#3E-Honest communication
3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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exsanguidus · 1 year
re headcanon: how do you think Astarion will go about marriage proposal? will he be nervous or smarmy. would he even want to marry at all?
This is going to be a long answer. Also, should note this is of course in reference to non-Ascended Astarion.
Since I headcanon Astarion as a Moon Elf, I think 3e and 3.5e lore on how elves view love, romance, and sexuality is probably pretty close to what Moon Elf culture practices, seeing as they're stated to be rather adventurous and tend not to stay in one place for too long.
3.5e Elves Reddit Citing 3e
This is also why I headcanon that Astarion is rather open-minded to the idea of Tav taking on another lover or having threesomes/foursomes together.
That said, I think that deep down he prefers monogamy, particularly because he's selfish in the sense he wants to have something of his own that he doesn't have to share. Especially after those 200 years he didn't have himself for himself and the fact he can't recall ever genuinely being loved just for being himself rather than what he can offer.
But so long as Tav reassures him that it won't affect their relationship negatively and he won't be neglected in love, affection, and care, he's not opposed. He trusts Tav enough to be responsible, honest, and communicative.
He also mentions, if you approach him about being with Halsin post-his quest, that while the idea of change has always sort of terrified him because it's an unknown, he's accepted that life happens and if Tav does end up falling for someone else, he's confident he'll eventually be ok because he has himself.
Now to get to the actual question at hand: how would Astarion go about a marriage proposal.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he wouldn't. At least not in the sense that Humans think of marriage and marriage proposals.
He's definitely read about them in the sappy and smutty romance novels he's read, but he personally doesn't subscribe to the idea that he needs to showcase his true love for his partner like that because his partner would know through actions and words they speak to one another privately exactly how Astarion feels about them.
Astarion would really just start referring to his partner as his Wife/Husband/Spouse one day. And then after that, just start using their surname along with his own like that's what his name has always been.
For example, I ship exclusively with my buddy Vex's Tav OC Annette Harlow (@knivesong). So, in our post-game verse Astarion refers to himself as Astarion Harlow Ancunín as his completely full name. He wasn't asked to and he doesn't just going around announcing it randomly to everyone, but he decided that on his own and tells people when its relevant to do so because that's how he decided he wanted to show Annie's place in his life while still respecting both their individualities and unique personhoods.
I also recently put up a headcanon that elves traditionally wear wedding bands on their right hand, if they choose to wear any at all. I believe Astarion would wear the True Love's Caress ring on his right ring finger. He originally didn't until post-his quest, I imagine, but eventually would have just quietly moved it to that finger of his own accord.
I also recently wrote a headcanon that post-game, rather than claim and move into the Crimson Palace (Szarr Palace), he gets himself a nice spot in Baldur's Gate where he can live in the apartments above his own perfume shop. He would legitimately just assume Tav was going to live with him, at that point, and put in furniture to accommodate both of them and take into consideration Tav's tastes in his decor choices.
All that is basically my long way of saying that Astarion would basically just marry Tav via Common Law Marriage. Basically everyone just recognizes those two as married even if they didn't have some big solemnized ceremony.
Astarion doesn't believe in any of the gods anyway. Acknowledges they all exist, since they literally do and can be physically seen, but he won't worship any of them ever. So he wouldn't really think it's important to have their relationship solemnized by an outside source as long as they both solemnize it via consent and mutual understanding of the perimeters of their relationship.
He doesn't care how others view their relationship because, to him, his relationship with Tav is strictly between them and no one else's business.
Of course, if Tav ever brought up that they actually wanted an official marriage proposal and a legitimate marriage ceremony with all the bells and whistles, he'd be all for it because:
I. It's a reason for him to dress up and be Extra.
II. It would make Tav happy.
In that case, he would be the most Extra of Extra about it. Not nervous because he already knows the answer would be yes, but nervous because he wants to make sure he does it right in a way his partner would be pleased with. He'd make a whole performance out of it and it'd be this massive grand gesture. Mind you, that doesn't mean it'd be this huge public display with like releasing doves and hiring a troupe of bards or anything, but something elegant that feels expensive and intimately grand.
It'd probably be so Extra that Tav would facepalm, but he'd just remind them that they asked for it and he doesn't go halfsies on things like that because he has standards for the both of them.
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casketsanctum · 3 years
A Ravenloft Reading Recommendation (ARRR!)
Alright, everyone! It's almost Halloween, and you (probably) recently got Curse of Strahd and Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft but you want to know more about these terror-filled prisons. Well, grab your adventuring gear and delve with me into the Domains of Dread! This'll be a long one, so strap in and remember: Mistipedia is your friend.
This list covers Second Edition Ravenloft, Third Edition Ravenloft, and the novels. I can only hope I got everything in this.
Let's start with...
Second Edition Ravenloft
Realm of Terror
This is the original campaign setting for 2e Ravenloft, coming with 144 pages of rules, NPCs and domains, as well as a bunch of other goodies (maps, card stock sheets, and a transparent map overlay). Realm of Terror predates the Grand Conjunction timeline, so in terms of in-game time... it's a bit out of date. A lot of it, according to John Mangrum, is incoherent and many of the dates in this contradict others, so be careful about what you use here.
- You get... Rules for the Demiplane of Dread, alternate rules for Classes, Spells, the Dark Powers Check, fear and horror rules, as well as new spells, new magical items, and the different Dark Lords and Domains you can explore.
Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Box)
The revised campaign setting for 2nd Edition. Takes Grand Conjunction into account. Not to be confused for the book from 3rd Edition.
Domains of Dread
Third and final version of Ravenloft in the days of TSR. Introduces clusters and pocket domains, as well as new secret societies and several new classes. Postdates Requiem: The Grim Harvest.
Masque of the Red Death
A sub-setting of Ravenloft, taking place on a 1890's Gothic Earth.
- The Gothic Earth Gazetteer: Like the Ravenloft Gazetteers, you get details on the lands of Gothic Earth and their inhabitants. - A Guide to Transylvania
And More...
Islands of Terror - Self explanatory, new island domains! Nidala, Wildlands, Sceana, I'Cath, etc.
Darklords - This covers a handful darklords.
Forbidden Lore - A Ravenloft setting expansion. Rules for the Tarokka Deck and Dikesha Dice. Secret societies, spells, cursed items, as well as expanded psionics, curses, and power checks. You also get the domain of Kalidnay.
Forged in Darkness - Lots of cursed items.
Children of the Night: Vampires - 13 New vampire NPCs. Children of the Night: Ghosts - 13 New ghost NPCs. Children of the Night: Werebeasts - 13 New lycanthrope NPCs. Children of the Night: The Created - 13 New construct NPCs.
Champions of the Mists - New heroic NPCs and new Character Kits.
Carnival - NPCs that make up Isolde's Carnival.
Classic Van Richten's Guides (Either 2nd or 3rd Edition)
These have Van Richten lore in it, so I would read these if not for the main content.
Van Richten's Arsenal With VR Arsenal, you get new tools and devices, new arcane and divine spells, new magic items, and alchemical devices and feats. It also comes with Prestige Classes like the Alchemical Philosopher and the Anchorite of the Mists, as well as a guide to plan investigations and battles and plenty of NPC stat sheets with detailed backgrounds.
Van Richten's Guide to Demons
Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts
Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead
Van Richten's Guide to the Created
Van Richten's Guide to the Lich
Van Richten's Guide to the Mists - We usually ignore this book because of it's questionable lore.
Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey
Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani An excellent exploration of Vistani.
Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead
Van Richten's Guide to Vampires
Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts
Van Richten's Guide to Witches Included within VR's Compendium 3.
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium I (Vampires, Werebeasts, Created)
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium II (Ghosts, Liches, Ancient Dead)
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium III (Demons, Vistani, Witches)
Feast of Goblyns - The first module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Kartakass, Gundarak, Daglan.
Ship of Horror - The second module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Sea of Sorrows, Nebigtode.
Touch of Death - The third module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Har'Akir.
Night of the Walking Dead - Fourth module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Sourange.
From the Shadows - Fifth module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Darkon, Barovia.
Roots of Evil - Sixth and final module of the Grand Conjunction series and the follow-up of From the Shadows. Domains: Barovia.
Death Unchained - Part one of Grim Harvest.
Death Ascendant - Part two of Grim Harvest.
Requiem: the Grim Harvest (Boxed Set) - Death Triumphant, the last part of Grim Harvest.
Death Undaunted - Written by John Mangrum, never published, but still good!! Played it with a wonderful DM.
Book of Crypts - Nine short module anthology. Contains: Bride of Mordenheim, Blood in Moondale, The Dark Minstrel, The Cedar Chest, Corrupted Innocents, Rite of Terror, The Man With Three Faces, The Living Crypt, and Death's Cold Laughter.
Thoughts of Darkness - Elder brains, Mindflayers and a Von Zarovich, oh my! I played this one with a wonderful DM. Very fun.
The Created - Odaire
Web of Illusion - Sri Raji
Castles Forlorn - Forlorn
Dark of the Moon - Vorostokov
Adam's Wrath - Lamordia
The Awakening - Nova Vaasa
Hour of the Knife - Zherisia
Howls in the Night - Mordent
When Black Roses Blood - Sithicus
A Light in the Belfry (Boxed Set) - Avonleigh
Circle of Darkness - G'Henna
Chilling Tales (Anthology) - Through Darkened Eyes (Tepest), Undying Justice (Borca), Gazing into the Abyss (Darkon), Family Feud (Valachan), Surgeon's Blade (Lamordia), Scarlet Kiss (Mordentshire), Ancient Dead (Har'Akir), The Taskmaster's Leash (Dementlieu)
The Evil Eye - Invidia
The Nightmare Lands (Boxed Set)
Neither Man Nor Beast - Markovia
The Shadow Rift
Vecna Reborn
Die, Vecna, Die!
Third Edition Ravenloft
Ravenloft Third Edition (Campign Setting)
An update of Ravenloft to 3e.
Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide
Campaign creation, creating domains and communities, sinkholes of evil, samples of NPCs, as well as psionics and magic within Ravenloft. Cursed / Magic Items. Basically chapter one of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, but more fleshed out.
Ravenloft Player's Handbook
New mechanics like class weaknesses and magic ratings.
Secrets of the Dread Realms - Contains a new prestige class and a list of darklords by domain (with detailed backgrounds!)
Denizens of Darkness - New monsters! (3e)
Denizens of Dread - New monsters! (3.5e)
Heroes of Light - Focuses on heroic characters and deeds within Ravenloft. Prestige classes, secret societies, NPCs, and a heroic campaign guide.
Champions of Darkness - Focuses on anti-heroes. Prestige classes, secret societies, NPCs and an anti-hero campaign guide.
Legacy of the Blood - THIS IS A GOOD BOOK. Details on several powerful familes of the Core. Includes options to make characters related to that family and story hooks that go with it. Includes: Boritsi, d'Honaire, Dilisnya, Drakov, Godefroy, Hiregaard, Mordenheim, Renier, and the Von Zarovich families.
Masque of the Red Death (3rd Edition)
No modules in this one.
Ravenloft Gazetteers
A DM's dream come true... You get a massive amount of information and lore with these. Comes with a side-story. Very good!
- Volume 1 - Barovia, Hazlan, Forlorn, Kartakass
- Volume 2 - Darkon, Necropolis, Lamordia, Falkovnia
- Volume 3 - Dementlieu, Richemulot, Mordent
- Volume 4 - Borca, Invidia, Verbrek, Valachan, Sithicus
- Volume 5 - Nova Vaasa, Tepest, Keening, Shadow Rift
Dark Tales and Disturbing Legends - More modules! This is an anthology.
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - Update to I6: Ravenloft.
Vampire of the Mists (Good!)
Knight of the Black Rose (Not a big fan of Soth, in my honest option.)
Dance of the Dead
Tapestry of Dark Souls
Carnival of Fear
I, Strahd (A classic.)
I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin (Read this one. Excellent!)
The Enemy Within
Tales of Ravenloft (19 Short Stories - The Caretaker is my favorite. It has Strahd.)
Tower of Doom (Personally, if you don't want your eyes cursed, I would not read this. This has been a warning. I told you so.)
Baroness of Blood
Death of Darklord
Scholar of Decay
King of the Dead (A must-read. It's that good.)
To Sleep with Evil
Lord of the Necropolis
Spectre of the Black Rose
Heart of Midnight
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Karma’s Backstory HC
So your homeboy doesn’t really have much of one to be honest. Breaking down what we do know: 
His parents are wealth day traders 
He’s left home alone most of the time
They’re really into India 
They’re free spirits who care more about whims than responsibility
Now, just a prewarning that literally none of what I’m about to say after this is canon. This is just the ideas I’ve developed over the years of having to come up with stuff for fics, and it’s the narrative I use for canon based fics. That being said, anyone who has a hard time coming up with this stuff is totally free to use it however they want! It’s weirdly in depth, I will say. 
Karma’s father comes from Hokkaido (the northern island of Japan - famous for farming and lots of snow), mostly because I really like Hokkaido, but there’s definitely this countryside kind of reputation that comes with it. 
His family is very much one of those generational farmer families who don’t feel the need to leave their community. He has three sisters, but he’s the only son. He went to Sapporo for university which was a shock to the family. 
Kind of a Japanese cultural no no to be honest. 
During his time at university, studying business, he decided to travel Asia a bit, eventually meeting his future wife (who is also Japanese, as fun as Karma being mixed headcanons are to me) on some kind of trip. They’re around the same age, maybe give or take a year or two. 
The two of them ended up falling for each other very fast, the whole ‘if you know you know’ thing. 
Her family are from Nagoya, just normal business people with nothing special about them. She’s an only child and they always had this view that she’d marry into a nice stable life. 
They get married pretty much as soon as he graduates, moving to be close to Tokyo since it was the best option for their jobs. Neither of their families is happy about this, but they don’t really care. 
Karma comes along pretty soon after, before they’ve really had a chance to settle into their lives together. They’re caught up in the whirlwind of their romance, soon, so they think having a baby is a great idea. 
Pretty soon, the itch of staying too long in one place starts to set in. Furthermore, the reality of a kid is very different to the fantasy. I think Karma probably cried a lot, even as a baby quickly figuring out the way to get attention. Karma’s mother doesn’t give up work, either, so managing everything starts to get stressful. 
After maybe a year of stability, they decide instead to just go back to the people they really are, moving around wherever the work takes them. Even as a toddler now, Karma starts to really get attached to things he has, because without much of a permanent home he doesn’t get to own a whole bunch of toys etc. 
When they’re not travelling for work, they’re travelling abroad. Actually, I think they took Karma with them a lot when he was old enough to have some kind of awareness of what’s happening around him. He really enjoyed those times, but he didn’t have a new normal yet. This fit in with their cute life vision, at the time. 
I picture them being Hindus, but not very strictly? Japanese attitudes towards religion are a fascinating subject honestly, but the long and short of it is that strictly following one down to the ‘rules’ isn’t that common. I think they’d like it more for aesthetic reasons than actually believing in it. 
Controversial, but I actually think Karma was genuinely a pretty sweet and quiet kid. Due to moving so much, he never really got to settle in anywhere and make friends, so his social skills are lacking when it comes to people his age. 
Around that age, his parents teach him stuff that’s not so appropriate for a child, such as how to manipulate people into doing business deals with you, the value of money etc. 
However, once again they started to get a little tried with him. Karma’s a really curious kid, which leads him into running off and not always doing what his parents want him to, asking questions about things to the point it gets irritating to them. They feel like he’s now holding them back. So, increasingly, they reach out to neighbours they have at the time, asking them to watch after Karma when they go on these trips together. 
Karma starts to develop this really bad separation anxiety, like he doesn’t understand what’s happening when they’re suddenly leaving him. He gets the idea to start lashing out at whoever’s meant to be looking after him, in the hopes that they’ll be forced to come back. Most of the time, they don’t have a choice. 
Karma begins to resent his parents, and they begin to resent him further for misbehaving. 
Since this is some kind of solution to him now, he applies it to his school life. At this point it’s the age where kids really know how to pick on people and target. Karma shuts that down quickly, by fighting his way out of it. 
Since he ends up getting suspended a lot, he has free time to learn ahead of school. He genuinely likes that part of school, but it’s just the everything else he doesn’t. 
He’s actually very passionate about the things he enjoys, but he’s learnt that expressing it at school would get him teased, and his parents don’t care at all. It’s rare even as he goes into canon and beyond, then, that he expresses his more fanboy sides. 
Even when his parents are in the country, they find it suitable around the age of 7 or so to let Karma be in the house alone whilst they work for long hours. As such, he gets really into watching movies as a distraction. 
They don’t hate Karma by any means, they definitely ‘love’ him in a way, though it’s not the same kind of parental love most people receive. They try to placate him with gifts, when they leave the country, but Karma doesn’t easily just forgive and forget. After a time he just asks them to bring him spices, in a sort of self protest of not wanting their gifts. Those spices become his prized possession. 
By about 10, Karma stops fighting it. He locks his feelings about them away and accepts that nothing he does will make his parents stay. Whilst he doesn’t purposely act out to get attention, acting out at this point has morphed into a normal part of his personality. 
There’s been nobody to teach him right from wrong, so he’s left to make mostly his own decisions about it. 
When he’s approaching eleven, and his parents are just the slightest bit more responsible, and decide that in the effort of not messing up their son’s entire education, they’re going to buy a house and make it a permanent home until he at least graduates junior high. 
Did I say responsible? Because that also comes with the decision that he’s old enough to be left at home alone. At first it’s only for a night or two, but it slowly becomes weeks and months at a time, until Karma’s practically living alone with barely even a phone call from them. 
Karma’s actually really lonely, though he shrugs it off and perfects his act of being unbothered. He misses them, but he shoves that embarrassing feeling right down and ignores it. 
Since he has to, Karma learns how to cook, along with general domestic stuff such as shopping for a reasonable budget and 
His parents send a ridiculous allowance, though, which he doesn’t like to touch much of if he can help it.
He also booby traps his bedroom, and other areas of the house. Just in case. 
Nagisa’s his first genuine friend. 
It’s not until 3E where he finally develops healthy bonds with multiple people, and really learns that it’s okay to trust.  
Wow that got long. As I said, I have thought about this a lot. I feel like it would explain why Karma is the way he is. Honestly, it’s a bit depressing too. I just don’t see Karma’s parents being Good People. 
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mikcwhcclcr · 4 years
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a floor3 - whether you moved in with your childhood best friends, college roommate, a coworker trying to save some money, or took up an add for roommate wanted, everyone living on floor 3 have found a community among their neighbors. 
This is a simple apartment rp following young adults in their late 20s living in NYC. I want this to feel like a close knit community that gives you a fun and relaxed place to write and develop your muse.
so we’re not having a main, everything will be within the discord. This is a tumblr rp tho so most interaction will happen on the dash. 
basic rules:
activity is gonna be nice and loose, ( though it is highly encouraged that you stay somehow engaged and active regularly so the rp has some life ) as long as you’re still showing interest in being in the group you’re good. But please do be honest if you’re not feeling it anymore.
be inclusive please! this is a small group it shouldn’t be hard to write with everyone. I want this to be like a little family 
inclusivity goes towards ooc too since there will be a discord with an ooc chat and I don’t want anyone to feel left out
please tag any triggers and put smut and anything triggering under read more
I’m not gonna make a list of banned fcs, but use logic and if I have the right to deny an fc if I believe them to be problematic or would make member uncomfortable
be kind and have fun
3A { beckett “beck” quinn + brooklyn mccarthy }
3B { lea chen + jack avery + kelly munoz }
3C { avia weiss + alccia huang }
3D { malcolm “mal” smith }
3E { julian “goldie” golding +  }
* right now the muse cap is at 10 but I’m open to expanding eventually if the group wanted to
you can send this through ask/submit/or im 
{ fc. age. gender. pronouns } Did you see FIRST LAST left their door cracked open again. You think they’d learn after living in UNIT # for AMOUNT OF TIME. Last time they did this you could hear SONG by ARTIST blasting in the hallway. If you passed by you might have even caught a glimpse of them doing HOBBY. The rest of the floor says they can be TRAIT and TRAIT. Seeing them in the halls always reminds me of THREE AESTHETICS. { ooc name / pronouns / tmz }
* the age range is 25-30
** I suggest the amount of time living there being at least a year so every characters feels connected in someway 
julian “goldie” golding { maxence danet-fauvel. twenty-seven. cis male. he/him }
avia weiss { zoey deutch. twenty-six. cis woman. she/her }
lea chen { natasha liu bordizzo. twenty-six. cis woman. she/her }
malcolm “mal” smith { ben hardy. twenty-six. male. he/him}
beckett “beck” quinn { gavin leatherwood. twenty six. cis male. he/him. }
jack avery { george mackay. twenty seven. cis male. he/him } 
brooklyn mccarthy { aisha dee. twenty-six. cis woman. she / her}
alccia huang { jessica henwick. 25. cis woman. she/her }
kelly munoz { tommy martinez. twenty-seven. cis man. he/him }
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sarasa-cat · 6 years
Beginning at the Beginning
Since earlier in 2018, I have wanted to write posts about my adventures in the deep dark caves of MBTI cognitive function land. 
I have had a difficult time picking a entry place for writing about it because the act of dividing the massive mountain of materials about MBTI into useful vs noise is akin to the needle in a haystack problem.
Thus, I am going to start with a numbered list of briefly worded summaries of Things That Made Me Think:
1.  MBTI was initially based on Carl Jung's theory of personality, which can be quite interesting when updated for modern day understanding. This is what the MBTI cognitive function model is.  (if you come across people talking about Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Sensing, etc., they are conversing in the language of the cognitive function model). This is a model of how people take in new information and how people make decisions. There are many other aspects to personality beyond these two things and those other aspects of personality are not directly addressed by the Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model.
2.  Unfortunately, Myers-Briggs’ attempt at making this cognitive function model measurable through a survey resulted in a complete mess. I could give multi-hour lecture on why it is a mess and I say this as a person who is trained to design instruments of measurement and who has taught graduate level survey design (and statistics) courses at university.  -___-
3.  In addition to the MBTI test and other similar knock-off surveys being terrible measurement tools for Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model, the Jungian/MBTI cognitive model itself can also explain the reasons why the same person can receive different MBTI types when they retake the test:
3a.  The Jungian (and MBTI cognitive function theory) definition of Introvert and Extrovert are specific and technical, and do not mean what those words commonly mean in casual English. MBTI-style survey tests often bollocks this up, adding to the confusion.
3b.  When much of the popular MBTI community (including American HR departments...) talks about the Judging vs Perceiving aspect of MBTI, there is a high likelihood that they are emitting nonsense that has nothin to do with the underlying Jungian model. Furthermore:
3c. If you have used any MBTI survey style test to determine your type and you are one of the eight “I” types (which actually means that you lead with an introverted function, but more on that in a future post), the likelihood that you test backwards for J vs P is troublingly high. MBTI survey style tests regularly misclassify INTPs as INTJs, INFJs as INFPs, etc. etc. etc.
3d.  Given that MBTI survey style tests require you to report how you perceive yourself to be, not only can you misrepresent yourself in the survey due to lack of honest introspection and desires to conform to personal ideals and cultural norms, you can also legitimately misclassify yourself on the test because of aspects of your personality that are predicted by Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model. For instance, if you are in engaging in personal growth activities to mature your lesser developed cognitive functions, you might, for instance, misclassify yourself as a intuitive type when your actual tendency is as a sensor type. Likewise, if you are in a defensive, protective, unbalanced state of mind, you can also mistake your lower cognitive functions for higher ones, which can cause T-F or N-S misclassifications when answering questions on an MBTI survey. 
3e.  Whether MBTI style survey tests should be tossed out completely or used as a starting point is a matter of controversy ... and it is also a matter of money, given that the MBTI industry is a big business. People who understand the jungian cognitive function theory behind MBTI suggest a variety of alternate methods for finding your best fit type.
4.  In the end, this is all about finding your best fit type that most accurately predicts how you think through the Jungian/MBTI cognitive function stack. “How you take in new information and how you make decisions” does not equal “how you outwardly behave.” MBTI should not be used to model or predict behavior because the system is not designed for it. Of course, that doesn’t stop the MBTI industry from making troubling claims that are used to screen people out of jobs, etc.
5.  Your social masks plus other aspects of your personality are separate from the Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model. This is why any two ISTJs or any two ENFPs can appear very different, despite having similar tendencies regarding how they take in information and how they make decisions.
6.  The Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model is actually very useful for fiction writers!!!!!  \o/
7.  It can also be useful for personal growth and personal understanding.  :)
8.  The model is very equitable because it doesn’t prioritize certain modes or styles of information processing over any other. Instead, it honors the diversity of styles as a good thing. 
9.  Making sense of the Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model requires you to do the following things:
-- For now, ignore all webpages that say things like “ENTPs are entrepreneurial people who love adventure and...” 
-- Forget everything you think you know about introversion and extroversion (unless what you know comes from the field of psychology ;)
-- Ignore all of the E-vs-I, N-vs-S, T-vs-F, and the absolutely misleading noise of J-vs-P. The underlying Jungian model never claims that a person is only a feeler who doesn’t think or only a sensor who doesn’t intuit. Everyone has Thinking, Feeling, Sensing, and Intuiting in their cognitive function stack. For instance, my best fit stack is Ni - Te - Fi - Se. Notice how all four of Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, and Sensing is represented in that stack. It’s all there. 
-- Get ready to learn what J-vs-P actually means according to Jung vs how Myers-Briggs attempted to model it ... as a decoder ring. Literally. ...vs the clusterfuck J-vs-P has since become. Decide what makes sense to you. Put the rest in the trash. (more in a future post)
-- Realize that the model states that we all engage in “Thinking” and “Feeling” when making decisions. Different personality types prefer to do this in different ways.
-- Realize that the model states that we all engage in “Sensing” and “Intuiting” when taking in information. Different personality types prefer to do this in different ways.
-- Learn the cognitive function model (I’ll write about it in an upcoming post, with lots of pointers to good information).
-- Find your best fit type based on your natural tendencies and your Achilles heel. (again, a future post with many links)
10.  Realize that the Jungian/MBTI cognitive function model is just a model. It is imperfect. It is an idealized description of something far more complex. That’s what models are. Use it when it is useful. Put it aside when it isn’t so you can pick up a tool that is more appropriate.
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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BREAKING NEWS: Social Media Enthusiast was Allegedly Obsessed, Kidnapped & Sexually Abducted by a Friendly Suspect?
LOS FELIZ, CALIFORNIA -- From the starting point on a 2nd newest season and a 7th latest episode of Close Enough last Thursday afternoon at 4am (Manila local time) on a streaming service to HBO Max, during the 35th historical anniversary of EDSA People Power Revolution for the National Philippine Holiday... a concerned news tip was recieved from our Research Team of OneNETnews.
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A 26 y/o victim was named Bridgette Yoshida, she was from Los Feliz City at a Los Angeles County area in the California province. Before the incident was started unexpectedly at 11am (Eastern local time, converted from the original L.A. timezone)... A phone addiction was started first thing an hour later before Lunch Break on her west coast timezone, from her fictional Twitter account @BurningBridgette94 by checking a social media as of this morning ago.
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Bridgette was ready to start her day outside immediately after a family breakfast and lunch. She purchased a cup of Latte at the coffee shop to Solid Grounds. It was an insta-grammable moment to capture a photo as a later checkpointed post, in discussed with Emily Ramirez. While she was out of town, it may sounded like a Milo Murphy's Law style; off from the Disney XD show. Road safety and illegal departure from the LAX Airport wasn't look good for this afternoon while the distracted texting is a bitter unfortunate.
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At a delivery baggage while texting non-stop, she was temporarily hanging out in Japan free of charge and back at the Tokyo International Airport, until the arrest warrant & deportation activity showned up that night from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). She was released just a few days and send home but... there is a bit something else.
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An undercover friendly suspect known as Pearle Watson. A former Policewoman Officer of LAPD takes over for a home interrogation as implied for a sexually abducted from her behalf of it's possibly hired detainee persons the same afternoon. Local sources told OneNETnews, she was inside for a small rehabilitation but... Emily notices an unexpected problem by seeking a final text before a victim like Bridgette, was now officially addicted badly, kidnapped and sexually abducted from her undercover suspect in an unmarked van, "Alex, please tell (gibberish text)".
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Here at the undercover suspect's home like Pearle, she was insisted and a possible sexually abducted so far from a phone addiction. Some of a former men detainees of LAPD will be encouraged if the addiction persists within a few hours.
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UNCENSORED BIKINI is AVAILABLE as mentioned due to a newest rules from this platform. Proceed w/ Caution everypony... --> [IMG]
We obtained a last explicitive sexy photoshoot from our permission and contributed with Emily this afternoon to OneNETnews for the unofficial evidenced photo as recently last seen on a Valentines day post via Twitter's direct message on us. This context photo for this representation was terribly disturbing at the moment.
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OneNETnews was reached out via Zoom on FaceTime, a podcast media has taken action from a two Radio Personalities this afternoon. Kristen and Gina investigates from a radio podcasted show called "Podnapped". A local radio show focuses about the stories of kidnapping, abducting and other crime-related issues in Los Angeles. Podnapped hosts has a statement, "We think our devoted audience of abduction-istas could help figure out who took your friend, Bridgette" as Gina quoted in. While Kirsten plans to air for a simple recommendation told OneNETnews, "We'd like to record a special LIVE episode about her... at your house". Emily is accepted an offer for a radio interview later today. This was considered missing for a victim of Bridgette Yoshida.
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During a latest LIVE episode of Podnapped, a several rumors and facts will be discussed within the next 1-2hrs. from today to help Bridgette out. An investigation is currently ongoing throughout a radio show until it's later resolved, as according to Kristen and Gina; for seeking a suspect like a former LAPD Policewoman to Pearle. The netizens are planned for a social media protest to free a victim from the illegal 3-way suspect, here outside at the Berendo Street a few minutes later.
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Here in the Philippine Laws as based from this episode of a 2nd Season of Close Enough from HBO Max, a co-production of Turner Broadcasting System (TBS)... Bridgette Yoshida will be sadly facing a pre-determine violation under a Republic Act #9995: Section 3d and 3e or Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009, Republic Act #10364: Section 4a and 4h or Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012, Republic Act #10913: Section 4a or Anti-Distracted Driving Act of 2015 & Republic Act #11036: Section 4a or The Mental Health Act of 2017. Altogether as unfortunate, this may be resulted as final with a sentence to 20 years in prision for a Reclusión Perpetua with a limited total fines of PHP615,000 (U$D12,613).
The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) terribly alerts the authorities and officials, along with a regular Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers to make a stand to justice for Bridgette Yoshida against a friendly undercover suspect (Pearle Watson) in purposing the illegal 3-way issue.
Also, the statement of Starbucks from a Branch Manager (under the independent coffee shop arm to Solid Grounds in California) told OneNETnews, "Due to a higher demand from a local government of Los Angeles community for seeking a justice with our regular customer named Bridgette, from the uninvited guest by a suspect... We are briefly sorry on that, from our branch here in Los Angeles. At Starbucks, we will strictly & urgently implement a care package for a few weeks to seek a cure for the addiction and other issues free-of-charge until this case will be solved soon. If you're reading this social message Bridgette, we'll make it up to you at home (once you escape it by yourself). This may be your last time to visit you. The rest of the L.A. community after that, whether you are probably dead or not... We'll help you all the way for today. All with the love in a latte of promise, from our branch at Starbucks". Starbucks will be sending some help for Bridgette to ease out safely the 3-way incident with a care package off from the suspect source.
So for now, justice will not be served for longer... until the case is considered to be closed soon.
If you or a loved one having a medium-rare to severe addiction issue, you may contact the SELF Drug Rehabilitation Center at +632-8-809-3491. For Mental Health problems, contact the Hopeline Philippines at +632-8-804-4673. And/or for the women of violence etc., you may contact the Department of Social Welfare and Development at +632-931-8101.
Stay safe Bridgette and much condolences in advance.
SOURCE: *https://play.hbomax.com/episode/urn:hbo:episode:GYBG2NgaS3WzDwwEAAACH [Clips and Photos from S2E7 of Close Enough] and *https://www.unicef.cn/en/stories/what-do-if-you-suspect-child-has-been-abducted-trafficked-or-exploited [Referenced Article for the law representation purposes]
SEVERELY HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed for a breaking news report are not those from the Cartoon Network Studios, Turner Broadcasting System, Home Box Office Inc. and WarnerMedia. This fictional suspect and/or victim does not literally imitate in any matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this breaking news report will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The show, the station, the management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading, stay safe, and may the Celestia blesses you. Cya...
-- OneNETnews Team
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neptunecreek · 8 years
“Everyone Made Themselves the Hero.” Remembering Aaron Swartz
On January 18, 2012, the Internet went dark. Hundreds of websites went black in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). The bills would have created a “blacklist” of censored websites based on accusations of copyright infringement. SOPA was en route to quietly passing. But when millions of Americans complained to their members of Congress, support for the bill quickly vanished. We called it the Internet at its best.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the blackout, we also note a much sadder anniversary. A year after we beat SOPA, we lost one of the most active organizers behind the opposition. While being unfairly prosecuted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Aaron Swartz took his own life on January 11, 2013.
When you look around the digital rights community, it’s easy to find Aaron’s fingerprints all over it. He and his organization Demand Progress worked closely with EFF to stop SOPA. Long before that, he played key roles in the development of RSS, RDF, and Creative Commons. He railed hard against the idea of government-funded scientific research being unavailable to the public, and his passion continues to motivate the open access community. Aaron inspired Lawrence Lessig to fight corruption in politics, eventually fueling Lessig’s White House run.
There’s no better way to remember Aaron’s life and work than by hearing his words. And there’s no more inspiring account of the fight over SOPA than Aaron’s famous talk, “How We Stopped SOPA” (transcript).
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Aaron warned that SOPA wouldn’t be the last time Hollywood attempted to use copyright law as an excuse to censor the Internet:
Sure, it will have yet another name, and maybe a different excuse, and probably do its damage in a different way. But make no mistake: The enemies of the freedom to connect have not disappeared. The fire in those politicians’ eyes hasn’t been put out. There are a lot of people, a lot of powerful people, who want to clamp down on the Internet. And to be honest, there aren’t a whole lot who have a vested interest in protecting it from all of that. Even some of the biggest companies, some of the biggest Internet companies, to put it frankly, would benefit from a world in which their little competitors could get censored.
Five years later, it’s clear that Aaron was right. In the courts, record labels are pushing for an interpretation of copyright law that would enable them to block entire websites because of their users’ activities, or force ISPs to cut off users’ Internet connections based on mere accusations of copyright infringement. Big content companies even wrote a memo to President-elect Trump calling for a new law that would require website owners to use copyright bots to censor their users’ activity. Threats to free speech online are on the horizon—and they’re going to come hitched to copyright law.
It’s tempting to become pessimistic in the face of countless threats to free speech and privacy. But the story of the SOPA protests demonstrates that we can win in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. In his talk, Aaron showed how all of us can become heroes in the fight for civil liberties:
I’ve told this as a personal story, partly because I think big stories like this one are just more interesting at human scale. The director J.D. Walsh says good stories should be like the poster for Transformers. There’s a huge evil robot on the left side of the poster and a huge, big army on the right side of the poster. And in the middle, at the bottom, there’s just a small family trapped in the middle. Big stories need human stakes. But mostly, it’s a personal story, because I didn’t have time to research any of the other part of it. But that’s kind of the point. We won this fight because everyone made themselves the hero of their own story. Everyone took it as their job to save this crucial freedom. They threw themselves into it. They did whatever they could think of to do.
As a president comes to power who’s promised to ratchet up surveillance and censorship, we need heroes more than ever. Whether it’s by calling your members of Congress to speak up for a free and open Internet, urging your company to protect its users’ data from government surveillance, or by joining the Electronic Frontier Alliance to defend digital freedom locally and nationally, you can be the hero in the story of how we stopped the next big threat to your digital rights.
Image: Ragesoss / CC BY-SA 3.0
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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A local Habal-Habal driver was killed, after 3 or more Vehicles was simultaneously collided overnight
DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- Last night at 6:30pm (Manila local time)... The checkpoint was flagged during the Enhanced Community Quarantine, as part of the regional pandemic of Coronavirus Disease-19 (CoViD19). Here in Brgy. Talay in Dumaguete City, a Korean national is waiting to be Thermal Scanned for safety reasons but... A single Habal-Habal (Motorcycle for Hire) was reportedly rammed down unless, it was intermittently collided simultaneously and sandwiched-like incident bump that night.
Miko Kubota (Radyo Patrol #20 reporter and the resident employee of Hinobi) was told to OneNETnews, 2 vehicles are identified to this collision was knowned for the Toyota Hi-Ace (GAA-7761) & Ford Raptor (GAM-3766). Sadly, a single license plate of Honda Wave & Yamaha NMax on his Habal-Habal (Motorcycle for Hire)... remains unknown for this scene.
Based from the Police investigation, the Ford Raptor vehicle was owned by a 34 y/o Korean national to Kim Sehwan; who recently married a Filipina. While a single motorcycle was crashed and sandwiched-like incident bump at the Talay checkpoint. That means as usual, a Toyota Hi-Ace van was dented-ly back pressed for a crash and centralized with a civilian motorcycle person. He was owned by Timothy Yrad and driven by Marlon Obedencio, shuttling all the local employees of Qualfon.
The Habal-Habal (Motorcycle for Hire) was identified alive to Jake Crisologo, a resident of Upper Cantil-e. However, a 40 y/o resident in Bagacay named Ann Marie Jamito Maquiling... was confirmed dead on-the-spot. Meanwhile, a Yamaha NMax motorcycle involves the impact on the 4th but, still incurring a certain minor damage. The ambulance was rushed to the Silliman University Medical Center around 34mins. later. While the Dumaguete City Police Station (DCPS) was questioning to the Korean national, he can't remember what happened to it's crash; knowing for the intoxication himself in a rated higher speed.
He is now in custody with a charges as amended by the Republic Act #10586 or The Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013: Section 3a and 3e & Article 365 with a Revised Penal Code. The Korean national was sentenced with a maximum of 6 months to 6 years, while his driver's license was suspended for a year with a fine of PHP500,000 (U$D9,800). It's possible for this DUI (Driving Under the Influence) suspect, will be forcing to deport back to Korea without the warning (after his driver's license was revoked, suspended or both).
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/2109453856021871/posts/2343669015933686 *https://www.facebook.com/100000275210200/posts/3125811517437991 *https://www.facebook.com/1837868953134880/posts/2532494803672288
HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from our news article... are not those from the affiliates of OneNETnews. Futhermore, the assumptions of our news article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading and stay safe everypony!
-- OneNETnews Team
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