#I sit on a nearby low wall and wait until I see a couple guys in UPS uniforms coming around the corner
whumpupthejam · 2 years
Running For It - pt. 1
// A/N: If you saw this fic the first time I posted it, no you didn’t lol. It needed... fixing. It...wasn’t right. Lol. Anyway, yada-yada, here’s the Marcus boy, back again as I promised! I’m planning three parts to this currently, and parts 2 & 3 are already underway. I also have a few Other Things up my sleeve when it comes to this lil story-verse. I just really want to write for all these guys again, and I had a surprise burst of inspiration, so we’re running with it, bc that’s what you do, right? Thanks for reading, you don’t know what it means to me. :) //
Marcus’s stomach churns with dread. Half his instincts tell him to just go back downstairs--not to try anything stupid. If the Man catches him, he knows he’ll be better off dead than facing whatever he’ll put him through. But the other half of him whirs with hope and excitement. If he stays where he is--just to, what, play safe?--he might never get another chance like this.
If he stays, he’d rather be dead anyway.
He steps carefully. There are a few chairs and a coffee table he has to maneuver around as he makes his way through the living room, silent as a mouse. 
He struggles to even out his breaths, but it’s difficult when he’s still in so much pain. Every breath in and out aggravates the wounds he acquired in this afternoon’s session. It’s a miracle he’s even upright.
Evidently, the Man assumed he’d be too broken down to even move for the rest of the night. Either that, or he simply forgot to lock the door behind him, in some bizarre lapse of character. And yet, he had left it unlocked. Marcus had listened for the clank of the bolt, straining his ears as he always did--hoping against hope. But it had never come. And when he’d forced himself to crawl over to the door, using the handle to drag himself up, it had opened for him.
After that, it was only a game of waiting. Of staying quiet and sitting tight until enough time had passed that Marcus was willing to take the plunge in hopes that it was nighttime and the Man had fallen asleep. And when he’d reached the end of the bleak hallway and climbed the stairs, pushing the door open silently at the top, he’d seen he was right. 
The house is dark, the only sounds are those of a softly ticking clock, and the structure itself moaning and whining as the wind pushes it about.
When he reaches the entryway of the house, he stands for a couple moments, staring at the door, drawing shuddering breaths and thinking. He’ll have to get this exactly right the first time. He needs to be smart. He draws the curtain aside from the big front window and peers out. The moonlight is gentle on his eyes and on his skin as it washes him. Everything outside is outlined sharply in shadow, and the pane of the window is cold, a halo of fog forming around his fingertip as he touches it. Across the street, there are some thick woods. He can see only one house nearby, but in the distance, he sees that the little road the two houses are on connects to a bigger road. Where that leads, how far it is to the nearest town, he’s not sure.
His eyes narrow on the car parked in the driveway.
Silently, he creeps back into the rest of the house, to the kitchen this time.
He glances around, not wanting to move too much. The floor is made up of wide slats of wood, and he doesn’t trust it not to creak at the worst possible moment. In the kitchen, there are only normal things. A kettle on the stovetop, a tea canister not far away. Nestled into the corner are a few cookbooks, with many tattered sticky notes pressed between the pages. There’s a butcher’s block with a full set of knives. Pans hanging on the wall. Orange oven mitts on the counter. A slowly dripping faucet. Potted plants in the window. There’s even a small circle display case with what look like brownies inside. It even looks like some have been eaten. On the fridge, hanging by a magnet, there’s the beginnings of a grocery list: milk, and fabric softener.
He lets out a low breath. This could be anyone’s home. Any normal person might have collected these things and arranged them in a way that made them happy.
His eye snags at last on a bit of metal glinting in the pale light from the kitchen window. A keyring hangs by the back door. Bingo.
Just to the left of the door is a set of stairs, and Marcus somehow knows they lead up to his bedroom. He imagines he can hear soft snores coming from up there and it briefly reminds him of his father. He hisses through his teeth and shakes that thought loose before it can linger.
The injuries on his front and back pulse with heat as he takes a slow step into the kitchen. Nothing. Silence. He takes another, and it’s the same. He eyes the keyring across the room. He just needs to reach those keys.
His weight shifts and the floorboard suddenly pops loudly beneath his foot, freezing him on the spot. Any heat disappears from his body, his senses flipping into overdrive as he listens carefully.
The clock tick-tick-ticks from the living room. The wind moans against the windows of the house. The only other sound he can hear is a fly buzzing against the kitchen window, desperate to get through the glass. Stupid thing. He has an idiotic feeling of sympathy for it.
Marcus lets his shoulders relax and is preparing to take another step toward the keys when he hears a creak from upstairs. 
A single thought is not spared as he spins on his heel, tearing back toward the front door. He would’ve gone for the back door since it was closer, but he doesn’t know what’s out there. At least he’s seen what’s in the front.
“Fuck!” He swears as his thigh slams hard into a chair on his mad scramble through the living room. He doesn’t let it slow him.
He hits the front door hard, fumbling to unlock it. Suddenly, his memory is jogged and he’s thrown back to that night that seems so long ago now, when the Man first took him. He’d been shaking, terrified as he grappled with his keys and groceries. That night definitely did not end in his favor.
The deadbolt unlatches as heavy footsteps now fly down the stairs--Marcus makes a small panicked noise as he hears them reach the kitchen.
Please, please, oh god, let me get out. I have to get out!
“Shit, shit,” he groans, his fingers moving to the lock of the handle and twisting.
The door swings inward and then he throws open the screen door, letting it smack into the side of the house.
And he’s running.
He can’t remember ever running this hard, pumping his legs to the absolute limit. Everything burns. His feet slam into the asphalt, hurtling him toward the tree-line.
Faster. Faster. Faster! Oh, god, oh jesus fuck, is he behind me? Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look!
Marcus hears the screen door rattle against the side of the house again as he passes through the line of trees. He makes a split second decision, switching course and running as far as possible to the right, diving into the first ditch he comes to.
He lies down as far as he can, praying he won’t be visible unless the Man is right on top of him, and further praying that the man will assume he ran forward into the woods, not sharply to the right as he had.
Marcus ignores the way his skin feels like it’s being peeled off all over--ignores the aching chill that has steadily grown in his bones, and the cold sweat that covers him. There’s something wet tickling its way down his body, and he can’t determine whether it’s sweat or blood.
Oh fuck, oh Christ.
Oh please, please, please. Don’t let him find me. I can’t go back--
Not again, not again, not again!
He clasps his hands over the agonized noise that almost leaves his mouth when he hears the Man crash through the trees. He stops breathing and his lungs scream at him. He ignores that, too.
There’s a horrible, sickening moment when Marcus realizes the wind has stilled. The night’s silence stretches maliciously as the Man pauses to listen for him--not even offering the sounds of insects to cover Marcus’s breathing. Marcus bites his lips hard, squeezing himself to stop the shivers that quake through him. Any tiny movement, he fears, will alert the Man to his presence.
Marcus’s throat is tight. He can’t breathe, Jesus Christ!
“Well, well. Look at you. You’re not being a very good boy, now are you?” The Man takes a step.
He screams silently, biting down on his own flesh again. The Man’s heavy footsteps through the underbrush send hot skewers through Marcus’s chest.
“I’ll find you. You understand that, don’t you? There isn’t anywhere you can hide from me.”
Is-- is his voice closer now? Is he coming this way?
“Maaarcus,” he taunts. Sticks crack, leaves rustle. “Come out, come out, Little Cricket. You know you’ve been bad, but if you come out now, I might not crush you completely.” He pauses again. “I know you’re not feeling well,” he says sweetly, “So I’ll forgive you. I’ll even do all I can to make you feel better before I have to punish you--and I will have to punish you, you know. Come on,” he says, on the move again. Too close. “Make the right choice, Precious.”
Marcus shakes uncontrollably, doing everything in his power to silence the panicked breaths escaping around his palm. He presses his hand tight on his mouth, tasting dirt and sweat. Silent whimpers fill his throat and he almost chokes trying to swallow them down again.
The Man has to be almost on top of him now. This is it.
There’s a sudden noise further out in the woods. Marcus’s eyes widen. What the hell? It has to be some kind of animal, but it sounds just enough like a person making a run for it, that the Man takes off immediately in the direction of the noise without a word.
Those heavy footsteps fade into the distance. Marcus peeks over the top of the ditch, scouring the darkness for any sign of the Man’s return. He sees nothing.
He wastes no time. The Man has to realize soon that whatever he’s chasing isn’t Marcus and he’ll turn back. Marcus shoves down the pain once again. He can think about it later, he decides, as he pulls himself out of the ditch, forcing himself not to scream as the wounds are aggravated on his stomach. He stands slowly, requiring the help of a nearby branch. He only takes one second to breathe the pain back down before he forces himself to run again.
He doesn’t bother being quiet this time, rushing into the kitchen and snatching the keys from their hook. They’re cold in his fingers, and he’s practically buzzing as he runs back outside and hauls himself into the driver’s seat of the small car.
“Yeah!” He shouts, slamming his hands against the steering wheel as the car roars to life. He bursts into almost maniacal laughter as he backs recklessly down the driveway. Freedom is so close, Marcus can taste it--he can smell it.
There’s a flicker of movement in the rearview and Marcus twists around to see the Man hurtling toward him from the tree-line like a train. “Oh shit!” He spins the car in the right direction and slams the pedal down, tires screeching. The Man's hand makes brief contact with the trunk before the car peels away, leaving him in a cloud of dust and exhaust.
Marcus’s eyes are wide, and he feels his heartbeat in his mouth as he watches his captor grow smaller in the mirrors before disappearing completely. He’s not sure if the Man has another vehicle or not, but at the moment he can’t bring himself to care.
He. . . he got away. Can it be true? Can this moment be real?
A new wave of mad laughter bubbles in his throat. He does his best trying to stay on the road as his body is racked with it. In the end, it all went as perfectly as he could’ve hoped. He flicks his gaze up to the stars, tears forming as he thanks whoever’s up there for his escape.
The stars. When did he last see them? It almost hurts his eyes, how lovely they are. He’ll never take them for granted again. Not for as long as he lives.
He shakes himself, his groan long and low as the pain in his body reintroduces itself with a vengeance. But he can’t slow down yet. There’s too much to do.
He has to get to town, go to the police, report this son of a bitch, find a phone, call his friends. That thought alone almost does him in. The thought of hearing Caleb’s voice, or Jake’s. Or Elena’s. God, how he’s missed them all. They’re all that kept him sane these past weeks amidst the torture, humiliation, and misery.
Marcus turns onto a country road that he’s shocked to realize is familiar to him. He thinks this road is one he remembers leading to a small town he’s visited before but can’t recall the name of.
Holy shit. He laughs again, his head light. He knows where he is--sort of. Strangely enough, now that he’s out on the road, he can see that the Man didn’t take him far away at all--maybe only an hour or so away from home! Marcus has driven these roads before, on trips in and out of town.
He pushes the pedal down a bit further, his heart leaping with the anticipation of going home. Home! He almost doesn’t believe it.
Suddenly he’s startled by a high pitched chirp from behind him, and the interior of the car floods with red and blue light. The lights hurt his head, and he squints, raising a hand to shield his eyes as he slows to a stop on the side of the road. He watches a stocky man climb out of the police cruiser and approach. His stomach is uneasy again.
What now?
Taglist (I know it’s been actual eons, lol so if anyone wants to be added/removed, just let me know!): @whatwasmyprevioususername @whumphours 
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My Love - Castiel Novak
Hi, finally have a fic ready for you guys! Sorry about that dry couple of weeks, I've had a lot going on.
ALSO I know I said I was going to post this yesterday, I forgot lmao
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Blood, violence, injury.
x gender neutral reader, no usage of y/n, enemies to lovers undertones, hurt/comfort
Summary: Castiel and the reader fight and Cas tells them that they are unfit to be a hunter. Fuming, the reader goes off on a solo hunt to blow off some steam but gets seriously hurt, leaving them no choice but to call their angel.
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“What the fuck did you just say??” I hissed at the angel in front of me, my voice dangerously low.
His face remained expressionless, his tone emotionless. “I said I do not think you are fit to be a hunter.” He continued calmly. “You are impulsive and reckless, you will cause the Winchesters to get hurt. They trust you too much."
"Fuck you." I growled, slamming the book I had been studying shut and stalking out of the library. 
I fumed as I walked angrily down the hallway to where the brothers kept all of their equipment. 
I had been studying up on vampires, as we had found a nest of them nearby. We were going to head out as soon as they came back from their salt and burn on the other side of the state.
As soon as I entered the room, I started gathering the necessary things for killing vamps. I didn't feel I had to prove my worth to him, no, I needed to let off some steam by myself and I couldn't wait another day to for Sam and Dean to get back.
 According to reports, it was just a handful of them anyways- strong but inexperienced newly-turned vamps. Nothing I couldn't handle on my own. Most of them hadn't even been bothered to try and hide the evidence of their kills, leaving them in plain sight to any passerby of the alleyway in which they had killed and fed. 
I tossed the equipment in the backseat of my car, slamming the door shut with a little more force than necessary. 
I arched and spun in a dance of anger and violence, slicing off vamps' heads left and right as they took hesitant swipes and dives at me, unsure how a human was kicking their asses. 
There had been a few more than I anticipated, but then, they were also a lot more inexperienced than I had thought too. They had been living an extremely sheltered life with a big, bustling city nearby as a food source- where it was easy to pick people off left and right and not sound too many alarms.
As I spun around to face the one I had sensed standing behind me, they flipped me over on my back, slamming me down hard into the ground. It winded me terribly and I thought I heard a sickening crack.
My eyes widened in surprise and pain as the vampire hovered over me, snarling. The others, the newborns, circled around, more of them appearing from the shadows.
Fuck. It had been a trap.
Another older vampire stepped out, the newborns parted to make way for him as I struggled to sit up.
I was met with a sharp kick to my chest, and this time I definitely heard something snap. I cried out, falling back down to the ground gasping and clutching at my chest.
I heard his footsteps draw near. I scrambled upright, barely ignoring the pain that blossomed in my chest, and shoved myself back until my back hit the wall. I uttered a low groan and squeezed my eyes shut.
I heard the vamp hiss right before I felt a light breeze in my face. I pried my eyes open to see her face inches from mine, her eyes blood red.
I held my ground, not shrinking back from her in fear. I met her gaze defiantly before spitting in her face. She grinned; a sick expression that twisted her features menacingly and showed off her fangs. 
My stare was unwavering, as was hers, until the other vampire appeared behind her, snarling. Her grin grew even wider.
All of a sudden I felt a searing pain across my arm. I all but screamed out in agony. My arm was on fire. I felt hot blood run down onto my hand and drip off of my fingers. 
I shakily reached for my concealed dagger with my other hand before she slashed my other arm, effectively rendering me helpless from pain alone. It felt like her nails were laced with some sort of venom, it burned so bad.
I heard the excited shrieks and snarls of the newborns, barely containing themselves at the smell of my blood. My vision wavered as I foggily evaluated my situation.
The chances I made it out of this alive were very..slim. Sam and Dean were on the other side of the state, there was no way they could get to me in time, and if I had to die I didn't want them to know where I was or what had happened to me. They would feel guilty. I didn't want that.
Being a hunter, I had accepted the fact that I would die much earlier than other people. I just didn't think it would be like this. I had expected to go down fighting, at the very least, and not on some solo mission fueled by frustrations.
Another option suddenly appeared in my mind. Castiel. But was that really an option? Would he even listen to my prayer?
As my vision grew hazy and I felt my body fall limply to the side, I prayed to him. My desire to live, or at least not die in such a pathetic way, outweighed my distrust and 'hatred' towards the angel. 
Truth be told, I had wanted to get to know him, after the Winchesters had first introduced us. We had even gotten along for the first few weeks. Then something in him just changed. 
After coming back from a hunt with Sam and Dean, they had sustained some minor injuries. I, on the other hand, had gotten pretty badly beat up. All the demons had just seemed to focus on me. 
Castiel had coldly healed up my injuries before turning away and not saying another word. "Cas?" I asked hesitantly. I had never seen the angel this pissed before, his jaw set as if he were stone.
He shook his head tensely before turning away from me. I heard a fluttering of wings and he was gone.
He had avoided me as much as he could after that. If we had to speak to each other, it was brisk and cold. A far contrast from how it was before. 
A sharp hit to my ribs brought me back to my painful reality, my eyes flying open as I scrambled to press myself closer to the wall. 
Even through the black dots that crowded my vision, I could see the newborns moving in closer and closer, barely containing their excitement. 
The dots grew more prominent and my eyes fluttered shut. My body relaxed into the ground, accepting my fate as I desperately prayed to Cas one more time. My senses became muted.
I heard a faint screech from the female vamp followed by frantic steps and a whoosh.
She fell to the floor dead and her partner joined her soon after. The newborns scrambled away in a panic, darting off.
I flinched back into the wall as a figure approached me. My arms weakly found their way to my ribs as I clutched my middle as if that alone would protect my battered ribcage.I fought to keep my eyes open.
A large, warm hand rested lightly on my side. My eyes shot open as I gasped and struggled to push myself up with the last of my energy. My palms kept slipping in the pool of my own blood surrounding me on the floor. I whimpered when I fell back, jarring my ribs. My vision was too blurry to see who, or what, was in front of me. 
I felt the hand on my side again but this time I didn't fight them, I had no fight left in me. I felt them slip their arms underneath my limp form and I gasped in pain, weakly trying to push them away. 
"It's okay. I've got you." I heard a familiar deep voice reassure me. They held me close to their chest. I felt a tingling sensation dance across my skin, and soon they were striding forward. I didn't remember much more than that before I blacked out completely.
I woke up, groaning as I propped myself up onto my forearms. As my vision came into focus, I found a very worried looking angel by my bedside.
"Cas?" I croaked out. I coughed.
He glanced up at me and I heard him utter something in Enochian under his breath before he addressed me. "You're awake." He stated plainly.
So he was going to be like that. "No shit sherlock." I growled out, propping myself up against the headboard. Although, I now realized, he had healed me, I was still incredibly weak. The small amount of movement drained me.
"No, it's just- I-" He started. 
"No, I get it." I muttered. "I'm reckless. Sorry for calling on you, you shouldn't have to clean up after my mistakes. I'll just fucking die next time, yeah?" Fatigue forgotten, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, pushing myself to my feet.
I immediately swayed as I did so, a bout of dizziness hitting me like a brick wall. I stumbled.
Castiel immediately stood up and rushed to support me before I fell. I tore myself away from him, leaning unsteadily against the wall. 
"I'm fine." I snapped. 
I sat back down on the bed, utterly exhausted from the small bit of exertion. I blinked hard to clear the dots in my sight, groaning as my head pounded. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I leaned sideways into the wall and groaned again, squeezing my eyes shut. Everything hurt and I felt like shit.
"Hey." His voice was suddenly close, I forced my tired eyes open and almost jumped back when I realized his face was inches from mine. 
He must have seen the surprise written across my face. He fell back into the chair by my bedside mumbling a "Sorry."
I knew the apology was for more than just startling me. 
I tiredly leaned back against the wall sighing. The room fell into a somewhat comfortable silence as my eyes drifted shut once again.
"I'm sorry." He said again out of nowhere, breaking the quiet. I opened my eyes. He had a frown on his face as he stared down at the floor.
"I didn't mean it. You're a capable hunter, even more than that. That's what.." He hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing. "Scares me. It scares me." He broke off with a sigh before glancing up to meet my eyes.
I saw nothing but concern in his icy gaze, along with something else I couldn't quite place. No, it wasn't that I couldn't place it, it was just so foreign to see on his face, the heaviness of the emotion.
"I think I care about you." He frowned again, creasing his eyebrows and tearing his stare from me to direct it at where the wall met the floor. "No, I think I'm in love with you." He said softly.
It surprised me, to say the least. Not because I didn't return the feelings, no, because I had thought it was the other way around.
This time, I was the one who hesitated in shock. I saw the look on his face and before he could backpedal I asked, "Why this..now? After whatever I did to make you act like a dick to me these past few weeks." 
"It wasn't your fault." He started hesitantly. "After that hunt, you remember?" 
I nodded. "I realized how.. human you are. How fragile." 
"I thought, by some poor judgment, if I could get you to believe you were a bad hunter, if I told you that you would eventually cause Sam and Dean to get hurt, that I could get you to quit." I opened my mouth to say what a low blow that was, but before I could get any words out he shushed me. 
"I now realize that was a terrible idea." He raised his eyes to meet mine. They were full of genuine regret.
A heavy silence filled the room.
"I think I love you too." I said quietly, eventually. 
His gaze flickered up to mine.
"I forgive you, you know." I added softly. 
He leaned forward, taking me into his arms and giving me a gentle squeeze. It took me a second to process what was actually happening, but soon enough I wrapped my arms around him, clutching onto his trench coat for dear life as his large hand traced comforting circles on my back. 
I sighed, relaxing into him as he pressed a timid kiss to my hair. I smiled up at him, leaning up to peck his lips.
A smile found its way onto his face as he leaned down to capture me back into another kiss, with so much affection it was almost overwhelming.
As we broke away, I leaned back into his chest as he rocked us back and forth. I shut my tired eyes.l as his warmth surrounded me.
I heard him mumble the same Enochian phrase from earlier into my hair. I vaguely remember hearing him say that before, too. I had figured it was something of his version of a pet name, though I had never heard him call Sam or Dean that, or really anything in his language.
"What does that mean?" I asked sleepily.
He paused uncertainly for a second before responding. "It does not directly translate, but it means something similar to 'my love.'" 
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sparks-joy-imagines · 3 years
Hi! Could I request some hcs or a one shot (whichever you prefer!) where Gojo finds out reader has never orgasmed with a partner before because her previous partners were kind of asses. Thank you either way! Have a lovely day! :)
hello love~ I figured I might as well turn this into a one shot because there had been just so~ many ideas floating around my head for this (including a few Japan traumata lol) - I hope you're ready to buckle up cause this one comes in at 5k appr. enjoy -mesu. PS: A very special thanks to niob for beta-ing this monster and talking me through it!!!❤
Gojō Satoru x f!reader warnings: vaginal penetration, oral sex (receiving), Gojō being a smug arse
You cursed the day you were born. Actually, no. You cursed the day Gojo Satoru was born to torment your existence.
The first time you had met Gojo it had been your first year teaching at Kyoto jujutsu high and your first impression had been that no single living being could withstand his gaze of scrutiny. Given, as the wielder of both infinity and the six eyes there wasn’t anyone on his level to begin with, but did he really have to be an arse about it? Who even hired him as a teacher – a person supposed to be of pedagogic value – in the first place?
Luckily, you didn’t have to see him all that often, usually just whenever the time of year came around for the good-will event with the sister school in Tokyo but he had picked up an unhealthy interest in your person and relentlessly teased you for whatever you did and didn’t do alike.
Utahime had once suggested that it was Gojo’s twisted way of flirting with you and you couldn’t help but scoff and reply that you had seen Gojo flirting. And it was nothing alike how he was acting towards you. Afterwards, Utahime had taken pity on you and acted as an intermittence between you and Gojo so he wouldn’t get under your skin anymore, albeit he mostly ended up getting under hers instead.
At least, that was until tonight. With the students being sound asleep in bed, everyone involved in the event unanimously had decided to head for a drink at a fancy bar in Ginza to celebrate the event ending more or less successfully despite the unforeseen interference of some higher ranked curses and you ended up sitting sandwiched between Utahime and Shoko who both had insisted on a girl’s table away from curious colleagues and ears, while the other staff were seated at a slightly larger table just out of earshot.
The back of your head hit your nape when you downed what felt like the 7th shot of nihonshu. The alcohol prior to the shots had already infiltrated your system, leaving your senses foggy and your tongue loose. You weren’t about to spill your secrets just yet, but it was definitely getting harder to suppress the glances you’d love to gift Gojo who seemed entirely unfazed by any of the liquor he had consumed this evening.
That prick has to use his innate techniques to cope with the alcohol!
You narrowed your eyes, glaring at the tall man across the table who hadn’t even bothered to take his blindfold off while sporting a vaguely amused if aloof expression while the headmaster of Kyoto high and Tokyo high appeared to be in a heated discussion. Speaking of rude.
Lost in your thought of how much you longed to wipe that smirk off of Gojo’s face, you didn’t follow the topic of conversation of your friends at the table who definitely had one nihonshu too many.
“I’m telling you, anatomically speaking, it’s just unfair. It’s so much easier for men to achieve an orgasm, alright? It’s as if nature was against us women,” Shoko sighed dramatically, taking the nihonshu bottle to refill the shot glasses only to find it empty. Another, this time desperate, sigh followed.
“What’s even worse is that men usually don’t care about their partner's pleasure at allll,” Utahime responded with a distinct lull in her voice while she was already close to resting her cheek on the table. She’s definitely had enough but that didn’t stop her from going on, “Ever since I started dating, there’s been what? Maybe two decent enough guys that actually cared if I came too or not.”
“Sounds about right,” Shoko agreed, apparently trying to find some universal truth in the emptiness of the bottle she was still holding onto.
You shot a glance to the two unhappy women at your side, deciding that it was time to share your two cents of truth under your breath, “At least you’ve had partners before who took care of your needs, too. I for once have only been with arseholes who could care less if I came or not. And so I never did… so…consider yourselves lucky? I guess.”
As expected, your volume made it impossible for them to catch what you were revealing and Utahime unbeknownst interrupted the aftermath to your soft confession by suddenly straightening her posture in a surge of drunken energy, grabbing one of your and Shoko’s hands respectively to declare something about not letting this circumstance prevent anyone from having a great night.
You could’ve sworn the corner of Gojo’s mouth perked up the second you shot him another glance…
A few drinks, a second bar, and a couple hours later.
Your head was spinning slightly and you leaned your back against the wall of the establishment you’d just stepped out of. Damn your senpai for making you drink. You soaked in the wet, clean night air which could only be achieved during the rainy season in Tokyo.
The moment you pressed your eyes shut you could hear Utahime demanding to move onto a karaoke bar and continue this until morning. Of fucking course, you thought to yourself and opened your eyes, desperate for any excuse to skip what was about to come.
Among general consensus with a few nods and exclamations here and there, you slowly noticed how Gojo was watching you intently. By now he had actually gotten rid of his blindfold and was sporting his dark shades, his soft hair was framing his angular face, slightly damp by the drizzle and you would have gladly punched him for the way the street lights and shop signs reflected in his hair.
Still, right now you had other things to worry about and so you took a deep breath and spoke up, “Thanks for this evening but I’ll have to take my leave now. It’s already late and I don’t think my voice can handle singing right now.” An obvious lie as your voice was just fine, but it’d do the trick of getting you out of corporate pressure.
And that’s exactly what happened. Your excuse was accepted at face value and you were wished a good night’s rest. Umbrellas were opened and the group made of two faculties strolled towards the closet illuminated Karaoke sign.
You waited until everyone was on the move, so you could gather yourself in your time without any scrutinising eyes on you.
“Leaving an intoxicated damsel to her own devices? How could I be the strongest without taking care of her? Allow me to lead you home, (Y/N)~”
Just when you thought you had lived through the worst, Gojo’s voice piped up right next to your ear. You hadn’t seen him stay behind and now he was close, dangerously so, and he didn’t even care to hide the glee in his voice.
You managed to turn your head in his direction and gift him – what was in your imagination – a nasty stare. For Gojo, it rather seemed like you were trying your best to fixate your dizzy gaze on him.
He sighed and for once dropped his excruciating façade, speaking in a normal tone, “Seriously tough, (Y/N), I’d rather lead you home. Tokyo’s far from being safe at night.”
Seeing and actually hearing Gojo apparently genuinely concerned made you weigh your chances enough that you finally sighed in defeat, “Fine. But only up to the doorstep.”
Gojo blinked at you repeatedly, appearing almost insulted that you dared to think him a man who would take advantage of women like that – truth being that he was more insulted that you thought that he was actually in need of such tricks – and made an off-hand remark of how he could never.
You waved your hand dismissively and slowly tried to straighten your posture, “You’re here by car, right? That’s why you used your innate technique to not get drunk. Wish I could’ve done the same, wouldn’t be dying of spinning world syndrome right now.”
That stopped Gojo’s rant about his hurt pride. A sheepish smirk appeared on his lips and he stated flatly, “You noticed.”
You nodded, which turned out to have been a terrible idea. Nausea overcame you and you tried to curl into a ball, but Gojo was next to you in a second, smoothly wrapping his long arm around your waist while his free hand reached for your hand, easily securing your stance like that.
“Let’s get you home, shall we?”
You nodded and simply concentrated on not getting sick while he led you towards the parking lot where his car was parked. He left you shortly to pay for the ticket and you leaned against one of the nearby vending machines, concentrating on your breathing.
A few moments later the relatively quiet night was disturbed by the low roar of what turned out to be a pricey sports car. It didn’t take long for Gojo to stop said car right in front of you. Ever the gentleman he stepped out of the driver’s seat and opened the door to the passenger’s side for you, offering his hand to you for assistance. The entire picture which enfolded in front of you seemed to be taken out of a romance.
Only when you wobbled over to the car and felt the infinity between your hand and Gojo’s you snapped back to reality, pursing your lips as you stated, “You never let anyone actually touch you, do you?”
“If someone’s worth my while, sure I do,” Gojo replied with a sly smile, but something in his eyes appeared resigned, almost lost. But maybe that was just your imagination? Almost promising.
You didn’t even have time to follow-up on his statement as he simply shut the door in your face, cutting any further discussion short. Soon, Gojo settled in the driver’s seat and drove off towards your hotel. You didn’t even question how he knew where he needed to go.
Silence fell upon you and you simply turned your gaze to the flashing street lights, allowing you to marvel at Tokyo’s nocturnal atmosphere for a while. This was so much better than making your way through the confusing public transport in time for the last train. You shot Gojo another gaze and were surprised to find him diligently keeping his eyes on the road.
At once you wondered if you unwittingly had been keeping him from joining the others at karaoke. Singing one’s soul out and getting undressed in the process seemed right up Gojo’s alley.
“…Thank you for taking me back to the hotel. I appreciate it. You… didn’t really have to do this though, I’m sure you wanted to attend karaoke with the others,” you started off your half-apology.
A soft yet deep chuckle escaped Gojo’s throat.
“Oh sure I did, hun. There’s been something on my mind concerning you which is just soooo much more fun than karaoke could ever be after all,” Gojo casually replied, eyes never straying from the road.
You frowned and cocked your head in an inquisitive manner.
“Don’t act confused now, love,” Gojo smirked as he pulled over and parked the car right next to the entrance of the hotel. He unfastened his seatbelt to turn to you completely and casually rested his elbow against his seat, “Now, why don’t you tell me about never having orgasmed with a partner before?”
The question hung in the air for a moment as Gojo watched you curiously while you didn’t believe the meaning behind what your ears had picked up on.
“I…,” you spilled quickly, already feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. This had to be a nightmare. How did he know of that? You never told a soul, too embarrassed by your unfortunate choice of past sexual partners, and now Gojo Satoru – out of all possible people – knew of your secret?!
The panic must have shown on your face as Gojo’s smug expression softened slightly and he leaned closer to you, only stopping when the tip of his nose almost collided with yours, “You should take more care who might be listening in when you’re talking to yourself, (Y/N).”
You nodded once and leaned back, avoiding Gojo’s touch and gaze as best you could, “T-thanks for the ride.” Even if his revelation had thrown you off entirely, you tried your best to hide it.
“My pleasure. I’ll have to insist on taking you to your room though.” Gojo’s tone was unforgiving and made it very clear that you wouldn’t get out of him walking you all the way.
You sighed deeply and submitted to your fate, sinking into your seat until he had rounded the car and opened the passenger’s door so you could accept his hand to disembark in a semi-elegant manner.
Once you had found your balance he let go of your hand, matching your pace as you walked towards your room, acting as if he hadn’t just nonchalantly invaded your privacy. You shot him several glances but Gojo acted very interested in the interior of the hotel. You didn’t buy it though. Obviously he was just relishing in the fact that he got under your skin.
So he didn’t want to push any further? Fine by you. You huffed softly and pushed the button for your floor once you boarded the lift, Gojo strolling on your heels, hands shoved into the pocket of his trousers.
You refrained from looking at anything close to Gojo’s direction, albeit you could feel his piercing gaze on you. You used the time of the short ride to get your room card out of your purse and as soon as the automatic doors opened, you darted out of the lift and unlocked the door to your room with a soft beep.
Barely having shuffled inside you got rid of your purse and turned around to thank Gojo once again, finding him right on your doorstep.
“Thanks, Gojo, I appreciate what you did tonight,” you smiled awkwardly at the close proximity and mustered the courage to look into his eyes, just to be surprised by their intensity.
“Of course,” Gojo hummed, resting his left arm on the doorframe he leaned closer, stopping right before crossing the threshold with his movements. He easily kept your eyes locked in his, making you all but forget about bringing some distance between you.
“Before I leave… y’know I could help you out with your little problem, (Y/N). If you’re up for it, that is.”
Gojo’s voice was low, eyes dark, pupils dilated with a certain hunger as they stared right into your soul.
When his words registered a soft gasp unwittingly left your lips as your eyes grew wide.
Just what was happening? Had Utahime been right all along?
The next moment Gojo was leaning down to you, making all but sure that your senses shut down to a bare minimum. Standing there frozen in place, time seemed to slow down around you as your eyes flickered from Gojo’s luscious lips to his cyan eyes and back to his lips again.
Was this really happening right now?
Your heart pounded against your chest harshly and you pressed your eyes shut to calm your nerves. That is when you felt his soft lips against the skin of your cheek, undoubtedly skin on skin. He‘d really turned his infinity off!
“As I have told you prior, I don’t take advantage of intoxicated women. But as I understand it, you still have a couple hours before your bullet train back to Kyoto tomorrow. I’ll be waiting for you, (Y/N). You won’t regret it. . .~”
You held your breath and nothing. When you finally opened your eyes again Gojo was gone. Simply vanished! He had done exactly what he had promised to do. Taken you home, up to your doorstep and not a millimetre further.
Did this mean that he was going to keep what he offered if you turned up at his doorstep tomorrow? Up until now Gojo had never given you any reason to doubt him. Sure, he was a prick, but he was honest about being a prick. At least that was more than could be said about any of your former affiliations.
It took a couple more moments before you managed to close the door and turn in to a sleepless night contemplating if you might as well take Gojo up on his offer.
The next day. After some empty excuses to Utahime of why you couldn’t spend the last hours in Tokyo together. In front of Gojo’s apartment.
You stared at the kanji at the apartment, contemplating if you should really proceed now. It had been a pain to get Gojo’s address, dodging several inquisitive questions of Utahime, but now that you were finally here you weren’t sure if you should be anymore.
Given Gojo had lived up to every single thing he had proclaimed so far, plus he never had given you any reason not to trust him. Still, did being here meant that you were willing to compromise your integrity for something as trivial as good sex? More so than the actual act, you were afraid of what it might mean for your future relationship with Gojo; which would be anything but professional hereafter.
Before you could spiral further into second guessing yourself, the apartment door in front of you opened smoothly, offering the view to a slightly dishevelled looking Gojo apparently just out of the shower.
The moment you locked eyes with his bare ocean orbs, a smug grin emerged on his face, “Fancy seeing you here, (Y/N). Come in.”
You mumbled a greeting and stepped into his modern apartment, quickly getting rid of your shoes and outer layers while Gojo walked further back into the flat calling out to you, “Can I offer you something to drink? Tea? Coffee? Pineapple juice?~”
You rolled your eyes, very convinced that you just shouldn’t have come here. You followed Gojo’s voice into a broad living room with an open kitchen. The colours and décor were kept simple, black and white, sometimes a splash of colour in the colour of his goddamn eyes.
After having accessed the surroundings to your heart’s content you turned to Gojo, “Do you happen to have pineapple juice – notoriously known for apparently for making the taste of oral sex sweeter – at hand for your guests at all times? Or did you go shopping for me yesterday?”
A soft chuckle, “I happen to like the flavour. Plus, I am quite certain your juices aren’t in need of any enhancement.” A wink followed. What a bastard.
Ignoring the faint blush that emerged on your cheeks, you countered, “And what exactly makes you so sure about that, mh?”
Gojo shortly nibbled on his full lips as he sized you up with hungry eyes. Then, he slowly rounded the kitchen counter until he stood right in front of you. The smell of his surprisingly fruity after-shave intoxicated your senses.
“Wanna find out?”
You managed a nod and Gojo smirked wider, simply lifting you up on the counter so you were closer to eye level with him.
And then he finally let his soft luscious lips collide with yours, involving you in a breathless, inifity-less kiss while your arms wrapped around his neck on their own accord. Gojo smirked against your lips pulling you closer to himself, gladly taking the opportunity to feel up through the fabric of the blouse you were wearing for travel.
How you cursed the school’s clothing protocol at that moment!
Frowning slightly you broke the kiss, quickly trying to get rid of your blouse with your hands, but Gojo had other plans, catching your hands in his he leaned closer and purred on your lips, “Ah-ah (Y/N), there’s still plenty of time till your bullet train. No need to rush~ This is more than a mere quicky to shoot one’s load and carry on, after all. I need you to relax and enjoy the ride.”
You weren’t quite sure what did the trick. The proximity to him or his genuine tone, but you visibly relaxed and started shamelessly feeling Gojo up in return. You weren’t surprised to find defined abs when you pushed the fabric of his shirt out of the way and followed their lines for a bit before you moved on to explore his back.
“Good girl,” Gojo chuckled in your ear and let out a teasing gasp in response to your initiative before he went to nibble on your earlobe, making you cross your legs behind his hips as a soft whimper escaped your lips.
“Sensitive, are we?”
Gojo moved back, capturing your lips in another kiss, this time parting yours with his cheeky tongue so he could explore your mouth to his heart’s content. You happily complied and concentrated on his tongue enough that you didn’t notice how he skilfully unbuttoned your blouse.
Your legs tightened around Gojo’s hips and you moaned when you felt his growing bulge through the fabric. Gojo took this opportunity to kiss down your neck only to ravish it mercilessly while his hands had taken a liking to your boobs, kneading them through your lacey bra.
“Hah~” More and more lewd noises filled the heated air as Gojo pinched your hardened nipples just the right amount to send shivers down your spine and you were glad that you didn’t have to depend on your trembling legs anymore.
Desperate for support you scratched blindly over Gojo’s upper arms which led him to gift you a wolfish smile as he pulled back enough to strip off your blouse and a swift motion later your bra followed.
Pouting slightly you picked on his shirt, making Gojo scoff and get rid of it, too. You sighed content about the equal stages of undress and wiggled slightly on top of the counter, enjoying the friction this provided against both the fabric of your pants and Gojo’s bulge.
“You little minx,” Gojo growled lowly, suddenly pinning you down to the counter by your neck. The cold surface sent a shiver through the entirety of your body. He adjusted his grip to be more gentle, yet still determined enough to hold you in place, actively preventing you from escaping from his touch. You would welcome the sweet torture that was to follow deliberately and Gojo was very aware of that.
Soon enough Gojo began his agonisingly slow treatment of your torso, mouthing his way from your collar bones to your chest where he spent his sweet time circling each nipple with his tongue.
You didn’t know what exactly he was doing with his shameless long tongue but you had never felt your body rise to the touch on its own quite like that and it took a minute to recognise it was your own voice which echoed through the apartment so obscenely.
Desperate for more stimulation which Gojo still withheld from you, you tried to pull him closer with your crossed legs, earning a suppressed moan from him as his erect member brushed against your clothed sex. How much you would’ve given for those layers to finally be gone.
“You really haven’t been getting laid properly at all, huh.”
Completely unnerved by now you groaned and shot Gojo an acid glare, but the elite sorcerer just chuckled to himself as he straightened back up, sizing you up in the process once again. You had never seen his eyes this dark.
In a split second his hands were undoing your pants as if they had never done anything else in his life and a few moments later you were sitting on the counter completely undressed.
When you blinked away your surprise, Gojo brushed another deep kiss on your lips, humming on them, “I’d hold onto something if I were you~”
And then he dove down to your core, hands holding your hips in place well aware that you wouldn’t be able to hold still.
As soon as his lips connected to your nether folds, a lightning impulse flashed through your body and your loudest moan yet left your lips. Your head flew back by itself and you wreathed as best you could on the counter top for either more or less friction, you weren’t quite sure.
All the while Gojo relentlessly continued his pursuit of your sex, tongue swirling expertly over and around your clit, building up a certain intensity before he moved down slightly to lick and mouth at your entrance.
You desperately held onto the edge of the counter for support, spilling his name over and over again, while Gojo cheekily thrust his tongue into you for a taste before he redirected his attention to your clit again.
The coil in your core seemed to harden and become undone at the same time and another flick of Gojo’s tongue made you scream as you jerked up as you finally hit your high. Juices spilled out of your cunt and you buried your flushed face in your hands while your entire body was convulsing in ecstasy.
Gojo made sure to keep his grip on you so you wouldn’t slide down from the counter, licking his soiled lips. Once he was sure that your breathing calmed down a bit he gently stroked away a couple of stray strands of hair and smirked, “Told ya you weren’t in the need of any enhancement, babe. You’re to die for~”
Still concentrating on your oxygen intake you were feeling rather overwhelmed with everything that had played out just now. It took a bit of bargaining with yourself to search for Gojo’s gaze again, but when your eyes met you immediately noticed the mixture of hunger and smug complacency in his. He had gotten you good, but you decided you weren’t going to leave before payback.
And so you cocked your brow up and smirked, “I admit you lived up to your word, Gojo. Mind if we take round two to the bedroom?”
A grin.
“Not at all, princess,” Gojo replied and picked you up bridal style to carry you off into his chamber.
Gojo’s bedroom was dark. Both furniture and bedding were either held in a dark grey or black and the shades were lowered. When Gojo let you down on the bed you took a look around and tended your head slightly at the unexpected interior.
You were torn out of your thoughts when you heard Gojo unbuckle his belt, followed by the sound of his zipper and turned back to see him in his whole glory.
His member was definitely on the larger side, but you were happy to see it came short of what you knew would be painful to insert. It had a nice girth and was slightly tended to the right, the tip glistening with pre-cum meant for your prior endeavors. You licked your lips unconsciously, eager to feel it in you.
“Marveled at my dick enough, have we? ” Gojo smirked knowingly and reached for a condom which just happened to lie on top of his nightstand.
You nodded slightly and watched him routinely put it on, before you pulled him on top of the bed and ravished his mouth with yours. He had deserved your undivided attention after making true of his promise and you were way past the stage of having any second thoughts.
Gojo curled his lips against yours, easily positioning himself on top of you while his hands were suddenly all over your body. It seemed like he wanted to leave his touch on every inch of your being and honestly? At this very moment you didn’t mind if he did.
The energy between the two of you grew hotter by the minute and you gasped for breath when he readjusted your hips so his member was prodding against your entrance.
“Last chance, (Y/N)…hng~”
The strain in his voice did it for you and you brushed a fleeting kiss on his cheek on your way to his ear, “Take me already, Satoru!”
A deep groan reverberated in Gojo’s upper body at the mention of his first name and he penetrated you in a swift, smooth motion, making both of you moan with pleasure.
He gave you a moment before he moved, offering the opportunity to get used to his considerable size before he started moving at a cheeky pace. Something had just clicked between the two of you and you moved against him as if you had never done anything else in your life. It felt liberating. It felt right. . .
A couple many minutes and exchanges of ecstasy later.
You were laying sprawled half-way over Gojo while he lazily played with your slightly damp hair. After your last round he had suggested a shower since you technically still had a train to catch and you thought it a good idea.
If you hadn’t stopped him, you would’ve also stained his bathroom with his name. Who would’ve thought that his infinite also applied to sexual stamina? But then again, it was Gojo who you were talking about.
You weren’t quite sure how this session was going to change your relationship with Gojo in the future, but you definitely didn’t regret going through with it.
You shuffled slightly on the bed and stretched slightly, “Mh, what’s the time?”
“Hn, ten past two,” Gojo replied with a raspy, yet slightly amused voice.
Ten past two. Ten past two. The bullet train back to Kyoto you were supposed to board was leaving at half past two!
You jumped out of the bed, hurriedly reaching for your clothes.
“Any time, (Y/N)”
You shot Gojo another glare, painfully aware that he had to have known.
Gojo only gifted you a wink and grinned, “If you are going to be as nice to me as you were just now the next time we meet, I might be willing to help you out, (Y/N)~”
You cursed the day you were born. Actually, no. You cursed the day Gojo Satoru was born to torment your existence.,
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iwantutobehapppier · 3 years
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader, Bucky x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky end up stranded in a safe house after a mission. Should be fine, except your early heat and Bucky’s secrets.
Warnings: +18 only. Smut, knotting, A/B/O stuff, dubcon
Word Count: 3,401
A/N: Okay this is for the 6th Night of Chanukah. So sorry for the delay. I really hope you guys enjoy and I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors. I’ll read it back over later.
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Bucky observed your mannerisms from the pilot seat of the Quinjet. Your scent was becoming musty and he knew exactly what that meant. In fact, his whole body knew, the way he would naturally gravitate to you when your scent took on this unique change. The raging hard-ons and the… nocturnal emissions. He felt like a teenage boy when your heat came closer.
He wasn’t sure this mission was a good idea for the two of you. It was an expected smash and grab then lay low but with your oncoming heat, faster than he recalled last time, Bucky wasn’t sure about your safety.
Not from the targets. No, you could hold your own.
Your safety from him.
Bucky wouldn’t call himself feral by any means as an Alpha but to say he was untethered around an omega was putting it lightly. Specifically you. Your smell even without the musky allure of on-coming heat is entrancing to him. He was never sure how to broach the topic of the two of you, after all, he’d have to confess to something Sam playfully jab at him about. 
But Steve knew better. Bucky was a one Omega kind of Alpha, as was Steve. That’s how it was ingrained in them and no amount of brainwashing could undo instincts. 
Landing the jet you jump out of your seat to get your gear on for the mission.
However, Bucky did have one other issue when it came to talking about any of this with you, your avoidance of him if at all possible one on one. 
He assumes it’s his overbearing Alpha presence, in the past Omega’s had commented on his scent which made him stay clear of them. What was worse and unthinkable was your avoidance due to his past with Hydra. 
You’d lost everything to them at a young age when your powers came out in their warpath to obtain you.
Shaking the thoughts from his head he clears his head to focus on the task at hand. He knew focusing would be instrumental in the success of this mission, given the thickening of your scent. Setting the autopilot to return the Quinjet he confirms the location of the safe house before exiting the Jet so it can return.
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The mission was barely a success, while you and Bucky had been able to take out guards from afar your scent was spreading and alerting the enemy of your arrival. Bucky had taken lead, making you stay farther back. And finally told to go get a car for travel to the safe house
Huffing out in frustration you kicked dirt up making your way towards the already cleared front entrance. The last thing you wanted to show in front of Bucky was weakness, he was a man of duty and efficacy. He was an Alpha you admired and fantasizes about. The last thing you needed to be was a thorn in his side.
After all, you put so much effort into being an exemplary team member, not being in the way, only noticed when doing what needs to be done. Effective and unnoticeable. It was how you lived your life. 
Your oncoming heat due to your designation was ruining your first duo mission with Bucky, and honestly, you would rather be shot in the head. To be an inconvenience and deterrent on a mission, to be one to Bucky no less. It made your chest squeeze, your growing heat scent sour. 
Locating a quick get-away car you pull out your kit to unlock the door, your mind wandering as you began the task of hotwiring, something you could do in your sleep after years of “borrowing” cars.
What if he was hurt because you didn’t have his back?
Worse, your mind supplied, what if he’s disgusted by your heat? 
Oh, that hurt.
Your stupid heat wasn’t supposed to be starting for another two days, let alone pre-heat scent spikes. Though, if you were honest the last couple of heats had been irregular in starting. One even started without any lead-up, just bam you were ruining your clothes and craving a knot like an Omega on her first heat. 
It was embarrassing, and thank god Bucky had left the common room well before it started. When Nat found you, you let a comment slip that Bucky was nearby but wasn’t affected by your smell. She simply scoffed mentioning something cryptic about only one Omega for Bucky.
At that moment you thought nothing was as embarrassing as that, well tonight you proved yourself wrong. This was the most embarrassing thing ever. Certainly, after this, you’d be on desk duty for a while until your heats got under control.
The loud explosion signals Bucky’s success in taking down the hideout you wait for him to appear and he does making a brisk jog for you. Once in the car, you take off. The only conversation between the two of you his instructions to the safe house. His hand over his nose was enough to keep you silent and compliant. Clearly, your scent had gotten worse. 
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You two make it to the small cabin 2 hours later, and you’re sweating even in the cool temp. You tired to air the car out but the open windows only proved to push Bucky’s smell directly in your path and that only made your thighs clench, slipper with your slick. You watching Bucky shift in the seat in what you assumed was uncomfortable at your growing arousal. Missing when his metal hand rubbed on the growing erection trying to soothe his own ache.
You both jump out of the car once parked needing out of the confined space of smells, desperate to put some walls between each other. Yours out of shame, Bucky’s out of necessity. 
He wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle this. He’d never been around an Omega in their heat, sure pre and post but never right in the thick of it. He was a faithful man about Omega’s, if he’s with one that’s the one. Wringing his hand he heard you cry out in pain. He may not have experienced an Omega in their heat but he knew you didn’t have anything here to help you go through this. But he did. 
He had the thing you needed, and god did he want to give it to you. You whimper out, even with a wall between you two the sound carried as if he was beside you. He was getting restless, the longer your scent permeated the air, the harder it would be for him to keep his distance. Bucky would rather have this conversation now while you were both somewhat coherent before he did something he’d regret later without permission.
With wide steps, he finds himself in front of the door where you laid. Bucky inhales deep and it was a mistake, the voracious growl he can’t stop from smelling you scares him, and the hint of sour in your smell scared you too.
Knocking is the only thing he can manage to do, the doorknob in his metal hand crunching under pressure. When you call for him to enter the knob falls and he pushes the door open. Taking a tentative step in he sees you on the bed.
Curled up, simply in your bra and underwear, skin shining with sweat or slick depending upon where he looked. The smell was better than anything he’d ever smelt. 
Smelling Bucky closer, you felt your abdomen spasm and more slick produce from you. Your body readying you for the Alpha who smelled so tantalizing and forbidden. Not bothering lifting your head to see the sexual temptation of this Alpha your voice muffled. “Unless you’re here to help you need to leave now.”
“I,” Bucky pauses, “I want to help but I gotta tell you something first.” Closing your eyes tightly you were dreading his next words. Obviously, it would be just sex for him, what good are you to an Alpha such as Bucky Barnes?
“Go on,” you nod your head trying to hide your rejection before he can speak by keeping your head down in the bed, but he catches the faint sourness in your sent. He won’t let it deter him though.
“You know I’ve never been with an omega,” Bucky shifted awkwardly at his confession. Your head lifted looking at him in barely disguised shock. Never been with an Omega? It seemed unlikely, perhaps he meant since Hydra.
“Even before?” You paused not wanting to elaborate on what before was, doing your best to ignore the growing slick and cramping frequency.
“Yeah, even before. Just beta’s.” His head bobbing up and down, the metal hand running through his short locks a nervous tick you found endearing. But now, with this new knowledge, you were trepidacious. 
“So what, am I some kind of uncharted territory for you to conquer?” Bucky’s eyes widen at your words, baffled you would think so little of him but then again what actions has he taken to show otherwise he thought to himself.
“What?! No! I just-” His backpedaling was annoying, you could be just sex, it would be hard to work together afterward but to be a conquest, an experiment that’s just too far. 
“The connection between an Alpha and Omega is tantric and pure during a heat, you can’t do this because you just want to see what it’s like,” your ire making the room smell of burnt hair.
“I would never-” He tries once more to take control of the conversation but god you were stubborn.
“Cause Bucky if you just think I’m an object that you carve one minute and-” He cuts you off, voice raised.
“Will you let me talk!?” The boom in his voice making you cower at reflex from a loud Alpha. Your pheromones pushing out a pleasant scent to calm him. 
“I’m doin’ this because I care about you,” Bucky looks down while your eyes round at his confession, you sit up on your knees edging towards the end of the bead. “I think about you a lot, and not just cause your smell is everywhere Omega.” 
Looking up you’re in front of him, his eyes widen to match yours. He’s never called you by your designation before, your name, and maybe on the rare chance doll but never this. Your scent permeates the air around him.
“If we do this-”
“Okay Alpha,” your voice more confident than it had been since Bucky broached this subject. 
He knew he should tell you he’d mate you, that nothing would stop him but he couldn’t find it in him with your consent, and the way you smell he fell. In an instant Bucky is on you, lips colliding, fingers digging into your flesh. You mutter against his lips. He pulls away only a fraction.
“Nest,” you whimper, slick pooling down your legs. “I need a nest.” Nodding his head as Bucky doesn’t trust his voice he kisses you once more only to disappear out the door.
When he returns he has the pillows from the couch, a throw blanket, and even some couch back cushions. Leaving once more he finds the laundry room and grabs all the blankets and sheets he can before dumping them on the bed. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up when he returns.
He leaves to get more but you call out his name. He turns back to you with a brow raised. “This is enough but clothes, I need clothes. I need your clothes.” You inform pulling your shirt from the ground where you had ripped your clothes of for reprieve from your heat. 
“Right,” He rips his jacket, sweater, and undershirt off throwing them in front of you before taking his pants off to do the same. 
You’re body humming with giddiness as you build the nest with his scent and yours slowly molding together to give a safe space. Too consumed in your task you miss the shift on the bed, Bucky coming behind your bent form tucking his pants into the intricate weaving you had done with the clothes and sheets.
Rough warm hand and cool sleek metal land only your hips. You whimper at the feeling, falling into the just set nest.
“Oh sweet Omega,” voice enticing against your ear while he leans over you. His chest barely touching your back but you can feel the heat radiating off of him. His arms slip down yours, intertwining your fingers. Suddenly he falls back pulling you with him to hand in his lap.
He’s hot, so hot, or maybe it’s you? You wiggle on his lap, feeling his erection bare against your covered back end. He shimmies you on his lap, the space allowing for his engorged cock to jut out between your legs.
You salivate at the sight of his large cock twitch. “You see that Omega?” a tingle slips down your spine at his rough voice in your ear. 
He reaches down with his flesh hand holding your hand he wraps your fingers around the base, feeling the beginning of his knot swelling. It’s just the faintest bulge to the eyes but in your hands, it feels fully formed. You know it’s not, your omega instincts tell you it’s not but you shake your head anyway.
“Too big,” is all you can get out, heat consuming any syntax. 
“Oh my sweet omega,” mewling at his endearing words he chuckles. “It’s not even near popped, but it will be.” his hand leaves yours holding him. “Once I’m rooted deep here.” His hand covers your mound, pushing the soaked fabric to the side he slips his fingers between our swollen folds. Twirling fingers along your clit you buck on top of him, crying out.
“I think my Omega is ready,” you writhe against him, moaning in agreement at his words. You were beyond ready, you had been ready the moment you stepped into this cabin but you had to wait. Had to wait for your alpha “Present.”
Your omega instincts move you immediately to your hands and knees. Bucky’s metal hand slides up your spine to between your shoulder blades pushing you down to your elbows and your ass up higher. Satisfied with your position he raises to his knees.
Pulling your underwear down to your bent knees at the same time he takes his red cock weeping cum from the tip. He feels something crawling just below the surface, a sensation he’s never had when fucking a beta. 
It had been bubbling at the surface when he began to smell you but now, with you presenting, his cock head slotted at your entrance you rock back pushing his cock head but not entering just yet, needing more force to take such a bulbous tip, something is slipping away. 
No, you shouldn’t be trying to take it. He snarls at your movements and you freeze. Satisfied at your response he pushes in, it’s almost impossible, but when he swivels his hips and growls your name he’s in. Then he’s pushing all the way in, your walls suffocating him, struggling to take him. But you will take him. Slick is pouring around him and out of you, your body desperate to take everything he gives.
Blood is rushing in his ears, he can barely make out the sounds you are making. All he can feel is your body beneath his, the way he’s dominating you, how your pheromones release the most exquisite sweet smell when he enters you. Had he known, if he had only known…
“Bucky,” you sigh in relief when he bottoms out, your full, more full than any time you could recall. It was like he was made to reach every part of you. He growls out and you’re quick to correct yourself. “Alpha.”
“Fu-uck,” he gets out, eyes squeezed tight. “I never knew-” he can’t finish his words. 
“I know,” you concur, “I know.” 
He pulls back and slams into you faster than you’re prepared for. You wail and your arms collapse under you but you turn your head, pushing one side of your face into the mattress that smells like you, like Bucky. Together.
Fingers dig into the sheets, drool pouring out your mouth and your eyes roll back when he pulls back to shove himself back in you, your body jerking forward at the force. 
Something wicked is climbing up Bucky’s back with each thrust, the sensation mudding his brain but it’s different from the brainwashing. It’s different from anything else he’s ever felt. It’s part of him but something he’s not familiar with. As he continues to thrust back and forth you move with him.
He holds your hips still, hissing as he slowly pulls back. Punishing you for trying to take control. A pitiful wail falls from your mouth when he eases his hips forward into you. “You are mine Omega,”
You nod your head against the bed, anything to stop this slow pace. “You will submit to your alpha.” You whimper out a scratchy “Yes Alpha.” It’s enough.
He pounds into you, no not pound, pummels. His pace is fast, unforgiving, and more pleasurable than anything you’ve felt before. 
Your hair falls in front of you, displaying your mating gland to him. It calls to him, the rush of blood making it swell, preparing for him, for his mark. He just knew it. Never mind it was always inflamed during an omega’s heat.
The wet slap of flesh meeting, his staggered breaths, your moans growing in volume, the taste of your sweat when he licks a trail up your back, the smell of your fluids combined that’s squelching out with each thrust, it’s all a new symphony to his senses. 
One that sends him further to the place he’s wanted to be for decades. When he swivels his hips moving in and then out of you you’re crying, gushing out around him, cumming so suddenly you’re gasping for breath.
Your limp but Bucky holds you up by your waist, Your plaint body swaying with his thrusts, never once losing his tempo. He’s chasing something, something a fleeting thought that he may not want to do so but it was too late. Too late and too good.
When you finally regain the sensation of your body he’s never stopped once. For a moment you’re worried but remember Bucky is more than a simple Alpha. He knows you’ve returned to your sense before you can say anything.
He hooks his arms in yours, pulling them back behind you at your elbow joint. Thrusting wildly your breasts bouncing with each thrust.
“Are you ready to take my knot?” He growls, his voice is deeper than anytime you’ve heard before. If it wasn’t for the heat fuzziness overtaking you maybe you’d register the warning sign.
“Yes Alpha, please.” You whine instead, begging for what your body craves, the very reason you’re in this position. 
“Are you ready to be marked?” He nuzzles into your neck, licking your mating gland. Something doesn’t feel right about that. 
“Alpha?” Your head moves to the side to move him away but Bucky remains steadfast in his attention on your gland.
“Mine forever,” his voice is garbled, you’re fairly certain his smell has taken on a spicier sent. He’s in a rut. The base of his cock is swelling, catching almost in the last thrust. He pushes in all the way and it pops.
“No!” you try to struggle but he has you prone to his desires. “What are you-” 
It’s so much at once, his knot is caught and you feel his cum flooding your insides. Nothing slipping out at the pulsing knot keeping you sealed
You cry out when his teeth land on your matting gland piercing with ease. The groan that vibrates from his chest shakes you. There’s a pop and then snap sensation that reverberates through your whole body as the mark takes.
He pulls his teeth back, licking and humping against you, pushing himself further into you though it’s impossible to give you more his instincts demand he is rooted to you. After a few more seconds he is rolling you both to your side, releasing your arms and warping his around you to cocoon you in his sent.
“You’re it for me,” his voice is rough but he sounds like your Bucky. “There’s no choice.”
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smutbymia · 3 years
hiiii can i request a smut with ex bf turned fwb jaehyun where he still loves y/n thats why he agreed on that setup but he gets y/n pregnant along the way djsjajhaa thank youuu it could be fluffy at the end thankbyooouu ❤️
You pushed through the front doors of a restaurant bar, scanning the space for your high school friends. It had been a few years since you first graduated and even though you kept in touch with them it wasn’t easy for all of you to meet up due to your busy schedules. 
You saw a few hands waving you down from across the room and walked over, smiling. 
“Great, you all got here at the same time,” said your friend Lia. You were confused at her comment until you turned around, only to see that there was a group of guys behind you that had entered just after you did. And one of the boys in that group happened to be someone you were very familiar with. 
Going to an all-girls school was supposed to help you focus more on your studies and have less distractions but that was all useless considering the fact that there was an all boys school right across the street. You remembered the days when droves of school kids would hang around the entrances trying their best to look nonchalant while they whispered amongst their friends about the boys that they found attractive until it was time to head home for the day. 
Most didn’t dare approach the opposite sex on the other side of the street,  except Lia’s cousin Johnny happened to be a student at the boys school and so he would often use “picking her up from school” as an excuse to hang around the front gates of the girls academy. Lia’s parents traveled a lot for work and so during the school year aside from some weekends, she would stay with Johnny, her aunt, and uncle since her family home was in the next town over. 
That was what led you to meeting your ex-boyfriend Jaehyun. He was handsome and cute all in one and even back then the girls would drool over him, however he was extremely unapproachable in the eyes of many. The day you met, you had gone to the convenience store near school with Lia. The two of you sat outside on top of one of the tables with your legs outstretched as you typically did. Lia was ranting about a drama she had been watching and eating ice cream and you were scribbling clothing designs in the mini sketchbook that you always carried around when Johnny turned the corner with a group of his friends following closely behind.
“Look who it is,” he said as he threw his backpack onto the empty benches you rested your feet on. The rest of his friends followed suit throwing their bags as you and Lia shrieked, lifting your legs out of the way just in time as they made their way into the convenience store. Except one boy walked calmly towards the door, dropping his bag on the table next to you without even looking up once from the book he carried in his hand. 
That day they hung around eating snacks and causing a ruckus but Jaehyun was very easy going. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him as he ran his fingers through his hair and skimmed through his textbook which happened to be about computer programming. He suddenly glanced up and realized the two of you were the only ones sitting around the table while Lia and the other boys all fooled around nearby, gaming on their phones and dribbling around a basketball. 
He yawned and shut his book as he leaned forward on the table, eyes glued on yours as you felt heat rush to your cheeks.
“What are you doing?” he questioned, gesturing towards your sketchpad. 
“D-drawing,” you stammered embarrassingly. The corner of his mouth raised into a gentle smirk as he caught onto the nervousness in your tone of voice. He scooted over next to you and you could feel the air leave your lungs. 
Just as he leaned over to peak at what you were drawing, you slammed the sketch book shut, not wanting him to see the sketch you had drawn of him reading.
“Are they... naughty drawings?” he teased.
“No, no of course not. Not at all!” you protested getting more and more embarrassed by the way he smiled at you. You slipped the sketchpad into your bag, and got up from your spot next to him. You turned to Lia.
“It’s getting late, I should go,” you said to her. She instinctively started to collect her belongings too but Johnny stopped him. 
“Jaehyun lives on her street so he can take her. I need you to come with me to the store. Mom’s birthday is this weekend and I have no clue what to get her,” he whined. Before you could get a word in, the group had split and gone their separate ways leaving the two of you alone. 
Living on the same street is what brought you closer. Jaehyun started walking you home whenever you happened to hang out with Johnny and his friends and the two of you would sometime stop on the way home for bubble tea, or at stationary shops when you needed art supplies. Eventually he started meeting you at the end of your street each morning before school and even on the weekends at the park in your neighbourhood. Eventually the two of you started to secretly date and were known as the “it” couple between the all boys and all girl school once your secret got out just before graduation.
You maintained the relationship through your last summer before going your separate ways once university started. You still remembered sharing so many of your firsts with Jaehyun. Your first date, your first relationship and your first kiss. 
And now here he was years later sitting across from you like he did back in high school. It would have been awkward had your friends slowed down with the drinking. Instead, after a few short chats about what everyone was up to and a bunch of shots later they were all stumbling out into cabs or moaning at the table about missing each other. 
You and Jaehyun had always been the tame ones out of the bunch so the two of you took turns getting the remainder of your friends into cabs until it was just the two of you left. You stood outside the bar with him after getting Johnny into the last cab and sending him off. Jaehyun sighed as he stood next to you on the sidewalk. 
“They’re such a handful,” he complained. You chuckled softly in agreement. 
“Yeah, they totally sobered me up,” you whined, “what a waste.”
“Well it wouldn’t be fair for us to go home sober, would it?” he asked with that same mischievous smirk he always pulled out. 
That led to the two of you going to the nearest convenience store which coincidentally happened to be the one near your old schools, taking shots of soju outside on the dining tables. The two of you reminisced, while avoiding the topic of your former romance until you both decided it was time to head home.
Both of your families had moved from your old neighbourhood but you did still live nearby after finishing school. Jaehyun offered to walk you home despite your refusals. He insisted. And of course, as if it was planned by the Gods themselves, just as you arrived it started to rain. You knew it would be rude to leave him drunk and alone to hail a cab and so you reluctantly invited him into your place to wait until the rain eased up a bit more. 
A mixture of the alcohol and the tension between the two of you that had been building all night led to you pressed against the door of your apartment which you locked behind you, and Jaehyun hovering in front of your face. 
“W-we shouldn’t right?” he started in a whisper, “because...” 
His arms gripped your waist and you watched as he tried to focus on thinking coherently instead of letting the alcohol scramble his brain as his eyes scanned yours for a reaction. It looked like he needed you to finish the sentence because he was struggling to find a good reason as to why he should stop himself from taking your right there in the entrance of your place. 
You couldn’t lie to yourself. You were dying to get a taste of him. He had matured nicely, his muscular frame filling out his clothing. You ran hands over his arms, 
“Fuck it, J-just this once,” you said quietly as you trailed your hands up to his neck and drew him in for a kiss. You could feel Jaehyun relax in your embrace as his lips met yours softly. There was no urgency in his actions. He parted his lips and slipped his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. He kissed you like he had been yearning to do so. 
As much as the romantic mood touched your heart, you needed more to be satisfied and so you took it upon yourself to intensify things. You captured his bottom lip between your teeth and tugged softly. You caught him by surprise as he momentarily opened his eyes. You could see his gaze transform into something a little darker before trailing kisses down his neck. Jaehyuns breathing grew heavy as he flattened the palm of his hand against the door behind you to steady himself. He pushed his hips forward, letting you feel how excited he was, drawing a low moan from his lips. 
“Bed,” you gasped as Jaehyun let his hands wander across your body gripping your ass and making their way back up as he explored every curve he could reach, “now. Before we do anything else, I need you in my bed.”
Jaehyun smirked at the desperation in your voice as you two rushed to kick off your shoes. You walked briskly through your apartment towards your bedroom. Jaehyun however lingered, taking in the space, stopping to look at artwork on the walls and look at photo frames. 
“Jae,” you whined as you paused at your doorway, frustrated that he wasn’t right behind you. Jaehyuns heart fluttered from hearing the nickname you called him after such a long time as he put down a frame he had in his hands. 
He laughed as he approached you, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on your lips before catching himself. He stood tall again, letting out a deep breath.
“Sorry,” he said as he stepped into your room, lifting his shirt above his head and turning back around to face you. You stood frozen taking in his muscular frame with your mouth frozen in a gasp. 
“You- you really matured well,” you said as you crossed the room to place your hands on his chest. His dimples became visible as he moved to stand behind you. He lifted your shirt over your head and unclasped your bra from behind, looking over your shoulder down your chest as the garment fell to the ground to expose your bare chest. He wrapped his hands around your body, squeezing at the soft flesh as he trailed kisses down your neck and pressed himself against your behind. You gasped softly at the way his fingers ran back and forth over your nipples, sending electricity racing through your body, letting your head fall back to rest on his chest. 
Jaheyun moved his hands down your stomach until he reached the waistband of your jeans, undoing the button and lowering the zipper, not waiting any longer. He slipped his hand into your underwear, dipping his digits between your folds as you cried out his name in satisfaction from finally being touched. 
You gripped his thigh behind you, steadying yourself as you shifted your legs to open them up wider in order to give him more access to your core. You could feel your knees buckled as he drew circles under the hood of you folds directly over your clit. Jaehyun adjusted his grip on your body, holding you up when he realized you were growing weak under his touch. He was impressed at your ability to hold back your pleasure.
“That’s my good girl. You’re doing so well. I need you nice and wet,” he cooed as the sound of your wetness echoed with every occasional dip of his fingers towards your entrance before he drew your juices back up to wet your sensitive bud. 
“I can’t last much longer,” you whined. Jaehyun slowed the assault on your clit and instead flattened his hand between your legs, gripping your entire core without moving as he allowed you to regain your composure. You couldn’t help yourself as you slowly rutted against his hand. He chucked softly behind you. 
“Hey, don’t cum yet,” he whined back as he squeezed at your center, slowing your ruts and making your mind go fuzzy, “I want to feel you first.” 
You couldn’t believe this was the same sweet but mischievous boy you had known for so long. He slipped his hand back out from between your legs and pulled your pants down from over your hips until you had undressed entirely. He motioned for you to get on the bed as you watched him undress, pumping his length between his fist as he hovered over you. 
You sat up on your legs, spreading them as you reached for him wanting to take him into your mouth. Jaehyun stood rested a knee on the bed as he stood, letting you lick softly at the head of his dick as he grunted, just as you covered it with your mouth and felt him jerk forward into you. You whimpered softly feeling him push himself back and forth over your tongue as you hollowed out your cheeks and pumped along his shaft. He grew harder with every stroke until he couldn’t take it anymore and gripped your chin as he slid himself out from between your lips. 
“Fuck,” he gasped as he let himself fall onto the bed beside you, propped up by only his elbows. You took the opportunity to climb on top of him, straddling his hips as you hovered above him, dropping your head down to kiss him and silently guiding him to lay down. 
He ran his hand down your sides and over your back as you felt him fumble with himself before positioning himself at your entrance, letting you sink down onto him. The sound the two of you made as your bodies connected at their cores had you whimpering along with the sensation of being filled up completely. 
Jaehyun brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as he gripped at your face, cursing as you took more and more of him into you. 
“Are you sure you can take it all?” he murmured, planting kisses across your cheeks. You nodded shakily, focusing as you felt your abdomen grow tighter the further you sunk down, feeling as though you were running out of space until you felt your rear end finally make contact with his balls. You let out a shriek as Jaehyun let out a dreamy moan, head falling back into the pillows as you settled comfortably around him. 
“Shit, that feels so amazing,” he whimpered. You planted your hands firmly on his chest, sitting up and rotating your hips slowly on top of him as you adjusted to his size. Curse words fell from his lips as he gripped at your hips, slowly and gently fucking up into you every time you circled your waist. 
His thrusts grew more frantic as you started to lift yourself with each rotation of your hips, letting yourself slam back down into his thrusts. The two of you grunted, quickening the pace. As you both grew more desperate, Jaehyun repositioned himself, wrapping his entire arm around your waist as he propped himself up with the other so that he was in a seated position. He bent his knees slightly, planting soles of his feet against the mattress to steady the both of you as he used his strength to jerk his hips right up into your opening so you didn’t have to exert as much energy, and allowing him to control the pace. 
The combination of his thrusts along with the way your clit conveniently brushed against his his lower abdomen sent you into a spiral. You fell apart instantaneously. The feeling of your body clenching around him had Jaehyun releasing himself into you as your name spilled from his lips. The two of you could only keep your eyes open long enough to clean yourselves up a bit before you both fell asleep in your bed. 
The next morning wasn’t awkward at all, thankfully. The two of you woke up and showered, and decided to go out for some coffee and breakfast at a nearby cafe before taking a walk at a park near your place. The conversation was easy. It was officially the weekend and so neither of you were preoccupied with many other responsibilities. Despite the very intimate sex, things otherwise seemed normal. 
“I should probably go back to my place,” Jaehyun said as he gestured towards his clothing. You had already spent a few hours together and had totally forgotten about the fact that he was still wearing last nights clothes. 
“Oh... shit, yeah. I lost track of time,” you said sheepishly. He smiled sweetly. 
“Me too,” he responded hesitating before continuing, “about last night...”
You could feel heat spread across your cheeks. 
“Don’t worry. It was nothing,” you said quickly out of embarassment. 
Jaehyun looked perplexed, then a bit frustrated. You knew him well enough to know that you had ticked him off. Just as he opened his mouth to tell you off, you interrupted him.
“Wait, no! What I meant to say was that it was amazing but I also totally understand that it was a spur of the moment thing,” you said as you grabbed one of his hands to grasp in between yours.
Jaehyun nodded, letting out a sigh and trying not to let the disappointment show too much on his face. 
“Text me so I know you got home safe,” he said as he removed his hand from your grasp. You nodded, and said your goodbyes as the two of you went your separate ways. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about that night since it happened. A week had gone by and even though you and Jaehyun kept in loose and casual contact through text, you still couldn’t stop thinking about him. You couldn’t satisfy yourself either. Nothing felt quite as satisfying as his touch and it was starting to wind you up. 
You were getting ready for Johnny’s birthday party when there was a knock at your door that you weren’t expecting. 
“Oh, hey...” you said. 
You were very surprised to find Jaehyun standing on the other side. He already smelled of alcohol but didn’t seem to be too wasted. 
“Sorry I was going to call but my phone died when I was out with my coworkers,” he mumbled, “do you mind?”
He held his phone up and you stepped aside, letting him enter your apartment and lending him your phone charger.  He was also going to Johnny’s place later for his party in a few hours and according to him he was in the area. He sat quietly in the living room for most of the time. As you were finishing up your makeup, he knocked softly on the bathroom door. 
“What’s up?” you asked in a monotone voice as he opened the door. You were focused on your own reflection applying your mascara. 
“Hey, do you have anything to drink? I think the party already started and everyone already started drinking so I thought it would be a good idea to start now so that we could catch up,” he said as he scrolled through his phone texting what was most likely the boys’ group chat. 
“Yeah, check the cabinet above the fridge,” you said. Jaehyun hovered in the doorway watching you for a moment.
“Is everything okay? I spoke with Lia earlier. She said you’ve been a little... bratty this week,” he said. You turned to glare at him but he raised his eyebrows, challenging you to kick an attitude with him. If there was anyone who didn’t tolerate your moodiness it was Jaehyun. 
“Did something happen?” he asked. You shook your head no. 
“I don’t know I just feel a little.. tense, I guess. It will pass,” you mumbled as you touched up your lipstick in the mirror next. 
Jaehyun stepped behind you, catching off guard. He stood close to you as he locked eyes with you in the mirror. You watched as his hands disappeared behind you before you felt him pull the zipper of your dress up. You had forgotten to do it up earlier when you first put it on. 
“Maybe drinking will help. C’mon,” he started as he took the lipstick from between your fingers and closed the lid before resting it on your counter and pulling you out of the bathroom, “you already look perfect.” 
The two of you took a few shots in your kitchen. The alcohol did help a bit but not entirely. You rotated your head, stretching your neck out as you sighed deeply. Jaehyun was buzzed and in a much better mood than you were, he knocked back another drink before moving behind you and massaging at your neck. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?” he asked. You took a deep breath as his fingers worked against your skin and you leaned back just slightly into him, closing your eyes. 
You shook your head. He continued to massage out the kinks in your neck as he watched the tension slowly slip away from your face, smiling. It wasn’t until you started to let soft moans slip from your mouth that he froze momentarily. 
“Jae, don’t stop,” you whimpered, “please.” 
He felt himself harden just from the tone of your voice. He had to catch himself when he found himself instinctively leaning down towards your neck to drag his tongue across your skin. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you craned your neck to look up at him, wondering why he had stopped his massage. His eyes were glazed over and you felt that tension ease its way back. 
“O-one more time” you whispered. 
“What?” he question, not understanding what you were referring to. 
“For fucks sake, Jae!” you groaned. Turning around and pull him closer to you as your lips hovered in front of his.
“I can’t be drunk around you like this without caving and literally nothing satisfies me anymore after last week so let’s do this one last time and then you have to promise not to come back here again,” you said, words spilling uncontrollably for your mouth as you began unbuttoning his shirt.
He stopped you, gripping your hands. 
“Wait, is that what’s been bothering you all week? You needed sex?” he asked, baffled. You felt your cheeks heat up, suddenly feeling a bit ashamed. 
“Y/n... look at me,” he said as you lifted your gaze to meet his. He slipped his index finger under your chin. 
“If that’s all that you need to feel better then you know you can call me anytime, right?” he said, smirking. His heart tensed up a bit when he put the offer on the table. You nodded, head spinning from the alcohol. 
“Alright, we’re already late,” he said as he abruptly lifted you up onto the kitchen counter behind you and hiked up your dress, slipping your thong down past your ankles and discarding it onto the floor.
He pulled your mouth to his, not wasting time letting his tongue massage into your mouth as he let his fingers work at your clit the way he knew would have you dripping in just a few seconds. He unzipped his pants, pushing them down just far enough for him to free himself. He was already hard enough to push into you, slipping easily through your folds and deep into your entrance. He drew a high pitched moan from your lips as he thrusted into you quickly. 
Even though it was much easier to take him this time, you still were very taken aback by the way he made you feel so full. 
“Anytime you want, anywhere you want,” he grunted as he slammed his hips forward, palming your breasts through your silk mini dress, “And however you want! I’ll take care of you” 
You felt a weeks worth of frustration build up in your core as you felt your orgasm approach you. You gasped for air, slapping your hands against his shoulder to get him to slow down as you pleaded, “f-from behind. I need you from behind, please!”
Jaehyun didn’t miss a beat. He lifted you off of the counter before slipping himself out of you just long enough to turn you over and bend you over the same counter before snapping his hips back into you again. 
“Harder,” you begged and he complied. You felt him tighten his grip around your waist and rope his fingers into your hair as he jerked his hips forward, not slowing as you came, soaking him from the inside. You screamed out his name as he kept up his pace. 
“Be a good girl and hold on a little longer, okay? I’m almost there,” he said through gritted teeth. Every thrust left you tingling as your walls squeezed around his cock, just as you felt him release into you and collapse onto your back as he caught his breath. Your moment of bliss was interrupted by the ringing of Jaehyun’s phone. 
“Shit, our uber is here,” he chuckled. The two of you cleaned up as quickly as you could before heading out to the party. You touched up your hair and makeup in the car, cursing Jaehyun for ruining your hard work even though he insisted that you looked totally fine. 
That was the beginning of what became a really rewarding arrangement. Jaehyun kept his promise. He would come by your place after work some days, and did a great job of keeping you satisfied, going down on you in the middle of netflix marathons or fucking you against the wall of your shower. He even picked you up from your office, slipping his fingers into your undies and making you cum on his fingers behind tinted windows in the middle of traffic. The best days were the ones where he would sleep over at your place. It was nearly impossible to have a bad day when it started off on such a positive note and there was a noticeable shift in your mood. Until... something happened. 
Your vision was blurred by your tears, as you swiped at your eyes. You desperately wished that you were dreaming. You stared at the pregnancy test you held between your fingers as you sat on your couch sobbing at the results. You had really fucked up this time. All the constant running around and travelling between your place and Jaehyun’s had caused you to accidentally forget to take your pill one day. You had gotten back on schedule but it was too late. The test in your hand proved that it was a big enough mistake for you to end up pregnant. 
You were so shaken up that you called out of work for a week very suddenly. You ignored calls from everyone, including Jaehyun and even lied to Lia about being under the weather to keep everyone from reaching out. Jaehyun kept his distance at first. You both had kept your arrangement secret from your friends and so he wasn’t exactly in a position where he could ask around too much about you. After not hearing back from you after a few days he couldn’t take it anymore and showed up at your doorstep. 
“Y/n,” he pleaded through the door, “don’t do this to me. I know you’re in there. Just let me in so I can at least see if you’re alright.” 
You hesitated before opening the door. He stormed in right away. 
“What the HELL has been going on? You know how worried I’ve been?” he asked. He was raging. You knew ignoring him would most likely lead to such a reaction but you could barely cope with your current situation. 
“I can’t even ask your friends about you because you wanted to keep this a secret. Why haven’t you at least aswered my texts? Even Johnny hasn’t mentioned anything. I’ve been losing my mind trying to get a hold of you,” he scolded. 
You sat next to him on your couch before bursting into tears, sobbing your eyes out. Jaehyun was so startled he immediately moved from his seat to crouch down in front of you. 
“Oh my God, y/n,” he said, reaching out to hold your hands, “What’s wrong? You know you can trust me with anything. Whatever it is, I’ll --” 
You interrupted him, “I’m such an idiot. I thought it would be okay but I missed a day and now - now i-- i’m so so so sorry” you sobbed. 
“What... what do you mean?” he asked, confused. 
You took a shaky breath before whispering, “I’m pregnant.” 
The silence in the room was deafening. Jaehyun had all but collapsed to the ground into a seated position, breathing deeply. 
“Oh, thank GOD,” he said when he finally found the words to speak. 
You couldn’t even believe what you were hearing. 
“So you’re okay then? Oh, thank God,” he said as he let out a sigh of relief. 
“N-no, i’m not okay Jae!” you yelled, tears filling your eyes, “I don’t know what to do, I-i don’t know if I can be a mom! We were supposed to just be messing around... why aren’t you freaking out.”
Jaehyun’s heart sank and you watched tears fill his eyes next. 
“Aren’t you scared too?” you asked him as you broke down, sitting in front of him on the floor. 
“Actually... I-i’m really happy, y/n,” he began, getting choked up.
You threw yourself into his arms. “I’m sorry. I know you’re just saying the right thing. Neither of us planned on this happening. I’m just in shock,” you said. 
Jaehyun wrapped his arms around you, stroking your shoulder as you rested your head against his chest. 
“I’m really excited to be a dad. If you want to go through this, at least,” he said. His words resonated with you deeply and for the first time you imagined what it would be like. 
“Do you... really want to do this? I just feel awful. It’s all my fault” you whispered.  
“Listen to me, y/n,” he said. You nodded, trying your best to look strong as you wiped tears from your eyes. 
“I’m having a baby with the love of my life! I think this might be the best day of my life,” he said as he flashed a dimpled smile. 
Your mouth fell open at his sudden confession. 
“Oh please, don’t act all surprised,” Jaheyun said as he sprinkled kisses over your face, making you laugh for the first time in days.  
“I love you too, Jae. You’re going to be the best dad,” you said as he violently attacked your face with affection. 
He froze, holding your face between his hands. 
“Does that mean we’re really doing this?” he asked excitedly. You nodded your head, smiling back at him. 
“I hope it’s a girl,” he blurted out. You both bursted out into laughter before he continued quietly, “... and then two more boys, then another girl, and then...” 
“Oh my God, Jae...” you groaned as you swatted at his chest. 
He reached out to run his fingers across your belly though it was way too early for you to show. 
“Sorry, I just can’t believe I really did this. Filled you up so much that I actually get to have a little one,” he muttered as his hands started to wander again. 
You felt your body heat up as he closed the gap between the two of you on the floor and drew you in for a deep kiss. 
“This is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place,” you joked. 
“Yeah well since we’re already here we may as well make the most of it for the rest our lives, right mama?” he said sweetly. 
And as expected, Jaehyun kept his promise. He stood proudly by your side through everything from telling your friends, to breaking the news to your families. As days went on you became increasingly excited about the future and felt so lucky to have ended up in such an interesting situation with the perfect man. 
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darkmulti · 3 years
Can you please do (yan)cold transferee student!Jungkook with nice!y/n?? She’s really nice to him and helps him with everything, but one day, another guy asked for her help and he (jk) gets jealous. I’ll leave the kinks up to you. But please make it non con with a bit of face slapping. I hope that’s not too much😅
⚠️: NON CON, face slapping, exhibition
-> sorry for any mistakes
You were the school’s top student
You got along with everyone, however you didn’t have a stable group of friends because you preferred to be alone
Today you were informed that a new transferee is attending and it’s your job to help them out
His name is Jeon Jungkook
You woke up early and got ready because you were excited to meet him
You waited in the office for him and he finally arrived
You introduced yourself and he did the same
You guys both started talking about school life
You showed him where his classes will be
The study areas
The library
The cool pods that you can sleep in
The list keeps going
The next couple of weeks, you give him all your notes so he’s not too behind
You help him understand each concept
You help him study
You both started hanging out a lot more
He even asked you to go to the mall with him so you guys could spend more time together
After your lecture finished, you got up and went to the library where you and Jungkook would usually meet up
Jungkook was still in class so you sat down at your usual spot and started working until a boy from your last lecture class asked for your help
You helped him understand the concept better and he thanked you multiple times
You told him to practice next to you until he fully understands how to solve complex problems
You were working and the boy was working too until Jungkook arrived
He was angered to see someone sitting in his spot, next to you
He sat down on the other side of you and kissed your cheek
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion
“Hey, Y/N. Thanks for helping me. I have to go now. See you tomorrow.”
The boy packed all his stuff and left you and Jungkook alone
“What was that for?” You said, rubbing your cheek
“I just felt like doing it.”
“Well don’t do that next time.”
“I just don’t like it.”
“You’re telling me you don’t like this?”
He grabbed your face and kissed your lips
His arms wrap around your waist while you try pushing him off of you
He picks you up and pushes you against the wall
The study room wasn’t too busy and two book shelves covered you both
He ripped your panties off and took himself out
“Jungkook, stop!” You whisper, not wanting to draw any attention
“You have to be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”
His tip entered in making you hiss
“Jungkook, I’m not ready for this. Stop.”
Jungkook clenched his jaw and thrusted his whole length in
You cover your mouth before any sounds can escape but failed to keep the tears in your eyes
Jungkook started thrusting faster, kissing your neck and placing hickeys all around your collarbone
“Look at my little baby crying. How cute.”
“Stop, please! I’ll give you all the money I have if you stop! I swear.” You whisper yell
Jungkook started going faster and the claps were getting louder which made you anxious
“Jungkook stop! People are going to hear.”
“So what? I don’t care, I’m not the one with the good girl reputation. You are. Make me shut up if you don’t want to get caught.”
“I tried! I offered you money.”
“I don’t want money.”
“Then- ahh.” You cover your mouth immediately, praying to god that no one heard you
Jungkook had a smug look on his face after hearing you moan
“Jungkook, please. This is too risky, I hate it.” You cried into his neck, hoping he would pity you and stop
But no
Jungkook pinned your hands against the wall and thrusted harder so you couldn’t cover up your moans
He let out a low groan that people nearby could definitely hear
“J-Jungkook! Te- tell me wha- ahh.” You throw you head back and cum around him
He cums moments later and ends it off with a deep kiss
“Mmh, princess, I’m never letting you go.”
ceo of shitty endings🤡
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asterroidd · 3 years
sho the todorki
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↬ pairing: shouto todoroki x reader
↬ synopsis: you like him, he likes you. the problem? sho's in the friend zone and so it's up to mina, the resident match maker, and company to give you guys a lil push.
alternatively: sho being a dork, hence the title
↬ warning/s: profanity lol, a lot of second hand embarrassment, two insufferable idiots, idk if this is too ooc of shouto but just take this dorky version of him
↬ note: a fic dedicated to @puredivinity​ that serves as a welcome gift for joining the sho simp club. luv u mara despite all the cursed images i send
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    Class 3-A has four unspoken rules:
    Number one: never play music out loud beyond 8 pm (tried and tested by Denki himself, got blown up by Bakugo)
    Number two: don't leave your room at 2 am or a certain grape pervert would harass you
    Number three: refrain from mentioning crocs to Kirishima. Just don’t.
    And number four: never tell you or Shouto that both of you like each other (just for the sake of entertainment)
    It had become customary to not break these four rules or those who dare break it is rumored to have a thousand year duration of bad luck to be passed down generation after generation.
    That said, Mina was fed up with the mutual pining you and Shouto clearly exhibit. For two years she watched both of you shy and fluster with one another. His face beet red while you a fumbling mess. Truly a sight to behold. It was like watching a romance movie in real time, but without the stupid opening track. 
    At first she thought it was cute, it all started one morning during her first year in U.A. You forgot your jacket that day after waking up late and thus have to rush to get on time. Aizawa would have your head if you weren't there in homeroom. So in your idiocy and frantic state, you forgot most of the essential stuff and that includes, of course, a warm jacket.
    Mina watched as Shouto stared at you from across the room.  With tense shoulders as his gaze constantly drift from your form to his jacket. Her mouth curled upwards, interested with the current situation. It was not every day one could see the infamous Todoroki Shouto so nervous.
    She eagerly kept her attention on him, watching as Shouto got up from his seat and slowly made his way to you with shaky legs. Shouto, barely uttering a word, shoved his jacket to you and rushed back to his seat. At that moment, Mina already knew something was blossoming between you and him.
    And so it basically became her life mission to make sure you and Shouto end up with one another. She made the promise two years ago, and yet here you both were, two dorks that has a crush on each other but couldn't confess even if the world ends that very moment.
    Was it difficult to watch? Yes.
   It took all of Mina's entire being to not push his head into yours. She knows the consequences if one breaks the fourth rule. Two years had already pass and graduation is around the corner, she refuses to accept that both of you aren't a couple. As Class 3-A's resident cupid and match maker, she is more than determined to make sure you and him both end up together. Mina would not be inherently breaking rule number four, just gonna give you guys a lil' push with the help of a friend. And that friend is one that possesses an electrification quirk.
    "Okay, what do we tell (____) tomorrow?" Denki asked.
    Shouto looked over his written notes one last time before nodding and giving his answer, "I'll ask them if they want to have coffee."
    "Good! Make sure to?"
    "I'll make sure to keep eye contact and. . ." he halted, going over his notes once more. "And make sure that I'm smiling."
    Denki flashed him a grin. Clasping a hand around his shoulder and lightly patting it afterwards. "Now, don't forget the lesson I've taught you today. It is important that your date goes smoothly with (____)."
    Shouto eagerly nodded, stars dancing in his eyes. His heart clamored inside his chest, beating in a quick tempo comparable to that of allegro. Sweat accumulated on his palm, in which Shouto then hastily wiped it on his shirt. Despite nervousness bubbling inside his stomach, Shouto admits that he is excited to ask you out.  "Do you really think (____) and I would be a great couple?"
    "Of course, dude! Right, Mina?" Denki turned to his friend. She gave him two thumbs-up, giving fuel to Shouto's confidence for tomorrow's event.
    Now that Denki is done giving him an hour-long lesson about asking you out and things to do in a date, Mina was sure everything would go smooth as butter. Like, what could go wrong? Despite Shouto being a dork and foreign to the concept of love, he still has that natural charm that had some swooning for him.
    Though, she spoke all too soon.
    Mina facepalmed, dragging her palm across her face as Shouto stood frozen before you. She and Denki should've seen this coming.
    "(____)," he started, his voice cracking at the end. Suddenly the discoloration and grime in between the cracks of the wall looks interesting. He kept looking everywhere but you.
    You tilted your head to the side, "What's up, Sho?"
    Heavens above, Shouto loves that nickname.
    The male fiddles with the ends of his shirt, his tongue twisting and throat closing which makes it hard to speak. After class had ended, Shouto came up to you asking if he could talk to you somewhere private. He led you to the area behind the gym where no students are on sight. Well, that is except for Mina and Denki who closely followed behind to make sure Shouto wouldn't mess up his chance. The two stayed low, making sure they are well hidden behind the bush nearby.
   This was now the moment; the perfect chance for Shouto to ask you out after practicing his lines over and over again. It was a simple question: ‘Do you want to have coffee with me this weekend if you are free?”
   Should be easy enough right?
    "I- well- uhh. . ." he scratched the area behind his ear. "D-do you maybe want to free?"
    Shouto paled, he'd done messed up.
    "Wait that's wrong—" he took a deep breath. "Are you coffee this weekend?"
    Really? Really Shouto?
    "Shit— wait! Coffee this free??"
    Can someone take this lost child away?
    Denki bit his inner cheek, hands tugging his hair from second hand embarrassment. He had fate on him; had fate that Shouto had rehearsed enough the night before in asking you out. Guess he was wrong.
    "What do you mean by that?" you voiced out. You were beyond puzzled, unsure what to make of the situation. First he asks to speak with you in private, now he's a stuttering mess. Could it be that he's confessing? Asking you out?
    Your heart quickened at the thought. You were ready to say 'yes'.
    "What I mean is uhh. . ." Shouto wished he has his written notes. "Are you weekend for this coffee?"
    "YES!!" you shout without thinking.
    Wait, what? Hold up.
    "Aight, I'm forcing these two to kiss each other." Mina announced. That’s it. She lost hope for the both of you. You and Shouto need professional help. She adjusted her position, ready to get up and intervene. That is until Denki lay a heavy hand on her shoulder.
    "Wait," he motioned his head to you. Mina huffed, sitting down once more.
    "Sho. . ." you start, a soft smile on your face.
    "Y-yes?" damn, Shouto is such a stuttering mess.
    "Do you want to grab a coffee this weekend? I mean, if you are free?"
    He blinked, your words slowly being registered in his brain. There was a buffer, like an old computer processing 10 kilobyte worth of data. His brain was stuck on 78% in the progress bar. Then, it dawned on him; the cogs and gears turning. It took a full minute for Shouto to understand. "I-. . .I’d love to!" he managed to stutter out.
    Welp, at least that did the job. Denki and Mina released a sigh of relief. High-fiving each other despite the obvious fact that Shouto failed his task.
    But hey, beggars can't be choosers. All's well, ends well.
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    You can't believe it.
    You have a date with Shouto. THE Todoroki Shouto. The guy you've had a crush on since your first year in UA. The one that swept you right off your feet the moment you laid your eyes on him. The friend that always had your back. With him struggling to ask you earlier, could it mean that he likes you more than a friend?
    You let out a squeal, pressing the pillow flush against your chest. In total, you've replayed the scene from memory for over fifty times already. You couldn't even concentrate in doing your homework. So you thought instead of doing your responsibilities, you opted to celebrate by screaming and running around your room in glee.
   It wasn't everyday you'd get a douse of serotonin.
   You’ve waited for this day since forever. Day dreaming about Shouto being your significant other; holding hands with him, wrapping your arms around his torso, and kissing his lips.
   The thought brought forth another pterodactyl squeal from you.
   Oh gods, what would you wear? Should it be casual? Semi-formal? Formal?
   A wedding dress??
   No one told you a date was this stressful. You groaned, prying opening your wardrobe cabinet to quickly plan out an outfit. You can’t afford to look stupid and, dare you say, cheap when you’re on a date with the most sought after male in UA.
   Meanwhile, Shouto is also panicking.
   “Look man, you messed up once but that’s okay!” Denki cheered him up. “Experience is the best teacher.”
   “I know but. . .” Shouto took one deep breath, burying his face in his hands. “I-. . .I just froze up the moment I was in front of them.”
   “And that’s normal!”
   The moment you and Shouto parted ways, the male immediately went to Denki for some follow up consultation. Sure, he can fight villains face-to-face without batting an eye. Could freeze half of his enemies without a drop of sweat. Unleash an inferno of fire to defeat his oponent. Tolerate a bunch of fans shoving cameras up his face to get a close-up picture.
   But Todoroki Shouto, for the love of god, couldn’t ask you out without freezing in place and become a stuttering mess.
   “Lighten up man!” Denki nudged his shoulder. “Unleash the tiger inside you.”
   “But I don’t have a tiger inside me. That would be anatomically incorrect.”
   “Look—that’s not the—. . .what I mean is—uhh. . .nevermind. . .” the blond struggled with his words. He had to be careful with what advice he throw at Shouto. That man takes things way too literately. “What I mean is, toughen up. Have confidence on yourself. You’ll have (____) falling for you before you knew it.”
   Which will be easy since (____) is a simp for him, Denki thought.
   Shouto raised his fist then clenched it, determination washing over him. He gave one brief nod to his mentor (that is the personification of Pikachu).
   He can do it. Todoroki Shouto could do it.
   He’d go over his lines a thousand times before the date. He’d make sure he is 110% prepared before the weekend. Denki had made a dent in his schedule just to tutor him how to make you fall in love with him. Shouto wouldn’t let this go to waste.
   Yes, this man is prepared and is on a mission he couldn't possibly fail.
   Scratch that, Shouto’s a mess.
   He pulled the end of his sleeves, his legs bouncing up and down. The male bit the inside of his cheeks, was the weather hot or was it just his insides burning up. Shouto couldn’t sleep the night before, his mind kept him up. It was like 17 browser tabs are open, with three of them frozen, and he doesn’t know where the music is coming from.
   Due to the jitters getting the best of him, Shouto arrived at the agreed destination. . .two hours earlier than what was expected.
   Which wasn’t a problem anyway, since you did the same.
   You huffed, doubling over and placing your hands on your knees. You had ran from your house all the way to the cafe just to make sure you weren't late this time. In attempts to catch your breath, you’ve failed to notice your date standing just a few feet away from you. The minute Shouto laid his eyes on you, fire sparked deep within his heart. Someone pinch him and tell this wasn’t a dream.
   “(____),” he walked close to which startled you.
   “Sho! You-. . . you’re early!”
   “So are you. . .”
   Then silence fell between both of you. Talk about awkward. Who’s idea was it to get these two idiots in a date? If anything, both of you should’ve just left it on mutual pining and save it as a story for the grandchildren.
   Shouto cleared his throat, hands scratching the back of his neck. “Well, since we’re both early. Why won’t we enter the café?”
   You nodded, your voice box failing you. Inwardly, you were screaming your heart out. The embarrassment was just too much for you to handle. You doubt that Shouto would want a second date at this point.
   And so you lagged behind him, keeping a feet distance away from the male. You have a hard time looking at him without making a mess for yourself. Blood rushing your cheeks, it was hard to ignore the butterflies fluttering inside your stomach.
   The café was quite small. A handful of potted plants hung outside, the store’s name written in calligraphy, and a few customers visible from the window. The establishment was newly built, Ochako introduced it to you about a week ago. The cheesecake they sell is to die for—it was definitely worth the hefty price.
   A small chime went off as Shouto opened the door. Then it hit you; the strong smell of coffee. You were not a big fan of the beverage, but you’ve got to admit that the scent was pleasant. Without prior warning, Shouto lightly held your hand in his. His thumb gliding over the back of your hand a few times. You took in a sharp inhale, eyes widening at his gesture.
   This is what they do in dates right? Shouto recalled his notes.
   So this is like a DATE date?? Not a friendly date? Somebody pinch me right now, you thought.
   “We should find a table,” he spoke, eyes refusing to make contact with yours. You’ve managed to stutter out an agreement, too occupied with the feeling of his hands. It was so warm—just the way you imagined it throughout the years.
   You could finally die now in peace. Goodbye cruel world.
   Soon enough, you and he are situated on a table near the window. Neither of you dare start a conversation, because god forbid another awkward interaction. Years worth of watching romance series could have never prepared you for such an instance. You wished you should’ve consulted some of your classmates—especially those who have experience in the topic of dating—before coming here yourself. You could try and message them, but you wondered if it would be rude to pull out your phone and ignore Shouto. No, you wouldn’t take the chance.
   “Uh- So how are you, (____)?” he asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
   “Oh, uhhh—. . .” how does one even speak again? “I’m doing well, I guess. . .?”
   That was lame, (____). Lame.
   “How about you?”
   Shouto was silent, you figured he didn’t hear you so you repeated yourself once again. All the while not looking at his direction. It would be better if you don’t see his face or you’ll turn into a puddle of mess.
   But seconds seem to drag to minutes, and that got you concerned.
   “Sho—“ you cut yourself short, realizing that he was staring at you with a lovestruck expression. He looks at you rather softly, like how one would look at a small pet one happens to cross by while walking. The way Shouto kept his gaze at you made you insecure. Was there something on your face? Hair? Shirt? Oh gods, did you smell?
   You wished that, right then and there, the earth would swallow you whole.
   “Sorry I was just. . .” he faltered in his sentence, gulping down his saliva. Shouto then turned his head to the side, a blush ever so present on his cheeks as well as the tips of his ears.
   "Sorry, you're just—just so cute in that outfit that I can’t help but stare."
   His voice was quiet, barely a whisper but you heard it, ironically, loud and clear. Your hand found its way on your mouth, blood rushing to your cheeks as a result of his compliment.
   “Tha-thank you. . .” you’ve managed to croak out, looking down and fiddling with your nails.
   Just. WOW. You can’t believe it. Never once did Shouto commented on your appearance throughout the duration of your friendship with him. What he did was just. . .just so unexpected from him. You find it hard to believe yourself.
   All these years, you’ve hidden your feelings for him. Trapped it inside a chest and swallowed the key yourself. Him falling for you is comparable to that of pigs flying; it was impossible to happen. Yet both of you sat there, like two dorks, a blushing mess while refusing to make eye contact with one another. For once, maybe this time, you could tell him how you feel.
   “I like you. . .” you voiced out your thoughts. It took you a minute to realize what you've done. You let out a small gasp and directed your attention to Shouto. He was also looking at you, baffled. He went silent, his jaw went slack, and eyes wide open, trying to find the words to reply.
   Oh boi, did you made a mistake?
   “BECAUSE YOU’RE MY FRIEND!” Your jaw tightened, declaring it all too loudly just in case he rejects you. “I like you because you’ve been a good friend to me.”
   You hope you were doing this right.
   Unbeknownst to you, Shouto felt his heart break into two after hearing your added comment. His shoulders slumped down, sadness clouded his features.
   “I. . .I see. . .” he muttered. “I like you too,” he said after a pregnant pause.
   Your whole face lit up. Now it was your turn to look at him with a baffled expression. There was a twinkle in your eye, is this it? The moment of your life?
   “Because you’re my precious friend.” Shouto plastered a smile on his face.
   Oh. Welp, Mina and Denki tried.
   RIP to both of you, forever pushing the other in the friend zone.
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ya’ll want a bakugo version of this? (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ✧
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dabiboy · 4 years
could you write a little nsfw dabi fic? I’ve been obsessed with him lately and I KNOW he has a corruption kink 🥵
My most sincere apologies, this one took me forever, I’m so sorry! Here it is the finished piece, hope you like it! 😭
Author's note: Regarding the tag list, I tagged the ones that let me know they're Ok with nsfw things, so if you want to be tagged in these kind of pieces let me know! I didn't tagged the ones I have written for all my works because maybe they can get uncomfortable or similar, so if you're not tagged here please excuse me😅
Corrupt Me [NSFW]
You had it all. A good job, a good position at the job, a nice apartment downtown shared with your boyfriend. He was a good guy, lame but a good one. Things with him were normal, nothing extraordinary. It was a common thing to have him on top of you one night a week, barely pleasing himself, and whenever you wanted to try something there was always the same excuse building like a wall between the two of you, ''I'm tired'' you even tried to get away from that perfect-dreamed-girl image you had and wore a nice set of lingerie, but he didn't care about it. And you ended up spending another night alone in the living room as he was snoring loudly in your bedroom. But that was Ok with you, because it was your life. Your perfect little life. Why should you ask for something else when you had everything? 
But then, it happened. 
You went to a bar, a hidden bar somewhere in town. It was you, your boyfriend and another couple of friends, it was all about to get some drinks and forget about the stress gathered during the week. You had ordered just a juice, how could you, Miss Perfection ask for something stronger? You couldn't, and you didn't. One because you were not used to drinking, and two because your boyfriend got mad if you tried to drink something stronger than a daiquiri. 
Things were going smooth, until you saw him. A mysterious-looking guy sitting on one of the spots near the wall, his eyes clung to you as he inhaled the smoke of his cigarette. Despite the great number of nasty scars covering his face, and as you could see part of his hands, he was quite handsome. Was it his attitude? His clothes? Him? You couldn't tell, but right when he had smirked your friend's voice distracted you. Before leaving, you made a quick trip to the restroom, your friend was already out when you did, and as they were hurrying you, it was hard to notice that your wallet fell when you crashed with someone with the side of your body.
''Hey dollface'' The voice called, and if it hadn't been for the red light lighting the place, he would've laughed at your blush. 
''Yes?'' You asked, feeling nervous when you noticed it was the scarred guy from earlier, he looked even hotter with less distance between the two of you. 
''You dropped this'' He showed your wallet, holding it with his middle and ring finger. The man gave it back to you, and you felt like an idiot because you thought he was going to flirt with you. 
''Thank you'' You said shyly, grabbing your wallet and leaving quickly as possible, leaving him with a cocky smirk standing behind you. 
Two weeks went by after that. Two weeks and you couldn't stop thinking about the guy at the bar, his cocky smile, the scars that adorned his body, was it only his face? were more of them? Damn, even his voice, raspy and low, but still enigmatic and catchy, those three words keep resonating in your head. And when it was Friday again, you couldn't help it anymore. You told your boyfriend that one of your friends at work was dumped by her partner before their wedding and that she was waiting for you at a bar, he didn't oppose. Actually, it was as if he didn't listen to you because apparently, his Ludo game was more interesting than you.  And he kept eating his cheese fingers as he lay on the couch. 
You doubted, but you were already in the uber heading to the same bar, hoping to find him there. Even though you shouldn't. You shouldn't because you had a boyfriend, because you should be finishing reports for your job, you shouldn't because what were you doing at a bar at midnight on your own, but honestly? Maybe something deep inside you was tired of that life. And maybe, you needed a small push. 
Once there, sitting at the bar you asked for a drink, a soft one because you didn't know much about the rest. Your eyes were looking around the place, trying to catch a glimpse of the person you were looking for, but there were signs of the mysterious guy. Guilt hit you again, and maybe the best option was leaving. You were about to stand up when a voice in your ears send shivers down your spine.
''Leaving so early, dollface?''  There it was. The same sensation as two weeks ago. It was him. You saw his back when he walked to sit in the tabouret in front of you. 
''I...'' You doubted again. He was intimidating, his mere presence was intoxicating. 
''You alone tonight? No lame-ass boyfriend around?'' 
''I needed to clear my head tonight'' You simply stated. ''And he... He is not lame'' Why did you reply that? Was it an intrinsic answer? probably. The one you were used giving.
''Oh, so you were having the time of your life, weren't ya?'' He smirked ''You didn't even laugh, pretty face. I think you're here for the second attempt'' He kept that cocky smile on his face, noticing the way you were looking at him. ''Why so tense, c'mon. Relax a little'' he took a sip from his glass.
''I'm not tense, should I?'' You asked, trying your best to look relaxed
''Yeah, sure'' He scoffed and rolled his eyes. ''The name's Dabi, by the way'' he moved to take another cigarette out. 
And before you could notice, you were exchanging words with a stranger not so stranger. Dabi was all the opposite of your life, he was all the things you didn't do, the things that were forbidden, the ones that you avoid. thought about the man at home, about everything that was taught to you, to be good, to be perfect. If someone saw you hanging out with a man who had staples all over his face would've called you crazy. And maybe you were. 
''I don't think you can take it'' Dabi had said ''You look too perfect, a badass life would tear you down.''
''Oh, is that what you think?'' You smiled, not even a bit drunk.  
''Unless you show me the opposite'' He leaned forward, his hot breath tickling in your ear ''Why don't I corrupt you, Miss Perfect'' You felt your body covered in electricity, feeling things you've never felt before. He nibbled on your ear, slowly, and you could tell he was smirking. 
And then, his lips were on your jaw, his hand resting on the opposite side of your neck 'I live nearby' you heard him say, and you? You nodded. That subtle touch felt like heaven, and there was no way in trying to hide it. 
Before you knew it, you were walking with him on way to his place, and when you got there the only thing you could feel was the way he pinned you against the now-closed door, kissing you hard, not an ounce of shame. You felt the dampening on your panties from a simple kiss, what was with him? That was wrong on so many different levels, and a part of you wanted to go back home and keep living under those boring shadows of grey, but the other part of you wanted to stay there, and witness a whole different world, you wanted to stay. 
''Aren't ya' going to call him?'' He whispered in your ear, turning around so his torso was against your back. ''Tell him you're not getting home tonight, doll'' You felt his smirk, and you were about to answer but a shy moan left your mouth when his hand got under your shirt. 
''I think I should'' You managed to say under your breath and took your phone to dial him. 
As you did, Dabi kept kissing your neck, biting it tentatively, and whispering dirty things in your ear as you spoke through the phone.
''Tori is very drunk and...'' You stop, his hand was right over your breast, massaging it at his will ''And... I came to her apartment, she can barely stand'' 
''She is a jerk, you see? That it happens when women do shits they aren't supposed to'' Your boyfriend said through the other side of the line.
''I think they enjoy a lot'' Dabi chuckled, and he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding his slender fingers in, you bit your lip.
''What was that?'' the other man spoke through the phone
''Nothing, the TV is on'' Your eyes were closed, and you coughed in an attempt of hiding a moan when Dabi slid a finger along your slit. 
''So damn wet'' The scarred man said in your ear, setting your panties aside so he could feel you better.
''Sounds like a porn movie, hope you're not watching that Christian Grey thing'' Your boyfriend said again.
''No, it is just a music video. Listen, I gotta go, she's throwing up'' 
And with that and the last goodbye, you cut the call. Dabi lifted your shirt and tossed it to the floor, kissing your exposed shoulder. Your head fell back, resting on his collarbone as he kept moving his finger along your wetness. You could feel his crotch against your ass, he was already hard and you were a bit nervous. Without stopping his ministrations, he started walking with you towards his bedroom. In a brief moment, you skimmed the apartment. It was tiny, and it was very messy, but despite that, it didn't seem nasty. 
At some point, your pants and shoes were off, and you didn't know if it was because of the heated situation or the fact that another man was seeing you in underwear but you were sure your cheeks were more than red. Your legs felt weak when Dabi started rubbing your clit in soft circular motions, breathing heavily in your ear. But suddenly, his hand was away from you. Turning around, you saw him. He was smirking, and he guided the same finger that was playing with you to his mouth, licking it clean, getting a sample of your taste. You sat down, and his eyes wandered all over your body, and you were not even fully naked yet. 
''What, did the cat got your tongue?'' He asked ''You were so talkative at the bar, saying that you were not lame, that you could be a badass'' 
Dabi smirked, and got rid of his shirt right in front of you. He looked lanky with his clothes on, but now? You could see better what his clothes were hiding. Even though he was not muscular, his shoulders were broad, and despite the big burnt scars on his body, you could saw his abdomen was well defined, the same with the 'v' line that continued right under his pants. He got closer, and leaned down so he could plant a heated kiss on your lips, making you wish you could hold your breath for longer. A sound took you out of your thoughts, and even though you had your eyes closed you knew it was the sound of his belt, and then? His pants sliding down his legs. Once the kiss was over, he stood still again, and took his boxers down with no shame, on the contrary. A cocky smile was plastered on his face. 
It was not the first time you've seen one before, but it was the first time in a few years you saw another one that wasn't your boyfriend's. And Dabi was thicker and bigger, the sight of it had you drooling, and you hoped you weren't being that obvious. He grabbed his length and pumped a few times, and you could notice something shining on the underside, and there they were. Three bars.
''First time you see a pierced one?'' He teased. 
He kissed you one more time, the smirk never leaving his face. Dabi's hands went to your back, unclipping your bra and finally exposing your torso to his sight. You moaned shyly when his mouth was over your nipple, sucking it and biting it with the right pressure to make you squirm.
''I thought you wanted-'' You said in a low voice, biting your lip at his interruption.
''For you to suck me off? Yes, but that can wait you pretty thing'' 
After letting out a chuckle, he kneeled in front of you. A slap on your thigh made you whimper, and you obey at his command. 
''Stand'' Dabi said. And his hands moved all the way up over your legs, getting rid of your panties and exposing your soaked intimacy. He licked his lips, and spoke again. ''Now sit back and spread those pretty legs for me, dollface'' 
You did as he said. And honestly, you felt the fear taking possession of your body. The last time your boyfriend was right between your legs, was more uncomfortable than pleasant. He was a brute, and he paid attention to everywhere less to the important parts, was that how it supposed to feel? Uncomfortable and even a bit painful? Your heart was racing, but then, it was like you were in heaven. He licked a stripe along your slit, focusing only on your clit. His movements were measured, and even though they were still a bit rough it was only pleasure filling your body. The vibrations of his moans made you shiver and moan, and in an instinctive reaction you used your hand to grab his head and pull him closer, making him smile against your core. 
Dabi lifted one of your legs so he could place it over his shoulders, and the contrast of his cold staples and his warm mouth had you seeing stars. 
He used two fingers to spread your walls, and that made him lick his lips. 
''Look at that, what a perfect little hole you got there huh'' 
You felt a little bit embarrassed at his words, but then every thought clouded because his tongue was deep inside you, fucking you with no shame and making you squirm as he squeezed your thighs. You would have to come up with an excuse to explain the bruises. 
He kept eating you out, switching from tongue fucking you to lick and suck at your clit with expertise. 
What you didn't know, is that he was the biggest tease on earth, and when you were right on the edge he stopped everything, and stood up with a smile on his face. He crawled the two of you to the bed, using his knee to spread your legs as he whispered in your ear.
''The only way you're coming tonight, is on my dick''
He used a hand to align himself on your entrance, and he pushed his hips slowly. You? You threw your head back and let out a shameless moan, and it was the first time you heard yourself letting out such a sinful sound, and that made him smile. Dabi cursed under his breath, and he started moving quickly, making you bite your lip. 
''Don't hold them back dollface, I want to hear you'' He said ''Let everyone know how good I make you feel, how bad and nasty you are'' 
He growled, and you forgot about everything. Your parents and their pressure of you achieving perfection? Gone. Your boyfriend being so lame and selfish? Gone. The people at your job asking you for more things and you wishing for a break? Gone. The only thing that you could think of, was how good he felt inside you, the way his abdomen looked every time he moved in and out of you, even the weight of his body on top of yours felt beyond good. One of your hands was on his head, tugging at his hair while the other was on his back, digging your nails at the strong sensations. Suddenly, you were not shy anymore. Moans were leaving your mouth, your hips were bucking against him following his fast and strong rhythm, crying out with each of his thrusts. 
All of him was intoxicating, his scent, his voice, his body, all of it had you asking for more, not wanting stop. And Dabi was aware of it, he knew the impact he had on your body and certainly, he loved it. He loved he was corrupting such a nice girl. You opened your eyes, and try to make the words come out of your mouth, it was hard to hold them back with all of the emotions that were over your body, especially when you were feeling closer by the second.
''I'm- I'm on the pill'' You could say. And a devilish smirk appeared on Dabi's face.
''Does that mean that you want me to cum inside you?'' He scoffed ''Such a naughty little thing'' A moan left his lips as his thrusts became sloppier ''Scream my name, c'mon''
You couldn't do more than obey his demands, he had you wrapped around his finger. Your back arched and he held your hips, pounding relentlessly in and out of you, and by the way his cock twitched inside you you knew he was close too. You were about having an orgasm with a man that wasn't your boyfriend. And you were loving every second of it. 
His naughty words were the perfect plus, and with them and his thrusts you felt that knot forming in your lower stomach, a feeling that you have forgotten. 
''So close'' You said between panted sounds.
''That's it doll, cum on my cock. Don't hold back, c'mon'' he said, his face pressed against your neck, his sweat mixing with yours and his bites making you shiver.
It just took a few more thrusts for you to scream his name, digging your nails in the healthy skin of his back at the same time you felt his hot spurt deep inside you. Dabi moaned loudly as he kept his cock buried, finishing his release. Your entire body was shaking, coming down from cloud nine and processing everything that just happened. A gasp left your lips when he pulled out and rolled to the side of your bed, laughing a bit. 
''Guess you were not a lame shit'' He lifted an eyebrow and you covered your face. 
''Shut up, I'm not like this'' behind your hands covering your face, you were laughing. It was wrong, but it felt heavenly.
''What are you gonna say to the ugly little shit you call boyfriend bout' all of these'' His fingers were on your hips, touching the red areas that were probably going to become bruises. '' You should tell him how good I fucked you'' He chuckled and he rested on his side to kiss your neck again.
''I... I might just explain that I hit against something'' There was a slight blush on your cheeks, a mix of shyness and because of the previous events.
''I recommend you to find a different excuse, cause I'm not done with you yet'' He nibbled on your ear, and his hand grabbed your neck just a bit tightly ''Because there will be more bruises'' His voice was low, rough, and seductive. Almost compelling you.
''Really? Guess I will have to be creative, then'' You said surrendering to his charms.  Everything felt more than good, he was addictive, and it felt like you weren't worried about stop being Miss Perfect. Those days were over. 
''That's what I wanted to hear'' He smirked, and made you lift off the bed. He stood up, and leaned forward so he could whisper in your ear ''On your knees, princess.'' 
Tag list [open]: @waffleareniceandfluffy @axerrri @angelofdarkness1020]
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thenamesseven · 3 years
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Pairing: Jongho x reader
Genre: Romance, angst, jail au!
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, mentions of an accident.
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG WITH THIS CHAPTER BUT I WAS SO STUCK IN SOME SCENES 😭 Hope that the wait was worth it and that you can forgive me!
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“He’s not alone?” The question echoed in the silence of his office, his heart beating slightly faster in his chest when he received the affirmative answer he was hoping to get.
His eyes met Jaehyun’s, the both of them had been sitting in his office, standing the pressure and waiting for the phone call that would confirm if the first step of their plan was successful or not. Seongwha had been reclining back on his chair, feet on his desk as he moved from side to side, rocking himself in an attempt to release some tension. Jaehyun preferred to stay still and stare at the phone, only raising his eyes when Seonghwa picked it up.
The both of them smiled in unison when they heard their worker’s answer, the objective had been Wooyoung but if luck was on their side tonight and you had been in that car as well then none of them would complain about it. They’ve just killed two birds with one stone, two humans with a car accident to be exact.
All the panick he had felt when he found out Wooyoung had been spying on them vanished quickly, now the only one left to deal with was Jongho and he was locked between the walls of the prison he owned. There was not much he could do from here, Seonghwa’s control was back, the situation had been fixed before it got too out of hand.
“Wait a second, I’ll send you a picture so we’re sure it is her and not somebody else” Seonghwa met Jaehyun’s eyes again before sending a picture he had saved on his phone gallery of you, guiding the phone back to his ear almost instantly after sending it. There was more silence, some arguing from the other side of the line that made him roll his eyes a little and right when he was about to clear his throat and demand an answer, the guys Jaehyun hired gave him the response both of them had been hoping for “Get rid of her” He said smiling, hearing Jaehyun sighed relieved “Make sure both of them are dead, we don’t want any surprises”
Without waiting for any kind of response from Jaehyun’s men, Seonghwa hung up on the call and sighed comfortably, letting his phone fall from his hand to the table before he crossed his arms on his chest, glancing at his friend with a happiness that could only be described as madness. How could they be so happy about killing someone?
“One less problem” He whispered smiling, closing his eyes as if he was about to take a nap. “Life works in such funny ways, doesn’t it?” Seonghwa asked Jaehyun, hearing him hum in agreement.
“Now we just have to deal with Jongho, leave him to me” He said standing up, not interested about spending more time with Seonghwa now that he knew his plan had succeeded it “I’ll make sure to deliver the bad news as softly as possible”
Sarcasm dripped out of his words like amusement flowed through the chuckles he let out while he exited the room
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It was the smell of burnt plastic and the overwhelming hot temperatures were what brought you back to consciousness first. A whine escaped your lips when you opened your eyes, vision blurry as you tried to scan your surroundings but unfortunately, you weren’t able to see or at least process, the situation you were in right now.
The memory of your friend on the driver’s side was what made you call out his name, a wave of pain going down your body when you tried to look to the side where he was supposed to be. Even though you couldn’t see clearly, you could distinguish his figure on the driver side, unconscious with his forehead resting on the steering wheel.
This time your voice sounded more urgent, way more scared when Wooyoung didn’t even moved at the sound of your voice and seeing he didn’t even react to being called out a second time, you reached down to take off your seatbelt, giving you more freedom to move even though the pain in your body didn’t allow you to do too many things.
You ignored the sticky feeling of your clothes, how sweat and blood were making them stick to your skin like glue and decided to focus on bringing Wooyoung back to consciousness. You could see your clothes were broken in some places, there were hints of wounds you could feel and see but decided to act as if they weren’t there. You weren’t the most important thing right now, Wooyoung was.
The smoke that was passing through the inside of the car made you cough a couple of times, making your body tense up in pain when you did. You could only hope there was nothing broken and that your wounds were merely superficial.
“Wooyoung, hey”
Reaching out, you gently placed one of your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back slowly, until his back was against his seat and his head far away from the steering wheel. There was blood running down his face, a wound in his head signaling he might have a concussion but his chest was still moving up and down with each breath he took and that slowed down the pounding of your heart.
His entire face scrunched up when you forced him to move and probably your constant calling was also helping, he didn’t seem too happy about your decision to force him back to consciousness, in fact, Wooyoung was probably more comfortable with his eyes closed refusing to acknowledge what was happening, dangerously roaming closer to death instead of life but the adrenaline running through your veins was enough for you to keep pushing him back to life.
You were not one to give up easily.
“(Y/N)?” He asked quietly, still refusing to open his eyes but letting you know he was awakening. You kept your hand on his shoulder, not letting go of his body completely in case he passed out again, the last thing he needed was to get hit on his head another time.
“Yeah! There’s a girl in the car too”
The sound of an unfamiliar voice made you momentarily forget about Wooyoung, it also brought back the faint memories you had from before the accident. The two of you talking comfortably in the car, stopping at a red light, being the only car around since it was really late and then….Then a car crashed into yours. The accident hadn’t been unexpected, the other driver had known what he was doing and he hadn’t had any hesitation before ramming into them from Wooyoung’s side.
This had all been intentional.
Your vision, that now seemed to be a bit more clear, moved to the windshield. There were two males in front of you, standing nearby the car that, by the way it looked, seemed to be the one that caused the crash. The both of them seemed fine, standing perfectly straight as they talked on the phone with someone with their backs to you. They probably thought you were either unconsciously still or dead at this point, there was no reason for them to keep their eyes on you because, even if you tried to run away, you wouldn’t get too far.
“Wooyoung” You called out to him again, voice giving away the amount of tension that overflowed the adrenaline you had been feeling, heart picking up the speed of its beating once again “We need to get out of here” He groaned besides you, telling you that he was listening, that he agreed with you but didn’t have the strength to get moving yet “Now”
“Yes, she’s the girl in the picture”
Those words confirmed there was somebody after you, you didn’t have to think much to get to the conclusion this was either Jaehyun or Seonghwa, probably the two of them were after this, which made the situation even worse at this point.
“Do you have a weapon? Anything we can use to defend ourselves?” You asked tense, looking at Wooyoung for a few seconds before forcing your eyes back to the two figures in front of you, not wanting to let them out of your sight.
“What are you talking about?” Wooyoung asked even more frustrated, finally opening his eyes to look at you.
A wave of dizziness made you close your eyes for a few seconds but instead of panicking even more, you simply pinched the bridge of your nose and took a couple of deep breaths, inhaling as much as you could before exhaling it out slowly. There wasn’t too much time left and someone would call you stupid for doing this but good ideas never come when you’re stressed or under too much pressured, you needed to calm down first.
Your head turned towards Wooyoung, his eyes on the windshield as he now looked at the two guys that were still talking about something, paying zero attention to the two of you. They weren’t in a rush, nobody was coming to help anyways. Wooyoung brought a finger up to his lips, signaling you to keep your voice low before he dragged his eyes back to your face, the seriousness in his look sending chills down your spine.
“Get your phone, see if it works and call Hongjoong” He whispered, seeing the confusion in your face but interrupting you to keep talking before you even had the chance to ask about it “We need help, just tell him to come and get us out of here”
Nodding, you started patting your bloody clothes, looking around the mess the car had turned into as Wooyoung started looking for something as well, you didn’t know what it was exactly but your best guess was that he had a weapon hidden somewhere, one that he would be using to defend the two of you. You almost cried in relief when you found your phone on the ground, right besides your left feet and crouched down to get it, not even caring about the stinging sensation you felt when some of the glass that belonged to the screen scratched your hand.
It was a miracle the phone was still working, most of the screen had turned black but it was still visible enough for you to dial Hongjoong’s number. It only took him a couple of rings to pick up.
“(Y/N)?” He didn’t sound sleepy, Hongjoong was either up to something or still working on the plan to get Jongho out with the guys “Is everything okay?” Concerned dripped from his voice, this was not an ordinary time to call somebody, bad news were mostly delivered late at night and you both knew this.
“Someone is after Wooyoung and I'' There was no point in beating around the bush, you needed the guys to get the two out of this situation before it was too late.
“Where are you guys?” Hongjoong seemed to understand the seriousness of the situation and decided to ignore all the questions he felt like asking to focus on the most important ones.
“I don’t know” You replied honestly, panicking a little when your eyes landed on the gun that Wooyoung was now holding “We were getting out of work, Wooyoung offered to drive me and we had a car accident...It all happened too fast, I don’t know where we are”
Although that would make things even harder for Hongjoong, he didn’t show it and instead signaled for the guys to start getting ready to leave “We’ll be there in five minutes, hold on there”
“Hey! Who the fuck are you calling!?” Your eyes opened wide when the strangers’ attention were now on you, Wooyoung’s hand keeping his gun hidden when both of them started approaching the car at a speed that was pretty much disliked. Your time had run out, now you could only hope Hongjoong would get there fast.
“Wooyoung?” Your voice, impatient and full of fear, made his body tensed up. He also knew this situation didn’t look good for the two of you but there was not much he could do at the moment “What do we do?”
“There’s two of them” Wooyoung pointed out as his eyes scanned the area trying to see if someone else had come with them, it wouldn’t make sense though, two people should have been enough for taking someone out “(Y/N) listen to me” His eyes never moved away from the two figures approaching, his lips moving as little as possible so they wouldn’t be able to read them and guess what he was planning to do “We’re going to get out of this car and try to buy some time, alright? They’re probably armed, way more than us so we’ll try to keep our distance once their guns are gone” You nodded at his words, legs slightly shaking as you tried to get a grip on yourself “Stay behind me, do not give them a clear shot, you hear me?”
“Hey!” One of them shouted again, a few steps away from the car.
“No matter what, stay behind me” Wooyoung warned one last time before he pulled his gun up, aiming at them through the windshield and making them stop abruptly. “Hands where I can see them, Im not fucking around” His voice had shifted to a dangerous one, a lingering threat in his words that made your friend totally unrecognizable, this was a side of him you’ve never seen before.
The men in front of you looked at each other, their hands midway to the back of their jeans where their weapons were probably being kept. You honestly didn’t know what the plan was or what Wooyoung wanted to do but you stayed quiet and decided to keep an eye on them as well.
“You're outnumbered here buddy, don’t make the situation worse than it is for you guys” One of them warned, eyes following Wooyoung as he pushed the door of his car opened without moving his aim on one of them. “Tell your boyfriend to put that gun down” He said, his cold eyes meeting yours.
You tensed under his gaze, unable to hide it and giving him more confidence than the necessary, he knew you were hesitating about this entire thing “You, eyes on me, forget about her” Wooyoung said coldly, standing outside of the car, behind the door “(Y/N) come here, crawl over the driver seat and stand behind me”
You looked at him for a second but Wooyoung was too focused on keeping his aim on both guys to return it. Careful and wincing at the pain you felt every time you moved, you started leaving the passenger seat to crawl into the driver one, right before managing to get out of the damaged car without stumbling in the process. Wooyoung was quick to hide your body behind his immediately, only letting you look over his shoulder.
“You were sent to get me, not her” Wooyoung broke the silence between the four of you, one of his hands reaching back to grab one of yours, holding it ever so gently that it almost made you broke into a thousand tears right there. “We can negotiate something if you let her go”
One of the guys smirked and shook his head, you could understand his amusement though since the two of you weren’t exactly in the dominating role to ask about a negotiation. You should be the ones listening to them, not ordering them around “Sorry dude but apparently she pissed them off too….You know the consequences of that” He shrugged as if he was actually apologizing, your stomach turned, sending a wave of bilis up your throat. You somehow managed to not throw up.
“She didn’t” Wooyoung insisted, holding the weapon tight, letting your hand go to get a steady aim as he kept switching it between both guys “I won’t resist, just let her get out of this”
Something fired up inside one of the guys, you saw it in his eyes, how he could just not believe the audacity Wooyoung was having “You’re right” He suddenly said, looking at the two of you as he took a step closer to his friend “We’ll kill you first and then, we’ll have her all for ourselves to use and enjoy before-”
He didn’t have time to finish his sentence, Wooyoung’s fingers pulled the trigger.
A quiet yelped exited your body as you unconsciously reached out and gripped the back of his shirt, the man that had been shot fell down onto the floor and by the sounds he was letting out you could tell he was still alive but not for longer. A trail of swearings exited the other guy’s mouth but Wooyoung didn’t even let you catch a glimpse since he pulled the two of you down, letting the car door cover both of your bodies.
“Run when I tell you to” Wooyoung informed, chest moving up and down too fast, in sync with yours as adrenaline kept being pumped through your body. “Don’t look back just keep running until you find somewhere to hide, do not come out until Hongjoong shows up, you hear me?”
You opened your mouth to say something but another shot broke what was left of the driver’s window after the accident, Wooyoung had obviously pissed these guys off way too much to attempt the negotiation strategy one more time.
“I’ll cover you just run (Y/N)” He interrupted you, looking over the edge of the door for a few seconds before he shot again. “You need to get out of here, alright? For Jongho?” The name of your soon to be husband squeezed your heart, he would be destroyed if you ended up dying here, you knew he would blame himself and carry the guilt forever.
But were you able to just abandon Wooyoung like that?
“Hongjoong will be here soon” You whispered, refusing to move from where you were, everything in your body screaming to run away like he was telling you except your heart, who refused to leave him alone. “We’ll get out of this one”
“God fucking danmit (Y/N)!” He screamed frustrated, knowing you wouldn’t be going anywhere without him, swearing even more when another bullet almost hit his shoulder, scraping his clothes but miraculously not even touching his skin.
Another bullet created a whole in the metallic barrier the car door had turned into, your cover wouldn’t last much longer and it would leave you and Wooyoung totally defenseless against someone who seemed determined to get rid of the two of you.
“Hide behind the car, crawl your way there, I’ll cover you” Wooyoung instructed and knowing he wouldn’t take a no for an answer, you placed your entire body against the raspy pavement, feeling how it scratched your skin as you kept crawling, hearing the bullets fly above you. Pain was the least of your worries now, getting out of this alive was more important.
The low sound of a car engine approaching made your heart beat faster, it was either Hongjoong or reinforcements to make sure you wouldn’t live to tell someone about this. “Someone’s coming” You told Wooyoung, crouching behind the car, watching him crawl towards you as well.
“Hongjoong?” He asked you breathless, the sweat appearing in his forehead making the dry blood in his skin roll down his face to his neck, an image that was scary and worrying, something you would never be able to forget.
“I don’t know”
“I just have two bullets left” Wooyoung announced, looking down at his gun before he loaded it once again, getting ready to stand up and aim at your opponent.
It was kill or be killed, there was no other choice in this situation.
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San, who had been stepping on the gas pedal since they had all gotten in the car, was quick to slow down once they started approaching the location where the GPS that belonged to your phone said you were. A silence that only meant tension and worry filled the car as they all mentally prayed for you to be alright, there was no one moment one of them hadn’t blamed themselves for not seeing something like this coming.
They should have known they would attack as soon as they realized they were going down, they should have known better.
With the lights turned off, San stopped the car somewhere he thought they wouldn’t be seen and quickly got out along with his friends, gun in hand, eyes scanning the area in case there were any surprises left for them. You never know what to expect in this kind of situation, this could either go incredibly well or terribly wrong.
“There they are” Hongjoong whispered, seeing the two of you crouching behind what used to be Wooyoung’s car. His body was still covering yours, protecting you even when he knew he could die anytime.
San had never liked cops but he had to admit Wooyoung’s devotion for your well-being and happiness despite knowing all your feelings belonged to his friend, were truly admirable.
“Can you see where the guy is?” Yunho asked, looking at the rest of them, eyes frantically searching for another person, willing to just get rid of him and get his friend’s girlfriend out of this nightmare alive. He knew Jongho would be totally inconsolable if you died like this, there was no doubt he would blame himself forever.
“He’s covered up as well, we need to be careful, he could be anywhere” Hongjoong warned, dying to get you and Wooyoung out of there but not willing to risk more lives than necessary, they wouldn’t do any good if they ended up getting shot or dying while trying to save the two of you “Wait for him to get out first”
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“Hongjoong is here” Hope filled your voice when you saw San’s body running to hide somewhere, probably willing to take some cover and assured their positions so they could get you out of there safely. “Wooyoung, they’re here” You repeated, looking up at your friend’s concerned face.
“I can’t see him, he’s not coming out” He muttered, not really listening to what you were saying as he kept poking his head out of your hiding spot, trying to see where the guy had gone too. “I just need a clear shot and we’ll be out of here in seconds”
You looked back at where the guys should have been, only meeting Yunho’s eyes, finding him hiding behind some dumpsters. It was surely not a pleasant place to hide and you could imagine him whining about it later but he was safe at least. When he saw he got your attention, Yunho started motioning you to call Wooyoung. They had a plan, they were getting the two of you out of here.
“Wooyoung, Yunho wants to tell us something” Crouching back down, Wooyoung turned and followed your gaze until his eyes landed back on Yunho. A frown appeared in his face though when the male only told your friend to stand up. “I think...He wants you to stand up?” You asked hesitant, not knowing if he was seriously messing around the two of you in this kind of situation.
“Do you trust them?” Wooyoung asked quietly, looking at you once he got Yunho’s orders.
“Huh?” You asked confused, not really expecting that question.
“Do you trust them?” He repeated his question, staring right into your eyes.
“I do”
You didn’t even have time to say anything else, you could only reach out and grip the cloth of the ripped jeans he was wearing when he suddenly stood up, aiming with his gun at a random point, risking his life just like Yunho had told him to do. When the sound of a gunshot echoed in the night, you closed your eyes out of instinct, gripping Wooyoung’s clothes even tighter as if that would move him back down fast enough to dodge the bullet.
A few seconds passed in absolute silence before you finally dared to open your eyes and take a peek, determined to know what had happened. The first thing you saw was that Wooyoung was still standing, eyes down on you, looking way less tense than before. Your eyes were quick to scan his body and when you didn’t see any additional blood or wounds, you could only stand up and throw yourself at him, arms quickly engulfing his body in a big hug.
Wooyoung’s body instantly relaxed as soon as you were against him, a quiet groan leaving his lips at the impact of your body but instead of pushing you again, he only hugged you even tighter, instantly digging his face into your neck as relief washed over him. He had truly thought today was the day he would die, he had been ready to put your life before his but fortunately, help got there before something bad could happen.
“Guys!” Hongjoong was the first one that got out of his hiding spot, a concerned look on his eyes as he looked at Wooyoung and then at you, taking his time to scan your body in search of any worrying wounds that should be taken care of immediately. “How many guys were there?” He asked, still scanning the place, not feeling like celebrating their victory yet.
“Two” Wooyoung exclaimed, looking at them.
By the look on his face you knew there was something wrong.
Everything happened too fast. “GET DOWN, GET DOWN, GET DOWN!” San screamed repeatedly. But it was too late.
You first heard the sound of a gunshot, one you had started getting familiar with, then you saw the pain in Wooyoung’s eyes when the bullet went through his body, piercing his skin and finally, you felt the unfamiliar pain of a bullet entering your body.
More shots echoed in the night, you could even hear the faint sound of some police sirens approaching. Somebody had probably realized what was going on and decided to warn the authorities about it.
Wooyoung called your name as you fell onto the floor, feeling a warm liquid soaking your already dirty clothes.
You heard Wooyoung calling your name even louder when your eyes started closing.
“Mingi help me out!” Was the last thing you heard Wooyoung’s shouting before you drifted into unconsciousness once again.
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Taglist: @guess--monster​ @cometoceantrenches​ @miatsubaki23​ @lovelyvitamin​ @heroesfan101​ @daintysan​ @t-tbinnie​ @shyshybabyy​ @little-precious-baby​ @bebetiny​ @mirror-juliet​ @btrombley13​ @yukine-smx​ @wavetease @naphthalene-ball​
Sooo....Wooyoung was supposed to die in this chapter but in the last second I regretted it and made him survive 😂 That's why I took so long...Please forgive me T-T
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
one more minute
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member: sangyeon genre: angst word count: 2,487 synopsis: survival of the fittest is the reigning rule of nature. so when a zombie apocalypse breaks out, you don’t have much hope but sangyeon is set on keeping you safe. warning(s): death
When the apocalypse first broke out, you lost all hope and will. With your physical condition, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long. And quite frankly, you didn’t want to.
Your chances of survival were low. Your asthma and lack of athleticism didn’t give you a good hand. And on top of that, you weren’t sure if you wanted to survive if it meant being unable to live.
What were you fighting so hard for? To merely stay alive in the midst of chaos?
But Sangyeon refused to let you give up. He claimed responsibility for your life and pushed you to fight. You two banded together with a group of other survivors. And for a while, you created a system that worked. The thirteen of you managed well by relying on each other.
Until you lost Hyunjoon.
Then the group was shaken to the core. Fear kept you all locked up in an abandoned warehouse. And inevitably, food and supplies began to run low. Including necessary medical supplies.
You always felt bad about having to risk everyone’s lives to raid hospitals. You knew that your existence was more of a burden than of help. You couldn’t contribute much but required a lot of things. Honestly, you were tired of it as well. But you were too ashamed to tell that to Sangyeon, who had given his very best into keeping you alive.
After another asthma attack, you were laying on a makeshift bed with your hand tightly wrapped around the last inhaler. And as always, Sangyeon remained by your side.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun, Juyeon, and Kevin had returned empty handed. Their search for food had been futile and only ended up with Kevin sustaining an injury. You watched as Jacob tended to his wounds and Changmin rationed the remaining cans of food.
“This world has gone to hell,” your breath rasped in your throat.
“Hey, it’s not completely unbearable. We still have each other,” Sangyeon forced a smile.
You and Sangyeon had grown up as childhood friends. Of course, you were no longer just friends anymore. Yet, you also weren’t anything more. You couldn’t afford the luxury of dating in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You were too busy meeting basic needs to pursue a romantic relationship.
The love between you two remained unspoken but you both knew each other’s feelings. It was why you continued to live in such a shitty world. Sangyeon was quite literally the reason you were alive. Without him, you would have died long ago.
But you had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to last much longer. At least, not without obtaining more inhalers.
“How are you holding up, Y/n?” Haknyeon asked.
You weakly offered a thumbs up in response. He understood the true meaning behind your answer.
Chanhee was discussing logistics with Younghoon, who was quietly nodding his head as he listened. Seeing Sunwoo and Eric having a serious conversation brought you a sense of pity. Hyunjoon’s death had stripped them of the last sliver of joy that they had left.
Sangyeon, who had been observing your features, brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face. At his touch, your attention returned to him.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you more medicine,” he reassured.
“I want to go alone this time,” you hesitantly stated.
His expression immediately hardened as he quickly rejected your idea. Not wanting to hear more, he stood up to leave but you caught a hold of his wrist.
“I can’t keep placing you guys in danger for me. It’s time I pull my own weight,” you insisted.
“Then I’ll go with you,” he said.
You knew he wouldn’t back down. So with a sigh, you meekly nodded.
When Sangyeon brought up the proposal to the group, Jacob instantly shook his head. He asserted that it was way too risky. The group had always traveled outside in trios, minimum.
But you held your ground, even after Jaehyun offered to go as well. Unable to win over your stubbornness, the group reluctantly agreed to let you and Sangyeon go by yourselves.
When the morning came, you awoke to Chanhee packing you a backpack full of emergency tools. He had tried to stay aloof during his time with the group but you could tell that he had grown fond of everyone. He didn’t show it but Hyunjoon’s death had impacted him a lot.
“You have to return. No matter what. You must come back unharmed,” he demanded as he handed you the bag.
You surprised him with a hug. It took him a second to register what was going on before he slowly patted your back.
“Thanks for everything, Chanhee,” you smiled.
“Don’t say that. It sounds like a good-bye,” he frowned. “You can thank me later.”
Chuckling, you nodded as you slung the bag around your shoulders. You said your farewells to the rest of the members, promising to come back by the evening. Eric, as always, teared up watching people walk past the doors of safety.
You and Sangyeon stepped into the pending hands of doom, unaware that it would be the last time walking down these flight of stairs for one of you.
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Sangyeon’s hand tightly held yours as you two navigated your way to the hospital. Luckily, the trip there was rather uneventful. The streets of Seoul were eerily quiet. You could barely remember what the booming city used to look like.
Once you got to the hospital, you snuck past roaming zombies in the hallways to quietly reach the supply room. Carefully closing and locking the door behind you, you let out a sigh of relief.
You began to grab bottles of whatever medicine there was and stuffed them into your backpack while Sangyeon searched for inhalers. Unfortunately, there were only a couple left in stock. A wave of disappointment and stress washed over him.
Peeking at his troubled expression, you tried to show him the bright side. You now had a bunch of disinfectants and pain killers.
At that moment, a crash was heard outside. You clung onto Sangyeon’s shirt and your eyes widened in shock. He held a finger up to his lips, signaling for you to stay silent as he tried to hear what was going on beyond the door.
“Bomin!” a female voice shrieked before another crash was heard.
Then you heard it. The crowd of growling zombies rushing towards whoever was outside. Your heart pounded fiercely against your chest as they struggled to fight off the monsters. And then broke when human voices were no longer heard.
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When you and Sangyeon didn’t arrive by nightfall, Sunwoo couldn’t help but assume the worst.
“You don’t think something went wrong, do you?” he nervously bit his lip in concern.
“No. There must have been a slight delay. They’ll be back tomorrow,” Younghoon gulped. His words were more to convince himself rather than Sunwoo.
“Let’s trust them and wait,” Juyeon said, comforting Eric.
Meanwhile, you were stuck inside the supply room. Leaving was no longer a feasible option with the hoard of zombies outside the door. So you spent the night there, sleeping next to Sangyeon to stay warm.
When you woke up, you knew that you couldn’t hide forever. If you didn’t die outside, you would die of starvation inside.
After coming up with a strategy, you and Sangyeon prepared to escape. You waited until most of the groaning sounds faded further away to slowly open the door and check your surroundings. To your relief, there were only a few of the creatures nearby.
Sangyeon’s heart sank at the sight of blood on the floor. It hadn’t been there the day before.
Quietly, the two of you crept towards the emergency staircase. As you went down a few floors, you relaxed, thinking that you were now safe.
It turned out that it was too early to let your guard down.
Right before you got to the basement parking lot, you heard a familiar noise that sent chills down your spine. You didn’t have time to warn Sangyeon before a zombie jumped on him. He fought with all his strength but the surprise attack had caught him off guard. He was struggling to stop it from tearing him apart.
Without thinking, you flung forward to shove it off of him. The action prompted the zombie to focus on you instead. You yelped as you were thrown to the ground and panicked as you tried to avoid its aggressive mouth.
In unlucky timing, you felt a sharp pain in your lungs.
“Oh no,” you thought. You couldn’t be having another asthma attack. Not now. Not when you were already on the brink of death.
That brief moment of weakness was enough for the zombie to gain an advantage. You screamed in pain when you felt another sharp pain. This time, it was on your arm.
Sangyeon barely managed to kill the zombie by bashing its head into the wall. Your hands shook as you desperately rummaged through your bag to find an inhaler. By the time you sprayed the drug, Sangyeon rushed to your side.
In a hurry, you tugged your sleeves to cover the bite mark. He helped you sit up as he made sure you were okay.
“Y/n, are you crazy? What were you thinking?” he yelled.
“You’re safe. That’s all that matters,” you weakly smiled. You tried your best to act fine but your mind was occupied with the pain from your arm.
You leaned on him as you entered the empty parking lot. Finding refuge in an unlocked car, Sangyeon urged you to rest for a few hours before making your way back home.
Home. What a funny word.
In the span of a year, a rundown warehouse had turned into your home. And before you knew it, a group of strangers had become your new family.
Your head was already starting to blur. Flashes of memories flooded your thoughts.
Sangyeon, your best friend. Your could’ve-been, should’ve-been, would’ve-been lover. You still vividly remembered the day he pounded on your door after the mayhem first broke out. Since then, he had been your survival partner. Even throughout all the turmoil, he always brought you a small gift from every outing. In the spring, it was a flower. In the fall, it was a cookie he managed to find.
Jacob, the angel. He was a breath of fresh air in a society where people’s hearts had turned stone cold. He had been the one to gather the survivors together.
Younghoon, the quiet one who took care of people behind the scenes. Like Chanhee, he seemed distant at first. But he was just shy and clumsy at expressing himself.
Jaehyun, the fighter. He was the first to volunteer for any task. He always burdened himself with the responsibility of keeping everyone out of harm’s way.
Juyeon, the one everyone relied on emotionally. He could sense when you were down and brought it upon himself to cheer you up.
Kevin, the selfless one. He prioritized others’ needs before his own. He had trained extra hard to become one of the strongest members.
Chanhee, the secretly soft-hearted one. Your last memory of him handing you the backpack brought a small smile to your lips.
Changmin, the level-headed one who turned into an innocent child when hanging out with the younger members.
Haknyeon, the goofy one who had matured way too early. Despite his young age, he was skilled and dependable.
Sunwoo, the one whose heart was too pure for this world. You hated to see the light in his eyes slowly fade throughout the months.
Eric, the moodmaker who received so much love from everyone. He truly cared for each and every member and never lost touch with his humanity.
And lastly, Hyunjoon. The one who had departed from the world too soon. He had so many unfulfilled dreams and you missed his bright smile.
By the time you regained consciousness, Sangyeon had fallen asleep next to you. You shakily took a breath as you examined the wound on your arm. You knew you didn’t have much time left.
You glanced over at his sleeping face. He seemed at peace. Wanting this to be your last memory, you spent some time watching his chest slowly rise and fall in rhythm. You endured the growing pain as you prayed for just one more minute with him. Just one more second.
Eventually, it became too hard to hold back the groans that fought to escape your throat. You dug into your bag to find the gun meant to be used as a last option. Your grip on the weapon tightened as you trudged away from the car.
Before you got too far, however, Sangyeon stirred from the sounds. Alarmed by your sudden disappearance, he quickly exited the vehicle to see you with a firearm.
“Y/n,” his voice held so much fear. You didn’t have the confidence to face him.
“It’s too late,” you choked.
It was only then that he finally noticed the blood dripping from your arm. He felt his world crumble down as you started to convulse.
“It’s okay,” he said as he approached you. “I’ll still take care of you. I’ll make sure that no one hurts you and that you won’t hurt anyone either.”
“I don’t want to become one of them. You know I’d rather die than become something that’s stuck between life and death. Something that threatens your life,” you cried.
“But I can’t let you die!” he yelled.
“It’s time to let me go, Sangyeon,” you begged as a tear rolled down your cheek.
“Y/n, look at me. Please,” he pleaded.
You didn’t want him to see you like this. But you didn’t have a choice when he tugged at your sleeve to make you turn around. Your skin was already beginning to discolor and he knew what was coming.
Full of desperation, he pulled you in for a hug. One arm clung onto your torso as the other embraced your head. He sobbed into your neck, making you weep as well.
“I lived a lot longer than I should have,” you assured.
“24 years is not long at all,” his voice cracked.
Wanting to spare him from having to shoot you himself, you slowly detached yourself from him. You had to do it yourself soon.
“Take the bag and go back to the others,” you sadly smiled.
“I can’t leave without you,” he cried. But he knew he had to.
You told him to close his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see your end. With your vision clouding more and more, you stumbled away from him and hid behind a van. You fell to the ground and your hands trembled as they brought the gun to your head.
“I love you, Lee Sangyeon,” you whispered before pulling the trigger.
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a/n: heavily inspired by the character park yoori from sweet home and golden child’s “burn it” music video
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toothpastecanyon · 3 years
We Creatures, Chapter 1
When Alcor felt Mizar calling to him, he came to help. Perhaps, this one time, he should have stayed asleep.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
    Sometimes Alcor the Dreambender was a terrible name, a name spoken by doomsday cults, by grieving widows, by pale newscasters over aerial shots of burning rubble. Sometimes Alcor the Dreambender was a soft name, whispered by children who’d found an unlikely friend.
    And sometimes, it was neither. Sometimes Alcor the Dreambender came out of a bad period, and into a quiet period. He didn’t feel like himself, but he’d gotten bored of the violence, bored of the blood, bored of the world, and for a few centuries he’d just… let it be. He’d sit in the fields of his Mindscape, close his eyes, and rest.
    When he felt like this, only a very special call could wake him from his slumber.
    A wing twitched.
    A brow furrowed.
Help me.
An eye opened.
    That felt like Mizar.
    The smell hit him first. It was rank, wet, and pungent like he was standing knee deep in a sewer - and looking around, it seemed very much like he was. Dirty concrete and trash-filled water was all he could see in either direction, and the ceiling was so low his hat was phasing through it. Alcor wrinkled his nose at the mixture swilling around his leggings; he considered just leaving now, returning back to his comfy rest, but-
    “You came.”
    A voice. Her voice. He turned, and saw her standing beside a rough circle scratched into the curving walls. Her face looked strange to him for a second, but… wow. She looked a lot like Mabel.
    “I didn’t know if you would,” she continued, and her voice sounded like Mabel too, didn’t it? “These haven’t worked in over a hundred years.”
    Alcor didn’t know what to say. Maybe he’d forgotten - it was a long time since he’d last spoken. Mizar didn’t wait for a reply.
    “Listen: you have to help me. There’s these - these elves, they think I killed one of their own.” Her fists balled. “I didn’t do anything, but they’re hunting me. You can’t let them get to me.”
    Alcor blinked slowly. Help. He… he could help. He reached out a hand - and frowned when Mizar recoiled.
    “No, no teleports! They’ll, they’ll track the signal, don’t touch me. Just help me lose them, okay?”
    There was something missing, here. Something he needed. Almost on cue, Mizar started fishing something out of her sweater.
    “Hold on, hold on… here it is!” She opened her hand, revealing a tiny crystal twinkling on her palm. “One pristine elder dewdrop. Closest thing to a soul I could give you - just this much could turn New York into the Amazon.” A grin. “So, we doing this?”
    For a moment, Alcor just stared at her. He stared at her brown eyes, at her long flowing hair, at her bright sweater and skirt. He stared at the freckles on her cheeks, and the jangly bracelets on her arms. He stared at her hand, outstretched to take his, and reached out-
    “Hey, we agreed, no touchy.” She stepped back. “Deal?”
    Alcor parted his lips.
    “D̳̭̹̺̲̠̪̼́e̡̯̮͝a̹̥̜̘ͅl, M̰͝i̞̝z͕̙̞͙a͖̥̮̖̗̯͈͝͡r̜̰̗̹ͅ.”
        The sound echoed down the tunnels, and Mizar wrinkled her nose.
    “Real master of subtlety, aren’t you. Well, a deal’s a deal, soooo…” she turned, and tossed the dewdrop over her shoulder. “follow me, big guy.”
    And off she waded, wet trash piling over her white socks. Alcor didn’t quite float behind her as much as he was behind her; he willed himself to always stand a few feet behind her as she moved forwards, and the edge of his shoes clipped through the concrete as the tunnel took a turn.
    After a little while, Mizar glanced back in amusement. “I take back what I say about you being loud,” she said. “I keep having to check you’re still there. That’s a neat trick.”
    Alcor stared at the shine in her eyes, at the little snort she gave.
    “Not a talker, are you?” She turned back, and stepped over a large mound of filthy tissues. “Eh, that’s okay with me, I don’t need you for talking.”
    Talking… Alcor remembered talking. He remembered sitting with his Mizar for hours, talking about emotions, about favourite shows, about grief, about dinner. He frowned at the back of her head.
    “Oh, great. Shouldn’t have said nothing - what?”
    “What’s…” He paused, and thought. “Why… Do you like…?”
    Mizar waited for him to finish, but when nothing came out, she chuckled. “Jeez, you okay, man? You sound like me when I wake up.”
    “Wake up…” He nodded. “Wake up. I wake up.”
    “Wish I could offer you a coffee.” She chuckled. “Anway-”
    “This is-” Alcor frowned. “We’re… running from elves?” He rubbed his head. “I don’t remember them doing this to humans… hunting humans. Why are they-”
    Mizar stopped. “Hold that thought,” she said, and pressed an ear to the concrete. “You hear that?”
    He listened, and he could hear everything. The trickle of water, the hum of a nearby powerline… the flap of a butterfly’s wing on the other side of the planet.
    “Yeah…” Mizar said, nodding. “That’s the sound of you not talking. I like it.”
Alcor watched as she straightened.
“Not trying to be rude, man. But elves can hear you from the surface, so shut up and keep up.”
It was a couple hours of slow, silent, walking, and Alcor was starting to remember why he’d left this human world. The drudgery, the boredom, the sheer human waste he was literally trudging through… what did he like about helping people, again? And where were they going?
    He’d tried to ask, but the most he’d gotten out of her was a “Zip it.” By the way she was navigating the tunnels, though, they were definitely going somewhere; his omniscience wasn’t cooperating on where, so he resigned himself to finding out when they got there.
    He even closed his eyes a little, letting the tether between their souls take him along for the ride. He thought of the soft grass in his Mindscape, and prayed that he could return to it soon.
    “Wake up.”
    Her voice. Alcor opened his eyes, and saw her climbing out of a culvert. She offered a hand - and then quickly retracted it.
    “Come on, this, this way.”
    Alcor climbed out, and found himself standing at the beginning of a little moonlit creek. From the sounds of it there was a highway not far away, but Mizar was stumbling into the forest.
    “Hey,” Alcor frowned. “Uh, shouldn’t we be going away from the forest? The elves-”
    “Shut up!” Mizar snapped. “Shut up, will you!”
    Her hands were shaking, he noticed. He watched her clasp them together, like she was restraining herself.
    “Sorry, just…” she started, and then sighed. “You’re… a lot right now, I need to - I… Just trust me, okay?”
    Alcor cocked his head. “Are you okay?”
    “Just trust me,” she muttered, hobbling past trees. “Just trust me…”
    Frowning, he did follow her. They seemed to be walking some sort of overgrown trail; ferns had definitely broken it up, but he could see the way it still cut through the trees. It wasn’t long until they came upon a small shack in the woods; this too looked abandoned, but by the way Mizar started forwards, it was where they’d been headed.
    “Wait! Wait there. Wait there.” Mizar was biting her knuckle. “Wait there, please. Trust me.”
    His frown deepened. Something was definitely off about this… but he was letting her go, wasn’t he? He heard the door slam, and stood there a little awkwardly. There was an old firepit in front of the cabin, and two mossy logs opposite each other. They were probably benches, but they were damp and slippery… no one had been here in a long time. He looked up at the black sheets covering the cabin’s broken windows.
    Not to camp, anyway.
There was a noise as the door creaked open. Mizar strolled out, hands in her pockets.
“Alright,” she said. “Sorry about that. Anyway, we better keep going.”
“What was in there?”
“Hmm?” Mizar smiled wider. “Oh, just an old shed. Had to get some supplies.” A pause. “You can take a look if you really want to, but there’s nothing in there.”
Alcor hesitated, and then took a couple steps towards the shack. He noticed the smell as he got closer - sewage - and the wards. They were uncomfortably strong, and kept him from looking in until he opened the door, and saw…
...Not much at all. There was an old table and a bed, but the only truly unusual thing was the two piles of magi-orbs sitting in the corner. There was a small pile of working ones, but the other, larger stack was all defunct; their screen had cracked or gone foggy, and they were covered in grime.
“Find any bodies?”
Alcor glanced over at Mizar, who was waving at him from the trees. He made a face, and then closed the door and floated back over to her.
“Glad you got that out of your system. Now come on.”
“What were all those magi-orbs for?”
“It’s a side business, I fix ‘em.”
“In an abandoned shack in the woods?”
“I like the solitude.” Mizar bared a smile at him. “Speaking of solitude-”
He reached out and grabbed her arm. He felt her stiffen, and then relax… and nothing more than that.
“Do you mind?”
Alcor was frowning as he took his hand away. “You’re… strange. You’re hiding something.”
“If you say so.”
“I know why the elves are chasing you.” He felt the dewdrop in his pocket. “Your end of the deal… you stole that from them, didn’t you?”
Mizar shrugged.
“Why would you do that? How did you do that?” He rubbed his head. “You… I wasn’t thinking about it earlier, but you’re just a human, how on Earth did you-”
“No, don’t shush me this time, I-”
“Shut up.”
Mizar had gone very still, and that was when Alcor noticed the forest had gone absolutely silent. There wasn’t a cricket to be heard; in its place was something ancient, something angry, something… watching him. He locked eyes with Mizar, and her subtle nod said everything.
They were here.
Alcor didn’t see a knife coming until it opened his throat. He whirled around, and a shadowy figure was there - no, gone, and vines were erupting around his feet. It was strange magic, harder to break, and he gave a roar before incinerating it with a blast of blue fire.
Now he looked for elves, and he could see four souls shining bright as day as they were pinning Mizar down. He launched himself at one and tore its throat out, relished in the gargled cry it made. Oh, this he missed. It was- ack!
Magic… magic that hurt. He fixed his eyes on the elf that had come from, and-
A blade erupted out of its belly. Alcor could see its aura flash with surprise, and as it fell he saw another elf standing behind it. Mizar was standing beside it, smiling.
“Good, you got it. Excellent.” She spoke in perfect elvish, and hefted one of their blades. “You’re bleeding. Stand still, let me…”
And she lopped its head clean off. Its body hung there for a second, then dropped to the ground, spurting and convulsing. Mizar stared down at the body with an unreadable expression.
Almost unconsciously, she traced her finger across the bloodied blade, brought it close to her lips. Alcor made a tentative step forwards.
“Huh?” Mizar looked up, and saw him. “Oh… some fight, huh?” She tossed the blade away. “Saw what you did to that guy - glad you’re on my side!”
“Yeah…” Alcor traced his eye across the battlefield. He’d downed one elf, there were the two he saw Mizar take out… and there was the fourth one, lying some ways away, still breathing. He could see a deep, sucking chest wound, like a bear had slashed him down the middle, and next to him was a strange shattered visor.
All of the elves had been wearing those - it struck him how strangely… artificial they were, compared to their enchanted bark armour and bone-carved swords. He made to pick one up, but-
“Hey, no time to admire your work, we gotta move!” Mizar glanced over at him. “Oof, is that one still alive? Poor guy.”
Alcor looked at her, then back down at the elf. It… he looked young for an elf, and scared. He was staring up at Alcor with wide eyes, shaking his head, trying to speak through the blood pooling in his lungs…
Alcor closed his eyes. He snapped his fingers once, and when he opened them, the soul had left. It was just a body, now.
Just another petty mortal he’d killed, but it wasn’t quite as fun anymore. The pit in his stomach - was this his conscience coming back? It had been a while, for sure.
There was a hand on his shoulder, and he saw Mizar standing there with him. When he met her eyes, she gave a little smile, and motioned him to follow.
She stepped over his body and continued forwards. After a moment, Dipper stepped around, and followed.
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joel-millerr · 3 years
Facing The Past
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Chapter Three of We Are One When Together (formerly A Mandalorian and a Smuggler)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11.6K
Summary: You and Mando head to Nevarro for him to collect the bounty on your head, but of course things don’t go as planned...
Warnings: violence, a little bit of smut, ANGST (as per usual), let me know if there's anything I missed 
A/N: (its also my first time writing any smut so hopefully it’s *okay*)
Nevarro is…gloomy—definitely not the type of planet you’d willingly visit. All you could see up until the horizon are plains of rock, cracks filled with lava, and steam emitting from the slits in the ground. Not even the sun shining down on you can improve the landscape. It’s muggy, and dark. In hindsight, it’s the perfect place for a bounty hunter base; the occupation compliments the wasteland that is this planet.
You don’t mean to be overly critical of bounty hunters, but they are to blame for imprisoning so many of your crew that your anger clouds any rational and unbiased opinion about this planet.
Mando lands the Crest just outside the walls of the city. The town itself looks terribly small, but doesn’t seem like a totalshithole. Other than Nevarro being the central location for the Bounty Hunters Guild, you don’t know much about the planet. Most of the spice running deals are made far away from here—for obvious reasons. Even you’re not reckless enough to step foot on a planet where most of the population wants to hunt you down for a price.
The last couple of days have been…awkward to say the least. Ever since your ‘incident’ on Sorgan, Mando’s barely said two words to you. Maybe he’s angry at you, maybe he’s scared of you—you can’t be sure, but he’s been distant. He no longer stands close to you, or engages in small conversation like he did back on Sorgan, and when he does, he doesn’t even look at you. His helmet stays peeled to whatever it is he was doing before you addressed him. It’s incredibly frustrating. You want to explain, you want to reassure that you would never think of doing that to him or the Child, but you yourself can’t even be sure of that. It feels completely out of your control, so how could you even attempt to reassure him that it couldn’t happen? You’re basically a simmering pot, and every day the water gets closer to the brim, and could bubble over at any minute.
And if you’re being honest, deep down you’re a little relieved that soon you’ll be in custody. You won’t be able to cause any more harm, even if some of them deserve it.
You’ve been living in the cockpit since you left Sorgan, spending most of your time sitting in the chair going over and analyzing every single moment from that night. There was obvious anger inside of you, and rightfully so considering that man had tried to kill you twice, but there was also a…voice. It was a whisper, like something deep in your subconscious, forcing you to do its bidding. It told you to make him suffer, to make him bleed, and the voice was happy to see the hunter in pain. Clouding every rational thought in your mind, it was like being trapped inside your own body. Screaming to break through, you were a helpless passenger watching your body commit this atrocity. You’ve never been malicious, you thought yourself a caring person. Someone who wouldn’t inflict harm just for the sake of revenge, but now you’re not sure who you are anymore.
Who are you? Are you a mechanic? Are you a spice smuggler? Are you a monster? There are voices at odds inside of you. They fight for dominance, they beg you to choose who you wish to be, and for the first time in forever, you’re scared of who you are becoming. You’re not who you thought you were, you’re not who Tye believed you to be, or who your parents raised you as. Are you this dangerous criminal that the fucking Republic paints you as?
“We’re here.” Mando’s baritone comes out strained. He lingers in the doorway of the cockpit for a few seconds then descends the ladder, not bothering to wait for you to catch up.
“Okay.” Your leg bounces off the floor, and you’re biting down on your lip so hard, you’ll probably leave a permanent mark. Eyes looking dead ahead, the Nevarro horizon looking back at you, you wonder if you’d still be in this situation if your parents were still alive. Would you have still rebelled and turned to a life of constant running? Would you have stayed on Tatooine, leaving no mark for the galaxy to remember you by? Would you still have met Mando somehow?
Using your heels to push you to your feet, you take one last look at the cockpit and then head down the ladder. The ramp is open, and you catch Mando waiting for you at the top of it. The Child rests in his arm, tiny hand latched onto his gloved index finger.
As you both descend down the ramp, there’s a man standing ahead of you, just in front of the archway entrance to the city. From the kept white beard that rests on his cheeks and chin, you assume he’s middle aged. There’s a black cloak wrapped around his body, fastened around his clavicle are two golden clasps attached to a chain which are only worn by magistrates. Mando has some powerful friends, you think to yourself.
“Ah, Mando!” The man exclaims gleefully, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Karga.” Mando acknowledges, his voice keeping low.
“How are you, my friend?”
“Alive.” There’s a hint of jest in Mando’s tone.
The man laughs loudly. “When did you become such a comedian?” A big hand clasps down on his beskar pauldron. The Child in Mando’s hand coos and catches Karga’s attention.
“And how are you, little one?” He reaches out to hold the green gremlin and the bounty hunter allows it, gently handing him over to Karga.
“Alright Mando,” The man begins to say, “Let’s get this over with.” He turns on his heel, the baby still in his arms and takes two steps before shouting over his shoulder, “The quarry can stay here. They’ll be here soon enough to collect the bounties.”
Mando doesn’t exactly look at you, but the helmet does tilt in your direction. He’s just a foot ahead of you and you swear you see his shoulders slouch for a second, like he’s having second thoughts. It’s dumb, you shouldn’t be thinking of something so foolish. He had a job to do, and now he’s done it. You’ll both go your separate ways and never see each other again. That’s how this is supposed to go. That’s how this was going to end ever since he captured you.
Two collectors stand nearby, waiting for Karga to give them the order. As he and Mando pass through the arches, the collectors make their way to you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, refusing to show any weakness or sadness and with as much gusto as you can muster, you call out “Well, it was nice knowing ya, Mando.”
How stupid of you to think you could possibly mean anything more to him than a fucking quarry. He never gave you any indication that he even liked you. He merely tolerated your presence because you were useful. It was nothing more than a transaction between you both, and you could kick yourself for even letting these thoughts roam free in your mind. Forget Mando, forget the kid, forget every fucking person in this world who’s hurt you or left you. When this first started, you wanted Mando to get his credits because you liked him, but now with the ice-hot anger brewing inside of you, you don’t care anymore.
The two collectors—Rodians you infer as they get closer to you, approach the Crest, one of them heading up the ramp into Mando’s ship to collect the quarries in carbonite, the other staying by your side, probably anticipating that you’ll try to make a break for it although realistically, there isn’t a single place you could run to. You would either have to run into the city and try to hide or run for the hills. Neither option sounds tempting enough, given the fact that Mando would be on your ass in seconds.
Three carbonite chambers float down the ship, and the collector gives the one by your side a nod of acknowledgement. Your eyebrows pull together as you examine the subtle exchange between both men. The stranger next to you binds your wrists and shoots you a smile that’s anything but kind. The corner of his lip curls into a sinister grin, one that shoots panic up and down your spine. In the corner of your eye, you make out the silhouette of nearby ship. Was that always there?
Wait, shouldn’t there be more than just two members securing the quarries? This doesn’t make any sense. Why aren’t there more people here? Why is no one else here?
“Let’s go,” One of them orders. The first one makes a beeline for the ship, leaving behind the quarries from the Crest. Why would Guild members leave behind quarries?
Something’s not right. Your heart is hammering in your chest, adrenaline beginning to pump through your veins, and the urge to fight is starting to prick at every nerve ending in your body. These guys can’t Guild members. Somehow, they’ve fooled everyone.
They urge you forward to the ship in the distance and you plant your feet firmly into the ground. If they manage to get you on that ship, you’re done for. You need to struggle as much as you can and pray to the Maker that someone will realize this whole thing is a set up.  
“Where are you taking me?” Trying to suppress the alarm in your voice, it comes out choked and feeble. A large hand grips your bicep and makes you whimper, their dexterous fingers digging into the thin material of your sleeve. You jerk back, trying to wriggle out of their hold, but it only causes them to tighten the grip around your bicep, pain now shooting up and down your arm.
“Fucking let me go!” You shout, hoping someone—Mando, will hear you, but no one can hear you.
“Oh, shut up!” The Rodian ahead of you shouts before swiftly turning on his heel and stalking towards you. His large fist winds up and slams into your stomach, knocking you completely off balance. If it wasn’t for the other one holding you upright, you would have fallen flat on your back. Nonetheless, you crouch over, wincing at the pain in your abdomen. The men laugh together ruefully, sheer enjoyment displayed on their faces.
“The boss is going to love playing with you,” One of them taunts, leaning down towards you and grabbing hold of your chin so that he can look you in the eyes.
“Fuck you,” You spit out through ragged breaths.
“Why, you little bitch.” A hand comes flying at your face and you brace yourself for the pain, sewing your eyes shut. His green backhand connects with the softness of your cheek with so much force that your head snaps to the side, following the movement of his hand. Your cheek throbs, ripples of pain so intense you feel tears threatening to fall down your cheeks.
The wrath inside you is screaming and clawing at your insides. The whisper in your head commands you to cause them pain. It craves the cries of their sufferings, to see the life drain from their eyes. You’re trying to fight it; you don’t want to let that fucking voice win, but the searing agony from their blows feed the darkness that roars deep within you. You can feel your control slipping, fingers twitching against your will as your attackers try to haul you into their ship.
A beam of red light narrowly misses you, and one of your assailants drops to the floor with a loud thud. Your eyes bounce around you, trying to locate the source of the blast, when you catch the silhouette of shiny beskar running straight for you. There’s no hiding the joy and relief that is so evident on your face. He came back. Somehow, he came back for you.
You can feel the man still holding you start to panic. His body tenses, and he begins frantically pulling you into the ship, but now that you know you’re one-on-one, you waste no time fighting back. Gathering as much force as you can and flailing your bound arms around, his body turns towards you, and straightaway your leg lifts off the ground, slamming your knee right in his crotch. The man yelps in pain, hunching over involuntarily. You use this opportunity to connect your knee with his stomach with so much vigor, his body flies backwards, hitting the ground hard. As you lean over his body, he starts begging and pleading for his life.
“Please, please I was just doing it for the money!” He finally chokes out, his voice filled with pure terror as his hands come up in surrender. That evilness in your mind urges you to make his final moments hurt, to show no mercy for the man who would have certainly not shown you mercy. Shaking your head violently in an effort to cast out the mysterious voice, you wrench your eyes shut.
You hear distance footsteps getting louder and louder, and then stop altogether. Tilting your head ever so slightly to the right, you can see his boots in the corner of your eye. Mando’s testing you. He wants to know if you’ll pull the same stunt you did back on Sorgan. As the man at your feet continues to plead for his life, the vulnerability and desperation in his voice pulls you out of whatever trance you were in.
This man is no different than you. He was given orders, and did what he thought was necessary in order to complete the contract. You can sympathize with that. There are so many things you’ve done in your time as a smuggler—things that have made you question your morals, and how far you’re willing to go to get the job done. Things you’re not proud of, things you now regret. At the end of the day, you’re both just pawns in a much bigger fight, and although you’ve both decided a path with little room for ethics, an unnecessarily harsh death is one you won’t inflict upon him.
You take a deep breath, inhaling in as much air in your lungs as possible, it almost burns them. Squaring your shoulders, you take a step back away from your assailant. That’s all the permission Mando needs, and his pistol comes up and sends a red beam of light right into the man’s chest, silencing him.
“We need to go. There will be more soon.” Mando warns, as he leans down and grabs the key from the dead man’s corpse to unbind your wrists. Your head bobs in acknowledgement, and then you’re both heading for the Crest. Karga’s waiting by the ramp of the ship, holding the Child in his arms. As soon as the little green baby spots you, he tries desperately to wiggle out of Karga’s grip, tiny arms reaching out for you. Mando takes the Child from his friend’s arms and gives him to you. Giant eyes peer up to look at you and the baby coos. Your lips curl up into a smile, taking two fingers to gently rub his ear.
“I had no idea the Empire was after her,” Karga says to Mando sincerely. The man’s gaze then turns to you. “I’m sorry. I should have known something was off about the deal.”
Shaking your head, you offer him a smile. “It’s fine.”
“You two should leave. It’s only a matter of time before someone else comes for them.” Them? Are they after the kid, too?
“Yes.” Mando answers matter-of-factly.
Karga nods, and a big hand comes out to shake Mando’s. “Safe travels, Mando.”
His gaze flicks towards you for a second and you offer him another smile and tip of the head before turning around and heading up the ramp to the Crest. You head straight for the cockpit, placing the child in the seat adjacent to yours and strapping him in. Mando comes in right after you, planting himself down in the pilot’s chair. The ships thrusters roar to life and you take off, the Nevarro landscape disappearing the higher your climb into the air.
Now that you actually have time to process what the fuck just happened; the reality of your situation hits you. It’s not the Republic that’s after you, it’s the Empire. The Empire you thought was defeated five years ago. The Empire that that killed thousands, if not millions of people.
Why? Why you? What could possibly be so special about you that the Empire has a fucking bounty on you? Wait, Karga had said ‘them’. Does that mean you and the Child? What could you and the Child possibly have in common that the Empire wants the two of you? Your mind recollects the moment you two shared on Sorgan—where he seemed to communicate something to you but that’s hardly enough of a connection, right? There’s just no way. You’re nothing but a petty smuggler. You haven’t lived a life worthy of being wanted by the fucking Empire. You had a normal childhood, and then went on to smuggling spice. That’s it. There’s literally nothing fucking exceptional about you.
Mando punches in some coordinates and activates the hyperdrive. The gentle hum of hyperspace fills the tension in the cockpit. Neither you nor Mando know what to say. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you start to question whether or not it’s a good idea that you’re even flying with them. If what Karga said is true, and the Empire is hunting you and the kid, surely having the two of you together is too risky. Realistically, you should split off. You should go your separate ways on whatever planet Mando’s set the coordinates for, in an effort to prolong the Imps’ search.
“Where are we going?” Your gentle voice cuts through the gentle purr of hyperspace.
“Tatooine. I have a friend there that owes me a favor.” His voice comes out slightly gruff through the modulator.
Your breath catches in your throat. You haven’t been back to Tatooine since your first smuggling run. After the job with Tye, you had made a decision to become a full-time runner, and vowed never come back to the shithole that was Tatooine, not while there was an infinite amount of galaxy out there that you hadn’t seen yet, leaving your old life and self to rot on that planet. There were too many hurtful memories, too much pain.
A small coo emits from the baby and you look over and see him slouching in his seat, big eyes blinking slowly. The poor thing must be exhausted. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you reach over and wrap him in your arms. He nestles in your lap, letting the sleepiness overcome his little body. At first you consider laying him in his pram and letting him sleep in there, but he’s already fast asleep in your arms before you can put him down, so you decide to let him rest where he is. The adrenaline and stress from the last couple of hours starts to take its toll on you. Exhaustion suddenly overwhelms you, the stiffness in your bones turns to fatigue, and you try to fight your eyelids from closing. You don’t want to fall asleep yet. You want to ask Mando why he came back for you, why he’s helping you, but your body succumbs to the exhaustion and you drift off to sleep, the last thing you hear is the stillness of hyperspace.
When you wake, the Child is no longer in your arms, and Mando isn’t in the pilot’s chair. Rising to your feet lazily, you drag them over to the control panel to check the status of your route, rubbing your eyes with your palm in order to steady your vision. You’ll be landing on Tatooine in less than an hour, which unfortunately only gives you a small finite amount of time to properly prepare yourself for the onslaught of memories that will smack you in the face once you land.
Maybe no one will remember you. Mos Eisley isn’t exactly the smallest city, meaning there’s chance that no one would even recognize you. All you need to do is avoid the cantinas and merchants you used to frequent back when you lived there and maybe, just maybe you could remain unseen.
Suddenly getting the feeling that someone’s watching you, you strain your neck while turning your head as much as it can, seeing the faintest hint of chrome in the corner of your eye. Turning your body towards the door, the sight of Mando takes you by surprise, and you can’t help but get startled by his sudden presence. You almost forgot how intimidating he actually looks. Even as he stands there doing nothing, there’s a certain level stoicism and command in the way he carries himself, the same way a man who’s a captain of a battalion would carry himself—robust, and proud, however also reserved. There’s no way to gauge what he’s thinking unless he deliberately tells you, and Mando doesn’t like to talk very much. It forces you to anticipate what he would think or how he would feel in every situation you’re both put in, wracking your brain and making it damn near impossible to keep up with him.
The shades of pale blue mixed with white reflect off his beskar armour. His visor is pointed at you, although you can’t be sure if he’s actually looking at you or through you. His stance is stiff which isn’t unusual but there’s a gentleness that radiates off of him. Your throat goes dry, and you’re sure you’re breaking skin from how hard you’re biting your lip. You haven’t had a proper moment alone together since that night on Sorgan, and neither of you spoke about what happened. There’s a lot of unanswered questions you need to discuss, but the thickness of the air around you is becoming overwhelming. You don’t say anything, and stay firmly planted where you stand. The Mandalorian mimics you, refusing to take a step forward. Your heart is thumping against your ribcage, heat coiling in your stomach and making it harder to ignore the wetness beginning to form in your panties. Refusing to show submission, your eyes stayed locked to the ‘T’ of his visor. His hands twitch at his sides, but shows no other kind of movement. He’s still as a fucking tree and somehow that only turns you on even more. He has to be feeling the same way you are right now. It can’t just be you this time.
Mando finally takes one step forward and your breathing hitches. Stars, if he comes any closer, you’re going to explode. You’ve never experienced this kind of tension before. Your body’s never felt so on fire and he hasn’t even touched you, but you desperately want him to. So you mimic his movements and take a step forward, testing him. It’s barely noticeable but somehow his back stiffens even more, chest pushing out faintly. The blood in your ears is deafening, your heart slamming so hard against your chest you feel like passing out.
“What are you doing?” The baritone pulling rough and breathy. Okay, so this is affecting him just as much as it is for you.
Your tongue glides against your bottom lip before biting down on it, hard. Curious to see how far you can push this, you don’t answer him and instead take another small step forward. By now you’re only a couple feet away from each other and the air of the cockpit is disgustingly thick with a need to fuck each other senseless right here and now. His hands ball up into fists and that lets you to know he’s fighting his primal desires. You think you hear short, distorted breaths emit from the helmet, but you’re too far away to be certain. Your panties are fucking soaked, your slick almost dripping down your thighs. It’s been too long since you’ve been fucked, and you need it, need Mando to bend you over the control panel and pound into you like a fucking animal.
It’s like he’s reading your mind, because he closes the gap between you two in a flash. He’s hovering over you, and despite the cool amour he wears, you can feel the heat radiating off him. Your nostrils fill with the smell of gunpowder, and his musk and it takes all your energy not to fucking whimper. Only Mando can get you this worked up when nothing’s even happened yet.
One of his brown leather-gloved hands comes up to touch your arm. If you thought your breathing was irregular before, well now you’re basically suffocating as his hand hovers your arm and you want to scream at him to touch you—beg him to do what you can’t bring yourself to do. Please, Mando.
Right as you feel a glove graze your arm, the ship jumps out of hyperspace, and in an instant your moment is over. His hand drops back to his side and you let out a deep breath of disappointment. Your shoulders slump, and your head drops, staring at the floor.  Instinctively, you slither out of his way so he can slip into the pilot’s chair.
The radio comes to life, static filling the cockpit before a female voice emanates from the speaker. “Razor Crest, this is Mos Eisley Tower. We’ve picked up your signal. Head for bay three-five, over.”  
“This is Razor Crest, locked in for three-five.” Mando answers coolly, as if two minutes ago there wasn’t an unbelievable amount of sexual tension between you two. You try to hide your annoyance at the fact that he can snap in and out of a moment so quickly. He’s seemed to have forgotten all about it unlike you who can’t seem to snap out of it. You reluctantly sit in your seat, shifting uncomfortably due to the stickiness of your underwear.
As you descend into Tatooine airspace, your nerves begin spiraling. Both your legs bounce off the ground, and your hands twiddle in your lap. If there’s one thing you fucking hate, it’s sand. Maker, you hate how the sand feels against your shoes, never giving you enough solid ground to walk properly. Constantly twisting your ankles because the sand concaved in certain areas. How it always fucking found its way into your shoes, your clothes, your hair. You could take four sonic showers and still feel fucking sand in places it should never be in. Then there was the absolutely incomprehensible fact that water was scarce here. A bare necessity for everyone to survive had to be farmed like vegetation. Curse the Maker for this planet. You’re not sure what planet you hated more, Kijimi or Tatooine.
Mando lands the Crest in the hangar the operator told him to, and your brows furrow looking at your surroundings. This hangar looks familiar. It’s not the one your parents owned, but you definitely recognize the random discarded parts scattered throughout the area. You hope you’re wrong, that Mando didn’t land in the only hangar that you’d know.
The Mandalorian rises from his seat and begins to make his way to the ladder. “Let’s go.” He calls out before climbing down the rungs. For a moment, you consider asking if you could stay in the ship the whole time you’re docked here, but it would be a ridiculous thing to ask. You’re an adult, and you have to confront your past, no matter how ugly it is. Reluctantly, you slide out of your seat and climb down the steps. The cubbyhole where Mando’s cot is located is shut, and you assume the Child was sleeping in there. He presses a button on his vambrace and the door slides open, the kid sits patiently at the door. Mando scoops up the Child, a tiny green hand immediately clutches onto one of Mando’s gloved fingers. The ramp opens slowly, and even from far away you instantly recognize the woman standing at the bottom of the ramp.
“Mando!” Peli exclaims, throwing her arms in the air and then resting them on her hips.
Peli fucking Motto. You’ve known her since you were a child. She was a difficult woman, to say the least. Not the most generous person—she only ever did someone a favor if there was something in it for her. You never personally worked for her, and there was a reason she only ever had droids as her workers. She was the type of woman who barked orders at everyone in her employment. What Peli lacked in size, she made up for in attitude.
Mando descends the ramp before you, your legs refusing to move. As soon as Peli catches sight of the baby, the tough exterior you’ve only ever seen disappears into a gentle, kinder demeanor. Mando hands her the baby and she wraps her arms around him, her hand gently caressing the little hairs on the Child’s head. The baby squeals in excitement. Her gaze leaves the baby to face Mando only for a moment, before locking her eyes with yours.
“Who’s your friend?” She asks him. Your face is covered by the shadows of the Crest, disguising your features. Holding your head up high and pushing your shoulders back, you walk down the ramp. Her face turns from curiosity to anger, fast. Eyebrows scrunching up and lips forming a tight line, she scoffs. “You have got to be kidding me.”
“Hi, Peli.” Your voice dripping in sarcasm.
“What the hell are you doing back here?”
“Believe me, I wouldn’t be here if I had the choice.”
Peli eyes stay locked on yours. You know that saying, ‘if looks could kill’? You’re pretty sure you’d be dead right now if that were true.
“It’s a bad idea to get involved with this one, Mando.” She turns to look at the visor. “She’s always been trouble.”
This time you let out a laugh, hand coming to sit on your hip. “That’s such bullshit, Peli and you know it,” Using your free hand to point a finger at her, punching out your next jab at her. “You’re the difficult one.”
“That’s rich coming from the spice smuggler.” Her last words dripping like venom.
You bite down hard on your jaw, wanting to argue, but in this very rare case, she’s actually right. It’s just one of the many truths you’ll have to face being back here.
“Anyway,” She says before turning away from you to face the Mandalorian to her right. “What can I help you with, Mando?”
“The hyperdrive needs to be fixed, and I need to refuel.”
“I’m surprised this one hasn’t offered her services.” Peli shoots you a glare.
“I did fix it but—” You begin to say but Mando cuts you off before you can finish.
“We were stranded, and it was only partially fixed. If I’m to make it to the next destination, I need to be at above 70%.”
“Sure thing, boss. We can get that fixed.” She shifts her weight to walk away from you both, but before she can call her droids, you call out to her. “There’s a problem.”
She turns her torso just enough to look in your direction, “With you? Why am I not surprised?” Rolling her eyes, she continues to stare you down.
“Look Peli, if you have something to say,” You taunt, taking a step towards her. “Then say it.”
Challenging you, she steps towards you as well. The Child in her arm fusses worriedly, and you almost back down from the confrontation when you realize this might be scaring the little guy. “Oh, I got a lot to say, kid.”
“That’s enough.” Mando orders. As reason comes back to you and somewhat clears your mind, it’s probably not a good idea to start a fight with the only person that can fix his ship and potentially get you off this planet, so you back off and step back.
“The Empire is after her,” Mando starts to explain. Peli shoots you another stare and rolls her eyes again. “We fought them off on Nevarro, but we don’t know how much time we’ll have until they come back.”
Despite her very obvious resentment towards you, she nods and forces a smile—not very comforting, but it’s enough to put you both at ease. “Don’t worry, Mando. I’ll have her ready as soon as possible.”
“Thank you.”
You continue to stare at Peli with daggers in your eyes. There’s a lot of undealt with animosity between you both, but you’re not sure you’ll have time to settle it. “We’re gonna go try and find a lead. Maybe someone here will know why she’s wanted. Can you watch the Child in the meantime?” He asks.
“Can I? Mando, this little guy is the only reason I let you in my hangar. This little womp rat has found a way into ol’ Peli’s heart.” She says affectionately, looking down at the baby and blabbing some nonsense. The kid responds by giggling and using his little arms to reach out and touch the finger that wiggles in front of him.
“Didn’t know you had a heart,” You whisper under your breath. Peli doesn’t seem to hear you, but Mando does because you hear a sigh comes from the vocoder. “That’s enough.” He orders, just loud enough for you to hear him.
Even though it’s been five, almost six years since you’ve been here, everything still looks the same. The whole city is devoid of color, just various shades of beige and whites as far as the eye could see. Every single home and every cantina stand like monuments made of fucking sand, showing no detail or artistry in their structure. It’s like every piece of culture from around the galaxy comes to Mos Eisley and dies, leaving only taupe boringness behind. It’s possible you’re being too harsh on the city, but you were born here so you have the right to be a bitch about it.
You never thought you’d be back here, breathing in the fucking dry, gritty filled air you grew up breathing in. It’s as stuffy and suffocating as you remember it, maybe even worse than you remember it. As the sun blazes down on you and Mando, you can admit there is one thing you actually do like about Tatooine. The sun was always out, always scorching hot and always beaming down on your skin, leaving a beautiful golden tint to your complexion. You could stay out all day and never develop a burn; your body was so used to the heat. Now, you wonder if that’s changed. Rolling up the sleeves of your tunic up to your elbow, the sun instantly pricks at your skin. The heat feels like a giant hug, caressing your untouched skin. Okay, maybe there was one thing you missed about Tatooine.
You both walk cautiously around the city looking for a cantina in the hopes of finding someone who might know what Empire wanted from you, but also keeping an eye out for possible threats. He treads a couple feet ahead of you, but you don’t mind. So far, you haven’t really recognized anyone, and no one’s seemed to recognize you. Just a couple more days and you can put this all behind you. There are plenty of vendors out, selling everything from fabric for clothing to food from other planets, to parts for ships. People from various walks of life mingle throughout the city. A few vendors away, you see a couple of Jawas trying to bargain for some old, outdated ship parts. The Jawas were always on the hunt for miscellaneous scrap metal parts, as well as other junk. To each their own, you guess. You’ve had a couple dealings with Jawas. They were sneaky, and smart despite their appearance. You had always tried to avoid making transactions with them if at all possible.
On your right, you see an older gentleman selling some garments, and the realization pops into your head that you do need new clothes. Since you weren’t planning on all of this happening, the only clothes you have are the ones on your back, and the ones you accidentally left behind on Sorgan. You’re in desperate need for new clothes.
“I’ll be right back,” You tell Mando before making a beeline for the old man’s stand. You don’t wait for Mando to acknowledge you.
“Hi there, traveler.” The man greets, using a cane to rise to his feet from the stool he was sitting on beforehand.
You offer him the same genuine smile he shows to you before letting your hands touch and feel the various assortment of garments placed before you on the table. “These are beautiful.” You remark.
“Thank you. My wife’s the one who sews them. She does all the work. I just sell them afterwards,” He humbly admits. Your eyes stay peeled to the numerous amount of attires on display in front of you, but still keeping that smile on your face. “Oh, hi sir. Can I interest you in anything?” He says, a mix of shock and kindness in his tone. You look up and notice Mando by your side.
“Nothing for me, thank you.” He says politely.
You decide on some charcoal-colored trousers that has some pockets sewn in on each side of the thighs, along with a white short-sleeved tunic. The merchant also sells backpacks, so you also buy one of those to store your new clothes in until you can get back to the Crest. It’s only once you start digging in your pockets that you’re embarrassingly aware that you have no credits on you. Mando picks up on the sudden realization and pulls out credits of his own and hands them over to the old man.
“I’ll find a way to pay you back,” You try to reassure him.
“It’s fine,” Mando replies.
The man bows and thanks you both for your business, and you nod in return before continuing your walk through the city.
After a few more minutes of walking, Mando spots a cantina just a couple buildings away and of course it’s the onecantina you hoped not to visit. It’s the one place you and Tye would frequent when you both lived here, and the owner of the establishment knew you both by name. The both of you had visited that cantina on pretty much a daily basis, playing sabacc with other locals, and getting way too drunk.
As you get closer to the door of the cantina, you stop in your tracks, your feet becoming cement blocks. It doesn’t take Mando long to notice that you’re no longer walking behind him, so when he does, he turns his body to see where you are and heads for you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Isn’t there another cantina we can check out?”
A sigh exists the helmet and big gloved hands come to rest on his hips. “Why?”
“I don’t know, I just feel like maybe there’s another cantina we can visit.”
“Why would we do that when there’s one right here?” His tone becomes faintly more irritated, probably because you’re wasting valuable time trying to run away from your past.
Your mouth opens to justify your apprehension, but there isn’t a single justifiable reason not to head into the cantina. Mouth forming a thin line, you shrug and start for the tavern.
The cantina is loud, all kinds of walks of life are gathered inside mingling. You stop just at the top of the stairs and begin scanning the area, looking for a quiet table you both can sit at. Mando clearly has other ideas because he doesn’t even bother to look around before heading straight for the bar. “Mando—” You call out, but he’s too far ahead to hear you, and the noise from the patrons inside drowns out your voice. The noise that escapes your lips is definitely full of annoyance, but there’s no telling Mando what to do. You follow suit, and stand a couple feet away from him, your back turned to his as you continue to look out for anyone you might know.
You can’t hear the exchange between the bartender and Mando, but by his posture, you guess he doesn’t receive any good news. Form what you can make out through the noise of the cantina, the droid behind the bar informs Mando that no one from the Empire has stepped foot in Mos Eisley in weeks, so the likelihood of anyone knowing anything is slim to none.
“Let’s go. There’s nothing here.” Mando’s voice cuts through the vocoder. You nod and head for the exit. One cantina down, only…too many more left.
Once back in the heat, you both continue to make your way through the city, taking random turns down streets less populated than the main path. You’re still being cautious over being seen by either someone from your past or someone looking to collect your bounty, but you’re much more relaxed now. Being back gives you a sense of familiarity and there’s a slight twinge of nostalgia that reminds you of your childhood. Every street you pass, every building you take notice of—it’s all things you’ve seen before. You can remember running down this exact street with Tye due to a game of tag. A couple streets away there was a food stand that sold the most amazing magenta colored fruit you had ever tasted in your life. It was a rare treat that only came in once every season, but it was so worth it. The fruit was sweet, and so full of juices that whenever you ate it, its nectars would trinkle down your chin and onto your tunic. Your mother always scolded you for eating without being careful, but it never stopped you from dirtying your shirt anyways. As you pass by where the stand used to be, all you see is an abandoned kiosk. Of course, it’s no longer there.
The sun’s beginning to set now, turning the sky into mixture of pastel pinks, blues, and purples that swirl around like an abstract painting. The streets are also starting to become less crowded; vendors are starting to pack up their stands for the day, and most of the locals are gathering in the cantinas for a night of gambling and drinking. You’re not sure when you began trailing behind Mando, but you follow him as he makes his way through the roads. Your arms are crossed against your body, the mental exhaustion of the day is starting to take its toll on your body.
He spots another cantina on the way back to the ship. There’s an unspoken conversation that occurs between you both. He tilts the helmet in the direction of the cantina, and your your shoulder lifts in the air in response. He walks in first then waits for you. When you’ve caught up to him, out of habit you take in your surroundings and take a scan of the room.
He crouches down and whispers in your ear. “Find us a booth. I’ll be there shortly.” The baritone of his voice cutting right through you and hitting a part of you inside that hasn’t been touched in ages. You can’t control the way your body reacts when he’s that close to you—the hairs on your arms standing up, the small shudder that went traveled from your spine down to between your thighs. You’re instantly reminded of the moment you two shared back in the cockpit of the Crest. You’re not sure if you’ll ever get to have another moment like that again, but you’ll live in that moment for as long as you possibly can if that’s all you’ll ever have.
There’s an empty booth at the back of the cantina so naturally that’s the booth you break for. Once you’re seated, you catch Mando talking to the droid behind the bar. A lot of the patrons inside are eyeing the Mandalorian, and you’d be lying if there wasn’t a dash of pride that hits you. Seeing a Mandalorian is rare enough as it is, so seeing a Mandalorian enter a cantina with someone else who’s not Mandalorian? You’re sure this is the first time anyone in here has seen either.
It’s hard not to stare at him. You have no idea what he looks like underneath that helmet, and there’s not even a part of you that cares. It’s all in his body language. You thought of him as a heartless hunter, a man made of beskar—inside and out, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He has the kid and cares deeply for him. Mando portrays himself as a warrior, a strong, stoic man who abides by rules and discipline, but he went back for the Child. He came back for you. It’s true, he doesn’t talk much, doesn’t divulge in talking about his past or about his Creed, but there’s a softness to him, a gentleness that you know not many people have seen, and somehow you’ve been lucky enough to see it.
“Care for some company, baby?”
Your gaze shifts from Mando to the foul man standing to your right. His breath reeks of alcohol, and he can barely keep himself upright without swaying in every direction. He’s holding two empty glasses in one hand and a bottle of liquid in the other.
Your eyebrows pull together, and you can’t help the way your nose scrunches up at the smell of him. “No, thanks.” You reply politely. However, there is a stern tone to your voice.
“Oh, come on,” The man stumbles even though he hasn’t even moved. He loses balance and falls into the booth, now just a couple feet away from where you’re sitting. “What’s a gal like you sitting all by yourself on a fine night like tonight, hmmm?”
His hand reaches out to touch your hand, but your reflexes are much faster than his. You grab onto his wrist before it can get too close to you, and you apply pressure on the grip. His face scrunches up, and you know he’s feeling the firmness of your control. “I said no. Now, back off.”
Your hold slacks and you let go, pushing his arm and hearing it land on the table. Sliding out of the booth, you head straight for Mando who’s still standing at the bar. Before you can call out for him, you feel a large hand come down on your bicep and whip you around.
“We just want to show you a good time, bitch.” Another man bellows. You figure he’s with the creep that’s still sitting in your booth. Your body reacts before your mind can process what’s happening. Your hand balls into a fist, reaching far back to gain as much momentum as possible, then comes slamming into the man’s nose. Bone cracks and you can’t believe you just broke that fucker’s nose. He wails in pain, his hands flying to cover his face. Blood is pooling down his hands and onto the floor. Stars, you didn’t know you could hit that hard.
“I’ll kill you, you fucking bitch!” Someone else shouts and they’re running for you, pushing down others in their path. You prepare to fight but a gloved hand grabs your wrist before you can do any more damage. Mando blocks your entire body with his, and the attacker running stops dead in his tracks, almost tripping on his own feet with pure terror in his eyes. Mando doesn’t even have to do anything before all three men are apologizing profusely and retreating as fast as they came down on you. Everyone knows it’s a fool’s errand to pick a fight with a Mandalorian. They’re not called the greatest warriors in the galaxy for no reason.
“We should head back to the ship before we cause any more trouble,” Your voice is lighthearted, but Mando doesn’t respond. Taking his silence as a ‘yes’, you turn on your heel and make your way out of the cantina and onto the street. Walking out of there and feeling the warm breeze against your hot skin feels amazing. The adrenaline is still pumping through your veins and all the tiredness from your body is momentarily wiped away.
Mando finally appears behind you, and you take the lead on the way back to the ship while he continues to stroll behind you. Nightfall had arrived on Mos Eisley, and the only light that’s given are the dimly lit lanterns posted every few metres along the streets. Unless you’re a frequent visitor or a local, one could easily get lost at night. You on the other hand could make your way through the city with your eyes closed.
You don’t have time to process it, but you’re being pulled into an alley. Mando’s grip on your arm is firm, but he makes sure not to hurt you. There’s only one lantern in the backstreet, and you can barely see anything in front of you. He continues to pull you further and further into the alley until you’re sure no one would see either of you even if you were just three feet in front of you.
When he finally lets go of your arm, he’s standing in front of you at arm’s length. You can make out his silhouette only because the moon’s glow reflects off the beskar he’s wearing. Your eyes flicker up and down his body, trying to gauge why he’s doing this, but he gives you absolutely no indication.
“Uh, what are we doing here, Mando?”
“Take the bag off,” He orders, his voice scratching at a dangerously low register. Sliding your arms out of the straps, the bag drops to the floor.
You’re not scared of him, you know he wouldn’t hurt you, but you’re definitely cautious, and you can’t help the fight or flight instinct that’s overcoming you. Ever so slowly, he stalks towards you. Out of impulse, you take a step back and another and another and another until your back hits the wall behind you. Heart thumping in your chest, and your mouth drier than the fucking Tatooine sand dunes, desire pooling in your stomach. His broad chest encircles you. The cuirass grazes against your chest and you can feel the cool beskar against your burning skin. You want to reach out and touch him, but you don’t know where so instead you keep your hands by your thighs, your pussy throbbing so much it hurts. You don’t know what the fuck is happening, but you want more. You need more. The moment in the cockpit doesn’t hold a candle to this. This is something else—needy, desperate.
Mando’s breathing is uneven, that’s about the only thing you can make out. The vocoder distorts his breaths, making them scratchy and rough. Your chest is heaving with how unsteady your own breathing is. You’ve never been this turned on by someone who hasn’t even touched you.
“Fuck,” Mando murmurs, the baritone of his voice dangerously low. Both arms come up and he rests his palms on the wall behind you, fully boxing you in. Your throat is so dry, it feels like its suffocating you. Quick, shaky breaths escape your lips, and Mando is so fucking close to you, you can see the condensation emerging on his helmet from your pants.
“Tell me stop,” He’s basically growing now, the heat between you two becoming too much. It’s desperate, like he’s unable to control himself so he’s asking you to. It might be nightfall, but you’re still out in public, and despite the fact that you both could be caught any second now, it somehow spurs you both on. The thrill and risk of being this intimate frightens and fucking excites you.
Maker, you want it. You’ve wanted him since the moment you laid eyes on him back on Kijimi. Ever since then you’ve been fighting your attraction to him. Mando didn’t seem like the type to fuck quarries then turn them in, so you had made the conclusion that nothing could ever happen between you two. That quickly changed when you were alone in the cockpit. You had felt the shift in your relationship. No longer were you the only one struggling to bottle up the sexual tension that clearly presented itself whenever you were together. He was just as needy as you were.
“I—” You try to speak, but with the blood pounding in your ears, your mind is going blank. You can’t even force a coherent sentence, the heat is so fucking intense, you’re drowning in it.
A leather glove brushes the loose strands of hair out of your face and tucks them behind your ear. You lean into the touch, closing your eyes and letting a moan escape your lips. It’s such a simple gesture, but because Mando—a man who can kill with his bare hands is the one doing it, makes it so comforting.
Since words aren’t coming to your mind, you resort to using your body to communicate. Your hands are still trembling at your sides but you muster as much strength as you can and grab Mando’s hips, pulling them towards you until his body clashes with yours. His cock is rock hard in his pants, and instinctively, you spread your legs so he can slide one of his own between yours, moaning gently at the feeling of his bulge against your pussy.
“Stars…” He mutters, one arm still planted next to your head and the other coming down to your hip and digging his glove into the material of your pants. The helmet comes right up to your ear now, “Do you want me to fuck you in this alley?” It’s dirty, his voice hitting that sweet spot inside of you that nearly has you combusting on the spot. “Someone might see us.” He’s fucking taunting you and whether or not he actually does want you to push him away, there’s a mutual understanding that that won’t be happening.
The corners of your lips curl into a sly smile. You’re not scared to make a scene, to give some passerby a filthy show. Your next words come out slow, savoring every single moment you can right now. “Then let’s give them a good show.”
The noise that comes through the helmet is animalistic, somewhere between a mewl and a fucking growl. Grabbing both your hips, he flips you around so you’re facing the wall, you palms come flying up to stop yourself from smacking face first into it. With one hand still on your hip, he uses his other hand to hold your stomach and pull you closer to him, your back arching and bending over slightly, his cock lining up perfectly along your backside. A moan slips from your lips and that just spurs him off. The hand on your stomach trails down, cupping your sex over your pants. Maker, you can feel your slick dripping down your thigh from how much this is turning you on. Distant voices pass you by, but you don’t care. Nothing else matters right now, not when Mando is holding you like this, touching you the way you thought was only possible in your daydreams.
The grip on your hip slackens, lifting your tunic just enough to expose soft skin underneath then wrapping his arm around your torso to keep you glued to him. A thumb plays with the waistband of your pants, a delicious taunt that only makes you whine with anticipation.
“Do you want me to touch you?” Mando snarls in your ear. He’s resting his head on your shoulder, the metal digging into your neck and cheek. It’s a little uncomfortable but you’re too entranced to care about anything else other than him touching you wherever he wants. You moan helplessly against him but his hand doesn’t move, just continues to graze the exposed skin near your waistband. He’s relentless, continuing his slow assault, waiting for you to find the words to speak.
“Please…” You choke out.
“Please, what?” He sneers gingerly. “You need to use your words.”
It comes as a shock just how submissive you are. You’ve always considered yourself a dominant when it came to others, but somehow Mando’s completely flipped the script on you. You aren’t in control, you can barely throw two words together without needing to catch your breath, but you’d be lying if this wasn’t the most turned on you’ve ever been in your life.
“Yes…please touch me,” You cry out, shifting your hips so you can feel his cock against your behind.
“Good girl,” He praises before dipping his hand down inside your trousers and cupping your sex. He gathers your slick around his gloved fingers and begins rubbing circles over your clit. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” Letting out a satisfied moan, the baritone of his voice pierces through you, your pussy gushing at the sound. You moan so loudly you’re positive anyone nearby could hear you.
“Shhh,” Mando whispers into your ear as the pressure on your clit become more intense. Your body is on fire, the heat in your belly driving you to climax as his fingers continue their assault on your pussy.
There’s a faint sound of static, but you try to push it out of your memory. You don’t want him to stop, not when you’re on the verge of orgasm.
“…Mando? Mando, are you there?” A female voice pokes through the commlink on Mando’s vambrace. His movements still and an irritated sigh scratches through his helmet before he pulls his hand from your trousers, then taking a couple steps back so you can turn around to face him, leaning back into the wall awkwardly. Lifting an arm to the helmet, he presses one of the buttons on his forearm.  
“Yes, Peli?” His voice is surprisingly steady, considering two seconds ago he was fucking your pussy with his hand.
“Uh… The kid is having some kind of breakdown,” The radio causes her voice to come out rough, and you can hear a little bit of a disturbance in the background. “I think he misses you and his way of telling me that to tear my hangar apart!”
“We’re on our way,” He says into his wrist, not bothering to wait for her response and heading back for the main road.
You continue to lean against the wall for a couple of seconds, trying to process how this all happened so quickly. One minute you were walking back to the Crest with Mando, then he was pulling you into an alley for what you thought was going to be the best sex of your life, and now he’s already heading back to the ship like nothing even happened.
When Mando looks over his shoulder and realizes you’re not walking behind him, he stops and waits for you. “Are you coming?” He asks, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“I wish,” You mumble to yourself before kicking off the wall behind you to stand up straight. Bending over to grab the straps of your bag and throwing it over your shoulders, your feet drag as you walk, letting disappointment engulf you. This was not how you wanted the night to end.
And the walk back is…a little awkward. Neither of you speak, but you continue to walk side by side. Your arms are crossed against your chest, and you keep your eyes peeled to the ground. Every now and then, you peak upwards to get a glimpse of Mando who’s walking on your left, but his visor stays glued to what’s in front of him—his head never once turning to look down at you. It’s infuriating, really. You’re sulking, maybe even acting a little childish, but it had been weeks since you’ve been touched by another person and the one night Mando finally decides to make a move, you get rudely interrupted. Not to mention your panties are fucking soaked and the walk back is only making you more uncomfortable. Your eyes shift to Mando’s right hand and a shrewd smile smears onto your face. Your slick is on Mando gloves. That realization is enough to turn you on. Hopefully whatever the kid is up to won’t take too much time to sort out, and then maybe you two can finish your little encounter in the alley.
When you reach the hangar, you don’t see anything out of place. To be fair, Peli’s hangar is always a mess so to you, it all seems normal. Peli stands at the foot of the ramp, looking a little rougher than usual. There are specks of grease on her skin, and her curly hair sticks out in all kinds of directions.
“What the hell have you been feeding this kid since the last time I saw you?” She challenges, storming towards you both.
“I don’t…” Mando begins to say, but Peli interrupts, a hand shooting up before he can finish his sentence. “The kid was full of energy, and I mean full. He messed with my droids, did this weird little hand thing and my bolts started floating in the air!” Her arms waving around as she tells the story. “Floating! Did you know he could do that?”
Mando shifts his weight to one leg, both his hands resting on his utility belt. “Yes.”
Peli scoffs. “Well, a heads up would have been nice.”
“Where is he now?” Your tone comes out more aggressive than you intended, but given the circumstances of your relationship, you don’t believe niceties are essential.
Peli scowls at you, before turning her attention to Mando and answering the question. “I was somehow able to put him to bed while we waited for you. He’s in the ship.” Her hand coming up to point behind her towards the hull of the Crest. Mando places a hand on her shoulder—not the same one he used on you thank the maker, and thanks her sincerely. He explains to her that you were both unable to find any leads but will try again tomorrow.
He climbs the ramp to check on the kid, and you follow suit, but not before shooting giving Peli one last look, your eyes piercing into hers with invisible vibroblades. She returns the favor and turns on her heel, heading to her office.
Once inside the ship, your eyes feel unbearably heavy and the fatigue hits you all at once. In the last few days, you’ve probably only gotten eight hours of sleep—more like a series of power naps that could be considered eight hours when you bundle them all up, and now your bones ache, craving the sweet release that is rest—but first? You need a shower. To clean off all the dirt from the sand that’s passed through the air and onto your skin, and to clean up the mess that’s between your thighs.
Mando checks on the kid who is right where Peli said he was—in the cubbyhole they both sleep in. “Hey kid,” he says softly while lightly caressing the hammock he threw together for the kid to sleep in.
“I’m gonna freshen up,” You announce as you head for the fresher. Mando only tilts in your direction and tips the helmet down, giving you only the slightest indication that he understood you.
It’s a bit of a struggle to get undressed in the fresher. The space is just so kriffing small, it’s a wonder how Mando is able to do it. When all your clothes are off, you toss them behind you and angle your body underneath the hose. Cool water hits your tired skin and you recoil from the sudden freezing temperature. After a few seconds though, the water warms up into a delightfully warm hug, and your tense shoulders finally relax. The water pressure is a little harsher than what you’ve gotten used to, but it feels nice on your back. It feels like a massage, pushing down on your muscles, releasing the tautness that had built up throughout the day. Looking down at the drain, you notice a red hue to the water, and your brows pull together tightly, eyes scanning your body to see where the blood could be coming from. As you begin to inspect your hands, you notice three small gashes on your left hand where your knuckles are. Your memory flashes back to the cantina where you struck that man square in the nose. A chuckle echoes in the walls of the fresher as you remember the fear smeared on his face right before you connected your fist with his nose.
Water continues to cascade on your sun-kissed skin as you grab the bar of soap resting on the ledge and begin to scrub every inch of Mos Eisley grime off your frame. Naturally, your mind wanders—as one’s mind usually does while taking a shower. Closing your eyes, you imagine the fingers tracing your skin are big, leather gloved hands instead. Dancing across your chest, goosebumps forming under your skin as the touch shifts down between your breasts, to your stomach and rests in the middle of your thighs.
You shouldn’t—you really shouldn’t do this. Not when Mando is right outside the fresher, not when he would definitelyhear you if you got yourself to come, but then again maybe you should let him hear you. The image of him hearing you moan as you bring yourself to orgasm in his fresher, his ship is enough of an incentive for you to bring your hand up to your pussy and slowly dragging your fingers between your wet folds. It doesn’t take long before your fucking soaking, slick mixed with water. Fighting the whimpers that are caught in your throat, you bite down on your bottom lip, and lean against the metal wall to steady yourself as you fuck yourself to orgasm.
Even as the sound of water masks some of obscene noises you’re making, if Mando’s still somewhere nearby, he’ll hear you. Two fingers rub against your swollen clit, and you convince yourself they’re fingers covered in brown leather. The heat in your stomach coils, your orgasm bubbling to the surface. It feels so fucking wrong and it feels so fucking right. Thank the Maker for the wall keeping you upright because your knees are quaking, the flashes of pure ecstasy making it damn near impossible to keep yourself from crying out. You’re seeing stars, the sensation starting to become too intense, you’re on the verge of coming, speeding up your rhythm so you can finally feel its sweet release. Your orgasm rips through you, white-hot pleasure punches the moan lodged in your throat, unable to catch it in time before it echoes through the walls of the fresher. There’s no way he didn’t hear that, but you really don’t give a shit.
Your hand drops to your side as your body rides out the aftershocks of your orgasm, chest heaving and knees buckling. The steam from the water mixed with your labored breathing post-orgasm makes it way too difficult to breathe. You feel like you’re suffocating, and now that you’re fully relaxed, the exhaustion really taking its toll on you.
Grabbing the new garments you bought from one of the kind gentleman, you slip them on and push the button to open the fresher door. The cool air from the Crest is a breath of fresh air, and you let as much air fill your lungs as humanly possible, taking notice that the ship is dimly lit. You don’t immediately see any sign of Mando, so you poke your head to left, wondering if he might be with the Child. The entrance is shut, and assume that means he’s gone to sleep. You take to the ladder, and use whatever strength you have left—and it’s not much, to climb the rungs to the cockpit. Sleeping in the chair isn’t the most comfortable for your neck or back or any part of your body for that matter, but it’s the only place you think to sleep in, therefore until Mando tells you otherwise, you’ll continue to sleep in this kriffing chair.
It’s when you reach the top of the ladder that you notice the tip of chrome poking through the headrest of the pilot’s chair.
Keeping your movements as quietly as you can in the off chance he’s sleeping, you manage to slither in your seat and really try to get comfortable, but it’s truly impossible to do that so you give up quickly and lean a little in the chair, your butt touching the edge of the seat, and your back at an angle. It’s probably worse for your back to be in this position but you refuse to sit up straight in the seat, you definitely won’t be able to sleep that way. Your arms stretch across your chest and let out a deep breath through your lips before closing your eyes.
“By the way,” A deep, rough voice cuts through the silence in the cockpit. Your eyes shoot open and your breath catches in your throat, hanging onto every word Mando says. “The fresher isn’t soundproof.”
Your body sinks back into the chair, cheeks burning hot with equal parts embarrassment and satisfaction. There’s no point in trying to come up with a witty response, because you shamelessly wanted him to hear you. Shutting your eyes again, it’s damn near impossible to hide the devilish grin that’s smeared all over your smug face.
@1800-fight-me​ @tillytheslytherin​ @ayamenimthiriel​ 💛💛💛💛
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softboywriting · 3 years
Right Place, Right Time | Santiago “Pope” Garcia | Triple Frontier
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Summary: You and Pope have known each other for years because of your ex. When you end up in a bad situation because of your brother, Pope is the last person you thought would end up saving your life. [Post Movie] [TW: Violence, gunshots, mention of drug running, hostage situation] [Film: Triple Frontier]
Word Count: 3k
Masterlist In Bio
The sound of a gunshot rips through the air, ringing in your ears and your heart stops. You huddle down into the cold porcelain tub you're handcuffed to, praying that you can get out of this situation alive. The situation has gone from bad to worse and you suspect it may get uglier.
You're not even meant to be here, you're a bartering chip because your brother fucked up and owes a cartel boss a fuck load of money. You can't even remember his name, Parade? Patron? Partida. That's it. Three days ago you got grabbed by three guys in a van outside your apartment in San Antonio Texas; had your hands tied up and mouth taped shut, tossed into the cargo hold on a small plane and flown for a long time then put in a trunk and driven for a longer time.
Since then you've been fine, no one has hurt you or made you feel uncomfortable other than the whole being held hostage. It's only been a day since you've been handcuffed, you started out much more comfortable in a small sunroom but you quickly ruined that luxury. Your back hurts from the awkward position you're forced to sit in. It's what you get for trying to make a run for it during a guard change.
It's been just under fifteen minutes since you heard commotion from the floor below you. Unmistakable sounds of struggle and loud thumping. Then came the gunshot. You have no idea who is shooting, if it is a guard or someone else with a gun. There are two more gunshots and you are certain that they've come from the stairs just outside the bathroom door. You have a feeling that there is a drug bust going on or a rival cartel is making a move. Either way you're in a bad position.
The hall outside the bathroom door creaks and you hold your breath. Maybe they won't check the bathroom. Maybe it's one of Partida's guards sweeping for intruders. Not that you'd rather it be a guard, but you'd rather not die or go to prison for being in a drug lord's house. You slide the curtain over quietly and lean your head back against the cold tile wall.
The sound of a man speaking catches your attention. It's low, unintelligible. You listen closer, trying to make out what they're saying but you're only catching pieces. It sounds like English.
"I'm going to sweep the rooms."
The door hand jiggles and you can't breathe. Sure enough the door creaks open and you hear someone moving into the room, heavy boots moving slowly across the floor. As long as they don't pull back the curtain it's fine. You're fine. They will take the shit they want and leave. Then you can make a run for it. Just don't open the- fuck.
You stare up at a blonde man with striking blue eyes. He's got a backwards baseball cap and a full tactical vest on. He looks American and you feel only fleeting relief, knowing that at least he doesn't appear to be part of a rival cartel in the country.
"Holy shit." He touches a com on his chest. "Pope, we got a girl up here, second floor bathroom. She's handcuffed to the tub."
"Copy that, I'm on my way."
Your heart soars. Pope. You know a Pope who is now ex military. Your ex boyfriend's squad leader was nicknamed Pope. You got together several times, had drinks with the squad and their significant others. You always had a thing for him, though you never let on since you were with Jude, your ex. The two of you got along far better than you and Jude ever did and you always wondered what if. It was a classic case of right person, wrong time. You can only hope that somehow on the gods green earth, this is going to be the same man.
"Hey sweetheart you know English?"
"Yeah, I'm American." You tug at the handcuff and it rattles loudly against the tub. "Got anything to get this off me?"
"Not on me. I'm gonna let Pope make that call."
Another man appears in the doorway. He looks similar to the one standing before you. Blonde, blue eyes, same jawline and build. "Ah fuck. Did you tell Pope yet?"
"He's on his way up."
A third man steps into view as the second man steps away. He's about the same height, dark curly hair with a bit of gray in the front, stubble, brown deep set eyes. It's him, Santiago "Pope" Garcia. He looks to the man in front of you and then to the one out of sight. They both exit the room and he enters, closing the door behind him.
"Santiago...Pope...holy shit, is this for real?"
"It is." He kneels beside the tub and you can see gray in his dark stubble. He doesn't look old enough to be graying, maybe late thirties or so, you can't remember. His eyes are soft, gentle as he looks at your wrist in the cuff. It's sore, red and rubbed raw. "This is the last place I ever thought I'd see you again. How the hell did you get here?"
"My brother owes Partida money, he did that private security gig here a while remember? He couldn't pay up so Partida took me and brought me here as a hostage. I've been here for three days."
Pope swings his gun around to his back and digs in the pocket of his vest. "He's kept you chained up for three days?"
"No, just one day. I was in the sunroom downstairs under a guard's watch until I tried to get out. I didn't make it far, obviously."
"Then he cuffed you. I got it." He pulls out a pair of pliers and goes for the chain around the pipe. "I want you to listen to what I'm about to say, and listen closely."
"If you're lying to me, and you try any funny business I cannot guarantee your safety. Just because we know each other, doesn't mean I can trust you entirely. I don't know you that well anymore. I'm cutting this chain and letting you go because I don't condone hurting women or hostages, and I want to believe you're telling me the truth."
"Of course I'm telling the truth, Pope. Fuck, we've known each other for years, yeah it's been a while but how many times did we get wasted together? Why are you here?"
He gives you a hard look but it smooths out, trust softening his features. "I'm trying to make a difference."
You rub your arm, massaging the bicep as you're able to relax it finally. It's been uncomfortably held at a weird angle since you were chained up. "You're here for the drugs? Are you a mercenary now or something?"
"Something like that." Pope stands and offers a hand to help you up. "You need to get out of here and get back home."
"I can't. I don't have any documents. How am I supposed to get over the border or get a flight?" You climb out of the tub and run a hand over your hair. "They brought me down here on a fucking crop duster hidden in the cargo hold."
Pope sighs, muttering under his breath and hooks his thumbs under the straps of his vest. "I'd say go to the embassy but I'm sure they're in Partida's pockets. Okay, I'll get you out of here, just go downstairs and wait for us to come down."
You nod and open the door, heading down the stairs and stopping short of the last step because there is a guard laying across the bottom steps and he is clearly not responsive. You close your eyes and tell yourself he is just unconscious as you step over his legs and go to the foyer. The front door is open and it's raining outside, the sky a sick green color. How did this happen? How could you have let your brother get in this much trouble? How did you let yourself get picked up outside your apartment? Fuck. You lean on the doorframe and you feel sick. You can't just go home. Partida will find you, his men will find you.
"Hey Handcuffs, you ready to go?"
You turn and see the blond with the baseball cap that initially found you. "Yeah, I'm not eager to stay."
"Pope says you're comin' with us. That he knows you. You're American right? Where you from?"
"Ah I see." He does a little two step move. "I've had a couple of good rounds in Texas. Nice place. Good food and better company." He adjusts his hat and you roll your eyes at him. "How'd you end up in Columbia?"
"My idiot brother." You scoff. "He was in private sector security and he stayed here for six months. Apparently he got in with the wrong people and then ended up owing more money than our childhood home is worth. He's so fucking stupid, he put me and everyone he's knows at risk and look at me now. I'm so fucked."
"Hey it'll be okay. Pope knows the right people, he can get you home."
"I can't go home! If I just go back to my apartment in San Antonio then Partida's men are going to hunt me down. They'll interrogate me about this, whatever this is!" You pace across the foyer. "I'm not supposed to be here, I'm not supposed to be part of anything! This is all my brother's fault and I'm really tempted to snap his fingers one by one when I see him again, if I see him again."
"Ouch. Trust me, Pope will get this right. Partida isn't going to be a problem much longer. Well, he ain't a problem now."
"What do you mean? Of course he's a prob-"
The other blonde comes down the stairs with Pope behind him. He's got a necklace in his hand with a cross on it. It's the one that Partida never goes without. The only way they could have gotten that is- Jesus fucking Christ what did Pope get into? "You got the matches Pope?" The blonde asks.
"You know I do." Pope says, tossing a bottle of some sort behind him.
"Don't you think maybe we should give some of this money in the house back to the people?"
"It's dirty money, it'll just find its way back to the next cartel that tries to take over the country. It's best we don't feed anything back into it. Let the people heal, free of Partida's grasp."
"Whatever you say, Pope."
Baseball cap and the other blonde grab bottles from a bag nearby like the one Pope tossed. You realize they're lighter fluid, or perhaps gasoline. They're going to burn the house to the ground with everything and everyone in it. "Come on, let's get this place good and soaked."
Pope walks up to you and lays his hand on your shoulder. "I never thought I'd see you again let alone in a place like this. Small world."
"Yeah, small world. What are you actually doing here? Seriously this is not a government mission."
"No, it's not. I've spent the last two years here trying to take down Partida. He was responsible for the death of my aunt and uncle a few years back. I worked with the local government for a while but they were all on his payroll. I met up with Benny and Will about doing this on our own. They hot some hard times so I told them they could keep as much cash as they could carry if they helped me and well, here we are."
You reach out and touch his jaw, there's a scratch you didn't see before and it's bleeding a little. You wonder if he knows it's there. "Never thought you'd do some cowboy shit like this."
He shrugs and looks away. "It's against everything I ever swore under oath but it's the right thing to do and we've got the skill set to do it. So many people suffer under Partida's rule. I've done something like this before in Brazil, it didn't turn out so well but it made a huge difference for the people and the government."
"Well I'm glad you are doing it. I've never been more relieved in my life than I was when I saw you walk into that bathroom. I was sure I'd end up dead or in prison or something far worse. I'm so far from home, and someone I know is saving my life, how did I get this lucky."
Pope chuckles. "I guess people are tied to each other once they meet. The invisible strings of fate. Seems that way anyway. How's Jude?"
"We broke up two years ago. It wasn't ugly, just a mutual falling out. He was being deployed to Turkey for a few years so it would have been rough."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Is he still there? I've not heard from him since I retired."
"Yeah. What about you? Still got that Brazilian girl? What was her name? Annamaria?"
Pope clears his throat and runs a hand over his hair nervously. "No, no she uh...she wasn't into my work. It didn't last long."
"That sucks, I'm sorry. She was a sweet girl."
"She was. Life goes on though."
"Alright we're done, let's light it up and go home." The blonde says and picks up the bag they got the lighter fluid from.
Baseball Cap claps a hand on Pope's back. "Let's get the hell out of dodge my man."
"Let's go." Pope says, laying a hand on your back and guiding you toward the doorway. "We've got a truck waiting on the other side of the highway."
The way home isn't as easy as it should be even with Pope's connections. For Benny and Will, baseball cap and the blonde, it's easy as pie. Pope had already set up their fake passports and IDs before the mission. You end up staying with Pope at the place he pays weekly for in Medellin. It's a temporary apartment, all the furniture and appliances are supplied. It's perfect for a man on the move. You both know it's a risk to keep you in the country, should Partida's men decide to get retribution for their boss. Not that many knew who you were or why you were in his home, but either way, if any of them knew about you, this is going to get pinned on you. How one woman in her late twenties could take out several armed guards and a drug lord alone, you have no idea. You're not John Wick, but you're not completely off the hook.
You wake up to the early morning light pouring in the open window of the bedroom. You're covered in soft blankets, a bit too warm, but comfortable enough. Beside you Pope is asleep, his tan skin and dark hair such a contrast against the cream color bedding. He looks peaceful, serene in this state.
Sharing the bed had been your idea. It wasn't as if two adults couldn't share a queen size bed for a few nights. You weren't horny teenagers on a camping trip, forced to share tents. None the less your heart races when you see him inches away, lips parted slightly, eyes closed and his whole expression relaxed. He's gorgeous, rough but attractive beyond measure. He's older than you by a few years, a good eight at least, but you don't care. You definitely still want him.
"Good morning," he mutters, one eye opening to peek at you across from him. He smiles slow and sleepy.
"Good morning."
"Did you sleep okay?"
Pope reaches out and closes the gap between the two of you, fingers gliding over your cheek. "You're flushed. Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah." You bite your tongue as you stare pleadingly at the man across from you. Do you say something? Does he feel this vibe? Does his chest ache the way yours does right now? You can't decide what to say so you go with the first thing that comes to mind. "You've gotten some gray since I last saw you."
He grins, breaking out into a laugh and let's his hand fall from your face. "Stress and the military will do that to you."
"I like it."
His laughter lulls and he looks over at you once more. "You do?"
"Yeah." You reach out and touch the curls at the front of his head where they are streaked with gray. His hair is soft but full and thick, his latin genetics for sure. He won't be thinning anytime soon, just graying. "It's nice, makes you look distinguished."
"It makes me look like an old man."
"You're not that old."
"Thirty seven and I've got these grays like a fifty year old pushing sixty hard."
You run your hand into his hair, dragging your fingers up through the thickest bit. "Don't worry about it. Get some hair dye. The ladies will still be all over you with a face like this."
He chuckles. "Oh yeah? What if I don't want ladies all over me? What if I just want one." He rolls forward and leans over you. "Am I reading this wrong?"
"No, you're reading it perfectly right."
"Good." He leans in and presses his lips to yours. His hand slides into your hair and you melt. His kiss is everything you imagined, soft, gentle, loving. "I've got a place in Brazil, a condo in Rio."
"Are you asking me to move in with you?"
"Maybe." He smiles and kisses you again. "Just for a bit until things cool down with Partida's men. I think you'll like Brazil."
You smile softly and close your eyes. "Fuck it. Why not? My job sucks in San Antonio. My parents are who knows where since they retired and my brother can figure it out himself. He put me into this mess, he can suffer a while wondering what happened to me."
"If he hadn't, we wouldn't be here." He presses his forehead against yours. "Never thought I'd see you again."
"I guess it's like you said, people are tied together by the universe once they meet." You run your hand through his hair and down his neck, twisting your finger in his curls there. "Maybe we were supposed to end up like this."
He presses another kiss to your lips and then to your jaw. "It was finally the right place, right time."
Header imgae by @/delicate-venus
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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fbfh · 4 years
Valdez’s dispatch - leo x reader
words: 1k
genre: romance with angsty undertones on your part
au: in the heights au
pairing: leo x gn reader (benny and nina dynamic)
warnings: it’s implied that you dropped out of college and you put a lot of pressure on yourself so you’re scared to tell your parents, but none of that really comes up here
song rec: benny’s dispatch - christopher jackson + in the heights obc, breathe - mandy gonzalez + in the heights obc (if you want some more context lol)
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It’s a small, local cab business your parents run - there’s not much to it. You grew up in the middle of the moderate hustle and bustle, even filled in with bookkeeping and dispatching in highschool where needed. It’s so ingrained in you, like the back of your hand, that you can almost take it for granted. But if it means you get to see Leo, even just for a couple minutes waiting for your parents to get back, you reflect on how much it suddenly means to you. 
You stand ridged against the wall in front of the AC, soaking in the marginally cooler air, trying not to appear startled. You didn’t know Leo was running dispatch today, of course you didn’t, or you would have planned this out a little better in your head. A smaller, equally insistent part of you is glad for the brief chance to lower your temperature; no matter how many city summers you endure, they always seem to get the best of you this time of year. 
“Leo - hey.” you smile, taking him in. He has on a white button up, tie loose, the first few buttons undone. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and you can see a tank top poking out underneath the low collar of his shirt. You still can’t really believe how much he’d grown up in a year. Apparently distance does make the heart grow fonder. 
He looks up at you, doing a double take. His heart skips a beat or two in his chest, and a small part of him doesn’t believe his eyes. He knew you’d be home some time this summer, he had just hoped for a little advanced notice. But hey, he’s not complaining. You’re really here, in front of him. His cheeks are already red.  His excitement takes over as he greets you.
“Hey, hi! Wow, I didn’t know you came home today.” 
“Yeah, I got in late last night. Have you seen-” 
“Your folks?” 
You nod, never unsurprised at how he seems to be able to read your mind.
“On their way back. Had some errands to run.” 
“Oh, okay. Anyway…” you trail off, not knowing where to begin, the feeling of seeing him again more joyous than it probably should be. 
“It’s good to see your face around here.” He finishes, his elation matching yours. 
“Any time,” you mutter, already at a loss for words. Outlining a 60 page thesis on cognitive functions of the human brain was no problem, but making small talk with him? Forget it. 
“Wait, hold up. You used to totally own this dispatch, right?”
You crack a laugh, knowing you can pass the redness of your cheeks off as the pavement wavering heat outside.
“I mean… once or twice, yeah.” A peacockish grin appears on his face and you know he’s about to do something very… in character for him. 
“Check the technique,” he says. He leans into the mic, and spits driving instructions, traffic notices, and some classic Leo jokes and commentary along the way. 
“- there’s a double decker bus wreck down that way. Sure glad you didn’t take public transpo today, huh?” His eyes keep flicking towards you. They light up the way they do when he gets an idea that usually lands someone in trouble. 
“Special announcement! This just in, the boss man and lady’s daughter is back home!” “Leo,” you hiss, fighting a smile.
“She’s looking mad stressed right now-”
“Oh my god,” 
“I’m sure we all miss her-”
“Welcome back the barrio’s best! Honk your horns!” 
Distant and sporadic honking echos through nearby streets. One of your parents’ cabs drives by, honking and waving. 
“She’s smiling…” he teases, pulling you in front of the mic, “say hello!”
“Hello,” you reply, immediately tapping into Leo’s rush of palpable energy. His hands are resting on your arms, and you can feel his warm chest against your back, “good morning, guys…” 
Leo’s chest puffs out a little, delighted he could make you smile for once. You seem like you really need it.
The nostalgia of reading off directions into this mic engulfs you. You don’t just remember the simpler times; for a minute, you feel them. Your high school years were so… straight forward. All you had to do was study your ass off, and everything would be fine. Turns out that strategy doesn’t work as well in college. Reality crashes back down, that horrible immovable feeling right back in the pit of your stomach. 
“I’d better find my folks,” you turn to him, and your eyes lock. You start to get those bubbly butterflies again, “thanks for this whole… welcome wagon.” 
“Any time…” he breathes, “any time, princesa,” he repeats, watching you with a certain fondness in his eyes. You know he enjoys being the only one besides your family, and Abuela, who’s considered family by the whole block, to call you that nickname. 
You turn around and start to open the door. The words rush out of him before he can even think.
“Wait here with me.”
Just for words. Four words anyone could have said to anyone else and meant absolutely nothing. But somehow, in spite of that, you both knew the weight of the implications they held. Because it’s not just anyone saying that to anyone else. It’s Leo saying it to you. Words always mean more between you two. They always have.
You turn back, heart racing, face red.
“What?” you breathe, sure you heard him correctly, but needing the confirmation anyway.
He fumbles for a second, trying to figure out why he said that, and how he can justify it, an equally strong flush to his cheeks mirroring your own. 
“Wh- uh, it’s so hot out, it’ll be cooler in here until your parents get back. Turn up the AC. Stay here with me,” 
His heart speeds up as you do. You pull over a folding chair and sit next to him at the desk. 
Somehow, no matter the time of year, you always manage to give each other a warmth you never need to cool down from. 
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golden-babbles · 4 years
Keep the Party Goin’ (Part 1) 
Part 2
Yuu Nishinoya x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, college AU, obv aged up characters. Alcohol consumption. Part 1 is gonna be mostly SFW, with just implications, but part 2 will be all smut. You’ve been warned! 
Summary: Your friend invites you to a party celebrating a win for her boyfriend's volleyball game. One of the guys catches your eye, and it looks like you've caught his too...
Inspiration: Flirt by NEFFEX, Rumors by NEFFEX, Tidal Wave by Portugal, The Man
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: This is my first time writing a fic and I’m so excited for how it will turn out! Let me know what you think! ^-^
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It was Taylor who had come up with the idea, whispering in your ear a plan to make her possessive boyfriend get a little jealous. You had glanced at where he stood, leaning against a kitchen countertop, then your gaze travelled downward to the attractive, shorter man beside him.
You grinned as you turned back to your friend, responding with, “Let’s see if we can’t both get a little extra attention.” You whispered back your plan to her, and she giggled and nodded before playfully shoving you in Hinata’s direction to begin your ploy.
“Yo, Shoyo! You taking requests?” You yelled to the redhead over the music as you sauntered over to where he stood on his phone, controlling the bluetooth speakers from where he leaned against the wall. 
He looked up at you and smirked as you leaned in close. “For you, babe? Sure, but it’ll cost ya.” 
You rolled your eyes and groaned at the cocky little prick before leaning one shoulder against the wall as you faced him. “Name your price, Carrot Top.” 
He laughed at the nickname and jutted a thumb towards the liquor sitting on a nearby counter. “Take a shot with me.”
You smirked and straightened, pulling away from the wall. “That’s it? You got yourself a deal.” You moved to grab a couple of shot glasses. “Do I get to pick the poison?”
“Sure, anything but tequila.” He winced. “That stuff messes me up.”
You opted for some fireball and poured a shot for each of you, giggling to yourself as you thought of how the liquor matched the redhead well. You handed his shot to him and held yours up for him to tap his glass to. “Bottoms up!” You downed your shot easily, laughing as Shoyo gave a light cough after he took his own. 
“Fireball? You trying to kill me?” He laughed, but held out his phone to you, as per your deal. You queued up two songs, ready to put your evil plan into motion, and grabbed some solo cups of spiked punch from the kitchen before heading back to where your best friend waited for you near the makeshift dance floor.
By the time you reach Taylor’s spot, your first song has started. You hand her her cup of punch, then let the music flow through you as you begin dancing closely with your best friend, swaying your hips to the electric beats and pulses. You were both smiling and laughing, careful not to spill your drinks as you grinded against each other.
"Think we’ve got Tsuki’s attention yet, hmm?" She whispered in your ear as the hand not holding her drink came up behind your head and she pressed her forehead against yours.
You giggled conspiratorially and swept your own free hand over her hip as you glanced at Tsukishima out of the corner of your eye. He was watching you both attentively, clearly paying close attention as the first song came to a close.
“Oh, definitely. The cute guy next to him is watching, too.” Smirking to yourself, you turned back to your friend, downed the rest of your drink, and set the empty cup on a nearby coffee table, Taylor quickly following suit. 
"C'mon Tay, let's make this interesting." You said as you grabbed her by the hips and turned her so that she faced away from you, pulling her close until your hips were flush. She began to slowly grind against you, bringing her hands back to run across your shoulders and down your biceps as she shimmied downward to the beat of the blaring music, rubbing her ass against your thighs as she moved.
The two of you ignored the crowd surrounding you, eyes finding the pair across the room, Taylor's flitting to her tall, frowning, blonde boyfriend as yours landed on the friend beside him. Your e/c gaze locked with wide dark chocolate irises as you continued to dance, whirling Taylor back around so that the two of you were facing each other once again, with her arms laced around the back of your neck and your eyes watching the pair of men over her shoulder.
You smirked when Tsukishima downed the rest of his drink and watched as he leaned down to say something to his friend over the thumping music. After a short nod, you watched his friend down his own drink and refill it with spiked punch before he followed Tsukishima across the room to where you danced with Taylor. You shifted your gaze back to your friend's and once again leaned your forehead against hers as you grinned victoriously.
"Uh oh, here they come." The two of you giggled together before Tsukishima grabbed Taylor's shoulder and gently but possessively pulled her away from you.
You feigned a pout up at the frowning blonde. "Hey, Tsuki! Why are you trying to ruin our fun?"
He scoffed. "Don't start. I know you're trying to make a move on her." He pulled your best friend close and wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. You had to fight back a smirk when she winked at you as she pressed her cheek to his chest. "And don't call me Tsuki."
Taylor huffed at his words as she looked up at him, clearly trying not to laugh. "Don't be rude, Kei, we're just trying to have a little fun." Then she turned her attention to the brunette who had walked over with Tsukishima.
"Hey Noya! I didn't know you were here!” She lied. “It's good to see you." She tried to pull out of Tsukishima's embrace, presumably to hug the smaller man, but Tsukishima held tight. She huffed in indignation and turned back to you.
"Y/n, this is Yuu Nishinoya. He's also on the volleyball team with Tsuki. He's the libero. Lots of strength and stamina." She giggles and winks for the second time since the males joined you and you roll your eyes. She's definitely a little tipsy.
You turn your gaze back to the man standing in front of you and find him blushing, a hand rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. How cute, you think, he's shy.
"F/n l/n. You can call me n/n." You stick out your hand for him to take, and he hesitates before removing his own hand from the back of his head to take yours, his eyes focusing on your clasped hands instead of meeting your gaze. You marvel in the strength of his grip and the calluses on his palms.
"Y-you can call me Noya." His voice is just barely audible over the sounds of the party going on around you. 
You smile and release his hand and he glances up at you, seeming to blush harder, but he finally finds the confidence to meet your eyes. His hand returns to the back of his head, scratching lightly.
When your attention shifts away from Noya and back to your friend and her boyfriend, you find them passionately making out, even in the midst of everything, and you scowl.
"Yo, get a room, guys!" You lightly smack Tsukishima's arm where it lies across Taylor's shoulders. You can see Taylor blush as Tsukishima growls and glares at you. You stick your tongue out at him and he scoffs.
"Fine, we will." He smirks and grabs Taylor's wrist as he pulls her towards a hallway, presumably leading to Tsukishima's bedroom.
Taylor squeals and turns back to you before calling out, "Have fun, you two!" And placing two fingers in a "v" over her lips before sticking her tongue between them. Then she disappears behind the other partygoers, and you assume that you won't see her again until morning.
You send up a silent prayer of good luck for your best friend. Tsukishima always got insanely jealous of you when you and Taylor teased him, and it always ended in Taylor getting dicked down so good she had trouble walking in the morning.
You turned your attention back to Nishinoya and found him smiling in amusement toward where you last saw Taylor and Tsukishima, before he turned back to face you once again.
With your distractions gone, you took the opportunity to fully drink in the man in front of you. He had dropped his hand from behind his head, now opting instead to cross them over his broad chest, the black muscle tank he wore revealing the strength in his shoulders and biceps. He stood at about the same height as you, give or take an inch or two. Now that his initial shyness had seemed to wear off, likely due to the now empty cup held loosely in one hand. His dark brown eyes glimmered with confidence and a spark that you could only describe as spunky. His gelled spiky brown hair had one bleached spot at the front and center of his head and you couldn't help but wonder what it would look like between your thighs. Your gaze travelled downward to the black volleyball shorts he wore, probably the same ones he wore to practice, and the muscular thighs and claves peeking out of them.
Once your eyes finished their adventure, they traveled back to his face to see him combing you over in much the same way, taking your low cut black crop top and deep red, faux leather pencil skirt in stride before travelling back up and lingering on your black lace choker for just a moment, and then meeting your e/c eyes once again. You smirked when he did, and you could've sworn that you saw a gleam of amusement in his eyes as well.
"Like what you see?" You asked cockily, placing your hands on your hips.
"Mm, you could say that." He cocked a crooked smile back at you and took a step closer.
As he did, the song playing changed and your face lit up. "This is my favorite song! Dance with me?" You asked excitedly.
Noya's blush returned. "Um... sure, but I'm not a very good dancer."
"That's okay, just follow my lead." You wink at him and hold out a hand.
He takes it and you pull him in, hooking your arms behind his neck as the song rolls through a slow verse.
Lonely days will follow,
Days will follow
And that gaze that stuck
The halls will know your name
You heard him inhale sharply as the beat dropped and you thrust your hips close to his, his eyes lowering to watch your body move as his hands found your waist.
Hit me like a tidal wave,
Triggered by the aftershock
He found himself stunned into stillness as you swayed your hips, stepping back to swish your hair behind you and swing your arms out to your sides as the song progressed, bringing them back to his shoulders before shoving lightly to break his hold, then turning away from him as you had turned Taylor, pressing your back to his front. He hissed as your ass brushed against his member, slowly stirring in his shorts.
The contact was enough to wake him from his stupor, and soon he was moving along with you as you danced, gripping your waist and dipping his head into the crook of your shoulder as you swayed in time to the music. When the song ended, you were both panting and you could feel the stiffness in his pants against the curve of your ass.
He leaned up to take your earlobe lightly between his lips before speaking just loud enough to be heard over the music. "Let's make this a private party, hmm?"
You nodded breathlessly, and turned to face him with flushed cheeks, mirroring his expression from earlier.
He smiled and took your wrist, leading you back to the hallway you had seen Taylor and Tsukishima enter earlier. He produced a keyring as you walked, using one of the keys to unlock his bedroom door when the two of you reached it.
Once he had unlocked the door, he held it open and stepped to the side, beckoning for you to enter. As you stepped up to the threshold, you cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering at the extra security. 
“Is the lock really necessary?” You eyed him suspiciously, lingering in the doorway. 
He shrugs. “Can never be too careful with all of the people coming in and out of here all the time.” 
He releases the doorknob and steps in close to you, bringing his hands to your hips and gently pushing you backwards into the room. Once you were both clear, he kicked the door closed behind him and pressing his forehead to yours.
“Now, whaddya say we keep the party goin’ on our own here?” He smirked as his lips crashed against yours, and you felt the wall behind you as your back was pressed against it. 
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leiasfanaccount648 · 3 years
Scene Out of Hallmark
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Keiji Akaashi x Fem!Reader
Summary: Travelling during the holidays is extremely difficult between people working and getting home in time to be with family friends. It’s another story however when you end up getting snowed in at an airport with an insanely gorgeous man.
Warnings/Contains: Fluff, slow burn(?), reader has an iPhone and airpods (sorry to samsung/android users lol).
Word Count: 2635
“Attention passengers, we are terribly sorry to announce, but all flights this evening have been delayed until further notice due to weather. For more information about your personal flight and when it will likely be rebooked, please see the attendants at your gate. Thank you.”
“Are you kidding?”
Keiji sighed as he looked at his phone, checking the time; 19:28. His flight was scheduled for 20:45, but now he was stuck at the airport for god knew how long. It was December 22nd, no doubt one of the busiest travel days of the holiday season much less of the year. He was trying to fly back home to Tokyo to see his friends and family for the holidays, but now he was worried that his plans might be foiled depending on how long the weather decided to last.
He looked around the gate for his flight, seeing some people staying in their seats while others left the area, most likely to get food or check on their flight for when a possible reschedule would be. Knowing that he couldn’t leave the airport since he had luggage on the plane, Keiji leaned back in his seat to try and relax. Yes, he was upset that he wouldn’t get to be home as soon as he liked, but he couldn’t do anything about it now.
About an hour later, Keiji sighed as his phone notified him that it was low on battery. He reached into his bag to pull out his phone charger, but felt his heart drop when he didn’t feel the wire where he usually kept it. He tried to think back to where he might have put it, only to realize that he packed it in his suitcase along with the gifts he had bought for his family and friends.
Keiji sighed, annoyed with himself and the fact that he’d most likely have to buy an overpriced one from the airport; he looked up from his bag after he set it back down by his feet, only to see a girl in the row of seats across from him who appeared to be around his age staring right back at him.
Two hours earlier
“Attention passengers, we are terribly sorry to announce, but all flights this evening have been delayed until further notice due to weather. For more information about your personal flight and when it will likely be rebooked, please see the attendants at your gate. Thank you.”
“Are you serious? I just checked my luggage, too!”
(Y/N) groaned as she stopped walking towards her gate. She pulled out her phone, opening up her contacts before clicking on one while walking off to the side to avoid being in someone’s way. She adjusted the airpods in her ears before pocketing her phone as she called the person pulled up on her phone. She leaned back against the wall and set her carry-on bag down, watching people walk to and from the gates in the long stretch of hallway as she waited for the person to answer. Sadly, she heard the automatic voicemail begin to play, making (Y/N) shake her head before leaving one.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m sorry, but all the flights in the airport have been delayed due to the snow storm that’s coming in. I know that I need to meet with the publisher on the 24th, but I’m not sure I can make it if they don’t reschedule the flights in time.” She sighed, moving her hair out of her face. “I’ll let you know when I get told of when my flight will be. If they end up needing to reschedule the meeting, please inform me. I don’t want a repeat of last time.”
(Y/N) paused as she briefly thought back to her last meeting with a publishing company where they had to reschedule her, but she wasn’t told of it by her friend that was helping her try and get her name out there by scheduling such appointments for her. Of course, she didn’t want to think about that possibly happening again.
“Anyway, I’m going to stay at the airport in the meantime; again, I’ll keep you updated. Bye.” (Y/N) took her phone out of her pocket, ending the voicemail and hoping that her friend would receive it soon and inform her of any changes.
“Alright,” she grabbed her carry-on bag, “now where’s gate B7?”
An hour later, (Y/N) made it to her gate after accidentally going to the wrong side of the airport. She sighed as she sat down, relieved to at least be at the right gate. She took note of how empty the area seemed, figuring that some people had decided to try and check into one of the hotels near the airport if they didn’t have any luggage to check or wanted to get some food and were waiting in one of the long lines she had passed while walking through the airport.
(Y/N) didn’t bother thinking about it longer than she had to, simply taking out her airpods so they could charge and pulling out a book from her carry-on bag to read. Her thoughts immediately changed from trying to figure out what was going to happen next in the book however when she heard someone sigh. Out of instinct, she glanced up at the sound to see a fairly attractive man sitting across from her, who was also, now, looking at her.
The two locked eyes for a moment before Keiji coughed to break the silence. “Sorry to bother you, but do you have an iPhone charger I could borrow by any chance?”
(Y/N) opened her mouth, hesitating for a moment before actually saying anything to him. “Yeah, o-of course.” She smiled sincerely, mentally screaming at herself to ‘get it together’ and just ‘be nice to the guy’ as she rummaged through her bag to grab her phone charger. She couldn’t deny that he was crazy attractive, and appeared to be booked for the same flight as hers, but he was just a guy, and a complete stranger at that. However, she was most likely never going to see this man again, so why not try and shoot her shot?
She handed him the charger, meeting his gaze once again. “Here.”
“Thank you.” Keiji smiled back at her, appreciative of the fact that she was nice enough to let him borrow it. He plugged the cell block into the outlet under his seat before plugging the other end into his phone, letting out a small sigh of relief as he saw his screen light up saying that it was currently at 17% and charging.
“So,” (Y/N) zipped up her bag, “were you flying to Tokyo, too?”
Keiji looked back at the girl, part of him shocked that she continued their conversation while the other part of him was a little relieved that he didn’t have to force any small talk between the two of them. He nodded at her question before answering.
“Yeah, I was. I had friends and family to see.” He smiled to himself at the thought of Tetsurou messing with him for ‘being late’ and/or making him and Kenma ‘deal with Koutarou’ for longer than planned, even though he knew that they all cared for each other dearly. He looked back up at her, holding his hands in his lap and playing with his fingers out of habit. “I can only assume you’re doing the same?”
(Y/N) let out a laugh, shaking her head. “No, sadly,” she smiled, “I’m stuck with the cliche work on Christmas Eve.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear.”
“It’s alright, it’s not that important. I just hope they reschedule if I can’t make it in time.” (Y/N) glanced down at her phone screen as she felt it vibrate, only to see a notification saying that the snow storm that was passing through the area would be lasting nearly all night. She frowned, hoping to see a message from either her friend or the publisher, but luck appeared to not be on her side.
Keiji nodded, understanding how she felt as he’d had his fair share of work related meetings in which he’d encounter issues with. His eyes widened slightly as he was brought back into the conversation as she spoke up again.
“Oh, sorry,” (Y/N) laughed softly, shaking her head. “I’m (Y/N) by the way.”
“Keiji,” he smiled. “Nice to meet you.”
“You as well.” (Y/N) reached her arms up and behind her, stretching them for a moment before bringing them back down to rest in her lap. “It looks like we’re going to be here for awhile.” She looked out the stretch of windows that showed the runways along with some of the planes by a couple gates both nearby and at other parts of the airport. It was dark out, but the lights and the snow falling heavily gave the outside enough light for everything to be seen easier.
Keiji looked out the window as well, taking a moment to enjoy the sight. He may not have been home, but falling snow was one of his favorite things ever since he was a kid. For a moment, he had even forgotten that his flight got delayed and may not get to fly home for another day or two.
“What’cha wanna do?”
Once again, (Y/N) pulled him out of his thoughts.
She was smiling, as though she was waiting for him to be confused or weirded out by her words and not take offense to it. Keiji simply stared at her, not sure how to answer her question.
(Y/N) closed her book and shrugged, glancing to the side and watching a couple people walk by their gate. “I mean, we have nothing else better to do than wait for our flight.”
“Then what do you suppose we do?”
“Um,” (Y/N) thought for a moment, her leg bouncing up and down. “It’s a bit cliche, but how about 20 questions?”
Keiji stared at her for a moment, almost making (Y/N) worried that she had weirded him out by being so outgoing towards a stranger. What she did know though was that he had been in much crazier if not weirder conversations with his friends from high school; so, why not humor her?
“Sure,” he smiled, crossing his legs and his arms as he leaned back in his seat. “Why don’t you start?”
(Y/N) felt her stomach flip at the look Keiji was giving her, making her smile shyly and glance to the side once again. She tried to ignore the slight heat in her cheeks as she came up with a question. “Alright, uh, what do you do for a living?”
“I’m an editor for Shonen Jump.”
“Really? That’s so cool.”
Keiji sighed and adjusted his glasses. “I guess. I’m hoping to work more in the literature side of things soon.” (Y/N) nodded, understanding; she probably would prefer to be editing in that genre as well. “Anyway, um,” he looked down at the floor trying to come up with a question. “What kind of work are you travelling for?”
“Actually, I’m trying to get my first book published, so I was going to meet with the company.”
“Which one?”
“Wandering Works Publishing.”
Keiji smiled, as if he knew the company personally. “That one is pretty reputable. How did you get a meeting with them?”
(Y/N) held back a sigh, instead letting out a long breath while she spoke. “My friend has been trying to help me get the book published, so she’s the one who’s scheduled everything.” She glanced back out the window, watching the snowfall before looking back at Keiji. “Anyway, why did you choose to go into the same field?” She chuckled to herself.
Keiji shrugged, dropping his hands to rest in his lap; out of habit, he began to play with his fingers. “I always liked literature and analyzing complicated texts in high school; so I thought why not try and help in the process of making more of them.”
(Y/N) smiled at his reasoning. “What high school did you go to?” “I believe it’s my turn to ask a question, darling.” Keiji chuckled softly, his smile nearing a smirk as he looked up at (Y/N).
The two continued to ask questions back and forth, eventually forgetting about the game that (Y/N) originally suggested. Keiji learned how the book she was trying to get published was the first of a three part series she had been writing since high school and had been in the process of publishing for almost a year now. Meanwhile (Y/N) learned how Keiji used to play volleyball in high school on one of the best teams in the country, and that one of the friends he was visiting was now a professional player.
Time seemed to pass so quickly that neither of them seemed to notice how quiet the rest of the airport had become. (Y/N) had even moved to sit next to him so that they could talk to one another better.
While Keiji read over the first chapter of her book on her laptop, (Y/N) looked back out the window to see how the planes and runways were holding up due to the snow storm. Her eyes widened at the site. “Wow, it’s really coming down,” Keiji glanced over at (Y/N) before looking out the window as well, also shocked at how much snow that had fallen in the past couple of hours. “Hopefully it stops so we can get on our flight sooner.” He looked back at (Y/N)’s laptop, looking in the corner to read the time, 23:13. “They haven’t given us any update on it in the last two hours, either.”
(Y/N) leaned back in her seat. “I doubt it’ll be anytime soon with the amount that’s already on the ground.” She yawned, frowning and starting to get more worried since she was most likely not going to make her meeting.
After a moment of silence, Keiji spoke up to break the silence, as though he could sense her worry and uneasiness. “The first chapter is good by the way. I hope you get it published soon so I can get a first edition copy.” He smiled and handed back her laptop.
(Y/N) smiled, unable to stop the blush on her cheeks as she heard his compliment. “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” She closed her laptop and began putting it back in her bag. “Maybe I can give you the honor of owning a signed copy.”
“I would like that.” Keiji smiled at her, taking in her appearance while she wasn’t looking at him. He couldn’t deny that she was beautiful, and a great conversationalist, but he wasn’t sure if making a move out of nowhere would be the best idea given the fact that he couldn’t really evade her if things went south.
(Y/N) looked back at him after closing her bag, staring right back at the man beside her. Neither said anything for a few moments before clearing her throat and looking away, although it was evident that she was smiling to herself, or Keiji might even say she was flustered. So, he decided, why not go for it?
“Listen, um,” he glanced down at his hands as he began playing with his fingers again before looking back up at (Y/N). “Since we’re likely going to be here awhile, would you maybe like to get a coffee or something?”
(Y/N) met his gaze once again, obviously taking in his words before smiling wide; she nodded. “I would like that.”
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