my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
Epic Games is reportedly laying off 16% (approximately 900 people) of its employees.
Según se informa, Epic Games está despidiendo al 16% (900 personas aproximadamente) de sus empleados.
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Yesterday it was reported about the price increase in B-bucks (PaVos) and bundles in different countries in Europe, Japan, the USA, among others.
El día de ayer se informó sobre la subida de precios en los B-bucks(PaVos) y en los bundles en diferentes países de Europa, Japón, USA, entre otros.
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And today we are given the news of the dismissal of around 900 employees at Epic Games. Through the following statement, Tim Sweeney, the CEO of Epic Games, reports the reasons and problems that Epic Games is going through.
Y hoy se nos da la noticia del despido de alrededor de 900 empleados en Epic Games. A través del siguiente comunicado, Tim Sweeney, el CEO de Epic Games, informa los motivos y problemas por los que atraviesa Epic Games.
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All employees who were laid off will receive "six months severance and health benefits” (according to @jasonschreier on X)
“Todos los empleados que fueron despedidos, recibirán 6 meses de indemnización y servicios de salud”( decuerdo a @Jasonschreier en X)
In summary:
Epic is spending more than it earns to invest in the next evolution of Epic & Fortnite.
Fortnite: Creative is now more popular than Fortnite: Battle Royale, in terms of playtime
Fortnite is growing again, but because of Creative, which is a lower margin business than Battle Royale.
Epic has been spending less on marketing & events in an effort to reduce costs, which wasn't effective enough in the end, so they decided to lay off employees.
En resumen:
Epic está gastando más dinero de lo que gana para invertir en Fortnite y otros proyectos
El crecimiento en el modo creativo es mayor al esperado y el margen de ganancias es menor en ese ámbito ya que las ganancias se reparten entre los creadores de contenido.
A pesar de los esfuerzos para reducir gastos y costos ( está la principal razón por la que no hayamos tenido eventos) no fueron suficientes por lo que se tuvieron que despedir empleados.
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Epic confirms that they are focused on the following projects:
The next season.
Chapter 5.
Del Mar (Racing Mode)
Sparks (This is unknown what it is)
Juno (Collaboration with Lego)
Epic confirma que están centrados en los siguientes proyectos:
La siguiente temporada.
Capítulo 5.
Del Mar (Modo de carreras)
Sparks (Esto no se sabe lo que es)
Juno (La colaboración con Lego)
Donald Mustard…
At the time I did not talk about this because when I wanted to do it, the news had already been spreading around the web for several days, but it is a fact that the departure of Donald Mustard as creative director of Fortnite was already a warning of the problems that are happening with Epic Games.
En su momento no hablé de esto porque cuando quise hacerlo la noticia ya llevaba varios días circulando por la red, pero es un hecho que la salida de Donald Mustard como director creativo de Fortnite ya era un aviso. de los problemas que están pasando con Epic Games.
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However, I never imagined that the problem was so big. Many people lost their jobs and now the future of games like Fortnite and Fall Guys is uncertain. Let's trust that they can solve it, for now, if you really love Fortnite, play and consume Fortnite, it is the best way to support.
What do you think about all this? Leave me a comment!!
Thanks for reading me, Haru out !
Sin embargo nunca imaginé que el problema fuese tan grande. Muchas personas perdieron su trabajo y ahora el futuro de juegos como Fortnite y Fall Guys es incierto. Confiemos en que podrán solucionarlo, de momento, si realmente amas Fortnite, juega y consume Fortnite, es la mejor forma de apoyar.
¿Y ustedes, qué opinan de todo esto? Déjame un comentario.
Gracias por leerme, Haru fuera.
Credits to:
@Jorge_Most_ and @ShiinaBR on X
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ezra-trait · 1 year
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omg the differences on their sitting position...
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ftmbruce · 9 months
cant believe ive denied myself this bonding activity with my little brother so long. this shit rules
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meerca · 1 year
another mutherfucmker in 4nite
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1stp-klosr · 3 years
"Renegade Rider"
Although you're only seeing a t-shirt and ipad case here, there are a lot of products being sold with this design. You can check it out on the links below:
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neonflxme · 6 years
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Epic 4nite Victory ROYALE!11111!!
Controversial Opinion; Fortnite is good
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totenmaolat · 3 years
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jahstix · 7 years
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Here is Last Week's Winner of the #WhoWannaGo2PuertoRico raffle, EVERY WEDNESDAY all summer Kickball wednesdays at @thebeachhouselb everyone in the house gets a ticket! I provide sounds 7-10pm to remind u of Tropical vacation Winner gets to stay in @beachhouse_rincon ,rincon 3days/4Nites for up to 4 of ur peeps! (at The Beach House)
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c-r0se · 7 years
4nite. Keep the packet 🍄
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemens, the Chapter 4 season 3 battle pass!
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1stp-klosr · 3 years
Although you're only seeing a t-shirt and poster here, there are a lot of products being sold with this design. You can check it out on the links below:
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my-fortnite-blog · 2 years
My "Fracture" event experience
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The new map looks so beautiful!
¡El nuevo mapa se ve hermoso!
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My opinion:
Well well we have to talk, the event was a bit disappointing, Fortnite gave us more questions than answers.
I did not understand everything that happened at the event, we heard the paradigm practically say goodbye but we never saw her die, everything was so weird. Did the paradigm really sacrifice itself and die?
what happened with the rest of "The Seven" ?
What happened to the rest of the loopers that were chromed?
What happened to the scientists, the visitor and the origin that were captured by the herald's chrome?
I understand that the intention of Fortnite with the "missions" was to give the impression that we helped "build" the new island, but they left many things in the air, they did not explain much to us.
It was kind of sad because we heard the paradigm of how she was going to sacrifice herself to save us, she wasn't sure if she would survive or not, so, she said goodbye to all of us to give us a new home…
ESP: Bien bien tenemos que hablar, el evento fue un poco decepcionante, Fortnite solo nos dio mas preguntas que respuestas.
La verdad no entendi todo lo que paso en el evento, escuchamos a paradigma despedirse pero nunca la vimos morir , todo fue un poco extraño. Paradigma se sacrifico y murió?
¿Qué pasó con el resto de "Los siete"?
¿Qué paso con el resto de trotabucles que fueron hechos cromo?
¿Qué paso con el científico, el visitante y el origen que fueron capturados por el cromo de la Heraldo?
Yo entiendo que la intencion de foernite con las misiones dentro del evento eran darnos la impresion de nosotros ayudamos a construir la nueva isla, pero nos dejaron con muchas dudas, pues, no nos explcaron mucho.
La verdad fue un poco triste porque escuchamos a La Paradigma decir como iba a sacrificarse para salvarnos y ella no estaba segura si sobreviviría o no, así que se despidió de todos nosotros para darnos un nuevo hogar…
The English isn't my native language, if I write something wrong, please leave me a comment, that would help me a lot because I'm still learning. Thanks for your help.
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
Fortnite News!
First official teaser Ch4 S3 of Fortnite
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
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my-fortnite-blog · 2 years
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I don't dislike it but I don't think it's that good either, at least it has the theme of the season!!
ESP: No me desagrado pero tampoco creo que sea tan buena, bueno, al menos va con la temática de la temporada
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my-fortnite-blog · 2 years
Veronika: The "Dead Game" skin
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ENG: I bought the Veronika starter pack because it reminds me of the Vans aesthetic and the clothes that were in fashion between 2002-2005 when Avril Lavigne was in style.
Besides, her shirt is Very cool because it says "Game Dead" as a reply or joke to Fortnite haters who say, comment, or post "Game Dead" every chance they get.
ESP: Compre el Pack de inicio de Veronika porque me recordó muchísimo al estilo que maneja la marca Vans y la ropa que esyaba de moda entre el 2002-2005 por ahí cuando Avril Lavigne estaba de moda.
Además, su camiseta es una joyita porque dice "Dead Game" (Juego muerto") como una respuesta por parte de Fortnite a todos sus Haters quienes comentan, postean o dicen que Fornite es un juego muerto ("Dead Game") en cada oportunidad que tienen.
Credits to: 4nite Site (https://4nite.site/es-419/)
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