#2x13 exit wounds
masterbaiting · 1 year
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we never did get that date, did we?
torchwood 2x13, exit wounds
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felicitykings · 1 year
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TORCHWOOD (2006-2011)
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toshsato · 1 year
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I'm not my own man. I thought you'd see that.
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52stations · 29 days
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ladykillers - lush / torchwood 1x01: everything changes / breakdown - buzzcocks / torchwood s2 deleted scenes / what katie did - the libertines / torchwood 2x12: fragments / faster - manic street preachers / torchwood 2x13: exit wounds / first of the gang to die - morrissey / torchwood 2x13: exit wounds
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aceofwhump · 7 months
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Torchwood 2x13 "Exit Wounds"
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thingsasbarcodes · 10 months
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Torchwood 2x13 - Exit Wounds
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blackbird-brewster · 28 days
Thought I'd watch some Torchwood to distract myself from my anxiety brain mush.... That show always cheers me up. But, uh, I happen to be up to 2x13 Exit Wounds... I was not fuckin prepared for That!!!
Now I'm uncontrollably sobbing 😭 Tosh my fucking beloved 😭😭😭
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mar-sibilina · 2 years
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(Ianto shoots the weevils)
GWEN: God, I'm so pleased to see you. (Ianto goes to shoot John.)
JOHN: Hey, hey. Don't start. I'll make things right, Eye Candy.
TOSH: Then start by getting those Weevils down the Vaults before they recover. It takes more than a bullet to stop them
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List of my favourite Janto scenes in order;
•”And he looks good in a suit!” ”Careful, that’s harassment sir.”-Everything Changes 1x01
•”Need me to do any attacking sir?”-Day One 1x02
•The whole of Cyberwoman (1x04)
•”You shouldn’t be here.” “Neither should you.”-Small Worlds 1x05
•The look in Countrycide after Ianto mentions Lisa (1x06)
•”If you’re interested I’ve still got that stopwatch”-They Keep Killing Suzie 1x08
•Interrogating the guy in Combat whilst Ianto eats grapes (1x11)
•The reunion kiss- End Of Days 1x13
•”I came back for you.”-Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2x01
•Jack asking Ianto on a date-Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2x01
•”Just us, in this room, as long as it takes, terrifying.” “Really?” “Absolutely, shivers down my spine.” “You don’t look scared?” “Oh it passed.”-Sleeper 2x02
•Ianto ranting about Jack’s manners in bed-Sleeper 2x02
•”He is dashing you have to give him that!”-Sleeper 2x02
•The Kiss scene-To The Last Man 2x03
•Jack watching Ianto from his office-Meat 2x04
•”Do I show off?” “Just a bit.”-Meat 2x04
•”I could come with you? It’s been a while since we went hunting together.”-Adam 2x05
•”Coming here, it gave me meaning again. You.”-Adam 2x05
•”And for the record, measuring tapes never lie.”-Adam 2x05
•”So Jack asked me if I could get you a UNIT cap to wear.” “Did he? Well red is my colour.”-Reset 2x06
•Dancing at Rhys and Gwen’s wedding-Something Borrowed 2x09
•Ianto listening to Jack talk about his past with a travelling show-From Out Of The Rain 2x10
•The hothouse scene-Adrift 2x11
•The Ianto flashbacks- Fragments 2x12
•The reunion hug after Jack gets out of cryo storage-Exit Wounds 2x13
•Right before Jack gets blow up and Ianto refuses to leave-COE Day 1
•”Ianto the world could be ending!” “The world’s always ending, and I have missed that coat.”-COE Day 3
•Ianto holding Jack after Clem shot him-COE Day 4
•”I’ve only just scraped the surface haven’t I?” “Ianto that’s all there is.” “No, you pretend that’s all there is.”-COE Day 4
•And finally the unmentionable scene that makes everyone cry-COE Day 4
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torturedswiftie · 6 years
Season 6 is just around the corner (even if it still feels ages away) so a rewatch is in order! I’ve never done a rewatch right before a season, I typically wait until after the season airs to watch again. I want any and all of you to join if you need a refresher or just want to watch along with the rest of us. Use the tag “#the 100 rewatch countdown” if you want to post with theories, thoughts or notes.
P.S. I’ll be posting my bellarke playlist countdown next week so make sure to check that out as well!
See the schedule below, screenshot it or reblog to follow along. Here. We. Go.
3/25 1x01 Pilot / 1x02 Earth Skills
3/26 1x03 Earth Kills
3/27 1x04 Murphy’s Law / 1x05 Twilight Last’s Gleaming
3/28 1x06 His Sister’s Keeper / 1x07 Contents Under Pressure
3/29 1x08 Day Trip / 1x09 Unity Day
3/30 1x10 I Am Become Death / 1x11 The Calm
3/31 1x12 We Are Grounders: Part 1 / 1x13 We Are Grounders: Part 2
4/1 2x01 The 48
4/2 2x02 Inclement Weather / 2x03 Reapercussions
4/3 2x04 Many Happy Returns / 2x05 Human Trials
4/4 2x06 Fog of War / 2x07 Long Into an Abyss
4/5 2x08 Spacewalker / 2x09 Remember Me
4/6 2x10 Survival of the Fittest
4/7 2x11 Coup de Grace / 2x12 Rubicon
4/8 2x13 Resurrection / 2x14 Bodyguard of Lies
4/9 2x15 Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1 / 2x16 Blood Must Have Blood: Part 2
4/10 3x01 Wanheda: Part 1 / 3x02 Wanheda: Part 2 / 3x03 Ye Who Enter Here
4/11 3x04 Watch the Thrones / 3x05 Hakeldama
4/12 3x06 Bitter Harvest / 3x07 Thirteen
4/13 3x08 Terms and Conditions / 3x09 Stealing Fire
4/14 3x10 Fallen / 3x11 Nevermore
4/15 3x12 Demons / 3x13 Join or Die
4/16 3x14 Red Sky at Morning / 3x15 Perverse Instantiation: Part 1 / 3x16 Perverse Instantiation: Part 2
4/17 4x01 Echoes / 4x02 Heavy Lies the Crown
4/18 4x03 The Four Horsemen / 4x04 A Lie Guarded
4/19 4x05 The Tinder Box / 4x06 We Will Rise
4/20 4x07 Gimme Shelter / 4x08 God Complex
4/21 4x09 DNR / 4x10 Die All, Die Merrily
4/22 4x11 The Other Side / 4x12 The Chosen
4/23 4x13 Praimfaya / 5x01 Eden
4/24 5x02 Red Queen / 5x03 Sleeping Giants
4/25 5x04 Pandora’s Box / 5x05 Shifting Sands
4/26 5x06 Exit Wounds / 5x07 Acceptable Losses
4/27 5x08 How We Get to Peace / 5x09 Sic Semper Tyrannis
4/28 5x10 The Warrior’s Will / 5x11 The Dark Year
4/29 5x12 Damocles: Part 1 / 5x13 Damocles: Part 2
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plounce · 7 years
compilation post of whichever bbc america employee who wrote the captain’s blogs being an ally and a hero via treating janto as more than just a sex joke, being genuinely warm and funny, and mentioning ianto super fondly in nearly every single entry (especially s2) because jack is in love with him despite what everyone else would have you believe. but i, a gay, know, and so does bbc america social media staffer circa 2007-2008.
some may call this “fringe canon.” i call it “some of the only specks of canon that respect the show’s canon gay relationship as the loving and affectionate relationship that it is.”
text pulled from ianto’s desktop, which is a fun read despite the defunct photobucket embeds - i only included captain’s blog stuff, but there’s a couple more janto tidbits in there. none as nice as these, though. under a cut because it is Long.
season 1
(one really cool thing the writer did for early season one is have jack note unexplained energy surges in the lower levels of the hub - handy foreshadowing for cyberwoman)
1x03 (ghost machine - alien tech leads to murder mystery):
Other issues: According to Ianto, Splott is pronounced "Sploe". I think Ianto may have been lying.
Upcoming issues: Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub still unexplained; there have been several more in the past week. Ianto volunteered to investigate, but has not discovered an explanation yet.
1x04 (cyberwoman - the episode where ianto’s secrets are revealed and we all have a Bad Time):
Other Staff issues: Ianto Jones temporarily suspended from active duty, to return at my discretion. His love for Lisa clouded his judgment, and he made some serious mistakes - but I have to wonder if I would have done the same thing in his situation. Ianto's personal needs and emotional state have been overlooked; I should not have missed something like this. During his suspension, I will try to spend more time with him. Hopefully we can establish a closer working relationship.
1x05 (small worlds - the one where the “fairies” abduct the little girl and jack has to let them, which makes everyone else very mad at him):
Staff: Ianto Jones' first week back after his suspension four weeks ago. I have tried to put him at ease, and have briefed the team to be as sympathetic as possible. Obviously there is a level of resentment remaining, but they are trying.
Other Staff issues: After what happened with Jasmine, nobody is talking to me (except Ianto). They'll come around. Everyone comes around.
1x06 (countrycide - the one with the cannibals and we all have a Bad Time):
Staff: Brought Ianto Jones along to get him out of the Hub, out of the city, get some relaxing time in the country with the team. May not have been the best decision I made this year.
1x07 (greeks bearing gifts - mindreading and predatory lesbian, the episode):
Other Staff issues: Ianto is still suffering, but putting on a brave face. Will try talking to him over dinner, outside the Hub, see if there's anything more I can do for him.
1x08 (they keep killing suzie - the episode that ends with ianto hitting on jack with a stopwatch):
Other Staff issues: Ianto and I stayed back to go over the case files and reorganize the safe. Internal security cameras were temporarily shut down to run diagnostic tests, so there was no monitoring of the Hub for approximately four hours - but there were no security breaches to report. Everything went very smoothly.
Upcoming issues: Need to requisition a new stopwatch. Old one damaged while moving a desk.
1x09 (random shoes - outsider pov, the episode):
Staff: Things seem to be calming down with everyone. Ianto is coping well; I'm pleased with his progress.
1x11 (combat - owen has manpain and fights weevils. whatever):
Other Staff issues: Ianto surprisingly proficient at the good cop/bad cop routine. Although obviously, he's the good cop. He's too cute to be the bad cop.
1x12 (captain jack harkness - jack and tosh are stuck back in time during the cardiff blitz and owen and ianto fight about what to do about it):
Other Staff issues: Ianto tried to stop Owen opening the Rift, and actually shot him in the shoulder. Everyone except Owen is finding this very amusing.
season 2
2x01 (kiss kiss bang bang - jack returns from his doctor who appearance, deals with his terrible ex spike from buffy, and asks ianto out on a proper date):
Other Staff issues: Gwen is now engaged. I'm happy for her, but I'm concerned about what it might mean - can she stay here, still keeping everything from Rhys? I worry that we're going to lose her. And I worry about Ianto. I think he took it harder than anyone when I ran off. It's going to take me a while to make things up to him. He is a decent, good man, and I'm lucky I met him.
2x02 (sleeper agent - the episode with sleeper agents):
Other security issues: Gwen taken hostage again. I’m beginning to think she’s jinxed. And why am I never taken hostage? I could be a good hostage. I never get any of that Stockholm Syndrome action. And according to Ianto, my bad cop routine needs some work.
Other Staff issues: I’m in trouble with Ianto for duct-taping a CB aerial to the SUV. Apparently the tape made the wing mirror “disconcertingly sticky”. Still, nothing a bit of warm, soapy water can’t fix.
2x03 (a man out of time - tosh’s cryo-boyfriend they unfreeze once every year. also, jack and ianto Have A Talk and then make out):
Other Staff issues: Ianto and I made some progress, talked things through. What happened with Tommy got to us all. I know it got to Gerald and Harriet, too, back then, considering what they went through to try and make up for it – but that’s another story for another day.
2x04 (meat - the episode with the whale and rhys finding out. some of the team gets taken hostage and ianto tazes a bad guy in the head and growls out “pray they survive.” or something and it’s VERY GOOD TELEVISION):
Staff: Ianto turned into a fighting, kicking, stun-gun machine, it was very exciting. I must get put in danger more often.
2x05 (adam - an alien infiltrates their memories and inserts himself into the team, and his plot is foiled by ianto reading his diary and finding inconsistencies because he’s Very Clever):
Other security issues: The only thing out of place was Ianto’s diary, which I found in my office. Naturally, I gave it back to him immediately after reading through it. Several interesting factual errors in there - and I thought he would know how to convert inches to centimetres. You think you know someone...
2x06 (reset - martha visits and owen ‘dies’):
Security: Must speak to Ianto about using names from ‘’Sex and the City’’ on fake IDs. Last week he sent me into an alien smuggling operation as ‘’Mr Big’’, without telling me. Wish I knew how he kept a straight face. I’d give him a stern talking-to, but I think he enjoys that too much.
(right after this is a very solemn paragraph about owen dying lmfao)
2x07 (dead man walking - jack resurrects owen and owen has manpain about it):
Other Staff issues: In big trouble with Ianto for risking everything to go and get the second glove. I should have told him before I went, but he’d probably have cuffed me to the chair to stop me. And I’ve fallen for that one way too many times.
2x08 (a day in the death - owen continues to have manpain):
Other Staff issues: Now that we have all tried, it is clear that only Ianto knows how to operate that damn coffee maker. I suspect it contains alien technology.
2x09 (something borrowed - gwen gets married, but not before playing host to shapeshifting pregnancy alien):
Security: ... Female Nostrovite proved to be extremely resilient to bullets, so I had to get my massive weapon out and take care of business. Ianto is still quietly chuckling about that now, days later. Gwen’s mother taken hostage. Must run in the family.
2x10 (from out of the rain - the terribly written ianto-’centric’ episode about circus film reel ghosts):
Alien activity: ... We only managed to save one of them, but that’s better than nothing. Sometimes in this job, one is enough. I can still see the faces of the people we lost - they weren’t part of this, they were just living their lives, until they were taken. Ianto took it badly, this one really got to him.
Staff: Have convinced Ianto to take me to a normal cinema, to see an actual movie. He’s also curious to know if I still have my old circus outfit. If I can find it, I think a private show is in order.
2x11 (adrift - gwen pursues a mystery about the people the rift takes and then puts back traumatized, even though jack resists. ianto is the one who gives her the info she needs. she also walks in on them naked in the greenhouse. wild):
Staff: Gwen would never have found the facility if Ianto hadn’t helped her. He was wrong to do that. But, of course, he was actually right in the end. There’s no way Gwen would have let it go. I should have trusted her with the information, but I knew what it would do to her. Sometimes, the only way to realise that you shouldn’t look behind that door is to actually go and look. Gwen learned that. Nikki learned that. We all did.
Other Staff issues: Seeing Gwen experience it for the first time took me right back to when I first heard that terrible scream. After Gwen had gone home, I just held on to Ianto for a couple of hours, as tightly as I could.
2x12 (fragments - a bomb explodes and everyone gets a flashback to how they joined torchwood 3 as jack and gwen rescue them from the rubble):
Staff: Everyone came out of the explosion pretty beaten up, but no major damage. We got lucky. And so did John. Because if he’d killed anyone - if he had hurt Ianto - I would have slowly ripped him limb from limb.
Other Staff issues: Although I have to say, Ianto does look good all messed up and dirty.
2x13 (exit wounds - jack’s brother comes back and blows up half of cardiff and kills owen and tosh):
Other Staff issues: The one glimmer of hope in all this? I still have Ianto and Gwen. Whatever the future throws at us, whatever madness the Rift vomits out next, whatever we have to face - Torchwood will be ready.
Capt. Jack Harkness.
Ianto, I know you’re reading this over my shoulder, pretending to fix that damn shelf. So get over here and take me out somewhere.
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toshsato · 2 years
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TORCHWOOD: EXIT WOUNDS Hands behind your head!
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Lucifer 2x13 Canon Divergence
After reading the press release for 2x13 I was inspired to write this. 
link to the press release 
What would happen if Chloe died while Lucifer was in hell getting the antidote? 
Some inspiration taken from CS 
The poison…it must’ve taken her. Was she in a coma? Dazed and confused, there was nothing but black…black and silence. She tried to look at her hands, find her body, but there wasn’t one. She hung in the void for a few moments, before a white wall emerged infront of her. Once that was clear, another 3 closed her in, then a floor appeared under her feet. She could see her body again, still in the same clothes that she was in.
Looking around, the room was totally blank. But not like you would find in an empty room in a house. The walls appeared to glow, like nothing had a physical surface.
“Hello…? Where am I…?”
“You’re not where you’re suppost to be.”
A voice echoed in her head, but it wasn’t any she’d heard before. Whipping her head around, she could see no one. Until out of the corner of her eye, something appeared. Her eyes drifted to the figured stood in the corner, tall and slim. It was a woman, large, black wings curved from her back. Her face looked…familiar…the strong features, slightly hooked nose and dark brown eyes. Her hair was dead straight, long and cascading down her sides and back. She tilted her head slightly and smiled at Chloe before her voice of velvet and desire said.
“I’ll let dad sort this mess out shall I?”
As quickly as she appeared, the figure was gone. Once again a voice filled her mind, a different one now. Deeper, more powerful and strange than any voice she had heard before.
“Chloe Decker…I was afraid you might end up here.”
“Who are you? Where am I…what’s going on?”
A wave of calm overcame here, silencing her mind and allowing the voice to blossom once again.
“Don’t worry, you won’t be here long. But…I have something to show you.”
Before her, a gaping hole opened up, swirling and churning. It engulphed her in it’s arms as she tried to scream, covering her head and crouching to the ground she shut her eyes tightly until the space around her grew silent once more.
Chloe suddenly felt herself not where she was, in a different place…but still in the old one. It was dark and there was ash falling from the sky, she couldn’t quite see clearly. It reminded her of an old VCR tape that had been damaged on playback.
A scream erupted from down the long, rocky corridor. A large, metal door flung open, creaking on its hinges and rattling the heavy chains draped over it. A figure stepped out, she couldn’t see it’s face yet as the grey ash clouded her vision. However when it turned and adjusted the lapels of it’s slim, black suit… she saw the face of the devil. Red eyes pierced through the gloom appeared to glow from their sockets. His skin was like lava, flowing as his head twisted towards her. Fear pulsed through her being as he strode towards her, but his crimson eyes were not on her, more…around her. Like he couldn’t see her…she tried to speak.
“W…where am I…why am I here.”
The devil did not even glance in her direction, appearing oblivious as he strode past her.
“Answer me!”
Still no response, however as her eyes followed him something changed. As she watched the back of his head, the red skin morphed into a human colour and black hair replaced the bald scalp. He leaned back on the rocky wall, searching through his jacket pockets. The curves his cheek bones, the slight hook of the nose…deep brown eyes that were disastrously enticing. It was Lucifer.
“Bloody hell…what do you have to do to get a light in this dump.”
A second figure appeared in front of him , disfigured and terrifying.
“You call?”
In a hushed, silky voice that rang with a torturing pitch the creature directed it’s question at Lucifer.
“No but you have impeccable timing as you demons always do, now…I need that man in there to talk. He knows what I want.”
“Would you like me to deal with it alone master?”
“No…I don’t think he will break easily and I need him to talk quickly.”
“Very well.”
Out of every crevice  they came, emerging out of the dimness and into the room where the professor must me. Chloe looked back at Lucifer, his demon watching on with him. As Lucifer watched, his face emptied of all colour, a blankness overcoming his eyes. The demon questioned him again.
Not appearing to address anyone in particular,Lucifer spoke into empty space. The screams of the professor almost drowned him out but Chloe managed to hear the exchange.
“ I’m to late…she’s gone.”
“How do you know?”
The demon hissed in response
“Because I…never mind…I just do. “
As his face faded from her vision, Chloe found herself back in the white room.  
“As you can see…my son will go to the depths of hell for you child.”
“Is he… How did he get there?”
“That does not matter, for now, you should not be here.”
In a far more sudden way than what she got here, Chloe was snatched away in an instant to the empty void once again.
Waking with a jolt, her lungs burning,  gasping for air. Dazed, it took a moment for her senses to adjust…she was alone. It was quiet, a deep fog hung over her head as her eyes wandered around her hospital room.  Lifting her arm she noticed she had been unhooked from all the tubes at her bedside.  Did she really…before she could think another thought. Her eyes shut and she fell into a deep sleep, she was woken but a loud shout in the hall.
“Chloe! I want to see the detective Chloe Decker you miserable wench…”
Sitting bolt upright, Chloe recognized the voice instantly. Almost falling out of bed she groggily found the door and swung it open. Looking both ways Lucifer soon came into view. Some way down the hall, he stood with a blood stained shirt, arguing with a nurse who had a firm grip on his arm. Even though the stout woman was dwarfed by him, she looked pretty determined that he wasn’t going anywhere. She was pale and frantic, babbling about the blood on his shirt.
“Sir you are hurt please…c…come with me…”
“Bloody hell you humans, one look at blood and you get all wound up I’m fine now let me see her!”
Lucifer wrenched his arm from her grip and shot her a deathly glare, for a moment Chloe saw his eyes flash re. The nurse wobbled and fell, fainting onto the hospital floor.  Chloe found herself glued to the doorframe, a strange mix of awe and relief at seeing the man she thought she knew. Well not…man, celestial being…angel…devil…
Lucifers shoulders slumped as he turned towards her, as his eyes grazed over her they briefly did not make the connection. In a second they locked onto hers and they stared at each other, Lucifers face fell into an expression she’d never seen before. There was no bravado or ponce, just pure relief. When he first said her name, it was full of disbelief. The second time however, he was already half way towards her, and it was possibly her new favorite way he said her name. She suddenly found her strength and they collided in the empty hallway. His shirt was stained and she got blood all over her shirt as he pressed her into his chest but she didn’t care.
Muffled and shaky, his voice wafted to her ears which were buried deep in his arms. His face pressed onto the top of her head, they stayed locked together until the shaking of their bodies subsided. As he reluctantly let her out of his embrace, his hands moved to her jaw, holding it between his palms, he looked into her face with deep concentration.
“You look….fine…?”
“Yes…I think…it seems I am..”
Her attention turned to his shirt.
“Oh my god Lucifer…”
“I’m fine…I went to…oh nevermind ,you…”
“Went to hell and back?”
Lucifer froze, his eyes searching hers. He shook his head and asked her
“Did they get the antidote..?
“No…at least I don’t think they did. I wasn’t hooked up to anything and…”
Stopping herself, the fog was starting to clear and she remembered everything that happened, clear as day. But part of her didn’t want to believe it.
“Lucifer are you…”
“Am I what?”
“God’s favorite son…Lucifer Morningstar, the fallen angel who actually ran hell?!?”
Chloe was ranting now, struggling to understand what had happened to her, and who was standing in front of her. She closed her eyes and breathed, in for 5 seconds…out for 7….when she opened her eyes. Lucifer was standing away from her, eyes  rife with so many emotions she couldn’t pick. After a time he simply said in a bland monotone.
“You know.”
Chloe approached him, turning him around to look at his back again. She didn’t get as far as looking at the scars on his back though. There was even more blood down the back of his white button up.  A pattern only matched by someone who was shot straight through the chest with the bullet exiting out the back. But this time, instead of backing away, she slowly reached out and curled her fingers around his forearm. He watched her over his shoulder, eying her hand as it touched him.
“I saw you….in hell.”
A fresh wave of mania overcame her and she was soon being gripped on the shoulders by Lucifer.
“Ok this is allot…bloody hell Linda took days to get over this and it wasn’t half as bad. Chloe..detective look at me.”
Chloe managed to wrench her eyes off the floor and up to Lucifers. They were the same, deep, soft brown she knew. Comforted she listened to the velvet in his voice as he spoke.
“I’m no different, everything I ever told you is true. But I’m still Lucifer, Morningstar. You irritating, obnoxious and strikingly handsome partner. And you’re still Dectective Chloe Decker, the unstoppable crime fighter with a charming partner.”
Chloe couldn’t help but roll her eyes and smile crookedly, it brought her back to earth and everything felt real again.
“Now...we can talk about this later. I think I need to find some more clothes before I get accosted by another one of those wrenched nurses.”
Chloe laughed and said
“You do look like you’ve been shot.”
“And you look like the walking dead so lets get out of here and hope they havn’t told detective douche of our demise.”
They could discuss all that heaven and hell stuff later, right now, they had a case to close, family to reassure and time to spend with each other. 
 Tagging @captainswanismyendgame
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mar-sibilina · 2 years
 TOSH:[on monitor]: Okay. So, if you're seeing this, I guess it means, I'm, well, dead. Hope it was impressive. Not crossing the road or an incident with a toaster. I just wanted to say, it's okay. It really is. Jack, you saved me. You showed me all the wonders of the universe and all those possibilities, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thank you. And Owen, you never knew. I love you. All of you. And I hope I did good.(Message ends)
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directors-eyes · 14 years
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mar-sibilina · 2 years
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(Gray is in a cryobox) JACK: My whole life I was looking for him. Now I have to lose him all over again.
JOHN: You cryo-freeze him and then what? Wake him up in a hundred years and he's miraculously better? Because that's not gonna happen. Maybe killing him would be the release he needs.
JACK: There has been enough death.
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