#8 day ios
scrollonso · 1 month
doing some italian lessons before going to hell for 8 hours
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ofmd-alsaurus · 11 months
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riberrypie · 2 years
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Da larrie Sono d’accordo sul fatto che non corrispondono nemmeno i tempi della gravidanza anche se a londra io briana incinta ce l’avevo davanti e non era assolutamente una pancia finta + ci vedo una grande somiglianza con louis ma anche con brett e il fratello di briana… ma comunque a me sembra strano però che questo bambino lo convicano che louis sia il padre (se tutto questo fosse finto) e che cresce con quest’idea frequentando lottie, le gemelle etc.. mi sembra veramente assurdo ingannare un bambino così però chissà cioè in quel periodo in teoria harry e louis si vedeva che non si parlavano proprio e che fossero in crisi usciva sempre e lo paparazzavano sempre ubriaco quindi come teoria ci può stare
(Mia opinione eh rispetto tutte le idee)
Non credo proprio che convincano il bambino di essere suo figlio. Credo che sappia molto bene chi siano i suoi genitori, se non altro perché vede Louis una volta all’anno solitamente per Natale da soli 2 anni.
In più guarda come certe cose non cambiano e non evolvono mai, perché l’immagine del maranza (💀) che beve e fuma è ancora ben adesa al suo nome, pure quando dovrebbe essere asseriato (LOL). Francamente dopo le ultime mosse del suo team (vi ricordate la ragazzina bionda?) non mi chiedo più neanche quale sia la sua direzione.
Facesse il padre come si deve però, se proprio deve.
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anothermonikan · 2 years
People who vouch for Apple have clearly never had to go through the hell of trying to restore an IPhone through ITunes
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goatskickin · 1 year
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🥀 🌸🥀 🌸🥀 It’s National Sister’s Day! 🥀🌸 🥀🌸 🥀 What better day to bless you with some clothing CC inspired by the most different of teenaged sisters - Angela and Lilith Pleasant!
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So! First up is 8 recolors of my retexture of Amayrll’s (aka @witheredlilies) Wooly Cardigan. 
The TF mesh is by @deedee-sims​.  2 recolors are missing from the preview gif, but all 8 are in there.
Angela is definitely a cardigan person and a horse girl.
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Texture credits go to Amaryll, AAS, HouseFabric, Stajl and Maxis
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Angela would be little miss “If I like it, I’ll just get it in another color”. So I present to you 18 recolors of the most perfect skirt ever: @deedee-sims‘s Ultimate Dress, as a bottom only skirt!
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Texture credits go to Amaryll, AAS, HouseFabric, Stajl and DeeDee
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Lilith seems like she’s all about zippers, stripes and dark colors. As such, here are 8 tops for your alt girlies.
🚨 PLEASE NOTE 🚨 : These use a base game mesh, tftopblousedwaist. If you have a default for that mesh, these will not show up right. 
Texture credits go to AAS, Xandher, FashionTwist and io (known as @serabiet​)
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Lilith would be nowhere without tights, boots and skirts!
So here are 18 recolors of just such a combo! The mesh is by io (find the original here). 
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Texture credits go to io, Xandher and HouseFabric
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And finally, 2 recolors of a mesh by @whattheskell​ - something decent for them both to wear when the grandparents come over.  Texture credits go to Stajl, io, Skell, Maxis and DeeDee
Download - Angela vs Lilith Collection
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kryzuuna · 1 month
FINAL EP 8 THINGS IVE NOTICED and thoughts and idk
i was so excited for this omg
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i wonder what was the minus for tho 😔 also for a sec i thought that uzis name got revealed as usi 😭 cus of the s thing above but ig it can work as z
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theres also a dead cells reference but its dead batteries 😭 lmao
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thats my fav frame ong they look so scruffy AND off topic i love the design of the drones faces in general 😭😭😭 they always have this little goldfish look
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this scene was sooo pretty, generally it was a shock how good the animation and render looked like fr i wasnt expecting such an upgrade from ep 7
AND im so glad the physics didnt work at that moment and their hair didnt burn 😔 i would be mourning all ep
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honestly ive became a fan of J 😭😭 she got the short end of the stick through all of it
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Grumpy Mctraumabot lmao also why their ios is so outdated
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a lot of people pointed out that uzi referenced the tpose covers for the OST but i think they did it with khan more accurately 😭
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her in those heels was a HARD WATCH like ouch
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heres such a great shot, i feel like this is where you can clearly see the animation improved cus omg
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omg he shred a tear 😭😭😭😿😿😿the feels guys 🥺🥺🫶🫰🫶
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those eyes remind me too much about the instagram icon lmao also what is this windows xp how old the tech was on copper 9
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this song hits hard maybe my fav part of the soundtrack
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so they didn't make them kiss but they made them netflix and chill smh the priorities these days...🚬 KIDDING
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AAHHH are those her moms headphones?? idk
anyway the finale was fun and very pretty, kinda short, wish it could go on for 10 more hours, i also wish they all could get a chance to talk more cus im more for interactions between the characters rather than action but alright alright
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"Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn" Version 5.0 Update Details
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Dear Traveler,
Below are the details of the Version 5.0 update "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn" and the update compensation.
〓Compensation Details〓
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems for every hour the servers are down.)
Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (Please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
〓Scope of Compensation〓
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8).
Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 5.0.
Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please log in and claim your compensation before 2024/08/31 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Update Details〓
I. New Region
New Region - Natlan
The warriors of the mountains lead the path unto flowers splendorous, and the swimming Saurians of the springs bring news all night. On the far shore from sand and sea, the blazing epic hymn echoes through the land where the Sacred Flame blazes eternal.
Beyond the fiery altars and the mysterious realm of night, an unprecedented adventure is about to unfold in the land where humans and Saurians dwell together.
◇ New Areas: In Version 5.0, the following areas in Natlan will become available: Tequemecan Valley, Coatepec Mountain, Toyac Springs, and Basin of Unnumbered Flames.
※ Completing Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom" will automatically unlock a Teleport Waypoint to the right of Tequemecan Valley in Natlan (If you have already completed this Archon Quest, the Teleport Waypoint will be unlocked after the update). You can use this Teleport Waypoint to head over to Natlan. You'll also receive the Primogem reward for this Teleport Waypoint when it unlocks automatically.
▌New Mechanic in Natlan
"Saurian Indwelling"
Natlan's Saurians are unique life forms that can enter a "Spiritsconce" state under specific circumstances.
Indwell your spirit onto Spiritsconces to activate their power, transforming into and controlling the Saurian's original form.
▌New System in Natlan
"Tona's Flame"
You can obtain Pyro Sigils during your adventures in Natlan. Offer them up to the Tablet of Tona at the Temple of Pax to increase its level and obtain valuable rewards.
Satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock "Tona's Flame":
• Enter within a certain radius of the Tablet of Tona
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
Reputation System in Natlan
◇ Natlan Reputation Unlock Criteria:
• Complete "Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame" in Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
Each tribe in Natlan has its own Reputation System. Visit each tribe's "Obsidian Totem Pole" to undertake the quests and earn Reputation EXP. Upon increasing Reputation Levels, you can claim corresponding rewards. Once a tribe's Reputation Level is maxed out, you can also receive additional rewards from the "Speaker's Chamber."
Expeditions, Daily Commissions, and other new content will also be added in Natlan. In Natlan's new commissions, if related achievements of a Commission Quest are not unlocked yet, the probability of that Commission Quest appearing will increase.
◇ Natlan Daily Commissions Unlock Criteria:
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
• Complete the World Quest "Toward Red-Hot Adventure!"
In addition, there will be new "Radiant Spincrystals" in Natlan.
II. New Characters
5-Star Character "Splish-Splash Wavechaser" Mualani (Hydro)
◇ Vision: Hydro
◇ Weapon: Catalyst
◇ A well-known guide in Natlan who owns a watersports shop, and expert in all forms of wave-chasing.
◆ Elemental Skill: Surfshark Wavebreaker
◆ Mualani enters a surfing stance, and can move on land, water and liquid Phlogiston swiftly. While in this state, Mualani applies "Marked as Prey" to opponents upon coming into contact with them and gains Wave Momentum. In this state, Mualani's Normal Attacks will be converted to Sharky's Bites, and consumes Wave Momentum to increase the DMG dealt by Sharky's Bites. When she has 3 stacks of Wave Momentum, when Sharky's Bite hits an opponent, she will fire Shark Missiles at nearby opponents Marked as Prey.
◆ Elemental Burst: Boomsharka-laka
◆ Fires a Super Shark Missile that can deal AoE Hydro DMG.
5-Star Character "Turnfire Hunt" Kinich (Dendro)
◇ Vision: Dendro
◇ Weapon: Claymore
◇ A Huitztlan Saurian Hunter skilled at counting costs.
◆ Elemental Skill: Canopy Hunter: Riding High
◆ Kinich can swing in mid-air using a grappling hook. When the grappling hook hits an enemy, it attaches to enemies and Kinich will fire Loop Shots. When Nightsoul points are at max, he can use the Elemental Skill to fire a powerful "Scalespiker Cannon" and deal Dendro DMG to enemies.
◆ Elemental Burst: Hail to the Almighty Dragonlord
◆ Unleashes the power of the Almighty Dragonlord, K'uhul Ajaw. Ajaw will unleash his Dragon Breath at intervals, dealing AoE Dendro DMG.
4-Star Character "Mottled Gold Yet Unsmelted" Kachina (Geo)
◇ Vision: Geo
◇ Weapon: Polearm
◇ A young warrior of the Nanatzcayan, given the Ancient Name of "Uthabiti." Kind-hearted and insatiably persistent, she grows stronger and more capable with each setback she faces.
◆ Elemental Skill: Go, Go Turbo Twirly!
◆ Fight alongside Turbo Twirly. Kachina can ride Turbo Twirly to move swiftly, climb, and slam enemies, and also summon it independently to deal continuous DMG.
◆ Elemental Burst: Time to Get Serious!
◆ Creates a Turbo Drill Field that increases Turbo Twirly's attack AoE and its Movement SPD when Kachina is riding it.
III. New Domain
Domain of Forgery: Ancient Watchtower
◇ Legend has it that in ancient times, the colossal beasts that roamed the land had a civilization of their own. After exploring the entirety of the land and surrounding sea, they built these structures in an attempt to cast their gaze upon the even wider world beyond. But these wise beasts have long since vanished, and in the present, no one now knows the true purpose of this place.
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Adventure Rank 10 or above
• Complete "Knights of Favonius" in Archon Quest Prologue: Act I "The Outlander Who Caught the Wind"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Weapon Ascension Materials.
Domain of Mastery: Blazing Ruins
◇ In that era, when people had yet to attain true mastery of the flames, there were sages in all corners of the world who pondered the fire and sought to fathom its mysteries. It is said that these ruins are all that is left of what was once a ring-shaped ceremonial site. Here, these sages attempted to perfect the rituals required to transform phlogiston. Among the heroes who later followed the mighty one into the belly of the volcano, there were several who once trained in this place.
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Adventure Rank 10 or above
• Complete "Knights of Favonius" in Archon Quest Prologue: Act I "The Outlander Who Caught the Wind"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Character Talent Materials.
Domain of Blessing: Sanctum of Rainbow Spirits
◇ It is said that the first sage to learn how to use phlogiston created a place of great purity, and that within this place, warriors were taught to wield the power of prismatic flames and flowing light. Later, even before they were used to resist common enemies, these powers were employed as weapons in conflicts between the tribes. Disheartened by this state of affairs, the Sage of the Stolen Flame withdrew from the world, vanishing from the pages of many tales. Devoid of their original purpose, these empty trial grounds were left behind, along with all those stories that came to be forgotten...
◇ Unlock Criteria (satisfy any one of the criteria below to unlock):
• Adventure Rank 10 or above
• Complete "Knights of Favonius" in Archon Quest Prologue: Act I "The Outlander Who Caught the Wind"
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Artifacts in the "Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City" and "Obsidian Codex" sets.
IV. New Equipment
1. New Weapons (Examples based on Refinement Rank 1)
Surf's Up (5-Star Catalyst)
Max HP increased by 20%. Once every 15s, for the 14s after using an Elemental Skill: Gain 4 Scorching Summer stacks. Each stack increases Normal Attack DMG by 12%. For the duration of the effect, once every 1.5s, lose 1 stack after a Normal Attack hits an opponent; once every 1.5s, gain 1 stack after triggering a Vaporize reaction on an opponent. Max 4 Scorching Summer stacks.
◆ During the event wish "Epitome Invocation," the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Surf's Up (Catalyst) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
Fang of the Mountain King (5-Star Claymore)
Gain 1 stack of Canopy's Favor after hitting an opponent with an Elemental Skill. This can be triggered once every 0.5s. After a nearby party member triggers a Burning or Burgeon reaction, the equipping character will gain 3 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 2s and can be triggered even when the triggering party member is off-field. Canopy's Favor: Elemental Skill and Burst DMG is increased by 10% for 6s. Max 6 stacks. Each stack is counted independently.
◆ During the event wish "Epitome Invocation," the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Fang of the Mountain King (Claymore) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
Ash-Graven Drinking Horn (4-Star Catalyst)
When an attack hits an opponent, deal AoE DMG equal to 40% of Max HP at the target location. This effect can be triggered once every 15s.
◆ Ash-Graven Drinking Horn (Catalyst) and its refinement materials can be redeemed in the "Traces of Artistry" event.
▌Forgeable Weapons
Flute of Ezpitzal (4-Star Sword)
Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.
Earth Shaker (4-Star Claymore)
After a party member triggers a Pyro-related reaction, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 16% for 8s. This effect can be triggered even when the triggering party member is not on the field.
Footprint of the Rainbow (4-Star Polearm)
Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.
Ring of Yaxche (4-Star Catalyst)
Using an Elemental Skill grants the Jade-Forged Crown effect: Every 1,000 Max HP will increase the Normal Attack DMG dealt by the equipping character by 0.6% for 10s. Normal Attack DMG can be increased this way by a maximum of 16%.
Chain Breaker (4-Star Bow)
For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 4.8% increased ATK. When there are no less than 3 of the aforementioned characters, the equipping character gains 24 Elemental Mastery.
◆ You can exchange for Weapon Forging Blueprints from Alom in the Stadium of the Sacred Flame: Temple of Pax by consuming certain amounts and types of materials.
2. New Artifacts
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City (4–5 Stars)
◇ 2-Piece Set: When a nearby party member triggers a "Nightsoul Burst," the equipping character regenerates 6 Energy.
◇ 4-Piece Set: After the equipping character triggers a reaction related to their Elemental Type, all nearby party members gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 15s. If the equipping character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state when triggering this effect, all nearby party members gain an additional 28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 20s. The equipping character can trigger this effect while off-field, and the DMG bonus from Artifact Sets with the same name do not stack.
Obsidian Codex (4–5 Stars)
◇ 2-Piece Set: While the equipping character is in Nightsoul's Blessing and is on the field, their DMG dealt is increased by 15%.
◇ 4-Piece Set: After the equipping character consumes 1 Nightsoul point while on the field, CRIT Rate increases by 40% for 6s. This effect can trigger once every second.
V. New Main Story
1. New Archon Quests
Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
Permanently available after the Version 5.0 update
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act VI "Bedtime Story"
• The "Focused Experience Mode" function is available for this quest.
Adds the "Quick Start" function:
(1) Once unlocked, you can maintain your current Archon Quest progress, while accepting and progressing through Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn." This function will be available until the Version 6.0 update.
(2) Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 28 or above, and complete Archon Quest Chapter I: Act III "A New Star Approaches."
Archon Quest Chapter V: Act II "Black Stone Under a White Stone"
Permanently available after the Version 5.0 update
◆ Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
• The "Focused Experience Mode" function is available for this quest.
2. New Tribal Chronicles
"Where the Springs Return"
Act I – Act III of "Where the Springs Return" will be permanently available after the Version 5.0 update
◆ Act I and Act II Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete "Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame" in Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
◆ Act III Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete "Into Eternal Night" in Archon Quest Chapter V: Act II "Black Stone Under a White Stone"
The three acts must be experienced in sequence. You can only unlock the next act after completing the previous one and meeting the corresponding unlock criteria.
"Yupanqui's Turnfire"
Act I and Act II of "Yupanqui's Turnfire" will be permanently available after the Version 5.0 update
Act III of "Yupanqui's Turnfire" will be permanently available after 2024/09/17 18:00
◆ Act I – Act III Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete "Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame" in Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
The three acts must be experienced in sequence. You can only unlock the next act after completing the previous one and meeting the corresponding unlock criteria.
"A Prayer for Blessings, Told to Crested Peaks"
Act I and Act II of "A Prayer for Blessings, Told to Crested Peaks" will be permanently available after the Version 5.0 update
◆ Act I and Act II Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete "Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame" in Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn"
The two acts must be experienced in sequence. You can only unlock the next act after completing the previous one and meeting the corresponding unlock criteria.
If you use the "Quick Start" function to experience Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn," you can accept the Tribal Chronicles once you meet the criteria for completing the corresponding Archon Quest (you are not restricted by the Adventure Rank 40 or above requirement).
3. New World Quests
New World Quests
"In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons" Quest Chain, "Shadows of the Mountains" Quest Chain, "Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire" Quest Chain, "Between Pledge and Forgettance" Quest Chain, "To the Night, What is the Night's," "Ripe For Trouble," "To Wish Upon a Star," "Stride on Rainbows, Split the Waves," "The Case of the Crafting Bench," "The Call of Mystical Martial Arts," etc.
VI. New Enemies
Goldflame Qucusaur Tyrant
◇ A Qucusaurus whose extraordinary form is a result of being unable to withstand the great power it has been granted.
It will fly into the air during combat and enter the "Golden Flame" energy-gathering form, creating a shield around itself and launching a Flamewind Feather towards the ground that summons a flamewind. If you cannot destroy the Flamewind Feather before the Qucusaurus dives down into it, the creature will use a Phlogiston Current to return to the skies. This will persist until it is exhausted and returns to its original form.
Located at Basin of Unnumbered Flames
Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King
◇ A powerful Yumkasaurus that has experienced numerous impressive battles.
It will collect Flamegranates during combat and spit them out as bombs. However, if you can use Pyro to ignite the Flamegranates before the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King can swallow them, who knows what might happen...
Located at Tequemecan Valley
Wayob Manifestation
"Rock-Cavernous Wayob Manifestation," "Flow-Inverted Wayob Manifestation," and "Foliar-Swift Wayob Manifestation"
◇ The Wayob worshipped by the various tribes of Natlan manifest themselves in the form of these obsidian totems.
In battle, the Wayob Manifestation will deploy its Arena: Moment of Trial, creating a shield for itself and absorbing the Elemental Energy of all characters in the Arena. Characters in the Arena deal greatly increased DMG. If the shield is broken before the Arena expires, they will also regain a large amount of Energy. However, if they fail to break the shield, the Manifestation will generate a barrier based on the value of the remaining Elemental Shield.
Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker
"Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker"
◇ An ancient mechanical creation that wanders Natlan to this day, though its function is not known.
When characters enter and maintain the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker will start progressing through its Adaptive Countermeasures. Once those are complete, the Hunter-Seeker will unleash its special cluster laser. Still, risk and opportunity go hand-in-hand, so perhaps you might take this opportunity to deal immense damage to it...
Avatars of Lava
"Fluid Avatar of Lava" and "Eroding Avatar of Lava"
◇ A strange monster that must continually absorb heat to stay in an active state.
However, it seems to damage itself should it absorb too much. After you use Pyro attacks to cause it to fully enter an Overburn state, it will rapidly disintegrate.
Natlan Saurians
"Koholasaurus," "Tepetlisaurus," "Yumkasaurus," "Koholasaur Whelp," "Tepetlisaur Whelp," and "Yumkasaur Whelp."
◇ The Saurians that inhabit the land of Natlan.
Special dragons that were better able to adapt to their environments, taking on different shapes and forms based on their surroundings.
Sauroform Tribal Warriors
"Flowing Blade Skirmisher," "Flowing Blade Grease-Saw," "Flowing Blade Harpoon-Thrower," "Koholasaurus Warrior: Waveshuttler," "Koholasaurus Warrior: Reefsplitter," "Forged Sand Interrogator," "Forged Sand Shieldbreaker," "Forged Sand Javelineer," "Tepetlisaurus Warrior: Shard Striker," "Tepetlisaurus Warrior: Rockbreaker Blade," "Swiftstep Seeker," "Swiftstep Storm Scout," "Swiftstep Armed Courier," "Yumkasaurus Warrior: Whirling Leaves," and "Yumkasaurus Warrior: Flowing Skyfire"
◇ The warriors of Natlan's great tribes who fight for the honor and glory of their people.
Over long years of living and fighting alongside their Saurian companions, these tribal warriors have gradually acquired their traits and learned how to apply them on the field of battle.
VII. Other Update Details
New Recipes:
○ Monstadt "Good Hunter": Meatnado and Apple Roly Poly
○ Cipac (NPC): Grainfruit Chips and Grilled Fish in Mint Sauce
○ Chanca (NPC): Grainfruit Meat Soup and Cup O' Grainfruit
○ Obtained from talking to Chanca (NPC): Tatacos
○ Exploration Rewards: Saurus Crackers, Stuffed N' Mashed Potatoes, Chocolate, Blazed Meat Stew, and Fried Shrimp Beanballs
○ World Quest Rewards: Sour Sauce Kipper and Forest of Color
○ Natlan Reputation System Rewards: Glittering Gemstones, Hot Spring O'Clock, and Puff Pops
○ Event Reward: Delights of Wondrous Wonderings
New Character Specialty Dishes:
○ Mualani's specialty: Pass the Luck
○ Kinich's specialty: Saurian Hunter's Reward
○ Kachina's specialty: Impeccably Organized
Adds new "Meetings in Outrealm: Series V," "Imaginarium Theater: The Second Folio," "Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I)," and "Duelist: Series I" Achievement categories, and adds new Achievements to the "Wonders of the World" category.
Adds Set 34 of "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis.
Adds some prompts for loading screens.
New Namecards:
"Mualani: Sharky": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Mualani
"Kinich: Ajaw": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Kinich
"Kachina: Twirly": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Kachina
"Natlan: Divine Army": Reward for reaching the highest Reputation Level with 1 tribe
"Natlan: Fiery Dragon": Reward for reaching the highest Reputation Level with 4 tribes
"Achievement: Endpoint": Reward for completing all achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series V"
"Achievement: Feline Fortune": Reward for completing all achievements under "Imaginarium Theater: The Second Folio"
"Natlan: Return of the Flame": Reward for completing all achievements under "Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I)"
"Achievement: Lord of the Night": Reward for completing all achievements under "Duelist: Series I"
"Travel Notes: Primal Fire": Reward obtained via the BP system
Adds new Character Event Wish mechanic "Capturing Radiance." For more information, please visit the "Wish" interface in the game.
Reduces the maximum amount of Fate Points required from 2 to 1 in the Weapon Event Wish "Epitomized Path."
Adds new Artifact Salvage function. Artifacts that have not been enhanced and leveled up can be salvaged into Sanctifying Unction and Sanctifying Essence in Inventory > Artifacts.
Adds some new adjustments to the Artifacts system:
(1) Adds the gadget "Artifact Transmuter," which can be obtained by completing the quests in "Adventurer Handbook > Experience" and can be used to extract and redeem Artifacts.
(2) Adds new Consumable "Sanctifying Elixir": Use the "Artifact Transmuter" to extract a certain number of 5-star Artifacts that have been enhanced to "+4" or above, and convert them into "Sanctifying Elixir" (You can convert Artifacts into 1 "Sanctifying Elixir" per version). You can also obtain "Sanctifying Elixir" by exploring the open world.
(3) You can exchange for certain components of certain Artifact sets by using the "Sanctifying Elixir" in the "Artifact Transmuter." Apart from that, you can also determine the Main Affix and two Minor Affixes (Different Artifact components require different amounts of "Sanctifying Elixir." The same set of Artifacts can only be exchanged once in each version).
Adds new event "Turbo Twirly!": Progress through Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I "Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn" and invite the character "Mottled Gold Yet Unsmelted" Kachina (Geo).
Adds World Level 9. Upon reaching Adventure Rank 58, Travelers can complete corresponding World Level Ascension Quests to increase their World Level. After the World Level increases, the levels of monsters and bosses will increase, the challenge difficulty and the rewards dropped will also be increased (Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 58 before the version update can complete Ascension Quests to increase their World Level after the version update).
Adds the Borderland Billet series.
Adds Borderland Billet Conversion for various Weapon types in "Crafting Bench > Conversion": Use Dream Solvent to convert Billets of other types to Borderland Billets for the same Weapon type, or change Borderland Billets to Billets of other types for the same Weapon type.
Adds another 8 sets of Artifacts available to exchange in the Mystic Offering system: Artifact Strongbox: Deepwood Memories, Artifact Strongbox: Gilded Dreams, Artifact Strongbox: Desert Pavilion Chronicle, Artifact Strongbox: Flower of Paradise Lost, Artifact Strongbox: Nymph's Dream, Artifact Strongbox: Vourukasha's Glow, Artifact Strongbox: Marechaussee Hunter, and Artifact Strongbox: Golden Troupe.
Adds new Gadgets: Firstborn Firesprite and Kaboom Box.
Adds new Natlan Reward Gadgets: Pyroculus Resonance Stone and Pyro Treasure Compass.
Adds some of the Harvestable seeds from Natlan to the Seed Dispensary.
Adds new Wildlife: Red Flamingo, Halberd-Crest Bird, Thick-Feathered Ruffed Pheasant, Flowcurrent Bird, Alpaca, Brown Deer, Flying Squirrel, Capybara, Pyro Crystalfly, Blue Mountain Spoonbill, Flowfire Bird, Phlogiston Aphid, Crystal Beetle, and Long-Necked Rhino. You can use the Omni-Ubiquity Net to capture certain Natlan creatures.
"Genius Invokation TCG" Gameplay Update:
New Character Cards: Xianyun, Freminet, and their corresponding Talent cards. Corresponding invitation duels and guest challenges have been added to the Player List.
New Character Card: Hydro Hilichurl Rogue and the corresponding Talent card. The Tavern Challenge has also been added.
New Action Cards: "Xenochromatic Hunter's Ray," "Yumkasaurus," "Koholasaurus," "Stadium of the Sacred Flame," "Atea," "Edict of Absolution," and "Saurian Dining Buddies" can be purchased from Prince at The Cat's Tail.
The Forge Realm's Temper is once again available. The theme of this edition is "The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits":
(1) During The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits, some stages will have special victory and defeat conditions. Adeptly adapt your tactics to complete the challenge and avoid the conditions for defeat!
(2) Within The Forge Realm's Temper: Game of Wits event stages, there will also be special rules that can easily exert influence on the tempo of the match. Fully utilizing these special rules will contribute greatly to your success.
Imaginarium Theater
After the Version 5.0 update, the two Imaginarium Theater seasons will be as follows:
The first season of "Imaginarium Theater" will be available on 2024/09/01 04:00.
Required Elemental Types: Pyro, Hydro, and Dendro
Opening Characters: Dehya, Xiangling, Mualani, Candace, Emilie, and Yaoyao
When Imaginarium Theater is open, the corresponding Opening Characters will obtain Fantastical Blessings.
Special Guest Stars: Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Clorinde, and Raiden Shogun
After the first season of Imaginarium Theater begins, the characters Collei, Cyno, Neuvillette, and Amber will each gain a new "Thespian Trick" that can be exchanged from the NPC Wolfy.
The second season of "Imaginarium Theater" will be available on 2024/10/01 04:00.
Required Elemental Types: Pyro, Electro, and Geo
Opening Characters: Dehya, Chevreuse, Keqing, Fischl, Chiori, and Ningguang
When Imaginarium Theater is open, the corresponding Opening Characters will obtain Fantastical Blessings.
Special Guest Stars: Kinich, Yelan, Venti, and Sucrose
After the second season of Imaginarium Theater begins, the characters Venti, Thoma, Mika, and Navia will each gain a new "Thespian Trick" that can be exchanged from the NPC Wolfy.
After the first season of Imaginarium Theater begins, the following adjustments will be made:
(1) In the new gameplay phase, Wondrous Boons will be updated to "Brilliant Blessings" focused on the current season's three-element reactions. You can continuously upgrade the Blessing level to enhance the effects of the corresponding Elemental Reactions. Based on the new Brilliant Blessings, the refresh mechanic of Performance Events has also been adjusted.
(2) Reduces the number of characters required for each difficulty level, and additional characters included can receive buffs:
a. The number of characters required for Easy mode has been reduced to 8, and you can include an additional 2 characters.
b. The number of characters required for Normal mode has been reduced to 12, and you can include an additional 2 characters.
c. The number of characters required for Hard mode has been reduced to 16, and you can include an additional 4 characters.
Each extra Alternate Cast included will receive additional Fantasia Flowers and increase the Blessing Level (the Blessing Level provides attribute buffs to characters) when the performance begins. Making full use of the special rules can help you better complete the challenge.
(3) Visionary Mode is now available, which can be unlocked after clearing Hard Mode previously. The required number of characters for participation is 22 and 4 additional characters can be added. Both the Debut Performance Gift and Performance Tour Rewards will be increased to 10 acts. Additionally, by completing 10 acts of combat performances in each season of "Imaginarium Theater," you can receive 1 Key of Echoes in the "Envisaged Echoes" gameplay.
(4) The number of "Fantasia Flowers" obtained from completing "Battle: Normal" and "Battle: Defense Sequence" in performances has been increased to 90, and the additional challenges in "Combat Events" have been removed.
(5) The usage limit for the Rewind function has been increased to 2 (on any difficulty mode except Easy mode).
In future updates, the development team will continue to optimize "Imaginarium Theater" based on your feedback and actual data from the gameplay.
Spiral Abyss
The "Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy" and "Unfinished Reverie" Artifact set rewards in "Domain Reliquary: Tier I" and "Domain Reliquary: Tier II" for Spiral Abyss Floors 9–12 will be replaced with the "Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City" and the "Obsidian Codex" sets.
Floor 9 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• All party members gain a 50% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Floor 10 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• DMG dealt by characters is increased by 50% when in Nightsoul's Blessing.
Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to:
• All party members gain a 60% Dendro DMG Bonus.
• All party members receive a 60% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Updated the monster lineup on Floors 9 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.
Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 5.0, the Lunar Phases will be as follows:
Contending Moon
After the active character uses an Elemental Skill, Normal Attack and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 40% for 12s. For characters in Nightsoul's Blessing, this effect is enhanced: Normal Attack and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 80%.
※ The above updates to Spiral Abyss will take effect after the Spiral Abyss update on September 16.
〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓
● Quests
Adds pop-up notifications for some newly-added quests before long quest sequences or before battles.
Adjusts the placement of some enemies in the Archon Quest "We Will Be Reunited" to reduce the difficulty of combat.
● Enemies
Reduces the damage dealt by the enemy "Fatui Skirmisher - Cryogunner Legionnaire" when multiple hits of Frost Blast continuously hit a character.
● Serenitea Pot
Increases the load limits for both indoor and outdoor areas in the Serenitea Pot due to stricter performance optimization strategies.
● Exploration
Clicking "Go to collect" under the "Source" of regional specialties now directs to the open world map and displays the areas where you can collect the corresponding specialty.
Now, before reaching the maximum Stamina limit, Travelers can increase Stamina by leveling up any region's Statue of The Seven (meaning Travelers no longer need to fully level up the Statues of The Seven in Mondstadt and Liyue to reach the maximum Stamina limit). After the version update, if a Traveler has already leveled up the Statues of The Seven in regions other than Mondstadt and Liyue, they will receive the corresponding Stamina increase.
Adjusts the difficulty of battling "Ruin Hunters" in the World Quest "Nine Pillars of Peace," and significantly reduces the difficulty at World Levels 1 and 2.
Increases the material drop rates of enemies "Nobushi," "Kairagi," "Specters," "Abyss Mages," "Ruin Guards," "Ruin Hunters," and "Ruin Graders."
Increases the total pin limit on the map from 200 to 250.
● Food
Adds new icons to some foods with special effects.
When using certain specialty foods (such as character specialties), secondary confirmation pop-ups or prompts will appear.
Adds filtering and sorting functions on the Inventory > Food interface.
Optimizes the sorting rules on the "Cook" interface.
Optimizes the filter function on the "Cook" interface, adding filter options related to Proficiency.
Adjusts the order of using food to revive characters: Low-rarity basic food will appear first.
● Shop
Adds the "Crown of Insight" as an exchangeable item in the "Shop" > "Paimon's Bargains" > "Starglitter Exchange," priced at Starglitter ×50, with a monthly refresh.
"Mystic Enhancement Ore" is now available for unlimited exchange in the "Shop" > "Paimon's Bargains" > "Stardust Exchange," and can be unlocked after exchanging existing "Mystic Enhancement Ore."
● Crafting and Forging
In the "Forging" interface, the number of items that can be forged in a single queue for Weapon Enhancement Materials has been doubled. For example, a single queue can now forge Mystic Enhancement Ore ×10 instead of ×5 (the daily crafting limit remains unchanged).
In the "Forging" interface, when selecting Weapon Enhancement Materials to forge, the maximum quantity will be selected by default.
When crafting "Condensed Resin" at the Crafting Bench, the maximum number of crafting attempts will now be automatically selected based on the remaining amount of "Original Resin" and "Condensed Resin," and the confirmation pop-up has been removed.
When selecting to craft "Condensed Resin" at the Crafting Bench, the number of "Condensed Resin" in the Inventory will now be displayed in the top-right corner of the interface.
● Enhancement
Reduces the frequency of the EXP overflow prompt during character leveling: when the EXP overflow is less than 1,000 (non-refundable), the prompt will no longer appear.
The EXP overflow prompt during weapon enhancement has been changed to a text notification and will no longer appear as a pop-up.
● Stellar Reunion
Updates the "Stellar Reunion" interface.
During the "Stellar Reunion" event, Domain of Mastery and Domain of Forgery rewards from different days will be available at the same time, allowing Travelers to freely choose the material drops they need.
Adds new exploration-related quests.
Adds new character and weapon enhancement-related quests.
Adjusts the daily double drop opportunities in "Reunion Blessing" to 3 times.
Adds new version highlight videos, with rewards available after viewing: Primogems ×40.
Reduces the number of quest objectives related to Archon Quests, and the related rewards have been transferred to that of other quests.
Adds "Reunion Gifts": Starting from Version 5.0, if returning Travelers activate the "Stellar Reunion" and meet the following criteria, "Reunion Gifts" will be unlocked, allowing them to obtain Intertwined Fate ×10 by completing the related quests:
a. Adventure Rank 30 or above
b. Haven't logged into the game for at least 45 consecutive days
c. At least 60 days since the last time they activated "Reunion Gifts."
If a Traveler logs into the game during the Version 4.8 "Stellar Reunion" maintenance period and meets the following conditions, both "Stellar Reunion" and "Reunion Gifts" will be unlocked with the Version 5.0 update:
a. Adventure Rank 30 or above
b. Over 45 days since last activating the "Stellar Reunion" event
c. Haven't logged into the game for at least 45 consecutive days
● Other Systems
After the version update, the characters that appear in the "Theater Lobby" will no longer have quest progress requirements.
Updates the layout of the Account "Profile" interface, adding the number of characters in the Character Showcase and namecards displayed.
In the "Party Setup" > "Configure Team" interface, Travelers can now hold and drag to adjust the party order.
Increases the Inventory limit of Furnishings from 2,000 to 2,200.
When the Reputation Level of a certain region reaches the maximum, the weekly Reputation Quests for that region will no longer be available.
● Battle Pass
Starting from Version 5.0, some Battle Pass missions will be adjusted.
a. In Daily Missions, the Battle Pass EXP for completing "Claim Daily Commission Rewards 4 times" will be increased from 150 to 200.
b. The Missions "Complete 3 Requests" and "Complete 3 Bounties" will be removed from Weekly Missions.
c. New missions will be added in Battle Pass > This BP Period: "Enhance 5-star artifacts a total of 30 levels," "Enhance 5-star artifacts a total of 60 levels," and "Enhance 5-star artifacts a total of 100 levels." Completing these missions will grant Battle Pass EXP x3,600, Primogems x60, and Sanctifying Unction x60 each period.
d. A new mission will be added in Battle Pass > This BP Period: "Complete the Act 8 Performance Challenge in Imaginarium Theater and finalize," which will grant Battle Pass EXP x2,250.
Starting from Version 5.0, Travelers can select 3 out of 4 types of Battle Pass rewards (Mora, Character EXP Materials, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Artifact Enhancement Materials). Details can be viewed in the Battle Pass interface.
Starting from Version 5.0, the Talent Level-Up Material bundles "Guide to the Original Current" and "Guidance of the Land of Verdure" will be replaced by "Guides of a Journey," and "Philosophies of the Original Current" and "Philosophies of the Land of Verdure" will be replaced by "Philosophies of a Journey," allowing Travelers to choose any Talent Level-Up Material from all regions and types.
Starting from Version 5.0, Travelers will receive "Sanctifying Elixir" upon reaching BP Level 26 in the Gnostic Hymn (information about "Sanctifying Elixir" can be found in the "Other Update Details" section of this notice).
Optimizes the Battle Pass system interface.
Updates the skip function for the Battle Pass animation. Viewing history will be recorded starting from Version 5.0, meaning that from Version 5.1 onwards, if Travelers have already watched the Battle Pass cutscene, it will not be replayed the first time the Battle Pass interface is opened after the version update.
● Other
Regarding the adjustments to the Reputation System and Battle Pass Reputation quests, after the Version 5.0 update is completed, the development team will send the following rewards via in-game mail: Mora ×1,000,000. Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8) will be eligible to claim this reward. Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 5.0, so please remember to log into the game to claim it. The mail will be valid for 30 days.
Adjusts some of the terrain in the adjacent "Desert of Hadramaveth" area due to the release of a new area.
In "Envisaged Echoes," adjusts the collision size of some parts of the scenery in Jean's challenge stage to prevent enemies from being abnormally stuck in the walls when knocked back.
〓Bug Fixes〓
● Enemies
Fixes an issue whereby when challenging the enemy "Hydro Tulpa," the character's attacks would incorrectly lock onto the "Half-Tulpa" that appear instead of the "Hydro Tulpa" itself under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby the enemy "Fatui Skirmisher" would not re-enter combat for a long time after disengaging in certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby the combat difficulty of some enemies did not adjust dynamically at different World Levels. Once this issue is fixed, the DMG dealt by some enemies may change.
● Character
Fixes an issue on certain Android devices whereby Clorinde's Elemental Burst animation would be delayed when she casts her Elemental Burst.
Fixes an issue on certain Android devices whereby the model of the character Gaming could not be displayed properly.
Fixes an issue whereby the effect of Emilie's Lv. 6 Constellation would abnormally fail to take effect when revived at a "Statue of The Seven" after being defeated by certain enemies.
Fixes an issue whereby the direction of the attack effects would be abnormal when Emilie performs a Plunging Attack under certain circumstances.
● Genius Invokation TCG
Fixes an issue whereby there were errors in the description or text display of some cards.
Fixes an issue whereby some "companion" cards generated by "Puca's Support" had effects inconsistent with those played from the Hand and adjusts the list of possible "companion" cards that can be generated.
● Audio
Fixes an issue whereby the game music would be abnormal in the domain of Nahida's Story Quest "Lingering Warmth."
Fixes an issue whereby there is a chance that the sound effects of character movement would be missing when Sigewinne moves in the water.
Fixes an issue whereby in the "Character" > "Profile" > "Voice-Over" interface, there was an error in Arlecchino's Chinese voice line for "When the Wind Is Blowing."
Fixes an issue in the "Genius Invokation TCG" gameplay mode whereby some of the voice lines for Navia did not match the actual in-game actions. After the fix, the corresponding relationship between certain voice lines and in-game actions will be adjusted.
● Other
In the Simplified Chinese "Tutorial" and other interfaces, some descriptions incorrectly refer to the effect as "Shield," and has been adjusted to "Ward" (this issue also exists in other language interfaces and will be fixed in a future update).
Fixes an issue whereby the book model of the Furnishing "Hardcover Storybook: 'Simulanka'" would disappear abnormally under certain circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby after completing a performance in "Imaginarium Theater," the "Performance Cast" would display abnormally during the finalization screen if all characters in the team were defeated.
Fixes an issue whereby the game would not pause on the finalization screen after failing a performance in "Imaginarium Theater."
Fixes an issue whereby there was an image error in the artwork background of Kirara's outfit "Phantom in Boots."
Fixes an issue whereby in certain situations, the character would incorrectly retain some expressions after exiting "Photo Mode."
Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that the achievement "Melting... Away..." could not be completed.
Fixes some text errors in certain languages and optimizes text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
◆ Optimizes inconsistencies between certain voice-overs and the corresponding lines.
◆ Optimizes certain English translations.
〓Genius Invokation TCG Balance Adjustment〓
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card "Featherfall Judgment" of the Character Card "Cyno": Adjusts "... uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having at least 2 levels of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +2 DMG. (Once per Round)" to "... uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having at least 2 levels of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, DMG dealt by Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer +1. (Max twice per Round)."
Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill of the Character Card "All-Devouring Narwhal": The effect "Deals 1 Hydro DMG. This character deals +1 DMG for every 3 extra max HP provided by Insatiable Appetite (Max +4)" will be adjusted to "(Max +3)."
Adjusts the "Deep Devourer's Domain" effect of the Character Card "All-Devouring Narwhal": Adjusts the "increases in Max HP" effect from taking effect immediately to taking effect at the end of the Round.
Adjusts the number of times the damage negation effect triggered by "When the character to which this is attached takes DMG" occurs per Round for the Equipment Card "Prospector's Drill": Adjusted from "Twice per Round" to "Once per Round."
Adjusts the effect of "Bond of Life" state: The Bond of Life can now negate healing effects associated to the "increases in Max HP" effect.
After the version update is completed, the rewards for the web event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" will be issued officially: "Ring of Yaxche," "Footprint of the Rainbow," and "Earth Shaker," along with their corresponding Ascension Materials: Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord ×6, Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Terror ×3, Axis of the Secret Source ×3, Shard of a Shattered Will ×3, Ignited Stone ×3, Sentry's Wooden Whistle ×4, and Damaged Mask ×2. These rewards will be sent to Travelers via in-game mail.
a. Travelers who logged into the web event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" and cheered for the Sacred Flame Pilgrimage before the version update will receive an in-game mail approximately 2–12 hours after the update is complete. The mail will be valid for 30 days, so Travelers should log in to the game and claim the attachment within 30 days from receiving the mail.
b. Travelers who log into the web event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" and cheer for the Sacred Flame Pilgrimage after the version update will receive the reward mail within 5–10 minutes after completing the relevant reward objectives. The mail will be valid for 30 days, so Travelers should log in to the game and claim the attachment within 30 days from receiving the mail.
*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.
"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
104 notes · View notes
moonsinkfoxgirl · 2 months
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Of the various designs for the fox emoji, which one would you say is your favorite? 🦊
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iOS (2016/2017/2024) -- 7/10 that's a cute foxy, but there is a certain cartooony ness about them that lessens their impact
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Android (2016) -- 9.5/10 a wilder foxy, with a serious expression, simple and beautiful
Android (2017) -- 9/10 sudden change entirely, thoroughly simplified, but a core foxyness is retained and you get a good smile that can be both adorably whimsical as well as mischievous
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Android (2020-2023) -- 5/10 that's a foxy alright, but she borders on being soulless
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Samsung (2016) -- 2/10 easily mistaken for some form of rodent
Samsung (2018) -- 6/10 a lot better but a similar problem, the cute eyes do kind of elevate her though
Samsung (2019) -- 5/10 the plushie look helps a bit but very similar
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Samsung (2023, 2024) -- 2/10 you could convincingly claim they're hamsters
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Microsoft 3D fluent (2023) -- 0/10 may the gods have mercy on whoever decided to turn the beautiful Vulpes Vulpes into this abomination of artificial plastic
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Microsoft (2016) -- 8/10 a striking shape in a beautiful style, but perhaps a bit too lacking in emotion to capitalize on that
Microsoft (2021, 2023) -- 1/10 it's better than the plastic 3D render but still a crime
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Whatsapp (all of them) -- 4/10 not as bad as the samsung hamsters but you could still make the case
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Twitter (all of them) -- 8/10 a cute and fine foxy, again a bit lacking in the emotional department
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facebook (2017) -- 9/10 a delightfully whimsical foxy
facebook (2018, 2023) -- ‽⸘/10 this foxy was taken on a boat, gripped at her tail by some sort of tentacle, dragged to the bottom of the ocean where she saw abyssal truths that would be too much for the mind of any creature, and has now miraculously washed up on shore, wet, bedraggled, knowing
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Huawei (2023) -- 8/10 this foxy holds many a wisdom
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Joypixels (2016) -- 6/10 one day I may welcome our robot fox overlords but that day is not today
Joypixels (2017) -- 8/10 these foxies are young and curious
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Joypixels (2018) -- 7/10 a step backwards from above
Joypixels (2019, 2020) -- 6/10 a villainous foxy full of deceit, not necessarily a badly made depiction under that premise but it is a harmful stereotype!
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Joypixels (2020, 2023, 2024) -- 4/10 these foxies are being forced to smile fake smiles at 60 hours per week customer service jobs, please free them, they are calling for help
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LG (2021) -- 5/10 a long nose lacking in emotion
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Twitter emoji stickers (2022) -- 7/10 that's an expensive fursuit head
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SerenityOS (2024) -- 1/10 at least with all the other rodents and hamsters you can kind of imagine them to be foxies if you're told that's what they're meant to be, but this? this is a mouse no matter how you look at it
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TossFace (2022, 2023) -- -1/10 a corporate abomination
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Sony Playstation (2021) -- 8/10 a cutie!
Noto Emoji font (2023) -- 8/10 a black and white cutie!
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Openmoji (2018/2023) -- 2/10 could be convincingly claimed to be a kangooroo
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Icons8 (2023) -- 5/10 she's old and angry and doesn't like you
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emojidex (2016/2017) -- 3/10 these girls are haggard
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Emojipedia sample images (2016/2018) -- 2/10 could be confused for rodents again
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the girl you sent me without a source -- 8/10 a serious cutie, but she could be mistaken for a wolf
50 notes · View notes
Heavy Lies the Heart - Chapter 8
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!OC Word Count: 2k Tropes: mutual pining, fluff, angst with a happy ending, royalty Warnings: death Summary: When two second-borns looking for direction meet by chance, can they find purpose in each other? Or will circumstances keep them apart? A/N: I'm going to be real with you guys--this chapter was just for me. It's disgusting, cheesy, romantic nonsense and I absolutely love it. I hope you do too. :)
Writing an amateur poet's love letter was so ridiculous and fun, but I also may have f'ed myself up a little bit. Save me pathetic, handsome, unabashedly romantic gentleman who respects me as a human being with deep thoughts and valued feelings but also compares my eyes to flaked amber in the sunlight and treats me gently like a beautiful flower laid softly on the shrine of a solitary goddess...you're my only hope.
My dearest Beatrice,
These nights we have spent apart have been perhaps the longest of my life.
I had not realized just how completely you had made yourself at home in my heart until you were no longer here with me. I look to the space you have carved in my soul, and I find it empty. You have gone, and taken a piece of me with you.
At night I sit in the windowsill searching the streets below, desperate to see any sign of you waiting there for me. I pray for just a glimpse of your shrouded form, bathed in the silver light of the moon. As I wait, I know I would have forever been happy to be your Leander, swimming across the sea each night, guided by your light.
I have found my days as listless as my nights, waiting to hear any mention of your name. I dread what news time may bring, yet cannot stop myself from wishing the hours to pass as minutes. Time may yet be my enemy, but it still remains the one bridge that leads me to you.
I hope you are well my darling. I see an image of you sat alone with your worries, and it haunts my every thought. I hope to find some relief in the knowledge that my family will be with you soon, even if I cannot be. I hope your brief time with them will bring some measure of comfort to you, as they have comforted me.
When my mother and sisters return, I pray they bring good news. But know that no matter what, my feelings will not waiver. I am willing to stand steadfast against any tide we may yet face, so long as it is your wish to stand alongside me.
I worry now that perhaps my lack of interest in the movements of the aristocracy may have translated poorly. You must know that my distaste for their grandstanding, their rigid adherence to proprietary, and their many pointless rules means nothing in the face of my feelings for you. So now I shall be clear, so that there can be no misunderstandings between us.
I love you Beatrice. I will love you for as long as you will have me, and then one hundred lifetimes more.
Yours eternally,
Beatrice sat in her nightdress, curled up in the armchair nearest the windows of her room. She clutched Benedict's letter close to her chest as she gazed out across the moonlit garden. It looked so similar to the place where she and Benedict had first met. It was not so long ago, yet it felt like a lifetime had past since then.
She turned her attention back to the letter. In the dim candlelight it was difficult to make out his flourished words, but that hardly mattered. Beatrice had read it so many times already that she could all but recite it word for word. She ran her fingers over the last line, smiling as she thought of the man that had written it.
I love you.
She wrapped her arms around her legs, pressing her forehead io her knees as she blushed. She could hardly contain the emotions that threatened to burst forth from her chest. Even having read it dozens of times, she could hardly believe it was real. And so she read it once more, then again, only to make sure she was not dreaming.
The feelings between them had always been clear. She did not need words to know Benedict cared for her. But to have it articulated so beautifully? To have him decalre it so boldly? That was a different thing entirely. Perhaps it was best then that it was written and not spoken. If she had heard it first from his lips, she surely would have perished in an instant--her heart too overcome with feeling to possibly be contained.
Her letter expressed her worries and her desires. Now she almost felt foolish thinking of the words she had written, having believed his choice rushed. And perhaps, regretted. Still, they needed to be said all the same, and now she could rest soundly knowing she had not in some way entrapped him in a life he did not want.
She prayed they would be allowed to see each other soon, but resolved herself to do whatever she must if she was not. She would see him again, no matter what.
She sighed, taking one last look out into the night before readying herself for bed.
As she laid in the dark, Benedict's letter tucked safely under her pilllow, she smiled to herself. She drifted off to sleep, knowing she would have sweet dreams.
My Dearest Benedict,
I hope this letter finds you in comfort and good health.
I have wished desperately to visit you these past nights. I have longed to be near you, to see your face and to hear your voice. The thought of never seeing you again forever stalks my every days and nights.
We spoke so little about my deception before we were forced to part. I know you have assured me all is well, but even so I must beg your forgiveness just once more. It was a crime committed completely for my own selfish desires, and I made you my unwitting accomplice.
And while I cannot in good conscious condone my actions, nor can I condemn them. For if I had been honest from the start, I believe we would never have been able to grow to know each other so well. For that time we spent free of society's eyes and expectations, I will apologize, I will accept the consequences, but I will never regret.
I know you must be worried for what is to come. The truth of it is I do not know myself. There are many possibilities, all reliant on many choices made by many people who care very little for the hearts involved. Ultimately, it comes down to this: Will I be permitted to see you again and if so, will you wish to see me?
I have not forgotten what you said as we danced. That you were willing to openly pursue me in spite of my title and any trouble that may follow. I was glad to hear you say so, gladder still for you to show your resolve and declare your intentions to all with every dance we shared. But I ever worry I have put you in a difficult situation, where you made a choice in the heat and haste of a moment, and now feel you must continue to honor your word and protect my feelings.
It is the knowing you care for me, but yet surely not wanting the burdens that I will place upon you, that haunts me so. That you may one day wake to a feeling of resentment towards me for your confinement, and wish in vain for release. I know you to be a free soul my dearest, and you do not belong shakled to a crown. And so I wish to be clear that I would never disparage you, even if it should be that you choose to place your freedom first.
But if this is to be the time I lay bare all my truths, I shall do so in full and know for certain I have said all I wished to. Then, regardless of what outcome the future holds, I can live contented by the knowledge that I have spoken every wish that lives in my heart.
I love you, Benedict. I have loved you since the night we met, and I will continue loving you every night and every day that follows for the rest of our lives and beyond. Whatever choice is made, regardless of who makes it, know that my feelings for you will never change.
And while it is so that I would never blame you for chosing to live your life a free man, the truth is I desperately ache for you to instead choose to spend it locked away with me. Together in a prison made for two, with no direction or purpose other than to be forever by each other's side.
I find I am only filled with such selfish thoughts when I am with you, and so it is with such selfishness that I reveal my deepest wish. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, my love, forever and always until the day we die.
Yours always,
Benedict sat on the windowsill, reading over the letter held tightly in his hands.
While in his own letter he had chosen to make his feelings know beyond all doubt, he had not expected Beatrice would do the same. It is not that he questioned her love for him, but even so it made it no less of a shock to see it written so bodly in her own hand.
Benedict had of course been certain she shared his feelings, but Beatiece was by nature more reserved than others. Certainly more than he had ever been. Her feelings had never been uncertain, but even when they were alone it was clear that she held herself back.
Not that he minded, of course. He found her shyness enduring, and never considered her in any way insincere. Quite the opposite; he truly thought her to be the most genuine person he had ever met.
So it was not a surprise that Beatrice felt she had to be so forthcoming with her concerns for him.
That she had been so worried for him in spite of her own feelings was an unwelcome revelation. Benedict had never wanted her to feel pain over any aspect of their relationship. And that she knew his choice, but still wished to convey he was not bound by to it made his heart ache. He felt it all the more when he considered that she did so in direct opposition to her own feelings, all for his sake.
But then she had followed it all with such a bold declaration of her love. Whatever pain he held was lessened considerably by her uncharacteristicly assertive words. Despite her feelings of guilt for her actions and the weight she believed she had placed upon him, she still chose to make her wishes known.
Beatrice loved him, and she had made it clear she wanted his love in return.
Benedict was soothed then in the knowledge that she had received his letter. Whatever worry she had about his choice were surely dispelled the moment she read it. There could now be no doubt between them that they both desired the same thing.
He only hoped this separation would end soon, so that he might show her the depths of his resolve.
He loved her, and she loved him. Regardless of what choice was made by others, he had already made his decision.
Benedict smiled as he folded the letter gently, sliding it back into the safety of its envelope. He prayed, as always, that tomorrow would be the day he received the news he so desperately longed to hear. But if he must continue waiting for a word that he could see her again, he would do so safe in the knowledge that Beatrice now knew his true feelings. And that wherever she was, she was waiting for him too.
Tags: @empressnatsume @sarahskywalker-amidala @may-and-lay @asterizee @g4ns3y @bubblegumcat229 @mhmoony @mmmunson @iamcailin08 @mads198-9
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tomtenadia · 3 months
Check My Heart - ch 1
Hello all,
well let's ;try this. It might be that the NHL season is currently over and I desperately miss hockey and that's why I started working ion this fic again... I don't know... I have only 8 chapters down and io am still a bit on the stuck side... Not sure if this one is people's cup of tea but it's worth trying.
Rowan is #43 - that is the number of Capt. Quinn Hughes for the Vancouver Canucks, Fen is #35 the same as Thatcher Demko and then Lorcan is #9 the same as J.T Miller... basically my fave hockey players...
TWHL is basically the women's league - the idea taken from the PWHL that debuted this year...
After this foreword I'll leave you to it.
CW: panic attacks, mention of blood.
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He couldn’t breath. His body was heavy and could not move.
And blood. On his lips he could taste blood. The distinctive irony scent hitting his nostrils.
All around him voices, people shouting his name.
He tried to speak but the sense of suffocation grew stronger when his body refuse to respond to his commands.
Rowan tried to order his body to open his eyes but when the darkness did not leave him he panicked. He was trapped, wanted to scream.
His stomach lurched furiously and then nothing.
Rowan woke up abruptly, sitting on his bed, realising that his t-shirt was soaked through with sweat. His heart raced in his chest. Another dream and always the same. Always the confused dream of him laying on the ice. The panic, the fear and the inability to move. 
His team mates told him that after the hit, he had crashed on the ice and hit it very hard with his head after the helmet snapped at the brutal crash against the boards. He had gained some consciousness but just enough to be sick from the concussion. The blood that he remembers was from the visor that has smashed during the hit and cut his face.
Rowan stood, walking to his drawer to grab a new t-shirt then slowly he padded to Maya’s room and stared at his daughter sleep. He walked in and sat at her side, her scent had the power to relax him. He deposited a gentle kiss on her head and then headed downstairs collapsing heavily on the sofa. Few of Maya’s books lay abandoned on the coffee table. They had been working on her letters just ahead of her starting school in a few week and she had been practising writing her name almost everywhere. A deep chuckle left him as he stored way a few of the colouring pencils. His girl was growing up fast and for her first day of school he had made sure he had no commitments, that was a milestone he was not going to miss. 
Slowly he placed the books of fairytales away and smiled at the library that he and his dad were building for Maya. A corner where they could all go and read and enjoy tranquil evening near the fireplace. 
Maya was his princess and he would do anything for her, to make sure she was happy. He knew that one day he would have to tell her the truth about her biological mother so for now he was trying to give her as many as happy years as he could. The idea of breaking her heart was painful. How could he tell his daughter that her mother gave her up because she was a mistake that had costed her her career. 
He still remembered the night that Lyria told him she was pregnant. She had been furious at him and he was aware that that was the night in which he had lost her. He had tried to discuss the options but Lyria had refused the idea of termination and Rowan would have accepted anything she decided. He had tried, had gone back to Wendlyn whenever he could and was not away for a game. So when Maya finally arrived and he found himself as the sole guardian he had vowed to be the best father he could be. 
Eventually, Rowan grabbed the remote and switched on the tv and on the sports channel he found an interview with Lorcan. They were at the retreat the team used for summer training. His friend was acting captain until he was back full time. He and Lorcan had been good friends since forever and had climbed the ranks together. Rowan was the first one of the two to join the Hawks and Lorcan followed a year later after an outstanding season in Adarlan. Lorcan was also the man that, after Rolfe had pushed him into the boards, had turned, grabbed the man and punched him hard. He had spent time in the sin bin for roughing but Lorcan had no regrets. 
He listened to his team talk about the plans for the new season and when the reported had suggested that Rowan might not make it back, Fenrys had gone all defensive and Gavriel had to push the young goalie aside. Fen had joined them the previous season after the Hawks had snatched him from the Valg in Wendlyn who were trying to get their hand on one of the most promising goalies. 
In annoyance he switched the channels and lazily watched the tv until he felt like sleep was claiming him again. 
When he woke up he had a weight on his chest. Rowan opened his eyes and smiled at seeing the cause of it. Maya was asleep on top of him, her hands fisted in his t-shirt and her face tucked in the crook of his neck.
He smiled and gently caressed her head. A moment later she shifted and green eyes identical to his turned to him.
“Morning, munchkin.”
“Hi dad.”
“How hungry are you?”
Rowan smiled and sat up, while always having a hold on his daughter “let’s go.”
In the kitchen Rowan went to get the utensils to prepare the meal while Maya walked to the counter and started jumping.
“What do you want?”
Rowan passed the jar to his daughter and she padded back to the table, climbing on her chair.
“Dad, will you watch me today?”
“Of course, we can go a bit early and we can play together before your class.”
Maya smiled happily and he pushed aside all of his fears.
When they arrived at the rink he took Maya in the Hawks changing rooms and helped her get ready. She sat on the bench and Rowan changed her shoes into the skates “Grampa is teaching me to tie my shoes.” She admitted proudly. 
Rowan smiled “I know and you are very good but ice skates are a bit more difficult.”
“Here we go. Sit here while I change too.” He sat at her side and went through the motions of changing footwear and that’s when he noticed his hands shake.
He took a deep breath and once ready he stood, offering a hand to Maya.
She was wearing a hoodie with the Hawks colours: green and silver and at the back she had number 43, his number. 
“Dad, let’s go.” She screamed as they got at the gate that lay open. Maya was waiting for him on the ice just near the boards “Come dada, I want to skate.”
He let out a long ragged breath and then stepped on the ice.
“Show me dad, show me.”
He closed his eyes and then his feet moved automatically in a way that was second nature. he did a quick loop of the rink and then he stopped in front of Maya spraying ice in her face.
The girl laughed and clapped her hands “dad, you are so cool.”
Rowan smiled and then stooped to grab his daughter’s hands and slowly he dragged her skating backwards, showing her how to move her feet “Good.”
Rowan let her go and Maya glided slowly, a satisfied smile on her face. He followed her from behind, ready to catch her but his daughter was steady on her feet.
“Now try to stop.” Maya tried and managed to come to a halt against his legs “Well done, my love.”
“Not only you steal my rink, now you even take my job?”
A female voice reached him and he froze.
“Miss G!” Maya started to skate to the woman but tripped on the ice and got up quickly again.“Dada, she is Miss G, my teacher.”
Rowan looked up.
“Hi Maya.”
“Hi miss G, dad was teaching me to skate.”
The woman looked at Rowan with curiosity while he ruffled his daughter’s head “so you teach my daughter?”
“Yes, any issues?”
“Dada, she is good too.” Maya’s words were a whisper.
“Hm.” A kiss on her head “be good and listen to her, I will be here to watch you.”
He let Maya go with the woman and he moved to the benches and attentively followed the training. He was smiling at Maya shouting in joy when someone sat at his side. His turned and saw a heavily pregnant Elide smiling at him “hi stranger.”
“Hi fatso! Have they let you loose?”
Elide gently punched his shoulder “I am meeting Aelin after the training, but considering how long it takes me to move, I came a bit earlier.”
Rowan looked at her confused “Who’s Aelin?”
Elide rolled her eyes and pointed at the woman in the rink gathering the kids together “I swear you boys only pay attention to hockey. Any other sport you are oblivious.”
“What do you mean?”
“Look her up: Aelin Galathynius. Then you will stop having that worried face at her looking after your daughter.”
Rowan brushed the bump “little one, your mum is evil.”
“So, how are you? Ready to go back on the ice?”
He stared at the training in the distance and nodded lightly avoiding Elide’s gaze.
“How do you know Aelin?”
“Rowan, I am the PR manager for you guys and I know a lot, plus she is my friend.” A smirk “she is also Aedion’s cousin.”
Rowan turned in shock “She is the mysterious cousin he always talks about?”
“That she is,” explained Elide “Aelin does not like hockey so never come to games and such.”
Rowan stared at the woman with hair like the sun. She was demonstrating something to the kids and the way she moved on the ice screamed pro. 
“Maya seem to have fun.”
“Yes, she loves it and she is a quick study too.”
Elide laughed “I can see her play in the WTHL.”
Rowan sighed. He was going to let her take her own path. As long as she was happy he would be a proud father. 
“Whatever she wants.” He added quietly.
“Lorcan has a onesie customised for our boy with his number on and the Hawks colours.”
A laugh left Rowan’s lips “you really did a number on him,” he added “before you, he loved to use his THL career to sleep his way through the female population of Orynth. I mean he collected puck bunnies right and left and centre. He and Fen had some sort of competition on.”
Elide groaned “I know, but now he knows what happen if he even thinks about a woman in a way that is even remotely sexual.”
“Just don’t break him, please, he is a great D-man.”
Maya’s voice reached him and he watched his daughter skate freely on the ice and then crash against the board to stop herself. A chuckle. They really had to work on stopping.
After the training for the beginners had finished, Aelin had retreated to the changing rooms. She had spotted Elide on the seats and Rowan at her side. They seemed close and that should not surprise her. Elide was the PR manager for the Hawks after all. She was the one who refused to hear anything hockey related. Even with Aedion, they had an agreement that he would not talk about the sport in her presence. That probably made her a horrible person since her cousin had tried and attend all of her competitions while she was still actively skating. She just could not understand the hype about hockey, she had watched one game on tv with Aedion after he pushed and she right away she could not care less. She hated as well the obsession over them. The fact that at times she had to go and train at the university ice rink because the hockey team had taken over the premises. And the egos, boosted by the constant adorations from the fans and the never ending line of puck bunnies. Nope, she did not want anything to do with that world.
Once ready, she exited the changing room and found Elide just outside. A sigh of relief at seeing her alone.
“Hi El,” a hug and a caress on her friend’s ever growing bump “hello little one.”
“So, how was training with the kids?”
“I love it so much.”
Elide smiled as they walked towards the car “you have a VIP kid this year.”
Aelin fell silent.
“Oh yeah, the obnoxious captain.”
“Ae, don’t judge him too soon. And don’t take it on Maya.”
Aelin sighed as she sat in the driver’s seat “Never, that kid is a wonderful little thing.” A moment of silence “she definitely skates better than her father.”
Elide sighed deeply “Aelin, look him up and then you might regret your comment. Rowan is an amazing player.”
“Of course you say that, you married one of them.”
Elide groaned “you really are stubborn.”
A chuckle from Aelin “one of my best trait.”
In response Elide shook her head “come on miss G, you promised me an afternoon of shopping and junk food.”
Aelin laughed and turned the engine on and while driving she thought about her friend’s words.
Now all of a sudden she was curious about the captain.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @elentiyawhitethorn @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn  @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127 @mariaofdoranelle
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officialshojobeat · 8 months
New Shojo Beat Releases for February 2024
These volumes will be in bookstores this month~~
In the Name of the Mermaid Princess vol. 1 by Yoshino Fumikawa & Miya Tashiro
**New Series**
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Sakura, Saku vol. 2 by Io Sakisaka
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Natsume's Book of Friends vol. 29 by Yuki Midorikawa
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Rainbow Days vol. 8 by Minami Mizuno
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Prince Freya vol. 10 by Keiko Ishihara
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My Special One vol. 5 by Momoko Koda
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Arien's Advent Calendar, 2024
25 days of TLOU fic
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To say a big THANKS for supporting my fic throughout the year(s), I’m doing the Advent Calendar Fic thingamy again!  I did this last year and it became this collection of stories.
From 1 - 25 December 2024 I will be posting a short story (it will be short, I will control myself) as part of a new collection of works from Driftersverse, Making Mirrors, Interstellar Overdrive and Legend of Charro.
Beneath the cut I have a little information about the story to be written each day (universe, characters and date/era).  I’d like to dedicate each to a reader, so please claim one and I’ll write it for you.
I don’t think all days will fill up, but I’d like to give everyone a chance to get one they really like, so at this stage each person can claim ONE day only - I’ll open it up to more later on. You’re welcome to send me a few in order of preference in case someone has already beaten you to the punch on your favourite, and I haven’t yet updated the list.
If you would rather claim as anon, please give me a name or an emoji or something - just so I can identify you against your chosen day and so we don’t get multiple anons muddled up. 
Please send claims via asks so I can keep track of them in one place and if not anon, include your AO3 name (if you have one).
Happy Holidays! (And thanks to everyone who voted and helped me decide what to offer!)
DD – Driftersverse (my TLOU sandbox, Tess lives) MM ��� Making Mirrors (Snowqueen of Texas/Parallel Lines - no Cordyceps AU) LOC – Legend of Charro (the Western) IO – Interstellar Overdrive (70s AU) AU – Alternate Universe, unrelated
“OC/Canon, any universe” is a new entry this year.  This means I’ll write a story with the canon listed and you can choose either canon or one of my original characters to appear in the story with them, plus specify universe in which it takes place.  (Eg, Frank and Joel, IO).
Please be kind and keep it to characters I am known to write (I may refuse a claim if you start waving Owen or Mel at me) and who could reasonably interact with one another.  I’ve got enough writing to do, don’t break my brain!
“Mystery AU” is exactly what it sounds.  Last time one of these spawned IO so who knows what could happen?
“Crack box” is the one crack fic I’ll write.  Last year’s took me by surprise, but this year I’m reserving a space for it.
Where are all the Tommy/Maria fics?  They’re still getting three more stories to themselves, so that’s coming probably 2025 at this stage. O_O
1. DD Tess/Joel, 2022 @justplainsalty 2. IO Joel and Ellie, 1977 @march-flowerr 3. LOC Tess/Joel, sweetheart years @seethesunny 4. DD Tess/Joel and Tommy, 2005 @dancingonmoonbeams 5. Ellie and OC/Canon, any universe OR IO 1980 (but whom?) @finnelfin 6. DD Joel/Tess 2024 @ belantana 7. Mystery AU @finnelfin 8. DD/MM Joel and Sarah, 1993 @march-flowerr 9.  IO Tess/Joel, 1974 @emilylawsons 10. Maria and OC/Canon, any universe @ameerawrites 11. LOC Tess/Joel, bandit years @adoringhxxd 12. MM Tess/Joel and Sarah, 2005 @ammotraguslervia 13. DD Tess/Joel and Ellie, 2025 @ameerawrites 14. Tommy and OC/Canon, any universe @adhdprincess 15. Crack Box OR third Mystery AU @toomanytookas 16. IO Tess/Joel 1976 @flckrsoflight 17. DD Tess/Joel, Tommy/Maria 2027 @bumblepony 18. LOC Tess/Joel and Ellie, family years @chujo-hime 19. Mystery AU @bignosebushybrows 20. DD Tess/Joel 2011 @betweentwoceremonials 21. IO Tess and Ellie, 1970 @becomethesun 22. MM Tess/Joel, 2004 @bignosebushybrows 23. Frank and OC/Canon, any universe OR DD Tess/Joel 2007 @justplainsalty 24. DD Tommy/Maria, 2022 @bumblepony 25. Mystery Christmas Story @adhdprincess
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diceriadelluntore · 4 months
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Storia Di Musica #329 - Diaframma, Siberia, 1984
Nella scatola ritrovata in soffitta, questo disco stava sotto un altro, con la copertina leggermente rovinata dall'umidità (e che sarà protagonista di una prossima Storia di Musica). All'interno c'era il bigliettino da visita di un negozio di dischi, Data Records 93, Via dei Neri, Firenze. Il disco di oggi è l'inizio di una delle più intense e importanti storie musicali italiane degli ultimi 40 anni nel nostro paese. Tutto inizia a Firenze, fine anni '70, quando l'onda punk in Europa è al massimo livello: in un liceo si formano i CFS, con Federico Fiumani alla chitarra e due suoi amici, Gianni Cicchi (batterista) e Salvatore Susini (bassista). Suonano cover delle band punk rock britanniche, nel 1980 Susini se ne va e viene sostituito dal fratello di Cicchi, Leandro, e nascono così i Diaframma, nome scelto per la comune passione dei tre per la fotografia (il diaframma fotografico è il meccanismo usato in ottica per regolare la quantità di luce che deve attraversare un obiettivo). Sin da subito, si appassionano alle sonorità post punk che in quegli anni saranno chiamate darkwave, ispirati a gruppi leggendari come i Joy Division o i primissimi The Cure di Robert Smith. Nel 1981 conoscono Nicola Vannini, un giovane cantante, e gli propongono di entrare nel gruppo: pubblicano in pochi mesi due canzoni unite in un singolo, Pioggia/Illusione Ottica e poi Circuito Chiuso (1982) e Altrove (1983). Vannini non si ambienterà mai del tutto, e poco prima delle registrazione del loro primo disco, viene sostituito da Miro Sassolini. Nelle stesse settimane, vengono scritturati da una neonata casa editrice musicale, la IRA Records di Firenze: fondata da Alberto Pirelli insieme alla moglie Anne Marie Parrocel diviene una delle etichette più attive e creative del panorama italiano. Ne è esempio il primo disco prodotto, Catalogue Issue, una compilation con alcune delle più interessanti band del territorio, tra cui oltre che i Diaframma si ricordano i Litfiba, i Moda, ed gli Underground Life. Pirelli coniò lo slogan nuova musica italiana cantata in italiano, dando consistenza all'impegno delle 4 band sull'utilizzo della lingua italiana nella musica alternativa del nostro paese, contro l'anglofila e l'alglofonia dominante di quegli anni.
Tutto è pronto per il primo disco: scritto tutto da Federico Fiumani, prodotto da Ernesto De Pascale (che fu anche grande giornalista di musica) Siberia esce nel Dicembre del 1984. È un album in cui l'eleganza e la forza espressiva della musica incontra la poetica decadente di Fiumani, che nella voce di Sassolini trova un interprete perfetto del suo pensiero musicale e artistico. 8 brani che sono una carrellata di immagini che regalano sensazioni fredde, pungenti, dominate dalle falciate chitarristiche tipiche della musica del periodo e dal ritmo sincopato della batteria, e illuminati dai testi romantici e decadenti di Fiumani. Siberia, che apre il disco, è già l'emblema: una chitarra malinconica, il basso dai toni ombrosi ed un elegante sassofono accompagnano una voce tenebrosa rendendo il brano misterioso, Aspetterò questa notte pensandoti,\nascondendo nella neve il respiro,\poi in un momento diverso dagli altri\io coprirò il peso di queste distanze…\di queste distanze… di queste distanze. Non da meno Neogrigio, angosciante, turbinante, ventosa, capolavoro per i più sconosciuto. Impronte è una dolente poesia ritmata (Ho preferito andare prima di esser lasciat\Prima che il cuore da solo scivolasse nel buio\Insieme ai ventagli ingialliti\Resti un lampo intravisto oltre i vetri del treno\Nello spazio improvviso sopravvive in un sogno), e arriva un altro capolavoro: Amsterdam, dal leggendario ritornello (Dove il giorno ferito impazziva di luce\Dove il giorno ferito impazziva di luce) è una speranza di uscita dal dolore, e l'anno dopo, nel 1985, diventerà un formidabile duetto con i Litfiba di Piero Pelù e Ghigo Renzulli, band amica\nemica di quei tempi e destinata d un futuro radioso. Delorenzo è una ode baudeleriana, incentrata su un asfissiante basso, Memoria è un altro brano di discesa nell'oscurità, potente e misterioso, Specchi D'Acqua dal ritmo incalzante e quasi galoppante, è una fuga dagli incubi (Forse non sento le voci\Che mi allontanano\Sempre più in fretta\Dal ricordo latente\Di quei giorni sofferti), chiude il disco Desiderio Dal Nulla, trepidante, spasmodica, che continua nei suoi testi decadenti a raccontare il disagio.
Il disco fu osannato dalla critica dell'epoca, ma vista anche la dimensione indipendente del progetto, vendette poco. I Diaframma si fanno però un nome nella scena musicale alternativa italiana: è meno cupo ma altrettanto bello 3 Volte Lacrime, del 1986 e dopo Boxe (1988), un po' deludente, Fiumani scioglie il gruppo e lo riforma prendendo le redini anche del canto: pubblicherà con i nuovi Diaframma In Perfetta Solitudine (1990), che segnerà la sua volontà di continuare una carriera solista, tra cantautorato e musica rock, incisiva a volte a tratti scostante, con in primo piano la sua poesia dei testi, mai mancata.
Questo disco verrà ripubblicato in cd per la prima volta nel 1992, con aggiunta di altri due brani Elena e Ultimo Boulevard e nel 2001 con Amsterdam cantata con i Litfiba e numero brani live. Nel 2012, per il suo centesimo numero dell'edizione italiana, la rivista Rolling Stone Italia lo inserisce nella classifica del 100 migliori dischi italiani addirittura al 7.mo posto. È una riscoperta per almeno due generazioni: persino io lo comprai, non conoscendoli e non sapendo che nella soffitta di casa era, integro e impolverato, uno dei dischi più compiuti, affascinanti e belli non solo della stagione new wave post punk degli anni '80, ma dell'intera musica italiana.
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getvalentined · 1 month
The Short Patreon Breakdown
Basic version of this post, for people with no attention span. For details on each of these points, please see the original post.
1. The iOS processing fees are a smokescreen covering up the actual devastating changes that Patreon is forcing creators into—including doing away with the two billing models used by most of the highest-earning creators on the platform, regardless of the impact this will have on their livelihood.
2. Patreon is not going to change course for any reason. This is set in stone. CEO Jack Conte himself has been having one-on-one meetings and calls with the platform's top earners, and clearly has no interest in their actual grievances or how their businesses operate—only in getting them to stop complaining.
3. Patreon has offered no proof of their claims that the iOS app is responsible for 40 percent of the engagement on the platform—and also refuse to define what "engagement" means. Staff rebuff all requests for detailed analytics or data on the revenue share coming from the app, but did not refute the possibility that dismissing an app notification counted as "engagement."
4. Patreon does not have a refund policy in place to work with Apple in order to protect creators from malicious chargebacks, and has given no indication of any intent to work with Apple to shorten the time it takes for funds from iOS purchases to be paid out to creators—which is currently 75 days.
5. Patreon's own graphics meant to explain why this is necessary and how the new fees work are not correct: the fee structure graphic features a copying error that results in incorrect math, and adding together everything on the bar graph showing the daily active users by avenue of access comes to a total of 103 percent. They are woefully unprepared to share this information, and are putting it on us for "not understanding."
6. Patreon refuses to offer any promises to 18+ creators that they will not be removed from the app in order to adhere to Apple's content guidelines, instead only saying they currently have no plans to remove us from the app. Questioning this was met with a reminder that they've had to change the TOS for 18+ creators before.
7. All the features Patreon is insisting are integral for creator growth are inaccessible to 18+ creators, and questions about this were either dismissed, redirected, or ignored. 18+ creators can't even be found on either app, but we're being forced to cater to iOS' terms anyway, with claims that it's because all creators need the app in order to grow. Even though we can't utilize it.
8. Patreon's iOS app is currently* in violation of Apple's guidelines for app ratings; staff did not state any intention to become compliant by raising the app's rating as needed to maintain their 18+ creator community, only declaring that they're "exploring options." Per Apple's guidelines, the "options" are to either raise the rating to 17+, cutting off access for the wealthy teenagers with iPhones to which the platform is so dedicated they'll kneecap their top earner in order to court, or kick all 18+ creators off the platform. (This includes horror, true crime, health, trauma recovery, and more, not just sexual content.) *Current as of August 18, 2024.
Do not let the 30 percent App Store fee distract you from what's really going on here. Patreon is crippling a huge portion of their creators, including a horde of their top earners—and the single most profitable creator on the entire platform—and offering no legitimate reasons why. The amount of money they're losing from these creators restructuring or leaving altogether totals in the millions within a single month of activity. This isn't even about money, it's about something else—and there's no way to know what, because Patreon is giving us nothing.
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autisticlalna · 1 month
"You Were Right" (and a behind the scenes on how we got here)
initially i was gonna make a post going over all of Anathra's lore so far but then i realized i do not quite have the spoons for it, and also i'd like to break it up into easier to cover parts anyway. so let's jump straight into the most recent mystery!
i've already talked before about the hidden messages in Rubyco's videos, and about the split-second easter eggs in Viking's. encrypted messages aren't exactly new to Skyblock Kingdoms.
but, okay, let's rewind a little. it's 1 am, a couple days before Anathra's episode 8 premieres. i'm winding down for bed, see the premiere on my homepage, and go: hey! i wonder what Anathra's doing next episode!
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hey what the fuck is that. why is there elder furthark
a bit of backstory on me: i love translating things. you probably know this by now. i also knew a guy who was big into norse mythology stuff, and that included him knowing elder furthark. so i immediately peg that as "oh, shit, that's elder furthark" and track down a translation tool.
("why are you going into backstory" we'll get to that. lol lmao.)
anyway, its 1 am, i run it through the first tool i find, and get:
someþiŋ ' weird ' happened
...or "something weird happened".
i go to bed. when i wake up, Moxi has shared something from Anathra's discord:
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...but i can't figure out what it translates to.
timeskip to the premiere.
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Anathra gets a delivery from the End Kingdom after helping Josh out with villager stuff. he goes to place the shulker down, it's suddenly nighttime, and...
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hey, what
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iou were right
...okay, here's where we loop back to that backstory bit, and also i pull back the curtain to showcase how hilariously bad this went for the dnerds.
i recognized the alphabet as elder furthark
(and yet my dyslexic ass doesnt realize theres two rs in it until now. it has been 5 years.)
trying to translate the box name gave me gibberish ("io nht tuil")
i also knew from the "something weird happened" message that elder furthark isnt 1:1 with the english alphabet
oops there are two translator tools. oops they use different runes for "y"
due to [gestures at cherry and doak], there is a minor scuffle about if it says "you" or if it actually IS supposed to say "iou"
we still cant translate the box
still cant translate the discord message either. this is about to be really funny
people in the sbkcd are also translating it, so we compare notes
anathra steps in to save us:
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i am immediately embarrassed because, oops, turns out Angerthas (dwarven runs from Lord of the Rings) has alphabet overlap with elder furthark, so that's where the confusion came from. seeing as it's a post-filming decision, that does mean that the episode description and chat message were translated correctly, but the box is in Angerthas and, despite having the same runes, they do not correspond to the same english letters.
i spend a bit alternating between bonking myself for my mistake and bonking my very tired head against Angerthas for a bit until WhiteQry suggests that maybe what Anathra said in chat is the same thing. later, Aquelon is able to translate it as "IU WER RAIT". or,
...right about what?
skipping back to the events of the episode: Anathra realizes that he's lost time. he says he's only felt this "once before", doesn't know what the writing is, and is generally thrown off by... whatever just happened.
i need to rewatch Anathra's pov before i can dig into what i think the message means-- my initial guess is that it has something to do with his ?nightmare? from episode 5, although im not sure past that. considering his pov plays with the concept of the fourth wall a bit as-is, the message also might not be for Anathra (and he can't read it with glasses on either way).
Anathra's in the middle of something. there's a lot going on with him, inside and outside, and i really want to do more overviews of his lore because it's very fun. until then, keep an eye out for more strange messages i guess.
im in hysterics. how did this happen. please dont ever think im professional. all of these super cool in-depth explainer posts are the end result of so much clownery but i needed to show you guys just how much of a MESS this is lmao
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