1990 Travis Beacham's Blog: January 19, 1991
Hermann Gottlieb Man, Machine, & Monsters: June 9, 1989 Pacific Rim novelization: June 9, 1989 Travis Beacham's Blog: June 9, 1989
Beacham stated that Aleksis Kaidonovsky's 1998 birthdate was a typo.
Beacham's blog lists Mako's birth year as 2005, but given that 2003 is listed far more commonly, I'm inclined to think his date may be in error.
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nctrushh0ur · 6 months
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 𓆩★𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 Follow me,  the speed limit
Getting heated up, the pace
  Gotta run to the top
       ‎‎RUSH HOUR ·.༄࿔
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⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ BASICS ❜
BIRTHNAME: Yoo Jinhwan
BIRTHDATE: 7th of October, 1997
BIRTH PLACE: Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Busan, South Korea
⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ CAREER ❜
CAREER: Idol, Actor
COMPANY: SM Entertainment
TRAINING TIME: 2016 — 2018
POSITION: leader, lead vocalist
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⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ BASICS ❜
BIRTHNAME: Chae Eunwoo
BIRTHDATE: 15th of February, 1998
BIRTH PLACE: Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean // Semi-Fluent Japanese
⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ CAREER ❜
COMPANY: SM Entertainment
TRAINING TIME: 2013 — 2018
POSITION: main dancer, vocalist
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⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ BASICS ❜
BIRTHNAME: Song Hyunsoo
BIRTHDATE: 24th of April, 1998
BIRTH PLACE: Incheon, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Incheon, South Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean // Basic English
⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ CAREER ❜
CAREER: Idol, Actor
COMPANY: SM Entertainment
TRAINING TIME: 2015 — 2016
POSITION: lead dancer, rapper, sub vocalist
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⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ BASICS ❜
BIRTHNAME: Kim Seokhwa
BIRTHDATE: 16th of January, 2000
BIRTH PLACE: Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Busan, South Korea
⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ CAREER ❜
COMPANY: SM Entertainment
TRAINING TIME: 2015 — 2018
POSITION: main vocalist, visual
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⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ BASICS ❜
BIRTHNAME: Sea Chalerm Ayutthaya
BIRTHDATE: 4th of June, 2000
BIRTH PLACE: Phuket, Thailand
HOMETOWN: Phuket, Thailand
LANGUAGES: Thai // Korean
⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ CAREER ❜
COMPANY: SM Entertainment
TRAINING TIME: 2015 — 2018
POSITION: center, vocalist, sub rapper
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⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ BASICS ❜
KOREAN NAME: Hyun Hyunjae
BIRTHDATE: 18th of March, 2002
BIRTH PLACE: Québec City, Québec, Canada
HOMETOWN: Montréal, Québec, Canada
NATIONALITY: Korean-Canadian
LANGUAGES: English // Korean // French
⸻ ·.༄࿔ ❛ CAREER ❜
COMPANY: SM Entertainment
TRAINING TIME: 2015 — 2018
POSITION: main rapper, sub vocalist, maknae
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morhatesppl · 2 months
RP ch! Bdays:
@master-of-cake : cole - 29 may 5th 1995
@myhairissick : kai - 27 - july 9th 1997
@noodlemaster6 : skylor - 26 - august 6th 1998
@notthegodofsun : apollo - 25 october 27th 1999
@havent-i-suffered-enough: jay - 24 - june 18th 2000
@misswatergirl : nya - 23 - august 24th 2001
@master-of-pillowmints : lloyd - 20 - september 22nd 2004
@morhatesppl : morana - 20 - september 28th 2004
@xbraylon : braylon - 19 - may 28th 2005
@yes-i-grow-rice : aubri - 18 - may 4th 2006
@xsierra : sierra - 17 - april 11th 2007
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nicomrade · 1 year
I saw your tweet about Usogui happening in 2008, if so, on what date did Kaji and Baku meet? Since during the chapter 2 we can see on the horse race ticket it says 06/04/2006. If we assume that they are on the previous day, then Baku met Kaji on April 5, 2006.
oh anon you have insanely good eyes. i reread the first couple chapters trying to see if theres any time indications there n never noticed its right there on the ticket, so thank you for catching this! its kinda blurry but itd be 2006年4(?)6日, right? i cant read japanese i just vaguely know what dates look like so i cant tell what kanji is after the 4, im assuming its for the month
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my 2008 claim comes from 2 places, one (the simplest) is during the air poker gamble its said eba died "10 years ago". we know he died in 1998, so air poker happens in 2008 (and so does everything else since radio tower since we know theres only 1 month between it and drop the handkerchief) but maybe this is supposed to be "almost 10 years/a decade" and the nuance was lost in translation?
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the 2nd place i got it from (and what i first noticed, and ill admit its less precise ence why ill say i "guessed" it happens in 2008) is during the paper labyrinth gambles we can see the whiteboard w dates available for the gamble. uhm i realize this is kind of convoluted to explain why it takes place in X year, but heres the explanation in short
yukiide has a 10 year memory gap that he only woke up from 2 years ago. he wants to fill this gap through this gamble, therefor hes only offering dates FROM this 10 year memory gap. (chapter 83)
the dates range from may 1997 (at the earliest) and december 2006 (at the latest) thats almost a full 10 years length so there IS some wiggle room here but not a lot (chapters 84 and 89 give us the best views of the board)
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SO yukii was unconscious until somewhere around late 2006/early 2007, and that was 2 years ago. so its AT LEAST 2008 in canon. i KNOW this isnt 100% solid proof cause itd mean if he woke up at the earliest on december 24th 2006, labyrinth takes place at the earliest on december 24th 2008? but we know what happens on that date thanks to the Eba death info, and its the protoporos arc! not labyrinth! so lets accept wiggle room into all of these indications ("eba died almost ten years ago", "i woke up roughly 2 years ago", "i was in a coma for about 10 years") i think its still a strong case for protoporos happening in 2008.
one last thing that might be my strongest point, but its out-of story info so i dont like defaulting to "the real world" as the definite truth-holder for fiction. but in this case, in usogui world there is a leap second added to january 1st of whatever year protoporos ends on. in the real world, there was a leap second added to 31st december 2008 (US time, january first 2009 for japan) in usogui its also said "its been 3 years since they last did it" which aligns with 2005 (2006 for japan) in the real world. (aside- protoporos cant end on january 1st 2006 since that ticket is dated to april 2006, no need to check if itd lign up with 2006 as the starting point) all the info about the leap second in chapter 525 aligns with my quick read through of the real world wikipedia page. again its not because it aligns with the real world that it HAS to be the truth (my own webcomic is not in sync with the real world moon phases, it doesnt make it NOT happen in 2023 all of a sudden though) which is why im NOT contesting the 2006 horse track ticket. it says 2006 therefor the story starts in 2006 end of discussion.
but it DOES brings up a super interesting question cause when i talked about this with people we all kind of assumed the story didnt take place in over a year & agreed on the 2008 confirmation with the eba line, but this would make the story span 2 years. when i read usogui again ill pay attention to time more (again) n try to get a coherent-ish timeline out of this seemingly 2 years gap? if anyone else has ideas about where all this time might be coming from you are also so so free to add your own speculation onto this. usoguis too big for me alone to remember everything about it no matter how many times i reread it lol.
though the simple answer is usogui started being published IRL in 2006 so the early chapters use 2006 as the placeholder year (including on the labyrinth whiteboard?) and then sako toshio changed his mind/forgot by the time he got to protoporos and made that 2008 to lign up with the real world leap second. i value what art has to bring to us over what the real world can bring to it so ill reject that notion but other people are free not to care as much as i do
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beezlebuth · 22 days
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no one on my tumblr knows this rlly but i lost most of my belongings in a house fire in april. its been extremely hard moving forwards after that very traumatic experience. i may never be as healthy as i was both mentally and physically before the fire and i will never stop grieving the loss of my pets and sentimental keepsakes that i have collected all my life. nonetheless, thats not what i wanted to talk about. through sheer luck, i was able to recover my collection of comic books.
those who know me knew i had an extensive and well kept collection of johnny the homicidal maniac, squee, i feel sick, and filler bunny. after the fire, it was hard being at loss of one of my favorite collections i owned. so i decided to splurge a bit and buy some more comics to make up for the ones i lost. but! like i said!!! i was able to recover my past comics! this has left me with two sets of collections pretty much and i just wanted to come on here and document what i own thus far.
i owe a lot of thanks to the comic book store that i work at. my boss at the comic book store found all those jthm individual issues in other people’s collections that were sold to him and he gave them to me for free, that jumpstarted my collection. and when they were thought to me lost forever, someone returned my old collection of all my comics to the comic book store i work at and my boss recognized them to be mine and was able to retrieve them for me. it was such an amazing coincidence and im very lucky and thankful.
my past collection consists of:
-jthm the director’s cut 24th printing (may 2007)
-jthm issue #1 ~a general sense of contempt~ 14th printing (march 2002)
-jthm issue #2 ~human relations~ 10th printing (february 2002)
-jthm issue #3 ~a transient smile~ 8th printing (february 2002)
-jthm issue #4 ~another tiresome decent~ 9th printing (december 2001)
-jthm issue #7 ~in control of a broken machine~ 9th printing (may 2002)
-squee! issue #1 ~when i was little~ 1st printing (april 1997)
-squee! issue #2 ~remember~ 1st printing (september 1997)
-squee! issue #3 ~villains~ 1st printing (november 1997)
-squee! issue #4 ~the super amazing final issue~ 1st printing (may 1998)
-i feel sick issue #1 ??th printing (november 2011)
-i feel sick issue #2 ??th printing (??? 2011)
-filler bunny #1 1st printing (january 2000)
-filler bunny #2 1st printing (february 2001)
-filler bunny #3 ???2005
my newest collection consists of:
-jthm the director’s cut 1st printing (july 1997)
-jthm issue #2 ~human relations~ 1st printing (november 1995)
-jthm issue #3 ~a transient smile~ 1st printing (february 1996)
-jthm issue #4 ~another tiresome decent~ 1st printing (may 1996)
-jthm issue #5 ~an ascent in hell~ 1st printing (august 1996)
-jthm issue #6 ~a brief failure at living~ 1st printing (november 1996)
-jthm issue #7 ~in control of a broken machine~ 1st printing (january 1997)
-squee! issue #1 ~when i was little~ 1st printing (april 1997)
-squee! issue #2 ~remember~ 1st printing (september 1997)
-squee! issue #3 ~villains~ 1st printing (november 1997)
-squee! issue #4 ~the super amazing final issue~ 1st printing (may 1998)
-filler bunny #1 11th printing (june 2007)
-filler bunny #2 1st printing (february 2001)
-filler bunny #3 ???2005
-1997 jthm tshirt that was only sold through the carpe noctem magazine
things that haven’t been recovered:
-my issue of 1997 1st issue of carpe noctem that has a jthm snippet
-original squee! shirt sold from the back of the jthm issues
-my anne qwish shirt that i made
-my jthm cosplay including nail bunny clay necklace
also i posted previously on my instagram my jthm original artwork signed by jhonen vasquez, that was returned to me also! yahoo!!!
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Let's play a game called 'Where does Hakkai's scar come from ?'
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So first, Hakkai has this scar even in the final timeline – even in a timeline where Takemichi and Mikey stopped Taiju from being abusive earlier than in the previous timeline
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When Hakkai meets Mitsuya he is about 7 or 8 (would be easier to say if I knew what age gap Mitsuya has with his sisters) and he doesn't have his scar yet
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But, but, but, Takemichi and Mikey go back to 1998 - Takemichi was born on the 25th of June 1991 and Hakkai on the 4th of September 1991, both turned 6 after the 1st of April 1997 (Japan day back to school) so they 1. Are in the same grade for sure 2. Started school in 1998 (like Takemichi says)
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Taiju started to become abusive after his mother's death as said by Yuzuha. Yuzuha also says (to her mother's tombstone) in the same flashback that Hakkai started school. -> Their mother died before the 1st of April 1998 (which means Taiju started to be abusive when he was 8 (he was born on the 24th of July 1989))
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So Takemichi and Mikey came back to a time (October 1998) where Taiju was already abusive. If they did stop him earlier than in the previous timeline (because honestly, I lied above, we aren't sure they did. I'll say there are high chances tho) Taiju stopped being abusive around that time or maybe a bit after – before Hakkai turns 8 at least (or whatever age he had when he met Mitsuya for the first time). And this 8-or-so Hakkai doesn't have his scar, he had it after. So if final timeline Hakkai still has his scar...
I'm not sure. Takemichi and Mikey could've not stopped Taiju straight away and/or Taiju could've still hurt Hakkai even if they did (habits die hard or something). But I like to think there are more chances Hakkai got his scar from a fight (like Takeomi's scar probably is) than because of Taiju
Edit: I forgot Wakui told us how Takeomi got his scar when I wrote this (it's from a fight, but not a gang fight. Sanzu did it)
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staytinys · 2 years
My “Get to Know ATEEZ”
Requested by a new anon Atiny: Hellooo! I'm a new atiny and I was wondering if you could help me get to know the boys a bit, I mean if you could describe them in a few words, what you think about them. I'm also curious who are the trouble makers and who are the mom and dad of the group who keep them in check. Thank you! This is gonna be a some of my opinion since they asked me to describe them. If you disagree, please do so kindly.
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This is not a recent picture, I just think it’s cute as fuck.
ATEEZ is an 8 member group that debuted on October 24th, 2018 under KQ Entertainment which is a pretty small company. From what I’ve seen, KQ has been amazing to the boys and I love them. I’ve been a fan since shortly before their debut. Like I literally found them a week before they debuted😂.
Debut songs: Pirate King and Treasure
So before they debuted, they were called KQ Fellaz. Currently, there is a KQ Fellaz 2 group and they’re amazing. Definitely check them out. They opened for ATEEZ this tour and I’m just amazed. Yes, I went to the concert this past month. Yes I went to the rescheduled one earlier this year too. I waited too long to see them.
Fandom name is ATINY: it’s ATEEZ and Destiny combined. Light stick is LIGHTINY. There are currently two versions, I have the second one.
Anyway, back to ATEEZ, here are some MUST SEE KQ Fellaz Content, I still go back and watch them:
Performance Video I
Performance Video II
Performance Video III
Yunho Solo Performance
KQ Fellaz - From (they performed it at their concert and I cried)
Any of the KQ Fellaz Episodes, here’s episode 1
Demon line: Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San
Now onto each individual:
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Captain (Leader if the group) Kim Hongjoong
Rapper and composer
November 7th, 1998
Dad of the group. I feel like 90% of the time he’s a single dad, 10% he has Seonghwa’s help.
One of the best leaders in kpop hands down.
He has an older brother.
He was the first to join KQ.
The laughs in the songs… yeah. That’s him
POSSESSIVE AS HELL OF ATINY. When I went to the concert back in January, he told us we weren’t allowed to listen to anyone but ATEEZ.
He’s my original bias. Please don’t tell him I strayed…
Please listen to this David Bowie cover
INFP-A (yes I’m looking this up bc it matters)
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Visual and Vocalist, Park Seonghwa
Oldest member, April 3, 1998.
You honestly wouldn’t think he’s the oldest…
Has an older brother
Mother of the group. Has a love hate relationship with Hongjoong tbh… Not really, don’t send me hate. Jfc. They’re just old and married (I say as I am the same age…)
You will see him referred to as Mars (his name backwards is Hwaseong and it means mars), toothless, and angry bird.
If I remember correctly, it took him and Hongjoong a while to be as close as they are, but they have such a strong bond now.
Has been in a drama called Imitation… Just look it up.
HIGH NOTES, such amazing vocal dexterity. Bc he also has a deep voice
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Performer and Vocalist, Jeong Yunho
March 23, 1999
Six foot, fucking one. Tallest member. Y’all king.
Deep. Fucking. Voice. God kill me.
Block B is one of my favorite groups and they covered Nillili Mambo… but here enjoy our deep voice kings (mingi, Yunho, Yeosang…)
His growl is combined with Mingis in pirate king…
He’s also in Imitation with Seonghwa. 👀 look it up…
Energizer of the group
Has a younger brother
Also is a Harry Potter fan
Um enjoy this
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Vocalist, visual, and performer, Kang Yeosang
June 15th, 1999
Former BigHit Trainee. Yes he’s friends with TXT.
Wooyoung is his best friend… more on this later. I swear there’s so much jealousy
Has a birthmark on the temple area. He’s so cute. Please look up those pics
An MC for music bank!
An absolute savage. No one can escape him. Please save ATEEZ.
I love him. He’s just… 10/10 would be my best friend. Just saying. If anyone in ateez, it’d be him.
Has a sister
Here’s a video showcasing his… yes.
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Performer and Vocalist, Choi San
July 10th, 1999
His name means mountain
Will make you think unholy thoughts 24/7
He’s a child…
Surprisingly introverted. Before their MBTI, I always thought he was an extrovert
Loves Wooyoung with his whole chest
Shiber. He loves his shiber. I’m pretty sure he has to sleep hugging something so there’s that thought for you
Was also in IMITATION with Yunho and Hwa
Trained in taekwondo. He’s a black belt if I’m not mistaken, I cant remember what degree though
His accent when he speaks English is so cute
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Performer and Rapper, Song Mingi
August 9th, 1999
Princess Minki
He’s fucking six feet tall
Thighs for days but is insecure so his wardrobe is like 98% baggy pants or loose fitting. (Thiccc too. There’s a tiktok. I’ll find it) found it 😁
Thing 2
Growls with Yunho in the beginning of Pirate King
Pretty sure he and Yunho are platonic soulmates and this
(lowkey certain Yunho is borderline his sugar daddy😂)
Big clingy baby
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Performer and Vocalist, Jung Wooyoung
November 26, 1999
Thing 1… him and mingi together. Boom chaos
He and San are besties
But he and Yeosang… yes. This man legit followed Yeosang when he left BigHit So they could stay together. Just remember that.
Hongjoong’s number one problem child. I promise.
Everything about this man is just chefs kiss
He’s a social butterfly and friends with everyone I swear
He has two brothers!
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MAIN VOCALIST, performer, fucking love of my life, Choi Jongho
October 12, 2000
I literally love him so much
Has a younger brother
STRONG BOY… literally used to break apples in half all the damn time
Can be quite the annoying little brother
Loves his hyungs though… so much
Look at him
I’m literally cryingggg
Be afraid
High notes vs the reactions
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Lightening the mood after Miami with another edition of my US number ones posts - the drivers from all series version. Please enjoy 😊😊
Sebastien Loeb (26th February 1974) - Barbara Streisand - The Way We Were
Tony Kanaan (31st December 1974) - Helen Reddy - Angie Baby
Juan Pablo Montoya (20th September 1975) - David Bowie - Fame
Mark Webber (27th August 1976) - Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Kimi Raikkonen (17th October 1979) - Michael Jackson - Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
Jenson Button (19th January 1980) - Michael Jackson - Rock With You
Felipe Massa (25th April 1981) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Kiss On My List
Heikki Kovalainen (19th October 1981) - Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)
Andre Lotterer (19th November 1981) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Private Eyes
Pippa Mann (11th August 1983) - The Police - Every Breath You Take
Simon Pagenaud (18th May 1984) - Lionel Richie - Hello
Robert Kubica (7th December 1984) - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
Nico Rosberg (27th June 1985) - Bryan Adams - Heaven
Jerome D'Ambrosio (27th December 1985) - Lionel Richie - Say You, Say Me
Rahel Frey (23rd February 1986) - Whitney Houston - How Will I Know
Kamui Kobayashi (13th September 1986) - Berlin - Take My Breath Away
Rene Rast (26th October 1986) - Cyndi Lauper - True Colors
James Hinchcliffe (5th December 1986) - Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
Oliver Turvey (1st April 1987) - Club Nouveau - Let It Be
Sebastian Vettel (3rd July 1987) - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
Alexander Sims (15th March 1988) - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Molly Taylor (6th May 1988) - Whitney Houston - Where Do Broken Hearts Go
Simona De Silvestro (1st September 1988) - George Michael - Monkey
Sarah Bovy (15th May 1989) - Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You
James Calado (13th June 1989) - Bette Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings
Brendon Hartley (10th November 1989) - Roxette - Listen To Your Heart
Earl Bamber (9th July 1990) - New Kids On The Block - Step By Step
Cristina Gutierrez (24th July 1991) - EMF - Unbelievable
Abbie Eaton (2nd January 1992) - Michael Jackson - Black Or White
Timmy Hansen (21st May 1992) - Kris Kross - Jump
Daniel Abt (3rd December 1992) & Alice Powell (26th January 1993) - Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Tatiana Calderon (10th March 1993) - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle - A Whole New World
Christine GZ (22nd July 1993) - SWV - Weak
Alex Lynn (17th September 1993) & Bubba Wallace (8th October 1993) - Mariah Carey - Dreamlover
Michelle Gatting (31st December 1993) - Mariah Carey - Hero
Naomi Schiff (18th May 1994) - Ace Of Base - The Sign
Jessica Hawkins (16th February 1995) & Luca Ghiotto (24th February 1995) - TLC - Creep
Beitske Visser (10th March 1995) - Madonna - Take A Bow
Nicholas Latifi (29th June 1995) - Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
Jack Aitken (23rd September 1995) - Coolio ft L.V - Gangsta's Paradise
Oliver Askew (12th December 1996) - Toni Braxton - Un-Break My Heart
Louis Deletraz (22nd April 1997) - Puff Daddy ft Mase - Can't Nobody Hold Me Down
Catie Munnings (15th November 1997) - Elton John - Candle In The Wind
Cem Bolukbasi (9th February 1998) - Janet Jackson - Together Again
Jamie Chadwick (20th May 1998) - Next - Too Close
Kevin Hansen (28th May 1998) - Mariah Carey - My All
Mick Schumacher (22nd March 1999) - Cher - Believe
Toni Breidinger (14th July 1999) - Jennifer Lopez - If You Had My Love
Max Fewtrell (29th July 1999) - Will Smith ft Dru Hill & Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West
Robert Shwartzman (16th September 1999) - Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Bent Viscaal (18th September 1999) - TLC - Unpretty
Felipe Drugovich (23rd May 2000) - Santana ft The Product G&B - Maria Maria
Marta Garcia (9th August 2000) - N'Sync - It's Gonna Be Me
Arthur Leclerc (14th October 2000) - Christina Aguilera - Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)
Sophia Florsch (1st December 2000) & Clement Novalak (23rd December 2000) - Destiny's Child - Independent Women Pt 1
Frederik Vesti (13th January 2002) - Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Luke Browning (31st January 2002) & Liam Lawson (11th February 2002) - Usher - U Got It Bad
Olli Caldwell (11th June 2002) - Ashanti - Foolish
Jack Doohan (20th January 2003) - Eminem - Lose Yourself
All added to this playlist
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