#7 maidens
momo-no-tane · 1 year
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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from Emersonsestate
[July 7, 2023]
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floridaboiler · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Paul Bruce Dickinson!
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thefigureresource · 5 months
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Reimu Hakurei [Touhou Project] 1/7 scale from FuRyu coming December 2024.
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I drew my mains (I'm f tweaking I'm so normal abt them)
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"I'm speaking from the HEEEARRTTT!!"
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sakurafigures · 1 year
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♡ Bad Maid (Nanaken Nana) - Maiden Voyage
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momo-no-tane · 1 year
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denei-shoujo · 7 months
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sweet like chocolate
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tyforthevnm · 11 months
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frankieromustdie: photodumpage
[July 14, 2023]
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reimuisgay · 5 months
been thinking about the last chapter of Foul Detective Satori, and this probably falls under crack theory territory (also I'm probably not the first person to think of this), but what if Mizuchi is actually the vengeful spirit of them:
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There really isnt much to go off, this is entirely pure speculation just for the hell of it. Right now, we know:
Mizuchi came from a family that used to serve the Hakurei shrine.
Mizuchi shows disgust at the presence of youkai in the human village.
Maybe its just me as well, but Mizuchi also lowkey looks similar to Labelko. Especially the hair.
At the same time though, I can't really see any reasons why FDS would intentionally tie itself into DiPP. Its just something to think about I guess.
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30 hours left in this kickstarter for a LGBTQ+ magical girl graphic novel
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thefigureresource · 6 months
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Reimu Hakurei : Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise ver [Touhou Project] 1/7 scale from Solarain Toys coming June 2024.
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maybeimmac · 1 year
7 and/or 19!!
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favorite combat- Bloodkeep Scary Volcano
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favorite weapon- Antiope's dragon slayer bow and mirror arrows. that shit fucks sucks and juliennes fries
thanks for the ask!!
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forathousanddays · 10 months
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of A Seventh Son (REQUEST)
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Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (hereafter shortened to just Seventh Son because wow is that long) is Iron Maiden's seventh studio album, inspired by the novel Seventh Son by Orson Scott Card, which was in turn inspired by the folklore concept of the Seventh Son, who, in an unbroken line of sons, is destined to inherit mystical abilities. The abilities vary on different tellings, such as clairvoyance, supernatural healing, or even ailments like lycanthropy or vampirism. Seventh Son is Iron Maiden's most successful steps into power metal, a soaring and esoteric concept album following the titular seventh son of a seventh son. There's a wide variety of sounds and atmospheres in the tracklist, which really helps the feel of an epic quest, or a life of significance. This one comes with a special kind of difficulty in reviewing, because I need to pay close attention to the lyrics to follow the story. We'll get into that more below the cut.
We don't really get any time to acclimate before Seventh Son dives straight into its themes and overall vibe. The lyrics are roundabout with a general aesthetic of "lots of occult words," and allegedly come directly from Satan himself. He accosts the mother of the Seventh Son, promising her he'll make her child serve him. The synth line after an acoustic opening very quickly sets our tone as a power metal epic, and everything to come in after that just keeps elevating the sound. There's a minute and a half of mostly just sound before the main melody and lyrics come in, and it adds a special something to the scale of the story.
Excellent introduction to the world and sounds, just alright as a song. The synth opening is the best part, but the solo's good too. 7/10.
This is our first song from the Seventh Son (the first one) himself, recounting the torment he feels from his clairvoyant dreams. As is customary with power metal concept albums, no two songs blend together; the tone and scene of Infinite Dreams is a much more intimate and proggy experience next to Moonchild. This song very nearly lost a ton of points purely by virtue of putting "unbeliever" and "neither" in consecutive lines, but not pronouncing them with the same inflection on the ie-ei syllables. That one hurt my feelings.
Every part of this one is a treat, even with that glaring issue. 9/10. The guitar never stops moving, and never rests on the same feeling for any prolonged time.
This one feels most like your standard late 80s heavy metal, with a lot of major chords and hopeful tones. The Seventh Son (still the first one) visits a prophet to inquire about the impending birth of his seventh son, but he's not really saying anything decipherable. My personal theory is that what he sees in his crystal ball is incomprehensible, and impossible to communicate beyond "yeah, dude, you're going to hell."
I'll always have a soft spot for that nostalgic late 80s heavy metal sound I grew up on, 8/10.
Like I said before, no power metal epic has two songs that start the same. The Evil That Men Do has a slow, ambling intro, with some of the most evocative playing on the record. The song is about God and the Devil both wanting to claim the child as their servant on earth for his powers, hence the lines about balancing on a razor's edge. This has some of the best lyricism on the album, and is arguably the most immediately "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son" track, if that makes sense.
Bonus points for the Shakespeare quotes. 8/10
Lo, the miraculous cataclysm of his birth is upon us! Title track! As a power metal record, there's an obligation for at least one nine minute song with very few lyrics of substance. This isn't a complaint, it's a staple of the genre and I'm glad it's a thing. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son marks a turning point, both in the story and in the structure of the record itself - we've just passed the halfway point out of our eight songs. The chugging guitar and powerful vocals do well to communicate the air of significance this song holds in the story.
This is probably higher than it should be. Favourite solo on the album at the end of the third minute, saving it from receiving a 5 or lower. 7/10
The title here bothers me, because the first, like, three songs were also a prophecy. That being said, this one's different! The Seventh Son (of the Seventh Son) manifests his supernatural abilities, and foresees a disaster coming for the village. The intro solo is awesome, and another one comes in after the first chorus. By the start of the second verse, it's clear this solo was representing/happening in conjunction with the disaster he prophesized. The second verse is his true realization that his abilities are a curse, not a blessing.
Thematically great, but the sound isn't anything to write home about outside of the intro. 4/10
The Seventh Son can now control his visions, and is a fully-fledged seer. It seems that Iron Maiden have foregone the traditional legends about the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son as a healer in favour of clairvoyance, which is much less prominent but still has its foundations in folk concepts. This song has an ironic tinge to it, with the general concept being that for all his power and insight, the Seventh Son can't foresee his own death. This foreshadowing doesn't really set anything up, though.
The sound is occasionally great, but it's aimless. The tone and style change frequently, and without warning. This should have been multiple songs. 3/10
The Son realizes that his service will stay thankless, and for every prediction he makes, he'll receive only more blame from the village. He's foreseen more calamities, and he knows he can stop them, but to do so would mean a great sacrifice. The title here alludes to his decision in this song; he'll die young, but only if he stays good. He leaves the village behind to live a life of indulgence and comfort, presumably never using his abilities again. The good in him died young, and his sinful and selfish side carries on living. The song closes off with the same mantra the album opens with.
I suppose that's our answer to the argument at the start of the album, about whether he'll be claimed by God or by The Devil. 6/10
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son has a lot of great ideas, but the execution is a little rough around the edges. The story is prioritized over the sound, and the album as a whole suffers for it. Investment in the story is a lot harder when songs like The Clairvoyant are a slog to listen through. The highs are very high, but the lows are genuinely difficult to sit through on their own. I can and will listen to a lot of this album again, but the songs that don't hit really don't hit.
If you're interested in the story, I'd just recommend reading the lyrics over listening to the album the whole way through. It's more good than bad, but the bad is really hard to look past, unfortunately. I'm still comfortable giving it a 7/10 for the opening half, but I can't see it going any higher than that. This hurts me more than it hurts you, Seventh Son. I really want to love this record!
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cadrenebula · 10 months
Prompt #7: Noisome
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Destiney was writing notes as she looked up a couple plants she wanted to look for the next time she took a trip out. Could even make a day out of it with Evelyn. Their child was definitely old enough now to be seeing more than just the woods around Gridania. Evelyn would be four already in about a month.
Pausing in her note taking to reach for her cup of tea. A loud noise stopping her cup midway to her mouth as she looked towards he clinic door. With a bit of clatter, a heavy armored woman shouldered the door open. Supported by the armored elezen was a drooping Viera. Then the smell reached her, making her wrinkle her nose.
"By the gods." Destiney grimaced. She knew the smell of morbol breath. Putting her cup to the side as she stood up and moved to help the woman with their companion. She was definitely going to have to burn some bed sheets later.
Already in healer mode, Destiney eyed the woman in armor quickly. Seeing no obvious injuries and not looking as ill as their companion, Destiney turned to the other. A groan from the prone breath victim on the bed as she gently checked for serious wounds.
"Morbol got the better of them while I was busy dealing with another foe in front of us." The woman frowned in concern as she watched Destiney doing her thing. "Took the brunt of the bad breath before I could respond and cut it down."
"What is their name?" Destiney asked as she started to remove the poor Viera's robes above the waist. There were no serious injuries so it was likely the paralysis that kept the poor soul from moving. The soiled robes were not going to help anything.
"The witchling is Nebula. I'm Gwyneira. What can I do to help?"
"I hope you're not body shy. Once I have them out of these robes, you could help me get them into the bath. If you know if they have any spare clothes in their bag that would help for once they're better. I can at least put them in a plain robe I keep for patients for the time being once the poison and other toxins are cleared from their body." Destiney started rattling off what she needed to do as she removed the rest of Nebula's smelly clothes, dumping them into a pile for the pair to deal with later. "They'll need to rest for a time even after I clear the toxins of the bad breath."
Gwyn lifted Nebula with little trouble while Destiney moved to the bath to start filling it with water. Waving Gwyn off while she set to work. Drawing on aether to begin cleansing the toxins with Esuna. Changing the dirty water when the mage in the tub seemed to relax and breath easier. Gently working to clean the rest of the gross from her patient now that the water was clean again. Having Gwyn fetch her a bottle from her desk area that would help rid the poor witchling of the morbol stench.
She got Gwyn to help her move Nebula to a clean bed to rest. "They should recover soon enough. Fast asleep right now from the strain on their body from all those toxins. Shouldn't be any long term effects to worry about. You're free to use the bathing area if you need to remove any morbol stench from yourself as well. I left the bottle of the soap in there."
"Thank you, Lady..."
"Destiney is fine. You don't have to call me Lady Destiney." Destiney laughed softly as she smiled warmly. "I'm a healer living in the Shroud. Poor Nebula isn't my first morbol victim and won't be my last. Feel free to clean up and rest while your companion is resting. I'll be at my desk if you need anything."
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