#3d rigger
riggingartist · 1 year
Hii friends
I'm a 3D rigging artist I have 1 years of industry experience I'm looking for freelance projects in the cgi rigging department if you have any freelance work then dm I will loved to work with you.
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chungcw · 1 year
riggin demo reel 2023
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p1xel-error404 · 5 months
Are you a creative minded individual looking for something fun to do regarding your talents? well come take a look at Exactamation studios!
we have had a dream for a LONG time now, for an animation series known as "outerportal" (check reply's for more info
Its a funny series about a funny jester and some funny guys! all work in the team will be voluntary until our YouTube makes monetization! all help will be VERY much appreciated! (NOT A JOB) if you feel like you could help with anything! come apply for the team!
people we will need for the team:
sound designers/composers
animators (we will be working in blender)
voice actors (a good mic is required)
most of the team so far are minors, so the older you are the less likely you are to be accepted in)
i am the lead composer
it will be posted on the account
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bobeatspie300 · 11 months
how make blender reflection not look like minecraft from evil instagram filter
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quarklynx · 1 year
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oh my god i'm never posting anything about commissioning a V-tuber on twitter ever again, my inbox is so full of bots and spam. anyway, here's the design for my little blorbo! hopefully someday soon I'll be able to afford to bring them to life!
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churchoflia · 2 years
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If you're a vtuber , vtuber artist , or Live2d rigger interact with this post so we can find eachother! 🥰
Bat hoodie asset by: @ madomadohime
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instantrig · 8 months
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Freelance Rigging Service
If you are looking for a freelance 3D rigging artist with industry experience for your Maya, Blender or Max projects please get in touch with me via email or fill this form to get instant quote.
support (at) instantrig (dot) com
freelance 3D rigging artist, rigging expert for hire, rigger, character rigger, freelancer
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zimmertw · 1 year
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Christian Haniszewski Character Modeling Supervisor, Character Artist, Rigger
“ I had a fantastic time working with the team at Nickelodeon on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. I was responsible for creating the visual development sculpts of Mikey, Raph, Leo, and Donnie and finding the look and style in 3D. I came in early during pre-production, and naturally, things will evolve for the better as things progress in a feature. Shout out to the team for all their hard work and for creating something that looks fantastic! ”
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vtuberconfessions · 3 months
i am so tired of being nice i just want to go apeshit PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD VTUBER ARTISTS WHO HAVE NEVER RIGGED BEFORE: ASK A RIGGER FOR ADVICE ABOUT SEPARATION AND LISTEN TO IT!!!! as a rigger and artist i am so fucking tired of having to spend 8+ hours re-separating and fixing all of the bullshit with your artwork that makes rigging a nightmare. AS A BASIC RULE PLEASE...
1: NEVER USE A SPACE IN LAYER NAMES!!! if you use a space in the name of any layers ( i.e. "leg l" "part 1") the name will be switched in live2D to "artmesh" and your rigger will have to RENAME EVERYTHING. if you do this for every layer THIS IS A NIGHTMARE. it's not easy to fix PLEASE use underscores instead of spaces.
2: have ANY KIND of naming system. it literally doesnt matter, as long as it exists and is consistent the rigger will figure it out. don't name one thing "left_arm_1" and another thing "Bang>SidePart" and expect me to be able to easily work with your file.
3: KEEP. LAYERS. ORGANIZED. please please PLEASE understand basic rigging hierarchy and stick to it. If the left eye folder is ten thousand layers below the right eye folder this will be extremely confusing. also make sure the limbs are ordered properly. if the shoulder is in the layer for the jacket and the hand is somewhere floating in the ether i now have to spend time to reorganize the psd.
4: LIVE 2D DOES NOT WORK LIKE A DRAWING PROGRAM. it only allows for multiply, add, and normal layers. no overlay, no screen light, just add and multiply. if I have to clip a layer to more than five other layers the program WILL lag for both you and the person who ends up using the model. Do not just leave a massive multiply layer over the entire model it doesn't work that way. 5: oh my fucking god PLEASE draw EVERYTHING even if it isnt in view. if you have a separate layer for the bang's shading, for example, in normal illustration you just draw what's visible and call it a day. I'M TURNING THE HEAD, MEANING IT WILL JUST CUT OFF. if i have to fix this for every single instance of shading i am taking time away from my work, my whole process takes longer. as a rule of thumb, always draw more than what you think you need.
6: separate more than you need, but not everything. sometimes I work with models that have not enough things separated, and its a pain to work with. sometimes i work with models that feel like the artist just sent me their work file with every tiny brushstroke on a different layer and then I have to spend a day merging and checking everything. use your head while you are drawing, think to yourself "is the thing I'm drawing something that will need to move independently?" try to imagine the model in 3D space as your working, and if you can't do that perhaps study an object in real life and see how turning it in space interacts with the lighting or whatever idk. also: if there are too many separations the model will come out looking blurrier. live2D doesn't just read the photoshop file, it creates a new texture file. imagine the model like a paper doll, it takes every piece of paper and spreads each piece down flat. this takes up much more space and many more pixels then the photoshop document, and the bigger i have to make the texture file, the laggier things become. if i don't want it to lag, everything has to be shrinked down to fit, and thus everything becomes blurry. if I don't want it all blurry, I basically have to spend hours upon hours manually placing every "piece of paper" on another piece of paper essentially playing the worlds most annoying jigsaw puzzle.
I feel like I'm working on a group project and doing half of your work. please, stop making my job much harder than it needs to be.
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missinconsistent · 2 months
You can tell people who don't watch Niji are really scrambling to find anything to hate about the AR Live because they just don't want any of the livers to celebrate any accomplishments. But if anyone is actually taking the opinions of those who didn't even watch the damn event at face value, here is my take on some of the "issues" these people are complaining about:
Long read.
Pomu's, Nina's, and Mysta's voice were kept because it was a decision by the livers to be included for the fans. The remaining livers re-recorded their live stages after the others graduated, but some people actually think Niji was just showing 1-year-old footage, which would take some insane editing skills. The graduated livers' voices were part of the back track, not as part of the live singing. Their vocals were only heard for debut songs, too. There is also a weird narrative that the voices of the graduated livers should not have been allowed when there is no problem with it. Those graduated livers still support their friends and were more than happy to be included in AR Live even after graduating.
It makes sense why Selen had to be cut from AR Live. There would be a lot more heat if they kept her in after her termination than to just roll with it since, unlike the graduated livers, Selen was terminated not long after already recording AR Live back in November last year.
I get it's upsetting many things had to be cut from Pastel Stage, but it's not just getting all the livers to Japan, but also booking the venue, getting the 3D riggers, stage staff, choreographers, and more. They'd have to push the AR Live concert even further after canceling the initial one. It honestly makes sense that they'd cut content rather than spend the resources to re-record it for a THIRD time. And since everyone wants the Niji to take better care of their livers' mental health, then not overworking them on this overdue project is a start.
Apparently, someone paid the money to hate-watch AR Live so they could spread screenshots to make it look bad, despite the strict copyright rule not to share screenshots (which of course would lead to a DMCA). Frankly, if anyone is going to judge the quality of the whole 3-hour concert based on snippets and not actually bother to watch it, then they can't make the conclusion that the 3D models were bad. Although it's weird that someone did pay to sit through a 3-hour concert without having any intention of enjoying it to begin with.
I watched the concert, and the 3D models looked good, in my opinion. Nijisanji is known to have better 3D rigging compared to their competitors. The team that did the models and rigging did a perfectly fine job and it's pretty insulting to put it down because you chose to look at it under a microscope and pinpoint any instance where it might have looked off. A lot of the choreography (especially Shu's Shanti 🪑) and the variety games show how good the rigging can look, and it seems unfair to not look at those examples alongside the bad ones.
I feel like the Niji hate at this point is getting ridiculous. There's plenty of real reasons to not like Niji. If you want to "SiNk tHe yAtCht" so bad, you can boycott it and not spend money to hate-watch their concert, lol. Drama channels finding anything to talk about AR Live when they haven't even watched it is just another example of how little integrity they have to report hearsay. And it's tiring to always hear people looking at any possible negative thing to say when the livers and their fans are just being happy..?
Don't get me wrong, I have my criticisms of the company. I've aired it out before. Especially after Selen's termination. Hell, it's not like I don't have my own critique of AR Live. I also wish fans got more Pastel Stage. I also wish the first AR Live wasn't canceled. But by no means do I think the AR Live we got was bad.
I left the concert feeling elated and overall had way more positive thoughts about it than any negative ones. And it has me looking forward to future AR Live concerts. Other 3D debuts. And other projects like NijiEncounter.
Anyways, Niji antis can and will keep obsessively bitching about Niji, and then say "cope and seethe" when someone tells them to take a chill pill. But Niji AR Live did really well. The fans are proud of the livers' hard work to make it happen. There will be more positive things to come for Niji enjoyers. But if antis want to keep writing their own fan fiction that tells them otherwise, there's no point in changing their mind, lol.
For fans that want to keep supporting their livers, or any sane person that wants to see Niji better themselves, please don't let the hate keep you from celebrating any wins, big or small, that the livers are accomplishing.
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filohazard · 11 months
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[3D rendering of a piece from last year]
[Eclipse image taken from NASA library]
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wobblydev · 11 months
just saw a video of unity 3d's upcoming ai "features".
to clarify anyone who thinks my contempt for "ai" is for the technology itself, of course it isn't. it's a tool.
my contempt comes from a stance that it is costing real human beings' livelihoods, while gleefully stealing their hard work to "train on" to cut them out of the production cycle completely, to increase shareholders' dividends.
every artist is in danger now, every single one. animators, illustrators, painters, voice-over, 3d modelers, riggers, lighters, developers, writers, editors, actors, musicians.
and as those jobs disappear, and as commissions dry up because why pay for art when you can click a button and have a computer make it for you, there will be no way to support ourselves creatively any more or ever again.
i wish i could just say "support humans" but we can't, we're all too poor and wrung dry to be able to afford it.
i don't know what to do friends. i wish it could just be a useful tool in my toolbox, but it can't be. i won't use it because it is inherently theft, and the death knell, the nail in the coffin for artists making a living from art.
and i look at my silly little drawings and my unfinished little games and ask what's the point? i don't have time to work on them and why would i now? the internet is glutted with ai trash that looks better than anything i could make in 100 years.
automation ought to empower us, but it never will under capitalism.
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artsekey · 1 year
Companies I've Applied To
I figured that as I embark on my quest to Get Hired, I should probably document the process for both myself and for others who are trying to get their foot in the door for industry work.
For context (and for those of you who don't know), I have a Bachelor's of Fine Art in Emerging Media: Character Animation and an Master's of Fine Art in Animation and VFX. I graduated in spring of 2022 after completing a fully independent short film, and have been working as a "visiting lecturer" at my University ever since.
My Employment History
When you're looking to get hired, your past work experience matters... a lot. Because of how intense my Undergrad/Graduate programs were, I didn't have a lot of time to cultivate my portfolio or bolster my resume. Getting hired by the University right out of college was a huge relief, but it doesn't tick that pesky "2+ years of Industry Experience" or "At least 1 AAA Game Shipped" prerequisite on most job postings.
With that in mind, I'm doing my best to push for the "or equivalent experience" caveat.
What I Do:
I've mentioned this a few times on this blog, but my professional focus is in 3D character modeling, rigging, groom, and sim. In the art field, this is usually considered a technical job, and from what I understand the market for tech is usually a little less competitive than the market for modeling/animation.
So, with all that out of the way, let's get to it!
I sent in my application for Character Tech Anim about three days after the posting opened. They had their own hiring website through nbcUniversal. I'd gone through the process before with internships, so it was pretty painless! It's a remote position, which is huge, and the salary would be competitive with the one I have now as long as I can stay remote.
Biggest con in my application is that I'm still missing Python proficiency. I'm learning it right now, but god damn is it an in-demand skill!
It's a job I'd love to get, and I think my skills in rigging/groom/sim line up well.
Process Pros:
Easy to apply.
Clear (and reasonable!) qualifications listed for the job level.
Honest about expectations regarding overtime and hours.
Allowed PDF uploads of CV & Resume.
Sent a confirmation email after the application had been received.
Had a section for "Additional Comments", which was a great place for me to throw in that I'm learning some of the skills they want.
Process Cons:
Likely will not receive a rejection notice in the event they decide not to hire. This isn't a huge con; the studio is massive and sending out rejection notices would be a time sink for them.
Advertised working weekends and overtime in the listing... definitely something I'll ask about if I move forward in the process. Work/life balance is important!
Had to enter my resume information and upload my resume. :(
Result: Too Soon to Tell
I sent in my application for Technical Animator (Character Rigger) about two weeks after the listing was posted. They had their own hiring website. This is a hybrid position, which wouldn't be ideal, but a friend of a friend works remotely for them, so maybe it's negotiable?
Biggest con in my application is, yet again, that I'm still missing Python proficiency and tool dev experience. Learning it now!
I was missing a lot of the credentials on this one, so it's more of a hail-Mary application.
Process Pros:
Easy to apply.
Clear (and reasonable!) qualifications listed for the job level.
Allowed PDF uploads of CV & Resume.
Sent a confirmation email after the application had been received. Seems to promise a prompt response, which means I can likely expect a notice of rejection if they choose not to hire.
Company culture seems extremely reasonable and employee health is a priority.
Process Cons:
May have to relocate if hired.
Result: Too Soon to Tell
Honestly... no idea what was happening here. It was for a character rigging position, but it seems like it might've been for a broader hiring agency?
Process Pros:
Allowed PDF upload of CV and Resume.
Process Cons:
Had to apply for the job and make a separate account on their website to set up the application.
Confusing website.
Had to upload resume and then type up the resume again.
No place for a CV for the specific role.
Honestly, I'm not sure what company this went to.
Result: Too Soon to Tell
Local studio that I've seen a lot of people go into! Applied for a rigging position in their animation department. Hybrid and remote are both an option for me!
Process Pros:
Allowed PDF upload of CV and Resume.
Easy to apply!
Received a confirmation email.
Credentials were clear and well listed; I matched most of the requirements.
Competitive salary! :)
Flexible work methods.
Allowed me to link to my website AND upload a static portfolio, which I love.
Process Cons:
Likely will not receive a rejection notice should they choose not to hire.
Result: Rejected (03/21/2023)
Can't speak about the process much on this one! They have a rolling, general application process which means I just send in an email and if a job comes up, they'll let me know. Feels straightforward and simple. :)
Result: Too Soon to Tell
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bit-b · 1 month
What do you think of live 2d models for vtubing?, have you ever tried one ?
In the early days of vtubing, 2D models were pretty rough. They lacked a level of expression that I felt was needed. It's a HUGE reason why I went 3D with my first model. Apple's ARKit was an impressive piece of tech, and was only available for 3D models at the time.
Nowadays though, that's changed. ARKit is now possible with 2D models with a little tinkering. And there are some REALLY impressive riggers out there that have shown just how crazy you can get with 2D.
I have no plans for 2D anytime soon, since a big part of my setup is the arms. And that's easier to do with a 3D avatar. Still, I wouldn't be opposed to trying out a 2D model in the future.
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tea--ghost · 2 years
Commissions Are Open!
Prices below!
Request via direct message or visiting any of these links
Commission form / Ko-fi / Twitter / DeviantArt
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Busts: Sketches - $18 /Flat colours - $29 /Full render - $47
Half bodies: Sketches - $29 /Flat colours - $41 /Full render - $58
Full bodies: Sketches - $ 41 / Flat colours - $ 53 / Full render - $ 70
+ Backgrounds: Simple (solid colour) - Free /Abstract - $18 / Detailed - $35
Glam sheets - Include 3 to 5 character drawings in a piece and doubles as a nifty reference sheet Prices start from $45
Extra Characters - +50% (not including background price)
PNGtubers - £70/$80 for one character design along with 4 different variants!
Eyes open/Mouth open, Eyes Open/Mouth Closed, Eyes Closed/Mouth open, Eyes closed, Mouth closed.
More variants will cost + £18/$20 each!
Can be used for video chats (discord) and streaming!
(Important note: I do not do 3D designs, only 2D which is my artstyle. I am not a rigger or animator. The software you use for PNGtubing is your responsibility, though I can recommend some to you)
Includes all types of characters including but not limited to:
- Anthros
- Ferals
- Fantasy characters
- Real people
- Roleplay characters
- Tv heads
- Fanart
- etc (please ask!)
I also do gore, angst, some nsfw (18+)
I do not do dubcon or noncon
I use paypal, ko-fi or artistree to receive payments (your preference) and will ask for 50% up front and the rest once the commission is about finished.
If you are interested, please dm me or visit the links in this post.
Commission form / Ko-fi / Twitter / DeviantArt
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meplusuofficial · 1 year
Me+U Vtubers Soon To Take Over Your Screens. Join The Movement!
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Hello everyone, Me+U is happy to soon make it's debut! We are an original music and vtuber group creating catchy pop, edm, and r&b songs. Not only will we be bringing you music, but you will catch us playing some games along the way. We pride ourselves in creating a comfortable and inclusive environment, where everyone can be themselves, and enjoy their time. You can expect everything from edgy ambitious music, to melancholic love songs. We're not afraid to show the world who we are, and tell you what we really think! Upbeat not your jam? Don't worry, we've got you covered.
Our various vocalists come from a variety of backgrounds ranging from pop, classical, to even musical theater. We hope to bring a little bit of various flavors and marry them into something spectacular. We also have something for every gamer out there, from the casual to the hardcore, with various games under our belt. Come join us for future Twitch and Youtube streams!
Socials: MePlusUOfficial
Interested in being part of Me+U? We are currently holding auditions for our final vocal spot and staff including:
Audio Engineer
Video Editing
3d Modeler
3d Rigger
Artist (Shading or all 'round)
Social Media Advertisement
Vocalist Auditions:
Staff Auditions:
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