#25 days of drabbles
devildomwriter · 6 months
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause | Diavolo x Reader
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900+ words | GN reader | warnings: Diavolo and reader have a child
The towering pine tree shone brightly in the ballroom of the castle. Barbatos had given in this year to Diavolo’s pleas for an unreasonably large Christmas tree and now you both got to enjoy it reflecting the ornaments across the room.
“I told him it was worth it,” Diavolo, dressed as Santa, grinned proudly. Barbatos sighed and brought in the last stack of gifts you’d prepared for everyone.
“This is all of the gifts. Are you certain you won’t be needing my services anymore tonight, Young lord?” Barbatos asked Diavolo with a worried frown.
“Yes, ___ and I can handle the rest. You like organizing the gifts right?” Diavolo double-checked with you and you nodded enthusiastically.
Diavolo chuckled and Barbatos bowed and made a swift exit, ready to turn in for the night.
“Okay, so they’re in different wrapping paper for different people right?” Diavolo asked and you nodded and began sorting them.
“Where’s Luci’s pile?”
“The dark blue ones with peacock feathers.”
Diavolo started laughing and began to guess the others. “Golden ones for Mammon, Ruri-Chan for Levi, Christmas Cats for Satan….let’s see, the pink ones with kiss lip stains must be Asmo’s. Where did you find such perfect paper?” He asked as he looked everything over.
“The internet.”
“Yes that would make sense…no food ones for Beel?”
“Not all his stuff is food and we don’t want him eating it. The perishables are in the walk-in freezer.”
Diavolo nodded, agreeing with your choice. “So…his paper must be Devilcat? Wise decision! He truly loves that mascot, doesn’t he? And Belphie here must be the clouds, right?” He continued talking to himself as he delighted in the choices of wrapping paper.
He burst into laughter as you handed him one of Luke’s gifts, wrapped in chihuahuas of course.
“Thirteen is the octopus one, Solomon is the magic wands, Raphael is the music notes, Simeon is the quills, Mephistopheles is the My Little Pony—“
“Bahahahahahaha,” Diavolo burst into laughter strong enough that tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Lastly, Barbatos is the British tea set paper, mine is the royal cats, yours are the cutesy animals, and—“
You reached for a gift simultaneously, touching hands. You smiled and took the gift and placed it in the nicest pile. “And these, are Chao’s.”
Diavolo smiled and pulled you into his chest as you sat on the large tree skirt.
“He’s gonna love them,” Diavolo smiled and kissed your forehead.
“It’ll be hard to top Barbatos, I don’t know how he does it,” you sighed. Chao may be yours and Diavolo’s son but every year Barbatos seemed to outshine the two of you gift-wise.
“Barbatos is still hiding his gifts in his room for Christmas morning,” Diavolo shook his head. “He really won’t give us a chance to outdo him, will he?”
You shook your head in agreement, “he’s currying favor already,” you joked and Diavolo laughed and kissed the back of your neck.
You eyed Diavolo up and down, letting your eyes linger long enough for him to notice and he grinned playfully.
“Done delivering gifts for the night?” You asked him sweetly and he nodded, got to his feet, and pulled you up with him.
“There’s just one more thing I want to do for the very special person at the top of my nice list,” he whispered into your ear. “Can you guess what that is?”
You blushed and nodded, “I think I can.”
Diavolo leaned in to kiss you when you both heard an ornament jingle and fall to the floor. Diavolo turned around to investigate and you followed but saw nothing.
Diavolo smirked and chuckled. “I think someone’s being naughty, should we go and see?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No, I’d rather have Santa to myself right now,” you teased and he nodded eagerly as you both left to your room.
Meanwhile, Barbatos, settling into bed was disturbed by the tapping of quick footsteps and loud banging on his door. He sighed, slipped on his shoes, and opened the door to see Chao looking frantic. His eyes shone like his mother’s and his hair was red and messy like his father’s.
“Oh my, whatever are you doing up at this hour Young prince?” Barbatos asked, feigning concern.
“Out there! Out there! It’s Mommy,” he sputtered in between gasps. Barbatos picked up Chao and prepared to investigate when Chao revealed his secret, “Mommy was kissing Santa! I saw it! We have to tell Daddy!”
Barbatos stopped in his tracks and started laughing. “Oh my, is that what happened? Don’t worry, I’m sure Daddy doesn’t mind a greeting kiss.”
Chao looked even more concerned, “Does Daddy like that kind of stuff?”
Barbatos’s eye twitched. “Whatever could you mean by that…”
“Uncle Asmo said—“ Barbatos covered Chao’s mouth.
“Listen to me Chao, this is very important.” Chao nodded, hand still over his mouth. “We will never ever listen to anything Uncle Asmo tells us. Understood?” Chao nodded again. “And if Uncle Asmo tells you anything weird, come tell me, okay?”
Chao nodded again and Barbatos took his hand away. “Now then, why don’t we get you back to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow, six of your uncles will be here for their gifts from you and we want you looking your best.”
“Don’t you mean seven uncles?”
“No, I meant six. Now let’s tuck you into bed little one. it’s nearly Christmas Day.”
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secret keeper | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x driver!teammate!reader word count: 2.1k words (i really wanted all of these to be short lol sorry) request: don’t think so! prompt: doing secret santa ⎯ “just tell me who got me.” from this prompt list. not my prompts, credits to the person who created it!warnings: kinda crack!fic, idk. language, really fluffy, seb being great, special appearance by the spanish speaking gang (i had to). reader speaks spanish in this. a/n: here’s day 2! i hope you like it, pls let me know what you think! reminder that my requests are closed.
my masterlist
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(you'll know why i chose this gif later lol)
doing secret santa was the most exciting part of the year for her. it was something so silly and it made her so happy, the thought of having someone actually think deep about what they felt she’d really enjoy was a thrilling one.
something she didn’t quite like about secret santa was that first part. the secret. whilst she did like surprises, and there were only a few limited options as to who might give her something, the anticipation was too much for her. 
her teammate, mick, had made a bet with himself, to see how long it’d take her to either figure out or start interrogating everyone until they told her who her secret santa was. at first he gave it ten minutes, but he laughed to himself as he watched her.
they were doing the standard start-of-year interviews, the drivers’ goals and predictions, and the secret santa name draw. mick had already finished his, and was waiting for her so they could go and have lunch together. normally they’d wait longer to do the name draw, but last year the organizers had left it till the last minute, and they didn’t want to risk it this time. plus, they’d have a whole season ahead of them to think really well about the gift.
“okay, (y/n), i’ve got this santa hat here-” the interviewer said, showing her the hat.
“ooh, christmas in march, i like it!” she laughed.
“and in here there’s the names of the other drivers available for the gift exchange,” she nodded at the interviewer.
“i like that we’re doing this right at the start of the season,” she chuckled, grabbing the hat by the white fluff, the pom pom hanging down, “but i can assure you, more than one person will wait until the day before to get their gift,” the people around her laughed, mick did, too. “why are you laughing? did you feel called out?” she asked mick, raising an eyebrow. a camera panned to him, shaking his head at her.
“i already know what i’m going to get,”
“ooh, tell me, tell me!” she rushed to him, moving her hair away from her ear. he leaned in, presing his lips close to her ear.
she rolled her eyes, slapping the back of his head. 
“did you get seb?” she asked walking back to the spot where she was supposed to be, where all the cameras were ready to record her. she hadn’t arrived in time to see his secret santa segment, so she’d have to find out another way.
“i’m not going to tell you!” he laughed, as the interviewer shook her head.
“you’re not supposed to tell each other, or anyone,” she clarified. 
“ugh, fine.” she laughed, “sorry,” she apologized, and placed her hand in, “wait, then he should leave! or he’ll know who i get,” she pointed an accusatory finger at him. “what if i get him?”
“someone else already got mick,” the interviewer clarified, and her shoulders slumped a little, it wasn’t a lie that the two of them were the closest friends and teammates, but she wouldn’t let that discourage her. 
“dang it, what am i going to do with all those treats i got for angie, then?” she teased, mick laughed. “so sorry, i know this is taking way longer than it should’ve. i promise i’ll focus now.” she nodded, “you can stay, just promise not to tell anyone,” she told mick, who pretended to zip his lips together.
she ran her fingers through all the folded pieces of paper, finally picking one that called to her. she unfolded it, her eyes opening wide as she read. 
“hell yes!” she skipped from one foot to the other, jumping in excitement, “i got seb!” she declared happily, showing the paper to everyone. “ha-ha!” she mocked mick, who only rolled his eyes as he laughed. the two of them were the best of friends. they grew up together, and had been teammates since they were in f3, somehow they always found their way back to each other. suddenly her eyes snapped open, “did you get me?” she gasped. mick shook his head. “did he get me?” she asked the rest of the crew behind the cameras, who only laughed at her eagerness, but didn’t answer. “fine, if you could just tell whoever got me that my favorite color is blue, that would be great, thanks!”
months passed and as the end of season approached, her relentlessness to know who her secret santa was came back with as much as before. this time, mick wasn’t her only victim.
it started in mexico city, when she was walking alongside charles and lando, and someone from charles’ team approached him.
“hey, charles, just to remind you that the deadline for the secret santa gift is in brazil.” he said, leaving them after that.
“you haven’t turned in your gift?” she asked, she’d done it the week before, when she was finally done packing the perfect gift for sebastian. her mentor. 
“i honestly forgot about it,” he said, lando laughed, drinking from his water bottle. something shifted in her eyes as an idea popped in her head.
“well, i could help you!” she offered, blinking slowly to gain his attention.
“really?” he asked, feeling like a weight was being lifted off his shoulders, “thanks i honestly didn’t know what to get-” he was about to say the name of his secret santa, but lando elbowed him on the ribs.
“you can’t say it!” he scolded him, chuckling at her enraged face.
“lando you ass! he was about to tell me!” she grunted, grabbing charles’ face and directing his eyes to her. “tell me charles, who’s your secret santa?”
“no! i can’t say,” he shook his head, feeling something in the pit of his stomach as her eyes narrowed. 
“did you get me? do you know who got me?” she asked, shaking his shoulders dramatically. lando laughed, charles was trying his hardest to keep a straight face. 
“no, and no!” he said, she grunted, and moved on to lando.
“do you know, norris?” she asked.
“no. i don’t know. and i didn’t get you.”
“you didn’t?” she asked, at least if he denied it she could tick him off his list.
“i don’t know,” he said, shrugging and smiling sheepishly. 
she punched his shoulder and walked away, both drivers hurried after her. 
finally, in abu dhabi things got a little bit sweeter. the dinner to honor sebastian was a perfect opportunity for her to really tick people off her list of suspects, up until that point the only person off her list was herself. she hadn’t made that much progress. she had to be smart about it, she couldn’t just straight up ask someone about it, much less if her friends were listening to her.
thankfully, as they were about to leave and were all gathering to take a picture, they all started talking about their agendas for the next day.
“i’m doing the secret santa thing early tomorrow, thankfully,” she heard fernando say, in spanish, he was talking to the other spanish-speakers of the grid. she thanked the stars for her stubbornness, and her parents for listening to her when she said she wanted to learn as many languages as she could. spanish, of course, french, italian, english, and german. this was her shot, and if she were alone, she would’ve grinned like the grinch. she approached them, slowly, and listened to them. “after that i’m completely free.”
“free of what?” she popped in.
“media duties,” he explained, smiling.
“ugh, i’m busy all day. i think they left my secret santa segment for last.”
“well, of course, everyone knows how much you love that thing,” checo said.
“that’s true, i know,” she chuckled. “did you guys struggle to get your gift?”
“not really, mine is an inside joke with max,” checo shrugged, the name slipping from his lips without him noticing.
“aw that’s nice,” she smiled, feeling carlos looking at her.
“i’m not going to tell you who i got.”
“why? did you get me?” she tried, but carlos shook his head.
“i don’t mind, if it will help you sleep better. i didn’t get you,” fernando admitted, she looked at him gratefully.
“see, carlos? that’s what a good friend does!” she pointed at fernando, “thank you.”
mick called her name, she excused herself and walked to him, feeling his arm around her shoulders. 
“what are you doing?” he asked accusatorily. 
“we can tick checo and fernando off my list,” she gave him a smug smile, clearly content with her work for the night.
“you’re just not letting this go are you?” he asked, amused at her stubbornness, it didn’t surprise him, he knew her like the back of his hand, but it was still nice to see her trying her hardest to figure this out.
“this all can end if you just tell me who got me.” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder as everyone else gathered around, getting ready for the group picture. 
“you’ll know tomorrow. don’t worry.” he reassured her. she sighed.
the next day, mick and (y/n) were like two kids, she’d wanted to watch seb open the present she got him, and had convinced mick to help her make it happen in a way that wouldn’t be so obvious. it didn’t take that much to find a way to stay and watch seb.
they just found him as they walked pass, and asked if they could stay. the lady in charge of all of the f1 media just asked them to stay quiet.
“oh, this is very nice,” seb smiled as he took out the first present, “didn’t we have like $30 limit?” he chuckled, (y/n) and mick laughed too. the last gift was a dead giveaway, a picture of her, mick, and seb. when the two young drivers were just kids, barely starting karting against each other. it was from the first time they met sebastian in a “professional” environment. “oh, well, i think i know who this is from,” he grinned, his eyes darting to the two of them, with mick confused and (y/n) with a big smile on her face. he showed the picture to the camera, a different camera panning to the two haas drivers. “judging by their faces i’d say this is from (y/n),” he guessed. 
she nodded her head, and walked to him when he opened his arms for her. they hugged each other, she was going to miss him so much. he’d always been there for her. all throughout her career and her personal life. she looked up to him, admired him and everything he worked for, what he stood for. 
“thank you, dear, i loved all of my gifts,” she smiled, proud of herself. 
“thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” 
after an excruciatingly long day, it was her turn to film her secret santa section.
“i really hope you add a special montage of every time i’ve risked my life, and others’, trying to figure out who got me in this gift exchange,” she only half-joked, but it helped ease the mood with everyone around. mick, as usual, was sitting next to her, on the other side of the cameras.
“we’ll make sure of it,” the f1 producer nodded, making a mental note to check all the footage. once the cameras started rolling officially, she got her signature smile on, “(y/n), welcome to the 2022 f1 secret santa. i know this is something you’ve been looking forward all year long,” she nodded her head, “i won’t make you wait much longer so, here you go,” she was handed a small box, and her first instinct was to shake it to see if it made any noise.
“i hear a faint jingling.” she said, unwrapping the blue ribbon around the black box. “it’s blue! thanks santa!” she smiled, remembering the comment she’d made about her favorite color. “oh, whoa-” her eyes widened as she saw the gift. it was a necklace, with the outline of a track hanging in the middle. “it’s spa!” she giggled, recognizing the twists and turns. “oh my god, this is so nice, i-” her eyes widened as she stared at it, a light flush had creeped its way up to her cheeks. “oh, gosh, i-” she was at a loss for words, she was expecting maybe a gift that was partly a joke, or something small. this was too much. “i don’t think i can accept this.”
“do you have any clue as to who it might be?” they asked her, she was still too shocked to think.
“no. well, i mean the only person that pops in my head that might be this thoughtful is either mick or seb, but i guess maybe charles, too? i know he’s sponsored by a jewelry company,”
“you’re so close,” they told her. 
“pierre?” she guessed, it didn’t really make sense, he didn’t know that spa was her favorite track, well, to her knowledge.
“not quite,” she sighed.
“i don’t know. i-” she turned her head, seeing mick looking at her, throughout the entire time he could feel his eyes on her, it wasn’t anything different. but she saw a faint blush on his cheeks, his ears. “oh my god. no. are you shitting me?” she asked him, directly, not even looking at the cameras. “it was you? it’s been you this entire time?” she asked. and mick couldn’t hide it anymore, he smiled, nodding. “mick!” she ran to him, he stood up as she approached him and she jumped in his arms. “thank you, i love it,” she said.
“i’m glad you liked it,” he said, suddenly becoming shy under all of the stares.
once she returned to her spot, she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. her fingers were playing with the chain that now hung from her neck. 
“how’d you know it was mick?” they asked her.
“well, not many people know that my favorite track is spa. i mean, they probably wouldn’t think it is given my bad luck there,” she said, referring to the fiasco last year and her dnf of that year after having a great race. “and he blushes a lot,” she added, chuckling. 
they hurried the rest of the video, as she thanked him once more, this time in front of the cameras. 
“i should’ve known,” she said as she shook her head. “i knew there was a reason you weren’t telling me.”
“ah, well, i had to keep the secret,” he chuckled. 
“i really love this, mick, thank you. you really didn’t have to get me something so…”
“oh, you’ll just have to wait and see what i’ve got in store for christmas,” he smiled, leaving her stunned there as he kept walking.
“what do you mean? you got my gift already?!” she asked, rushing to him again.
“i don’t know,” he shrugged, “maybe,” he said as he got into the elevator.
“what is it? can you give me a clue?” she asked.
“hmm… i can just say you’re going to love it,” mick smiled, already looking forward to their christmas trip, one that could possibly change the course of their friendship, possibly changing to something more. being her secret santa wasn’t the only secret mick was keeping.
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DAY TWENTY-FIVE: Proposing on Christmas w/ Daryl Dixon
a/n: It's the final day, and this challenge has sure given me a run for my money oh my goodness. I'm not proud that I let this challenge slip away from me, but I am proud that I didn't allow myself to abandon it, even though I did want to on major occasions. Sadly, I had suffered a severe case of writers' block and burnt-out motivation, but it seems as though my time away has lifted my spirits! I have received many requests leading up to now, so I'll be sure to catch up on those slowly but surely, and I thank those who have been oh so patiently waiting. I also want to thank everyone for their support on this! It truly was fun, but I think that's enough challenges for me until later lol!!
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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Daryl was never one to be nervous, let alone on Christmas. Even before the fall of humanity, he had never once celebrated, and even if he did, it would’ve been a shitty holiday in the Dixon family household, accompanied by a drunk and abusive father, with an equally high and bigot brother, and an absent mother. So, it was safe to say that the man had never once imagined himself celebrating, until you, until he learned how this was your favorite time of the year, how he had noticed the lift in your spirits as the first snow fell. Until he had imagined himself being with you forever.
He had seen the happiness that marriage had brought Glenn & Maggie, but he also saw the sadness that plagued Lori & Rick as well. He had seen how broken up Maggie was when Negan had killed Glenn, how vengeful Rick became when Lori had lost her life to giving birth to Judith. He had seen the highs and lows of every kind of marriages, so he had no choice but to ask the only woman that he could trust, and that was Michonne. Yes, Rick was gone. There was no going around it. He had spent months out in the open searching for what felt like a ghost, and in those moments of loneliness, of a punishment he had unknowingly sent himself to, he had realized that he couldn’t be without you, and it would be the biggest mistake he had ever made if continued in this life without you being permanently bound to him.
“Michonne.” Daryl called out to the woman as he approached her. It took her attention away from whatever council business she was in the middle of. “I uh- I gotta ask ya something.’” He said as he fidgeted with his fingers nervously. “Anything.” She said with a smile on her face. “So, I wanted to uh- propose to ______, ‘nd I wanna do it on Christmas but, I don’ know how to.” He confessed sheepishly. The smile on her face was one that wanted to tease, but also help the poor guy out. “Just do it from the heart, Daryl. I know for a fact that she won’t say no, trust me.” Her words were comforting, and she knew that she would never lie to him.
Now all that was left was waiting for the right moment. Does he dress up? Does he gather an audience? It was only then that he realized how intimate and personalized proposals were. There was no right way to do it, in the moment when you two were alone, trudging through the forest as it snowed that he felt deep within his gut that this was it, the moment he had been waiting for.
“Stop.” He said suddenly, hearing the crunching that was coming from behind him cease. “Dar? What’s wrong?” You asked him quietly, eyes frantically searching in front of him for any type of danger, or food. “I uh-“ What was he supposed to say now? He turned around to face you, taking your hands in his. “The snow making you feel romantic, Daryl?” You teased, a soft smile on your face as you watched his large hand swallow yours. “I guess.” He confessed with his own crooked smile on his face. “I know ‘m supposed’ta know what’ta say but... I ain’ never done anything like this before. I’ve thought about this for a long time, hell, even asked Michonne to help me, but uh-" He got down on one knee and you swear you stopped breathing. “Daryl?” You asked shakily. He looked up at you through the hair in his face and dug something from within his back pocket. He had always had a habit of carrying your ring with him everywhere he went.
“Ya don’ gotta say nothin’ jus’... will ya marry me?” There it was the big question that had sat in the back of his throat and his mind for what felt like years. He watched as a large smile broke out on your face despite the tears spilling down your full, cold cheeks. “What do you mean I don’t have to say anything, Daryl? Of course, I’ll marry you!” You could practically scream at the top of your lungs as he stood up, his pants leg now soaked in melted snow. You giggled at the sight of it and Daryl grinned, reaching for your hand and slipping on the band that he had made for you.
“I know it ain’ much, but there’s only so many rings shop in the world, and I didn’ know what your ring size was.” You cupped his cheeks, thumb rubbing at the scruff. “Daryl, it’s perfect, and it’s so... you. I don’t need a gold or diamond ring, all I need is you, always and forever.” And with that, you kissed him, and he kissed you back, pulling your body into his.
At the end of the day, both of you walked out of the greenery as husband and wife. Not yet at least.
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abbatoirablaze · 6 months
Q1, Fernando Alonso
Word Count:  759
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Fernando sighed as he watched the rise and fall of the duvet.  Your soft little moans was music to his ears as his eyes trailed to the wall, looking towards the light peaking out from behind the curtains.
He’d have to get up soon.
It may have been Christmas break, but training waited for no man. 
Christmas time or not. 
It was with another sigh that his eyes moved back to you.  You shifted closer against his side and moaned. 
It hadn’t been more than a half hour ago that the room was filling with the beautiful, angelic sounds of your moans, and his own husky grunts.
“Corazon,” he groaned, watching you shudder beneath him.  Your core clenched around his length as your eyes stayed entranced on his features.  Your legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging in to the firm flesh of his ass, pushing his hips further against your own.  You let out a pornographic moan as his hips circled and his rhythm continued to build.  One arm lingered at your hip, holding you in place, while the other slid up your body, cupping your breasts, before moving up your arm and pulling your hands from his hair.  He laced your fingers with his and moved your hand over your head, stretching your body taut, “perfeccion!”
He watched as your eyes fluttered shut.  A smile lighting up his features. 
“No me voy a retirar, princesa!” (I’m not pulling out, princess) he growled, his pace stuttering ever so slightly, “me estoy acabando en ti!  Estoy poniendo un bebe en ti!”  (I am cumming in you.  I am putting a baby in you!)
“Por favor, Fernando!” you moaned, quickly hitting your high, “FERNANDO!  Please!”
“You like that?” he growled, taunting you lightly as he circled his hips, “you like thoughts of me putting a baby in you?  Stretching that tight little cono…making that little puta drool for me…”
Your core fluttered around his cock, an instinctive reaction to his words.  His mouth fell open ever so slightly as he growled.
You were loving the dirty talk.
He could feel your pussy trying to milk him as he continued, “you want me to make you a mami?”
“Please!” you whimpered, your own orgasm hitting you like a freight train as the hand that had been on your hip moved up to your breasts and he tweaked one of your nipples, “FERNANDO!”
“Going to put a bebe in you!” he growled, thinking of how you would swell with his child over the course of the next racing season, “Going to do it right now!  Going to see you become a nice little mami to our baby!”
You were gone.
Your core was actively milking his cock for everything it was worth as your eyes rolled back into your skull. 
He fucked you silly.
He smiled as he came, and with a guttural grunt, he spilled his seed into your needy channel, filling it.  Your cunt convulsed around him, practically sensing his seed making it’s way into you even more as he continued to fuck himself into you.
“No way you aren’t pregnant before New Years!” he groaned against your throat, his hips giving a few last-second thrusts as his breathing became hot and heavy  in your ears, “princesa.”
He was torn from his thoughts as he looked at your sweet doe-eyes.  He gave a light hum as he stared at you, “Hmm?”
Your hand trailed over his and you gave him a soft smile, “wanna take another shot before you have to get up for training?”
“You’re not too tired?” he teased.
“Oh…I’m trying to make you a papi before new years…” you teased back, “that means no breaks for either of us…and anyways…if we do this, you can stay in bed longer…this still counts as cardio…”
Fernando chuckled at you, “just because you’re my girlfriend and trainer doesn’t mean you get to make that ultimatum…what if I don’t fuck you silly like earlier, hmmm?”
“Then I guess you didn’t push yourself hard enough and we’ll have to do cardio after all!” you smirked yet again.
Fernando grinned, accepting the challenge as he gently rolled you onto your back, his hands already peeling the sticky, cum soaked panties from your mound, “oh mami…you’re really gonna wish you didn’t say that by the time I’m done with you…gonna have a belly full of me, and legs that feel like cooked spaghetti…”
“C’mere then, papi!” you teased, pulling your boyfriend on top of you for round two, “come breed me right!”
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blackrosesandwhump · 3 months
March of Pain Day 25: I'm Sorry
CW: blood, implied death, emotional whump, male/female whumpees
“I’m sorry,” the knight whispers, drawing close to the princess’s bedside. “I failed you.”
The princess’s face is pale, nestled in pillows barely whiter than her skin. With her closed eyes and gently folded hands, he can almost imagine she’s sleeping peacefully. But the vials at her bedside tell a different story. One that, thanks to the knight’s failure to retrieve the water of life, will have only one ending.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, sinking to his knees. Fresh blood blooms through the bandages covering his wounded arm, but he doesn’t notice. It doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing does.
“Pardon me,” comes a voice from behind him. “If I may be of service?”
“Go away. There’s nothing you can do.”
“Nothing?” says the voice. Footsteps cross the floor; the knight glances up. Someone is standing next to him, someone dressed in fabric that ripples like snakeskin. The knight’s gaze travels upward and meets the stranger’s eyes. A chill of fear skitters down his back but quickly turns to a thrill of hope at the man’s next words.
“I can bring her back, make her whole again as she never was before. And I can heal those wounds,” the stranger adds, nodding at the knight’s bandages.
The knight starts to speak, ready to beg for help, but the stranger cuts him off.
“That is, if you make me a deal. Your soul, for the princess’s life.”
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emeralddoeadeer · 8 months
31 Prompts for 31 Days
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@jilytoberfest is back! Happy October
A collection of drabbles
25. “Don’t worry, we will make it”
It’s become something of a post-training ritual, Lily slipping into the changing room under the invisibility cloak and waiting for the rest of the team to leave.
Here they have privacy, a rarity within the castle walls.
Getting lost in each other, again and again.
Time loses all meaning; nothing exists but them.
Heartbeat to heartbeat, their breathing slows.
Above them, thunder rumbles.
“It hasn’t started raining yet, we should probably make a move, or we’ll be stuck here…”
James’ nose brushes her neck, lips tracing her clavicle.
“Don’t worry, we will make it.”
She smiles, “I have no doubt.”
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chasingmidnights · 6 months
'Tis the Season: Holiday Special
Day 21 - Bruce Banner - what the holidays might look like with Bruce Banner. The holidays with Bruce is spent decorating his lab with a science inspired Christmas tree which he later admits to you was pretty impressive and that he loved it. They're also spent baking and decorating gingerbread man cookies, which you love because Bruce generally tends to get icing all over the place and eventually all over you. The two of you also enjoy making crafts and gifts for each other and going to the nearby Christmas market. At the end of the day, you enjoying snuggling with your kitty, named Marco. (Who is always getting into trouble and likes to climb the Christmas tree.)
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 7 months
Val's December Drabbles Day 1/25
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Okay, so yeah I'm doing a drabble advent, where I allow a random Christmas word generator to choose my prompt for each day from now until Christmas. Send me all of the good vibes you have because I have many a fic to complete between now and then, so what's 25 more, huh?
Today's word is merry and is inspired by the following lyrics to the song Merry Christmas by Ed Sheeran and Elton John:
We'll dance in the kitchen while embers glow We've both known love, but this love we got is the best of all I wish you could see it through my eyes then you would know My God, you look beautiful right now Merry Christmas
Alex finds Henry in the kitchen, humming softly to himself as Elton John’s voice issues tinnily from his phone. His back is to Alex as he stands at the stove stirring something in a pot that smells heavenly. He’s just set the large ladle down when Alex wraps his arms around Henry’s waist and spins him around to face him, his blue eyes wide with the shock of the silent greeting. He quickly relaxes, melting into Alex’s embrace as they sway to the rhythm of the music, the flickering light of the fireplace dancing alongside them on a nearby wall.
You can also find the entire series here on AO3!
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slytherinbarnes · 6 months
me to myself: hozier x sub rosa drabbles when??!
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kyleraynermybeloved · 7 months
Blanket Fort 🎄-Day One
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Pairing: Kyle Rayner x GN!Reader Summary: What's the best way to spend a cold and tiring day? Building a blanket fort of course!. Warnings: Christmas mention but not focused, fluff. Word Count: 1,153 A/N: The first fic of the 25 Holiday Event is here!!! 25 Day Holiday Event Masterlist | Masterlist
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The sound of the small space heater filled the air as you sat curled up on the couch with a book, bundled in blankets to fight off the cold air.
The furnace had broken days earlier, a call to the H-VAC company told you they wouldn’t be able to get anyone out until the end of the weekend, they were having some maintenance problems that had them closed for the week. So you had Kyle purchase some electric space heaters that rotated around the home to keep most areas warm.
The two of you found the living room stayed the warmest and had nestled up there every night. It was a good thing Kyle had talked you into purchasing the more expensive couch because it was definitely worth the money spent.
The front door opened with a chilling breeze, grabbing your attention as you watched Kyle shut it quickly behind him, face rosy and hair disheveled from the cold wind. You felt your cheeks heat up as he spotted you from the doorway, instantly giving you a loving smile, one that you returned after a moment to take in his appearance.
“Was your day alright?” You asked, setting down your book which was long forgotten.
“Yeah, it would have been better if I had brought more layers. The studio was colder than outside, I don’t even know how that was possible.” He shrugged off his coat that was almost soaked through from the slushy snow. The idea of having to traverse outside made you inwardly cringe, you knew he had to be freezing and uncomfortable.
“Why don’t you take a warm shower and I’ll put on a movie for us when you get out.” You suggested.
He kicked off his shoes by the entrance and walked to you, leaning over the couch to give you a kiss. “That sounds like a great idea, I won’t be too long then.”
You hummed happily as he walked towards the bedroom. Hearing the bathroom door close and the water turn on, you came up with an idea that would help him relax. That idea required lots and lots of blankets and pillows, you knew your large blanket collection would come in handy one day.
You walked to where you had stashed your blanket hoard and grabbed everything you needed, setting them on the couch. You stood with your hands on your hips, glancing around to figure out where it would be best to start.
It would make sense if the large couch was the main structure but you wondered if it would be better to use the floor and have the couch serve as extra back support instead. After a few more moments of contemplating you decided on abandoning your thoughts and began on setting up the fort.
If you couldn’t choose between the two, why not just do both? That way you’d have more space to use when you would start feeling too cramped in one area.
You didn’t hear Kyle come back to the living room when you were halfway done, freshly showered and bundled up in warm pajamas.
“Woah! This is incredible!” Kyle expressed in wonder, his hands found their way around your waist pulling you in a hug. You turned in his arms so you were facing him, tightening your own hold.
“You weren’t supposed to be out yet, it’s not done.” You said with a pout. He laughed before giving a peck on your nose.
“You’ve already done an impressive job, it looks amazing. But now that I’m here I can help.” Kyle replied.
The floor was covered with thick blankets, each strategically placed to provide more cushion. The pillows were arranged as a makeshift border surrounding the area; larger and thinner blankets had been used as the fort’s canopy.
“The only thing left to do is to bring more space heaters and get the thicker blankets and we’re all set.” You said with a nod. “Would you mind doing that while I change into my pajamas? I don’t want to be left out of the comfy train, not while you’re leading it.”
You felt more than heard the deep hearty chuckle Kyle let out. “Yeah, of course. Go change party pooper.”
By the time you changed and came back Kyle had turned off all the lights, save for the ones on the Christmas tree, and had chosen a movie to put on.
It was honestly a breathtaking sight to see. Kyle had been laid out on the couch, one arm positioned behind his head in support while the other lay over his midsection. The dim glow of the lights on the tree had painted Kyle in a radiant light that you swore rivaled that of one of the wonders of the world, it made your heart beat faster seeing him like this.
“Don’t you look comfortable.” You cleared your throat.
“I will be once you’re curled up next to me.” He moved farther back into the couch to give you room in front of him. You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance, smiling to yourself.
You crouched down to walk into the blanket fort, settling into the spot next to him. Kyle pulled one of the many blankets over the both of you, wrapping his free arm around you, pressing play on the movie.
The tv light brightened up the blanket fort around you, creating a soft atmosphere that made you drowsy. It felt like the world had been cut off and the only thing that existed was this little bubble you created.
“Thank you for this, I really needed it.” Kyle whispered. You would have missed it if he wasn’t right next to you.
“For you, anything.” You replied sleepily, it was getting harder to keep your eyes open. If it were even possible he pulled you closer against his chest, lazily tracing shapes on your arm. “Plus it beats sleeping in the cold, it’s doing a good job at keeping us warm.”
He let out a yawn, slumber calling to him as well. “I really hope we get the furnace fixed soon, otherwise I might just have to take things into my own hands.”
That would not end well. Kyle is not the best guy for maintenance, last time he tried to fix something it had been the stove, and the place nearly went up in flames.
“Kyle, I love you but there is no way I’m letting you touch that thing.” You said through your own yawn. You did not have to look at him to know he rolled his eyes, you could practically feel him doing it.
“Go to sleep you big meany,” He huffed out. “And I love you too.”
The two of you stayed like that, making comments on the movie that was nearly forgotten, wrapped up in each other's presence that was amplified in the small fort. Whispering until eventually sleep took hold.
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devildomwriter · 6 months
Believe In What Your Heart is Saying | Leviathan x Reader
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.6K Words | GN! Reader | CW: none
Leviathan struggled to calm his heart as he paced his floor, occasionally bumping against the jellyfish lights as he did so.
Henry watched from the aquarium concerned. Leviathan didn’t usually get like this over anything other than his anime and idols and this time Leviathan mouthed the same thing over and over again. The red shade on his face didn’t dim no matter how many times he practiced.
“___, will you, b-b-be, be-b-b-be! Aaaack I can’t say it! Why can’t I say it!?” Leviathan bemoaned and turned to Henry. He placed his hand against the tank and asked Henry for help but the fish did not know how to respond.
Leviathan nodded. “You’re right! I’m too pathetic. They’ll just say no, so why bother?”
Henry blew bubbles at Leviathan trying to communicate he’d said no such thing and Leviathan continued to belittle himself until the clock struck eight and he jumped to his feet, panicking.
“I-is it already time!?” He gasped and quickly requested the password.
“The Christmas password is Ruri’s Santa uniform is the cutest in the worlds!” You called from the other side of the door.
Leviathan swallowed the knot in his throat and opened the door with a shaking hand. He had to keep it together, he couldn’t let you notice anything was different.
But when he saw you in your cute Christmas sweater with a bucket of popcorn to share with him, his blush deepened.
“What’s up with you, Levi? You’re redder than Rudolph’s nose.”
Leviathan laughed awkwardly at your Christmas reference and gestured to the beanbags in front of his TV.
“L-let’s sit down n-now.”
You raised a brow at him curiously, knowing he was acting oddly but agreed. You sat down on the beanbag and Leviathan rushed to grab a throw blanket for you. He wrapped it around you and you beamed up at him.
“Thanks! You’re the sweetest.”
“Wh-huh? Like lol…no j-just…being a good host!”
Leviathan sat down next to you but not as closely as usual.
“What happened with you? Did I finally lose to Ruri-Chan?”
“Huh!? What? Like that’s even possible you’re a million times cuter than Ruri!”
You weren’t expecting that direct of an answer and blushed. As soon as Levi realized what he’d said his face turned even redder than it had been all day.
Henry watched in anticipation from the aquarium as Levi hid in his sweater and tried stuttering an excuse.
“Wh-wh-what I meant was—“
“You’re cute too Levi!” You exclaimed.
“C-cute…?” He didn’t seem too enthused at being called cute although he was still blushing.
“Yes. And handsome.” You said matter of factly.
“Huh! N-no way. Not some gross normie otaku like me!”
You shook your head and glared at him and he gulped in surprise.
“Stop putting yourself down. Are you saying I’m a bad judge?”
He looked shocked and shook his head. “N-no. Everything you do and say is perfect.”
“We’ll I wouldn’t go that far…”
“Oh no, did I say something stupid? Ugh!”
Levi tried to back away but you didn’t let him and wrapped your arms around him. “Don’t worry. You didn’t say anything wrong. Now come on. We’re watching Christmas movies, aren’t we? I’ve been really excited about this.”
“M-me too. I’ve been excited too…B-Because…” he whispered the last part too quietly for you to hear so you leaned in face close to his.
Leviathan blinked in surprise. Assuming you’d heard him confess his feelings, he leaned in to meet your lips.
You were surprised he’d be so bold and realized what he must’ve said as he cupped your cheek with his hand. You blushed and grinned into the gentle touch of your lips.
The kiss was a little awkward but it meant everything to you. He finally pulled away, red and you’re face matched his. You weren’t expecting him to finally confess, it caught you by surprise.
“Hey, Levi…”
“Tell me again.”
“What? Like, do you want me to want me to have a heart attack? Lol.”
You shook your head and batted your eyes teasingly. His demon form slipped out in his excitement and nodded.
“Then I’ll tell you as many times as you want! I-I love you!”
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propheciesanddreams · 2 years
#presentsforpadfoot Part 1
I promise I don’t keep meaning to do part 1/part 2s but I lost some writing time today and it just isn’t getting finished. Anyway, here’s the before the present buying cuteness and a little sadness and then tomorrow I’ll post the shopping and the Christmas holidays.
“That’s time. Everyone pass your parchments forward and no homework over the holiday break. You’ve all done marvellous work this semester and I cannot wait to work with you all again in January.” Remus called out to the class after a cursory glance at the clock. He’d accidentally let class run an extra three minutes but thankfully this was the last course before supper. 
The classroom erupted into babble as the students passed their tests forward. Remus walked by the front row collecting all the tests and then moved to his desk to pack the tests and his books up. A few students came up to wish him a Happy Christmas, he returned the wishes with a smile and watched the classroom empty out until only one student remained. 
He looked so much like James, it caused a pang of ache in Remus’ chest. He’d grown quite a bit over the last few months in the way that teenagers begin to resemble baby deer; limbs too long and not enough control over them. His hair was getting shaggier too, sticking up at all ends. Perhaps Remus could convince him to trim it a bit over the holidays. Harry was staring out the window as Remus walked over to him. 
“Something on your mind, Harry?” Remus smiled warmly at his godson. 
“Professor Lupin…” He began but Remus held up a hand. 
“It’s the holidays now, Haz. No need to call me Professor.” He instructed, pulling over a chair to sit down in front of where Harry was seated at his own desk. 
“Moony…” Harry smiled tentatively. “I need your help.” He admitted just as slowly as he had spoken Remus’ nickname. Remus kept the shock off his face, unsure what his godson could have in mind. He’d had a pension for getting into trouble since his first year at Hogwarts and not the good kind James had gotten himself into, but the kind where he’d nearly died multiple times. 
“I’m always here, you know that.” Remus’ expression softened even as Harry grew more nervous. 
“Idontknowwhattogetpadfootforchristmas!” He rushed out. Remus looked at him in momentary confusion before bursting into laughter. 
“Ok, take a breath, I’ve understood Padfoot and Christmas?” He inquired leaning forward warmly. 
“I don’t know what to get Padfoot for Christmas.” Harry repeated, slower this time. “Will you help me?”
“You don’t have to get him anything. He’s happy to just spend the holidays with you after all these years.” Remus attempted to reassure him though his hunch was that since Harry was the perfect mix of James and Lily this would not placate him. 
“I have to get him something.” Sure enough. 
“Ok, how about we go into Hogsmeade tomorrow and do some Christmas shopping before we floo home.” Remus reasoned, mentally calculating how to rearrange their day to allow for a shopping trip. 
“You mean it!” Harry looked up excitedly.
“Of course. How about this, I’ll meet you at Hogsmeade station so you can walk down there with Ron and Hermione and say goodbye to them and then we can continue into the village for our shopping.” It was worth rearranging their plans for the look of delight on his godson’s face. 
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Harry exclaimed, jumping up out of his seat and embracing Remus. Remus chuckled and ruffled Harry’s hair. 
“Come on now, we’d better get to supper.” He stood with an arm around Harry’s shoulders as the topic changed to plans of picking up another gift for Ron. Though Remus would have guessed that was just so Harry could go to the Quidditch store for his own reasons. 
Sometimes it was so strange to walk these halls again. Even with this being his second year back at Hogwarts, Remus still felt the metaphorical ghosts of his past around every corner. Last year his mind had been stuck so firmly on Sirius, when Remus wasn’t imagining him there, he’d actually physically see him in those awful wanted posters or discarded Prophets. This year though it was Lily and James who haunted him. 
One particularly vivid memory hit him when he rounded the corner towards Gryffindor tower from his office. Of James standing just by that tapestry fretting about what he was going to buy Lily for Christmas. His hair was a mess, all of him was really because his uniform was wrinkled and windswept. Remus tried to recall if he’d just gone flying but he didn’t remember James carrying his broom during this conversation. James had been pacing back and forth as they waited for Sirius and Peter to meet them. 
“You really think she’ll like this necklace? Maybe I need to go back to Hogsmeade. Oh! What if I get her an owl! She doesn’t have one and she’s always talking about how she wishes she didn’t have to borrow Marlene’s to write to her dad. Or a cat! She loves cats. Do you think it would be too much to buy her a cat? Is there time to go back to Hogsmeade tonight?” 
“Jamie, calm down.” Remus chuckled. “Lily has been one of my best friends for six years—“
“Not helping.” James grit through his teeth. 
“Anyway,” Remus rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t need an owl or a cat or even that necklace. Though the necklace is perfect!” He added at James’ panicked expression. “She’s going to love just spending the holidays with you. She’s so excited to meet your parents.” 
“Yeah. Whatever you give her, it’ll be perfect.” Remus pat James’ shoulder. James sighed. 
“It’s just the last Christmas before…” Before indeed. 
“I know. Best not to think about it. Look there’s Wormy and Padfoot.” 
Remus shook himself out of the memory before he could get too sad. They all ended like that now, their childhood tainted by the war. Harry’s too now. It hurt to remember, to be in this place and live the memories again in such a visceral way. He gave the password to the portrait and fought another wave of nostalgia as he made his way across the common room and up the boy’s staircase. Thankfully Harry hadn’t been assigned to the Marauder’s old dorm. That may have been too much for Remus to handle today. He plastered on a smile now though, tonight he’d share a drink with Sirius and they’d reminisce together, now he would worry about Harry. 
He knocked twice on the door before it was opened by a very distraught looking Seamus. 
“Oh hello there Professor.” Remus didn’t miss his shocked look. 
“Everything alright, Seamus?” He inquired. 
“Erm…” He looked sheepishly. 
“He stole my jumper and won’t give it back!” A voice from deep within the dorm called out. 
“I did not steal your jumper, Dean! Besides, it looks better on me.” He muttered the last part under his breath and Remus had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. So the glances he’d caught between the two students this year were something after all. 
“Is Harry here?” He asked, leaving the boys to their own privacy and moving back to his task at hand. 
“Over here, Profess—Moony.” He corrected himself shyly. He was haphazardly chucking things into his trunk. Remus chuckled at how like James that was. 
“I just came to take your things so you don’t have to carry them around Hogsmeade but it looks like I may have come by too early.” 
“Nearly done.” Harry exclaimed. “Ron, have you seen my transfiguration book?” He called over to the redhead who looked even worse for wear than Harry was with packing. 
“Uuh, oh here!” Ron dove under his bed and retrieved a book, tossing it just past Remus’ nose. Harry caught it expertly. “Oops, sorry Professor.” 
“No harm done, Ron.” 
“There. Packed!” Harry looked up from his packed bag and handed it over to Remus. “I’ll meet you at the station?” He asked, clearly making sure they still planned to go on their shopping trip. Remus smiled warmly at the hesitation in his question. 
“Yes, see you in a few hours.” Then he turned to the room at large, “Happy Christmas, boys!” The greeting was repeated as Remus left the dorm. 
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DAY FIVE: Going Ice Skating w/ Spencer Reid
a/n: Three days behind isn't as bad as I thought it was and I can probably get caught up if I work hard enough but I've just been so tired recently! I appreciate all of your patience and your support!
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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This was long awaited date, one that Spencer was very hesitant to go on. Now, he was very skilled in anything that had to do with using his brain, so it was safe to say he wasn't very athletic. When you had suggested that you guys should go to an ice skating rink together, he didn't have the heart to say no, especially not when you suggested it with hearts in your eyes. You had told him that you wanted to go to one of those things since you were a little girl, and of course he remembered, he made sure to remember everything about you, so it was no surprise to him that you had brought the activity up.
"C'mon Spence!" You called out from the rink. You were stationed right in the middle of it as your boyfriend kept a death grip on the wall that poked out from where the glass sat. He had his back against it, his chest heaving in fear as his legs kept threatening to slide open. "I uh— I think I'll do just fine right here—!" His voice broke as he almost lost his footing. You giggled, leisurely sliding over to him as your hands gently rested on his coat cover hips to keep your balance. "Spencer. You're okay." You reassured with a smile on your face. "You have to relax. If you need to, you can hold my hand like they do in the movies."
His doe brown eyes stared in yours for a means of comfort, believing in your words as he unglued his hand from the half-stone wall. His lithe hand gripped yours tightly, the clamminess of it soaking your softer one as you held back a laugh. He finally fully peeled away from his post, both of his hands now gripping yours. You guided the both of you backwards, Spencer serving as your eyes as you strayed right to the middle of the ice.
"See, it's not that bad." His panicking had calm down some. "I'm sorry." He murmured in embarrassment. "Baby, it's okay. You know what, just in case you bust your ass, I'll bust mine, so we have bruised asses together."
That same geeky smile bled onto his face as he laughed, "Thank you."
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abbatoirablaze · 6 months
Christmas Break, Chase Collins
Word Count:  467
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Chase’s eyes darkened as he watched you.  You were blissfully unaware as you walked through the halls of the dormitory, chatting with one of your friends. 
It was Christmas break, but you had opted to stay on campus after your family wanted to get away from the cold Northern winter. 
But not you. 
You were something sugary and sweet, and for weeks Chase had watched you volunteering at the animal shelter, or helping decorate the dormitory for the students who were also staying on campus during the holiday season. 
He knew that you were the exact opposite of him.
You were innocent.
And he needed to be the one to destroy that. 
He needed to hear your sweet little voice choking on your own breath as he pushed his cock deep into you. 
Needed to feel your heart thrashing against your chest as your breathy little moans and gasps broke up the own needy grunts as he hit his own highs. 
He wanted you to beg him for more while he made a million little promises in bed to you about treating you like his own personal queen. 
“Chase…” you asked softly, pulling him from his thoughts, “Ch-Chase Collins?”
He looked up, surprised to see you standing in front of him.   He closed his book, hoping that you hadn’t been standing there too long. 
He gave you a charming smile, one which you warmly returned, “th-that’s me.”
“I was wondering if you were going to be here all break?” you asked softly, “I uh-not many of the students will be here the whole break…and I thought I recognized you from my math class…uh-I was wondering if you wanted to come to the Christmas carnival with me?”
“You want me to go to the Christmas carnival with you?” he asked gently. 
You nodded, “o-only if you don’t have plans.  I-I’m here all break-“
“I know!” he said quickly, cutting you off, “I-overheard you in class…telling Brittany…”
A blush rose to your cheeks, “oh…”
“I’d love to go with you…” he said quickly, “di-did you want to grab dinner sometime…or hang out before then?”
“I’d love that…” you grinned, “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you want to hang out with me…I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been pretty lonely during break…some of the girls popped in, but-“
“You’re always volunteering…how are you lonely?”
You blushed, “I was only volunteering because I was alone…is that pathetic?”
“No…not at all…but I-I wouldn’t mind helping you fill up your remaining days…if you wanted.”
“I’d like that…” you nodded, biting your lip.
Chase smiled even more, tucking his book beneath his arm.  He stood from his bench and held his arm out to you, “dinner?”
You nodded, instantly looping your arm with his, “Where to, Mr. Collins?”
“Anywhere you want!”
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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yoooo, this might be my new favorite drabble i've ever written? we shall seeeee, but shit, i'm happy with it & emotional about it! however, if you like your biting with a little less angst & a little more mickey's thighs, then you'll love "really? again?" by @doodlevich & @camnoelgallavich written for last kinktober!
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day 25: biting for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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Ian’s teeth sink into the skin above your heart, threatening to sever the misspelled letters of his name. 
It’s painful, you’ll admit that much, but it will never even come close to how it felt to break that tender flesh the first time; when you repeatedly needled your delusional devotion until your outsides dripped what your insides screamed.
Ian’s tongue swipes across the first wedding ring you ever wore, a ragged exhale giving away just how much he craves and needs this too.
“I love you, Mickey,” he promises.
You say it back, but the evidence is already overwhelmingly clear.
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 25 - ticklish non-human attribute
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I know I'm late, but I had a grand plan for this day and I did it! It ended up being a fic, but it was fun. I hope you will like it. Hug^^
GN!MC x seven brothers x Diavolo and Barbatos
- Say again, what do you want to do? - Mammon sat on the floor in the MC's room and looked at them.
- I want to see your demon form. - they smiled sweetly.
- Why?
- Just do it please. - MC made puppy eyes.
- Okay, okay, just stop doing those eyes. - just a second went by and Mammon was already sitting in front of human in his demon form.
- I still don't understand what you waHAHA - but the Avatar of Greed was interrupted by his own squeak when MC touched his wing and began to tickle.
- Whahahahat are yohohohoohou doihihihiihng? - the demon started laughing and his wings fluttering.
- Ohhh, your wings are ticklish, what about the horns? - they began to tickle both horns.
- NohoHOHOHOOHO! PLEHEHEHEASE, NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE! - The Avatar of Greed fell to the floor and screamed.
MC stopped and giggled.
- The experiment was a success! - they recorded their D.D.D.
- W-what? Whahat other expeheheriment? - Mammon looked at them and breathed heavily.
- Oh, I want to know more about your and your brothers ticklish spots, namely wings, tails and horns. In your case, the horns won.
- Mmm, I don't even want to know how you decided to make these. - this MC just giggled and went to the next victim.
- Umm? Demon form? - Levi sat in confusion when MC came into his room, and he was sitting at the computer and playing something.
- Yes, I really want to see it. - they smiled. - And then I will be the happiest human in all three worlds.
Leviathan blushed at their words, but still turned into his demon form.
- I-I hope you're happy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to my game. - Avatar of Envy began to press the keyboard very quickly. He even for some time forgot that there is still MC in his room, but they were able to remind themselves.
The purple haired twitched and yelled as human touched his tail.
- MC?! What are you HAHAHAHAHAHA, nohOHOHOHo, NOHOHOHOT MYAHAHA TAHAHAIL - his legs wiggled and he leaned back in his gaming chair and laughed out loud.
- Wow, what a ticklish tail. - they giggled and quickly tickled Levi's horns, but he just squeaked and giggled.
MC stopped and made a new record.
- Hmm, your tail is very ticklish, but your horns aren’t.
- W-what is it? W-ahy are you recohording thihihis? - Leviathan is very weak.
- This is my little experiment. - human giggled. - Thanks for helping, see you later. - they waved their hand and left his room.
- Hmm, okay, how can I refuse you. - Satan without further questions, just turned into his demon form and smiled.
MC moved closer to the bed where the Avatar of Wrath was sitting, who was reading a book and tickled his horns.
- M-MC pfft, no oh plehehehease PLEAHAHAHASE DOHOHOHOHONT TOHOHOHOUCH THEHEHEHEM. - Satan began to squirm and his tail wagged merrily.
- Hm? Do you like it? - human giggled.
- Whahahahat?! Of cohohohourse not. - the blond blushed.
- Judging by your tail, you are enjoying it. - they quickly tickled his tail, but there was no such reaction, just a pleasant Satan's laugh.
- Hmm, your horns are much more ticklish than your tail, how interesting. - new entry.
- Ahare you recordihing this? - the green-eyed breathed heavily.
- And the fact that your tail is still wagging, I also wrote down~ they giggled. - If you like it, I can always tickle you here. - they pointed to his horns and the demon's cheeks turned very red.
- Let's talk about it later.
- Of course, see you. - MC smiled sweetly and go to the next brother.
- Awww of course sweetheart~ Asmo smiled sweetly and immediately appeared in his demon form. - Beautiful as always. - he stretched and spread his wings.
- Of course. - MC smiled and quickly walked behind the demon's back and started tickling his lower wings.
- Oh dehehehear, whahahahahahat are yohohohohou doihihihihihing? - he giggled, but with each touch his laughter grew louder and louder.
Human just giggled and tickled his upper wings.
- No nohohoho nohoHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE - his legs began to give way and he quickly turned to MC and hugged them.
- Aww, your wings are very ticklish. - they gently tickled the bases of the wings, causing the Avatar of Lust to arch its back and scream.
Human decided to try his horns, but he immediately grabbed their hand.
- I-if you wahant me to do dihirty things to you after thahat, then continue~ his eyes began to express lust and licked his lips.
- Umm, maybe another time, I'm just doing an experiment on the ticklishness of wings, tails and horns.
- Ohhh, you should definitely show me your notes later.
- Deal! - MC started to leave, but before that they received a kiss on the cheek.
*chews* Mmm, maybe another time when I don't eat? *chews* - Beel is eating another sandwich.
- You almost always eat, and if you do not eat, then you train. - MC pouted. - Pleeeease
- Well, you're right. - Beelzebub turned into his demon form and continued to eat.
- Thank you - they smiled.
While the Avatar of Gluttony sat at the table and devoted more time to the sandwich. Human was at first gently brushed over the thin, at first glance, insect-like wings.
Beel twitched and quickly looked at the MC.
- D-dohon't.
- Don’t what?~ they smiled playfully and began to tickle his wings, which began to flutter rapidly.
- MC, I'mhahaha eahahat. - he began to hold back his laughter, but it was difficult.
- Hmm, it seems to me that you are no longer eating, but giggling. - human began to tickle with the very pads of his fingers and the redhead began to snort.
- I really like your reaction! - they giggled and quickly tickled the horns, from which the wings of the demon began to flutter faster and he began to turn his head.
- Thahahahahat's enohohohough, pleahahase ahaha.
MC smiled and hugged Beelzebub.
- Hehe, that was fun.
- Mm, yes, it was just unexpected.
- I'll tell you later about it. And I'll make you something delicious. - human smiled.
- Okay! - Beel hugged them back.
- Belphie, please don't sleep. - MC gently push the demon's shoulder.
- Mm, no, I'm not sleeping. What did you say? - he yawned sweetly and stretched on the bed.
- I want to see your demon form.
- Demon form? Mm, okay. - Avatar of Sloth was too sleepy to fully absorb the information, so he turned into his demon form and closed his eyes.
MC huffed and started tickling his horns all over their area. Belphie began to squirm and giggle, but still with his eyes closed.
- Nohohoho - he tried to fight, but very weakly and eventually gave up and just laughed.
- Little lazy hehe. - they giggled and tried using their nails.
From this action, Belphegor squeaked and began to squirm more.
- Are you still sleeping? - MC smiled and stroked the purple hair's tail and it immediately wrapped around their arm.
- That's not fair, hehe. - human tickled his tail and it began to wiggle wildly.
- Stohohohohop hahaha - Belphie began to twist his legs in the air.
MC was tickled next to the tip and Avatar of Sloth opened his eyes wide and laughed.
Human laughed and stopped.
- You're so ticklish.
- I thought I was dreaming, mmm - he wearily fell back on the pillow and closed his eyes.
- Hehe, sweet dreams. - MC smiled, covered him with a blanket and left.
- Hm? Experiment? - Diavolo looked at MC with curiosity. - I agree!
Human smiled.
- I'm very happy.
- I'm always interested. Are the same experts you people spend in the human world? - there were sparks of happiness in Dia's eyes.
- Well, you can say that, hehe.
The prince nodded and turned into a demon form and sat on a chair to make MC comfortable. He spread all four wings and waited impatiently.
Human was trying to suppress a giggle at Lord's cute behavior. They came closer and began to tickle the upper left wing with one hand, and the lower right wing with the other hand.
- Hahaha ihihihit tihihihihickles - the red-haired hugged himself and giggled merrily.
- Hmm, but not as much as I understand.
- I lihihihiihike ihihihit
- Awweee, great. - MC began to tickle the tips of their horns.
Diavolo twitched and squeaked.
- Ihihihihit's mohohohohore ticklihihish hehehere hahaha
Human smiled and tickled at the base of his horns.
- Nohohot herehehEHEHE, pleHEHEHAHAse, I cahahahahahan't sihihihit up strahahahaight. - blush began to tame his cheeks.
MC stopped and giggled.
- You have a great reaction.
- I'm vehehery glad to heahar it and I reheally hope that we will be ahable to repeat it. - he smiled innocently.
- Hehe of course.
- I'm very glad that you agreed to drink tea with me. - Barbatos smiled and took a sip of tea.
- Of course, I really like our gatherings on the terrace and tea. - MC smiled back.
- Did something new happen to you?
- Oh, not really, only I'm now conducting a small experiment.
- What kind of experiment? - the butler put down his cup of tea.
- I need you to assume your demon form.
- Hm? For an experiment?
Human nodded.
Barbatos shrugged his shoulders and still turned into his demon form because he trusted them.
MC smiled appreciatively and approached the tail. - You tell me about the experimehehehent - Barbatos quickly twitched, because his tail began to tickle.
- Oh n-no, hohow could I not have guehehessed. - he covered his mouth with his hand.
- Hehe, that's a lot of fun. - they began to tickle in the middle between the two ends of the tail and from this the butler curled up in half and shook.
- Wow, this is the first time I see you like this hehe I like it. - human tried to tickle his horns.
Barbatos stamped his feet.
- O-okahay okahahay, my hohorns and taihIHil are very tihicklish MC tehea is gehetting cohohohold. - he covered his mouth with his hands again.
- Oh, you're right. - they stopped and sat opposite the tired butler. - So, what's new with you? - they asked the question as if they hadn't tickled him for a few seconds.
- How interesting, you seemed to be afraid of my demon form, and now you want to see it. - Lucifer crossed his arms.
- I'm afraid when you get angry. - MC looked at him. - You look so majestic with those big wings.
Luci smiled imperceptibly, but proudly.
- I know.
And MC knew that such complements would help.
Finally, the Avatar of Pride assumed its demon form. But before he had time to look at human, they jumped on him and threw him on the bed.
- What are you doing?! - his eyes began to glow bright red, but he immediately bit his lip as ten fingers began to tickle his wings. It had to be done very quickly while Luci was in shock. He barely held back a scream and bit his lip more.
- MC, yohou betteheher nohoot do ihit! - the demon turned its head from side to side.
- It's worth it. - their fingers crept up to the base of the wings and the Avatar of Pride threw back its head.
- Stohohop it nohow! - but it didn't look like a threat because of the laughter.
Human chuckled and tickled his horns.
- Y-your punhihiishment wihihihill be teheheherrible. - he tried to escape from the playful fingers.
But soon he caught MC's hands.
- You can conduct your experiment on my brothers, but on me..
- But I have already checked everything. And how did you know? - human interrupted him.
Lucifer blushed.
- I heard it from my brothers. And don't you dare write anything about me.
- Okay.
- Remember, if one of them finds out!
- I understand. - they wanted to leave. - Um, Luci, can I go? - but when they saw the slyly smile, they realized that they would not leave alive.
- You think I'll let you go so easily~
- Um, yeah hehe.
Lucifer chuckled and wiggled his fingers in the air.
- Your punishment will be very long and I think after that, all the demons on your list will want to do the same.
The experiment was indeed a success, but at what cost? But MC don't regret anything.
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