#3rd house mercury
journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Mercury Placements (Synastry Chart)
Mercury represents communication, intellect, and mental compatibility. In a synastry chart, Mercury indicates the ease of communication, intellectual rapport, and mental understanding between partners. It reveals how partners express and understand each other's thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints, contributing to effective communication and mental stimulation in the relationship.
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1st House: Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 1st house suggests a strong intellectual connection and a focus on communication in their relationship. Partner B may possess quick thinking and a sharp mind, and they may express their ideas and opinions with clarity and confidence. This placement encourages open and honest communication, intellectual stimulation, and shared interests in learning and exchanging ideas. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual curiosity, a desire for mental growth, and lively conversations to Partner B's self-expression and identity.
2nd House: In Partner B's 2nd house, Partner A's Mercury placement influences matters related to finances, values, and material possessions. Partner B may possess strong analytical and practical thinking when it comes to money management and financial matters. This placement encourages Partner B to use their communication skills to enhance their financial situation and make informed decisions regarding their resources. Partner A's presence may bring financial discussions, shared intellectual pursuits related to money, and a focus on practical considerations in their relationship.
3rd House: Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 3rd house emphasizes communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. Partner B may possess excellent communication skills and have a thirst for knowledge and information. This placement encourages intellectual stimulation, frequent conversations, and shared interests in learning and exchanging ideas. Partner A's presence may bring lively discussions, intellectual curiosity, and a desire to explore new subjects and engage in intellectual activities together.
4th House: With Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 4th house, there is a focus on communication within the domestic sphere and family dynamics. Partner B may possess strong communication skills within their family environment, and they may engage in deep and meaningful conversations with their loved ones. This placement encourages open and honest communication within the family, a sharing of thoughts and ideas, and a sense of emotional security through intellectual connection. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual discussions within the family, a focus on home-related matters, and the sharing of intellectual and educational resources.
5th House: In Partner B's 5th house, Partner A's Mercury placement influences matters related to creativity, self-expression, and romance. Partner B may possess a clever and witty communication style, and they may use their words to express their creativity and charm others. This placement encourages intellectual stimulation and shared creative endeavors in their relationship. Partner A's presence may bring playful and intellectually stimulating conversations, shared hobbies or artistic projects, and a sense of mental connection and attraction in their romantic interactions.
6th House: Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 6th house influences matters related to work, daily routines, and health. Partner B may possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills in their work environment, and they may have a keen eye for details. This placement encourages effective communication in work-related matters, a focus on efficiency and organization, and a shared interest in health and well-being. Partner A's presence may bring discussions about work-related topics, shared intellectual pursuits in their daily routines, and a practical approach to health and self-care.
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7th House: With Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 7th house, there is a strong emphasis on communication, intellectual connection, and partnership. Partner B may possess excellent communication skills in their one-on-one relationships, and they may value intellectual compatibility in their partnerships. This placement encourages open and balanced communication, shared decision-making, and intellectual stimulation within the relationship. Partner A's presence may bring lively and intellectual conversations, a focus on mutual understanding and compromise, and a strong mental connection in their partnership.
8th House: In Partner B's 8th house, Partner A's Mercury placement influences matters related to intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. Partner B may possess deep and insightful communication skills, and they may have a profound understanding of complex subjects. This placement encourages open and honest communication about intimate matters, shared financial discussions, and a willingness to explore deep psychological and transformative topics. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual depth, shared research or investigative pursuits, and a focus on communication within their shared resources and intimate connections.
9th House: Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 9th house emphasizes matters related to travel, higher education, and belief systems. Partner B may possess a strong intellectual curiosity and a desire for intellectual expansion and growth. This placement encourages philosophical discussions, exploration of different cultures and belief systems, and shared intellectual pursuits related to travel and higher education. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual stimulation, a focus on spiritual or philosophical subjects, and a shared interest in expanding their knowledge and horizons.
10th House: With Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 10th house, there is a focus on communication, intellectual pursuits, and public image. Partner B may possess excellent communication skills in their professional life, and they may value intellectual achievements and reputation. This placement encourages effective communication in career matters, a focus on strategic planning and public speaking, and a shared interest in professional development. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual guidance and support, discussions about career goals and aspirations, and a desire for intellectual recognition and success.
11th House: In Partner B's 11th house, Partner A's Mercury placement influences matters related to friendship, social networks, and collective ideals. Partner B may possess excellent communication skills within their social circles and have a knack for networking and building connections. This placement encourages intellectual discussions within their friendships, shared intellectual pursuits within social groups, and a focus on community involvement. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual stimulation, shared interests and goals within their social networks, and a sense of mental camaraderie and support.
12th House: Partner A's Mercury in Partner B's 12th house influences matters related to spirituality, subconscious patterns, and hidden realms. Partner B may possess intuitive and insightful communication skills, and they may have a deep connection to their subconscious mind. This placement encourages introspection, deep conversations about spiritual and metaphysical topics, and a shared interest in unraveling hidden truths. Partner A's presence may bring intellectual exploration of the subconscious, discussions about dreams and spirituality, and a focus on communication within their shared spiritual practices.
Remember that this is a general interpretation, and the full synastry chart would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship dynamics between both partners.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
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etherealsworldvision · 3 months
Me (left) and my 3H Mercury (right) every time I have a thought
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It’s a struggle….
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leiiilaaaa · 2 months
3rd house placements and your voice!
hii, i wanted to do more of a light & fun themed post that goes over the kind of voice you have, the type of communicator you are, and other things as well according to your 3rd house placements. if you do not have any placements in your third, check out the house ruler and apply it accordingly, ex; my third house is ruled by pisces, apply the neptune features to it!
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sun in 3rd house - talk about thinking out-loud!! sun in 3rd people are such great communicators, they get things across loud and clear. never ones to hold back, natural conversationalists, and you have a voice that often sounds younger. when you talk it's heartfelt and you feel that half-assings in conversations is just not you! sometimes, your age is mistaken due to your lengths of knowledge and the ability to express your inner child through your interests. you use your hands often when you speak! often have such a memorable voice and this placement is a strong indicator of being a music artist too; justin beiber, jay z, drake, britney spears, all very household names and all are always getting their voice impersonated by other people interestingly enough!! there's versatility that spews through these people, not hard at all for them to improvise, standup, debate, etc. can be gossipy though and involved in dramas very easily because of this.
moon in 3rd house - mental clarity goes crazy here. your emotions give you all the drive you need- creatively and you don't hold back on that. they intellectualize their emotions and can formulate feelings into words very well. the kind of voice they have is much softer, eloquent, and comforting. they're the kind of people that send you a voicemail and you listen to it over and over again because it's endearing. "say it with your chest," type of people, as the moon is mostly fixated in the chest-stomach region. they have a good discernment of their environment, walking analysts, know when to intervene, etc. celebrities with moon in 3rd; jennifer aniston, megan markle, margot robbie, etc.
mercury in 3rd house - very fast-paced talkers, versatile in the way they communicate. also uses their hands while they speak, has a witty and sarcastic tint to them when they speak. often very humorous people and naturally highly innovative. for these people ideas flow into them at fast rates, often giving them plenty of projects to work on. placement of high intelligence, and great at mirroring. "excuse me, may i interrupt," types of people. love adding on to others and i notice with 3rd house mercuries as they get older, they do become a lot quieter and keep ideas to themselves. celebrities with this include; jim carey, nikola tesla, stephen hawking, etc. (like i said super wise and funny thats a dub for sure)
venus in 3rd house - first thing that comes to mind is glamorous voice. often times they talk about their love-lives (yes they always have the craziest stories about others or themselves in love). just like the sun, these people have a notable voice too. one that can even get them famous. often these people have strong followings, or crowds that really like listening to them. highly influential and lowkey some party heads. might have some commitment troubles, but other than that they have good projecting voices- soothing, and has good posture too. celebs with this; cristiano ronaldo, taylor swift, kris jenner, etc.
mars in 3rd house - i like to say they have some of the most electric voices ever. seriously. they know exactly how to spice up conversations and they move a lot when they talk. they inspire others to take course of action, usually very good individuals at gaining crowds as well, but what differentiates venusian people and mars people- is the attitude. mars gain people's attention through their eccentric-ness. other people find mars in 3rd house bundles of expression, always on the go and actually very good manifestos. usually has raspiness and deepness to their voices because they tend to shout a lot. celebs with this; miley cyrus, harry styles, katy perry, etc.
jupiter in 3rd house - these people have a love for languages. usually very diverse linguistically, and always the guy that knows a guy. very good at developing acquaintances in their environment. usually has more high-pitched voices, slow and even sensual, but clear. they like knowing a bit of everything while they can. sometimes, these people can attract things out of thin air, and receive many comments on their voice or abilities to make their life experiences sound a lot less gruesome than it really is. kind of in their own little world and has open demeanor. often times you see these people unexpectedly associating with others that "make no sense" for them or in environments that "make no sense for them". side note: the biggest struggle these people will face is people trying to mold them to be somebody they're not. they love to expand wherever they can. celebrities with jupiter in 3rd; lana del rey, lionel messi, jim carey, and gordon ramsey.
saturn in 3rd house - mean big business ok!! let me tell you, these people are amazing at using their environments for their endeavors. they're very humble speakers, reserved and kind of talk when asked to. they are great at explaining principles of underlying things, usually seems older than what they really are. they stick to one thing at a time, and they are actually easy to read while talking to them. their body language is more telling than their words sometimes. watch a saturn in 3rd house's jaw clench when they are stressed, or crack their knuckles while thinking heavily. celebrities with this placement; steve jobs, kylie jenner, bjork, zoe kravitz, etc.
uranus in 3rd house - "you can't outdo the doer," is what i get from this placement. highly intellectual people, makes significant shifts into the world. when they speak, they're actually very good at impressions, get told they don't look like how they sound, or will attract many "haters" because they challenge status quo mentality. they will never stand down when communicating their deepest interests. they seem quirky & nerdy, however highly reliable and feels a strong sense of "these people need me." as they become older, they are more cherished, while they are younger they might seem air headed. their voices are so unique to them, that you cannot easily be reminded of them by others. they are completely in their own lanes. one of a kinds. celebrities with this placement; albert einstein, elon musk, celine dion, michael jordan, etc.
neptune in 3rd house - has a deep understanding of the environment they're in. they are very quiet and timid. these people really like to connect to people based off their souls and not their physical forms. and when they speak, they have a genuine tone and strive for genuine connection. sometimes, these people think many people they cross paths with are meant to make them feel good, feel bad, question, etc. highly accepting and others can admire this person too. seems ditzy, but on the inside is a whirlpool of feeling and emotions they sense. sometimes they can get abnormal praise, simply for the way they express themselves. i notice with these people they love to make facial movements when speaking, like very dramatically sometimes. you can always tell when these people are nervous too, watch how many times they shake their feet to soothe themselves. always seems very introspective wherever they go. celebrities with this placement; al pacino, leonardo dicaprio, beyonce, kendrick lamar, etc.
pluto in 3rd house - bringing pluto into this mix, wherever they go they love to change what they can in their environments. they want to change things for the better, and usually really find interest in talking about things that isn't so typical in conversation. they are very serious people when in discussion. they hate to say a lot without leaving impact. these people will sound much older and have a profound tone. often they bring the collective darkness to a collective lightness. i notice they love using metaphors, talking in 3rd person, and dropping their egos a lot in conversations. makes undeniable changes to societal norms or social structures. these are life changers and add some humanitarianism to everyday encounters, really love dropping a lot of their own lore too! celebrities with this; angelina jolie, martin luther king, adam levine, kylian mbappe.
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thank you so much for skimming through this i appreciate it as always, let me know if you relate, disagree etc. super interesting in seeing what you think, let me know if u want me to do more like these <3
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astroismypassion · 22 days
Astrology observations 🖼 🖼 🖼
Credit my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🖼 Pisces Sun and Sun in the 12th people often have a partner that works behind the scenes in some manner. For example: a musician who doesn’t perform, but is a song writer, a person who works in the theatre, but doesn’t perform on stage.
🖼 Often times when there is 8th house Synastry, there is a higher chance of same sign Ascendant and Sun. One is Leo Sun, the other Leo Rising. The second one is same degree or house Sun sign. For example: one is Capricorn Sun and the other is Sun in the 10th house. Or both have Sun at a Virgo degree. Usually there is a similarity in personality, that’s why there can be an ego clash or both acting in similar manner. For example: both extremely sensitive, both stubborn, both moody, both leaders. The third one I found was having opposite Moon signs, one Leo Moon, the other Aquarius Moon. Or Sun opposition Moon, such as one is Taurus Sun and the other person is Scorpio Moon.
🖼 On a side note, I found the day/number you’re born on, helps with who you find the most attractive in life or who you navigate towards. Like people born on the 3th looove Gemini Sun people I noticed. A person born on the 2nd likes Taurus Suns.
🖼 This is more an astrology note, but I was not aware all these years that Rihanna and Chris Brown too had 8th house Synastry? He was Pisces over the 8th house and she’s a Pisces Sun. No wonder, she went back to him after assault, only 8th house connection has you doing that. So far I noticed Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Quavo and Saweetie, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus, Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield had 8th house Synastry.
🖼 There is often a backlash or criticism about Libra Chiron native on who they are hanging with or in a partnership with. These people often are either single for a very long time due to being picky and having high standards for themselves or they “date below them”. These natives really struggle to date an equal. Often people around Libra Chiron don’t like the person Libra Chiron is dating.
🖼 On the topic of one’s Sun conjunction the other’s Moon being often highly regarded in marriage or partnership, I honestly found you either end up having a family or a child with your Moon sign person or it’s a person you dated when younger, somewhere in the period between teenage years and below your 30s. Literally I see no inbetween in real life. Or you were roommates/lived together at some point with them. I’m talking about if you are Aries Moon, then this could apply for a partnership with Aries Sun person.
🖼 I know 3rd house, 6th house is praised for wellness, but often I noticed Gemini/Virgo Suns, Mercury in the 5th house and Sun in the 3rd/6th house procrastinate on working out or not taking it seriously.
🖼 It’s funny how each person you end up dating has the signs of your Venus sign, house, aspects and degree, because it literally indicates the person you attract in your life. For example: you have Taurus Sun in the 6th house at 22 (Capricorn) degrees, your person could have Sun in the 10th house, Sun conjunction Venus, Sun at a Virgo degree in their chart. And usually it’s different partners you end up dating, but all have similar placement. So it’s like you end up dating different versions of the same person.
🖼 One sign that is even more prone to bloating than an average person (even when eating very little or just drinking water) is Virgo Lilith. These poor natives often struggle with bloating and issues relating to it.
🖼 I noticed Taurus Venus and Libra Venus often have more than enough food for themselves and others. And people just randomly give them food or share it with them often. Like even when this people might not have the money they want, they are overabundant in food. 😄
🖼 If you have Pisces over the 9th house or Neptune in the 9th house you should definitely vacation on an island or travel where there is a forest, a resort, a pool or a sauna.
🖼 One good tip for Virgo Moon or Virgo Venus/Venus in the 6th house when it comes to managing sweet tooth is if you don’t feel on the inside at ease eating it, it’s probably not that great for your overall wellbeing. Because you guys get irritated when you don’t nourish yourselves properly. I noticed this people genuinely glow when they put healthier, more organic versions of snacks in their body. It doesn’t have to being anything extra healthy, just not completely artificial.
🖼 If you have Composite Scorpio Ascendant, you two probably met on a cloudy/cold/rainy/foggy day.
🖼 Pisces IC/Pisces over the 4th house/Neptune in the 4th house people often get blamed for whatever wrong is going on in the family. So they are compensating with their escapist tendencies to not feel guilt or shame about it.
🖼 It’s underrated how Sun square Saturn or any square Saturn transit is challenging and tough. You literally get so challenged on how you live, your beliefs, outlook on life and it’s truly a reality check.
🖼 Solar Return chart is great to look into your life a year ahead. But Lunar Return chart is excellent to see it for roughly a month.
🖼 I would keep a high-quality connection with my sibling, if I were to have Scorpio Mercury. Usually these people enter adulthood, enter post-marriage life and start hating on their sibling, even if close in younger years. What happens to you is often in their hands and they can last minute “save” you. It’s best not to say something too quickly and too brash to your sibling, because they will remember those words. You are likely to have arguments over parent’s inheritance too.
🖼 It might go against the grain, but I noticed people choose their profession mostly based on their Moon sign. That’s why you also see Scorpio Moons often struggling to settle on a career, being pulled in so many directions.
🖼 Mars sign often shows people you lust over. But I noticed it works more if it’s not in a cerebral sign. Like if you have Sagittarius Mars or Mars in the 9th house, you might not necessarily find Sagittarius Sun people that physically attractive.
🖼 Saturn in the 3rd house people usually find a job in a different city than home town.
🖼 When it comes to celebrities, you may relate to people who share the same signs over houses that you have in your own Natal chart.
🖼 Pisces Moon can be too arrogant to learn from their past mistakes.
🖼 Venus square Neptune people often desire to return to a past lover (even if many times) in order to try to get better results or wanting to “make it right at least once”. So they can end up being in a cycle or repeating pattern trying to prove that there was love there after all.
🖼 With Composite Sun in the 10th house or Sun at a Capricorn degree (10, 22) it’s close to impossible to hiding anything in this duo from the public eye, parents.
🖼 Whenever someone’s Sun conjuncts the other’s Vertex the connection doesn’t go how you want it to go. Sun person can also “reject” Vertex person in some way, resulting in a fated event.
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Credit my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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astrogre · 8 months
Astro observations 2
Disclaimer: I would like to confirm that my observations are the niche ways in which a placement may manifest, it is the way I’ve noticed it in others, the people around me, celebrities, myself and in my studies. It is not the doctrine wide broad way the placement occurs for everyone.
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Jupiter 7H can have a reputation of wanting EVERYONE. Anyone with a pulse, they like everyone, usually their dating history is so diverse that if you put all their love interests in a room together it would be the most strangest group of people. Drake has this placement and he is known for wanting, going on dates with or having a relationship with Nicki minaj, Ice Spice, Jorja smith, JLo, Kylie Jenner, Tyra Banks, Sza, Hailey Beiber, Serena Williams, literally everyone. Marilyn Monroe also has this placement and people would say the same about her. With this placement it can make the native have interest with a lot of people. You can have plenty of potential partners.
Having 12H placements Sun especially can make you feel like your gifts, talents, purpose or whatever planet topic is in it, was made for others. Like serving an ungrateful, complaining customer that ends up eating the entire plate anyway. You individually may not be selfless but it feels like the planet in the 12H benefits others and not you. It feels like a fire that burns to keep others warm.
Conjuncts to the MC (planets and asteroid) show what you are most known for in the workplace, what you’re like at your best self too. Any placements conjunct to MC show what you are like at the peak of your life and how you act in your career and what are known for in your career. That’s how MC can indicate what your career is because it focuses on who you are at your best and how others see you in the workplace and go off from there. Eg. Aquarius MC conjunct Uranus and Webb may indicate you being tech savvy at your best self so astrologers may assume you’re in tech industry or well known online, but you can still be for an example a doctor that aids in treatment with technology, your MC sign doesn’t mean you exclusively work in the industry the sign represents, it just shows you the way you work in the industry you pursue
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Neptune 1st housers may look completely different to their parents. Like you can see a hint of their parents features on their face but they don’t look that much like them. They can be born with features that are contrary to their birth parents like red hair and blue eyes in an all brunette family. Or it can be a subtle difference like they appear as if they’re from a different country, people guess their ethnicity incorrectly like all the time.
With Neptune 1st house There is nothing particularly special about these natives physical appearance in particular, they MAKE themselves special. The way they carry their physical body and animate it, is what makes these people so different and admired. They’re like puppeteers for their physical bodies. This is a continuous pattern I’ve seen, like if you just saw these people on the street sure -you’d think they’re pretty.. but not necessarily “otherworldly”, what makes these individuals perceived as such is the way they control/express their behavior. I have noticed Neptune here makes people VERY controlling over their appearances, it does make me question if Neptune is a subtly secretly controlling planet, if it manipulates subconsciously, like a child conveniently stepping on other’s sandcastles when running on the beach so they don’t have to wait their turn for the buckets, these natives can accidentally bring about their ideal version of themselves to reality and everyone is like who is this??? It’s more so like they customised their avatar in their head and showed it to everyone here in the physical plane. It’s like they made themselves a game characters in a world full of civilian people, that’s why they’re so unique looking, it’s because they wrote themselves .
Unpopular opinion but Scorpio Venus isn’t a fun sexy placement that everyone hypes it up to be. It can make you constantly end up in relationships that have weird power dynamics and are just unhealthy. You may struggle to be in a soft loving relationship because it’s not intense enough but that just leads you/partners to manipulate and themes of control in your relationship. Sure, it may be considered“hot” but not healthy. Not love.
Also another thing I’ve realised with this placement, feminine natives attracted to men PLEASE don’t intentionally flirt with someone. You’re already so intense and magnetic without realising it that if you intentionally flirt with men it’s so extreme like a 0-100, that it can overwhelm/scare them because of how predatory it may feel 💀. If a man isn’t pursuing you, he’s not interested because your always appealing and screaming out a mating call even if your physically doing nothing.
Lilith opposite moon natives can have mothers who impose traditional lifestyle and beliefs on the native. For an example the mother may be controlling and imposing her ideas of humbleness, modesty, and traditional masculinity/femininity on the child. Defensive, like she is everything but a mother herself but subjects you to standards she cannot even amount to.
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Uranus 2H feel like everything that makes them feel good and safe can be taken away in an instance. These people KNOW what it’s like to have the things they love abruptly taken from them over and over again by others or by nature, until they may even struggle to value the great things they have anymore. 2H rules your values and self worth, for these natives it gets to an extent where they don’t even value themselves because once they finally start to accept themselves they’re shown a perspective to them that they cannot accept.
It is said that the degree of a placement shows which age that planets energy starts to become active. Not sure how true that is but when you look at your natal chart, try keeping it in mind for yourself and look back to when you first had an experience under the themes of that planet. E.g for sun, when and what age did you feel seen, Venus who and how old were you for your first love or romantic partner
Sun conjunct Lilith. People with this placement may deal with their fathers highlighting the most non conforming features of themselves, the smallest of things you do will be escalated, this can manifest as slut shaming, being degraded for the way you are because you’re not “soft”, making you out to be like a chaotic mess, villainising you. Imagine having a loud snitch exposing your most “cancellable” traits. Britney Spears has this exact placement and I went to test if my hypothesis is true:
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For Britney this placement is in the 3rd house which rules communication, hence why her father made comments about her like this, but say if it was in the 2nd house it could be done by a father providing less for his child because he deems them unworthy due to their non-traditional traits. This illumination of shame is done by the themes of the house this aspect is in.
All the Sagittarius influenced natives I meet always play a loud an instrument. I’ve seen it in Sagittarius suns especially and also in sag stelliums. I have no idea why, but they always do. They play things like drums, electric guitar. I’ve also seen that they can play piano and other instruments but it’s actually not their main instrument to play and if it’s not instruments they have an interest in LOUD hobbies, like cars.
Pluto in 11th house can have one of those character AI boyfriends, be in a relationship with their NPC rpg girlfriend/boyfriend, or they can just straight up play otome games and deeply feel like they have a connection to the character, these are the kind to marry their VR chat girlfriend and play mystic messenger.
Also Pluto 11Hs if your dreams and ambitions were to be vocalised to your peers, they may find you egotistical or someone to watch out for. You are a BIG dreamer. It’s giving Azula. I think Pluto 11H natives learn to keep their ideas to themselves if they want to be successful.
Natives with Aphrodite (1388) in 1st house, when describing you people may argue on the appearance or how you may present yourself as, or who they believe you are, alike to when the men witnessed Aphrodite in mythology, they would say “she had beautiful blonde hair and a soft voice” and another man would scream at him and say “nay, she was a red haired bold aggressive woman who goes for what she wants” this is because the men see what they want to see in her, they see their ideal beauty, but can both identify it’s the same person. When they see her in person at the same time they will only see what they think she is and will not be able to see her for herself. Could indicate in your reputation, you are idolised like Aphrodite but only being liked for your beauty/the persona they project on you.
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Saturn 3rd house can make you have siblings that whip you up into shape, being a catalyst or aid to your best self, whether in a harsh way or a progressive way it depends on the sign. E.g Billie Eilish has this placement and her brother Finneas is a key aid to her success today by being the one who writes her music, and Kylie Jenner has this in Aries but her sister Kendall was her competition, worst critic, extremely condescending and critical of her body, her image, her skills even making fun of her for having lip injections in interviews etc which forced Kylie to feel insecure changing everything about herself but lead her to the popularity she has today.
Scorpio Mars isn’t a fun placement either, so many say that these natives are blessed, after all, Mars is in rulership, it gives them will power, survival instinct and makes them a shark. But people don’t discuss how being a Scorpio Mars can make you hurt others further than intended, it’s like tactically pulling the jenga block excited for your opponents next go but instead- you make the entire tower fall on your their face, they hurt themselves crying and the game ends bitterly. You won but at what cost? You can overestimate what people can take, and inevitably your loved ones may become the sorry victim of your sting. I think deep down Scorpio Mars natives know how much they hurt people and sometimes wish they weren’t so intense. I always think of Omni man from invincible having this placement.
Was working as an external motivational speaker for a school and this Gemini Sun teacher was so prim and proper, he’d sit crossing his legs and always be making sure students were extremely well behaved listening for anyone talking like this:
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I’d say rather strict. He was timely, efficient hated tardiness and I knew he was a bloody mercurial with that prestige desk organisation and flick of fingers while typing (such sass),I thought he was a Virgo but, when I pried to get his birthday (which was very difficult as he was professional and loved etiquette). He was actually a Gemini Sun. Gemini suns you guys have the goofiest of smiles and energy but you can be scary to work under. It’s SO funny how differently Gemini suns treat those on the same authority standing as them compared to the ones they’re supposed to oversee. They’re like 👨‍⚖️🔎⏰ as a boss, but personally like: 🌸😃🌈 to their colleagues. You guys also have very snappy and sassy comebacks to disrespect it’s hilarious to watch outside looking in how you even come up with such remarks. I’ve also noticed you guys can be sucky and adoring towards your bosses, but strangely it works.
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Capricorn MC, how does it feel to live my dream?? People with this placement are the most high earning, most dominant or the most respected and well known person in their field. Whether it be politics, modelling, office, technology, teaching, literally everything.. if you have Capricorn MC the way you handle your work is with an extreme amount of meticulous efforts. You go through the small print terms and conditions, execute the process with full clarity which is what makes you guys so successful. You don’t fuck around, Examples of people with this placement are Martin Luther King, David Beckham, Kendall Jenner, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Heath Ledger, Nikola Tesla, Jeff Bezos, Alexander the Great. Notice how they’re all contenders for the title “Greatest of all time” in the fields they’re in. When they say that Saturns influence makes you established and remembered throughout history, it’s true. With Capricorn MC, you’re probably the first to set a record in the work you do and will be remembered as one of the foundations of the future.
I don’t want to reinforce stereotypes about Pisces moon. However, I’ve noticed that you really shouldn’t jokingly insult these guys. I think it’s because of their inclination to read between the lines and the underlying meaning of words that are said. They really don’t take criticism very well because they pick up the hidden meanings, e.g I once lived with one and he jokingly told me he’s going to lock me out of his room so that I don’t rob him and then I asked in all seriousness“why would I rob you?” And he was hurt and explained it’s because my question suggested that i thought he didn’t have nice clothes. (Which is true, im not interested in menswear nor his style). Perhaps this is a me thing though because im rather forthright with what I say. Maybe Pisces moons aren’t so sensitive, maybe we’re just cruel to them.
Also these natives are incredibly intelligent in terms of understanding emotions. I’ve noticed that they can easily grasp why certain people do certain things which is what makes them known to be “empathetic or forgiving” but it’s really because the concept of deep and complex emotions isn’t difficult for them to grasp. They’re like the Einsteins of human nature. And when I speak of empathy, that doesn’t mean they they can do no wrong, that’s a common misconception about Pisces moon, there are bad people within every placement but strangely Pisces moons if they are “bad” end up being forgiven for it because they garner sympathy from others. E.g Kim Jong-un, Edgar Allen Poe, Kesha, Coco Chanel, Kendrick Lamar, Vanessa Hudgens, Hilary Clinton, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Kanye West, Michelle Obama.
Fama (408) conjunct Mercury can indicate being well known for your ideas and thoughts, they can stand out or perhaps the way you communicate them does. You have an attractive mind that garners attention from many, people love to hear what you have to say, it’s like being lady wistledown from bridgerton. Ben Shapiro is an example of someone with this placement. He speaks very fast and is a famous conservative speaker engaging in debates with political royalty.
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Ascendant conjunct Chiron forever being attacked for their appearance really saddens me. These natives can be treated normally but then once they do something that others don’t like, their appearance will be promptly targeted. E.g Margot Robbie (brutally called mid because male viewers didn’t appreciate her in the Barbie movie), Peter Dinklage (think he complained about dwarfism being represented in cinema but I can imagine he must have also grown up with a lot of unkind words), Priyanka Chopra (people coming for her when she married a Jonas brother), Selena Gomez (I don’t even know why but people attack her for her body apparently), Abraham Lincoln (this man wanted to free slaves I bet they made caricatures of him during the 1800s).
Venus in 10H, why is your relationship a Google search away. Everything we know about your love life is against our will. I know you love your partner but please. These natives can end up telling on themselves about the nature of their relationships. Examples: Jayda Smith (red table), Johnny Depp ( his released audio recordings), Billie Eilish (made a whole documentary about her relationship to her ex boyfriend) David Bowie (spoke pleasantly of his wife Iman any chance he got in many interviews), Kristen Stewart (cheating at award ceremonies).
Aries Mercury people are extremely motivational, they really know how to make others do something simply by their words, it can be for the bad or for the good E.g The rock (Dwayne Johnson) , Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth II, Amber Heard, Mark Zuckerberg, Al Pacino, William Shakespeare. These natives can make an understaffed workforce win the battle because they remembered what you said, they’re usually quoted and the people with this placement can have really empowering but simple one liners that make you want to beat on your chest like King Kong and seize the day. Very influential and honestly the best people to have a pep talk from.
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pearlprincess02 · 1 month
what you lie about (mercury signs & houses)
aries mercury
mercury in aries often lies about their intentions or feelings. this placement is characterized by a quick, impulsive thought process, which can lead to hasty statements or exaggerated claims. an aries mercury might exaggerate or downplay aspects of their situation to appear more confident or to avoid vulnerability. they might also lie to cover up mistakes or to stay ahead in competitive scenarios, driven by their desire to maintain control and assert their independence. their approach to communication is usually direct and energetic, but the impulsiveness can lead to inconsistencies or half-truths when they feel cornered or pressured.
taurus mercury
mercury in taurus tends to lie about practical matters and personal resources. this placement values stability and security, so taurus mercury might distort the truth to protect their financial situation, possessions, or personal comfort. they could be inclined to exaggerate their wealth or downplay their expenses to maintain an image of financial stability or competence. their lies are often motivated by a desire to avoid conflict, preserve their status, or keep their personal life secure and private. taurus mercury’s approach to communication is typically deliberate and cautious, so when they do lie, it’s usually well thought out and aimed at preserving their sense of security.
gemini mercury
mercury in gemini often lies about details and facts, driven by a desire to navigate social dynamics and maintain a flexible image. this placement values intellectual stimulation and social interaction, so gemini mercury might exaggerate, omit, or twist facts to entertain, impress, or fit in with different groups. they might also lie to avoid confrontation or to adapt quickly to changing situations, ensuring they can keep up with the fast-paced social environment. their lies are usually more about maintaining curiosity or keeping conversations engaging rather than malicious intent, reflecting their ever-shifting interests and adaptability.
cancer mercury
mercury in cancer often lies about their emotions and personal circumstances. this placement is deeply connected to their inner world and can be sensitive about their vulnerabilities. as a result, cancer mercury might distort the truth to protect their emotional well-being or to shield their private life from scrutiny. they may downplay their feelings or fabricate stories to avoid appearing weak or to maintain a sense of control over their personal narrative. their lies are often motivated by a desire to create a safe, comforting environment for themselves and others, reflecting their need to manage how they are perceived emotionally and protect their sensitive nature.
leo mercury
mercury in leo often lies about their achievements and personal importance. this placement values recognition and admiration, so leo mercury might embellish or exaggerate their accomplishments, talents, or status to enhance their image and garner praise. they may fabricate details to appear more impressive or to maintain their dominant presence in social situations. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to shine and be acknowledged, reflecting their need for validation and a strong sense of self-worth. leo mercury's communication style is often grandiose and dramatic, and their fabrications usually aim to reinforce their sense of superiority and influence.
virgo mercury
mercury in virgo often lies about their imperfections and mistakes. this placement values precision and efficiency, and virgo mercury might downplay or obscure errors, shortcomings, or personal flaws to maintain an image of competence and control. they may also be inclined to embellish details or present overly polished versions of reality to avoid criticism or to uphold their high standards. their lies are driven by a need to appear reliable and capable, reflecting their anxiety about making mistakes or falling short of their own rigorous expectations. virgo mercury's communication is typically meticulous and analytical, and their fabrications often serve to preserve their perceived perfectionism and competence.
libra mercury
mercury in libra often lies about their true opinions and feelings to maintain harmony and avoid conflict. this placement values balance and relationships, so libra mercury might obscure their genuine thoughts or preferences to keep the peace or to align with the expectations of others. they may also exaggerate or soften their views to avoid rocking the boat or to present themselves as agreeable and diplomatic. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to sustain social harmony and avoid discord, reflecting their strong emphasis on creating and preserving pleasant interactions and maintaining a fair, balanced atmosphere.
scorpio mercury
mercury in scorpio often lies about their deeper motives and personal vulnerabilities. this placement values privacy and emotional intensity, so scorpio mercury might obscure their true intentions or feelings to protect themselves from being exposed or manipulated. they may also conceal their strategic thinking or hidden agendas, driven by a need to maintain control and leverage in situations. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to safeguard their inner world and maintain power in their interactions, reflecting their tendency to navigate life with a sense of secrecy and psychological depth.
sagittarius mercury
mercury in sagittarius often lies about details and commitments, driven by their desire for freedom and exploration. this placement values honesty and big-picture thinking but can be prone to exaggerating or glossing over specifics to avoid feeling constrained or bogged down by mundane details. sagittarius mercury might fabricate or embellish stories to make their experiences sound more adventurous or to align with their optimistic outlook. their lies are usually motivated by a need to maintain their sense of excitement and spontaneity, reflecting their resistance to being tied down by practical constraints or tedious commitments.
capricorn mercury
mercury in capricorn often lies about their achievements and the extent of their responsibilities. this placement values status, structure, and reliability, so capricorn mercury might downplay challenges or exaggerate their accomplishments to project an image of competence and control. they may also conceal their struggles or mistakes to avoid appearing vulnerable or inadequate. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to maintain their authoritative position and protect their reputation, reflecting their need to uphold their professional and personal image as steadfast and capable.
aquarius mercury
mercury in aquarius often lies about their true thoughts and personal beliefs to fit in with unconventional or progressive ideals. this placement values originality and social ideals, so aquarius mercury might obscure their genuine opinions or downplay their personal views to align with a group’s vision or to maintain their image as a forward-thinking individual. they may also fabricate details to seem more innovative or to keep up with rapidly evolving ideas. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to blend into or influence social trends, reflecting their need to be seen as part of the cutting-edge or socially aware crowd.
pisces mercury
mercury in pisces often lies about their true feelings and personal realities. this placement values empathy and imagination, so pisces mercury might obscure or romanticize the truth to protect others’ feelings or to create a more idealized version of events. they may also fabricate details to avoid confronting uncomfortable realities or to escape from harsh truths. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to maintain emotional harmony, avoid conflict, or preserve their idealistic view of the world, reflecting their sensitivity and tendency to navigate life through a lens of compassion and fantasy.
in houses
mercury in 1st house: their true age, their real height, their actual weight, their genuine feelings, their past mistakes, their hidden insecurities, their secret fears, their financial situation, their academic struggles, their social awkwardness, their lack of confidence, their unpopular opinions, their embarrassing moments, their guilty pleasures, their secret talents, their hidden desires, their biggest regrets, their darkest secrets, their manipulative tactics, their true intentions,
mercury in 2nd house: their financial status, their debt, their spending habits, their savings, their investments, their job security, their salary, their inheritance, their possessions, their material desires, their financial goals, their money management skills, their business failures, their gambling habits, their shopping addiction, their financial dependence, their greed, their materialism, their stinginess, their financial secrets,
mercury in 3rd house: their intelligence, their knowledge, their grades, their communication skills, their writing ability, their reading habits, their language skills, their travel experiences, their social skills, their sense of humor, their gossip, their secrets, their lies, their manipulations, their gaslighting tactics, their ability to persuade, their power of persuasion, their ability to deceive, their knack for storytelling, their ability to adapt,
mercury in 4th house: their family background, their childhood experiences, their home life, their relationship with parents, their siblings' secrets, their family's financial status, their family's history, their family traditions, their home address, their neighborhood, their hometown, their country of origin, their ancestry, their family secrets, their family feuds, their family scandals, their family's dark secrets, their family's mental health issues, their family's criminal history, their family's secrets,
mercury in 5th house: their romantic interests, their dating history, their number of partners, their flirtatious behavior, their cheating habits, their creative talents, their artistic abilities, their gambling addiction, their love for drama, their need for attention, their childish behavior, their lack of commitment, their fear of intimacy, their jealousy issues, their possessiveness, their manipulative tactics, their hidden desires, their secret fantasies, their true intentions, their emotional instability,
mercury in 6th house: their work ethic, their job responsibilities, their salary, their health issues, their daily routine, their diet & exercise habits, their sleep schedule, their stress levels, their time management skills, their organizational abilities, their work-life balance, their job satisfaction, their career aspirations, their performance reviews, their sick days, their work conflicts, their job hunting process, their professional networking, their career failures, their mental health struggles,
mercury in 7th house: their relationship status, their partner's flaws, their own flaws in the relationship, their commitment level, their future plans with their partner, their expectations from the relationship, their compatibility with their partner, their communication issues, their jealousy, their possessiveness, their infidelity, their past relationships, their exes, their love languages, their arguments, their disagreements, their shared values, their long-term goals as a couple, their financial situation as a couple, their plans for the future,
mercury in 8th house: their financial situation, their debts, their inheritances, their shared finances with partners, their investments, their tax returns, their insurance policies, their wills, their fears about death, their obsessions, their addictions, their secrets, their grudges, their dark desires, their hidden agendas, their manipulative tactics, their power plays, their control issues, their vulnerability, their deepest fears,
mercury in 9th house: their educational background, their travel experiences, their foreign language skills, their philosophical beliefs, their religious views, their political opinions, their cultural background, their intellectual abilities, their knowledge of world events, their interest in current affairs, their love of learning, their thirst for knowledge, their open-mindedness, their tolerance, their respect for diversity, their prejudices, their biases, their bigotry, their ignorance, their arrogance,
mercury in 10th house: their job title, their salary, their career aspirations, their work-life balance, their job satisfaction, their relationship with their boss, their performance reviews, their job security, their career failures, their professional networking, their ambition, their work ethic, their time management skills, their leadership abilities, their public image, their professional reputation, their awards & recognitions, their career goals, their career path, their industry knowledge,
mercury in 11th house: their friendships, their social life, their group memberships, their online presence, their social media following, their networking skills, their popularity, their influence, their humanitarian work, their political views, their social activism, their rebellious nature, their desire for freedom, their need for independence, their fear of commitment, their aversion to authority, their ability to make friends easily, their social skills, their networking abilities, their desire for connection,
mercury in 12th house: their fears, their insecurities, their doubts, their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities, their past traumas, their mental health struggles, their addictions, their secrets, their lies, their manipulative tactics, their dark desires, their hidden agendas, their power plays, their control issues, their jealousy, their possessiveness, their resentment, their anger, their loneliness,
all observations belong to @pearlprincess02
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astrxbtchs · 3 months
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ (𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲) 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲/𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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𓆩♡𓆪 Unrequited synastry can be seen with vertex making hard aspects to the moon. Since vertex is an angular placement, it will be felt by the vertex person. The vertex person is affected by the planet person more bc they are the source of energy that the vertex is being activated with. With a moon square vertex for example, the moon person will provoke deep emotions out of the vertex person simply because they activate this energy from them. They feel more because that energy is invoked out of them, causing intense emotions.
It reminds me of this for some reason:🧍🏾‍♀️-> > >🧍🏾‍♀️ Basically the person on the left (moon person) naturally projecting their energy onto the person on the right (vertex person) and the vx taking it all in and becoming heavily affected. You can tell a bit how that vertex angle can be a bit one sided ***I really hope you understand this interpretation lol this is just how my brain computes things for me to understand it. I hope it helps
𓆩♡𓆪 Another unrequited aspect could be Neptune Square/Opposition to mercury. This can show lies and deception being told by the Neptune person. Communication exchanged between the two can be very hazy and difficult to understand, as if you never know where you stand with this person and words are easily misinterpreted and taken the wrong way. There's feeling as if you can't completely let your guard down or trust this person, for fear that they may be lying to you.
** experiencing synastry with mercury in the 12th can feel the same way.
S/N, please let me know if you guys want a whole post on my observations/opinions of unrequited synastry in a chart. I have a lot of ideas on this so tell me if that is something you would be interested in ;)
𓆩♡𓆪 Keep in mind when looking at synastry aspects, that the aspects with 6 degrees or tighter are really the ones you need to really be paying attention to. When aspects get too wide in a synastry chart the overall energy of it is dimmed and doesn't affect the connection as much as closer orbs.
𓆩♡𓆪 Having Chiron in the 3rd house is constantly being self-conscious about how you communicate with others and always looking back on the embarrassing/awkward encounters with others and inwardly cringing
𓆩♡𓆪 Every Capricorn rising and Sag rising are naturally popular and will always have a group of friends. A Sag rising will naturally attract people to them with the bright aura they exude. People will want to be around Capricorn risings to feel like they are "in", these people have the influence of power and overall give a status image that people like to attach to so they can feel that way as well.
𓆩♡𓆪 I feel Capricorn risings are one of the few in the ascendant signs that can come close to rivaling the intensity a Scorpio rising has. Imagine these two in a room seeing who can gain the most control over the other first lol. I can only imagine if in romantic attraction this connection is INSATIABLE because neither of them would want to give in to each other first. I feel they both put each other on edge.
𓆩♡𓆪 I know we talk about the 1st house/ascendant for our looks but can we talk about the 10th house also playing a big role in our outward appearance as well. 10th house talks about our representation to the world that we have the best ability to control, whereas 1st house is unconsciously there on display.
𓆩♡𓆪 (ANY) Virgo placements will go through the most traumatizing experience ever and you would never know because they will appear so put together. Or they will act so unfazed as if they didn’t just tell you the most life altering moment they just went/lived through.
**if you are a virgo rising my heart really goes out to you. I can't imagine living my life in a state of complete psychoanalysis of everything. Almost as if your mind can take over you a lot because of the constant examination of every single thing going on in your life, I know that can be quite exhausting. Y'all are so strong🫶🏾
𓆩♡𓆪 Are you a master manipulator or do you just have mercury in 7th or mercury in Gemini/Libra?
𓆩♡𓆪 I don't understand why people don't give credit to how BINDING moon in the 10th house synastry can be!!! Romantically, this synastry gets the rep of being cold and detached, which is true in a sense. In the beginning, expressing emotions to each other can feel uncomfortable and awkward, causing for a slow burn relationship to form. (often times it fizzles out) Once these people get over that hump and are able to trust one other to fully open up it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. This is the house of Saturn so when feelings get involved here they rarely go away since they take so long to form. Saturn is not into the act of letting go of things at all and is often life long. If a breakup has occurred with this synastry those feelings will simmer within you forever, and its damn near impossible to forget about them. This will probably be one of those contacts that will hurt the most and you will feel for a long time.
𓆩♡𓆪 Lilith in the 7th and Pisces Venus have a tendency to choose people that they know are not good for them. For both placements, the danger of what a person could do to them is like a drug. It is not uncommon for these people to find themselves in relationship scandals and affairs. Whether they are the ones doing the cheating or the other way around, they will most likely experience both situations.
- Lilith in the 7th choose the wrong people because they are attracted to passionate toxicity.
-Pisces Venus often choose the wrong people because of an idealized version they have created or because they think they are able to fix a person. 
**if you have both of these placements, may god be with you 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
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𓆩♡𓆪 Venus in the 3rd house synastry is most likely someone you met online, in school, close to your home or places you frequent. It will be so easy for these people to find anything in the world to talk about. They have similar interests and love the same things, although they could talk for days and not get to anything beneath the surface. They like to keep things lighthearted so if there are any issues they are experiencing with one another they tend to avoid it to not ruffle the feathers of one another and keep things peaceful, passive aggression can be a thing here. Romantically, this will be a person you will not be able to get off your mind, you will constantly be thinking of each another throughout your day. You might not even know how much this person actually thinks of you because things can come off so surface level, feelings may not be discussed.
𓆩♡𓆪 Sun/Venus is the 2nd house synastry can either boost your confidence or completely destroy it. Can also be an indicator of gold digger/sugar baby placement. The 2nd house person will be completely enamored by the sun/venus person. It will be easy for the sun/venus person to trust the 2nd house person. The 2nd house person can tend to view the sun/venus person as a object. Often wanting to spend money on them to make them happy. More so with the Venus here, the 2nd house person loves to spend money on them to make them look physically appealing. This will be the person buying you clothes, shoes, hairstyles and they even LOVE buying you food. Dinner dates are a MUST.
𓆩♡𓆪 Mars in the 2nd house synastry is ultimate marriage material. If you have this with someone its soo good for long-term partnerships. These too will not be able to keep their hands off each other, they are so sexually appealing to one another it will be so hard. The mars person will love to be the provider for the second house person. They will be the one to go out and work multiple jobs if they have to just to get the second house person everything they want, and they will love to do it. This couple will be SUPER sensual together. ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ♡ Thank you babes for reaching this point, love youssss♥️ If you enjoyed I would love any feedback any you have experienced any of these placements ;) I hope you like the longer, more in-depth posts. What would you guys like to see next?
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sokosmic · 9 months
Astro Observations #8
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📧 Scorpio placements love to probe people for information. This is actually something that comes very natural to them and is often an unconscious behavior. Often the Scorpio doesn't even have to do anything. People tend to reveal themselves willingly and unwillingly. This is the nature of Pluto. It naturally uncovers whatever is hidden. Planets in the 8th House can behave this way as well.
📧 The sign in your 3rd House can give clues about the type of work you may be involved in. Because a theme of the 3rd House includes short distance trips, such as your day-to-day commute, the sign ruling this house often goes hand-in-hand with your work. For instance, I have Leo in the 3H. Leo rules government (source: the rulership book by rex e. bills). I have worked in government for almost 20 yrs.
📧 Mutable Signs/Placements move on their own time. Even if they are punctual, their desire to do things when they want takes priority. It's the nature of scattered energy.
📧 Saturn in the 4th House can indicate karma with the mother or native's family. This placement often requires a lot of obligation to the mother/family . The native feels bound by the obligations and often wishes to escape, but may also feel a sense of duty and embrace their role as the glue in the family. Capricorn ruling the 4th House may also manifest this way.
📧 A 1st House Lilith may attract unsolicited sexual energy. These people have a very natural sex appeal that they may or may not be aware of. And it may not be because of what you would identify as things that are overtly sexy
📧 I've noticed a theme among women with Capricorn in 5th House or Ruler of the 10th in the 4th House is they are often stay at home mothers.
📧 People with Pluto square Mercury have a real tendency to try and tear you down with their words. This isn't always the case, but if threatened or feel they need to gain the upper hand in a conversation, they are very likely to lash out with viscous words. Mars square Mercury can behave similarly, but they are usually the folks that tend to cut others off in conversation.
📧 Cancer placements would much rather purchase you an item than to share that item of their own. It's not that they are necessarily stingy, they just like the security of knowing something belongs to them and exactly when they may need to replace it.
📧 Mars in Libra people can be big procrastinators because they have a tendency towards indecisiveness. These are people who sometimes ride the fence because Libra energy can see all sides.
📧 If you've ever had a terrible experience with a supervisor that goes overboard with micro-managing, it is very likely they are Pluto in Virgo generation. These folks thrive off of getting down to the details, and having some sort of control over outcomes, so nothing goes unnoticed...including EVERYTHING you do lol.
📧 People with Cancer in the 6th House or Aquarius Risings may be annoyingly anal, but in a kinda good way, about taking care of their coworkers or things in the workplace. They may tend to stress over things being out of place or generally keeping up with how things should be "taken care of" in the work environment. This stress can lead to gut and stomach issues, such as ulcers or indigestion. Their daily routines often involves them taking care of things to ensure security for themselves and others.
📧 My studies have shown that the North Node sign and placement, often correlates to the native's Life Path number!
📧 Pisces Mercury / Pisces 3rd House folks are some of the most difficult people [for me] to understand at times! Their minds and mode of communication can be very abstract, which isn't hard to follow (especially if you are Mutable/Mercurial like me), but at times it's like you think they are saying one thing, but their theory isn't translating into a relatable, concrete concept. And there's nothing wrong with that. Pisces Mercury people are HIGHLY creative and artistic. These are your fashionistas, makeup artists, musicians, and poets. They also make great actors.
📧 Moon in Gemini folks can be some of the best storytellers! They use lots of funny words and phrases to express their emotions through their stories. They often get a bad rap for switching up often, but to me, they have an impressive way of intertwining emotions and intellect. If I had to describe them in 2 words, it would be plot twist lol.
📧 Neptune in the 5th House can cause pregnancies to be elusive or deceptive in some form, such as false signs of pregnancy or having difficulty carrying pregnancies to term.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
Astro observations pt.III 🐼LONER EDITION🐼
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All my observations are based on *personal* experiences
By- tarotenchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
I decided to make this post cause i too dont have alot of friends and decided to astro analyse
Here are some placements that indicate not having alot of friends, having a tough time making friends, feeling left out or sticking out in groups, not being able to stay in groups in general.
🐼saturn in 11th house, 10th house, 7th house, 1st house, 5th house, 6th house 3rd house, making aspects with personal planets like sun moon venus or with ascendant or mc, saturn in libra, aquarius, capricorn, cancer, gemini, scorpio, saturn in degree of 7°, 19°, 11°, 23°, saturn retrograde.
[Saturn restricts and creates a lack in the area it occupies. It also tends to create a harsher environment which may mean that you may sometimes feel as jf the peoplw around you dont show much care or concern towards you in comparison to others. You may also constantly feel as if you have to work harder to win them over or to be recognised.]
🐼neptune in 4th house, 3rd house, 1st house, making aspects with ascendant, sun, mc, in the houses 6th house 10th house, 5th house, 11th house, in the signs of libra, aquarius, gemini, capricorn in degrees of 7°, 19°,23°,11° degree
[ neptune tends to create haze in whatever area it occupies which means that even though you may undertsand others on a deeper level, you may feel like others dont, or you may feel as if others tend to forget about you or dont feel recognised enough, on occasions people may not even notice you or know you enough. People may also project on you alot and if you dont live upto their expectations they may reject you or you may try very hard trying to mold yourself into whatever they want. You may also feel a bit hesitant to stand up for youself]
🐼 uranus in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[ uranus is by nature erratic and tends to create a bit of instability in whatever house it occupies. You may have friends one day and the next day they are gone. Like?? Poof.]
🐼 mars in 1st, 7th, 11th, 10th, 3rd, 6th house, making aspects with these houses, in the sign of aries, leo, scorp, cap, aqua, libra, in the degrees of 11°,19°,7°,23°
[Whatever house mars occupies or touches tends to creste a sense of hostility and competition, it may mean that people may be a bit hostile towards you or may view you as hostile or competitive or make you their competition, people with these placements may experience others putting you down in front of others or may experience that friends turned into enemies trope also jealousy is a common theme.]
🐼pluto in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Whatever house pluto touches or occupies creates an intense relation no matter what. You may feel as if people view you in a sexual manner, people may initially avoid you or stare at you as if theyre sensing you energetically, you may also experience people approaching you with manipulative sentiments or intentions, alsoo you may experience it that when you reject someone as friends or partner, the rejected party may start spreading rumours about you or become obsessed with trying to put you down or humble you and this may be a secret intention. People you dont know or notice know you and notice you. I have it in my 3rd house which also governs neighbourhod/neighbours and it squares my venus in 6th house and istg people idk know me and observe me but i keep my guards up. The people you befriend may also be jealous of you or become possessive over you and brooo.... its not a good thing so dont romanticise it like a pillowfucker♡]
🐼lilith in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Creates a similar theme to pluto but here you'll be shamed even more]
🐼 12th house personal placements
🐼sun and moon, mercury in 4th, 8th house.
🐼 4th, 12th, 8th hluse stellium
🐼mercury in aquarius or capricorn or pisces or scorpio
[May make you more private with your thoughts and you may feel as if others dont understand your ideas or you dont have anyone to talk too. It may also create trust issues.
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cthonic-bunny · 11 months
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1. personal synastry and composite experiences and observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Sun in 8th house synastry: I was the house person they were the sun. I definitely developed insecurities I never had before as a result of this connection. With the sun shining brightly on my insecurities, they were hard to ignore and even harder to not project them entirely on the sun. A lot of “you did this to me!” energy. I didn’t consider myself a jealous person until this relationship and a lot of it came from wanting to be “good enough” in the eyes of the sun person. It’s like knowing you have these darker aspects in common and wanting them to see you can bond this way and see them in a way no one can. You also end up pushing limits together. You liked this? Now WE love this. You’re addicted to that? Now WE are addicted to it. Moderation is hard to achieve with sun in the 8th house synastry. It can also bring up insecurities surrounding sex with that person specifically, if poorly aspected. Explosive reactions and emotional outbursts aren’t foreign here. The house person can feel like a vampire being sunburned, with all its ugliness revealing itself from its body because of its interaction with this person. The 8H person wants a full, in-depth analysis of the sun person’s thoughts, intentions, and motivations. The plutonic energy wants to completely envelop the sun, compulsively in some cases, to know WHY they are the way they are, and why the sun presents themselves in certain ways. This is especially true if the sun person did something to hurt the 8H person, who can feel it more than is rational. The 8H person can really struggle with getting over any emotional harm or feelings of abandonment that come from the sun person. The 8H person can potentially resent the sun person for not being able to read them as intently as they could read the sun person. The sex, if and once insecurities are worked through, can bring you so much closer to one another and to yourself. I also feel like any disturbances or intimacy problems between you two can easily be felt by others or there can be blow ups in front of people you know, because the sun is a planet that illuminates wherever the light lands, whether you like it or not. Avoid public fights, because you will kiss and makeup but the damage in other people’s eyes will be done and opinions will be made. The 8H person might be able to see through any facade the sun person puts up, and this could lead to deep discussions that could be extremely healing for the Sun who might have to work through some things. The 8H person can also teach the sun person how to make more money and maybe even encourage them to start their own business. They can be known as a couple that makes a lot of money together. The sun person can also give sugar daddy/mommy vibes and the 8H the sugar baby, even if it neither one of the people involved are rich-rich. This is a highly binding placement. You two might find it difficult or even impossible to separate from each other even if the relationship has run its natural course. You guys are known as the couple that is “stuck” to one another.
Moon in 5th house synastry: *weird* but, for those who have this placement with a significant other, do you love to smell their body odor? I think in the house of children and fertility, it makes sense to love your partner’s pheromones. Something as weird as the smell of their armpits or stinky feet becomes comforting, idk?? This house is also really fun, and you can get a lot of emotional fulfillment out of acting like children together. 5H is ruled by Leo, so I also found that we had a lot of fun putting on “shows” for one another, and sort of making up our own characters and accents to make the other giggle. People are also really excited for the prospect of us having children together, and you’ll have friends volunteering to babysit or be the godparent of your unborn children LOL. Dressing up nice and going out on dates to somewhere with a great ambiance can be a great way to feel connected. Sharing perfume, or gifting each other perfumes or colognes. Loving the scents they wear. Same taste in candles? Candles as gifts. Lots of watching TV together? Having “shows” that feel wrong to watch without the other. Being called pretty by the other means a lot, and being pretty in each other’s eyes makes you feel good.
Moon in 12th house synastry: 12H synastry tends to have an awful reputation, and I get it when it’s a relationship that isn’t meant for you. However, my moon falls in my best friend’s 12H, and it is one of my favorite placements of ours. We have a telepathic connection where we can just look at the other and know what’s up. You preemptively know what will bother the other person and find it hard to understand how other people wouldn’t have assumed that thing would annoy your person. You understand each other’s motives, and can provide the ultimate shoulder to cry on or ear to listen with. When it’s a new interaction it can feel a bit intense, because how are you in my head!!! I feel like you can read my thoughts! It was like that for the both of us. It’s like, when together, both our consciousnesses transported to another realm where we are mutually perceiving something and our thoughts are being put on a radio for the other to listen to. Very spiritual relationship. You KNOW the vibes, and those feelings will be verified through the other person who already felt the same. She will never be wrong in my eyes and I will defend her to the death. We don’t even have to speak on certain days, but we can feel whatever mood the other one is in and check-up on each other accordingly. Whenever we have a strange dream or nightmare, the first thing we do is text each other and try to analyze what it could mean. I as the 12H person also dreamt of us becoming best friends before we formally met. The dreams i would have of her would always be loaded with spiritual symbolism. We also grew up with the same level of emotional attachment to our personal spiritualities and shared religion, which plays a large role in our understandings of one another. Most people just won’t get it, but she always will. She could read my crazy journal entries if she wanted to. 12H moon synastry is just unconditional love. Between friends at least, it feels like a long-lost twin connection. Also, her and I had gotten matching tattoos before we even knew of each other, both of them being for the same spiritual meaning!
Composite Mars in 3rd house: Lots of talking during sex, and lots of car sex— It might sometimes feel like that’s the easiest thing to talk about, or the conversation always steers to that direction. Sending nudes? Sexting. Maybe the only way you two could engage your sexual desire for one another is through sexting, because distance might not permit the full physical expression. If you don’t have a lot of experience knowing the other’s communication style, it can lead to a bit of random defensiveness or perceiving the other as communicating abrasively. I think it can lead to one trying to get reactions out of the other by saying something out of pocket.
Composite Mercury in 12th house: Pay attention to the dreams you have of this person! They will seriously tell you a lot about your dynamic, but don’t take them at face value! Lots of mystical elements to your dreams about them specifically, so maybe reviewing tarot card meanings and astrology concepts can help you decipher the meanings of your dreams. You might find it easier than expected to confide in each other or rant about your brain’s inner workings together. “I don’t know why I’m saying all that-“ or psychoanalyzing each other for fun. Talking about your less-than-desirable attributes. Being honest about your deceptive tendencies or specific lies you’ve told and why. Oversharing things that will usually make other people uncomfortable in the same context (like talking about your exes or failed situationships on a first date). Difficulties communicating when it’s not in person because it leaves too much room for confusion. Deceit is a real possibility though, with someone voluntarily “leaving out details” about their life outside of the relationship to avoid ruining the flow of energy or the dynamic. Having each other saved on your phones under fake names. Having to hide that you’re talking to this person from other people. One of you withdrawing communication to manipulatively make the other think about you more. Taking turns being each other’s therapist. Thinking about each other often but never expressing that, or the extent to which you think of one another. Thinking about the other at night before going to bed. “I started catching feelings for the girl that I’m currently having sex with, so it’s safe to say we don’t talk anymore, unless of course we’re having sex” in Sasquatch .22 by Bay Faction.
Composite Venus in 12th house: There really is a secretive component to this interaction that can feel impossible to bypass. Your family, friends, or society might not “approve” of you two together. One or both of you can be cheating on someone with this person. Only being able to meet up or be affectionate at night or in extremely private settings. The privacy of the relationship can help you open up a lot more than you’d expect to, because there’s no one but you two to perceive the other in this context. No judgments on how you two should behave with one another, so “let’s fully enjoy the moment while it lasts.” No one understanding your interaction or it’s purpose, and you probably don’t understand it either. Sending telepathic love notes. Longing. Intimate and romantic sex that haunts you or catches you off guard. Never wanting to be the first one to admit you’ve caught feelings. Ruining your sleep schedule to spend time with one another. Dreaming about romantically linking with them before it ever happens. Withdrawing once feelings start feeling real. The song “Lips of Angel” by Hinder reminds me of Composite Venus in 12H. “Illicit Affairs,” “August,” and “False God” by Taylor Swift. “Why Can’t I?” by Liz Phair. Gato de Noche by Bad Bunny. Sex by The 1975.
Lilith in 8th house synastry: Wanting to try things sexually with this person that wasn’t necessarily exciting with other partners. “You can do whatever you want to me, and I’ll let you.” Possibly experimenting with or preferring BDSM with one another. That Lana lyric that’s like: You fucked me so good that I almost said “I love you.” It might also be controversial if people knew you’ve had sex with one another. Revenge sex? As in, you two having sex might indirectly be spiting someone else, and it kind of feels like you’re dishing out delicious karma on a surprising silver platter— “lol if only they knew” You two might have fun misbehaving together. Doing what you both know you’re not supposed to be doing can make everything feel better, and even more reason to keep doing what you’re doing. Lana Del Rey in Diet Mountain Dew: “you’re no good for me, but baby I want you.” Wanting to be dangerous together. “Leave me bruised so I can’t forget you.” “Seeing you tonight is a bad idea, right?” This placement somewhat reminds me of a union between the death card and the devil card in tarot, with an emphasis on risk-stained sexual liberation. You can become symbolic of temptation in each other’s lives, so it’s hard to deny your impulses. Toxic by Britney Spears.
-D 🖤🕯
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astrostaydelulu · 6 months
Short astro notes
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Moon aspect Venus(negatively)/Neptune individuals are the heart of crystal with haze around it. Pure yet blurred, surrounded by distinct thoughts of their needs vs wants. They may try to find their love in people who aren't the one. Be prudent while making choices as you don't want to be wounded in the end.
Lilith in 10th/6th/Virgo/Capricorn or aspect with Midheaven people please be cautious in your work environment. Not only this people get bashed for no reason or for just putting their opinions in front, is so witless. People envy their success/ work and slur too. Authorities can be a big problem for them likewise.
Mercury/3rd house with the influence of Venus is such a beautiful aspect. These people are great at writing( relies on other aspects too). They are good at paring their words in a ravishing way that it's almost bliss to hear them. Also a placement for good writers/poets on the topic of love, beauty, art, appreciation, etc.
Moon's prominence on the midheaven constantly makes great chefs, hotel managers, caretakers/nannies, teachers, preschool administrators,  etc. In general, they are promising in these fields with their ability to manage things.
No one can beat a Venus- Neptune/Pisces Venus/ Venus in 12th people when it comes to having the trope of " one-sided secret admirers". Well, not prefer one-sided but yeah when they fall in love they are the most adorable. They can be so in love with their crushes/lovers, that it is unexplainable.
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months
Sun in the 3rd House -- creative and enthusiastic about learning
Moon in the 3rd House -- learning focused on what they care about, what comes naturally
Mercury in the 3rd House -- book smart and/or high social perception and intelligence
Venus in the 3rd House -- wants to learn with others and/or share what they learn with others
Mars in the 3rd House -- competitive about intellectual pursuits, wants to conquer mental challenges
Jupiter in the 3rd House -- thirst for knowledge that is rarely satisfied
Saturn in the 3rd House -- methodical study habits, knowledge is a gift or privilege, something to be taken seriously
Uranus in the 3rd House -- learns differently, an independent thinker
Neptune in the 3rd House -- infuses learning with imagination and intuition
Pluto in the 3rd House -- loves uncovering secrets, intense curiosity and a deep desire for profound understanding
Chiron in the 3rd House -- heals and empowers with knowledge
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thesirenisles · 5 months
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Mercury’s Prophets⚕️🪽
gemini & virgo
love, mythology, astrology observations✨
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🌬️Mercury in the 1st house, 3rd house, 6th house,
🌬️Gemini Sun, Ascendant, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Gemini Stellium
🌬️Virgo Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupier, Stellium
🌬️Jupiter in the 3rd house, Jupiter in Gemini, 6th house
🌬️Mercury Dominant, 3rd House Stellium, 6th House Stellium
🌬️Sun-Mercury Aspects, Jupiter-Mercury aspects
“She leapt from the Earth. The free winds of the skies coursed beneath her golden wings as she raced for the clouds… the burden of her omniscience left behind. Nothing but silence above the heavens.”
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Fascinating mythological history below! Do not steal any of my original writing. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles Support
Voice of the Gods,
Soaring high above, with Godly knowledge ever-expanding… you are a magnificent being, Mercurian.
Gifted with wings to be free of the Earth 🌍 , one might confuse you for an angel.
However, Mercury blesses you with these wings to be a divine messenger, a literal VOICE of the Gods. ✨.
A prophet of sorts if you will. 💁🏾‍♀️
This energy makes you quite attractive, blessing you with divine looks and energy that is welcomed in any room.
When you speak, everyone listens. (Esp. 3rd house). This is a gift and a curse, of course, but it is still very powerful.
People can spot a Mercurian a mile away with your extensive knowledge and mellifluous way of speaking. You have a silver tongue. You could sell water to a fish in the middle of the ocean. (Pisces, I'm talking about you lol. Stop being gullible!).
The words you say leave a lasting impression and can cut someone deep to their core negatively, while also you could bless them greatly with your insightful knowledge and advice! (Because duh, Duality.💁🏾‍♀️)
You are always balancing two halves of yourself. Gemini of Air and Virgo of the Earth.
At your core, you’re both here to make connections and say what needs to be said!
With your planetary ruler being the fastest orbiting planet in our galaxy, you are always in constant, fast motion.
Ideas.. thoughts.. feelings… are always racing through the mind of a Mercurial being. Most are gifted with a natural claircognizance “clear knowing”, which can look different depending on the placement.
Why is this?
Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks, Thoth or Djehuty to the Ancient Egyptians) rules over commerce, communication, short travels, boundaries, intelligence, trickery, and thievery! 👀 LOL
GEMINI or the 3rd house apply these gifts in their natural settings: to the mind, communication, social activity, siblings (twins).
VIRGO or the 6th house on the other hand apply these gifts to their everyday routines and relationships. Less talking and more analysis & servitude. (The maiden).
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The Duality of Mercury ⚕️
Virgo vs. Gemini
Mercury was the messenger of the Gods. He was essential to the communication and diplomacy between the realms. Each one trusted him. So, of course he knew them all well... and their dirty laundry.
🐍 Is it no wonder why they seem to know just about everybody and everybody’s business? Do not deny it, Virgo. LOL👀
Although they held more power individually, Mercury held the power of being their collective voice! (Also rules oration) They entrusted him with how and what was said on their behalf… often being a literal translator. (Powerful!)
This is similar to situations many Geminis and Virgos find themselves in. Many will come to you for advice and insert you into their dealings.👀 (As the middleman.)
Geminis on a social level and Virgos often within the family and relationships.
The Gods' divine trust came with plenty of gifts, which you’ll also find true of lovers in this lifetime. People value you and your gifts, which gives you purpose. (A virgo's dream.)
The most significant gift given to Mercury, was perhaps his trademark wand or staff... known as
"The Caduceus"
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Per the Greco-Roman mythology, the caduceus was gifted to him by the Sun God, Apollo. A magical olive branch staff with two serpents intertwining around its base.
They say if it touched the dying, it blessed them with a gentle death. However, when applied to the deceased… they would literally return to life. (DUALITY!)
You’ve probably noticed this symbol at our hospitals, on our ambulances, etc.
I like to believe these two snakes themselves are yet another symbol of Mercury’s duality.
One is good and the other bad. One yin. Other yang. One Virgo and One Gemini👀
🐍Mercury was also known as the trickster God or God of thievery!
This is essential to note because I have a theory (possibly far-fetched, but makes so much sense) that this may have a connection to a certain Garden of Eden… where a certain serpent spoke to a certain woman and convinced her to eat the fruit of …. KNOWLEDGE. 🤯
They say that before the caduceus had it's powers, it was just a branch. Mercury was stuck in servitude to the God's.
But…what if… Mercury being the trickster God convinced the maiden (virgo) to bite of the the fruit of knowledge in the forbidden garden and gained a portion of the powers of Mercury that he did not want.
If Virgo took on the need to serve, then Mercury would be free to frolick the realms with his tricks and thievery. He was also remarked as a habitual line-stepper, or boundary-crosser. (This is unevolved Gemini energy all the way)
This really gets deep when you realize that Virgo's sister sign Pisces (whom in my Neptune post, I compared to Persephone) bit of the fruit of Hades in the same curious fashion and was in more or less words cursed!
This does not mean that being of service is a curse in any way, but honestly, the mythology behind this dual planet is fascinating.
I think Virgo actually bossed her side of the energy up to the max. She is the earthy incarnation of her own genius, often never showing just how intelligent she really is... so as not to reveal her cards.
Virgo can bring her wildest ideas to fruition within the Earthy realm! (After it's perfected to her liking of course.) A gift!
However, Virgo can also have some trickery within her nature… often appearing or putting on a more innocent act than she really is.
But, with Mercurian energy there is always the possibility for their beautiful thoughts to come out a bit... wrong.
This brings me to a very important note.
🐍Please beware of false gossip.
It’s inevitable honestly, as people can’t help but give knowledge to a heavenly messenger.
However, with the optional tongue of a serpent… be mindful of the power you possess Mercurians! (Think: Parsel-tongue in Harry Potter Universe.) It’s nothing to play with because here in this Earthly realm, Saturn is dominant and it is the ruler of Karma.
You are a divine PROPHET (or Prophetess). Please handle your energy as such. 🫶🏾
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Mercurial Love Bites🐍✨
In love, they’ll have many admirers in several dimensions.
🐍I imagine a Gemini Mercurian as a sapiosexual, playboy of sorts. You’ll have your choosing of many lovers and will probably choose none… in search of new lands and ideas to learn and add to your beautiful collection.
You'll have an array of different tastes (in the bedroom as well) and will share passion with many, as you are a master of tricks.
🐍 It’s hard to lockdown a Godly intelligent being with the ability to fly away at a moments notice.
Many an earthly sign lover and watery soul will long for you and you will spin whimsical circles around them with ease, for you are too quick to catch.
Nothing too heavy or emotional, you must keep it light for this winged beauty or she’ll float away…
But, I do have to ask…my beautiful Geminis, 3rd housers if it ever gets tiresome to always be on the go?
Connecting too much to your air and neglecting your earthly connections through Mercury could leave you afloat for all eternity… alone. (This can of course be counter-acted with other placements in the natal chart.)
🐍Virgo Mercurians on the other hand are much more Earthy with their approach to love. This is the person who has thought very intricately about what the lover of their life will look like, smell like, and even their speech cadence. She eagerly awaits to be a perfect wife, organizing the home, teaching the children, etc.
Many will try to win her, as her innocent.. maiden-like energy is very attractive. While she may appear innocent, she is not naive!
All of her daily beauty routines, outfit curations, and perfected speech will not be wasted on just any man.
The Virgo's analytical eyes has surveyed many a suitor who tried to win her heart. She is looking for the perfect man. The one whom she can serve and assist while being provided for in return.
Better believe, if she chose you.. you have checked all of her boxes. For, she wants an Earthly promise...(AKA, Where's the money? If you ask me, the perfect suitor is perhaps a Capricorn or Taurus dominant. ) But, my Virgo queens... do not neglect your airy influences of Mercury as well. Life can be more rewarding than the material world.
This was a bit longer than i intended! But, I have never seen an in depth explanation of these dual energies of Mercury!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings! 🪽✨
Neptune Observation♓️✨ Pluto Observation ♏️✨ Mars Observation
@thesirenisles | masterlist | Enjoyed? support🧜🏾‍♀️
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harmoonix · 2 years
✨New Era Astrology Notes✨
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Pluto - Ascendant aspects: (Both harsh and positive aspects) have a very mesmerizing aura, they radiate some Dark Queen/King vibes and everyone knows these natives have the most beautiful eyes
Mars in Earth Signs gives BOSS energy and mostly that "I'm my own Boss energy" kinda like they don't need no one to tell them what to do.
Neptune - Ascendant aspects: They look very ethereal, refinement at its finest. Neptunians are the gorgeous in the night sky. They can also make a lot of people to look after them. These natives like Pluto - Asc aspects can have very pretty eyes 😍
Mars - Ascendant aspects: These people look very intimidating, they are hot and they know it 💅🏼. Very powerful personality and can get angry kinda fast 😭. Usually a lot of natives with those aspects tend to be calm but sometimes they cannot hold the angryness. They can have very beautiful lips
Pluto - Moon aspects: Have powerful souls indeed, these natives can feel when they are lied to and have a great intuition when it comes about lying and betraying. 💋
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Mercury in 2nd/3rd house can be motivational speakers and these people words can touch you deep. They know how to express directly and make the conversations very interesting
Mercury in 8th house: Passion for talking about taboo things, they have deep and sensual voices. Sensuality in their blood, can create bounding while communicating and expressing their words in love 😍
Having 8°, 10°, 20°, 22° degrees in your ascendant can make you very intimidating and powerful. Tend to attract people who are very interested in you in all ways possible
Having 6°, 12°, 18°, 24° degrees in your ascendant can make you charming and in a way "dreamy" (Virgo and Pisces Degrees) these natives tend to have very pretty hair and face features. Also they look great in the sun's light
Having 5°, 11°. 17°, 23° degrees in your ascendant can make you look very attractive, these people usually get in the spotlight very fast due to their very pretty image. Trendsetters, can often find people copying them.
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Mars 1st house natives look 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 they are very very very hotttt 😍 and omg they can have a lot of crushes. Good bones and face features, men with this placement to be the hottest in the room while women with this placement tend to attract people very fast
Earth Risings/Earth Venus have one of the best fashion styles ever, they really know how to get dressed good and Earth Venus might also give you some points of how to dress good. They are very elegant and gentle
Fire Risings/Fire Venus love to make people to laugh, i swear they are this type of people when you feel bad they come at you and tell you funny things to make your day better. They also have great humour and good jokes. And they are one of the most energetic and optimistic people i ever met
Pluto in the 1st house: makes you to be very intimidating in other eyes and kinda misterious and you tend to attract people who are very curious about life.
Uranus in the 1st house: You like to be different and have your own unique things, you probably are very different than the rest of your family, people might be attracted to you because of your uniqueness
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Lilith - Sun aspects: Hypnotic eyes, seriously their eyes are full of mystery, kinda remebers me of "The things you can see but you can't feel" vibe
Lilith - Ascendant: Might give you the impression they are very dark and MISTERIOUS people, those aspects make the native to have a very magnetic aura and tend to attract people who want to use them (be careful at people who want you only for the way you look)
Lilith - Pluto aspects: You know they have a very powerful energy when they enter in the room, can be secretive and mysterious and also make people to wonder more about them. Though making them dirty is gonna cost you
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Aphrodite [1388] - Venus aspects: Being in love with love, can be very romantic and gentle and veryyyy charming
Aphrodite [1388] - Mercury Aspects: They have very beautiful calming voices ever, tend to like singing and to sing (In harsh aspects they can have a very deep and sensual voice, but very mesmerizing)
Aphrodite [1388] - Pluto aspects: Find power in love, and destroy the ones who hurt you. Tend to attract a lot of people because your powerful aura and your appearance (Harsh aspects might be more intense)
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Sooo Today is 23:03;2023 😍😍 is one of the best days of our year, Pluto enters in Aquarius today for almost 20 years and of course is a new era. Everything will be very interesting the next years
Make sure to use your sidereal/vedic chart if you feel like you don't reasonate. Hope you like such type of new era posts they are very interesting to make 😍.
I wish you all very good Pluto in Aquarius years, full of good and nice experiences in your life. Pluto brings changes in the house you have Pluto in 💋
Harmoonix 💋
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 years
How your voice sounds like & how you talk according to your 2nd & 3rd house 🗣:
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Aries in the 2nd house & Taurus in the 3rd House:
Aries 2nd house people usually have a very husky/raspy voice and can talk pretty fast when they're excited or angry. Although, their Taurus in the 3rd house can make them more soft spoken in everyday life. If you get on their good side they will be sweet to you but if you piss them off they won't hestitate to drag you. They can be slick with their words. They are the type to be sneaky with their jokes and tease you without you even noticing till later what they said 💀 (Michael Jackson has this placement and everyone thinks he was so sweet but would literally sing 50 Cent in his car, cuss words and all lmao 😂)
Taurus in the 2nd house & Gemini in the 3rd house:
I know this sounds weird but Taurus 2nd house people talk more with their throat. Their voice sounds either very throaty or very nasally (I mean come on now - Shakira, Rihanna, G-Eazy, Cardi B, Heath Ledger, Stevie Nicks, AND Andrew Garfield. The proof is in the pudding). Their tone of voice is very unique but it's also attractive? They cound sound a little bit like they have a cold, its cute. If they are singers they use a lot of vibratto (don't worry I'll do a post on this too 🙄). Gemini in the 3rd house people could be very expressive with their faces when they talk and show a duality. They could also talk with different accents depending on who they are with.
Gemini in the 2nd house & Cancer in the 3rd house:
These people are very chatty around those they feel comfortable with. If they have a lot of air or fire in their birth chart they are friendly and love to socialize. If there is more earth and water they are shy but like to converse with whoever they are close to. Gemini 2nd house people tend to speak with a vocal fry. They could be emotional speakers as well with their Cancer in the 3rd house or they are good at making people feel heard during a conversation.
Cancer in the 2nd house & Leo in the 3rd house:
Their voices sound as if they're sleepy. Cancer 2nd house people's voices sound soft and airy. With a Leo in the 3rd house, they put some bass in their voice when they yell or get mad. Similar to a cat, they might be chill at first, and pur and meow, but if you piss them off they'll roar. They are very passionate and could choke up a bit or cry if they talk about a sensitive subject.
Leo in the 2nd house & Virgo in the 3rd house:
Leo 2nd house people growl as they talk, sing, or rap. Might even clear their throat before speaking. Could have some health problems with their throat or nose. They have the tendency to be congested. Virgo in the 3rd house could make them sound like a nerd when they talk about their interests 🤓
Virgo in the 2nd house & Libra in the 3rd house:
Virgo 2nd house people have very thin voices and typically sound high pitched, it's like their voices sound like it's struggling to come out (if their is voice is deeper it will sound gravely like Tyler, The Creator). They could require voice lessons or speech therapy at some point in their life. Possibly has social anxiety. Has or could develop a lisp. Talented when it comes to using their voice for entertainment like voice acting, reporting, speeches, singing, rapping, etc. (Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn or Eddie Murphy as Mushu and Donkey). With their Libra in the 3rd house they could have a way with words. They could be very charming when they speak and like to flirt. Might even turn on the charm to get what they want (I'm guilty of this).
Libra in the 2rd house & Scorpio in the 3rd house:
There is two spectrums with these people. On one hand their voices are very attractive and the way they speak can be sensual... or they can be vulgar and/or hilarious (1. Ice Spice, Michael B. Jordan, Usher, Lauren Jauregui, Keanu Reeves, Meagan Good, & Idris Elba 2. Dave Chapelle, Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks, Kevin Hart, & Ryan Reynolds 3. Dolly Parton & Childish Gambino are both great at singing and know how to do comedy). They are great at entertaining a crowd and could be the host at parties. They know how to make people laugh and blush, it's their way of seducing.
Scorpio in the 2nd house & Sagittarius in the 3rd house:
This combination can cause them to be poetic and philosophical. They are great when it comes it expressing their inner most personal thoughts. When angered, they will let you let you feel their wraith (I mean have you heard Beyoncé on her Lemonade album or Doja Cat on her lives? Lmao they do not fuck around). Their language is very blunt and they cuss a lot (Britney Spears: "Holy shitballs!" 😃 *starts spinning*). Scorpio 2nd house people voices are clear and deep (yes, like the ocean) but if they are around someone they talk in a baby voice. It's so funny too it's like they're usually this badass but then out of nowhere there's this silly high pitched voice 😭 (Kendrick Lamar: "put the pussy on a pedestal ~ put the pussy on a high stool ~ that pussy to die for, yeah that pussy to DIE for ~🎵") Honestly they're just crazy lmao
Sagittarius in the 2nd house & Capricorn in the 3rd house:
These people are SHADYYY. They love to throw shade (Prince) or air out people's dirty laundry if you do them wrong (Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, & Halsey have some of their biggest songs about their exes lol). These people are petty as hell! Sagittarius 2nd house can also give good advice and with their Capricorn in the 3rd house, they have a lot of wisdom to share. A teacher to those around. They will also tell you things about themselves but know not to overshare. They like to have the upperhand in a conversation and keep their next move a secret. They tend to speak "as a matter of factually" and come off as having a careless attitude if they smile. A lot of them speak with a similar tone as well (Anne Hathaway, Jada Pinkett Smith, Mila Kunis, Scarlett Johansson, Winona Ryder, and Kim Kardashian don't have the same voice but their Capricorn tone and Aquarius speech pattern is obvious to me). The men can seem very cool and relaxed, almost the bad boy type (Justin Bieber, Brad Pitt, Nicolas Cage, Eminem, & Elvis Presley).
Capricorn in the 2nd house and Aquarius in the 3rd:
These people are eccentric and are unique. They like to have a persona so they can keep their personal lives private. Their voices sound a bit quirky (I remember watching a interview with Adriana Lima and a lot of people were surprised to hear how she actually sounded).
Aquarius in the 2nd house and Pisces in the 3rd:
These people sound so cute imo??? Jimin from BTS, Ariana Grande, Zac Efron, Ashanti, & Jordin Sparks all have this placement and their voice is so soft like a cloud. Their sense of humor is weird and silly. They are quiet in comparison to others and are probably told often to speak louder. Or they could be slow talkers. Overall just really mellow people lol
Pisces in the 2nd house and Aries in the 3rd house:
These people are motivational speakers (Barack Obama) and are often being quoted for their iconic sayings (Nicki Minaj, Naomi Campbell, Zendaya, & Alicia Silverstone). They know how to connect to people and they are passionate when it comes to helping others. Most likely will be the person to stand up to a bully and defend the person being picked on. Pisces is caring while Aries is bold yet impulsive. These people need to practice "thinking before speaking" because it has a greater affect on not just themself but those around them.
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bouquetface · 14 days
Navamsa/D9 Observations
Accuracy will be HEAVILY influenced by the Entire d9 AND natal chart. This is general information, not a personal reading. With that being said, I'd love to know your experience with these placements.
D9 should be read alongside natal for full accuracy.
Saturn in 11th House
You will have a smaller social circle in later life and after marriage. On the bright side, these friends are likely to be very loyal. They may be people with high titles - Doctor, Vet, Lawyer, Professor, Scientist, Business owner, etc.
The friends you do have will be reserved. They could be traditional and older people. Unlike, Jupiter in 11th your friends will not be as likely to go out of their way to help you out/give you opportunities. Saturn requires you put in your own effort.
Your elder sibling can become distant. This isn't necessarily bad, they may live at a distance and/or be busy due to their own personal life. EX: They are busy with raising their own family. They are more mature. Less likely to be spontaneously hang out with you and be able to be there for you.
If Saturn is in libra (where it is exalted), it is likely having a small but loyal circle is your choice. Rather than it being due to you struggling to create friendships.
The marriage will likely be very stable. There may be times where married life is so predictable and routined, you become bored. However, with this placement you will work through it. You and your spouse will fulfill your duties to one another. The couple has respect and admiration for one another regardless of what happens in life.
I have noticed this placement can make up for any malefic planet in 7th House (natal or d9). The couple is always inclined to be there for each other and resolve any issue that occurs. This is even more likely if Saturn is in libra.
Saturn in 7th House
Often, I see people react to this placement negatively. It's important to remember: Saturn is exalted in Libra. Libra is naturally ruling the 7th. Saturn is comfortable unless harshly aspected.
This does not mean you will never have a issues with the spouse. You will. Yet, the spouse will always want to resolve the issue rather than end the marriage. This is the couple that seems to be constantly bickering but when their spouse needs something, they will do their best to provide.
There is karma related to this placement. It is said this indicates marrying someone from a past life. You are met to resolve your issues from the past through making your marriage work.
Mercury in 7th House
This indicates the spouse is younger or looks younger than you. They are likely to be very social. The spouse can be your best friend. Over time they can become almost like a business partner.
The spouse is likely to be very social. They can start a conversation with almost anybody. The negative of this is the spouse will talk your ear off. They can often be moving around/fidgeting and talking. EX: You guys drive buy a farm. They will not be able to stop themselves from interrupting you and saying "Oh look cows"
The spouse can often make observations and complaints. Nitpicky person. Curious person too - they can want to go new places and explore. You will basically always know what is going on this person's head. The couple can bicker a lot.
On the bright side, mercury is adaptable especially if placed in a mutable sign (sag, virgo, pisces, gemini). They can compromise when they want. They are guaranteed to change throughout the marriage. Their hobbies/interests, maybe even career can change.
You can reach higher status after marriage and/or in later life. However, you likely don't care about status. You just desire being able to have enough and not worry it will be gone.
You can become generous and more compassionate after marriage and/or in later life. You can wish everyone was kinder to each other. You let go of anger you had in early life. This is likely due to the fact the home is calmer.
You are likely to adapt beliefs or find a religion that really resonates. When someone questions your belief system, you can be very angry.
I have noticed most people I personally know with this placement have multiple marriages. However, this is NOT always the case. Instead, it may be that you will have to go through heartbreak before finding the one. Accuracy is influenced by ENTIRE chart.
Moon in First House
I've noticed moon influence in first house can indicate someone who loves sweets and being comfortable. They dislike sweets and even minor discomfort such as wearing jeans instead of sweatpants.
This can be an indicator of marrying young - not a strong one though. Regardless of age when married, through marriage they do find comfort and joy. This can change due to moon's fluctuating nature.
One potential disadvantage of this is mother (yours or partner's) tries to influence the marriage. If well placed, this is someone who has the support of their mother - will go to their mom for advice/help. If badly placed, the mother can become an obstacle. Either way, it is likely there are ups and downs in relationship with in-laws.
This can indicate sub consciously finding a partner who has shared traits with their own mom - physically or personality-wise.
A person can gain status through marriage and/or later in their life. They can have good paying career. They may own cars or homes that impress other people.
Generally, these people will do whatever to keep the spouse happy. However, depending on entire chart, they may not agree with spouse if spouse's wishes hurt their own family - specifically their mom and children.
Sun in 10th House
In navamsa, 10th H is the reputation of the marriage (as well as your reputation in later life). This indicates you will have power/authority later in life. Your marriage can be seen as a power couple. You either both are in high positions (possibly in government work) or you work together successfuly.
This can indicate someone who does certain things to prove their wealth. EX: Buying an expensive car, dressing in formal or expensive clothing, etc.
Good news you will succeed despite obstacles and haters. These people tend to gain respect of many people.
Rahu in 8th House
This is a strong indicator of being the most successful in your family. However, you are likely to be secretive about it. You fear people using you and/or asking for help.
Depending on entire chart, you may actually not be able to help it. You could desire that validation - even to your own surprise, you become someone who likes to flash their wealth. Might be in a subtle way - ex: wearing an expensive watch.
Your in-laws could be from a different background. EX: They live in a different country, they immigrated from a different country, they follow a different religion, etc.
Rahu conjunct Mars in 7th House
You or the spouse can become very angry after marriage and/or later in life. Usually, this manifests as thinking violent and angry thoughts. However, this is NOT always the case.
Instead of spouse, this can indicate working with mars-like people. For ex: You could work in a prison or at a gym.
These people can be very successful too. Mars is our drive and if given an extra boost by rahu, this person can be unstoppable when going after their goals.
Saturn in 4th House
This can indicate a strong foundation for marriage and later life. You can enjoy being in the home. You could work from home. You could physically work on the home. You can prioritise the family over work.
However, if harshly aspected you can feel restricted in the home and by family. You may wish to go out but feel you are tied down. This should not happen if a person understands that marriage and starting a family require time and effort. You will have to work with spouse to create balance in the home.
If you hate responsibility and being disciplined but still start a family, you may experience periods of extreme unhappiness. You will feel the spouse and children drain you.
EX: A uncle has this placement in cancer in d9, he got divorced. He says the wife and him fought over who was taking on the most responsibility. He felt she changed after having a kid. She paid "too much attention" to the kid and not him. He's kind of always been a man child/mama's boy. Saturn is in detriment in cancer, it can make it difficult (not impossible) for the person to take on saturn traits. + he only had squares aspecting his saturn. This will not be the case for everyone with this placement.
You can move away/ work away from birth place. This doesn't always mean you'll move to the US or UK/Europe. You may move states or provinces. EX: The same uncle from the first example is now a truck driver. He rarely comes back to this city. He is not the only person I know with this placement. The other person has also moved away from birth city for work.
Mercury in 2nd House
This is a good budgeting and wealth indicator. These people take control of their finances. You may become an accountant. Not always as a career, more often you take on the responsibility of doing your own taxes (including spouse and kids).
You may communicate more with your family after marriage and/or later in life. Checking in more with your aunts/uncles, cousins/siblings, parents.
Ketu in 2nd House
These people often go either 2 ways: They are always worried about money regardless of how much they have. Or they become detached about money and materialism. Both are possible at different times in life - ex: start out worried then learn to value priceless things like their family or their health.
You can be detached when it comes to your own family. You may lose contact or contact family less. This is the family you come from not the one you may create with spouse or long term partner.
Ketu conjunct Venus in 2nd House
This conjunction can make someone feel like they never have enough. They can be critical of partners and themselves. Nothing and nobody can feel good enough. Often, it is RARE for them to be happy in their first long term relationship. These people need that heartbreak to learn to treat their next partner better.
If you believe in past lives: people with this placement are commonly said to have stolen money or a possession. This is why they have anxiety over needing more and more. They struggle to feel satisfied with what they have.
This placement can make you feel you never have enough money. These people often end up collecting something like watches or earrings. This placement can make someone dedicated to getting more money, more materialistic things.
Or depending on entire chart, you detach yourself from the materialism and superficial things.
10th Ruler in 7th House
10th house in navamsa/d9 shows us what we will be known for later in life. Ruler in 7th shows you are known for your partnership - the one with the spouse, your friends, your clients, your buisness partner.
Whether it is in a positive, negative or neutral way depends on the ruler, any planets in 10th, and aspects being made to both. EX: No planets in virgo 10th H. Mercury the ruler in gemini 7th H positive aspects being made to 3rd H. Your spouse could be more of a social person than you. Generally, people know you as their partner.
Rahu in 2nd House
Often, after marraige and/or later in life, you cut contact or speak less with family. This can be due to a bad experience with them or you simply live further away and don't care to talk much.
If the ruler if 2nd is well placed along with rahu in 2nd, you could gain a lot in later life and/or after marriage. However, Rahu in 2nd assures it is due to the money YOU make not the spouse. You could end up the sole provider for the family. You could make more than the spouse.
You are likely to make more money through international work. EX: You move away from birth city, or your company works with other cities and/or countries.
You may have bad eyesight. Later in life, you could require glasses.
Rahu in 6th House
This indicates you take on huge responsibilities in daily routine of married life and/or later in life. The sign and ruler of 2nd will tell you what these responsibilities are. EX: Taurus or libra rahu in 6th, Venus in 4th H: You take on the role of renovations/decor in the home.
More general observations with this placement:
You will get revenge on those who attempt to harm you. Almost always have more than 1 kid (that can be the huge responsibility you take on). Spouse and you are or become physically fit.
Moon in 11th House
Generally, these people deeply care about their friends. They will maintain their social life and connections deep into later life and/or after marriage.
They can deeply care about how other's feel about them, they crave outsider validation. This is the person who wishes to be famous artist not due to passion for the arts but because they want attention. However, moon in 11th as far as I've seen does NOT indicate fame. Instead, these are very social and friendly. They party/go out a lot despite being older and married.
However, I have noticed in the sign of scorpio it is almost the opposite. They don't care much about having a social life outside of the marriage. They are more private when it comes to connecting with people.
But we must look at entire chart, I know someone with scorpio moon in 11th and rahu + jupiter in 7th H. Their spouse was the one who deeply valued their social life - constantly wanted to go out with his friends. A few years after marriage, their spouse said they paid more attention to friends than them Later, the spouse found out he was cheating with a female friend.
Moon in 11th H taurus on the other hand is good wealth indicator. These people are polite and pleasant. People compliment them behind their back. These people often have many kids too who are equally as polite and charming. Very good placement to have imo.
Venus in 5th House
Likely to have a baby girl if you choose to have kids. I have noticed, unless aspecting Jupiter, 2 people with this placement only had one daughter.
Creation will bring great joy into their life. Either creating something or like creating a child. Life takes drastic change for the better when they can create.
The spouse can have very good style. In a man's chart, the wife and daughter can be very into fashion.
Sun in 4th House
They are the main authority in your home. If they have kids, they are the main one enforcing any rules. Even if they don't have kids, they can want the final say over the spouse. They wear the pants in the relationship. If the spouse also wants main control, this will lead to conflict.
They may after marriage and/or later in life realize you were wrong in identifying your enemies. You may realize someone from the past who you pushed away was a true friend.
& they will definitely realize someone they kept as a true friend was actually fake. They will be once more betrayed later in life due to this misunderstanding from early life.
This is said to be due to karma & the sun being positioned in a house where it can't "see" who the enemies are and where they are coming from. However, accuracy will be heavily influenced by ENTIRE chart.
On the bright side, these people often experience a good amount of joy after moving away from birth city. They will get better career respect far away from birth city. However, it is likely they will still have family likely the father in birth city that support them - emotional or money.
Another positive, they are likely to be respected in career. In early life, they may have deeply desired popularity. This desire to be liked makes them work harder than others. In career, they will be rewarded for this.
Often, these people feel they are much closer to one parent than the other. One parent is more there for you than the other.
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