Yandere Psychosophy/Attitudinal Psyche
Inspired by yandere MBTI and yandere Big Five. Personality test/self-assessment for this Google document verison of this
This is a yandere typing system based on the original Psychosophy (also remade as Attitudinal Psyche) system. Originally, it was divided into four aspects: logic, physics, emotions, and volition/will.
These placements are divided into another four placements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The 1st placement is characterized by absolute, possibly even arrogant, confidence in that aspect and feeling no need to improve or change it. It is very rigid and unchangeable. The 2nd placement, on the other hand, is the most flexible placement. It is characterized by confidence but not arrogance, feeling little weakness in this aspect. To the user of the 2nd function, it is comfortable and easy to use with others and develop further. But the 3rd placement is the opposite. It is the most uncomfortable to use, with a constant feeling of insecurity associated with it. There seem to be two most common approaches to this function: aggressively overusing it or the opposite, neglecting it. This is the placement that needs the most improvement. Finally, the 4th placement is the most underused and is seen by its user as either unimportant or better with a quick fix. These four placements form the foundation of understanding an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for potential growth within this typology system.
In summary...
1st placement: Confident Function (1V, 1L, 1E, 1P) Strong, Aggressive, Monologue
2nd placement: Flexible Function (2V, 2L, 2E, 2P) Strong, Passive, Dialogue
3rd placement: Insecure Function (3V, 3L, 3E, 3P) Weak, Aggressive, Dialogue
4th placement: Unbothered Function (4V, 4L, 4E, 4P) Weak, Passive, Monologue
Yandere System
So what about the yandere system? It follows the same placement rules as the original system but uses its own aspects. The yandere Psychosophy system is divided into four four aspects, respectively: cognition (C), aggression (A), expression (E), and determination (D).
Cognition, equivalent to logic in the original Psychosophy system, reflects how a yandere processes information, plans their actions, and uses their intelligence to manage their obsession.
Aggression, equivalent to physics in the original Psychosophy system, evaluates how a yandere uses power, intimidation, or violence to get what they want or control their darling.
Expression, equivalent to emotion in the original Psychosophy system, focuses on how freely a yandere shows their affection and obsession for their darling.
Finally, determination, equivalent to volition/will in the original Psychosophy system, assess how either determined or fragile a yandere is in achieving their goals with their darling.
Placement Descriptions
Cognition (C)
1st Placement (C1): Exhibits absolute confidence in their ability to strategize and plan. This yandere is highly analytical and methodical, always staying several steps ahead. They see no need for improvement in their cognitive abilities and are often seen as calculating masterminds.
2nd Placement (C2): Confident and comfortable in their cognitive abilities, they can adapt plans fluidly and are skilled at thinking on their feet. They are open to developing their strategic thinking further and are effective planners who work well with others.
3rd Placement (C3): Struggles with insecurity regarding their cognitive skills. They might oscillate between overanalyzing situations to compensate for their perceived shortcomings or neglecting planning altogether. This yandere needs the most improvement in how they process information and strategize.
4th Placement (C4): Minimally engaged in strategic thinking, often relying on intuition or others for planning. They see detailed planning as unimportant and prefer quick fixes or spontaneous actions.
Aggression (A)
1st Placement (A1): Extremely confident in using aggression and violence to achieve their goals. They are unyielding and often intimidate or overpower others without hesitation. Improvement is seen as unnecessary as they view their aggressive approach as highly effective.
2nd Placement (A2): Uses aggression when necessary but with restraint and control. They are comfortable leveraging their power but prefer to balance it with other methods. Open to refining their approach, they effectively combine intimidation with strategic non-violent tactics.
3rd Placement (A3): Feels insecure about their use of aggression. They may either overuse violence in an attempt to assert control or avoid it altogether out of fear or uncertainty. Developing a balanced approach to aggression is crucial for them.
4th Placement (A4): Rarely resorts to violence or intimidation, viewing it as a last resort. They prefer non-aggressive methods and see aggression as unimportant or something to be avoided. They often look for quick, peaceful solutions.
Expression (E)
1st Placement (E1): Highly expressive, openly displaying their emotions and obsession with intense fervor. They are unapologetically passionate, showing no need to alter their expressive nature. Their overt emotional displays are a core part of their identity.
2nd Placement (E2): Comfortable and confident in showing their emotions, they balance expressiveness with control. They can openly share their feelings and are adept at adjusting their emotional displays to suit different situations. They find it easy to develop and fine-tune their emotional expression.
3rd Placement (E3): Struggles with expressing emotions, feeling insecure about their displays of affection or obsession. They may either overexpress in an attempt to compensate or hide their emotions entirely. Improving their emotional expressiveness is a key area for growth.
4th Placement (E4): Minimally expressive, often appearing detached or indifferent. They see emotional displays as unnecessary and prefer to keep their feelings hidden. Quick, minimal expressions are preferred, avoiding deep emotional involvement.
Determination (D)
1st Placement (D1): Exhibits unshakeable determination and willpower. This yandere is relentless and unwavering in their pursuit of goals, seeing no need to alter their approach. They possess a strong sense of purpose and are highly driven.
2nd Placement (D2): Confident and adaptable in their determination, they pursue goals with a balanced approach. They can persist through challenges while remaining flexible. Open to enhancing their resolve, they effectively combine willpower with adaptability.
3rd Placement (D3): Feels insecure about their determination, often fluctuating between intense bursts of willpower and periods of doubt. They may either push themselves excessively or give up easily. Developing a consistent and confident approach to their goals is essential.
4th Placement (D4): Exhibits low determination, often relying on external factors or others to drive their actions. They see strong willpower as unimportant, preferring to go with the flow or avoid direct confrontation. Quick, minimal efforts are favored over sustained determination.
Possible Types
CDEA, CDAE, CEAD, CEDA, CADE, CAED, ACDE, ACED, ADCE, ADEC, AECD, AEDC, EACD, EADC, ECAD, ECDA, EDAC, EDCA, DCEA, DCAE, DEAC, DECA, DACE, DAEC. (First letter is the first placement, second is the second placement, etc.)
That's all! Thank you for reading, and feel free to reblog with the type you think you are or maybe even type a character :D And feel free to send asks or comments if you have any questions.
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wdestroyer · 4 months
I’m going to scare the hell out of all the PDB people who believe that she’s an INFJ (for which we have to blame the interpretation of Betty from F&C, “shy cutie”), because she’s generally the opposite type.
Betty Grof is VFLE, Napoleon
Close kin - Stan Pines (who, by the way, also tried all his time to return his loved one with the help of logic, but Stanley is 3E, who strongly hides his inner world from others, where Betty can tell literally anyone her personal problems)
Most likely 8 sp with 7 wing, estp
1V: A woman with an irresistible will that nothing can stop. In returning, she relied on herself and strived to work alone. She doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion about her actions, and only her own decision is important to her. She is not predisposed to agreement and will pursue her goal to the end. She is very decisive and condemns whiners. Betty gets easily irritated if things don't go her way. She decides to save Simon, despite his wishes to leave him alone. Afraid of losing his own personality for the sake of some goal. Despite the fact that she devotes herself entirely to trying to save Simon, Betty remains independent. Does not have an “equal” picture of the world. She easily neglects those who fall into her plants.
Those who type her 4V are insane, just because she "was consumed by thought to save Simon". Hell, guys, 4Vs doesn’t have such willed strength that she had and they easily fall into everyone's desires. 4V's greatest weakness is that they are subordinate towards everyone. 4V are the most passive wills, no matter what. Betty was never that, she was opposite of this. And Simon never wanted to even be saved from the start what greatly contradicts extroverted will.
2F: Betty’s strong physics manifests itself everywhere. This naturally generous and confident function is the easiest for her to achieve. In the flashbacks at home, her role was given to food manager. For the joy of Simon/Ice King, she took him to the restaurant and then created the birds after that. She has incredible physical strength: she can easily throw heavy things, she could climb trees while also doing research there, and she can easily defeat someone in a fight. She mainly enjoys physical entertainment when interacting with people. Physical contact is important to her, because of which she easily lost her focus and ruined her own GOLB plan. In F&C flashbacks, she was shown to greatly enjoy outdoor expeditions. For her, surviving in Ooo is a piece of cake.
3L: Throughout the entire plan to rescue Simon, her main headache was precisely logic. She had constant problems with it, which did not allow her to make any progress. These dead ends constantly bothered her. She is deeply immersed in her own analysis and finding answers. Betty kept trying to figure out how to save Simon. In the past, she saw Simon as someone who was great at logic, so she decided to join his expedition what marks objection of her logic.
4E: Betty's most unremarkable function is emotion, which is not a priority for her. Not interested in typical patterns of emotions. There is only idle interest. Just because any psychosophy type has low emotion doesn't mean that they don't greatly value anyone. Emotion gives priority to care about their own expression of feelings for what Betty never cared about.
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spyridonya · 9 months
Top 5 denizens of the Hells (from any setting)
Okay, besides me fawning over Raphael on @archcambion, I felt I should talk about my top five favorite loves of the Hells.
Thank you so much, @dujour13, for letting me info dump!
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5. Glasya, the Archdevil of Malbolge (D&D)
The only child of Asmodeus, Glasya has always been in the side lines of D&D since it's inception, a bit of a minor player with she severing as a consort for an edition or two for Mammon. In late 2e and in 3.Xe, Glasya became such a political issue for Asmodeus, he bumped her to Archdevil to give her more work and to use in political maneuvering. Glasya still is the most chaotic of the Archdevils, focusing on her criminal empire within the Hells, and befriending her peer Fierna in a manner that suggest they were best friends.
4. Enecura, the Queen of Dis (PF)
The concept of Enecura bit me while learning more about the Archdevils in Pathfinder. This moral woman stole immorality from one of the most powerful gods in Pathfinder, got sent to hell, managed to thrive in this setting, and either fell in love or manipulated another demi-deity to fall in love with her. Not only does this woman have ovaries of steel, she and Dispater are a Hades and Persephone romance in disguise without any problematic tropes.
3. Dispater, Lord of Dis (PF)
I liked Dispater when I first read about him in D&D, but became less impressed with 5e lore of making him paranoid and yet easily manipulated. It wasn't so much the sexuality it suggested for Dispater as is making a feared Archdevil a little weak - though most Archdevils in D&D have more obvious flaws. When reading about PF, I liked this depiction of Dispater even more. I could see the bones of D&D's Dispater in the character, built into a logical way with unique details. A fast friend of Asmodeus, loyal and focused on law and order, he willingly fell with his wife to follow his leader. And during that fall, something happened to his wife. And no one knows what. Regardless, it brought out genuine puppy dog eyes from a design that is particularly kinky. His story with his son, the trouble second marriage, and the third marriage is also quite intresting. He might not have the 40 years of backstory as his counterpart, but what he has is amazing.
2. Mephistopheles, Lord of Cania (D&D and PF)
Mephistopheles is the one that got me really interested in DnD planar lore, leading me to Planescape Torment. When I was younger, my first DnD interest began with BG1 and it grew from there with BG2 and then Neverwinter Nights. Mephistopheles was an NPC Villain that caught my attention quicker than the game's intended villain and got me to reading more about him and his comrades. A Starcream with delusions of grandeur that he could almost back up, Mephistopheles was my favorite for a long time with a DnD campaign that brought his attention to me again. It was also around the time I was playing Pathfinder CRPGs, but I didn't get poking into that until he showed up, again, in WotR. Of course, Pathfinder Mephistopheles is very different from DnD Mephistopheles. The incarnation of Hell itself with a deeply loyalty to anyone that advances Hell cause, Mephistopheles beloved by Asmodeus, and Mephistopheles is very much his right hand person. He also has a gorgeous design that does take nods from his 3e depiction.
And oddly, a blend of both depictions with a unique twist of UST make Mephistopheles even more fun.
Asmodeus, Lord of Nessus, God of Indulgence (D&D)
Although I find myself favoring the Pathfinder takes of the Archdevils, this doesn't hold true to Asmodeus. Pathfinder Asmodeus is great, but the only advantage he might have over his D&D counterpart was always being a god, and yet he lacks the same prestige as D&D Asmodeus for that role. D&D Asmodeus has been apart of the brand since it's inception as the ruler of Hell through all the five editions, with the 2nd edition only using bare descriptions to indicate who he was when you couldn't use devils or demons in D&D. He has several origin stories inspired from Christianity and Zoroastrianism and he's gone through several crises, always rising on the top. I think that's why I love him a bit more than his counterpart. Asmodeus has scraped and crawled from being a devil to becoming a greater Deity if only due to 4e deciding it was about fucking time he become one. He's earned this status, you've seen how he's earned it, and while how they cement his godhood in Forgotten Realms is super dumb, he should be a God - he who is more crafty and chaotic than anyone realizes.
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springuswindus · 3 months
Persuasion, or, another RPG rant
So! Social mechanics. One of the many, many common pieces of tabletop RPGs. Obviously this exists for the two reasons of players not having the same abilities as their characters and to simulate stuff that isn't really possible to make a matter of plain roleplaying.
The thing is, persuasion in TTRPGs most of the time involves a single group of outcomes: Making other characters do what you want. Because things are simplified, if it were as easy as just "Roll die or dice, get whatever result you want" it would feel a whole lot less like persuasion and a whole lot more like mind control. Heck, the debate of "Is this functionally persuasion or mind control" is absolutely a thing in some circles. Looking at you, Storyteller Revised games (Not WoD revised edition, Scion 1e/Exalted 2e. Yes, it's confusing.)
One of the ways I've seen games navigate around this is by making it limited what a single persuasion roll can actually do per se. This is where you've got your D&Ds, your Chronicles of Darkness 2es, and your Exalted 3es. (Incidentally, Exalted 3e's social system is one of my favorite social systems in existence. The system has its flaws but the social-fu is great.)
Even with the "You can't make other characters do anything too crazy" rule, you also get into other cases where that rule does exist, but people ignore it. Some of that, I'm guessing, is cases where people minmax the crap out of social systems and expect it to scale; and on paper this makes sense. If Gorgrath the Mountain Crusher rolls 30 over the DC of a task to hurl a boulder, that thing should be a twinkle in the distance right? So logically the same should hold true for social systems. If you knock the ball out of the park, you should be able to convince other characters of wilder and wilder things.
...Except that doesn't translate from the angle of "What does this part of the game do exactly?". A boulder being thrown might affect one part of the plot or another, but how far it goes is often fairly incidental compared to what you can actually convince a character especially a major character to do to say nothing of horror stories resulting from persuasion being used on other player characters.
In the end, "Boulder go far" doesn't have the same potential to make things go sideways as much as "This character hangs on my every word". So a system that expressly forbids the kind of gonzo scaling that might be expected from smashing the difficulty check in a D20 system into next Tuesday, like Exalted 3e, Exalted 2e on paper, or Chronicles of Darkness is pretty necessary.
So as implied, "Persuasion is like mind control" situations mostly come up when those implied or explicit rules are allowed to be broken. Changing the rules on the fly is obviously possible, but the responsibility for that in my opinion falls mostly on whoever's running the game whatever two or three letter acronym you're using. If someone allows that to happen at their table, on their chatgame, Discord RP server, or whatever venue that is in my opinion a game runner problem... Or someone acting out in a way that's gonna get retconned fast.
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luna-loner · 1 year
Take that as me considering you the Kanzaki connaisseur, but I was genuinely curious about your point of view on a trivia:
Yoshida Taisei crush on Kanzaki Yukiko. It's only ever mentionned in the character profiles, and they don't interact in canon.
The logic goes that he sees her - and his expression softens up - when he turns his head to his left, since their seating is next to each other. (and Hazama has the time of her life observing the shenanigans from her seat behind Kanzaki 😂)
I don't ship them in the slightest, but I think that we can look at it as yet another point on how Kanzaki is percieved by her classmates;
Yoshida is her polar opposite, and I personally imagined the crush to be very surface-level, attached moreso to her exterior and assumed identity of "sweet, demure girl with good grades" (very realistic middle school crush, in a way 😂).
But still, I was wondering what your thoughts on it, your input, are. Their constrast is interesting, to say the least, and I guess we can either ignore it/find a way to go around it, or use it to see what it tells us about these two.
Do you have any headcanons or anything about Yukiko's point of view, etc etc.?
Thanks in advance, have a good day! :)
What if I told you I briefly shipped them at one point? The Tough motorcycle guy x Madonna gamer girl dynamic is pretty fun to think about. Give me a proper lady on her boyfriend's bike and I'll kiss your generous hands. (Meanwhile, Papa Kanzaki looks like he's about to have a panic attack XD)
I've never invested in Yoshida, so this ship didn't sail for me. The ideas above were me seeing him as a trope rather than a character. And GakuYuki's already living rent-free in my mind
That said, from what I've read about him, I interpreted his character as a secret softie with a tough exterior. A nice guy who likes other nice people; it'd make sense why he'd like Yukiko.
I think Yukiko has noticed him looking at her, and it has made her uncomfortable given her horrible luck with men. It doesn't help that the Terasaka gang weren't the most cooperative and agreeable bunch early on in the series.
But as the year goes on and the gang gets along with the rest of 3E, she starts to see them in a more positive light. As for bike boy, he challenges her to racing games as a way to get close to her. (Also because he was surprised she turned out to be a master gamer and thought it was cool) Yoshida would always drop some vehicle facts. Sure, it's mostly bike-related but he knows some stuff about cars, trains, and even planes. Yukiko may not be interested in these things, but she respects him for cultivating such vast knowledge on something he's passionate about. My girl can relate since she prolly knows so much about her hobbies and passions (flowers, Japanese, games, elderly care, etc...).
And ofc, we can't NOT bring up Hara. I like to think Yukiko visits her often to learn recipes for the elderly, and Yoshida tags along (when he's not hanging out with the gang). This gives them more opportunities to interact, and Hara probably has some funny stories from Yoshida's childhood. I can also see the three eventually forming study groups even during high school, and Yukiko helping Yoshida with Japanese (and maybe other subjects) either through texts or in-person. Another thing, they'd definitely partner up to plan Hara's birthday surprises and figure out which gifts to buy.
Hazama would not be Hazama if she doesn't tease the living daylights out of Yoshida. Picture the two sitting together when Hazama casually says Yukiko's behind him (she's not) and Yoshida just jumps. She wouldn't overdo it, or tell the rest of the gang about it (though I don't doubt some of them have noticed, like Itona for example). She'd also try to talk to Yukiko and tactfully bring Yoshida up just to know how the other girl feels about him, or if she's aware of Yoshida's crush on her, which brings me to the next point: All of this fanon interaction can lead to one of two things:
Yoshida starts to see her in a platonic light and they become good friends.
Yoshida's romantic feelings for her grow stronger now that he's gotten to know her a bit more. As for Yukiko, she may or may not like him back.
(Or he starts to see her as friend while she starts to catch feelings for him, which is both hilarious and sad imo...also, why must I torment my girl??)
One more thing, you pointed out how similar they are. I'd like to add that their reason for falling into E Class is virtually the same. She spent too much time at the arcade, while he spent too much time at the racetrack. Whether their relationship takes a romantic or platonic route, I'd like to see them discuss this eventually and bond over it.
And that's all I've got. Sorry it took so long; I was busy irl and didn't know how to properly articulate all my thoughts. I tend to be a perfectionist when it's something related to my best girl, but this was really fun to think about. Hope you liked it!
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makeshiftcoop · 10 months
Misfits - Core Tapes (or my first attempt at game blogging)
Disclaimer: I will update this text with some frequency, and it will be fixed here. I know it's a mess right now, sorry!
So, for a while, im kind of making a game.
Something that can mix my obsession growing up with comics and the newfound success of media that deals with powers and mutations and subverts the "Marvel Style".
So, Misfits is my Post-OSR-Resistance attempt to that. Inspired by stuff that i like from the OSR and Post-OSR corners of the ttrpg designsphere (like Bastionland, Mothership, Songbird 3e, Eco Mofos and Lost Bay), by things from Rowan, Rook and Decard and they Resistance games, and by a myriad of other influences on rules lite games like 24XX, Offworlders, Lumen and etc etc etc
I expect to post more about it here soon but, for now, those are the bones of Misfit. I have to shout it to the void before making other stuff. Hope someone enjoys it's initial vibe:
1. MISFITS MUGSHOTS (Character sheet):
Stats (1 point each and assign 5. No Stat can get to 6):
- Body (Physical experiences, agility, strength, throwing punches, jumping between buildings) 
- Vibe (Social experiences, charisma, etiquette, flirting, bluffing) 
- Weird (Unreal experiences, spirit, soul, sixth sense, your PWRZ, searching metaphysical insight, harming extracorporeal entities)
- Brains (Intellectual experiences, logical thinking, riddle solving, not falling for bullshit)
Moodboard: Pick a few and expand on it's vibe (coming soon, but it's basically a style section. it's important to look cool and pretty) 
Stuff: Important stuff to use or carry around. Things that cause harm have a stress die attached. Other stuff can be used contextually to gain an extra die, success on a action, clear stress, etc.
PWRZ: Cool powers. They usually have a stress (damage) tier, a flavor description and a mechanical effect. (Pick a passive PWR and one for each weird point) 
- Passive
- D4 
- D6
- D8
- D12 
- D20 
Quirk (Some different mechanics of the Mugshot):
- When attempting an action with uncertain outcomes or where complications could be interesting, roll d6s with the most approriate stat (I think as ways of doing or feeling things).
- Always roll at least one dice. If in advantage or disadvantage add or subtract dice as seem fitting. If disadvantaged below zero, start to roll and pick the worst.
- Stats are meant to be flexible and open to creative problem solving.
- Misfits can throw a knife with their Body, their Brains or even with their Weird after using the knife for years, getting attached and naming it Poco.
- Stuff and people can have complex relations with Stats (seeing status as ways of feeling) that may allow creative interpretations.
- Nothing just fails. Something always happen in the world.
- If an action is too complex to be solved with a single roll or take space and time to develop it's a PLAN. A complexity will be defined in a CLOCK format between 4 and 12 segments, where the Misfit will be able to act to advance those segments until completion. Failing in actions related to the PLAN can start an opposite clock with consequences, expand it's segments or even collapse the entire PLAN with approriate (and possible disastrous) consequences (I see PLANS as a way of extending actions into sequences, helping to streamline the play and also raising the stakes. It's a way I enjoy to play especially solo)
1-3: A failure. But more than that, an outcome that didn't met the expectations. Some complications arrived, the competition was fiercer than it looked like, the stakes are now higher, the context changed. Stress can be suffered. 
4-5: A success with complications. A twist, new element or context can enter the situation as well.
6: Success. Clean success, the narrative moves forward as intended 
More than one 6: Critical success. More stress dealt, more favorable circumstances, sunshine and rainbows.
A track that goes to 10 that stores all the Misfit's misfortunes. Everytime you receive stress from any source unless your PWRZ (be it physical harm, a very embarassing interaction or mental overload from a paracausal entity) fill the track and roll a D10. If the result goes under the current stress value, the Misfit suffer a Strike. A concrete manifestation of consequences related to one of the stats. 4 Strikes and you are OUT. If the stress comes from your PWRZ you just fill the track withou rolling for strikes. Your PWRZ themselves can't take you out but they will make you frail.
- The combat is dynamic, focused on player facing rolls. 
- The Misfits always go first, unless taken unprepared. 
- Enemies attacks come with results of Failures or Success with complications. 
- The turn goes on in Vibe order. Any action can be attempted. Failing actions in combat usually leaves the Freak exposed to being hurt. 
- Foes have particular behaviors as described on UNEASY THINGS (future zine with threats). When the resistence of a foe hits 0 it's dead. Most will not fight until that point. But some will.
6. THE EVERYDAY AND THE SANDBOX (It's in a new post!):
- What you do?
- Conspiracies and Happenings (to gain Fame)
- Spend FAME to create PLANS and make your Happenings, Factions and know more Faces
- PLANS: Complex actions that require time and multiple efforts (Flirting, Making Friends, Organizing a Party, Creating a Bowling Club, Investigating a Murder, etc)
- MESSY SCENES!: Complex moments with big stakes that deserve narrative spotlight. Like: A Chase, Fighting Big Things, Fucking, Karaoking, Dueling,
- The game can be played with as many complexities as wanted. Some PLANS and MESSY SCENES can be easily diluted to one rolling, simple combat or just roleplaying without dice. But i think those are nice procedures to Solo play and also for some types of Group Play, easing players into narrative control within their MESSY SCENES and framing clearly objectives with the PLANS
7. FAME (you guessed right, coming soon): 
- Solving Conspiracies and helping FACES out in Happenings grants FAME. 
- FAMOUS Misfits can really alter the Everyday, starting factions, throwing up legendary ragers, becoming marketable capers or even starting an revolution. 
- Misfits always have enough to get by. Some start with a little more, as can be seen by their Mugshot or Moodboard.
- Credit is abstracted in 6 tiers that follow the PWRZ tiers and can be used to buy stuff, define "loot" and payments.
-Acquiring things that are into your credit tier is mundane and simple. Everything above your credit tier requires either some valuable stuff or you will be In Debt
- While In Debt you can't buy nothing above the misfit tier, and have to get some loot to sell, win some reward for a happening, or go to The Board and find some Job
-To change your Credit tier you don'thave to hoard riches, but get known. The only way to upgrade your credit tier is investing Fame.
TIERS: 1. Misfit/simple (resources with no die value. worthless in trading/selling) 2. Working class (D4) 3. Degree haver (D6) 4. Up and coming (D8) 5. Money mover (D12) 6. Filth rich (D20)
9. WRONGDOING - Every Misfit has already beem accused of some kind of wrongdoing. It can be true or it can be made up. Fact is, a Misfit can't really stay put and live a normal life cause they already have been stripped of the normality.
10. PATH - Also a future exploration here, but the idea is having another layer of personality and a goal beyond "live life, make friends, fight the system" for Misfits. My idea here is to eventually get to something like Beats from The Heart, turning Paths as ways of getting more powerful:
An exploratory list of Paths: - Hedonist - Communitary - Explorer - Revolutionary
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darklordazalin · 2 years
Azalin Reviews: Tristen ApBlanc of Forlorn
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Darklord: Tristen ApBlanc Domain: Forlorn Domain Formation: 547 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀 ⚫ ⚫ (3/5 Skulls) Sources: Domains of Dread (2e), Castles Forlorn (2e), Domains and Denizens (2e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 1 (3e), I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin (Novel)
Forlorn formed while I was a reluctant ‘guest’ at Castle Ravenloft. Neither Strahd nor I found anything of significance within. It was hardly worth the effort it took me to explore it. The name of ApBlanc’s Domain is quite fitting. It is an insignificant, pitiful land infested with goblyns and wolves with a smalls scattering of mud huddles that encompass what the peasants of this land refer to as ‘civilization’. ApBlanc dwells in Castle Tristenoira, which looms of the Lake of Red Tears. As overgrown child clinging to his morose demeanor, ‘Forlorn’ suits Tristen well.  
It took nearly three and a half centuries for our tormentors to deem Tristen deserving of his own velvet cage. The reasons for their capture of us is nonsensical at a surface level, but an obsessive nature is at it’s core. To understand Tristen’s descent into Darklordom, one must delve into his past, starting as most stories do with his parents.
Tristen’s parents, Flora ApBlanc and Rivalin ApTosh, were the Baroness and Baron of a small fiefdom in Forfar - a land located in the Prime Material Plane governed and served by a Druidic Order. Their marriage was formed of love, a rarity amongst the nobility. Rivalin left to defend their land against invaders and towards the end of the campaign, Flora was informed her husband was slain in battle. Pregnant with his child, Flora took some solace in the belief that he would live on through their child.
Flora grieved for her spouse and when she heard a tale that he was spotted roaming the lands, she searched for him. Rivalin did die on the battle field, though not from a blade or arrow, but from a vampire who scavenged the fallen and drank the last drop of Rivalin’s blood. The former Baron rose two days later as a vampire and with his love for Flora still in his heart, he made his way back home to her. This, of course, is the romantic telling of this tale. The truth is centuries old, but vampires are, like many of the undead, creatures of habit. Was it truly love that guided him or merely a sense of familiarity?
Regardless, Rivalin told Flora of what he had become and she did not turn him away. He resisted the call to the blood for as long as he could until he began to sup upon his wife as she slept. Those small sips were not enough and in time he hunted the people of Forfar. A newly turned vampire is easy to track for even the most novice of hunters and Rivalin soon met his end at the hands of an angry mob. Upon witnessing her husband’s true death, Flora dramatically laid upon his body and cried out in grief. The people, seeing her pregnant state, were convinced her baby was tainted by the vampire’s curse.
Soon after Tristen was born the people of Forfar tore down Lady ApBlanc’s door. Mobs of individuals are never particularly logical and Flora escaped with Tristen through an unguarded exit while they focused on her front door. She ran to the Druid’s sacred grove and thrust Tristen into the arms of Rual, a Druid who was meditating there and pleaded with her to keep him safe.
Rual ushered the babe into the forest as the villagers descended upon Flora. She pleaded with them and explained how Tristen was a ‘normal’ baby. His flesh was warm, not cold and he had no fangs and his heart beat steadily in his chest. However, mobs rarely listen to reason and in response to her pleas, the villagers strung Flora up and hung her from a tree.
The Druids, wishing to bring balance to such an evil act that occurred in their sacred grove, bid Rual to raise Tristen as one of their own and Flora was buried beneath the tree she died on. Rual raised Tristen as a nobleman. In her mind he would eventually return to his lands and reclaim the ApBlanc fiefdom. However, her idealistic future for the boy was always shadowed by a lingering doubt of what he could become.
When Tristen turned 15 he began to crave blood. Conducting his own research, Tristen discovered he must be a vamprye, for he craved blood like a vampire but was, by all accounts, a living being. In time he gave into his cravings and fed on the beasts of the forest and one day Rual caught him in the act.
Believing he would face the same fate as his parents, Tristen attacked his adoptive mother while she was meditating alone over a sacred antler beneath the tree where his mother’s remains were laid. Rual reacted to the attack by stabbing him in the chest with the antler. In turn, Tristen overpowered her and drained her dry. The first human blood he had ever tasted, he did not realize something was wrong until it was too late. Rual had purified herself with holy water for her ritualistic meditation.
Believing he was dying, Tristen increased his fury against Rual and though the holy water in his system would have cured him of his vampryic nature, Rual cursed him as she died. “I beseech the gods to make you an eternal prisoner of this place, which you have stained with evil!” She shouted with her last breaths, “Let murder burn your veins with every setting of the sun and may peace never come to you!”
That evening, Tristen rose as a ghost tied to the scared grove. Upon the next day, he was a mortal vampyre once again, but still unable to leave the grove. Every evening he dies, his blood burns with a painful fire and he becomes a ghost only to return to his vampyric state the next day. He attempted to escape the confines of the grove by burning down all the trees that encompassed it, but as the last tree fell, he found himself unable to leave the area. So, he lived in what once was the Druid’s sacred grove for centuries, calling upon the wolves of the forest to bring him victims and treasures.
In time he amassed enough wealth to build an estate over the grove. There he married Isolt and with her had three children. The two sons died, mistakenly, by Tristen’s own hands. His daughter, Brangain, was imprisoned below the castle until she renounced her mother’s faith. According to Tristen, Isolt committed suicide by jumping off a high tower, but the puncture wounds all over her body indicate a more obvious reason for her demise.
The castle soon fell as servants died along with their masters. The people of Forfar shunned the place and Tristen did nothing but brood in his home for five decades until he decided to expand again. Claiming to be his own relative, a common vampire tactic, Tristen built up his estate into a castle. Tristen then claimed the land of Forfar as being rightfully the ApBlanc’s to rule and declared war upon the currently ruling family, the ApFittle’s.
A long, bloody war ensued, in which Tristen sought the death of every single ApFittle and their supporters. When Tristen executed the last of his rivals, a paladin  named Andrew ApFittles, Tristen declared himself as the ‘absolute lord of his domain’. Perhaps appreciating irony, the Dark Powers answered him by drawing Tristen into Ravenloft and the Domain of Forlorn. His people became twisted goblyns though the Druids remained as they once were and tirelessly work against the ghost/vampyre.
Tristen is still cursed to dwell in the grove he died in and to die a painful death every night and every day he becomes a vampyre once again. After seven decades, Tristen enforced his will and control over the goblyns of his land and they now obey only him. He is quite formidable, having many of the strengths of a vampire but not all of their weaknesses and as a ghost is is nearly untouchable. He may be tied to Castle Tristenoira, but his influence extends throughout the Domain.
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old-antecedent · 1 year
Mysteries of the Dwemer pt. 4 (Final): A Collection of Null Pointers
The result of the Dwemer's grand ambition is well-known. Absence in all senses of the word. Several nations' worth of empty cities, perpetually active in expectation of residents who will never again see them. All as efficient and well-oiled as they were eras ago, despite the lack of any maintenance. Every single inch of emptiness hinging on one moment of total uncertainty. Mortals know the disappearance of the Dwemer as one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of all time.
You have likely come across several possible explanations. The Dwemer achieved their dreams of becoming a giant automaton's skin. A Dragon Break somehow vanished them all. Every Dwemer zero-summed at once. Like Alduin, they were thrown into the future. They have found a realm of their own in some obscure pocket of reality where no one has thought to check.
These are all common answers to the question of the Dwemer vanishing. I have cataloged them countless times over the aeons, sometimes pure and sometimes mixed among themselves. This along with hundreds of other versions of that fateful day's events and aftermaths. I will not tell you which is true.
Instead, I offer you the prize you do not know you seek: uncertainty. If the mystery were resolved, of what interest would the Dwemer be? A sure end to their tale would close the book forever. It has remained open for more than three thousand years, and the endless speculation is far more interesting to you than a definite answer could ever be.
I do, however, realize that closing with this would be unsatisfying. It would drive many scholars to contact me again despite all I have shared here. So I will leave you with an interesting theory. It was offered to me by a Nord named Jens Vebjørn Hülpft, who summoned me on the 5th of First Seed in 3E 431 only to tell me what he had "discovered" about the dwemer. He sought no boon for his information. What follows is an exact transcription of his words on this subject.
"The Dwemer are, well, no, they were, but they weren't. They are a kind of ex post facto rewrite of the Dunmer née Chimer who were culpable for the activation of Numidium. History was, not rewritten, but recontextualized with this new dwarven race in mind. See, the switching-on of Numidium created a dragon-break, the Red Moment, just like the Warp in the West and at Rimmen. So there's a pressure on the gods to resolve it and return to linear time. But they can't resolve it when Numidium is on. The Dragon Breaks involving Numidium always include either it turning off or being destroyed, so it's probably the cause of them. I'm getting off track. There's a House Dwemer in the scant ancient writings we have about the time before the First Council and its War. That and the continued mention of a tribe unmourned, an unmourned house, and an oath-breaking house (which I believe are all separate entities) in all the Nerevarine prophecies leads me to believe that the dwarves were in the process of splitting off from the Chimer, just as the Chimer had done by following Veloth away from Aldmeri heritage. They weren't fully split away yet, but they were almost there. We can know this because of both their close dealings with the other dark elf great houses through the histories, and Yagrum Bagarn. I met him when I tried my hand at raiding the Corprusarium before Dagoth Ur became too much of an issue. His skin is discolored and covered in abscesses, but it is undeniably not gray. Compare that to the coloration shown by the ghosts in dwarven ruins — just as ashen as a dark elf! Bagarn was the only dwarf to escape their fate, so he was the only one not cursed by Azura as well, because they were Chimer. The curse, of course, happening before the dragon break ended. Numidium being the dwarf Tower is the lynchpin of this whole thing. The way to resolve the dragon break was to tie all the chimer/dunmer who had been moving towards reason and logic, away from Chimer beliefs to Numidium as a Tower, and then get rid of all the new kind of elf you just made so they can't keep Numidium turned on. But in this, Numidium being a Tower defining the new dwarves means they have to be in the history of the world — the Towers are part of the structure of The Wheel, so you can't reframe what they mean unless you want to collapse everything, and there's usually no need for that. So the dwarves have to have existed for them to have made the Brass Tower, so they were always dwarves even though they only became dwarves the moment they were all removed from existence."
During the course of our conversation, Jens also mentioned a few interesting "theories" on prophecy, Sithis, and my sphere. Since then he has contacted me at least once every twenty years. He is currently a lich living in a crypt, pretending to be dead when people approach.
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snegirrou · 3 days
Something About Psyche-Yoga
Processional will (2v 3v): Always discuss your plans and intentions (for example, I want to go to the park tomorrow, feed the ducks, then go to the store for slippers, do you want to walk with me?).
Result will (1v4v): They believe that it is not necessary to discuss actions, you either need to do these actions (1v), or go with the flow (4 v).
Processional physics (2f 3f): I want to discuss the daily routine, nutrition, health.
Result physics (1f 4f): It makes no sense to discuss your habits. My habits are my habits, and no one has the right to change them (1 f). I don't have the energy to discuss my habits (4f)
Processional Emotion (2e3e): Discusses emotions. Either creates an atmosphere (2e), or just reflects on his emotions (3e)
Result emotion (1e4e): Does not discuss emotions. Either he just wants to gush with emotions without restrictions (1e), or he hides, does not talk about his emotions and gets infected from others (4e).
Processional logic (2L3L): We are ready to discuss someone's opinion. Either purely for future use (2L), or purely for yourself (3L).
Result logic (1L 4L): Nothing needs to be discussed, we have an authoritative opinion.
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instantebookmart · 1 year
Digital Systems Design Using VHDL 3rd Edition by Charles H. Roth, ISBN-13: 978-1305635142 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Publisher: Cengage Learning; 3rd edition (January 1, 2017) Language: English 592 pages ISBN-10: 1305635140 ISBN-13: 978-1305635142 Learn how to effectively use the industry-standard hardware description language, VHDL, as DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VHDL, 3E integrates VHDL into the digital design process. The book begins with a valuable review of basic logic design concepts before introducing the fundamentals of VHDL. The book concludes with detailed coverage of advanced VHDL topics. Charles H. Roth is Professor Emeritus in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, where he taught Digital Design for more than four decades. In addition to this successful book, Dr. Roth has co-authored DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VHDL and DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VERILOG. Lizy K. John is the B. N. Gafford Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. John has been teaching and conducting research in computer architecture and digital systems design for almost two decades. She has coauthored DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VHDL and DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VERILOG and has edited several successful books on computer performance evaluation and workload characterization. She is an IEEE Fellow. What makes us different? • Instant Download • Always Competitive Pricing • 100% Privacy • FREE Sample Available • 24-7 LIVE Customer Support
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newswvn · 2 years
[Review]Ansatsu Kyoushitsu – Lớp học ám sát hay không?
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu là một anime được chuyển thể từ bộ manga cùng tên của tác giả Matsui Yūsei, được đăng tải lần đầu tiên trên Tạp chí truyện tranh của Nhật Bản vào năm 2012. Ngay từ khi phát sóng mùa đầu tiên vào năm 2015, bộ anime này đã thu hút được sự quan tâm của nhiều khán giả. Vậy rốt cuộc Ansatsu Kyoushitsu có hay không? Hãy cùng News-w tìm hiểu xem sao nhé.
Tóm tắt nội dung của Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (Tên tiếng Việt: Lớp học ám sát) là một anime thuộc thể loại giả tưởng, huyền bí. Đây là thể loại anime thường thu hút được sự quan tâm của nhiều khán giả bởi tính phiêu lưu, huyền bí và siêu thực của phim sẽ kích thích trí tò mò một cách rất hiệu quả. Chính vì vậy khi có thông tin anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu chuẩn bị lên sóng th�� rất nhiều người xem đã rất háo hức.
Anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu có nội dung xoay quanh nhân vật Korosensei – một sinh vật kỳ lạ có hình dáng giống con Bạch Tuộc và sở hữu sức mạnh vô cùng khủng khiếp khi có thể phá hủy toàn bộ Trái đất một cách rất dễ dàng. Tuy nhiên vì quá dễ để làm việc đó nên Korosensei muốn tăng độ khó của game bằng cách sẽ huấn luyện cho người khác cách để ám sát mình??? Nghe có vẻ khùng nhỉ.
Để thực hiện mong muốn bị người khác ám sát, Korosensei đã đến trường Trung học Kunugigaoka  và trở thành giáo viên phụ trách lớp 3E – lớp học gồm những học sinh có học lực tệ nhất trường để giảng dạy về kỹ năng ám sát. Và nội dung chính của anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu cũng chủ yếu xoay quanh quá trình các học viên của lớp 3E nhận được sự huấn luyện của “giảng viên” Korosensei.
Trải qua bao nỗ lực, liệu Korosensei có thành công trong việc tạo ra một học viên có đủ khả năng giết chết được mình? Trong lớp học 3E thì nhân vật nào là người có cơ hội cao nhất để có thể hoàn thành được mục tiêu đó? Hãy cùng theo dõi anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu để có câu trả lời nhé.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu anime có hay không?
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu là một bộ anime khá hay ho và đáng xem.
Như đã nói ở trên, các bộ phim thuộc thể loại giả tưởng, siêu thực như Ansatsu Kyoushitsu thường thu hút được sự quan tâm của đông đảo người xem, quan trọng hơn cả là sau khi xem xong khán giả có ấn tượng gì sâu sắc hay không. Về điểm này thì anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu khá thành công khi được khán giả đánh giá khá cao, đặc biệt ở những chi tiết sau:
Ngay từ phần cốt truyện, Ansatsu Kyoushitsu anime đã tạo ra được cho khán giả một sự tò mò khá lớn vì một điều rất trái với logic thông thường: Một người lại muốn huấn luyện người khác để có thể giết chết mình? Chính thắc mắc này đã làm nhiều người nhất định phải xem anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu để xem chuyện quái quỷ sẽ đang diễn ra trong bộ phim này.
Đi vào những diễn biến của anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, khán giả lại một lần nữa được chứng kiến những bất ngờ. Một thầy giáo hết lòng chỉ bảo cho học trò cách giết mình, còn học trò thì luôn vui vẻ, thoải mái trong việc tìm cách đặt bẫy để giết chết thầy? Nghe tưởng chừng vô lý nhưng khi xem phim lại thấy vô cùng thuyết phục, thế mới tài.
Một điểm cộng nữa của anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu chính là ở phần hình ảnh và âm nhạc. Các hình ảnh được thể hiện trau chuốt, mãn nhãn, đặc biệt là những địa danh nổi tiếng và các khu di tích lịch sử của Nhật Bản được tái hiện trong Ansatsu Kyoushitsu anime đều rất công phu và chi tiết. Đây rõ ràng là một chi tiết làm nhiều khán giả có thiện cảm hơn với bộ phim này.
Cuối cùng, dù là một anime có nội dung tưởng chừng rất máu me (sát thủ, mưu sát,…) nhưng Ansatsu Kyoushitsu lại đem đến cho người xem cảm giác vui vẻ, thoải mái cùng những bài học nhân sinh khá sâu sắc. Hai điểm tưởng chừng trái ngược nhau nhưng lại được thể hiện rất trọn vẹn và gọn gàng trong cùng một anime rõ ràng là điều không hề đơn giản đúng không nào?
Nói tóm lại Ansatsu Kyoushitsu là một anime khá thú vị, rất phù hợp để các bạn có thể theo dõi để giải trí nhẹ nhàng và vui vẻ. Bên cạnh đó, cách suy nghĩ và hành động của các nhân vật trong anime Ansatsu Kyoushitsu cũng sẽ đem lại cho các bạn nhiều suy nghĩ để chiêm nghiệm thêm về ý nghĩa của cuộc đời nữa đấy.
Bài viết [Review]Ansatsu Kyoushitsu – Lớp học ám sát hay không? đã xuất hiện tại News-W
source https://news-w.com/ansatsu-kyoushitsu/
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bismuthwisdom · 2 years
More thoughts on Gakushuu and 3E (as if I don't have enough already)
I can't believe I missed to mention the realisation I had after I rewatched the series.
It came to me that 3E is almost "blissfully unaware" of Gakushuu's situation. And I am not blaming them. He behaved antagonistic towards them, was way too prideful to admit to anything. The only clue they would have had is when he wanted them to defeat his father. Even that isn't enough as they were to crush him anyway.
But us viewers know both sides. And this takes the story to a whole new tragic level.
On one hand you cheer for how successful 3E has become in their tests. I can still remember being so damn proud of when they placed first in certain subjects. Or when their restaurant was getting traction, everyone enjoying themselves. Just right to lift your spirits.
And then it's followed by depression. Unless you somehow utterly hate him, I don't think you can hide even a little bit of disgust for what Gakushuu had to witness. Students almost dying, his friends and 3A getting brainwashed, getting hit across the room. It somehow feels unfair that a mere 15 year old, hell anybody, has to be brought to their limits with such threats.
Although I am glad he somehow managed to find himself by the end of the series (one of my fave character developments may I add!), but the time between him pretty much "defeating" his father and the graduation feels wasted in regards to his development.
And this is why I absolutely love any fanfics showing him in 3E and improving himself. Even though it would take a long time for him to fully grasp his trauma and recover, I think just interacting with people "below" him would do him immense good. These people already struggled in life and know what it means to be truly "strong", something he needs to change in his own worldview after his father implanted that thought in him.
I feel like this is a very logical sequence of events that should have happened in canon. I do know that it would be fairly difficult considering how 3E's situation is classified and all, but even so, interaction outside of the class with these students would be beneficial too.
And why not throw all of 3A in it? They already accepted the fact that 3E might be the solution (or at least have an idea of what it could be) to their problem and even wanted to be transfered down. Pride issues aside, I would have loved them interacting in a somewhat constructive manner and improving themselves, showing at least a bit of humility.
It might not be instant, but it's a start.
It would have shown that you can change your view on people and that accepting help from others shouldn't be a shameful thing. I believe it would have made the final graduation scene even more impactful too.
Ok, this went onto a tangent and a half, but I wanted to get a point across.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Abyssal Maw
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Image © Wizards of the Coast, by Thomas Baxa.
[The abyssal maw is one of those monsters that was first created for the Chainmail Miniatures game in the 2e/3e transition period, and has managed to hang on since then. I have a fondness for this little creep because I have a mini of it, and it works splendidly as any manner of gross, strange monster.
The reason I’ve waited until now to convert it, as opposed to covering it in various D&D 3.x or 4.0 themed blocks, is that it finally has a special ability that’s actually fun at the table. The original could “rend fallen”, which did bonus damage to prone opponents. Since the abyssal maw had no way to trip enemies, this meant that the logical way to use it was to have it attack fallen characters, which would almost certainly take them from disabled to dead real fast. Not fun at the table. Whereas the “rampage” ability in 5e rewards them for moving away from fallen enemies, giving the rest of the party a chance to save an injured ally. Which is much better game design for keeping low level characters engaged but alive.
I also very much like the idea, introduced in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, that they actually serve as conduits to the Abyss. In that book, the “maw demons” open straight into Yeenoghu’s stomach, but I moved them away from being tied to a specific demon lord. After all, the Abyss is renowned for being grossly biological; what brings in all the raw materials? I was teaching matter cycles in freshman Bio before winter break, which may have influenced my thinking here.]
Abyssal Maw CR 1 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This squat creature has six limbs, all of which seem capable of serving equally well as arms or legs. It has mismatched eyes surrounding a gaping maw splitting its body in half, packed with a forest of teeth.
Abyssal maws are demon-like creatures that are perpetually, ravenously hungry. Their name truly describes them, as they are the maws of the Abyss itself—anything eaten by an Abyssal maw travels between planes and is deposited somewhere in the many profane corners of the Abyss. It is Abyssal maws that keep seas of blood and ichor, swamps of feces and meat, and deposits of fouler, less identifiable organic material pouring into the Abyss in such volume. An Abyssal maw will eat anything alive or dead, animal or plant, but their favorite food is anything still screaming and struggling when they get to it.
Abyssal maws are stupid creatures, and their tactics rarely advance beyond “attack the nearest, juiciest looking target”. Once they have felled an enemy, they get distracted and move onto the next one, although once the battle has calmed down they will return to and devour anyone or anything unconscious or dead on the battlefield. They do not coordinate attacks with each other, and may be baited into attacking each other by clever foes. An Abyssal maw instinctively will not attack a true demon or qlippoth (although they will scavenge from their corpses).
Most Abyssal maws roam the Abyss itself, eating weaker things that they come across, but some are found on other planes as conduits between worlds. Material Planes are their ultimate destination, and demons often transport or invite Abyssal maws across planar borders. On the Material Plane, if a powerful demon of greed or gluttony (such as a nabasu or nalfeshnee) dies, Abyssal maws disgorge themselves from its corpse and roam forth. Thus, even killing a demon might not fully stop its depredations, and Abyssal maws can be found wandering in almost any habitat. An Abyssal maw is unharmed if in an area that blocks planar travel (such as the area of a dimensional lock spell), but they grow increasingly frantic and uncomfortable, vomiting up almost all that they eat.
Abyssal maws can understand Abyssal and even attempt to speak it, but their mismatched teeth and lolling tongues render their speech unintelligible even to demons.
Abyssal Maw          CR 1 XP 400 CE Medium outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar) Init +3; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +4 Defense AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (-1 Dex, +4 natural) hp 13 (2d10+2) Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +2 Immune charm effects, fear, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee bite +4 (1d8+3) Special Attacks rampage Statistics Str 14, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 8 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 13 (15 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative Skills Climb +6, Perception +4, Stealth +4, Swim +6 Languages Abyssal (cannot speak) Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization solitary, pair, troop (3-8) or ravage (9-20) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Rampage (Ex) When an abyssal maw reduces a creature to 0 hit points or fewer with its bite attack, it may move up to half its speed and make another bite attack as an immediate action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
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attitudinalpsyche · 3 years
Introduction to APTI- Function Hierarchy
Attitudinal Psyche is a personality system that seeks to explain the fundamental attitudes of each of the types. Each of the 24 types has four distinct attitudes. It is similar to the system of myers briggs in that there is a hierarchy to each of these functions. Each function is notated by the number of its position in the hierarchy and the letter that stands for it- i.e. 1L, 2E, 3V, 4F. The first function is in the Confident position. The first function is your dominant function, your dominant subconscious attitude that governs your behavior and the way you see the world. The second function impacts your behavior quite a bit as well, but a function in the Flexible position is just that- flexible. It’s not as frequently utilized as the dominant function, but still greatly affects how you see the world. The attitude in the third position is the Insecure function. This is a function that you struggle to use, but are still conscious enough to feel insecure about using. You may subconsciously overdo it, or avoid it entirely. Finally, the fourth function is in the Unbothered position. This function is so weak that you don’t even notice it or pay attention to it. You’re simply unconcerned about it and it doesn’t really impact your day to day life.
The four functions that make up every APTI type are Logic, Volition, Physics and Emotion. These four functions also make up sixteen attitudes- 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F. The different combinations of these attidues make up 24 different types.
Those with a strong attitude of Logic are analytical and rational. They tend to be very academic and precise, enjoying discussions of the theoretical. They are very logical and value reason, especially those with Logic in the Confident position. They become frustrated with those who do not adhere to reason.
Those with a strong attitude of Volition have strong willpower and know what they want out of life. They are driven and determined to achieve their goals, and are very efficient. They are confident in their ability to make decisions and will not question themselves, especially if Volition is in the Confident position. They become frustrated with inefficiency and those who do not see the logic behind their decisions.
Those with Physics in the Confident or Flexible position are very focused on their own health and their physical environment. They put a lot of effort into their aesthetic and prefer to experience the raw experiences their environment has to offer. They are interested in material objects and put a lot of effort into having their environment aesthetically appealing.
Those with Emotion in the Confident or Flexible position are fixated on their feelings and the feelings of others. They are not ashamed of their emotions and won’t apologize for them. They accept others for who they are and don’t expect others to apologize for what they feel either. They have a strong sense of culture and empathy for other people. They enjoy being social and types with lower Logic can become annoyed at others trying to apply reason to human emotions.
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Okay I caved, I made it. Note: although highly based on actual canon, there are parts of this that are pure headcanon, and I will explain the reasoning behind that below the cut. I decided to make a pretty graphic, mostly so it’s easy for everyone to use! I didn’t add every episode ever, but I think the points I included here are a good enough base to figure out the rough timeline of anything you need to know. 
The Aguri Problem is one of the most ridiculous plotholes in the entire series, and one of the few that is the most annoying to just try and forget. You see, the Japanese academic year usually starts in April. Whilst it’s true that MAYBE Kunugigaoka could start earlier, it literally makes no sense, considering that they’re still in school the following year in March, and haven’t moved up a year. For ass class to completely make sense, their third year is literally over a year long, since Aguri has to have taught them for two weeks by the time she dies. 
So, although absolutely not canon, I’ve finally found a solution I’m okay with. So picture this: Kunugigaoka’s academic year usually ends around the first week of March, and the students get a couple of weeks break before moving up to the next year, or graduating. From my experience of university at the very least, it’s not uncommon for graduation ceremonies to happen a week or two after teaching ends. 
However, for E Class it’s a different story. Because of their failure, they don’t get to have a break, and instead start their lessons straight away. In this way, they immediately start their lessons with Aguri, and therefore we get “two weeks” time for Aguri to die on March 13th. That also gives Kayano a few days to test into the school (which wouldnt make sense to happen whilst an academic year is already in session), and for Korosensei to become their teacher no more than a week or so later. Ass class, the story, begins when they’ve already had Korosensei as a teacher for at least a little while, though clearly not too long as they haven’t even named him yet. 
If we take this version of events, then that means Karma has to have been suspended at almost the very last point of his second year, since he’s told he’ll be STARTING his third year in 3E. This is a little confusing, but if we go with the ‘no spring break for 3E theory’, his entrance into the series kind of makes sense. It could also be than the suspension gets pushed back until after the actual break. I did put his entrance in April, as I think it makes the most sense, but technically it could also be at the very end of March. His actual suspension could also be at the very beginning of March too. Episodes 1 and 2 are in April because I think other students need to be back at school for E Class to have a chance to experience actually being bullied. 
This kind of creates the problem of them still being in school in early March the following year, though, presumably with no E Class to follow. Again, I’m literally pulling at threads here to TRY and fix the logic in this show, but maybe Principal Asano just... dropped the E Program already after his whole backstory? I mean, he did literally try to destroy the building, so he might have just decided to end the system already. So E Class could potentially just... choose to still come to school, even after teaching’s over. That’s not UNHEARD of in Japan. But logically, they have a whole contract to fill with the government, so it makes sense for them on a special basis to stay at class to try and kill Korosensei until March 13th, even if this doesn’t make sense in another context. 
A lot of these things are assumptions, such as the dates of the midterms and stuff, though they don’t come without a lot of thought and context. Of course, ones with actual certain dates are pretty much canon. 
How did I get those specific dates? Well, aside from definite points (such as Irina’s birthday), we can look at ‘Bye Bye Yesterday’, which literally ends with a countdown for every episode it’s in. Simply count back, presuming Ass Class doesn’t take place on a leap year, and we can find exact dates. They do also check out with the other finite point we have, which is Valentines Day, so I’m happy to go with this method of calculating. Though, some of the later episodes do take place over several days, so just use common sense. 
I think that’s everything I need to actually explain here, but I’m open to going into more detail if anyone has questions! Also, please, go ahead and use this as you like! 
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ajthembtinerd412 · 3 years
The Originals: Elijah Mikaelson: ISFJ 1w2
Myers Briggs: ISFJ
Si: Elijah internalizes traditional values, such as his family and his home. He is focused on past memories and helping Klaus become the person he once was. He pays close attention to detail and his internal senses, like his clothes. He remembers things from a thousand years ago in great detail.
Fe: Elijah is warm and empathic, especially to the ones he loves. He will do anything for the ones he cares about, and sees peace in New Orleans as the right way to protect his family. He creates group unity even when the factions of the supernatural community are at war with each other.
Ti: Elijah is analytical and notices logical inconsistencies in other people. He is very intelligent and perceptive about the world around him.
Ne: Elijah may be focused primarily on the past, but still looks to possibilities in the future and understands that the world is a dynamic, changing place. However, he refuses to believe that Klaus cannot go back to being the way he once was, except when they were estranged. This makes him extremely loyal to his brother and to his plan to help Klaus find his redemption.
Enneagram: 1w2
Elijah is very principled and perfectionistic. He seeks to improve the city of New Orleans so he can do right by his neice and help his brother redeem himself. Everything he does in New Orleans is to help Klaus become a better version of himself. He is very moral but also caring to his family and becomes upset when they do not reciprocate his affection. He denies his feelings for Hayley because he does not want to be what he sees as disloyal to Klaus, but he still takes care of her regardless. Elijah is willing to do anything for his family, even sacrifice himself, and feels his purpose is to serve his family.
OSPP Temperament: Phlegmatic Choleric
Elijah primarily wants to help people, specifically his family. He is caring and loving, wanting to do right by his family and especially Klaus. He is warm and accommodating and in season one seeks peace in New Orleans because it is right and will keep Hope safe when she is born. Elijah is kind but can be blunt and sarcastic when under stress. Elijah fights for what he believes in, which is defending his family and his home. He is efficient and does not tolerate others who oppose his plans to protect his family. He can be pushy about getting what he wants done, although not as pushy as Klaus, who is primarily Choleric.
Attitudinal Psyche: FVEL
1F Confident Physics: Elijah is very aware of his physical needs and wants. He is well dressed and likes to live in comfort. He likes to organize his environment in a pleasing way. He is a good fighter.
2V Flexible Volition: Elijah is a take charge person and when protecting his family will exploit others to achieve his goals, like when he kidnaps Elena in the Vampire Diaries in order to stop Esther’s spell. Elijah is not afraid to tell others what to do when in a leadership position, but is not as aggressive as Klaus, like when he strives to create peace in New Orleans in The Originals.
3E Insecure Emotion: Elijah is not as in touch with his own emotions and instead focuses on the emotions of his family and protecting them. He represses his feelings until they bubble to the surface, causing him to occasionally have outbursts.
4L Unbothered Logic: Elijah is not as focused on correct versus incorrect and takes his time formulating an opinion, and sometimes his feelings can cloud his judgement.
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