#4 pm comes and goes and no dice
someone-else-entirely · 5 months
Today was an Adventure:
-ordered alcoholic beverage online a couple days ago, culminating in me running out into the wet street without shoes to catch the UPS truck
-impulse bought a heart-shaped mini Bundt cake maker (not just a pan, but a MAKER - you plug it in and pour in the batter and it cooks the cake for you)
-also impulse bought Lindoor truffles whose flavor was listed as "dark strawberry" and I know that that's just dark chocolate with a strawberry filling but "dark strawberry" sounds amazing as a concept
#gonna tell the Ordering Alcohol Online saga in the tags#mostly for my own sake/posterity#so I wanted to buy a bottle of a particular alcoholic beverage as part of a Valentine's day gift#but they don't sell it around here so I had to order it#now of course you have to show an ID and sign for the package when you receive it on account of alcohol#but I live on the third floor of my apartment and the doorbells don't work#so I had a distinct feeling I was going to miss the delivery#and I TOOK EVERY PRECAUTION#before making the order I called the company and asked if they could call or text me upon arrival#and they were like ''well we work with UPS etc. so it's up to them but try sending us an email about it it might work''#so I made the order and sent the email#yesterday I popped down to the business on the first floor and was like ''hey I'm ordering alcohol''#''if they knock on the door would you be able to sign for it?''#the person was like ''well I'm here from 8 to 4 so if it arrives in that time then sure''#today I see an email: order is out for delivery#THE EMAIL IS IN MY PROMOTIONS FOLDER MIND YOU. I WOULDN'T HAVE FOUND IT IF I WASN'T LOOKING CLOSELY#so I'm compulsively checking the tracking page all day#it says it's supposed to arrive at 7 pm#4 pm comes and goes and no dice#I leave a post-it note on the door: ''dear deliveryperson the doorbells don't work please call/text the number on the back of this note''#6 o clock rolls around. I am still compulsively checking#and then in the middle of watching a Brennan Lee Mulligan video with my bf I compulsively check one more time#''delivery was attempted''#so I hightail it downstairs in the hopes I can catch the UPS people#I don't even stop to put on shoes#I open the door; no one's there but I see the UPS truck across the street#I run out onto the Very Wet sidewalk in my socks#wait for a break in the oncoming cars and jaywalk straight to the truck#it's empty#I sit on a nearby low wall and wait until I see a couple guys in UPS uniforms coming around the corner
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frozenemus · 1 year
Trying to clear the realizations of the last two (Religion and Philosophy) floors has allowed me to come to a couple conclusions: 1. I’m really bad at this game 2. You can redirect who dies (and subsequently becomes apostles) during the White Night phase 3. FUCK. JUDGEMENT. BIRD. WHY DID THEY PUT YOU (SECOND TO) LAST 3.5. No but seriously, I’ve found that Apocalypse Bird goes a lot smoother when, you know, you have all you’re fucking nuggets available.   4. The primary way to breach through White Night’s protection seems to be using Blockma™ as I’m pretty sure block clashing against block eats up the whole die (which can help considering that angela uses heavy amounts of counter dice during that portion of the fight) 5. The beef-fried rice I was eating through the endeavors was 3:2 beef-to-rice ratio and that makes me sad 6. Bringing along key pages such as Nikolai’s, Yan’s, and the Hana Associations (with their tiagrams) can help massively with the resource-management challenge mentioned above. 7. Binah is hilariously fucking short compared to her assistant librarians when you look at the UI 7.5. PM has never been straightforward disclosing Binah’s height so fuck it we stan a short warcrime woman now I guess
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
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Too Late To Apologize?
Requested By @rosiesandlilies​: “I was wondering if I can request a Rosé x female reader story where Rosie is an idol who also happens to be ur wife and since she and BP are taking over the world by storm, she starts to forget about you and whenever u ask her to spend a little bit of time with you, she gets upset and fights with you. You’re also an important person but you always make time for her. Can it be angsty with fluff 🥰”
Pairing: Rosé x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 6,026
Warnings / Misc: -- Angst, Self Doubt, Strained Marriage / Relationship, Crying, Some Swearing, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Oooooo lord, here we go. I am feeding 👏 you 👏 all 👏 today! This one took a while to write, but I’m pretty happy with it. I wrote it all in one go, starting at like 3am (as usual lol), so forgive me if it’s a little rough. I put a lot of effort into it, though, so I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you for requesting -- Happy reading!
PS ~ I highly recommend that you listen to these songs as you read this:
You Were Good To Me -- Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler
Surrender -- Natalie Taylor
The Night We Met -- Lord Huron
I Found -- Amber Run
Hongdae, Seoul  --  8:00 PM
“Good evening, everyone! Before I open the doors, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your day to stop in. We couldn’t have done this without your support, and we’re endlessly grateful. We hope you have a wonderful experience with us tonight. Now, without further ado, welcome to La Rêverie!”
To your amusement, the sizable crowd erupts into a fit of cheers once your opening speech is over. Echoes of the joyous sounds carry across the city, wiggling their way through the alleys and streets, bouncing off of the nearby buildings. The customers slowly filter in, greeting and congratulating you on their way; you’re beyond excited to start this new journey, and seeing people so happy to be a part of it only makes you more proud.
Eventually everyone makes it inside to their seats, and you join them.
--- Later That Evening ---
“Y/N, we have a private party that would like to see you. They’re eager to meet the woman behind all of this,” Pierre smirks, quirking an eyebrow suggestively. His demeanor confuses you slightly, seeing as how this isn’t the first time high profile celebrities have requested your presence -- that’s just one of the perks of being a world renowned chef. You brush off his remark as playful banter and send him to tell them that you’ll be out soon. 
“...yes, actually. Y/N and I were fortunate enough to meet when she was studying in Paris; we were being trained by the same chef. We’ve been close ever since. I’m not surprised that she hired me, though; I’m practically a master in the kitchen.”
At Pierre’s cocky words, your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head. A small grin plays on your lips nonetheless, and you smooth out your top one more time before rounding the corner. 
“What’s this idiot on about now? Did he tell you about the time that he nearly got kicked out of our mentorship program for giving Anthony Bourdain the wrong dish?” You ask the table, sending them a glance while ruffling his hair as you come up behind him. They all snicker at that, and it’s his turn to roll his eyes; with an annoyed shove, he scolds you for bringing that story up again.
“Must you always tell people about that?”
Your smile widens, spreading cutely across your face. Mocking him is one of your favorite things to do. “Mhm,” you say simply, nodding your head for emphasis. He attempts to hide his embarrassment, but it only brings a deeper blush to his cheeks. 
At the VIP table, the suppressed sound of laughter carries over to you, and you’re reminded of your reason for being here in the first place. Upon offering your full attention to the table now, no longer distracted by Pierre, you’re met with 4 different pairs of eyes on you. Warm, yellow light illuminates the area, the classy overhead fixture emitting a soft glow to cast down on the guests beautifully. It’s cozy and inviting, just like you had intended it to be, and the sight makes you happy.
As you quickly scan over each of the girls, your brain pieces together where you know them from.
“My oh my, it’s Blackpink themselves. To what do I owe this honor?” All of the natural charisma that you possess takes over now, doing its best to override your nerves. It’s definitely not the time to fangirl over them; you have to act cool. One by one, you shake their hands, making sure to give each of them a glimpse of your award winning smile. 
Jennie is the first to speak up. “Yourself, of course. You’re the talk of the town, Y/N, how could we miss this?” The way that she says it so casually, already skipping past the formalities, puts you at ease. 
“Ah, you’re too kind. Was your food prepared to your liking?”
A chorus of approving noises leaves the table, successfully boosting your confidence in the process. “It was truly incredible, Y/N.” Rosé gushes, her adorable accent adding something magical to the simple phrase. For the first time tonight, your mind goes blank; ever since news broke of your plans for this new restaurant, you practiced to avoid this very thing. As you stand there floundering for a beat, she takes notice of the effect that her words have on you; it doesn’t take long for her to realize how much she loves to make you blush.
“Thank you so much. We’re so glad to have you here tonight.” 
“We’re happy to be here! Rosé hasn’t stopped talking about it for the past week.” The Australian’s eyes go wide as Lisa exposes her, and she shoots the younger girl a shocked look. Lisa only smirks at this, her shoulders rising and falling in a nonchalant shrug. Jisoo nods in confirmation, adding, “Yeah, she’s been super pumped.”
On the inside, you’re freaking out. Rosé was that excited to try out your creations? There’s no logical explanation for that one. Your own surprise is evident in your voice as you respond, “Oh really now? And why’s that?”
“I-I’ve just heard a lot of great things, you know? You’re pretty talented.” She tries to sound confident, but the stutter in her voice betrays her. The tips of her ears are burning with embarrassment, and after sending her yet another smile, you decide to spare her by changing the topic. 
“Well thank you, again. It’s truly a privilege to cook for you girls.” The conversation continues from there, effortlessly moving from subject to subject, and you love how welcome they make you feel. Occasionally you excuse yourself to check on the other guests and ensure that they’re enjoying their dinner, and every time, Rosé finds herself sorely missing your presence. Despite only officially meeting tonight, she feels like she’s known you her whole life. The two of you clicked instantly, and she can’t seem to get enough of you.
After spending the better part of 2 hours chatting and getting to know one another better, you grow bold and ask the question that’s been rolling around in your head all night. 
“Would you guys like to come back to the kitchen for a bit? I could give you some tips and we could make a couple dishes, if you want.”
Rosé nearly interrupts you from how eager she is to accept the offer. The second that you’re done asking, she’s already saying yes. The others happily agree as well, and soon you’re leading them to the back to get prepped.
“Just like this, everyone. Cut thinly here,” you inform, using your knife to point to the areas in question, “...then turn it and follow through with the slices. It should come out diced, like so.” The girls observed your swift motions, peeking over at the small cubes once you’re finished. Things continue on like this for a while, and soon you’re halfway done with the veggies while they’re barely done with the first part of their batches.
“Slow down, Y/N! You’re too fast for us grandmas.” Jisoo jests, her voice bouncy with amusement. 
“Okay, okay! I’ll wait, just let me know if you need help.” Your knife comes to rest against the cutting board, and you take the opportunity to lean back against the countertop to watch them work. Your eyes trail over to Rosé, only to find her already looking at you; she tenses once she realizes she’s been caught, and she returns to her previous duties. You decide to tease her.
“Everything alright, Rosé? You seem a little distracted…” She momentarily shuts her eyes at your words, trying to refocus her thoughts and collect herself. A subtle snicker from Lisa can be heard, and Rosé delivers a quick jab to her arm. The maknae lets out a little “oww” before setting her things down to rub away the newfound soreness of her arm. 
A little later, Jennie requests some assistance, prompting you to make your way over to her. The station that she’s working at just so happens to be next to Rosé’s, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t thrill you. 
“Do we peel this first or leave it on?” 
“Cut the ends first, then slice it in half and remove the outer layer.”
Under your watchful eye, she follows your instructions and is soon back on track. She thanks you, and you bring your hand up to give her a pat on the back. Although she feels childish for it, the action works to make Rosé the tiniest bit jealous; she wants your attention on her. 
The blonde clears her throat before speaking up. “Y/N, I need a little help, too.” Your heart jumps at her words, and you fight hard to keep yourself in check as you spin around to face her.
“Of course, Rosé.” She sighs at the way her name rolls off your tongue, and she’s completely convinced that you’ve secretly put her under some type of spell. Her thoughts of you and your mysterious ways are interrupted when you come to stand next to her, your hip lightly brushing against hers. 
“Oh, well there’s your problem: you’re holding the knife wrong. Here,” you start, reaching out to reposition her hand in a better spot. Now she’ll be able to control it better, and she won’t run the risk of cutting herself.
“Better?” You ask innocently, missing the way that she bites her lip. The close proximity of your bodies is making her head spin, and she can’t decide if she wants you to stay or go. “Yes, thank you.” She looks like she wants to say something else, but she doesn’t, so you take that as your cue to go check on the other girls. Rosé silently curses herself for missing that golden opportunity to flirt with you, but she takes solace in the fact that she catches you stealing glances her way fairly often. You feel the connection too, and she’s pleased with that -- maybe she was doing something right after all.
The next stint of the night is spent preparing and cooking the dishes you promised them while trading jokes, banter, and teasing remarks. A mini food fight also took place, but for the sake of professionalism you won’t mention that. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.
“Goodnight girls. I hope you come by again sometime soon!” 
They all assure you that they’ll be back before you know it, and you believe them. After all, they gobbled those dishes down like they hadn’t eaten in days -- it’s safe to say that they enjoyed them.
Rosé lingers in the doorway, eyeing you as you work to clean off the counter. She doesn’t want to go; she’s loved getting to hang out with you. Contemplating her options, she decides to be brave; she tells the girls to go on ahead, that she’ll be there in a minute. 
“Rosé, did you forget something?” You ask, looking up at her as you reach forward to wipe any remaining debris off the sleek surface.
“Yeah, your number.” Somehow, she possesses all the confidence in the world now, her new demeanor completely opposite to its previously shy counterpart. 
You tilt your head at her, a dumbfounded smile parting your lips ever so slightly. “Bold, are we? Alright, I’ll bite.” You say, holding a hand out for her to give you her phone. Her eyes widen a bit -- was she not expecting you to say yes? There’s no way you could turn down a chance like this. She fumbles around in her bag until the smooth screen of her phone comes into contact with her fingers, letting her know she’s found it.
“Here you go,” she chuckles cutely, an adorable little pattern of blush rising to her cheeks again. 
After entering your number, making sure to save the contact and even take a goofy picture of yourself for it, you give it back to her. “Call me anytime, love.” Her smile spreads even farther at the pet name, and she ducks her head to hide her reddening cheeks.
As she slowly approaches the door, walking backwards, she says, “I will… love,” offering you a little awkward salute at the end of it. You giggle at her antics, and soon bid her goodnight. 
No more than 5 minutes later, your phone dings as it displays a notification from an unknown number. 
“I’m usually not that awkward 🤦‍♀️ pretty girls just make me nervous.” The message makes your heart flutter, and you quickly save her number to your contacts. 
“Really? We have yet another thing in common, then.” 
The girls watch as Rosé does a little victory dance in her seat, her movements a bit limited by the belt stretched across her body. She’s practically glowing with excitement, her fingers already firing off another reply.
3 Years Later -- Rome, Italy
Upon seeing Rosé saunter down the aisle, your emotions get the jump on you; before you can stop them, tears flow freely down your face, and you bring a hand up to your mouth to quiet yourself. She looks bruisingly beautiful: the natural curves of her body are accentuated by the silky material of her dress, and her shoulders are covered in lace. An angel cast down from the heavens above. 
She smiles at the audience that’s filled with your close friends and family, offering little greetings as she passes them. Once she and her father make it to the altar, he pulls you in for a big hug, a few tears escaping his eyes. After he takes a step back, he looks between the two of you with pure pride on his face, his hand resting on your shoulder. 
The song ends, signalling for the two of you to join hands and face each other, and he returns to his seat. 
“We’re gathered here today to celebrate the joyous union of Y/N L/N and Roseanne Park. Two souls destined to find their way to one another, travelling millions of miles in the process. We come together to revel in this fact and send them into their new life together with all of our support.” The officiator says into the microphone, smiling at the two of you. You can tell he loves his job, and he’s damn good at it. 
Rosé’s grip on your hand tightens as she tries to contain her tears, but you’re quick to assure her that it’s alright. “You can cry, baby.” At your words, her lip is released from between her teeth, and her tears begin to flow. You wipe them away, stepping closer to rest your forehead against hers. 
The ceremony continues on and the two of you recite the personal vows you wrote. Somehow, unbeknownst to you, there doesn’t seem to be a limit to how much you can cry in one sitting. Rosé is having the same problem, seeing as how her makeup is smudging some as the tears wash the substances away. You don’t care though, and you make it a point to remind her of that; she’s never looked more beautiful to you.
“I do.” You choke out, beaming at her as you run your thumb across her knuckles.
“I do.” She responds, impatiently bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waits for those final words from the officiator. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” 
Her lips are on yours before he even finishes the phrase, her hand resting on the back of your neck as she pulls you in closer. Your lips move with hers in perfect time, working to seal your union in the best way possible. “I love you, forever,” she whispers against your lips. 
Present Day, 1:17 AM
In order to spare you from the overwhelming sadness that you’re being subjected to now, your brain takes you back to those happy times from the past. When Rosé still made time for you; when she loved you. 
Even though you hate it, you still find her in everything. The bright sunshine of the early morning reminds you of all the times she would wake you up with kisses, holding you close. The songbirds outside of your window bring to mind when you’d come home to find her at the piano, alternating between striking the keys and strumming her guitar as her beautiful voice carried out across the house. 
You miss that Rosé, so, so much. The Rosé that would call you in between sessions at the studio, if only for 5 minutes. The Rosé that longed to hear your voice after a long day; who fell into your arms the second that she shuffled through the door after practice. 
As time has passed, though, she’s seemed to fade more and more from your life; missed calls and texts have become a given, and it takes everything in you to mask your sorrow. Anyone who knows you well at all can easily see through the facade: you’re now a shell of who you once were, your normally vibrant and cheery self gone. You attempt to hide your sadness behind a smile, but it never really works out; your eyes don’t shine like they used to, and your lips don’t quite tweak up at the corners in the special way they had before. 
But you’re getting ahead of yourself again. Your reason for crying tonight is simple: for the hundredth time this month, she’s cancelled your date night plans, opting to spend the time working instead. The argument that the two of you had earlier replays in your mind:
"I don't have a choice."
Except, she did. She could choose you, choose to take a break, if only for the evening. You never ask too much of her, knowing that she can't handle even more stress competing with what she already has from the company and media. Being an idol is hard enough, and you know you can never fully wrap your head around everything that's expected of her.
Though, that makes this all the more ridiculous. All you've asked for is a couple hours of her time -- for her to relax with you and get away from it all. Earlier that day you had gone to the store and picked up all the necessary materials to treat her to a little spa day, complete with bath and body oils, face masks, and even some bath bombs. 
"Asking my wife to spend an evening with me is not unreasonable, Rosé."
"I'm not having this argument again, Y/N. I get enough shit from everyone else; I don't need any extra from you."
Maybe it was something in how she said it, so final and hateful, her face coming to rest in a scowl. Her arms were crossed as she stood in front of you, and you could see the muscles in her jaw clench and release repeatedly. In some twisted way, part of you was glad to have this encounter; it hurt like hell, but at least she was paying attention to you. She hadn't looked at you for this long in a while.
Before you can even get another word out, she sighs, saying, "I don't have time for this. I have to go back to the studio." 
Just as she turns to go, you catch her wrist. With a slightly annoyed look, she turns to face you.
"If you walk out that door then I'm leaving; at least for the night. We need to talk about this, but if you don't care enough to even give me that, then…" you trail off, tilting your head slightly. You want her to apologize, to say how wrong she's been for doing all of this to you -- but she doesn't. Her expression is tired, irritation written plainly for you to see. She pulls her arm away, offering a petty, "Oh well," with a shrug before exiting the house. 
How could she be so cold? Maybe that's what hurt the most. Seeing the love of your life turn into someone completely different than who you fell for stung more than any argument ever could. The reality is that she's not the same person anymore. Accepting that would be half of the battle in and of itself. 
Your heart is betraying itself, stuck in a sticky situation: you're constantly struggling between your love for her and the respect you hold for yourself. Half of you wants to stay, to make her listen and fight for this; but the other half of you, perhaps the more rational side, knows that that won't work now. You've tried that already, you reason with yourself, racking your brain for any new way to get through to her. 
Sometimes it's like she forgets all of the sacrifices you make for the relationship. Despite having your own busy schedule to deal with, you always make time for her. So why could she never do the same for you?
It's obvious that in its current state, this relationship is only wrecking your mental health -- a testament to that is every night you've spent lying awake, sobbing into your pillow as your list of insecurities grows longer and longer. She used to be the person you'd run to when negative thoughts plagued your mind, her sweet words of love showing how much she valued you. But all of that's gone now, leaving you with a shattered heart and racing mind. When had you stopped being enough?
It’s late, well past 4AM when Rosé manages to make it home. Practice absolutely wrecked her today, leaving her body exhausted from dancing and throat sore from all the singing she had to do. She’s more than ready to collapse into bed and pass out. 
One thing that always stayed the same was your sleeping arrangement. No matter how much Rosé hurt you, you still slept in the same bed. Her subconscious was always kinder to you than she was, anyway; the two of you would cuddle in close like before, her arms wrapped around you as she slept peacefully. No arguments or yelling, you could always count on the nights to heal your heart a little bit. 
As she enters the empty bedroom, the memory of your argument from earlier that day comes flooding back. She remembers that you said you were leaving, but part of her didn't fully believe you. She should've known better -- you always keep your word. Guilt washes over her, and she gently taps her head against the wall as a sort of self-punishment for her previous actions. Why did she say that to you? The hurt look in your eyes broke her heart, but she couldn’t afford to skip practice, especially with the comeback quickly approaching. In retrospect, she should’ve just told you that she didn’t feel prepared, and that’s why this practice had been so important. Even though she doesn’t show it, you still mean the world to her. She just so happens to be her own worst enemy. 
With a heavy sigh, she makes her way to the bathroom; there she finds a cute little basket of goodies next to the tub, and a note on the counter of the sink. She approaches the basket first, quickly discovering that it holds some of her favorite self-care items from the local store. Yet again, a deep pang of guilt courses through her upon realizing that you had prepared that for her. Defeated, she picks up the note. 
If you’re reading this, then I’ve already left. I don’t want you to worry, if you even still care enough to do that, so I decided to leave this letter for you. I’ll be staying with my friend for the next while. I don’t know how long, but that depends entirely on you. I’ve tried to communicate with you, but we’re getting nowhere; we both know it. We’re not who we used to be, Rosé, and I hate that. I want us to be happy again, but it seems that I can’t do that for you. If you want to end things, let me know. 
- Y/N
Rosé’s heart is breaking, splintering into a million different pieces and leaving her with no possible way to collect them all. How had she so royally fucked this up? She only has herself to blame, and she knows that; she can’t believe that she let things get like this. She had been so blinded by the stress that she lost sight of the most important thing in her life: you. It’s slowly sinking in that she very well might lose you for good this time, and she doesn’t know how to cope with that. She can survive without her career, but she knows she can’t go on without you.
-----  La Rêverie, 2 Weeks Later -----
She only intended to walk by -- to see if you were there and safe. But as she gazes through the windows, peeking into the place that houses so many of her dearest memories, she’s transfixed. Her eyes land on you, finding you hard at work in the kitchen. It’s always been where you go when you’re stressed or upset about something -- two things that Rosé knows she’s the cause of.
You’re in your element, face donning a look of pure concentration as you prepare what she assumes is a new dish. Your hair’s in a bun, a few strands coming down to fall around your face as you move about. Gravity takes its time in gently coaxing them out of the tie's hold, and Rosé’s breath hitches at how beautiful you look; it’s as if she’s falling for you all over again. She’s always admired your skills, but they hold a whole new meaning now, an unspoken tension in every movement you make. 
How had she been so selfish? You had been there for her all along, waiting patiently for the day that she would come to her senses. You would always have dinner ready -- usually one of her favorites, hoping that would spark something again -- but she always brushed you off. She never stayed long enough to see the crushed look on your face, or how the pain was becoming clearer and clearer by the day. She realizes now just how much of a toll her actions have taken on the both of you; you're still just as breathtaking as ever to her, but that special sparkle in your eye has long been eclipsed by something more dull. You're tired of being let down repeatedly, stuck in a constant loop of excuses and avoidance, and Rosé can't blame you for a second.  
The time apart hasn't been kind to her at all; there hasn't been a single day that's gone by where you haven't consumed her thoughts. She misses you so badly it hurts, and even now, despite being so close to you, separated only by the walls of the restaurant, you've never been further away. 
The distant sound of a car alarm cuts through the silence, simultaneously scaring her and drawing your attention. Before you can spot her, she ducks down; there’s no way that she can face you yet. Taking this as a sign, she decides to leave.
She’s spent the past 2 weeks attempting to spare you by not coming around; she thinks you need time away from her to deal with everything she’s put you through, and she doesn’t want to upset you anymore than she already has. Ever-torn, part of you is glad that she’s stayed away; however, another part of you just wants to see her again. You miss the nights more than you thought you would. 
--- A Few Days Later ---
Steady sheets of rain pound harshly against the window, vibrating the latches with each gust of wind. Times like these are always the worst, especially when you don’t have Rosé to calm you down. Violent thunderstorms never fail to frighten you, and this one in particular seems like it’ll be the worst one of the season. Swiftly padding over to the window, you sneak a quick peek outside, only to find the branches of the large oak tree that occupies the yard swaying in the wind with reckless abandon. The sight terrifies you, but you do your best to keep yourself from panicking, even having to do some breathing exercises. Your friend can sleep through anything, and you know she needs the rest; so, you stay in the spare bedroom that she’s so graciously allowing you to reside in, and lie awake. 
Across the city, Rosé is tossing and turning. The storm hasn’t fully reached its peak there yet, but she knows how worried you must be. Tears spring to her eyes at the thought of you huddled up under the covers, body trembling in fear as the storm rages on. The deep-rooted shame that she’s grown so accustomed to since you left plagues her conscience, making her even more disgusted with herself. 
After turning over yet again, her eyes land on the picture she has of the two of you propped up on the nightstand. It was taken on your wedding day, that stunning view of the venue paling in comparison to your beauty. A sense of determination washes over her -- determination to make you that happy again someday, in whatever way she can -- and she gets out of bed to collect a few materials. She’ll do whatever it takes.
The sound of a car door slamming perks your ears up, and your curiosity gets the better of you. Quickly pulling the curtain back, you’re beyond shocked to see Rosé out there, holding something in her hand. Just as you lean in closer to the window to try and see what it is, her caller ID pops up on your phone. 
“Come downstairs, please.” 
Even with the vast array of emotions coursing through you at the moment, you’re only focused on getting her inside and out of harm’s way. 
You nearly knock the door off its hinges with how quickly you snap it open. To your surprise, she’s still standing by her car, but now you can see what she was holding before; a white sign with black writing on it. The words are barely legible with how much it's raining, the dye of the marker horribly smudged, but you can make out: “I’m sorry! I’m an idiot.” It’s like something out of romantic drama.
Before you can even comment on everything that’s happening, Rosé begins the speech that she’s been trying to piece together ever since you left. 
She has to raise her voice so you can hear her over the storm. You wonder why she doesn’t just come in, but you think that maybe she’s doing it to show you that she’s willing to punish herself by standing out in the elements. “No words that I say will ever be able to fix the pain that my actions caused. You don’t deserve any of the shit I put you through, and I hate myself for being such a coward. I was too immature to look past my own struggles and just talk to you about them.” 
Now, she takes a few cautious steps towards the front door, testing the waters as she scans your face to gauge how you’re feeling. “I guess I just thought I could deal with it like I always do. But losing you showed me how wrong I was; I love you so much, Y/N. I don’t want to end things; I’ll never want that. You’re my world, baby; I’m so sorry that it took me this long to see what was right in front of me.” 
How are you to respond to that? Can you trust her? She looks more sincere in this moment than she has in a long time, and that puts you a little more at ease. Her eyes are begging -- pleading -- with you to believe her, and after a moment you step to the side, wordlessly telling her to come in. You don’t even realize that you’re crying until a few stray tears drip onto your shirt, leaving little marks in their wake. She has to restrain herself from reaching out and wiping them away; she has no idea when -- or if -- you’ll be able to forgive her. 
Soft pitter-patter of the water running off of her coat echoes lightly across the foyer, serving as white noise for the conversation you’re having. Her sniffles work in tandem with it, and she bites back her sobs in order to get the words out. 
“I know this won’t be fixed overnight, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, if you’ll let me. I won’t blame you for a second if you can’t forgive me, either. I just couldn’t let you get away without a fight.”
With each new fresh batch of tears that settle in your eyes, you have to work twice as hard to blink them away. “I-I don’t know what to say, Rose. You’re the only person in this world capable of hurting me that badly, because you mean more to me than anyone else. But I never thought you’d treat me like that. Do you know how many times I doubted myself, thinking I did something wrong?” Your tone is bitter now, voice conveying the pain from those months of anguish that you had to endure, and Rosé hangs her head. 
“I know that now, Y/N, and I know that I can never take it back. But God, how I wish I could. I’d do anything in my power to take that pain away. It was never your fault; none of it was.”
You know she’s being honest. After seeing the opposite for so long, it’s easy to spot when she’s telling the truth. You nod a couple times, deciding to pull her in for a long-overdue hug. She’s motionless at first, not quite knowing if you want her to return it or not, but the second that you quietly say, “Hold me, Rosé,” she’s scooping you up in her arms like her life depends on it. Her head rests in the crook of your neck, and the two of you cry together, letting all of the pent up frustration and sadness leave your bodies. 
After standing there, embracing one another for who knows how long, she pulls away just enough to look into your eyes. Her gaze subtly falls to your lips, but you don’t fail to notice. “Can I?” She asks gently, raising her eyes back up to yours. “Yes.” You utter, nearly swooning as her soft lips brush against your own. You’ve missed them. 
Her chilled hands cup your cheeks with purpose, and you can feel water running off the ends of her hair and onto your chest.
She kisses you in such a poetic way: softly, as if you might break at any moment, but urgently, like a lost soldier finally returning to the arms of their lover. She wants to make you feel how sorry she is, how much she loves you, and this seems like the perfect place to start.
“I love you, jerk,” you say through your tears, brushing your thumb along her cheek as you look into her eyes.
“And I love you, angel.” She picks you up, spinning you around a couple of times before setting you back down on your feet. 
After a moment, you glace at the window. “Shhhh, wait. Do you hear that?”
She cocks her head to the side as she listens closely for any potential noise that you might be talking about, but she hears nothing. “No? I don’t hear anything…” 
“Exactly; the rain stopped.”
“Huh. I guess it did its job, then.” She smiles, silently thanking the universe for working in its wonderful ways. It brought the two of you back to one another, and neither of you can contain your happiness. Maybe you don’t hate storms as much after all...
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Very Good Friends (Chapter 9)
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Catch up here: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8]
Reader x Henry Cavill, Reader x co-star named Dan
Warning: This tale is for 18+ readers ONLY!!!  Mentions of flashbacks: (rape, anal sex, non-con sex, abuse), severe  bruising and injury, mentions of suicidal thoughts, depression,  humiliation, and some fluff to make us feel better. Smut comes later on  in the story… Several chapters down the road… I promise!!!
If ANY  of the warnings upset you or make you uncomfortable, DO NOT read below  the cut! go find something else to read in this case.
If you are okay with reading those things then enjoy the tale below the cut.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated. I do not own Henry nor do I have any  personal knowledge of him besides what is common knowledge amongst the  Cavillary. Any mistakes and typos are mine, story is not beta-tested.  GIF I got from the tumbler search thingy.
Henry sighs and looks at the clock on his phone, it says it’s 9am. It’s still raining outside, and he sighs. Getting up, he heads back out to the living room, then goes to check on you in his bedroom. You’re still asleep and he smiles, glad that you’re finally getting rest. He goes back to the living room and puts the stereo on and turns the volume so it’s playing the classical music station softly to hopefully drown out any noise from your fellow cast-mates outside.
Henry heads for the kitchen and tries to figure out what to make for breakfast / brunch. He settles on omelets and takes out some bacon and pops it on a cooling rack then sets that in a jelly roll pan and preheats the oven. Then he takes out some bell peppers and washes them, then slices them up.
Taking a hand full of the peppers, he dices them and puts the rest of the strips into a zipper baggie and tosses them in the freezer. The diced peppers, he puts into a bowl, then chops some green onion tops, and garlic adding them to the peppers.
He pops the bacon in the oven once it’s preheated and sets the timer. He bakes it so it’s crispy and crumbles easily. He grins when he sees you stirring through the open bedroom door, as the smell of bacon permeates the trailer. He comes over to you and sits on the edge of the bed by your legs as the bacon cooks.
You yawn and stretch, moaning as your body protests. “Morning, Kitten.” He tells you. You blink and look at him all bleary eyed. “Morning Bear.” You say hoarsely and rub your throat and grimace from the pain. He reaches over and caresses your head. “How about something hot to drink and some pain meds?” he suggests.
You nod and try to sit up. Your face contorts the pain, and you start to cry. Henry carefully picks you up and gently sets you in his lap. “I know, Sweetie. I’m sure it hurts a lot.” He says. You nod and cry into his neck. “Why did he have to do this to me, Bear? I don’t know if I can stand this pain!” you cry. “Honey, where is it hurting the worst?” he asks, not sure he wants to know the answer.
“My ass, my pussy and my lower belly.” You mumble, feeling humiliated. “Shhh, I know it hurts, Kitten. The doc said it was gonna hurt there for a while, remember, Honey? Ya gotta just keep taking your meds and antibiotic so the lesions don’t get infected.” He reminds you. “Now, do you think you can get ready for the day on your own, or are you gonna need my help?” he asks caressing your face.
“I’ll try on my own. I’ll call for you if I need you.” You tell him. “Okay, Sweetheart.” He tells you and kisses your forehead. “I’m gonna make some omelets for brunch for us. those are nice and soft. Is there anything else you want?” He asks. “Pancakes? Those small ones that are like two bites and gone” you ask.
He chuckles and remembers the ones you’re talking about. “Slider cakes?” he asks. You grin and nod. He chuckles. “Okay, I’ll see if I can find a recipe for pancake batter since I don’t have any premade stuff.” He says. “You go get ready and I’ll turn the music down so I can hear you. Take your phone with you. If I don’t hear you calling for me, text me.” He tells you. “Okay, Bear.” You say and give him a hug. “Thank you.” You say quietly.
Henry rubs your back. “We’ll get through this together, Kitten. Everyone’s asking what happened and where you are now that your trailer is gone. They’re worried about you.” He tells you. “They called me this morning asking if you’re okay. There’s a meeting with the director, the producers, the studio executives and all of us cast today at 2 pm that we need to be at, alright?” he tells you. You groan. “I don’t want to go anywhere, Hen.” You say.
“I know, Honey, but they specifically asked me to make sure you come.” He tells you. “No one is gonna be mad at you, Sweetheart. Everyone’s concerned for you and the film. You’ll be alright. I’ll stay right with you, okay?” he tells you. “Okay, Hen.” You reply in a whisper.
“Hen, why is there a meeting being called?” you ask, whispering. Henry sighs. “Dan’s PR person started a smear campaign trying to ruin your reputation and career now that he’s arrested and being charged with rape and assault. This means the end of his career and he is trying to salvage it or drag you down with him since you’re new to the industry. He is saying that he is the innocent one and trying to blame you for it all. We all know he is lying and it’s doing all kind of damage for the film, and all our costars are backing you, saying that you’re the one who was harassed and assaulted by him, not like what he is saying.
It’s a PR nightmare for our agents and the studio. There’s been talk of pulling the plug on the film depending on what the public outcry ends up being. There’s also been talk of re-casting a different actor for the role Dan had and re-filming ALL of those scenes over that he was in, which means a significantly delayed release. In either case the studio has been talking about going after Dan for damages and the extra expenses / loss of income due to his selfish actions.
The meeting is most likely to inform our costars exactly what happened to you and how bad it was and is, and to inform us all what their decision is regarding filming and the movie’s survival, and probably legal actions being taken against Dan.
All of us regret not reporting Dan sooner for his constant harassment of you, Kitten. We’re all sorry we didn’t try to notify the studios to have it stopped sooner. Perhaps if we would’ve done that, we might’ve spared you all this agony.” Henry says with an ashen face.
“The doctor said that he thinks Dan had some kind of sleeve or harness on his dick that had hard nubs or ridges that made the lesions inside you when he raped you. The doc said that it’s supposed to be used with lube to keep it soft and since he didn’t use lube, that is what made so much damage and pain for you. He said you bled a lot from it too, and judging by the extent of the damage, that he raped you for quite a long time.” Henry tells you quietly.
You close your eyes and whimper. Nodding, you say, “Now that you mentioned it, I do remember feeling something weird when he was inside me both times that I was conscious. It felt all bumpy and I didn’t understand why. When I woke up, there was blood all over my legs and lower half, and the sheets.” You say quietly. I washed most of it off on my body, as best as I could before you found me.” You say quietly.
“Honey, I want to ask you something. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. Okay?” Henry says, cupping your face and looking down at you with fear in his eyes as well as concern.
You look up at him and nod. “Honey was this your first experience with sex?” he asks quietly.
You sigh and look down at your fingers. You leaned against Henry’s chest and could hear his heart pounding. You sigh and nod. You hear his heart skip a few beats, feel his body slump, and hear him groan. He wraps his arms around you gently, cupping your head with his massive hand and resting his on yours just trying to encompass you in comfort. “I’m SO sorry, Kitten. So very, very sorry.” He says softly and kisses the top of your head. “A woman’s first time should never, ever be like this.” He rumbles.
“I – I was saving myself for the man I-I loved. For when I married. Now, I don’t know what to do… I feel like dirty, trash. How can any man want me now? He damaged me so badly, Hen! How can anyone like having sex?!? If this is what sex is like, I don’t want to ever experience it again!” You say in a whisper with tears streaming down your face.
Henry sighs and dries your tears with his thumb, “Honey, sex should never ever feel like this. What he did was not sex, it was not making love. It was him fucking like an animal with no regard for the other person. He used you for his own selfish pleasure like an animal in heat. Which is the worst thing a man can do to a woman. I’m SO sorry. So very, deeply sorry!” he says, choking back tears and holding you closely, rocking you in a front to back motion trying to comfort the both of you.
“I hope that someday, once you’ve healed both physically and emotionally, you will give the right man a chance to show you what it really is like to make love and be intimate and hopefully he can show you how wonderful sex can make you feel if it’s done properly and with someone you deeply love and trust.” He tells you, cupping your face with his massive hand. “The right man will see past all this, and love you any way.
You are not trash, Sweetheart, nor are you dirty, or broken. You are a survivor, my wonderful little Kitten. You are brave, you are kind, you are our little ray of sunshine, and you are deeply loved and appreciated by many, many people.
Honey, I can’t imagine what all he put you through, but know that you are the strongest and bravest woman I know. I don’t know anyone who could endure the amount of pain you suffered and are suffering because of what Dan has done to you. And though you are new to this industry, you choose to bravely stand up to him and have him held accountable and charged for what he did in hopes of keeping him from doing this to other women. Risking your career and reputation to stand up to your abuser, and to protect other women from him is a very brave thing, Sweetheart.
You’ve earned the respect of many in the industry because of your decision. We all saw how he treated you on set, y/n. We’ll stand behind you and support you in this battle. You won’t be doing it all alone.” Henry encourages you as he rests his head on yours.
“You are an amazing woman, y/n. Don’t let his poisonous words and deeds bring you low. You are better than him, and you are loved by many unconditionally and you will overcome this and shine the brighter. Okay?” he assures you.
You look at him in disbelief, then your eyes get glassy and you bury your head against his chest and cry quietly. He rubs your back gently for a few moments. Letting you process everything.
“Now, Kitten, I need to get breakfast going. Go get cleaned up and dressed in whatever is going to be comfortable for you for today. It’s raining and probably rather cool outside.” Henry informs you. You nod and he lifts you off his lap, gently placing your feet on the floor and holding you for a moment. You sigh and reach over to his face and caress his stubbly jaw. “Thanks, Bear.” You whisper.
Henry closes his eyes, leans into your hand and then reaches up and cups it in his. “I mean it, Kitten. You are a treasure to us all, you’re a strong survivor, and we love you.” He confirms and kisses your palm. “Now go and get ready.” He says as the buzzer for the bacon goes off. He stands and gives you a gentle nudge towards the bathroom.
More chapters to come...
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purplesurveys · 3 years
1. Have you ever seen two movies at the theater in a row? No. I don’t think I have the attention span for that, regardless of how much I enjoyed the movie.
2. If you were to go to Starbucks right this second, what do you think you’d order? Iced Americano and maybeeeeeee a chocolate cheesecake or their barbecue chicken sandwich.
3. Do you own any dice? Yes.
4. Do you like to wear cardigans? I do like them and wish I had more because I think they suit me, but it’s not really a priority either.
5. If I were to ask you nicely, would you please consider making a survey for me and everyone else? I can try but will probably quit halfway through because I’m not super good at coming up with questions that haven’t already been asked.
6. What is the worst thing a child has ever done to you while you were babysitting? None of my cousins ever misbehaved towards me when I had to look after them. The worst thing I saw was a kid punching my sister in the stomach, but he cowered as soon as I came over and begged not to tell on him lmao.
7. If you wear contacts, do they tend to get really dry after only wearing them for just a couple hours? I don’t wear contacts and am generally not a fan of the idea of dropping things in my eye haha.
8. Have you ever watched any British television shows? Like...Mr. Bean? Lol sure, I guess. I don’t watch a lot of it though.
9. Do you own a nightgown? No. I don’t see it as a necessity.
10. If you could get any pet right now, what would you? I’m more than ok with my two dogs.
11. Have you played Grand Theft Auto: IV? If so, what do you think of it? Yeah I’ve played every game in the series. I don’t have too many memories of GTA IV though...my favorites were mainly San Andreas and GTA V.
12. How often does your internet disconnect? With our old connection it probably went out once or twice...a year maybe? It definitely didn’t run into a lot of issues. But we recently switched our service to one that’s able to provide a much quicker connection, but it’s been a bit of a compromise because it has issues a bit more often than the one we used to have; it goes out for a few hours several times in a week, which can be a hassle for my work from home setup.
13. Have you ever actually been stuffed into a locker? No, our lockers were too small to stuff a person in them.
14. Do you / did you decorate the inside of your locker at school with stuff? I didn’t. We weren’t allowed to.
15. How many teenagers do you know who have babies? I don’t know teenagers with kids now, but I have several classmates from high school who gave birth when they were in that age range.
16. Is there a fan in the room you’re in right now? Yup, mine is always on unless I was purpose wanted to sweat my ass off.
17. Do you believe that chivalry is really dead? No but it should be, as should any sexist institution predicated on the idea that only men are real people. <
18. If you have one, what’s your favorite novel by Chuck Palahniuk? I don’t have any.
19. Do you get your surveys from your subscriptions page or do you actually go to specific sites and search for them? Tumblr, or Bzoink if I can’t find any interesting ones from here.
20. How much is your cell phone bill each month? I use prepaid, so this doesn’t apply to me.
21. And why the heck is Cingular now AT&T? I really don’t care.
22. Have you ever made a house out of a giant cardboard box? It was possible, as a kid.
23. Have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom? This one, definitely. It was easier to do this hahaha.
24. What’s the coolest thing you’ve made with Legos? I was never creative. I only made towers.
25. When you make a survey, do you answer your own questions? I’ve never made my own survey.
26. If you could keep your parents or trade them for other parents, which would you pick? Ugh this question is so cruel...I would change my mom’s personality, I guess. I don’t know if I’m willing to trade her.
27. Do kiwis make you think of testicles or is it just me? No, I don’t think about kiwis ever.
28. Do you think it’s cool how peroxide gets all fizzy when you put it on a cut? I don’t think about this either.
29. Is there a piggy bank in the room you’re in? No.
30. If I had the power to give you one thing right now, what would it be? A loaded bank account.
31. Do you want to get pregnant right now? Not now, but I do want to be able to have this experience someday.
32. Do you know anyone who doesn’t like the internet? My grandma hates the whole tech thing and has refused to learn anything beyond the landline phone.
33. Do your grandparents know how to operate a cell phone? My late grandpa did and paternal grandparents do. Like I said, only my maternal grandma hasn’t bothered to catch up with gadgets.
34. Have you ever housed a friend for a long period of time because they had no place to live? No, and I’m not sure if this is something my mom would be receptive to. If I had my own place, I would do this for a friend in need in a heartbeat.
35. If you have a favorite comedian, have they ever been in a movie? I don’t have a favorite comedian.
36. How many sets of twins do you know? Three off the top of my head. Two sets from my high school, and the other set were my classmates in an English class I had in college.
37. Has anyone ever made fun of you for using proper grammar? I don’t think so.
38. Do you own any hemp jewelry? Nope.
39. Have you ever cut carpet with a carpet cutter? No, I didn’t even know that that’s an actual thing, so thanks for the new information.
40. Are there any books you want to read? I’m not really eyeing any book. Haven’t for a while now.
41. Is it before of after 3 pm? Before, I guess. It’s 4:03 AM.
42. If you have younger siblings, are you very protective of them? I can be of my sister. I have virtually no relationship with my brother.
43. If you have older siblings, are they very protective of you? I’m the eldest. 44. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? I don’t plan that far ahead.
45. Would you like a beer? Eugh hate beer no thanks.
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Somebody Sure As Hell Messed UP (Part 1)
((Hey everyone, sorry about the long absence until now. This is an RP event with @darcimasonusb @askthetoyman @asktheonearmedbandit with Dennis being caught up in this stupid divorce drama. ugh. Mondays, am I right? Thanks for reading! Hopefully, Dennis doesn’t die. you know how that goes.))
Tonight was a night per usual in Gotham City. A frosted air brewed in for Winter was just around the bend. Two peculiar young people rode along in a calmer part of the city thanks to a moped in the shape of an 8th note, for they had quite an adventure planned. 
“You know what you’re doing, right?” Dennis muffled, covering his mouth with his lime green scarf. 
“Yes, I’ve done this before!” Darci chuckled. Her blonde hair caught bits of frost as she analyzed the series of closed stores. 
They stopped somewhere interesting and took a gander at the locks. “Just thought I’d ask cause-”
 "Cause what?“
 "Well, you’re so… normal. I don’t mean that in an insulting way either. It’s just, no powers, no backstory, you just showed up!”
 "If that’s your definition of normal then it wouldn’t be normal, would it?“ 
“I guess it isn’t… huh?”
As he lurked through the sewers beneath the street, the cowboy tried to place himself in the near pitch-black environment. A right turn, a hair left, straight for a couple hundred feet. Don’t fall in the water; it takes too damn long to clean that stuff out. ‘Nother right, and up the access ladder. It should let right out to the back alley. The businesses connected to it ain’t that fancy, but they’re easy pickins. But which to choose?
Maybe that Lil’ liquor shop? Eh, done those too many times to count… That bakery’s already closed; no fun in that… oh, now ain’t that a beaut? A Lil’ ol’ diner! Maybe a little slow, but just enough people. Oh, now ain’t this gonna be a hoot? The cowboy cops a squat in the alley to wait for his proverbial “high noon.”
Dennis and Darci had a long look at the locks and realized, there’s just too many people around to do a good robbery. “Do you wanna just wait it out a bit?” Darci asked 
“Yeah that sounds good” Dennis fixed his bright red hair a bit, “What do you wanna do in the meantime?” “Hm. I’m not particularly hungry but do you wanna grab something?”
Dennis crunched the numbers in his head, “I had some cantaloupe around 4… or was it honeydew? Either way, I could eat.” It was 10 PM.
“C'mon we can go down to that honky-tonk around the block, bet there’ll be something fun too.” And to the diner, they went. Dennis parked his stupid awful moped scooter near the entrance and both walked inside. Business there was slow but the atmosphere screamed the 1950’s. The checkboard floor, teal booth seats, and Crosley brand Jukebox were all dead ringers for this notion. A woman in around her mid 30’s called out to the two “Sit where ya like and staff will get right to ya!” And so, they did. A booth somewhere near the jukebox and a hall leading into the restrooms.
Reuben watched the customers coming in and out of the building. That music note scooter immediately drew his eye. He shifted over to get a better look as the riders dismounted. Dennis Prowell: “the Music Meister.”
“This really will be interestin’!” The second one, a woman, was partially obscured. Before he could get a better look, they had both moseyed in. A waitress came up to their table with two menus. “Hi! My name’s Jannette, I’ll give ya a minute, but first just wanna let you know that the soup for tonight is Chowda.” They thanked her in an awkward unison and flipped through the selection as she walked off to help another group of guests.
“Soooo.” Darci started.
“How’d you end up the way you are?”
Dennis looked up in a bit of confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Like, how’d you become a villain?”
“Oh! Like a tragic backstory! Right. Yeah, my powers are genetic.” She looked up.
“…that’s it?”
“Yeah, had some bullies, dealt with that.. then I just went out and did crime. It was a primal urge… like arson!” They continued to chat, unknowing of what lied ahead.
Now seemed like a good as time as any! 
A shot rings out, shattering the glass door. A boot busts the rest of the glass out. The cowboy steps in and tips his Stetson. “Alright folks. This is a stickup. Y'all know the drill! No quick movements. lay yer wallets and jewelry out on the table. Let’s make this short an’ sweet and no one’ll get hurt.” He sticks his six-shooter in the face of the waitress behind the counter. “And you. Empty the register into’ this sack.” He lowers his weapon and tosses her a bag, then poises for attack again.
Dennis whispered over to Darci “…Weird, but I got this.”
She knows he doesn’t got this.
Dennis got up and put his hands in the air, whistling to the tune of an old Western movie. …
Darci stood still, analyzing the scene, waiting for an apt time to act.
“Ah ah ah, don’t come another step closer, Mister. I’ve got you dead to rights. And what’s that tune? You deridin’ me?” Mocked the Bandit.
“…ohmygoditsnotworking.” He looked around in a panic. The people around him were frozen to his tune. Maybe I could? NO that’s a death wish you promised there’d be no body count. What if… Darci knew he’d be a dead man if she didn’t do something quick. Without thinking, she grabbed Dennis by the arm and started bolting down the hall to find an escape
“What in Sam Hill? Hey! Get back ‘ere! The both of ya!” He glanced around the diner at the spellbound customers. “DAMN IT!” He grabbed the sack and the register’s till and cautiously ran down the hall in pursuit.
They darted into the women’s bathroom and locked the door behind them.
Good news: The bandit can’t get in! Bad news: They can’t get out!
“Holy shit..” Dennis caught his breath, holding his scarf “Any clue who that is?!” Darci stared off into nothing, listening in on what the Bandit is doing outside. Dennis ruffled his fiery hair in an anxious scramble. “He wasn’t affected, he could be deaf.. but then he wouldn’t have heard…”
He slowed and held his hand over his holster. “I know y'all are back ‘ere!” He kicked the manager’s office door open. Not there. The storage room. Nope. He continued down the hall, spurs clicking against the linoleum.
Darci leaned in and listened to how he kicked the door open. That sound. The clang you get when you hit the wood with… no.  That’s can’t be it. It’s… It’s exactly what it looks like.  "Darci, over here,“ Dennis called her over pointing to a patriot hopper window.
Men’s room. No dice. Women’s? Locked. “Knock knock? Is this room occupied?” He blasted at the lock twice with the revolver. “Now, come on Mr. Prowell. I don’t wanna hurt you or yer lady friend.” He pushes the door open.
That plan didn’t go far. Dennis raised his hands up again. Darci stood her ground by holding Dennis’s waist and staring the Bandit down. “Oh great, he knows my name. Listen, … ‘cowboy’ you obviously got a lot to do. Loads of places to see, and I just want to say… You really have a…” Dennis went off on a slow and shaky tangent while the gun was pointed at him.
Taking a step into the room and looking at them both, the Bandit gasps and immediately staggers back. “Y-you, uh, y'all are lucky! I’m willing to, ehm, go easy on yah. Uhhh… Sorry, Ma'am.” He high tails it out the back door and silently down the manhole.
Dennis couldn’t exactly process what had gone on. “…What was that?” “Let’s get outta here.” Darci let go of him.  “That’s.. that’s a good idea.” They stepped out and walked out of the hallway, everything was deafeningly silent, whoever was left there was packing up their belongings. When going out, Dennis gave a sheepish wave and Darci continued to scan the area. Both of them got onto the scooter and went back to going about the city. “…so uh. Where to next?” “Somewhere far away from there.”
WHAT!? YOU SAW HER? WHY DIDN’T YOU CAPTURE HER? “I’m sorry, boss! She had someone else with ‘er! That “Music Meister” feller. And I was right in the middle of a stick-up! I couldn'ta just picked her up. It’s kinda hard when you only got one arm!“  Fine. Get to the safehouse and wire me the funds you got. I can take care of this. “Good luck, boss…”
The ride felt endless. A horrific feeling welled inside both of them.
“I knew it, god damn it. I knew it..” Darci’s hair flowed in the wind.
“You mean the cowboy?” Dennis had a tired look in his eyes.
“Who else?” she lied through her teeth.
“That guy was kind of an odd-ball.”
“He’s got some scheme brewing. We need to just get out of here before he comes back with some new weapon.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I believe that this cowboy’s looking for trouble, it’s just this guy’s got one arm and came in with just a revolver. Guys like that can’t just miraculously get the funds from a mob boss without a damn good reason.”
Darci wanted to tell him the truth, but that would just add on another layer of unwanted confusion. So she just nodded in agreement.
“You know, Gotham isn’t as Dog eat Dog as it seems to be,” Dennis started.  "It’s more like… Your connections prevent from getting lobotomized by a guy in a mask. You keep each other safe from a bigger present danger! If that makes sense…  Just know I got your back if you need it.“ "Same here..” She replied, chilled by his example.
“Maybe we should try again?” Darci asked, “like go around to another store. Not around there though..” She pointed in the direction they’d left from. “The nights still young..” Dennis didn’t want to quarrel with the cowboy again, but God he itched for this to turn into a fun night. “I don’t see why not!” he turned right, the businesses there were all closed at that point. It’s as if the stars aligned once again!
Dennis pulled in near a clothing store. “Where do you want to start?” Darci asked. “Well, you gotta start with the locks right?” Dennis replied. “And what if there are security cameras?” “I’ll just do what I always do.” he shrugged. “Well aren’t you a broken record.”
Darci got off the scooter and examined the lock. She took out a bobby pin from her hair and started fiddling it inside. Click! She gave a thumbs-up as the door creaked open.  They both walked inside, skulking around to see if anything was of interest or present danger. Dennis caught his eye on a necklace with a black quartz pendant. Selina would love that. So he stuffed it away into his pocket, humming a tune.
Meanwhile, Darci was grabbing a handful of chapsticks, shoving them into a white purse she grabbed nearby. “That’s-” “Chapsticks? Yes :)” Darci put on a funny sort of smile. “That’s a lot of chapsticks…Okay, it’s what your heart desires.” “My heart also desires… this!” she snatched a leather jacket from a clothing rack and promptly threw it over her shoulder.
Knock knock knock.
Their hearts dropped. Dennis pointed over to behind the cash register. The two hurried to crouch behind the counter.  Darci signaled to stay quiet, trying to keep some level of composure. But her mind was racing.  Maybe we should call the cops… No! Are you out of your mind, Darci?! The cops will just haul your shell to a junkyard and turn your code into Dopey-Doh in Arkham!
Knock knock knock.
Dennis murmured “H. How?” Darci collected the pieces together already, this was happening again! Why does he want to torment me?! “Let’s go out from the front..” They foxtrotted over to the entrance and creaked open the door. A quick and speedy escape was just around the corner!
“Let’s get outta here..”
Darci hurried Dennis out the door. 
Uneasy silence as they step through the door. 
“T R I C K  O R  T R E A T !”
A heavily synthesized voice croaks. Laughter like something from a cheap Halloween decoration blast around them. A massive bowl sits in the middle of the street in front of the store.
They shook by the creature that stood in front of them like a hungry predator.  “RUN!” the two scattered back inside for cover.
Two rubbery green arms explode out from the inside and pick the bowl up like a grotesque pair of legs. It scuttles onto the top of the building and begins knocking so rapidly, the building shakes on its foundation.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!” Dennis shouted, shaking to the rhythm to the knocks. “I DON’T KNOW!” Darci yelled over the rumbling. The ceiling started to break apart. “JESUS, IT’S GONNA KILL US BEFORE WE GET OUTTA HERE!” “LIKE HELL I’LL GO TO HIM AGAIN!” Darci refused, but Dennis had already run outside in hopes to get hold of his getaway scooter. We gotta get outta here! “DENNIS YOU OAF!” Darci called out, trying to usher him back in.
The shaking stops. Another dreadful silence, occasionally broken by the drop ceiling panels falling from the commotion.
Dennis realized what this thing was after. It wants her. But why? “What are you doing?! Get back inside!” Darci called out again. “G E T. O U T.” Dennis mouthed to Darci. He stared at the creature, trying to decipher its next move. Dennis reached in his jacket pocket and started shuffling through…
The bowl sits atop the roof completely still. The arms appear to have receded back into the bowl and it has shut down for the time being.
Ah-ha! Now’s our chance! Dennis pulled out his keys and started up the scooter! “Darci. Let’s get outta here!” he shuddered in a whispery tone. “Please trust me on this.” She had to take this leap of faith. If the bowl didn’t catch her, the police surely would’ve. Darci darted outside, took the keys, and started up the scooter! Dennis joined her in a hurry.
As soon as the woman peeled out of the crumbling structure, the voice whined out again. “T A G,  Y O U ’ R E  I T !  H E H E H E H A H A H A H A H A ! ! !” The bowl hoisted itself back up and trotted towards them.  With one more cackle, a third rubber arm bursts from the inside of the bowl and snatches at the pair. “G O T C H A !” The bowl pulls the extra appendage back inside before tearing out of the way like a bat out of hell.
As Darci attempted to drive to safety, Dennis felt his body pulled away from the scooter. He screamed. Darci looked back only to see that the worst possibility was now her reality! Her loved ones were being taken from her once again by him! But fear overcame Darci that night. She drove out of sight of the bowl and behind a few cars; peering over and regretting her choice already.
The hand grasped around its prisoners until the moment it got into the bowl. Almost immediately after, the sounds of machinery began to whirl and plastic sheeting was being pulled up around Dennis. A heating element crimps the ends and seals the whole box up tight.
Darci looked on in horror, hastily hiding away from its line of sight. “WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdoWhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo?” Her hands were shaking. “God! You can’t even protect your own friends! You’re! so! hopeless!” She reached for her phone in her left pocket. “Maybe I can- No! That’s an awful idea!” She tugged her hair. “I shouldn’t get people wrapped up in my business more than they already are! I don’t want to lose Edward either!” “Go out there and save him! You can’t keep living like this!” Tightening her hands into fists, Darci turned around to face the creature! … But. It had already fled.
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
Heya hope you’re doing well! For the end of year asks, 1 and 24?
I’m doing OK! I keep forgetting to post this, or adding onto it. But I don’t want it to be lost whenever my browser next crashes. So, let’s post this!@meanwhileonwednesday also asked me to answer them all, so I’m gonna combine both.
1) what did you learn about yourself this year?
I learned a lot about myself. I underwent some careers counselling, which has been an itneresting ride, and given me lots of tools to reflect on what I want out of work. It’s hard, because I realised that I (and probably all of us) tolerate so many working conditions that I don’t inherently like or flourish under. I like to take my time on one problem at a time; in medicine you’re being constantly interrupted by like 10 different people who then remind you multiple times about the thing you were doing til someone else interrupted you, and constantly re-jigging your to-do list to accommodate changes in urgency. I realised I like to make people feel better even more than I like to ‘fix’ things. I realised that the reality of what work in a busy hospital is like completely colours my perception of specialties; I can’t unsee the kinds of shifts I’ve had to work. It gave me a lot of food for thought, and I hope it helps me pick something I’m happy with. And having started dating again towards the end of the year, I’ve had to think a lot about who I really am, and what I really want or need. It’s not easy shining an honest light on yourself; what you realise isn’t always flattering (I don’t often spend enough time doing non-work related things, and I’m too much of an introvert for most people, probably). But this allows you to be honest about what would make you happy; for example, I’d hever chase some guy who loves to go clubbing on a regular basis, because we’d be spending every evening apart.
2) best moment of the year?
I don’t know. There were lots of litle modest ‘best moments’, but I’m not sure I can thing of any one big thing.
3) worst moment of the year?
Burnout Time wasn’t a moment, but it wasn’t a good time in general. I’m going to vote it number 1. Though it has some stiff competition. I’ll stick to just one, because nobody wants to read a long list of sad things.
4) what was the biggest change you experienced this year?
I realised that I wouldn’t let training and medicine destroy me. Not that I planned to before, but there’s a lot of fear and anxiety at every stage of the game in medicine. You spend med school anxious in case they kick you out. You spend foundation training anxious in case you kill someone or they kick you out. Then you finish that part of your training, and start the next and its... more of the same? And when you struggle and feel bad, so often your first thought isn’t “I feel horrible, this is bad for me and I need help” but “as long as I am functional at work, then it’s OK as long as they don’t kick me out”. But that doesn’t help you get better, it only piles more pressure on you when you need help. It turns out that I discovered they don’t kick you out of training as easily as my darkest thoughts imagined.  But it made me realise I could never let this job destroy me; there is so much to live for and enjoy outside of medicine. There are so many other ways to be happy.
5) best song of the year?
Aah I’ve listened to so many songs over the course of a year, how could you pick one. I’d blatantly favour the ones I obsessed over most recently. Hmm. I listened to Vitali’s Chaconne on a loop when revising, so let’s go with that. 
6) best album of the year?
I rarely listen to entire albums, because I tend to discover songs randomly and individually. But I loved that my friend and I discovered we both loved Indila’s music really randomly.
7) what’s one thing that happened this year that you want to change?
Towards the end of the year, I had to take a break from making and posting comics. Between burnout and work things, I just didn’t have the time, energy or inspiration to give it what it needed. I hope to get back into it this year; I really miss making my comic.
8) best book/book series of the year?
I’m gonna vote Good Omens. I know people joke about something curing their depression. But yeah, it sort of did with me. It made me see the light at a difficult time, and despite all the stress and sadness and numbness I was going through, it made me laugh and feel joy and appreciate what words could do again. It rekindled a light that had burned very low, and I’m forever grateful for that; it holds a special place in my heart now.
9) best television series?
Hard for me to pick one. I’m watching The Dragon Prince right now, and it’s great! Reminds me of ATLA in the best ways. Honourable mention to Cells at Work for combining three of my interests (medicine, anime and cute things) into one.
10) how was your love life this year?
I actually bothered to try to have one! Only toward the end of the year, though, so we’re on baby steps right now. I’ve talked to and met a few interesting people, even ones that I couldn’t pursue anything further with. I’ve also read like a million really bad profiles, had  way too many half-assed messages and conversations.
I hate the initial bit, where you should try to be yourself and need to be open and vulnerable to really getting to know people, but equally people can just drop out of talking with you or dating you just like that. It’s something much easier to do when you meet online and don’t know each other than when you meet at uni, and I certainly seem to see it a lot more now in online dating than meeting people IRL. Where you get dumped or dump someone but you at least have s a sense of completion. I don’t like how easily the mind wanders over to ‘damn it, he’s ghosted me’ If someone doesn’t reply for a few days, but then again, the fact that lots of people do just ghost doesn’t help that.Still, I remind myself that there’s no use worrying about it; if someone will dump you or isn’t right for you, then there’s nothing you can do to change it.
There are some nice people out there, and I’m interested to see where it goes. Hopefully without too much anxiety, preoccupation or heartbreak on the way; that was one part of dating that I absolutely did not miss in my single carefree years.
11) what made you cry the most this year?
I find it hard to quantify what made me cry the most; I had a lot of tough times. 
Actually, no, on second thought, I think I know what made me cry the most; PMS. Hands-down the winner. What a menace; it’s a real pain. Would not recommend PMS as an experience to those of you unfamiliar with it.
12) biggest regret of the year?
I try not to look back and regret things. I don’t want to say I regret burning out, because frankly that isn’t a choice I made, so I don’t feel bad about it. It’s unfortunate that it’s made my life a bit more complicated, but it’s manageable. So I try not to dwell on that or regret it.
I feel sad that I put my comic on hiatus, because I managed to balance it through so many tough times, so pausing kind of felt like admitting defeat, or losing a part of myself. But it needed to be done.
13) best movie of the year?
It’s late and I actually can’t even remember which movies I saw this year. I think I saw Mary and the Witch’s Flower in this past year, so I’m going to go with that. Because I’m really excited to see where Studio Ponoc takes things, and if they will carry on a Ghibli-ish legacy or do something new.
14) favourite place you travelled this year?
I went to Poland, twice. It was great! I’m slowly trying to get around all the European capitals, and it’s really nice to learn more about the places you go. I never feel like I’ve seen everything there is to see, which I guess is motivation to come back another time...
15) did you make any new friends?
Always. Yep, the benefit of moving to new jobs on a regular basis means that you get to meet new people, a lot. I’ve seen one of my FY1s develop into a great SHO and become a good friend. I’m so proud of them.
And hey, always making new friends here! I love our community, and whilst I can’t remember exactly when I befriended most of you (or got befriended), I am truly glad that I have.
16) did you learn anything about your sexuality this year?
Yep, I don’t think you ever stop learning. I’m looking forward to always finding out more. I don’t feel the need to share it, though :P Some things are better left private.
17) what are some hobbies that you developed?
Most of my hobbies are the same as they always were. However, I feel that I have played a lot of new board games, I continued to D&D without being an utter disaster, and now feel uh, sort of actually competent at this sort of thing.  And I have collected some awesome dice.
18)what surprised you the most this year?
We’re still doing this Brexit thing. I don’t know; I’m not sure politics can surprise me much anymore. It’s still free to disappoint, though. Actually, a few patients survived who I didn’t expect. And some people died suddenly that we didn’t expect to pass at that point. So medicine is always surprising.
19) do you look different from the beginning of the year?
I have more grey hair. Like a LOT. My hair evidently plans to go silver way before I would have expected to. At this rate, I won’t make it to 40 with any brown hair left! My hair is almost waist length so it hasn’t changed all that much apart from the fact that it really wants me to cosplay white haired anime characters.
20) how did this year treat you in general?
People died. People got sick. People in my personal life, not patients, that is. It’s harder to deal with it when it’s not at work; when it’s people you know and care about.  My parents had multiple procedures or surgeries. I sort of burned out at one point and vaguely considered if the path I am on is for me. I did a bit of soul-searching to try to work out what I really want, and what I really need. I’m still not sure I understand, but I’m getting closer.
21) what message would you give yourself at the beginning of the year?
You’ll live. It’s OK, it’ll work out, and you’ll get through it, like you always do.
22) has your fashion style changed this year?
Not really. I have too many clothes (mostly for work, if I’m honest) so I didn’t buy many this year. I definitely need to sell or give away some of the ones that just aren’t ‘me’ any more, though. I sometimes hold on to clothes for a long time, but in the end when it doesn’t feel right dressing like I did say, 10 years ago, then I feel the need to revamp my wardrobe.
23) one of the best meals you’ve had this year?
My mum randomly started making my favourite food more often, and I’m really happy! I keep asking her if there’s some kind of ulterior motive XD
24) who has made the biggest impact in your life this year?
Hmmm it’s really tough to think of any one particular person. Some of the stronger experiences with people were negative, but I refuse to dwell on them or name them; to single them out gives them a power and importance they don’t deserve. So instead I’d just have to say my network of friends and family, for keeping me going’ they have done a lot for me this year. Lots of little and big things that make me feel so loved and cared for. 
25) what’s one thing that you hope will continue next year?
I will keep trying to do my best, and keep trying to look at the bigger picture. I’ll keep working on not letting medicine take over my life. I’ll keep trying to be a better doctor. I’ll keep making time for friends and family. I’ll keep trying my best to meet new people, and not let the times it didn’t work out get me down.
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itsfkntrue · 2 years
Tornados and mushrooms....and acid
There are a few priceless days in college in the northeast, and none much better than a sunny Sunday in the late spring when it's warm, your work is almost over, and as a senior you are about as comfortable your gonna get in life for quite some time.
In order to take advantage of such an epic day in the spring of 1995, my former friend and I decided to step it up into uncharted territory.   We were going to ride out the quad all day under the huge oak tree while taking mushrooms, and acid, at the same time.  Why not, I had some experience with both and was comfortable in my own head,.I can handle.this.
Now normally this would likely be a very bad decision.   Combining the intense visuals of the schooms with the twisted side of acid was going to be predictably unpredictable, so we were definitely rolling the proverbial dice here.
However,  we were no rookies(or junkies for that matter).  We knew what we were taking and how much and when, we just needed to set up our "preparation and necessities ".  When it comes to doing these mind altering substances,  preparation and planning are essential.  You WILL BE FUCKED UP, so you better get your day in order beforehand.
We did.
Drinks,snacks and oranges...check.
Comfy chairs.to sit.in the quad...check.
No one looking for us or work that needed.to be done...check.
Good friends aware that we may be puddles and on the ready to assist if necessary...check.
fkn gorgeous sunny day...check.
OK well let's eat these fkn things.  First an 1/8 of schooms goes in, followed 45 min later by the tab of acid.  Now the trick was to have the appropriate overlap of schooms and acid so they gelled together, knowing we were going to take the other 1/8th in about 3 to 4 hours.  You know, to match the likely 8 to 9 hour acid ride.  It was all very mathematical for a guy who was thrilled math wasn't a requirement here.
It's now 10 am and we are set, picture perfect day, no reason to go anywhere, just sit and enjoy.  We watch as our friends going to lunch walk past us, stopping to chat, asking how things were going.  it was beautiful out, and we were surrounded by friends, and nature, and cold drinks and juicy fruit.  It was glorious.
Around 2 pm we took the rest, and the afternoon became a tad more intense and Mr acid became a bit more assertive and the grass began crawling up my leg and one particular fkn cloud kept trying to grab me out of my chair.  I knew it wasn't, but it sure looked like it really wanted to.
Friends came out for dinner around 5 and we still had literally not moved.  Soccer juggling circles and butts up was played, and I just remember thinking what a great bunch of guys I'm friends with.  The positive energy was everywhere, like a gentle glow around all I cared about.
The story takes a bit of turn at about 6pm.  Our beautiful sunny day began to change, and the sky coming at us was almost black.  It was angry...very very angry.  We looked at each other to confirm this was being seen by both of us, it was.  Fuck fuck....
The wind now starts really picking up, a warm wind, but bursting enough to knock over chairs and sent papers flying across the quad.
The wind then changed to "we better get the fuck outta here" intensity and the black sky was now suddenly upon us.  Students were running to their dorms, kinda freaking out.  In case you didn't know, watching a bunch of people freaking the fuck out while you are in the state we were, is not comforting.
We decide to make a run for his car, about 200 yards away around one of the dorms.  We are running into the wind which does not want us to go this way.  Branches are now coming off the trees, thunder is fkn deafening and evil, tiles from the roof are flying off and crash landing all around us.  The tracks i saw right then would make putin shit himself.
We dive in his car and ride it out in silence.  How did our once peaceful day turn so...evil?   10minutes later it was over...dead calm...a late fading sunset returns to the sky.  We exit the car to just massive destruction.
There are trees down all over campus, shit everywhere, windows broken and debris littering the quad.  But it was peaceful.
We walked the campus just checking shit out, as we found out later a "good size" tornado touched down and missed campus by only a mile or two.  A tornado...while on acid and mushrooms.
As I was saying at the beginning, doing this takes preparation and planning.   You don't want any unexpected surprises to run your trip.
I don't think we ever found our chairs, but the recap with the boys later that night about "where everyone was" when it hit was priceless.
"Hold on...you were on what when the tornado hit?"
Yes I was, and I haven't since.
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pen-for-sword · 6 years
03-15-18 | 10:39 PM
10 Questions Tag
Tagged by @aslaugblom
1. Tell me something you love about your current WIP(s).
I’ve always loved fantasy stories like Narnia and Lord of the Rings. I really love that I get to write that in Lucidity!
2. Three of your characters are coming with you on a road trip. Who are they and why did you pick them?
Kenny, Lydia and Amadea from Lucidity, Lena, Yuhua and Thane from Of Dragons and Princes, Yanfeng from The Warrior and the Bookworm, and Jole from The Giant Merman.
Kenny, because she may be prickly at first, but she’s actually pretty cool when you get to now her. Lydia is a bit bossy, but being around her almost always guarantees a good time. Amadea is quiet and a bit unnerving to be around, but she’s efficient and a good planner.
Lena is chatty and fun to talk to, not to mention a great friend all around. Yuhua is prickly and a bit of a condescending jerk, but where Lena goes, he goes too. Like Kenny, he’s not so bad once you get to know him, and in any case it’s always good to have a trained warrior or five along for a road trip. You’ll never now when you need one! Thane is rich and cute. ‘Nuff said.
Yanfeng is another great conversationalist, and he also plays a variety of musical instruments, which is always great for rest stops. Katharina is warm and has a pretty laugh, and Jole has the personality of a giant teddy bear. 
3. When you are not writing, what are you most likely to be doing?
Um... lots of things? Reading, I guess. Or watching YouTube videos.
4. How do you name your characters?
I have a handful of methods for naming characters, which I use and mash together whenever it suits me. As a general rule, the first thing I do is work out where my character is from—so a Chinese surname for a Chinese OC, Spanish surname for the Latinx OC, a Croatian surname for the OC whose family is mostly from Croatia, et cetera. Then I choose a consonant and/or a vowel at random (I have a complicated system involving dice and the alphabet arranged in six rows). I use the letter(s) I got and start choosing given names from there.
Or sometimes I just come across a name and it just fits, so I go with it.
5. Do your characters have any pets?
What an oddly specific question1 Both Katharina (Candlesticks) and Caludia (Caludia the Last) have cats. Being a princess, Caludia also has a few other pets, such as a hawk, an elephant, and a horse. Poe (The Little Merman), used to own fish. Keyword being used to. Oh, and Kenny and the Gaeran crew all have horses, too.
6. Do you have a favourite time of the day to write?
Not really. As long as I get to write, I’m happy.
7. Which of your characters would win the Most Huggable Award?
Jole is the first who comes to mind. Again, personality of a teddy bear. Yareli Rasgado (Amias and I) is another, along with Kenny’s little sister, Ashley, and XInai.
8. Which of your characters would win the Most Punchable Award?
(Young) Sunho, Yanfeng, Yuhua, Louis (Candlesticks) and Poe.
9. How do you decide when you’re done planning and just have to start writing?
Ah... I’ll figure that one out and get back to you on that! 
10. Do your characters have any odd habits?
I mean, I’m still getting to know them myself, but so far, no.
Tagging: @tyler-thewriter @klbonnevier and @inkstay
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man utd vs arsenal highlights youtube
Manchester city vs arsenal highlights - Manchester City Arsenal Highlights - video Dailymotion
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Picture highlights from the Emirates. Manchester city vs arsenal highlights feelings at the break. Manchester United find themselves in the same position they were in under Jose Mourinho Jose Mourinho Jose Mourinho received a new contract and guided Man United to second but was then not backed and sacked.
Things feel different with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Most Read Most Recent Bolton Man calls police on mum and friends dressed as dinosaurs in local park The 'killjoy' called police after asking if she had a permit to dress up. Coronation Street All major networks, such as ITV and BBC, have switched to live coverage following the breaking of the news of Prince Philip's death shortly before 12pm this afternoon. Morrisons The supermarket giant is following in the footsteps of Tesco.
Gogglebox fans predicted 'weird' start to show as viewers baffled by 'quick edit' Gogglebox Channel 4 made the decision to air Gogglebox as normal, which often sees the families reacting to breaking manchester city vs arsenal highlights. Line of Duty Line of Duty fans already 'terrified' as Sunday's episode dubbed 'one of the best' by DI Steve Arnott actor 'Mother of God, if it's more dramatic than the season three finale I might have to book myself a wee holiday from work for Monday'.
Within five minutes, he'd got over the line. Top Stories. The latest infection rates across Greater Manchester as all ten boroughs record falls once again Coronavirus The lowest infection rate in England is in Torridge where there was just one confirmed case during the week ending April 5. M60 partially closed after eleven-vehicle pile up at Stockport M60 The crash happened on the anticlockwise carriageway just after 8am.
Top article husband jailed for stabbing wife times in 'episode of unspeakable and barbaric savagery' Courts Merseyside mum-of-three Paula Leather died at the hands of her jealous husband in November last year.
Share ; By. Full time: Arsenal Man City. Man City Vs … Emirates Stadium. Start date Watch Arsenal video online. Manchester United are three points clear of Liverpool at the top of the Premier League table.
Welcome to Arsenal's official YouTube channel Watch as we take you closer and show you the personality of the club. James Benge. See what the players talk about over a cup of tea, find out what really happens behind the scenes on matchday and watch the players answer your questions in our popular Twitter Takeovers - plus much more. Kick off: UK. Premier League Matchweek 21 1 Jan manchester city vs arsenal highlights pm.
We help you discover publicly available material manchester city vs arsenal highlights act as a search engine. That needs changing. Walker rises high from a corner and his boot very nearly connects with Gabriel's face. Arsenal want VAR To take a look at that but no dice. Saka and Tierney hunt City ferociously in their right back position.
The Scot forces the mistake and Saka pushes try this out, giving and going with Aubameyang.
Man City's goalkeeper performs similarly well moments later to deny Aubameyang, slipped in by Pepe after darting in from the manchester city vs arsenal highlights. The Arsenal striker can't quite clip the ball over the keeper. The linesman raises the flag but replays show that if Aubameyang had got that manchester city vs arsenal highlights the net VAR would have overturned it.
Xhaka pings an excellent ball over the top for Aubameyang to chase. You'd think he has it but Walker puts on the afterburners and slides in to clear for a corner.
That corner, taken by Willian, fizzes manchester city vs arsenal highlights towards Ederson, whose punch isn't all that convincing. Arsenal's attempts to play their way out run aground and it looks like goal number two is beckoning as Aguero tees up Foden. After his earlier indiscretion Leno is out very quickly and does well to parry. Bukayo Saka has completed three take ons. Everyone else on the pitch has completed one between them.
Arsenal are still going for it here - Saka embarks on a brilliant run that ends with him forcing Ederson to tip the ball over the bar - but they're looking vulnerable at the back. Mahrez dances infield manchester city vs arsenal highlights gets onto his left foot, driving low and hard.
Leno parries but doesn't hold and the Algerian should do better with the rebound, which is too close to the Arsenal goalkeeper. Manchester city vs arsenal highlights a really encouraging first quarter defensively Arsenal let themselves down. Mahrez and Aguero unleash Foden, who cuts inside when Bellerin should really force him wide.
From there he strikes at goal. Leno's parry doesn't get the ball anywhere near to safety and Sterling smashes home the rebound. Saka manages to get past his man and looks to interchange with Aubameyang. The youngster is charging down the left but his captain looks infield and can't quite find Willian. The way this young centre-back seems to embrace the pressure coming his way bodes so well for manchester city vs arsenal highlights future.
He's not afraid to go long but whatever happens he doesn't give the ball away. That's a crucial attribute. So it looks like Willian will be playing the central attacking role that would normally be reserved for Lacazette. That's hardly a ringing endorsement of Arsenal's centre forward but you suspect the creative nous of the Brazilian won the day.
Arsenal will still have those outside to in runs from Aubameyang attacking the space between City new boy Dias and the right-back. Away manchester city vs arsenal highlights go! Arsenal get the game going but immediately it's City on the attack, Mahrez cutting in from the left and curling a shot just wide of the far post.
Manchester City vs Arsenal highlights: Raheem Sterling strikes to inflict defeat on Mikel Arteta
There's all sorts of ways to explain these numbers but ultimately having four fewer points manchester city vs arsenal highlights Wolves from 16 more games is inexcusable for Arsenal. David Luiz 49'. Manchester City MNC. Arsenal ARS. KO First Half begins. On: David Luiz Off: Pablo. On: Fernandinho Off: Aymeric Laporte. Saves 0. Shots 0 0 Shots on Target. Fouls Committed 0 0 Fouls Against. Goals 0. Fouls Committed 1 0 Fouls Against. Shots 1 1 Shots on Target.
Fouls Committed 2 0 Fouls Against.
0 notes
mysticvhedd · 3 years
[LFP] [PAID] [5E] Descent into Avernus Friday 8pm EDT
Descent into Avernus
Game: D&D 5e
Suggested player experience: All levels
Day/Timezone: Friday at 8 pm EST/7  pm CST/ 6pm MST/ 5pm PST
Frequency: weekly or as desired ($15 per session fee applies)
Length: 3-hour games
Begins: 5/7/21        
Elturel is gone… wiped off the map and with Refugees arrive at Baldur’s Gate from Elturgard in droves, rumors concerning Elturel’s disappearance spread like wildfire, stoking fears that Baldur’s Gate might be next. At the same time, panic swept through the streets of Baldur’s gate as city folk are being hunted and murdered in the streets by cultists of the Dead Three.
     You are one such refugee from Elturel. You might be a one of Hellriders — elite cavalry unit who have sworn oaths to defend Elturel. You maybe citizen of the city; or maybe just someone passing though no mater. You saw the city the being dragged below the horizon. After that event you and new fellow party members made Baldur’s gate accompany by.
     Reya Mantlemorn… Born in the land of Turmish, Reya came to the holy city of Elturel to train as a Hellrider when she was twelve. She maybe a comrade or an old friend or just someone you met. Reya was training a few miles north of Elturel when the city vanished. She watched in disbelief as the Companion’s light went out, turning black as the city appeared to crumble and sink below the horizon — a horrific image that Reya has been unable to get out of her mind. (just like you). She has heard a rumor that Thavius Kreeg, the high overseer of Elturel is alive and might be responsible for the city being. The only lead she has is the cult of the Dead three.
           Grab you dice and strap in this is going to be one hell of a ride! Though before you get too excited, we do have to go over a few ground rules of the table. Should you be a descent person and considerate player, there shouldn’t be anything surprising here.
1) Cursing is allowed at my table, but I request that it be used as a tactic for the purpose of character building and authenticity—in other words, in moderation. Keep the nature of your vulgarity and the comfort of your table-mates in mind. If you are asked to tone down your use of vulgarity or avoid a particular use of it in the future, be mindful of that request.
2) Be respectful of the time people spend in the spotlight. Please, try to keep talking over one another to a minimum. Granted, we will all be getting to know one another, and over time we should develop a rapport that will avoid such issues. As a good rule of thumb, use roll20’s typed-chat feature in between turns when initiating a moment of RP while another party member is currently RPing; use discord’s similar feature when speaking OOC or cracking jokes.
3) Mic check! We have all been in a game where we heard the background of another player’s mic. This can and does diminish the fluidity of the game as well as people’s enjoyment. No one needs to hear the crunch of your snack between rounds of combat! Make sure to mute yourself while eating, or else avoid eating during the game.
4) The majority of this game will be run rules as written. If you want to do something on the fly that bends the rules but does not outright break them, the rule of cool comes into effect! During a game, my decision is final. You may contact me privately if a ruling raises concern. I may choose to alter future decisions based on your expressed argument, but I also reserve the right to keep my original ruling. Do not bog down playtime with debate. Though, I am fine with a “rules lawyer” helping the table by briefly citing an arcane and often forgotten rule or trying to elevate the game during epic moments, but once I make a call, leave contention and debate for post-game discussion.
 5) I respectfully require 24 hours cancellation notice. During the 24 hours prior to play, I plan out the game. If someone cancels at the last minute, then a lot of this planning goes to waste. Failure to provide 24 hours’ notice and not showing up will be considered a No Show. Too many No Shows and you will be removed from the game. Exceptions will be made for family emergencies and other unexpected things.
6) Follow “Wheaton’s Law” (Don’t be a dick) and have fun!
 This game we are playing deals with devils and many forms trickly. I always word my sentence carful so make sure you pay attention to what I’m saying (you can, and I do encourage for you to ask me to repeat what things I say). You can interrupt me at any point to say or to do anything that is “in game” that involves your character. Example say if I tell “so you all eat and drink and go to bed” you can jump in at any time to say “no I want to go on a walk” as an example. Though once you have agreed and I begin narrating to you what happens next, there is no go back and say “no I didn’t eat that food” etc.  The results of your actions or inaction can have unexpected results. Please bare this in mind when I ask you if you are doing something or asking how you are wording things.  
The qualities I like to see in my players are honesty, patience, and treating each other with kindness. My peeves are meanness, cheating, using OOC knowledge/Meta-gaming. Specifically, if it feels like you are playing other players' characters. Though I do encourage thoughtful consideration (tactics and planning) I cannot allow indefinite discussion… Something I refer to affectionally as "analysis paralysis", at some point I will have to prod you for a decision to keep the game moving.  The guiding goal is fun, and enjoyment. Think about character development as well as level climbing.
 This is pay to play, for anyone interested in joining or have any question hit me up on discord:
0 notes
stone-man-warrior · 3 years
April 12, 2021: 3:05 pm:
There is a whole bunch of stuff going on that I could report about, including another attack at my house yesterday by at least two people who parachuted into the neighborhood from an airplane yesterday to do the attack. (ask me about “Holy Divers” SAG music industry terror soldiers some day, the Foo Fighters and Metalica members are “Holy Divers” terror soldiers)
I don’t want to report much today, I am hurting, and no one is helping.
I do have a connection between the “Knoxville Tennessee Schule Schute that happened today, and Asante Health Services of Oregon (specifically the White City Urgent Care.), is not much, but is a start to learning more if this connection is looked at seriously, as follows:
I went to that Asante Urgent Care last Tuesday. I was turned away, no help was offered, the reason, I was told, is that the doctor did not have access to “Advanced Imaging”. The person portraying the doctor introduced himself as “Satch”, then he said to me: “I’m Joe”. When he realized that I am not part of whatever they were up to that day, he declined to elaborate about why Joe Satriani was portraying a doctor at the Asante Urgent Care.
The connection is tiny, but is real, and there may be more to it that I could add if someone who does national security work were available to talk to, for exploring more small details that I encountered there at the Asante Urgent Care.
The connection is the statement: “I don’t have access to Advanced Imaging”.
Terror comm is very delicate stuff, the terror army loves the sound of a exhaust system of internal cumbustion engines of all kinds, and they have harness virtually every possible motor configuration, with every kind of exhaust pipe, muffler, converter, and, additionally, the way the motor is “tuned” ( a musicians term brought into the realm of internal combustion engines, and the sound quality they have, from a Tecumsa Pressure Washer Motor with good quiet exhaust, to a Cobra Jet Big Block, uncorked... they have thought of everything as a language for use in music industry circles, and, the musicians are able to tell you what note is playing when a Diesel Locomotive rolls by, the can tell you what note was played if someone farts, they really do love the sound of exhaust characteristics for use as terror communications.
With that explained, the connection to “Knoxville” is in the statement made to me when I was turned away by the fake doctor, Joe Satriani, who is also Josephine County Deputy Aaron Porter (Air Importer) “Advanced Imaging”. To “advance” the timing of a motor that uses a distributor for control of multiple sparks in each chamber of a internal combustion engine, that motor is going to “ping” or “Knock”, and that tiny little observation of what happened at Asante in Medford WILL Indeed connect Asante to Knoxville Schule Schute if some one who does national security work were to follow through with that small lead, and some of the background about why the information is important and connected. There is likely going to be other reference to some kind of exhaust sound in some way in the Twitter news stories that come out of the phony schule schute in Tennessee today.
Please don‘t disregard the information simply because you don’t understand it, or see the significance of “Advanced timing knock/ping” at a shooting incident at a school in Tennessee. Further investigations WILL connect Asante to “The Pleasure Dome”, “Tennessee Tuxedo”s” and forced experimental surgeries performed on kidnapped US Citizens. The only way to find that kind of terror information, is to make sure you know of the existence of such activity first, so that you can begin to set your sights to see it, find it, stop it, and arrest the correct people who are responsible for it.
Please refer to the lyrics of this song by Yes, City of Love.
“Justice body, smooth take-over”. You need to change the accent of vocal delivery to understand that the song is about taking over the judicial systems in USA, it’s terror command language.
Also: “Good timing has it’s good price, one trick and you’re stuck with the dice” tells me that Nevada was the target at the time the album was released.
Good timing won’t “ping”, that means “no one is going to say anything about it”.
I could decode the whole song if given an interview. You need to understand that:
“He young and tactile, He ready for anything that is ... how they jive and jingle. they’ve read the book that gives” means that “He young and Tactile” are the terror SDA soldiers who studied the Bible real good, they wait hidden in the shadows, while the SAG operatives draw attention, lead the public safety people into traps.
See Twitter news stories today that specify that in Las Vegas, the city is recommending that grass growing in the back yards of peoples homes is not being targeted for removal, however, grass not intended to be walked on in freeway medians. for instance, is targeted for removal, to help the city preserve water supplies ... look at that story to understand that news media is using that Yes song, City of Love, as command language today, and earlier this week. It’s subtle, because it needs to be subtle, and that is one reason why SAG and Britain are so successful at USA takeover, and mass killings of millions of US citizens.
(Truth: in Las Vegas, the city has been paying residents to remove grass in the residential areas for decades, and replace the grass with “Turf Grass” at a rate of $4,000 per front yard, and per back yard area replaced with turfgrass. There is a trade show, and publication called “Southern Turfgrass” or something close to that. The whole organization that does the “Turfgrass” trade show is a front for terror cells in the state of Nevada).
There is much more to it, and the song is also linked to the Schule Schute in Knoxville Tennessee today.
5:30 pm:
This about the so called vaccinations, advertised on nascar, Deadliest Catch, and Country Music Channel aimed at “Conservative White Males” is about three weapons:
Deadliest Catch = A Thompson Sub Machine Gun w/Drum Magazine: It’s a “nor-easter”. Look at your compass, see that north east is “up, and to the right”, and know that is the aiming characteristics of a Thompson when used by Pacific Power Corp terror army front line soldiers.
nascar = nitrous oxide. Also can be a “roundy-rounder” and a “Go-Faster”, and that means: “revolution statement”.
Country Music Channel = .25 Caliber, vaginally holstered, custom gun used mostly by female SDA terror soldiers.  SDA terror soldiers males are sometimes known to have a “vagina”, just read news on Twitter any day of the year to find “TransGender” news stories. Country, in terror comm, is a “treasonous vagina”.
Those are real terror commands coming from WH Press Secretary.
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This is where Psaki got the order to say the thing about the white conservatives:
Dean Zelinsky of Zelinsky Guitars is one of the Amp Guru High Command of Kauai Island at Kauai Ranch, along with Roger Waters, Ann Wilson, and a dingy filled with a bunch of other British Knights who are also famous musicians.
In the Twitter and news network terror comm, often, when the news is concerning Chicago. that means it’s Valentines Day somewhere, all day long, Thompson’s followed by a virtual visit to a Hallmark Store is loosely commanded this way:
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I am pretty sure Zelinsky was killed at the Grants Pass Walmart about the same week when David Gilmour  was also killed there in defense. I have personally   known Zelinsky and Gilmour since I was about nine years old ... more than fifty years, Gilmour, Waters, Wilson, and a whole bunch of others are all comrades, brothers in arms, going back even farther than that. They are all good friends of one another for many decades, and are knights under British royal command towards USA and global domination.
I learned the hard way, even so, I have found no one interested in learning the easy way, with a simple national security interview to learn why USA is in the state that it is in, and stop the terror take over.
4-13-2021: 12:16 am: Additional Conservative White Male Jen Psaki nascar alternative “Roundy-Rounder” terror comm presented on Twitter:
I suppose we will have to wait ‘til later on to actually see the Roundy-Rounder video presentation from nbc/Universal/Comcast, but for now, here is the teaser (not a taser) trailer still photo version pre-view:
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Honestly, after this week, I am anxious to see some comic relief, this could be an academy award winner it looks like.
I can hardly wait.
8:33 pm:
Local Conditions:
This month, I have not taken hardly any walks outside, so, I don’t have local information that’s worth saying, I stepped outside three times in the past couple of hours, each time the Sunflower terror cell peacocks began to scream peacock screams as soon as I opened the door, that is per usual that some kind of alarm is sounded from Chartrand’s and/Sunflower’s terror cells, triggered to make a noise from the listening devices that are hidden around my front porch somewhere, The alarm at the neighbor terror cells goes off when I open the door, and that provides all of the terror cells around here that I am outside and that a chance to kill me is coming up, the terror army gets into position, they get into cars, take hiding places at Monroe’s terror cell in preparation to kill me.
Same shit as usual, for many years it’s been like that, no one will help me.
The poison leg attack symptoms are changing, they got very painful with new symptoms yesterday. The wound itself on the shin looks pretty much the same as if has, it’s the swelling and the poison material that is still inside my leg that i causing me a lot of grief and agony. My toes still feel numb and frozen most of the time. If I massage the wound areas, I can get the swelling to reduce, however, that produces bruising around the shin ... shins bruise and stay bruised easily, it’ makes yet more pain.
The poisons are coming out of my body, that is good news, it’s just happening in slow motion. The best thing so far to achieve that, is to massage the wound areas, manually push some blood around to places on the wound that the poison might drain out. I do that, then rinse with peroxide, then massage some more, then rinse some more, then massage some more, then rinse more, and I did that routine about fifteen times or more today. The massage session takes about 10 minutes or more, then, after the peroxide is saturated in the wounds, I massage some more after the rinse, to push some of the swollen poison blood towards the open wounds. It’s working, but only a tiny bit of poisons at a time comes out.
There was some scary moments when my foot was very swollen and painful, and when I massaged the area and elevated my foot to get the stuff to move to my torso, all the way down the whole leg, I could feel the burning sensation of the poisons inside my leg the whole way. It got to my chest, and sternum, and burned painfully there for an hour or more a couple of times. That is worrying me, that the poisons are getting in my heart or pancreas. I have a lot of heartburn now, what little food I am eating is not digesting as it should, makes me get hickups after those times when I massaged the poisons down my leg and to my torso. That was very productive for eliminating much of the foot swelling, but the choices were to do that, or, cut a drain hole in my leg somewhere like should have been done at the Urgent Care when I was turned away, and told that the ER Hospital is where I needed to go to have my leg amputated above the knee. That was the advice, and it came without a diagnosis, noninflammatory, or antibiotic or pain medicine. nothing but an amputation was offered, and I was told to drive to another place to have that done last Tuesday at Asante Urgent Care in White City Oregon, Avenue G location.
Other symptoms new starting the past two days ago, is the poison is coming out of my eyes. I was just having blurry vision at first for the morning hours, now, my eyes are dry, there is no fluid in them, and I need to put water drops in my eyes all day, about a pint of water over the past three days has been necessary to add some lubricant so I can blink, and, the poison is making solid chunks of material gather around my eye lids. so, I need to rinse that stuff away. My eyes have been stuck closed as if they wore glued shut the past three days in the mornings.
I am not able to sleep more than a couple hours, it’s too painful, so I get up and massage, and rinse the wounds over and over again.
One of the wounds is making a scab that is as hard as granite, The scab on my low ankle, the one that looks like an alien wound, is as if it turned into a rock, and I cannot pick at it, or even budge the thing to get some peroxide into it.
Walking is no longer a good thing to do. Even a walk to where my car is about fifty feet away takes away all of the massage work to get the swelling down, and I have to start all over again to make the swelling go away.
The poison was pooled up in my heel, on the bottom of my foot, and that really sucked. It’s very difficult to get the fluid out of there with just some manual massaging., and is way too painful to leave there.
Maybe tomorrow I will tale another photo if it looks any different than the last photo I took. Right now, it looks pretty much the same with exception that today the red inflamed area around the wound on the left side of the shin is greatly reduced over the last time I took a picture.
So, local conditions are that the terror army is still using the listening devises that they hid around my front door and other places, as an alarm system that alerts them that I have gone outside, and that allows them plenty of time to get into position for a chance to kill me.
That, and I am still in desperate need of medical help.
There are no signs of helpful people anywhere.
The airplanes are still doing a few low and slow fly-overs above my house every day, and yesterday there were paratrooper assassins, they were killed in defense by ignition of nitrous oxide when I lit my lighter to avoid the attack.
no help has come.
Please send help to Josephine county Oregon.
Please send medical services,
Please study this account to know why, and to understand what has taken place over the past twenty years or more, to make these conditions I report about so overwhelming and difficult to defend against before they take the rest of USA and kill what remaining US citizens there may be still alive somewhere.
0 notes
haidasndwch · 3 years
Best Restaurants Near Rutherford Road
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Restaurant Name: Motorino
Phone Number: (905) 264-1911
Address: 4101 Rutherford Rd, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options
Price: CA$50 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3.5
Google Rating: 4.4
Zomato Rating: 3.8
Foursquare Rating: 6.9
Motorino is moving with the time; it keeps close eyes on its recipes and tastes. Actually, Motorino takes care of customers’ health by offering well-fried options. Step into Motorino near Rutherford Road, and you enter an Italian pizzeria with a home away from home vibe. Motorino responsibly incorporates the most delightful flavours into every dish. Bar departments, catering, and chef’s special offer are more than your expectations. You can find high quality and fresh meals at Motorino. They take pride in providing real Italian cuisine. Let’s check out pizza cooking styles at Motorino. You are the person who decides about pizza cooking style: wood-burning oven or limestone base oven. If you choose the wood-burning style, Motorino provides specialty pizza doughs like bamboo, avocado, chai seed, or gluten-free.
Marcello's Pizzeria
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Restaurant Name: Marcello's Pizzeria
Phone Number: (905) 532-0184
Address: 3175 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 5Y6
Opening Hours: 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options
Price: CA$65 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 4
Google Rating: 4.4
Zomato Rating: 4.5
Foursquare Rating: 7.8
The Italian cuisine of Marcello’s Pizzeria is reassuring with signature items. Thanks to the ambitious and classic-style salon, Marcello has successfully attracted more customers over the years. A pizzeria can be an aesthetically pleasing restaurant only by the fragrant, delicious pizzas. Indeed, you cannot find an Italian restaurant without a bar. Marcello’s subtle bar makes it a completely authentic pizzeria. It is tough to find Italian plates’ authentic flavours in every restaurant, but Marcello is doing just right. Marcello believes being stable in quality is a primary value. White pizza with marinated diced tomatoes and mozzarella wins the award for the most delicious recipe. Among the tastiest selections in pasta plates, Capellini is number one, since it is made of lobster tail with capers and black olives. Penne Alla Vodka is also sweet to taste.
Grazie Ristorante
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Restaurant Name: Grazie Ristorante
Phone Number: (905) 738-9960
Address: 9100 Jane St, Concord, ON L4K 0A4
Opening Hours: 3:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options
Price: CA$60 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3.5
Google Rating: 4.4
Zomato Rating: 3.9
Foursquare Rating: 7.9
In many customers’ opinion, Grazie is the highest quality Italian restaurant near Rutherford Road. The best Italian cuisine over Italy’s borders is released by Grazie, which serves the finest Italian dishes. Customers from all over Canada conduct Grazie’s evaluation. Grazie does its best to transfer the Italian spirit to its guest. Pasta and pizza are served in a vibrant and relaxed space. Grazie is a virtual tour in Italy. Drink offerings and highlight dishes show Grazie’s ability to provide Italian culture in the heart of Canada. Try their homemade meat lasagna. With a meatball sandwich, Grazie is capable of remaining attached to traditional days. Mac and cheese definitely influence your idea about previous ones. Vegetarian lasagna is a prepared meal proper for those who are in a hurry. How about Italian rice balls? Have you ever tasted them? Order these lightly breaded balls, which are filled with mozzarella and parmigiana. Their special bread pudding is made with Italian Panettone and served with caramel sauce. You should do it warm just after your main meal.
AllStar Wings & Ribs
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Restaurant Name: AllStar Wings & Ribs
Phone Number: (289) 304-9969
Address: 3130 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 0B1
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Dish Type: American, Bar, Pub, Canadian, Barbecue
Special Diet:
Price: CA$50 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3
Google Rating: 4.1
Zomato Rating:
Foursquare Rating: 7
AllStar Wings & Ribs serves what are indisputably people’s favourite food. It pays attention to the virtue of menu, vibe, or energy to cause an upmarket restaurant. Take a seat at AllStar’s cozy salon and order well-sourced dishes or use takeout options. AllStar, the wildly popular restaurant, is absolutely one of the must-visit spots near Rutherford Road. This all ready, all set, and all go restaurant was opened in 2003. Indeed, excellent wings and ribs cause an impressive reputation for AllStar. The award-winning recipe attracts many wing lovers from all over the neighbourhood. Sink your teeth into mouth-watering deliciously-made wings and make your stomach happy. Order tender calamari rings and tentacles, then request melt-in-your-mouth Angus beef steaks. Different hot levels of wings add diversity to your meal. Diners should start with Mexican Fiesta Salad, then try Gourmet grilled cheese. Please note that this salad comes with shredded cheddar and mozzarella.
WEGZ Stadium Bar
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Restaurant Name: WEGZ Stadium Bar
Phone Number: (905) 303-9349
Address: 2601 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 2N6
Opening Hours: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM (Next day)
Dish Type: American, Bar, Pizza
Special Diet:
Price: CA$65 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3
Google Rating: 3.8
Zomato Rating: 3.6
Foursquare Rating: 7.6
The exceptional menu of WEGZ Stadium Bar attracts foodies from all over the city to Rutherford Road. It goes all out with unique offerings in this area. WEGZ is one of the handfuls of restaurants in Canada that serves real tastes. This restaurant recently promoted its services and items. WEGZ completes its own goodness through its energetic team and friendly atmosphere. There are several personal booths with TVs to make you comfortable during your visit. Moreover, WEGZ is an ideal place for your parties. There are many available attractive facilities at WEGZ. Cobb salad is a favourite item for a healthy, active lifestyle. Those who are seeking a delicious taste must try coconut shrimp topped with sweet lime chilli sauce. Classic poutine has its own fans. You can also add double cheese curds, BBQ pulled pork, beef chilli, and crispy onions to your poutine. Enjoy the best classic nachos of your life at WEGZ. This item is a natural refreshment and proper for a light or bright meal. Meat lovers can order a deluxe pizza stuffed with Italian sausage, ground beef, pepperoni, and bacon. Golden fried haddock and French fries cause a legendary fish and chips.
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Restaurant Name: Denny's
Phone Number: (289) 236-6161
Address: 2610 Rutherford Rd, Vaughan, ON L4K 0H1
Opening Hours: Open 24 hours
Dish Type: American, Canadian
Special Diet:
Price: CA$30 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 3
Google Rating: 3.8
Zomato Rating:
Foursquare Rating: 6.6
Whether you want to indulge in American dishes or dig into a basket of Canadian ones, Denny’s is a lovely spot to go. We are not sure which cuisine gets the most love. It depends on your personal preference to choose from an extensive Denny’s menu. Anyway, they are experts on food services. Denny’s is a relaxed place where people can enjoy classic comfort food every day. They pride themselves in serving world-famous appetizers, breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Try something new and mouth-watering on your holiday with the help of Denny’s crews. Also, you can take your meal home. Are you feeling super hungry? Super Slam is the proper choice to start your day. Hash browns, bacon, and sausage are making a big meal for a small price. Feed your family by selecting one of Denny’s family packs.
Antonino's Pizzeria & Panini
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Restaurant Name: Antonino's Pizzeria & Panini
Phone Number: (905) 303-4888
Address: 1801 Rutherford Rd, Concord, ON L4K 5R7
Opening Hours: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Dish Type: Italian, Pizza
Special Diet: Vegetarian Friendly
Price: CA$40 for two people
Delivery: No
Yelp Rating: 4
Google Rating: 4.5
Zomato Rating: 4.4
Foursquare Rating: 7.7
Antonino’s Pizzeria & Panini focuses professionally on Italian cuisine. The immediate success of this pizzeria makes it one of the impeccable spots near Rutherford Road. A though-line of freshness gives the feast cohesion at Antonio’s. Finish your day with the spirit alive pizzas by Antonio’s suggestion. Are you planning for an event? Ask Antonio’s to cater the food for you as they specialize in family functions, hosting friends, and more. You will be grateful after tasting award-winning pizzas. Come to Antonio’s and choose your favourite among a variety of Italian sandwiches. No restaurant can make panini better than Antonio’s. Moreover, Antonio’s makes the most delicious Italian pizzas in Canada, and it is far more than a simple pizzeria. Antonio’s provides an authentic experience for you with plenty of selection for soups, salads, homemade pasta, and appetizers.
0 notes
rwaggs81 · 6 years
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It’s 8:00 pm here.  I just woke from a nap.  I really needed it. As you may have noticed, my mood on these posts is mostly positive.  Part of me wants to keep it that way.  The other part of me realizes that if I don’t keep this real, there’s no real point in doing it in the first place.  Today was when the homesickness bit me really hard for the first time on this trip.  I know 3 days in seems early, but knowing myself, I expected as much.  I am prone to homesickness.  I am very reliant on routine.  I am rooted.  Part of why I planned this thing the way I did was because of my understanding of my nature. This morning, I parted with my room of the first two nights.  The place was uncommonly quiet and calm for Ho Chi Minh.  Just what I needed, in a way.  The room, however, was quite isolating and a tad depressing, if I stopped to think about it.  I checked this morning if they still had the room available tonight, just in case, but they didn’t...which ultimately is probably a good thing for two reasons. 1.  I need some good sleep to get past the initial jet lag, and I wasn’t getting it there.  I’d sleep really deep for about 4 or 5 hours, and that’s it. 2.  I need to not get frozen in place. Each day here so far, I’ve started with a pretty positive energy.  This morning was no exception.  At 9 am, when I left with my bike all packed up with bags, the air was still somewhat cool, I was in good spirits, and I had the knowledge that I needed to find a new place to stay tonight.  Part of me wants to stay in one of the hostels in the backpacker district, but I think that the back of my mind knows that I’m not feeling that social just yet.  I also wonder if there’s part of me who feels like an imposter in that setting due to my age.  I suspect I’ll find out soon.   The first place I went this morning was the backpacker section of District 1 to look around.  I ended up sitting at a table on the street with an older German fellow named Axel.  He was nice enough, and it was nice to just interact with someone, but uniform to the other days here, the place started wearing me down over the next hour.  The street vendors who constantly approach with the sames wares and the same robotic sales tactics were in full effect....(points to my sunglasses, then to a similar pair on his mobile display)... Him:  “I have same, but real, not fake” Me:  “That’s okay, I only need the one pair.”  This back and forth goes on about 6 times, before he just stands there and stares at me for about 30 seconds, pulls the same routine with the German guy, and finally leaves.  In the course of an hour, this process repeated itself at least 10 times.  Sometimes glasses.  Sometimes a wallet.  Sometimes this unique flint and tinder style lighter, and sometimes fabric wares.  I point to my bike bags to show them that I literally have no room to add to my belongings.  No dice.  Eventually, I just have to go into broken record mode. Them:  “Hello, look...” Me.  “Khong, Cam On!”  over and over until they give up and leave. I think that the charm of the backpacker district is lost on me.  By day, it’s as I described, and by night, it’s something that I may have enjoyed when I was 19 and heading up to dance clubs in Canada.  It drains my energy.   Axel explained to me that he has a “girlfriend” during his visit.  You can see these couples walking around the district.  Older men with younger Vietnamese girls, in a kind of consensual partnership.  Axel gives a pretty good breakdown of how this works.  He approached this girl at a bar and started talking to her.  She gloms on to him, comes to his room, basically acts as an escort.  He buys her nice things, and presumably pays her something when it’s time for him to leave.  He told me that he went briefly to the place where she lives.  8 people living in a small apartment.  Motorscooters stored inside at night.  Everyone sleeping on the floor and still each paying $100 per month in rent.  Each engaged in various hustles to get by (if you don’t have a hustle here, you are FUCKED.) Axel, frankly, seems like a normal guy.  Am I not normal in that I could never, EVER envision myself pursuing an arrangement like this?  I’m uncomfortable even thinking about it.  This place stokes my empathetic nature, but there’s no way to personally assist literally millions of people.  It’s just a way of life to them. When Axel takes his leave, I decide it is time to figure out my room situation.  Turns out that I’m as indecisive about this as I am about where to travel next.  I kinda just ride around aimlessly for awhile.  Then I stop to look at booking sites on my phone.  I finally settle on something a little more expensive than I’d done the previous two nights, realizing that my emotional state is likely being hindered by a lack of sleep and wishing to isolate myself better for a night.  A “western” feeling hotel, which costs relatively less here than back home... I find one.  It says District 1.  I book it, and start navigating to the address.  I didn’t realize how expansive the area that qualifies as District 1 was.  A couple miles of riding, and I’m in what must be the “Japantown” I’ve read about.  This may seem weird, but I’m already in a state of adjusting to one culture, and I’m not super thrilled with being  in that culture’s version of another culture...but whatever.  I navigate to the place, and it even has the address written fully on the gate..but is CLEARLY not the place, or even a hotel.  I log back into Hotels.com.  I’m going to try to cancel the booking and go back towards the area I’m more familiar with.  I must call.  I have very limited actually call minutes.  I get a girl on the phone, explain the situation and am put on hold for 5 minutes.  Ugh.  I can’t do this, so I hang up the phone and just ride around the area for a while, and finally find the place.  Every reference to the place online is the wrong address.  I can’t possibly be the only one who’s run into this issue. Anyway, its big, and western.  They view my sweaty appearance with pretty thinly veiled annoyance, and are probably not thrilled with my bike.  Elderly white tourists pack the downstairs restaurant bar.  I’m a little disgusted with myself for even being there, but I don’t care.  I need sleep and quiet.  I go upstairs to my beautiful room with beautiful view and even more beautiful double headed shower (first things first), and shut the world out.  One call to the on site laundry service, and one quick trip downstairs for a shot of Makers Mark and a surprisingly excellent cheeseburger and downright heavenly mango smoothie (these people do not mess around when it comes to juice and such), and I’m back in my room at 3 pm and ready for a nap. GREAT nap.  Insane dreams.  I feel better.  I feel like I will sleep again tonight well.  I feel resolved that I’m going to head to Cambodia tomorrow or the next day.  I’m going to book myself at a popular hostel there, throw myself in socially and stop taking myself so seriously.  The hostel in question actually runs a pub crawl nightly...which seems a little juvenile, but the price they charge for it goes straight to educating local kids.  They pay their local help a lot more than prevailing wage.  Maybe that will make me feel better about things.  I may head to the coast south of Phnom Penh after that.  I will be a typical white tourist in Siem Reap and see the incredible temples.  I think that I will then head to Bangkok for a bit, and then take the Central Thailand train route to Chiang Mai, with some interesting stops on the way.  First, I’m going to go out here in friggin Japantown and get myself a beer.  These plans are all subject to change. Asia, even when it resembles home, is weird.  It’s actually weirder when it tries to cater to western tastes.  It feels weird in the bones.  It takes adjustment.  That is all. PS.  I’m fine, and safe, and healthy.  I’m just being real, and I feel better for it.  Love you all.
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imlovedavestrider · 7 years
Discord DnD Game
if anyone is interested in joining the dnd game being set up, just pm me and fill out the following application. we can only accept so many people (we dont want the game getting too big) so pls dont feel bad if you dont get accepted! its like mostly first come first serve basis. the rules are copied below the cut, please read those before applying. you MUST follow the rules!
and spot for dm is currently still open so lemme know if you wanna dm. experience doing so is preferred but not required.
DnD Experience (none is ok!!):
Do you need to create a character?
Do you want others to help?
Do you have physical dice?
Will you use an online dice app?
Will you use the dice bot on discord?
Do you promise and swear to tell the truth about all dice rolls?
Do you promise to respond as soon as possible and be active?
Discord user:
If you don’t get accepted into this game (we can only have so many people) would you be interested in future games?
Would you like to be automatically considered for future games should they happen?
Are you interested in being a DM for any future games?
Server Rules:
1. No homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. Be respectful and nice.
2. NO CHEATING! Make it a fun game, ok? Tell the truth about your rolls and stats.
3. Respond in a timely manner. Gameplay will be going on whenever possible. Please respond as soon as possible and be active! Respond within the next 12 hours please. If you will not be able to, let us all know (me and the dm at the very least)
4. Keep discussions in the proper chats. Gameplay only in the gameplay channel-if it relates to what’s happening in the game, it goes there.
5. General discussion is just for getting to know each other and talking and stuff. Not necessarily related to the game.
6. Read all the pinned messages.
7. Follow all these rules and the game rules.
8. Please be at least vaguely familiar with dnd and how it works. This is super open to brand new players and we are here to help you out, of course, though!
9. If there are any issues, please come to me and/or the dm.
10. Have fun! Be nice! And enjoy the game!
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sanoiro · 7 years
Lucifer 3x01 - They’re Back Aren’t They? - Spoilers and Speculation (Updated Sep. 13)
The episode numbers correspond to the Lucifer Writers’ Room scripts and NOT their airing order! 
Warning! There is always a possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes. Also, some spoilers might have been misplaced and as such certain posts may be edited in time. 
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Press Release: 
After a confused Lucifer wakes up in the middle of the desert with his wings back, he recruits the help of Chloe to help figure out what happened to him and why. 
Upon doing their own research, they come across a crime scene that could be tied to Lucifer’s kidnapping. 
When the Lancaster Police Department get involved, newcomer Lieutenant Marcus Pierce (Tom Welling) fails to make a great impression on everyone with his stern demeanour. 
The investigation goes awry when Lucifer finds himself in another compromising situation and something much darker is revealed.
Season Three premiere episode of LUCIFER airing Monday, Oct. 2 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (L-301) (TV-14 D, L, V)
Written by  Ildy Modrovich
Directed by Karen Gaviola.
Promos: Promo Things are Heating in Season 3 (Sep. 16) Promo: Hotter than Hell (Sep. 13)
Preview: It's Getting Hotter Than Ever (Sep. 11) Promo: Same Devil, New time (Aug. 25)
This post follows the logic of the standalone posts. We gather all the spoilers and the information in one place. At least we try... 
What is new this season set-wise?
We have a precinct bathroom and a secret entrance to Lucifer’s penthouse. We may not see them in the first episode of the season but it’s good to remember that they exist. 
Our first spoiler for 3x01 came from our very own @mischief-with-sandra but then we knew that some of their first shootings were outside in L.A.  We have plenty of videos which show Lucifer and Chloe confronting probably a suspect before Lucifer has enough and throws him into the pool which is just a story down...  The unfortunate guy is Pej Vahdat
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The videos of that scene can be seen: Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4
Afterwards, we had several videos and photos but the most notable was Tom Ellis trying to get into his role’s mood while joking between dicing and slicing... Yet the question remains why does Lucifer has Maze’s daggers when we know that Maze is not in episode 1 and appears probably in the 3rd aired episode of the season with probably the standalone episode 2x19 Mr and Mrs Smith.
My speculation here still stands that maze had a lot to do with Lucifer’s kidnapping. 
The video of Tom Ellis mentioned above can be found here:
3x01 yet features other locations as well. The Santa Monica Bay and what is underneath it... Perhaps it's for a case of perhaps Lucifer needs to get back there to make sure Mum is really gone... A wild guess from my part to be honest...
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Now from the promos, we do know due to the clothes that Lucifer has something important to say to Chloe but he fails as always. My best guess is that he tries to tell her he was kidnapped and she sees it as another attempt to get back to her good graces again... That can be more or less verified from the mid-July interviews where it is reported that Chloe will find Lucifer’s claims doubtful over him being kidnapped by SInnerman or that his Dad being behind it. So yes at first she may doubt him but eventually, she will realise the truth unfortunately not the one we want but we will have to make the most of it...
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Also, we don’t know for sure whether the promo scene with Lucifer and Marcus is from 3x01 or it is a shooting sequence... What we do know from Comic Con is that Tom Welling as Marcus Pierce does appear in the first episode after his own admission that he forgot his lines during a shoot.... So with some reservations, I have to say 3x01 welcome Marcus Pierce! 
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Other scenes we know they belong in 3x01 include the famous first shoot of S3 with a rather ominously gleeful Lucifer looking through a window and setting aside the drapes. 
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Another scene which may or may not be included in 3x01 but it may start the second episode of the season is the following. 
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@ships-sailing-in-the-night and I have speculated a lot about that scene... We have mentioned the plaster and that Lucifer seems to be wearing his black velvet robe but what does Linda doing with him? Harris joked about a pillow fight but in reality, we know very little about this. We do know that there is a set which may or may not be Linda’s house and it sporting some rather interesting Buhdas and other kinds of woodwork.. (Just imagine Lucifer commenting on them)  Our best guess is that both characters are feeling vulnerable at the moment so there is a probability that either Lucifer wants a short term roommate even if it;s only for a night or that he seeks Linda’s presence as he feels lost. No matter what be prepared for some quivering lips when that scene airs... 
One more thing the audience should be prepared for is that Lucifer will be seen back to the dessert...  Today (Sep. 13) The press release cleared certain spoilers under the correct episode! The murder in the similar setting where Lucifer was left in the desert implies that the shooting in the dessert was entirely for 3x01 and not for 3x02!  Lucifer, Chloe, Dan and Ellllla investigate a really odd grave like site, bearing a lot similarities with Lucifer’s kidnapping in the middle of the desert… Can you say Sinnerman? Perhaps we don’t know for sure but what we do know is that the crew had to spend an entire day there in the middle of the summer. Just for that, I would watch it if I were you. 
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Videos which may give an idea of what was going on there are the following: Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5
Finally, we do know that the crew also shot some scenes after the sun had set so... be prepared for that as well!
Behind the Scenes Videos: Video 1 
Video 2 
Video 3 Video 4
Video 5
Video 6 
Video 7
Video 8
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