necraftbrew · 2 years
Hale Irish Red
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Millyard Brewery's Hale Irish Red is a standard take on the traditional Irish Red. This Irish craft ale has an inviting red amber hue and a good flavor that isn't unpleasant. I have yet to find an Irish red that has made me swoon. Sure, it's drinkable and has excellent flavor, but there's just one element missing that makes this beer stand out amongst all the other Irish reds. What that is, I don't know. But that's why I drink the beer. Perhaps someday I'll give brewing a shot and write a review on my own Irish red if I live to tell the tale!
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Hale Irish Red - Millyard Brewery Traditional Irish Red Ale Taste The aroma of this craft beer is malty and inviting, with notes of toasted barley. The taste follows suit, with each sip featuring the same delicious flavors as the nose. The maltiness complements the sweetness from the caramel perfectly, while the toasted barley gives it an extra layer of character that makes this beer easy to enjoy. This full-bodied yet smooth brew has 5% alcohol by volume (ABV). It’s light enough to be enjoyed casually but still packs enough punch to satisfy your cravings for something more substantial now and then. With its well-balanced bitterness that lingers on your tongue after each sip, Millyard Brewery's Hale Irish Red doesn't have a muted flavor like some other Irish reds. It's pleasing to swig, and the swallow has some lightly roasted grain qualities. This helps to dry out the finish. I did catch some rather pleasant toffee flavor.
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Hale Irish Red - Millyard Brewery Conclusion Ultimately, I was still thinking about this beer, just sipping and enjoying it on a snowy afternoon. Perhaps that's what the brewers intended. But, on the other hand, they may want to create a craft brew that paid homage to the other traditional Irish reds of Kilkenny. If that is the case, then they did a fine job. Next time you want something unique yet familiarly comforting, try Millyard Brewery's Hale Irish Red Craft Beer. You'll enjoy sipping on a cold glass while taking in all its beautiful aromas and tastes—it might even transport you straight into Ireland if you close your eyes hard enough. If Irish reds are your thing, I recommend heading to Nashua to try Millyard Brewery's take on a traditional Irish red craft beer. Read the full article
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bought one of these yesterday out of curiosity because theyre such a cultural touchstone and i guess maybe it’s on me for not looking it up or thinking about it beforehand but i wasn’t expecting this to be literally just beer. it tastes like if pbr was even skunkier
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tomatoluvr69 · 10 months
Turns out if you keep forcing yourself at absolute gunpoint to accept every invitation and continue to go out you will meet people who are friends of friends then see them numerous times and start to feel like they like you and feel optimistic for once about your social future. Time to immediately undo this by spending six days alternating between WFH and gnawing my own hand off in the confines of my room all alone
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rae-redacted · 1 year
I don't drink a lot, but I am absolutely here for the proliferation of canned cocktails. Let me drink my 12oz long island next to the pool without worrying about breaking anything. Way better for summer time shenanigans!
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softwaluigi · 2 years
don’t buy svedka strawberry lemonade vodka
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secundus-cinaedus · 11 days
being drink around my father& his married-in family makes the whole process so much easier
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bourbontrend · 2 months
Discover the innovation behind Bob Dylan’s new Tennessee bourbon soak in both French oak and apple brandy barrels! Dive into the Heaven’s Door Exploration Series and savor unique flavor profiles crafted with meticulous triple cask aging. Perfect for whiskey enthusiasts looking for a smooth, enriched taste experience!
#Bob Dylan’s new Tennessee bourbon soaks in both French oak and apple brandy barrels. (Heaven’s Door) Bob Dylan’s highly respected Heaven’s D#Heaven’s Door has conceived this new line to play with new finishing methods for their craft whiskey#hoping to create innovative flavor profiles in limited-edition expressions. For now#Heaven’s Door aims to release two new bottles in the Exploration Series every year#with each “pushing the boundaries of innovation with new blends#secondary finishes#and intriguing staves.” So for their debut spirit in the series#Master Distiller Ken Pierce and Master Blender Alex Moore started with their highly regarded Heaven’s Door straight bourbon whiskey#aged for at least five years then finished that juice with a strong Gaulois twist. First they take casks from Normandy that soaked in delic#emptied them out#and replaced the juice with their own 5-year-old straight bourbon. Then they toasted some French oak staves to a medium-heavy brown and dum#oak and brown sugar from the toasted staves. “Our new medium-heavy toasted French oak staves bring forth balanced complexity and enhanced a#culminating in a dark color and a smoother#creamier mouthfeel#” Master Blender Alex Moore notes. “[It] provides a truly enriched flavor experience.” Despite its potency (bottled at 54% ABV)#Heaven’s Door Exploration Series I Calvados Cask Finish Tennessee Straight Bourbon Whiskey is not only sumptuous but also surprisingly smoo#with very little heat on the throat. $80 Follow Deputy Editor Nicolas Stecher on Instagram at @nickstecher and @boozeoftheday. Tags: bourbo#innovative flavor profiles#toasted French oak#medium-heavy brown
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mlleclaudine · 3 months
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Amazing Animals Inc.
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farewell-persephone · 4 months
I can't tell if this is a post-drunk headache or a "I forgot about caffeine most of the day" headache but it's not fair either way
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milk5 · 11 months
On April 8, 2025, a popular delta-8 THC-infused beer named Wolf Venom Shamanic IPA will provoke nationwide controversy. Each can possesses a 5.5% ABV and contains 100mg THC; six-packs are commonly sold at gas stations. The dramatically disproportionate THC-to-ABV ratio coupled with the delayed effect of the THC will frequently result in extreme inebriation following binge drinking episodes among youth. The first major incident will occur when an Ohioan teenager is found dead after choking on her own vomit in the fallout of such an event.
On July 1, 2027, federal legislation will be passed that amends the legal definition of marijuana to explicitly mention delta-8 THC. By this point, the greater majority of the states have already legalized recreational marijuana usage. The more substantial ruling of the bill will set strict standards on the amount of THC permitted in alcoholic beverages. Wolf Venom Shamanic IPA will remain on the market, but with the THC content significantly reduced. Each beer will only contain 5mg from this point on.
On November 3, 2029, you will have forgotten what it was like to play with your childhood pet when you were both young. You will form a mental image that approximates what you think it may have been like, but the reality is that you do not remember.
On February 19, 2032, adults in their mid-twenties will reminisce about the crazy memories they made back when old Wolf Venoms were still around. They will fondly recall that one time Joey was off his shit at the beach house after drinking 5(?) of them.
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sometimes I like a white wine and sometimes i do not like a white wine and because I am sometimes served a glass of Bad Drink when I am expecting Nice Drink, I have started an experiment
Every weekend I'm buying myself a new bottle and paying attention if it's a chardonnay or pino grr.. eshio? Or a...
okay I'm not paying very close attention but the goal is to work out what is the nice wine and what is the bad wine and then when I'm out at dinner I can be more likely to order the Nice Drink
Trouble is, in the house I normally drink a fruit fusion which masquerading as a wine and has a 5%abv and I often drink it with a straw while doing my big jigsaw
And after smashing a laaaarge glass of proper wine while In The Jigsaw Zone, I am beginning to suspect that whatever this weeks one is slightly more than 5%
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Yooo can we get a storytime on that wetting pretty please with a cherry on top
Haha, sure! Because you said please, of course 😉
I'll start off by saying it wasn't a particularly memorable wetting in the grand scheme of things, but I'll do my best to be a descriptive and nuanced as I can be; it's the way I most enjoy to write these days and the pants wetters at large seem to enjoy it 🥰
***READ THIS*** I am only describing my experiences. I have spent years reading, practicing, and studying how to "play" safely. BY NO MEANS am I suggesting that you take anything that I say as instruction, direction, or anything of the sorts. Please, please, please, read about how much water/fluids are safe to consume in a given time period. ***PLAY SAFELY***
I've been thinking a lot about the variety of sensations that I experience when holding/wetting and the ways in which different beverages cause my bladder to respond in distinct and manipulatable ways. For example, water is surely my favorite thing to hold. There are no irritants and it is not a diuretic, so therefore all you can really do to adjust your experience by drinking only water is control/effect how much you drink, how often you drink it, and how much and how often you're allowed to relieve yourself. Water is what I started with when first exploring omo and it is my control for all intents and purposes. There's nothing like having a bladder filled to the brim with little to no irritants rushing along the process. To quote Dr. Emily Nagoski, if "pleasure is the measure," then the pleasure of (safely) holding nothing but water and food is unmatched.
But yesterday I had a schedule I was keeping to. Sooo, I thought it might be fun to fill up decently with water and then see what would happen if I had some strong diuretic/irritant heavy beverages to see how it would feel to go from holding comfortably to an onslaught of irritation-based desperation. I've recently made the switch from traditional brewed coffee (usually iced/cold brew) to hot chai tea as my primary caffeine source. While coffee surely was a diuretic (and not in the fun, omo kind of way...), the chai I've been drink (Blue Lotus) just makes me have to pee, IMMEDIATELY. Like, for the last few weeks I've been rather quite on here because before I can even think about maybe holding, I already peed twice and feel like I need to go again. So, since my whole sexual journey has largely been shaped by my insatiable imagination thinking up wild, "un-winnable" situations and challenges for me to find pleasure in I thought, hey, fuck me up, Florida, I'll try it.
After feeling the first wave of desperation crash through my body, I knew I could really start fucking with myself. I decided I would have one more big glass of water, then a hard iced tea (5% abv), then a really strong cup of chai with some extra honey to help it go down even quicker 🤤 With the first wave of desperation behind me, I had probably about 30 minutes before I could expect the next, as long as I stayed focussed.
Most of my wetting experiences have taken place in the bathroom, but since I had the place to myself, I decided that I'd try some more situational play.
I MUST keep my pants on.
I MUST keep them zippered and buttoned all the way up.
I MUST keep my belt exactly as it is.
I MUST keep washing the dishes until UNTIL I've leaked, THEN
I MUST put the front window shade all the way up, and
I MUST be visible through that front window as I wet myself.
I was wearing all dark clothing, and the front window is a long way back from the street/sidewalk, so I wasn't really risking being seen more than I was forcing myself to FEEL as though I could be seen. But ignore that if you'd rather imagine my in some cute pastel colors which all get SO DARK at even the smallest little leak.
Jumping ahead 25/30 minutes; I am feeling FULL, and I've finished both the hard iced tea and chai...
So there I was, scrubbing away at some dishes with warm water flowing freely down then length of my fingertips when I felt a gas bubble building. Let me tell you... I have never been more worried that my bladder was just going to collapse in on itself then I was when I tried to pass that little gas bubble! Oh. My. LORD!
The nerve clusters in my pelvic floor are SO well trained. Like, not for nothing, I've routinely done kegels for close to 20 years, can fully separate the sensations and experiences of orgasm and ejaculation (AMAB), and have enjoyed challenging myself with various styles/forms or edging, orgasm control, anal/prostate play, THE WORKS. However, my bladder was at it's limit, and everything felt so intense that I just couldn't make sense of the sensations and distinguish them in a way that I could confidently let that little fart out without risking absolutely flooding my pants.
So, I took a deep breath, gently pressed on my tummy a little above my bladder, and finally, the fucking tiniest amount of gas passed from me, and I was still dry!
Now, for anyone who is familiar with that particular sensation—the feeling of relief on your bladder as the pressure the gas had been providing is finally relieved—but it makes me feel as though I can hold forever, lol. Suddenly, I went from what felt like a 9.5, mere seconds away from uncontrollably wetting myself, down to what felt like 4!
But that relief only last so long...
Within 3 minutes, I went from that 4, RIGHT BACK TO A 9.
It was unreal.
I RAN to the window and through the shade up, stood back so I could stretch my arms up over my head and place each hand against the top of the door frame I was standing in. As I reach my arms up, I could feel the space in my tummy being stretched upward, and like everything that can stretch, as something gets longer, the volume gets narrower (we're all just fleshy rubber bands, people). As my tummy elongated, the pressure against the front of my bladder finally pushed it to it's limit.
I wish I could remember what the wetting itself felt like, but my adrenaline was so off the charts than it just felt like I was in a haze. Either way, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed myself. :)
Long story short, I wanted to be able to enjoy being full, enjoy the sensations of pleasure and desperation building from my toes up, through the shivers and squirms, gasps and grabs. But I also didn't want to have as much control at the end as I usually do. When I'm just holding water I can make that last portion of a hold—the imminent wetting—last for pretttty long, and rather than rapid desperation where I get too ahead of myself and don't allow myself to enjoy the hold as much because I can't wait for the wetting, adding the irritants/diuretic at the end seems to be a really wonderful and hopefully repeatable way to get the best of both.
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wannab-urs · 1 year
5 Drink to Get to Know Me
taking the open tag from @goodwithcheese
Here are 5 drinks that I frequently consume lol (some alcoholic some not)
1. Whiskey and Coke - I’m a Kentucky girl and I love my bourbon, but I love it even more with a splash of Coke. I also like irish whisky in a pinch.
2. Dirty Chai Latte, 2 pumps vanilla, sweet cold foam - my official Starbucks order.
3. Vodka Sprite (with lime) - this is what I drink when I can’t have a hangover the next day. I can slam these all night and wake up totally fine.
4. Victory Sour Monkey - it’s a sour beer and it is so fucking good. It’s the only reason I actually kinda like some beers now. The ABV is really high for a beer tho so I usually will have one “as a treat” on the weekends
5. Sweet Tea - though i’m trying to cut down on sugar so I started buying gold peak sugar free sweet tea. I used to make it myself on the stove and add about 2 cups of sugar per gallon.
tags: @beskarandblasters
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
alastor getting cast to hell as a child aus
tw: abuse
alastor winds up in hell, because his dad shot his mother and then him when he tried to run away
1. budding deer:
arriving right smack in the center of cannibal town
rosie finds the boy, running from a pack of cannibals that ha now surrounded the boy when he fell
she shoos them off, and takes in the boy
she looks after him, after hearing his tale of terror, saying that she'll keep him safe until he can go see his mama again
2: happy hotel
a young alastor arrives at the hotel, desperate for food and shelter, during the night
charlie is the one to let him in
her and vaggie (not really showing it) have a soft spot for the boy
angel does too, but he's more cynical about it
husk (angel's bf/owns his soul) doesn't want the kid near him
niffty finds him fun, mainly to terrorize with roaches
charlie asks him why he's there
alastor tearfully tells them that his daddy made a big bang noise and that his mama was laying on the grass covered in red - he found them and his daddy took shots at him as he ran and then there was a BANG and then he was here
he asked if they knew where his mama was, cause he was scared and missed her and he didn't want to be trouble for that and he would be really happy if they could spare him a thought
3. deer snake
lucifer finds him, and calls charlie.
because um.. new sibling??
"hey charlie, honey, guess what!! you have a new brother! he just landed on my doorstep!"
"Dad!? what?! get to the hotel now!! this is important! how long have you had him for?!" "half an hour, and I'll end anyone who tries to take him from me and then me!!" "i bet you an ice cream you wouldn't even." "whoa! kid's got a mouth. alright, you little-" "no! just get here as soon as you can, we need to sort this out."
4. abv's:
vox finds him.
its on sight, 24/7 with those two
because al is reminded of his dad every time vox breaths
the other v's hate him. little, good for nothing snot rag
5. my deer kitten, said the spider and the cyclops:
val finds al, not doing anything perverse because he has a brand image and vox wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he did any of THAT
so, he bets him and Angel to Husk. he loses the two. husk decides to keep the kid, because angel and niffty got attached. shit.
huskerdust with a side of raising a kid (alastor) and niffty shenanigans
if anyone knows what good for them, they avoid al - deer ward of husker the gambling overlord and anthony the mobster
they all then move into the hotel, and it's.. chaos
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lunearobservatory · 1 year
"New York, you've been quiet."
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"That's new."
(tw alcohol)
There are ten visible 18oz cups on screen. Lowballing, I’m going to say this is all he has had. I’m also going to say each counts as 12oz since it’s possible they weren’t filled up all the way, also standard Budweiser can and bottle sizes are 12oz, so it’s an equivalent of one can/bottle per cup. I’m saying Budweiser bc it’s statistically the most popular beer in New York which. It’s also the most popular beer in the entire country so like. Whatever. I’m going for it.
It could be either Budweiser (5%abv) or Bud Light (4.2%abv) and I’ll go with Bud Light, again going for the lower number.
In my heart of hearts I know this is Wildly going to affect the outcome of these results but God damnit I have NO other form of reference. So. I’m using Ben as a body ref. Personally I hc NY as around the same height anyway so fuckin? Sure I guess.
Ben is uhhh self stated to be 5’5 and 125lbs which LMAO I COULD THROW HIM SO FAR but also I’m gonna use that as the metric.
120oz of 4.2%abv for a 5’5 125lbs person is. HURRKKKHH A LOT LMFAO.
That rounds out to 0.29%bac (aprox 20h until 0%abv) at minimum
And for shits and giggles 0.5%bac (aprox 35h until 0%abv) at most (10*18oz(5%abv))
0.08%bac is the average level New Yorkers start feeling “drunk” (it’s also the legal driving limit lmao). The national average for that is 0.099%bac, so I feel comfortable saying it’s sssssimilar enough to just. Use those numbers with a pinch of salt which isn’t how math works but ffff.. Sshhh…
So basically, yeah, I guess based on my word and above numbers he’s anywhere between 0.29%-0.5%bac in that. If he’s only passed out that’s WILD LMAO
0.25%bac is starting stage 5 (level that passing out is listed at); 0.29%bac is the bottom line so it makes sense he would be passed out at this mark if his tolerance is above average which! Probably! It's fuckin New York!
But. 0.45%bac+ is like. Pretty damn assured death for errrrrrr. Most people!
So. Yeah! Between 116-200% tolerance when compared to average citizens. I know that’s a big discrepancy just play with me in this hypothetical math hell please!
The point of all this being. Yeah. I do maybe believe the states are a little tougher than humans and I had to justify it to myself in some semblance of reality
Thank you.
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shibasommelier · 2 years
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1998 Bodegas Riojanas Monte Real Gran Reserva
Pretty psyched about this 25-year old Rioja! Red cherries, plums, church pews, incense, dark wood, clove, and coriander on the nose. Despite its age, very ripe fruit on the palate with loads of plums and cherries. Salud!
3/5 bones
Tempranillo, Garnacha
13.5% abv
Rioja, SPAIN
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