#55+ Communities
What Amenities Do Local 55+ Communities Offer?
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Many active seniors are deciding to live in areas that cater to their age group and offer amenities to make life easier and more enjoyable. As we all get older, it’s important to keep in mind that more than 20% of the American population will be over 65 years old by 2050, according to Statista. Many local 55+ communities offer amenities to suit any need or want for the current seniors of our society. Let’s review some of the perks of such a community.
1. Transportation
Some local 55+ communities offer transportation services to help residents get around town, whether it’s for shopping, appointments, or social events. Even if a senior can still drive their car, they can take a break from the road and enjoy the available transport.
2. Activities
Most local 55+ communities have a variety of social and recreational activities available for residents to enjoy. It can include things like clubs, group outings, and exercise classes. There’s usually something for everyone, so residents can find an activity that interests them.
3. Safety and Security
These communities place high importance on safety and security. They often have features like gated entrances, security guards, and emergency call buttons in every unit. This security can give residents peace of mind and help them feel safe. Older people can often be targets for crime, so security and safety are important considerations.
4. Maintenance-Free Living
Residents can enjoy maintenance-free living in these places. The community takes care of all the outside upkeep, like landscaping, snow removal, and repairs. It is a big relief for residents and helps them save time and money.
5. Fitness Centers
Access to a fitness center on the premises can be a big perk for many residents. These places usually have state-of-the-art equipment and trained staff to help seniors stay active. They also offer classes like yoga and aerobics. Getting regular exercise is important for people of all ages, especially seniors.
Local 55+ communities offer a wide variety of amenities that can make life easier and more enjoyable for residents. From transportation to fitness centers, these places have something for everyone. Get in touch with us today if you or a loved one wants to move into a senior living community as they get older.
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the-metatron · 8 months
Metatron, Sir.
With all my upside downness
Would you rather I flirt with you instead, Jay?
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My new betta Vienna has been moved to her 5.5 gallon tank and is acclimating very well. I wasn't planning on getting a betta from a chain pet store but I was there for unrelated things and she was exactly what I was looking for so I went against my better judgment and brought her home 😔 Her tank has live plans and driftwood as well as ramshorn snails and I think that'll be the only thing aside from maybe more plants that will go in this tank lol
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 7 months
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Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I buy pumpkins on company time🎃
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autosadist · 2 months
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aurorawillows · 6 months
It's my Birthday today.. 55 this year. The greatest gift I have is having you here, watching my videos, appreciating my recovery journey from my brain aneurysm and breast cancer.
I couldn't have gotten through these things without all your support. So I just wanted to thank you for being here, for watching my videos, being a fanclub member,for your positive comments, your appreciation of my healing journey.
Thanks for sharing your self healing story and just for loving me. That is the greatest gift for my birthday this year, so from the bottom of my heart I simply say "Thank You" for the best birthday gift ever xx
Love you xx
Keep stretching :) Aurora xx
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memecatwings · 24 days
looked at my local housing market and took psychic damage
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bhaalsdeepbat · 3 months
I have unfortunately (unfortunate bc I cannot get vyvanse refilled until at least April) had to organize a small group for a 3 song routine that is being debuted in less than 3 weeks and I had to tell my group that I can't get my ADHD meds and bless them all they've been stepping up to help me with executive function stuff so we all get this done and HNNNG we are further along than any of the other performers and I'm super proud of the work we have done.
It's just nice to have a group of friends & peers who understand mental / physical health barriers and work together to accommodate for it. Even our group numbers, the person who choreographs it is always more than happy to help me change moves that I can't do on my left hip.
I used to do cons and convention spaces had become SO hostile that I'm just. Very happy to find a space like this. Plus, it's such a mixed age group, and I feel like being able to connect and make friends across different generations is so important as you get older.
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marymaylarry · 7 months
Give now & Donate today Donate now to support this at-risk youth group—we can’t just speak about the problems, do something about them! Send! I appreciate you helping them out in advance at: Use the following URL to visit www.natecomicinc.com, or use CashApp: $NateComicInc
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nosygay · 8 months
anyway my favorite thing and the reason why I've said before and will say again that you need to watch all cheerleaders die is because it's a horror and it's violent ofc but it's also funny, the cute scenes between the main lesbians are edited in a ridiculously cutesy way and most importantly, as dr house once said, "another life saved by girl on girl action" but x5
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angeltannis · 2 years
Overwatch 2 leaks saying new heroes would be locked behind a timed battle pass grind to level 20 out of 80 and Blizzard coming out to be like “that is NOT true! It’s level 55” 😳
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yuuki-mishima · 1 year
It's kind of tiring having to respond to some of my grandma's friends reaching out every few days, like I appreciate them asking how I am and updates, but it is so ugh!
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I know it’s part of living in an adult community (55+), but I’ll never get used to the boom of items being tossed into dumpsters. Even knowing what it is doesn’t help since I’m just so jumpy, on edge all the time.
This time it’s furnishings among the items. Guess that means I’ve lost a neighbor.
Rest In Peace, neighbor.
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girlhusband-lesbo · 2 years
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She's so freaking cute and strong and kinda silly and funny PLEASE LET ME GIVE HER A SMOOCH!!!
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And a she looks so cool!!! I absolutely need to see her as human because her design is just so awesome!!!!!
I'm in the process of making a self insert so don't be surprised if this turns into a self ship blog.
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miscreantbread · 2 years
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took some photos of myself, blamo
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