#8 day app
sharkuro · 2 months
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over 1 year on the agent32 grind and i still love them, happy 8/4
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Tracking my periods by how shitty my mental health is #girlythings
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Hand in Hand (part three)
@whumptober No. 8 "It's all for nothing."
cw: violence/beating
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Dan is awake long before the cell door swings open. The only way he could sleep with even a little comfort was sitting up, back pressed into the wall, and now he's stiff all over. He can't imagine how Wes feels. His arms must be dead from the partial suspension, shoulders aching, legs well-past being asleep. If he begs Swift, will she at least loosen the chains enough for him to lie down? He's willing to try.
But it isn't Swift who steps inside. It's a pair of Riot Kings. Both are wearing masks. Pointlessly; he knows who they are, but maybe it's in an effort to make themselves feel better about this. They must feel at least some kind of shame, right?
"Peres. Sawyer," he says. "What can I do for you gentlemen?" One of them, Sawyer, freezes in place as he's named, but Peres is undeterred.
"Swift wanted another demonstration with him," he says, jabbing a thumb in Wes's direction. "But I figured we'd offer you a deal."
A deal? Dan doubts it's anything good, but if they feel guilty enough to try and hide behind masks, maybe they still have the decency to not want to hurt Wes. "What sort of deal?" he says.
Peres lays a hand on his shoulder. "I'm gonna unchain you, and I'm gonna beat the shit outta you."
Dan makes an effort to hold still, not letting his apprehension cross his face. "Doesn't sound like the kind of deal I usually make."
He's expecting the backhanded blow Peres deals him, but it still stings. Behind him, there's the clank of metal-on-metal as Wes throws himself against his chains.
"Fucking traitor! Leave him alone!"
Peres rolls his eyes and gestures to Sawyer, who's quick to gag Wes. Dan regretfully agrees with the decision. It's probably for the best if Wes is unable to piss these guys off.
"You didn't let me finish," Peres says. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. If you can take it, if you don't try to run or fight back, we'll leave him alone this time. Got it?"
Dan closes his eyes with a grimace. This will be fun. "Got it," he says flatly.
He sits perfectly still as Peres unlocks the cuffs, hands in his lap, flattened to keep him from clutching at the fabric of his pants. Even now, he needs to look stronger than he is. That's how it's always been, and he refuses to let his own mask slip now.
Dan knows he'd stand a chance against the pair, even aching and exhausted, even outnumbered. He can wait until the chains are gone, strike when neither are expecting it, and win. He could free himself and Wes.
But why unchain him at all when they could get the same result without the risk? If they want to hurt him, why not tie his hands behind his back so there's nothing he can do? Maybe they want him to try and escape, maybe they're expecting it. Maybe that's how they plan on justifying hurting Wes more, and insisting he's to blame for it.
Dan isn't about to risk it. As long as he's in this cell, surrounded by his former allies, he's powerless to stop them from hurting him, from hurting Wes. All he can do is take what he's offered and---
A fist collides with his stomach and he doubles over with a grunt. He doesn't even have time to catch his breath before it's followed by two more. Cheek, chin. Powerful enough to daze him.
"Stand up."
Dan does, getting his hands under him then carefully pushing to his feet. He doesn't stay up for long before Peres hits him in the stomach again.
Can he even block it? Move his body in such a way that he takes the least amount of damage? Or will they count it as fighting back?
"Hold him up." This is directed at Sawyer, who quickly moves behind Dan, grabbing his arms and keeping him steady.
It's all he can do to keep breathing as Peres whales on his torso, punch after punch, sharp and rapid, until Peres is panting and Dan is retching.
The other man grabs him by the shoulders and jams his knee into Dan's sternum, then lets him go. Dan doesn't even try to break his fall, just tries to keep his chin tucked as the men above him kick at his back and ribs and legs.
Beyond the blood rushing in his ears, beyond the pain the crashes down on him like a wave, threatening to completely overwhelm him, he can hear Wes's frantic shouts, muffled by the gag.
Peres---or maybe Sawyer, he can't tell anymore---gives one final kick to his stomach, and Dan cries out.
"Stand up."
He tries, but it hurts to breathe, and he can't figure out how to get his legs beneath him.
"Stand. Up."
Wes screams through the gag again, and Dan knows he has no choice. It's tedious work. A palm first, an elbow over it. A knee on the ground, and then he's slowly pushing himself up, swaying on his feet.
Peres punches him square in the jaw, and he's on his back, staring at the ceiling in a daze. One of the men above him grabs him by the hair and drags him back to the wall, locking the manacles back in place. It takes a tremendous effort to sit up, to ease the strain on his shoulders, and once he does, he can't keep his head up.
"I'm surprised you actually held out," Peres mutters, then nods to Sawyer. "Grab the cattle prod."
Dan shudders. Aren't they done? But through half-closed eyes, he sees Sawyer closing in not on him, but on Wes.
He sits up, wincing. "Y-you said--"
"I didn't think you'd make it," Peres says. "And I'm not about to go against orders from Swift."
~ ~ ~
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Academic rival!Scaramouche x Barista Fem!Reader.
Summary: Somehow, fate finds your suffering very amusing and blatantly cursed you with unfortunate events that involves your detested nemesis.
A/!: a crust of rdirt went uo iny m eyelids and RUINED MY PRECIOUS SLEEP FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT BECAUSE I KEPT SCRATCHING IR– so yeah, wrote this with a glossy red eye but its ok. oh and, alot of cursing!!
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The chimes of the bell snaps you out of your reverie, rushing to the counter to tend to the customer. Working part-time during exam seasons truly is a nightmare, you've been running all day due to numerous students flooding the café to prepare for the examination.
A group of three highschoolers enthusiastically greets you and orders a few pastries and confectionery, though it did take a while due to their squabbles on what to pick. One named Hu tao aggressively tugs at the sleeves of their friend when he comes back to order another set of 5 popsicles for the third time.
An hour had passed, and the sunlight that once illuminated the surroundings slowly dissipates into the shadows as the once bright sky turns into an inky hue of blue. With that, you finally called it a day. A colleague calls for your name, telling you to enter the manager's room.
Upon your entry, your manager—grandma—flashes you a fond smile that spoke gratefulness. In return, a small smile crept to your face as you slightly bow at her. A gentle sweep of her index finger gestures you to the wooden stool.
With a mellow voice, she asks, "My dear, I'm planning on hiring a new worker. Is that okay?"
The unease in her tone makes you ponder on what was so wrong about hiring this new worker she spoke of, nonetheless you ignore it and chirp with a gleeful smile, "Of course, it's not a problem." And your grandmother returns your smile with fondness. "Expect to meet him next month, okay?"
"...What is the answer for this question–"
Not even two seconds later, you raise your hand amidst the crowd of students still scribbling in their notebooks. What you didn't notice however was another hand also raised confidently a split second prior to yours, and with this, your teacher lets out an exasperated sigh.
"Scaramouche, what's the answer?" You turn to the direction the teacher points, and your nemesis smirks at your glare. "Ten." He confidently answers and much to your dismay, he was right, and your teacher confirms that by a single word, "Correct."
A following of questions was asked along with you and your nemesis constantly battling each other by who can answer the most questions and who gets the most right answers, even your classmates could barely get a hold of a question because of how fast you two would raise your hand.
And after a whole hour of defeated glares and triumphant chuckles, the teacher congratulates you two for being the most annoying active students out of all he has ever stumbled upon as he prepares to go to his next class.
You and Scaramouche exchange disdainful glares for the last time you see him for the day.
Three days pass by and exams were over in the blink of an eye, but the current question stands, "who will get the exclusive book you and your nemesis have been eyeing?"
The two of you happen to have stumbled the same problem back a month ago, you wanted the thrilling novel that became your daily rants and Scaramouche also wanted the same novel out of curiosity and spite, mostly from spite though.
And since there was only one left in the bookstore, the librarian easily solved the problem by reserving it for the two of you but was left surprised by the mutual refusal. The poor librarian had witnessed the entire altercation between the two rivals, however it soon ended with your final conclusion,
"Whoever gets a bigger score than the other by the end of the exam, gets the book."
Hell week, at last, was over and you can finally get your beloved book. So with a deep breath and your glare that twinkled with fire and desperation to attain the book, you counted from one to three.
"One.. two... three."
"One hundred!" – "Ninety nine."
A wave of jubilation washed away the prior nervousness that lingered in the pits of your stomach as you stuck your tounge out at the frozen man infront of you.
Noticing his dejected form, you paid for the book and lightly tap his shoulder.
"I'll let you borrow later, hm?"
The sky is painted with a deep orange blended with a soft pink hue, along with the clouds that reflected the color. You take your phone out from your pocket, holding it up in the sky as you move around to get a good angle. When you let your phone down to admire the pictures, its camera catches a particular figure you're not so excited to see.
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Scaramouche halts in his tracks, equally confused as you. Averting your gaze, you went back to ignoring him and take more pictures of the ethereal sky. You did try your best to ignore him fully but seeing that he went to the direction you were supposed to go, you can't help but presume that his house may be near the cafe.
But you find the idea ridiculously irritating so you wave it off and stroll towards the café.
Half an hour has passed, the café finally comes in view after leisurely walking around, and kicking rocks to take your time. Inside the cafe is flooded with an unusual long line of people and your colleague going here and there while displaying a wavering smile at the overwhelming amount of people.
A chime of the bell catches everyone's attention and all of a sudden, you feel very unwelcomed. An apologetic smile crosses your features, before dropping once you recognize their uniforms. Nevertheless, the urge to escape their gaze continuously bothers you as you place your ID in the table.
Your colleague—Ayaka—pulls the edge of your bag, stumbling you towards her, and whispers into your ear, "The new worker is here!" Then, a flash of your grandmother's words courses through you. You remain still in your position, processing what your colleague and grandmother told you.
'Ah. That's why.'
Though it did answer a few questions, it failed to answer the reason why there is a huge line of people from your school. And so, you glance at the crowd before curiously asking Ayaka, "Why is there a lot of people though?"
"Uhm–the newbie is sorta attractive and a lot of girls pass by here so they saw him and then they decided to enter the cafe to see him."
'Oh. Now that makes sense.'
"So it's his turn today?" Ayaka nods her head with a hum. Your curiosity was now deemed satisfied therefore there was no time to be idling around, and you hurriedly run into the manager's room. Completely missing the new worker's shocked gaze that followed your figure.
As usual, your grandmother greets with optimism despite the galling squeals outside and carefully props your bag near her table. "The café sure is lively at night." She mutters, as you start to change out of your uniform. "I can't even imagine what it might be like tomorrow." A chuckle escapes her chapped lips, and the sound relieves you.
You open the door with a click after changing, taking a deep breath to prepare for the horde of people, only to be greeted with two girls who can't stop squealing and giggling at, what you presumed to be, the worker. The sight is annoying as it is.
So with garnered courage, you stand by the worker's side and attempt to shoo off the girls with an indignant glare. Of course, it did not work so to top it off, "Get out or I'll ban you from coming here." With a sweet tone coated with sarcasm, still not aware of the perplexed gaze your fellow new colleague sent you. As expected, the girls run off towards the door in fear of never seeing their crush again.
"Well now that's that," followed by a huff as you place your hands on your hips, and you proudly steer your gaze at the poor newbie, "So, how are you liking–" only for your nemesis to come in view, an astounded expression splayed across his features instead of the usual scowl you see in his face everyday.
The abrupt silence even concerned the other worker as you two stared at each other simultaneously as if asking, "why are you here?"
At last, Ayaka shatters the intense tension by accidentally turning off the lights then apologizing sheepishly. "Sorry, [Name]. I pity our new barista though." She jokingly says to lighten the mood, but ceased to continue due to the harsh glare you've been giving him in which he simply averts it all.
After a good 30 minutes of deliberately avoiding Scaramouche as you clean the café, the bothersome alarm beeps on your phone and you rush to shut it up. "Hey, [Name], shouldn't you go home by now?" Ayaka asks, giggling at your disheveled state.
"Huh? Ah, ye–" You suddenly shiver, feeling someone's scorching leers behind you. 'Guess I still have to answer some questions.'
"Nope, I'll go home with our dear new barista here." You innocently smile, and she tilts her head, wondering if you're being sarcastic or not. But she shrugs it off and goes to the staff room to change her clothes without a clue on the tense atmosphere.
Scaramouche idly stands near the counter, watching every move you make. His fierce expression reminiscents you of a cat that harbors a murderous intent, and is off to lacerate your skin with its claws. But in your case, his glare alone pricks tiny needles on your skin.
A few minutes pass of you tending to your tasks while Scaramouche simply expresses interest at the utensils to distract himself from maliciously staring at you for too long. You can practically feel just how awkward it feels right now, with the way both of you occasionally exchange glances, seeminly wanting to approach the other and throw unwanted questions.
But then a thought strucks you, 'It's just Scaramouche, what am I so scared for?'
And so, you chuck your nervousness down to the murky depths of your mind as you reluctantly approach him. His eyes meets yours and you part your mouth, "how did get you here?"
He chuckles, subtly amused by the way you outrightly ask him with the same question that's been bugging him perpetually since he has seen you in the same outfit as him. But as usual, his indifferent and snarky façade takes over and an audacious scoff escapes his lips.
"Curious, are we?"
"Oh don't kid around, I know you're also curious."
A click of his tounge confirms another of your curiosity, but it does not sate your confusion. "Well?" You try again, and this time he finally answers, "the manager offered my Aunt this job, but she refused so she gave it to me instead." He explains, hoping you wouldn't ask him any more questions. He's inwardly sweating bullets at this point.
A small smile creeps to your face as your hand reaches to pat his shoulder, "Haha, what are you so nervous for?" – "What a two-face." Of course, he had to ruin the mood you had set up to ease the tension. A vein nearly pops in your temple when he pushes your hand off of his shoulder.
'Asshole, I was just trying to be nice.'
And Ayaka comes strolling in and is confused at your foul mood.
Ah, right. Did I ever mention that luck seems to stray far away from your direction?
The very second you open the door, your friends pull you and roughly drags you to your seats. And before you can even garner a thought, Your friend surrounds you with an aura that terrifies you, one that usually calls for any type of lecture for something you've done. But instead, their eyes glimmer with the very same confusion as you have.
"Dude, are you and Scara dating?" Aether questions, disregarding your utterly bewildered state. Heizou, the one who dragged you, bursts into laughter at the way your expression twists to a scrunched up nose and mouth ajar at the absurd nonsensical question your friend had sputtered.
You're about to retort when Kokomi fishes her phone out of her pink bag and shows you a photo of both you and your nemesis smiling and conversing like a pair of couple, very nearly choking in your own spit when you see the amount of likes just below the photo.
Out of all ludicrous bullshit you've heard and seen throughout your entire college life, the post and Aether's question easily declares itself as "top 1 bullshit of all time." Shame and humiliation engulfed your prior serene mood as your group shows genuine concern when you slump in the chair and make no sign of life.
You are utterly fucked. Both in school and at the café.
Aether and Heizou scrutinizes your figure, but does not make a move on your miserable corpse whose soul decided to take a break from the divine curses someone has casted on you.
"Yikes, imagine being shipped by your three-year rival." Aether chuckles, poking your arm as an attempt to cheer you up.
"I'm gonna cry my ass off when this turns into an academic rivals to lovers trope."
"Add the 137k words with mutual pining and slow burn."
"Don't forget the last updated at 2016," Heizou adds, sneaking a glance at your dying state, "Still ongoing, by the way."
The three of them continues to chatter about your situation, occasionally giving you pats to comfort you. But your panicked mind can barely have the time to think about them anyway, as they were dulled under the sound of countless thoughts spiralling around your head.
You only pray that no one will pester you on your way home.
Of course, you are proven wrong.
If you were to describe your journey from your classroom to the gate alone, it was certainly like you were some sort of famous celebrity who tried to wander around, inconsiderate of the fact that people will undoubtedly recognize your face and interrogate personal matters. Luckily, you managed to get pass and deal with them smoothly with the assistance of your friends.
Just when you reach the street where the café resides, a few featherlight waterdrops trickles at your arm, alerting you of an incoming downpour. Sliding down the other sleeve of your backpack, your hand reaches behind and slides inside as you rummage through your things to find an umbrella.
Notebooks, pencil cases, papers–
You don't have an umbrella, instantly recalling the spot you had placed the item, specifically the shoe rack at the café. Before you could curse about it, the light rain mockingly laughs at you and the prior raindrops turn into something much, much more heavier, soaking your hair first and then your entire body.
'Haha, what the heck?'
In your peripheral vision, a stray cat stares at you with dilated pupils under the protective shade of a rooftop as unwanted shock refuses to let you move. The cat's soft meows finally eases your frustrated mind, and you hurry to take cover underneath a tree beside the sign that shows the name of the street.
You press your foot further into the sole of your shoes and it lets out a squeaky sound that further irritates you more as you sputter, "I'm very offended, mothernature. what did I ever do to you?" And as if it heard you, a deafening roar of thunder attacks your ears so close behind you as a warning. You take it as your cue to close your mouth shut.
The sounds of pitter-patter rain is soothing, even though you had quite a ton of obnoxious events today, it effortlessly washes all of the pent up emotions that you had to hold in. 'It wouldn't be bad to stay here for awhile,' your body crouch down and you hug your knees, careful to not let your skirt get wet underneath you.
Your shift was nearly at 8:00pm anyways, and it was barely the start of the evening, so it wouldn't hurt to be a little late, right?
For a brief moment, your eyes absorb the breathtaking view infront of you when the streetlights turns on. It was a natural habit for you to remember the schedule on when the streetlights switches on, and when it turns off with how frequent you've been coming.
And so, that alone tells you that it is currently 6:00pm but a thought to start moving had not crossed your mind.
Next to your right, is an uphill street that leads you to the supposed destination and luckily, the area around the café is mostly filled with wild animals in the forest that the head of the street sternly restricted vehicles to prevent extinction. Which resulted in people not liking the rules so they blatantly ignored the street.
That lessens the risk of kidnappers appearing to take yo–
A faint splatter of water causes you to rapidly whip your head to the source of sound while unpleasant emotions swirls around your stomach and the feeling of it tightens your chest with nothing but dread. The prior sounds of raindrop is muted over the erratic rhythm of your heartbeat.
A short stature starts to loom out of darkness and prowls towards you. Adrenaline begins to flood your veins, eyes glued to the shady person in case they do something funny. After multiple seconds of anticipating any action they might do, the dim light of the lamp finally reveals the figure, and its widened indigo eyes catches your panicked gaze.
And for a moment, a twinkle of guilt sparks in his irises before scurrying in your direction. "You idiot! Do you even know how worried your grandma is!?" He exclaims, before freezing when he notices your damp hair.
He stops in his tracks when he's close enough beside you, reaching a hand out to you with a closed umbrella in his palm. With a faint click of his tounge, he hesitantly mutters, "...you look like you got dumped."
"Still as annoying as ever, I see." You breathe out a deep sigh, ignoring his outstretched arm and turning your head to the much more interesting puddle infront of you.
"Are you going to take it or not?"
"Isn't it your shift today?"
He grunts, "stop dodging my question."
Rolling your eyes, you shoot up from your seat and begrudgingly accept the umbrella. "How do you know my grandmother?" You ask as you open the umbrella, he darts his eyes to you then to the umbrella, "I.. Ayaka told me." That receives him a short nod of your head, together with a hum.
Both of you start heading towards the café in silence, albeit strained, it was more comfortable compared to the times where it was unbearable due to the contempt and hatred that lingered in the air. The heavy downpour died down shortly after you started to utilize your umbrella, even Scaramouche surprisingly noticed and mockingly commented on your unfortunate luck.
"Oh yeah," you turn around to face him, "where were you earlier at school?"
Scaramouche furrows his eyebrows, and murmurs a simple excuse, "I had to help my aunt." He tilts his head slightly upwards and gestures for you go forward. Even so, you strangely feel the urge to converse normally with him today. "What's she like?" His mouth parts to answer but the squeaking of your shoes interrupts him.
"...we should hurry up."
You only let out small 'yeah' as you glare at your damped and noisy sneakers to shut up.
After that incident, everything became more unexpectedly pleasant. You used to be convinced that there were more to come and haunt you with far more insignificant bothersome occasions, however they never showed up.
Like for an instance, the dating rumours that made you have sleepless nights slowly died down due to your friend's terrifying threats and warnings to leave you alone. Actually, knowing their reputation as a band, Ayaka covertly requested to end the rumours once and for all wherein they all complied.
And then, several weeks later, his friend, Childe, frequently started to joyously visit the café accompanied by his younger siblings who soughts for unwelcomed trouble and confectionaries that will surely impose a great danger for their teeth due to the increasingly alarming amount of candies they purchase everyday.
Since he started to visit, more people began to flood the cafe, much to your grandmother's satisfaction. Most of his visits consists of bugging Scaramouche with his strange tales and hilarious stories, and yours along with Ayaka's presence doesn't go unnoticed. He often makes you two join their conversation, all of which are mostly unsuccessful due to how busy you are.
Your relationship with Scaramouche progressed into something you've never even imagined before; a decent friendship.
It initially started when a stern substitute teacher deliberately paired you with him, paying no mind of the brief gasps of shock and faint 'ooh' of your fellow classmates. He reasoned when you both pleaded for another partner, "what? it's not like you're going to commit something illegal, right?" And all of the students in the room had their jaw dropped into the ground at the bravery of their teacher.
Worse yet, this project had points that will noticeably increase your grades and it needed two people for it to finish. So as you silently cursed at fate, you reluctantly obliged to his request to meet up at the café and get it done.
"You're not supposed to do it like that–!" He says as he snatches the pen from your grasp, scrawling away the numbers that you have made. Your gaze oddly lingered at your fingers that had initiated subtle contact with his, as he does his own solution.
Immediately after a few minutes, he curtly stopped upon finishing and looked at you dead in the eye, successfully tearing your gaze away from your hand. A puckish smirk grew on your lips at his dumbfounded state of realization. "It is like that, you airhead."
Most of the two days was blatant arguing and disagreeing each other's idea out in public instead of actually acting on doing the project. But nevertheless, it was finished within a week and the teacher that assigned you both was satisfied with the immaculate presentation.
The other adults heard of it and began to blatantly pair the two of you, as if they hadn't seen the altercations that had occured between the two of you in the past. Your group quietly bursted into laughter when they once witnessed the strained smiles and stiff interactions infront of the amazed yet oblivious teachers.
Whenever one of you get sick, the teacher would hand them the other's worksheet, telling them to give it to the other once they feel better. The first time that happened was when you were sick with an abnormally high fever and it was the weekend when you got better.
A ring in your doorbell stops you from whatever you were doing and you scramble to open the door. Lo and behold, your detested nemesis greets you with a sweet sarcastic grin and crossed arms. Despite the gradual pounding of your heartbeat, you yell, "why the heck are you here!?" His prior expression drops and was now replaced with a frown.
"Why are you so noisy in the morning? Relax, I'm just here to give you your worksheets." Before you can open your mouth, he quickly adds, "Heizou sent Kazuha your address and Kazuha sent it to me so I can give these to you."
'Does he know how to read minds or what?'
He hands out a folder with your name neatly written in a small font at the top, and his gaze points at the item. Then an idea pops up in your head and a small smile graces your lips as you take the folder from his hands, "do you wanna come in?"
That resulted to unintelligible words slipping from his mouth as a vague yet noticeable rosy color slowly tint his pale cheeks. You repeatedly blink at his reaction, wondering if you had said something wrong. His mouth thins into a line upon noticing your reaction and attempts to obscure his flustered expression by coughing into his fist (in which he fails miserably).
"Yeah, sure. Do you have lavender melon?"
"Your whole face is red–"
"Shut up. Do you have the fruit or not?"
"...your face is still–"
"Shut up!"
During that very same day, your mother unexpectedly enters your room and threw you an impish snicker when Scaramouche hastily introduces himself as your friend, missing the subtle blush in your ears at your mother's knowing actions.
After that, you randomly ask him while watching a horror movie if he really was your friend and he carelessly confirms by a tiny nod of his head, too engrossed at the story to ponder about it.
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It is currently spring.
Exactly ten months after Scaramouche made its appearance on the café and the fortuitous events that led both of you no choice but to tolerate fate's puerile schemes.
However, it seems the two of you unconsciously wandered off on your own since fate left to deal with other matters.
You've met his mother, he's met yours. He barges into your house every week, and you crash into his once a month (only once a month because of his peculiar insistence on not letting you visit). He doesn't call you with insults that typically pissed you to no end, and you constantly stop yourself from spitting out vulgar words directed to him.
He once slept at your place, you once ate at his. He's slept at your shoulder thrice while you slept on his lap twice. He only calls you idiot, dumbass and the specific nickname that he shamelessly stole from you; airhead. But as a not-so apology, he gave you the permission to call him; Kunikuzushi.
With every tale you share to your friends, it still remains a mystery to them as to why both of you never bothered to step further into the line of something more than just a friendship. Actually, it's more like, you will cross the line but in order to cross that, you have to acknowledge your feelings.
And the problem is, you're too afraid to admit your feelings to avoid hurtful rejection despite the painfully patent signs of reciprocated desire.
And sometimes, just sometimes, you reluctantly allow the myriad of what ifs plague your somnolent mind as the gleams of moonlight serves as an admirable scene to let your mind wander.
Scaramouche vehemently eyes the white envelope on the table with a wrinkled nose and knitted eyebrows. His eyes darts from the love letter to the giddy smile plastered on your face. After minutes of silence, Scaramouche heaves out a sigh, "[Name], I told you to reject the love letters."
Your prior smile drops and you excessively roll your eyes at his words, "Isn't Lumine fine though?" Your voice, albeit small, emanates with genuine admiration and envy, and he absolutely loathes the ardent words that doesn't deserve to be coated with your awestruck tone.
Kazuha did always tell him to confess sooner or the privilege of simply being with you inevitably slips from his grasp. And yet, he does nothing. Not when you look dazzling while you babble about how lovely Lumine is, not when you blindly push him to her with huge expectations, not when your smile is enough to stop him from boldly rejecting her love.
But still, if he doesn't do anything at this point, he's really going to lose you.
.. atleast that's what he thinks.
He clicks his tounge in an unnecessary volume, "throw it away." As he slides the paper away from him. "Aw, come on. Just try to read it, please?" He doesn't even spare you a glimpse, his eyes resolutely glued to the wall beside him.
"Fine," you mumble in defeat as you shove the envelope in your bag.
"Why are you so insistent about this anyway?" His prying eyes lock onto yours, crossing his arms. "I don't even like her, I'm pretty sure you're aware of that."
'I don't know either. Perhaps I'm just using this as an opportunity to get rid of whatever I feel when I'm with you..' is what you want to say but all that comes out of your mouth is a half hearted chuckle, "both of you suit each other, so why not just give it a try?" His look speaks disbelief at your reason, fully unconvinced and more suspicious of you.
"I'm not believing that."
"You never believe my words though." You lean back on your chair, breathing out a sigh.
"That's because it's purely nonsense."
"Then is it still nonsense if I said I liked you–" For a split second after the abrupt halt, your mind blanks. And the next, as if it was instinct, your palm swiftly grasps your mouth close, mind stirring into a whirlpool of uncountable thoughts.
'Did he hear me? I'm sure I just whispered it but still–'
Even the ruffles of the trees is audible from outside whereas a sound nor word was completely gone from the seat across you. And you would've thought he mercilessly left you if it wasn't for the visible shoe underneath the table.
So with mustered up courage, you reluctantly glimpse at him with the tinest crane of your head. And you swear your breath got taken away when he comes in view with widened eyes who cuaght your gaze the second you looked at him, the same rosy colour that went up from his neck to his porcelain cheeks, and a quivering parted mouth.
Even when your heart is hammering against your chest and the heat that is gradually flaring your ears, you subconsciously mutter, "You.. you look like an idiot, Kuni."
This time, he doesn't remind you of a malicious cat anymore. He reminds you of that one teenage boy who confessed to their crush and he ended up getting flustered with all the stuttering and flushed faces. But in your case, you're the one who carelessly confessed and yet you're the only one who feels rather calm?
Perhaps after seeing that expression of his, all your doubts and anxieties flew out of the window and practically answered all the questions in your heart. After a few moments of complete silence, he still remains frozen and you have already calmed down while he looks like the humanoid of a ripe tomato.
"Raiden Scaramouche?" Nope.
"My about to be four-year nemesis?" Still not it.
"Kunikuzushi?" Okay, he's still staring at you with his mouth slightly open and you worry if a fly goes inside it.
"I'm serious, it's been five minutes since you had that expression, Kuni." You stood up from your seat and walked to his seat as you carefully reach for his forehead to assess his temperature.
He flinched and then grabbed your wrist so unexpectedly. "Did you finally–" "Say it again." His tone is hushed and you can't take your eyes away from his flushed face. You respond, raising a brow, "Say what?" – "What you said earlier."
You blink twice, wondering what he's talking about before realizing he meant your accidental confession. You can feel your ears burning at his request but you've already made a fool out of yourself anyways.
"I said, is it still nonsense if I said I liked you?"
You already know his answer by the way his irises sparkled with hope upon hearing your words.
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"Alright, Childe, pay up."
Childe blinks at the shorter man, "what? Why?"
"[Name] just called me saying she's dating him now."
Three heads simultaneously turned their heads towards Heizou, demanding an explaination with their blazing eyes. "Woah woah, calm down," he defensively waves both of his hands, "[Name] ended the call after saying that, is all."
The blond widely grins as Childe grunts while taking out his wallet. "I told you, Lumine would be a great help!"
"Huh? Lumine?" Kazuha spins his gaming chair towards Aether who's too busy counting the amount of money paper in his hands and therefore cannot answer. Deflates upon realizing he won't answer then perks up when Kokomi provides the explanation for him.
"Aether basically asked Xingqiu to write five love letters, and then after, he told Lumine about his plan which.." she places her finger on her chin, "Oh. He told Lumine to act like she's inlove with Scaramouche and give him the letters through [Name]."
"What about Aether's bet?"
"Oh that? Aether had a bet with Childe that both of them will confess by the fourth letter."
Heizou chuckles at the ginger who's glaring daggers at the blond, "they really just needed a little push." All of them nod their head in agreement.
"Also Childe, you owe me Katsu Sandwich."
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A/N: if you use your brain, you can see how my writing style literally changes in each scene. Ov well, I wrote it in different days anywahs.
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faaun · 1 month
ok let's catch up quickly
#so i went on a few dates w this guy. long hair beautiful face kinda looked like a girl (good) said yes ma'am when i told him to do smth#(also good) film student great at photography including candids. made a sheath of leather for a sword pin i have . et cetera.#he asked to cuddle and i was like iggg and then i felt Nothing and i was like ohhh yh ok ok yep lesbian#like he meets almost all my criteria but. yeahhh no . also at the end of that date he had some weird takes. anyway broke up w him and told#him actually im p sure im a lesbian (again) and he was like yk thats the second time this has happened to me this week but its ok bc ive#fallen for this girl from berlin. and then we cooked together. anyway . met a beautiful butch lowk in love w her. weve been on (1) date.#have two exams in a few days havent studied enough going to like end it all basically. my research partner kicked me off our research#(expected(it was always skinda sketchy)) which was devastating + it happened in a lidl 15 hours into a journey from bordeaux#to go back to the UK. my friends were kinda busy paying for baguettes but also they heard this whole exchange and are kinda mad at him#my friend of 10+ years is coming over in a few days. my evil ex situationship person that i decided to stay friends w because i kept#insisting they are a good friend and not evil and also extremely beautiful? turns out shockingly enough they were evil. tried to fix them#and then i realised due to their entire friendship group being ppl like me (Every Single One of their friends are ppl they met on dating#apps then led on then dumped and proposed staying friends w) and are collectively extremely attracted to them and not over them they#keep validating the most diabolical shit they say/do to hace a chance w them. they broke up w their ex and the way they keep leading#this poor girl on and making her heartbeeak worse and saying that they want more power over her and want her to beg for them back etc...MY#JAW HAD DROPPED esp bc i didnt even know the ex was in the picture BECAUSE ME AND ONE OF OUR FRIENDS (that they also dated) HAD JUSR SLEPT#NAKED TOGETHER IN THEIR BED W THEM. GIRL. anyway that is the least of the diabolical stuff they said but no we are moving onnn#this was b4 the beautiful butch btw. anyways . i have a mitski concert tmrw i think?? idek anymore#i used to have a crush on this guy very briefly and then it disappeared and then i realised if he fundementally changed everything abt#himself then maybe id like him but ofc i didnt tell him that but i still think abt it sometimes but anyway thats irrelevant now bc 99% sure#even if he did id still not find him attractive (lesbianism). please recommend good overnight moisturisers btw i have super dry skin#right. the friend of 10 yrs. we had a hard convo abt why she essentially bullied me in year 8 and it made me highly bitter but i also love#her and ik things are diff now its been like . Many Years . and shes going to stay a while I HAVE TWO EXAMS I DONT HAVE TIME but i love her#its fine. i think i might just switch into medicine and do the whole become a neurosurgeon thing (which was my plan B) bc plan A is looking#kinda impossible rn. I WANNA TALK MORE ABT WHAT THE EX SITUATIONSHIP PERSON SAID but i wont bc i dont wanna be too mean but also . MY GOD#i had a conversation w a philosopher friend about whether i have a moral responsibility to try to fix them bc unleashing this on society#feels wrong and he said 'probably but...run' so yeah im not talking to them atm. second date w beautiful butch on monday btw IDK WHAT TO#WEAR. she said she likes fems. im just gonna wear the shortest ralph lauren skirt i have w the cute leg warmers and hope 4 the best#its 1:15 AM im abt to drink coffee and start studying bc what the FUCK man. also almost finished watching the boys its very good#one of my best friends is struggling rn it is breaking my heart i want to take the burden from her i miss her very much
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Hellooooo I'm back from my first day of WorkTM
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(It's your 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳)
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Ah, that’s nice.
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Oh god, I’m living in the old person’s home at this point.
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jestiric · 6 months
tempted to redownload tik tok. someone needs hold me down and throw my phone into a river. yeah, the kind with lots of rocks in it
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hopeless-astronaut · 1 year
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As bad as things were, you were glad you had Qiu and Tamarack here with you.
Higher quality under the cut 💕
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Also background is from the game, I did not draw that!!
Bonus version w/ diff mc hairstyle and w/o game background:
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yeonban · 2 days
To quote my grandma, if it's not something with me it's always the other
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novemberthewriter · 4 months
listen im not a fan of mainstream booktok (nor tiktok as a general platform) but like at what point are booktubers gonna get tired of remaking the same 'is tiktok ruining reading?' video every other week . someone else said 'y'all are whining more abt how other people read instead of reading yourselves atp'
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jimmynovac · 2 years
i am ready to follow you even though i don't know where — destiel + frozen pines by lord huron [watch on youtube]
do you ever. accidentally mess up your captions while exporting a vid then try again but then it nukes a clip from the middle so then the whole vid is fucked up and then ur so distraught that you put off fixing it until nearly a year later.... yeah :/ anyway this caption style was inspired by this Hippo Campus music video, and cred to @anna-coded for the jonathancherry-less Tombstone clip! <3
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Maybe I'm just addicted to radio contests now
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roses-and-tears · 7 months
#I have spent. 8 almost 9 hours resetting my laptop. I chose the option to keep all my files but uninstall apps. and it has been restarting#and installing for almost 9 hours. yeah I get that the process will be long. but ffs#I have been bored the past few hours so I watched the smile movie bc I got reminded of it yesterday#it was pretty bad. the couple gorey scenes towards the end were nice but some of the acting and writing was just terrible#I was also hoping the movie would’ve taken a different turn. I think it would’ve made it more.. idk. I can’t think of the right term.-#-it just would’ve made it better I think.#I’ve also eaten a lot today. more than I usually do. more than I have in months and years and im upset about that. im already bloated.#I hope I don’t work tomorrow. I have to call in in the morning to check. and I don’t mind working but rn I just kind of want to spend the#day relaxing#I’ve spent almost 9 hours on this resetting part. and 4 extra hours trying to simply repair it in restarts#I also need to clean up my room. a lot of it. and clean my pets cage. it’s ant season now and im really stressed about that#the smell of sharpie returns and I am just. overwhelmed. I have 3 days to prepare for my special week long activity and im not happy about-#-that.#I also had some feelings earlier that im stressed over too.#im being vague about that bc i just don’t want to go off about that to everyone#im tired and overwhelmed i just want my laptop to finish resetting so i can stop fretting about this. i want to sleep#im tired. of so much#to delete later
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i'm genuinely sick of tumblr like between the ads that are scams or using porn or both and often targeting lonely users, the pornbots themselves, the interface that's just getting worse in every way and the block/report button being so narrowly close to the follow button, the shoddy attempt to blend in with other social media apps when we praised tumblr for not being like that, getting 'reccomended for you' posts that's just a randomly generated blog with 1 post with a pregnancy kink photo or is nsfw fan art of something you're not involved in at all or is just someone you've blocked, the search system they still haven't fixed after years-
and tumblr is just begging for money all over the place but all they they seem to do is just go 'hey look some frogs'
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fleetsparrow · 8 months
Email: Job you were looking at has new position open!
Me: Great! Oh, it's the same position I'd interviewed for. Well, they were doing multiple hires.
Job board: Here's your prior submissions!
Me: Cool, let me see if--
Job board: You're no longer in consideration.
Me: 😐
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