#2p nyo denmark
atla-nordics-and-co · 2 years
You're What?
August 13 Prompt: Fate // Rich kids DenNor variant: Hanne (2P Nyo Denmark)/Ingrid (2P Nyo Norway)
Ingrid raised an eyebrow. These prices were too high. How were they supposed to afford anything when they didn’t have enough to pay for it? Dang rich people. A sigh escaped them and they left the shops, hopefully looking for food elsewhere. They came from one of the poorer cities of the Fire Nation. Both Ingrid and their sister Valdís should at least have something.
Hanne, on the other hand, came from the Northern Water Tribe, which happens to be faring a lot better than some Fire Nation cities. Not to mention some places in the Earth Kingdom, but that’s besides the point. She had gone out on one of the fishing trips and through the use of water bending, managed to catch a few. A faint smile crossed her face as the fish were brought in.
One day, Ingrid happened to by by a body of water when they spotted something. Is that… a person? On a boat in the water? What’s going on over there? It looks like they’re water bending. And would you look at that, they managed to catch some fish. Once they had all the fish needed, the water bender took the boat back to shore. Ingrid decided to go say hi to the other. As they approached, they could see that the person is a female with short blonde hair and purple eyes.
“Hi there,” Ingrid said when the other was at the shore. Purple eyes look at them in surprise. “I’m Ingrid,” Ingrid said. “Haven’t seen you around before.” There was a moment of silence before the water bender spoke. “Hanne. I’m from the Northern Water Tribe,” Hanne said. Ingrid gave her a look. “So, you’re one of those rich people, are you?” They asked. A soft giggle escaped Hanne and she smiled a bit. “Yeah, but I don’t mind sharing what I catch.” She gave Ingrid a couple of the fish she had caught. This time, it was Ingrid that was silent for a moment. “You’re different from the other rich people. Most of them are snobs.” “Well, as I said, I’m from the Northern Water Tribe. For the most part we were taught to be nice to others.”
As time went on, Ingrid and Hanne’s friendship became stronger. Hanne would buy things for Ingrid if they couldn’t and in turn Ingrid would protect Hanne while she was fishing. One day, Hanne asked the one thing that Ingrid hadn’t been expecting.
“Would you be my partner? As in romantically?” There was a moment of silence. “Yes.”
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alfredosauce50 · 1 month
One More Night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 12 (draft)
Wordcount: 519
It wasn’t something he’d associate with a trip to Sin City because you either spent copious amounts of money or sold your soul, neither of which, he was willing to do.
The draft is on my Patreon ❤️
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my-hetalia-academia · 8 months
Oct. 28 Prompt: poisoned | coughing up blood | bleeding out
Character(s): Portugal (Amaro Vincente/Poisono), 2P Liechtenstein (Idda Vogel/Biola), Nyo Denmark (Matilde Winther)
Amaro Vincente. Portuguese villain who happens to have a gas quirk. Last thing he’d needed at the moment was for a knife to be held to his neck. Green eyes glance down to see a smaller woman with short black hair and deep blue eyes. Well, isn’t this great. It’s villainess Biola, real name Idda Vogel.
“Biola,” Amaro said. “Poisono,” Idda said. “You owe me something that you haven’t quite returned yet.” “I don’t recall,” Amaro said. The knife was pressed into his skin, a tiny bit of blood making it onto the weapon. “Don’t make me use my quirk on you. You know what I can do,” Idda said. “And you know what mine is,” Amaro countered. “What is it you want? Money? You can get that yourself, you know. What with that brother of yours.” “No. I need a distraction,” Idda said. “My target is one of the hero students. I’m not going to find them without it. No way in hell am I asking the lightning horse duo.” Amaro huffed. “Fine. But you better let me know when you’ve taken care of them.”
Yet here Amaro is, hidden in the school after him and Idda somehow managed to sneak into Fortuna Academy. A gas seemed to seep out from his body. One that would put others to sleep and keep them that way until the toxin is treated. Unless someone were to have, say, a gas mask or something protecting their face. Which is how he ended up with a first year student standing there staring at him. She seems to have something covering her mouth and nose. Are those plants? He didn’t quite see what she looked like before a couple roots launched themselves at his shoulders and forehead.
The last thing Amaro felt before passing out was what felt like arms wrapping around him.
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expressive-bread · 2 years
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legendary version of our dnd characters...
...or dnd-AU for hetalia, as you wish
1. Sigurd (Norway) - wizard-dragon (silver) who destroyed half of the continent; 2. Arthur (England) -  half-elf wizard with great ambitions and an even greater love for fairy tales; 3. Gunther (2p!Prussia) - ancient elven warlock with a thousand secrets; 4. Henrik (Denmark) - human barbarian of dragon totem (you know which dragon); 5. Francesca (nyo!France) -  high priestess of the god of beauty and no one knows what she really looks like under the illusions; 6. Cornelius (2p!Rome) -  high priest of the god of law without empathy and morality
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yanwriter-archive · 2 years
Update on blog and Upcoming Works
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Hello! It’s been a very long time! I won’t bore you with details, but I will say that I’m back! I have a few things I am working on, so my requests are closed for now, but over half of my requests were deleted by accident! So once I open them up, feel free to request something you may have requested before!
- Yanwriter
Upcoming works (No particular order)
1p Russia, 1p Germany, 2p Russia, and 2p Germany trying to convince the boss of Fem! Reader country to get married
2p France, 2p America, 2p Canada, and 2p England with a s/o that is emotionally sensitive
2p Russia and 2p China with a s/o who is emotionally sensitive
Yandere Nyo!Belarus General headcanons
Yandere Netherlands
Yandere Viking Sweden
A yandere Denmark Fic (I’m so excited for this!!)
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October 24 prompt: Trick or Treat? / Dark Forest / Haunted House
Character(s): Nyo Denmark (Matilde/Rattlesnake), 2P Ladonia (Garth/Billy Goat), Nyo Finland (Inka/Riikinkukko)
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Inka looked out the window. Right out there is the forest no one had gone into for years. Reason being is there's rumors that whoever walks into the forest doesn't come out. A hand touching Inka's shoulder made her jump. Purple eyes look to see red ones staring at her. He also has orange hair and a paint mark on his cheek. Ah, Garth.
"Is there a reason you're looking at the forest?" Garth asked. "I thought I saw something out there," Inka said. Garth looked out at the forest for a moment. Nothing but trees. "Well, I don't see anything there now, so I think we're good there. Anyway, Leevi needed us for something." Nodding, Inka got up and followed after Garth.
What Inka didn't realize was that she had, in fact, seen something out near the forest. Rather, someone. Blue eyes of the kwamiswap snake holder Rattlesnake look around. There was something in the forest she had needed, but the problem was how big the forest was and the fact that most of the trees looked the same. When she found what she was looking for, she sat on the grass. Sitting in front of her is a gravestone that has a name on it. Diðrikur Bakke-Winther.
"Hi, Diðrikur," she said. "It's mama. I have a different miraculous for now, but I will bring you back one day. I promise." When her visit with her deceased son was over, Rattlesnake headed back through the trees where she had come from. However, what she saw when she's gotten to the entrance was Billy Goat and Riikinkukko, two of the heroes. "I knew I saw something," Riikinkukko said. "Rattlesnake, please," Billy Goat said. "You know what they say about the woods. Give us the snake so we can return it to Jörmungandr and let us take you back home." Rattlesnake didn't say anything, but she did run back into the woods. Billy Goat and Riikinkukko ran in after her. By the time the two caught up to her, Rattlesnake was nowhere to be seen. Instead, what they saw was a gravestone. Crouched on a branch above said gravestone is a blue-eyed blonde woman they knew as Matilde Winther.
"What are you doing here?" Matilde asked, glaring at the two. "Looking for someone else, apparently," Riikinkukko said.
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grapeautumn · 11 months
Looking for a Hetalia RP server?
Hello! I moderate Hetalia - The World RP, a 16+ public roleplay server and we are looking for new people to join us :D
‧₊˚꒰ 🌍┊ Who are we?・୨୧ ☀️・ We are an inclusive nationverse server with a friendly member base! Hetalia - The World RP has been around for over two years and features an organised system for roleplaying with various text channels (e.g. chatrooms, group-chats and DMs) for characters to talk, along with literate channels to carry out literate, semi-literate, and script roleplay.
‧₊˚꒰ 🌍┊ What characters are available?・୨୧ ☀️・ We allow a vast amount of nations (1P, 2P, Nyos), as well as OC nations, micronations, cities, states, and more! We have quite a few characters free, including an opt-in system that allows characters to be dropped for new members who want to roleplay their favourites. 
Some of these available slots include: America, Germany, Lithuania, Czechia, Hungary, Belarus, Denmark, and Norway
‧₊˚꒰ 🌍┊ What else can we offer?・୨୧ ☀️・ Our server also offers a huge selection of stickers, emoji, and channels for OOC chatting! You do NOT need to RP to stay in the server, you’re also free to just hang out and chat about Hetalia. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! https://discord.gg/hetaliarp
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Nyo! Prussia Roleplay Starter
If you are interested in a roleplay, please feel free to like the post or DM me! Looking for: Italy, Southern Italy, Canada, 2p! Canada, Austria, Nyo! Hungary, England, America, Denmark, Spain, Scotland or France. Others may be considered and I am open for polyships. TW: Cancer, Death, Medical, Grieving
When Ludwig was diagnosed with Cancer, no one expected him to not make a full recovery. He was young, healthy, and in shape. The diagnosis was not an early one, but it should have been something he could come back from. It had not been too late, but second stage cancer. Even the doctors that they spoke with were sure that Ludwig would easily make a full recovery with very little issue and aggressive treatments. And yet…there Julchen sat at his freshly buried grave, left alone by the person that she cared for most.
She was there when he was diagnosed, when he started and at every treatment for chemo and radiation. She watched her brother as he changed from a strong, healthy young man to a thin, gaunt, shell of who he used to be. The change was gradual too. Coughing, nose bleeds, lack of energy at first, then one day he fully collapsed at work and was put on long term leave from his job. He was always tired, struggled to keep his food down, and he was not the person he once was all that time ago.
A little under three years into treatment and Ludwig had finally had enough of all the poking, prodding, and treatments. He had accepted that there was no saving him, that he was dying and there was nothing they could do but prolong his suffering further. He opted to stop the treatments much to Julchen’s dismay. The woman wanted her brother to continue fighting but was forced to accept that the gaunt individual was tired and he was ready to let go. He lasted another eight months, and she was there when he was put into hospice and finally, there when he took his last breath.
When his heart monitor was flatline, Julchen screamed and cried. She demanded for him to wake up, demanded for them to resuscitate her brother but he had signed a do not resuscitate order so they could not. Eventually the woman had to be pulled from her brother’s still warm body as he was removed so that his body could be properly readied for burial. When everyone left and the equipment was collected, the Prussian sat in her now empty home with a blank stare. She had spent the last three years caring for her brother, hand and foot. There were no friends, no social circle, no lines of support. Their parents died when he was a teen and she was twenty, leaving her to take care of him until he went off to college and started working. She had never truly known a life without the man in it.
Now that Julchen sat at his grave, the woman felt…empty. Her chest ached, but she could not feel the tears burning her cheeks. She could not feel the cold against her skin, the rain soaking her, nor anything else but the pain of his passing. The woman collapsed into the now muddied soil, quietly sobbing into the ground. There was no way Ludwig could be gone. He was so young and healthy. He was too good, why was it not her? It should have been her. He had far too much left to experience and do for him to be gone.
Who knew how long she had been there, laying on the grave site as she sobbed. She sobbed until there were no more tears, then she sobbed some more. She was absolutely soaked to the bone, cold, and mud. Julchen was unaware of anything going on behind her, the blind woman’s blank stare directed at her brother’s headstone, leaving her vulnerable and alone as no one else had come to his burial.
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mikkelves · 11 months
HELLO HELLO!!! I’m named Mikkel English isn’t my first language so, feel free to bully me lightheartedly!! I take requests and I write for Hetalia (Any character + 1p/2p/nyo/etc) I do nOT write NSFW I AM A CHILD OF GOD. Anyways I’m Pansexual, Audhdbpd, Danish I aswell.. **Write for TGS** (the glass scientists), it’s like, my biggest fixation rn, I write for Eddsworld, Creepypasta, SATW, Southpark (ONLY PLATONICALLY WAHHH {unless adults :eyes:}), and Countryhumans (I know I am the biggest cringe)  RAHHHHHH I’m an ENTP/ESFP and I’m a system Host is me, I’m a Denmark (Hetalia fictive), aswell as a Natsuki, Edward Hyde (TGS), Kyle (SP) fictionkin :000 wowie!! Crazy anyways that’s all (I think I overshared.. whoopsies..) Languages I will write in: English. Just, English. Everything else is sin. /j
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atla-nordics-and-co · 2 years
Trying Outfits
August 10 Prompt: Trust // Costumes
DenNor variant: Mikkel (2P Denmark)/Bente (Nyo Norway)
Purple eyes of Mikkel look around. So, this is Ember Island. Matthias had said that he could use a bit of a vacation, so he ended up here somehow. It was fairly obvious that he's not from around here, mainly because everyone's wearing clothes in different shades of red and he's wearing shades of blue. Yeah... maybe he should get some Fire Nation clothes. Beach type, at that. Gotta love Southern Water Tribe clothes, though.
A soft sound escaped the blonde Fire Nation woman as she entered the front of the shop. Bente had heard the bell at the door chime, signaling that someone had entered. What she had been expecting to find was rowdy teens that had managed to tear their clothes. Not... a water tribe male. She just stared at him for a moment as he approached her. Gotta admit, he is kind of cute.
"Did... you need something?" She asked. "Is it ok if I look around?" He asked. "Yeah, sure," Bente said. Mikkel nodded, looking around at the different clothes. Finding some clothes he liked, Mikkel paid for them and left the shop. Soon after, he did find a place to stay and tried on the clothes he bought.
Sometime later, Bente found herself on her way to one of the water tribe islands. Specifically, the Orca Islands. If only she had remembered to make warm clothes. Fortunately, she had managed to run into some people from the Water Tribe. One of the faces seemed all too familiar to her. Blond hair, purple eyes, beard. That's when he showed her a peak of red clothing. Oh, right. That's why he looks familiar. Ember Island.
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alfredosauce50 · 1 year
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 11
Wordcount: 4, 365 Rating: M for strong language and mature themes
The reader is referred to as she/her
One more night - 11
Off to the races
Mathias rolled his fists against a speed bag, getting it to bounce back and forth rhythmically. A sheen of sweat had glazed over his skin from head to toe, but he never faltered. He was finally back in the zone.
He also lost everything he gained, revealing his past triumphs. Bulging shoulders, a six-pack, and strong legs for a muscular body. He swung into the speed bag one last time, making it rock to and fro.
And he was just getting started.
“You’re in a good mood today,” You commented from the kitchen, sipping a warm cup of coffee. Everyone slept in on Sundays, Allen included, but he got up at nine to do nothing but scribble in his sketchbook.
“Am I?” He lifted his eyes to you, only to look down at his page again. “What gave it away?”
“You’re drawing.”
“I can’t channel my inner negativity sometimes?”
“I think we both know how you actually do that.”
“Okay, fine. You got me.” He mumbled, moving his pencil around for a few finishing touches. Once he was satisfied, he held up his drawing with a proud, toothy grin. “Look. It’s a fortress.”
“Wow,” You mouthed. A smiling stick figure with black shades stood on top of a castle, raining machine gunfire and grenades on the masses below. “And who’s that guarding the fortress?”
“What about all the people down here?”
“I think you know.” He put his sketchbook down.
Now that Mathias moved back home, Allen was the happiest he’d ever been. Even though they were on better terms, this was his home, and he had a very particular idea of what that looked like.
“You guys realize Hammy has been roaming outside his cage for a while.” Amy sauntered in with a squint.
Allen flew off the couch and scrambled into the hallway. With his spot vacant, she plopped down next to you and kicked her feet onto the coffee table. When he came back with his pet, he scowled.
“Hey, you stole my spot!”
“Didn’t see your name on it.”
“I was literally just there!” He stuck out a hand.
“Well, you weren’t for a second.” She hummed.
The three of you, just like old times.
“To think I used to complain about people bringing their babies to the theater,” Amy muttered, collecting her popcorn from the snack bar. She spun around to reveal Bob strapped to her torso. “Now I’m people.”
“And you’re seeing Captain America of all movies.”
“I must be crazy.”
“I mean,” You made a face. Amy was the one who suggested this, but now that she was here, she had to be persuaded. “It was either here or the gym. It’s not your fault Malena couldn’t take him tonight.”
“That’s not even the problem,” She sighed.
“Then what is?” You asked, confused.
“I don’t wanna leave Bob with anybody right now.” Amy hugged him close, face falling slightly.
She still had a hard time being away from her baby after that incident. She didn’t have a choice while working, but now that she was off-duty, keeping him around was always at the back of her mind.
“Then I guess we’ll have to get him used to these kinds of places.” You pulled her along, watching her expression closely. She let you, albeit reluctantly. “There’s a first time for everything, you know?”
“I guess,” She fixed his earmuffs. “Sorry, Bob.”
“When was the last time you went to see a movie anyway?” You asked, walking inside with her.
“Beats me.”
Two hours later, you both emerged from the theater.
“That was fucking amazing,” She let out, smiling from ear to ear. “Bob fell asleep halfway through!”
You and Amy swung by Whole Foods after.
“Do you think he’s gonna win?” She asked, watching you add several bananas to the shopping cart.
The question had been looming over your minds ever since Mathias brought it up. The WBC Continental Americas title. He and another heavyweight boxer would go toe to toe in the arena for that belt.
“It’s hard to say,” You shook your head, falling deep in thought. “This is his first shot at a real title.”
“I’m just relieved he didn’t give up.”
“Me too.” She furrowed her brows.
“Whatever happens, I’m really happy that he’s kinda himself again,” You added, smiling briefly. Because even after everything that happened, he didn’t quit. And that couldn’t be more fitting for who he was.
“Well, I’m glad he’s back.” Amy hummed, though her expression came off as more bittersweet than anything. Your face fell slightly when you picked up on it. “I wouldn’t be telling you this otherwise.”
“Telling me what?”
“That Mat told me,” She inhaled a deep breath before revealing what had been on her mind forever. “He wanted you to move out with him. And I just want you to know that I’m a hundred percent for it.”
“What?” Your heart sank. “He told you?”
“Ages ago, actually. I just never had the chance to bring it up. Didn’t wanna cause any more drama,” Amelia explained, pushing the cart along as she spoke. “What, with everything that went down?”
You turned away, eyes darting restlessly and mind racing with a million thoughts. This whole time?
“Allen would’ve gone nuts.” She widened her eyes.
It was no secret that he loved you dearly, going so far as to use you as an emotional crutch. To leave was to put him in a vulnerable headspace, but you couldn’t be there for him forever, not even if you wanted to.
“Not that he won’t freak out if you told him now, but he might not fly off the handle when you do.”
“But what about the apartment?” You asked, voice faint. Now that moving out was on the table, every doubt you’ve ever had flooded your mind in a rush of anxiety. “And what about Bob? I can’t just leave.”
“We’ll be fine,” Amy assured, holding your shoulder. It was a blanket statement at best, but how else were things supposed to be? “Allen will have to get a job someday. And Bob won’t be small forever.”
“But he’s only six months old.” You uttered.
“He can sit upright and eat scrambled eggs, now. That’s pretty big if you ask me.” She nudged you.
You laughed some, thankful for her lightheartedness.
“But, point is,” She went back to pushing her cart, as reflective of the continuation of the conversation.  “You’ve already been there for the most crucial part of his life. And nine months before that too.”
“Of course I was, Amy. That’s a given.”
“What if it’s not supposed to be given?” She asked, much to your dismay. “You’ve already done so much for us, and I can’t just force you to stay forever. That would be the most selfish thing I could do to you.”
“Maybe,” You replied stiffly. Everything she just said was a stark reminder of what you told Allen once, and you always regretted it from the bottom of your heart. “But you aren’t forcing me to do anything.”
“I love living with you guys,” You let out, voice faint to hide the sadness in it. “You’re my best friend.”
Amy stood perfectly still, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. Then, she turned to you, eyes wide. When she saw that you were barely holding it together, she did something completely out of character.
She hugged you as tight as she could.
“I know.” She shut her eyes. “But you have to go.”
You hugged her back, lips pursed tightly in a frown. She knew what you really wanted, and would go to great lengths for you to have it. Even if it meant letting you go, the hardest thing she could ever do.
“Do you think Bob will remember me?”
“He will if you visit,” She released you with a content smile, knowing she managed to convince you. So, she took in your face for what felt like the last time. “So don’t go somewhere I can’t get to, okay?”
Getting Amelia on board with the idea was easy because she was already all for it. Allen, on the other hand, would be a completely different story. But you had to tell him someday, even if that wasn’t today.
You pushed the door open to the local boxing gym.
When you got inside, you saw Mathias doing mitt work with Allen. Their brewing friendship was the most unexpected development yet, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your enthusiasm.
They had more in common than they looked.
The sun was almost set when you three walked home together. Allen had his arms folded behind his head, his dark eyes staring into the distance. Mathias had your hand in his, which squeezed you here and there.
“So,” You began, breaking the comfortable silence with a query. “Are you two friends now?”
They both made a face, brows raised and squinting.
“I don’t think Allen would be comfortable with that.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“Oh, alright.” You sighed, stifling a laugh at their synchronization. “I was just curious, is all.”
“Saying we’re friends would be putting him on the same level as you. And that’s gross.” Allen mumbled.
“There’s always distinctions you make with different friends you have,” You glanced at him and watched his expression intently, which didn’t seem to change. “Surely you have friends you’re close to, or not at all.”
“Not really,” He shrugged. “I mean, I used to.”
A brief silence followed, and you were left to put the pieces together. Mathias didn’t have any idea what he implied, but you knew better. He must’ve been talking about his pals from Afghanistan.
“It’s fine.” Allen grinned at you. “I have you guys.”
You didn’t say anything more, only bringing his arm down to hold it. He appreciated the gesture, the discreteness of it, and smiled warmly at you to prove it. You smiled back as if to tell him he was right.
He had you, Amy, and Bob.
Slowly, but surely, Mathias could make the cut too.
“You told Amy,” You began, staying in the doorway as he shuffled through his things in his bedroom. Allen waited outside in the front yard, giving you both a moment of privacy, however brief that may be.
Mathias stopped for a moment, back turned to you.
“Are you mad at me?” He murmured.
“No,” You neared him, gaze softening. He glanced over his shoulder, surprised. But that dissolved into relief as soon as you said this. “I’m actually glad you did. I don’t think I would’ve been able to tell her.”
“I’m glad,” He smiled, taking your hands.
You smiled back, warmed by his touch.
“She loves you more than you know.”
Out of the four of you, Mathias was the least afraid of change. It took a lot of faith to carry himself the way he did, and he did so naturally. Without him, you would’ve been stuck in the same place for years.
“So, what did she say?”
Allen kicked a pebble off the pavement. When he glanced up at the apartment again, he saw you two having a conversation. About what, he didn’t know. But he could make a judgement from afar.
The way Mathias looked at you, laughed, then picked you up in the tightest embrace had him wondering if this was the end of everything he knew. It was a huge jump from point a to b, but he wasn’t stupid.
He looked too happy for it to be anything else.
You did too, talking excitedly about something he wasn’t a part of, and never would be. When that dawned on Allen, he turned away, heart in his hand. That night, he walked home by himself.
Out on the balcony where he always was, he knelt over his plants and tended to them. Basil, thyme, sage, and parsley—all Summer herbs. He snipped off the stalks and harvested them for the coming Fall.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“I thought you were staying at his place.”
“If I was, I would’ve said that.” You stepped outside with him. When he didn’t respond, you instantly knew he was bent out of shape over something, but what, you didn’t know. “What is this really about?”
“Nothing,” He kept chopping his plants, but his movements grew less and less controlled as he continued. His front was already crumbling, and you just got here. “Everything’s just nice and peachy.”
“Okay, Al.” You relented, turning to the sliding door.
The sight of your back was all it took.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have to.”
What remained of his hard exterior was all but gone. You broke him down all over again, and simply by letting him be. He couldn’t take it anymore. Not the distance, or the reality that he could never have you.
“Wait.” He stood up, sighing. “Don’t close that door.”
You stopped halfway through the door frame, your eyes softening at his change of heart. If he had something to tell you, you did too. And your concerns were realer than what he thought he saw out there.
“I wanna talk.”
Mathias knocked on the doorframe of his coach’s office. In his hand was the slip of paper he’d been itching to get for the past month. He handed it to his mentor, who scanned it before tossing it on his desk.
With that out of the way, the old man stood up and brushed past him in a slight hobble.
“Get your wraps. We’re gonna start with the basics.”
Allen stood with you on the balcony, his arms draped over the railing. He stared into the night as he tried to think of the words. After a few minutes of mulling it over, this was the best he could come up with.
“So, what, he propose to you or something?”
“No!” You shot him a heated look, watching his brows go up. “Is that what you were upset about?”
He pursed his lips, hands raised in denial. But seeing that you were unconvinced, he just sucked it up.
“Well, he didn’t propose, okay?”
“Then that’s all I wanted to know,” He grinned, voice rich with satisfaction. He went back to his usual self almost instantly, hopping back into the living room. “Now all I’m missing is a kiss for good measure.”
“A kiss?” You stifled a laugh.
“You know I’m only kidding.” He scraped the bottom of his flip-flops against the entry mat to clean them. When Allen faced you again, he leaned against the door frame. “You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.”
He might’ve said one thing, but the gentle smile on his face meant another. And since you couldn’t give him what he really wanted, you gave him the next best thing. You leaned forward and hugged him.
Allen’s arms went around you on instinct, like a reflex he didn’t need to think about. There, he nestled his chin on your head, closing his eyes in the embrace. Then, his smile grew out of a deep sense of peace.
Now this wasn’t so bad. He also got the assurances he needed, so why was he still so sad?
“Listen, Al.”
Mathias raised his gloved fists, bright red in color.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
With his head low and eyes up, he looked intensely focused as he jabbed the sandbag in front of him. Only they were nothing but light taps, hitting the same spot on the leather, over and over.
“Okay, then tell me.” Allen was a little unnerved that you even had to announce it. What he saw tonight, how he always felt around you, and your anxious demeanor only seemed to validate that fear.
“I’m moving out with Mat.” You finally let out.
A few seconds of painstaking silence went by.
Mathias tightened the strings of his hoodie until only his face was left uncovered. Now that Summer was ending, he could feel a cool breeze on his morning runs. The seasons were changing, and so was he.
“I don’t know, but probably sometime after his tournament. We haven’t decided on anything yet,” You answered truthfully, scanning his face for something, anything. But he gave you nothing.
“Does Amy know?”
Or so you thought.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I told her last week.”
“Right.” He looked down, eyes darkening. It was inconceivable that anybody could be so hurt over something so minor, but Allen wasn’t just anybody. “Why am I always the last one to know things?”
“I was gonna tell you, Al. I promise.” You spoke softly, taking his arms. “I just had to find the right time.”
“Why is it always Amy you go to when you know something will affect me most?” He rubbed his eyes with one hand, choking back a sob. “You guys are always keeping things from me and leaving me out!”
“We only do that because we don’t wanna hurt you!” You flushed, making him shake his head bitterly.
“You’re gonna hurt me anyway. So you might as well just say it.” Allen muttered, staring dead into your eyes as a single tear fell from his. His words were cutting, and the way he looked at you, even more so.
“I’m sorry,” Your voice broke. “I never mean to.”
He was right about being excluded, and he had all the right in the world to berate you for it. It was also selfish to expect him to react any different, especially when you’ve always known of his greatest fear.
Being isolated, physically or mentally.
“And you probably already knew that, too.” He shook his head again, turning away to get to your bedroom. But before he could lock himself in it, you grabbed onto his wrist. “You just didn’t wanna freak me out.”
“Of course I didn’t wanna freak you out,” You let out, tone desperate. “That’s the only reason why I have a hard time telling you about these things. Not because I don’t love you, or don’t feel close to you.”
“And how’s that turning out for you?” He faced you, eyes burning with truth. “I’ll find out anyway. I always do. Then I’ll find my own time to freak out. Because that’s just what I do. That’s what I’m the best at.”
Usually, he was the one making compromises in conversations, taking the fall for his faults.
“Losing my temper. Because I’m a fucking manic.”
“That’s not true!”
But right now, he was as quick as a whip.
And he was right about everything.
“It is, though. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here having this fucking conversation.” Allen glared, but his anger with you only lasted so long. “And since we’re here, you wanna know why I flipped out in the first place?”
“Why did you flip out, then?” You uttered.
“It’s not just because I have a thing for you, okay?” He exclaimed, chest heaving and face reddening.
“Then why?” You flushed, eyes darting restlessly.
“Because if you get married, you’re gonna go away.” Allen said shakily, voice faint with unbearable hurt. “You’re gonna go somewhere I can’t get to, get busy, have a few babies, and you won’t have time for me.”
Your face contorted.
“Then you’re gonna forget about me,”
It was unthinkable that you could ever cut him out of your life, but he was already treating it like reality.
“And I won’t be a part of your life anymore.”
“You’ll always be a part of my life, Allen.” You reached up to caress his face, currently streaked with tears. “Even if we won’t see each other as much, I’ll always be thinking of you. And I’d still call and visit you.”
“But that’s not good enough,” He choked.
“I won’t be far, I promise. I promised Amy that too.”
“But you won’t be here.”
“You have to learn be independent from me, Allen.”
He shook his head, breathing too hard to manage a verbal protest. You were asking way too much of him, even if it was just to live out partially separate lives. You were his rock, and he wasn’t ready to let you go.
“But you also have to trust me.”
A string was tied across the ring like a washing line. The gym was dark, save for the spotlight they stood under, coach and pupil. The pupil in question stood next to the line, his shoulder barely just grazing it.
Then, he ducked under it to the other side.
He repeated the motion, bobbing under the line from side to side. By bending down and moving quickly from left to right, he could dodge anything thrown at him. But the timing and range had to be perfect.
“I’m so jealous of Mathias,” He squeezed you, eyes shut tight as he whispered frantically into your neck. “He’s got everything going for him. When he wants something, he just gets it. I can’t do that.”
“I think we’ve all felt that way before,” You admitted, holding him closer. “He’s the best of all of us.”
Mathias rolled under a punch, dodging it like second nature. When he rose, he jabbed his opponent twice, getting them to back up. He was a speed demon, taking advantage of their mistakes on the fly.
With the newly-established distance, he threw his fist up for a killer uppercut. It collided with their jaw, throwing their head back in a splash of saliva. And just like that, his partner fell on the mat, defeated.
“But there’s something you have that he doesn’t.”
“And what’s that?” Allen murmured, pulling back.
“Mathias and I can fight, argue, or even break up one day, but not us,” You answered, frowning deeply. “And I know that sounds bad, but there’s nothing in the world that could change what we have.”
He smiled and bowed his head at what he’d already known, a truth he constantly needed reminding of. But you always knew the right thing to say. And for that, everything felt like it was going to be okay.
“You’ll always be my family.”
“Maybe that’s why I never tried anything,” Allen said. He’d been so hung up over what he could’ve had, he never realized this was what he really wanted all along. “Because I didn’t wanna ruin what we had.”
“And what did we have?” You smiled.
He gazed up at you, eyes twinkling.
“Something perfect.”
He was your best friend, and maybe a little more than that, but he made it a point to never cross that line. What you had with Allen was incorruptible, the kind of love people spent their entire lives looking for.
“Something pure.” He kissed you on the forehead, the most innocent kind of affection one could give. And you leaned in, basking in the warmth of his soft lips. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Allen stayed with you all night. With your body next to his, he never fell asleep so fast. This may only be for so long, but he couldn’t be upset about it forever. You were moving on, and he had to accept that.
“That makes seven rompers and five pairs of pants,”
You sorted through the baby clothes in the basket Mathias held. He insisted on tagging along with you to ‘help you hold things,’ but you had a sneaking suspicion he came for another spending spree.
“Anything else we need?”
“Uhhh,” He scanned the shopping list with a focused expression. “Four pajama outfits… And a tank top?”
“Oh. That’s for Allen,” You pointed at the bottom of the note. “See how the handwriting changes?”
“Oh,” Mathias mumbled. Now that you mentioned it. When he glanced up again, you were off to look for those items, so he did what he thought would be the next best thing: doing some browsing on his own.
When he approached you for your opinion, you were still in the baby section, picking out sleepers.
“What do you think?” He held two outfits in front of you and moved them up and down. “Blue or yellow?
“Those are for newborns, Mathias,” You answered, going back to the rack. “They’re not gonna fit Bob,”
“I know they’re for newborns.”
“If I say ‘blue’ and see the blue one in your dresser, I’m seriously gonna murder you,” You sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was going. And frankly speaking, you were a little nervous.
“Okaaay. Does that mean you’ll spare me if I buy the yellow one?” He hummed with growing smile.
“Mat,” You shot him a heated look, embarrassed out of your wits. “The bear was cute, but this is crazy.”
“But these are cute too!”
“No, I meant you,” You sighed, stifling a defeated laugh at his outburst. “We haven’t even moved out and you’re already thinking that far ahead. Imagine what Allen would do to you if I ever got pregnant.”
“You don’t have to wait for his approval, you know?” Mathias grumbled, putting both outfits back, blue and yellow. “I know he’s close to you, but what we do is none of his business. So he should stay out of it.”
��Still,” You shook your head. “You’re going too fast.”
“I know, I know. I just got excited,” He sighed, noting how worried you looked. And it was a fair reaction given the kind of person he was. Tenacious, self-indulgent, and apparently, family-oriented.
But he’d be damned if he didn’t already learn his lesson. So he stopped you in the aisle, hands on your shoulders. “I’m not rushing you into anything. Especially not something this important, okay?”
“Good,” You softened your gaze, peering up at him. “Because I don’t wanna fight with you anymore.”
If anything, he’d save this for after the fight.
“I wouldn’t wanna fight me either.”
You were about to give him an earful for being so unserious, but you let it slide this time. After overcoming a roadblock and months of preparation, he was finally in shape for his biggest match yet.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little,” He grinned. “But I’m ready.”
Next chapter: Coming soon
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine @sport-lova @archive-of-bones
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
Unpopular opinion
•Nekotalia and Mochitalia should not have existed
•America doesn't look like a golden retriever
•Hungary is not all strong goddess
•France is not Canada's father or brother. They don't consider each other related
•America, Denmark, Estonia, Poland, Turkey, Mongolia, Macau and Thailand only tops
•England is absolutely not like a corgi. Wales looks like a corgi
•Finland treats Sweden only as a friend
•Canon heights make sense
•Bad touch trio and black triangle are the most overrated trios
•Nyo!America is not a cute kind girl who doesn't want anything bad
•I prefer Nyo!Romano over Nyo!Italy
•Bad weather trio (America, England, Russia) most underrated trio
•Usuk, amefra, amecan, canfra and maple tea are not bad ships
•Amerus deserves much more popularity
•Ukraine is not fat
•Nyo!England is good with thin eyebrows
•Seychelles, Taiwan and Monaco underrated female hetalia characters
•Rochu and rupru are overrated
•2p!Nyotalia is better than 2p!talia
•Russia is the gayest hetalia character, not Sweden
•Russia should not be top
•2pNyo!America deserves more attention than 2p!America
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Tell me about the eurovision AU
Gladly!! It’s an au that I played about with a bit last year, set in a mystery year in a random location I haven’t thought of yet. Probably Sweden bc they’re the iconic hosts. The nations are all represented by their personifications, who are human in this au. Although in some cases I’ve opted for a nyo or a 2p version.
I currently only have the Nordics, France & the UK thought of.
I know that I for sure want to see at least two of the Nordics become an iconic friendship, much like what we’re seeing of Norway and Iceland’s entries this year. I would like a close friendship between Finland & Estonia too. And I am definitely considering letting scotland and Norway have a little Eurovision romance that manages to go under the radar a bit until nearer the end of the season.
Currently, the songs are:
SWEDEN: the classic perfectly perfected Swedish pop song (sung in English) that Sweden loves to send. The fans don’t care for it too much bc it’s been done before, but he’ll still end up coming like 7th bc the juries love to suck up to Sweden.
DENMARK: Denmark, along with my Faroe Islands oc, come in with a 2000s style europop beat. Again, it’s in English. It’s fun and energetic, but they don’t manage to make it to the final and the fans are outraged.
FINLAND: remember, I have an OC for Finland and don’t follow canon. I see them as part of a band, probably other random people from Finland. Not sure who else is in the band, but I know fin themself is the lead singer. It’s a heavy metal song in English.
NORWAY: Norway has a folk-rock song, it’s sung in English and tells the story of one of his favourite Norwegian folktales. It’s easily the more vocally demanding song of the year, and I actually don’t think he’s what norway wanted to send. I think for most of melodi grand prix there was a different favourite, singing a pop song, but they had to drop out last minute, so he ended up winning.
ICELAND: or, my interpretation of 2p Iceland. He’s the only nordic singing in his native language. Which would be good, but the song is… confusing at best? No one has any clue what’s going on. It’s like he’s shouting into the mic and there’s lots and lots of pyro equipment. You can see elves on the screen behind him? He’s shirtless and running around the stage like a mad man, no one can even pay attention to the song bc the performance is just so… what the fuck? He, surprisingly, does make it the final though.
FRANCE: the most French sounding ballad ever with lots and lots of Eiffel Tower memorabilia. It’s of course sung in French. His song is kind of forgettable.
THE UK: England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland are a band. Wales is the lead singer- with much pushback from England. England is the bassist who also does back up singing bc he threw a hissy fit probs. Northern Ireland is on the drums. And Scotland INSISTED he was allowed to play his bagpipes, which none of the other brothers like. It’s supposed to be a classic English rock song, but they all have very different ideas of what the band is so the song sounds messy at best. It’s not a popular song to begin with and their live performances are just awful every single time. They come dead last in the final scoring a whopping 0 points.
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October 23 prompt: Dreams & Nightmares / Costumes / "Monsters aren't real!"
Character(s): Helsinki (Taika/Lady Luck), Nyo Iceland (Kristín/Baby Bee), 2P Denmark (Mikkel/Pooch)
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(art by @askfairyromano )
Mikkel hadn't really celebrated Halloween since he was a child. Reason being that his biological family never let him or Hanne celebrate. By the time the two were adopted, Mikkel was considered too old due to him having been teenager. Now, he's an adult and has kids of his own that have pulled him into celebrating.
Taika loved dressing up for Halloween. Gave her another excuse to dress up outside of cosplay. Good thing she already has an outfit planned for the party she's going to be attending.
Kristín didn't really dress up much for Halloween anymore. She felt as if she'd grown out of it, just as Emil had. Didn't mean she couldn't celebrate in her own way. Which is how she ended up at a Halloween store. She was looking at the decorations when she felt little hands get hold of her pant leg. Looking down, she saw a little girl with glasses looking up at her. The girl's smile was infectious. Kristín found herself smiling in return. Not long after, the person who she assumed was the girl's father came over with a boy following him.
"Sorry about that," he said. "Looked away for a moment to help my son and next thing I knew she was gone." The girl made a happy sound when he picked her up, curling up to him. "No, it's fine," Kristín said. "My brother's raised kids of his own, so I get it." Both noticed when the girl motioned with her hands. An eyebrow was raised. "She wants you to help her pick a costume," her father said. "Oh, sure," Kristín said. With that, Kristín and the girl now known as Bitta looked through the little girls costumes until they found one she liked. A Dalmatian.
Taika was the first to show up to the party. The person to open the door is none other than Mikkel. In his arms is his tiny daughter, Bitta, eating a cookie and in her Dalmatian costume. A soft smile crossed his face and he let her in. Kristín showed up later on and for the first time in a while, she’s wearing a costume.
“Taika Hokkanen, dressed as the Winter Soldier.” Taika smirked and headed to the front of the room. She placed a hand on her hip and looked at the crowd.
“Kristín Kallidóttir, dressed as Luigi.” Kristín smiled a bit and joined Taika at the front. Taika placed an arm around Kristín’s shoulders and made the peace sign as people got pictures of them.
“Mikkel Winther, dressed as Leo, the lion holder before the swap.” Mikkel seemed surprised. When he signed that to Bitta, the girl smiled and hugged him. Smiling, Mikkel hugged Bitta and carried her to the front with Taika and Kristín. Bitta looked at Kristín and smiled. She got a smile in return. The trio had won the costume contest.
Lady Luck sat on the roof of a building the following morning. She was looking around and making sure that nothing was going on. Two people sat next to her, one on each side. She didn’t need to look at them to know who they were. Pooch and Baby Bee. Ever since the miraculous were swapped by accident, the trio have stuck together.
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amaristuckinhetalia · 2 years
Welcome to the Hetalia HC and Scenarios blog!
Here are the rules.
I can do all characters you request, if its an (your OC x s/o) Please add a description your OC! If you don't, most likely i will not accept it on delete your request
Characters that are Minors (example; Sealand/Wy/Seborga) are not allowed in NSFW requests! Only acceptable in x child!s/o OR when you specify them as older (15+)
I accept NSFW and SFW request. But i am terrible at NSFW scenarios but i will accept it! But no incest like (character x sibling!s/o)
S/O is gender neutral unless you specify their gender. If not, i'll make them Gender neutral with They/them pronous
I will write mostly Fluff/Lime but if you would like Smut/Angst/etc. I'll do it but it'll probably needs some editing
I would accept Character x Character as long as its not Incest (ex. Norice,Germancest,Itacest)
If you requested a group scenario(?) (ex.Nordics x s/o) I would do it but as long its not a smut rq.
Now here are the list of characters i do!
• Axis : N.Italy,Germany,Japan,S.Italy,Prussia
• Allies : America,England,France,China,Russia (Canada)
• Nordics : Denmark,Sweden,Norway,Finland,Iceland
• ASEAN : Vietnam,Thailand,Philipines,Malaysia,Indonesia,Singapore
• The rest of the Characters: Ukraine,Belarus,Lithuania,Estonia,Latvia,Poland,Spain,Portugal,Austria,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,The Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,Turkey,Greece.
And last but not least, All 2p!'s and Nyo!'s are welcomed too!
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br34dr10t · 2 years
Roleplay Informational Area
Welcome to my roleplay doc! This is a place that I’ve made to allow you to read all of my information in one place without any of the bullshit of having to search my tumblr.
You can find starters, shipping lists, plot ideas, my favorite tropes and more!
**Please note, if you are under 18 years of age I ask that you disconnect with me. I am 26 and I do not roleplay with minors. If you roleplay with me or interact and you lie about your age, I will immediately block you. I take this very seriously.**
Shipping List
Nyo! Northern Italy: GerIta, PruIta, EngIta, SpaIta, 2p! Germany x Nyo! Italy, DenIta, 2p! Denmark x Nyo! Italy
Nyo! Southern Italy and 1p! Southern Italy: SpaMano, GerMano, AmeriMano, EngMano, PruMano, and PortMano
Nyo! Prussia and 1p! Prussia: PruIta, PruMano, PrUk, Nyo! PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, PruScott, and PrAnce
Seborga: PortBorga, SeyBorga, SpaBorga, and FraBorga
Nyo! America and 1p! America: USUK, AmeriMano, PruAme, DenAme, RusAme
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