#2P Germanic brothers
pruszided · 2 years
Another colour - Prologue
"The life. What a beautiful thing! You can feel, experience, decide! Of course if you're on it's good side. We don't mean it in a peasant-noble relation, the thing is with the universe. Like the basic universe. With basic nations, who don't must to behave for a higher dictator, beacuse the universe is stabil and still. It's 1P!.They say, basic countries have an opposite. Let's just call it 2 Personality or 2P!. These 2 Personalities growing parallely with their pair, but their will and personality is different. Therefore, they must do the important decides and events that the 1P!-s, or their bonds will start breaking. Now the 2P!-s started to make own decisions,and avoid what the basic universe did. That's why the bonds between the two universe started to break, and the universe slowly dissapeares. That's beacuse of the parallel-rule. The parallel-rule means a copy of actions, for example America and Russia fought with each other in the Cold War, so 2P! America and 2P! Russia must fought in the Cold War. There are other universes, like Nyotalia,but those don't have such strong bonds as 2P!, and that's the reason why's 2P! universe is similar to 1P!"
That's what 2P! Italy thought, who we will call Luciano Vargas from now. He don't want to get lost and being in the nothing, or just not exist.He and his brother, Flavio Vargas, started recruit countries to an organization, named Alleanza Axis. Their first goal was to made the Axis Powers again. Japan, Honda Kuro'd be for the eastern, Germany, Lutz Beilschmidt'd be responsible for the european recruits. The two italian just show up, when one of their allies fails. Anyways, they just speak with other nations.
-Do you think we can get Lutz? - Luciano asked his brother. The blonde, bespectacled italian just made his hair perfect, the sunny weather doesn't bothered his white trouser and buttoned shirt that covers his pink T-shirt. A scarf was around his neck,and his shoes shined brown.
-Haven't you called him Lutzie before? - Flavio stopped brushing, and looked at his brother, at his military outfit and head which had a black general hat on. The black boots and gloves just made him even morely like a fascist general.
-Do you think, I still am a flattering dick? - The words were sharp.
-Oh,of course not brother! Just from 1939 till 45! Then you stood up to your own legs, and impressed even me too. - The blonde teased.
-Should I agree with you, or hit your face?- He asked.
- The decide is only in your hands~- They arrived to Germany. Luciano calmly stepped front of the ringer, but knocked. No response.
-Knock-knock,Lutzie! Your dear italian, Luci, arrived! - The brown haired was kinda mad, but he knew thet Prussia lives here too. It's the time to tease Flavi a bit.
- Did you forget Klaus? Though you flattered to him so much. - He said with a strong voice.Lutz opened the door, behind him stood his brother quietly.
-If it's another partisan beater action, I'm in. - Said the german. Under his left eye was a huge scar. His combed back blonde hair was covered by a hat. His jacket hanged on his shoulder, so his white athlete seemed. He wore black military trousers and boots.
-Now, the problem is with not us, but with our universe. - Flavio cleared the theme for them.
-Excuse me? - Asked Lutz, while he and Klaus came out to the italians.- I think, you shouldn't watch any more american horror.
-We have bonds with our white pairs, and those bonds are started to break, so our world will soon dissapear. - Summarized the brown haired. - We want to make an organization and you are the first to needed.- He looked up on the germans. The height difference didn't scared him. He knows Lutz enough to influence him. So it only added to his confidence.Lutz and Klaus looked at each other and nodded.
-Understanded! - Luciano knew it will be succesfull. Since Lutz is like his puppy.
-Nice. - He turned to his brother. - Please, go with Klaus, and get England, while I and Lutz go to Japan. - He instructed them.
-Okay, okay boss,we know you missed the sadistic wild man, but bye bye, then we leave! - Flavio grabbed the arm of the prussian, and they dashed front of west. Klaus' crossed-pattern cloak and braided hair floated beacuse of Flavio's speed. Gilbird just flied next them. With his boots, he only beated the dry mud.
-Your brother is kinda energetic. So you actually missed me? - They started going to Japan's house.
-Yep. - Luciano flattered a bit. - I got used to the name Axis.-I haven't heard of Japan for a long time. - Luciano placed his hands on his nape.
- What do you think, how much will it be difficult to get Japan back?
-He is a stubborn wanker, I have to say. But I think, he would like to unite again. Even if you count in many other nations too. - Italy nodded. - And you will be the leader.
-Who else? Continue, I want to hear how you remember me.
-The head of the organization, us, Axis Powers will be. That's the reason you're sure that Japan is obtainable. - Luciano smiled. - I think I remember correctly.
-Oh yes. Do I became so visible?
-Just logical. - Lutz made a tiny, but proud smile too.
-So I wasn't that before, thanks. - He played with the words.
-Well not really. In the Second World War you barely helped with anything. - That was offensive to the italian.
-That was only beacuse of my white pair! - The german went to the italian's nerves, so he chuckled.
-Of course you put all the fails on that Feliciano guy. - Germany actually grined now.
-Oh, so that's the case. Just don't forget my plans was the key to the success. - They teased, but Luciano enjoys these situations. When he must improvize he relys on his instinct, even in serious moments. But his allies need a bit time.
They arrived to the eastern nation. The italian thought of how could he get Japan out of the house. At the end, he decided just to speak.
-Hello Japan! The Axis is here again. - No response.
-Well then, we go in! - He streched for his pocketknife. Germany searched for a weapon too."Japan is strong, and doesn't really like when he's bothered" Italy knew. He liked his eastern ally, but Kuro was still disturbing for him. He haven't showed this out though.
The house was silent. It is clean, but empty. Kuro knew they will come, he felt the falling of the world after all. Anyways, hist timing must be good, otherwise Italy and Germany will win, and he won't tolerate that! Luciano is more dangerous, he will be the first to eliminate. The german isn't that big deal, especially if he's alone.
Japan heard the steps from the anteroom. They were silent, but not mute. Kuro has a two bunked house, and he waited at the stairs to attack. Luciano has felt the trouble. He stood with his back towards the stairs, and Lutz opposite to the stairs. Italy gave him his knife, for himself he got a dagger.
The japanese jumped forward. Germany averted the cutting, then sepped back from the fight scene.
-What's that, Japan? Have you missed the training?- He was happy he finally could see Kuro.
-I missed it, but you I didn't. - He said. -Let's see how you improved, Italy! -He gripped the katana's hilt.
-I'd be happy! - Responsed the brown haired while he started attacking. Fortunately, he learned how to fight without the syncron between his moves and voices.Japan countered and tried to cut. Luciano just dodged. He has no chance against the katana alone.Then they started it again, the only difference is Italy added himself two more knives.
Germany sneaked to the first floor. He knew Japan has more katanas, which they had trained with. In his room he found it fast. Then he hurried back to help Italy. The guy just jumped another. They didn't looked at each other, that would be too obvious. Instead of it the italian started to step to the wall, so the german can get closer.They both treaded in the japanese's rythm. Lutz wanted to do a fast hit with the katana's side, but Japan was clever.
He knew that the blonde went away, so he payed attention. At some times, when he felt like, he watched over his back. That happened now too, but Germany had enough time and skill to finally attack the black haired man.
-Pretty, but loud. - He criticized the work of the team.-Hah! Got you! - Luciano was malevolent. -Indeed. - He sight. - You became more skilliful. - The red eyepair was still arrogant.
-You felt the anomalies, or? - Lutz started to prepare himself to the leaving.
-Yes. - He collected his weapon. - I will be back in a moment. - He went up with the katana.
-That was nice, Lutz. -Luciano smiled slyly. Then Kuro came back, and they started planning.
-Ah, Klaussi! Why don't you open to anyone? You know, that's only trouble for you! - Romano said Klaus' problems while they went to England. Prussia shrugged.
-Do you want to upgrade your arm? It seems complex. - Thought the blonde. - If it clogs, or anything, it is sure difficult to lead. - He tried to avoid the fashion. But nah, Klaus' long, dry silver hair, the crossed white cloak, what was at his breastplate, and his knee armor and boots deserve a minimalist styled clean robot arm too! Klaus losted his right arm, and a soldier needs both of their arms! Germany made one for him with Romano's help.
-Would be good. - He moved his fingers one by one. - I think an oiling is enough. Flavio usually supported his brother, but with Klaus, he liked to spend the time, so he walked happily next the prussian. However Klaus loved the silent. And around the odd italian he couldn't get that. But he was kinda satisfied, all of the questions got him in the theme.
-Warning, England is dangerous. He put poison into everything ,he wants to kill his victims in a clean way. - He warned the prussian.
-Maybe he poisons himself day by day..-Klaus looked at the soil.
-Hm? - Flavio checked the soil too.
-He confuses the strangers, that the food is tasty, he shows it, and it has no effects on himself. His immun is strong enough.
-Yep. It would be problematic to search for am unpoisoned food among the many poisoned.
-Yeah. - He looked up at the islandcountry's house. Plain gardenhouse with brown treebarrier.
- We are here.The blonde rang and the freckled english came at the door just in the moment. His floured face and apron meant he was baking.
-Oh,welcome, Prussia, Romano! - He stood out of the entrance. - Come in! They stepped in, the bakery scent hit their nose. England leaded them to his kitchentable and sat.
-What do you bake? - Asked Flavio,while he pulled out a chair for himself and one for Klaus.
-Flan cookie, but it takes much time to be ready. But I have cupcakes! - He jumped up from his place, what he occupied a half minute ago.
- Anyways, what brought you? - He asked while searching. It was a bit strange, beacuse Romano saw another tray of cupcakes, but the english haven't brought those.
-If you pay attention, we will tell. - Out of contect, the italian liked the pink upper what covered a light pink shirt. His trousers was black, his shoes were brown, though his favourite were the blues - the eyepair and the tie of the english - on the costume.
-Well, tell me about it. - He spinned back with a tray. Flavio haven't heard of poisoned cookies stories of England in these days,so maybe he'll take one.
-You are an active magic user, I'm sure you felt our world is starting to collapse, aren't you? - He took his eyeglass off.
-Yep, but why bothers it you? We can't force all the nations to do what their pairs doing. Plus I think, we can't open a gate to our white pairs so easily. We're not enough.
-Everyone has a little magical talent, that's like... When your hunchs are right.- Said Klaus. - Romano, Italy, me, Germany, Japan, Norway, Romania, and you, we all have a stronger magical power than the average.
-Yup! - He didn't waited Klaus to over. - This many people can make an open gate at least for a half hour! Is it promising? - The italian winked.
-May be right. However, I don't see we could do it. - He took a cupcake. - For a plan like this, you need all the countries, sillies~
-That's why we came to you. Many nations like you, plus you're a mage. - Argued the prussian.
-Aww, you are so shallow! - He started to get nerved. - What will I get?
-Hmm.. For example you could live in a stabil world Oliver, where you could do anything. Happy people, strong economy... - The first naming. The freckled smiled at the blonde.
-Here am I compeletly satisfied. I don't care how Arthur ruined Great-Britain.-Oliver liked this life. Though, he doesn't want to get lost, a life with regrets is much more repulsive.
-Everything will be the same. We promise you always stay Oliver Kirkland. - Klaus joined.
-You don't leave, until I say okay, am I right? - He sighed. - One condition. - He started smiling sorryly. The prussian and the italian looked calmly.
-Take a cupcake. - He pushed the tray towards them. - We are countries, a bit of cookies doesn't hurt, right? - Indeed doesn't, thought Flavio. But Klaus..Klaus isn't a complete nation now. He may suffer, if he's poisoned.Romano looked at Prussia, who nodded.Flavio took a pink, Klaus choosed a brown.
-Then,good appetit. - They bit into the cookie. Nothing. No side taste,effect just the sweetness.
-How's it taste?
-Delicious. - Flavio said his opinion, Klaus nodded again.
-Than this was a mixed. Ops! - The guests questioningly looked at England.
-Now I started to make mixed trays of poisonous and normal cupcakes. And I got a poisoned one, while you got a sweet cupcake~
-Do you have different versions? - Prussia asked.
-I have sour, salty,bitter,and tasteless. Don't ask, I wanted to try!
-And why did you gave us cupcakes? - He took back his eyeglass.
-I tested your braveness and trustness. So, what should I do to support your plan? - He propped up his chin with his wrist.
-Alleanza Axis. Just recruit the mages amd the western nations.
-Okie-dokie! ~ - Then they went to an other room to talk about the plan and the organization.
Maybe the story went too fast. I have like 5 more chapters, but those include my OC, Magnetica too. Oh, and it's not even close to the end!
@aster-riskite here you go father
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kiwiidoll · 5 years
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ask2ps · 6 years
what's prussia up to?
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oh, you know. the usual.
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week Day 2: Coronvirus Chaos
When the virus hit, all the countries were forced to cancel the meeting and quarantine at their respective houses, and use zoom. Here are my headcanons of how the 1p and 2ps would fair!
Americans: With quarantine active, Alfred and Allen had to stay home which also meant the states stay too. Because this is our lovable all-American family, they go full-on zombie apocalypse mode with California and New York trying to panic buy all the toilet paper. Needless to say, they're not on grocery duty anymore. After this initial panic, things start out fine despite Alfred's meltdown about not getting to go to McDonald's anymore and Allen's subsequent victory lap because he won't have to be near the junk anymore. As their giant house is built on an estate because where else is big enough to put fifty kids and various farm and exotic animals including a large enough pool for Ameriwhale, and workshop with various vehicles Allen immediately takes control of the kitchen from Alfred and is dead set on making him eat better. He also gets the kids in on it and soon enough Alfred is hogtied to his chair, courtesy of Texas, and trying out every vegan dish Allen wants. The kids are wild and it doesn't take long for cabin fever to start kicking in though, but both Alfred and Allen are able to mitigate this by planning daily hikes and other outdoor activities. Oregon doing yoga much to the chagrin of a sailor mouthed New Jersey, Texas and Arizona teach everyone the ways of the wide-open range and many survival skills. Lastly, everyone has many movie marathons beginning with, of course, Marvel. Tony also joins them after coming out of his video game hibernation. One question why no one's one's thought to ask Tony about making a cure for the pandemic with his alien tech. Though that may be a good thing as who knows how that alien stuff would affect a human.
Americans: With quarantine active, Alfred and Allen had to stay home which also meant the states stay too. Because this is our lovable all-American family, they go full-on zombie apocalypse mode with California and New York trying to panic buy all the toilet paper. Needless to say, they're not on grocery duty anymore. After this initial panic, things start out fine despite Alfred's meltdown about not getting to go to McDonald's anymore and Allen's subsequent victory lap because he won't have to be near the junk anymore. As their giant house is built on an estate because where else is big enough to put fifty kids and various farm and exotic animals including a large enough pool for Ameriwhale, and workshop with various vehicles Allen immediately takes control of the kitchen from Alfred and is dead set on making him eat better. He also gets the kids in on it and soon enough Alfred is hogtied to his chair, courtesy of Texas, and trying out every vegan dish Allen wants. The kids are wild a and it doesn't take long for cabin fever to start kicking in though, but both Alfred and Allen are able to mitigate this by planning daily hikes and other outdoor activities. Oregon doing yoga much to the chagrin of a sailor mouthed New Jersey, Texas and Arizona teach everyone the ways of the wide-open range and many survival skills. Lastly, everyone has many movie marathons beginning with, of course, Marvel. Tony also joins them after coming out of his video game hibernation. One question why no one's one's thought to ask Tony about making a cure for the pandemic with his alien tech. Though that may be a good thing as who knows how that alien stuff would affect a human. Alfred likes to mess with the filters on the screen to tick off Authur but gets serious when it matters. Also, Tony hacks into the meeting from time to time to hear updates so he can better understand how to cure the virus and also troll everyone. Allen is running damage control to keep the kids from killing themselves and they'll often switch.
The Canadians: Similar to the Americans with how they're quarantined at home with the 13 provinces. They actually start panic buying too. However, instead of toilet paper, they buy up everyone's pancake ingredients and a bottle of maple syrup insight into every normal human's befuddlement. Hey, feeding 13 kids is hard! Unlike the states, the 13 last even shorter t thanks to Quebec who sees a prime opportunity to rebel once more. As for groceries, Quebec gets them for his punishment. Kuma and Kumajirou provide great comfort to animals when it starts getting tense and anxious due to cabin fever. Not only that, but they bring home the literal bacon with James when he goes hunting. Watching Kuma go pounding through the woods with Kuma on his back is a sight to behold and has since gained over 5 billion views on Utube. Everyone helps out in remedying this by creating a ginormous fort for them all to sleep in. This eventually includes Quebec when his punishment ends. Kuma likes sitting in Canada's lap during zoom meetings while James often struggles with keeping the provinces in check. Cue him doing an exact impression of the video with the woman sliding in like she's on ice to get the kids out while her husband is on video.
The Frenchmen: Francis, the drama queen that he is, freaks out about not being able to go out anymore and being forced to wear such ugly masks. Luiz could care less as this is exactly what he's been doing and just carries on until he hast to calm Franics' shrieking at how he'd been forced to home and not go shopping anymore. Francis ends up collaborating with Flavio in his new mask line to remedy the 'threat to fashion everywhere.' He also keeps up with his and Author's rivalry by mail, fondly reminding him of the previous years dealing with ink and a quill. Both Francis and Author have their own chatroom dubbed 'Britain and France's fighting chatroom," or more affectionately, "The 100 years chat."
The German Brothers: They all buy up the beer and Ludwig starts implementing extra training because 'you can't let a pandemic let you get soft! Now run like you're running from a human-sized germ!' Their house soon becomes a minefield with the prank war Lutz and Prussia initiate. Klaus loves the extra peace and quiet he's been getting now. Blackie, Astor, and Berlitz are happy their humans are home much more often now and are getting very spoiled. Ludwig takes control of the computer while on zoom because he knows what the others would do with they got it. Lutz and Gilbert keep making fart sounds and shuffling noises in the background, leaving Klaus to just sigh and a tomato face Ludwig to stammer on with the meeting.
The Italians: Flavio takes one look at the masks and immediately gets inspired for a new, pandemic edition, line of masks, and mask-related cloths including the two in one mask dress. Luciano let all his men go home with their only orders to be safe and stay healthy as he's not willing to relive the Black Plague. Lovino will never admit this, but he's kind of glad for the pandemic since it's given him the chance to spend time with his brother. Though this doesn't;t stop Spain from calling to check in 3 times a day. Feliciano tries to do all kinds of new things to keep everyone's spirits up and is also the guy who stole all the store's pasta, tomatoes, and sauce. Flavio makes all four of them show up fashionably late to the zoom conference despite it being online.
The Russians: Viktor keeps up with his work as much as possible and both he and Ivan have to hide their grins when their president has to quarantine. They don't really like him much. Ivan tries looking at pictures of sunflowers to keep himself occupied. He fears the loneliness quarantine brings, but Viktor tries to be around more so he doesn't get so lonely as he's also felt that pain before. He doesn't want Ivan to be like him who doesn't have friends nor the time for them. Out of the two, Viktor is the most serious about his work and is often seen using zoom for meetings.
The Japanese: Both are enjoying the introvert's paradise but are also worrying over the rising cases in their countries especially since they had to host the Olympics. They did so flawlessly but also struggled in keeping things as stable as possible. They both hold guilt for putting their citizens in such a dangerous situation. Both end up doing a video game/anime marathon with the rest of the Otaku club over zoom. Kuro sets to work refining his swordsmanship skills and actually starts forging new ones. He's a great weaponsmith! Kiku also takes the time to practice his calligraphy. They're the one's who'd have anime playing in the background or their cat, Japaneko, getting in the way.
And last but not least, the ones who started it all, the Chinese: Yao continually works around the clock trying to analyze the bad and how the pandemic got out of hand. Xiao ends up being the one who actually started this because he dared the guy to at the soup. He feels a lot of guilt over this and, in a rare showing of maturity from him, is also working by Yao to fix his mistake that not only risked his and everyone else's people but also killed so many. The pandemic will likely be one of their greatest shames. On a lighter note, Yao can't figure out how zoom works and Xiao likes programming troll hacks into the computer to mess with him.
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theunderneath · 4 years
You remember the one scenario you done with the 2p’s proposing to s/o and they turn them down? Could happen to do that scenario with yandere 2p Russia And 2p Prussia?
You guys can ask again the things I’ve already written for. Like this person did. As long if it isn’t that same person. You could also ask for other fandom.
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2p Russia/Viktor Braginsky
“May I ask why? I want to understand what I did wrong.”
- Wants to understand what he did wrong. In his mind, he’s been pretty perfect. He’s been kind, he hasn’t gotten angry, he has given you time to get conformable. Where did he go wrong? Was it the kidnapping? That wasn’t even that bad. He gave you a nice room and food
- If the reason is bullshit and not even an answer (I don’t love you! I don’t wanna marry you! I hate you!). He’ll sigh and shake his head. Why couldn’t you just have a civil and kind of sane conversation?
“(Name) those aren't real reasons. If your not gonna give me a real reason, then we’re gonna get married in a mouth.”
- If you throw a fit then he’ll lock you in a room and leave you for awhile. While you locked in that room he’ll start getting everything ready. The cake, the place, the food. He’ll at least let you pick out the dress. He does know it is your day too.
- By the time he lets you out of that room. You’ll be more than willing to marry him happily. It’d be a beautiful day for the both of you. Even if they're gonna be like two people there. Probably just his sisters and whoever they want to bring. He won’t invite anyone you know, can’t have you coming to your sense on this important day.
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2p Prussia/Klaus Beilschmidt
“O-Oh... I-I-” *Eyes start to water* “I-I’m sorry for bothering you.”
- He’ll can barely even get out his apologies. He made you angry he just knows it. It makes it even worse if you yelled your rejection. He starts to doubt all of the things he’s done up until now. Was his brain wrong for making him think he could marry you? Probably, you're too good for him.
- After crying for a while Lutz will probably get wind of it. Oh, and is he pissed. He might not care for his brother like his counterpart but he hates seeing him so weak. He’ll try and pump his brother up but it’s isn't working. So he goes to you and gives you a piece of his mind. And trust me, when you see an angry german buff man walking at you looking like he’s about to skin you. You’ll agree to a marriage if you want to keep your skin
“L-Lutz n-no!”
- Klaus feels really bad about it though. He hates that Lutz had to convince you to marry him. Makes him even worse. But he can’t help but what to still go along with it. He loves you more than the world itself and bonding you to him makes him want it even more.
- The wedding would probably be small with just like Lutz and maybe 2p Hungry/Erzsébet. Will be at a small church where he’s probably been before and hold some significance for him. A simple dress and suit. He’ll nice put up his hair and be showing his face. He’ll probably cry for happiness too.
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2p German bros sharing a s/o?
2p Germany and 2p Prussia sharing a lover
* Lutz and Gillen don’t really get along all that much. Or more, they just ignore each other’s existence most of the time. Chances are that they aren’t happy with this arrangement, but don’t want to fight each other, just to respect blood ties and their father’s legacy. * Lutz is the one who usually takes care of you. He cooks, cleans for you, and just in general, makes sure that you don’t go anywhere and don’t get hurt. He is usually very quiet, and barely talks to you, but he enjoys it when you thank him for his hard word, encouraging him to do more for you and to treat you gently. * Gillen is also a quiet person, and he’s the provider of the family. He also tries to spend as much time with you as possible, but he doesn’t talk much either, like his brother, and simply enjoys watching you do things instead of trying to be involved in your life more.  * Gillen and Lutz don’t get in the way of one another when it comes to spending time with you. They also don’t show any anger towards one another, but they don’t exactly show happiness with sharing. * You are safe in the relationship, but it doesn’t exactly mean that you have a very good time. You are always babied, you can’t be around other people and they never talk to you, the loneliness starting to drive you insane. 
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ask-sum-2ps · 3 years
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Ci have been drawing this for too long but i couldn't draw anything else until it was finished so tada, my 2p germanic family but it's a fnf mod.
um so explanation, while on this blog Ludwig and Gilbert have been canonically adopted by Azrail as siblings my girlfriend likes the ship of her 2p germany (Siegfried) with Ludwig, so for this it's in the universe where Ludwig and Gilbert haven't been adopted but Siegfried has been.
we have: Siegfried as Girlfriend Azrail as Big Brother my 2p Hungry as Sister's sass Klaus as Silent Night Deadly Night (if you get the reference i will give you a kiss on the head) my 2p Austria as Cousin's Concert my 2p Liechtenstein as Canine Cousin's Claws and Leben as Brother Blood Lust of course Ludwig as Boyfriend
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temas-misc-gamework · 3 years
Game List (as of 04/2022)
Romano’s Stolen Lunch
Basic Synopsis: Romano has to go to the meeting in place of his brother and his lunch is stolen. He does not take this very well and decides that he’s going to figure out who did it and give them a few choice words. 
What is It: Demo is Released, Full Release on the Way
Is it Playable: Yes Links: 
Game Download Link
No One Asked for Puzzles
Basic Synopsis: Metagame about an Artist’s Struggles. Romano is made to solve puzzles and banter with an absent-minded Canada while making jokes at the camera. 
What is It: Full Jam Game, Released. 
Is it Playable: Yes Links: 
Game Download Link
Basic Synopsis: Once again the Axis and Allies are at one another's throats, but a leftover prank from years prior causes England's spell to once again go awry and launch the nations into an adventure in a parallel world that seems to know more about them then they first think.
What is It: Coded Demo (By Admin), shelved until further notice due to team collapse. 
Is it Playable: Yes Links: 
Game Download Link
In Development
[With All My Heart]
Basic Synopsis: Ludwig is an android who’s awoken to a mess and a scrambled memory. As he puts his home back together he has to remember the important things he’s forgotten. 
What is It: In Development, On the Back Burner (It’ll Happen when it Happens)
Is it Playable: No
2p Dreamtalia 
Basic Synopsis: When many 2ps are plunged deep into the mind scape, the others have no choice but to dive in after them. 
What is It: In Progress
Is it Playable: Old Version Prologue Coded, Not Public
The Double Effect (Previously Hirchsprung)
Basic Synopsis: The German Brothers have a cabin, out deep in the Black Forest, which they politely ask to not be visited when they’re out there without warning. The Italian Brothers do exactly that, and it goes as badly as you expected.
What is It: Game Concept, In Development. 
Is it Playable: Yes, Not Publicly.
England Has a Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Halloween, ft. The Russian Federation
Basic Synopsis: England gets cocky about having won the last few Halloween scare contests the nations hold, and so a bunch of nations team up to give him the spooks. It goes just about as badly as you can imagine.
What is It: Concept 
Is it Playable: No
Fool’s Paradise
Basic Synopsis: A game I plan to make regarding the appearance of Pin, an old rival creature of Britannia, and his plans with the nations of the current world after he was sealed away for many many years. He has a show he wishes to perform and the nations are unwilling actors.
What is It: In Development, In Need of Active Team/Rewrite
Is it Playable: Previous Version Prologue, not public. 
Theory Doc
Insomnolence (Misc Alex Game)
Basic Synopsis: “Insomnolence” meaning, “Sleeplessness”. Example: After a week of insomnolence, Alexander was left exhausted and unable to focus on anything.
What is It: In Development, On the Backburner. 
Is it Playable: Bit and Pieces of Old Concepts, but not Publicly
King’s Corner
Basic Synopsis:  Alfred is off to get help to retake the throne after it’s stolen from him.
What is It: In Development
Is it Playable: No
Under the Vale
Basic Synopsis: The nations fall into a backwards world mirroring Under/Wonderland and get caught in the midst of a pseudo-war between the Red and White courts. They have to find their way out, try to not lose their minds, and also find out the source of this complex conflict.
What is It: In Progress, Needs A Heavy Rewrite and Team
Is it Playable: Old Version Prologue Coded, Not Public
On the Shelf 
World End’s Umbrella
Basic Synopsis: Matteo, Ludwig and Elijah have lived in a city where a massive umbrella shields it from colossal storms. It’s been so long, that no one even remembers what the real sky looks like.The trio decide they want to see the “true” sky they've only seen in books, so they set out to climb the umbrella tower that protects them from the torrents of rain.
What is It: Concept
Is it Playable: No Links: Song Inspiration
He Doesn’t Have a CLUE
Basic Synopsis: A hetagame framed as a play, a game of clue, where you have to find out who killed Russia before the time is up with the help of Canada, at the detriment of the possible killers. 
What is It: Concept, On the Shelf. Needs Heavy Rewriting
Is it Playable: Old Version Partially Coded, Not Public.
Basic Synopsis: A FNAF crossover; Android nations exist with a bug that acts up at night causing them to act strange and aggressive. Do your job as the night guard and don’t die along the way, or work the day shift and snoop around during the day. 
What is It: Scrapped, Interesting concept that might be worth reviving some day. 
Is it Playable: No, Piece coded in Novel Maker and Ace, neither have anything substantial Links: None
The Mysteries of the Westport History Museum
Basic Synopsis: A small series of vignette games following the nations as they are spirits attached to occult objects in a history museum. Many shenanigans ensue.
What is It: Concept
Is it Playable: No
Halloween Game 2: Fear Boogaloo
Basic Synopsis: A sequel to england has a terrible halloween, a handful of nations go through a haunted house hosted by russia and end up being forced to confront their worst fears (but this time it isn’t actually Russia’s fault)
What is It: Concept, Shelved for Lack of Time/Ideas
Is it Playable: No
316 Concept Project
Basic Synopsis: Welcome to the OMNI-SIGHT CORP™
Where Knowledge is the Future!™
If you are reading this message, you are one of the few lucky companies/individuals given early-access to the Databank of the Future! No longer will you need separate algorithms running your tracking and data management, your security and your reference archives. Thanks to the power of OMNI-SIGHT technology, this and more can be condensed into a singular adaptive and learning AI with the power of hundreds of thousands of data management firms and scientific labs behind it. 
Welcome to the Linked Universal Databank! Your L.U.D. is fully customizable and can be adapted to your every request and need. Thank you for your acceptance in the trail technology phase, please email us any inquiries about your L.U.D. through [email protected]
What is It: Game Concept 
Is it Playable: No Links: None
Noir Germany Game
Basic Synopsis: Germany gets sucked into a mystery book he’s been reading and has to solve the crime or risk being stuck there for good.
What is It: Concept, Shelved for Future Use 
Is it Playable: No
Enna Partner Church Horror
Basic Synopsis: A group of urban explorers wander into an abandoned, haunted church and have to fight for their lives to escape what is hidden within. 
What is It: Concept, In Progress but On the Back Burner
Is it Playable: No
Identity Theft
Basic Synopsis: Prussia finds a mirror at a thrift store that will show him anything he desires, but the mirror itself seems to have other plans for its own desires. 
What is It: Concept, Shelved for Possible Future Use
Is it Playable: No
GerCanMano Casual Crafting/Dating Game
Basic Synopsis: Germany lives in a small valley town, and does small jobs and forages items to make things to give to his husbands and help solve his neighbors problems. 
What is It: Concept, was coded, but it was lost. 
Is it Playable: No Links: None
The Puzzle House (With Alex and Mattie)
Basic Synopsis: Alexander and Matthew stumble into a haunted home that’s determined to keep them there indefinitely. 
What is It: Concept, shelved for time. 
Is it Playable: No, Just mapped partially.
Basic Synopsis: Was originally a not-game concept I made for fun, and I have always wanted to go back to it. A game that is aware it is a game, in which Canada is trying to prevent the player from meddling in his affairs.
What is It: Was an Interactive Video Story, Now it exists as a concept for a game. 
Is it Playable: No, but it was coded as an interactive story. Links:
Chapter Doc
Pied Piper Germany Concept
Basic Synopsis: A concept game idea based on the myth of the pied piper. 
What is It: Concept, No Heavily Defined Ideas yet. 
Is it Playable: No
Welcome Home
Basic Synopsis: Matthew wakes up in a home that isn’t his, and another opportunity opens itself to run away from his problems.
What is It: Scrapped Concept. Was a concept for a jam that linked to Forgotten Memories, but since FM was dropped, it was as well. Could be brought back with a rewrite though. 
Is it Playable: One scene, not public. 
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captkirkland · 4 years
Alright, so some Arthur Kirkland headcanons from me per @shithole-state’s request:
Arthur is genuinely such a complicated guy that it’s hard to really.. quantify him easily in words, I think. At times, he can seem like the complete antithesis of himself, and it’s not like he does that specifically on purpose, but there are certainly things he does do to throw people off about him.
Firstly, to me he’s.. a very small man. Like 5’4”-5’6”. Not that this is bad, but it makes his life even more complicated because people tended not to take him seriously when he was younger. It was a quick and harsh realization that he needed to harden himself against a sharp world that’d run him through if he didn’t.
Having grown up the way he did, the youngest of four brothers, who (in the canon I usually write from full of my own hcs,) had to deal with quite a lot of bullshit from them and his father during his upbringing. He looks more like Britannia than Celt of course, but that is for some very specific reasons. (Cough. The saxons being such a big part of early English history. Cough. Those were Germanic, not Celtic.) Often times I feel like he was the subject of bullying, considering those very early on English traumas, and I don’t really feel like he ever came across a genuine way to express himself. Emotionally, he’s stunted as hell, and he doesn’t preform in very healthy ways in regards to himself.. which.. y’know, eventually did come out in the way he treated others. He was a magic user, a witch, which obviously did not work very well with the sharp rise of Christianity, Catholicism, and Protestantism— and really that only made things so much worse.
I have a very specific view of how the personified nations behaved compared to how the governments of certain times did, because I absolutely believe that sometimes the countries, as their own people, did not agree with their bosses all the time! How could they? Their own people are getting hurt, the people of their friends, family. They are severely impacted by the wants of the people they represent, the land they call themselves— so of course they’d dissent. That comes out a lot in my specific canon with my friends a lot because we like to merge the 2Ps, Nyos, and even 2P Nyos into the canon verse to get a wider view of history. But, saying that, I fully believe that pirate Arthur specifically had a moment in time where he was.. literally a pirate. Against the East India Company, thieving, fighting, what have you. It was short lived, but he’d been a privateer and a sailor much longer, the literal pirate bit was towards the end when he started disagreeing hard with his own actions and the actions of his nation as a whole. I mean, how could a dude colonized to fuck and back very PERSONALLY entirely agree with that? But there was a part of his head that wanted land, wanted people in his “family.” It wasn’t right or okay, but at the start.. the idea of an empire didn’t seem so bad to him. It’d just be people in a family. Even if it’s a little hard, families are hard. Plus, it gave him such a rush and surge of power. What could be so bad about it? Which.. is the thought process that lead to a lot of self loathing during those lapses of (coined term with my friends) “country brain,” where he could make out what what going with those affected humans and what was actually happening. He started drinking then more than ever before, and it’s really never gone away.
He takes the harder roads of English history I think, out of some wish to keep Oliver from having to deal with that, believing he’s a touch more steeled than the other. Though, granted, it’s a thought in folly. A lot of his thoughts of himself are skewed, which really plays into how he behaves. He doesn’t care for people knowing his real feelings, hardening himself against prying eyes with an anger and a pissy face he’s had ever since his childhood. He hates the thought of being belittled and ruled, yet for a bit that’s what he did to people. He’s a hypocrite, and the worst part is that he knows it. He hates so much about himself, and yet even that twists himself because he has to carry himself highly. Nobody can hurt him if he does it first, and nobody can hurt him if he makes himself untouchable. So, he comes off narcisstic at times, probably because he is one after so many years. There’s so much going on in his head that’s unchecked, and he’s too prideful and staid in his ways to get it looked into on his own. Sometimes it all becomes too much though, and that’s when he has almost visceral breakdowns and has lapses in sanity (Britannia Angel, anyone?) before it all snaps back and he’s embarrassed about even carrying himself that way. These days he needs to have a more gentle nature outwardly, because that’s what’s been deemed as appropriate. He needs to be a gentleman in front of everyone, but especially both those he hurt, those who are afraid, or those who would judge him harshly if he didn’t. However, the facade is absolutely shatterable. There’s so many cracks in it sometimes that it confuses people sometimes about what kind of person he is. Dude had a huge one during the rock movement, which is incidentally where he gained back quite a bit of actual confidence in his own personal abilities, which is why I think his guitar is so damn important to him. But he also was partaking in quite a bit back then, the man has a real problem with addiction, but these days he’s cut back on mostly everything but smoking and drinking. unfortunately you can’t take the bottle out of his hand, or the music out of his head no matter what it sounds like! (sea SHANTIES) but all in all I find the man absolutely fascinating just because he is so diverse as a person on his own. This doesn’t even touch on the fact that he feels responsible for most of the world and is willing to absolutely lay down his life for the people he cares about either. There is just so much I could say about him, like he was a knight once! he loves high fantasy, he plays dnd! the list goes on, he’s such a complex person because the life he’s lead has been so— but at the end of the day he’s at home watching the bake off and doing needlework and I absolutely can’t stand him LOL
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asktheitalianempire · 6 years
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// Deleting the other stuff in the folder because it’s ugly but- have a chibitalia and HRE reading the Decameron together while Luciano was learning how to read (it took him forever) and some pure guilty shipping. The rest will be jjust thrown in the depth of the pc’s bin.
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emikochan · 4 years
2p axis headcanons?
I love those three ♡
• Luciano Vargas loves his brother, though most might not believe it. Love comes hard to him, mainly because he never experienced it much during his childhood and also because love just doesn't work well with the field he's working in. People come, people go, but Luciano will apparently always remain and that fact is a relief and a curse to him.
• grew up with Lutz, Kuro and Flavio. They are the only people he confides in. He would potentially trust a s/o but only after years of knowing them. He can't allow himself to be played or to fall into any traps, only because of temporary emotional weakness.
• after his grandfather died, he had to take the spot as the head of his family and their business. He was young back then and therefore never had the time to enjoy his life as a teenager. Only Flavio truly understands how scarred Luciano is because of this.
• he is a fan of good cuisine. He knows no mercy when it comes to his food but he has little experience cooking himself.
• enjoys listening to Frank Sinatra but he would never admit it. He also enjoys listening to orchestras and old Italian songs.
• likes horror films with Suspiria being his all-time- favourite. He rarely has an evening off, where he gets to binge new horror films, but when he does, this man binges until he falls asleep around 6am.
• his favourite guard dog is a Doberman Pinscher gifted by his brother. He lovingly called her "Goffa" in Flavio's honour.
• a super light sleeper. Luciano hears footsteps miles away and attacks when something or someone manages to catch him off guard. One of the only people that could really sneak up on him is Kuro.
• biggest goofball. His jokes crack Luciano and Kuro up everytime.
• Lutz is a big mood. Always. He just knows how to appear relatable. People like him and the German knows exactly how to wrap people around his fingers.
• unlike Kuro, Lutz was allowed to stay in Germany with his brother Gillen. He's just not that keen on the killing game, you know? He's not really talented with it either, so it's best to just leave him at home.
• hates doing sports. He's just doing it to keep that perfect body of his up.
• he's such a cat person, honestly. He loves them to shreds and already got names for future kittens ( Fleckchen and Mitzi fyi)
Gillen is allergic though, so no kittens for Lutz... yet.
• spends his days eating takeout and snacks. Boi loves his German sweets and still considers it a gift from the Gods that Gillen and he live near a bakery. He can't cook or bake to save his life, so he kinda has to rely on other's for a fresh meal.
• got lots of girls and men alike for some company at lonely nights but he honestly just wants to have a good time with friends, no sex.
He rarely sees Luciano and Kuro and it's making him sad.
• his favourite comedian is Loriot. He never misses his christmas special on TV during the holidays.
• his favourite TV show is Beyond Belief. He used to be scared sh*tless of the series but it drew him in like a moth to a flame. He's not scared because he knows the stories by heart now, but he still never misses an episode every Sunday.
• loves to sleep in and won't get up unless he has to use the bathroom. When he's hungry he'll probably just beg Gillen to get him something or just sleep it out until he's not hungry anymore.
• this boi is dry. His humor is dry, his posture is stiff, he rarely talks, he always got this aura as if he's in constant control over himself and his sorroundings and it's scary. When he doesn't look like this he either looks pissed or uninterested. It's really hard to know where you stand when you talk to him.
• grew up with Luciano and Lutz, so his loyalty lays with them. He's Lucianos' second in command and gets payed accordingly, but he still freaking hates/loves his job as an attack dog. He loves the power he has but it's also bothersome to never see home and always be up and about to threaten or kill people around the world on Lucianos demand. Kuro really wants a break from all the pathetic whining and crying Lucianos ex-clients do.
• got a fine taste in food. Nowadays he rarely got the time to prepare something fancy, but he used to whip out some really good dishes before he started travelling.
• he's not even remotely close to being a nice person but he's no monster either. One of the kindest things Kuro ever did was four weeks ago where he placed a blanket on Lucianos' lap, when the poor man fell asleep in his chair....- well at least he tried to. Luci is a light sleeper, so when he felt the blanket he almost slit Kuros throat out of instinkt.
Kuro didn't do anything nice since then.
• he still knows how to say Thank You and Please, but he doesn't show his gratitude to every person.
• desperately needs sleep. He got his set schedule of sleep, but work always keeps him up longer than he actually intented.
• he's a big fan of dark humor and always laughs internally. People can see that they humor him, when they look out for that tiny sparkle, that flashes in his red eyes.
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week 2021: 1p-2P German Bros First Meeting.
I'm late with this because school got in the way so please don't worry. When the 2p world was destroyed and the 1p and 2p countries began living together, the German brothers had a bit of a rocky start.
Ludwig puts them all on a routine and gets all of them into doing workouts. He's now the only one, besides possibly Luciano, that can ever make Lutz move his but and quit being a couch potato. Lutz sees him as a total Mr. McBuzzkill. As revenge, Lutz tries to embarrass him at any given opportunity and threatening to reveal he has a 'special' stash of magazines.
Lutz has great respect for his older brother and often assists him with calming down during a sensory overload. He's very protective as seen when Gilbert made the fatal mistake of trying to scare him. Gilbert at first thinks Klaus is totally lame and one day tries to prank him, seeing him as an easy target. He ends up getting some firecrackers and sets them off while he's sleeping. This doesn't go well at all and makes Klaus relive the trauma of the war where he has PTSD, sending him into a panic attack.
After having a protective Lutz attempt to strangle him, Gilbert has no clue what to do until Lutz takes over and calms him down with Ludwig berating him in the next room. After lots of apologies, he finally makes up with them and begs Lutz to teach him how to care for someone and ease them out of a panic attack. Ludwig also joins seeing this as a good skill to learn as it helps with soldiers and he's seen his fair share of PTSD in his men during the World Wars. Both learn what to do in the event this happens again and sits down as a family to talk about it. Now all three german brothers are protective of Klaus and also simultaneously look up to him.
After having reconciled with each other, Lutz and Gilbert make the world's most dangerous pair. They should never be left in a room with each other lest pure chaos erupts from these to imps. Ludwig tries and often fails to be the voice of reason. However, Klaus will be able to work himself up and use the same tone Frederich taught him and he used when Lutz was younger. Prussia is immediately affected by this with how similar Frederich sounded when scolding him. This spurs him to ask Klaus about his Federich and the two bond over their memories of their respective father figures.
Upon meeting Blackie, Berlitz, and Astor, Klaus immediately falls in love with them and they likewise adopt these strange new versions of their people as a part of the pack. Lutz puts on a tough guy act and tries to convince people he doesn't care. Berlitz being a doggo, however, is not affected and can often be found sleeping with him on his stomach on the couch. Yeah, you don't care about them, sure Lutz whatever you say! Klaus is immediately dragged into the cuddle pile and Ludwig isn't far behind. Prussia, after taking various blackmail pictures and laughing his Gilbird pants off, also joins. Blackie, Berlitz, and Astor all have service and therapy dog training thanks to Ludwig, so they help Kalus through an attack if the other three aren't available.
Klaus also has his own Gilbird who shall be referred to as Klaubird from now on. At first, they were worried they wouldn't get along, that is until it's revealed that Klaubird is female and Gilbird, being just like his owner, ends up getting some chicken breast. Prussia is both a proud grandpa and also a little salty his bird got it before he did. The chicks love riding on Blackie, Berlitz, and Astor!
All the German brothers love beer and have different sides that appear when drunk. Lutz has the most tolerance out of them all only to be rivaled by the Russias and 2p Axis. Should he get drunk, however, he goes from couch potato to full throttle sugar rush. Klaus is a bit of a lightweight as he tries to stay away from it with his condition. But should he end up getting drunk, he becomes a completely different person or basically another Prussia. Since we all know how the 1p brothers are when drunk(watch the Halloween special), this doesn't bode well because there's no voice of reason when the said voice (*ahem*Ludwig*ahem*) gets drunk as well. If all four are drunk at once, then pure unbridled chaos ensues living the animals to facepalm at their humans' stupidity until they either crash or backup arrives.
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sunnixsunshine · 4 years
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Here are Vargas boys! Next are the Germanic boys + Hungary! :)
I decided keep 2p!Rome almost similar to the popular 2p!Rome because it just fit so well! Only difference is he isn't AS brutal all the time. He can be a civil person. I wanted to be sneaky with his name so I chose "Romulus" as one of his cognomen since it wasn't unheard of for a Roman to have more than one anyway(however 2 is max that I've seen so far). It's pretty common that once someone earns their cognomen to then be referred to as it over their praenomen— basically meaning 2p!Rome is still referred to as Romulus just like his 1p. 2p!Veneziano seems very similar to his 1p counterpart on the outside but that is not the case when you get to know him! Romano is still pretty similar to the popular rendition of 2p!Romano personality wise however he isn't as fashion crazy. Seborga, instead of being influenced by his brothers the most, he was influenced by France due to how close their boarders are. And yes, he is a natural blond. Romano is not. I’ve always headcanoned Seborga’s human name to be Romeo and so a Romeo and Juliet style name felt right to give him as a bit of a reference I suppose.
Their bios under the cut!
• 2p!Veneziano Italy
Lorenzo Vargas(homage to statesman Lorenzo de Medici); Lolo, Lori, and Lo are all the nicknames he allows Romano to call him(to an extent), aside from the commonly used Vene.
He's very stubborn when it comes to wanting to win at something. Everything he sees is a challenge to him. He's a very sore loser however. Some say it's because of how his grandfather often spoiled him. Others describe him to have a car salesman attitude— especially when after WW2 he took up to buying and then reselling vespas in his free time. All business, no play. His overly optimistic attitude is mostly for show. And he's a very forward person too. He's trained himself to have an inviting and charming smile in order to get what he wants, either a material possession or task. He's so serious most jokes/puns go over his head and metaphors sound like misinformed facts to him. Veneziano also takes everything as if it were official business. He often holds grudges and refuses to say sorry if he happens to be in the wrong. His anger isn't bad, but it is often compared to a rabid poodle.
• 2p!Romano Italy
Corrado Vargas(homage to Rococo painter Corrado Giaquinto); Veneziano calls him CC while others call him Coco as a reference to his favorite style(Rococo).
An occasionally over protective, doting older brother to Veneziano. Although he often claims and brags about being his grandpa Rome's favorite grandson— despite his grandfather clearly playing favorites with Veneziano— and looking the most like him as well, he very rarely expresses how much he actually misses him; it leads others to believe he's only proud of the inheritance. He likes fashion and all things designer— however he's very picky with what he wears as he doesn't want to get it ruined, which sometimes leads him to neglecting his most expensive clothing and it leaves him to wear his less expensive items over and over again. He's polite and very nice to his brothers, tourists, but not so much strangers. He used to bleach his hair blond very frequently(over time his hair returned to its brown color just lighter; some weird nation thing perhaps?) in the 1950s and 70s, but as time went on he grew tired of it and began redying his hair brown. The dye doesn't take too well to his hair so it washes out easily and ends up giving him a honey brown color opposed to the golden bronze he naturally used to have. He prides himself in his clean and orderly antique room and bedroom.
• 2p!Seborga
Benvolio Vargas(reference to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet character Benvolio); His brothers affectionately call him Ben or Benny.
Basically a typical modern teenager nowadays. Back when he first declared his independence he was very bright and outgoing, mostly similar to Romano. No one is too sure what happened to happy little Benvolio, not even Romano or Veneziano. Monaco blames it on him being so close to France's border. Seborga tends to stay home in his own territory rather than visit his older brothers. He often sits at home and plays on his phone or other devices. Unbeknownst to his brothers, he actually wishes to spend more time with them. He claims independence but despite that he'd still like to be close to them. He just doesn't know how to tell them.
• 2p!Rome
Gaius Romulus Nero Vergilius(Or simply "Romulus"; homage to various Roman emperors and Rome founder)
Impulsive, obsessive, and very ruthless in battle. A very serious man who was always planning for some kind of war— "can't be too careful"— either it be in the near or distant future; although that doesn't mean he ever looked back on his plans as they mostly thought of without the emperor's or army's knowledge. He prided himself in his armies and his ability to maintain a civil society(considered one at that time) against those surrounding barbarians. If you can get him to laugh then that simply means he likes you and you were on his good side indefinitely. Although watch out if you ever make him angry. He will either hold a grudge or order for you to go straight to the Coliseum to fight for your freedom. He wasn't ever a fan of killing his own people, the Coliseum was always his solution for any Roman Citizen as they could easily fight for their freedom back. Outsiders, however, are another issue. Some weren't seen until they were already bone. He was always up for a spontaneous brawl. When his empire fell and yet he still thrived for several decades he began to grow his beard out in mourning for his once great empire, for which is how Veneziano remembers his grandfather as; a bearded man. Now whenever Rome appears Veneziano hardly recognizes him, not that he's even excited to see his favorite grandfather anyway. Romano, however, remembers grandpa with subtle stubble rather than the full facial rug. Nowadays, as he appears to the other nations, he's clean shaven and looks centuries younger than when he died.
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2p-hcmaker · 4 years
Ooh do you have any headcanons for 2p prussia?
He baby
Tall boy who's trying his best
He loves everyone too much
He's like John Mulany, he wants so badly to be liked by absolutely everyone 
Scratch that, he is John Mulany but significantly more anxious
"You can pour soup into my lap and I'd probably apologize to you"
His wardrobe is exclusively hoodies 
Luther once bought him a hoodie with a Tuxedo Design on it
He didn't go to the event but he sent Luther a picture of him wearing it, pretending he was going to go
He is much too anxious to go to any real events
He often says he doesn't have the clothes for it, but part of the reason he doesn't have any clothes is that he has little self-confidence to pull off anything other than hoodies
He is mute, but he probably wasn't always mute
Luther remembers a time that Gilen talked, but respects his brothers wishes not to talk about it
Gilen is very happy and thankful for Luther
His brother may be a bit of a handful, but they love each other 
The only thing he regrets is that Luther is often out and about with the 2p Axis. 
He's not angry about that, he's happy that Luther has close friends that look out for him, Gilen just wishes he had the confidence to join them
Gilen does interact with the rest of the Axis, but very rarely
One of Gilens passions is video games
Some of his favorites are Firewatch, Abzú, and Dream Daddy
He loves the idea of the inclusiveness of games 
But he tends to take the trash talk to heart
He often doesn't play multiplayer games, but when he does, it's usually with his brother or Allen
Allen is a bit loud, but he's a good friend of Gilen and sees him more than most of the Axis
Gilbert, on the other hand, is ALOT to deal with and it's draining for Gilen
He likes Gilbert, but he has a lot of energy that Gilen doesn't have
Now what's this thing about his arm? 
Surprisingly, he's not very self-conscious about that
He thinks it's super cool, but often doesn't call attention to it
He likes to make puns and jokes like "give me a hand" and "elbow grease" 
That's another of his passions, prosthetic technology
When he first lost his arm, prosthetics were a joke
They were more harmful than anything else
BUT NOW they can move individual joints????
And you can paint the nails???
And they can look like real skin????
OR they can look like a cool Mecha?????
Don't tell anyone but he totally has an arm that looks like Cyborgs from Teen Titans
Whenever he goes out though, he uses a normal skin-colored one
At home, he has his signature metal one that he's had the longest
With this arm he learned how to wield a sword again, so it means a lot to him
Oh yeah he's got a sword collection
Nothing crazy
Just about 150 Germanic swords 
No biggie
He's thinking about collecting Asian swords too sometime soon (may or may not be a ruse to get himself to talk to Kuro and Xiao) 
Gilen loves animals and practically has a zoo of house pets
Cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, fish
You name it he has it
He's been considering starting a farm
He'd like to make it a petting zoo, but he knows he'll have to deal with a lot of people to do that, so for now it's not going to happen
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ask-sum-2ps · 4 years
Could we get some of those headcanons for Ai Fang and Azrail please?
Cries Alright this may be a long one
Ai fang
A: he is the opposite of a "stereotypical" Asian father as he was mainly the only person raising his kids after his wife died so he has strong and caring parental feelings, he's always there for his kids and is extremely accepting
B: what I think would be funny is that he'll yell random bullshit to his kids in public to make them seem in trouble but really he's just saying something along the lines of "get on the bus kids before the soup witch sucks your ass"
C: he always struggles with mother like tasks that he had to take on so he isn't the best at dealing with his kid's emtions, mainly jiiku as his wife died after his birth so sometimes he can't help but praying for advice from her to help him get through raising them all
D: I'm not really sure for this one that much sorry
A: he's a big brother for all the Germanics 1p or 2p, I'd there's a Germany or Prussia you can bet your ass he's going to adopt them. That being said he'll make sure he knows everything he can about his younger siblings to keep them in line and under control
B: he'll probably play favorites though and jokingly make fun or play small pranks on his brothers "like that time he made Gilbert cry thinking he went invisible" but they're all in good fun
C: he has several scars that seemingly never heal and his body is constantly in deep pain but he tries his best to ignore it, but those who know him and know his past notice the small red stains on his hands or clothes from his 'coughs'
D: again I don't know
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twisted-thicket · 4 years
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2p Prussia: 
2p Prussia has long grey-blond hair with faded lavender-coloured eyes. He is a tall, thin man with a sickly look to him. His uniform is based off of an SS Standartenführer uniform, but he has no affiliation with the Nazi party other than Hitler bugging him about being his personal advisor and unsuccessfully trying to order him around.
Under certain conditions, 2p Prussia will follow orders, but only if the person has enough strength to control him. If so, then he has to follow their directions, no matter what, even if he doesn’t want to. This is because of Frederick Wilhelm I’s military conditioning on the country.
2p Prussia’s personality is that of a stereotypical Prussian. He is reserved, strict, and doesn’t suffer fools gladly. In comparison to 1p Germany, he makes the other appear faint-hearted and soft. He is impatient and extremely prideful and patriotic. However, he tries his best to fit in with people around him, but fails horribly. His social behavior is good for a battlefield, but horrible for social meetups. 
2p Prussia is dead. His death occurred a few days after he was reunited with his little brother when the Berlin Wall fell in November 1991. He had been slowly weakening from the point when Frederick II died in 1786. By 1918, he was declared terminally ill. His death had a large impact on 2p Germany, who was saddened, and matured by the experience. 
However, 2p Prussia still has influence on the world. Though his body is gone, his memory hasn’t faded, and he is a sort of guide for 2p Germany. 
2p Prussia likes potatoes, beer, lemon mousse (Frederick the Great’s favourite dessert) and food that contains fruit preserves (The Prussians were amazing when it came to fruit). 
2p Prussia doesn’t laugh often, and when he does, it’s because he found something truly funny, He plays the flute and speaks French fluently.
The writing on his cuff is ‘Preußen’ and is written in Sütterlinschrift which is a historical form of German handwriting that originated in Prussia. Due to his sickly form, his clothes hang loose off of him.
Unpopular Opinion: 2p Hetalia is extremely cringe and edgy and is one of the reasons why other fandoms consider us to be cringe and toxic.
So, recently I’ve come to the decision on why other people think Hetalia is trash is not because of the comics, not because of the characters, nor is it because of the anime.
The real reason is because if the fans. We’re pulled a lot of shit, making a show about countries into a cringy fanbase by putting in HetaOni and 2p OCs that were beyond edgy and honestly a bit uncomfortable for some people. Strip away all the old fan creations and you get Hetalia: an anime and manga about the antics of countries with the physical bodies of humans.
Recently, I’ve decided that 2p is part of our fandom, but we can do better than cannibals, missing limbs, psychopathy, and shark teeth. I plan to flip the 2pTalia world to a less edgy, more socially acceptable, spin off rather than the characters that our forebears left before us. They will show a slightly more negative side of their countries, but still in a lighthearted away.
Each country has their dark side in terms of personality. I intend to research these sides and put them onto the hetalia characters to make their 2ps. It will be accurate, and not brewed from the pits of my brain. It will not be pitted off of suicidal angst and depression. No cannibalism, no shark teeth, no psychopathy. It’s just hetalia, but a bit darker. Another hue. Another Colour!
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