#70th request
estellardreams · 3 months
I swear every single TIME I see my OCs drawn by someone else I LOSE IT-
Comicfury pieces people made (usually by art request on the forum):
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I hope they don't mind me reposting their work here...
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nats--sw · 2 months
Orange Juice | Leah Williamson
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Leah Williamson x reader Where Leah finds you again after a while and decides to help you out This is based on this request Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, alcohol addiction my masterlist
Football was incredible. Ever since you were a kid, kicking the ball around always made you happy. Your parents thought it was just a phase, that by the time you hit your teens, you'd move on to something else. But that never happened.You earned a scholarship in the US and you only returned to England after establishing yourself as a future star in the NWSL. You had a bright future there, but when Arsenal showed interest, you couldn’t say no to the club that made you fall in love with the game. 
By then, you’d already faced your first injury, you ruptured your ACL at 19. 
But that was already in the past, now you were in your new club. 
Leah was the same age as you when you joined the team, so you two clicked right away as the youngest on the team. Then, at 21, you both made your senior debuts for England, Leah as a defender and you as a forward. But shortly after that camp, you tore your hamstring, leaving you out again. 
And the thing with Leah… It wasn’t until you were 23 that, after months of innocent flirting and endless scenes of jealousy, you both finally admitted there was something more between you. It was one of the best moments of your life, you were playing great, Leah was playing great too, you’d just confessed how in love you were, and Arsenal was in the race for the league title. But then your body betrayed you again. 
It happened during a game against Aston Villa in 2021. You were subbed in after 63 minutes, and by the 70th minute, you had to be stretchered off after a bad fall from a collision with one of the players. 
“Y/n!” Leah rushed to see you after the game, her heart racing when she saw you crying in your cubby. “What happened?” she asked, a bit calmer when she noticed the ice bandage was on your ankle and not on your knee. 
“Just a sprain, but a bad one” you said, trying to hold back your tears. With the adrenaline now wearing off, the pain was really hitting you. “I’ll be out for at least six weeks”
“You’ll miss the rest of the season,” Leah blurted out. When she saw you hide your face with your shirt and start crying, she realized her mistake. “Love, I’m sorry” she said, kneeling beside you, trying to comfort you. “You’ll get through this, I promise,” she whispered, taking your hand and kissing it. 
You did get through it, but the following season brought another setback, a meniscus injury this time. 
“England striker, Y/n L/n, will undergo surgery and will miss the next  European Women's Championship.”
The reporter’s voice echoed in Leah’s head, she still remembered it clearly. It has crushed her, but it hurt even more seeing you on the hospital bed, turning your back on her.
Leah was set to captain the Lionesses while you were stuck on the sidelines, unable to play. It wasn’t her fault, but you couldn’t help feeling that pang of envy.
You thought you’d seen the worst of it, but when you watched Leah and the rest of your old teammates lift a trophy in a packed Wembley, it broke you. 
“Y/n! Where’d you go darling?!” Leah’s voice was ecstatic over the phone, with the sound of the girls celebrating in the background. “I tried to find you. You’ve got to come and celebrate with us!”
Leah had no idea you were already back at the house you two shared, the England shirt you wore during the match now lying on the bathroom floor. 
“I wasn’t feeling well” you replied, your voice tired.
“Huh? Is it your knee? Want me to bring something for the pain?”
You felt like a selfish jerk for resenting the person you were supposed to love, but you wouldn’t take away Leah’s moment. You knew she wouldn’t do that to you either. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry” you lied. “Just go enjoy yourself with the girls, you all deserve it.” you said, fighting back tears. But as soon as Leah said goodbye, you lost it. You cried all night and the next morning, watching them celebrate on tv. You were supposed to be there. You cried so much that your eyes were swollen, making it impossible to hide from Leah that you’d been crying. But, lucky for you (if that’s what you call it), Leah didn’t call you for two days, still celebrating. 
Her face was everywhere, on tv morning, noon and night. 
Then, Leah’s sudden fame messed with your relationship. It felt like you were drifting further apart. Interviews, radio shows, tv appearances, her Insta blowing up, it was all too much too fast. She didn’t have time to be with you during your recovery, and you weren’t up for a holiday in Ibiza with her and the rest of your teammates. 
The breaking point came during that time, while she was partying in Ibiza. You two had a huge argument when Leah found out you’d skipped your recovery session. Leah could argue for hours when she was convinced she was right, but with a hangover the size of Europe, your upset voice was the last thing she wanted to hear. 
“Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?!” Leah was yelling into the phone, while Keira sat nearby, clearly uncomfortable listening to the argument. 
“I just needed to stay home, away from everything and get some rest” you explained, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. 
“If you were going to skip the sessions, you could’ve at least come with me” Leah snapped, pacing back and forth. 
That really got under your skin. Leah wasn’t just upset about you missing the sessions, she was more annoyed that you turned her down. 
“I miss you,” Leah said, but even Keira could hear how empty that sounded.
Things had been off between you two since before the Euro camp even started.
“You miss partying with me, which isn’t the same,” you shot back. Leah had days off before the trip and could’ve spent time with you, but instead, she kept finding excuses to hang out with the girls.
“Are you seriously saying that?” Leah almost shouted. Keira’s eyes widened, thinking Leah must still be a bit drunk to be going off like this.
“You could be here if you missed me. You could’ve come to my sessions, which you know are a nightmare, but instead, you’re partying in Ibiza.”
“Fuck, Y/n. I just won the Euros! Of course I want to celebrate. If you knew how great it felt, you wouldn’t be saying this shit. It’s not my fault your stupid knee decided to mess up.”
That was the last straw for Keira, who quickly grabbed the phone from Leah’s hand.
“Y/n, Leah’s drunk. She doesn’t mean what she’s saying,” Keira said, giving Leah a stern look.
“Tell Leah to go fuck herself,” you snapped.
Leah took that to heart. Twitter was quick to pick up on the videos from that night, showing Leah getting pretty drunk. But what no one knew was that in one of the group chats with the girls, someone had shared a video where Alessia and Ella were laughing, it was silly, and in the background, Leah was dancing way too close with another girl. At first glance, it might not have been obvious, but you knew Leah well enough to recognize her, even in the dark.
When Leah came home from Ibiza, your stuff was gone.
The next season was awkward. Everyone on the team knew there’d been some drama, but they didn’t know the details. It was clear that you and Leah had been together for ages, then suddenly broken up after Ibiza. And some of them knew you had renewed your contract for just one more year.
One day, Lia joined you for lunch, ignoring Leah. “You know she didn’t cheat on me, right?” you said, trying to set the record straight.
There’d been rumors flying around that Leah had cheated, but that wasn’t true. After seeing that video, you confronted Leah when she called asking why you weren’t home. She’d sworn on her mother’s life that even though she’d been with that woman all night, nothing more than a few dances had happened. Leah wasn’t a good liar, so you believed her.
“Yeah,” Lia said, “but Keira spilled some stuff, so I know Leah was kind of an idiot with you.”
“I feel like I messed up everyone’s holiday,” you said with a sigh. You hadn’t talked much to the other girls either, and they’d picked up on your indifference to their Euro win.
“It’s not always easy to celebrate someone else’s big moment,” Lia said, taking another bite.
The next season didn’t get any better for you. Your performance was tanking because of how you were feeling, both physically and mentally, so Leah wasn’t shocked to see your name missing from the England squad list again. 
Leah had already missed the World Cup due to her ACL injury, and while she was in Australia, watching from the stands as her teammates made it to the final, she finally got a taste of how tough it was for you during the Euros. And it hit her, she realized it was probably even harder for you. She was a defender, but you were a striker, the star everyone was watching, the one who scored all the goals. When you got sidelined, replaced by the season’s top scorer and other younger players, it was like you’d been forgotten overnight. That hit hard.
You both messed up, that was clear. Leah knew she could have handled things better, and she was determined to make it right as soon as she got back to England. But fixing things wasn’t going to be easy.
Leah was hanging out with the team, getting ready for the pre-season meeting, when she noticed something odd. You weren’t there, and Jonas had this sad look on his face. Just as she was about to ask where you were, you walked in with crutches and wearing a knee brace. 
“Morning,” you said as you made your way to the center of the room, with Jonas helping you along.
Leah did a double take. You were in sportswear, but not in the Arsenal kit.
“I don’t know if you all heard, but a few weeks ago I blew up my knee,” you said, glancing at Leah with a sad smile. 
Leah’s heart dropped. That meant you’d torn your ACL and meniscus again, plus your MCL.
“And I’d made it clear that I’d only renewed for one more season... last season. So...” you said, taking a deep breath and avoiding eye contact with Leah. “I’m retiring, I mean, professionally… from football. I won’t be renewing.” You fought back tears, quickly wiping your cheeks with your jersey sleeve. “I just came to say goodbye.”
Leah stayed in her chair while the other girls got up to give you hugs and say their goodbyes. Kim and Jonas noticed what was going on and told everyone to give you and Leah some space.
“How bad is it?” Leah asked, still sitting, arms crossed, eyes locked on your knee brace. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t heard about this sooner. She was clearly shocked.
“Well, it’s the second time I’ve messed up this knee,” you said, sinking into a chair a little away from Leah. “The doctor says I’ll never get back to even 60% of my old self. I don’t want to play if I can’t give it my all.”
“You can still do it,” Leah said, her voice firm.
“No, I can’t. My record’s already bad. What club’s gonna want a player who’s always at risk of injury?” you said, rolling your eyes.
“We’ll pay,” Leah insisted.
“You’re not the club,” you replied with a sarcastic smile. “They offered me one more season, but they’ll cut my salary. And I don’t want to be a burden, not anymore.”
“Y/n, an injury doesn’t mean your career’s over,” Leah said, raising her voice a bit. “You just need to get through this and move on. Just like last time.”
“It’s not that simple,” you snapped, annoyed that Leah wasn’t getting it. “Do you really think I can compete with Alessia or Stina? I can barely score more than one goal a month, I can't even run like before, Leah. And that’s my job!”
“No!” you cut her off, dropping your crutches in anger. “Just leave me alone. If I want to retire now, that’s my choice. I’m not you!” You cried harder. “Nobody misses me on the team! I’m not you!” 
Leah bit her lip, struggling to hold back her tears.
“I do miss you,” she admitted, wishing she could find the guts to stand up, walk over, and kiss you to show how she felt. But ironically, the fear of losing you forever left her feeling paralyzed.
“I can’t do this,” you said, struggling to stand up. “If you start talking about us, I’ll take back my decision, and I don’t want that. Good luck,” you said, wiping away your tears as you left the room.
That was the last Leah saw of you. Your retirement was lowkey, just an announcement and a few social media posts. Leah found out later that you’d gone back to the States as if you’d never been there at all.
You ended up in the US on a whim, just wanting to forget Leah, Arsenal, England, and football. That had been two years ago. No one knew where you were or cared that you were spending everyday drunk in some bar. 
You were okay with that. 
If it weren’t for a family matter, you’d still be hiding out there.
Your plan was simple: wrap up your stuff, grab some cash to continue your drinking habits of shitty american beer, and then return. But as soon as you landed, you hit the first bar you saw and pretty much stayed there.
It wasn't uncommon for former (failed) footballers to turn into addicts, and you were no different. Although you had attempted to quit drinking a year ago, when your money was running out, but without any support system in the US you couldn’t stay sober for more than a month before heading back to that familiar bar.
You were so drunk you didn’t even worry about running into anyone you knew now back in London. The only detail you vaguely recalled, though you were unsure of its significance, was avoiding blonde women. But you didn’t think twice about the men.
“Jacob,” Leah said, still in shock. She’d been sleeping when her brother called, saying he was sure he’d seen you drinking heavily in a bar he’d just arrived at with his friends.
“Glad you’re here,” Jacob said, guiding her to where you were. “She didn’t see me, I wasn’t sure how she’d react, so I wanted to wait until you got here.” He glanced at you as he spoke.
Leah’s heart sank when she saw you. It was definitely you, but you looked totally different, completely out of it and about to pass out on the bar.
“I’ll take her home,” Leah said quietly, making her way towards you. “Y/n,” she called softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. When you didn’t respond, Leah shook you gently and called your name again. “Y/n.”
You barely opened your eyes, but you recognized her immediately. “Lee,” you mumbled, and tears started rolling down your cheeks, though you didn’t really know why.
It wasn’t the first time you’d cried while being drunk, and it wasn’t the first time you’d cried for Leah while being drunk either.
“Hey,” Leah said, gently wiping the tears from your face with her thumbs. She didn’t remove her hands, as you were barely able to hold your head up. “Let me help you.”
Leah signaled to Jacob with a nod to help lift you from the other side. As they carried you to the car, Leah couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on. She’d never seen you this drunk before, not even when you used to drink occasionally during your time together.
With Jacob’s help, Leah got you into the back seat of the car and drove quickly to her home, which had also been yours a few years back.
Leah was totally stuck on what to do now. If it were up to her, she’d have tossed you in a hot bath to get rid of the alcohol smell, but she didn’t want to risk you passing out in the tub.
So, she just put you in the guest room. She placed a towel on your pillow, took off your jacket and shoes, and got you settled in bed. She also left a glass of water and some painkillers for when you woke up.
Next morning, when Leah woke up, the first thing she did was check on you, but she was surprised to find the room empty. The water and pills were still there, She freaked out a little, she couldn’t let you slip away again, not this time. She rushed downstairs and, while searching for her car keys, she noticed the kitchen was a mess. All the cupboard doors were open, and there was broken glass on the floor. Then she saw that the door to the backyard was wide open.
Trying to be quiet, she headed outside and found you sitting on the small terrace you’d set up years ago, holding a bottle of wine with your eyes shut.
“I’m awake,” you mumbled without bothering to open your eyes when you heard the door.
“It’s… 9 am” Leah said, pulling out her phone, her voice tinged with worry. “Isn’t it a bit early to be drinking?”
“It’s for the hangover,” you replied, taking a swig straight from the bottle. Leah looked around, noticing there was no glass or cup in sight. “Sorry, the glass broke when I grabbed it”
Leah stood there with her hands on her hips, looking worried. She had no idea where to start.
“Do you even remember how you ended up here?” Leah asked, stepping closer. She noticed you were shivering, probably from the morning chill. Without hesitation, she took off her hoodie and draped it over your shoulders, relieved when you didn’t push her away.
“Ah… I don’t really remember,” you said, trying to force a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“What’s going on with you?” Leah asked quietly, almost afraid of the answer.
You shrugged and took another swig from the bottle. Leah was taken aback by how sober you looked despite the drinking. It seemed your tolerance was crazy high.
“Why did you leave?” Leah asked, gently placing her hand on your knee. At the touch, you jumped up, but the dizziness hit you hard, almost making you fall over. Leah quickly helped you back into your seat. “I won’t touch you again,” she said, holding up both hands as if to show she meant no harm. “I’m just asking you not to run away.”
You stared at Leah for a few seconds, noticing her glazed eyes and the slight tremble in her lower lip. You wanted to get out of there and avoid the whole sad scene, but you knew you wouldn’t get far and you didn’t even have any money left.
“I don’t want to answer any questions,” you muttered, staring at the ground.
“I need to ask a few things,” Leah said, almost reaching out to take your hand but stopping herself just in time. “I haven’t seen you in two years. Haven’t heard a thing from you.”
“That was the point. You had enough going on with your stuff. I didn’t want to add to it,” you said, trying to avoid her eyes.
“Damn it, Y/n, I never stopped caring about you. Not when we broke up, and not when you disappeared,” Leah said, quickly wiping away a tear. “Yeah, we messed up, but we could have fixed things back then, and we still can-”
“No, Leah.”
“Yes, we can-”
“Don’t say that. I’m not sober enough to deal with this,” you said, feeling frustration creeping in.
“Then go take a shower, and we’ll talk,” Leah said, her frustration matching yours. Why did you have to be so stubborn all the time?
“I’m not sober,” you repeated, stressing each word and holding her gaze, hoping she’d get it.
Leah swallowed hard, taking in the mess you were. Your hands were still shaking, and even though she thought your pale skin might just be from the morning, your flushed cheeks and the redness on your nose told a different story. The dark circles under your eyes were deep, making you look worse than she’d imagined.
Leah always thought she was the heavy drinker between the two of you. Her cabinet was stocked with all kinds of alcohol, and she’d always found it odd how you’d cringe whenever she brought home a new bottle. She remembered you mentioning a relative with addiction problems back when you weren’t even together, but she never thought it would hit you too.
“Have you… have you tried to quit?” Leah asked, her voice cracking as she grasped the seriousness of the situation. You nodded slowly, looking down, clearly embarrassed. “Could you try again?” she asked.
This time, you shook your head. “I can’t.”
“I can help you,” Leah said, determined.
“I don’t want your help,” you said frustrated, trying to get up again but failing.
“Y/n, look at yourself,” Leah said, exasperated. “You can’t even stand. Please, let me help you.”
You reluctantly agreed to let her help, mostly to get her to stop pushing. You figured that if you said yes and she saw how messed up you were, she’d leave you alone. What you didn’t remember was how stubborn Leah could be when she was set on something.
Leah couldn’t believe she actually managed to get you to go to rehab, but it seemed like it was working after a while. According to the doctor, you were doing great, really putting in the effort in your sessions and activities. So, it didn’t take long for you to get the green light for a day out, and of course, Leah was the one you’d spend it with.
“Good morning,” Leah said softly when she saw you. It was wild how you were starting to look more like yourself again.
“Morning,” you replied. It was weird to think that just a few months ago you were alone in the States, drinking day and night. And now Leah was here, smiling at you again. It was something you hadn’t realized you’d missed so much.
“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Leah said when you two were in her car. “I checked with the doctor because it might be a... sensitive topic for you.” Instantly, your heart raced in panic. Leah noticed your breathing quicken and gently placed her hand on your knee while steering with the other. You placed your hand over hers, and she didn’t hesitate to intertwine your fingers. “Just relax,” she said. “I think you’ll like it. And if I’m wrong, just let me know, and we’ll forget about it. No big deal.” She stopped at a red light, bringing your hand to her lips and giving it a gentle kiss.
It was something that had always helped you chill out. Even though you weren’t together anymore (not physically, at least. Both of you knew those feelings were still there, just waiting for the right time), it still felt good.
When Leah parked the car and you looked out the window, your heart raced again. You were right in front of a football pitch. Leah knew how much your struggles with the end of your career were a trigger for your addiction, so being here wasn’t exactly ideal.
“Leah, I don’t think-”
“Shh,” she said, gently taking your hand to help you out of the car. “Just give it a few minutes, okay? If it’s too much, we’ll head back.” She cupped your face, locking eyes with you.
You nodded, holding her hand tightly. Leah didn’t say anything, but she could feel the tension in your grip.
You walked together to the middle of the field. It wasn’t as big as the one you used to play on, but seeing it made you smile a bit, remembering the good times you had there with Leah.
“I should’ve been more supportive, you know,” Leah said as you both settled on the grass, still damp from the morning dew. “After my injury and the World Cup, I finally realized how lonely you must’ve felt. Part of it was my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you replied. “You didn’t owe me anything.”
“You were my girlfriend. I should’ve been there for you, giving you the support you needed,” Leah said, her tears starting to fall. You hated seeing her cry; it always made you feel awful.
“I was tough to deal with too. I didn’t make it easy for you,” you admitted, resting your head on Leah’s shoulder.  She turned and kissed your forehead without hesitation.
“Do you think we can get through this?” She whispered.
“I think we’re on the right track.”
Leah nodded and after a few minutes of silence, she stood up. “Don’t move,” she said, running back to the car. She came back with a mini football, the kind you can hold in one hand. “Wanna play?” she asked with a small, hopeful smile.
You laughed, shaking your head, but took her hand to stand up. The feel of the ball in your hands was weird but you couldn’t say no to Leah.
“Let’s warm up before my friends get here,” she said with a smirk. You didn’t get what she meant at first, but the excitement of kicking a ball again had you too pumped to question it.
Leah’s friends turned out to be a bunch of 12 year olds who had joined her every week to play football together. There were about seven girls, with the oldest being 13. She was the one who kept glancing at you the whole time.
“Excuse me,” the oldest girl said as they were about to leave after the game ended. “You’re Y/n L/n, right?” she asked, eyes locked on you.
“Jackie!” Leah hurried over and tried to cover the girl’s mouth. “What did I say about the questions?”
Leah kept talking to the girl, but you couldn’t catch what she was saying. Jackie was 13 now, but she was only 11 when you retired, and probably no older than 7 when you were at your peak. It touched you that she recognized you.
“Yeah, that’s me,” you said, holding Leah’s hand for support. “What’s up?”
“Your hair is longer and darker now,” Jackie said, eyeing you closely. “And your face is a bit different, but I remember when you kicked that penalty into the goal. I saw it in person!”
“Jackie,” Leah said again, but you pulled on her arm.
“Do you really remember?” you asked.
“I do! I saw you play. My sister took me to that game. Even though Arsenal lost, your penalty was the best.” Jackie said, her eyes shining.
Leah watched silently, a big smile on her face as she saw you light up with that familiar spark you’d lost over the years. She let you have a moment with Jackie, impressed by how you were reconnecting with your past. It made her even more certain about the idea she’d been planning to share with you.
The next weekend, you both were back out on the field with the girls. You spent some time teaching Jackie a few tricks. Your stamina wasn’t what it used to be, so Leah gave you a break. 
“I wish I had the energy of a 12 year old,” Leah said, flopping down next to you on the grass and handing you a bottle of water, but you shook your head.
“I’m good,” you said, pulling out a bottle of orange juice from your bag. Leah looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“But you don’t like orange juice,” she said, wrinkling her nose as you popped the cap and the citrus scent hit the air.
“You don’t like it,” you said with a grin. “I never hated it.”
“You never bought it when we lived together,” Leah pointed out.
“That’s because you didn’t like kissing me with juice on my lips,” you teased, sticking your tongue out at her. “You were always so picky, even with that.”
Leah shook her head, remembering how she’d pull away in the middle of a kiss if she tasted something like orange juice on your lips.
“I’ve been drinking a lot of orange juice lately because plain water gets boring,” you said, putting the bottle away and sitting up straight. You glanced at Leah, who seemed like she wanted to say something.
"Your doctor mentioned you're about to be discharged," Leah said, glancing at you with a curious look.
"Yeah," you replied, a bit embarrassed. "I wanted to talk to you about that too." Leah raised an eyebrow, curious. "I don't have anywhere to stay, and my family's all moved away from London. And I need to keep up with the weekly therapy."
"You can stay with me," Leah said before you could even ask. 
"Thank you," you said with a relieved smile, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.
"Can I confess something?" Leah asked, fiddling with the bottle in her hands.
"I'm afraid you'll leave again," she admitted, biting her lip. "You have no reason to stay, and I don’t want you to be alone again," she added, reaching for your hand and intertwining your fingers. "That’s why I've been thinking about something..."
You felt a bit panicked, knowing what Leah could be thinking.
"I’m not going to play again-" you started, but Leah cut you off.
"I know, honey," she said, stroking your hand with her thumb. "But I've been thinking...these girls need someone to teach them," she said, nodding toward the group of girls who were too busy fighting over the ball to rest.
"No, Leah-"
"Shh, let me finish," Leah said with a laugh. "It won’t be professional. It'll start as an amateur academy. We just need to build a dressing room, add a few more seats, and recruit some more girls."
"Leah, I'm not a coach," you said, shaking your head. "And running an academy, even an amateur one, costs money."
"I’ve got the money," she assured you. "I'm already talking to some local sponsors. And you’re great with the girls, you’ve got experience, and it’ll keep you busy doing something you still care about, even if you won’t admit it right now."
"I don’t know..."
"Just give it a shot," Leah said, bringing your hand to her lips and giving it a gentle kiss. "If you don’t like it, we’ll figure out something else."
You took a deep breath, feeling unsure but finally nodded. "Alright, I'll give it a try."
Leah was feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. After all the hard work, the tough times, and a few relapses along the way, today might be the day you could finally move back to her place. But she’d spent the night taking away every trace of alcohol from the house. Pouring out all those liquor bottles, which had cost her a fortune, felt a bit like a sacrifice, but knowing she was doing it for you made it almost satisfying. She’d also packed up all the wine glasses and stashed them in the attic, figuring they’d be better off out of sight for a while. 
She’d gone a bit overboard with the shopping too, piles of chocolate, different coffee flavors, and gallons of orange juice to cover any cravings you might have. And she’d moved her medals, trophies, and awards into her bedroom. She figured it would be better to ease you back into things slowly, rather than hitting you with the full weight of her football career all at once. 
“Good morning,” Leah said as soon as she saw you dragging your suitcase in.
You greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, and she offered to put your suitcase in the car while you settled into the passenger seat.
“I’m really nervous,” you admitted, shifting uncomfortably in the seat.
Leah didn’t say much, just reached out her hand. You took it without hesitation, intertwining your fingers with hers for comfort.
“I think it’s best if we skip the game with the girls today,” Leah suggested, seeing you nod in agreement. “Alright then, let’s go home.”
The drive to the house was quiet, neither of you saying a word. Leah held your hand the whole time, even after you two stepped inside.
"I got the guest room ready for you," Leah said, setting your suitcase on the floor.
"Will you come with me?" you asked. Leah nodded immediately, following you to the room. She smiled as you flopped onto the bed. "God, I missed sleeping in a good bed," you said, then looked at Leah, who was leaning against the door frame. "Come here," you said, patting the bed.
Leah kicked off her shoes and lay down next to you. She was a little surprised when you rested your head on her chest, but her hand instinctively went to your hair, stroking it gently. Throughout your rehab, you had been close, but Leah always worried about moving too fast, unsure about what the future held for both of you.
"You've changed a lot," you murmured, closing your eyes and smiling at the scent of Leah's shirt. "I like this side of you."
"What side?" Leah whispered.
"The side that takes care of me. I like you taking care of me."
Leah bit her lip, feeling it tremble a little. "I should have taken better care of you before. Maybe then you wouldn't have left."
"I didn't give you the chance. I didn't want to hear from you."
You both stayed silent for a few minutes, Leah holding you tighter.
"And now? Will you give me a chance to take care of you?"
"I’m doing that already," you said, lifting yourself up a little to look at her. "Thank you for not letting me leave again." You gave her a soft, short kiss on the lips.
Leah didn't ask for more, didn't move her hands or deepen the kiss. That small contact was enough for her. Trying again would be a slow process, and she didn't want to go back to what you had before. She wanted to start fresh, avoiding the mistakes of the past.
After almost two months, things were looking up. 
When you woke up, Leah wasn't in bed. You weren’t sharing a room yet, but she spent most nights with you, and last night had been one of those.
After showering, you headed to the kitchen and found Leah putting things away in the fridge. 
"Morning," you said, startling her. She quickly shut the fridge door and looked at you with wide eyes. "Everything okay?" you asked, walking towards her curiously.
"Uh, yeah, everything's fine," she said, taking a step back and letting out a curse as she bumped into the fridge.
"What are you hiding?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at her.
"N-nothing," she said, trying to squirm out of the situation, but you were quicker. You cornered her against the fridge. "Shouldn’t you be going? It's your first day of training with the girls," she reminded you.
"I can’t leave without my good morning kiss," you said, watching her features soften a little.
"I haven’t brushed my teeth," she lied, standing on her tiptoes to keep you from kissing her. She was definitely hiding something.
For a moment, you thought it might be something with alcohol. You'd noticed that all the alcohol in the house was gone, even the liquor filled candy Leah used to eat. But it was early in the morning, and Leah wouldn't be drinking anything with alcohol at that time. You trusted her, she was fully committed to your recovery. On the rare occasions she had a drink, she’d brush her teeth multiple times before kissing you. 
Leah thought she'd kept it a secret, but you'd caught her almost drinking the extra mint mouthwash.
So, it was highly unlikely that was the reason she didn’t want to kiss you.
"I'll be mad if you don't kiss me," you said, playing your last card.
Leah rolled her eyes but leaned in, brushing her nose against yours before giving you a short kiss. When she felt your tongue graze her lip, she knew she was caught.
"Leah!" you exclaimed, patting her shoulder. "You were drinking my orange juice!"
"I was thirsty," Leah laughed. "I'll grab some more juice for you, I promise," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist. She tried to kiss you again, but you turned your face away, causing her lips to land on your cheek. "Hey, there's no more juice left. Your only chance to have some is kissing me," she said, still holding your waist.
"I hate you," you said, shaking your head before finally kissing her. "You're not supposed to like that juice."
"I think I got so used to tasting it when I kiss you that I've started to like it," Leah said with a grin.
"Did you really drink all my juice?" you asked, almost sadly, resting your head on Leah's shoulder.
"Of course not, love," she said, stroking your back. "I think I bought all the orange juice in London. I can't have my girl without her daily glass of juice."
"Thank you," you murmured, kissing her again.
"I should say that," Leah whispered back.
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totaly-obsessed · 8 months
Watch it!
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x reader request
-> Kyra can only keep her relationship a secret for so long...
-> A little shorter
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
When Kyra joined you at Arsenal both of you could not have been happier, but while you were already an established part of the team and already made a name for yourself in the WSL after joining Arsenal after two seasons at Chelsea, Kyra was new in the league.
So in a joint decision, you decided to keep your relationship private for now. Not a secret, but private. But it was so funny seeing the girls trying to find out who your girlfriend was, and trying to set Kyra up on a date.
As time went on Kyra’s title of ‘annoying little sister’ was slowly set in stone and it did not make her happy. Why couldn’t she just be Kyra – a good, young footballer who was new to the team?
So then she started to actively hide your relationship – even going as far as to ignore you in training, only talking again when she came home to your shared apartment and it was starting to take a toll on you.
But either Kyra didn’t see it or she just didn’t care – even after you tried to talk about it with her she brushed you off, stating that she was meeting up with Charlie, your joined friend, who has just joined you in London.
Conversations got rarer and frosty dinners more often. You hated this. She had to dislike it too, right? No one would like to sit in a quiet, stuffy, tense room. Not even with their girlfriend.
Before the much dreaded Manchester City game you were faced with a screaming Kyra – who had enough of your complaints, so it was safe to say, that the atmosphere was tense once your girlfriend walked in with Katie and Caitlin.
The couple had picked the brunette up at your home after she had refused to enter your cars and decided to make a scene.
Everybody noticed the difference – Steph and Caitlin had already been confused, the two of you had been such good friends in Australia, and the World Cup camp was filled with giggles as you pranked one Matilda after the other. Even Mini didn’t know what happened and Kyra tended to tell her everything.
The match was brutal and your girlfriend couldn’t help but wince every time you went down after a tackle from the opponent. And while you got up every time, she couldn’t bear to watch, trying to keep herself busy somehow.
It was a 0 – 0 deadlock in the 70th minute when Kyra had been subbed on for Kim, who was still struggling a little after her injury. And just a couple of minutes later her worst nightmare came true.
You went in for a header against Alex Greenwood, but the ball rebounded off of someone’s head – who wasn’t important to the young Australian, as she watched her girlfriend immediately crash to the ground after colliding.
Alex stayed down as well.
Fuck there was a lot of blood.
And before she could even think about it Kyra started to sprint across the pitch, and Steph could have sworn she had never seen her young friend that fast.
“Babe? Are you okay?”
You weren’t – evident by the lack of an answer. She quickly noticed your unconscious state and immediately fell to her knees next to you. Shaky hands pulled down your shirt, trying to keep you safe from the stares of the viewers.
“You’re gonna be okay my love – I promise.”
While your teammates noticed the suddenly very affectionate nicknames, there were more pressing matters at hand, you were still bleeding from your forehead.
The medics took a look at you and quickly decided that getting you on a stretcher and off the field was their best option.
Getting you on that dreaded, bright orange thing was a slow process and the paramedics were as careful as they could but a quiet, painful moan left your lips as your eyes cracked open.
You could hear Kyra crying somewhere in the area around your head, while you could see the other girls by your feet, as you were carried away, every step shaking your whole body, releasing a new wave of pain originating from your head.
But it was going fine, until one of the people that were carrying the stretcher slipped, letting go briefly of his corner, sending you into a tilted position. The pain-filled cry could be heard in the deadly silent stands.
“Watch it you fuck – that’s my girlfriend!”
Heads snapped to Kyra, who didn’t even look away from the guy who let go of you.
“Out of my way.” And just like that your girlfriend took over and Jonas had to look for another person to sub in.
“Don’t think you’ll get away with this young lady!” But Steph’s shout was completely ignored as you left behind a stunned Arsenal team who had just figured out, that you and Kyra did in fact not hate each other.
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wonderlandwalker · 9 months
Cherished Moments | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Finnick is trying to get you to relax and, well, it works maybe a bit too much.
Content Warnings/Tags: Mostly fluff, small injury, lovesick Finnick, grumpy!reader x sunshine!Finnick, insinuations of violence, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.2k
Requested by Anon: I love your writing!!! What do you think a grumpy reader × sunshine finnick would be like? Love the back cat gf golden retriever bf trope haha and I feel like finnick would be obsessed with someone who was mean to everyone BUT him! Feel free to ignore if you don't feel inspired, I'll read everything you write anyway!!
A/N: Can someone pls let me know if they actually manage to find the request after I've posted them I have no clue if these are getting through. Ngl this one was a struggle for me but once I found the right idea it came pouring out. Do they even have darts in the Hunger Games universe? Well, they do now. Keep sending me requests I genuinely love doing them!!
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“Come on, I know you can do it! I’ve seen you throw knives, this is pretty much the same thing, only smaller.” Finnick was trying to encourage you, but you weren’t easy to win over. 
“I’m telling you, I can’t. This is just different. The darts are so much smaller and lighter, it throws me off balance.” You were at a party in District 13, well, calling it a party would be generous. 
“Just try. I’ll help you come on. I promise it’ll be fun.” He couldn't hide his smile at your antics, but he also knew if anyone was able to convince you, it was him.
“Fine, but if something goes wrong it's on you.” You looked him in the eyes, and could see a spark of light inside them, and you wouldn't admit it, not with all the other people in the room, but it warmed your heart a little.
“It’ll be fine, what’s the worst that could happen” He asked you, and you almost scoffed at the question.
“I could hit someone, and then everyone will hate me even more than they already do”
“They don't hate you, they just don't know you the way I do.” Whenever someone would ask him what he saw in you, he would always be dumbfounded. Sure, you had a hard exterior, but when someone has gone through as much in their life as you did, were you really to blame? No, he didn't understand the question, because, to him, you were perfect. Whether you were sulking at breakfast for having to leave the bed or smiling at him because they were serving your favourite dish for dinner, he would take anything you gave him. 
“Are you telling me that you, the victor of the 70th Hunger Games, are afraid of hurting someone with a tiny dart?” He was challenging you, and it was working.
“I'm not afraid, I just don't want anything to go wrong.” The way your voice softened around him made his heart beat faster for you and sometimes, he swore you knew and were doing it on purpose.
“You won’t, just throw it straight into the board.”
Finnick is standing behind you, grinning like he’s just won some sort of lottery while he guides your arm up for you, you can feel his breath on your neck before he whispers “Come on love, do it for me.” You’ve never been able to deny him, to your own annoyance at times, so you do as he says.
The dart flies through the air, and it doesn't hit the board, but it comes relatively close. So you throw a second dart and it hits the board, but you don’t manage to score any points just yet. As you throw another one, it manages to hit the board, but only for a little while before it falls to the floor. You throw your hands up in defeat before saying “See, told you I couldn't do it.” But Finnick hasn't given up, in you, he would never give up.
“That’s nonsense, you just have to try again, be patient.” He walks over to collect your darts and hands them back to you. He steps behind you again, guiding you into the right position before speaking.
“Just close your eyes, imagine you’re throwing them at Snow.” It makes you laugh and he can feel your muscles relax. He would always feel so proud of himself when he made you laugh, he didn't mind that you don't do it often, it would only feel like so much more of an achievement.
You do as he says, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath right before you throw the dart, hitting it right in the bullseye. You throw another, hitting the bullseye again. But you miss the board with the next one when Finnick leaves a small kiss on your shoulder, and your breath hitches. You can feel his body moving from behind you, and focus to throw another dart. It’s only when you hear an exclamation of pain coming from right in front of you that you snap open your eyes, you would recognize it anywhere. In front of you was Finnick, standing right next to the board with one of his hands clutched in the other, and when you take a closer look, you can see the dart that is stuck in the back of Finnick's hand.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry are you okay.” He would never tell you this, but he doesn't even mind that it happened, seeing you being sweet on him so openly, it makes him forget anything even happened in the first place.
“I'm fine sweetheart.” there is a strain in his voice, and he knows you can hear it too from the way your brows furrow in regret. You knew he wasn't trying to be tough for you, no, you had moved past that years ago. he was trying to not make you worry, it was something he would always do no matter how much pain he was in. But you were worried, because in contrast to all those other times, this time it was your fault that he was hurt. It never phased you much when someone would get shot, it never phased you much as you heard the canons each night in the arena signalling another death, not in the way it phased other people, but this, this broke you.
“Finnick you are not fine, there is a fucking dart inside your hand and it's my fault.”
“Well, most people don’t throw a fourth dart sweetheart." He says, and he chuckles a little, but you don't hear it in your state of worry.
“I am so sorry I-” You were choking up over your guilt, and while he loved getting to see your raw emotions, this one he didn't enjoy.
“Hey, no, I'm sorry too, don't get yourself worked up over this. It's just a dart, I will be fine. Why don’t you go get me a first aid kit?” He really was fine, and he could have gotten it himself, but he knew how much you would get in your own head when you didn't have anything to do in these kinds of situations. 
Once you come back and help patch him up, he looks up at you and you catch his gaze. A smile crosses his face in a way he knows his cheeks are going to hurt.
“Why are you smiling” you ask, confused at his glee in a situation like this.
“Because I know you care about me. You don’t always show it, and you don’t have to, because moments like these I’ll cherish forever.” His eyes are sparkling as he looks into yours, he swears he could just stand here and look at you for the rest of his life. 
“Oh, would you shut up already” you tell him while swatting his hand away from your face and rolling your eyes.
“You can’t tell me to shut up, you threw a dart into my hand.” He’s still grinning like an idiot, and it's infecting you. One of the corners of your mouth lifts up, and it's subtle, but he catches it, how could he not with how intently he is watching you. You’re back to your old dynamic, but he loves it just as much.
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flowersforjude · 3 months
just a blurb of quiet conversations in the dead of night with finnick when you both can’t sleep?
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | Finnick's departure for the Capitol in the morning keeps you both awake well into the night.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 809
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Just angst. Legit nothing else.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | I love this man so much it hurts! I hope you like where I took this, Anon. It’s a little more angsty than I intended, but I also wrote it while listening to Hozier and that man brings out the pain for some reason. Anyway, thanks for requesting! I’m sorry it took so long!
masterlist | read on ao3
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You didn’t know if the moonlight streaming in through the window was what kept you awake or the gnawing reminder of Finnick’s departure. 
He leaves in the morning for the Capitol for the 72nd Hunger Games. It's the second time you’ve had to do this. Watch him leave your home in Four to return to that snake pit. When you won the 70th Games two years ago, Finnick made sure you’d never have to return to the Capitol, not even as a mentor. And while the fact he went up against Snow for you made your hopeless affection for him skyrocket, it was no easy task to be without him for however long the Games lasted each year. 
You had eaten dinner earlier with your hands clasped together atop the dining table. Unable to bear the thought of being separated from him anymore than you had to. You only parted long enough to ready for bed, and then you were tugging his hand to yours again. He’d pulled you close once you were under the blankets, clinging tightly together. But none of it matters because he still has to leave in the morning, and the ticking sound of the clock hanging on the wall was earsplitting. And you still can’t sleep. 
Many would call your codependent relationship with him unhealthy.
It was.
But the only people who couldn’t understand were those who had never been subjected to the horrors of the Hunger Games. 
You're scared for him. Terrified for Finnick Odair of all people. But in the Capitol…you couldn’t even give coherent thought to what he endured each and every time he was there.
“It’s going to be alright.” He’s whispering into the dark. Everything is so dark, even his words of reassurance. Because nothing is alright when you’re not together. And he knows that.
“I’ll be home before you even miss me.” 
You press your face farther into the crook of his neck. His attempt at lightening the mood was endearing but unsuccessful. “I hate when you have to go there.” 
 “I know.” His lips find your temple as he speaks against your skin.
“I hate them for what they make you do.” Angry, worried tears threaten to spill, but you’ve cried enough to last lifetimes, so you suck them down.
“I know.” He sighs again. 
When you don’t say anything for a moment too long, he’s switching your positions. He angles his body over yours, and you can still make out the green sea of his eyes. That’s the color you dream of when he is gone. The color you think of to keep yourself grounded when your Games come knocking. 
“Sometimes I think Snow only agreed to me not being a mentor because he knew how much it would hurt to have you leave.” You say, still holding onto the green green green. 
“Sounds like him,” Finnick mumbles. 
“Sometimes I wish you’d never even gone to him about it in the first place.” You say, reaching up to run a finger down the bridge of his nose. “I could be going with you tomorrow.” 
“No.” He said with a harsh shake of his head. “I’d rather die than watch you step foot in that place again.” 
You’re frowning because you don’t like it when he talks about dying in any capacity. “I’d face the Capitol again if it meant staying with you.” 
“I don’t want you there.” He argues, his voice taking a sharp edge to it. “Those people even breathing the same air as you… I wouldn’t be able to think of anything else.” When he threads his fingers through your hair, his touch is nothing short of reverent.
He can feel your anxiety buzzing from within you, you know he can. He’s always been attuned to what you were feeling at any given moment. It was both a blessing and a curse. You feel bad for worrying him, but emotional regulation isn’t something you’re good at now. His fingers still running through your hair is soothing, though. How you went from being just another girl in District Four to being reaped for the Games and winning to laying in bed with Finnick Odair will always be a mystery. 
"I'll be okay," he whispers, his voice barely audible in the darkness. 
“I know.” You reply, tracing his jawline. “I just worry about you when you’re there.” 
He flashes a grin at you that doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’m Finnick Odair. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
He pulls you to lay down again, holding you tight against him. The ticking of the clock on the wall continues to screech in the background. You feel his breath on your skin as he speaks, his voice soft but firm.
"I'll come back to you," he says. "Just hold onto that thought, okay? Hold onto me."
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Feel free to send in more requests! They keep me busy.
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lowkeychenle · 1 year
Irrevocably [ZCL] (M)
Description: You were friends with benefits with Chenle until he got a girlfriend...fast forward months later, and now they've broken up--leaving Chenle to come back to you, very much in need of a distraction.
DID YOU MISS ME?! It's been so long someone should chop my hands off omg
Genre: Smut. Angst. Read at your own discretion!!! Read the warnings first please! It's mostly smut tho tbh
Also it's not proofread or anything crazy like that but I do hope y'all like it...I've been so busy sos
Content Warnings: Explicit, rough, unprotected sex (don't do the unprotected part), Chenle says pretty girl again (not sorry) and also slut because duality (again?), overstimulation, multiple orgasms (both), cum eating (like he actually eats his...own cum...), he's pretty pussy drunk in this he cums twice, Chenle is manipulative as hell in this!!! he is not a good guy in this fic!!! Do not read if you don't like it!!!!! Also I'm not sure if this can be considered infidelity but if you're sensitive to that topic read with caution!
Word Count: 4,877
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader (mentions of Mark Lee x Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Juliet's Masterlist | Requests
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You can’t even say you haven’t heard from him in a while. That’s far from the truth—and in your opinion, maybe you hear from him too often. Your friendship was constructed long before any other aspect, but for as long as you could remember, it’s been you and Chenle.
Now there’s you, and there’s him. Inherently separate.
Your situation with him was simple—friends with benefits. And everything was working great at first, and the end wasn’t traumatic and the world didn’t crumble. You weren’t in love with each other, and you both mutually understood that the second someone has the potential to become more in one of your lives that you’d stop immediately.
So, when Chenle started talking to his now girlfriend, you did the right thing. The respectful thing. You backed off, and you wouldn’t say you regret it. He’s happy—happier than he was before, and that’s all you want for him. You’ve been friends for forever, after all, and what would that make you if you had ill wishes for him?
It was three months after he started dating his girlfriend that he introduced you to one of his friends, Mark. Fortunately, you got along with him well, and he gave you a much needed distraction from the empty void Chenle had left in your life. He’d been more than sex, but less than love. He gave you company and companionship, even if it was in an unconventional way.
You’d been up front and honest with Mark about your relationship with Chenle, but he didn’t mind as long as you were sure there hadn’t been feelings involved. For Chenle, you weren’t sure if he ever told his girlfriend about you. You wouldn’t blame him if he hadn’t, but considering you’d been sleeping together up until their first date, it might have been a good thing to mention.
The difference was simple—you and Mark weren’t anything, not really, but Chenle and his girlfriend were, in their words, serious. In fact, in the past four months, you hadn’t even slept with Mark. The most he was at this point was someone to keep you company.
And then everything blew up.
Chenle called you at 9 p.m., almost nine months after he started dating his girlfriend. You were in your apartment by yourself, watching the same TV show for the 70th time. You stare at your phone screen in confusion before you answer it.
“Hey.” He lets out a breath, and the defeat in his voice hints something’s wrong.
“Everything okay?” you ask him, sitting up on your couch.
“We broke up.” Chenle pauses, maybe to contemplate what he says next. “Can I come see you? I know it’s random, and I probably shouldn’t, but to be bluntly fucking honest, I’ve missed you.”
“We talk all the time,” you mention and cradle your knees to your chest. 
The thought of allowing Chenle here so late scares you—old habits die hard. You feel like you owe more than that to both Mark and Chenle. Mark, because while you two aren’t together, you’ve grown quite close over the past few months. Chenle, because he’s probably not thinking straight at the moment.
“You’re the only one I can talk to about this,” he mumbles.
Your heart sinks. “It was because of me?”
“I…Not exactly. It wasn’t you at all. It was us. And it was me for not saying anything.” He sighs, and you envision the way he tugs his fingers through his hair.
“You never told her?”
“I didn’t think I needed to,” he says. “What am I supposed to say? ‘Oh, hey, by the way, I used to fuck one of my closest friends on the regular, but now that you’re here, I stopped.’ That doesn’t sound great.”
“Better than her finding out some other way.” You chew on your bottom lip. “I told Mark.”
“That’s different,” Chenle replies. “You’re not dating Mark.”
A moment of silence passes between you two, and when you don’t respond, he clears his throat.
“Oh. You are.”
“It’s not like that.”
“So, what is it like? Is it like what we were?” He sounds shorter, as if he’s no longer enjoying the conversation.
You scoff. “It’s none of your business, Chenle. Mark is nice. And you’re the one who introduced us anyway.”
“Mark is nice,” he repeats, snorting. “You act like I don’t know you. Nice isn’t exactly your type.”
“You can come here if you stop being a dick,” you tell him. “But we’re only talking.”
“Good. I’ve got a lot to say.”
You debate changing after he hangs up, but Chenle’s already seen you at your worst. Your shorts and T-shirt won’t faze him in the slightest. Nerves like this haven’t swarmed you since the first time you slept with him. Clearly, your body doesn’t get the memo that this isn’t a booty call.
And when he arrives, you realize how well he fits. The dim, golden lighting reflecting off of his skin, the dark, oversized clothes he likes to wear, the way his hair is parted. Everything about him is exactly as you remember. It’s odd to think that way, because really, you’ve seen him as often as you used to. Things were just…different.
And under these circumstances, it’s awkward. But even when he was dating his girlfriend, there were times where the two of you were alone—nothing ever happened, of course, but it hadn’t ever been so nerve wracking until now.
It isn’t for long, though. Within seconds of your thoughts running wild, he’s closing the distance between you and pulling you into a tight hug. You exhale in relief and return the gesture with no hesitation. He takes a deep breath, almost as if he’s inhaling your scent.
Something about this hurts. Your ribcage suddenly feels like a prison, and all you want is for your heart to be free. Why does it feel like something’s stabbing it?
“I’m sorry for asking to come over so late,” he whispers. “And for being a dick about Mark. It’s not my business.”
There’s a twist deep in your chest. You wonder if there’s truly anything left in there.
“It’s okay, Le.” Your voice is muffled by his shirt. “Let’s sit and you can tell me what happened.”
You move away from him, lightly grabbing his hand to lead him over to your couch. When you’re both seated, he rests his head on your shoulder. You reach up to play with his hair, and instinct you became familiar with when he needed comfort back when you two were messing around.
“She asked about you.” His fingers toy with yours, warm touch gently grazing your skin. “Really, I had no idea what to say. There isn’t much to say, you know? So, that’s what I said. I told her we’ve been friends for forever and…that’s it.”
“Technically not wrong.” You chuckle, but the ache within you only grows.
“I went to shower and when I got out, she was going through my phone. By the time I realized what she was doing, she’d already found more than enough to be pissed.”
“What was it?”
“Pictures. In our text conversations from like…almost a year ago. I get why she was upset, you know? But it’s not like they were recent. Or even in my camera roll, for fuck’s sake.” He shuffles a bit closer, his warmth pressing into you. “But I should’ve checked and made sure. Or something. So, I’m sorry someone else saw those, (Y/N).”
“Did I look good at least?” you joke.
“Oh, fuck off.” He laughs, shaking his head. “You always look good and you know it.”
You get a sudden, overwhelming urge to look at him. His words make your stomach turn, and you’re desperate to figure out what the hell is going on with you.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” He ponders for a moment. “I thought I’d be a little more upset, but the only thing I was really thinking about was coming to see you.”
Chenle sits up, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he takes you in. His gentle brown eyes trail over you, unrecognizable emotions swimming around in his irises. You find him still as extraordinary as ever. His features so sharp, lips perfectly full. You fight the craving to reach out and trace his jawline.
“It’s just…” he murmurs. “It just always comes back to you, doesn’t it?”
“It’s been so long,” he continues. “Since I’ve seen you like this.”
“We hung out all the time.”
“No. Not like this. I know why you did, but you got so distant from me. Didn’t you ever think about me? That whole time?” He wets his lips.
“How could you ask me that?” you breathe out. “I thought about you all the time, but you weren’t mine to think about.”
“When I thought of you, it used to hurt. I used to have to distract myself from you because it was wrong to want you when I had everything else.” His gaze flicks down to your lips, and you feel every ounce of you crumble to pieces.
“It’s not…wrong anymore,” you say.
His eyes flutter shut, eyelashes brushing against his cheeks, and the next thing you know, his mouth is on yours. You let out a shaky breath against him, but quickly reciprocate what he gives you. All hesitation is out the window now, all thoughts of him being too upset at a moment like this fly from your brain.
It’s Chenle. He’s kissing you. This is familiar. Right, even.
“God, it’s been too long.” He reaches up to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing your skin. “Need you, baby. Never wanna lose you like that again.”
Your heart is beating so fast, you’re not exactly sure how to respond to that. The longer you take in every word leaving his mouth, the quicker you realize what’s happening to you.
You haven’t slept with Mark because you do have feelings for Chenle. It hits you like a freight train, and the fear sinks in only for a second before you slam your lips back to his. Being with him like this feels good, like nothing could go wrong.
The quietest moan slips from his mouth into yours, and just like it used to, heat floods your core. His hand slips beneath your shirt, his scalding touch trailing across your side before settling on the small of your back.
You pull away from him and gently push against his chest. “Do you even know what you’re doing right now?”
“Need a distraction.” He swallows hard. “That’s what we are for each other right? She’s out of the picture, so I get to have you again?”
You shake your head. “Only when we’re both available. Not just you.”
“Did you fuck him?” Chenle tone drops, a dark hint of jealousy gracing those narrowed brown eyes. One of his hands drops down to your thigh, tracing along the hem of your shorts. “Is that why you don’t want me anymore? He’s better or something?”
You let out a shaky breath. “I—Chenle, I haven’t.”
Wetting his lips, his touch trails higher, his skin burning against yours in the best way. “Don’t you miss me? Or at least the way I made you feel? When’s the last time someone made you cum?”
He notices when your legs press together, desperate for any sort of friction between them. You’re fighting every urge you have, wanting nothing more than to have Chenle right here on your couch, but something holds you back.
Leaning closer, he hums lowly in your ear, “You know what I can do.” His lips press against the spot below your ear, slowly heading down until his tongue runs along your pulse.
“Damn it,” you groan, pushing him back. “Take your pants off.”
As you stand up to push your shorts and panties to the floor, he lifts his hips to push his sweats to down his legs. He reaches into his boxers and strokes himself slowly.
“C’mon, baby.” He smirks at you. “Sit on it.”
You straddle his lap, bracing your hands on his shoulders as he pulls his cock out. One hand grips your hip and he holds you above him.
“Do we need a condom?” he asks, gaze glazed with want.
“I haven’t slept with anyone,” you mutter, face heating up for more reasons than one.
“It was just…” he trails off and gulps. “You know. I’m clean.”
The idea of him with her is almost enough to snap you out of it, but the last thing you plan on doing is getting off his lap. You ignore the sting of your heart and instead trade it for the sting of your walls stretching to accommodate Chenle with no prep. Whining at the pain, you stop after a couple inches.
“S’okay, baby,” he encourages you. “Take it slow.”
You dig your nails into his shoulders, lifting up before sinking back down to take a bit more of him than the last time. He breathes heavily, biting down on his bottom lip while his chest heaves.
“Just a little more.” Chenle slowly pulls you closer until he’s fully seated inside you.
The stretch has your legs shaking, whimpers escaping you as he whispers praises to you.
“Such a good girl,” he coos. “Letting me fill this pretty pussy with my cock.”
Chenle tugs your shirt over your head, freeing your bare breasts. He lets out a small sound at the sight before leaning down to kiss them, teeth nipping and tongue flicking your nipple.
Unable to hold back anymore, you push him back harshly. His lips part as you grind, sweet moans escaping him at the same time yours do.
“So tight,” he groans. “You waited ‘cause you knew no one else could do this to you, huh?”
“Shut up,” you command him.
His eyebrows raise for the briefest moment, until you start bouncing on his cock. Wetness starts squelching around the two of you, aiding you in your quick movements on top of him.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby.” Chenle thrusts up to match you, hands trailing around your body to squeeze your ass harshly. A slap comes next, the sound resounding through the room.
Your hips jolt, thrown off your rhythm at the stinging sensation on your skin. Nails leaving angry, red crescent moons in his skin, you rock back and forth to stabilize yourself before continuing. The sound of your arousal would embarrass you under any other circumstances, but the fucked out expression on Chenle’s face is enough to keep you going.
You don’t hold back your moans, letting the needs of your body take over instead of whatever the hell is going on in your head. He feels so fucking good inside you, the rough slide of his length against your walls, the way he throbs with want for you. The twitch of his cock inside you has a knot tightening in your stomach.
“Look at me,” he says roughly.
You don’t bother listening, too focused on your own pleasure to justify stopping.
“I said fucking look at me.” He grabs your face, pulling you close so you're inches away from him, hooded, hazy brown eyes devouring you. “Keep fucking yourself on my cock.”
You let out a weak moan, legs aching as you continue, but you know you need more. Trying to grind down, you do whatever you can to get friction on your clit. Whines slip past your lips, with the mind-shattering high just out of reach.
“Use your words, pretty girl.” Chenle slaps your ass again.
“Close,” you practically whimper. “Touch me. Fuck, please.”
Immediately, he lets go of his harsh grip on your cheeks, reaching between you two and quickly finding your clit. Your nails scratch down his shoulders, leaving marks as his fast circles push you over the edge.
You scream out in pleasure, your vision blacking out as you’re swept up in your climax. Crumpling into him, you squirm on top of him until he wraps his arm around your waist, warm seed coating your insides.
His chest heaves, lips parting as he rests his head back on the couch cushion. He gulps and strokes your hair while still slowly rocking up into you. You finally work up the energy to get off of him, but he holds you down.
“No,” he murmurs, breathless. “Not yet. Not done.”
Your body heats all over again, the idea of another round sends tingle down your spine. Goosebumps form on your skin, but you listen. Something has to make up for the lost time between you two.
“Need you again.” He nips where your neck and shoulder connects. “Can I take you to your room?”
You nod, unable to speak. He lifts you deftly from the couch, carefully walking over to your room like he’s done hundreds of times before. You hold onto him desperately, never wanting to let him go for more reasons than one.
As soon as you’re both on your bed, he’s already beginning to thrust again. You dig your nails into his back, but he grabs both of your wrists and pins them above your head.
“Be good,” he warns, filling you up over and over, ever so slowly. “Little pussy’s so greedy, sucking me in like this.”
Your eyes roll back in your head, the weight of him on top of you making you whine until your throat’s raw.
Every nerve-ending is on edge from your previous high, skin tingling and burning wherever his fingers trace shapes on you. You can barely keep your eyes open, the gentle brush of his chest against yours has your weak-minded state reading into this much more than you should.
If you could form actual words, you’d probably accidentally confess to him. He works through his own overstimulation, his jaw clenched tightly as he works your body expertly.
“I missed you,” he whispers, dipping his head down to nip along your neck. “Did you miss me?”
“Yes,” you force out, barely able to muster up the words. “God, yes.”
He hums, tonguing along the pulse in your neck. “You didn’t fuck him ‘cause he can’t make you feel like this, can he?”
You want to be mad at him for bringing Mark up at a time like this, but his words only make you shiver. He’s right. You can’t be mad at him when he’s right, and certainly not when your brain is fuzzy with the pleasure of his cock rubbing so, so slowly against your inner walls. Nobody could ever fill you like Chenle does.
“Answer me.” He thrusts particularly hard, jolting you up the mattress.
“Fuck, he can’t make me feel like you do.” You’re not entirely sure if your words are coherent, but Chenle seems satisfied by what you said.
“And you’d better remember that, too.” He releases your wrists and reaches between you two, resuming circles on your clit. “Could fuck you all night. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Getting your cunt filled with my cum as many times as you can handle?”
You wrap your legs around his waist in a desperate attempt to keep him close, the angle allowing him slightly deeper inside you. Between the delicious stretch of your walls and the uniform, skilled rubbing on your sensitive bud, your body shudders uncontrollably. Your back arches and your hands fly to his hair, loud, obscene moans pouring from your lips.
Chenle’s thrusts pick up as he helps you ride out your high, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to keep his steady pace. He slows to a stop, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead, he kisses you, tongue already slipping past your lips to dominate your mouth the same way he’s dominated the rest of you.
“Think you can get on all fours for me?” he asks, his breath fanning across your face.
“Please, baby, I’m close already, just need a little more.” He presses kisses on your cheeks and the tip of your nose. “I need it so bad.”
You nod, shakily removing your legs from around his waist. He guides you to the position he wants, your head resting on the mattress as he squeezes your ass.
“You’re still so fucking wet,” he groans, a slap resonating around the room. “Might wanna hold on, pretty girl. I’m not going easy on you.”
Despite being an absolute rag doll, you clench in excitement at the idea of having him inside you again. You push back toward him, urging him to fuck you. He uses his knee to nudge your legs apart, and even though they’re shaking, you plan on letting him pound into you until they fucking give out.
He runs the head up and down your folds, switching between barely pushing his tip inside and tapping it on your clit.
“God, I can’t fucking take this anymore,” Chenle growls, and the next thing you know, he’s thrusting inside you with as much force as he can. You scream, gripping onto the sheets and biting down on a pillow to attempt to silence yourself.
With all the stimulation, you feel constantly on the edge of another orgasm. His hips slap against your ass, the clapping sounds emphasizing your pleasure. Squelches of wetness float around too, the stickiness dripping down your thighs onto the bed the longer he has you in this position.
He shifts slightly so his balls smack your twitching clit with every thrust. You’re barely able to think straight, and you’re half-sure you’re drooling, but Chenle slams you into your third orgasm of the night rather easily. Your legs threaten to buckle, and he loops his arm around you to keep you up.
After a couple more thrusts, he moans loudly and spills deep inside you, chest heaving at the effort. Both of you wait in silence for a few moments, him to regain composure and you to remember how to breathe. He gently pulls out of you, turning you to drop your back down on the mattress. Once he gets out of bed, he stops in front of you and pulls you to the edge by your ankles. Nudging your legs apart, he sinks down to his knees.
“What are you doing?” you ask, rising up to your shaky elbows.
“Need a taste,” he says, mesmerized by the mess leaking out of your entrance. Swiping some of it up on his finger, he offers it to you. “Taste us, pretty girl. We’re so good together.”
You lean closer and wrap your lips around him, giving a harsh suck before you release him.
“God, baby, your pussy is so perfect when you’re leaking my cum.”
You’re not expecting him to move forward and flatten his tongue against your core. He holds your hips down to the bed, tentatively licking your slit. Without much effort from him, he’s reduced you to a mewling mess again, core throbbing with sensitivity even when he barely touches you. Your arms immediately give out, slumping you back onto the sheets as he works your core with his tongue.
It’s odd how much the idea of him eating you out when he came inside you turns you on. As limp as your body is, you relish in all of the pleasure he’s willing to give you. His tongue dances around your slit, alternating between slipping it between your folds and flicking your clit. You lazily tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging just enough for him to moan against you.
Your hips jerk when his lips wrap around your bud, and next thing you know, his hands hold you down. You call out his name, pulling with the grip you have on his hair to tell him you’re much too sensitive to continue.
“I know, baby,” he murmurs, blowing cold air on you. “Just a little bit more, okay? One more time.”
And then he’s back at the apex of your thighs, working much faster and harsher with his movements to get you to the edge faster. You shatter all over again, a mantra of noises passing by your lips as your thighs clench around his head.
You must actually black out for a moment, because when you come to, Chenle has pulled away from your core, his lips and chin coated with your arousal. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his expression equally as exhausted as yours.
He grabs a towel to clean you up, but both of you are beyond tired from all the activity. You shift up on your bed, not bothering to say anything else to him as you slide beneath your blanket. When you and Chenle did things before, he always stayed. He always pulled you into his chest and whispered sweet nothings into your ear until you fell asleep.
You’re not sure if that will be the case today.
Except he does. He carefully crawls into bed next to you, turning you toward him and pulling you to him. Kissing the top of your head, he taps his fingers against your arm.
“I really missed you,” he says.
“Me, too.” You nod, but something makes your heart twist in your chest.
“Can I be honest for a second?”
“Of course.”
“I knew the pictures were there,” he whispers. “Maybe it’s shitty, but I couldn’t delete them. Sometimes, I looked back at our old conversations—not the sexual ones—and just…thought of you. I couldn’t do anything to erase you and what we did from my life. I didn’t want to.”
You wonder if that’s his idea of a confession. If he’s trying to tell you he has unresolved feelings for you.
“Then why did you stay with her?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Everyone liked her. My mom told me she thought I’d end up marrying her. She obviously didn’t know about…this. But I couldn’t fucking stop, (Y/N). Everything came back to you.”
“We’ll talk about this in the morning,” you offer. “I’m exhausted.”
“Yeah…” Chenle takes a deep breath. “Yeah. Let’s talk in the morning.”
You and Chenle wake at the same time, to the sound of his phone on the bedside table. Groaning, you massage your forehead and turn away from him. When he answers it, your interest is piqued.
“Hey.” Sleep still weighs on his voice, making it scratchy. “No, I’m not at home.”
There’s a pause, and the vague sound of the other person responding makes your heart twist violently in your chest. It’s her.
“Would you stop jumping to conclusions? I’m at Jisung’s.” Irritation laces in his tone.
You should say something. Let her know somehow that he’s lying, but you don’t. You stay silent in your hurt and wait to see what he could possibly do next.
“Yeah, forgive me for not wanting to be alone after what happened.” Chenle scoffs and runs his fingers through his hair. A sigh follows. “Damn it, I told you that was done. I’m sorry you saw those, okay? They’re from…over a year ago. It didn’t seem relevant to bring it up, and she’s still my friend, so.”
Friend. You almost laugh out loud, but again, you don’t say a word.
“Yeah, of course. Where?”
Another pause from Chenle.
“Yeah, I’ll stop by my house and then I’ll be over there. I’ll see you in half an hour?”
Your heart feels like it’s being shredded into a thousand tiny pieces.
“Thank you.” He sighs, his body deflating. “I’m so sorry for all of this, you know that, right? I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
Tears sting your eyes, and as soon as he hangs up the phone, he hops up to go grab his clothes from the living room. You sit up in your bed, blanket clutched to your chest as you watch him scramble to get dressed.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I have to go,” he says, walking back into your room. Leaning in, he attempts to press a kiss to your lips. You turn away from him, chewing the inside of your cheek.
“Where are you going?” you ask, even though you already know the answer.
“She…She wants to talk it out. And I have to go. You understand why, right?” His eyes widen as he scans over your face.
When you say nothing, he sighs.
“I’ll text you later. You can answer or not. Whatever you want to do.” He walks toward the door to your bedroom, but you stop him when he reaches the threshold.
Your eyes sting, your body’s sore, and all you wanted was to tell him the truth this morning. Now it’s clear to you—he’ll never feel the same way for you. He’ll drop anything and everything—you included—if it meant getting her back.
He stops, turning to you.
“She’s going to make you choose,” you warn him. “Between her and me.”
Chenle pauses, fingertips gripping the frame. “I know.”
With that, you have nothing else to say, and he wouldn’t have time to hear it anyway. He leaves without another word to you, and when he’s far enough away, your tears finally fall. You want to scream and yell, but your throat is too raw from the long night before to even attempt it.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hello! Can i request ror characters react to erza reader vs 100 monsters or titans? Maybe before the tournament started, zeus decided to try and scare the humans by suggesting a game before the actual tournament. Basically, both the human fighters and the gods fighters draw numbers or turns to fight the monsters/titans. But this backfired when erza reader draw the first turn and challenge all 100 monsters or titans and won. I think both sides are either shocked of reader, terrified, curious or just falling in love with erza reader.
-It was a chance Zeus was willing to give humanity, dealing with two problems at once, letting humanity face off against demons before the tournament would begin.
-There was an overabundance of demons, and this was a way to, hopefully, get rid of some, with humanity also proving themselves.
-Zeus explained the rules, that there was a total of 100 demons of varying strengths, and humanity would choose three fighters to fight as many as they wanted in 3 rounds. However, the numbers of demons they chose to fight and defeat, then the number of rounds in Ragnarok would lower, giving the fighters less of a chance to perish, as only the strongest would fight.
-Zeus, having an inflated ego, then boasted, “And if all 100 demons are killed, then we, the gods, will call off this tournament, and humanity will be spared, and as an added bonus, we will start doing what we are supposed to, and manage the humans properly this time.”
-Many were annoyed at Zeus’ stipulations, as this seemed like an impossible task for humanity, but many more were annoyed, if humanity managed to succeed, then they would have to own up to their own mistakes in failing to properly manage humanity and handle the problem without violence and cruelty this time.
-Brunnhilde approached the three fighters she chose for this test, and you were the one selected to go first. Many were jeering, seeing a woman, telling the men to fight for you instead, but you weren’t bothered.
-Zeus was impressed with your focused and determined look, “Well then Y/N, please state how many demons you would like to face.”
-Your eyes were firm and sharp, “I would like to face… all one hundred!”
-The crowd instantly was roaring, either with cheers or in shock by your bold claim, and while your fellow fighters for humanity were shocked, Brunnhilde wasn’t, as her arms were folded across her chest, looking amused.
-You activated your ability, changing your armor and equipment as Zeus chuckled, thinking you were too cocky, and this would humble you, but he allowed it and started the tournament.
-Ten minutes later, Zeus, along with most everyone in the arena, were gawking as you sliced through your 70th demon, easily dodging another- you were making this look so easy!!
-Most of the demons you cut down were on the weaker side, but for normal people, ones who were not warriors, they would have seemed strong.
-Zeus was impressed by your strength, he had no idea that humans were so strong, and many of the gods were the same. Shiva was cheering for you, impressed by your ability, and Thor couldn’t help but feel a swell in his chest, proud of what you’ve been capable of doing.
-Lu Bu and Leonidas, who had been the other two who would have had a chance to fight demons, had you not taken them all, were also cheering, both impressed with your ability and skills.
-By the time you were down to your final demon, the gods were stunned, many were cheering for you, not wanting someone like you to perish, while humanity had never stopped, and now that you were facing off against the strongest one, they were even louder than before.
-You lowered your sword as your current requip faded and many were worried you were out of juice, as you were panting heavily from the workout, and you were a bit banged up, but nothing serious.
-Your ear twitched as Zeus made fun of you, “Quitting already Y/N? you’re only one away from saving humanity~ but if you can’t do it-”
-You turned, a dark aura surrounding you, making you look like a demon yourself as Zeus squeaked in fear, terrified as you turned back to the demon as you inhaled deeply and your body began to glow, another set of armor beginning to form.
-You shouted out, “Heaven’s Wheel Armor!” and as the light faded, you looked almost like a Valkyrie yourself, wearing armor that came with a set of steel wings, holding a sword in each hand.
-More and more swords appeared, surrounding you until over two hundred swords were around you like a halo, making everyone freeze, their jaws dropping and eyes bulging as you launched the assault, easily taking care of the demon.
-As you were announced the winner, the crowd was deafening as your armor faded, leaving you in your normal clothes as you looked around, smiling softly.
-You caught Brunnhilde and Goll as they leapt into your arms, cheering for you as you smiled, sagging into the embrace as you sighed softly, happy that you had been able to do this.
-Several of the gods were very impressed, it made them curious on how strong humanity was; part of them wanted the tournament to continue, but that wouldn’t have been very honorable, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t have sparring matches~
-You were happy that you were being celebrated, but you were just happy to have a slice of strawberry cake in your hand as you sat around the other warriors who were all celebrating your hard-earned victory.
-It was well worth the effort you put in fighting now that humanity didn’t have to fight for survival.
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cassayeee · 10 months
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warnings: porn with quite a bit of plot (i can never just write a oneshot), emotional sex, p in v, oral (f receiving), virginity loss, slight marking, mentions of killing, death, and suicidal thoughts (this is the hunger games), just be wary fr - minors stay away
notes: so this was a request from @theBridgetopanem on ao3 and, ugh, it's just so cute. love me some soft boy finnick. once again, very quickly edited so sorry for any grammatical mistakes. anywho - make sure to like, reblog, and comment! love u all <3
word count: 9.4k
No one truly understands the deception of humanity more than those who have the power to take it away. To push innocents against innocents and make sure nothing more than blood and broken souls remains where hope and naivety once stood.
It was a horrible nightmare in your mind – trying to think like them. Trying to survive. And the shadows that followed you out of that arena as people congratulated you for being a victor? Well, they knew what the absence of humanity really brought.
Finnick Odair is your mentor for the 70th Hunger Games and you can't help but find comfort in the man who is in your life solely to make sure you don't die.
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The 70th Hunger Games, ready to begin.
Your name, reaped.
All hope, lost.
Voices flickered in and out of your consciousness as you made your way up to the stage. Of course, this happens to you in your last year of eligibility, why wouldn’t it? Time sped and slowed as it pleased, having no regard for your ticking thoughts. Nor did it care for your unwillingness to let it pass.
This can’t be happening. This isn’t happening. Why is this happening?
You weren’t a Career. You had no special talents besides swimming and spearfishing. Swimming. How for fucks sake was that going to get you through the Games? News flash: it wouldn’t. Maybe spearfishing? But that was hardly a skill that could contend with previous victors. And it definitely wouldn’t help you against the Careers.
I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’m going to die.
As you curled into the dark spot floating at the edge of your vision, you barely heard the name of the male tribute announced beside you. Isaac? Ethan? Ian? Why does it matter anyway? You weren’t going to make it out of here. This was it. The ocean was draining, and you were being sucked down with it.
You barely noticed the Peacekeepers usher you off the stage and saying goodbye to your family was now a flicker of a memory. Siblings would never see you again. You would never be able to make them laugh in your family home or try to eat your mother’s insufferable cooking again. You would never be able to brush off fishing duty to go swimming with Annie or visit the town tavern with her again.
Oh, Annie.
Best friends since birth, the two of you were practically inseparable. Many of your other friends and family joked that the two of you must have been a soul split because of how alike you were. You did everything together, but the shining break in this storm was the fact that she wasn’t standing where you were. That your siblings weren’t. If it had to be any of you, you were glad that it was yourself.
But, fuck – you wish it would have been anyone else’s name picked out of the grim bowl.
Stepping foot on that train was probably the hardest decision of your life. Not that it was much of a decision, really. If you wouldn’t have gotten on yourself, the Peacekeepers would have gladly thrown you on there themselves.
You couldn’t say that you were too impressed with the interior of it. Honestly, it just looks like the Capitol threw up all over it. Yes, your family home was nicer than most of those in the other Districts due to the wealth of the area, but you didn’t care about all of that. The people made a house a home, and this train was nothing more than a moving coffin.
As your Capitol lapdog, Jorge, showed you and your fellow tribute into the lounge car, a head of bronze hair caught your eye. His arms were spread wide on either side of him as he lounged on the travel sofa – seeming to be as content as a summer’s day. You could almost laugh at the absurdity of it. But, before that mocking gaggle could make its way out of your throat, the man before you turned.
Oh, shit.
Finnick Odair. You needed no introduction of his, everyone in District 4 was aware of him after his victory in the 64th Games. Youngest ever and all that, you had to respect him for making it through. What you couldn’t respect, however, was his enjoyment of his Capitol fame. He appeared on screen at least five times a month at some prestigious party, the arm candy to some Capitol prissy who you really couldn’t bother to care about. Why should you when they laugh and cheer for children to die for their amusement? It was absolutely disgusting. 
Flashing you with a stunning smile, he popped a sugar cube in his mouth as Jorge motioned for the two of you to sit across from him. His sea-green eyes followed your movements as you stiffly sat before him, like a prized pet for sale. Your shoulders were locked tight as you stared back at the man before you. Tanned skin from hours on the coast and beauty that even the old Gods would envy, you couldn’t discount his looks. But you knew those could be deceiving. And anyone who wins the Games knows how to be deceiving.
“Hey, you two,” he began as he looked between you and… Ian? Yeah, let’s go with that. “This isn’t a position I want to see anyone in, but I’m here to help make sure you make it through whatever hellscape of an arena they have planned for you and get you used to the culture of the Capitol.”
You could feel your hands shake as this terror became more real with every word he spoke. He’s my mentor. I have a mentor. I’m really a tribute.
I’m going to die.
Every ill thought you had of Finnick was immediately disposed of. He was a lifeline in this – he knew how to win. And if you had to be deceitful, manipulative, hell, even seductive through this, you’d take whatever advice he had and hold onto it with your life.
Quickly grasping your hands together to try and still them, you showed nothing but vulnerability as you slouched in your seat. You could feel another panic attack coming on, but you shoved it down to deal with later so you could talk with Finnick. You weren’t going to waste a single moment on this train that didn’t provide you with some sort of opportunity to gain skills that would help you make it out of the arena.
Finnick saw how your composure changed as soon as he started talking and his heart broke a bit from the horribleness of this. He meant it when he said that he didn’t want anyone else to be in this position, for the Games to be a reality, but he would be damned if he didn’t make sure that one of you wouldn’t come out a victor. So, the three of you got to work and talked through the whole ride to the Capitol.
Finnick was betting on your spearfishing skills to get you through.
“The other tributes will be spread between those who know how to hunt, how to hide, and how to survive. I need you to be all three.” He stated.
The two of you were working together before your training began in the Tribute Center, stealing your last little bit of train time to work on hand-to-hand skills. Ian was off resting since Finnick was already aware of his expertise with tridents. Apparently, the two had known each other prior to all of this. Finnick wasn’t worried about him. No, he was worried about you.
“I’ve never hunted another person before.” You reminded him. “Fish are different.”
He was showing you maneuvers that could be used for deflection at this point. Utilizing the strength of the staff would be crucial, but since the Capitol provided metal ones in the arena, there was no worry about it breaking. Being in the proper position to block vital spots was up to you, though.
“Fish are small targets,” he nailed his trident against your spear, the reverberation racing up your arms. You continued to hold on. “Humans are bigger. More places to aim for.”
“But they can fight back.” You remarked as you readjusted your hold on the spear. “They can kill me just as easily.”
“Then be faster. Be quiet and quick and they won’t know you’re there until the damage is already done.” He urged. Setting his trident against the wall, he stripped off his shirt from the exertion and reached for a bottle of water to rehydrate.
Your mouth watered at the view. He was, in the simplest of terms, gorgeous. Taunt muscles built from years of experience stretched across his expanse as sweat trickled between the valleys of them. His Adam’s apple bobbed in tandem with his swallows and you were entranced by the movement. You don’t know what he did in a past life to be graced with a body like that, but you had to appreciate it if even for this one moment.
Shaking your head to rid yourself of the distraction, you grabbed a drink of water as well, taking the time to think of your odds. They’ve been getting better with Finnick’s instruction, but it was your intelligence and timing that would get you to the victor’s circle. Confidence was starting to brew in your veins, and you didn’t want it to go away.
Setting the bottle down, you grabbed your spear once more and took a fighter’s stance with it. Finnick noticed and lifted a well-manicured brow at you.
“I’ve got the defense positions down,” you started. “Now show me how to win.”
You tried not to stand out amongst the other tributes as much as you could, in hopes that they would view you as nothing more than some meek and useless girl. Your plan was that if you kept your head down, they wouldn’t view you as a threat. While that could cause some to view you as an easy target, it would also keep the element of surprise tidily tucked in your back pocket.
However, you stuck close to Ian as Finnick urged the two of you to attempt an alliance – granting the ability for at least one person to keep an eye on your blind spots. You weren’t naïve, though. Alliances were unsteady, especially if it came down to saving your own skin over the others. And there was no proof that Ian would even keep his word about meeting in the arena, let alone keeping you alive long enough to hear the first sounds of cannon fire. If you were a betting man, you wouldn’t bet on him.
But he did bring in two more members to your shaky alliance, Della Remfar and Billy Churl from District 10. Not Career-material by a long shot, but they were both highly adept with an array of knife work. And, to your knowledge, both knew the cleanest and quickest ways to stab, slice, and gut something – which could definitely come in handy.
Even after surrounding yourself with the three, you weren’t entirely sold on the idea of putting any sort of trust in them. You didn’t speak of anything personal, nor did you even attempt to learn anything about them. It would be easier this way. There can only be one victor in the end, and the memories of the fallen tributes should be left to be carried on by their own friends and families, not by someone who was an instrument in their death.
And, selfishly, you just didn’t want the chance of actually liking any of them to arise. It would be hard enough to kill strangers – killing friends would probably destroy you.
The training scores were being announced as you sat between Finnick and Ian. Nervously, you kept bouncing your leg up and down on the plush seat as you waited for your name to pop up on the screen.
Your show to the Gamemakers may not have been anything extremely special, but you would be damned if your new prowess with a spear would go unnoticed. Finnick’s teachings were nothing short of a blessing, and every time you lifted that metal bar, you had the unrestrained thought of making him proud.
It was strange, to find comfort in a man whose sole purpose in your life was to keep you from dying. He would do all he could to keep sponsors coming your way and leave you with all the knowledge and tricks he gained from his own Games. And you would survive. If you wished hard enough that you would live through it, perhaps you could wish it into existence.
A fool’s thought, but it didn’t stop you from looking up to the night sky every night and doing just that. It wasn’t a prayer, not by a long shot. If there was a God out there, you’d hate them with every fiber of your being for allowing their “children” to do this to one another without fear of repercussion. You were already in a living hell – it couldn’t get much worse than this.
Silencing your mind, you peaked with interest as Ian’s name flashed across the screen along with his score. An 8. That was solid. Enough to show the sponsors he was someone worth rooting for and kept the Careers off his tail for being too much of a threat. But it’s not like you cared that much when your name and picture finally appeared.
From pure desperation and worry soaking your veins, you grabbed Finnick’s hand in an attempt to calm yourself. You couldn’t even look at him, not as your eyes were glued to the screen in front of you. But Finnick looked at you.
He saw how scared you were – not just from the placings, but from the whole event. He couldn’t be surprised – hardly anyone made it through the Games without being completely terrified. Even in his own Games, he was fearful. Petrified, more like. No one wants to die like an animal and, besides the vicious, no one wants to kill another human being like one either. So, tightening his own hand around yours, softly rubbing his thumb on the back, he waited with bated breath for your score.
9. Oh, fuck.
“That puts you right around the Careers,” Finnick whispered to you.
You nodded your head, eyes still staring straight at some unknown point in front of you. Your hand was still wrapped around Finnick’s, neither one of you wanting to let go from the worldly anchor. In truth, you were surprised you had placed that high, and by the slightly jealous façade that rested on Ian’s face, you could tell he wasn’t too happy about it either. But Finnick, he just seemed to watch your facial response to it, ready to help you through.
There was no overwhelming emotion of happiness or disappointment, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. And, after turning your face to drown into his oceanic eyes once more, you were.
This was it. The clock was counting down as you and the other tributes stood atop your respective platforms waiting for the blood bath to begin. For humanity to disappear and pure unrestrained carnage to take its place.
Your whole body was shaking. Anxiety and dread were filling you up and overflowing at the top. You wanted to be anywhere but here. You wanted to be dead already to get it over with. You wanted to be with Annie and your family playing on the beach.
You just didn’t want to be here.
So, for a split second, you let your consciousness cover your mind with a memory. Something warm and happy that could perhaps get you through the next minutes or hours or days. And you indulged in it.
“Oh, yeah. My parents took us swimming all the time. For ‘exercise’ and all that, but really, I know they just wanted to spend time as a family whenever we could.”
You and Finnick were lounging in the main sitting area within your deck of the Tribute Center. While he probably should have made his leave already, he wanted to check on you after your training, and, without admitting it, desired to spend time with you.
The two of you were currently sharing memories of your families and friends and life. You don’t quite remember how the conversation happened, but it was just too easy to get lost in the words with him. A bittersweet thought of how you would miss him materialized, but you quickly threw it to the wayside so you could luxuriate in the presence of Finnick Odair.
“My mom was always about making sure that between work on the docks, out on the waves, or just helping with the catches, we prioritized one another. Blood is thicker than water, she would always remind us.” You couldn’t help the bright smile painting your face as you thought about how kind and, sometimes scary, your mother was. She truly loved life and insisted on making sure everyone in your family could see the beauty in it as well, if not a little aggressively.
“She once threatened my younger brother, Kade, that she would take away his slice of chiffon cake if he didn’t go out and play with his friends for a bit.” You disclosed. “She ate it right in front of him when he refused.”
You both laughed at the story, going on to tell him more about your siblings and Annie, who was practically your sister at this point. With each passing story, you grew less enthusiastic. He saw the way you started to deflate from the stories, sadness taking its place due to your current predicament of perhaps never being able to see your loved ones again.
He didn’t want those memories to sour from this, he wanted you to keep them treasured – shrouded in a golden cloud of light and love. With a sense of duty, he moved over from his armchair to join you on the loveseat you were curled into.
Your doe eyes followed his movements, curious as to what he was doing. He sat beside you; stern vulnerability layered on his features. With shrugged eyebrows and a twinkle of some unknown emotion in his eyes, he placed his hand on the side of your face, tenderly holding you in position.
“Don’t let them take this from you.” He softly insisted, fingers warming you where they rested. “They want to break you, to dull you, but don’t let them win.”
You blinked. Once. Twice. Before your brain registered that you should reply to him.
“Wh- What?” You stuttered out in a hushed voice, much less of a conversation than you intended, but you were still confused by his words and actions. He continued to look at you, stealing glimpses into your soul through your widened eyes.
“Your memories, your love. The Games are built to destroy you of it all, leaving nothing more than a walking corpse empty of thought and emotion.” He asserted. “But don’t let them win. When you walk out a victor, hold onto what you love most and remember that the Capitol can’t take that. They can try to take your humanity, what makes you, you, but they won’t.”
You were stunned into silence, thoughts running rampant, but one began to overshadow them all.
He thinks I’ll win?
“I know we’ve only truly known each other for a short while, but I’d like to think I’ve become a great judge of character over the years.” He confessed with a small smile. “And when I look at you, I see a genuinely good person. Someone who shouldn’t have been forced into this, who should have lived their life out in peace and bliss but will win because they have something to fight for.”
You didn’t want to speak, to breathe, for fear of stopping his expression. But your eyes encouraged him, so he went on.
“You. Fight for yourself, Y/N L/N. Fight for the memories you hold in your heart. Fight for the love you have to give. Fight for whoever makes your head rush. Fight for the feelings.” He whispered out, only for you. “Just, please, fight. I know you can win. You have the skills, the intelligence, everything. So, fight for everything and nothing at all.”
Silent tears were streaming down your heated cheeks from his honesty. You knew Finnick to be manipulative and cunning when he needed to be, but there was nothing but a boy who wanted to be heard in front of you. What did he have to lie for anyway? You’d be going into that arena either way, friend or not.
Your own smaller hand covered Finnick’s as he continued to hold your cheek. Your lids gently shut as you pushed yourself into the warmth he was offering, staying close to him. He watched you hold the part of himself he presented to you, and decided he should gift just a little bit more.
Lifting his left hand to sit on the other side of your face, he pulled you close to rest his forehead against your own. With shut eyes, the two of you breathed in each other as the intimate moment closed over you.
Even in this short period of time, you’d never felt as close to a person as you did to Finnick. He knew the position you were in, for he had stood there before. He knew your emotions better than you did and encouraged them as a power, not a weakness. He was a light in this dark world, and you’d protect that flame with your life.
Pulling his head back but still staying close, he expressed one last thing. “My secrets, Y/N. I’ll give you all my secrets if you come back to me. If you fight for me. I’ll fight for you every day of my life and it still won’t be enough if you don’t come. Back. To. Me.”
He practically shook with the truth of his words. He wanted for nothing more than time. Time with you. Time to truly learn everything about you. Something in him yearned for you since the moment you had met. Your strength, your smile, your brilliance. He wanted to bathe and drown in it all at once. So, he needed you to win. To dirty yourself as he still is. Then, perhaps, you could both learn how to wear the past together. 
For a short moment, all you could do was look at him. To take him in as he was, no mask atop his face. To see what Finnick Odair looked like when there were no secrets to steal. And then you quickly tucked yourself into his torso as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I’ll fight for you, Finnick.” You declared into his chest. “I’ll fight for more moments like this.”
He hesitated for just a breath before he enveloped his arms around you, holding you tight and taking in your presence. He would make sure that you get anything you need in that arena. And that he’ll be there to pick up any pieces you left behind when you come back to him.
Della was dead. Ian was dead. Tributes from all the districts were dead.
The only ones still living were you and Billy, and the clock was ticking away.
Ian stuck true to his word and met you far from the Cornucopia as the two of you ran for your lives. The arena was a swamp – dirty and thick with a putrid smell that you would never forget. But the cypress and tupelo tree bunches gave what cover they could as you deftly made your way through the duckweed covering parts of the watery surface. Della and Billy attempted to steal a supply pack out of the slaughterhouse, but only Billy returned. Sticking close to one another, you made it through your first night.
Finnick also did as he promised and made sure the sponsors gave you anything you needed: spears, bread, ointment for Ian after he ran through a thorn-filled brush and ripped his leg open, even just extra blankets and water bottles – he made sure you were always supplied. His heart was in his mouth every time he saw you on screen, each day fitting you worse than the last. Exertion and fear were already taking their toll on you with mud-caked skin, chapped lips, and hair that was matting faster than a sunset. But none of that mattered as long as you made it to the end.
Ian was the next to go with a slit throat as your group battled head-to-head with the Careers. Two of the four were down before it happened, giving you all a false sense of hope. It was in that second of distraction that the girl from 2 sprinted around and tore Ian’s neck open before you could even blink.
Without even thinking, you launched your spear right into her chest as Billy finished off the District 1 boy. The two of you were unaware that each had defeated a tribute, but as your breathing slowed and you turned toward him, the realization hit you like a train.
I have to kill him.
It was a sickening thought, one you wish you’d never have to think about, but one that was entirely fueled by survival. You made a promise to Finnick that you would return. That you would come back. And even with aching limbs and short breaths, you would fight.
So, fight you did.
Billy started making his way to you as you reached the District 2 girl and yanked the spear from her concaved chest. There was no time for sympathy, no time for feelings. Billy wasn’t your friend. Sure, he may have saved you from the guy from 6 and always made sure that you got your share of food, but he wasn’t your friend. He couldn’t be your friend.
You locked down your thoughts as the two of you met in a patch of hip-deep swamp water. The muck below was forcing your feet to sink lower and gave you little grasp, but you lived in the sandy ocean. You knew how to maneuver well enough to use it to your advantage.
You were smaller than Billy as he towered over you at some number over six feet – a sturdy build for a butcher’s life. Which was a disadvantage for the environment. As you could navigate across the ground without fear of adhering to it, he was stuck, weighted down into the pit of swamp.
As he struggled to turn to follow your movements, his hands were briskly releasing knives your way. Try as you might, you couldn’t miss all of them. One lodged in your upper shoulder as another grazed your cheek, nipping off the tip of your left ear. But he wouldn’t have an infinite number of knives, and you could be patient enough for them to run dry.
And when they did, you advanced. Flittering over to him, you adjusted your stance just as Finnick taught you – bracing your arms apart so they could give and move as needed. You caught him in the side at first, until he grabbed onto the other end of the spear and pulled you toward him. He was stronger than you. If he got his hands on you, he could choke you out or drown you as hastily as he wanted, so you couldn’t let him touch you.
As he hauled you closer and closer to him, you steadied yourself. You’d only have one shot at this, and if you missed, it was all over. Taking a deep breath and focusing on the one moment you would have for this to work, you waited.
Not yet.
He was reaching the end of the spear.
Not yet.
He was loosening his grip on one hand to stretch out toward you.
Not yet.
You could feel the heat of his palm as he began to place it on your good shoulder.
In a flash, you jumped up and around him, securing yourself on his back and throwing him off balance so he couldn’t lay hold of you. Spear forgotten; you grasped his knife still stuck in your shoulder. With a cry, you yanked it out of yourself and stabbed it into his neck. And you stabbed again. And again. Tears were streaming down your face like a river flooded as you made sure he was well and truly dead.
As his heavy body dropped, you released your death grip but not before you fell into the water with him. You closed your tired eyes as you floated in the combination of blood and sludge. Nothing felt real. You were a victor, and you didn’t feel real. For a moment you could almost see your consciousness floating above you in a haze, like you were the one to die rather than Billy. But as soon as it was there it was gone. Instead, a transporter floated just where you had been, and now it was grabbing the winner of the 70th Hunger Games up into its claws once more.
Finnick was the first to greet you with nothing but concern on his face. As everyone else tossed cheers and ‘congratulations’ at you, he held onto you and walked you from the crowd. And he didn’t let go even when you sobbed into his shirt, staining it with tears and blood.
A doctor had to stitch your shoulder and cheek and wrap your bleeding ear, but with the Capitol’s technology, it took less than 2 days to heal. And Finnick never left your side for those days, talking about nonsense and the sponsors and the Games and how your family came to visit but you were unconscious from the medication and everything else he could think of that he couldn’t talk to you about before.
You told him about your heart-wrenching fear at every waking moment and nightmares you would have each night in the arena. Sleep was unwilling to take you, and you hardly wanted it to. Not when the arena croaked and screeched with animals and tributes on the prowl. Nothing but pure survival was in your veins, and that feeling was reluctant to leave you even now.
When you were dismissed from the hospital, he didn’t leave your side then, either. He talked to your family and Annie like they had known each other for a lifetime already. It made you happy watching them together. All the people you loved right in front of you, and you were still alive to witness it.
Even with the dark cloud looming over you, they were still the sun’s rays shining through. Small, but strong enough to keep you going.
Weeks after the Games and your victory tour concluded, you were nestled in a small reading nook in your home in Victors’ Village. The Games still haunted you, but you found solace in books. In romantic novels that didn’t have death sentences or tyrannical leaders – just two people who were in love and determined to display that in any way they could.
It was a way for you to escape reality, if even for a fleeting moment. Surrounding yourself with friends and family could only help for so long, and more often than not, being around so many people had you reliving the fight between your group and the Careers. The heaviness of the air and the cacophony of sounds had your stomach turning and chest tightening. Usually, Finnick would notice and quickly relieve you of the event by sheltering you outside.
It was a rather common occurrence, which is why you were happy to be in solitude. You told your family that you’d like to live in the house alone, if only for a couple of months, but they were more than welcome to visit you – which your mother did. A lot. She’d bring attempts at dinners and pies, but you were grateful for her and never discouraged her love. You couldn’t imagine the pain that she went through watching her daughter almost lose her life in the arena, so you entertained all of her antics. Almost every time she visited her eyes would drift to where your shoulder scar lay beneath your clothes, and she always kissed the mark on your cheek before she left as well. The reminders were plain to see.
But your solitude was never truly lonely.
“Hot chocolate?” Your eyes broke from the pages in front of you to look at Finnick, who was now offering the delectable drink to you.
You smiled at him and nodded, shifting your position to reach for the mug of cocoa. He sat beside you, offering more warmth than just that in your hands as he glanced at the book resting in your lap.
“Pride and Prejudice, again?” He smirked. “You have a library full and you’re reading this for, what, the fifth time this month?”
You hit his shoulder with your own as you giggled into your cup. Taking a sip and humming as the warm liquid traveled down your throat, you set your cup aside to face him.
“It’s a wonderful story, what can I say.” You confessed to him.
“And,” He reclined back in his seat as he regarded you. “Highly illegal. I still don’t know how you got your hands on that.” Shaking his head, he took his own drink of the hot chocolate and evaluated you with a raised brow.
“Perks of being a victor, as you should already be aware of.” Your smile vanished. “You get secrets, and I get tales to bury myself in.”
Any trace of playfulness withdrew from his manner. Soft eyes looked into your own as he set his cup aside, reciprocating the action to yours.
“Y/N,” he whispered softly.
Before he could say anymore, you snuggled into him, hurting for the man before you. “I’m sorry, Finnick. I didn’t mean to bring it up, I just– I just can’t understand why they would do that to you.”
Your watery eyes finally traveled back up to his, as he caressed your head with a tender touch. Finnick had finally told you what his days consisted of as a victor – of forced touches and unwanted attention; he was used in the Capitol for his looks and composure. You didn’t take it well, seconds away from marching to President Snow and killing him yourself for putting loving, sweet Finnick through that pain.
It wrecked you even more to know that he dealt with it all for the people he cared about. For his family. For his friends. For you. And that there wasn’t anything you could do to stop it without putting everyone else in danger. The worst that was done to you was parading you around like a show dog on a leash to different events. Perhaps if you weren’t scarred, they would have wanted the same for you, but for once, you could count yourself lucky that Billy hadn’t fully missed.
“Y/N,” he spoke once more as he lifted your chin to gaze down into your eyes. “Please, don’t suffer for me. You know I would do anything to protect you from them, and if this is the cost, then so be it.”
You shook your head as you wiped the tears from your eyes. “You don’t deserve this. You shouldn’t have to do anything else for them. Especially not that.”
You couldn’t even say the words out loud, it was so repulsive. It made sense now, why he was always with new and different Capitol citizens at those parties. Why he never looked truly there in the way he handled himself. And it made you want to shove your spear into anyone who would ever try and do that to him again.
“It’s okay, Y/N, really.” He gently smiled at you the way he reserved only for you – with all the love and radiance he could put into it. “I get to spend the rest of my time– the rest of my life with you. That’s all I could ever ask for.”
“Finnick,” you whispered, hardly knowing what to say to him.
He gingerly brushed the hair back from your forehead as he placed a kiss upon it, hushing you. “For you, my love, I would do anything.”
Your body trembled in his hands from the emotion tumbling around inside you. After the Games, it was hard to let yourself get close to him, for the honest fear of losing him. But he was patient. He waited for you and took his time working through the tremors of the Games that still resided within you. It was hard, it still is, to make it through a day without finding yourself back in that arena, but being around him made it easier – more manageable. He was the part of you that kept you afloat and you were hanging on with both hands to make sure he stayed.
You lost yourself in his eyes – green and blue twirling in an intimate dance, the most beautiful you had ever seen. Truly, there was no other place you would rather be than with him. Every ounce of comfort that you felt stemmed from Finnick, and he felt just the same. To part with one another now would be to rip a heart in two, never fitting the pieces to another.
I love him.
It was a scary thought and, really, shouldn’t have shocked you as much as it did. You knew for a long time already that you did but admitting it to yourself was the true challenge. Everyone knew it, hell, Annie would constantly ask you when the two of you would just marry already – she had never seen two people as made for the other until she saw you and Finnick. But you were slow to let that part of yourself go. He already had your heart, but now, you would finally allow yourself to have his.
Tenderly, you reached your hands to cup his face – the slight stubble growing on his cheeks tickling your palms. As not to scare him off, you so slowly pulled his head down to yours. Only an inch apart, your mouths breathed onto one another, painting your lips with his scent.
“Y/N,” he ground out in a whimper.
“Finnick,” you echoed back. “I love you.”
The sharp inhale was the only sign that he had heard your small voice. That, and the urgency at which he bridged the gap between your mouths. A whine escaped from the back of your throat at how soft he was – how his lips molded into your own as if fated to do so. You were already addicted to the feeling.
Finnick wasn’t faring much better. His whole head was fuzzy with love and reverence for you as he pulled you up to sit on his lap, bringing you as close to you as he could. Tenderness soon turned into something more as he began to map out the curves of your body with his hands. As you gasped from his touch, he took the chance to sneak his tongue into your mouth, charting that territory out as well.
Happily returning the favor, you too began exploring the body of the glorious man before you. Tongues twisting, hands moving, both your breaths became labored as the need for even more started hazing both your minds. Pulling away for just a moment, you took your chance.
“Y/N,” he practically growled out as you began to shift your hips over his growing hardness. “We don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable yet.”
And you knew he meant it. While the two of you had never crossed that line before, you wanted to use more than just your words to show him how much you love him. You wanted to cherish him, to give him all of you.
“I want to.” You pleaded. Then, you quickly pulled away as a thought occurred to you. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about how you might feel about this. Fuck, Finnick, I–”
Before another word could leave your mouth, Finnick covered it with his own, pushing all the love he has to give into you. He coaxed you right back into the kiss, cradling your head close, softly rubbing the flat scar on your ear’s tip. Through a deep breath, he broke the tender instant to glance back at you. Your mind clouded until he spoke.
“Don’t ever think I don’t want you, Y/N,” he reassured. “There is nothing in this world that I want more than you. What happens in the Capitol doesn’t leave me broken, not when you’re still here. And, if you want me, you already have me – I just don’t want you to feel forced into it.”
As he explained his thoughts to you, his hands were delicately rubbing up and down your sides as to console any feelings revolving around your head. He loved you without needing something physical. You were more than enough for him without anything else than just your presence.
“I love you, Finnick Odair,” you confessed for the second time aloud. “And I want to be yours – mind, body, and soul. For as long as you should have me.”
As Finnick’s eyes grew watery from the words torn from your heart, he acknowledged just the same. “I will love you forever, Y/N L/N. And should I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my thoughts will be filled with you. Only you.”
And with the words spoken and sealed in a lover’s embrace, you sculpted your lips around each other once more. Finnick was slow to undress you, taking the time to truly admire the woman that you were. Removing your top, he trailed his lips from your neck to the scar on your shoulder and drifted further down to your breasts.
You held your breath as you watched him take your nipple into his mouth, suckling and teasing the bud with his tongue. Sighing, you tangled your hands into his hair, urging him to continue his actions. Doing just that, he reached one of his hands up to fondle your untouched breast, coaxing out more whines from you from the feeling.
Unaware, your hips continued to grind down on his lap, searching for some sort of friction for the growing heat in your core. While you had reached highs on your own hands and fingers before, you never touched a man like this – let alone felt the urge to have every part of him in you. And damn it, did you ever want to feel Finnick fucking Odair.
As he switched between ministrations on your nipples, he groaned into you every time you caught on his swelling cock. His head was filled with nothing but the thoughts of you and how he wanted to taste and touch you. How he wanted to tempt out every little noise you could make as you reached your peak over and over again. How he wanted to drown in you.  
Giving into his raging thoughts, he flipped the two of you around so your back lay comfortably on the cushions beneath you. Hot chocolate cooling and book thrown to some corner in the room, it was just you and him. Nothing else mattered.
Wandering down your body once more, he rid you of your pants and undergarments, leaving you bare in the sun. You were a goddess to him. A picture of perfection. He would never get tired of gazing upon you. Even when the two of you had grown old and grey, you would still be the most beautiful thing, sculpted by the poets themselves.
You watched as his eyes traced your body, and you began to grow self-conscious. Before you could even attempt to close yourself off from him, he grabbed onto your thighs and looked deep into your lust-blown eyes.
“Please, don’t hide from me.” He begged you. “You are the most exquisite being, never forget that. I feel like the luckiest man in the world to be able to even glimpse your beauty.”
Sentiments swelling your throat, you nodded up to him and relaxed into his touch. Seeing your newly eased state, he kneeled on the ground as he pulled your legs over his shoulders. Gazing upon your core, a growl emerged from the back of his throat. Your slick heat was practically begging to be filled by him, and who was he to deny such a pretty little thing?
He kissed up the innermost parts of your legs, inching closer and closer to where you needed him most. Before you could issue a complaint to stop teasing, he licked a warm stripe up your pussy, and you gasped. Head thrown back and hands immediately finding purchase in his hair, you were hooked.
He nuzzled his nose into your clit as he began to touch your core with his tongue, forcing out mewls and whines from your mouth. Reaching up his hands, one gripped onto your legs to prevent them from wrapping around his head, while the other spread your lips so he could dive even deeper into you. Flicking and cooing, his tongue continued to taste your slick as he moaned into you from your flavor.
You began rubbing your hips up and down his face as you continued to chase your high. He was too good at this – you’d never last long at this rate.
“Finnick, ahh,” you chanted his name like a choir of angels, and your voice went straight to his cock.
Wanting nothing but his name on your mind, he inserted a finger to begin loosening you up. The slight stretch already elicited a whine of pain from you. His digit was so much longer and thicker than your own, and you had a feeling his length was even more so.
As soon as he felt you relax around one, he slipped in a second. Scissoring around your cunt, he sucked on your clit to keep you slackened. You already felt so full. But as soon as all the discomfort turned to pleasure, you wanted more than just his fingers in you.
“Fuck,” you moaned out. “Finnick, I, shit, I want to feel you.”
He sighed into your pussy at your pleading state. Closing his eyes, he continued slipping his fingers in and out of you, getting you even further toward your orgasm.
“Not yet, love.” He insisted in a gravelly voice. “I want to taste you on my tongue first. You can do that, yeah baby? Want to cum in my mouth? I know you can do it. You’re such a good girl.”
You whined as you shut your eyes and continued stirring your hips on his face. He placed his lips back over your clit and thrust his fingers even faster into your heat. The sound of his knuckles squelching against your wetness was driving him insane, but he wanted to– no, needed to taste your essence before putting his cock into you.
As you felt your climax crawling nearer, your pussy clamped down around Finnick’s fingers, not wanting to let go. Your hips became erratic as you felt the familiar tightening in your lower abdomen – rising from your toes to the tip of your head. Finnick moved and slurped like a man starved, aching for you to lose yourself on him.
With a few more movements and a cry loosened from your lips, you released right into Finnick’s waiting mouth. He cleaned up every last drop, not wanting any to go to waste. You continued to ride out your high as he removed his lips from your bud. Once he felt you tire from your spend, he slipped his fingers out of you.
You watched with hungry eyes as he licked his fingers clean, eyes rolling back as his cock leaked from the wonder of your taste. Moaning as he popped them out of his salivating palate, he quickly moved to rid himself of his shirt. Reaching his arms back behind his neck and tearing the shirt from his torso up around his head, his eyes never left yours.
“I knew you would taste absolutely fucking divine.” He proclaimed to you as he started stripping his pants off. “I bet you feel just as good.”
Gasping, you finally laid eyes on his cock. Thick and girthy, you had no idea how it was supposed to fit in you. While it wasn’t ridiculously long, the stature of it made up more than enough. And as Finnick saw you fixed upon his hardened length, he twitched, which made you whimper up to him.
Bending back down to hover over you, he covered your mouth with his lips, allowing you to taste the salty remains of your own release. Moaning into his mouth, you gripped onto his bronze locks once more, lifting your hips to graze your now swollen clit against him.
He groaned and swiftly grabbed onto your hips to push you down. Backing from the kiss, he asked you one last time, “Are you sure?”
Breathless, you answered. “Yes. Please. I’ve never been surer about anything.”
Staring into your eyes and seeing nothing but certainty, he nodded.
“This is going to hurt, at first.” He stated. “Just try to stay relaxed and I promise you, you’ll start to feel good soon enough.”
Bobbing your head, you dug your nails into his shoulders to brace yourself as he glanced down and began to line himself up to your still-sweating heat. As he pressed the tip into you, you inhaled a sharp breath. Finnick immediately looked up to your face.
“It’s okay. Breathe, my love.” He took his hand and caressed your face. Settling a tender kiss on your lips, you started to breathe normally once again. Taking it as his cue to continue his insertion, he pressed back into you.
Slowly, so achingly slowly, he rocked his length into you. Taking the time to pull back and forth, he was easing you through the tight pain in your cunt. You were biting down on your bottom lip and your eyes were sealed shut from the sting of it.
“Fuck,” he breathed out. “You’re doing so good, baby. Just a little bit more and, shit, I’ll be all the way. God, you’re so tight, fuck.”
Finnick was trying his hardest to go slow for you, but the way that your cunt was compressed around him was like a drug. He wanted more, he wanted to move, but he would never place his own needs above your own. He watched your face for any sign of unordinary discomfort, but he saw none, so he inched further and further until he was fully sheathed into you.
Groaning, he dropped his head into your neck and panted out. As you adjusted to his size, the discomfort subsided. Sighing out as well, you started to lift your hips in your attempt at receiving friction. Finnick moaned and bit down into the softness of your neck.
“Move, Finnick, please.” You whimpered into his ear, already drunk on the feeling of his cock in you. You were so full, practically pushed to the brim, but you wanted more of him. You wanted him to make love to you.
Listening to your words, he dragged his cock through your walls as he moved in and out of you. Feeling your warmth rub against him was nothing short of amazing – there wasn’t anything that would ever compare to the feeling of you.
The two of you moaned in tandem as he thrust a particularly harsh plunge into you. You were scraping his back, leaving red angry lines as you wrapped your legs around his fit waist. Even in your inebriated state, you couldn’t help but admire him. For more than just his handsomeness, Finnick was the most gorgeous thing inside and out, and you couldn’t believe that he was yours. You would do anything for him to smile at you, to give you soft kisses to your temple, to just be.
So, you took hold of his head from where it was leaving marks on your neck, and you clashed your teeth together in a heated kiss. He was quick to reciprocate and grip onto your ass as he continued drilling himself into you, mouth never leaving yours.
You were the one to break the kiss as you leaned back to moan from the feeling.
“Fuck, Finnick. I love you so much.” You were rambling now, high off nothing but the way he was making you melt into his arms. “Please don’t leave me. I couldn’t, ah, live without you. Need you here. Always here. Mmm, my Finnick.”
He continued his movements as he gazed at you, love and lust battling for dominance in his sea-green eyes. “I’ll never let you go, Y/N. You are mine as I am yours. God. I was made to be by your side. Oh, Y/N. To always be with you. Would never leave you. My heart, fuck, is yours forever.”
The two of you were incoherent, rambling sentiments of love and sweet nothings to the other. Both of your climaxes were approaching, wanting to cum at the same time as the other. Skin on skin and sweat dripping upon each other, this was a plea of love, a confessional. Never to leave, always to stay – your hands were tied together as Finnick kissed you softly once more.
In contrast, his hips picked up the pace, as his fingers found your throbbing clit once more, pushing you to reach the top with him. His movements became inconsistent as he grew closer, knowing you were on your way as well by the way you were clenching down on him.
“Come on, baby,” he cooed at you. “Cum with me. You’re so close, love, I can feel it.”
“Yes, yes!” you whined at him. “Wanna cum, wanna cum with you. Ah, almost there, Finnick, don’t stop.”
Moving your hips with him, you both panted as the light grew brighter. He sped his twirling fingers up around your bud, begging you to peak with him. And as the two of you whined and whimpered louder and louder, Finnick thrust hard and deep into you. With this one last push, you both roared a moan as you came in and around the other.
Slowing his motions, Finnick allowed you to ride out your orgasm as he spilled his seed in you. Your legs twitched around his hips as you came down from your high. Head tilted back, you breathed hard and fast as your heart pounded. Finnick wrapped his arms around you as he held you close, still buried inside you.
For just a bit, the two of you stayed like that – together as one. Your pants eventually withdrew and were left with nothing more than the beating of the blood in your veins. He tenderly pulled out of you, leaving you empty of nothing but the soreness in your hips. Rubbing small circles on the aching joints, he kept his head close to yours. He then started kissing all over your face, making you giggle.
Chuckling along with you, he saved you from the attack by pulling away and looking at you with pure love and adoration. Mirroring his visage, you tenderly stroked his cheek as he sighed into your palm.
“I’m going to marry you, Y/N.” It wasn’t a question, but a fact he knew true in his heart.
Your eyes widened at his words, stilling your actions for a moment.
“Not tomorrow,” he laughed at your shocked expression. “Perhaps not a week or month from now, but one day I will. And that day will be the happiest of my life.”
Tears brimmed along your eye line, but it wasn’t sadness blurring your vision. Joy, excitement, and love were making their presence known in this strange way, and you didn’t know how else to respond to his worrisome look except to smile at him. Smile with your heart and soul to the man who was everything to you. And he smiled back the way Finnick Odair only smiles at you: uninhibited and overflowing with fondness.
Nestling into him as he repositioned you both on the seat, you contently sighed into him. This is what you fought for in that arena. This is why you promised that you’d win.
For vulnerable moments like this. For nothing between you and the man you love except the warm skin of your bodies. For the chance to live and not survive. For him.
With those thoughts in your mind, there was only one way you knew how to respond to him: with your truth, not a secret, and not in fear.
“Yes, I will marry you, Finnick Odair.”
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11vr1 · 1 year
Now hear me out here… Miles Earth 42 x F!Reader dancing Bachata🤭 Orrr something like they are at a party and a family friend decides to dance a rather romantic song with us so Miles gets jealous. So many different scenarios with Bachata and dancing I wouldn’t mind fluff either where like they dance in the living room or smth I just love Bachata and romantic dancing ♥️😊
Eres Mía ⭒ Miles Morales
Synopsis › Miles gets jealous and a nearly gets into a fight, so he makes it up to you by teaching you bachata.
Pairing › Earth-42! Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Inspo › Request.
Includes › ATSV SPOILERS, tooth rotting fluff, swearing, bad Spanish, jealousy, pet names, a tiny bit suggestive
P.S. › Thank you for this ask! I had so much fun. A nice change from the angst. <33
P.S.S. › I am now making a taglist!!! Lemme know if you wanna be on it. I also think I want to find mutuals and get more involved in the community…
When Miles asked Y/n to be his plus one, she almost couldn’t believe it. His delivery was cool and casual as if he didn’t invite her to a party with all of his family and closest family friends in attendance. They had become official a little over a month ago (though Miles swears it’s been longer), so the first family gathering was a big deal, a huge milestone most couples put off until much later. When she tried to explain to her boyfriend the significance of this event, he didn’t understand. “Don’t start stressin’. It’s jus’ my abuela’s birthday party,” she remembered him saying.
If his grandmother was anything like Rio Morales, Y/n would be walking into a lion’s den. Miles did nothing to placate her worries, making her do the exact thing he told her not to do: worry.
The weekend had arrived and so did the much anticipated birthday party. Y/n spent a considerable amount of time getting ready, choosing a tie front top with a cami underneath and satin skirt to combat the sweltering city heat. She double checked every angle in the mirror before leaving her apartment.
The corners of the gift envelope addressed in her elegant script were slightly bent from being clutched in her nervous hands all the way to Harlem. It was easy to find the building. Y/n simply followed the booming sound of music and laughter to the rooftop. The party was already in full swing. Half of New York showed up to celebrate Gloria Morales’ 70th birthday.
Y/n moved through the packed party-goers to the gift table, not seeing a single familiar face amongst them. She felt out of place. Does she introduce herself? Wait? Look for Miles? Certainly he wouldn’t leave her to brave his family alone. A tinge of panic settled in her stomach as she looked again.
“You lost, babygirl?” Y/n nearly jumped out of her skin hearing a strange voice beside her. The boy was taller than her and around her age or a little older. His feather duster of a mustache curved with his smirk as his leering eyes roved her head to toe slowly. Painfully slow.
She prickled, immediately raising her guard. “No, I’m just waiting for someone.” He glanced around, seeing everyone engrossed in their own conversations.
“I ain’ never seen you round here before. What’s your name?” Y/n hesitated to answer, but gave him a curt reply. “Thas cute. Real cute.” This was a party after all, the point was to mingle. And she didn’t want to seem rude. She had no idea who this guy was. He might’ve been a cousin, a family friend, someone who could easily say the wrong thing to the right person about her. “You know how to dance?” The night was starting to look very long.
Where was Miles?
Miles was very late. On his way, but late. His mother has surely noticed his absence by now. Abuela was definitely asking about him. And Y/n…she was probably already there. He cursed himself underneath his mask. That last job was pushing it. There was no time to go home, change, and take the subway like he originally planned. Luckily, he knew a shortcut through the skyscrapers and shadows of New York.
The window of his abuela’s apartment squeaked as it slid open. Miles rushed to shed his Prowler persona in the guest bedroom and stuff the suit in his bag. In a second, he appeared to be a normal teenage boy despite the forming bruises. He prepared himself to face the wrath of his mother, grandmother, and girlfriend. What he was not prepared for was seeing Y/n about to be pulled to the dance floor by another guy. They were close. Too close for his liking.
Something burned inside Miles, one he was reluctant to identify—jealousy. Dare he say doubt? He was new to the boyfriend thing. Sometimes he said the wrong thing, silent at the wrong times. But he tried. Was Y/n already fed up? There was no denying she was gorgeous. She could pull any guy she wanted.
He stalked closer, effortlessly weaving through the crowd. “Oh, come on! I’m not asking you to marry me. Just one song.” The guy tugged at her again. Miles recognized him. Eric and his family were friends, though Miles only endured his presence when they were forced to be in the same place. They’d never gotten along, finding each other to be a nuisance and a relationship beyond neutrality unnecessary. But that little understanding might just end right here, this was not about to fly on his watch.
“I told you I don’t want to dance,” Y/n separated herself out of his grip. The sheer expression of disgust on her amused Miles. She found him as annoying as he did.
Eric made the mistake of reaching towards her again. He had the chance to back off and it sounded like he had been warned more than once. This was not about to fly. Miles decided it was time to interfere. He swiftly placed himself at Y/n’s side, his footsteps soundless, a skill learned from his…side hobby. “La escuchaste, cabrón. Retrocede.” Venom laced his tone, an unspoken threat at the tip of his tongue. The air turned to ice around the three of them. You heard her, cabrón. Back off.
The confidence drained from Eric’s face. He knew good and well Miles was not to be messed with. There were rumors about him and his penchant for beating anyone who pissed him off into the ground. “Ella es tu chica, Morales?” He stepped up to him in a vain attempt to mask how intimidated he really was. Miles moved Y/n behind him. She watched the standoff silently, keeping a hand on Miles’ bicep in case it went south. She’s your girl, Morales?
Miles tilted his head, sneering down at the posturing fool. “Sí, ella es mía. Ahora déjala.” Yeah, she’s mine. Now leave her alone.
“No estaba tratando de hacer nada,” Eric scoffed. He turned his attention back to the pretty girl hidden behind Miles. “If you get tired of this asshole, come find me.” I wasn’t trying to do nothing.
Miles lunged, thankfully, with some supernatural girlfriend sense, Y/n was quicker and held him back. Eric flinched, his fear visible for that split second. Heads turned. “You need to calm down, Miles.” Her hand made its way into his, gently pulling him away. He backed away, never breaking his cold glare from Eric.
Together they left the party. Miles muttered curses in Spanish Y/n couldn’t catch as he stomped down the stairs. “Miles! Miles, baby, slow down!” She called his name again. “You not ‘bout to make me run after you in these shoes!” He stopped. His jaw was tight, eyebrows set low on his face, hands burrowed in his pockets to hide his balled up fists. Damn. Even seething he was gorgeous. “We talked about this. You gotta talk to me.”
He was silent for a few moments, he merely stared down at Y/n as she wrapped her arms around his middle. His heart pounded in his chest. (It was because of her. Miles refused to admit those lustrous eyes and her touch still had such an effect on him) “Ian like seein’ you wit him. Shit pissed me off. For a minute I thought…” She fixed his collar, avoiding his gaze to keep herself from smiling. “Nothin’.” Miles was jealous and willing to protect her by any means necessary.
Y/n heard the words left unspoken. Miles was a fortress locked up tight to keep the outside world out. But behind his many walls he was a boy with feelings and insecurities. “Miles, I’d never do that. I like you too much.”
“Yeah, I know, ma. Sorry for gettin’ all upset.”
“‘S fine. That’s not what I’m mad about.” She eyed the fresh bruises coloring his cheek and temple. “Where were you?” At this point, she was more concerned than angry. Miles wasn’t inclined to long conversations, but he was decent enough to send her a text. Although dry and vague it was something. Y/n would take what she could get.
Miles stiffened in her embrace. “I had to take care of some stuff. Don’t worry ‘bout it. Lemme make it up to you.”
“You owe me a dance.” Prying it out of him would get her nowhere. She decided to let it go. Just this once.
“A dance?” he asked. She grinned, happy to catch him off guard for once.
Y/n nodded. “Mrs. Morales told me you’re a wonderful dancer. Don’t be holdin’ out on me.”
His sigh was long and deep, directed towards the ceiling of the narrow hallway. Miles was in no place to refuse. He took her hand and started walking. “Alright, but we not goin’ to the roof.”
He led her to his grandma’s apartment. It was sizable and definitely decorated by an elderly woman. Y/n admired the photos sitting on the mantle. There was Rio and Jefferson Davis, dressed in white for their wedding day. She paused on a picture of an infant covered in paint, smiling from ear to ear with two teeth. She awed at Miles. He was so cute, so carefree without the shadows of the world dragging behind him.
“Ven aquí, mami.” He stood in the middle of the living room, hands outstretched, a song playing behind him from his phone. She peeked at the song as they joined hands. Come here, mami.
“Eres Mía” by Romeo Santos.
The song was unfamiliar to her. “What? You thought you was gonna to twerk and grind on me?” His low chuckle sent shivers through her. She didn’t answer. “Nah. We gon dance for real. Bachata.”
“Wait, Miles. I don’t how to—”
“Imma teach you. Two steps to the music. Thas all it is,” he showed her. Y/n mimicked him, each step hesitant and unsure, but Miles was encouraging and a surprisingly good teacher. “See? Easy.”
He raised his arms to spin her around and brought her closer. Y/n faltered. “Aye, come on, mami. I know you can move your hips better than that.” He repositioned, hands at her back and waist, his thigh between her legs, ruffling her skirt. Miles guided her across the floor, his fingers wandering to the trim of her cami, drawing a distracting trail of heat on her bare skin. Her own hands found their way to his nape, brushing his twin braids as they swayed to the beat. Soon she found her rhythm.
“There you go,” he praised, rolling his hips into hers. She followed. Her body trusted him. She trusted him wholeheartedly and fell into his lead.
They rocked together in silence, the song having long since ended. Miles nestled in the crook of her neck to breathe in the sweet scent of her perfume. “Thank you for helping me. I should have said so earlier,” Y/n said from above him.
“It’s my job, princesa.” Miles left the softness of her neck. “Eres mía.” You are mine. Y/n blinked while he returned to her warmth. She hoped he didn’t feel the way her temperature rose.
In three short months he made a place for himself in her life. He was the most unexpected surprise. She had a list of the ideal boyfriend and Miles Morales didn’t check off a single one. Yet everything never felt more perfect than in his arms, dancing to the distant sirens and traffic.
His phone buzzed from the end table. “Is that your mom?” He shrugged in response. “We should go.” Y/n suggested, but Miles’ grip only tightened.
“One more minute. They can wait.”
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gunnerfc · 10 months
We Can't Both Win | Cloé Lacasse x Reader
Man City v Arsenal in the semi-finals of the Conti Cup, arsenal wins (cue the angsty) then Arsenal wins the Conti Cup and the reader can’t help but be happy for Cloé
WC: 2032
based on a request!
Warnings: none other than a little angst but there's a happy ending!
partially inspired by ENG v NED / Beth v Viv but in a less high stakes game that doesn't involve the olympics lol
Getting to the semi-finals for the Conti Cup in your first season with Manchester City was exciting. You just had one game until you reached the final and hopefully, a trophy to show for the season you were having with Man City. The one downfall of this semi-final was that your opponent was Arsenal, but more importantly, your girlfriend, Cloé. 
Sitting in the City locker room at the Emirates waiting for everyone to get dressed for warm-ups, you tried your hardest to focus on prepping for the game. With each thought of the game, a different thought of Cloé quickly replaced it. You knew one of you would be walking away with a loss and the other would be playing for the Conti Cup trophy. 
You were so in your head that you hadn’t noticed that your teammates had started filtering out of the locker room. It wasn’t until Alex called your name with a light tap on your shoulder that you snapped out of your thoughts. With a little shake of your head in an attempt to refocus, you stood and followed the defender out onto the pitch. 
In the middle of taking a practice free kick, the stadium got louder as the Arsenal players took the field to start their own warm-ups. You took a quick glance as they started stretching, looking for your blonde girlfriend, but quickly looked away when she made eye contact with you, as she was looking for you as well. You wanted your team to win, but you also wanted your girlfriend to do well and not be upset over a loss. You continued your warm-ups, sparing a look in your girlfriend’s direction every so often and catching her staring in your direction each time. As warm-ups finished and both teams made their way back to get ready for the game, you felt a hand brush yours as someone walked past you. You didn’t need to look up to know who it was, but still turned to your left, finding Cloé giving you the same look you were sure you had given her during warm-ups.
“Good luck today, y/n/n.” the blonde reassured as she gave your hand a quick squeeze before following her teammates into their locker room. 
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you entered the locker room, quick to get dressed and ready to join the other starters. After a few encouraging words from a few players and your coach, you were lined up waiting to walk out on the pitch. You took it upon yourself to have a little chat with your mascot while waiting, wanting to be nice and use it as a distraction tool. When the conversation was finished, the Arsenal players had joined City in the tunnel and of course, your girlfriend was across from you. You turned to meet her eyes, mouthing a “you too” knowing she would understand it was in response to her words of encouragement earlier.
When the whistle blew for the game to start, you could tell this was going to be a long ninety-plus minutes. The game went back and forth, with no one getting a shot on target despite both teams having decent opportunities to break the deadlock. After a long forty-five minutes, the ref finally blew the halftime whistle. You weren’t doubting your teammates but knew that if everyone didn’t pick it up, you were going to lose this match. The messages at halftime echoed your thoughts and your team knew that they had to put in a lot of work in the next forty-five. 
The second half started the same way the first ended, both teams having chanced but not capitalizing off them. It wasn’t until a failed Man City corner in the 70th minute that Arsenal got the ball and took the opening they saw. With a quick pass from Katie McCabe to Kim Little the ball was back in your half. A pass from Little to your girlfriend who was quick to put the ball in the back of the net to give the Gunners a 1-0 lead. Part of you was ecstatic for Cloé and her goal, but the other half of you hated being down a goal. The next twenty minutes were going to require a lot of work from your team if you wanted to stay in this game.
As the clock ticked closer to ninety, the score line remained the same, Cloé’s goal being the different maker. It was in the 87th minute when City were given a free kick within scoring range, an opportunity to make the score line equal again. You stepped up to take the kick, it was almost a carbon copy of the free kick you took during warm-ups. You had a pretty good conversion rate this season so it came as a surprise when the ball just barely hit the crossbar, sending it over the goal. Your hands immediately shot up to hold your head, disappointment in yourself settling in.
With five minutes of added time, Arsenal was smart and knew to run the time down until the final whistle blew. When that finally came and the stadium erupted in cheers for the home side, you fell to your knees, feeling like you had let your teammates down. You could feel the presence of two of your teammates on either side of you, trying to offer some sort of comfort but it fell on deaf ears as you tuned them out. They let you be as they went to shake hands with the Gunners, their spot being immediately replaced by your Canadian girlfriend.
“You played so well, baby.” Cloé’s attempts to comfort you were met with a scoff from your lips. You looked up to meet her eyes, shrugging her hands off your shoulders. 
“I missed an easy fucking shot, I don't think that’s considered “playing well.” you snapped, your anger and disappointment taking over your rational thinking. 
Cloé’s eyes widen in surprise at your tone, you’ve never spoken to her in that way before. You went to stand up, forcing the blonde to do the same. You quickly stuck your hand to offer a quick fist bump, mumbling a “good game” before leaving her standing alone in the middle of the pitch. Her teammates were quick to replace you, wanting to celebrate their goalscorer who helped secure their spot in the final.
You knew it was unreasonable to be upset at Cloé, you knew at least one of you was going to be going home and the other to the final. But your disappointment in yourself overshadowed any reasonable thinking. You ignored most of your teammates in the locker rooms, quickly showering and changing into something comfortable. You were the first on the team bus, claiming a seat in the back, putting your headphones on to drown out the world. 
You didn’t mean to give Cloé the cold shoulder for a week, ignoring her texts and declining her calls. Once you made it back to the hotel that night, you were still wallowing in defeat, hating that you missed the free kick. However, in the morning you were more upset at yourself for how you spoke to your girlfriend, instantly regretting it. You weren’t sure how to make it up to her and in hindsight, practically ignoring her probably was not the best decision. 
Which is how you found yourself sitting in the stands for the Conti Cup final, donning a red and white “Lacasse 24” kit. Cloé wasn’t starting this match, so she hadn’t been able to see where you were sitting, which was closely behind the Arsenal subs. It wasn’t until a few players stood to run through a couple of warm-ups on the sidelines did the blonde threw a glace towards the stands hoping to see you somewhere.
When your eyes met, you gave her a small, hesitant wave. All you got in response was a small smile before she was pulled away. 
Arsenal were tied two-two against Manchester United at halftime. With the players back in the locker rooms, you were tempted to send Cloé a quick text, though you were unsure of what to say right now. However before you could decide on what to say, a text from the blonde popped up on your phone: “thank you for being here x.” A small smile graced your face, sending a quick “of course x.” knowing that the conversion you needed to have needed to be in person and that you didn’t have time at the moment. 
Cloé was subbed on at the break, coming in to replace Caitlin Foord who picked up a small knock in the first half. Every time your girlfriend had the ball, you were on your feet, ready to celebrate if she socred. A goal for the Canadian came in the 72nd minute and you were sure you were the loudest person cheering. Her goal would be the game-winning goal if everything were to remain the same. As the Arsenal players surrounded your girlfriend to celebrate, the Arsenal supporters started singing her song and you couldn’t feel prouder of her. When her teammates let go of her, Cloé found your eyes again, this time sending you a wink. A light blush dusted your cheeks, blowing her a kiss.
The scoreline remained at 3-2 until the final whistle blew, your girlfriend with the game-winning goal. You couldn’t help the big smile that took over as you watched the blonde celebrate with her teammates. A small feeling of regret once again washed over you, upset at yourself for how you acted for the past week. You watched on as Arsenal were given their medals and lifted the Conti Cup trophy, your disappointment growing, knowing the longer you went without apologizing, the more it would grow.
As Arsenal players made their way towards the stands to greet their families and friends, you stayed in your spot, not knowing if the Canadian wanted to celebrate with you. You didn’t have much time to think before your girlfriend was jumping into your arms, wrapping her arms around your neck. Your arms were quick to wrap around her waist, trying to keep the two of you balanced. Your arms tightened around the blonde before you whispered “I'm sorry” in her ear. 
Cloé pulled her head away from where it was placed on your shoulder, she could tell by the look in your eyes that you meant it and she could see the regret that was still lingering written across your face. The blonde let out a content sigh, giving you a quick kiss on your cheek before saying “I know.” 
“I shouldn’t have acted that way towards you. I was upset at my performance and I took it out on you when all you were trying to was comfort me.”  You apologized, not wanting to go too far into it, knowing you were still surrounded by a lot of people. 
“I know, I hate losing too, especially in a game like that. But I meant it when I said you played well. Yes, the free kick didn’t go in but it was because of you that there was only one goal for us. You made it so much harder for us with your defending.” Even when you were supposed to be the one comforting her, she made sure to help take away some of your insecurities. 
“We can talk about it more at home later, but right now I want to go celebrate with the girls and with you. Please?” The blonde asked, wanting to make up for the week of no contact. 
You quickly nodded, wanting to do anything she asked to make it up to her. A big smile appeared across both of your faces, Cloé’s leaning in for a quick kiss before you let her go so she could go shower and change before heading out for whatever celebrations the Gunners had planned. You knew you had a week to make up for and had a lot more apologizing to do but you were glad that your girlfriend was as understanding as she was.
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football-and-fanfics · 9 months
The Medic #4 - Trent Alexander-Arnold
About the series: The Medic will be an anthology-like series about the reader working for the medical team of the club. Each chapter will feature a different setting/scenario and a different player.
Who: Trent Alexander-Arnold Prompt: becoming overheated during a match on a hot day. Requested by: as voted for by you. Warnings: slight mentions of medical procedures, mentions of fainting.
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With temperatures easily reaching the 30°C, it was always a challenge for you and the rest of the medical team to get everyone through a match or training all in one piece.
Everyone agreed that today's match should have been postponed due to the heat, but with the FA refusing to do so, the team was left no choice other than to step out onto that pitch in the searing heat.
All during the match you kept a very watchful eye on every single player on the pitch, looking for signs of heat stress and making sure they all drank plenty of water to keep hydrated.
Still, despite all your caution and good care, your eye caught something worrying around the 70th minute. Trent suddenly looked sluggish, unsteady on his feet. His hand sometimes went up to his eyes, and you could tell even from a distance that he was experiencing dizziness.
You were just about to advice Klopp to take Trent off, when Trent already stumbled towards you. He dragged his feet, even more unsteady on his legs, and only half aware of his surroundings.
"I-- I don't... feel so good." Trent tripped over his own words. He just managed to step over the touchline and off the pitch, before he collapsed and went crashing to the floor.
"Shit!" You hurried over to him and dropped yourself to your knees beside him. Trent lay on his side, back to the pitch, and completely unresponsive. His heaving breaths were clearly visible, and you pressed your fingers against the pulse point of his limp wrist to feel a racing heartbeat. You had no doubts Trent had become overheated, so you knew your first priority would be to cool him down.
"Get ice bags!" You ordered one of your colleagues who had also rushed to Trent's aid. You reached for the nearest water bottle and emptied its contents over Trent's side to at least give him some cooling already. From a second bottle you gently poured cold water onto Trent's neck. He stirred slightly when the cold water splashed onto his skin and he groaned softly.
"Trent?" You gently squeezed his bicep to let him know you were there with him. "Can you hear me?" Trent groaned again in reply, and slowly his eyes fluttered open. "What happened?" He mumbled weakly. "I guess that heat got a little too much," you smiled softly, trying to reassure him, "just take it easy for a little bit, you'll be fine." Trent rearranged his body somewhat, before giving you a weak hum in reply.
You were relieved to already see Trent responsive again, but he surely was in need of more treatment. He wasn't very lucid yet, and looked like he could faint at any moment again. You splashed some more cold water onto Trent's neck, back and hair, anything to get him to cool off.
At that moment your colleague returned carrying an armful of ice bags. You immediately placed two of them against Trent's legs, another two against his back and one under his armpit. The smallest of the ice bags you gently held against his neck.
"Just take it easy," you spoke softly by means of comfort, "you'll be alright in a few minutes, we just need to get you cooled down a little." Trent nodded feebly. He had closed his eyes again, but you knew he was still conscious.
You sat with him like that for several minutes. His breathing had already become noticeably easier, and his heart rate, which you checked regularly, also calmed down significantly.
"How're you feeling?" You asked after a few more minutes. Trent stirred minutely against the ice pack you still had loosely pressed against his neck. "Better," he mumbled. "Do you want to try sitting up?" You suggested, gently resting a hand on his shoulder. Trent took a slow, deep breath, but finally nodded. "Yeah."
You kept a close eye on him as Trent slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. The frown in discomfort, the almost unnoticeable tremor in his muscles and the still clammy look of his skin, nothing went unnoticed by you. You hovered your hand behind his back in case he would go back down after all again, but you were glad to see Trent sit up quite steadily eventually.
"Good?" You asked, as you handed him a bottle of cold water. Trent passed a hand over his face and gratefully took a sip of the water. "Bit shaky, but I think I'm good." "I'd like to move you inside and out of this heat completely," you continued. "I can do that," Trent nodded. He held out his arms, signaling that he might need some help getting to his feet.
You pulled Trent to his feet. He stood swaying a little at first, but within seconds looked comfortable on his feet. "We'll just take it slow," you guided, "and if you feel like anything is wrong, even the slightest thing, we'll stop, okay?"
Trent nodded to show he understood. "Thank you for being with me just now." You smiled softly. "You're welcome, but that's my job." "I know." Trent shrugged as you slowly made the walk back inside. "But you could have handled this with a lot less compassion. You really helped me stay calm and feel safe."
You went slightly red in the face at his compliment. "Uh... thank you," you stammered, maybe for the first time ever being lost for words. Not only was this a bit show of gratitude for your work, it also showed you that Trent was definitely starting to feel better. And Trent being okay, was the only thing that really mattered to you.
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Tags: @stonesyyyy, @footballffbarbiex, @football1921, @laurasstufff1, @ella33, @nightlockcornucopia, @hbstre
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wosowrites · 1 year
Always Here (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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Warnings: None
A/N: Sorry this took so long for such a bad and short fic. Based off this request:
Prompt: Reader doesn’t know much about soccer but still always supports her girlfriend, Vivianne.
You had never known much about football even though you had been watching your girlfriend, Vivianne Miedema play since you were both 17. While Vivianne was a professional football player, you played D1 university hockey. You had just finished university, graduating with a degree in psychology and a masters. The next steps of your life seemed blurry, so you had moved to London, finally putting a stop to the multiple years of long distance with Viv. Today, you were sitting in the stands of an Arsenal versus Aston Villa game. You were sat by yourself, repping your girlfriends name on your back. The score was 3-0 in favour of arsenal in the 70th minute. That’s when you saw someone run onto the field, someone that wasn’t a player.
You watched in confusion as a teenage boy ran on the field, his phone in the air, filming. "What’s going on? Is this normal?" You asked a man on your right. "No. It’s a pitch invader. So rude." The man said with a thick british accent. He was wearing a Williamson jersey. "This doesn’t happen in hockey." You told him. He turned his head slowly too look at you weirdly. "Okay…not into hockey. My bad." You said, looking at the pitch. Your eyes locked on your girlfriend who was standing with her hands on her hips, looking murderous. The boy stared walking up to Leah, and he obviously said something because Viv came flying out of nowhere and body checked the boy to the ground. The whole crowd started clapping as your mouth dropped open. "That’s my girlfriend." You told the man again. "Sure." He said, obviously not believing you.
Eventually, security got the boy off the field and the game continued, although Viv was now on a yellow for her tackle against the boy.
Once the game ended, Viv was quick to make her way towards you. People knew you were dating, you just never talked about it specifically. You would both talk about your relationship in interviews without specifically mentioning any names. You leaned over the railing and kissed her cheek, holding her head to your chest due to the height you had over her because you were in the stands. "Come down." She said. "I wanna hug you properly." Viv added. "You sure it’s okay?" You said. "It’s more than okay. You’re with me." She said. Before climbing down onto the field, you looked back at the man who was staring at you both in shock. "I told you." You said to him.
You climbed down and Viv smirked at you. "What was that about?" She asked you. "I was confused about the… what’s it called… field invader?"
"Pitch invader." Viv corrected.
"Yes. Anyways i asked him what was going on and he told me and i told him that that never happens and hockey and I think he was judging me. After that when you bodied that guy-it was really hot by the way- i told him you were my girlfriend and he looked at me like 'okay crazy'." You told Viv. That was the thing about you, you were extremely quiet but when you started to know someone, you could not be shut up. And that was fine with Viv, she loved hearing you talk, and loved knowing how your brain worked.
"Well that’ll show him." She said, bringing you to a group of the Arsenal girls. You knew them well despite only moving to London a few months ago. You hugged a few of the girls and answered their questions about school and hockey, and eventually you and Viv drove home under the night sky.
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reimagine7 · 2 years
They'll have to try harder to break me (Alex morgan x reader)
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Request: Alex Morgan x R where the reader has a reputation for shrugging off injuries? During a big game she takes longer to get up and people worry until she says they have to try harder to break her?
Okay, I took a loooong time to write it down. Sorry, my life is a crazy mess right now and it was hard getting inspiration, motivation and time to write something. But I will try to start writing again, at least during the break. I hope you enjoy!
Your pov
“I’m fine. It’s nothing, it was just a scratch.” I told Alex while cleaning the blood out of my knee. “Are you sure? You’re bleeding and it’s a little swollen.” She said, trying to get a closer look at my knee. But before she could touch it I finished the cleaning and put my knee down again. “Yes, I’m sure. Now stop worrying. I already told you it was nothing.” “I know, but you told me that last time as well, and where were we the day after? In the hospital with four stitches on your hips.”
I rolled my eyes, opened the door for us and entered the locker room where a few of the girls still were.
We had just finished the last practice before the friendly game we have tomorrow. During one of the drills I somehow was able to trip on my own feet, bumping and falling into one of the free kick mannequins. Earning a few scratches on my right knee. Nothing major.
“Y/n? How is your knee?” Christen asked. “It’s good, just a scratch.” “As always. You still even ask, Chris?” Sonnett jokes, coming to me and passing her arms around my shoulders. “Y/n is always tripping on her own. Tell me one time though that she admitted she was hurt?” Sonnett said, looking at the other girls.  Everyone just shrugs agreeing with her. “That 's because I’m not.” I defended myself. “Right, do I have to remind you the other time then when you said you were fine, that it was nothing and we ended up discovering you had a concussion?” Alex said to me, giving me a serious look. Passing me our bags and walking toward the bus and out of the locker room. I looked to the door she just left and then back at the girls. “Don’t worry Y/n as long as you keep getting up right away like you always do, we are okay with it.” 
I nodded at them and went after Alex.
Alex pov
It’s always like this. She gets hurt, but acts like it was nothing. I know that most of the time it is nothing, she is a defender after all, so she is always involved in tackles on the field. But I can’t help but worry. And Y/n don’t make it easy for me as well, she is always shrugging off injuries.
“Can I at least get a kiss?” Y/n came from behind me and hugged my waist. “That depends. Were you telling me the truth?” “I promise I’m okay. It was nothing. It’s just a…” “A scratch, yeah I heard it before. So why won't you let me look at it?” I said, turning around in her arms. “Because you will only get more worried, and it looks worse than it actually is.” I rolled my eyes. “Fine. But next time, if it hurts you promise to tell me?” “Of course.” I raised my eyebrow, not actually believing her. “As soon as it happens?” She took a little longer to answer me this time. “Yeah?” “Y/n!” “Will you be happy if my answer is, as soon as I think is important?” “No, not at all.” She just pouted at me, but in return I gave her a warning look. She was almost giving in, when a knock on the door stopped her. “Come on guys, dinner is in 10 minutes.” Y/n looked back at me and gave me a kiss. “Come on babe. We can’t get late.”
The game is 1-0 for us, it is now the 70th minute of the game and I got subbed off. I sat on the bank beside Tobin and she handed me a water bottle. “Tired?” “Yeah, a little. The game is tougher than we thought it would be, Germany is being hard on us.” I answered her not taking my eyes out of the game, after a good tackle from Y/n taking the ball out of bounds. “I know, Y/n is killing it though. They didn’t even get the chance to get close to the goal through her side yet.” I smirk at that. Of course I love to play, but I grew to love watching my girlfriend play just the same. Every tackle she makes and then quickly standing up celebrating each one of them. It’s hot.
We were watching the game when during one attack Y/n stole the ball from one of the germany players and looked around trying to find someone to pass the ball to. Becky took a little longer to appear, long enough for a second player to get to Y/n and they both to tackle her. The ball got out of bounds, but the referee called the foul. “Hey, ref. That’s a card. A red.” 
Everyone stood up from the bench yelling. The ref ignores us and only gives a warning to the player. I shook my head and looked to the field to try to see what Y/n was doing, she normally would be yelling at the ref as well. But when I noticed, she was still on the ground. “Why is she still on the ground?” Tobin looked back at me and then to Y/n, probably thinking the same thing. Y/n never stayed on the ground, not even when she was needing stitches. She is that stubborn. I start panicking. The doctor ran to her and she gave them a small smile. We couldn’t see much from here, but she soon stood up and the doctors gave us a thumbs up, which means she will be back on the pitch. Thank, god!
As the doctors had to take a look at her, she had to get out of the field and wait for the referee to allow her in again. Giving me just enough time to ask how she is. I don’t even get to ask her, because just by looking at my face she knew what I was thinking. “I’m okay. They will have to try harder to break me.” She sent me a wink and went back on the field.
The game passed fast after that. Y/n kept playing like always, Germany only got one more chance of goal, while he had a few, but none of the teams scored. The score remained 1-0.
I greeted a few players, but went as fast as I could to Y/n. Hugging her when I got to her. “How are you? When I didn’t see you standing up, I got so scared. You always do.” “And I did it again.” “I know, but you took longer this time.” “How is your knee?” “My knee is good.” “Great, I thought they had got you this time.” I gave her a peck and went to look at her, just then I noticed her guilty face. A frown immediately appeared on my face. “They did? But you said your knee was fine.” “Well…”
“Y/n!” One of the team doctors called for her. I looked back at her with worry. “So, remember when I said they had to try harder to break me?” I only nodded at her. “They kind of did.” “What do you m… where?” “The doctors think my forearm is broken.” “And you kept playing?” “Yeah? It was noth…” “If you say ‘it’s nothing’ one more time, you will be sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week.” I gave her a stern look. She just smirks at me and kisses my cheek. “Now let’s go, I should have made you promise to tell me yesterday.”
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pucked-bunnie · 4 months
hi!! could i request the prompt “you can rest your head on me, i don’t mind” with Auston Matthews? can the reader be an equipment manager as well and it’s a mix of mutual pining after a long roadie? thanks in advance! 💕
Anonymous asked: Hiii can you use the prompt "I don't want to be alone." For Auston matthews after he didn’t score his 70th goal. Maybe just comforting him and being there! Thank you ☺️
I had a story similar to this on my WIP list, and decided to add these two asks into it. I hope you enjoy!!
shameless flirt - a.matthews
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writing-whump · 4 months
So what's coming next, you ask? Hehe well, I'm a little undecided. 70th chapter would be a good milestone for the breakdown, but I think the limit of the chapters with the requests and the ideas they spark is a bit too restricting. Maybe I should just leave it a free flow...
Next fics on my mind with no guarantee they will actually happen:
Matt running into Hector while he gets upset with his shadow, runs into his sister Maddie who comforts him despite their distance + Matt finding out he wasn't actually upset, just caught Dylan's flu (this one got a bit pushed back?)
Isaiah stress sick from finding out about the car accident + Seline as caretaker
Hector calling Isaiah to come and get him in the middle of the night...👀
Dylan finding Rip with a silver wound and bringing him over to Isaiah and Matt for help
Rip's difficult shadow while he heals + Dylan + Isaiah
Isaiah's heart???
I also had the concept of Isaiah coming for a sleepover with Arnie and confusing feeling sick from the stress with actually being sick and Arnie and Hector having to deal with him super feverish and delusional...just to have the two younger brothers finally see Isaiah a bit out of sorts?
But I shouldn't, since Isaiah will get hurt enough in the near time, so maybe this should be pushed for later in the timeline.
At the same time I want to give enough space to Rip and Dylan, cause the silver wond will cause a major shift in their dynamic to the Sonder pack and between them...
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russian-soft-bitch · 3 months
would u be willing to write more Robert Langdon x reader? maybe a more detailed fic of reader helping him through his panic attacks? only if u want to! I really really loved the head cannons u wrote for their relationship so I hope you’ll consider it. thank you 💙💙💙
A/n: i know it's been like 500 years since i received this ask, my requests are closed currently and were this way when I got it, but I just really likes the idea, so I'm finally in the mood to write it. Thank you for reading the HCs, hope you'll like it too! Again, I'm not sure if its Hanks or Zukerman version, probably a mix of both, but I had Zukerman in my mind, writing it.
Warnings: panic attack
His Light
Robert Langdon x reader
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The day started off perfectly. You woke up in a hotel in New-York, together, after sleeping far more than you needed to. Spend the morning together, basking in the feeling of finally being able to enjoy the close proximity of each other. Then you had a delicious breakfast in one of the little cozy cafes, talking and laughing over the cup of freshly brewed coffee. His fingers were playing with yours, tracing your soft skin in a delicate manner. His soft eyes shone in the light of the sun, his lips stretched in a warm smile, as he traced your face with his gaze. Once the coffee was drunk, the pastries were eaten, you made your way to the one of the tall buildings Robert hated so much. You were supposed to leave your work at Harvard and enjoy the short vacation to the fullest, but life had a way of ruining things sometimes. Robert hesitated as he stepped into the lift, but he knew well enough that he didn't have it in him to walk to the 70th floor. And he also knew that you would be going with him, and that you weren't exactly sport oriented person. You hold his hand gently in yours, your touch soft but firm, as it managed to distract him just a little. You knew he was sometimes having panic attacks due to being claustrophobic, but you had never seen him have them in the year you had been together. And you hoped you never would. After a soft wheezing sound, the lift stopped. You tried to press a couple of buttons, to call for someone. At the same time you felt Robert tense up near you, his hand gripping yours tighter. He was muttering something about hating the lifts and skyscrapers, his breathing shallower and shakier than before. You carefully pulled your hand away from his sweaty one, placing your gentle palms on either side of his face. "Look at me," you said softly. "Focus on me." You could see him trying so hard to focus on your voice, on your eyes. But his gaze kept shifting from the wall to wall and back to you. You took a step closer, pressing yourself against his slender body, as it was slightly shivering, making sure that all he could see was you and you only. You fingers gently stroked his temples, your eyes stubbornly maintaining the eye contact. You saw him start to hyperventilate, and gulped nervously. But he didn't need to see your emotions now. "Robert, focus on me… Remember our first date? How you kept on blabbering about Renaissance paintings? To me of all people?" you managed a small smile, remembering the date and how he stumbled over his words, and combed through his now damp with sweat hair. He kept shivering, his breath still shaking, but your voice had an effect on him, so you decided to just carry on. You were talking about your dates, the life you had, the wonderful morning you spend together. You told him how much you loved him and that as long as he had you by his side, he would always be safe. The lift started to go up again, and you saw how Robert visibly relaxed and rested his forehead against your shoulder. You hugged him tightly and stroked his back and neck gently. His body was still trembling in your arms, as you pressed your lips to his face. As soon as the doors opened, he bolted from the lift, leaning against the sturdy wall of the building and taking deep breaths. Once he managed to somewhat catch his breath, he mumbled a small "thank you" and hugged you, pressing your soft body against his. Needless to say, the meeting didn't happened and you got back to the first floor by the stairs.
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