#3p wales
my-hetalia-academia · 6 months
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Alda, Erland, Zakhar, Ante - Fortuna Academy
Howell - Skyline High
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consanguinitatum · 1 year
David Tennant's Obscure Performances: His Involvement with Read Not Dead (pt 1) - Edward III
A lot of you are aware that for the better part of a decade I've done research on David's early Scottish theatre work (80s/90s). I've found a ton of info and am in slooooow development on a podcast aimed at sharing my discoveries. But not ALL my research lands squarely in those years. I've learned about plenty of DT's theatre projects which fall outside of the years my podcast covers. So it occurred to me - since I'm not planning to do a podcast about those years, why not share some interesting tidbits? Let's dive in! By January of 1999, David was living in London and beginning a two month run at the Almeida's Albery Theatre as Pavel in Vassa (a comic portrait of a powerful iron-willed matriarch who sees her family destroyed by the very values that she seeks to preserve.) So he was busy, yes? Not busy enough, apparently, because he agreed to join thirteen other actors to do a one-off staged reading of a play often attributed to Shakespeare as a co-writer - called Edward III.
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David in rehearsal as Pavel in Vassa: Scenes From Family Life, 1999
Edward III was part of a series of performances the Education Department of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre had been doing since the early 1990s called Read Not Dead (heretofore referred to as RND). Their website has this to say about their mission: "Read Not Dead is a multi-decade project run by Shakespeare’s Globe, one in which we plan to perform every single ‘unknown’ play that has survived in print, from the accession of Queen Elizabeth I in 1558, to the closing of the theatres in 1642. Some plays from history deserve to be read, not dead." (By the by, RND is still active today! I encourage you to read more about their mission and the plays they've performed by going to the Read Not Dead website.) Performing in an RND play was a unique challenge for an actor. RND performances were staged readings, so actors didn't do the traditional rehearsals. Instead, they received scripts only a few days ahead of the performance. The project's website explains it like so: "The rules of the project have always been simple, experimental, and completely unique. Whilst approaching one individual play, the group does so within one single day. In the morning, the company meets for the first time and throughout the day they work with a Director and experiment with props and costume. Often music is also composed within the short time-frame, too. By the afternoon, the play is put up on its feet and presented as a script-in-hand performance to a live audience." Additionally, most RND plays were performed on Sundays (traditionally the only day off for most performing actors in the theatre circuit, this made the full day's preparation possible.) These challenges almost certainly appealed to David for a number of reasons: 1) it was a one-off performance with a tight schedule, 2) we all know how he feels about Shakespeare, and 3) the Globe! When an opportunity came for him to play a role in or around that great structure, certainly one imagines he sprung at the chance! So on 21 February 1999, David played the role of Edward, Prince of Wales (aka the Black Prince) at the Globe Theatre Education Centre/Inigo Jones Theatre. The performance was on a Sunday - that day, the group met at 10a for a run-through, and at 3p they went onstage. It was directed by Clive Brill (who - fun fact - has since worked with David on many things, including the radio dramas The Order of Release, The Island, Murder in Samarkand, The Purple Land, and the two part Afternoon Play series Stevenson in Love). Now for a treat. Want to see a page from the programme? Ask, and ye shall receive! (Thanks and credit to the Shakespeare's Globe Archive for the digitized programme, which you can see in further detail here.)
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This performance was recorded, and I've actually listened to it! (sadly, the audio is only of the first two acts - for some reason, Acts 3 and 4 are missing.) I found it quite well done, especially considering the short amount of time the company of actors had to rehearse. You can listen to the recording of the performance and others from the series, as the recordings are archived in the Globe Archive and Library in London. Access to the archive is available by appointment only for professionals and academics affiliated with institutions of higher education.
Now.....some astute DT fans might be aware that while Edward III was the first time DT worked with the RND project, it wouldn't be his last. Very true! He was to go on and work with the project three more times. We'll explore those in more detail in future posts.
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jackhkeynes · 10 months
Lexember 2023 - 1: ceu "basically"
ceu /tsaw/ [tsaw]
basically, essentially, pretty much, in effect, for all intents and purposes, not literally but sufficiently close that any difference is irrelevant;
like, kinda, sorta, a filler word used to hedge a statement;
(in negative sentences) hardly, barely, only just, to a minimal extent
Etymology: from Middle Borlish, original a legal term of art used to distinguish an act from a legally distinct act with the same consequences or punishment. In this use it was borrowed from Latin ceu "just like, just as if, as (if) it were". By the eighteenth century it had moved into general use, along with the innovated negative sense (originally restricted to the phrase ceu rien "barely anything, almost nothing").
Remanen ceu alcun toscivr ag platabac. /ˌre.maˈnɛn tsaw alˈkɪn toˈxɪ.vr̩ ɛj ˌpla.taˈbak/ [ˌʁe.mɐˈnɛn tsaw ɐˈgɪn tʊˈçɪv‿ʀɛj ˌpla.tɐˈbak] remain-ipf-3p barely none sandwich at.def sideboard There were hardly any sandwiches left on the buffet table.
Sodrick (Merch /ˈsɔ.drɪk/, Welsh Heleð /heˈlɛð/) [~the Hebrides] is a region of the Northwestern Isles comprising many small islands north of Wales and west of Scotland.
The name Sodrick was originally a demonym for the people of so-called Soder (Old English Sodor), which descends from the Old Norse Suðreyjar "southern islands".
Sodrick was settled during the Norse ascendancy of the eighth and ninth centuries, at the same time as Danes arrived on the shores of Albion [Great Britain] and Ireland. Harald the Blue of Sodrick contributed to the establishment of the Kingdom of Scotland in the ninth century. Even the Welsh island of Mondwell [Anglesey] was half controlled by Sodrick for some time after a partition agreed between Sodrick and Guineth that was recorded in both the Ulstre and Carlile chronicles.
During the tenth century, the kingdom of Dunclothe [Strathclyde] under Roderick invaded and conquered many of the isles of Sodrick from the Danes, including Arran in 934 and (most significantly, as a power centre) the isle of Man in 942. The decline of Dane power in Sodrick has been connected to the decreased efficiency of obtaining wealth by raiding over time.
As Dunclothe took control of Sodrick, many fled or were expelled to places like Dane-ruled York and Ireland, or to relatively prosperous Normandy. Among their number is recorded the first unambiguous mention of identical triplets (Danes born on the isle of Mull around 915) in European history.
By the fifteenth century, Sodrick was subordinate to Wales, and it was incorporated as an outlying tallath [state/subnational unit] of the Kingdom of Britain when it was formed.
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askthenordic2ps · 5 years
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iPad’s Gacha Life slots are full
Tómas/Valdís - the two Icelanders
Beck/Beatrix - the two Swedes
Mikkel/Hanne - the two Danes
Eirik/Ingrid - the two Norwegians
Leevi/Maija - the two Finns
Emma - Stockholm
Annebeth - Copenhagen
Alda - Reykjavik
Astra - Oslo (her and her counterparts came back with a tan, don’t @ me)
Taika - Helsinki
Berwald - 1P!Sweden
Eleonora - Faroe Islands
Heiká - Finnmark (Norwegian Sámi/Lapland)
Adriaan - Amsterdam
Ianto - my 3P!Wales
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tulunnguaq · 7 years
Linguistic Excursions (4): Irish / An Ghaeilge
My next linguistic excursion takes us west to Ireland. Previous excursions took us from Greenland to Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man. Something like this:
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This post is an extract from the opening chapter of the novel Gafa (Hook), by Ré Ó Laighléis, an Oireachtas na Gaeilge*  award-winning novel, which deals with a teenage boy’s addiction to heroin, covering both the impact on him and on his parents. An English version has been published under the title Hooked . As might be expected it's not a literal translation, and there a few divergences in the passage I’ve selected below, presumably with a view to finding a more natural turn of phrase in English.  
*(Assembly of the Gaelic language – an annually held Irish-culture arts festival)
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Caibidil a hAon
Leathnaíonn súile Eithne i logaill a cinn nuair a fheiceann sí na giuirléidí atá istigh faoin leaba ag Eoin. Sean-stoca atá ann, a shíleann sí, nuair a tharraingíonn sí amach ar dtús é. Ní hé, go deimhin, go gcuirfeadh sin féin aon iontas uirthi, ná baol air. Tá a fhios ag Dia nach bhfuil insint ar an taithí atá aici ar stocaí bréana an mhic chéanna a aimsiú lá i ndiaidh lae, seachtain i ndiaidh seachtaine ar feadh na mblianta. Ach iontas na n-iontas – é seo. Nuair a osclaíonn sí an t-éadach, a cheapann sí ar dtús a bheith ina shean-stoca, ní thuigeann sí go baileach ceard tá ann dáiríre. Sean-tiúb ruibéir is cosúil, agus dath donn na meirge air – é scoilteach go maith nuair a dhéanann sí é a shíneadh. Tá cinnte uirthi aon chiall a bhaint as sin ar chor ar bith.
caibidil (f) - chapter
a haon – one. aon is one but cardinal numbers by themselves have an introductory a (+ h- before vowels, i.e. aon and ocht)
leathnaíonn – broaden. Root form leathnaigh. Cf adjective leathan broad. In the present tense, verbs take an –(a)nn/-onn ending in the 2p and 3p singular and plural.
súile – eyes, singular súil (f)
Eithne – mother’s name, here in the (unmarked) genitive. súile Eithne Eithne’s eyes. In the English translation of this book, this name was changed to Sandra, for some reason.
logall (m) - socket (of eye). Plural logaill
ceann (m) – head, genitive form cinn
a – his, her. When meaning his, it lenites (aspirates) the following word. When meaning her, it does not. Hence i logaill a cinn in the sockets of her head. You get the sense here but clearly this doesn't translate literally as an expression.
nuair – when. Derived from uair hour, time
a - relative conjunction, that, which (+ lenition).
feiceann sí – she sees
na giuirléidí – the implements. Singular giuirléid (f)
atá - which is/are. Relative form of tá with fused a-
istigh – inside. Here the implication is perhaps of being pushed inside/tucked inside.
faoin – under the. Fused form of faoi under + article an.
leaba (f) - bed
ag – at. ag is used to mark possession in Irish, i.e. “to have”, as in Tá leabhar agam I have a book, but also as an alternative to the genitive as here: leaba ag Eoin – Eoin’s bed.
sean old. Note that the adjective sean usually precedes the noun it describes, as shown in sean-stoca old sock (and lenites the noun, where possible, but not in this case). Note plural stocaí socks
ann – in it. Tá ann can mean there is/are. But I think here the meaning of ann here is of 'occupation/description', see explanation below on ina.
síleann sí - she thinks, from root síl think, intend
tarraingíonn sí – she pulls, from root tarraing pull, draw
amach – out(wards)
ar dtús – at first, from tús beginning
é – it, in the object form here.
ní hé it is not . Negative form of the copula is é
go deimhin indeed, from deimhin certainty
go gcuirfeadh - that (it) would put, 3ps conditional form of cuir put. Note the eclipsis of the verb caused by the particle go that (conjunction).
sin that (demonstrative)
féin (one's) self. sin féin that (fact) itself
aon one, but here any
iontas (m) wonder, surprise
uirthi = ar + í on her
ná baol air. nor (any) danger of it. ná nor. baol (m) danger. air = ar + é on it.
tá a fhios ag Dia God knows. fios knowledge. Lit. Its knowledge is at God or God has its knowledge.
nach bhfuil that (subject) is not
insint - tell(ing) (of), verbal noun form of inis.
taithí (f) experience, custom, habit
atá aici that is at her, that she has
bréan foul, rancid. Plural form bréana
an mhic of the son. mac (m) son, genitive mic, masculine nouns being aspirated in genitive case after the article.
céanna the very, same. Here also aspirated, as required after genitive singular masculine noun.
aimsiú – aim, hit, hit upon, find. a aimsiú to hit upon
lá i ndiaidh lae day after day. lá (m) day, genitive lae. i ndiaidh after, lit. in the back(?) of, so this prepositional phrase takes the genitive.
seachtain (f) week, genitive seachtaine
feadh (m) extent, duration. From which ar feadh + genitive throughout
bliain (f) year. na mblianta of the years. Genitive plural marked by na + eclipsis.
ach but
iontas na n-iontas wonder of (the) wonders. In English this phrase has a positive connotation, but as the meaning here is clearly negative, I would perhaps translate with to [her] great surprise
é seo it [is] this [thing]. 
osclaíonn sí she opens
an t-éadach (m) the cloth. Note the epenthetic t- which is added to certain words beginning with vowels or s, which reflects a t which in an earlier form of the language existed within the article itself but which now only appears in these 'fossilised' situations, and is otherwise lost. The same process occurs in Scots Gaelic and (I believe) in Manx so it clearly predates the separation of these languages.
ceapann sí  she thinks
a bheith to be
ina in his. In Irish a state of being or occupation is expressed by being 'in one's' state. tá sé ina mhuinteoir he is a teacher . Hence ina shean-stoca in this case.
ní not, negative particle in present tense main clause.
tuigeann sí she understands. From root tuig understand. Note the British Isles colloquial form 'twig' with similar meaning, which may be a loan, eg 'when did you twig that something was wrong?'
baileach exact. go baileach exactly
ceard what. In this case, ceard tá ann 'what it is'
dáiríre really
tiúb (f) tube
ruibéar (m?) rubber, ruibéir (gen) of rubber. This spelling wasn’t in my dictionary, which instead lists rubar (m) (gen. rubair)
is cosúil it appears (that) (lit. (it) is like…)
agus and
dath (m) colour
donn brown
meirg (f) rust, na meirge of the rust
air on it
scoilteach cracked
go maith well. Here perhaps a good amount, considerably
déanann sí she does
é a shíneadh to pull it. Note the word order “it-to-pull”
cinnte certain
ciall meaning. Here aon chiall [not] any meaning. A negative meaning is implied here.
baint verbal noun of bain extract, release. Bain as take from, get from, make of here in infinite form a bhaint as. From this ciall a bhaint as make sense of. With uirthi on her denoting (I think) that the lack of understanding here is affecting her.
ar chor ar bith at all
Caibidil a hAon – Chapter One
Leathnaíonn súile Eithne i logaill a cinn nuair a fheiceann sí na giuirléidí atá istigh faoin leaba ag Eoin.
Eithne’s eyes grew wide [lit. broadened in the sockets of her head] when she sees the implements tucked under Eoin’s bed.
Sean-stoca atá ann, a shíleann sí, nuair a tharraingíonn sí amach ar dtús é.
There’s an old sock, she thinks, when she pulls it out at first.
Ní hé, go deimhin, go gcuirfeadh sin féin aon iontas uirthi, ná baol air.
Not that that, indeed, would be a surprise to her, far from it.
Tá a fhios ag Dia nach bhfuil insint ar an taithí atá aici ar stocaí bréana an mhic chéanna a aimsiú lá i ndiaidh lae, seachtain i ndiaidh seachtaine ar feadh na mblianta.
God knows, she was well used to [lit. not to be speaking of her experience of] finding his [lit. the very same son’s] dirty socks day after day, week after week all through the years.
Ach iontas na n-iontas – é seo.
But to her great surprise [lit. wonder of the wonders] – it’s something else.
Nuair a osclaíonn sí an t-éadach, a cheapann sí ar dtús a bheith ina shean-stoca, ní thuigeann sí go baileach ceard tá ann dáiríre.
When she opens the cloth, which at first she thinks is an old sock, she doesn’t quite understand what is really there.
Sean-tiúb ruibéir is cosúil, agus dath donn na meirge air – é scoilteach go maith nuair a dhéanann sí é a shíneadh.
An old rubber tube, apparently, with a brown rusty colour – it is quite cracked when she stretches it.
Tá cinnte uirthi aon chiall a bhaint as sin ar chor ar bith.
She certainly can’t make any sense of this at all.
Now it’s inconceivable that I haven’t made any mistakes above… so comments very welcome, as ever! Hope you’re enjoying the trip so far!
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
Councils urge chewing gum firms to aid street clean-up – BBC News
Image copyright PA
Image caption Cleaning gum from the streets is a sticky business
Councils in England and Wales have once again told chewing gum manufacturers to pay towards prising gum from pavements.
Councils spend 60m a year removing trodden-in gum from streets, said the Local Government Association (LGA).
The LGA, which represents 370 councils in England and Wales, has for years urged producers to help remove what it called a "plague" on pavements.
Wrigley, Britain's leading gum manufacturer, said it was investing in campaigns to discourage littering.
More than 95% of the UK's main shopping streets are gum-stained, according to Keep Britain Tidy.
The campaign group said 64% of all UK roads and pavements are "stained" by chewing gum - where chewed gum has been squashed into the street.
'Unsightly and unacceptable'
Councils have repeatedly asked for financial help to get rid of the problem, insisting gum manufacturers should take more responsibility.
Councillor Judith Blake, the LGA's environment spokeswoman, said it was "ugly, unsightly and unacceptable".
"Chewing gum is a plague on our pavements," she added. "This is a growing cost pressure councils could do without."
Cllr Blake said the chewing gum industry "needs to go a lot further, faster, in tackling this issue" by contributing to the clear-up costs and switching to biodegradable gum.
"Councils have no legal obligation to clear up the gum," she said. "They do it for the benefit of their shoppers, town centre users, businesses and residents."
Image caption Wrigley says it is "committed" to playing its part in tackling the issue
Wrigley, which makes Extra, Hubba Bubba and Airwaves gum, said that it was making a "significant investment" in anti-litter campaigns.
This includes a "Litter Less" campaign in some schools, as well as research into tackling gum-dropping using behavioural science, Wrigley said.
"Only changing individual attitudes to littering will keep our streets clean," a company spokesman said. "We are committed to playing our part in making that happen."
The LGA claims that gum costs 3p per piece to buy, but that it costs councils 1.50 clean up each square metre of pavement.
It said the 60m annual bill for eliminating gum could be used to fill "more than a million potholes" instead.
A number of local councils have launched initiatives to cut down on gum littering.
These include posters advertising fines for littering and flyers which double as a wrapper for used gum.
More From this publisher : HERE
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Councils urge chewing gum firms to aid street clean-up – BBC News was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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shropsnews4u · 6 years
Shrewsbury + News from our partners: Plans for the future of Shropshire’s two acute hospitals examined by healthcare professionals
News from our partners Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH)
Healthcare professionals have spent the week looking at plans for Shropshire’s two acute hospitals to ensure the proposed layouts will allow them to deliver the best possible patient care following reconfiguration.
A team of over 50 clinicians, patient representatives and other healthcare professionals have been delving into the proposed NHS Future Fit plans to scrutinise the future designs of the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH).
3p event
All suggested revisions are being made by experts in their field and will now be submitted to architects with a view of maximising clinical spaces, while getting an even better understanding of the exact workforce skills required to deliver the best, kindest and most dignified care possible.
The week-long event has been held in partnership with the Virginia Mason Institute, based in Seattle, USA, and is called a 3P event. 3P is a methodology looking at Production, Preparation and Process and has been successfully used by ‘America’s Hospital of the Decade’ when developing new hospitals.
Mr Tony Fox, Vascular Surgeon at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs RSH and PRH, as well as the Medical Advisor to the Trust’s Transforming Care team, who are leading the 3P event, said:
“We had patient representatives with us throughout the week, which was really important as it allowed us to test ideas with the people who will be using our services. They kept us on track throughout the week and made sure we always put the patient first.
“We have incredibly talented people in every area of our hospitals, and some of the ideas they have come up will make a real difference to the way we deliver care in the future.
“It is simple things like asking surgeons to make sure our operating theatres are in the most appropriate place and asking our Emergency Consultants for their opinions on how to deliver the most patient-centric emergency department. This feedback will allow the architects to go back to their drawing board and tweak their designs to best suit the needs of everyone using our services.
“We were also able to tap into the knowledge of our ‘behind the scenes’ teams as without their input we wouldn’t know what IT infrastructure needs to go where or how many delivery lorries arrive at our hospitals every day. It has been a huge team effort and one everyone involved should feel very proud about.”
Simon Wright, Chief Executive at SaTH, said:
“This is the third time I have been involved in an event of this type and I am incredibly impressed with everything I have seen and heard. The maturity of people’s thinking and their ability to come up with out-of-the-box ideas is fantastic.
“Everyone is so passionate about having the chance to transform our hospitals to make them the best they can be. We have one common goal – to deliver the safest and kindest care to the people of Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Mid Wales – and having seen, heard and felt the energy from our people I am more confident than ever about achieving our vision.
“Those involved in the 3P will be reporting back to the rest of our workforce today (Friday 8 March 2019). This is just the first of many events like this; we want to get as many people as possible involved in the transformation of our hospitals.”
The post News from our partners: Plans for the future of Shropshire’s two acute hospitals examined by healthcare professionals appeared first on Shropshire Council Newsroom.
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accuhunt · 6 years
Day 6 Gold Coast Round Up
Once again, the Home Nations reeled in the silverware on day six of the Commonwealth Games with one silver and three bronze medals being won across the shotgun, rifle and pistol events. Team Scotland's Seonaid McIntosh became the first winner of the day in 50m Rifle 3P. A qualifying score of 568 saw 'Mini Mac' through the the final and she kept a cool head to secure her second bronze of the Games. In pistol, Sam Gowin also won bronze despite having only been shooting Rapid Fire Pistol for just over a year! A Troops to Target shooter, Gowin impressed the Team England coaching team in the lead up the the Games and became the 21st member of their squad. Shotgun's Olympic Trap event was the last competition of the day and two medals were won thanks to fantastic performances from Wales' bronze medalist Sarah Wixey and Northern Ireland's silver medalist Kirsty Barr. Abbey Ling also made the final but fell just short of the Bronze based on bib number and finishing in fourth.25m Rapid Fire PistolSam Gowin (ENG) qualified for the final with a score of 568, after 2 shoot offs to keep him in he finished with a bronze!Kristian Callaghan (ENG) finished in 8th place with a score of 561Womens 50m Rifle 3 PositionSeonaid McIntosh (SCO) qualified for the final in 6th position with a score of 576, leaving the final with a Bronze.Katie Gleeson (ENG) finished her match with a 573, qualifying in 8th position, leaving the final in 5th positionJennifer McIntosh (SCO) qualified for the final in 4th position with a score of 578, finishing the final in 8th positionSian Corish (WAL) finished 9th with a score of 572Rachel Glover (IOM) finished in 11th with a score of 570Gemma Kermode (IOM) finished 15th with a score of 559Womens TrapKirsty Barr (NIR) won a Silver medal, qualifying with a score of 69 in 3rd position after the shoot off.Sarah Wixey (WAL) won a bronze medal! Qualifying for the final in 1st position, after a shoot off, with a score of 69Abbey Ling (ENG) finished the final in 4th, qualifying in 2nd position, after a shoot off, with a score of 69Sharon Niven (SCO) qualified 5th for the final, leaving the final in 6th positionEnglish athlete Ellie Seward finished 9th with a score of 63 Day 6 Gold Coast Round Up published first on https://airriflelab.tumblr.com
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thenation804 · 7 years
Listen to win 🎟🎟 to Nick Cannon’s Wild ‘n Out Live on Fri Dec 22nd in #DC w/ #YoGotti x #Wale inside #SwirvNationRadio 🎙3p-7p @iPowerRichmond
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jackhkeynes · 3 years
7m Lexembr
mannaç mauser /maˈnats moˈzɛr/ [mɐˈnats mʊˈzɛː] a region in which bananas are grown, a locale known for banana export; sun belt, any region known for particularly balmy, warm or sunny weather
Etymology: literally "banana-ish lands". The noun mannaç "realm, lands, domain" is somewhat archaic in general use but can be employed humorously (here it was chosen presumably for the alliteration); it descends from an Old Boral manazȝ or similar, meaning "land holding, domain of a lord". It is a nominalisation of verb maner "to stay, remain" (cf. modern remanir), from Latin maneō in the same sense.
The word mauser is a productive adjectival extension of maus "banana, plantain", which is first attested in Boral in 1397 N (though there is no consistent usage until at least a century later). It is borrowed somehow through the European trade mesh (some suggest a British intermediary but it is impossible to be certain) from Arabic مَوْز (mawz) "bananas"; confusion as to the word's gender in Boral's neighbouring languages suggests it came north along various routes.
Il aurn cogmað fait ag manaç mauser mivocan. /ɪl orn̩ kɔjˈmaθ fet ɛj maˈnats moˈzɛr ˌmi.vo ˈkan/ [ɪl oːn kʊjˈmaθ fet ɛj mɐˈnats mʊˈzɛː ˌmi.vʊˈkan] 3p have-pst.3p holiday do-ptcp.pst to.def lands banana-adj Mivockan They had gone on holiday in the sun belt of Mivock.
paragraphs excerpted from the 1902 compendium On the Cities of the Corvine Concert before the Landfall, a reference work written by Saxon author Witkind Defenter (originally in Saxon as Bezug der Cräherbundstädde for'n Ancuft) on behalf of the Bardwick Library of Trade.
…goods through the Amagre Gap, making Middlesea fruits more available in whole form—with some speculation that even more distant foods like Bamackon mause and gorray nuts [1] could occasionally be found.
Meanwhile, the Borlish city of Axbane (or Ausbagn in the Boral, which descends from a Latin Aquīs Balneī "at the bathing waters"), which had been connected across the Rustigh [2] to the mainland since the establishment there of the originally-Flemish Order of Saint James in the eleventh century, flourished as the meeting grounds for both the trade meshes of the stadbund as well as the Borlish fleet. Exports of Jaibos breweries' renowned beers and ciders aside, the throughput of the Axbane port is thought to account for over a third of European trade outside the Middlesea by 1400 N (after which point it loses some ground to cities in the outer tallaths of Wales and to the incipient Vascon ascendancy).
The late fourteenth century also sees this Borlish city develop a particularly close relationship with Bremen, whose mayor…
[1] Bamackon standing in for a major population centre in 14th-century western Africa, suzerain in particular over parts of the coast to its south. Mause and gorray nuts refer to bananas and kolanuts, respectively.
[2] The strait of water between the south coast of Borland and the north coast of Willemy.
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lostparcels · 7 years
IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
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IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
  We purchase goods from public auctions for resale that may have emanated from parcel companies. 
  Sometimes, during our product research we find the sender, the sender usually wants their goods back as our tracing back to sender demonstrates that the respective parcel companies did not take reasonable efforts to do so.
  IMServ have been informed and thus far not expressed interest in having these returned.
  This is full itemised list of all the items:
1. October 2012 Certified Z45/M12. Single Phase Watt Hour Meter. Property of: ScottishPower. L312J23185. Landis+Gyr. Type 5235A. 20-100A 50Hz. 1PH 2W 230V Cl 2 2012. 5235A022006-110912X2H. P/N: 238-97510-06
2. PRI Limited 0379651. Skyline -120. WAN. PRI29469. Part No.: PMR000-156. Mfd: 2010.
3. Siemens. 1000 imp/kWh. S2AM. Cl2. 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. EN 61036 (1996). Property of S + S. 2002. S2AM-100. F02C 53609. Certified S 09/02.
4. ABB A1700 Programmable Polyphase Meter. Made in UK. 0.04 varh / Imp. PB2CVVRCT-G 2002. SUPPLIED BY :- IMServ 02080128 invensys. Multi Utility Compatible. Certified T 10 02. Site:- Royal Surrey Hospital Guildford. MSID / MPAN:- 1900060413216. Serial No:- 02080128. Outstation No:- 002. Tariff:- E7-lmp. 1/2hr Data Y/N. CT Ratio:- 100/5. VT Ratio:- 11,000/110. Output Pulse Value:- MP71. kWh/kV Arh
5. EDMI ATLAS Mk10D. E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12. Reconnect. Display Select. Pulse 1. Pulse 2. CE M12 0120. UK/0120/SGS0009. 0,5-10(100)A. 10 imp/kWh. SN: 212433633. 1D11-1B-151-17-F11-200031-2. E12BG10083. 10D-031. Made in Singapore.
6. ELSTER A1700 PB3CABYCT-Z 2007. Property of :- Western Power Distribution K1440 K07D00450. Multi Utility Compatible. IMServ MPAN 2199989672011. Cen Day Swansea Road, Exchange. 07824463420.
7. Entity PRI. AACOP5 800/5. PRI Premier Manufactured in UK. Serial No : P99A21674. Type No: P3TA23. Part No: P3TA23/11B43EN5. Property of: London Electricity plc. 3 phase 4 wire. 3 x 230/400V. 3 x 5-6 A. 50 Hz. Lithium Battery.
8. ABB A1700 Programmable Polyphase Meter. Made in UK. PB2CBBRCT-G 2002. Supplied by: IMServ 02080129 invensys.
9. save energy. PRI. EDF Energy. PRI Sprint XP Secure Serial No : P09A11370. Type No : S3DXP210. Part No : S3DXP210/05060004/AB. Property of : EDF Energy CFS. Lithium Battery. 2009. Entity.
10. Elster A1700 CTs 1000/5. Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-Z 2007. K07FB00683. Property of: Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. Siemens Energy Services, C & I Meter Operations, Woodyard Lane, Off Lambourne Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 1GB (LAB50). Registered Office: Siemens House, Oldbury, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8FZ. For Information 0115 906 6589. www.siemens.com
11. Elster A1100 LB3AACBS-A 2014. Property of:- SSE Metering Ltd. K14C06551. CE M14 0120. FW 2-01166-M. IrDA Tx. kWh Cl. A EN 50470. 0120/SGS0054. 4kV. 010446000559. LK0043111S.
12. elster A1700 Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-ZK 2012. K12TB00395. Property of:- Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. 006677000002
13. 1PHS 1RT SSC0393. May 2007 Certified Z35/M07. Single Phase Watt Hour Meter. Installed by: OnStream. A07X121954. Type 5235A. IMServ MPAN 2199999695771. Venturin Farm, Narberth. Exchange. 5235A0707-140507
14. elster A1700. PB3CABYCT-ZK 2012. Property of:- Enterprise Metering K12M00275. 007610000039.
15. Elster Made in UK A1140. IMServ MPAN 2199995580349. HSS Hire, 5 Lovver High St, Merthyr, Faulty Exchange. Metering System Operated by IMServ Helpline: 01908 257779. www.imserv.invensys.com. LK0056467
16. GEC Meters Pocket Stradcom Modem V21/ V.22
17. Liberty 3P P10W696694 Yr. 2010. Type: E3PD14-041/M. 3Ph, 4W, 50Hz, Cl 1.0. 3X230(400)V, 20-100A. 800 imp/kWh. entity PRI. e.on… dedicated Pay As You Go business team… 0845 302 4272.
18. Swalec. Type: YL11D. Landis & Gyr. 3 Phase 4 Wire. Watt-Hour Meter. 3×240. 3×100. 50Hz. 20 REVS per kWh. The Property of:- The South Wales Electrical Board. 1711638. Made in Gt. Britain.
19. IMServ MPAN 2199998996978. First Floor, TSB Bank, Blue St, Carmarthen, Exchange.
20. ABB Made in UK. Type: E43B3B-H. 3PH 4W 50Hz. 30 rev/kWh. KG00J0… Property of Manweb plc.
21. EDMI Mk7C. CE M11 0120. UK/0120/SGS0001. 220-240V. 0.5-10(100)A. 50Hz. Class B. 3K7. IMServ MPAN 2199999765257. Communal Supply, Croft Court, Pembrokeshire Upgrade to 3PH. G4S Installation/Removal Details. Old Meter: 2109427. New Meter: 011253386. G4S Utility Services Limited, Sutton Park House, 15 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4LD. EDMI LIMITED Energy Meter Calibration Date: 30.04.2012
22. Pocket GEM II V.22 C.22bis. Dataflex CE. Made under Licence from DATAFLEX.
23. ASL Holding LTD. www.aslholdings.co.uk. ASLH306TE. The Oaks, Spring Hill Office Park, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton NN6 9AA 01604 883 880. 306000049560. 07545 366623.
24. GSM/GPRS with TCP/IP ASL Delta Plus Mobile II. Communicating by Design. ASL.
25. X 55 M 11 Mar 11. ACE1000 SM0. Itron. EDF Energy S11B007364. Store code 61902E. Made in UK. 2011. 20-100A. 230V 50Hz. Meter quality checked. Mtr No. EDF Energy. BBBB00503442
26. Polyphase Energy Meter. Western Power Distribution D0350 D05D07003. Ampy Automation Peterborough PE6 8SE England. IMServ MPAN 2199999638009. Unit 56-57 Honeyborough Ind Est, Neyland, Milford Haven, Exchange. 5219A05601-220605.
27. APR8 540135020013827001. Mark Twaits. 25 Aintree Crescent. Southport. Merseyside. PR8 5NY. SWAP OUT – Do not deliver if nothing to collect. IMSERV EUROPE LTD (PACKAGE AC). Cons Number: 40135020013827. Weight 20. Parcel: 001. Telephone: 07917374646. Cust Ref: Twaits. 17/0/2016. NEXT DAY 65 PRESTON S040147/DE74 2HP
28. Actaris MC310H-R1-Z cl. 2. 3×230/400V. 20(100)A. No. 49018836. 2004. Property of Scottish and Southern Energy. S04R 36281. Certified G 07 2004.
29. AMPY Polyphase Energy Meter. Property of: South Wales Electricity PLC. 2768716. Type 5165F. 2-120A 50Hz. 230 / 400V. Cl2 2000. Made in UK. Reporter. Ampy Automation. IMServ MPAN 2199998996987. TSB Blue Street Carmarthen Exchange.
30. X 55 M05. Feb 05. ACE1000 SM0 Actaris. Property of Manweb plc. SW05J01329. Made in UK. 2005. 20-100A. 230V 50Hz. EN 61036: 1996. SW05J01329.
31. Elster EN62053-21 : 2003. A100C. Property of :- MANWEB plc. N406J29573. SJ1LACB-A 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. kWh Cl. 2.0 2006. Pseudo MJ1796.
32. Type CL 27.1 Landis & Gyr. 1 Phase 2 Wire A.C. Wh Meter Class 2.0 The Property of:- The Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. L71J07846. Made in GT. BRITAIN. Pseudo *MH4026*
33. 240V. 20-80A. 50 Hz. S 200.31. A.C. WATTHOUR METER. 1PH 2W. CLASS 2.0. FLOTON. Magnetic Bearing. This meter is the property of Southern Electricity Board. Sangamo Weston Ltd. Enfield. Middx. Eng. S71C 11082.
34. entity PRI Sprint SEMS. IMServ MPAN 2199994799893. Church of Jesus, Woodland Terrace, Pontypridd, Exchange. 1 RATE.
35. Radio Telemeter Series K. 1Ph 2W 50Hz 230V CL.2. BS EN61036. Made in England. Property of. Scottish and Southern Energy plc. H08C 11823. Type. K122F03. 20-100A. IC(D)100A. IC(C)25A. 2008. Horstmann. Single Element Radio Telemeter H08C 11823. Scottish and Southern Energy plc. Group Code 19. 341059. Q4. Night/Evening&Weekend
36. elster CE EN 62053-21 : 2003. A100C. Property of: Scottish Power. SJ1LACB-C. 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. kWh Cl. 2.0 2007. 4607P41826. LB0041121. 70501202.
37. 240V. 40A Max. 50 c/s. Sangamo Weston Ltd. Enfield. Middx. Eng. S 200.16 WATTHOUR METER. 250 revs/kWh. 1PH 2W. FLOTON Magnetic Bearing. S66J 00594. Property of the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board.
38. ISKRA Made in Slovenia. AC – 3 Ph 4 Wire. Type MT300-D2A51-F. No. 29 405 126. 3×230/400 V. 40(100) A. 50Hz. Property of S+S V02C12394. 27.734.314 BP
39. elster A100C. Property of: Scottish Power. 4607P27910. SJ1LACB-C. LB0041121. 70501202.
40. Type C11B2A-H. 20-80 A. 240V 50Hz. 1PH 2W. GEC Meters. Made in UK. BS5685. K94C44879.
41. entity PRI. PRI Premier Secure Serial No : P07C 04826. Type No : P3TA23. Property of: SSE. Lithium Battery. 2007. M1 100/5. Ratio: 300/5/ 230 Volts. Tariff: M1. IMP Value: 0.5. Register Value: As Display.
42. Landis + Gyr Dialog. Certified 05/03. WATT-HOUR METER. ZMD120ASdr53. No. 77 122 932. 50 Hz. IMServ MPAN 2199990460100. St. Mary RC Primary School, Exchange.
43. English Electric. Type C31B/M. Volts 240. AMPS 40MAX. K69J 10878. R/kWh 300. Property fo The Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. Made in Great Britain by The English Electric Co. Ltd London
44. PRI Premier Secure Serial No : P09A22466. Type No : P3TA23. Part No : P3TA23/11B43EN5/M. Property of: EDF Energy CFS. Lithium Battery. 2009. entity. IMServ MPAN 2000054530089 Unit L917-20 St Davids Centre Cardiff Exchange.
45. elster A1700 Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-ZG 2011. K11TB00018. Property of: Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. 004539000057.
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jackhkeynes · 3 years
Elsewhere in the Boralverse...
Part 1/?: Welsh
The heartland of the Welsh (also Cambrick, cf. French gallois but Vascon cambrèix) language is, as in our timeline, the polity of Wales.
In the Boralverse, Welsh-speaking communities have furthermore spread across the globe, with varieties of the langiage officially used everywhere from Hasiny in Mendeva [North America] to New Leudong in Chrysia [Australia].
There is much interesting history to be told about these migrations—cf. Peðer Hetsong’s 1864 novel The Land of Golden Lies and Sugared Fire; here I will discuss instead some features of 'Normal British Welsh' (in itself, Savon Vrythonig y Gymbroeg).
1. Phonology
/p b t d k g/ <p b t d c~k g> /m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̊ ŋ/ <mh m nh n ngh ng> /f v θ ð ɫ s χ/ <f~ph v th ð ll s h~ch> /w l r j/ <w l r j~i>
/a e i y o u ə/ <a e i u o ω y> (/a ɛ ɪ ʏ ɔ ʊ ə/ when short in closed syllables) + length marked with an acute
For example, y jár /ə jaːr/ "the hen", hwé physg /χweː fəsg/ "six fish", muhuð a diamond /ˈmyχʏð a ˈdjamɔnd/ "jet and diamond".
Note that /p t k/ are strongly aspirated and only appear in onset.
2. Mutations
Like all Keltic languages, words in Welsh undergo 'mutation', usually conditioned by a preceding word. The three processes that occur are the 'soft, nasal and aspirate' mutations, e.g. respectively:
trew "a town" > y drew "the town" trew "a town" > deng nhrew "ten towns" trew "a town" > ei threw "her town"
The soft mutation also occurs at the start of finite verbs' direct object:
moron "carrots" > vωtes i voron "I ate carrots", réth i vωta moron "I did eat carrots"
and finite verbs also undergo the soft mutation in VSO sentences:
gweld "to see" > weles ti'r dýn "you saw the man", pω gweles ti? "who did you see?
3. Verb morphology
Welsh verbs in general distinguish perfective and imperfective aspect, usually using the auxiliaries bod "to be" and gréd "to do". We give various first-person singular forms for the regular -u verb canu "to sing".
Present tense: pfv ra vi ganu "I sing", ipfv ω vi'n canu "I am singing"
Past tense: pfv ganes i/rés i ganu "I sang/I have sung", ipfv ón i'n canu "I was singing"
Future tense: pfv gana vi/ω vi am ganu "I will sing", ipfv byð i'n canu "I will be singing"
Pluperfect: bú vi'n canu "I had sung/I had been singing"
Conditional/Irrealis: ganωn i "I would sing"
Some examples of Boralverse Welsh sentences:
Réth y cloð grexu'r vryngár, oðyn allón ni ðim éd i meωn ynghonid. /ˈreːθ ə ˈklɔð ˈgrɛksʏr ˈvrəŋgaːr | ˈoðən ˈaɬoːn ni ðɪm ˈeːd i ˈmeʊn əˈŋ̊onɪd/ do.pst.3s def moat surround=def castle | therefore can.pst.1p 1p not go to inside unseen The moat surrounded the castle, and so we couldn't get in undetected.
Óð y llyωryð o Rodva Hódrán yn ðýn prydverth sy'n ryw drigen ód. /ˈoːð ə ˈɬəʊ.ɾəð o ˈrɔd.va ˈχoː.dɾaːn ən ˈðəːn ˈpɾəd.vɛɾθ sən ˈrəʊ ˈdɾi.gɛn ˈoːd/ be.imp.3s def bookseller from street hawthorn in man handsome rel.be in some thirty age The bookseller of Hawthorn Street was a handsome man of perhaps thirty years.
Éthon nhω o Daleth Kernywig a chymudon nhw i Bentros. /ˈeːθɔn n̥u o ˈdalɛθ ˈkɛrnəwɪg a ˈχəmydɔn n̥u i ˈbɛntrɔs/ go-3p.pst 3p from state cornish and migrate-3p.pst 3p to Pentrose. They left the Talleth of Devon and emigrated to Pentrose.
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accuhunt · 6 years
Day 6 Gold Coast Round Up
Once again, the Home Nations reeled in the silverware on day six of the Commonwealth Games with one silver and three bronze medals being won across the shotgun, rifle and pistol events. Team Scotland's Seonaid McIntosh became the first winner of the day in 50m Rifle 3P. A qualifying score of 568 saw 'Mini Mac' through the the final and she kept a cool head to secure her second bronze of the Games. In pistol, Sam Gowin also won bronze despite having only been shooting Rapid Fire Pistol for just over a year! A Troops to Target shooter, Gowin impressed the Team England coaching team in the lead up the the Games and became the 21st member of their squad. Shotgun's Olympic Trap event was the last competition of the day and two medals were won thanks to fantastic performances from Wales' bronze medalist Sarah Wixey and Northern Ireland's silver medalist Kirsty Barr. Abbey Ling also made the final but fell just short of the Bronze based on bib number and finishing in fourth.25m Rapid Fire PistolSam Gowin (ENG) qualified for the final with a score of 568, after 2 shoot offs to keep him in he finished with a bronze!Kristian Callaghan (ENG) finished in 8th place with a score of 561Womens 50m Rifle 3 PositionSeonaid McIntosh (SCO) qualified for the final in 6th position with a score of 576, leaving the final with a Bronze.Katie Gleeson (ENG) finished her match with a 573, qualifying in 8th position, leaving the final in 5th positionJennifer McIntosh (SCO) qualified for the final in 4th position with a score of 578, finishing the final in 8th positionSian Corish (WAL) finished 9th with a score of 572Rachel Glover (IOM) finished in 11th with a score of 570Gemma Kermode (IOM) finished 15th with a score of 559Womens TrapKirsty Barr (NIR) won a Silver medal, qualifying with a score of 69 in 3rd position after the shoot off.Sarah Wixey (WAL) won a bronze medal! Qualifying for the final in 1st position, after a shoot off, with a score of 69Abbey Ling (ENG) finished the final in 4th, qualifying in 2nd position, after a shoot off, with a score of 69Sharon Niven (SCO) qualified 5th for the final, leaving the final in 6th positionEnglish athlete Ellie Seward finished 9th with a score of 63 Day 6 Gold Coast Round Up published first on https://airriflelab.tumblr.com
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