#3d glass picture cube
crystalsblogs · 2 years
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Buy 3D Crystal Photo Frame Online at best price. 3D Crystal Photo is a special gift for someone you love. 3D Cystals On Us provide the great selection of crystal gifts at the lowest price. Place order online here on website and contact us now!
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 3 months
oikawa tooru big fan of puzzles. thinking about how dedicated he is to his craft like he works so hard to be good at what he does he opens a puzzle and locks tf in. pieces scattered across the table his formula is corners first then all the edges he builds the frame then he starts at the bottom and works up. if any of the pieces come stuck together he breaks them apart immediately and mixes them in he does not take shortcuts he likes a challenge. they completely consume him like hyperfocus to the max once he starts he can’t stop glasses on hunched over the table puzzling away. he generally doesn’t keep them once he’s finished he lets it sit for a bit takes a picture for his records then disassembly begins with little to no fanfare he doesn’t really need people to know (unless it’s a BIG puzzle then it goes on his instagram story) it’s just something he does for him he can focus for a while it gives him a sense of accomplishment and he stretches really well afterward. his favorites are pictures of places like scenic shots of nature or cities and puzzles of famous artworks like monet or van gogh or hokusai but if a puzzle comes into his possession he’s doing it at some point no matter what the picture is.
hanamaki takahiro never finished puzzles. he likes them in theory and is super excited to start them but gets bored or distracted within an hour and walks away. he works on them intermittently for a week or so while they sit and collect dust and are inevitably put away before they get finished. his attention span just isn’t long enough anything more than 50 pieces isn’t getting done. the only ones he ever finishes are the 3d like moving puzzles with the ridged pieces the ones that hurt to look at they’re usually less pieces and he likes the texture and they’re stupid pictures he completes them and picks them up of the table then crumples them apart. he really likes the idea of puzzles just doesn’t usually like them in practice, they’re too time consuming need too much focus and he’s a busy man with too much other shit to get into.
matsukawa issei is not a fan of puzzles. like he’ll help put together a piece or two if someone else is working on one but will never go out of his way to assemble a puzzle like he doesn’t care they’re not his thing he’s bored already. however he is a big fan of brain teaser/fidget puzzles like wooden puzzle cubes and puzzle boxes and metal knot things. he knows how to solve a rubik’s cube can do it in under 2 minutes no biggie he doesn’t even own one himself he just goes “can i try” whenever he sees one and flies through it. he can even solve one with his eyes closed just looks at it for a minute shuts his eyes boom solved. all these give him something to do with his hands conventional puzzles are too much sitting still and looking he needs to fidget or straight up not move none of this half and half nonsense.
iwaizumi hajime completely impartial when it comes to puzzles. he’ll help oikawa on one if he’s asked to but never seeks puzzles out he gets the appeal they’re just not for him personally. he saw a comic book puzzle one time that was really cool but that’s the extent of his interest tbh. iwaizumi isn’t a huge fan of sit down activities that aren’t competitive (anti puzzle pro video game) but as nerdy as it sounds has always been a fan of reading . graphic novels real books even the newspaper something about it is engaging and relaxing enough at the same time for him to sit still for an extended period of time. middle aged married iwaoi on weekends tooru does a puzzle at the table while hajime sits on the couch and reads a book they’re both wearing glasses they take a break at 2pm to take a nap together and go on a walk then are back at it by 4.
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justahumblememefarmer · 9 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 2 - Matchup 21
Episode Summaries under the cut
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7: The Day of the Doctor - 50th Anniversary Special: The Doctor is brought by UNIT to a gallery with Kate Stewart, where he and Clara see a Gallifreyan 3D painting, which reminds him of the last day of the Time War. Back during the Time War, the War Doctor steals a weapon called The Moment, said to be so powerful it developed sentience. He plans to use it to end the Time War. The moment's consciousness appears in the form of Rose Tyler and offers to show the Doctor his future if he destroys Gallifrey, opening a portal.
The Eleventh Doctor is brought into the Under-Gallery where there is a letter from Queen Elizabeth I warning him of danger and a painting of him in his Tenth Incarnation, as well as other 3D paintings of landscapes with the glass holding the paintings broken and the figures that were in the landscapes having escaped from the paintings. In the past, The Tenth Doctor deals with a Zygon impersonating Elizabeth, unsure of which is the real one.
Portals open for both Doctors and the Eleventh Doctor jumps through, landing in front of the Tenth. The two Elizabeths run off in opposite directions, and then the War Doctor comes through the portal, surprising both the other Doctors. The queens soldiers surround them, with one of the Elizabeths ordering their capture, having killed the other one.
Imprisoned in the Tower of London, the Doctors sort through their feelings on the time war while they try to figure out a way to escape. The Eleventh Doctor starts carving time-space coordinates into the wall. While initially unable to use the sonic screwdriver to open the primitive wooden door, they realize that if they use the War Doctor's screwdriver to scan it and perform a calculation to disintegrate the door, by the time he is the Eleventh Doctor, the centuries it will take to make the calculations will have passed.
Back in the present, a UNIT agent realizes that the figures from the paintings are hiding in the gallery and are revealed to be Zygons, who copy her. Kate Stewart brings Clara to the Black Archive of dangerous alien tech held by UNIT, which has devices to wipe the memory of it's staff every single day to protect it. Kate shows Clara Captain Jack's old vortex manipulator and receives a picture of the coordinates the Doctor had carved into the wall. The Zygon replacements show up, and Kate is revealed to be one as well. Clara takes the vortex manipulator and goes back to save the Doctors. As they prepare to disintegrate the door, Clara opens it, revealing that it was unlocked.
Elizabeth arrives, to take them to the Zygons lair to show them their plan. She reveals that the Zygons lost their planet in the Time War and want to invade Earth, but arrived when it was too primitive. They plan to store themselves in the paintings using stasis cubes and emerge when the Earth is more advanced.
The Doctors return to the present where the human Kate and other UNIT agents have gone to the Black Archive to deal with the Zygons. Kate threatens to detonate an explosive device there to stop the Zygons, which would also destroy London. To negotiate peace the Doctors activate the memory wipe devices, making everybody unable to remember if they are human or Zygon so that they can work out a fair treaty without knowing which side they are on.
Having seen his future selves deal with these problems *because* they regret destroying Gallifrey, he asks the Moment to take him back to do it himself. The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors arrive in their TARDISes and say that he shouldn't have to make the horrible choice alone and that they will do it with him. Clara begs them to find another way and reminds him that he named himself the Doctor to save lives. The Eleventh Doctor has an idea and disables the moment.
The Doctors position their TARDISes around Gallifrey, and retroactively start calculating how to freeze it in time. Just like the Zygons with the painting, they freeze Gallifrey in a moment in time, making it appear to the universe that it was destroyed, while the vanishing planet causes the Daleks to destroy each other in the crossfire. Gallifrey is saved and the Tenth and War Doctors leave in their TARDISes, knowing that due to their timelines being tangled with their future self they won't be able to remember this encounter, and will still think they destroyed Gallifrey.
The Doctor looks at the painting of Gallifrey while Clara waits in the TARDIS, and the gallery curator, who looks like the Fourth Doctor, informs him that Gallifrey survived. The Doctor, excited, goes off to find Gallifrey.
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122: The Woman Who Lived - Season 9, Episode 6: The Doctor visits the immortal Ashildr, who now goes by Lady Me, having forgotten her original name over the centuries. She still has the limits of human memory, so she has a massive library of diaries. She begs the Doctor to take her with him, but he refuses. She does convince him to help her with a robbery she's staging, an alien jewel from a rich couple. Her and an alien accomplice of hers plan to use the jewel to open a portal so they can escape from Earth. Once obtained, the alien opens the portal to allow his species to invade the Earth. While initially dismissive of normal human life compared to her own, Me finds that she still cares when the aliens begin their attack and begs for the Doctors help. He closes the portal and Me decides to remain on Earth, to look after the people that the Doctor abandons.
(Beat #135: Cold War in Round 1)
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cassiopeacollective · 6 months
what’s your inner world like?
Hi! :D
Our inner world is a tad bit complex, I had to redraw it
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Because that was the not updated map (made around Christmas)
Here's the updated version!
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Most of the time, when two or more alters are "created" (we suppose that we split fragments who take a little while to find their own identity) they will "appear" in a new section of the innerworld, and Cassidy is notified (or something like that) that they exist and teleports/send some of us to explore and find the new ones, when they are discovered the new place they "appeared" in while move places and stick to the front box! All the areas have different shapes without tree!
The front box, aka the box
The front box is a white stained glass cube that you can phase through, unless you're frontstuck! It's divided in three sections
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We will either stand or sit in these places to front/co-front or to be co-conscious. Our gatekeeper (Oliver, a fictive of oliver arechtenshire smichalist cumbucket) always stay at the top left, outside of the box.
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Here's a 3D drawing (I suck at it I know)
The area around it without trees is a square!
The campfire
The campfire was the first extension of the Front box, where I found Cassidy and Mangle! It's a biggg circle without trees with a campfire (that's always lit) and a few places to sit, and it's mostly used to discuss and not be heard by the current fronter(s) (Most of the time the front box is sound proof, but sometimes it fails and it gets really chaotic). Cassidy is often there with circus baby! (I couldn't draw it well and I can't find any pictures that looks like it)
The jail
I won't go too much in details because it's... A jail and it has a reason to be there, but this jail was made by us, as a temporary prison for certain alters, but it's major flaw is that it's too near the front box so they can see what's going on in the outterworld and we can hear them in the front box.
The Bridge
One of the newest added place (it was a two in one)! The bridge is a rock bridge with mossy logs on top, and a beautiful pond underneath it (No shit sherlock- -🥀) with lilypads! There's frogs, fishes and sometimes birds that come around and live there, and at night there's fireflies! Since I incredibly suck at drawing I found a picture that really looks like it!
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We believe the place was inspired of a lullaby the body's mother sang to us when we were younger!
The area around it without trees is a circle
The bridge is also connected by a dirt path to
The cabin
The other newest added place! The cabin is a log cabin that looks very beautiful, but sometimes a bit creepy (at least in my opinion, fenrir finds it beautiful no matter what)
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It's the only known place with a bed! (that is reserved for the littles, otherwise we all sleep in one big pile like the croods) This is the place where we found Tulin, Sun, Gryf and Tommyinnit! (We all just call him tommy I don't know why he chose to write his name like that in sp-) Inside there's a wood stove in it, a wood chair and a wood table! The area around it without trees is a square!
The forest
Basically the rest of the innerworld is a pine forest, it's really beautiful!
The time
We believe the time in the innerworld is based on our social battery or on our energy! During the (innerworld) night, there's often aurora borealis!
So yeah! This is the innerworld! Thank you a lot for your question! :D -🐝 (Tubbo) & 🥀 (Sandy/Wilbur)
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alt-ctrl · 20 days
The Elegant Revolution in Education: Simplifying the Path to Knowledge
In the sprawling labyrinth of modern education, a quiet revolution is taking place. It's not about adding more corridors or piling on more bricks; instead, it's about finding the most elegant routes to enlightenment. Welcome to the world of simplified learning, where less truly is more, and the journey to knowledge is as smooth as a well-oiled slide.
Flipping the Script on Traditional Teaching
Imagine a world where classrooms are more like bustling workshops than lecture halls, and homework involves cozying up with a good video instead of a dusty textbook. Welcome to the topsy-turvy universe of flipped classrooms, where the conventional educational model has been turned on its head faster than a pancake at a breakfast buffet.
In this brave new world, students absorb the meat and potatoes of their lessons at home, freeing up valuable class time for the intellectual equivalent of dessert – engaging discussions, collaborative projects, and hands-on problem-solving. It's like swapping a monotonous monologue for an electrifying dialogue, where every student gets a speaking part.
Consider young Sarah, who used to dread her math classes. Now, she watches entertaining video lectures at home, pausing and rewinding as needed, without the fear of holding up her classmates. The next day, she bounces into class, ready to tackle problems with her peers and receive personalized guidance from her teacher. It's a mathematical metamorphosis that would make even Pythagoras proud.
Bite-Sized Learning: When Less is More
In a world where attention spans are shrinking faster than a wool sweater in hot water, microlearning emerges as the superhero of modern education. By breaking down complex topics into digestible nuggets, this approach transforms the learning experience from a marathon into a series of sprints.
Imagine trying to eat an entire watermelon in one sitting. Daunting, right? Now picture that watermelon neatly cubed into bite-sized pieces. Suddenly, it's not just manageable; it's downright refreshing. That's the magic of microlearning – it turns the intellectual equivalent of a watermelon into a fruit salad of knowledge.
Take Jake, a busy professional trying to learn French. Instead of drowning in textbooks, he uses a language app that serves up daily 10-minute lessons. One day it's "le" versus "la," the next it's ordering coffee like a true Parisian. Before he knows it, Jake is conjugating verbs faster than you can say "Oui, oui!"
Learning by Doing: The Project-Based Revolution
If traditional education is a spectator sport, then Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the educational equivalent of parkour. It's hands-on, it's dynamic, and it occasionally involves building things that might fall apart (but hey, that's part of the learning process).
PBL throws students into the deep end of real-world challenges, armed with nothing but their wits and a healthy dose of teamwork. It's like being on a reality show, except instead of being voted off the island, you're building one from scratch.
Picture a group of high school students tasked with designing a sustainable garden. Suddenly, biology isn't just about memorizing the parts of a cell; it's about understanding which plants will thrive in their local climate. Chemistry becomes the key to perfect soil composition, and environmental science transforms from a textbook subject to a living, growing reality. It's education in 3D, and the only special glasses you need are the ones that help you see the bigger picture.
Game On: Leveling Up the Learning Experience
Who says learning can't be fun? Gamification in education is proving that the path to knowledge can be paved with power-ups, boss battles, and the sweet sound of "achievement unlocked."
By injecting elements of game design into the learning process, educators are turning the classroom into an arena where every completed assignment is a quest, every test a boss battle, and every school year an epic campaign. It's like turning your brain into a console, except the only thing getting fried is ignorance.
Imagine a history class where students earn points for accurately reenacting historical events, or a coding course where each new skill unlocked opens up new levels of a virtual world. Suddenly, that dreaded algebra homework becomes a puzzle to solve, with each correct answer bringing you one step closer to defeating the final boss: the standardized test.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (and a Lot Less Confusion)
In the realm of simplified learning, visual aids are the unsung heroes, the Gandalf to our Frodo, guiding us through the complex landscapes of knowledge with the simplicity of a well-drawn map.
Gone are the days of mind-numbing walls of text. Enter the era of infographics that explain economic theories faster than you can say "supply and demand," and animated videos that make cellular mitosis look like a choreographed dance routine.
Consider the plight of poor Tom, struggling to understand the intricacies of the water cycle. A simplified diagram transforms his confusion into clarity, turning abstract concepts into a visual story. Evaporation becomes a great escape, condensation a cloud reunion, and precipitation a grand return. Suddenly, the water cycle isn't just a process; it's an epic tale of transformation and return, worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster.
In conclusion, the elegant revolution in education isn't about dumbing down; it's about smartening up our approach to learning. By flipping classrooms, embracing bite-sized lessons, diving into real-world projects, gamifying the experience, and visualizing complex ideas, we're not just simplifying education – we're supercharging it.
So the next time someone tells you that learning has to be a grueling uphill battle, remind them that sometimes, the most effective path to the summit is a well-designed escalator. Welcome to the future of education, where simplicity reigns supreme, and learning is an adventure we're all equipped to conquer.
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maria-mga2024mi4014 · 3 months
Making a boat TOT (11/07/2024)
Hi everyone! This is a post related to the work I did for last Thursday's class.
Honestly, I wasn't confident about working independently and learning much about 3D on Thursday because I missed a previous class. But I'm glad to say that my view on 3D has changed and I'm more curious to learn how to master it!
The morning session started off with Ravindu requesting us to create a 3D model of the following boat.
(To be honest, I didn't even know how to start. My only thoughts were "select cube, smash cube"...end of discussion. If Rose from the 'Titanic' was able to stay afloat on that door, then that was her boat. PERIOD.)
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Luckily, I got some help and tips from our lecturer (who probably showed me how to model the same boat bass 10 times before I decided to record a tutorial for myself) to model the boat step by step.
Thameena was the knight in shining armor who came to my rescue every time I needed some help with modeling the ship. (She seems to be quite a natural with learning 3D)
Here are some pictures of the Work in progress of modeling the boat bass!
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Image 1 - Since the symmetry of the boat wasn't right, I kept messing up the boat bass twice. I have to make another one TOT
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Images - Work in progress for the 3rd boat base! Following Ravindu's tutorial helped me a lot with nailing the boat bass design!
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Images - Completed boat base!!! :D
I have to complete the entire design of the boat! I have a couple of details to go to get the final boat design! I will add a screenshot (maybe another post) once it's complete!
For the boat window top, you basically have to select the top face, press R and drag the center box. It'll change the face size!
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The afternoon session was an interesting and challenging one! Ravindu requested us to create our own spaceship sketch and create a 3D model of it.
Since I had already done a concept artwork of a spaceship for my previous internship, I decided to give a go at 3D modeling it.
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Image - previous concept artwork of a spaceship
Work in progress for the spaceship!
My initial thought was to model the ship using a sphere. But it didn't work out so well and just had me staring at the computer monitor, rethinking my life choices...
So, I requested some advice and help from Ravindu to model the base of the ship.
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Image - Ship base!
After getting Ravindu's help to model the base of the ship, I had so confidence to play around with the shape of the ship.
Since the top part of the ship base was completely flat, I decided to play around with the faces and the edges to raise or lower certain parts of the control panel!
Afterwards, I added a spare for the bottom curve of the ship and flattened the top part of the sphere that was poking out from the top.
Next, I worked on the small buttons for the control panel by selecting spheres and cylinders. (I have some more to go)
Lastly, I selected a sphere and converted it into a glass and added it as a finishing touch. (For the moment)
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Images - The current look of the spaceship. I'm hoping to add more details soon!
Update: - Colored Spaceship
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That's all for this post! I'm hoping to create a separate post where I list down all the 3D terms and steps I learned on Thursday. I'm pretty sure they'll come in handy for the whole '3D learning journey'.
Thanks for reading :D~
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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 6 months
MP - 3D Assets (LO3) Part 1
After the interim-critique, I realized I had to learn 3d quick, thus I began to create models based on Opobo.
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I envisioned this asset in a better way. Thus, it's part of my development. It's the welcome stand visitors are greeted with after arriving into Opobo. It's difficult to model, so I spent my time elsewhere.
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To see if I can render humans, I attempted to model the statue of Kind Jaja of Opobo, that didn't work out to well as one can see. The fences would have also been difficult to recreate.
More successful Assets
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After recreating the wrapper changing room, I felt more confident in what I was modelling. Compared to the last models, I mostly used shapes (the roof for instance is an extruded triangle) to recreate the room.
I used the photos to get the several wrapper textures and imported them into spline. Now, the flowers is a more detailed asset so I created one flower and cloned it in rows.
I noticed that the tents and the wrapper changing room are different on the Egerebite and Bibite days. Thus, I created two changing rooms and thinking of making different tents to show the difference. In the above photos, it can be seen the difference.
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The house was really difficult to recreate so I used my creativity here for how all of it will come together, with this pictures as guides.
The pillars were modelled using the extrusion tool and moving the vertices of the model. For the windows, I created a glass layer to show reflections and used a plane shape as the frame. The house hasn't been completed painted, so it made it easy for me to model.
Finally, the structure is mostly blocks but I modelled a cube for main house due to the railings.
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The interior of the home isn't an exact replica. This is absolutely fine as my aim was to represent a house. I already modeled the sofas before I saw the picture of my mom on the armseat, thus I made the decision to keep it as it is (there's no time to be modelling more seats).
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For the palace, the picture wasn't good quality great and there are different variations. At times, the pillar is red in pictures and in others, it's gold. Also, the bell I modelled is actually a light in other pictures, but I'd already modelled a bell around the swords (which I do believe is befitting). Thus, I am subjected to pick one. This monumental and very important to the essence of Opobo.
The canon above shows that King Jaja is a warlord and fought in many battles, the manilla tree shows his authority and power.
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In conclusion, these are the assets I created during Easter.
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prestonplayzlum · 6 months
Will Minecraft update on April Fool's Day 2024?
Look, it's going to be April Fool's Day again. The fact that Minecraft's April Fool's Day jokes come true has every Minecraft player looking forward to what's going to happen on April Fool's Day, so let's talk about it:
Before the official start, let's talk about a very interesting little story about April Fool's Day, according to legend, France was the first day of the New Year on April 1 each year, and later in 1564 France started the general Gregorian calendar year, and January 1 of each year as the first day of the New Year. However, due to people's old habits or ignorance, many people still take April 1 as the New Year, so this day is called fool, fool's festival. Various April Fools' Day versions of Minecraft throughout its history.
In 2022, Mojang released a version of the April Fool's Day game called 22w13oneBlockAtATime, which changed many game mechanics, such as the player can directly synthesize items in 3*3 places instead of using the workbench synthesis logic, and can hide directly in wooden barrels without being detected by stealth. You can easily hold the creature on your head, of course, you can also hold the mine car, the end of the crystal, etc., the skeleton wears two telescopes, the block will be blown up, the player and various containers inventory will disappear, the villagers trading without GUI but directly to the money to show him a lot of interesting features. It can be said that 2022 is a rare "full of sincerity" April Fool's Day version in so many years.
In 2021, Mojang released a new game called Minecraft Plus! "April Fool's Day" screen saver, suitable for Windows XP system, including throwing blocks, flying coolie afraid of face, swimming light squid, spread grass blocks and other random screen. It was also a year when Mojang went deep into Microsoft.
In 2019, Mojang claimed to have found an unreleased dust-covered 3D Shareware v1.34 "April Fool's Day" version in a dark corner of the basement during the studio's relocation. This version contains elements of the Mosaic game from the 1990s, adding such fun things as forced Nightmare mode, red and blue keys, and more. But I was finally persuaded by this picture.
In 2015, the first snapshot of the year was an April Fool's Day version of the conventionally named 15w14a, titled "Love and Hugs." Added obsidian ships, pink Minecar, Love hole ships, love arrows that will make creatures reproduce, happy coolies, Pink Witherers, iron puppets of love, flying squid, most damage actions bring health recovery, etc. Maybe it's responding to the theme of love and embrace.
In 2013, the most classic version of April Fool's Day in the history of Java version 2.0, such as TNT half bricks, extinguished torches, stained glass, pink vipers, red stone worms, diamond chickens, exploding furnace, fat eating sheep flying away, talking cubes, and more.
The question is, what will be updated on April Fool's Day this year? Let's wait and see.
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alice-jx-auto-cnc · 10 months
2d 3d Inside Photo Picture Crystal Cube glass Subsurface Laser Engraving engraver Machine Manufacturer More details or free tutorials ,please contact on whatsapp :008618053182392/ [email protected], Our website : jxautocnc.com
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focuz3dimages · 1 year
Captivating Elegance: Unveiling the Beauty of 3D Laser Etched Glass Cubes
Imagine holding in your hands a timeless creation that captures memories in exquisite detail, bringing your cherished moments to life. Welcome to Focuz 3D Images, where innovation meets artistry, offering you a world of stunning 3D crystal cubes and paperweights. In this blog, we're embarking on a journey to explore the captivating world of 3D laser etched glass cubes – a perfect blend of technology and emotion. Whether it's for corporate branding, recognition awards, or preserving your most cherished memories, our impeccably crafted crystal cubes and paperweights are here to weave a touch of elegance into your life.
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The Artistry Behind 3D Laser Etched Glass Cubes
At Focuz 3D Images, we understand that each memory is a masterpiece in its own right. Our 3D laser-etched glass cubes are more than just objects; they are intricate works of art that encapsulate emotions, stories, and milestones. Using cutting-edge laser technology, we meticulously etch your chosen images or logos into a premium optical glass or clear glass, creating a breathtaking three-dimensional representation that transcends traditional photography.
Unveiling the Versatility: 3D Crystal Cubes and Paperweights
Our collection boasts an array of enchanting options that cater to various occasions and preferences. Whether you're seeking a tangible way to honor an achievement or simply looking to add a touch of sophistication to your workspace, our offerings cater to your desires:
Logo-Engraved Crystal Cubes: Elevate your brand with our logo-engraved crystal cubes, seamlessly blending artistic elegance with corporate identity.
Cherished Photo Crystal Paperweights: Turn your treasured moments into tangible keepsakes with our personalized crystal photo paperweights, designed to encapsulate your memories in stunning 3D.
Crystal Diamond Paperweights: Adorn your desk with our spectacular glass diamond paperweight, a fusion of elegance and functionality.
Crafting Memories: 3D Etched Jewel Cube and More
Within our curated selection, you'll find masterpieces that captivate the eye and heart:
3D Etched Jewel Cube: A mesmerizing kaleidoscope of facets and angles, this cube takes personalization to new dimensions, making it an ideal gift for any occasion.
Laser Engraved Crystal Rectangle Paperweight: The timeless charm of a rectangle meets the enchantment of 3D etching, creating a piece that resonates with sophistication.
Personal and Corporate Treasures
Focuz 3D Images bridges the gap between personal connections and professional partnerships. Our 3D crystal cubes and paperweights are more than gifts; they are tokens of appreciation, vessels of memory, and beacons of your identity. Whether you're celebrating a colleague's success, commemorating a milestone, or preserving a moment forever, our creations carry the weight of emotion and the sparkle of innovation.
Customization: Bringing Your Visions to Life
Our commitment to perfection extends to customization. We empower you to turn your creative visions into reality, offering the option to engrave company logos, family portraits, or any image that holds significance. Our 3D crystal picture cubes and custom engraved paperweights are testaments to your unique story, bound in crystal clarity.
A World of Timeless Elegance Awaits
As we conclude our journey through the realm of 3D laser etched glass cubes, we invite you to explore the exquisite offerings at Focuz 3D Images. Our crystal cubes and paperweights transcend mere objects; they're gateways to emotions, carriers of memories, and emblems of style. Whether you're seeking a personalized gift that tugs at the heartstrings or an elegant piece that defines your brand, our collection beckons you to immerse yourself in the artistry of 3D laser etching. Step into a world where innovation and emotion intertwine, and let your memories shine through crystal clarity.
Experience the Magic - Visit Focuz 3D Images Today!
Elevate your gifting and branding endeavors with our captivating 3D laser-etched glass cubes and paperweights. Explore our gallery of masterpieces that blend cutting-edge technology with timeless elegance. Crafted with care, etched with precision, and radiating sophistication, our crystal cubes and paperweights are more than objects – they are gateways to cherished memories and milestones. Connect with us today and step into a world where art, technology, and emotion converge.
Visit Focuz 3D Images and unveil the allure of 3D laser etched glass cubes - where memories take on a new dimension!
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maacwanowrie · 1 year
What really distinguishes 2D from 3D?
Design career in India is extremely popular these days and with the multiple options available in the market there is no need for an explanation behind the hype. Candidates with an artistic outlook and creative skills can definitely explore the field. A career in design from MAAC institute guarantees success and heights.
The first thing you need to understand is that 3D refers to three dimensions and 2D refers to two dimensions. Before you dismiss this as apparent, let me clarify that the terms "3D" and "2D" in relation to animation relate to the dimensions in which the animation was produced.
 Everything in a 2D animation takes place on a 2-dimensional surface. Pictures just provide one perspective and are flat and lack depth. Typically, objects and figures are drawn without the soft, nuanced shadows that we see in real life, and there aren't many different shades of colour. Everything takes place on a three-dimensional platform in 3D animation. Similar to real life, pictures contain depth, give a variety of viewpoints, and cast soft, delicate shadows on the things and individuals within.
 Characters in 2D appear unrealistic and cartoonish. Characters can appear both comical and realistic in 3D.
 Another way to think about this is in terms of a sculpture and a painting. A painting is 2D, whereas a sculpture is 3D. Because "depth perspective" is introduced in 3D, we now perceive a CUBE instead of just a rectangle in 2D. (3D). Consider it as the difference between being able to reach out and really pick up a glass of water as opposed to viewing it as a 2D image (3D).
 In 2D, movement or "drawing" is often done in the vertical and horizontal planes or on a flat surface (such as a sketchpad). In 3D, items are "modelled," or created using computer software and placed in a large virtual setting that includes lights, reflections, other objects, shadows, etc.
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amrselim · 2 years
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maacwan · 2 years
What really distinguishes 2D from 3D?
Design career in India is extremely popular these days and with the multiple options available in the market there is no need for an explanation behind the hype. Candidates with an artistic outlook and creative skills can definitely explore the field. A career in design from MAAC institute guarantees success and heights.
The first thing you need to understand is that 3D refers to three dimensions and 2D refers to two dimensions. Before you dismiss this as apparent, let me clarify that the terms "3D" and "2D" in relation to animation relate to the dimensions in which the animation was produced.
Everything in a 2D animation takes place on a 2-dimensional surface. Pictures just provide one perspective and are flat and lack depth. Typically, objects and figures are drawn without the soft, nuanced shadows that we see in real life, and there aren't many different shades of colour. Everything takes place on a three-dimensional platform in 3D animation. Similar to real life, pictures contain depth, give a variety of viewpoints, and cast soft, delicate shadows on the things and individuals within.
Characters in 2D appear unrealistic and cartoonish. Characters can appear both comical and realistic in 3D.
Another way to think about this is in terms of a sculpture and a painting. A painting is 2D, whereas a sculpture is 3D. Because "depth perspective" is introduced in 3D, we now perceive a CUBE instead of just a rectangle in 2D. (3D). Consider it as the difference between being able to reach out and really pick up a glass of water as opposed to viewing it as a 2D image (3D).
In 2D, movement or "drawing" is often done in the vertical and horizontal planes or on a flat surface (such as a sketchpad). In 3D, items are "modelled," or created using computer software and placed in a large virtual setting that includes lights, reflections, other objects, shadows, etc.
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3d-crystals-on-us · 3 years
Looking to get Mom something special this Mother’s Day?
Your mom’s love for you is immense, immeasurable, and unconditional. She doesn’t peg her love on your performance: good or bad. She has done the same since you were a wee child and to date even when you’re an adult. It is no wonder that it is difficult for you to quantify her selfless love. Surprise her on Mother’s Day with “the” perfect crystal memento to express your gratitude.
A celebration of memories
Mother’s Day draws near. It’s the perfect opportunity to show your mom your appreciation. You can’t remember your first step, your first word, your first fall and how you cried for hours, but she does. Long sleepless nights, she watched over you when you had your first fever. She never complained. Many times, she believed in you even when things looked bleak.
Every time she looks at you, she sees her “child.” It doesn’t matter if you are fifteen or fifty. She is Mother Nature’s priceless gift to you. Mother’s Day is the time to give her an everlasting token for her love. Why not embrace her in style? Celebrate her, show your mom that you delight in her.  How can you manage such a tall order?
Come, we at 3Dcrystals on us have what you need.
Why 3DCrystals on us?
We are about preserving your precious memories for every occasion. Thus, we know how to etch your message in your mom’s memory. You will find the perfect gift to convey what you may find difficult to express in words. 3D Crystals on us is about memorable 3D photo crystal mementoes. We help you keep your memories alive.
We use the latest 3D laser technology to capture memories forever. Using your selected photo, our skilled professionals use digital technology to produce an enhanced 3D image. Our artisans use laser beams to etch your image in clear crystal. We invest in the latest technology to produce high-quality authentic HD crystallized items. We engrave your memories in pure, clear and bubble-free crystals in near-life-like designs.
The 3D crystal heart says, “I love you, Mom.”
Go for the 3D crystal heart, and your mom will love it. Its shape and beauty bespeak a crystal-clear message. Please send us a good photograph of your mom or send us one of the both of you for added sentiment.
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Then, visit our website to pick out your preferred crystal size. You can opt for the light base or the wooden base dependent on the size of your selected crystal. The LED light base compliments the 3D crystal heart. You mom can place her 3D crystal heart on a mantelpiece and enjoy the effects of our HD quality optical glass. It lets the light tease and caress your crystallized item accentuating a mesmerizing effect.
Suppose you would like us to engrave your personalized message. We can do so at no extra charge. We want to help you say, “Mom, you’re special. Happy Mother’s Day”, in a memorable way. Let your heart-shaped memento remind her of your love every day.
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3dcrystalpictures · 3 years
Cool and Housewarming 3D Crystal Gifts for New Home Celebration
If I were to ever recommend a cool gift for housewarming, I would always side with 3D crystals from photos. These are available in different shapes and you can customise your favourite photo in the 3D crystal photos. I loved the crystal gift that I had bought for my friend so much that I got one for myself as well, this time in rectangle shape, and it is just as beautiful as the 3D crystal heart. Go for 3D crystal photos without hesitation, and you will not regret your decision.
So a few days back I was looking for a perfect gift for housewarming. My best friend just bought a new house and we wanted to celebrate it in a big way. I was looking for a gift that is cool enough to describe the crazy equation that we share, but is heartwarming at the same time, to warm up our hearts and her house.
After going through a variety of gifts on many online platforms as well as stores near me, I realised that nothing could convey these emotions in their entirety. I did not want to give her something just for the sake of gifting, I wanted to make it worthwhile. I looked for everything possible, starting from her favourite graphic tees to even the digital photo frames, but either the products were way too conventional, or way too average. A gift from her best friend must stand distinctly among hordes of other gifts at her place! I needed something more special than just that, and to my surprise, I came across crystal gifts at a store near me.
The crystal gifts in the store were pretty, but I found them to be rather dull. The glow that a crystal should have and the light that it should emanate seemed somewhat muted. But I had got my idea for the cool and housewarming gift that I must buy for my bestie, and set about exploring these 3D crystal photo concepts.
I looked for them at many nearby stores, but almost everywhere I found just about the same thing. Though i found the concept of 3D crystal photos appealing, a problem still remained- crystals were not prominent enough to stand out among the crowd and the photos placed inside were way too dull. Nothing in those gifts made them cool or eye-catching when placed in the middle of hundreds of objects.
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My search for the perfect gift ended with an online store dedicated solely to 3D crystal photos. They customise your photos, set them in crystal and turn them into pieces of art. The images on the website looked far better than the ones I had found in stores nearby, so I took the risk and ordered one, hoping that these turn out to be as good as in the images.
When the 3D crystal photo was delivered to my place, I was taken aback! The real product is far more promising than those images online. I bought a 3D crystal heart, and it exceeded my expectations. The 3D crystal from photos is stunning in every sense. It has a very distinct shine about it. The interplay of light and shadows in this 3D crystal photo sets this apart from the crystal gifts I had seen in stores.
The 3D crystal photo reflects light in just the right angles. The photo that I had uploaded online was customised in a way to give it a real 3D effect. It does not fall flat at the sides, unlike most other 3D crystals from photos. The photo is well rounded, and truly 3D. The crystal is cut marvelously, and this adds to the beauty of the 3D crystal from photo. It shimmers and distinctly stands out when my friend placed it among the other gifts. This crystal gift turned out to be a true eye candy, and she tells me that every visitor at her place admires the 3D crystal photo.
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3dcrystalsonus · 2 years
Top 3 Reasons Why Customized 3D Crystal Gifts Are the Best
You don't know what to gift your friends, family, coworkers, or coworkers for the next milestone or special gift-giving event? It could be Christmas, Valentine's Day, or Mother's Day. Or maybe you're stumped on what to gift them. A personalized photo gift can help! Everyone loves photo gifts, but they are often tired and worn out. Consider upgrading from the standard "been-there-done-that" framed photo gift to something far more special, unique and sentimental this year.
3d Crystals On Us transforms any 2D digital photograph into a high-quality, sparkling, 3D image in just a few clicks. This makes for an impressive memorial gift that will impress even the person with everything.
To bring your 3D image to life, engrave the photo crystal with a date, name, or caption. Voila! You now have the perfect memorial keepsake that will touch the hearts and minds of everyone who receives it. It arrives in a beautiful, gift-ready, satin-lined box. This completes the feeling of giving something truly unique to everyone who receives it.
The best part is that the buying process is intuitive, simple, and informative. There's something for everyone.
How Does Laser Engrave Work?
3dcrystals on us uses a laser to focus light beams at specific points below the crystal's surface. The uploaded point cloud model determines the depth of each point. The crystal is then plotted with each bright point. Each three-dimensional coordinate is then focused by the laser.
The powerful laser pulse creates a small void or inclusion within the crystal once the beam has reached the focal point. The laser moves to the next coordinate and then etch another point. The crystal's photo design will appear deep within the crystal after all points have been etched. The laser beams do not leave any marks or blemishes on the crystal's surface because they are non-invasive.
The final product looks almost three-dimensional when viewed from all angles.
Reasons Why 3D Crystal Gifts Are the Best
Personalized 3D Crystal Gifts Steals Hearts
You can personalize the 3D crystal photo with any image related to a special occasion. This unique gift adds beauty to your desktop or shelves. You can also use the 3D crystal photo cube as a paperweight.
This gift is beautiful and will catch the eye. This gift will bring smiles to the faces of your loved ones on special occasions such as Valentine's Day or wedding day. Crystal images will not fade and last forever. The crystal must be taken care of by the receiver. They must ensure there are no fingerprints or dust.
Crystal Gifts Lasts Forever
Photo Frames, traditional gifts, can be damaged, worn, discolored, or scratched over a short or long period. Crystal gifts are extremely durable. The crystal's printing is never damaged, faded, or discolored. The 3D engraved crystal gift is impervious to damage. Crystal gifts are durable.
Personalization Is Possible with Crystal Gifts
Crystal gifts can be personalized. Personalization is possible with either 2D or 3-D crystals. You can print text, photos, or both on the crystal's surface. You can also personalize your photo to create a 3D image within the crystal. This 3D-printed crystal can be used to celebrate any occasion, such as a wedding, conference, father's or mother's day, or any other event.
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