#4. the technology
greencreeker · 2 years
Had a really lovely conversation with a patron @ work today and it left me with really big feelings about libraries, the people who work in them, and the people who use them. I feel like whenever people think of libraries they automatically think of books, and I get it. But having worked in a public library for so long now I can't help but associate them with people. I wouldn't even rank books in the top 3 most important things about libraries tbh. Maybe 4th. Maybe 5th.
The patron I spoke with today had been waiting in line before I spotted him and walked over to help. I had just left the staff area and saw that 3 coworkers were already heavily involved helping other patrons. When this man walked up to me I didn't know if I would be dealing with someone who was indifferent to having had to wait, or someone who was cranky about it. Past experiences would say those are the only 2 options. So I was shocked when he walked up to me and nodded his head in the direction of all my busy coworkers and said "I love how you all help people here. It's my favorite library." He then talked about how he had been coming to our branch since the 70s and how we've always been his favorite library.
It was such a delightful interaction, and I shared it with as many people as I could. Everyone I work with deserved to hear what he had to say. Everyone needed to be reminded that what we do matters. It isn't about books. It's about people.
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science70 · 10 months
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RCA TR-4 Television Video Recorder advertisement, 1966.
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deepthought-1 · 4 months
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Do you get the vision
Edit: His name is Representative-3! Though its shortened to just Rep-3
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luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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"I think this is the most inhuman; and human, that I've ever felt.." MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN A YEAR. IN FIVE YEARS. A DECADE. imagine how much can happen in a century. just ONE (1). How will you grow? what phases do you find? even in 5 years, you will find patterns.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi the suckening#arthur bennett#HEY SO THE REALLY FUNNY THING THAT THE CHARACTER DID THAT SEEMED RLY SILLY N GOOFY IN THE MOMENT?#LIKE THE WHIPLASH BETWEEN SERIOUS N SILLY ALMOST PISSED YOU OFF? WHAT IF I FOUND A WAY TO MAKE YOU SAD ABOUT IT#this was meant to be a scribble that would be a bigger part of a bigger page.might leave it on that page.#but still. bc o that i nearly posted it onto my wacky side blog.BUT NAYY I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME N ENERGY N YOU GOTTA SEE IT#ARTHUR BENNETT DRIVES ME CRAZY. I FEEL LIKE ITS ODD FOR HIM TO BE SO TECHNOLOGICALLY OUT OF TOUCH#WHERE HAS HE BEEN. HAS HE BEEN IN WAR? IS THAT WHERE MAGNUS CAME FROM? WHERE WAS HE WHEN HE WAS WITH EDWARDS CREW?#ARTHURRR I HAVE QUESTIONS ARTTHUUURR!! HEY CAN I ALSO ASK; WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BECOME#DO YOU THINK HE HAD ANY IDEA HE WOULD VEER CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE MONSTER HE DESPISES. ALL BC HE DESERVES IT. OR WATEVER#HE FASCINATES ME SO MUCH. TO LOOK AT THE STONE COLD STOIC FOOL FROM THE START OF THE SHOW#AND TO FIND OUT THAT HE USED TO BE A BAD BOY.. A DELINQUENT... A LIL PRANKSTER.... MY GODDD THATS ADORABLE#I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE.... BUT I DOUBT THE LAST EPISODE IS GONNA ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS..i love arthur bennett so much....#AS FOR THE ART!! i mostly used the fire alpaca watercolor brush. tbh im not a brush guy. anti aliased default pen tends to be my main game#but LATELY IM SQQQUIRMIN OUT OF AN ARTBLOCK so expirimenting like this is helping#DONT LOOK TOO HARD AT IT!! im still proud tho. colors are fun :3 im also very proud of the backgrounds#I LOVE THE CARTOON THING where the background looks all fancy n painted but the characters are solid colors#what else can i ramble abt. OH YEAH. i looked up the bikes to make sure they were time accurate tehehehe. 1913 to 2012.#almost a century apart!! isnt that neat? ALSO FUUUCK CAN I JUST MAKE A QUICK CONFESSION. DOWN HERE IN MY TAGS.#only the strongest can read my tags anwyay. SO I REALIZED WHY I LOVE ARTHUR SO MUCH. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE#while arthur is a Stoic and Cool vampire w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORs#THERE HAPPENS TO BE A ROBOT FROM A BAND W A TITANIUM ALLOY SPINAL COLLUMN#WHOS A Stoic and Cool ROBOT w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORS#the fuckkkiiinnngggnn The Spine from steam powered giraffe. WHATEVER. i cant escape from my heart. i guess.#i think The Spine and Arthur could be friends. Arthur saw the band perform back when they were the Steam Man Band#EDIT: WOOPS I DIDNT REALIZE THIS WOULD END UP IN THE SPG TAG. HI GUYS DIDNT KNOW U WERE STILL ALIVE SORREE 4 THE CROSS CONTAMINATION
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keepyourpantsongohan · 6 months
Meaningful Highlights from Kakashi Retsuden:
Minato catching Kakashi before he falls, the same way Kakashi always does for his students. And Kakashi, even at eight or nine years old, straight out of his father's funeral and before being his student, immediately relaxing when he runs into Minato: His feet tangled beneath him and he pitched forward. Into someone’s back. “You were really strong back there,” a voice told him, and he suddenly saw bright golden hair. He felt his breathing become a little easier. The Yellow Flash of Konoha. Namikaze Minato.
Kakashi describing his current feelings about his father: Now he felt proud from the bottom of his heart to have been born the child of the White Fang of Konoha.
Kakashi wanting to help the people of Redaku in a way that they can sustain themselves, even as he actually is providing a great deal of support through the process: The people of this country had to learn how to stand up and walk under their own strength. Give a starving person bread or teach them how to grow wheat. As Hokage, Kakashi had always chosen the latter.
Kakashi reflecting on his time as Sixth Hokage he eschewed tradition to build something that developed beyond shinobi: A never-ending peace. That was what Kakashi had sought as the Sixth Hokage. An orderly society that would go on and on even when he was not the Hokage, even when the day came when the role of Hokage disappeared. To create a framework so that they would never again fall into the quagmire of war.
The way Kakashi shows that he still views all of the former students taught by him and his friends in a parental and protective way: They had long since reached adulthood, and some were now parents while others were active on the front lines as shinobi. Even so, no matter how many years passed, to Kakashi, they were his precious students and the next generation who needed to be protected. Seeing them having so much fun was enough to ease his heart.
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cornedbread · 2 months
Happy 4/20 Day
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I didn’t have time to do lineart, so I just rendered the sketch. I think the shoddiness of the drawing is fitting for the context though… Don’t smoke guys, bad for health.
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grandwretch · 5 months
im also obsessed w the idea of sonetto and vertin bc the way they're presented as kids is that vertin so desperately wanted to be friends with sonetto, always bringing her presents and things, and sonetto wanted nothing to do with her or her troublemaking. now it's switched. vertin keeps sonetto at arms' length, and sonetto desperately wants to get her approval and be close to her, and has to watch her instead always choose to be by someone else's side--
even vertin's childhood memories of sonetto are now coloured by her loss of schneider.
idk why everyone leaves sonetto out of the doomed yuri thing, because imo it is really a doomed yuri love triangle.
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hanafubukki · 3 months
So you’re telling me if someone taught malleus draconia technology properly and how to use it (and he fully was able to use creativity/imagination)….he would be indestructible??
This has been in my mind, so you are telling me, he could literally be invincible??
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hekuta-arts · 5 months
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awingedllama · 11 months
so i've got stuck on something simple and it's driving me insane
i'm creating a calendar to slot to the sides of the fridge in my kitchen set. and i really wanted it to be useful, not just random clutter, so i decided i was going to make it functional and have it bring up the real in-game calendar. cute lil idea, should be easy, yeah?
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my god it is not easy
i can bring up the notebook and phone ui... every icon but the one i want. i have no idea what the command to bring up the calendar could be, and i've tried SO many
i was so determined to get it working i even ventured into python for the first time to look through the game files. for hours on end i've searched 'calendar' and 'event' and 'ui' and 'holiday' and 'dialog' and everything else i could think of, but none of the commands i try do anything
like who was i even kidding installing PyCharm 😭 over here breaking out in a sweat watching 'absolute beginner!! a baby could code this!!!' tutorials
anyway, i never get any responses posting in the Sims 4 Studio forum, but if any modders see this post 1) i apologize for being a novice on main and 2) i would be eternally grateful for your help, or even just a nudge in the right direction. the file is here and right now the interaction opens the phone
it grinds my gears to give up on an idea, but i've wasted an embarrassing amount of time messing with this. so for now, defeated, i'm going back to my microwave 😔
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coolthingsguyslike · 11 months
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fruitiermetrostation · 11 months
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Best iPhone4 Themes
Post your fav!
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isawthesainz · 2 days
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mclaren A week of preparation done at the MTC! ✅ Bring on the #CanadianGP!
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longelk · 9 months
if p03 was a pokemon gym leader would his type be electric or steel
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somethingaboutmint · 1 year
Maccready did not need the sadboy deadwife backstory at all but in my mind the idea of his wife being the same lucy from little lamplight is like kind of genius actually. They're both around the same age and got out of lamplight around a simmilar time and the idea of them finding comfort in being the only thing familliar to the other in a huge wasteland thats unkind to everybody is like. DO YOU GET ME. AND THE FACT THAT FROM THE AGES OF 16 (when they left lamplight) TO 22 THEY MANAGED TO SOMEHOW HAVE A KID WHO MANAGED TO GROW OLD ENOUGH TO PLAY IN A BACKYARD BY HIMSELF (im guessing atleast like 2-3 years old i doubt he was unattended but the way maccready says it its like yeah he was just playing one second and suddenly hes randomly sick idk tangent over back to my main point) BEFORE LUCY EVENTUALLY DIES (brutally. Thems the DC for you) AND MACCREADY GOES TO THE COMMONWEALTH WHERE HE'D HAVE TO BE SITUATED FOR ATLEAST A YEAR FOR THE TIMELINE TO MAKE SENSE IS FUCKING INSANE. AND I KNOW ITS JUST BAD BETHESDA PLANNING/WRITING BUT ALSO THEM BEING RAISED IN A COLONY OF STRICTLY CHILDREN BASICALLY AND THEN ACCIDENTALLY HAVING A KID PRETTY MUCH FRESH OUT OF THE CAVES ITS LIKE. IT MAKES SENSE. Dumbasses do not know what sex ed is!!!!! Like everything in maccreadys backstory can literally be explained by the fact that he and his wife were raised in a fucking cave by OTHER CHILDREN and are NOT NORMAL. Maccready is dark and broody because he lived like 40 years worth of emotional trauma in half a decade. Lucy being from lamplight also connects fo4 maccready to fo3 maccready better than if it was just some random girl cuz maccready could be literally any other bastard with a dead wife but if Lucy is also from lamplight then its ALSO AN NPC YOU MEET AND TALK TO AND KNOW IN FO3!!!!!!! Yeah it fucking sucks that they had to resort to the dead wife trope for the 7th time in fallout 4 alone but it really shows just how brutal DC was and gives mac leverage to like connect with the sosu cuz THEY JUST LIKE ME FR LIKE YOU KNOW???????? In reality his backstory is fucking stupid but in my mind i modified it and now it rocks. I want to give lucy depth. I want to make a million stupid headcanons about her from how she was the only person stubborn enough to keep up with maccready to how anxious she was about leaving lamplight before maccready promised they'd go together (you know to help her feel better not because he thinks of her as a friend or likes her or anything b-baka). Todd doesnt understand my vision
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aurosoulart · 1 year
we're in the running to win $100,000 to help us make digital objects into a realty for everyone. this is a huge deal. I am in a daze writing this and literally cannot articulate how major this is
we need people to watch our announcement video on Twitter multiple times to help more people see it! the twitter algorithm boosts things based on watch time, so just opening the link and letting the video run a couple times will be a HUGE help 🙏
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Figmin XR will never have a subscription based cost model, and ALL of the things shown above are FREE to download within the app right now.
when this technology becomes as ubiquitous as smartphones (and it WILL, possibly even sooner than we think), this is the future we want people to be able to look forward to... and the first step of getting to that future is proving that it's one people actually want.
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