cyborg-franky · 2 years
random OP AU headcanon that just flashed in my brain that i had to share with you. Law plays games like Call of Duty, Street Fighter, and Doom with Luffy and Kidd online, but when he's offline, he plays Animal crossing, Kirby games and Sonic Adventure 2 (relates with shadow) but will never ever admit it to anyone. (debating if cora embarrasses Law one day by buying him an animal crossing plush and giving him in front of luffy and kidd)
@rosiinante is emotions at this!
That's really funny and I agree. Imagine he has like two accounts, one's like D-E-A-T-H69 where he plays all his games with Kid and Luffy but like for his softer games his name is always like <3Law<3
@rosiinante says that Penguin and Shachi would play Animal Crossing with him and that's how they all got all the fruit.
Law's leaning on the wall outside the coffee shop they get drinks from. Kid's standing there with him downing a MONSTER and Luffy has a hot chocolate with too much cream and marshmellows.
"So, Trafalgar, we getting the new zombie DLC on COD tonight and going at it?" Kid asks looking at Law who nods, sipping his coffee.
"Zombies! that sounds cool, I'll ask Ace if he wants to join too!" Luffy says with a huge grin on his face and some cream on his nose.
Rosi smiles and waved, crying out "Law!" When he see's them standing there.
"Law! I was out shopping with your grandfather and look what I got you! this ones your favorite right?" Rosi pulls out a plushie, a cat wearing glasses and waves it in the air.
Kid gives him a look and Law is dying inside.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
Monster Spotlight: Spyglass Archon
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CR 3
Lawful Good Medium Outsider
Chronicles of the Righteous, pg. 61
Now here’s something unique and welcome! Even the Archons, the absolute incarnation of the intersection of Law and Good, know when the law must be bent to better serve the people it’s supposed to protect. Born from the souls of dogged detectives with a strong sense of justice, solitary snoops hoping to bring hidden crimes to light, and infiltrators who used their talents for Good, the Spyglass Archons turn stealth and shadow into the tools of Heaven, tracking their quarry from a distance to gather evidence for their angelic masters.
The book states repeatedly that the Spyglass Archons operate fully within the law whenever possible. They won’t break into homes and snoop for clues, nor will they perform brutal interrogations, and while it’s possible for them to do so it’s not technically their job to cross-examine witnesses... But if their target just so happens to perform some incriminating deed in an area either abandoned or technically public, or in front of a window the Archon just so happens to be flying near, well. That’s certainly unfortunate for them, isn’t it?
Do note, however, that Spyglass Archons are not likely to act on any present evidence themselves. They also do not tend to investigate mortal crimes unless directed to do so by a mage that’s called them forth, their time spent on much higher levels of criminal activity. Their duty is to gather as much information on the enemies of Heaven as possible to assure they are enemies of Heaven, to eliminate as much ambiguity or grey areas they can. They’re sent down to make sure their allies are RIGHT in suspecting, say, that the local nobles of planning to sell their poor to demons, or that daemons walk among the population of a city, or that a noble caretaker of a local temple hasn’t been replaced by a Hag or similar. Once they’ve collected evidence to convict or to exonerate, they swiftly return to Heaven/their summoner, who then chooses whether or not to escalate the investigation further.
Able to pop in and out of wherever they need to via their at-will Greater Teleport, Spyglass Archons lack any shapeshifting or ability to disguise themselves, relying entirely on their natural Stealth (which they have a +12 in) to move around unseen and their sharp senses to spot foes, traps, or incriminating actions. Without any form of natural invisibility or especially sneaky spellwork (unless they go out of their way to pick up wands, scrolls, or potions to aid them), their job is incredibly dangerous and yet one that must be done. Their ability to teleport or even simply fly past trapped hallways or above patrolling guards is often enough to get them where they need to go, their shrouded black clothing making them difficult to spot against the night skies they call their own and easy to mistake for a large bird even if they are spotted.
Their only method of escape when spotted is crude but reliable: a 3/day Darkness to cover their presence, followed by teleporting away. Should teleportation be blocked, they fly away until they can teleport and then do so. Combat is a last resort, but is by no means their weak point; they have Two-Weapon Fighting and make lethal use of it, wielding a longsword in one hand and a shortsword in the other. They also have +1d6 Sneak Attack and Darkvision to see through their own Darkness, letting them drop the cloud atop their foes and then slash them for 1d8+2+1d6 and 1d6+1+1d6 damage a round until the enemy is unconscious or flees. Lethal force is spared only for enemy Outsiders, as the extrajudicial execution of mortals is below the Lawful Archons.
Defensively, their DR 5/Evil is bypassed by most of the creature they hope to fight against... But they have a permanent Magic Circle Against Evil around themselves to raise their AC from 15 to 17 and preventing any summoned Evil creatures from physically touching them, and since Evil Outsiders (especially demons) rely on their natural attacks more often than not, it makes the otherwise statistically diminutive Spyglass Archons incredibly difficult to harm with any summoned beasts. All Archons possess an Aura of Menace as well, afflicting all hostile creatures with a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and saving throws until they manage to harm the Archon in some way, so between the Aura and the Magic Circle, a Spyglass Archon’s AC goes from a humble 15 to an effective 19, usually giving them the extra defensive boost they need to keep going against a foe they cannot escape.
These statistically simple beings (their only unique ability, Hone Senses, greatly bolsters their ability to make Perception checks and allows them to navigate more easily in the dark) are weak and prone to fleeing... yet represent terrible, effective threats against anyone hoping to keep their vile deeds hidden from the greater public. Never underestimate just how effective a stealthy, flying pair of eyes can be. Is it any wonder so many evil overlords do all their most damning deeds underground?
You can read more about them here.
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hiphopvibe1 · 21 days
Stream: YoBosco - "Typhoon"
YoBosco releases “Typhoon” EP Buzzing Atlanta producer and DJ, YoBosco, has just dropped off his first project of 2024, which is his “Typhoon” EP. This includes three tracks, as well as collaborations with artist such as Kasi Ca$h, 3Law, Lil Sccrt, and Toolie. YoBosco’s release of Typhoon also comes as he’s been rocking shows on the road, as Anycia‘s DJ. These have included sold out shows in…
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hollywoodarizona · 4 years
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Theirs an ASS for EVERY-SEAT.... #asssmash #smokerlips #spifi #bootypirate once upon a time a boy passed me up because my butt was too big for him.... #gidgetsbooty when it was the fantasy of another.... when I loved my own ass so did everyone else.... my mom taught me by example BEING STRONGER requires a perverted mind while keeping it hostage until payments made!!!!! Bababbabbabahhhaaaaa #ballbuster #hondaworks #mikesmiada #almostnewsalesandrental #3laws #spifi.me #bethanylove #professional https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zESCUl3n5/?igshid=13t7pw44st4q8
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kimberlylovespandas · 3 years
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Last finals grind of my law school career 🔥
Hehe boyfriend loves to leave me little notes to start my day ♥️
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nobull101 · 3 years
Subliminal Messages - Law Of Attraction Meditation.
Remember to take a moment to yourself.
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viral-web · 3 years
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To Change Your World, Change Your Thoughts! 3-Law of Attraction https://onpassive.antoniofradique.club/to-change-your-world-change-your-thoughts-3-law-of-attraction/?feed_id=35144&_unique_id=6036f3e367e9f
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theninodaniel · 6 years
#SirenSong by #3Laws 🎆 Choreo: @chayle 🌟, Check out her classes each Monday night l! #ChaylesCombos. Video: @emily_akiko 💋💋 #DanceIsLife #StepOutOfYourComfortZone #KingNeens 👑💜 **I do not own any rights to this song. Strictly for educational purposes**
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(302) 566-JUAN (202) 643-3LAW (702) 706-ARTS #contact #form #harmony #solution #water #color #fineart #education #reform #ink #pen #highlighter #primary #watercolor #pedrogrant #tolivertotenberg $juanpablochavez $reasonlogiclaw @rtsmediaink #faerfoundation (at Hotel Mela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5e6UNn8lb/?igshid=1hn6wx4cfytc3
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savingusboth · 5 years
Drug arrests after Northwood traffic stop - KIMT 3
Drug arrests after Northwood traffic stop  KIMT 3
Law enforcement says meth and pot were found in the vehicle.
from "smoking pipe" - Google News http://bit.ly/2C0I7Kn via http://bit.ly/2QLuaue
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
Monster Spotlight: Adherer
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CR 3
Lawful Evil Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Bestiary 3, pg. 8
The tragic descendants of humans captured as part of an ancient experiment by a cabal of highly intelligent and ambitious Phase Spiders. the Adherers of today are driven by an inborn, compulsive need to capture and torture unfortunate victims that they simply cannot override. Even the uncommon Adherers who retain some level of humanity and empathy cannot prevent themselves from engaging in cruel ritualistic compulsions and the unnatural, cannibalistic hunger that plagues even newborns of their kind.
Whatever intelligence an Adherer may have quickly atrophies in the face of their hunger, though out of some cruel irony and the sustaining power of the etheric fibers that infuse their forms, they don’t actually need that much food. Victims are kept glued to whatever surface is convenient as the creatures go about their days in relative normalcy for a species of social subhumans, pausing once a day to take a single bite of live tissue, which carries them for the next 24 or so hours. Whether they need to keep their prey alive out of some unknown biological need or if it’s simply another part of their compulsion isn’t known, but neither book which features them--Bestiary 3 or their updated lore in Misfit Monsters Redeemed--mentions them eating anything but mouthfuls of flesh from living victims, seemingly indicating they discard their prey the moment they perish.
Victims are also subjected to the bloodletting rituals the original Adherers suffered at the hands of their spidery masters, collecting vast amounts of blood in jars, pots, vases, and cocoons made of the Adherer’s sticky fibers. Again, both ironically and tragically, they do not drink or eat this blood, merely piling up the vessels in unused corners of their lairs until it cools, congeals, and rots away. A rare few may use this blood for wicked rituals or to pay other bloodsucking beasts for their services, but these are in the minority, most victims simply watching their blood be placed in whatever containers are on hand and then left to spoil for a reason they can’t grasp. Since Adherers only speak Aklo, most victims can’t even communicate with them to demand answers, not that they would ever gain a satisfactory one.
But how do they capture their victims in the first place, you may ask? A question to which I respond by pointing at their names. Their natural Adhesive is a tenacious, dangerously sticky fluid that coats the entirety of their body, allowing them to effortlessly cling to any surface and granting them a 10ft climb speed. This Adhesive can stick to anything, even glass, gems, and metal, allowing them to camouflage themselves with debris in their hunting grounds and making it easier for them to blend in until they draw close enough to strike. When prey enters their territory, they must be wary, because even if their minds have worn away over the years they still possess dangerously human cunning, crafting traps for anyone brave enough to try and come to them (or prey that manages to escape). All the while, the Adherers silently wait for a moment to strike, falling upon foes without fear, protected by their disproportionately tough resilience in the form of an insurmountable DR 5 and 14 Spell Resistance.
The same Adhesive that makes them adept at ambushes also makes them dangerous to engage in melee, weapons sticking fast to their surface. Any weapon blow must quickly follow with a DC 14 Reflex save or the weapon is lost as the aberration’s waving, fleshy tendrils coil around it and wrench it from the wielder’s grip, requiring an opposed DC 17 Strength check to retrieve which opens the victim to an AoO from the slimy mummy. Similarly, any creature attacking an Adherer with a natural weapon or unarmed strike allows the horror a free grapple check against them, and its grapple modifier is an impressively enormous +15 thanks to its stickiness.
Capable of grappling any number of foes and holding any number of items to their surface at once and protected from many forms of harm by their natural defenses, Adherers wear victims down with two 1d6+2 slam attacks each round (which also Grab, because of course)... provided they don’t simply take up their enemy’s weapon and use it against them, as they can release any number of stuck targets from their grip as a free action. Thanks to the gift of both opposable thumbs and intelligence, Adherers can swiftly turn their foes’ assets against them, especially arrows; most common arrows often fail to pierce their DR and can be swiftly retrieved, allowing the horrors to use their own bows to fire back whatever the enemy shot at them first.
The good news, if one can call it that, is that Adherers rarely ever kill creatures they combat, opting for nonlethal blows in order to steal them away, take all their belongings, and slowly, slowly, slowly devour them over days or weeks. So there’s a chance at rescue, at least!
You can read more about them here.
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funnyfru-blog · 7 years
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😉 📽 🎂 Funny Lessons 🍏 🍕 meal 🍎 🌽 🍓 🍅 http://lnk.al/3LAW
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You know how in gremlins there were 3 rules well all three of those rules are don't put those donuts in the fridge
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theninodaniel · 6 years
#SirenSong by #3Laws 🎆 Choreo: @chayle 🌟, Check out her classes each Monday night l! #ChaylesCombos. Video: @emily_akiko 💋💋 #DanceIsLife #StepOutOfYourComfortZone #KingNeens 👑💜 **I do not own any rights to this song. Strictly for educational purposes**
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mostcold · 10 years
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I asked #Siri.. "What are the #3Laws of #Robotics?" .... her answer was genius. lol. #Asimov (via the @CBeauty411 #5S)
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