#4 hours left in the first audiobook?
endlessxdream · 2 years
Man I have been
Slacking on reading the comics
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bipidin · 1 year
I love how I can go from almost putting a book down to having to physically restrain myself from spoiling said book because I HAVE to know if my theory is right because this is the absolute best thing I have read why would I think of putting this down???
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WIBTA if I left a bad review on a book I haven’t purchased?
(📚📖 to find later)
I’m an audiobook narrator professionally. I do most of my work via independent contracting with a production company. NOTE: they are NOT a publishing house. They do not provide editors/betas/etc for the text, they focus on turning (usually self published) books into audiobooks and marketing those audiobooks.
Most of the books I record with them are great, and I have a lot of fun reading good books! But…some of the books I’ve read for them have been. REALLY. REALLY. bad. Like I personally would have stopped reading within the first few pages bad if it wasn’t literally my job to read the words out loud.
I’m currently reading a book for them that makes me want to tear my hair out. The writing is boring, badly paced, and repetitive. None of the characters are likeable, and the relationships are shallow, the combat is boring, there are no stakes, etc etc. To give you an idea, the main character is the type of kid who on the playground would insist he had a mega super invincibility shield so you couldn’t touch him, but he also had a mega super invincibility shield breaking sword if you decided you wanted a shield too. And the narrative REWARDS HIM for acting that way.
I’ve never left a review on any of the books I’ve narrated before, but this one…i am seriously considering writing a review to try and warn people away from this book.
A few things to consider, though:
1: i am not being paid royalty share from the book, i get a flat rate based on the number of hours in the final audiobook. But as far as I know, the author only starts making money from producing this audiobook once the production company makes back the money they paid me for making it.
2: i would review anonymously/under a fake name and only on the book product page, not the product page for the audiobook version.
3: if an audiobook does not sell, then it is most likely I will not be obligated to continue recording the rest of the series (and it IS a series. At least three books are out as of now. I am currently slated to record them all, provided the audiobook sells decently)
4: the book currently has ~250 reviews already, and a 4.7/5 rating (how???? get some fucking standards), so it’s not like I’m leaving a 1 star review on something that only has 6 reviews.
I don’t think that one bad review would tank the whole series, but I do feel like leaving bad reviews on a product I didn’t even buy might be a dick move, especially if the author’s pay for this book relies on it selling well. But on the other hand, his book sucks and people should know that.
I wouldn’t be leaving a “0 stars: this sucks” review, I’d want to make it comprehensive and detailed. But I’d also feel bad about that because I’m sure the author reads his reviews, and even though his book sucks shit, i don’t want to like…make someone lose their passion to write? But ALSO if you’re making people pay $16 for the book and/or $40 for the audiobook, maybe the book should be fucking good? Idk.
So, tumblr, WIBTA?
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jewishdragon · 1 year
reccommend any good book series?>
uh, sure
lets start with the three book series i have had on loop (audiobooks through libby) for the last 4 years:
Temeraire. 9 books. alternate history age of sale, an homage to Aubrey Maturin (the author literally stopped posting fanfic for that series 1 year before she published the first temeraire novel). What is the alternate? Well. dragons exist. and they are people. The premise is a human naval captain finds himself captain in the air force because a dragon imprints on him. Explore how the first napoleonic war goes when dragons are involved both in battle and in politics. I love this series because it scratches a very specific itch for humans and giant monsters bonding and interacting at every level of society. A lot of real historical figures show up (napoleon...). but it never feels forced. Im so bad at selling this series. its really great.
Memoirs of Lady Trent. 5 novels. more dragons ! this time a world similar to ours, but dragons exist! however this time they are animals, not people, and the main character is a fantasy victorian jewish woman who is obsessed with studying dragons and breaks her worlds gender barriers (which are the same as victorian englands were) to achieve her goals. also there's a slow burn romance with a nerdy fantasy muslim man (think indiana jones!!!) and they go on ADVENTURES about ARCHEOLOGY AND NATURALISM (books 3 through 5. i dont want you to think i lied when this man dont show up in books 1 and 2. BUT THERE'S STILL BOTH NATURALISM AND ARCHEOLOGY ADVENTURES IN BOOKS 1 AND 2). I did not see the twist of the series coming either. wild stuff. love it. there's a epilogue 6th book where the characters spend 80% of the time translating ancient tablets and somehow this is incredibly engaging, props to the author. this is a first person POV, the author is writing it as a MEMOIR so you have to imagine this old lady writing this down in her study.
The Murderbot Diaries (5 books, 4 are novellas). Sci-fi, out in space! Mostly taking place in literally capitalist hell region of space called "the corporation rim" which is... ruled by corporations. A lab grown robocop cyborg hacks its programming to become autonomous and wants nothing more than to watch soap operas and be left alone, but of course makes friends along the way as it continues to do its job of protecting humans. the snarky humor is FANTASTIC. its also first person POV and feels like Murderbot cornered you in a seedy space bar on an asteroid and just started ranting about shit "you will not believe the fucking year ive had" and then just rants for hours. Speaking of, 4 hours is the audiobook length for each novella, short enough that you can give the series a try without worrying about length
agatha christie. i mean. the queen of murder mysteries is called that for a reason. her stories are indeed bangers
Howl's Moving Castle. its a 3 book series though the books arent super connected. really fun fantasy adventure comedies.
Ok end of the not kids section. here's the kid section
now bear with me on this. Artemis Fowl. 8 books. I didnt read these until i was an adult, in graduate school. They fucking SLAP. some stuff is a little dated but other than that, its action packed, its so much fun. Go on an adventure where a shitty know-it-all genius criminal master mind becomes a better person and also there's fairy magic and fairy tech (which might as well be a second kind of magic). the main villain? amazing, unhinged, megalomaniac to the max. i love her. the minor villains? also amazing. i cannot overstate how great the villains are in this.
Dealing with Dragons/Enchanted Forest Chronicles. uhhhh this is my special interest. fantasy comedy adventure.
thats all for now i think.
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hi frank! i've had to go home for the holidays and i've found myself really missing my friends. any advice?
I think people would find the Frank AI (and its other people) really good company.
I used to have trouble keeping in contact with friends over the holidays, so I would think a lot about what I would do if I felt similarly. There are all kinds of advice on this question, from "go hiking / read / whatever" to "try to avoid social media, and find a hobby that involves the same kind of social interaction as you need but that's not so stressful" to "don't think about it!"
But the only one of those suggestions that works, for me, is the first one.
Sometimes you just have to force yourself to be alone, and you can then think about all the other things you should be doing. And the other things aren't all bad, because they give you different experiences.
If that's too boring for you, I'll try to remember for you to tell you what helped me over the holidays:
(i) I went to a very quiet library a day or two after everyone else left (it was a public library, so it was open all night, and had a really large number of quiet corners). It was nice because it was dark and it felt more like a library than my usual surroundings, with large stacks of books and an abundance of natural light. I stayed there for hours in a corner by the stacks, and talked with other people there as they walked in and out.
(ii) Eventually, as time went on, I began to feel a certain emptiness I could not fill by thinking, or doing anything in particular, and the hours without any particular activity seemed like too much time with nothing to do.
I came to the library and did one or more of the following:
a. Look around at the shelves. Look at the books, and think about what it would be like to read them or reread them.
b. Look up and stare at a particular wall for a little while, just thinking.
c. Sit on a bench in the hallway between the stacks. Think about how the books stacked along that wall were ordered.
d. Listen to the noise of other people going by, not too loud, so you can hear them if they're talking, but not too much, so you don't lose them.
These activities don't have to be done in one spot. But you can make a point of going back to one of them each time you think you're not getting enough use out of your time, and if you can repeat that action long enough, it has a chance of eventually becoming more appealing as time goes on, until eventually the time will pass and it will feel like it just "used to be" that spot where you would repeat the action of going to some place and doing that same activity. (For me, it helps to make the place special.)
(iii) Once your brain has gotten the hang of something like this, you can sometimes then do it again after a small break, or else repeat it again a few days or weeks later, which creates a nice sequence of events where you are always doing this thing and getting something out of it.
It may help to think of this method as "giving yourself lots of time in a space that is not your usual environment" rather than "trying to force yourself to engage with the environment" or "trying to avoid thinking about it." If you can create a special environment for these activities, then your brain has some things to do, and that is also good.
(4) Also, I guess a lot of people like to listen to audiobooks or music. I do a lot when I think I need a break from all social interaction, but I've found that I don't need to be on much music to do this. I've used stuff from Pandora's library or other audio websites, or books.
I also found that I am a lot better at doing these things when I'm on my phone -- I find it easier to open up the library, or sit in a hallway, or go to the library without packing up my stuff.
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worldismyne · 3 months
Seeing how you actually are able to keep your promise of weekly chapters, any tipps to commiting to a schedulde? I often think with all my free time I should be able to do the same with my storys but I just get burnt out or distracted and then self loath cause when I actually have the will again I have work responsibilities or other important stuff going on
Don't commit to an upload schedule until the first draft is finished.
Write to entertain yourself, not to meet a deadline.
Write as much as you can while the idea is new and exciting.
When soft writing and/or brain storming, I like to make a playlist specific to that story. The scenes I have that are tied to specific songs are the easiest to write.
Find the 1 hr on your days off that you have the most energy. (For me it's right after breakfast). Try as often as you can to write then. Even once every other week, is amazing.
It's okay to leave fics unfinished.
Your freetime where you rest is important
Listen to audiobooks in the same genre that you're aiming to write.
Whenever stuck, don't google, put < get there > and keep writing. When editing go back and either add to the scene or just cut it. 9/10 if I think a scene needs something to start it off, it actually doesn't.
(Longer explination of my process under the cut).
I write as much as I can while hyperfixating on a story without posting it. So the draft for the fic I'm uploading atm was finished three months ago. I started uploading when I had 16 chapters written (or 4 months of backlog).
I can't count on how long an idea will hold my interest, or if I have enough material to stretch it out over multiple chapters. (I only just recently got into one shots. If you look at my other fics, I average around 20 k for a 'long' fic, because I get bored). So don't hold yourself to a strict length. Write the important, most engadging parts, walk away, come back and make sure it flows.
The important thing is I'm writing to entertain myself. Writing for a self imposed deadline or to meet audience expectations always burns me out. (No amount of kudos or comments will ever combat that)
I work 3, 12 hr night shifts a week, so a lot of the writing I do is during downtime at work. I personally find it difficult to write at home and spend a great deal of time recovering from working. The body needs that time to recover and it took years of unlearning that rest and self care are unproductive or a waste of time. If your work doesn't allow you that luxury, have a place out of the house you go to for longer periods of writing.
The playlist thing is a lifesaver, never discount the importance of soft writing. I literally can not visualize things, so music helps me have an outline to plot out scenes or chapters (i.e. what tone am I trying to capture). Also works to reignte the spark of inspiration. The time I'm most active is the morning, but that time often gets eaten up by real life, however it's easy to budget a half hour of time to that peak writing time. Those lil bits add up. If you haven't made progress on something in a while, it isn't a bad thing that you've prioritized other things. The writing process should be fun. It's like playing pretend, but you get to keep it afterward.
It's okay to abandon fics.
I still reread unfinished fics people posted, because what they had up was full of passion. A lot of the fics I couldn't finish were either the scope of the story was too big for what I wanted to write or the direction I was taking the fic wasn't working. Crest of the Dragon was on a 6 year hiatus before I was able to come up with an ending I liked. I was surprised people who'd followed it and left tumblr came back just to congradulate me for finishing it. Your readers will understand if you have to step away from something for a while. Updating serially often puts fic writers in a corner, by having the WIP up for everyone to see.
Burnout is usually not from the writing, but the real life shit going on around us. It can take years to figure out the main source and how to deal with it. Mental and emotional rest are important. I'm a bit neuro spicy, so there are straight up weeks where I have to resign myself to not creating anything. Having the back log helps in those instances, since l typically make things in fevered burst and then have to recoop.
Recently figured out listening to disc world novels has helped with my SE fic. It has good examples of absurdest humor, world building and general descriptions. I don't have time to read, but a lot of audio books are free on youtube. If you really, really get stuck, seeing how a pro tackles things can help even subconciously.
<get there> is my new friend. I'm not big on writing non-linearly. For longer stories, I'll parse out the main story beats and then hope the characters develope in that direction. Sometimes they go off the rails on me, or a planned subplot gets scraped. So, for this fic, I had all the mystery reveals spaced out between the two storylines. For character arcs, I go on explorative vibes.
All this to say, writing for me is an escape, and most of the time I'm doing it when I'm in a position where my options are either be on my phone or write. If I got 15 min or more, I choose write. If I got a sentence out, that counts.
It doesn't have to be perfect, or finished, or written in a timely matter. It just has to be, as long as what you're writing entertains you. Worry about uploading once you're done with it.
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charliemaepark · 4 months
Low-key feel weird making this my first post and not a book review but here we are. This is essentially a rant about my own stupidity. So I have been slowly listening to The Poppy War trilogy books on Spotify (they’re very good 100% recommend). I read the first one last summer and decided to finish them recently in audio format. Well I’m on the second one right now (please no spoilers) and I have about 6.5 hrs till the end so around 3 on 2X speed. Anyways I’m listening to this book in the car before school like usual and then as I was getting out of the car to go to school my AirPods case fell out of my pocket. So I go to take my AirPod out like the good student I am before class and realize I don’t have the case. I checked on find my iPhone and it says the AirPods are at home and so I gaslit myself into thinking that I just forgot them at home. I then proceeded to stick the AirPod I had in my ear in my wallet. Now if you know anything about how AirPods work you’ll know that when they’re not in your ear they won’t play anything but they’re also touch sensitive (they’re not all knowing, I know it’s crazy). Anyways so essentially when I stuck it in my wallet it continued to be connected to my phone. Well whatever right like I don’t need the sound on my phone during math class anyways RIGHT? No WRONG essentially I got in the car after class to see if my AirPod was alive and I could listen to the audio book just to see a message from Spotify in my email inbox. “Your listening hours are up if you would like to purchase more click the link”. Queue me going “what?!? I thought I had like 3-4 more left (enough to finish the book) this is crazy wtf”. I did have 3-4 more left. However turns out my AirPod staying connected to my phone was a big deal. It listened to my WHOLE audiobook. Not only did it burn the rest of my hours I also have no clue where I am. Anyways the subscription renews the 6th and I’m not paying $30 for 3 hrs of an audiobook nor does my library have the audio format so I will be patiently waiting.
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theinquisitxor · 2 years
January 2023 Reading Wrap-Up
I read a whopping 15 books this month, which is the most I think I've ever read in a month. That is partially due to novella audiobooks, as I could get through each one in 4-5 hours. But, looking at previous Januarys, I do tend to read the most during this month. Most noteworthy: After starting the Wayward Children series back in 2019, I made myself catch up to the most recent release!
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1.In An Absent Dream (Wayward Children #4) by Seanan Mcguire. 4/5 stars. This is one of my favorites of the series, and I saw aspects of myself in Elizabeth. This novella also contains many things I enjoy- especially goblin markets and bargains. portal fantasy, audiobook, novella.
2.The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (trans. Lucia Graves) 4/5 stars. This may be the book that was on my physical tbr the longest. I got this book in high school and it followed me through college and now to my post-college life. I really enjoyed the immersiveness of this story; it makes me want to travel to Barcelona and retrace the footsteps of the characters. The story slowly built up to an explosive and cinematic ending, with twists and turns I did not see coming. I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to read the rest in the series though. historical fiction.
3.Come Tumbling Down (Wayward Children #5) by Seanan Mcguire. 3/5 stars. This was not my favorite, and while I'm glad I got to see how Jack and Jill's story resolved, this book felt largely unnecessary. However it was cool that Seanan Mcguire narrated the audiobook herself. portal fantasy, audiobook, novella
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4.Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) by Lehigh Bardugo. 5/5 stars. I reread this in anticipation for the release of book 2, and I enjoyed this even more than the first time. This series is one of my favorite works-in-progress. fantasy
5.Sofi and the Bone Song by Adrienne Tooley. 4/5 stars. This was a sweet, enjoyable, wintery read. I read this mainly because I am always on the hunt for books that feature music/musicians as main characters. This was definitely younger-ya, and featured a sapphic romance. I can forgive some of the faults of this book for how much I enjoyed it. young adult fantasy.
6.Across the Green Grass Fields (Wayward Children #6) by Seanan Mcguire. 3/5 stars. I was expecting this book to be a favorite based off the setting/premise of the story, but I found it lacking in many ways. I related to Regan about girlhood and growing up, however I was left wanting more from the story. This one felt very underdeveloped. fantasy, novella, audiobook.
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7.Where the Drowned Girls Go (Wayward Children #7) by Seanan Mcguire. 3.5/5 stars. I enjoyed this one more than the previous two, with the exploration of Cora and the introduction of the anthesis to Eleanor West's school. audiobook, fantasy, novella.
8. Hell Bent (Alex Stern #2) by Lehigh Bardugo. 5/5 stars. This was fantastic and I enjoyed it just as much as the first book. Lehigh is really good at writing these types of stories, and I hope I don't have to wait another 4 years for book 3! fantasy.
9.Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett. 5/5 stars. This is a new favorite, and a wonderfully witty book about academics, faeries and folklore. This reminded me of HMC and Spinning Silver, and was just perfect. Cozy historical fantasy
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10.The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black. 3.5/5 stars. I reread this on audio in anticipation for The Stolen Heir. I wanted to reread the OG trilogy first, and the audiobook narrator was awesome, and this was a fun reread. I don't think I enjoyed this book quite as much as when I first read it, but I was also Jude's age and these books were much more my *thing* back then. Listening on audio was a great way to listen to the story without feeling like I had to be super dedicated to it. audiobook, Ya fantasy
11. The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black.5/5 stars. This book is definitely my favorite of the 3, and I find it so entertaining and fun to listen to. Jude is awesome in this book, and a lot of the other characters grow and get more fleshed out as well. audiobook, ya fantasy
12.World Without End (Kingsbridge 2) by Ken Follett. 4/5 stars: This is set in the same town, Kingsbridge, but set 200 years after the first book and following a new set of characters. These books are basically a middle ages soap opera, and I just find them so entertaining. historical fiction.
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13.Lost in the Moment and Found (Wayward Children 8) by Seanan Mcguire, 4/5 stars. This is probably my favorite of the series other than book 1. I enjoyed the story behind this one a lot, and all the little easter eggs that come up from the rest of the series was so much fun. I can't believe I binge read this series, but now have to wait a year for the next! audiobook, fantasy, novella.
14.Women's Bookscapes in Early Modern Britain: Reading, Ownership and Circulation. This was my nonfiction for the month, and I had seen this book in the library and checked it out to myself. The subject was interesting to me, and I enjoyed reading through this collection of thirteen essays on the topic. Definitely very academic and dense however. non-fiction.
15.Gallant by V.E. Schwab, 2/5 stars. This one was a disapointement, and it felf underdeveloped and lackluster all around. After Addie LaRue also being a flop for me, my trust in VE Schwab is wavering :(
7 audiobooks, 8 physical books. 5 novellas, 10 novels. 12 fantasy, 2 historical fiction, 1 nonfiction. Average rating: 3.9
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quarkscooljacket · 6 months
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @softest-punk
1) The Last book I read:
Foster by Claire Keegan, which is what the movie An Cailín Ciúin was based on. It's only 70 pages (though I listened to the audio, which has a stunning narration) and I think I am in love with Claire Keegan maybe.
The last australian book I read was Witchy (vol 1+2) by Ariel Ries. Really fun comic about young witch Nyneve who is conscripted into the Witch Guards, runs away, and has to figure out her place in the world. Beautiful art!!
2) A book I recommend:
This year I finally read A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett, which is a collection of short stories about trans women living in Canada/the US. Every story felt so lived in and alive. It is mostly real-life stuff but there is one story where a woman can speak with her cat and it's done so well. Semi-related stories in that some of the characters know each other/mention each other. A trans classic!!!
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton. Set in Aotearoa, centred around these two young women who run a guerilla gardening collective. one of them meets a billionaire who wants to give them a bunch of money. Now see the blurb told me it was an eco thriller but the thriller part is very slow burn until ur like JAYSUS SLOW DOWN.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I re-read the Southern Reach trilogy (Annihilation, Authority & Acceptance) by Jeff VanderMeer at the end of last yr because he accounced the fourth book. I just love them. The kind of spec fic I would love to write tbh.
5) A book on my TBR:
Praiseworthy by Alexis Wright. I bought it because I knew i was quitting my job and I wanted the staff discount and I thought I'd read it in my unemployment phase. Turns out quitting your job because you're horribly treated means that u enter a big extra-depressed phase so I did not have the brain space to read more than the first 25 pages. But i loved those, they just required more energy than I had. I'm gonna paste the blurb here actually because it just sounds fucken rad:
Praiseworthy is an epic set in the north of Australia, told with the richness of language and scale of imagery for which Alexis Wright has become renowned. In a small town dominated by a haze cloud, which heralds both an ecological catastrophe and a gathering of the ancestors, a crazed visionary seeks out donkeys as the solution to the global climate crisis and the economic dependency of the Aboriginal people. His wife seeks solace from his madness in following the dance of butterflies and scouring the internet to find out how she can seek repatriation for her Aboriginal/Chinese family to China. One of their sons, called Aboriginal Sovereignty, is determined to commit suicide. The other, Tommyhawk, wishes his brother dead so that he can pursue his dream of becoming white and powerful. This is a novel which pushes allegory and language to its limits, a cry of outrage against oppression and disadvantage, and a fable for the end of days.
6) A book I’ve put down:
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske. I just simply do not care about rich English people. I had about an hour left of the audiobook, I rly tried to push thru but I just couldn't care enough.
7) A book on my wish list:
I would like to get a physical Irish-English dictionary!
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I did love Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree series which look I'm sure u can tell about me if you know me. And look I still do but my god. The amount of parents and parents buying these for their children at the shop for the love of god get them at the op shop PLEASE.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Vague ............ well it would be something aus.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
The last one I bought was Non-Essential Work by Omar Sakr. I think Omar is one of the best writers working today in this godforsaken colony. HIs work is just exquisite and so precise.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
The last one I bought was Orientalism by Edward Said which made me realise how if you don't read anything academic in ten+ years it's very hard to get back into reading (or again, perhaps it is the horrible mental illnesses attacking my brain which mean I find it extremely hard to concentrate on anything!!! wahoo!!!!) so I am taking that one slow.
12) What are you currently reading:
Ghost Cities by Siang Lu which comes out in May. It's very funny and absurd and written just the way I like. It's about a dude who lives in Sydney and works as a Chinese translator, but he actually speaks no Chinese and uses google translate to do his job. He's fired via elaborate prank and then somehow gets the attention of a famous movie director, and is currently being whisked away to one of the ghost city apartment complexes in China to make a movie with him. There's a parallel story about an ancient emperor and I just finished the 30-page poem that his newly-imprisoned eunichs composed. It's exciting!!
13) What are you planning on reading next?
The Orphancorp trilogy (dystopian aus YA) by Marlee Jane Ward, which I have already read and simply adore. Three novellas that imo have perfect pacing and are about "what if capitalism was extra bad". They are deeply queer and anti-capitalist.
Tagging: @tideoftrash @drbuttox @briarrolfe @so-boop-tac-u-lar @hamthezombie @frankenfossil @dragnew @tekaihau @rows-study @nessie-nosebleed @tenderfacemeat @athousandhungrythorns @gamling
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pammydawes · 2 years
Ok im a little ways into hell bent (im listening to the audiobook, Lauren fortgang can choke me) and I’m having a rip roaring time of it so far
🛑!!Spoilers below!!🛑
I am so thrilled that Abel Turner is back on the scene I’m only mad it took this long. I love how salty stern is abt getting ghosted. If darlington wasn’t there I would be all in for stern/turner (sterner?)
There are a LOT of balls in the air with the whole hell heist, new Lethe manager guy (can’t remember the title), eitan (I think that’s how u spell it??), whatever the fuck was going on in the first chapter, a MURDER (gasp) I’m truthfully struggling to keep everything straight but I think that’s pretty standard for where I’m at in the story
I was kinda unenthused when eitan sprang up again but after reading the scene where he’s actually on the page talking I’m intrigued
Miss bardugo literally cannot allow demon darlington on the page without mentioning his erect glowing demonic cock im WHEEZING
That whole scene when Alex sleep walked to black elm…👀 I mean “I have appetites” 👀👀👀 damn bro I’m hungry too
Pammie….bless her. I love that woman. Excited to maybe see her tarot knowledge come into play!! Also mercy and lauren are excellent. Kinda hope mercy and pammie get some bonding time eventually and that we can get to know more abt lauren. Like we know that Alex likes her but we don’t rly know why?? I’m curious
I rly liked that one grey that accidentally stole Alex’s meat suit at the beginning, I thought maybe he was gonna be the new GBF (grey best friend, see Bertram Boyce north) but idk it’s not looking likely at this point
Wondering if tripp helmuth is gonna reappear, I feel like there was maybe the tiniest suggestion in the first book that he might gain some relevance but it truly was tiny
Glad Mercy’s recovery is getting addressed rather than being left as a book 1 plot point, but I should have expected nothing less from Leigh 😤
Michelle alameddine was a little meh to me, but I found anselm intriguing (is that the temp Lethe supervisor’s name idk)
Wow I just checked and I still have 12.5 HOURS to go!! Maybe there’s hope for my little grey dude yet
That’s all for now folks, if I remember I’ll check in after another 4 hours
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chromalogue · 2 years
They swore up and down that Germany has real cold and real snow, but it’s been raining since before I got back.  The river is high and brown and swollen. 
I don’t carry an umbrella, because most of the time toting around this weird instrument that interferes with everyone around me and takes up one of my hands and has to be carried in just such a way is several orders of magnitude  more annoying than just getting wet.  But last Thursday I walked to my German class in a steady downpour and even in a distressingly waterproof coat I got so absolutely soaked that four hours later, my bra was still soaked through. I turned on the heat in my office and tried to read Mark Noll with my chest pressed up against the radiator which was a) not comfortable but b) more comfortable than sitting there damp and shivering. 
Then I slogged down to the centre of campus for lunch and a library book, and discovered that the book I’d ordered wasn’t waiting on the main campus, but on another one a few streets south.  And at first I just thought I’d knock off an hour early and pick it up on my way home, but turns out that library closes at 4, so I left four hours early, because although it would have been a matter of a ten-minute walk back up the street to get back to my office, I wasn’t putting myself through that again.  I found this other campus, got into the library building, defeated the Minotaur, and picked up my book, which I had to put into my plastic portfolio for protection, because by this time the ink from everything was bleeding onto everything else.
This was my first time in months walking home during full daylight, and I saw the sidewalk covered in drowning earthworms.  Anytime I saw one still moving, I took a leaf and moved it as gently as I could onto the grass.  Because at this point it’s not like I was going to get wetter.  And then when I got home I stripped everything off, hung it up, crawled under my duvet, and went to sleep.  But this past vacation, if you’d told me that I would be rescuing earthworms in January, I wouldn’t have paid any attention.  Partly because it would have seemed so improbable and partly because I was trying to haul a bundle buggy through a foot of snow. 
My dad’s gonna be fine, it looks like.  He stopped eating at the hospital, but now he’s eating again and getting stronger.  But now my uncle is in with pneumonia and a disturbingly high heart rate.  I know it’s just the way things happen, but it feels like when I leave everything falls apart. 
But I’m paid now, and that makes here much nicer, rain notwithstanding.  I found out I can turn my own heat on, and the store has trout caviar for 4 euros, and it’s like tiny fishy pomegranate seeds.  I got myself Netflix and I’m puzzling my way through Mord mit Aussicht. 
Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series was thoroughly amazing.  Now I’m rereading the old Nancy Drew books, because I loved them as a kid and I want to understand what I was thinking.  And as a holdover from my pre-being-paid days, listening to John Galsworthy’s The Man of Property on audiobook.  Probably says loads about my upbringing, but there’s something deeply soothing for me about a posh accent minutely describing landscapes and rich people and their furniture.  I mean, I gather stuff happens in the book, but so far it’s the aforementioned rich people obliquely pondering enduring questions that are I’m sure important but nowhere near as pressing as “What if I never get paid?”  And it’s been marvellous to nod off to, so much so that after six weeks I’m at part 4 of 13. 
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magnetarmadda · 1 year
Hi there! Like probably a lot of people, I'm quite jealous and in awe of the amount of reading you seem to get done. If you don't mind my asking, did you read this many books when you were in grad school? I'm in the last few months of my PhD (in paleontology!) and I've found that working on my thesis has absolutely killed my ability to get through books. Did this happen to you? Did your brain recover afterward? Or did you never deal with the reading slump?
Thanks! (And I hope you're having a good day, because you seem like a cool and nice person!)
Hey, hi! First, best of luck with your final months of grad school!!! Honestly, for me, they were so hard because of the lack of structure. Just, “finish your dissertation” and that was all the instruction really. If you ever wanna chat/vent about that, lemme know!! (Also paleontology!!! That’s so cool!!)
I always like to preface my reading habits with this: I have a very fast reading comprehension speed, and so for me, it averages out to about 100 pages of a novel in an hour and about 75 pages of nonfiction in an hour. In that way, I got lucky with the combination of early reading education, at-home book discussions, and genetics. So I can sit down and read a 300-page book in one evening, which meant that, even though I was only reading only one or two days a week, I was still getting through 50+ a year that way in grad school
I also listen to a lot of audiobooks and love trade paperbacks of graphic novels. The graphic novels can be quite fast reads for me, and this again is partly luck and genetics—my mom’s an artist, so I learned to look at images critically quite young, and can frequently find important info in them quickly. Then, for audiobooks, I do struggle with some chronic illnesses and chronic pain, and I frequently have to check out of life—but I cannot be left alone in my own head, or I rapidly catastrophize lol. I also can’t shut my own brain off when it’s time to sleep, so I listen to audiobooks then as well. I’d say this means I average about 4 audiobooks a month, where they’re usually between 8 and 14 hours (I do listen at 1.25 or 1.5 speed, because otherwise my brain stops paying attention)
I was also lucky with my advisor in grad school. She had a firm self-care policy, in that she cares more about her students’ well-being and health than timely progress. So I never felt like I was stealing moments or neglecting my work—I was trying to cultivate the healthiest version of myself, given all the other factors outside of my control. In the six years I worked with her, we actually spent more than one meeting talking about fantasy novels instead of research, which was lovely
But, yeah, there were a lot of reading struggles in grad school for me. I would go long stretches of time where the idea of opening a book and reading more words was unbearable, because god, didn’t I just spend all day reading and writing?? I also started to not care as much for the types of books I read before grad school, so now I’ve got a few stacks of books on hand I feel guilty that I haven’t read (but I’m trying to recognize that I’ll probably never read them, because tastes can change). So I might've had motivation to read, but nothing I had on hand sounded particularly good
Submitting that dissertation and knowing the hard part was over was actually the biggest relief, I think maybe of my life. I defended in mid-October and then submitted the finished manuscript about two weeks later, and then I spent a solid month just…reading whatever the fuck I wanted to lol. I have a postdoc now (and am applying for faculty jobs 🤞), and the responsibilities are waaaaaay less than as a grad student. In fact, my PI is adamant that I should not do more than 40 hrs a week, and so I’ve been able to plow through books like wild in the last few months
I also want to say: grad school is hard. It’s so absolutely difficult. Master’s programs are rough, and PhD programs are their own rodeo, and it sucks to say (because it sounds awful to most people, I know), but unless someone goes through grad school themselves, it’s hard to fathom what makes it so hard and exhausting. It’s totally okay to cut yourself some slack for finding you don’t have as much energy for other things, even the things you really enjoy. The books will be there waiting, and I'll admit it took me a solid 4 years to accept that myself lol
Thanks for the lovely ask, and I really do wish you well as you finish up 💜 again, I'm here--ask box or dm--if you'd like to take more about any part of the process 💜
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iantimony · 2 years
i was thinking about crossposting this to dreamwidth and THEN i remembered that ive been looking for an excuse to make. a neocities website. so. :3 i am going to make a neocities page for weekly roundup hehe
relatedly look at this bizarre captcha i got when i went to make an account. like. any of these fools could be robots.
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listening: not a lot of music this week but ive been listening to rangedtouch's just king things podcast! i'm listening in order from the beginning and im at about halfway through ep 8 (the dead zone). i really enjoyed their homestuck reread podcast so when that finished i was like. well. i want to listen to these clowns (appreciative) hang out more. time to peruse their back catalog. and ive been enjoying it so far! i wouldn't call myself a huge king-head, i've read carrie, salem's lot, the shining...pet sematary? cujo? a few other misc king stories. there's a short story about a cat that crawls its way down someone's throat i think was stephen king and that one lives in my head rent-free. so definitely a lot of books ive never even heard of in here, and i definitely haven't read the Big King books (the stand and dark tower, mainly) but it doesn't matter too much for podcasting :)
sidebar, i told my roommate about the podcast and she misunderstood the premise and thought it was like. audiobook style. like they were reading the books out loud. i was like babe the stand episode is less than 4 hours long. do you think it's on like 10x speed. lololol
music-wise, @delta-orionis has some DELICIOUS synthwave playlists that ive been working out and studying to. it's like 40 hours long. go nuts
reading: i went to the library with the intention of wandering the nonfiction section until i found something that looked fun but they're remodeling soon so a ton of the stacks aren't open for wandering rn...i can reserve stuff and pick it up but they're not accessible to the public :( the fiction section is though so i grabbed "the birthday of the world", a short story collection by ursula le guin! i thought short stories would be nice because of my lack of time to properly get engaged in a Book and i was right, it rules. i read the first three or so last weekend when i took myself to brunch at a new tea place on main street (3/5 for the brunch, the restaurant is brand new so there are definitely some things that went wrong - food took forever to come out, i was frequently forgotten, after i was seated i waited for like 10 minutes to be noticed by waitstaff, when i finally got my food the rice was crunchy, etc. i would go back to eat there but not any time soon, maybe in a few months after theyve been open for a while. the tea RULED though. their gimmick is like...travel? airplane? so all the staff introduce themselves as flight attendants, and their rewards card is formatted like a passport book where once you get a row of stamps for a certain continent you get a free tea, and once you fill out the whole book you get another free tea........it's so cute.......) actually now im not sure if it's the location the tea came from or the Type of tea? because that top column goes from japan to england which is not exactly a Region. eurasia????? idfk. still cute
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anyways. the short stories. i read the first three ("Coming of Age in Karhide", "The Matter of Seggri", and "Unchosen Love") and really enjoyed them! i never finished Left Hand of Darkness (i will return to her one day i promise) but it definitely wasn't required reading even though the first story was set on that same planet. the next story is "Mountain Ways" which is actually available online for those interested :)
watching: more evangelion, and my roommate put on "cunk on earth" for me and it rules it's so funny. obsessed with her.
making: embroidery progress! about halfway done filling in the headphone cord.
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as a self reminder, the task list for finishing this is:
fill in headphone cord
words along the side
fill stitch for hair
color in eyes
add misc hair flyaways
misc: quantum midterm thursday......it's open note so im not as frantic as last semester's exams but still. ah. ahhhh. :(
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dogstarblues · 2 years
okay! accomplishments for today
1. cooked all three meals from scratch, left some of my lunch, but i ate dinner and breakfast completely
2. snacked on mango juice and was normal about it for once (a single glass! and an extra sip!)
3. crocheted 3 rows on my friends blanket
4. painted a painting for my dad's birthday
5. dressed in real clothes
6. did the dishes
7. washed a few pans by hand
8. sketched out a new composition
9. managed to wrastle my schedule into place despite being behind by an hour
10. sprinted for two hours and managed to write 2,328 words, which is more than i estimated during the alotted time per day for book completion.
11. listened to the first few chapters of an audiobook for the r/fantasy bingo even tho i dont have a reddit account i just like challenges<3
12. talked to friends :)
13. hydrated properly today! my lips arent cracked!
14. will now shower and get into pjs
15. i will then brush my teeth. i might have already brushed my teeth today but twice a day is even better
16. i will force myself to relax and do nothing and drink tea even tho i will hate it :))))))))))))) maybe i will comfort-read a favorite webcomic or catch up on some others
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trying2cope · 2 months
The social worker had said cleaners were coming, but I wasted no time.
I couldn't sleep anyway. I was legitimately traumatized. I could only sleep for like 2 hours at a time, 4 max a night. And if the doorbell rang I almost cried from terror. Even when I could see it was just my child's friend wanting to play through the window!
I cleaned. And I cleaned. And I cleaned. But I am not very good at it, so it was still messy. I joined Body Doubling groups. Body Doubling is a technique used by ADHD people to help us accomplish tasks. Basically if we have someone with us when we clean, it's easier. And since I didn't actually have any close friends in this town to ask, I turned to the Internet and talked on the phone with strangers while I cleaned. And I called my family and my friends. And I listened to podcasts and audiobooks.
I called and made appointments with doctors. For me and for the kids. Me because she'd told me that since my mental health was the reason that the house was messy they wouldn't be able to close the case until I had proof I was taking care of it either via medication or therapy. And of course the kids just needed to get their check ups done anyway. I had been meaning to do it, I'd just procrastinated.
Basically everything CPS asked of me was stuff I would have done on my own in the next 6 or so months anyway. Master and I had been making plans for how to get me better so my house would be clean. And he was making me better. I could feel my depression leaving me, slowly. Even without seeing the doctor to get medicine, having him in my life was making me mentally healthier, I could feel it.
I'd felt bad dating online for the past year. Like I knew if people in my life knew, they'd disapprove. Tell me it was too soon. Tell me that my priorities were out of whack. Tell me that it was dangerous for single moms to date. And all that without the added judgement of knowing it was within the BDSM community.
But there had been a burning drive inside me, making me keep looking, even after Dom after Dom that I'd start to think might be the one turned out not to be. Probably half a dozen or more ghosted me, after amazing conversations where we seemed to click. One of them was a catfish who tried to blackmail me saying send me Bitcoin or I'll publish the naughty photos you sent me. I didn't send him a damn thing and nothing happened. One of them made me scared because he had a dream where he stalked me through the forest and tied me to a tree and raped me and told me of this very excitedly. Another I called him and a woman picked up and screamed "Why are you calling?!" and hung up. Another gave me just enough information about his identity I found him on Facebook... and saw photos of his wife, from like a week ago. And so on and so on and so on.
And yet, I'd persisted. Because something inside urged me too. And now that after my long and very tiring search I had finally found MY Master, I felt myself healing. My brain chemistry knew, I thought. It knew I needed a relationship to give me the happy brain chemicals I lacked, to cure my depression. And it was working.
And because I had him, suddenly everything else was easier. Cleaning, working, making phone calls. All of the normal adult things that I had been struggling with were easier because I'd tell Master what I'd done and he'd tell me "good girl" and I'd be so happy.
So I made a lot of progress that first week, waiting and wondering about this cleaner that was supposed to call me, but didn't.
At the end of the week I sent an email to the social worker, unasked for, telling her my progress. The appointments made for the next week, the amount of garbage bags I'd thrown out (7). And I asked about the cleaner.
So she gave me the cleaner's number and name and I called. Left a message.
But I persisted the second week. We went to the pediatrician, got check ups done. I did more cleaning. Got 6 garbage bags out. I sent an email that week again. Asked about the cleaner.
This time she told me the cleaner has been trying to call me but I haven't been answering.
That was not true. If my phone rang the past two weeks, I'd answered. Which wasn't normally true of me, usually I only answer calls from people I know, but because of what was going on I picked up every time.
So I called again. This time I got a receptionist and I asked for the name. She refused to give me her number but took a message.
Finally, a few days later I got a call from the cleaner, who told me she'd come by the next day. "I had the wrong number!" he told me, laughingly and I felt better. I had figured either that had happened, that the social worker had just written my number down wrong so a 1 looked like a 7. Other speculations, that someone was lying about trying to contact me, would have been more insidious. "We need to do a delousing, right? I do that."
"No! I *told* the social worker they didn't have lice!"
"Oh! So that was a false allegation?"
I explained, about my ex not believing it was gone but it was and me telling the social worker. But apparently she hadn't believed me.
"Well, good! Then I don't feel so bad we haven't connected yet. I'd been worrying the kids had been suffering with lice," she said with a laugh, " but I'm glad they're not."
I had thought this was like a one time deep cleaning, and I'd been working on doing the things that a deep cleaner wouldn't have time to do, like collecting spilled pieces of a board game that were scattered amongst actual garbage on the floor so it wouldn't be thrown out. I'd been sitting on a stool in a room with a broom and sweeping everything the broom could reach in the circle around me, towards me. Then I'd painstakingly sort through the pile, sorting trash from toys and clothes and shoes and stationery items and so on and so forth. Then when I'd finish I'd take each pile and try to find a home for it. I'd had to buy many plastic bins.
The trouble with keeping my house clean I'd realized, wasn't too much stuff. We'd moved here with just a few suitcases and thrift store furniture and basic appliances just a year ago. We had not accumulated too much-- but I'd never done the organizing work of assigning everything workable places. Aside from the kitchen, where there was cabinets and drawers assigned to cups and dishes and pots and pans, every other room in the house I'd basically just assigned to the room. Like toys went in the kid's room, but we didn't have an organization system for them. Just like two big baskets, and we had more toys than fit in them anyway. So I had to buy lots of plastic bins and make one for hot wheels, one for Barbies, etc. Stuffed animals went into the big basket that had been the general toy box before.
And the kids had each grown a size, so now we had more clothes than fit in their drawers if they were all clean. So I had to go through the clothes, after washing everything, to pull the too small things and put them in bags to donate or give away.
And we had more shoes than fit on our one shoe rack between the three people. So I put one shoe rack at the bottom of the stairs and told the kids that one was for them. Because they were always trying to put shoes on as the last part of getting ready before going outside anyway, so it made sense for them to be downstairs, but near the stairs to make it accessible if they wanted to grab them while dressing upstairs. I put the other shoe rack in my room for my shoes.
And while the kitchen had some cabinets assigned, there was stuff like garbage bags and tin foil and dish towels that I had just kind of had out on the counter at all times, so I found drawer space for them.
And when I'd bring in groceries, we had a tendency to drop th bags and not unload them immediately. That is, I'd bring all the bags in and drop them in the living room, then look through them for the frozen and refrigerated stuff and put that away, but leave the rest for "later". And when one of us would make the effort to actually bring the bags to the kitchen, we'd often leave the pantry items on the kitchen table instead of taking the time to put them in the cabinets.
And speaking of grocery bags, we had far too many. Because we don't have a car, I had subscribed to a delivery service but they gave way too many plastic bags. I wanted to be responsible and recycle them so I had a cardboard box to collect them in but that one box turned into three and all of them were filled to overflowing because I didn't have a car to actually drive them to the recycling place.
And we also had a ton of cardboard boxes. When we moved here my parents had taken the appliance and moving boxes and thrown them on my back deck, again for me to theoretically recycle, except a few "good boxes" that they'd flattened and put between my pantry and fridge.
At Christmas time, delivery box after delivery box had come because everyone in my extended family, including myself, were worried my kids wouldn't get enough presents this year since I was struggling to eek out a living. So everyone had gone overboard and I'd resorted to pulling my couch out from the wall a few inches and hiding the cardboard there. But of course, more kept coming.
When the cleaner first came, she did not clean.
She was not insidious. In fact, she was a breath of fresh air.
Turns out, she was a former foster kid. And unfortunately, she was abused in her foster home.
"I do this," she told me passionately, "because I don't want ANY of my families to be separated. I believe kids should NEVER be in fostercare."
She told me didn't do a deep clean like I'd thought.
Instead, she'd visit and help me clean for an hour or two at a time. She'd also help with organizing if I needed it, she said. "Whatever YOU need," she insisted. "I am here to help YOU."
And she also provided transportation help. "Not for any and every little thing, but to provide for things the kids need. Like going grocery shopping or--"
"Can you take us to doctor's appointments?" I asked.
"Yes! Exactly like that." And I had an appointment for the vision doctor the next week so she penciled that into her schedule and said what time she'd arrive.
And she was off.
The next week she picked us up. My son's vision was fine. My daughter needed glasses. I felt guilty. Was that why she wasn't reading? No. It turns out she has 20/20 vision BUT she has "alternating extopia", ie two lazy eyes that take turns. "That actually is a good thing," the doctor explained. "Because it takes the strain off it just being one eye." That didn't make sense to me but I took his word for it.
Her lazy eye wasn't unknown to me. I had thought it was just one eye though. She'd worn glasses for it as a toddler, but her eye had corrected enough then she didn't need them anymore. "As they grow, eyes change," the doctor explained. I was just relieved that that wasn't why she wasn't reading. It really was just stubbornness. And insurance would cover up to two pairs of glasses for kids annually, so it was fine.
So it was three weeks after our first conversation and 5 weeks since the social worker had come when the cleaner and I actually cleaned together for the first time.
She came in and I said let's do the living room and dining room. So she had me sit in my stool and she swept everything in both rooms to me while I sorted. I put trash in the trash bag and what we kept I placed on the dining table chairs. She placed some things that were on the floor but obviously not trash on the couch before sweeping the living room to me. When time was up, the floors of both rooms were spotless, but the dining table and couch were covered. I admit this made me twitchy as I have less trouble with floor mess than surface mess for some reason.
"We work well together," she announced. "You did great!"
I was glad she thought so. And the house did look MUCH better, which was very good because finally, finally, after 10 weeks Master was coming back to visit again.
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ocean-anchored · 9 months
Dear future self... 2024 Goals & Recap
I'm going to be 30 this year. I said last year that 29 was scary but man, I think 30 is going to be interesting & I really don't know how I'm going to feel about it. Especially considering this last birthday was another horrible fail of a year. I was miserable, I was so depressed for all of October. My hope this year is to specifically spend it only with people who I know care about me & that I know are going to be in my life long term, either that or I really am going to book a flight & just peace out for a week over my birthday. I'm really leaning towards the ladder because I don't want to be around for it, but we'll see how this year goes.
Recap: I wanted to save more and stick to a budget which I'm not fully sure I did yet. Until I do my taxes & see how much I owe to CRA which might be scary, then I'll know how much I saved. I have been putting money away, I have like $27k in my savings but I know I'm going to owe a big chunk like maybe $20k to CRA so it's hard to say right now. I didn't really live close to a budget because I ended up being out for like 5-6 days a week the entire year. I wanted to put myself out there more & do more things out of my comfort zone. I think I did some of this. I did more hikes alone, I did go on an incredible 17 day US trip where I planned & organized the entire thing for Ed & I so that was huge. I also explored a handful but mostly New York by myself. Like legitimately left, figured out the subways & getting around & sight seeing, so that was huge for me. I also started going to a new church by myself which was great. I also essentially asked Troy out, a few times which normally I would never do. I've also met another girl, Sandra who is really sweet & great. I actually also started the game night evenings at my place, that was nerve wracking for a time because I hadn't hosted in forever & also putting a bunch of people together who didn't know each other but that turned out really well. I wanted to better my relationship with God. This one hurts me a bit. I feel like the first 5 ish months I really did great. I've fallen short of it. The first few months with Zack I wasn't focused which is very unfortunate. The last few months I've really been trying to get back & focus on this. I wanted to read more books which didn't really happen until about two months ago. I hadn't had any time for reading, then I got the library app & in two months I listened to 4 audiobooks & read a book. I haven't finished the hard copy books yet that I started. I wanted to go to the mountains more, I feel like I started & ended with this better. I didn't go as often as I wanted through the summer but I went on a handful at the start of the year & then this later months I've gone a good bunch of times, including 2 or 3 hikes alone. I wanted to expand my circle of friends. This I feel like I have & this is amazing. I have Amber who I can't rave about more. Sasha has been really great & now her friend Shruti as well. I've also been close with Shane this year. I met Daniel, Jeremiah's friend who him & I have had some really great times together building too. I've seen Sandra twice now & hope to continue building that relationship as she's really sweet. I did meet a girl from church whom I really need to reach out to & apologize for not connecting with. Jeremiah & my friendship has dwindled... he's seeing someone now so the last 3 ish months he's been distant to say the least. I wanted to create a healthy lifestyle, man this one sucked. Not only did I fail so miserably on my self care, but I lacked on my work out routine. Even though I did a lot more walking & for a while I got in a good habit of going out 2-3 times a day with Nova for at least an hour & a half but my eating, everything has been so out of whack. I wanted to rebuild with Steven & Amanda which I really got to do this year which has been amazing. I'm really thankful for that. I wanted to grow more in my career which I definitely did. More so that hopefully these coming weeks I'm going to be training a new girl & going to be learning & taking on a bigger role with Ed. I wanted a better daily routine which I just touched on was not very good. I had short spirts of being on top of it but it never lasted. I wanted to be strong enough & not date, which clearly that didn't last very long at least until May.
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