#3 big flowers on the left are 3 clans
yanderenightmare · 1 year
idk if you write for naoya but i have an idea...maybe darling is like maki but actually weak and naoya bullies and takes advantage of them?
love your work btw!! <3
Zenin Naoya x maid ! darling
TW: yandere, mentions of abuse, bullying
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Proposal Gift
Sharp hazel eyes follow you in your innocence, narrowing while he judges – concluding once again, as he’d done before, that there really isn’t a single cursed bone in you – only a humble body of warm squeezable flesh and a heart he bets is all too easy to break.
You’ve always been like that. Quick to smile and quick to cry. A bundle of emotions unfit to be raised in such a ruthless clan.
He’s a few years older than you and remembers well what a weak constitution you’ve always had. Anyone could see it, and everyone knew it from the moment you were born – you were never going to amount to much.
He used to find your weakness quite disgusting – used to push your face into the gravel until snot and tears would wet the dirt in a pitiful puddle – with his foot pressed down between your shoulder blades – sometimes until hearing a pop and shriek loud enough to echo off the walls. With words cutting even deeper – telling you what a curse you were, born so weak and so useless – a stain on the great Zenin name.
But now that you’ve grown up, he bites his tongue – silently watching with a strange type of lusty entitlement forming in his gut…
He’s only been away on a mission for a handful of months – who’d have known he’d come back to see you grown into something so… precious.
You’re the prettiest out of the maids – the cutest one too, and undoubtedly the sweetest as well. Walking about the garden where you have most of your chores – watering plants in the sun and picking herbs for healing. You’re quiet and graceful, taking slow steps in your plank shoes that knock softly on the tiles where you peacefully wade through the maze in a pretty flower-patterned yukata.
You look nothing like the snot-nosed brat he’d left in the dirt. You have a swell of breasts now and a feminine face wiped clean of soot – painted with pretty red on your lips and fresh blue on your eyes.
You’re a lady now.
And while your weakness used to disgust him, he’s now realizing what a blessing it is instead. Smirking the more he glares at you – now sitting on a bench in the shade doing some hand stitching, knowing no ill will – he understands he’s quite lucky you turned out such a fragile little thing.
“Naoya-sama-” You spluttered, eyes widening into big round glass orbs.
Jumping to your feet, you nearly threw your needlework down on the bench before folding your fingers together and bowing – much lower than necessary – with a rush that could only be excused with fear.
You hadn’t known he was back yet and felt the surprise like a vice grip wrapped tight around your throat.
Swallowing thickly, you made your excuse while maintaining your bow, praying he’d show you mercy. “Pardon my lack of awareness- I was absorbed in my chores, you see- please forgive me-”
He folded his hands within his pants and raised his chin with a smirk at your spluttering, licking his teeth in enjoyment at your pretty display of courtesy. Eyeing you for a long moment before speaking, mainly to watch you begin to tremble in the wait – cutely dreading the bite of his punishment.
But punishing you wasn't what he was interested in at the moment.
“You’re not in maid robes.” He said instead, ignoring your previous stuttering. His face, jaded with a tone just as callous, aided by that weighty air of authority he always has surrounding him – the one that never fails to make your skin feel raw in the cold.
“Oh-” You fumbled, halting at his lack of anger – wary of the unexpected behavior as it was pretty odd for him not to jump at the opportunity to punish someone like you if and when the chance presented itself.
Though, it wasn’t yet decided he wouldn’t do just that – the way his steely and strangling presence nearly knocked you over with its vicious intensity alone – staring you down sharply with that otherwise smooth hazel.
In return, you had your doe-eyes yielding and down-cast, eying your fabrics with a bite to your lip – trying to keep your voice from shivering while uttering the next line, heat in your cheeks while at it. “These are- uhm- proposal gifts I’ve been asked to wear.”
He snorted at that, and you flinched at the abrasive sound – eyes shifty while eyeing the ground, lowering your head some more, looking down at the paint on your toenails instead.
“From whom?” He asked a beat later.
Your brows pinched at his curiosity and how awfully unlike him it was. Naoya-sama had never struck you as the type to make trivial conversation, especially with the likes of you. 
“I’m- uhm- not exactly sure…” You confessed, twiddling your fingers. “You see, Father doesn’t want to confuse me- after all… it’ll be his decision in the end, anyway.” 
You kept your head bowed while explaining, feeling awkward before him. Trying to think of a time when he’d paid any type of regard to you or your life – remembering none.
“B- but my marital status must be of no interest to you, Naoya-sama.” You blurted then, finding it to be a rather strange matter to discuss with him of all people.
But all the man responded with was a slight hum, keeping his gaze on you and the way you timidly glanced up at him only to look away when seeing him stare back. 
Ears burning, you chewed and sucked your lip under his glare, thinking of how badly you’d witness him beating other maids – having needed to treat many a cut and gash and bruise and broken bone he’d left on bodies much smaller than himself – not to mention the ones on your own frail self he’d given you in your youth. 
“Please excuse my arrogance-” Your memory prompted you to gush. “Doing anything but welcome you home from your mission is rude of me- I heard you lead our clan into many victories- you must be very proud.”
You decided to try you r luck charming him instead, hoping it could sway him from the urge to hurt you.
“Or maybe it doesn’t come as a surprise anymore. You’ve always been rather strong, after all.” You continued but choked on it only a second later – spurring with yet another apology on your lips. “That was thoughtless of me to say- you should feel proud either way- please forgive me for my stupid words, Naoya-sama- I fear the heat has gone to my head and made a complete airhead out of me…”
But despite the obvious hints of regret and panic in your draining face, the man gave no indication of even having heard what you’d said until offering your ramble another rather unusually relaxed response.
“It’s true.” He agreed – much to your surprise, where you’d braced your face for a backhand and your stomach for a gut punch. “It’s become boring.” 
You dared glance up at him through the lashes of your bow – only to see his face still as expressionless as always – a type of stone-cold that made the hairs at your nape rise.
“Still… you must be tired from the trip, if not the mission” You softly started in spite of it – hoping to end the conversation soon. “You shouldn’t stay out here in the sun for too long…” You tried, praying he couldn’t see straight through your intentions. “And- uhm- I should really hurry along- help prep supper for you and your soldiers with the other maids.” You excused, once again bowing your head, waiting for his nod of dismissal – ever relieved when he gave it.
You swallowed your tremors, feeling lightheaded and dizzy while offering up whatever type of smile you could muster.
“It was good seeing you, Naoya-sama.” You lied. “Welcome home.”
You bowed yet again, dismissing yourself before turning and leaving him.
He kept his eyes fixed on you despite it. Observing the distressed spring in your step and how it disturbed the former peace you walked the gardens with earlier. 
A smile inched up his face watching it.
You look very nice in his proposal gift.
He looks forward to having you in his bed.
tip-jar: Kofi
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sencrose · 5 days
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pairing: naoya zenin x f!reader, implied feelings involving naomaki
tags: dead dove do not eat. dubcon, angst?, reader is described as having a similar appearance to maki (mostly in hairstyle), incestuous undertones, physical abuse (against maki, sorry queen) established relationship, throatfucking, no prep, rough sex, pain during sex, (condescending) praise, hair pulling, internalized misogyny
wc: 3.2k
summary: You do not know what your husband sees in you. For better or worse, you learn.
a/n: back on my writing horrible things about naoya bullshit!! ngl this was weird to write but i also had a lot of fun with it. big thank you to @blueparadis for beta reading this for me <3 please read the tags and proceed with caution. ao3 link here
tagging: @pixelcafe-network @jellyfishsart
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You do not know what your husband sees in you. 
It is not that you are without merit, but you are, simply put, plain. A weed in a field of flowers in full bloom. The diet that follows after a bad bout of the stomach flu. A satellite in the night sky that might be mistaken for a star — until it glides past far too quickly to be one, much to an onlooker’s disappointment. 
You know what power the Zen’in clan holds. The kind of power where even the most upstanding of sons will poison their fathers just for a taste. The paranoia that comes with it, the rumors of potential traitors whispered between paper doors is enough to keep anyone on edge. 
With all of that in mind, you know in your heart of hearts you are not the type of person the next head of the clan would pursue. 
Yet you were told he picked you out by hand, out of the dozens of matchmaking papers given to him. Applicants that began and ended on ink, their names, birthdays, and occupations, were discarded without a care of who they were, or who they could have been. 
What an honor, you were told. 
So you packed up your things with a judgemental eye, preparing yourself for the worst when you arrive. Would they let you keep a stuffed animal that was a birthday gift from a friend, or is that too childish? What about this shirt — is it conservative enough or will it bring unwanted attention?
You left most things behind. 
Every now and then, you recall a conversation you had with your mother shared over a plate of cut fruit, shortly before you received the news from the Zen’in clan. It comes to you whenever you see the young girls rushing through the corridors, hands holding a stack of sheets that tower over them. 
“Do you have any dreams?” she asked, carving the skin of an apple, the crimson peel spiraling under her skillful thumb, “Ambitions?”
She tended to ask this now and then. It’s natural, you assumed; a mother’s desire to know anything and everything there is to know about their child. 
It’s hard to remember or keep track of all the answers you’ve given her. All you know is that they’ve become less ambitious over the years. From huffing your chest out and saying you’ll be an astronaut who lives out in the stars with the profound confidence only a child could have, to something less spectacular, more mundane. 
You didn’t have much luck becoming a sorcerer, which shrunk your options. Maybe you’d go to school. Maybe get a degree, get some kind of corporate job, waste your life away in a gray office cubicle. 
But none of those are dreams. Obligations, perhaps.
“No, not really,” you replied, detached from the conversation. It was the truth. 
She patted you on the back, comfortingly. “Ah, that’s a good thing. You don’t want to be greedy.”
You still don’t know what she meant by that, but you also made no effort to ask for clarification. The words simmered low and steady until it burned and branded itself in your head.
As if to pull you out of your thoughts, your mother handed you a slice, an offering. Despite her words, you wondered if it was consolation. 
Even after some time has passed since your arrival, you do not know what your husband sees in you. You’re not sure he sees you at all. 
His touch is few and far between. 
To your surprise, on the night of your wedding you did not consummate your marriage. It happened two weeks after, and it was not what you expected from someone who had supposedly picked you out on his own accord. 
It was anything but gentle. You learned quickly that Naoya Zen’in is not a patient man.
Rough hands were grabbing anywhere, everywhere. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he was trying to devour you. 
Nothing placated him. When you gazed up at him teary-eyed with soft pleas to go slower, you only made things worse. Hands grabbed onto your form to flip you over, push your face into the sheets so he didn’t have to hear your protests. Fingers pressed deep into the dip of your waist, so hard you worried about bruises forming (they did). 
Once he got what he wanted out of you, he tossed you to the side. As if you were some random girl he just happened to pick up for the night, someone he hoped would be gone come morning. 
As if you weren’t his wife. 
It was the first time in a long time that you realized, maybe, you had wants. Desires. To do something instead of having something done onto you. 
But your mother’s words haunt you. 
You don’t want to be greedy. 
For the first time since arriving at the estate, you have a hint of what your husband sees in you.
You don’t think you’re supposed to see it. You don’t think you’re supposed to be here at all.  
A girl lies on the floor of the open courtyard, her head underneath Naoya’s heel.
It’s like looking into a mirror, though a bit distorted. The image is similar, but the puzzle pieces filling in the gaps are all different.
Her hair is much like yours, though the strands that frame her face hang like blades, sharpened, ready to cut anyone who gets too close. 
You don’t have that type of intensity around you. The pieces of hair that frame your face soften your features. Wispy, uncertain shapes that blow away with the slightest puff of wind. 
The similarities start and end there. 
Though she’s younger than you, she wears a hardened expression, one you always thought would come to you with age. You realize now that you must’ve had it easy when you see how she wears it like it’s all she’s ever known. 
Although you go unnoticed by your husband, the girl acknowledges your presence. Her gaze meets yours, fury ablaze in her eyes, along with something else you don’t recognize. Your legs react before you even realize, taking a step back. 
Even with her body pressed into the ground in submission, you can tell she is anything but. It’s written candidly on her face, teeth bared to the world, begging for flesh to dig into.
Your husband must be a blind fool. Even you can see from a distance that she’s a wild animal in human form, just waiting for a chance to break the chains of her enclosure. You feel it in her stare, how she strips you down to a state even Naoya hasn’t witnessed. You don’t like it. How her eyes hone in on you like a lion staring down its prey.
Then again, would you even be considered prey? Even a rabbit has a fighting chance at running away. You do not know how to run. Not towards a goal, and certainly not away from danger.
But you can still walk. Walk while you can and you can forget you’ve ever seen this. Stuff it back in the recesses of your mind, back where you wrote off wants and desires and greed all those years ago.
You don’t walk away fast enough.
When you hear her name slip from your husband’s lips, your stomach freefalls. 
You haven’t been at the estate for long, but you know of her. Everyone does. You just never had the chance to put a name to a face. Maki Zen’in, one half of the clan disappointment, alongside her twin sister. It goes without saying that you also know of the ties that connect them.
You know your husband is a cruel man. He has to be; it’s practically a requirement for someone of his power and status. But it’s hard to watch when it’s laid out so plainly in front of you. Even so, you stay.
You watch with a tightness in your chest as he pulls her up by the base of her ponytail before throwing her back onto the ground, gravel and dust dispersed in the air from the impact.
Anger lights a fire in his eyes. No matter what he does, he doesn’t seem to get the reaction he wants, or much of a reaction at all. She takes it in stride, only emitting hushed grunts when he kicks her. While you flinch at the volume of his voice rising, she boldly sneers at his frustration.
You meet her eyes again. 
She laughs. 
It isn’t to piss off Naoya. No, it’s directed at you. The bystander who’ll go on with her day like nothing ever happened, even after witnessing the horrific abuse doled out at the hands of her husband.
Even though she doesn’t hold an ounce of cursed energy in her veins, you know what she thinks of you. You hear it in the dry chuckle she lets out before Naoya kicks her again.
You’re cursed. 
How pitiful. 
You’re sure he’s ranting about something, maybe something Naobito did, but you can’t bring yourself to listen to him. All you can think about is the girl in the courtyard, with an ire in her eyes you’ve never seen before. When was the last time you looked like that? Felt something so intense it radiated off of your very being, so bright and radiant it couldn’t be ignored? Have you ever had that kind of fighting spirit in you?
A stagnant silence brings you back. You vacantly stare back at your husband. It was your turn to speak for once. You perk up at the opportunity, though you’re unsure how to seize it.
“Sorry. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? You don’t need to say anything. C’mere.”
He pulls you in closer, his hand petting your head. It’s the only time he shows any semblance of gentleness, a cruel way of lulling you into a false sense of security. You know what comes next. His hand presses against your head, lower, lower, until you’re nestled against his crotch. Naoya looks at you, expectantly. 
Your fingers wrap around the cotton ties that hold his hakama pants, pulling with a tug. From there, the fabric falls easily, more so once you reach around his waist to undo the tension from the straps. 
You steel yourself to do what you’ve always done, though something sits in the back of your mind. 
You get him to groan with a long stroke of your tongue on the underside of his cock. Build yourself up to taking his entire length into his mouth, inch by dreadful inch, but it’s hard. By the time you swallow him whole, you can feel his tip pressing against the back of your throat. You do your best to service him at a pace he’d be satisfied with, one you know is out of your skillset, dribbling spit and coughing softly whenever you go too deep.
But Naoya isn’t satisfied. He’s impatient, his fingers weaving through your hair, pulling tight before he quickens your pace to his own liking. It’s something you still haven’t gotten used to. The burning in your eyes, the gross wet sounds that leave your mouth as he bobs your head up and down like a toy.
“Fuck, you’re perfect. Take me in so well, don’t you?” His grip around your hair tightens.
He continues recklessly fucking your throat, ignoring all of the choked cough and garbled yelps you let out whenever he hits the back of your throat. All you can do is take it, ball your fists and fold your thumbs in, and hope that trick you learned about reducing your gag reflex isn’t just some urban legend.
Naoya removes yourself from him as roughly as he places you onto him. The rush of air is both a welcome one and sudden change, and you gasp and cough at the sensation.
“Wife,” He brandishes the title like a weapon, the blade of a dagger pressed against your neck.
“Tie your hair up for me, won’t you?” he poses it as a question, but you know you have no choice in the matter. 
Time freezes.
Your eyes shift and you find yourself fiddling with your fingers, hoping he will change his mind if you look up at him with a disarming plea in your eyes, but his gaze does not falter. His eyes only get darker, a dangerous amber that glows like a warning sign in the lowlight of your shared chamber, as he awaits you to fulfill his request. 
Maybe your husband doesn’t see you, but you have always seen him for who he is, even if you didn’t want to admit it. It shines more than ever, when he tilts his head and the corners of his lips upturn. A snake carefully wrapping itself around a rat, just one good squeeze away from keeping you in his clutches forever. Once again, you’re trapped and frozen with nowhere to go. Unfortunately, you play your part well without trying.
You shouldn’t be surprised. It probably runs in their blood.
Slowly, you tie your hair up, strands spilling between your fingertips as you pick them up again, gathering and pulling through the hair only halfway through the elastic, an unstable, floppy bun.
You don’t want to be greedy.
A ghost of unspoken words from your mother whispers against your ear, and maybe if you caught on a bit sooner, things would be different. What was she trying to tell you? What did she hold behind her tongue so cautiously?
Because that’s not how I raised you?
Because that’s not a woman’s place?
Because that’s not what makes a good wife?
But none of it sounds quite right.
And though the thoughts swirl and cloud your head, something else rings bright and clear through the murkiness. 
You want. You want to be wrong. You want it with an intensity you’ve never felt before in your life, a desire clawing its way out of your chest, desperate to see the light of day. 
It’s a good thing. You don’t want to be greedy.
Naoya gently tugs on the loop of hair with his fingers, almost intimately, and it makes your stomach curl. He pulls apart the strands in half to tighten it, until a ponytail reminiscent of the one you saw earlier today sits on top of your head. 
It is only in this moment the clouds in your mind disperse, the addendum your mother wanted to add clear as day.
Because all you will be left with is disappointment.
Even though you’re filled with unease, you follow his lead because it’s all you’ve ever known. He pulls on the waistband of your skirt before pushing his hand against your back, getting you in position to arch for him. 
His fingers drag against your slit, before sliding two of them inside your hole, ignoring any initial resistance. Another thing you learned about your husband is that he’s a determined man; to your dismay, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t fit, he’ll make it fit. Even the stretch of his digits is uncomfortable, scissoring them inside you just to hear you whine under his touch. You wince when he withdraws them, tighten up when you feel something hot and hard pressed against you.
There’s no getting used to his size. Even if he took the time to prepare you properly, you’re sure it would still hurt – if not at the initial penetration, then at the frenzied thrusts that come shortly after. His plump cockhead nudges teasingly against your hole, poking and proding before pulling away. He likes to keep you on your toes, hear you whimper when he surprises you a rough thrust. 
Something about him seems more impatient than usual.
He pushes himself into you, and you bite down on your lip as he splits your walls apart in one swift movement. Over the course of your marriage, you’ve learned to wait out the pain, keep your breathing steady until he starts to move. But his pace never stays slow for long. It’s only a short moment before his hips slam into yours faster and you have to weave through the sheets and grip for stability.
“Naoya, ‘s too much,” you whine, voice high pitched and on the edge of sounding needy.
Without warning his hands wrap around your ponytail and he pulls tight. The sharp pain makes you wince, arch your back until you’re pressed flush against his chest.
“Talking back, are we?” he quips back.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you say, hushed and quiet. 
You don’t think he accepts your apology, not when he tugs a bit harder and gives you a thrust so deep it knocks the air out of your lungs. Whether he accepts it or not, he’s still enjoying himself. You hear it in the groans he lets out whenever he hits you deep inside and you moan at the impact, feel it in the way his other hand kneads your breast before giving your nipple a tug.
“You like this, don’t you?”
You wonder if his words are actually directed towards you, but you don’t think too hard about your response, falling back on your default mode of placating him.
“Mhm,” you hum softly.
“Then you won’t mind if I go harder, right?” he asks, but he doesn’t give you a chance to respond. There’s no smooth transition, he simply goes straight into fucking you harder.
His pace is dizzying, the slap of skin-to-skin echoing throughout the room as he fucks you.
He only gets louder and more desperate as his hips slam into yours. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen him like this before. It makes your mind race, makes you wonder if he’s holding back his tongue to call out another name whenever he hums a bit too long in pleasure. Each sound he makes causes your heart to skip in terror and anticipation, but you never hear it. Still, it trembles. 
“Be a bit louder for me, ok?” he whispers in the shell of your ear. His hand traces down from your chest to your waist, lower until it reaches your aching clit. “I’ll even treat you tonight.”
The unexpected contact pushes you further into him, sends a shiver of tension up your spine. You don’t want to admit the pleasure boiling up in you, not like this, but your body doesn’t give you much of a choice. Your lips are the first line of defense to fall, high pitched moans you don’t recognize spilling so easily, naturally, as if it’s water leaking from a faucet.
Maybe he thinks you’re enjoying yourself just a bit too much, because the grip on your hair tightens once again. But it doesn’t stop the rush of warmth building up in your stomach, from your muscles tightening to prepare for your impending climax.
“Nao, I’m close, I’m close-”
Shame washes over you along with your orgasm, walls fluttering against his cock, as he fucks you through it. Naoya’s own climax follows shortly after yours, his hips thrusting harder until he stills with a shaky groan. 
Only once he removes himself from you, you collapse on to the bed, body spent. You cautiously reach for the hair tie, looking over at Naoya as you pull it out with a soft tug. He doesn’t stop you. 
You know what your husband sees in you.
You wish you didn’t see it too. 
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alien-magnolia · 1 year
Rut with Jake Sully🖤
Fic description: Can be read as a sequel to My Heat’s Here. 18+ minors DNI. Heat/rut omegaverse, breeding kink, predator/prey kink, dom!Jake sully, fem!sub!reader, corruption/innocence, bit of misogyny (degrading!kink)
subby!fem!navi reader loves domestic life with dom!Jake as her mate. Having just recently mated before Eywa, she experiences her mate’s rut, helping him through it as best as she can.
If you like this post, pls help a writer out and reblog 🖤
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The Pandoran sky shone with hues of purple, neon green and light blue. It was sunset, and you had just gotten back from a day spent by the waterfalls in the Hallelujah Mountains.
It was a beautiful end to the day, and you collected some flowers out in the forest! You could not wait to show your mate. The clan had always said that you were complete opposites — yet that was always working out good for you. You knew that he would love to see your flowers, he always indulged in you when nobody did.
Your Jake was a fierce warrior, rugged exterior, intimidating and demanding…so many Na’vi feared him at times. He wasn’t like that with you. You were his mate, and he treated you so, so gently, sometimes to the level of patronizing you. You were just, well, not that smart at times.
That was okay! Because you had your mighty warrior, Toruk Makto, to love you and guide you <3
You couldn’t wait to show him what you found in the forest. You even brought home a lily pad.
You happily skipped along the log bridge over this one mountain, the sun was now fully gone from the sky, and the bright Pandoran moon illuminated your bioluminescent freckles, scattering across your body.
Soon enough, you were nearing the entrance of your shared hut. The tiny pink petals were clamped in your hands, you even put one in your hair - all to show your mate!!
You enter the hut. He is not there. You are confused, until the scent hits you. Musky, earthy. His pheromones. His rut.
1 mile outside hometree -
“Babygirl. Where are you!! Fuck…”” Jake growls, using his nose to the best of his ability to sniff you out. He’s been trailing your scent. His rut had arrived this morning — shortly after you left, he woke up with morning wood. His cock, big, angry, red. Anytime he would have a bit of release (which only took him a few seconds, he would grab some of your woven cloths and smell them) his cock would be hard again in a few minutes. Constantly hard, paired with some soft and sensitive swollen balls <3 he was just itching to get you alone.
He did not go on the hunt today, even though he told you that he would. He did not want to anger other Na’vi men. His pheromones were strong. Additionally, his scent would attract unwanted attention from the clan’s women — bother them.
Not everyone got tha chance to ride The Toruk Macto. Only his sweetie, his baby girl did. Yet he currently had no idea where she was. This was a problem.
Jake was protective of you, as per usual. You were never to go out into the forest at night, never to go to a clan meeting by yourself. Yet during his rut, this was amplified. He needed you — this instant.
He was starting to panic. It was now the middle of the night, he could not find you anywhere. A Thanator could have found you.
The sweetness of your smell suddenly hit him in the face. He was about a few minutes away from you, and he could smell you at his distance. He stalks you, your scent enticing him toward you like a piece of sharp twine, reeling him in. There you were, shivering beside a bush. You smelled divine. Your heat. His mind was racing. All he wanted to do was to creep up on you, pin you to the grass, you were his scared, little bunny. You needed his help.
Luckily he wasn’t so far gone, and he did think logically. He slowly approached you instead, with his hands up. You picked up on his scent immediately. Your terrified eyes look up at him, through the bond he knew that you were waiting for him, for a while.
“Ma Jake. My Munxtatan, help. Please, need you…,” you wail, some sobs breaking through your voice. “Shh. Shh, S’okay. Mawey, my love,” he crouched down beside you, his large hands grasping at your body, calming you for a bit. Still, there was an ache within you, you needed it to be tamed. Your scent became stronger. Jake was gone.
Jake’s voice becomes more intense. “You’re burning up, came out here all by yourself, without me?? What were you thinking, huh? Jesus. Irresponsible,” he almost yells, his ears slanted, tails erratic. You were absolutely terrified, and some tears began to fall from your eyes. “Ma Jake, please…,” you beg, not sure what you were even begging for.
“Yeah, yeah. I know what you want. Every man needs to tame his bitch, huh? Out here crouching in the woods, like a helpless lil’ bunny. God damn,” he grunts, as more tears fall from your eyes. He was in rut, he was so dominant, so stern with you, and yet you knew that in a few seconds you were going to get demolished by him.
His large hands knead at the dough of your hips. You whimper as he effortlessly flips you over onto your back, his fingers digging into your hip bones as he angles your ass up, and pushes your legs apart with his knee. “There you go, bunny. Stay just like that, kid.” You nod submissively, as you feel his large back press down on your small, arched one.
“Tsaheylu??,” you whisper, hoping that Jake would still fulfill your need to be calmed, emotionally. He growls for a second, fuck — he loved seeing you like this, all putty, caged in his strong arms.
He nods, he could not find the words to reassure you, his queue connects to yours, as the both of your eyes dilate. Only then he feels how scared you are of him. He knew his state of rut would scare you, sending you into heat, a few weeks early. Here he was.
“S’okay, bunny. Just gonna use you for a bit. Stay still,” his voice speaks up again, still deep, overbearing, yet a bit softer now. Nodding, you focus on his body close to yours, caging you in. You feel his thick fingers massage your puffy lips, your sweet slick coating his fingers, making him moan, softly.
You felt his intense hunger for you through the bond. He saw your empty walls clamping around nothing, he felt your desire to be full of him, for the rest of the night!!
His long, thick, fingers curl in and out of you, immediately reaching towards that sweet, spongy spot, deep inside.
Your walls clenched around him tightly, sucking his fingers in, more and more. He growled at you, a warning to loosen up. You obeyed, and his fingers kept pumping into you, a ruthless pace. You feel the full weight of his body push down on you, bringing your cheek to the ground. A hand on your neck, another hand tightly controlling your hips, holding you in place. You feel his fangs graze your shoulders, biting in.
“Ma Jake, ma Jake, ahh…,” you scream, you were experiencing intense pleasure right now. His fingers suddenly slid out of you, his lips trailing over your neck, your ear, as an attempt to calm down your whines and whimpers. “Gonna, gonna, fuck, give you my cock now, ma yuey. Mawey.”
You were still reeling from the loss of his fingers in you, that you almost did not notice that he was lining up his swollen cockhead onto your lips. You feel it, it is warm, wet, leaking!! You wish you could have seen it from the position you were in as of now.
You felt him slide into you, too fast for your liking. He bottomed out quickly, you felt him pulse inside you!! It was only a matter of minutes until he was drilling into you, his balls slapping your sensitive mound. Your soft tits were bouncing, nipples erected due to the cold air of the forest. You had double vision, your chest heaving as his hands came around up front to grab at your softness. Your hearing zeroes in on the sound of your hips against his, his growls and groans, those veins in his arms flexing as he holds you close to him.
The both of you finished, coming back to your senses. His knot grew inside you, anchoring his cock to your still aching, pulsing walls. The both of you looked at each other wearily, the night was still young, and in this state, there was no point in returning to the village.
“You okay, babygirl?,” he asks, tone now gentle, as if to not spook you. His fingers come up to wipe a few of the remaining tears from your eyes, as you lay your head on his chest. Not before giving him a sweet, long, kiss. “Feel a bit better now, ma Jake. Want you in me forever,” you softly murmur back.
“Want me to fill you up, huh, girl? Don’t worry, there will be time for that. We might end up with a kid, though. Y’sure about this?,” he worries. You think for a moment, taking advantage of the clarity of mind that both of you have at the moment.
“Yes, ma Jake. Let’s have one. We are mates, after all. It’s our biological purpose,” you chuckle. Jake hums in agreement, rubbing your back to soothe you as the both of you lay on the swaying, forest floor.
You would spend days with him in that forest during your heat, during his rut. It was very rare for both of your cycles to align. You felt that Eywa has finally blessed you, to be able to get bred by him, impregnated, to carry HIS child. His child, the whole village would know that you were HIS. You were giddy at the thought.
Jake heard your thoughts through tsaheylu, a deep chuckle emitting from him. “Want to be bred, huh kid? Your big, strong, mate will do plenty of that.”
You just couldn't wait!!
Avatar taglist: @23victoria @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @jake-sullys-whore @aerangi @brioffthegrid
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d1xonss · 10 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 3 ~ Opening up
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 1
✧ Word Count : 3.6k
In this chapter ~ When spending some much needed time alone after the fight she was just involved in, Rose sets off toward the woods for the peace and quiet. Though she was unaware of the person that seemed to follow her, only innocently wanting to know more about her as he only seemed to want a friend. Meanwhile, the planned search for Merle was now set in stone.
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I was completely unaware of the amount of time I had spent in the forest drawing, but I really didn't mind how long it had been, enjoying the cool breeze passing by me every now and then. I found myself constantly losing track of time when I sketched, even before the dead started walking around. Just living in the moment as for once my mind wasn't constantly running. My pencil moved quickly whilst I drew out the trees and flowers that surrounded me, the sunlight brushing upon them from my left as mother nature seemed to glow.
Creating things was what always kept me grounded in this life that only seemed to grow more intense every second we were alive. It was corny, sure, but it couldn't be truer. In a way it was somewhat of a distraction whenever I felt down about myself or stressed about things that I couldn't control. It brought me a form of comfort that other people's words could never quite do. And that's why I loved it. So, it made sense why I yearned to come out here to decompress, the intense argument still replaying a few times in my mind.
In all honesty, I didn't know for sure what was going to happen next. Not only with Rick's big plan to head back into Atlanta despite everyone's strong opinions, but more of the bigger picture. It had been a couple months since this whole apocalypse happened, and I still found I couldn't seem to get over how insane it's all been. A part of me thought I would never get used to it, the dead slowly picking off the remainder of the population. But another part of me knew that I could, adjusting to what the world has come to now was something I would have to get over. Though I didn't know if I wished to, not wanting to let go of just everything I once knew. But sometimes that's just how life worked, and you had to swallow it down and move on.
A sudden snap of a branch coming from right behind me is what made me stop my movements completely, slowly putting my pencil down as I listened. Now that walkers have started to make their way through the peaks, I found myself a little more on edge as they could truly come out of nowhere, seemingly migrating out of the city. When I didn't hear another sound, I slowly lowered my hand and pulled out a knife from where it was attached on my hip, before turning around swiftly, ready to throw at the threat. But my movements halted once I saw it was just that kid Glenn, looking completely taken aback that I almost threw the blade in between his eyes.
"Woah, woah, not dead." he said with raised arms, eyeing the sharp weapon in my hands.
I huffed with a roll of my eyes, putting my knife back in place before turning my attention back to my notebook, picking up the pencil I had once discarded to the ground. My eyes stayed down on the page as I tried to ignore his sudden presence, even though he seemed to only be inching himself closer to me at the speed of a sloth. I silently prayed that he would just take the hint and leave me alone, but I knew it was a long shot. Everyone in this damn camp seemed to be infatuated at the idea of a new person joining their little clan, considering I had hardly had a moment of peace since arriving.
My annoyance brewed as I felt him shuffle closer, practically breathing down my neck as to try and catch a glimpse at what I was doing in curiosity. All while clearly not knowing or understanding the definition of personal space. Growing annoyed, I stopped what I was doing and slowly looked over at the man, a pointed glare on my face to get him off my back. But I guess I underestimated how close he really was, our faces being a mere inch apart as I watched him immediately get flustered, turning his head away from me in an instant.
Now as much as I didn't want to, I couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh upon noticing how red his cheeks had gotten from the smallest amount of contact. It was amusing, my reaction completely genuine as I watched his embarrassment grow. Though he quickly heard my silent giggles, a small smile making its way onto his face as he saw my initial response to the awkward exchange. He then moved to sit himself down next to me, letting out a breath of air now that some of the tension was gone.
"I just wanted to say, what you did back there was...pretty badass." he stated out of the blue.
I scoffed quietly to myself, "Well, I had to step in...I knew Shane couldn't handle it."
My comment caused him to laugh a little and nod his head as if I had a point, "Y'know you're right, I think Dixon would've knocked him clean on his ass."
My lips twitch up slightly in amusement, before turning my attention back to the lined paper on my lap. We sat like that in the comfortable silence that followed as I stayed focused, glancing up at the different colorful petals every once and a while to make sure I knew what I was doing. But silently, I knew the quiet wouldn't last very long as he seemed to talk more than the rest of them combined, his mouth clearly having a mind of its own.
"So, I was thinking, and uh...I realized I didn't really get the chance to get to know you. You know, with all the chaos happening and stuff." he pointed out.
I let out a hum, "You're right." I muttered as I didn't take my eyes off the page.
I could practically feel his smile drop after I said that, the thought alone almost causing me to laugh again at how I practically shut him down. But I never claimed I was the easiest person to get along with.
He sighed quietly, "Well, can I get to know you? It would be nice to befriend the cool girl of the group so someone has my back." he said with a sweet smile.
Looking at this kid, I could tell that he was very nice and just simply wanted a friend. In the back of my mind, it would be nice to have one too, but I couldn't help but grow a bit uneasy at the thought. Mostly because I didn't want anyone to get too close. Allegedly I didn't have a very clean track record when it came to being a good friend, at least that's what I'd been told in the past. I didn't want him to get hurt because of me, especially since I was continuously balancing on the fence about whether or not to stay.  
But regardless of all of that, I somehow convinced myself to agree. "Okay..."
His excitement was almost too much to handle as he began asking me question after question about myself, but I quickly slowed his role. Instead I offered questions of my own, getting to know him a bit better so he had the chance to talk about himself. I was always a better listener than a talker. The two of us began to reminisce as we swapped stories from the past, talking quietly amongst ourselves in the grass. I learned that he delivered pizzas as an occupation, hearing it out loud actually made a lot of sense. His favorite color is green, he loves to fish; especially with some friends, and he really likes baseball.
Now with me, I didn't really feel totally comfortable telling him my whole life story like he did moments ago, finding it hard to really open up to people. It was rare for someone to ask me something and actually care to know the answer. But regardless, I told him that I worked as an undercover cop previously, which in return really intrigued him and led me to tell some of my most interesting stories. Then I listed a few of my favorite hobbies, painting and pottery, and some of my favorite bands who all remained in the same category; rock. 
It felt weird being so open and honest with someone, a strange feeling I hadn't allowed myself to experience in quite some time. But somehow, I knew I could trust him. He was showing me a kindness that I didn't even know existed before now, and I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't enjoy it. And although I wouldn't admit it out loud, a part of me was actually glad he tracked me down.
Towards the end of our conversation, I turned my notebook over so he could see the finished product, "Well, what do you think?"
He eyes about popped out of his head, his mouth falling open a little as he took the picture in, "Wow, this is really good! Rose, you're super talented."
My heart warmed at how genuine he was, almost not wanting to bring myself to believe it. I couldn't help but grow a bit flustered at the compliment, shrugging it off, "Thanks..." 
After that we collectively managed to head back in the direction of the campsite, realizing just how much time we had spent chatting on and on. Though the closer we got, the more I could clearly hear the disagreement that was going down just past the line of trees ahead. The noise alone was enough to make me want to turn right back around and stall in the forest for a little longer. Rick and Shane were at each other's throats for whatever reason that was unknown to me, yet I knew it was probably something stupid.
I quickly glanced around to everyone before attempting to turn back but Glenn, as if reading my mind, grabbed onto my shirt sleeve to keep me from parting from him. I sent him a pointed look, but he just merely smiled at me, not letting go so I didn't even have a chance at getting away. Bastard.
Rick continued to go back and forth with Shane and Lori, practically fighting for his life as he kept trying to prove his point that humanity was not lost. That a human being needed help, and he wanted to be the one to deliver. I almost wanted to roll my eyes at the whole hero facade. Though after Lori said something about not being comfortable with him doing this all by himself, the man suddenly had a lightbulb appear atop his head, instantly looking toward Glenn and I.
"Oh, come on." Glenn groaned.
I took this as my opportunity and ripped my sleeve out of his hold, "Good luck with that." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear before slipping away from the next argument.
I placed my notebook back safely in my bag as I lingered by the RV, my back facing the rest as I cringed slightly when I heard how bad the conversation was going from a distance. But I faltered for a moment when I felt someone's eyes on me as I moved, turning back around subtly to see it was Daryl who stood tall by what I could only assume to be his tent. Out of the corner of my eye I just watched him, sensing that he was trying to figure me out even though what happened earlier between the two of us was far from a proper conversation.
But I didn't give in and look back, my focus staying on Rick as he continued to stress about his big plan that he had all planned out in his mind, while Daryl's eyes never strayed away from my frame. I nearly squirmed as the feeling lingered for much longer than what I was comfortable with, still managing to ignore it. If he had a problem with me, he could confront me himself.
But the thought didn't fail to cross my mind at how hard he was to figure out. Most of the time I was pretty good at reading people, but for some reason that wasn't the case with him. It was like he put up a protective wall to hide behind, to keep people away, which was something that I surprisingly understood as I tried to do the same. Maybe I understood him better than I originally thought.
"We could take Rose too." Glenn's voice suddenly suggested, causing me to quickly tune back into the conversation as my mouth nearly fell on the floor at his casual comment.
I could've strangled him right then and there for bringing me back into this when I didn't need to be, knowing he somehow caught that vibe when I watched him visibly recoil at the glare I sent him. I absolutely did not feel like risking my life for anyone around here let alone that asshole, and yet, this man was throwing me up for grabs. 
"No, no," I said with a wave of my hand as I trucked back over to join the exchange, "Don't you dare speak for me." I snapped, "I barely made it out of that shit hole with you people last time, and you want me to go back?" I asked.
"I actually don't think you should go either, in fact I don't think anyone should go!" Shane shouted, "Why risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?"
Daryl's ears seemed to perk up at that comment, trailing over as he lingered near the small circle we created, "You better choose your words more carefully." he warned lowly.
"No douchebag is what I meant." Shane clapped back, "You're really going to risk three men?" he asked Rick in disbelief.
"Four." T-Dog stepped in.
"My day just keeps gettin better don't it." Daryl muttered with a roll of his eyes.
Glenn huffed, "Five." he tried again as he gestured to me, "We need as many people as we can get, and if you ask me, she knows how to handle herself."
My mouth parted as I was prepared to rip him a new one in order to make myself clear, but Rick beat me to the punch, "No, she's staying here, can't have too many people out there at once."
At that moment I felt like I could kiss him...no not really, but I was definitely thanking my lucky stars that I had someone else on my side. For some reason I had a bad feeling about this whole thing in fear that something would go terribly wrong, and I just couldn't push myself to jump back into the walker infested streets. Although I think Rick easily saw the relief in my face because he dipped his head in a nod with a small smile. "You're welcome. "
I slightly nodded in return to express my thanks before glancing back towards Glenn, hesitating for a moment, before placing my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. Managing a small and apologetic smile, he nodded in return to my gesture, clearly understanding my stance on the matter. And just like that, I was off the hook. Though the quarrel was far from over.
Trying to get as far away from the booming voices as possible, I headed inside the RV, not wanting to listen to the no doubt merry-go-round of emotions Lori continued to express. To my surprise the vehicle was completely empty, actually having some peace and quiet for a little bit longer like I wanted. I appreciated Glenn's kindness and undoubtably good conversation, but I still felt a bit unfulfilled for the silence I craved. I sat myself down at the table as I faced away from the entrance, placing my forehead on the coolness of the table. 
My eyes fluttered closed for a moment, feeling them burn slightly with how tired I seemed to be from the restless night. I couldn't even remember the last time I had actually gotten a decent amount of sleep. Whether it was waking up every hour to check my surroundings, or not being able to fall asleep at all, something would always keep me from my dreams. It was frustrating and a little unnerving, making me rethink the offer Dale made to me about crashing out in here. Though I knew I would never accept to begin with, not wanting to impose as this space was clearly crammed enough as it was.
I eventually lifted my head again to take a look outside the window, seeing the four men beginning to pack up their things to head out, seemingly coming to a final decision. Though a part of me started to feel a hint of guilt. Especially when my eyes lingered on Daryl for a moment longer than the rest. I felt as though I should say something, something reassuring and maybe comforting, seeing as he wouldn't receive that from anyone else around here. This was his brother, and half of the group was treating it like it was a joke of some kind. It was probably a dumb idea, but I had to say...something.
Sighing to myself, I reluctantly got up to get out of the RV, looking around to where he had gone. Shane and Lori were still irate, the few kids were sitting along with Carol working on schoolwork of some kind, whilst Glenn and T-Dog packed up the truck. My eyes then finally landed on who I was silently searching for, seeing him linger near his tent as he gathered up his weapons. I was starting to have second thoughts the more I let myself think about it, but my legs were suddenly moving towards him before my mind could even process it.
Once I was finally close enough, I cleared my throat awkwardly to get his attention. His head snapped towards me, looking a little surprised at my unexpected presence, before he quickly fixed me with a glare.
"What?" he asked sharply.
In a split second he managed to make me regret coming over here in the first place, taking all the willpower I had not to roll my eyes. So, I didn't. "I just wanted to...apologize, I guess."
He stared at me in what looked to be disbelief mixed with annoyance, "For what? Leavin my brother behind with the rest of them assholes? Or puttin me in a chokehold?"
"About your brother." I said with no hesitation, "You deserved the chokehold."
He took a step closer to me, "Is that right?" he asked, clearly trying to intimidate me, but I still stood my ground.
"Yeah, that's right. You pulled out a knife, don't try and convince me that I'm the bad guy here." I said, my tone coming out harsher than I intended as he began to frustrate me.
His face reddened as he clearly grew angrier at my attitude, quickly forcing the words out of my mouth before he had the chance to snap. "Look, I'm not going to stand here and defend your brother because let's face it, you and I both know he's an asshole. But I wanted to apologize for just...leaving him. He's still a human being, and I don't think anyone should have to go through that fear. So, I'm sorry, and I... I hope you find him."
Without another word, or even giving him a chance to respond, I turned on my heel to head in the opposite direction. Partially because I feared his response. But there was another part of me that was embarrassed for expressing my regret and sympathy, not even knowing if that's what he needed to hear at a time like this. Though I could've sworn the minute my back was facing him, I heard him mutter a small "Thanks." as I continued to walk away. But then again, that could've been my mind playing tricks on me.
I moved quickly back into the RV and sat down in the same spot I once occupied, looking out the window to the people just on the other side of the glass. The ones cooking something over the small fire, the kid's infectious laughter, and the ones putting everything on the line to save a man that seemingly didn't deserve it.
I hated to even think about it, let alone say it out loud, but I couldn't help but wonder that maybe I could use an accepting group like this one. My trust issues have gotten worse over the years, but there was something about this place that somehow made me feel just a little bit safer. At first, I thought it was because it was so far away from the city, the hot spot of where the dead roamed. But I slowly came to the realization that it was actually because of the people. There was something about them that pulled me in, perhaps the same strong ass magnet that drew me back here in the first place. Maybe this so-called clan wouldn't be so bad after all.
~ Thanks for reading!
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Karai x fem reader
(literally any plot)
Aye aye Anon! (This is before Karai knows Shredder isn't her dad. not that it's super important, but l digress.)
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Summary: Karai sneaks away from her foot clan duties, to spend some time with you <3
Warnings: None
Requested: Mhm!
Female Reader!
Three short taps.
Three short taps to signal the arrival of your girlfriend. You smiled widely and stood from your desk to greet her at your window.
You unlatched the old frame, and pulled it open, a smiling Karai meeting your eyes.
"I didn't know you were coming over." You said, moving aside to let her in.
She pecked you on the cheek as she entered your room, "Surprise! I had some free time. Decided I'd like to spend it with you."
You hummed, joining Karai in sitting on your bed, "I take it you won't be sleeping over?"
She shook her head, leaning into you with a sigh, "I'm afraid not, Hana. I can stay for afew hours, but if I stay the night my father will grow suspicious."
You smiled, cupping her cheeks, "Well, afew hours seems like quite a long time to me. So, do you wanna watch a movie? Or just cuddle?"
Karai was silent for a moment, "Let's watch that movie you like, would you like me to make popcorn?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I'll turn on the movie, you get some popcorn."
"Alright, I'll be right back." she replied, kissing you once more on the cheek as she left your room.
You turned on the movie, then began to gather blankets and pillows as you listened to Karai talk with your parents. She had met them a while ago, and they got along well. You mother thought she was just right for you, and your dad liked how well mannered and respectful she was.
Obviously you had never met her father. Karai wanted nothing more than to keep you out of that part of her life. You knew about her Foot Clan activities, she couldn't bring herself to lie to you about that.
So you knew.
You were her first girlfriend, and Karai wanted to make sure she did this whole relationship thing right. She didn't want to lose you by lying about something that big.
Karai re-entered the room, now equipt with a big bowl of popcorn and two sodas, "Your mother insisted I take the soda too." She said, as she set the snacks on your bedside table, "She is a rather pushy women, isn't she?"
You giggled, "Oh my god, don't even get me started. Now come here, lets watch this movie." You opened your arms, signaling to her that you wanted to hold her.
With a smile, she melted into your arms, and the two of you sat there, cuddled close, watching the movie, wishing free time could last forever.
First time writing for Karai! I think it turned out well, but hey-
Also, edit: Hana = Flower!
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noirandchocolate · 3 months
In a huge Sooga mood today so here's some random headcanons about my version of that big strong Right Hand (you know, this handsome guy) who I'd never ask for rent to stay in my head:
He loves sweets (it's like his one vice). Big fruit lover even beyond the Yigas' cultural penchant for bananas, and he looooves honey. Fried bananas with honey on them? Oh my god. (Honestly it's a shame chocolate doesn't exist in my Hyrule. He'd be all over that.)
He's a light sleeper when out of the Karusa Complex on missions, always alert to the slightest sounds even when it's not his turn for guard duty. At home, though, he tends to fall dead asleep and be difficult to wake up...before his body just naturally does it at an early hour, exactly when he's supposed to get up and get ready for his first duties of the day. It’s uncanny. A little creepy.
If that linked art didn’t make it obvious, my Sooga’s high split-ponytail is ornamental—part of the Right Hand’s uniform. (That style seems to be based on kabuki theater wigs such as this iconic one for the character Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasu in the play “Shibaraku.”) He usually keeps his actual (4c-textured) hair in short braids ending at the nape of his neck, but he’s been growing it out longer post-AoC events. However keep in mind his face in the linked art isn’t his real one; it’s his standard disguise technique one!
He's half-Sheikah on his father's side and originally lived in Lurelin Village. He hasn't been back since joining the Clan. I'll leave it at that for now. However a less serious headcanon is that one thing he misses from childhood in Lurelin is fresh fish on the daily. His favorite is porgy!
When he first joined the Clan as a child, before he began his serious weapons training in earnest, Sooga's assigned tasks around the Complex often involved working with the Clan's apothecaries to prepare medicines, poisons, spice and herb blends etc. He has a strong interest in plants that earned him chore assignments like that, and also always enjoyed going on missions to Satori Mountain to gather herbs and fruits and veggies as a young teenager. He loves it when the desert has one of its blooming seasons and there are flowers everywhere, and has cacti and succulents he's planted around that he checks on all the time.
Master Kohga’s Right Hand at the time Sooga joined, my OC Chisao, took a shine to Sooga almost immediately and became his mentor when it came time to truly begin his martial training. Now that he himself is Right Hand (Chisao's still alive he just persuaded the Master to let him pass on the role to a younger man), Sooga strives to do Chisao proud when training his own new Blademaster candidates in particular. (However, he does NOT think of Chisao—or anyone else in the Clan for that matter—as an adoptive parent or anything like that. Because of reasons, ie he was and is NOT looking for that in his life.)
Sooga’s currently (post-Calamity) getting lessons in Ancient Sheikah calligraphy from Kohga. He wants to be more artistically cultured in addition to his martial skills, because Kohga is talented with stuff like that and he sees it as a way to be closer with his dear partner. <3
He’s got a dry sense of humor that can get a little morbid. (Think Morticia Addams’s “oh no…he lives” or his own “Your Highness, I bring news. It regards your impending death.”) Absurd circumstances, statements, and actions by others also make him laugh. He’ll usually cover his mouth/the place where his mouth is under his mask while he keeps a lid on his quiet laughter but occasionally something will surprise him into really laughing out loud and it’s kind of adorable.
Most Yiga have a simple, usually small tattoo of the Inverted Eye on them somewhere. Sooga’s is on his left shoulder blade and it’s (unsurprisingly) bigger than average.
His mask got cracked in a fight with a lynel pretty shortly after he became Right Hand and got it. He could have another made no problem, but chooses to keep the broken one "as a reminder that to persevere even in the face of loss may lead to victory, but also that even in victory there may be lasting consequence.”
Okay I'll stop but I just love hiiiiim so muuuuuch~
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bonefall · 11 months
Hi again, I was the anon who sent that ask about Ivypool and Dovewing in the new Ultimate Guide! As for your curiosity about his final life: Skystar will die fighting dogs to save Thunderstar's kit, Feather Ear after the dogs attack a Gathering, and in return Thunderstar saves Star Flower. I don't know the specifics more than that, though because I haven't had the chance to read it myself- sucks that they're giving him a noble death when he's a asshole, but what else is new with him. :| Also you're so right about the sisters not reconciling, because not only do I agree SO so much <3, but I actually got to read the excerpt for myself and was so frustrated by the end. Girlie, Ivypool was never there for you, not when it counted like when she gave you the silent treatment before you left the clan and didn't defend you at all when you came back and got berated by everyone for leaving, it's time for YOU to walk away and give her the silent treatment. Stand up for yourself queen!
Oh that's so lame lmaooo, really?? Skystar big damn hero moment saving a baby? They had to summon a random dog event because they couldn't think of any other way to send him out? DUMB shit.
I should have known that the end of Riverstar's Home was too good to be true </3 Ah well.
Not like canon ever gives me good shit to work with in DOTC lol. Ratatouille ass ruining the soup and I'm running my little rat paws ragged trying to fix this dishwater.
Anyway yeah screw that. BB!Dovewing isn't forgiving Ivypool. I have to take a look at the passage before making a judgement on it though but I'm very much not a fan of the idea.
I'll bet they probably did that dumb thing where Dovewing had to apologize for hurting Ivypool's feelings, too. But I'll bring it back up when I've seen it
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go-river-flows · 2 years
Sweet Visions of a flower
Summary: Syulang (OC), an orphaned girl after the destruction of Hometree. She is constanly reminded of this by her amputated left leg and constantly dreams of her deep trauma. Even when she gets adopted by Toruk Makto and his wife, who she resented for over six years before forgiving him.
Part 3 or ?
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I let them up into my tented canopy, The boys looked around as young Kiri, sat between her father’s legs. Jake Sully’s eyes stayed looking at me, as I tried avoiding eye contact.
“I'm sorry, this must sound…rude. Can you tell me your name again?” Jake Sully asked. Though I was hesitant, I told him my name.
“Syulang,” he repeated, falling silent. Though he was repeating that name in his head over and over again like a mantra. “You know, I never forgot about you.”
I scoffed lightly, holding back an incredulous laugh. I know it was a lie. I looked at his children and the human one, who now sat down next to me looking at my false leg. His curious eyes got bigger as he looked at it with great intrigue, staring at the mechanism and weaving. 
“I see the great Toruk Makto got busy,” I didn't mean it to come out so rudely. His eyes widened a little bit. I mentally cursed myself for inviting them in. “You don't have to lie, I already know the truth.”
I didn't have to look to know he grimaced at that. 
“You know, as leader of the clan, I have to lead the people. Take care of them. So can you tell me why you’re not with the clan?” he asked calmly, almost gentle. It made me want to cry, I tried repressing those memories, the destruction of Hometree. The death of my parents, friends. My injury. The aftereffects of war. It was all too much. I have nightmares. I prayed to Eywa to forget, but she never helped.
  So I told him about just that. He sat and listened. His children too. They gathered sitting near listening to the story. I was only ten when this all happened, imagine how traumatised I was. How I couldn't stay with the clan as it was a constant reminder of the many losses we suffered, and how both my parents were killed, not just one, but both. How I cried myself to sleep for days, how my Uncle Pawk couldn't calm me. I decided to leave. I feel ghost pains in my left leg. Toruk Makto listened. After that, he thanked me for talking to him, he gathered his children and they left to go back home. That night I had difficulty sleeping so I went to cuddle with my big cat and her babies.
  The following day I woke up against my thanator, her soft purring and warmth much like a mother’s warm embrace. I thanked her for her comfort as I began my day as usual. Drinking some river water, washing my face, hunting fish for the day, washing my body in the lake. Then Lo’a and I went hunting for some meat. 
  After hunting and bringing back a carcass of a fwampop, also known as a Tapirus. Thanking Eywa for the life of the creature. I pet Lo’a’s head as well, thanking her for being by my side. I cut up the meat and wrapped them into portions with leaves, packing the rest of it in a covered hole I used as storage. For the rest of the day, I did my chores, weaving new baskets, collecting fruit, herbal plants and organising my canopy. 
  What I wasn't expecting was the call of an ikran and its rider, landing on the branch just above my home. A huge gust of wind knocked over my many baskets, which bumped my water pot over the edge of my canopy. Shattering it as it collided with the ground a few metres down, nearly smashing on my resting thanator, who made a startled sound looking up at me. Arrgh, I growled in anger, punching the tree trunk, annoyed. A familiar face popped into view from above my tented canopy, just showing their head looking guilty. If not for the situation I would have found it funny. Toruk Makto, Jake Sully. Oh Eywa! I hissed at him, wanting to scratch his eyes out.
“You owe me a pot,” I snarled at him. Slumping down in defeat, “I just cleaned up, you stupid Toruk Makto!” 
His face scrunching up into a guilty yet apologetic expression, a small voice calling out as another face popped into view.
“Hi Syulang!” Neteyam greeted chipperly. I greeted back with a grunt. “Oh wow, it's messy in here,” he stated at the obvious mess, making me grumble with my ears pinned back, arms crossing over my chest with irritation. There came another call of an ikran, it too landing on the branch above, however, gracefully and blowing gentle wind through my canopy home.
“Can we come in?” Neteyam asked. I looked up at the boy and gave a singular nod. “Dad, help me down.” I watched as Jake Sully lowered Neteyam into my canopy. Then a smaller boy, Lo’ak. Who ran over to me, diving into my lap, hugging my torso as I kept my arms on my chest, my ears twitched in annoyance. Finally Jake himself entered my canopy as another Na’vi made themself known. The warrior and Toruk Makto’s wife, Neytiri, with a babe wrapped around her front. I stood in shock, greeting her. Little Lo’ak still with arms wrapped around my torso hung when I stood.
“Sister, I see you,” formally greeting her, hand to my head and gently bowing. She did the same.
“Lo’ak, let go,” Jake pried the little boy off as he giggled. I noticed in the corner of my eye, Neteyam was picking up the baskets, gently scooping the fallen contents, returning them into it's respective basket even though he didn't have to. 
“Ma Jake told me that there was a young girl living all alone out here,” Neytiri spoke, my eyes shifted to Jake again staring him down as he still held the same apologetic expression, he soon joined his son picking up the baskets, cleaning up my canopy. “I had to come to see for myself. If you were who he said you were. Syulang, I see you. And I want to thank you properly. All those years ago, I heard of a child with a broken leg, dragging my father from our fallen Hometree. Throughout the chaos, no one had asked your name. They only talked about a girl from our Omatikaya Clan. Young, brave, fearless, who sacrificed her own leg for a proper burial for my father, Eytukan. My dear, I thank you. Eywa thanks you. I see you. Come back to the clan.” Neytiri wrapped her arms around my shoulders, bringing me into a hug. I shook my head no. 
“No, I will not. If Toruk Makto told you everything, you would know the reason why,” I told her. Jake’s ear twitched at his title.
“I know, I have heard. I cannot ask you to forgive, but I plead with you to come home. Your mother, your father would want you to be with your clan,” Neytiri begged. I wanted to cry at the mention of my parents. “You don't have to be an orphan, we can take care of you,” Neytiri proclaimed, “Our family have talked, we want to take you in.” She looked at her husband, who gave a soft smile. “You can stay with us in our nest,” she gently hummed. A part of me does. I miss having a family, I miss my mother’s touch, I miss my father’s reassurance. My heart pounded hard, I sighed trying to take it all in.
Pulling away from Neytiri, I though about it. I looked at the two boys, at Jake Sully. My feelings about him have always been mixed, but yet he looked at me with sad and understanding eyes. 
“Okay,” I quietly mumbled. Their ears perked, Neteyam, Jake and Lo’ak’s eyes lighting up. 
“We’ll pick you up tonight, pack your belongings,” Neytiri offered, her hands rubbing my arms in a comforting manner. The boys had finished cleaning up and were standing together.
“Before you go, take some things,” I left my canopy, sliding down the long thick rope. Strolling past my thanator, I opened up the storage hole, pulling all the fresh food from inside. The preservatives remained, just in case. The two adults had climbed down from my canopy, finding me halfway in a hole. Their footsteps alerted me. 
“These are from my morning hunt, and some fruit preserves for the children,” I handed them small closed packaged leaf containers, fashioned into a jar, “These last for a long time.” My ears perked, Neytiri thanked me with a smile. Jake picked up all the wrapped meat, thanking me too. “There are more in this hole, enough to feed a large family, but they are mostly preserved.”
Not long after, Toruk Makto, his wife and children took off back home. Their ikrans screeched in the distance. I began packing most of my belongings, retrieving my bow and arrows. Covering the food storage hole as well. I wove a large basket for Lo’a’s cubs just in case. I decided to keep my canopy up in the tree in case I would return. Finally rolling up my mat, I lay to wait for Jake and Neytiri. Eclipse is coming soon. I looked up at the darkening sky, watching the stars glimmer when I noticed a constellation of new stars. Sitting up properly to take a better look, I realise what it was.
How many years ago was it now? A new star descending from the sky. It scarred the land as aliens destroyed the land. The burnt and greying land, a reminder of the destruction that the sky people brought. Not long after, they arrived at our doorstep. Pink flesh, small and carrying weapons, designed to slaughter. Our Olo’eyktan and Tsashik stood and greeted the sky people with contempt, hesitation. Fear. They came in false bodies, wanting to teach the people English, to learn about our culture, everything. To assimilate. There were those who rejected them, and those who welcomed them. But they broke our trust, destroyed everything we held dear. Demons.
Sky demons. They have returned. I ignored my mind at that moment, I grabbed my two sling packs and archery equipment, dropped from my canopy to the ground in a rush. Gathering the cubs into the basket and climbing onto Lo’a’s back. Connecting my queue, I told her to run. Run as fast as you can. She sped away as fast as she could whilst holding our weight. The cubs whined in fear as the scorching heat reached us, though we were far away, we could see the flames emitted from the foreign metal creature. The great winds it produced as it landed, burning everything in it's radius, red and orange disintegrating Eywa’s creations. The anger I felt, the agony I felt. I roared out in anguish, the only thing I could do was run. The call of ikrans above me snapped me out of my furiosity. Voices yelling out my name.
“Keep going!” I urged Lo’a, “To the Hallelujah mountains!” Lo’a turned off to the right, running as fast as she could, jumping over fallen logs, not stopping for a moment. We kept going even though the heat retreated.
“SYULANG!!!” the voices screamed out. I looked up, as an Ikran flew over me. I waved up at the rider, Neytiri, who was watching in stunned awe. She lands not too far away and hops down from her ikran rushing to me, Lo’a growls at her as I disconnect tsaheylu, I carry the basket of cubs with me as Lo’a is on my tail.
Neytiri, grabs the basket from me looking down into it. Lo’a produces a low yowl.
“It’s okay Lo’a, we’re taking them somewhere safe,” I kissed the top of her head, she nudged me. The other ikran also arrives behind us, Jake rushing over, checking me over.
“Ma jake, take her things. We’re taking you up to High Camp, we must hurry,” Jake, pulls my bags from me pulling them over his shoulder.
“Hold on,” I turn to Lo’a giving her a hug, resting my forehead on the top of her head, “I’ll look for you. Keep going to the floating mountains.”
“Come, Syulang,” Neytiri pulls me toward her ikran. She climbs up first, pulling me up to sit behind her. “Hold on tight.” I wrapped my arms around Neytiri’s waist, her Ikran ascended quickly, almost giving me whiplash. 
We flew for a while, into the fog. Toruk Makto flying beside us. It was strangely calm here. Quiet. I haven't been in the sky in a long time. It felt freeing, I looked at my false leg, it was a part of me that I couldn't simply let go. It's what keeps me living. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't move freely. I’ll forgive Jake Sully. I'll forgive my Toruk Makto. I understand now. For seven years I harboured deep resentment for the man, every time I saw him I would scowl, eyebrows furrowing in indignation. I think It's time to let go. For the first time, I smiled at him with tears. I forgive you. And he smiled back.
Arriving in the High Camp, we were greeted by the surviving Omatikaya clan. Some gasped when they realised who was with Toruk Makto and his wife. Pawk pushed through the crowd as Neytiri slid off her Ikran. Holding her arms out for me to slide into. 
“Syulang!” Pawk ran to embrace me. The clan collectively gasped at the realisation. Pawk looked me over from head to toe, before he cupped his hands around my face, tears falling from his face. “You're all grown up. You look like your mother.”
Neytiri tugged at my hand and Pawk let me go with Neytiri. She held my hand pulling us through the crowd, the members parting to make a path. They stared in stunned silence. Some looked at me as if they just remembered their missing clan member, the others looking at my legs.
Neytiri brought me to her mother’s tent. Stopping at the entrance as Mo’at pushed open the opening flap. Coming face to face with her daughter. Her eyes widened as they fell on me. 
“Come, come in,” Mo’at rushed us in, closing the flap. As we knelt down in front of Mo’at, she pulled me into a hug. “My dear little one. I see you.”
We talked for a long time, in that conversation she asked me why I left the clan, why I couldn't have come to just talk to my Tsahik. I told her everything, my trauma, how I resented Toruk Makto, and how I had come to forgive him. Some tears were spilt and some breaks were in order. After it all, I was exhausted. Before I left to get some rest, Mo’at retrieved something for me. “I believe this belongs to you,” Mo’at said, unwrapping a cloth. In her hands were three necklaces, and I broke down in tears one final time. My mother’s, father’s and even Rumut’s necklaces. I cried until exhaustion overtook me, I fell asleep in Neytiri’s arms.
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poedameronloverx · 11 months
5 Hugs from Tommy Miller
Wow, hi! It's been a while since I've written anything really. And I'll warn you now, this is awful. If you're looking for high quality Tommy Miller fic then this isn't the place to find it. It's really just a stupid little thing that popped into my head after meeting Gabriel Luna last week and being on the recieving end of 3 hugs from him. So I hope maybe someone will enjoy this and I'll hopefully have something else out that's a lot better sometime soon xo
Pairing - Tommy Miller x F Reader
Word Count - 2398
Warnings - Some swearing but nothing major
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The First Hug
The first time you’d ever been hugged by Tommy Miller was after you helped him find Sarah when she ran off while she was in his care. You knew exactly where his 8 year old niece would be. You were Joel and Sarah’s neighbour and you often looked after the girl when her father was working or on a date and her Uncle wasn’t available to help out. On this occasion, Joel had taken his girlfriend away for Valentine’s weekend, Tommy and Sarah had popped into see you a couple of times throughout their long weekend together so when the youngest member of the Miller clan had run off, Tommy had come to you in a complete panic. His brother was due home in a few hours and his niece was missing.
“Hey, it’s okay. Calm down. I have a feeling I know where she’ll be” you said.
Tommy followed you as you led him down the street and through an alley way right at the end of the road, it led to a park he didn’t even know existed. Sarah was there, climbing the stairs to the slide, just as you knew she would be.
“See! No need to worry. She’s right there, she’s safe and everything is fine”
Tommy sighed in relief, letting out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. He knew where Sarah was, she was safe and Joel wasn’t going to kill him.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” he said. Before you knew what was happening, you’d been swept into his strong arms in the tightest hug you’d ever experienced. His arms were wrapped around your back tightly, he’d pulled you against his chest and didn’t seem to be letting go anytime soon. You chuckled and wrapped your arms round him, giving him a squeeze.
“It’s no big deal Tommy, really. She always wants to come and play here, I knew this was where she’d be”
“You’ve saved me from Joel’s wrath. I wouldn’t have known where to look. So yeah it’s not just a big deal, it’s a huge deal darlin”
When he released you from his hug, you felt a chill running through you. You told yourself it was just down to the fact summer was ending and the weather was getting cooler. Nothing to do with the fact you were no longer in Tommy’s arms. He insisted you joined them for dinner that night as a thank you. They were having take out and a movie night. Your head was screaming at you to say no, more time with Tommy would just make the crush you were developing get worse, but your heart was giving into the puppy dog eyes of the Uncle and Niece duo so you agreed. It ended up being one of the most fun evenings you’d had in a long time. When Joel returned home late that evening, he said nothing when he found the three of you snuggled up and fast asleep. You were asleep against Tommy’s shoulder, his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders and Sarah was lying across your lap. Joel draped a couple of blankets over you all and left you sleeping.
Birthday Hug
From the day you helped Tommy find Sarah; he suddenly became a big part of your life. Ever since you’d helped him out of his predicament, he seemed to decide you were now his best friend. He’d bought you flowers as a thank you; he turned up at your door a few days later with a beautiful bouquet. You didn’t even realise it was him at first as the flower arrangement was so big you couldn’t see who was behind it. That was exactly how you found yourself on your birthday; you opened your door to what looked like a bouquet of flowers with legs.
“Happy Birthday Darlin!”
“These are beautiful, thank you Tommy!”
“Ah its nothin’, just something pretty for your birthday” he shrugged “Now Joel and Sarah were thinking pizza for dinner but it’s real nice out so I was thinking we could do a barbecue, grill up some burgers, hot dogs, things like that. But of course it’s up to you, it’s your birthday after all”
“Both sound like great options, you guys don’t need to go to all this trouble for me though!”
“Course we do, you’re our friend and it’s your birthday! I’ll tell Joel to order pizza and I’ll fire up the grill and we’ll have both”
“No more protests. I’ll see you at Joel’s at 4pm”
When you got to Joel’s you were showered in cards and gifts, Sarah had drawn you loads of pictures and they’d gotten you a large cake.
“This is way too much” you said, as you sat down on the deck with Joel and Sarah, watching as Tommy swayed to the music that was playing as he grilled up the food.
“Don’t be silly!” Sarah said “It’s your birthday, you deserve it”
“I’m so thankful to you all. The flowers this morning and now all of this”
“Flowers? I didn’t get no flowers” Joel shrugged
“Tommy brought them round”
“Did he now” Joel raised his eyebrows, a shit eating grin on his face “Well I can assure you that was nothing to do with Sarah and I. That was all my little bro”
“Oh, that was really nice of him”
“Super nice, maybe he loves you” Sarah giggled
The evening was spent in the company of friends you loved so much they were basically family, good food, plenty of laughs and of course birthday cake. When the night drew to a close, Tommy offered to walk you home.
“You don't have to, I live right next door. I think I'll make it” you chuckled
“I want to, can't have the birthday girl walking alone”
“Thank you kind sir” you smiled at him “And thank you for the flowers. I know they just came from you and not Joel and Sarah”
“I told ya darlin, it's nothin. Just a little gift for the birthday girl” he smiled as you reached your front door “Have you had a nice day?”
“It's been wonderful, thank you so much. I appreciate it all” you leant forward and wrapped your arms around Tommy, drawing him in for a hug. Tommy was taken by surprise for a moment but soon wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes closed in contentment as you allowed yourself to settle into the hug. Too soon it was over and you were waving goodbye to Tommy as he made his way back to Joel's house.
A goodbye ‘Just Friends’ hug
A few years later when your work told you that you were being sent to the New York office to work for 6 months you'd been excited. You were sad to leave your friends behind but you knew you'd be busy and time would fly by and you'd be reunited with them before you knew it. Tommy, Joel and Sarah had come to the airport to say goodbye to you on the morning you left. Joel wished you well and assured you he would keep an eye on your house whilst you were gone, Sarah gave you a framed photo of you, her, Tommy and Joel. It had been taken on Tommy's birthday when you'd all gone out for a meal. You hugged her tightly and told her how much you'd miss her and that you'd see her soon. Tommy was the last to step forward, you could see the sadness in his beautiful brown eyes. The two of you spent every spare moment hanging out together so not seeing one another for 6 months was going to be a huge adjustment. Neither of you said anything, you just reached for one another and wrapped your arms around each other. Your hands clung to Tommy's soft jacket, like you never wanted to let him go, you could hear his heart beating against his chest.
“I'm gonna miss you so much sweetheart” he whispered into your hair “What am I gonna do all these months without you”
“It''ll go by so fast, I'll be back before you know it and you'll soon be sick of me”
“I could never be sick of you”
“I'll see you soon, okay?” you said pulling back slightly, his hands still on your waist, yours on his chest “And we'll text and call all the time”
Your flight was called at that moment. Tommy pulled you in for another hug before letting you go.
"Just friends huh?" Joel asked, eyebrows raised "Never seen 'just friends' hugging like that!"
"Shut up Joel" Tommy fired back
You waved to the Millers as you disappeared out of sight. Little did you know it was the last time you'd ever see Sarah, and the last time you'd see Tommy and Joel for years.
Reunion Hug
Living in Jackson was as good as it got in a world that was infected by Cordyceps. You had your own home, you had a comfortable, safe community around you. You helped out around town, taught kids how to read, helped in the kitchen, helped sort out any supplies that arrived and took your turn on patrol. It was a safe and secure life but you always felt empty. It wasn't that you didn't love and appreciate your friends in Jackson, you did, Maria had become one of your closest friends and you were so grateful for the day you found her. But you missed everyone from before. Your family, your friends and especially the Millers. Patrols were mostly quiet, the infected had been cleaned out, apart from the odd one that stumbled upon the woods outside Jackson. You, Maria and 3 guys headed out for Patrol, you split up and they headed down towards the river whilst you and Maria checked the woods. When you came to meet up with them, you could see they had 4 more people with them. From a distance you could make out a woman, two men and a child, as you got closer you felt like your heart stopped.
His head whipped up at the round of your voice, his eye's going wide as he saw you for the first time in over 10 years.
“Oh my god, it's really you” he said, watching as you jumped off your horse and ran towards him. You lunged forward, closing the gap between you, and wrapped your arms tightly around him. His embrace was warm and comforting, like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winters night.
“I thought I would never see you again Tommy”
“Me too sweetheart, I've been hoping to find you of course but I was starting to lose faith”
You pulled back slightly so you could get a good look at him, your hands came up to cup his cheeks, your thumb ran over his freckles. He was still the same Tommy, a little bit older with longer hair and facial hair, but he was still the Tommy you'd crushed on for basically your entire friendship. You surprised even yourself when you closed the gap between you and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. You were about to pull away and apologise when he tightened his grip on you and crashed his lips to yours.
“God I've wanted to do that since we met” he said when he pulled back.
“Me too” you chuckled
“I love you sweetheart, always have. Sure I've dated and had short relationships but it's you and it's always been you”
“I love you too”
He kissed you again before pulling you back into his embrace. Maria smiled as she watched the scene on front of her. She'd spent many girls evenings with you listening as you told her all about Tommy Miller and how much you crushed on him. She was glad to see you reunited and finally giving into how you really felt about him. She spoke to Tommy's travelling companions on the way back into town and organised somewhere for them to stay. She knew she didn't need to bother about Tommy as you wouldn't be letting him go ever again.
Wedding Hug
It was easy to adjust to being in a relationship with Tommy, you'd basically acted like a couple whilst you were just friends anyway. When Tommy filled you in on everything that had happened since you'd last seen him, from losing Sarah, going his separate ways from Joel, the Fireflies, going it alone, you'd both decided not to waste any time together. You'd been reuinited a few months when Tommy asked if you'd marry him. You asked the kind old man who worked in the place of worship in Jackson if he would perform a wedding ceremony for you. When he agreed, Maria helped you both sort rings and she managed to find you a dress to wear and a suit for Tommy. Neither outfit was anything special but neither of you cared. You said your vows to one another underneath the beautiful apple tree in the town with only the old man and Maria there to witness it. You didn't want any fuss so after your vows the pair of you headed back to your home as husband and wife. Tommy pulled you into his arms as soon as you were through the door, hugging you tightly to his chest. #
“Thank you for agreeing to marry me love, it's the best fuckin' thing that's ever happened to me”
“Thank you for asking me. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me”
“So how about I take my wife upstairs to our bed”
“I think that sound's like a wonderful idea husband. Our first night as husband and wife. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you”
As you lay in Tommy's arms later that night you couldn't help but think back to all the moments you'd had together. From the very first time he hugged you after finding Sarah, to leaving him behind when you went to New York, right to earlier that day when you'd said I do. Things hadn't always been smooth sailing for the pair of you but you knew that Tommy Miller was the love of your life and you couldn't wait to see what life would throw at you next. All you knew for certain was that you'd be happy just to spend the rest of your life in your husbands embrace.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 7 months
Starting out with an out there option -- Margim!
(for this ask game where you send in one of my OCs, and I give you a synopsis of what it would look like if they were the main NPC in a tutorial quest)
oh interesting! torn on weather this would make the starting zone Mordor or Dunland (or somewhere in-between). hmm I think we'll go with Dunland, bc Mordor would basically just end up as either "Bitter Ash and Stubborn Flowers but You are Celeair" or "Stout-Axe 2: Electric Boogaloo" lol
So your character is traveling through northern Dunland, as one does, and encounters a gleaming white stag. It runs away when you approach, but stops before it gets out of eyeshot and looks back at you, almost as if it's expecting you to follow. So you do follow it, briefly lose sight of it, and find yourself on the outskirts of an encampment of clanless Dunlanding brigands. You see someone else besides you lurking outside the camp and quietly approach them
She introduces herself as Margim, and you learn that she was led here in the same way you were. The quest text would make note of her strange and somewhat unnatural appearance, but weather or not your character actually knows what the yellow eyes and ashy skin mean is left ambiguous. (she is still wearing her armor from Mordor, but at this point she's scuffed off any eye emblems denoting it as such, so the PC would only notice that it seems badly damaged) Regardless, the quest tracker would read "remain on guard" while you're talking to her.
She will tell you that she has been watching the camp for a little while now, and saw that the brigands seem to have captured some people from a nearby village. While she's not sure exactly why the stag led you both here, she guesses it might have something to do with that. She will mention that she has not been in Dunland for very long and has found very little welcome from its inhabitants, but that "it's understandable" and she holds no ill will towards them, so she wishes to help the captured people. Your character, of course, agrees to help her rescue them. Because even if you don't trust her, There Are People Who Need Help and what kind of adventurer would you be if you passed that up?
(This bit is unnecessary, but it would be funny to have the classic "let's have a quick sparring match to see if you know how to fight, here's my spare [Your Classe's Weapon] you can use, just [Right Click] on that satchel-" etc etc. while you're like, right outside the camp presumably trying to be sneaky. It's somewhat immersion breaking but also I think it would be funny)
anyway, you go in, kick ass, [untie prisoners: 3/3] and regroup outside. The people, who you learn belong to the Stag Clan, are grateful but still seem a bit wary of you, at least until learning that you were both led there by a visage of a White Stag. They don't know exactly what that means either, but evidently the White Stag is a Big Deal to them and one showing up is almost always a good omen. They then invite you to Lhan Tarren so they can properly thank you for helping them.
short timeskip, you've arrived in the village and had a small feast to celebrate the return of the captured villagers. Margim will mention that she found it a little overwhelming to be around so many people, but she is grateful that, for once, she seems to be welcome somewhere. "At least for the time being", she adds. Now that everything is winding down you're both getting ready to leave, but are approached by Elain, who offers to let you stay in her house if you would like to remain in the village a bit longer. (They just get so few visitors you see, and she's very excited to hear about all your adventures!)
the player character respectfully declines (they have to go Looking for Adventure), but Margim just looks genuinely shocked and goes
"..." "...I'm allowed to stay?"
and the instance basically ends there.
it might actually work similarly to the River-Hobbit intro, being a short adventure your character does on their way north that eventually ends with you arriving in Mossward (although for it to work with the timeline your character would need to stay in Mossward/somewhere between Trum Dreng and Mossward for a few years before the orc attack that sets everything in motion lol)
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lomappreciationblog · 12 days
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Continuing from the previous post, here's the entry for the concepts of Flowerlings from the art book!
I'll be showing closeups again, but for the clarity here's the bottom text:
"At first, the concept was for all the Flowerlings to be old people. Flowerlings 2 and 3 were selected, and the female one became younger in that chapter. I was thinking of other flower motifs, like the cyclamen that appear to be looking down or cattleya with their frills that look like orchids. However, the shape and colors of the fuhcsia flowers that I saw around town left an impression on me, so I also incorporated them into the designs. (Ikeda)"
So like mentioned, Nao Ikeda made these three concepts based off the cyclamen, the fuchsia, and the cattleya. What we got in game were the "fuchsia," the male design, and the "cattleya," who became the females, though as Ikeda mentioned, they became younger in game and look more like young women.
By the by, Nao Ikeda has a wonderful eye for incorporating plant imagery and symbolisms into her characters - if I ever post the Dawn of Mana art, she explains what plant symbolism she gave each main character. In general, she's just really good at creative characters who follow a core imagery.
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The "Cyclamen" design, also named 'Scarlet Salmon," didn't make it into the game, and as with the Sproutlings the original concept for the Flowerlings also seemed much different than we got. Here's the note:
"The 'Flowerling Village, where various clans congregate and live together, is a true flower garden. However, everyone there is old. One of them, 'Scarlet Salmon,' is nor an old man with a hunched posture, but he was really handsome when he was younger... By the way, when they hold still they looks like flowers, so when they start moving they startle the main characters."
Some of these concepts also mention where the races would have been first introduced, and it seems like they were originally set in the "Giant Swamp," but it seems to have been a location that is cut out of the story, I can't think of any place in-game that resembles a swamp.
So, according to these concept notes the Flowerlings seem to be a harmonious sort in whose village the different clans live together, but there's not much beyond that, so if I had to guess any questline they were supposed to have were cut and they became NPCs that were connected to Sproutlings, and like them sort of just pop up in a lot of places. It's a shame though, I think the scenario of Shiloh/Serafina being startled by what they thought were flowers is a neat one. Hmm, I do wonder if the concept of "living together harmoniously in their own village" was given to the Lilipeas, given what we see in "Catchin' Lilipeas."
So for comparison, here's the in-game Flowerlings:
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One last note, in-game Flowerlings have minor roles in a couple fo quests, helping out the students collect reagents in "The Field Trip"...
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And probably being a big source of headache for players in "Teatime of Danger" haha. Though...we just kinda accept Flowerlings have psychic powers, don't we?
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One also pops up in "Niccolo's Businesss Unusual 3" as a poor target for our favorite swindler.
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greypetrel · 1 year
🍧 SHAVED ICE and 🎤 MICROPHONE for all of them/any you'd like (including Pavyn)? :3
Hello!! :D
LOL THE KARAOKE ONE, thank you x°°°D
Tis the prompt list!
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Alyra: She sold her mother's necklace at the first chance. If she wasn't interested in her, she doesn't see why she should be. She's gone, left her in a shitty clan, bye. She still has a friendship bracelet woven with spare strips of leather, sparkly rocks and shells in the braid. There were flowers once, but they're long wilted and fallen, it's very worn. Tamlen braided three for her, Merrill and himself.
Raina and Garrett: They found once in the attic Malcolm's disguise when he and Leandra ran away. He told them the story and told them to do what they wanted of it. Nobody really wanted the ugly uniform, but they split the rest. Bethany had the amulet, Carver the boots, Garrett took his staff after he died, and Raina the gloves.
Aisling: All she had was destroyed in the explosion. :"( It was an amulet Deshanna gave her when she arrived in the clan, a blue glass eye enchanted against evil spirits. She didn't find it anywhere when she woke up and was free to walk around, and she severely regret it.
Radha: A pair of golden earrings with amethists, that were her mother's bonding gift from her father. She wear them on special occasions. They're enchanted with a protective spell.
Pavyn: A leather bracelet, equally enchanted, with strands of embrium -preserved with magic- that was Deshanna's bonding gift to his father. A pinecone that Aisling gifted him at her first Arlathan, when he was awfully hangover.
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
Alyra: She's good, has a low voice but very pleasant. It would take some time to convince her to actually sing at a karaoke, but she'll always fall far drinking songs. Always. This one's a big favourite.
Raina: Awful singer. Tone deaf, can't hold a note. It won't stop her, she (unfortunately for everyone around her) loves singing, and would love karaoke. She'll go for '80s hits. Angel of the Morning is a big favourite. But also very unfortunately for everyone around her, another big fave would be Bohemian Rhapsody. And yes she'll sing every. Single. Part. Included all the Galileo Galileo Figaro. (but seriously, who sings Bohemian Rhapsody without doing ALL the voices?)
Garrett: He won't break eardrums like his sister, but he's not the best singer ever. Luckily enough, he won't jump at the occasion so eagerly. He's not tone deaf, but no trained singer either. He'd choose something fun, maybe that can be sung by everyone. Like you know what? The Phoney King of England.
Aisling: She's a good singer, can hold a note and is pretty tuned. Will get stuck with silly lyrics and humming them for the whole day. She'll go for either rock, Living on a Prayer would be a favourite (everyone knows it, everyone sings, it's satisfying) or go for Musicals. Another BIG TIME favourite would be Oom-Pah-Pah from Oliver. Sung from up the table, of course.
Radha: Has actually a nice voice, deep and charming, but won't get caught singing to save her life. She doesn't like being the centre of attention EVER, so karaoke night won't really be her jam. She's the one that films Pavyn and Aisling when they duet over Rasputin (they would). But if you get her enough to drink and she's in the mood...
Pavyn: Oh he has a good voice and the theatrics enough to LOVE a good karaoke evening. Dragging everyone with him as well, but he's the centre stage.The party don't start till he walks in, after all. Also this when he wants to be a little more serious. He knows the WHOLE choreography don't try him (or do.).
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wendyfulmother · 8 months
Wendy's N.aruto Verse!
There will be MASSIVE SPOILERS for both the OG N.aruto and Shippuden. The verse was made along with my friend @believeandjump <3
Wendy is Kakashi and Guy's god-daughter (Like how Jiraiya was named Naruto's godfather). Mary and George both decided to name them her goddad's where Mikoto Uchiha (Sasuke and Itachi's mother) was named her god mother.
She grew up with Sasuke and Itachi. Sasuke was like a little brother to her whereas Itachi was like her big brother. She was very close with them, until Itachi left one day. Sasuke and Wendy's bond was still strong but they rarely saw each other, with Sasuke more so isolating himself and becoming colder.
She was NEVER told that Itachi was the one who killed the Uchiha clan, leaving Sasuke the only survivor. She was told that he had died alongside her Auntie Mikoto and the others because she was far too young to understand. (Having JUST turned 7 a month prior)
Wendy originally did not become a ninja. She went to the academy with Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and the others and graduated, but she decided to not become a ninja. That was...until she awakened her clan's power of flight and after a rescue mission to get her youngest brother, Michael, back, she decided that maybe being a ninja isn't a bad idea.
During the aforementioned mission, she began to rekindle her friendship and bond with Sasuke.
The next day after Michael's rescue, her 13th birthday, she became a ninja and starts tutelage under Kakashi in Team , being an honorary member.
Since Wendy did not become a ninja until then, she does not participate in the Chunin Exam with Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. She DOES however hear what had happened with Neji and Hinata during the preliminary (Hinata and Sakura are two of her best friends) and she does end up slapping Neji in the face for nearly killing his cousin, much to EVERYONE'S surprise.
Wendy also had been keeping a horrifying secret that she had been being abused by her step-aunt who lived outside of the village to protect her younger brothers from receiving her step aunts harsh treatment. Sasuke and Sakura both are suspicious of it once she just ignores them one day and Kakashi is revealed to have been told the situation by Iruka Umino, who had heard it from John (Who is now in the academy).
Here it is also revealed to Sasuke and Sakura that Kakashi is Wendy's godfather. Kakashi, Sasuke an Sakura go on an unofficial mission to save her once John reveals that Mara took her away. They manage to get her out of there with minor injuries.
The night Sasuke left the village, like Sakura, Wendy saw him. But she did not even try to convince him to stay, for she knew her worlds would fall on deaf ears. All she said to him was "...I'll miss you..."
During the mission to retrieve Sasuke, her dear friend Peter Banning was sent along with the Sand Siblings (Temari, Kankuro and Gaara) helped try to fend off the Sound Ninja 4 only to die in the process, which Wendy grieves heavily over.
After finding out that Choji, Neji, Kiba and Naruto were also in the hospital for injuries during the fights to retrieve Sasuke, she leaves all of them flowers and visits them as frequently as possible.
Wendy begs Kakashi to train her to get stronger and he obliges. He trains her during the time skip.
Wendy becomes a chunin before Naruto comes back to the village (yes I know the other chunin exams were filler but SHHHHH it's canonically told during Shippuden's opening that everyone [excluding Temari, Kankuro and Neji] are chunin)
Wendy goes with Team Kakashi to save Gaara from the clutches of the Akatsuki
During this mission, Wendy finds out Itachi was alive this whole time and it hurts her. Not only the fact that she had been lied to for so long, but ITACHI was the one who was behind massacre, leaving Sasuke an orphan.
While Sakura and Granny Chiyo fight Sasori, Wendy joins Naruto and Kakashi in fighting Deidara.
She is NOT present for the Techi Bridge Arc
Wendy goes on the mission with Asuma's squad and witneses his death after being knocked into the collection's office wall by Kakuzu trying to fight him.
She is sent to the hospital soon after the fight with Hidan and Kakuzu and is soon diagnosed with PTSD by Lady Tsunade.
Wendy joins Team 7 and Team 8 for the search for Itachi. She finds out Itachi dies from Zetsu with eevryone else
Wendy, while separated from the group, encounters Sasuke for the first time since he left the village. He tells Wendy that he’s defeated Itachi, but tells her that he intends to kill “Madara” for his involvement in the clan’s massacre, hiding his true plans from her.
Wendy dies during the Pain assault but is brought back when Nagato uses Rinne Rebirth to bring everyone back.
Wendy joins Kakashi, Naruto and Yamato to the land of Iron to talk to the Raikage about sparing Sasuke from being killed.
During this mission, she also finds out the truth about Itachi from "Madara Uchiha" and she is absolutely b r o k e n by the news.
Wendy is sent to join Naruto, Aoba, Yamato and Guy on Genbu to keep the ruse of an S rank mission for Naruto while War is being prepared. Once Naruto finds out about the war, she reluctantly joins him and B to the battle field.
They run into Nagato and Itachi (reanimated) and after the fight, Wendy and Itachi finally reunite and reconcile. Wendy begs him to tell her mother the truth and Itachi agrees, because Wendy's mother, Mary, is Itachi's (and Sasuke's) godmother.
Wendy joins Kakashi's faction for the war.
She is trapped in the Infinite Tsukyomi with everyone excluding Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and Obito.
Once everyone is freed, she is reunited with Team 7
She sees Sasuke off along with Sakura and Kakashi.
Wendy helps round up the prisoners at Hozuki Castle (Kakashi Hiden)
Wendy joins the Hanabi Rescue Mission (Naruto the Movie: The Last)
She is at Naruto and Hinata's wedding.
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good-or-bad-luck · 1 year
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potionomics warrior cats au. robin is the leader of riverclan but i forgor him.
see more info below
Sylvia is cherryheart, former kittypet driven out of her home because she wanted to chase after what her uncle was doing in the woods. joins riverclan and eventually oswald (owlflank) joins as well. sylvia is a medicine cat with him!
muktuk is stonetooth a big massive warrior who is LOUD !! he isnt the best at hunting due to his Everything but very strong in a fight and a good mentor towards apprentices.
luna is mothblaze who was a kittypet too but left her home and her parents after hearing the stories of the clan cats much like firestar book 1. born with extra limbs that dont cuase her any pain but she cant move them!
baptiste is silverstar who became leader after both the dep and leader of the clan died and the medicine cat had a vision of silver flowers (old name silverpetal) not respected by his clanmates due to his Everything going on but yk hes baptiste! he has a good heart.
mint is mintclaw. wanted to be warrior since she was little itty bitty. currently the deputy of thunderclan
xid is jayleap (or maybe bonesong? both fuck imo). who was the old medicine cat of windclan who left after deciding she was sick of star clan and its visions, hanging out in thunderclan where only baptiste knows her story (everyone else thinks she was a loner who used to live in windclan territory). the skull like markings on her face are from chalk
corsac is fernsong who is this big strong cat who has spent a lot of time in and out of various woodland areas. not used to so many cats in one area. currently a warrior but training to become a medicine cat
roxanne is spiderwish who walked into shadowclan oneday like she owned the place bringing alone salt and pepper (who i forgot to mark as rogues <3) due to a lot of events happening roxanne joined the clan as a medicine cat and pepper became pepperstar with saltbite as his deputy. angered a LOT of clan cats when this happened but pepper and salt are good at their jobs so no one can complain
quinn is adderpaw a former member of shadowclan who fled shortly before roxanne and the rest joined it. i think their parents were the leader and deputy. was training to become a medicine cat thanks to their visions but decided they didnt want that. still gets them but refuses to listen to starclan. found a lil snake that acts as tehir boxer
saffron is deerstep. left thunderclan after the leader died (was the former deputy). now content to live just outside the thunderclan territory and keeping up with what is happening through patrolling cats who either talk a Lot thinknig she cant hear or entertain what they think is a curious loner.
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cupcakestreets · 2 years
Hot Take: Gateau doesn't cut his hair so all of his simps (me included) can have a strand to kiss.
I'm glad Yoko was pleased with my silly little compliments. I immediately wanted to give her flowers and make her smile. (If I had a penny for everytime you made me, who tends to be more attracted to butch/masc girls, simp for a femme, I'd have 3 pennies. Not a lot, but it's odd it's happened thrice in under 6 months). The other two were the girlmas twins.
I'm laughing because I came here because of cute warden Ingo content, stayed for dessertcartshipping, absolutely melted for Spirit and like Kyle. Then I found your spicy twitter. Girlmas happened. I started interacting as a random anon until I had the angsty brainworms about being Ingo's ex-wife in Unova, and now I am here to stay as Spice.
I can't remember, was Gateau originally designed as a warden, or just a clan member? Because I thought the wardens had to wear the tunics? If so, maybe you could just add a haori to his original design, which would feel more traditional without removing the tunic. If he wasn't, then the new design would be just fine. Though I think adding the crest over the left breast would be a neat touch. And more practical than it being on his back because we don't see him from the back often.
Spice Anon
I completely forgot about this wonderful letter in my inbox 💕 Thank you so much for actually paying attention to all my content! I really Appreciate it Spice Anon! He was originally designed to be a clan member! I am revamping him at the moment and I am happy y’all like his big hair, I think about cutting it every time. I am adjusting his background a bit with the help of friends. I’ve been having fun putting him through different timelines with friends but I’ve been wanting to just draw Gateau prime a bit. I even gave him a nephew with the help of my bestie. All will come later.
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aumtzitism · 4 months
guide to makin cats from my fanclans (and also the wolf one)
ok some history. in my story there are 4 clans but only 3 of them are the descendants of the canon clans. the trip to the territory they're in now hurt the clans a lot and both for their own safety and because there wasn't enough territory, riverclan and windclan decided to become one.
because of a lot of stuff with the number of clans, starclan becomes more prominent (with more ghosts just visiting and regular cats dreaming about it) for a while until badgerclan and wolftribe move in, where it becomes a hivemind. i will write about that another time because it affects a lot of stuff but its too much to write here. this is a guide for living cats
actual guide under cut. smiles
they're the descendants of shadowclan, but don't really act like it. dustclan cats live and hunt in a cave system in a mountain, and can't hunt in the forest despite living very close to it because of their proximity to wolftribe camp. there's not much life on the mountain so they're forced to hunt in the cave, which still doesn't have much food so they're pretty much always starving. rabies outbreaks are also common...
dustclan cats are smaller and thinner so they can fit in the little crevices in the cave. they're also generally lighter colors, though darker colored cats (such as the medicine cat) are not allowed very far into the cave, since they would be harder to find.
the leader, olmstar, is a lean white cat. she was born blind in one eye, but lost the other to a cave in. she wears a moonstone in her empty socket, giving her a very strong connection to starclan.
dustclan brings gems and cave animals to the collective knowledge of all the clans, often naming their cats after them. exmples are diamondpaw, beetlestone, amberheart and batpaw.
woodclan cats are the descendants of thunderclan, but they act more like shadowclan cats do in canon. this is because they've been hardened by sharing their territory with wolftribe and constantly live in fear. they're very strict and drill their rules into their kits from birth. they're very good climbers because they live IN the trees. kits are often raised in abandoned burrows below the camp to make sure they don't fall out of trees.
woodclan cats are very bulky, with especially large paws. they tend to be browns, blacks and even greens, and decoate their pelts and nests with flowers.
the leader is a large brown tabby named daisystar. he acts angry and strict, but he's actually a very paranoid cat. he spends a lot of time outside the clan negotiating with wolftribe.
woodclan adds the names of plants and especially flowers to the name pool, like chivekit, fernpelt, mapleblossom, tansydust and fruitpaw.
the collective descendants of riverclan and windclan, shellclan lives in a beached shipwreck and hunt in the pacific ocean. they're very medically advanced, as one of their medicine cats discovered amputations and prosthetics.
shellclan cats are also big, with very thick fur to keep themselves warm in the cold water. they often don't bother to wash the salt out of their fur, so it's very matted. many shellclan cats are missing their tails, either docked preventatively or lost in accidents in underwater shipwrecks and caves.
the leader, rowstar, is a big grey tabby, and is very friendly with the other leaders. scratchdash got the idea of prosthetics from the twoleg concept of pirates, and rowstar, after losing her leg in a cave, volunteered to test it. he succeeded, and now she has a jagged stone replacing one of her legs.
shellclan mostly brings ocean and beach creatures to the collective knowledge, with names like heronpaw, blueswan, kelpfur and angelpaw
long before the other clans had a policy of letting in outsiders, badgerclan was formed from kittypets and loners who weren't allowed to join the clans. they live in an abandoned twoleg farm, taking care of the animals the twolegs left: jimmy the horse, and three chickens; honeypie, lemoncake and cookiecream. they share their territory with stanley, a loner who lives in the other barn, as well as his "apprentices", maisy and percy.
badgerclan cats come in all shapes and sizes as they most regularly let in outsiders, and they're very healthy from the steady stream of eggs from the chickens and rats from the abandoned silo.
quailstar, a white and yellow cat, is also very friendly. they're much too young for the role, as the previous leader, foxtail, had been forced to retire shortly after appointing them as deputy, thinking he would still be leader for much longer.
all clans have a rule of letting in outsiders: you're welcome to join as long as you get rid of your old name to show your loyalty. badger clan has an exception to it; if you beat the deputy in battle, you're allowed to keep your old name as a badge of honor. that, along with the collective knowledge of more twoleg things, gives badgerclan cats a lot of variety in their names: emmet, pagepaw, charlie, snowbale and rocket
wolftribe is a comparitively small pack of wolves that made its camp in the part of woodclan territory that got ravaged by a forest fire, though they hunt in the rest of the forest.
they have a president (re-elected every two years), a second in command, and a doctor. there isn't a word for a warrior.
wolves value intelligence, so their naming system reflects that. you're name as a wolf is the most of something you've counted at a time. some items are more impressive than others. for example, the president's name, 15 rabbits, signals that they're more powerful than another wolf, 32 pebbles.
they have a peace treaty with woodclan (don't bother us and we'll leave enough food for you) and send a wolf to every gathering to renew it, and also in an attempt to socialize with the rest of the clans. despite being very different to the clans socially, they generally want to be friends.
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