usafphantom2 · 1 year
USAF F-22A Raptor 06-132 by Mark Allison Via Flickr: The 411th Flight Test Squardron putting their Raptor through it's paces at the Aerospace Valley Airshow 2022 at Edwards Air Force Base. -16/10/2022
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Charles Leroy Thomas was born 17 April 1920 in Birmingham, Alabama. He grew up in Detroit and graduated from Cass Technical High School in 1938. Thomas then worked as a molder for the Ford Motor Company (Ford River Rogue factory) with his father, and was a student at Wayne State University studying mechanical engineering.
He was drafted, and entered the U.S. Army on January 20, 1942, at Fort Custer, Michigan. He completed Basic and Advanced Infantry Training at Camp Wolters and was assigned to the Infantry Replacement Training Center at Camp Wolters.
When the Army began forming tank destroyer units, Thomas was transferred to Camp Carson, Colorado and joined the segregated 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion, which had been activated on July 25, 1942. The soldiers were African, but most of the officers were white. Thomas quickly rose to the rank of Sergeant during unit training and was chosen to attend the Tank Destroyer Officer Candidate School (OCS) Class # 21 at Camp Hood, Texas when the battalion was transferred to Camp Bowie Texas on December 18, 1942.
Thomas was commissioned a second lieutenant upon graduation from OCS on March 11, 1943, and returned to Camp Bowie to assume command of Company C, 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion and prepared the unit for the move to Camp Hood that was completed on March 23, 1943.
On August 27, 1944, he deployed with the 614th to England, arriving on September 7. On October 8, the 614th was on Utah Beach in Normandy, France. The 614th led by Lieutenant Colonel Frank S. Pritchard, then would join General Patton's Third Army in Metz, France. The 614th saw its first combat on November 28. On December 5, the 614th was attached to 411th Infantry Regiment, and on December 6, the 614th was attached to the 103rd Infantry Division..
On December 14, 1944, 1st Lt. Thomas volunteered to lead 3rd Platoon, C Company, 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion in a task force named "Task Force Blackshear" to storm and capture the village of Climbach, a strategically important town which was five miles from the German border. The task force spearheaded by Thomas' M20 scout car (modified M8), consisted of a platoon of Sherman tanks from the 47th Armored Battalion, 14th Armored Division, a platoon of F Company (riding on tanks), 411th Infantry, 103rd Infantry Division, 3rd Platoon, C Company, 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion, rest of F Company, 411th Infantry, and a heavy weapons platoon. Approaching Climbach was uphill, Thomas' armored scout car was knocked out by enemy fire from the German 21st Panzer Division, and he was wounded.
Thomas helped his crew out of the vehicle, but as he left the car's protection, he was again wounded in the chest, legs and arms. Despite his wounds, Thomas directed the dispersal and emplacement of the anti-tank guns, which then returned fire and covered the attempt by the rest of the task force to outflank the defenders. He briefed the 3rd Platoon leader of C Company, a first lieutenant, on the general situation, and only when he was sure the situation was under control did he allow himself to be evacuated. 3rd Platoon, C Company continued to fight for four hours, losing two of its four guns and over half its men as casualties (3 dead, 17 wounded).
The "valorous conduct" of the platoon, "in the face of overwhelming odds enabled the task force to capture its objective", the village of Climbach, and forced the defenders to withdraw to the Siegfried Line. 3rd Platoon, C Company, 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion, was awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation, the first black combat unit, and the first unit attached to the 103rd Division to be so honored. Its soldiers received four Silver Stars and nine Bronze Stars. Captain Thomas received the Distinguished Service Cross on February 20, 1945, and returned home a hero, though he played down his role – "I know I was sent out to locate and draw the enemy fire, but I didn't mean to draw that much." Thomas remained in the Army, and retired with the rank of major on August 10, 1947.
Thomas married in 1949, and his wife and he had two children. He went to work as a missile technician at Selfridge Air Force Base and later as a computer programmer for the Internal Revenue Service. He died of cancer on February 15, 1980. He was buried in Westlawn Cemetery in Wayne, Michigan.
In the early 1990s, it was determined that African soldiers had been denied consideration for the Medal of Honor (MOH) in World War II because of their race. In 1993, the U.S. Army had contracted Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, to research and determine if there was racial disparity in the review process for recipients of the MOH. The study commissioned by the U.S. Army, described systematic racial discrimination in the criteria for awarding decorations during World War II. After an exhaustive review of files, the study recommended in 1996 that ten African Americans who served in World War II be awarded the MOH. In October of that year, Congress passed legislation that would allow President Clinton to award the Medal of Honor to these former soldiers. Seven of the ten including Thomas were approved, and awarded the MOH (six had Distinguished Service Crosses revoked and upgraded to the MOH) on January 12, 1997. On January 13, 1997, President Clinton presented the MOH to the seven African Americans; Major Thomas and five others were posthumously presented the MOH. A niece of Thomas accepted his MOH during the ceremony. Vernon Baker was the only living recipient of the medal at the time.
Medal of Honor Citation stated the following:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty: Then Lieutenant Charles L. Thomas distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 14 December 1944. One platoon of Company C, 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion, was designated as the lead element in a task force formed to storm and capture the village of Climbach, France. Lieutenant Thomas, the Commanding Officer of Company C, realized, with the obscurity of information regarding the enemy and a complete lack of reconnaissance, the mission would be an extremely dangerous one. Fully cognizant of the danger, Lieutenant Thomas volunteered to command the selected platoon of his company and ride in the column's leading vehicle - a highly maneuverable, but equally vulnerable, M-20 scout car. Lieutenant Thomas knew that if there was a concentration of enemy armor in the village, as was believed, he would absorb the initial shock of the first enemy resistance. The task force left Preuschdorf, France, at 1023 hours, and proceeded to advance in column toward Chimbach. Lieutenant Thomas in his scout car stayed well in front of the column. At 1400 hours, upon reaching the high ground southeast of the village, Lieutenant Thomas experienced initial contact with the enemy. As his scout car advanced to an exposed position on the heights, he received intense direct fire from an enemy artillery, self-propelled guns, and small arms at a range of seven hundred yards. The first burst of hostile fire disabled the scout car and severely wounded Lieutenant Thomas. He immediately signaled the column to halt. Before leaving the wrecked vehicle, Lieutenant Thomas and the crew found themselves subjected to a veritable hail of enemy fire. Lieutenant Thomas received multiple gunshot wounds in his chest, legs, and left arm. In spite of the intense pain caused by his wounds, Lieutenant Thomas ordered and directed the dispersion and emplacement of his first two antitank guns. In a few minutes these guns were effectively returning the enemy fire. Realizing that it would be impossible for him to remain in command of the platoon because of his injuries, Lieutenant Thomas then signaled for the platoon commander to join him. Lieutenant Thomas then thoroughly oriented him as to the enemy gun positions, his ammunition status, and the general situation. Although fully cognizant of the probable drastic consequences of not receiving prompt medical attention, Lieutenant Thomas refused evacuation until he felt certain that his junior officer was in full control of the situation. Only then did Lieutenant Thomas allow his evacuation to the rear. Throughout the action, Lieutenant Thomas displayed magnificent personal courage and a complete disregard for his own safety. His extraordinary heroism spurred the soldiers of the platoon to a fierce determination to triumph, and resulted in a mass display of heroism by them. Lieutenant Thomas' intrepid actions throughout the operation reflect the highest traditions of the military service.
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This is the 411th drawing for this project.
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Captain Rex Is In Trouble
Chapter 10: Pressing Forwards
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“Finally!” Hardcase exclaimed, jumping out of the gunship and landing in the dirt.
Rex followed him, yawning. His body felt unusually heavy as he thudded to the ground, and he swayed for a moment before – barely – managing to claw back his equilibrium.
“I’m so tired,” Echo moaned. “Fives. Carry me.”
“You carry me,” Fives whined from his position crumpled in a corner. Tup was asleep on his shoulder, and Dogma asleep on him. Both of them were drooling a little. If Rex could be bothered to move his arms, he’d probably take a holo for later teasing purposes.
Good lord I'm tired. Not related to anything, I'm just having a sleepy day. Thanks as ever to my bee-ta @cyarbika. I should say that every chapter but I usually forget. But then, I'm usually sleepy.
Rating: M (for violence)
Canon typical violence ahead, and graphic depictions of the victims and consequences of war.
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“Finally!” Hardcase exclaimed, jumping out of the gunship and landing in the dirt. 
Rex followed him, yawning. His body felt unusually heavy as he thudded to the ground, and he swayed for a moment before – barely – managing to claw back his equilibrium.
“I’m so tired,” Echo moaned. “Fives. Carry me.”
“You carry me,” Fives whined from his position crumpled in a corner. Tup was asleep on his shoulder, and Dogma asleep on him. Both of them were drooling a little. If Rex could be bothered to move his arms, he’d probably take a holo for later teasing purposes. 
Actually, he’d regret it if he didn’t. He used his helmet to take a quick snap before tearing it off his head with a sigh. He could feel his hair – unpleasantly long and caked with dirt – sticking to his forehead with half dried sweat.
“What do you need me to do?” Jesse asked, landing a little more gently beside Rex. 
“I think the 212th and the 411th already have bunks set up for us,” he answered, scratching his chin as he wracked his tired brain. “I’m going to go check in with Cody or Ponds – whichever one I bump into first – get everyone settled and get some rest. I’ll find you later.”
“I’ll let you know where we end up,” Jesse said with a yawn. In the background, Kix was gently poking Tup and Dogma awake. His efforts were wasted when Fives finally dragged himself to standing and the two youngest Torrent members crashed to the floor. 
“Do you know when the General will get here?”
“Soonish. I think…”
Rex blinked, the world spinning suddenly. He kept talking once it had righted itself. 
“Good luck,” he grunted. Jesse snorted in response, and then Rex started walking in the direction where he hoped the command centre was. At least if he got very lost, he could ask someone. 
Or just lie down behind some boxes and sleep for a few minutes. 
“Alright, listen up –” Jesse shouted, his voice fading as Rex walked.
It had been almost a month since that conversation with Kit, when Rex had asked what was next and Kit said that they should wait and see. 
He hadn’t waited long. The next day, when Windu and Obi-Wan and their battalions had arrived, the plan had been made. The 411th, 212th, and half of the 501st would advance on every Separatist stronghold they could find. The remaining 501st, plus a good number of starfighter pilots from the two other battalions, would maintain control of the space around Ryloth. 
Rex hadn’t seen Kit or Ahsoka since that day. He’d been in touch with both of them almost every day, partly for actual captaining reasons and partly for other reasons. Reasons like making sure Ahsoka was doing well, and flirting with Kit under the guise of friendly conversation.
He hadn’t seen Cody in almost as long, and Rex was hoping it was him rather than Ponds that he ran into first. Not that he wasn’t looking forward to seeing Ponds, but he’d seen him more recently. On top of that he didn’t think Ponds – or Windu for that matter – would be as open to Rex flopping onto either of them and demanding to be carried to bed as Cody and Obi-Wan would.
He nodded at the few 212th members he knew as he passed them – noting the small green child on Boil’s shoulders with a kind of alarmed interest. While technically Rex had been under Obi-Wan’s direct command over the last month, they hadn’t been in the same place since they parted ways over three tendays ago.
While the 212th tackled Ryloth’s southern hemisphere – mostly desert – and the 411th took care of the northern hemisphere – mostly jungle – Rex and his half of the 501st had been tasked with clearing the Ryll mines in the Iestu mountain range of clankers. It had been hard and brutal, but they got through it without losing too many brothers. 
As the month had worn on they’d found fewer and fewer prisoners in the mines as they swept through the mountains. Fewer living ones anyway. It had been depressing and downright sickening, but Rex supposed it had made it easier too. No signs of organic life on the scanners meant they could proceed without cautions, just violent and justified retribution.
Despite losing so few of the 501st in the last few weeks, Rex had stood over more funeral pyres than he cared to count. The clankers just left the bodies crumpled where they’d fallen, like nothing more than discarded machine parts. It was pointless getting angry with them for it – it just wasn’t in their programming – but it sure as shit made Rex and the others feel better when they used more than the necessary amount of Force to dismantle them.
Right now though, he was too exhausted to have any kind of feelings that weren’t find a bed, now, and the mild annoyance that he wouldn’t be able to get to one for some hours. That and the kind of bone deep ache that came from weeks on the move. Never stopping, never slowing down, no rest or respite. If he paid it any attention at all it might turn into all out cramp so he ignored it determinedly in favour of tramping vaguely in the direction of Cody.
Rex was startled out of his thoughts by someone shouting his name. 
He looked around – a grin settling on his face when he saw who was calling him.
“Hey Soph,” he said. It was muffled by the fact she had already jammed his face into her chest in a tight hug. 
“Hey little brother,” she said, squeezing her arms around his head. 
When they were ten and twenty-five and had finally finished growing, Sophi had ended up a full three inches taller than him. She was the tallest in their batch, albeit by less than quarter of an inch than Howzer, but she still never let any of them forget it. Rex least of all.
“How’re you?” Rex asked when he was finally released from her loving stranglehold.
“Good good,” Sophi said. “We’ve been here a few days now. What about you?”
“I’m so fucking tired I think I might die,” Rex said. “Honestly, I’m past caring. At this point it would be a welcome break.”
“Ugh, I hear that,” Sophi laughed. “Why aren’t you in your bunk?”
“Gotta check in with Cody or Ponds first,” Rex grumbled. “Any idea where they are?”
“Yeah sure, just let me –”
“Hey Sophi? I need a hand with – Oh. Hey, Captain.”
Glare, Sophi’s second in command and best friend, gave him a quick grin. 
“Need to borrow my clippers?” she asked, gesturing at the shambles that was his current hair cut. Her own hair, choppy and short with a patterned undercut, looked freshly done and frankly incredible.
“We’ve got some fresher bleach around here somewhere,” Sophi added, yanking his hair playfully. 
“Don’t tempt me,” Rex grumbled as he tried to slap her hand away.
“This is like… all roots at this point,” Sophi said, tugging harder. 
“Will you – agh! – Fuck off.”
“Wittle baby Rex doesn't want his hair ruffled? Wittle baby cross?”
“Sophi, I swear to the ka'ra. Will you – argh – fuck off! Stop!”
Finally she released him with a laugh.
“Sorry Glare – What were you saying?”
“I need a hand with Tik,” she said, waving her pad. “He’s being a prick again and I need you to come bully him. Or pull rank… Or worse – it’s up to you.”
Sophi took the proffered datapad and after a few seconds, rolled her eyes.
“He is really beginning to drive me up the wall with this shit,” she muttered. “I might speak to Cody…”
After a few more seconds, Sophi looked up at Rex apologetically. 
“Sorry, I need to go deal with this requisitions prick. Cody is somewhere in that direction.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Rex said. “We’ll catch up later, yeah?”
“You’re going to be fast asleep within an hour and you know it,” Sophi said, bumping her hip against his. 
He waved goodbye to her and Glare, then started walking again the direction Sophi had pointed. It didn’t take long until he found the man he was looking for, lounging on a deckchair outside the command tent with a stack of datapads in one hand, and a cold gal in the other. Rex snatched it from his hand before Cody noticed he was there, took a big sip and collapsed into another deckchair with a groan. 
Without looking up, Cody calmly pulled another beer from the cooler by his side and opened it one handed.
“Welcome to the Nabat base,” he murmured, still scrolling through the datapad. “You’re still on duty, you know. I could write you up for drinking.”
“I fucking dare you,” Rex said, taking another sip of his beer. Afterwards, he lifted the bottle to his face and studied the label. 
“This is good shit. Where did you get it?”
“Gift from the locals,” Cody murmured, dropping a pad from the stack on his lap into the stack at his side. “Their exports all dried up with the invasion so there's loads of the stuff just filling up the caverns all around the town.”
Cody handed a datapad to Rex.
“Sign this,” he muttered. 
Rex ignored it in favour of closing his eyes and resting back in the sunlounger. Cody gave up waving the datapad in his face and dropped it onto his belly. If he wasn’t in full armour it would've been a direct crotch strike, which knowing Cody was entirely intentional.
“Did I see Boil and Waxer with a small child?” he asked, swinging the beer bottle by its neck at his side. 
“Probably,” Cody murmured. “Her name is Numa. Don’t worry about it.”
“I feel like someone should be worried about it,” Rex hummed. “Do her parents care?”
“Her parents are rebuilding their home and business, and are very grateful for the free childcare,” Cody continued. “She’s already been painted on at least five separate gunships.”
They lapsed into comfortable silence, both drinking quietly while Cody worked on his paperwork. It wasn’t long until he finished his beer – it had only been half full when he stole it from Cody. 
“Pass me another one, will you?” he grumbled, eyes still closed as he soaked up the sun. 
“Sign that form and you’re officially off-duty,” Cody replied. “Then you can have another beer.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
Rex opened his eyes, added his digital signature to everywhere it needed to go, then handed it back to Cody. In turn, Cody handed him a fresh bottle.
“Thank you,” he hummed, flicking off the cap and taking a sip. He sighed in satisfaction, the cool crisp and dry beer sliding down his throat. It was just what he needed. Well, a cold beer and a few good nights’ sleep, but this was a good start. 
He was just beginning to work on that second point, or at least a quick nap, when he heard someone else shout his name. Just like Sophi before, he barely had time to register who was hurtling towards him before all the air was being squeezed from his chest. It didn’t help that Ahsoka had thrown herself fully on top of him – it felt like her entire body weight was resting on his chestplate. 
“Hey there, Soka,” he said, grinning. Her skinny teenager arms squeezed tighter around his neck and he carefully put his beer down before returning the cuddle, squeezing as tight as he dared with all his armour still on.
“I missed you so much,” she said, her voice muffled in his neck. He rested his cheek against the side of her head and pressed them together, grinning as that tell tale togruta purr started up in her chest.
“Missed you too kid,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her montrals. She was still purring as she pulled back, grinning as she wriggled to get comfortable on his knees. 
Behind her, Obi-Wan, Kit, Windu and Ponds were walking towards them. Kit smiled at Rex, eyes full of friendly warmth and something a bit more that made his cheeks heat and his heart race. To his surprise – Kit leaned down to embrace him too. Only one-armed, what with Ahsoka pinning Rex to his seat, but tight enough that Rex could feel the man’s heartbeat against his cheek. When he pulled away, Cody, Ponds and Obi-Wan were all looking at Rex knowingly. 
Windu just looked bored.
That done, Kit moved to the cooler and passed everyone a beer while they exchanged polite greetings. Rex probably would’ve hugged Obi-Wan too, but Ahsoka seemed pretty determined to stay perched in his lap – as if she didn’t he might run off somewhere.
When Kit held out a beer to Windu, the Master of the Jedi Order stared down at it apathetically. 
“If you don’t drink it,” Kit said, wiggling it around in front of him, “I will. And then I will become even more irritating to you than I already am.”
Rex was startled into laughter, but no one else seemed at all surprised by Kit’s statement. Nor were they surprised by the frankly impressive glare Windu levelled at the Nautolan. He took the drink all the same, knocking back a generous gulp before his eyebrows briefly raised in pleasant surprise. 
He ignored Kit’s smug and amused expression in favour of looking at Rex. 
“Captain Rex, it’s good to see you again. Is all well?”
“The 501st ground troops are getting settled into their bunks as we speak,” he answered. Rex sat up a little, but it was difficult to look appropriately respectful when you were being pinned to a sunlounger by a bony teenager. “A few losses over the past month, but less than I expected. We’re fighting fit and awaiting our orders.”
For whatever reason, his answer seemed to amuse Windu.
“And yourself?” he asked lightly, one eyebrow crooked. 
Rex flushed.
“Oh,” he said. “I’m good, thanks. Tired, and in need of a good night's sleep, but good.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Windu said. 
“Here here,” Kit said, his voice low as he raised his bottle in Rex’s direction. 
Windu’s eyes flicked over in irritation, but he otherwise ignored his… friend? It was difficult to tell. Kit certainly thought he and Windu were friends, but Rex wasn’t so sure if Windu shared that belief or not. 
Windu continued.
“You’ll be glad to know we’ve elected to push on to Lessu the day after tomorrow, so you and your troops can have a day's rest. We wish it could be more, but the situation in Lessu is dire.”
“A day is more than I was expecting, Sir,” Rex said. “Thank you. I’ll pass it on to the troops.”
"Already done," Kit replied easily. "I commed Lieutenant Jesse myself, and he dispersed the information. You, my friend, can relax."
"Can he though?" Ponds asked with a grin. "Looking like that?"
Rex flipped him off.
"I think you carry the frosted tips look off very well," Kit said, smiling. 
Rex refused to let his cheeks heat in current company, and hoped beyond hope that Ahsoka's montrals couldn't pick up how his heart was racing in his chest.
"You're the only one, General Fisto," Cody said, "we're all of the opinion he looks like shit."
"Cody!" Obi-Wan scowled. "Not all of us. I think you look just fine, Rex."
"I think you look like you need a shower," Ahsoka said into his chest, still not moving. "You smell like you need about three of them." 
"What about you, Mace?" Kit asked. "What do you think about Captain Rex's appearance?"
Windu stared at Kit, the barest crease forming between his brows. It was a long, slightly odd silence as they stared at each other – one with a wide grin and one almost expressionless. 
"I have absolutely no thoughts on the subject whatsoever," he said. "And now, I'm going to leave."
Rex watched in amusement as the Master of the Order marched away, bottle of beer still in hand. Ponds waved goodbye before jogging after him, laughing as he went. 
"Why do you insist on pushing his buttons?" Obi-Wan sighed, looking at Kit with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. 
Kit shrugged, then summoned a crate over with a flick of his fingers. He settled down with an exhale that Rex recognised intimately – the kind where you'd been on your feet for hours and you were in real danger of not being able to get up again. Obi-Wan simply balanced himself delicately on the end of Cody's lounge chair, resting a hand on one of his shins.
"So, how are you Rex?" Kit asked, leaning forwards. Beside them, Obi-Wan struck up a quiet conversation with Cody.
"Not bad, General."
Kit tutted loudly, and Rex grinned. 
"Kit. Sorry, habit."
"One I shall have to break you of," Kit murmured. His finger tip traced gently around the edge of his beer bottle. 
Rex's grin grew wider.
"I'm still here!" Ahsoka said loudly.
"Congratulations," Rex said, still looking Kit dead in the eyes. 
Kit threw back his head and laughed. Rex didn't know what he did in response, but whatever it was caused Ahsoka to slide off his chest with a sound of sheer disgust and march off, her shoulders hunched. Rex joined in Kit's laughter, while beside them Cody and Obi-Wan looked over in lightly perplexed amusement.
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Two days later, Rex found himself walking beside Ponds, Windu and Ahsoka as they made their way towards Lessu. 
He’d needed that day’s rest. All the 501st had, but Rex in particular. He hadn’t even had any paperwork to do, he could just relax and take a blessed moment to recover. He’d been able to catch up with Ahsoka, Kit, Cody and Sophi. Mostly he’d just lain around and watched while the others played various games – boloball and gundark and others that Rex didn’t know the name of. He was fairly sure people (Fives and Hardcase) were coming up with the rules on the spot.
It had been nice, especially when Kit stretched out next to him in nothing but his breeches, all lean muscle and easy smiles. They’d chatted a lot that day, and Cody in particular had given him a knowing grin that evening by the fire. 
He’d seen Kit again this morning – even gotten a quick hug after their briefing meeting and before Kit had climbed into his aethersprite. 
The plan was for the 411th and the 501st ground teams to march on Lessu. Torrent and Lightning were leading the way. Obi-Wan and the 212th would ensure that the Separatists would get no reinforcements from the ground, and Kit and the 501st pilots would make sure that they would get no reinforcements from above. 
They were also supposed to be defending the advancing troops, but that was looking less and less likely as the day went on.
Windu held up his hand and called a halt to the procession. Rex stepped up beside him and Ponds to survey the path ahead. The section of road ahead of them was barely even a road – more a path with ideas above its station – but it was just about wide enough for the walkers to get along it.
Not only was it narrow, but it was treacherous. Built into the side of the cliff and completely exposed. It would be the perfect place for the separatists to launch an ambush on them. Unfortunately, it was also the only way to get to Lessu, unless they wanted to go halfway around the otherside of the planet.
This was the point at which they really needed the aethersprites, otherwise they were sitting ducks.
Windu brought his comm to his lips.
“How is it looking, Fisto?” he asked.
They waited for a moment, and then Kit’s voice crackled down the commline. 
“Bad,” Kit said. Rex could hear the sound of blaster fire and explosions in the background. “I don’t know whether they are just trying to keep us busy, or trying to clear the skies for a full-scale evacuation.”
“I suspect both,” Windu said. 
“The bastards keep on coming – I don’t think we’re going to be able to spare any pilots for you.”
“Copy that. May the Force be with you.”
“And also with you.”
Windu terminated the call, then folded his arms and studied the way ahead. 
“What are we going to do, Master Windu?” Ahsoka asked.
Windu took a deep breath before turning around.
“All our informants agree,” he said gravely, “the citizens of Lessu are being systematically started and forced into labour. We cannot afford any more delays… we must continue.”
“Well this is going to suck,” Ponds muttered, studying the road below them. Windu’s lips twitched.
“Quite,” he agreed mildly. “Commander, position yourself towards the end of the procession. Padawan Tano and Captain Rex shall take the middle, and I will remain at the front. The ledge is very exposed, so keeping the walkers moving will be our main priority.”
“That and not getting blasted,” Ahsoka said, and Windu’s lips twitched once more. 
“A very wise addition, Padawan Tano,” he said. “Alright, let's get moving. The quicker we can get to a less exposed position, the better.”
He nodded and waved the first walking transports forwards, then leapt up and into the belly. Ponds started to walk towards the back of the precision with a jovial wave and a hollered ‘don’t die’, while Rex and Ahsoka decided to wait in place until the middle of the procession reached them. 
It put them with Torrent. Some fool in the 411th had thought it would be a good idea to give Fives, Echo, Jess,e and Hardcase walkers, while Kix, Tup, and Dogma were behind them – safely inside an armoured transport with a few more 501st troops. The two youngest Torrent members were bitterly disappointed that there weren’t enough walkers for everyone. 
Kix was probably trying to catch up on sleep.
Ahsoka jumped up behind Jesse, wrapping her arms around his waist and giggling at whatever he said to her. Rex ended up just walking between Echo and Hardcase, listening half heartedly to whatever they were talking about. 
“So is this what you feel like all the time Echo?” Fives called out.
“Better than you?” Echo said dryly. “Yeah.”
Instead of listening to the two dominos insult each other with increasing ridiculousness, Rex tuned them out completely, instead thinking about the little chat he’d had with Kit a few nights ago. They hadn’t talked about anything really, but it felt significant in some way. It was definitely different – flirting in private to flirting in semi-public. 
Well, flirting in front of Ahsoka, who’d then left in disgust.
It felt like something had changed.
Before he could ponder it too much though, Ahsoka called out to him.
“Rex!” she shouted, looking over towards the hills on the other side of the gorge. “I can hear droids. And blaster cannons… they’re coming closer.”
“Thanks Kid,” he shouted up to her, then raised his com to his lips. “General, Commander – heads up. Commander Tano says she can hear incoming.”
“Copy that, Captain.”
“Cheers, Rex.”
Echo kneeled his walker so that Rex could climb up behind him, and then set off again. 
“All hands be alert,” Windu’s voice crackled along the com. “We are expecting incoming blaster fire. Priority one is to keep the transports moving forwards.”
“Here they come!” shouted Ahsoka, but she didn’t need to. Rex could see the familiar shapes of CIS hovering droid cannons beginning to climb over the horizon. He was about to relate as much to Windu when the first plasma bolt fired into the cliff above their heads. 
“Shots fired! Shots fired!”
“Hold your fire!” Windu commanded. “They are still out of range. Keep pushing forwards.”
Rex grit his teeth and waved the transports forwards. The next few minutes were tense but they made good progress – albeit constantly peppered by rock and rubble as the clankers repeatedly fired above their heads. It reminded him uncomfortably of Mustafar, and every time a piece of rubble bounced off his visor he couldn’t help but flinch. 
It didn't help that they were still too far out of range for Rex to fire back either. There was nothing he could do but keep barking orders to keep moving, keep pressing forwards.
But no matter how far they pressed forwards, it still wasn't far enough when the clankers actually managed to fire in range. The seppies had the high ground, too, which put the advancing Republic forces at a double disadvantage. Low and exposed, stuck firing up into the sky.
“All walkers and transports are clear to return fire,” Windu commanded, and Rex shouted it to everyone around him. 
Ahsoka leapt over Jesse’s shoulders and landed on the armoured transport behind them, just in time to deflect a cannon blast that would have taken out the guns back towards the clankers. The force of it almost knocked her right back off but she held it, dropping to one knee. Rex swallowed and forced himself to focus. 
Echo turned the walker and fired, growling when he couldn’t make a shot. 
“Just keep a covering fire,” Rex told him. “We have to keep the transports going.”
“Copy that,” Echo said. “Oya!”
In front of them, an armoured transport took a direct hit to the chassis. The thick durasteel compound held up just like it was supposed to, and the transport did nothing more than wobble. If one of those blasts hit the legs or the mounted guns though, they were fucked.
It didn't take long for exactly that to happen. They managed to take down two of the droid's cannons, but then the message Rex had been waiting for crackling through the comline.
“Front transport has been disabled,” Windu reported. “Hold while I clear the road.”
One by one the transports shuddered to a halt. They were no better than sitting ducks like this. 
Behind him, there was a huge explosion. Rex watched in horror as the rear transport exploded in a ball of fire. A one in a million shot that hit the gun barrel in exactly the right place to cause a chain reaction and blow the whole machine – occupants included.
For what the Senate called an acceptable risk – the separatist droids could never hit it, surely, the probability is so low – it was something he had seen happen far too often.
“Rex,” Ahsoka shouted, sending another cannon blast back towards the clankers. By some miracle, or maybe her insane skill, it struck one of the hovering cannon droids right in its barrel. It caused a chain reaction that blew the whole thing up and took out the surrounding B1s. “I’m going up front to help Master Windu!”
“Soka, wait!” Rex shouted, but she was already gone.
He gripped Echo’s shoulder as they continued to return fire, to little avail. A few seconds later his com crackled back to life.
“Lightning and Torrent walkers to the front,” Windu commanded. “Now! Move it!”
Rex grabbed onto Echo as the walker began to move again, weaving underneath the transports. They arrived at the front just in time to see Ahoska and Windu clear the road, using the Force to lift the downed transport and dump it over the cliff. Ponds pulled up on a walker beside them – he too was riding pillion on one of his men. 
As one they leapt down and ran towards WIndu.
“I have a plan,” the general shouted, pointing up the canyon. “If we take the walkers to the end of the road, we can loop back onto the higher ground. Take the fight to them.”
“Sounds good, Sir,” Ponds said. “One of you Jedi should stay here, in case another transport goes down.”
“Padawan Tano –”
“Of course Master,” she said. Goddammit.
“Captain Rex and Commander Ponds, remain here with Padawan Tano,” Windu continued, and Rex relaxed a little. “I will lead the walkers. Get the injured into the transports and keep moving.”
“Sir! Yes Sir!” 
“She’s all yours, General,” a lightning trooper said, jumping down from their walker. Windu clapped them on the shoulder briefly before leaping into place. At once he set off, the rest of the walkers following behind him with a volley of war cries.
“Oya!” Ahsoka echoed as they thundered past, then turned to grin at Rex. her eyes widened and she leapt over his head – deflecting a blaster bolt that would have killed him instantly.
“Thanks kid,” he said. “Keep up the cover while I help move the injured.”
Another explosion – another transport wobbling and crashing to the ground. Rex could see the pilot, unconscious or dead against the transparisteel. 
“On second thoughts,” Ponds said, “if you could help me move people out of that transport and clear it from the road.”
“On it,” Soka replied, and then she was gone. 
Ponds grabbed his arm. 
“You good?” he asked, frowning at Rex with concern.
Rex shook his head to clear it. 
“Yeah,” he said, turning on his heel and beginning to run towards where a familiar looking medic in blue was crouched over a slumped figure, “I’m good. Go.” 
If Ponds replied, he didn't hear it. Rex landed on his knees beside Kix, turning to face the direction of fire. 
“General wants us to move the injured into the transports and keep moving,” he said, watching the walkers progress while he chewed his lip. 
“Alright,” Kix said. “Dogma, take this one.”
“Sir. Yes Sir,” Dogma called. He appeared from nowhere to slide under the semi-conscious troopers arm and lifted, helping them stumble towards shelter.
“Gotta get him to loosen up a bit,” Kix muttered, already on the next patient. 
“If you have ideas, I’m open to them,” Rex replied. “Take cover!”
He and Kix covered the unconscious body beneath them. Rex flinched as the cliffs above him exploded and his back was peppered with chunks of rock. Heat blistered his bare face, sulphur filled his nose, he could hear Anakin’s tortured screams. 
Then the rubble stopped falling and Rex was back. 
“You okay?” Kix asked as Rex blinked himself back to reality.
“I’m fine,” he said. 
He turned back around to face the droid cannons once more. He took in the blue skies, the deep empty canyon – the walkers that had just been noticed by the droids they were speeding towards.
The cannons turned to begin firing on the walkers. It inspired mixed feelings in Rex. On the one hand, he very much appreciated not being fired on anymore. On the other, all that ordnance was now aimed at Jesse, Hardcase, Echo and Fives. He watched with bated breath as they wove through the blaster bolts and leapt through explosions , not knowing who was who.
The walkers swept through the droids, and one by one each hovering cannon exploded. Rex didn’t see a single walker go down, even after a dark blob he assumed was Windu vaulted into the air and came down hard on a cannon with a flash of green. Moments later it slammed to the ground as its motors gave out. 
“Alright,” he called, standing on shaky legs. “Cannons are down. Keep moving!”
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They didn’t make it to Lessu that night. They hadn’t been expecting to, but they made it much less further than they’d hoped. That, coupled with the very real need for more troops and better information than they currently had, meant the citizens of Lessu would be waiting another day for help at the very least. 
In their hastily constructed base – as close to Lessu as they could get without being in range of the Separatists’ many and varied arsenal of things that explode – they were having yet another holo-conference. The Chancellor had insisted on himself and Orn Free Taa being involved in the final stages of planning. 
It was annoying, but not surprising. It often happened in the closing stages of things like this. They wanted to be seen as being part of the victory, without having to make any of the really difficult decisions. Maybe Rex was being unkind. With Lessu still in the hands of the Separatists, there was still every chance that this could end badly, so they weren’t entirely without risk. 
With the Chancellor and the Senator taking spaces at the table, Rex and Ponds were relegated to the edges of the room. Kit had suggested that Ahsoka get some rest, a not so subtle attempt to keep her out of the Chancellor's gaze.
It was one she’d taken gladly.
Rex was only a little jealous of her – it was late and he was exhausted – but he had a job to do. Luckily he just had to pay attention, and not say anything, otherwise he was in danger of yawning in General Windu's face. 
Ponds jabbed Rex in the midsection with his elbow, right in an armour joint, and he realised his eyes had slipped closed. 
“Thanks,” he muttered, forcing himself back upright.
It appeared he’d missed the start of the meeting. No one was looking at him though, so he probably hadn’t been snoring or anything. Not too loudly at the very least.
“ – 501st pilots and I have once again secured control of the space around Ryloth,” Kit was saying. “We have the Separatist cruisers on the run.”
He looked odd, all washed out and blue instead of vibrant green. 
“Excellent work, General Fisto,” the Chancellor replied. “General Windu?”
“Master Kenobi has taken the Jixuan desert, so the southern hemisphere is ours,” Windu said, indicating the secured territories on the slowly rotating map of Ryloth in the centre of the conference table. 
“Then it's almost over,” Taa said, his shoulders slumping in relief.
Beside Rex in the shadows, Ponds snorted derisively.
“Not yet,” Windu corrected. “The key position is the capital of Lessu. Our spies have confirmed that the Separatist leader Wat Tambor has his command centre there.”
Master Yoda, silent until that point, spoke up.
“When taken the city we have, capture Tambor we must,” he said, as grave and angry as Rex had ever heard him. “Answer for his crimes, he will.”
Rex was all for throwing him to the people he had starved and enslaved and letting them get their justice for themselves, but he didn’t think that was the kind of thing Master Yoda had in mind. Rex didn't have as much faith in the Senate Justice system as he did though.
“It's not going to be easy, Master,” Windu said, frowning. “Tambor has chosen his stronghold well. This plasma bridge is the only way in or out.”
“I'm afraid a siege could drag on indefinitely,” Palpatine said. He sounded almost smug, but then again he always did.
“My people have suffered so much already,” Taa said.
There was genuine sadness in his voice. Either that, or he was a much better actor than Rex gave him credit for. Rex didn't feel any sympathy for him though. Even discounting all the stories Rex had heard from various Corries about the man’s over-familiarity with young girls, it was hard to feel any pity looking at his massive frame and plump lekku when Rex had seen how his ‘people’ had suffered first hand.
Starvation, exhaustion, sallow eyes and skin draping off their frames. Dehydration was the more dangerous prospect in this climate, and the whole planet was scattered with people who looked partially mummified but somehow still living. What haunted Rex though, were the children.
People had tried their best to give their kids what little they had, but it wasn’t enough. Their arms were like twigs, and they were so lethargic. Rex thought of Kochi, Risa and Mitz – how they’d been bundles of joy and energy even after everything they’d been through – every time he saw a mother cradling their dying child. 
Rex looked at the voluminous ornate robes of Orn Free Taa, and thought of the rags his people were dressed in, and questioned whether they were his people at all. 
“A plan you have, to take the bridge, Master Windu?” Yoda said, a thread of amusement in his voice. 
Windu shifted, raising his chin. 
“With our forces stretched so thinly, I'm going to enlist the help of the freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla,” he declared. “His fight against the droids has made him a symbol of freedom for the people.”
“Cham Syndulla,” the chancellor hummed. “He was a radical before the war. He is very… unpredictable.”
Ponds snorted. 
“Didn’t know it was radical to think that having enough food and water is a sentient right,” he muttered under his breath.
“Careful Commander,” Rex replied quietly. “Sounding like a separatist nutjob there.”
Their shirts and giggles were cut short by the mildest or warning glances from Windu. Rex was pretty sure his eyes were just slightly twinkly with amusement though.
“He can't be trusted,” Taa was shouting angrily. “I know Syndulla seeks to gain power. We were political rivals!”
So that was why he was here. Not just to cover himself in glory, but to make sure none went to Syndulla. The actual hero here. 
“I'll leave the politics to you, Senator,” Windu said in a deadpan voice. Rex smothered his laugh, but Ponds either failed or didn’t bother to try. “I am going to do whatever I can to help these people. Your people.”
“Perhaps we could send you Republic reinforcements instead,” the Chancellor offered.
Of course he didn’t like Syndulla – a man who opposed the Republic but couldn’t be written off as a separatist sympathiser. Who, if Rex remembered correctly, had been calling for widespread reform for years leading up to the war.
“There are no reinforcements available, Chancellor,” Admiral Yularen said. His words were apologetic, but his face looked anything but.
“We can't win without Syndulla's help,” Windu said firmly. “I will be reaching out to him, with or without your approval.”
The chancellor's lips twitched. Orn Free Taa looked to be thinking, upset – but not entirely averse. Maybe he cared more than Rex gave him credit for.
“Very well,” the Chancellor replied eventually. He nodded to the side, and he and Taa disappeared from the table.
“Good luck, gentlemen,” Yularen added, and then he too was gone.
“May the Force be with you,” Yoda intoned, and the two other Masters echoed it back to him.
Kit looked exhausted, and he exchanged a short smile with Windu before he terminated the transmission from his end. He couldn’t actually see Rex – probably didn’t know he was there at all – so it was entirely unreasonable to be so disappointed he didn't get a smile too.
Holocall over, Windu leaned forwards heavily, finally letting his exhaustion show.
“I’ll get in contact with Captain Keeli,” Rex said, “see if he has any advice for us about Syndulla.” 
“Excellent idea, Captain,” Windu said, his eyes still closed as he leaned over the table. “But make sure you get some sleep. I told Commander Tano to meet us here at first light in order to search for Syndulla.”
“Four whole hours of sleep,” Ponds hummed, stretching. His back crunched horribly. “You are feeling generous Sir.”
“And don’t you forget it,” Windu replied, finally pushing himself up and opening his eyes. “See you in four hours gentlemen.”
“In four hours,” Rex replied.
He planned to make use of every single second of that four hours to get some well deserved and hopefully blissful sleep.
"Captain Rex – "
Or not. 
"It occurs to me that we have a potential advantage with regards to overtures of friendship towards Syndulla and the freedom fighters," Windu said. 
Rex blinked, completely nonplussed. Luckily Windu seemed to understand that Rex's brain had decided to shut down a little ahead of schedule. 
"The 303s spent a lot of time with them, especially Master Di and Captain Keeli," he said, his face softening a little. "Master Fisto told me that Captain Keeli is your batch brother – if you wouldn't mind reaching out to him for information, I will reach out to Ima Gun."
"No, of course," Rex said, blinking the sleep from his eyes. "Makes sense."
"Get some rest first," Windu said gently.
Ponds slung an arm over his shoulders and guided him out of the command tent, yawning. Together they staggered towards where Rex hoped their tent was. 
Whoevers tent they ended up in, he stripped off his armour and shoved it under the cot he’d decided he was going to sleep on no matter whether it was actually his or not. As soon as his head hit the pillow – a hastily folded not-so-clean but not-too-dirty undersuit – his eyes closed and he let sleep drag him down.
He sighed, and fumbled for his com. On the other side of the little canvas room Ponds was already snoring, and Rex hated him a little bit. 
He squinted as the little screen flickered on and opened the messaging app. If he didn't do it now, he'd either forget or let it weigh on his mind and get no sleep at all. Plus, Keeli was still on medical leave so he should reply pretty quickly. 
Sure enough, his answering message was damn near instant.
letstalkaboutrexbaby: hey hey hey 
keeli-morelikekillme: hey hey hey hey hey 
letstalkaboutrexbaby: hows things?
keeli-morelikekillme: food is so good i missed it so much
keeli-morelikekillme: the general is obsessively feeding us up
keeli-morelikekillme: we’ve been doing a tour of his favourite food carts on corrie until we get our next set of orders
letstalkaboutrexbaby: how’re those blaster wounds
keeli-morelikekillme: they hurt when it rains which is weird
keeli-morelikekillme: but it doesn’t rain in space so i’ll be good
keeli-morelikekillme: how’s kixy?
letstalkaboutrexbaby: you not been talking to him?
keeli-morelikekillme: like every day
keeli-morelikekillme: but it’s kix so… 
keeli-morelikekillme: you know
letstalkaboutrexbaby: he’s doing good
letstalkaboutrexbaby: i mean as good as he ever does in a campaign
keeli-morelikekillme: so not great
letstalkaboutrexbaby: no
letstalkaboutrexbaby: but still relatively good
keeli-morelikekillme: thanks for looking after him 
keeli-morelikekillme:  baby brother
letstalkaboutrexbaby: i will fucking cut you
keeli-morelikekillme: babies can’t have knives
letstalkaboutrexbaby: jokes on you i have loads of knives
letstalkaboutrexbaby: also i have an actual important question
keeli-morelikekillme: you aren’t old enough to learn where babies come from yet
letstalkaboutrexbaby: die
letstalkaboutrexbaby: but seriously
letstalkaboutrexbaby: whats the dl on syndulla?
letstalkaboutrexbaby: we’re gonna reach out to him for help freeing the capital
keeli-morelikekillme: ngl it’ll be a tough sell
keeli-morelikekillme: he trusts the republic only a little more than he trusts the seppies
keeli-morelikekillme: but in a 2 times 0 is still 0 kinda way
letstalkaboutrexbaby: seriously?
keeli-morelikekillme: yeah
keeli-morelikekillme: his ideal ryloth would be independent but he hates dooku 
keeli-morelikekillme: you know, because of the slavery and exploitation 
letstalkaboutrexbaby: so he’s not completely unreasonable
keeli-morelikekillme: he’s actually not unreasonable at all
keeli-morelikekillme: he just wants whats best for ryloth and his people
keeli-morelikekillme: you just gotta persuade him that thats working with you and not going it alone
keeli-morelikekillme: given enough time the freedom fighters could probably free lessu by themselves. they’re no joke. 
letstalkaboutrexbaby: well we know that
letstalkaboutrexbaby: but the people inside are being starved and tortured
letstalkaboutrexbaby: so we need to get them out sooner rather than later
keeli-morelikekillme: so just try to persuade him that the quickest way to do it is with you and not on their own
letstalkaboutrexbaby: hm
keeli-morelikekillme: i have to go 
keeli-morelikekillme: the general is taking me to a museum 
letstalkaboutrexbaby: nerd
keeli-morelikekillme: infant 
keeli-morelikekillme: tell gobi i say hi 
letstalkaboutrexbaby: what the fuck is a gobi?
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Glare is the beautiful creation of my first ever sw friend, @irresponsibility101 . (BlueishSugar2288 on AO3). She and Glare are both very beloved.
Sophi first shows up in A Batch Of Scraps if you want to know a little more about her. She was actually very inspired by Glare, and they're best friends actually.
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pl9090 · 1 year
House Paradox profile
Name: Paradox.
Chapter: Prydon.
Colour: Black.
Founder: Avus of House Lungbarrow, ("The Voodoo Priest of House Lungbarrow").
Current status: Self exiled and reformed as a polictial/criminal organisation.
(Devised using both The Book of the War and Mr. Bumber’s Crimes Against History timelines).
1,152.B.T.W.= There are irregularities in the loom process of many Houses the reason for which is unknown and due to the nature of Timelord culture it is basically ignored and forgotten about for various reasons. The resulting first, "Affected Generation" includes Morbius and Avus.
Sometime before 403.B.T.W.= The events of, "Cobwebs and Ivory" which strengthens Avus's interest in alter time constructs and change as a concept.
403.B.T.W.= Avus leaves House Lungbarrow and founds the House Paradox appearing before an open High Council audience to formally announce it and it's foundations would be rooted in the loom matrix accordingly, (while allowed under the Protocols however it's seen as unecessary and starting a new family smacked of biodiversity). He takes the traditional head of House title, ("Grandfather") as his new name which is seen as tasteless.
Once it is established the Grandfather publically questions the protocols, speaking in favour of alter time structures and alarmingly implying that change was the most important tool of any culture. The House is ignored out of a combination of utter appalment and the lack of anything in the Protocols to deal with it.
The other four house members, (known as Godfathers) somehow access a, "Abomination's Graveyard" via the, "Heart of the Cladera" from which they take five Yssgaorth tainted Timelord skeletons for use as ceremonial armour.
444.B.T.W.= House Paradox creates the Eleven Day Empire alter time structure and is used as both a bolthole and a reliquary. This and the earlier Caldera trip are undeniable breaches of the Protocols and result in the Grandfther being called before an open High Council audience at which he wears his full Yssgaroth tainted skelteon armour which is seen as: deliberately unthinkable, an offence by it's very existance, and either a show of defiance or a theinly vield threat. He walks free without having to say anything and the House is allowed to continue as the High Council is unable to adapt or accept there was nothing in the Protocols and no legal precendents to bring House Paradox to account.
The House still consists of the a handful of members from dissenting Houses though prepares for a post audience influx of followers.
443.B.T.W.= The Sonatran Invasion of Gallifrey. While a failure due to the Doctor's actions the triples shocks of: 1.Any lesser species being able to access Gallifrey at all. 2.The laughable ineffectiveness of the ceremonial Chancellory Guard, (at least the Capitol's). 3.The 407th President, (the Fourth Doctor) fleeing after only three days in office. Causes some of the House elders to seek sanctuary in the wilderness beyond the cities. The protocols and social rules don't seem to be sufficient to deal with the situation. The Grandfather talkes the opportunity to mock and crow at the Protocols and the High Council.
392.B.T.W.= The Grandfather is caught in the High Council's post Dronid Crisis anti authority crackdown and imprisoned in Shada under the pretext of needing of establishing tighter time theory controls.
151.B.T.W.= The shockwaves from a successfully contained incident on 18th century Earth causing the 411th President, (Romana II) to suffer a nervous spasm of insanity in which she sees appalling future visions similar to that of the 406th President, (Greyjan) and spontaneously release several hundred of Shada's inmates including the Grandfather. Once free the Grandfather uses an ordinary knife to cut off his biodata tagged right arm so as to both physically/temporally and ceremonially cut himself off from the Timelords. While the Grandfather's esacape was noticed it is seen as unimportant compared to the many other contemporary crises they had to deal with. He subsequently orders House Paradox to leave Gallifrey permeneantly and reorganises it into an outside universe political/criminal organisation, (giving up all House priviliges) before, "retiring" by erasing himself from history into non existance using the same techniques one of the Luietent Godfathers will teach the .C.I.A. elite so they can become The Celestis.
Avus might of have worn the House Paradox variant of the Prydonian robes to the first audience as part of the overall, "permissible but disturbing" nature of declaring the House's founding.
There is no mention of any members besides Avus when it is founded, (the act and the subsequent public questioning of the Protocols might have also served as rallying calls). Someone confidently striking out like this would trigger the fears of another Imperator Morbius.
The, "Heart of the Caldera" might be the Untempered Schism near the middle of the crater itself? Timetravel without a capsule is known to hurt Timelords but not to any real extent so such an, "one off" trips are possible.
The five Yssgaroth tainted Timelord skeletons might be from an alternate timeline or failures of Rassilon's regeneration experiments that had been hidden away.
The reference to the House, "hadn't yet created it's first batch of offspring" which means either the House was opposed to looms or the High Council kept delaying the loom installation as long as possible. There is no categorical denial of a House Paradox loom existing though.
The original five members may have initially come together more due to their shared interest in alter time constructs rather then that of cultural change, (Avus might of ben a bit like Rassilon in that regard maybe another example of, "resonance").
It's stated that the Celestis used the same techniques to, "escape" as the Grandfather did to, "reitre" possibly taught to them by one of the Grandfathers. So is the Grandfather, (and possibly the orignal four luietenant Godfathers) also continue to exist as conceptual beings?
As others have noted the Grandfather's self removal from history would mean he was never a Cousin of House Lungbarrow so another was loomed in his place: The Doctor. The universe unknowingly has the Grandfather to thank for unknowingly creating him.
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2024log · 11 hours
411th poop of 2024
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Army Spc. Antonio I. Moore (May 4, 1997 - January 24, 2020) of Wilmington, was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve in Deir ez Zor Province. He died in a rollover accident Friday while conducting route-clearing operations.
The incident is under investigation.
He was assigned to the 363rd Engineer Battalion, 411th Engineer Brigade in Knightdale, NC. He enlisted in May 2017, and this was his first deployment.
“The 363rd Engineer Battalion is deeply saddened at the loss of Spec. Antonio Moore,” said Lt. Col. Ian Doiron, 363rd Engineer Battalion commander. “Antonio was one of the best in our formation. He will be missed by all who served with him. We will now focus on supporting his family and honoring his legacy and sacrifice.”
His awards and decorations include the National Defense Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon.
He is survived by his mother, stepfather, three brothers, and one sister. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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24x7newsbengal · 8 months
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daps-oc-rambles · 8 months
Subject 411
Subject 411 is Miko Trikari's experiment number that his father used to ignore the fact he was testing on his own blood.
It is unknown weather or not Miko was the 411th patient or if this number held any spiritual meaning to Miko's father.
After the destruction of Chronix, all information on Miko's experiments were destroyed and the true answer is never known.
All we do know is that Miko's birth name was Michael after his father.
But Miko doesn't think that suits him.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
PayPal is the most popular and widely used payment processor in the world. It is known for being the go-to payment method for millions of professionals. But the company did not want to stop at that, it is keen to adopt new technologies as well. As per the studies, Stablecoin will become popular among crypto users. Moreover, the usage of crypto is only going to increase.  So, PayPal took a wise step by launching its own stablecoin, PYUSD. The coin created a lot of buzz and showed some promising prospects too. Now, stablecoins are supported by some real-life assets.  So many people have questions about PYUSD’s source of backing. Paxon, the issuer of the assets, responded to this and revealed some information about it. Source of Support For PYUSD In a transparency report released recently, Paxos said that US Treasury reserve repurchase agreements and cash reserve support this coin. The report also divulges the details in numbers. It shows that the treasury securities back $45.36 Million. Out of which, $1.5 Million is in cash reserves. The recorded number shows the status till August 3, 2023.  Furthermore, it describes repurchase agreements as well for the uninitiated. As per the definition, they are identified by overnight maturity with reputable financial institutions. It also factors in the over-collateralization with the US treasuries. It has been 38 days since the launch of PYUSD. Based on the market cap, the asset has attained 411th rank out of 10,000 crypto assets.   Talking about collaborations, Paxos said that it has tied up with State Street Bank, BMO Harris Bank, and Customers Bank. In addition, it maintains an excess balance of FDIC insurance limits to support overnight and weekend liquidity. As of September 14th, 611 wallets hold PYUSD. But only 100 of them were accountable for 99.97% of its circulation. It should be noted that Paxos paid a big amount this week as a refund. The total sum was $510,750 (20 Bitcoins) over a $2,000 (0.7 Bitcoins) transaction. Later on, the concerned team blamed it on an error in the system. Mostly, the amount of fee depends on demand and network congestion. It could be anywhere between $5 to $20.  On top of that, Paxos is trying to recover the amount. Reportedly, it is already talking with Stake. fish about it. According to some sources, Stake. fish is not happy about it. Irrespective of what happens in this case, PayPal has made a mark in the crypto industry. It has delivered a potential solution that has the potential for extensive adoption.   How Significant is PYUSD for the World? As mentioned above, PayPal is a ubiquitous application that gives PYUSD, infinite scope. The former can actually increase the usage of digital assets by offering the latter. With PYUSD, the users get a more efficient, faster, and safer solution. It also emerges as a more reliable option due to PayPal’s immaculate reputation. Thus, the crypto world is actually looking forward to this solution with lots of expectations. Source
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
USAF F-22A Raptor 06-132 by Mark Allison Via Flickr: The 411th Flight Test Squardron putting their Raptor through it's paces at the Aerospace Valley Airshow 2022 at Edwards Air Force Base. -16/10/2022
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azealestate · 1 year
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Captain Rex Is In Trouble
Chapter 12: Liberation
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It had all started with a huge party on the streets of Lessu earlier that day. Sadly the walled city – while it had escaped the worst of the battles – could only hold so many people, and so come late afternoon when the last of the 212th troops arrived the party had moved across the bridge and up the cliffside road.
On top of the cliffs where the ground was flat, the sky stretched on forever. Rex didn’t think he’d ever seen anything like it.
He took a sip of his beer and gazed up at the stars.
I am rocking back and forth waiting to see what you guys think of this one, giggling evilly/cackling maniacally. Let me know!!!
Tagging my beta and sounding board @cyarbika. Check her out!
Rating: T
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Rex didn't actually get any sleep that night. Instead the 501st, the 212th, and the 411th held a huge party on the outskirts of Lessu. All three battalions gathered, almost every single still-living member, to celebrate the end of the occupation.
The freedom of Ryloth, and all of its people. He could hardly complain about it.
Plus, he'd managed to catch a few hours worth of sleep while everyone else set up – the benefits of being a captain. He ended up on a pile of folded tents, next to a just as poorly rested Ponds. When the 212th had arrived and Cody had found them, he'd fallen in-between and the three of them had finally managed to get some rest. 
That nap, plus the delicious beers he'd been drinking, put Rex in a much better mood for celebration.
It had all started with a huge party on the streets of Lessu earlier that day. Sadly the walled city – while it had escaped the worst of the battles – could only hold so many people, and so come late afternoon when the last of the 212th troops arrived the party had moved across the bridge and up the cliffside road. 
On top of the cliffs where the ground was flat, the sky stretched on forever. Rex didn’t think he’d ever seen anything like it.
He took a sip of his beer and gazed up at the stars.
Just like the night before, there was music and dancing. This time though, they weren’t hidden deep underground with only a glimpse of the sky. There were dancers whirling in circles around fires as far as Rex could see, clones amongst them, and the sky stretched out to infinity in every direction. The joy was palpable – emanating from every fire, colouring every laugh, brightening every face.
He could hardly believe it had only been twenty-four hours ago.
Rex grinned to himself as a very patient – and very attractive – Twi tried to teach Fives how to do one of the dances. Fives was failing spectacularly, but by the way he kept falling into his partner Rex thought that might be deliberate. Echo, however, already looked like he’d been doing it his whole life. 
So did Kit, spinning around the next fire over. He was shirtless – obviously he was – and the firelight reflecting off his sweat soaked skin made him look like he was made of pure gold. Unlike Echo though, Kit hadn’t needed any teaching.
Earlier Rex had stood, slightly dumbfounded, watching Kit speak to a circle of children in fluent Ryl. He even used his ahwey to mimic the lekku gestures, to the kid’s amusement and delight. Mace – Rex was allowed to call him Mace now – had been standing next to him at the time and explained. 
“When Kit was first knighted he served as a watchman for this sector,” Mace had said. “He spent years on Ryloth, targeting slavers. He’s the only person I know who is fully fluent in Ryl and not a twi’lek.”
Then he’d passed Rex a beer and walked towards where Ponds and the rest of the 411th command team had been standing. Rex suspected he was just trying to get as far away from Cody and Obi-Wan as physically possible. They were not being subtle, and Rex couldn’t blame him. He’d spent enough time with Cody and Obi-Wan in the presence of alcohol to know that they would be all over each other in no time. 
Rex figured he operated a sort of ‘if I can’t see it then it isn’t my problem’ policy with regards to the Jedi and their supposed celibacy. Not that he’d actually asked the man – that seemed to contradict the whole policy and Rex really didn’t want to cause him problems. He might be allowed to use his first name but Rex was still slightly terrified of him.
Sure enough, as soon as Windu had his back turned they started sucking face. Rex joined in with the jeering before going to catch up with the Torrent boys – Cody wouldn’t be any fun to talk to until he got it out of his system. 
The two of them had been dating for a good few months now, almost a year really, and Rex was still waiting for Cody to get ‘ it ’ out of his system, but the two of them seemed to be permanently stuck in that new-relationship bliss. He could be happy for his big brother, but fuck they could be annoying sometimes.
Rex watched in amusement as Jesse was pulled to his feet by a few teens that barely came up to his shoulders and forced to join the dancing. His amusement only grew as the teens turned to Kix and were stared down with the eyes of a man who knew no fear. Luckily Hardcase jumped to his feet instead, and let himself be dragged into the whirling circle of dancers. He was clumsy, and crashed into someone almost immediately, but no one cared. 
Everyone just laughed and pulled him in further.
“Not joining in?”
Rex choked on his mouthful of beer as Kit – shirtless and sweaty and downright delectable – sat on the crate beside him. He hurriedly wiped the trickle of beer that spilled over his chin away but Kit wasn't looking, occupied instead by wiping sweat off his face with his shirt. By the time he’d finished and dropped it to the ground between his feet Rex was mostly back together.
Kit looked at him expectantly, and Rex remembered he’d been asked a question.
“Oh – uh – no,” he said with a shrug. “Not really my thing.”
“Shame,” Kit replied, smiling. 
Rex didn’t really know how to reply, so he hid his fluster by risking another sip of his drink. This time none of it went up his nose, and he even managed to keep it all in his mouth which was a success, but sadly it didn’t leave him with much left.
“Another?” Kit asked, nodding at his nearly empty bottle.
“Sure,” Rex said. 
Before he could offer to go and get them Kit was already on his feet, loping towards the closest crate of rylothi-brewed gal that had been generously provided for them. Rex finished his drink, smiling softly to himself as Kit was pounced on by a group of twi’s. He couldn’t help but feel a little smug as Kit politely made his excuses, shrugged off the inviting hand placed on his bicep, and made his way back to Rex with a smile on his face and a fresh bottle of beer in each hand.
“Thanks,” Rex said, grinning up at Kit as he took the offered beer. 
“My pleasure,” Kit replied, sinking down beside him once more.
The caps were already off, so they tapped their bottles together and threw back their heads as one. Rex took a generous gulp, but when he lowered his bottle Kit was still drinking. He watched, a little transfixed as the tendons in Kit’s throat bobbed with every swallow. He was even more fascinated when Kit didn’t stop, and kept drinking until his bottle was empty.
“Thirsty?” Rex asked dryly when he was finished.
Kit looked critically at the empty bottle in his hands, then back towards the pile of crates – still surrounded by the gaggle of overly affectionate twi’s. Kit’s nose wrinkled a little. Rex laughed as Kit held out a hand, simply summoning a bottle into his hand instead of getting back up. It flew over the heads of the dancers and he caught it easily, flicking the cap off with his thumbnail.
“Don’t let Obi-Wan see you doing that,” Rex joked, smiling into his next sip.
“I’m not concerned,” Kit said. “He’s still firmly glued to Commander Cody’s face.”
“It should only take them another few hours to get it out of their systems,” Rex said dryly.
“If they’d just hurry it up and go find a tent, they could get it out of their systems much quicker… Probably multiple times in under an hour.”
Rex snorted on his mouthful of gal. It dribbled out of his nose, and tears gathered in the corner of his eyes as he laughed. His stomach hurt, he was laughing so hard.
When Rex pulled himself back together again, Kit was gazing at him with a strange look in his eyes. Not strange – Rex was fairly sure he knew exactly what Kit was feeling – but he wasn't quite sure if he was ready to name it yet. 
"Under an hour?" he said instead, "I don't even know who you're insulting, Cody or Obi-Wan."
Kit laughed. Rex loved making him laugh, so he pressed on. 
"I mean – I know I can last a hell of a lot longer, but I'm just considerate like that I guess."
Kit's laugh deepened, his head thrown back so Rex got a great view of his jaw and throat again. He was illuminated by the firelight, outlined in gold. When he stopped laughing he took a sip of his drink, eyeing Rex over the top of it. 
"Good to know," he murmured, amusement flickering around his lips.
Rex tried to discreetly adjust himself. He decided to redirect the conversation before it drifted into even more dangerous territory. He was already having to fight the urge to climb into Kit's lap and tell him – with detail – exactly how considerate Rex could be. 
And then offer a demonstration.
"So," he coughed, "Mace told me that you were a sector Watchman? I mean, that you used to be a sector Watchman. For here."
There. That counted as conversation. It wasn't even the worst segue that Rex had ever done. 
Kit nodded, taking another sip of his beer. 
"How'd you end up in this sector? There's nothing but desert planets. Why not Glee or Mon Cala, or any of the other ocean planets?"
"Well… there were things that interested me about this sector, and the troubles it was facing at the time," Kit said, his eyes gazing into the flames.
Kit leaned forwards, then fixed Rex with a sideways look.
"Twi'leks have always been prized by slavers, especially the Hutts. Mostly the women, but not always. At the time, the locals were in danger of being kidnapped every time they left the planet and I… I wanted to help."
Kit took another slow sip of his drink, staring into the flames of the bonfire.
"The first time I ever met an enslaved person, I was thirteen years old," he continued, his voice only just audible when Rex leaned in closer. "I didn't even realise at the time. It was only the second mission I'd ever been on with Master Yoda. He was just… a boy I played with."
Kit bowed his head, staring at the floor whilst his thumb played with the label.
"The next day he had a large bruise on his face, and wouldn't speak to me. Master Yoda took me back to the Temple the next day and I never saw him again… it stuck with me."
"So you did something about it," Rex said softly. 
Kit glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, smiling wryly.
"I certainly tried to. Whether I was successful or not is another matter… After a few years I heard that Master Tahl had died, and that Bant would have to leave the order if she couldn’t find another Master. There are a lot of strange superstitions surrounding taking on a padawan whose Master has died, and I knew Bant fairly well. I didn't want her to have to leave if she didn’t have to, not when she was so vulnerable, so I returned to the Temple."
Rex looked at him, wondering what he should say, but Kit wasn't done. 
"It's odd – as Jedi we live such a sheltered life in the Temple. We never fear for our safety, never go hungry or cold… and yet when we become padawans at age thirteen, we are suddenly at risk of exposure to the darkest parts of the Galaxy. Even though we, as Masters, try to protect our charges from it – the very nature of our work means it isn't always possible."
He lapsed into silence. Rex sipped his beer while Kit stared into the bonfire – lost in his thoughts or his memories. Rex was content to watch him and turn over what he'd just learned in his head. 
He wanted to ask more questions. Questions about the treaty, about what Kit had done on Ryloth to help stop the sentient trafficking – about what he thought of the legal non-sentient status of clones – but the look on Kit's face stilled his tongue. And, maybe, he wasn't sure if he wanted to hear Kit's answer.
Instead he watched the dancers dance, watched Torrent laugh and watched the world move around them. He sipped his beer and thought about life, and wondered if he could find the man beside him even more attractive than he had before. 
"Come on. Dance with me."
Rex jumped. Beside him, Kit knocked back the last of his beer – his strange mood already forgotten. 
"What?" Rex spluttered. "No – I can't –" 
"It's not as difficult as it looks," Kit reassured him.
"No," Rex said again. "I don't dance." 
Kit raised his brow ridges, and Rex hurriedly back tracked. 
"I mean I dance – just not like this. With the… footwork. Or the spinning."
"And how do you dance?" Kit said, his head tilted and amusement flickering around his lips.
"I mean it's more like…" – grinding on strange men – "swaying. And… Bouncing?" 
Kit looked at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. Rex felt his skin heating with embarrassment. 
“Alright,” he mumbled, looking down at his lap. “Don’t be a dick.”
Kit just laughed harder, rocking back and his whole body shaking with it. Rex found himself grinning, embarrassed or not. The joy Kit was radiating was infectious, and as Rex watched him lose himself to the laughter he found himself softening with affection that was definitely something dangerously more. 
Kit was gorgeous when he laughed.
Eventually he stopped laughing and began to gasp for breath, wiping actual tears away from the corner of his eye. 
“It wasn’t that funny,” Rex said, grinning at him.
“Forgive me – “ Kit gasped, “that just tickled me. Swaying and bouncing – Force what an image.”
“Alright, alright.”
For some reason – perhaps the idea that Kit was imagining Rex dancing – Rex had started to blush furiously again.
“Dance with me,” Kit said again, catching Rex’s wrist in his warm palm. 
“No, I – “
“It’s not as difficult as it looks,” Kit encouraged. He stood, his hand slipping from Rex’s wrist and catching his palm. “Come. We can…”
He trailed off, looking around. Rex stared up at him, trying desperately not to focus on how casually Kit was holding his hand. Eventually Kit’s eyes settled on whatever he was looking for and he pointed.
“There,” he said. “We can practice there.”
He looked back down at Rex, his smile flickering in the firelight. As he tugged Rex to his feet, Rex completely forgot where they were going. He forgot what they’d been talking about, where they were. All he knew was that Kit was shirtless and smiling at him, and Rex would have followed him anywhere. 
When he was on his feet Kit let go of his hand, and Rex remembered what was happening. Kark it. Still, as he followed Kit to a patch of darkness between a few tents, he reflected that it might not be so bad. Actually it looked like quite a good make out spot – not that they were going to make out or anything – but Rex caught sight of Jesse as he followed Kit into the darkness. He had a beautiful woman under his arm, and the two of them changed direction and walked away at the last moment. 
The space between the tents was oddly quiet, even though the party carried on all around them. It was like they passed through a forcefield into some kind of quiet bubble, where only they were allowed. It could hardly be called a clearing, more just an empty space between a few canvas tents – not big enough for a bonfire but more than enough space for Rex to make a complete fool of himself.
Kit spun around in the middle, his arms outstretched and grinning widely. 
Rex stopped short and raised his eyebrows.
Kit sighed a little and reached forwards to grab his hand, dragging him further into the clearing. Rex tried not to grin and let him know that it was exactly what he’s been hoping for.
“Come on,” Kit said, his hand warm and almost entirely encompassing Rex’s, “it’ll be fun.”
“If you say so,” Rex said doubtfully. Still, he was holding Kit’s hand so it wasn't completely awful. 
“First, the basic footwork,” Kit said, standing beside Rex with their hands still tangled together. “The spinning comes later.”
He hadn’t lied. The footwork was relatively simple, and Rex picked it up fairly quickly. It got a little more complicated when the step reversed, but the way Kit laughed and caught him when he stumbled more than made up for what little embarrassment he felt. 
“Now we do it while we twirl around. Spinwards first.”
“You say that like it’s going to be easy.”
“It’s much easier than it looks, I promise.”
Kit had to let go of Rex’s hand as they began to add the spinning, but again it was surprisingly easy. He sank into the rhythm of it as he and Kit twirled around the small space in perfect lockstep. He could see why people enjoyed this kind of dancing – the sheer joy in the simple movement lifting his heart. 
“Now we add in the reverse step.”
“Kit – No.”
“In three –”
“– two –”
“No no no!”
“– one. Reverse!”
Rex tried. He really did.
Unfortunately he really hadn’t cracked the reverse step, even when they were just doing the basic version. He made it about half-way through the first motion before fucking up. He tripped over his own feet, somehow falling back over his own heel. 
His hand flew towards Kit on instinct, grabbing onto one of his ahwey in blind panic. Despite the sheer size of the man, Kit happened to be at just the right – or wrong – point in his own motion for Rex to be able to unbalance him. 
Together they tumbled to the floor, Rex landing on his back so hard that all the air was knocked from his chest in one pained ‘oof’. Kit fared a little better, managing to land on his hands and stop himself from flattening Rex even further. 
When Rex opened his eyes, Kit’s face was only inches away from his own. His luscious lips were parted in surprise, his eyes wide and startled. 
Rex’s arms were wrapped around his shoulders and one of Kit’s powerful thighs was between his own.
Rex wet his lips with a nervous sweep of his tongue. Kit’s eyes flickered to his lips, then back up.
It would be so easy to lean up and kiss him.
Rex gazed up at Kit, shifting his thighs to make their position even more suggestive than it already was. 
Kit’s eyes flickered back to his lips. His eyes widened and his breath hitched.
Just as Rex was about to take things into his own hands, Kit smiled.
“Oops,” he said, his voice faintly strained.
Rex tried not to be too disappointed as Kit helped him to his feet. Once he was upright once again Kit couldn’t let go of his hand fast enough, putting a more than respectful amount of distance between them in seconds. Rex swallowed, a knot in his chest tightening uncomfortably as he dusted dirt off the backs of his pants.
"There you are, fish breath." 
Rex jerked upright, startled.
Windu was striding into the clearing. Rex couldn't tell if he was frowning or whether that was just his face.
"Something wrong?" Kit asked, turning towards Mace with a frown. 
Maybe that's why he didn't kiss Rex. He'd heard – or sensed, or smell-tasted with his ahwey, or whatever – Mace coming. That would make sense.
"Oh, probably," Mace sighed. "You aren't wearing a shirt, for instance." 
Kit relaxed in an instant, his shoulders dropping as he threw his head back and laughed.
"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Mace asked, entirely exasperated. "There isn't an ocean in this whole system. You're going to dry up like a dead womp rat on Tatooine."
"I always knew you cared," Kit said, walking over to bump his shoulder against the other Jedi's.
"How dare you accuse me of such a thing."
Kit laughed and turned towards Rex, who was watching them and trying to smother his grin.
“He likes to pretend he doesn't,” Kit said, leaning his elbow on Mace’s shoulder, “but Mace adores me.”
It was impressive. Mace Windu was very tall for a human, and here Kit was – leaning over him easily.
Windu sighed tiredly. Rex could practically see the headache forming above his right temple. 
“I tolerate you at best,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You love me,” Kit said confidently. 
Windu opened his eyes and glared at Kit, which just made Kit’s grin spread wider across his face.
“In that as a Jedi, I have love and respect for all forms of life,” Mace gritted out, “then I suppose I must.”
He would get on well with Fox, Rex thought with a smile.
“No, you love me specifically,” Kit said. He reached across and pinched Windu’s cheek. Mace didn't react other than a very slight flare of his nostrils. 
Kit turned, still smiling widely, and settled his eyes back on Rex.
“Mace and I were crechemates,” he said, leaning more heavily on the other Jedi’s shoulder. “We’ve been best friends our whole lives.”
“I would liken it more to stewjon syndrome,” Mace said dryly, and Rex burst out laughing.
“My batchmates say the same thing about me, Sir,” he said between gasped breaths. 
“I’m sure they are merely talking in jest, whereas I am deadly serious,” Mace replied. 
Rex started to laugh even harder.
“You’re lucky I still love you even though you make such cruel jokes,” Kit said, still leaning on Windu’s shoulder. 
“I do not joke , Master Fisto,” Mace said, still serious. “I find you highly repellent.”
“For someone who claims not to like him,” Rex said, grinning, “you haven’t stopped him from leaning on you.”
Windu stared at him, his eyes narrowing slightly. 
“And to think,” he said, “I was just beginning to like you, Captain Rex.”
Both Kit and Rex howled with laughter. Windu even allowed his lips to curl into a small smile, and still he didn’t shove Kit off him. His wrist com bleeped, and he looked down. A frown rippled across his face as he read the message and he sighed.
“The Chancellor wishes to speak to the Council,” he told Kit. “We’re late.”
“What?” Kit said, unusually whiny. It was exactly how Rex talked to Cody, he noted in the back of his mind. “How can we be late to something we didn’t even know was happening?” 
“Because I got the message over an hour ago and it took me that long to find you,” Mace said, glaring at Kit.
Kit frowned right back at him.
“You could’ve found me easily if you really wanted,” he said with a scowl. “You just don’t want to attend and are planning to blame it on me.”
“That's a very serious accusation, Master Fisto,” Mace replied, crossing his arms. “I hope you have evidence to back it up. Do you?”
“Just a lifetime of experience,” Kit said, his arm wrapping around Mace’s shoulder. “Come on. The sooner we get this over with the better.”
“We should add that as an official teaching,” Windu muttered under his breath, then nodded a quick goodbye to Rex. 
“I’ll find you later, Rex,” Kit said. 
His smile as he turned away made Rex’s heart flutter dangerously.
“Y – Yeah,” he said, cheeks heating. 
Luckily both men were already striding away so neither of them saw how flustered he was, which would have been embarrassing. Plus… he wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about flirting in front of Mace kriffing Windu . It didn’t help that the man’s sabacc face was second to none, so Rex had no idea how he felt about all of it.
He watched them walk away, talking aimiably. Windu was as stoic as ever, but Kit beside him was gesturing widely and bumping Mace with his shoulder. Rex couldn't tell whether it was happy or angry gesturing, but just before they disappeared from view, Mace turned towards Kit with a wide and genuine smile. Then they were gone.
He stood alone in the sanctuary of quiet darkness a little longer. Kit hadn't kissed him, but it had looked a hell of a lot like he'd wanted to. 
Force, Rex had wanted him to.
It was something to think about. Rex decided he should probably think about it with a beer in his hand.
He ambled slowly back to the fire circle where Torrent had been causing trouble, only to find half of them missing. 
Jesse – not a surprise. 
Kix – also not a surprise. Rex's batch brother had the most game out of anyone he'd ever had the misfortune to be ignored in favour of. 
Tup and Dogma were both nowhere to be seen. A bit of a surprise, but good for them. 
The remaining Torrent members – Fives, Hardcase and Echo – were sat chatting to a group of locals. All of them were laughing and flushed, everyone grinning. Rex grabbed a bottle of beer, and was about to go join them when his com bleeped in his pocket. 
He grinned when he saw who was calling, opening the call before he found somewhere quiet. 
"Hey! Congratulations! You're not dead!" Anakin shouted, his goofy grin stretching across his whole face. 
"Thanks," Rex laughed, finding some upturned crates to sit on. "You're still alive too I see."
"Not for lack of trying," another voice called, and Padmé's face appeared beside Anakin's.
"Your majesty," Rex greeted. 
"Your captaincy," she parried back, smiling.
"Rocket legs?"
"Rocket legs," she confirmed, rolling her eyes. "There's a scorch mark in the middle of our carpet. He's only been allowed to sleep outside the healers wing for one week, for fucks sake."
At least Anakin had the good grace to look ashamed of himself while Rex laughed himself stupid.
"Anyway," he said, when Rex had finally managed to stop laughing, "guess who's been cleared for active duty!" 
"Not a moment too soon," Padmé sighed, stroking Anakin's hair. "I didn't think I'd ever see the day where I was happy to see you go back to a warzone, but here we are."
"I said I was sorry!"
Padmé rolled her eyes again, but the look she gave Anakin was nothing but adoration. Her fingers kept playing with Anakin's floppy curls as she rested her head against his.
"So when can we expect you back?" Rex asked, taking a sip of his beer.
"About a week," Anakin said. "I'm going to head out in your direction tomorrow, but I'll have to catch a lift with someone since my aethersprite is still with you guys… It is still with you guys, right?" 
"Kit took very good care of it," Rex reassured him. 
"Awesome," Anakin said, his shoulders dropping in relief.
Padmé and Rex shared an amused look.
"Anyway, I was talking to Master Yoda earlier, and I think you guys will be heading off planet pretty soon."
"Twi's aren't super happy with the idea of us staying around," Rex explained. "Happy for the help, but they'll be glad to see the back of us."
"Don't blame them," Anakin laughed. "I mean, you guys must stink by this point. It's been a full fortnight, and I know you haven't had time for a sonic."
"Hey!" Rex jabbed a finger at Anakin. "I'll have you know I gave myself a wipedown with an old grease rag not five days ago."
"Rex! Please," Padmé said, fanning herself. "A lady can only take so much."
“We agreed, Rex is off limits.”
“Yes,” Rex said emphatically. “We all agreed that together. Consider my stinky sweet brown ass firmly behind a ray shield.”
Both Padmé and Anakin started cackling, and Rex doubled down.
“You can look at my sweaty shit covered body all you like, but you can’t touch.”
“Rex – please – “
“I know you find the literal sedimentary layers of grime under my armpits irresistible, but General, Senator, please… control yourselves.”
The holo span around as Anakin fell off whatever he was sitting on, and Rex caught sight of one mechanical foot as Anakin kicked out his leg.
“Ah shit, I’m getting a call,” Padmé said. Her hand briefly appeared – making Rex jump as a ghostly blue hand lunged towards his face. “Bye Rex!”
“Bye Padmé.”
Anakin’s face made it back into frame, his hair in a crown around his head as he lay on the floor. 
“I should go too,” he said, running a hand through his hair and sighing. “I have… so much stuff to pack.”
“Alright,” Rex replied, smiling. “Let me know how it goes. We can’t wait to have you back.”
“Can’t wait to be back,” Anakin said with a cheeky grin, “I’ve been bored as shit.”
Rex was still laughing as Anakin terminated the call. He wiped a tear from his eye, reflecting that it really hadn’t been that funny and he was probably a little more drunk than he’d thought he was. He took another sip of his beer anyway, standing and making his way over to Echo, Fives and Hardcase. 
“Hey Cap!” Case greeted him, sprawled against a crumpled up canvas something or other. He wasn’t quite shirtless, but the loose tank he was wearing showed the full extent of his tattooed chest. Echo was wearing a leather jacket that Rex just knew he got from Fox when he was staying on Coruscant. He must be roasting – but he pulled it off, damn him. Rex wanted that jacket and frankly it was unfair that Fox had given it to Echo , but whatever. Rex would steal something next time he was on Coruscant.
Fives was wearing denim cut offs and one of the ugliest shirts Rex had ever seen, because he lived to drive Rex mad. 
Again, like his twin, he was pulling it off – because again, he lived to drive Rex fucking mad.
Rex recognised a few of the freedom fighters that were sitting with them, and they raised their drinks in greeting. Echo shuffled up on the crate he was perched on to make room for Rex.
“Who was that?” he asked.
“General Skywalker,” Rex answered easily, taking a sip of his drink. “He’s been given the all clear to come back – should be with us in a tenday or so.”
“Be sad to see General Fisto go though,” Hardcase said, stretching his arm behind him and leaning back. 
“Yeah,” Rex murmured, playing with the label of his beer bottle.
He filtered out the conversation, but no one seemed to notice or care. Apart from Echo, who leaned a little heavier into Rex’s side, but otherwise he was left alone to his thoughts.
Somehow it hadn’t occurred to Rex that Kit would be leaving until Hardcase had pointed it out. 
He sipped his beer. 
He wanted Anakin back – he missed his friend, and he missed having a general who he could keep a clear head around… But he didn't want Kit to leave either.
He really, really liked Kit. More than he should, more than was good for him, but it wasn't going away.
He was fairly confident that Kit returned his… affections? Feelings? 
Anyway, the charged moments they kept sharing – the looks, the touches – it had to mean something . The way Kit had looked at him when they'd been lying on the floor, his eyes darting between Rex's eyes and lips, his weight pressing Rex down into the floor – that had definitely meant something.
The way it made Rex feel had definitely, definitely, meant something.
The electricity that had coursed through him as Kit lay above him, their bodies pressed together. The way he'd just wanted to thread his fingers through Kit's ahwey and pull him down and finally, finally, kiss him.
These feelings weren't just sexual. Rex knew himself well enough to know that. He also knew that the feelings weren't going to fade, especially not now he was sure Kit felt the same way. Fuck, if anything, that was just going to make everything worse. 
Or better.
If they both wanted it… and Rex was pretty confident they both did… then what was holding them back? 
What was holding Rex back?
Could he? Yes. Should he? Probably not. 
But why probably not? 
Yeah Kit outranked him, but after this week he wouldn't be in Rex's direct chain of command. 
And Rex really, really, really liked him. 
His smile, his laugh, his whole way of being. Relaxed and calm, no matter the situation. Kind and bright and just… wholly himself. He always seemed so sure and certain and just, always reassuring. 
He was funny, he was intelligent, he cared so deeply. As deeply as Anakin, albeit much more calmly. 
That was the thing Rex kept coming back too. His calmness. It filled whichever room he was in, permeating the space and people around him. 
He made Rex feel calm.
Rex wanted to kiss him. Rex wanted to hold him. Force, Rex just wanted him.
And, if Kit wanted him too… then why not? 
Why not? 
His mind made up, Rex grinned to himself. He sipped his beer and tuned back into the conversation. 
He felt excited. Giddy. Full of anticipation. 
He was going to fuck that big green newt man. 
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
Jedi Q&A
Rating: SFW/PG-13
Word Count: 2.3k
Pairing: Hunter x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: Kinda a lore dump/backstory on my OC. Mentions of death and war flashbacks. Fluff at the end though you know I cant resist ;)
Summary: Sera answers the bad batches questions about her Jedi past. How did she survive Order 66?
Authors note: Again, just more story coming to my head that I had to type out. Hope you guys like it! (and I have a lot of the backstory mapped out, so this is just like tip of the iceberg)
Tags: @mangoberry99
Sera sat down in her chair, at the far end of the room. She saw six expectant clones watch her, anxiously ready to ask her questions.
The deviant clones now knew Sera was a Jedi. Eventually they started to ask her questions, and it was time Sera answered them once and for all.
How am I going to do this? Sera contemplated internally. Just like, ‘Time for a Jedi Q&A! Only 20 questions though, so make them count!’
She shook her head at the thought. Someone’s coughing brought her attention back to the present. She jerked her head up and saw Hunter look at her expectantly, then gesture his head back to the rest of the group, who all sat behind him, at different chairs in Sera’s relatively small home.
“Alright, you know why you’re here. I want to answer all your questions here and now, so,” Sera lengthened the so, and looked at everyone’s faces. “Ask away.” She raised her hands up, palms facing the ceiling, almost in a shrug.
“What are Jedi?” Omega asked.
“Seriously?” Sera countered in deadpan. Her eyes shot to Echo, who averted from her gaze. Next she looked at Hunter, making a face. Why doesn’t she know what Jedi are?? She thought as she stared him down.
“We thought it would be best coming from you.” Hunter offered an answer, not meeting her gaze similarly to Echo.
She sighed, then straightened up and looked Omega in the eye. “Well, the Jedi fought in the clone wars along with the Republic. Jedi are peacekeepers-“ she frowned at that. “Or they’re supposed to be. They’re a part of the ancient Jedi order. They use lightsabers, which you saw, have the ability to sense and use the force-”
“The force?” Omega cut in. She looked confused.
“That’s kinda a long story, but it allows them to do, well, unique things.” Sera tilted her head as she spoke, deciding now to avoid going into a whole lecture on what the force is and who the Jedi were.
“And as I’m sure you know, the Jedi, they all… died.” Sera paused before saying that word. Omega nodded understandingly. Sera felt cold remembering the death of the Jedi, along with the order. She tried to remain devoid of emotion as she spoke.
There is no emotion.
She hadn’t expected to think about the code again. The cold feeling spread up her arms from her hands.
She shivered. “Alright, next question?” She looked around to the rest of the boys.
“You don’t have your lightsaber right now, do you?” Crosshair asked suspiciously. He stood in the corner, leaning on the wall. He was the only one in the group who was standing, like he wasn't quite comfortable. Sera had seen he had brought his rifle.
“No, of course not.” She said it forcefully, and shot daggers at him. Who did he take her for?
He returned her gaze unflinchingly.
A liar, maybe.
“You were a General, right?” This time Wrecker spoke.
Sera turned away from Crosshair, and nodded at Wrecker. “Was. I’m not a General, or a Jedi anymore. There is no Grand Army of the Republic.” Sera took a deep breath. “Or Jedi.” She exhaled that last part. Wrecker almost seemed disappointed at her refusal to be called General.
“I assume you had a command?” Tech asked. He held a data pad in his hand. It looked like he was taking notes with dedication, which made Sera a bit nervous. It’s Tech. What else did you expect?
“Yes, the 411th.” Sera answered carefully. She hoped to avoid the topic of her battalion.
“I know that battalion,” Echo spoke up, recognition crossing his face. “They were, Shadow Troopers?” Echo finished, trying to pull from his memory. He looked up trying to recall, then glanced around to his brothers for confirmation.
“Yes. The troopers earned the name from their highly successful stealth operations.” Tech already had the information pulled up on his data pad about the battalion. Oh boy. Sera felt anxiety squeeze in her chest tight.
“Although I do not see Sera’s name here listed as general-”
“Bril.” Sera cut in. Tech looked up to her. “Bril Halcyon was my name. I couldn’t exactly keep using it.” She shrugged, trying to seem casual. She caught out of the corner of her eye that Hunter was watching her closely, his brooding expression set onto his face.
“How come you’re not, you know,” Echo spoke, trying to find the right words.
“Dead. Like the rest of them.” Crosshair spoke bluntly, and watched Sera closely, similarly to Hunter. He seemed a bit more malicious, or maybe guarded was the better word. He must’ve had a bad experience with Jedi, Sera speculated.
Sera didn’t answer and drew a sharp breath in. Tech was scrolling on the data pad. “Reports indicate the entire battalion was wiped out while landing on Umbara, along with-“ Tech stopped, and looked closer at the datapad, rereading what he saw.
“What?” Hunter asked, not looking away from Sera.
“They died, along with Jedi General Bril Halcyon.” Tech read aloud. Everyone looked at her, shocked and confused. Hunter’s eyes left Sera’s for a moment, and then he looked back at her questioningly.
“But, you’re not dead?” Wrecker asked, seemingly confused. He scratched his head as he thought.
Sera felt the anxiety squeezing tighter inside her chest. She took a deep breath. “No, I'm not dead.” She said in agreement, not offering more of an answer than that.
“What happened on Umbara?” Hunter's voice spoke. Sera looked over to him, hesitation written all over her face. Hunter's eyes met her, but his expression was a mix of gentle and firm. Sera could tell he wanted a straight answer, but he seemed to recognize that she was uneasy with this topic.
She glanced at everyone else, and could see they were all waiting for her answer. She took a shaky breath in, preparing herself to recount the story.
“My men and I were sent to reinforce the effort in Umbara to retake it.” She began. Sera was looking down towards the ground, not wanting to look anybody in the eye. She pushed away the images that came through her mind of the slaughter on Umbara. “While the ships were coming to the surface, we were shot down. I thought our position was safe, but I was wrong. We were picked off.” Her face darkened. “The Umbarans were ruthless, none of my men made it long.” The unwelcomed images flashed through her head. Feeling the ship plummet out of the sky, her captain's lifeless hand in hers, her own shaking hands trying to patch up her wounds whilst grinding her teeth through the pain and tears.
“How did you survive?” A voice asked. She thought it might be Techs. She shook her head, and sniffled a bit, rubbing her nose. “I was just lucky. Kept myself alive long enough to leave.” She didn't realize it, but while she had been speaking she had reflexively stuck her hand inside her pack and was now holding onto her mask.
“So you deserted?” Crosshair answered. He never would let up on her, would he?
“Yes, I did.” She felt anger bubble up as she answered him. She looked at him and stood up, taking a few steps forward. Her hands balled up into fists, and they shook as she spoke. “The clones I served with were my friends. When they died-” her voice faltered a bit, but she only paused briefly to recollect herself. “They didn’t have burials. Nobody would know their names, or even remember them.” Crosshair had averted from her gaze now, seemingly caught off guard by her confrontational response. She looked around to everyone else and saw the boys shared a somber expression on their faces. They must have understood what she said. They were clones too, after all. Sera tried to calm herself down, and released the fists her hands made.
“I was just a padawan when it all started, the war, and I thought what the Jedi were doing was right. But the more I fought, the more I became a soldier, it didn’t feel right.” Her tone of voice wasn’t as aggressive anymore, and it was quieter. She began to sit back down, bringing her chair up to where she was standing. “Seeing what I saw on Umbara made me feel like we made a mistake. I couldn’t commit myself to fight for a cause I didn’t believe in anymore.” She looked at everyone's face now, speaking calmly and confidently. Letting it all out was actually relieving, not at all what she imagined. She breathed evenly as she stared at them.
She looked down and realized her mask was still in her hand, now out of her pack. She sat it on her lap, being very gentle with it now. “The mask. Do any of you recognize it?” She looked up when she finished. Everyone looked down to the mask.
“It appears to contain pieces of a clone troopers helmet.” Tech answered her after a brief look. She suspected he had already known. Sera nodded. “It was my captains.” She looked back down to it, a scowl forming on her face. She began thinking of when she took it from her captain, and had fashioned it into the mask that now laid in front of her. “I wanted to remember them, even if I had failed them.” She closed her eyes and sighed. She felt a hand touch her shoulder.
“You were trying to honor them.” She opened her eyes and saw Hunter had reached out and patted her shoulder, addressing her now. She moved away from his touch and looked around to everyone else, still scowling.
“None of you are upset that I deserted a war you fought so hard for?” Sera asked questioningly. She had expected them to be angry with her, disgusted even. Everyone seemed calm, and she felt no anger from them. She was confused.
Crosshair shrugged. “We all left the army too.” Wrecker replied this time, smiling confidently at Sera. His answer made Sera stop and think. That was true, and she hadn’t thought of it.
“Well, look where our fight got us.” Hunter gestured around him. The other clones were silent in agreement. “From what it looks like, you figured it out sooner than the rest of us.”
“Figured out what?” Sera asked, leaning in closer. Hunter was just to her left, and she was about a foot away. Their knees started to bump into each other.
“Well, we all thought we would win the war for the Republic.” Hunter answered.
“The Republic certainly did not win, despite what everyone else believes,” Tech jumped in “The Separatists did not win either-“
“Just the Empire” Echo spoke that time.
Sera felt her eyebrows knit together as she pondered their words. She pushed her thoughts away and came back to the present. “Well, anything else?” She asked, making sure nobody else had anymore questions.
“Is it possible I could examine your lightsaber?” Tech asked curiously. He looked a bit nervous, and his demeanor made it seem like he couldn’t help but ask. Sera laughed at his question. “Why the hell not.” She shook her head as she laughed too. Tech looked shocked, then excited by her answer. “Excellent.” He looked back down to his datapad.
The questions began to die down, venturing into less serious territory, like why is your lightsaber green? And, why didn’t the Jedi give the clones lightsabers? After everyone exhausted the topic of Jedi, the clones began to depart.
“See you later Sera!” Omega waved goodbye as she ran left with Wrecker, following closely behind him. Only Hunter lingered now.
“Got something for me Sergeant?” Sera asked with a smirk on her face. Unlike Sera though, Hunter didn’t seem to mind his old military rank being brought up.
Hunter stood and looked to the door, then back to Sera. “I just wanted you to know, for what it’s worth, It was good that you left the army.” Sera looked up to him questioningly.
“What makes you think so?” She asked, wanting to know more behind his reasoning. She also wanted to see where this conversation would go.
“It kept you alive. And I’m glad you’re not dead.” A soft expression grew on his face, an uncommon sight when Hunter was the person in question.
Sera smiled and held back a laugh. She cleared her throat a bit. “Thanks for not wanting me dead.” She stifled another laugh after she spoke.
Hunter didn’t seem to understand her humor, but he laughed as he watched her giggling fit. “You’ve got some dark humor, huh?” He acknowledged. Sera shrugged. “It’s better than the alternative.” They shared a moment of eye contact, smiling at each other. Sera enjoyed seeing him like this. She felt her heart pound harder as she stared at him, examining his face.
Suddenly she felt awkward about the eye contact, and Hunter seemed to have the same feeling at the same time. She looked away and moved a few strands of hair out of her face, trying to conceal a blush. Hunter cleared his throat and looked away from her too.
“I didn’t think of that, but you’re right. It’s possible things would’ve happened differently if I had stayed with the army and the Jedi order.” Sera spoke in reference to Hunters previous comment. He only nodded at her, still standing between her and the door. Sera smiled at him adoringly. For being so tough and brooding, he’s actually sort of sensitive and kind. Sera smiled more as the thought crossed her head. She stood up and approached him, patting his shoulder.
Hunter looked at her hand, then up to her face. He seemed to freeze from her touch. He then finally spoke to her after the moment of silence. “Well, I should be going. I- we’ll see you around.” Hunter nodded to her and left.
There is no emotion. There is only peace.
The Jedi code crossed Sera’s thoughts again as she watched Hunter leave.
She remembered another reason why she left the order and she felt a warm feeling settle in her chest.
I like these emotions though.
Couldn’t she have her emotions and peace?
She hoped so.
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usaac-official · 4 years
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411th Bomb Squadron B-17Es with their crews at Gowan Field, Idaho, 1943
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Let me give you the 411 on my 411th day clean. I got this app a little bit after I first got clean and today was my 399 pledge in a row. Before today, the only thing I have ever really chose to do 399 days in a row was drugs. Today I am 411 days clean. Not to toot my own horn much but I’m fuckin KILLIN IT! I’ve never been one to be truly proud of myself without an undertone of doubt in myself but today I am completely proud of myself! #sober #soberlife #soberliving #soberaf #sobriety #sobrietyrocks #sobrietyisworthit #soberisbetter #recoveringaddict #recoveringfentaddict #recovery #recoveryispossible #recoveryisworthit❤️ #selflove #selfcare #seldworth #healing #recoveryjourney #soberartist #artistinrecovery #411daysclean #411 https://www.instagram.com/archersmom92/p/CYokBegLlLi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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