#27th edition
shiftythrifting · 2 years
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Found this at a garage sale but I think it still counts
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steddie-there · 1 year
Steve is bitchy. It's a known fact. He's a reformed mean girl and bitch is like a second language to him. Whether it's scathing commentary about Family Video customers almost before they're out the door,
"So apparently it's national hit on someone young enough to be your granddaughter day, who knew we had such a gross holiday?"
snarky conversations with the kids,
"Well, whaddya know, Dustin, would you look at this?" "What? "It's the coke you said wasn't in the fridge! Isn't it amazing how it just magically appeared?" "Oh, shut up, Steve." "I'm just so completely in awe!"
or calling out the people that still give Eddie nasty looks (and doesn't that make Eddie's heart grow three sizes and threaten to pop out of his chest and burrow into Steve's?),
"You know, Carol, if you keep making that face, it might stick like that. But look on the bright side, at least then the outside would be as hideous as the inside!"
Eddie adores all of it. Loves Steve's mile-wide mean streak. Loves how he can use it to tease the people he loves or decimate the latest idiot he's been forced to deal with.
But Eddie's favorite, the best, the most wonderful, absolutely fantastic moments of Steve's bitchiness? Those happen while he's driving. It doesn't matter what exactly has him riled up about another driver, Steve always has something sarcastic on the tip of his tongue to bitch about them with.
"Do you look as stupid as you drive? Dumbass."
"Jeeze, I never knew the white line was for driving on. What an amazing thing you've discovered!"
"Oh, apparently I missed the memo where 35 mph got changed to 55. Eddie, remind me to check the speed limit sign the next time we drive through here. God, what an impatient asshole."
No matter what it is, it always has Eddie stifling his laughter behind his hand. But this last time - they're at a four-way stop and the car turning across from them definitely went before it was their turn and Steve says, "Hmm, seems someone missed the lesson on taking turns in kindergarten," with that little bitchy tilt to his head - Eddie can't help the guffaw that bursts out of his mouth.
Steve looks at him from the corner of his eye. "What are you giggling about?"
"You. You just - you get so bitchy at the other drivers and, I swear to god, man, it's the funniest shit." He laughs again, says fervently, "Christ, I love you, Stevie."
And then he freezes. Realizes what he said. Takes a deep, horrified breath. It's too soon, they only just started dating, he can't say something like that, he's... He backtracks. "Uh... I mean, uh, I love when you - "
And then freezes again when Steve slides his hand off the steering wheel and onto his thigh, fingers curling around the inside. "So, you love me, huh?"
Eddie chances a glance over at Steve. Despite the teasing tone in his voice, there's something soft around his eyes and the edges of his smile. Something almost... hopeful.
Eddie swallows and decides fuck it. "Yeah, yeah I do," he tells Steve quietly.
Steve makes a quiet sound that goes straight to Eddie's heart. When he peeks over again, Steve is looking back and forth between Eddie and the road and his expression is so open and tender and happy that Eddie doesn't regret for a second what he said, even if it is too soon. "I love you, too, Eds," Steve says and Eddie feels his stomach swoop with butterflies. He puts his hand on Steve's, squeezes it, tangles their fingers together, grins bright at this man he loves so very much.
And if, after that, Steve goes out of his way to play up his bitchiness whenever Eddie is in the car and Eddie never stifles his laughter at it again, well, that's between the two of them, isn't it?
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wilsonthemoose · 4 months
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Grey's Anatomy 10.03 Everybody's Crying Mercy
For Suncaptor's birthday event, for the prompt: Lucifer and Sam
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nookisms · 1 month
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Happy 32nd :)
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ilkkawhat · 3 months
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armadillo-shell · 7 months
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a few
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lovelaceisntdead · 11 months
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The Lottery - Shirley Jackson / Yellowjackets - It Chooses
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
I read the ask about dimensional travel in owl song before the preview post showed up in my feed. I also happened to be standing in the security line at the airport at the time. I was all like wtf wtf wtf WTF, frantically scrolling through tumblr, while the poor TSA agent was all, ‘Ma’am I need to scan your boarding pass’ and in my head I was like ‘I have more important things to worry about!!!’ Luckily I chose not to create an international incident and surrendered my phone so they could scan my boarding pass. It was a close call though.
Lmaoooooo, yeah that pesky security always wanting your phone right? 😭 hehe no really tho this made me grin like a little kid presented with a cupcake. I love to see that people enjoy Owl Song as much as I do writing it 💚💚💚💚🦉
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misunhye · 5 months
were you a mommy’s girl or a daddy’s girl?
— their girl.
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red-moon-at-night · 11 months
You know what. I hope, when I open youtube dot com to watch Cat on 26th July that Kazui Mukuhara IS the cat. and we just have another Muu situation except everyone is cats instead of bugs
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suntails · 4 months
i'm spinning in circles and giggling maniacally. i'm working on a super SUPER ambitious silver animatic and i've made so much PROGRESS i'm so EXCITED!!!!! i started it just abt a week ago and i finished the full rough pass in 2 days and by now, i have 40/60 shots fully sketched out. i want. blinks. i want to fully color it. i'm GIDDY
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noorhelming · 5 months
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askthekirbysquad · 1 month
Have any of you heard about a waddle dee who fought in the arena? Ever since bandana dee showed up nobody’s seen him, I can’t imagine that bandana dee was the arena dee though…
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beagan-gaidhlig · 11 months
Griogair Labhruidh and Alan Cumming - Fairy Woman's Lullaby
The song can also be heard in the first ten seconds of this recording from Tobar an Dualchais.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
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𝔐𝔬𝔱ö𝔯𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡  -  𝔅𝔬𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 (𝔗𝔬𝔭 𝔒𝔣 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔬𝔭𝔰 Յ/յշ/Դգ) ♠️ 
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