#exalted homebrew
dice-wizard · 1 year
This will be a three-round homebrew competition using Exalted: Essence's ruleset over the next few weeks! The Iron Charms competitors will write their best Charms according to our prompts. You'll have a limited amount of time to submit and must include our secret ingredients. Bring your best Charm-writing skills and pit yourself against other fans in this high stakes technical competition. The submission will then be judged by a panel of our developers, and the winners will see their work put together in a pdf for all to enjoy! The winner of the entire competition will win the coveted Iron Charm Winner role, a spotlight in the pdf, and our undying admiration.
Anyone can submit, but will you survive the qualifying round? Only the top 15 submissions will move on and battle for the right to become the Iron Charms Champion.
The submission form will be posted on the Onyx Path Discord ( https://discord.gg/3e9TKgWhKb ) in the Iron-Charms channel on Monday, 10/9, so get ready!
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doctentaclesrpg · 2 months
Mylitas, the Eyes of Orabilis
Demon of the First Circle
[PDF Version]
These curious demons drift through the twisted streets of Malfeas, their kaleidoscopic innards refracting Ligier’s harsh light into an array of scintillating patterns. Each motion sends them bobbing and sloshing gently, their gelatinous bodies quivering with each shift. When a Mylitas beholds a sight of profound beauty, it halts, trembling, and weeps thick, gelatinous tears, utterly overcome by the sublime vision before it.
Mylitas have a poor reputation in Hell, widely considered little more than prettily-decorated spies. However, few demons dare move against them directly for fear of provoking Orabilis’s wrath. Instead, demons decorate places they wish to keep secret with exquisite art or build their homes by great vistas to try to distract the Mylitas' gaze.
Summoners and Princes call upon Mylitas to observe rivals from afar, provide surveillance and warning against assassinations, or critique works of art. Mylitas possess refined tastes, though their standards are unusual, and their kaleidoscopic flashes communicate with scathing wit.
Essence: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 6 dice
Personal Motes: 70
Health Levels: −0x5/−1x2/−2x1/−4/Incap.
Intimacies: Defining (“I must gaze upon and critique beauty.”), Major (Aesthetics are morality.)
Actions: Senses: 10 Dice; Linguistic Expression: 8 Dice; Resist Disease/Poison: 6 Dice
Resolve 3, Guile 3
Attack: (Squirt Vitreous) 10 Dice at Short Range: (Damage 6); Tags; Piercing
Combat Movement: 10 dice
Evasion: 4, Parry: 2
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Natural Flight: Mylitas bob above the ground, suspended by their vitreous fluid–they ignore difficult terrain.
Ever-Vigilant: Mylitas can see around them even when asleep or incapacitated in every direction, and double 9s on all visual perception rolls.
Prismspeak: Mylitas can communicate with other Mylitas within Long Range with a unique language of complicated prismatic pictograms, as long as there is a source of light. This language relies on colors beyond the perception of most other beings, so even if learned, full understanding is difficult.
Offensive Charms
Blinding Florescence (14m, 6i, Simple, Instant, Decisive-Only, Essence 2): The Mylitas makes a special Decisive Gambit against all targets within Short Range, flashing with sickening colors. They roll a single pool of 10 Dice against a (Stamina + Resistance) pool of all targets–any who fail are blinded, suffering a -3 penalty to all rolls that rely on sight, for a number of rounds equal to the Mylitas’s overflow successes.
Corrosive Aquous  (8m, 4i, 1lhl, Simple, Instant, Decisive-Only, Essence 2): The Mylitas sprays corrosive eye-brine from its innards at a target within Short Range, making a special Gambit with a 10-dice pool. If it succeeds, the target’s soak is reduced by (lower of Overflow successes or 2) for the scene.
Miscellaneous Charm
Keen Eye for Beauty (6m, Supplemental, Instant, Essence 2): The Mylitas adds (Target’s Appearance) in dice to a roll based on visual perception.
Scathing Critic (6m, Supplemental, Instant, Essence 2) The Mylitas doubles 9s on a profile roll if it has viewed a target’s art or writing, or on a social attempt that incorporates criticism of the target’s art or appearance.
Materialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): A Mylitas appears with a kaleidoscope flash and gurgle of vitreous.
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): A Mylitas fades away and vanishes on its next turn, drawn instantly to its summoner’s side. (Unavailable unless bound.)
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): A Mylitas can discern the nature of anyone who’s art they have previously studied.
Editing credit @brian-the-elementalist
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skrig-is-nice · 2 years
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Exalted Essence Homebrew: Mutations as Equipment
Whether the product of an ancient curse, divergent evolution or the touch of the Wyld, there are myriad means by which a person might deviate from Creation's norm. While these can be unremarkable, easily obviated or purely aesthetic, some are mutations with a substantial impact on one's relation to the world.
Mutations act as equipment that is part of your character's body. To create a mutation, choose it's Extent, Utility, and Hindrance.
Extent: This is both the proportion of the body the mutation occupies and how apparent it is to observers. This is rated from 1 to 3. 1: The mutation manifests on part of a limb or a small section of the body. It's fairly remarkable but easily dressed up. 2: The mutation occupies an entire limb or large section of the body. It's easily noticed and highly remarkable. 3: The mutation covers most of the body and/or extends from it substantially. It's obvious even at a distance, eclipsing all other impressions.
Utility: This is how the mutation can be applied. Describe it's shape and useful functions and define a few relevant actions it is advantageous to or would normally be impossible. This needn't be an exhaustive list and is limited only to what is logically useful about the mutation. This can be left to define as situations come up, but if the mutation facilitates an action one otherwise couldn't take it's best to define this ahead of time. Relevant actions gain the mutation's Extent as a dice bonus.
Hindrance: Just as Utility is the logical advantage of a mutation, Hindrance is it's situational disadvantage. Sketch out which actions you see the mutation complicating or are even made outright impossible. As before, this needn't be exhaustive and the ST is free to invoke it where relevant, but you have final say as to whether you are barred from acting at all. Hindrances use the usual rules for penalties, rated as the ST sees fit for the situation. The ST is encouraged to only invoke it where strictly relevant and to be aware of the player's intentions for the mutation.
Beyond this framework mutations can also have Anomaly tags, detailed below. There is no minimum or maximum number of tags, simply choose any that apply.
Mutations relevant to combat act as weapons or armour with the Natural tag, typically have a weight category in line with their Extent, and gain access to Conflict tags which can be taken alongside the usual Equipment tags.
Anomaly Tags:
Subtle: The mutation is difficult to detect while not actively in use. Add two dice to oppose attempts to detect them, even magical ones. Weapons and Armour must be deployed with the Ready action.
Contagious: The mutation can be shared with others, requiring either a dramatic scene's access to a person at your mercy or the infliction of a dramatic injury.
Morphing: The mutation warps and reshapes at your whim. Use a dramatic edit to swap any other tags, add a tag or redefine it's Utility. This resets at the end of the scene.
Fluctuating: The mutation fades and intensifies like an immune reaction. Use a dramatic edit to change it's Extent.
Acclimatised: Though the mutation has replaced or complicated other functions, your character has learned to compensate. It's Hindrance doesn't apply unless you say so.
Debilitating: The mutation hampers or pains your character more generally than others. Whenever it's Hindrance is applied, gain a set of banked stunt dice.
Residue: The mutation leaves evidence of it's use or presence. Apply it's Hindrance as a success bonus to attempts to track and investigate the mutation.
Transcendant: The mutation goes beyond mere mundane capabilities. This is modelled as the Artifact merit (purchased as usual), providing an innate benefit and access to 'Evocations'. Add one success to any roll relevant to it's Utility and add the Artifact tag to it's use in combat.
Narrow: The mutation is only useful in highly specific situations, but greatly so. Change the Utility's dice bonus to a success bonus.
Conflict Tags:
Toxic: The mutation secretes or injects a hazardous substance. Spend Power up to Extent on Step 7 of a decisive attack to inflict a poison of equal damage, which lasts for two rounds at difficulty 3.
Dazzling: The mutation can perform a mesmerising display. On your turn, reflexively decrease your Defence up to Extent to inflict the same on an opponent within short range. This lasts until the start of your next turn.
Reactive: The mutation flares or bristles when struck. Increase the Extent and weight category of the mutation by one (with the usual maximums) on Step 8 after taking damage. This resets at the end of the scene.
Splintering: The mutation breaks off pieces or recedes when striking. Decrease it's Extent and weight category by one on Step 8 after dealing damage. This resets at the end of the scene.
Vampirism (Extent 2, Subtle, Contagious)
Tentacle Arm (Extent 2, Acclimatised) (Medium Melee, Pulling, Flexible)
Crystalline Skin (Extent 3) (Heavy Armour, Silent)
Lycanthropy (Extent 1, Fluctuating, Debilitating)
Pharyngeal Jaw (Extent 1, Narrow) (Heavy Melee, Piercing, Reaching)
Feathery Mane (Extent 2) (Armour, Dazzling)
Sludge Form (Extent 3, Morphing, Residue)
Born Beneath A Cursed Star (Extent 1, Transcendant, Debilitating, Residue)
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cloaksandcapes · 1 year
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Had someone on Social Media request a Monk Item, so here it is! THATS RIGHT! If you want to see something specific (or not specific) drop a comment or something and let me know what you want. :)
Or you can just tell me about your character and I'll make something personal for them!
Sash of the Exalted
Wondrous Item, rare
“A red silken sash with golden embroidery around the edges. It depicts several martial arts masters practicing fighting styles from around the world.”
Whenever you score a critical hit with a monk weapon or unarmed strikes you regain one Ki Point. You cannot gain more than your maximum number of Ki Points.
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brontes-anvil · 1 year
There's a Charm Homebrew challenge going on in the onyx path discord for Exalted Essence and while I'm nowhere near practiced enough (and kind of busy), I'd maybe do a quick brainstorm.
I got a Exigent concept I'd been noodling on for awhile (long story short: Exalt of Street Fighting) and thought what the above constraints for it would look like. Immediate thought: Death throe charm that sears your image into memory of your killers or immediately informs your allies and followers of your death at the killer's hands. In the unlikely chance you were killed by a mortal (or a mortal participated in your death) they get the additional option to be the next bearer of your Exaltation.
Tentative Title: To The Winner, The Spoils.
Probably Presence though in a proper Ex3 Exigent, I'd say Larceny (it was kind of my Exigent Ability of being a jackass).
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annunakitty · 2 years
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may i present to u: dog hed
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cat-of-many-faces · 1 year
Exalted Vrs the WoD Solar and Lunar charm reworks
It took me a long time, but my rework of the Solar and Lunar charms from Holdens excellent Exalted Vrs. the WoD is ready for sharing.
Solar charms here Lunar charms here
The solar charms are primarily about adding the missing supernals, whereas the Lunar charms are a more thorough rewrite.
This is in no way a repudiation of Holden Shearer who has made an amazing game available for free here! :)
An eternal thankyou to @lytefoot for taking the time to be my forgiving editor and checking my silly ideas :)
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paragonrobits · 2 years
i found a neat Cytherea Charmset which initially interested me a lot as potential Charms for an Infernal Exalted with a strong mother of monsters theme, but ultimately i wasn’t sure how these would work, and seemed to be referencing other Charms that were not present anywhere else at that Wiki. Doing some searching also indicated that Cytherea, while depicted in this write up as the mother of Creation, has not been consistently depicted in any official or quasi-official writing. She seems to be intentionally written as a mystery, and more specifically, to be the Big Bang in the same way that Isidoros is a black hole.
So I gave it some thought and decided that these Charms would naturally work better for Kimbery, who IS explicitly a mother figure (if a twisted and horrifying one) and I’m currently modifying these to suit her. To be fair I already know a charmset for Kimbery that fulfills this niche (it’s part of Revlid’s Kimbery homebrew) but this could also add some additional areas of utility.
The big question is of course that Infernal Charms are largely distinguished by often having a drawback in the sense of doing something freaky and potentially moral-bruising; they work in horrifying ways, have monstrous side effects or consequence, or else to use them to maximum effect you have to go full supervillain. While a big part of what makes Infernals appealing to me is that you don’t HAVE to be evil, just act like a mega villain, I think Infernal Charms should in general have at least a certain amount of iffiness to them if they aren’t outright monstrous in form, encouraging a player to think carefully about how they apply it. Fortunately the existing Kimbery Charms do provide some utility here; for Charms that benefit a created being or ‘adopted’ creature gifted mutations, for instance, incorporating that into the Beloved/Reviled mechanic would probably work fairly well.
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singlebodyriot · 2 years
Infernal charm tree for The King Calls
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tacticiankate · 7 months
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finished ref sheet for another player in the exalted game I'm in, since she just got a makeover - a twilight-caste investigation supernal solar named Undu, plus a couple homebrew artifact gauntlets ✌🏻
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dice-wizard · 1 year
For people who would like to try the Iron Charms competition prompt (but didn't want to compete), here it is! Play along at home!
Qualifying Round:
Write one Essence 4 or 5 Charm for any Exalt type and any Ability or Attribute. It must be more than 50 words but no more than 150 words. You will have two days to create your Charm. Secret ingredient: use the hard bargain mechanic in an unexpected or interesting but still mechanically correct way.
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doctentaclesrpg · 6 months
Exalted Pre-Campaign Player Survey
Something a little different. Dusted off a recent project for my personal group that other Exalted STs (or even players looking to help their group) may find helpful.
It's a survey designed to gauge player interest in different plot structures, and antagonist types, and provides basic summaries of possible antagonists. It's designed for a player that's read at least a basic lore summary, but doesn't require advanced setting knowledge.
The plot structures are pulled (and modified) from the Storyteller Advice section of Exalted Essence, with a few additions of my own. Antagonists are my writeups. This is what the form looks like to a responder. https://forms.gle/ZXXy22qKcugVcHPe6 This is the folder containing the form. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YRBlhKvmvqYN5G22fmMArAXpcP1BVtlf?usp=drive_link To use it yourself, make a copy to your own drive, and in settings, consider setting up an attached spreadsheet for easy viewing, then share with your players. You may want to consider also making questions non-optional to avoid skipping. They are currently all optional, because I'd rather not have people answering the sample survey.
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azdoine · 1 month
reading a homebrew "Exalted D20" adaptation and realizing with increasing humor that it's a Mutants and Masterminds hack and not a third party D&D product
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dartagnantt · 7 months
Otherworldly Patron: The Absolute | Become a thrall… erm true soul of Baldur's Gate 3's absolute
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PDFs of this and more can be found over on at my Patreon here!
Welcome to 'Inexorable' and what could be any more unstoppable than something which is absolute… ignoring the fact that the absolute is capable of being defeated. But yeah, become a true soul and expand your mind
Expanded Mind
Just the basics, by psychic and cast spells with your mind changing the spellcasting stat because it felt on brand.
The narrator saying "Authority" has been branded into my mind, I couldn't not add it. I did have to generalise it since I can't mechanically guarantee branded cultists. In the end, this is somewhere in between suggestion and command. It is, however, not a charm effect, so feel free to do terrible things to elves. And if you wonder why I let you harm people with it… fight the gnolls and get back to me.
Absorb Intellect
This was one of the illithid powers you can unlock, but since this isn't a video game, I can't just give you free healing. So instead, some risk reward. The higher the int of the target, the juicier the brain, but the more likely they are to resist this effect
Detect Intellect
This is a power from the elder brain in 5e, except not up to a mile. So I broaden you mind a little further
Psionic Transportation
The fly power is something you get if you choose to absorb the astral touched tadpole, so I made it the capstone
Exalted Mind
I like the idea of your otherworldly patron making you capable of expanding past your mortal limits, this doesn't actually increase you intelligence, but it does make it possible
Far Reaching Intellect
People like more range, right?
I will not be Denied!
I always like the idea of messing with creature type restrictions. And most undead and constructs are controlled anyway, so why not?
Psionic Backlash
This is based on two powers from baldur's gate, mushed together.
Psionic Barrier
Psychic shield instead of force shield. Seemed neat.
Psionic Passenger
Why not treat your mind controlled thrall like a familiar
Mind Blast
Yet another power, except as a spell, so I could scale it like one :)
And now to plug my stuff. I release homebrews weekly over on my Patreon. Anyone who pledges $1 or more per post don't have to wait a month to see them, and also help fund my being alive habit.
At the moment, they have exclusive access to the following:
Martial Archetype: Knight of the Fallen Oak
Words of Power
Maelstrom Hammer
Sealing Rituals
I also have three classes, and a splatbook over on DriveThrueRPG to check out:
The Rift Binder. A class specialising in summoning monsters and controlling the battlefield.
The Witch Knight. A class that combines swords and sorcery in the most literal way.
The Werebeast. A class that turns you into a half beast to destroy your foes.
d'Artagnan's Adventurer Almanac. A compendium of races, subclasses, feats, spells, monsters and more!
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cloaksandcapes · 7 months
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We're SO excited to share this item, we've been holding onto it for over a month waiting for the illustration. We got it done like two days before the player it was made for received.
Our campaign takes place in Exandria, so this is a newly created Vestige of Divergence from Sehanine, the Moonweaver for our Pallid Elf Drakewarden Ranger! We hope you all like it.
Moonwoven Quiver
Wondrous Item, artifact, vestige of divergence (requires attunement)
“This quiver of arrows was created by the goddess of the Moon for one of her champions. Imbued with the magic of illusions and trickery, it served the champion in their fight against evil. The quiver is covered with twilight dragon scales that shine like a clear night sky. The emblem of the goddess is also emblazoned on the quiver’s straps, a crescent moon lined with arrows.”
Dormant State
While attuned to this artifact you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls on ranged attacks.
This artifact creates magic arrows that can be used to apply various magical effects to their targets. It produces 1d4+1 magic arrows daily at dawn. It holds a maximum number of arrows equal to your level.
When you fire an arrow from this quiver you can choose one of the following spell effects to apply to your target if you hit; slow, bane or fear. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Awakened State
The bonus to damage rolls on ranged attacks increased to +2.
When you are hit by an attack roll you can use your reaction to teleport up to half of your speed. Once you’ve used this property it can’t be used again until you finish a short or long rest.
The artifact now refills 1d6+2 magic arrows daily at dawn.
The artifact gains the following magic arrow spell effects: enlarge\reduce, ray of enfeeblement, blindness\deafness.
Exalted State
The bonus to damage rolls on ranged attacks increased to +3.
When using your reaction to teleport, you can teleport your full speed. You gain an additional use of this property. 
The artifact gains the following magic arrow spell effects: confusion, silence. You can also choose to teleport adjacent to the target as an effect.
Join us on Twitch every Mon\Wed\Fri to create new Homebrews and check out our Patreon for 492+ magic items, tokens, maps, and more.
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lenuer · 6 months
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Commission of an Exalted character. A Mezkeruby (demon homebrew so I don't really know the details).
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