proustianlesbian · 1 year
some silly little thoughts i have on monster :
big fan of how so many characters in monster have a big nose like that's peak character design, that's exactly how i draw people 🫡. and every character, even ones with one line of dialogue have a different nose, i love this !! i think my favorite noses, on the top of my head right now, are runge's and karl's.
i'm also a big fan of how many middle aged/old men there is, as a fictional dilh (dad i'd like to have) lover. (this one is about only like five characters because the rest are kinda bad people etc.)
there was only supposed to have these two thoughts but i decided to ad two more :
i love the french detective hired by müller, he deserved better. also if there ever is an adaptation of monster, my theater teacher, who's an actor too, should play him i think 🤭 (he's french and kinda looks like the character and i love him so).
since i'm on the topic of an adaptation of monster with real actors, i don't want one UNLESS it's with exclusively with german-speaking actors. like i want it to be a fully european production all in german (with characters speaking czech, english, turkish, french etc when needed, obviously). i put my trust in arte if there was someone to produce this because they have banger german shows 🫡. also i want the actors in this scenario to mostly not be very famous, just to be good and have the same vibe as much as possible as the characters. although i'm not against more famous people being in it, they should have little roles imo (like if an actor like idk david suchet plays the old english husband or katrin sass plays a random nurse, i don't mind yk)
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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thydungeongal · 21 days
Fantasy Adventure Games part 2
You know what, there's still a lot of trad stuff that I haven't even touched out there, and I would be remiss if I didn't feature some of the other, newer entries into the field. This is a continuation of this post.
So, once again, staying with very trad fantasy games:
Dragonbane by the Free League. An English translation of the latest edition of the classic Swedish fantasy RPG Drakar och Demoner, Dragonbane is a very traditional fantasy roleplaying game whose design is clearly heavily informed by RuneQuest but in its latest incarnation also owes a lot to the game structure popularized by D&D 3e (a game that still informs a lot of game design to this day). Dragonbane is, at its core, a skill-based, no-levels fantasy game, but that still has classes of a sort to grant structure to character creation and advancement. Its playstyle has been dubbed "mirth and mayhem" by its creators, and it emphasizes quick resolution and a sense of randomness. The presentation is also top notch, with art by Swedish fantasy artist Johan Egerkrans.
Forbidden Lands by the Free League. Another game published by the Free League, Forbidden Lands is a classic fantasy RPG with a focus on sandbox play and exploration in a strange, scary world. Forbidden Lands uses a variant of the Year Zero engine from Free League's Mutant: Year Zero games, a type of d6 dice pool system. With out-of-the-box mechanics for exploration, foraging, negotiations, and hunting, as well as running one's own stronghold, the real star of the show is the ready-made sandbox setting that comes with the game, begging to be explored.
Against the Darkmaster by Open Ended Games. The creators of Rolemaster, mentioned in the previous post, for a brief moment held the license to the Middle-earth setting of J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium and produced a slightly lighter version of Rolemaster to support playing in that setting, titled Middle-earth Roleplaying, or MERP for short. While the game is now long gone, it is still fondly remembered, and in 2019 Against the Darkmaster, a game that is essentially a tribute to MERP made by long-time fans of the game, was Kickstarted. Against the Darkmaster, or VsD for short, is a game in the heritage of Rolemaster, but with inspirations taken from modern RPGs, including the officially licensed modern LotR RPG The One Ring (which is another soft recommend from yours truly). VsD is a gritty and dark traditional RPG that seeks to empower its players to play out stories of a fellowship of heroes struggling against the forces of darkness, very much in the genre of Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance, and the Chronicles of Prydain. If you want crunchy, epic fantasy with a hint of darkness, this one's for you.
Fantasy Hero by Hero Games. A fantasy adaptation of the HERO System, the system that powers the classic superhero RPG Champions, Fantasy Hero is the closest thing I have found to an engine for running a fantasy immersive sim. The core philosophy of the HERO System is that its open-ended power creation system can be used to build anything, and Fantasy Hero directs that energy towards empowering fantasy adventures. The HERO System is very crunchy, almost like a TTRPG physics engine, and it's a dream come true for a certain type of gamer. Heck, I've personally considered using it to run a fantasy sim campaign where spell research is conducted through the power creation system. It's so cool. There is a one-book version of Fantasy Hero out there, called Fantasy Hero Complete, but word on the street is that the better way to run it is using the Hero System 6th Edition rules with the Fantasy Hero 6th Edition genre supplement on top.
Earthdawn by FASA. Once officially tied to the fantasy cyberpunk RPG Shadowrun as its mythic past, due to ownership issues Earthdawn is better understood as its own, standalone game without any ties to Shadowrun these days (and even in the past the actual ties were minimal). Earthdawn casts the player characters as magically empowered individuals who direct their magic into various disciplines, so that a Warrior in Earthdawn isn't simply someone who fights: they are someone who utilizes magic to subtly empower their fighting ability. Earthdawn is very much kin to RuneQuest in how it ties its game system to its world's underlying metaphysics, while being more in line with your traditional dwarves and elves and wizards fantasy. The setting of the game is post-apocalyptic fantasy, with a demonic scourge having recently ravaged the land and people for the first time stepping out of their magically sealed vaults to explore the world. In addition to Earthdawn fourth edition, there is an alternate, simpler version of Earthdawn titled "Age of Legend," which uses an extremely simplified system based on dice results of "Yes, and..." and "No, but..." style prompts. The fourth edition released by FASA is a very traditional, crunchy RPG.
Talislanta by various. Talislanta is a classic fantasy RPG set in an extremely unique fantasy setting that promises ABSOLUTELY NO ELVES. Talislanta is a very unique vision of a fantasy RPG with a very idiosyncratic setting, unique metaphysics, weird sights, and extremely easy to learn yet deep system. The system is very simple, with a basic d20+modifiers resolution mechanic, with varying degrees of success built in, and this system is used for absolutely everything, including combat, skill resolution, and magic. Speaking of magic, Talislanta's magic system is based heavily on keywords and schools, with magic-users being potentially able to produce almost any kind of magical effect the player can imagine under the keyword system, but with certain types of magic simply being more fit to certain purposes and some types of magic not being able to produce certain specific magical effects. What's more, legacy editions of the game are available online for free.
Anyway, that's enough for now.
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Yandere Psychosophy/Attitudinal Psyche
Inspired by yandere MBTI and yandere Big Five. Personality test/self-assessment for this Google document verison of this
This is a yandere typing system based on the original Psychosophy (also remade as Attitudinal Psyche) system. Originally, it was divided into four aspects: logic, physics, emotions, and volition/will.
These placements are divided into another four placements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 1st placement is characterized by absolute, possibly even arrogant, confidence in that aspect and feeling no need to improve or change it. It is very rigid and unchangeable. The 2nd placement, on the other hand, is the most flexible placement. It is characterized by confidence but not arrogance, feeling little weakness in this aspect. To the user of the 2nd function, it is comfortable and easy to use with others and develop further. But the 3rd placement is the opposite. It is the most uncomfortable to use, with a constant feeling of insecurity associated with it. There seem to be two most common approaches to this function: aggressively overusing it or the opposite, neglecting it. This is the placement that needs the most improvement. Finally, the 4th placement is the most underused and is seen by its user as either unimportant or better with a quick fix. These four placements form the foundation of understanding an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for potential growth within this typology system.
In summary...
1st placement: Confident Function (1V, 1L, 1E, 1P) Strong, Aggressive, Monologue
2nd placement: Flexible Function (2V, 2L, 2E, 2P) Strong, Passive, Dialogue
3rd placement: Insecure Function (3V, 3L, 3E, 3P) Weak, Aggressive, Dialogue
4th placement: Unbothered Function (4V, 4L, 4E, 4P) Weak, Passive, Monologue
Yandere System
So what about the yandere system? It follows the same placement rules as the original system but uses its own aspects. The yandere Psychosophy system is divided into four four aspects, respectively: cognition (C), aggression (A), expression (E), and determination (D).
Cognition, equivalent to logic in the original Psychosophy system, reflects how a yandere processes information, plans their actions, and uses their intelligence to manage their obsession.
Aggression, equivalent to physics in the original Psychosophy system, evaluates how a yandere uses power, intimidation, or violence to get what they want or control their darling.
Expression, equivalent to emotion in the original Psychosophy system, focuses on how freely a yandere shows their affection and obsession for their darling.
Finally, determination, equivalent to volition/will in the original Psychosophy system, assess how either determined or fragile a yandere is in achieving their goals with their darling.
Placement Descriptions
Cognition (C)
1st Placement (C1): Exhibits absolute confidence in their ability to strategize and plan. This yandere is highly analytical and methodical, always staying several steps ahead. They see no need for improvement in their cognitive abilities and are often seen as calculating masterminds.
2nd Placement (C2): Confident and comfortable in their cognitive abilities, they can adapt plans fluidly and are skilled at thinking on their feet. They are open to developing their strategic thinking further and are effective planners who work well with others.
3rd Placement (C3): Struggles with insecurity regarding their cognitive skills. They might oscillate between overanalyzing situations to compensate for their perceived shortcomings or neglecting planning altogether. This yandere needs the most improvement in how they process information and strategize.
4th Placement (C4): Minimally engaged in strategic thinking, often relying on intuition or others for planning. They see detailed planning as unimportant and prefer quick fixes or spontaneous actions.
Aggression (A)
1st Placement (A1): Extremely confident in using aggression and violence to achieve their goals. They are unyielding and often intimidate or overpower others without hesitation. Improvement is seen as unnecessary as they view their aggressive approach as highly effective.
2nd Placement (A2): Uses aggression when necessary but with restraint and control. They are comfortable leveraging their power but prefer to balance it with other methods. Open to refining their approach, they effectively combine intimidation with strategic non-violent tactics.
3rd Placement (A3): Feels insecure about their use of aggression. They may either overuse violence in an attempt to assert control or avoid it altogether out of fear or uncertainty. Developing a balanced approach to aggression is crucial for them.
4th Placement (A4): Rarely resorts to violence or intimidation, viewing it as a last resort. They prefer non-aggressive methods and see aggression as unimportant or something to be avoided. They often look for quick, peaceful solutions.
Expression (E)
1st Placement (E1): Highly expressive, openly displaying their emotions and obsession with intense fervor. They are unapologetically passionate, showing no need to alter their expressive nature. Their overt emotional displays are a core part of their identity.
2nd Placement (E2): Comfortable and confident in showing their emotions, they balance expressiveness with control. They can openly share their feelings and are adept at adjusting their emotional displays to suit different situations. They find it easy to develop and fine-tune their emotional expression.
3rd Placement (E3): Struggles with expressing emotions, feeling insecure about their displays of affection or obsession. They may either overexpress in an attempt to compensate or hide their emotions entirely. Improving their emotional expressiveness is a key area for growth.
4th Placement (E4): Minimally expressive, often appearing detached or indifferent. They see emotional displays as unnecessary and prefer to keep their feelings hidden. Quick, minimal expressions are preferred, avoiding deep emotional involvement.
Determination (D)
1st Placement (D1): Exhibits unshakeable determination and willpower. This yandere is relentless and unwavering in their pursuit of goals, seeing no need to alter their approach. They possess a strong sense of purpose and are highly driven.
2nd Placement (D2): Confident and adaptable in their determination, they pursue goals with a balanced approach. They can persist through challenges while remaining flexible. Open to enhancing their resolve, they effectively combine willpower with adaptability.
3rd Placement (D3): Feels insecure about their determination, often fluctuating between intense bursts of willpower and periods of doubt. They may either push themselves excessively or give up easily. Developing a consistent and confident approach to their goals is essential.
4th Placement (D4): Exhibits low determination, often relying on external factors or others to drive their actions. They see strong willpower as unimportant, preferring to go with the flow or avoid direct confrontation. Quick, minimal efforts are favored over sustained determination.
Possible Types
CDEA, CDAE, CEAD, CEDA, CADE, CAED, ACDE, ACED, ADCE, ADEC, AECD, AEDC, EACD, EADC, ECAD, ECDA, EDAC, EDCA, DCEA, DCAE, DEAC, DECA, DACE, DAEC. (First letter is the first placement, second is the second placement, etc.)
That's all! Thank you for reading, and feel free to reblog with the type you think you are or maybe even type a character :D And feel free to send asks or comments if you have any questions.
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abracadav-r · 10 months
since i don't want to shit up op's tags: last post comments!
that post really focuses on what i like about the drizzt novels. when i was talking about them to dan and in context of felyn's relations with bregan, she was surprised jax wasn't a follower of vhaeraun. by now i forget exactly what i said during that conversation, but it focused on the fact that i think ra's writing in that series is intended to expand on the question of nature-vs-nurture in the species.
admittedly, i am entirely not up to date with the books, but i did read most of the older ones up to 3e a VERY long time ago and the overarching theme i got from them is that he starts off with a guy who hasn't gotten all the worst aspects of the species' socialization. he has people around him, even underground, that are not as terrible as they could be and can be contrasted against those who are. when he flees, he then has support on the surface. then it shifts to another guy, this time more mired in the city. from the big family. born with a blessing from the spider queen, even! and despite not having some of the things the first guy had access to, he still finds his own path. he too, adapts based on the people around him and the decision without reassurance from a god that things can be different. he chooses to be different, just like the first guy did.
and now, we turn to a guy related to the second one, who has done some genuinely terrible things. he's enabled the power structures of the city. done his part to enforce it, top down. he made his choices to be part of it, even when offered other choices. but now, he's removed from that environment. can he make different choices too, even after hundreds of years? could his mother, who might be described as the lynchpin of the entire system, the one who crafted it, begin to make diifferent choices? will everyone make those choices, if they're difficult? if there isn't any god to promise them a reward for all the pain and hardship? could anyone do this, actually?
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Comprehensive Guide For Assassination Classroom Content
Because it's pretty hard to find a straight up list of it all. Please note that whilst I believe this is accurate, I was not involved in the fandom whilst the series was active and so could reasonably miss something.
Core Content
Assassination Classroom manga as serialised in Shounen Jump. If you buy the physical volumes, there's a bit of additional content between chapters, most notably introductory character profiles.
Assassination Classroom anime (some count seasons 1 and 2 as separate entities)
Assassination Classroom Meeting Time - an animated short featuring Korosensei and Karasuma's first meeting.
Assassination Classroom Extra Curricular Lessons - adaptations of a couple of manga chapters that weren't in the show itself. I'll just link a playlist here. Fun fact this is where Nagisa gets hit by a chair (lowkey he deserved it)
Additional Content
365 Days Movie. This isn't 'canon' as it's an anime original thing. There's no official English release that I know of. Honestly the movie is mostly a series recap, and only features Karma and Nagisa in new scenes. It's only really worth watching if you especially ship them as there's only maybe 10 minutes of actual content (and most of that is just montage, you can get the gist with this)
Roll Call Book - this was published mid manga run. It's mostly just a bunch of bonus content particularly character based. No official English translation exists, but snippets are easy enough to find online.
Graduation Album - as the name implies, it accompanies the end of the manga. About half of it is an art book, but there's extra character information especially about their post graduation lives. Crucially it includes a few manga shorts which extend past the actual canon ending.
Korotan A, B, C, and D plus Korosuu. They're mostly just Assassination Classroom themed text books (Seriously. My actual university book store sold them.) Korotans are for English vocabulary, Korosuu is for maths. Notably each book also contains a light novel (sometimes these are just referred to as 'the light novels'). It is debatable how canon these are as Matsui didn't write them, but he was involved through illustrating and overseeing the writing. Korotan D is especially debated because it's post canon content set when 3E are 18, but there's a small 'it was all a dream' implication right at the end of the book. Personally speaking I take them as full canon.
Official Spin Offs
The live action movies (part one and two). They change a lot of plot so I place them more in the spin off area. Easily skippable.
Korosensei Quest Manga (otherwise known as Koro Q) - a spin off gag manga set in a fantasy/video game inspired universe. This is not canon (unfortunately) and as far as I understand Matsui isn't involved in it. There's an implication of the idea it's Fuwa's own manga creation. Overall there are four volumes but there's no official English version (though fan scans aren't hard to find).
Korosensei Quest Anime - lightly based on the Koro Q manga. This is only a short 10 episode series though, and was complete long before the original, as such only the first few episodes are actual adaptations and it starts doing its own thing. All voice cast return so that's neat.
The OVA - basically an early adaptation of the Kyoto arc. Link here. It was released in 2013 so predates the actual anime, and a lot of the voice cast are different.
White day shorts featuring Karma, Maehara, and Nagisa - posted on official website as an otome game parody for promotion. Included because they're voice acted.
The 3DS games. They're region locked as far as I understand, and there's no translation of them. You can find it dumped if you know what you're doing with emulators, I've only played a few minutes of it myself.
The app game - no longer available. It was a gatcha tie in game featuring a variety of character illustrations.
Various merch lines and related illustrations. There are far too many to list and new ones still come out sometimes.
As I said, I hope I covered everything but there's a good possibility something slipped my mind.
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the-grove · 10 months
So we've been thinking about an alternative system for weapons in pathfinder 2e or tabletop rpgs in general.
In a lot of games inspired or branched off from dnd there are often two broad types of weapon groups sometimes 3.
Simple - these are weapons even a farmer can use.
Martial- weapons that more martially inclined classes can use your swords and the like.
And then
Exotic/Advanced/some other name- This section is mixed. In older editions It was called exotic and wa sunfortunately alapped on to weapons that weren't nornal for european fantasy as well as just wepaons that were more complicated to use. In more modern games it tends to be the latter and called advaned or something. (Pathfinder uses another system called rarity that tells you what items are available in different parts of the world)
In the past these groups made a lot of sense. In the past editions you had way more unique proficency lists for each class, Wizards didnt get all simple weapons, rogues got all simple weapons and a handful of martial weapons, etc.
But in pathfinder 2e and after the remaster it is a much more binary choice, your class eithe rgives you simple or martial wepaon proficency and you can take feats to unlock proficency in advanced weapons.
Pathfinder 2e also has traits, these are a list of options that make weapons unique in addition to stuff like damage type, weight, how many hands it uses etc. For instance the reach triat lets you attack baddies further away, while the swep trait makes it easier ro attack multiple adjacent targets.
Lastly pathfinder 2e proficency system isnt a binary of prociency or not it has five stages, untrained, trained, expert, master, legendary.
So what is my proposed alternate system?
What if we removed the simple, martial, and advanced category, since classes already progress your profiency as you level that decides how martialy adapt you are, do we need to seperate weapons? especially since you can do interesting thigs with a staff with more skill and you can absolutely just swing a sword even if you aren't a great fighter.
Now why did I bring up traits! Well easy, I propose that in this system, as you progress from trained to expert and beyond, you unlock more traits for your weapon. This could either be pre selectes traits for said weapon, or perhaps each weapon or weapon group has a pool of traits you can pick from, advancing your fighting style with said weapon and making it your own.
Dont think this could be implemented super easily into pf2e but perhaps in a pathfiner 3e or some other tabletop rpg system. Or if I worked on it more it could be a workable system to implement.
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wdestroyer · 4 months
How to differentiate every emotion
1E: used to exaggerate their emotions
2E: used to emotionally adapt to others
3E: used to hide their emotions
4E: used to absorb the emotions of others
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doctentaclesrpg · 5 months
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Decided to take a crack at adapting the ultimate "my students will fight for me," sneaky manipulator/power behind the throne style for Essence. It's a little lacking in raw power, but on the flipside...
No one will suspect you're the one pulling the strings. They won't even land a scratch on you. And before they know it, their loyalty will be yours to command. It's always been the iconic Sidereal style to me, so I'm looking forward to 3e Sidereals. Soon. (TM) [PDF LINK]
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
Pour le "sequel or not sequel", je pars sur mes trois Disney préférés : La Belle et la Bête (tu peux partir sur le 2e film uniquement ou le 2e et le 3e, comme tu le sens !), La Petite Sirène (idem) et Le Bossu de Notre Dame (sorry not sorry :P)
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Merci Cali, c'est parti !!
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Beauty and the Beast
The sequel(s) was/were better than the first movie! | Good sequel(s) | They were okay | MEH | Good potential but they messed it up | They were so unnecessary | BURN THEM
This movie is wonderful on its own, it didn't need any sequel! A small expanded universe maybe, but instead of making some cute and interesting short movies or short novels, they made these 1-hour tortures!! I didn't watch the 3rd movie, thankfully, I let some critics suffer in my place (lmao), and the few I've seen made my skin crawl. Thanks for making Belle show Stockholm syndrome signs, I hate it!!!
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The Little Mermaid
The sequel(s) was/were better than the first movie! | Good sequel(s) | They were okay | MEH | Good potential but they messed it up | They were so unnecessary | BURN THEM
LM 2: showing how Ariel is adapting after leaving for a very different world would have been interesting to follow, but they chose to make Melody pull an Ariel (even if she had a better reason to be fascinated by the sea!). And even if you keep the movie until Melody runs from home, I think it would have been more interesting to redeem Morgana with her and Melody bounding, Morgana realizing that she doesn't need her mother's approval anymore and moving on. Melody had good potential as a heroine, but they made her too similar to Ariel or took the spotlight away from her with silly sidekicks.
LM 3: I liked seeing more of Ariel's sisters, a shame the settling is so lame! Like seriously, why make Triton even worse than what he was in the first movie?! And the whole plot makes Ariel seems like a moody teenager who only is interested in what her father forbids, NO! And the title "Ariel's beginning", beginning of what? She doesn't care that much for music in the first movie, it's also making her versatile and spoiled! The French title "Ariel's secret" is worse! XD I wished to see how and why Ariel became so passionate about the human world!
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The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
(you little gremlin!!! XD )
The sequel(s) was/were better than the first movie! | Good sequel(s) | They were okay | MEH | Good potential but they messed it up | They were so unnecessary | BURN THEM
(takes a deep breath in) Why? Just why would they do that?! Stop the massacre!!
While a sequel wasn't needed or mandatory for the characters' development, there could have been some topics or subjects to bring up! There were characters in the novel that didn't make it in the first movie, they could have worked on something with them! Even take some inspiration from Victor Hugo's other novels if needed, without making a too weird fusion of course! And you know what's worst? There are still some things here and there in what they produced that could make at least a decent sequel, and they still served us a huge shit!
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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Both Legend of the 5 Rings and 7th Sea were adapted into the D20 system (D&D 3e), yet L5R entered the new system looking pretty normal for a D&D setting, while 7th Sea ended up having a completely different feel from regular D&D. By a lot. The two adaptations use the same mechanics but have such bizarrely different design philosophies.
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lagenevoise · 30 days
Pour développer plus en détail le guide du métier d'esthéticienne, nous allons approfondir chaque section, en incluant des informations pratiques, des conseils, et des perspectives sur l'évolution de la profession. Voici un développement complet :
1. Description du Métier
Le métier d’esthéticienne englobe une vaste gamme de services visant à améliorer l'apparence physique et le bien-être général des clients. Le travail d'une esthéticienne ne se limite pas seulement à la beauté, mais touche aussi à l'aspect psychologique du bien-être, en offrant aux clients un moment de détente et de soin.
Services Proposés
Soins du Visage :
Nettoyage de la peau : Élimination des impuretés, des cellules mortes et des excès de sébum pour une peau plus claire et saine.
Hydratation et nutrition : Application de crèmes, masques, et sérums pour nourrir la peau en profondeur.
Traitements spécifiques : Soins ciblés pour traiter des problèmes particuliers comme l'acné, les taches pigmentaires, la déshydratation, ou le vieillissement cutané (utilisation d'appareils comme les LED, la microdermabrasion, etc.).
Soins du Corps :
Gommages corporels : Exfoliation pour éliminer les cellules mortes et améliorer la texture de la peau.
Enveloppements : Utilisation d'algues, d'argile, ou de crèmes spécifiques pour détoxifier, hydrater ou raffermir la peau.
Massages relaxants : Différentes techniques de massage pour détendre les muscles, réduire le stress, et améliorer la circulation sanguine.
Épilation :
Cire chaude ou froide : Techniques traditionnelles pour l’épilation des jambes, bras, aisselles, maillot, et visage.
Épilation définitive : Utilisation de techniques modernes comme l’épilation au laser ou à la lumière pulsée pour une réduction permanente des poils.
Maquillage :
Maquillage quotidien : Techniques pour un maquillage naturel ou plus sophistiqué pour des événements spécifiques.
Maquillage de soirée et mariée : Maquillage plus élaboré pour des occasions spéciales.
Maquillage permanent : Tatouage cosmétique pour des traits définis et durables (sourcils, lèvres, eyeliner).
Onglerie :
Manucure et pédicure : Soins complets des ongles des mains et des pieds, y compris la coupe, le limage, le polissage, et l’application de vernis.
Vernis semi-permanent ou gel : Techniques modernes pour des ongles durables, avec une finition impeccable et longue tenue.
Qualités Recherchées
Compétence technique : Maîtrise des soins, des produits, et des technologies esthétiques.
Écoute et conseil : Savoir conseiller et adapter les soins aux besoins spécifiques des clients.
Dextérité : Précision et habileté manuelle, essentielle pour les soins délicats comme l'épilation ou le maquillage.
Sens du détail : Capacité à repérer les petites imperfections et à les corriger.
2. Formation et Qualifications
Pour devenir esthéticienne, il est indispensable de suivre une formation spécialisée. Les parcours peuvent varier en fonction du niveau de spécialisation et des objectifs professionnels.
Formations de Base
CAP Esthétique Cosmétique Parfumerie :
Durée : 2 ans après la 3e.
Contenu : Formation théorique et pratique sur les techniques de base des soins esthétiques, hygiène, cosmétologie, biologie appliquée, vente de produits cosmétiques, et relation client.
Débouchés : Permet de travailler dans un institut de beauté, un spa, ou un salon de coiffure avec un espace beauté.
Bac Pro Esthétique Cosmétique Parfumerie :
Durée : 3 ans après la 3e ou 2 ans après un CAP Esthétique.
Contenu : Approfondissement des techniques esthétiques, gestion d’un institut, animation commerciale, vente, et connaissance approfondie des produits cosmétiques.
Débouchés : Accès à des postes de responsabilités comme gérant d’institut ou responsable d’équipe.
Formations Supérieures
BTS Métiers de l’Esthétique, Cosmétique, Parfumerie :
Durée : 2 ans après un Bac Pro ou un Bac général.
Contenu : Cosmétologie avancée, gestion et développement commercial, techniques de soins spécifiques (anti-âge, épilation laser), et connaissance des appareils esthétiques.
Débouchés : Permet d’accéder à des postes de direction, de création d’entreprise, ou à des rôles plus techniques et spécialisés.
Formations Complémentaires et Certificats de Spécialisation :
Maquillage permanent : Techniques de tatouage cosmétique pour des résultats durables.
Épilation au laser : Utilisation des dernières technologies pour l’épilation définitive.
Soins anti-âge avancés : Formation sur l’utilisation des technologies comme le laser fractionné, le microneedling, ou les appareils de radiofréquence.
3. Débouchés Professionnels
Les opportunités de carrière pour une esthéticienne sont vastes et variées, en fonction de la formation et des ambitions personnelles.
Salons de Beauté et Instituts
Postes classiques : Esthéticienne salariée dans un institut de beauté où elle réalise une large gamme de soins.
Spécialisation : Certaines esthéticiennes se spécialisent dans des domaines spécifiques, comme l'épilation, les soins du visage, ou l'onglerie.
Spas et Centres de Bien-être
Spas d'hôtels : Travail dans un environnement luxueux, souvent associé à des traitements de bien-être haut de gamme.
Centres de thalassothérapie et balnéothérapie : Spécialisés dans les soins marins et les traitements axés sur la relaxation et la santé.
Travail Indépendant
Ouverture d'un institut : L'esthéticienne peut créer son propre salon, offrant ses services à une clientèle locale.
Services à domicile : Proposition de soins à domicile pour une clientèle qui préfère la commodité de rester chez elle.
Secteur du Luxe
Maquilleuse professionnelle : Travailler pour des marques de luxe, sur des tournages, des défilés, ou pour des célébrités.
Consultante en image : Conseiller des clients haut de gamme sur leur apparence, incluant le maquillage, la coiffure, et le style vestimentaire.
Enseignement et Formation
Formateur en esthétique : Transmettre son savoir-faire en enseignant dans des écoles d'esthétique ou des centres de formation continue.
Création de programmes éducatifs : Développement de cours spécialisés ou de formations en ligne pour former de nouvelles générations d'esthéticiennes.
4. Évolution de Carrière
Le métier d'esthéticienne offre de nombreuses perspectives d'évolution, que ce soit vers des postes de management, de spécialisation, ou dans le domaine de l'entrepreneuriat.
Gestion et Administration
Responsable de salon : Gérer un institut de beauté, superviser une équipe, s’occuper des aspects administratifs et financiers, et développer la stratégie commerciale.
Directrice de spa : Gestion d’un spa, incluant la coordination des services, la gestion du personnel, et la stratégie marketing.
Technicienne en soins avancés : Devenir experte dans des technologies spécifiques comme l'épilation laser, les soins anti-âge, ou la dermo-cosmétologie.
Maquillage professionnel : Travailler dans le domaine du maquillage artistique pour des productions cinématographiques, des défilés de mode, ou des séances photo.
Création d'un institut : Ouvrir son propre institut de beauté ou spa, avec une offre unique pour se démarquer sur le marché (par exemple, un spa urbain, un concept de beauté bio, etc.).
Lancement de produits : Développer et commercialiser sa propre ligne de produits cosmétiques ou d'appareils de soins.
Consultante en cosmétologie : Conseiller les entreprises de cosmétiques sur la formulation de produits, les tendances du marché, ou le développement de nouveaux soins.
Consultante en image : Offrir des services de conseil en image pour des individus ou des entreprises, incluant le coaching en beauté, style, et apparence globale.
0 notes
arr0w-ace · 1 month
My Morrowind OCs: Ragash
Basic Information
Nickname: Aggie
Age: 16 years old
Birthday: 1st of Mid Year, 3E 411
Race: Orc
Gender: Cisgender Girl
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Rank/Status: Nerevarine
Guild Affiliations: None
Home: Rethan Manor, Morrowind, near Balmora (at least eventually)
Birthplace: Found near Dawnstar, Skyrim
Personality: Impulsive, self-absorbed, distrustful, brave, and adaptable.
Family: A pirate crew is the closest she had.
Questlines: Main Questline, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon
More Information
Fears: Loud noises
Motivations: Gain power and a new group of friends.
Habits: Avoids collecting to avoid losing items
Likes: Sailing, maps, and fighting
Dislikes: Colder climates, storms, and reading
Build: Warrior
Main Skills: Long blade, block, and medium armor
Secondary Skills: Spear, athletics, and armorer
Other Notes:
There once was a pirate crew feared along the northern coast of Tamriel. They created chaos and plundered countless towns within the Empire. One day, not long after they had raided Dawnstar, they heard something start to cry. The captain ordered them to search for the source, so the crew did, and they found an orc baby.
The pirates, though cruel, would not harm the child. Instead, they named her Ragash and took her along to be their chore girl. She spent ten years with them before a long-building mutiny split the crew in half. The captain won, but Ragash ran off with the few survivors.
They found a ship and built up their own crew and a hoard of treasure over the next four years. They weren’t as famous, but they were still good. Ragash played a key role in this time, so when their captain got captured in a town, she took his place despite only being fourteen. She led them like a storm. Despite the danger during this time, the crew had lots of fun.
However, Ragash’s impulsivity came back to bite her in the butt. At sixteen, she trusted a new recruit to steer the ship at night despite all the ice in the sea. The recruit hit an iceberg, and the ship sank. Ragash was the only survivor. She made it to a town, but she got captured and taken to an Imperial prison. Eventually, she was transferred and met the emperor.
0 notes
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I posted 114 times in 2022
That's 25 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (51%)
56 posts reblogged (49%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
#assassination classroom - 43 posts
#ass class - 43 posts
#ansatsu kyoushitsu - 33 posts
#karmagisa - 18 posts
#karma akabane - 14 posts
#nagisa shiota - 10 posts
#akabane karma - 6 posts
#ask game - 6 posts
#shiota nagisa - 2 posts
#adhd - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#can you tell i wrote a paper about this
My Top Posts in 2022:
Behold - Assassination Classroom Iceberg
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This is just my opinion obviously, and things I thought were kind of relevant. Explanations below cut!
Tier One
Shounen Jump - the weekly manga magazine Assassination Classroom originally was published in Yuusei Matsui - the series creator Nagisa's gender - in reference to the amount of people who think Nagisa's a girl for some period of time
Tier Two
Ramen gun meme - a viral tumblr post using the clip of Gastro preparing ramen with a gun which blew up far outside the fandom Koro Q - The fantasy chibi spin off manga and anime Manga only villains - Numerous characters (usually assassins) who only appeared in the manga 365 Days - The movie, featuring adult Karma and Nagisa remembering their days in class Toonami rerelease - Recent broadcast on an anime channel which has caused a sharp increase in new fans
Tier Three
Live action movies - two movies adapted from the ass class story Kunudon - the nut mascot of the school. Featured in weird BDSM situations within Koro Q Sonic Ninja - movie (loved by Karma and Nagisa) in the series. Has a whole trailer post credits in one of the episodes Nagisa's gender (controversy) - in reference to the portions of fans who fetishize him, write him as a female etc., and the fans who push back against it Pop culture references - numerous references to other anime like One Piece, Naruto, etc., but also other properties such as Pirates of the Caribbean Asano's mother - a character who barely exists aside from one manga panel, where you can see her back
Tier Four
Mobile game - a card collecting app/game where multiple illustrations of all the characters were released. No longer running. 3DS game - game based on the main story. Wasn't released outside of Japan nor translated Korotan - four book series for teaching English, but also included short stories. Most significant is Korotan D, which features the kids after graduating high school 7 years later manga - a number of short manga pages featuring a few characters in the future found in the Graduation Album. Karma discourse - never ending internal fights about whether Karma is a good person or not, especially over his Nagisa jokes
Tier Five
Korosuu - similar to korotan books, but focused on maths. Less well known due to incomplete English translation (i know im still working on it i swear-) Everyone owns the mountain - lesser known fact that E Class used their money to legally purchase the 3E class building and mountain Hachiouji - the real life city Kunugigaoka is based on Korosensei's nationality - more so because it's unknown, though there are a lot of fan theories OVA - an adaptation of the Kyoto arc before the anime was made, featuring a different voice cast and art style
Tier Six
Yada is LGBT - it's subtle but this is canon, and so she's the only definitively not straight character in the series Bonus songs - the releases of the OPs came with some bonus tracks sung by the cast (you can find them on spotify) "half middle two" - the worst translation in the series, of Karma's codename. It was meant to be a reference to the cultural phenomenon of a teenager living in a fantasy world where they're the best at everything. The shed - cursed location (i.e where Irina gets 'helped' by Korosensei) Timeline - for Aguri to have been the 3E teacher, the school year has to have lasted more than a full year Takada and Tanaka - two bully characters often seen from main campus. Weirdly implied to be gay for each other.
Tier Seven
Fuwa meta - Fuwa often breaking the fourth wall (esp in the manga), and implied to be the writer of Koro Q Bitch Sensei and Karasuma's daughter - Introduced in the seven years manga, but a lot of people missed that they have a canon child Kayano's dad is evil - a theory but with decent proof that Aguri may have been somewhat forced to marry Yanagisawa
Tier Eight
Commodore Matthew Perry - the historical commodore who came to Japan in the 1800s and forced the country to open up borders for trade (basically one of the most important Japanese historical events). In the manga, his image is shown when Bitch Sensei is teaching how to seduce foreigners. Karasuma's dead sister - referenced on the ass class wiki, with little explanation or general fandom knowledge as to who, how, or when Kayano pregnant - a theory some fans had due to the positioning of her hands in the final manga chapter
96 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Hey, Toonami people, just for you I'll explain Karma's codename.
Long story short they localised this terribly.
The Japanese is actually "chuunihan" and comes from the phrase "chuunibyou" or "second grader disease". It refers to middle schoolers who develop a kind of fantasy coolness complex where they think they're super self important - sometimes so into anime/games that they outwardly act like they're a protagonist.
The "han" here means half, so basically they're saying that Karma has protagonist kun disease but he goes about it in a half assed lazy way
111 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Never forget
There are a lot of people who believe that this man is heterosexual.
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I repeat.
People genuinely believe
See the full post
139 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
The AUs I have fully developed at this point but will probably never write
- Nagisa is an assassin who murders Karma, but this comes back to bite him in the ass when Karma turns into a ghost and starts haunting him. At first he sticks to poltergeist shit, but somehow he ends up falling in love
- Karma, being an edgy teen, decides to summon a demon to do his bidding. Considering he doesn't know what he's doing, he ends up summoning Nagisa, an incubus. Except, this is literally Nagisa's first job. Then there's the fact that Karma has no interest in doing incubus... stuff. He just wants Nagisa to fetch him food, mess with Gakushuu etc. They end up having to hug alot so Nagisa doesn't starve. Surprisingly innocent and wholesome
- A straight up Barbie in an Island Princess retelling, just with Japanese flavour. Nagisa, the son of a samurai lord, comes across the long-lost prince having been sent to scour some nearby islands. A bunch of intrigue and plot occurs, but the most important parts are that Karma is feral enough to sleep in trees, and he can still talk to animals for some reason.
- Percy Jackson AU (because I'm trash) where Nagisa is a child of Thanatos (or Hades, I haven't decided) and Karma is a son of Nemesis. Honestly, I feel like that alone speaks for itself.
- Assassin Nagisa and lawyer Karma. Nagisa's on trial for murder, and Karma falls in love with him over the course of trying to defend him. He ends up pulling out all the stops, and by some kind of magic gets Nagisa off the hook. After which, Nagisa tells him he was guilty the entire time.
- The super cool Harry Potter AU I came up with before we found out how cursed JK was. Like this one I'll definitely never write, but Nagisa as the actual heir of Slytherin just chatting to snakes in his sleep...
- An AU where they both actually had good parents. AKA, Karma's a kind, respectful, emotionally balanced kid. Nagisa's far less unnerving. They were dating but broke up when Nagisa went into E Class, and this time Karma never got suspended...
Long story short, my ability to make literally anything into a karmagisa au is frightening. The worst part is I could write DETAILED posts on all of these too.
156 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What’s this about koro Q and karmagisa?
Okay strap yourself in. This became a Karma sexuality meta. warning for koro q spoilers.
This centres around Bitch Sensei and her 'charm' ability. Note that Nagisa 'charms' (read: he doesn't actually, everyone just thought he was hot) 3E in chapter two, but what I'm talking about here is the sort of mind-control ability, which is consistently represented by a heart around the head.
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This section of the panel speaks clearly. You can only be charmed if you're attracted to women. Hell, "are you gay" is right there (I don't have access to the Japanese rn so I can't double check the exact wording).
See the full post
264 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
9 notes · View notes
respite-hrh · 7 months
Principle 1: Equitable Use
The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities.
Principle 1 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 1:
1a. Provide the same means of use for all users: identical whenever possible; equivalent when not.
1b. Avoid segregating or stigmatizing any users.
1c. Provisions for privacy, security, and safety should be equally available to all users.
1d. Make the design appealing to all users.
Principle 2: Flexibility in Use
The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities.
Principle 2 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 2:
2a. Provide choice in methods of use.
2b. Accommodate right- or left-handed access and use.
2c. Facilitate the user's accuracy and precision.
2d. Provide adaptability to the user's pace.
Principle 3: Simple and Intuitive Use
Use of the design is easy to understand, regardless of the user's experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level.
Principle 3 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 3:
3a. Eliminate unnecessary complexity.
3b. Be consistent with user expectations and intuition.
3c. Accommodate a wide range of literacy and language skills.
3d. Arrange information consistent with its importance.
3e. Provide effective prompting and feedback during and after task completion.
Principle 4: Perceptible Information
The design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensory abilities.
Principle 4 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 4:
4a. Use different modes (pictorial, verbal, tactile) for redundant presentation of essential information.
4b. Provide adequate contrast between essential information and its surroundings.
4c. Maximize "legibility" of essential information.
4d. Differentiate elements in ways that can be described (i.e., make it easy to give instructions or directions).
4e. Provide compatibility with a variety of techniques or devices used by people with sensory limitations.
Principle 5: Tolerance for Error
The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions.
Principle 5 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 5:
5a. Arrange elements to minimize hazards and errors: most used elements, most accessible; hazardous elements eliminated, isolated, or shielded.
5b. Provide warnings of hazards and errors.
5c. Provide fail safe features.
5d. Discourage unconscious action in tasks that require vigilance.
Principle 6: Low Physical Effort
The design can be used efficiently and comfortably and with a minimum of fatigue.
Principle 6 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 6:
6a. Allow user to maintain a neutral body position.
6b. Use reasonable operating forces.
6c. Minimize repetitive actions.
6d. Minimize sustained physical effort.
Principle 7: Size and Space for Approach and Use
Appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of user's body size, posture, or mobility.
Principle 7 Guidelines
The following guidelines underpin Principle 7:
7a. Provide a clear line of sight to important elements for any seated or standing user.
7b. Make reach to all components comfortable for any seated or standing user.
7c. Accommodate variations in hand and grip size.
7d. Provide adequate space for the use of assistive devices or personal assistance.
--from the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
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