#8 years bro
kayyqua · 10 months
I can’t breathe normal I can’t swallow normal I can’t let my phlegm do it’s thing I’m fixated I do this thing where I’m checking over these 3 things on a continued cycle day in and out and in and out and in and out and I can’t breathe I can’t think I can’t swallow my phlegm production is too little or too much or too thick or too thin and nothing is right and everything hurts and makes me panic and I’m just
I have no life outside this
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attempt to return to normalcy
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New Mario art :D I never got to making the Rosalina comic... here's my take on her.
Rosa is an anomaly who was born in a timeline where Luigi and Peach end up together. The chaos heart is successful in erasing the universe, and the Lumas have to reset everything, but since Rosa has a bit of the chaos heart in her dna she's able to survive it. (somehow. for plot reasons)
She grows up with them, watching as the galaxies are destroyed, erased, and rebuilt. For whatever reason, the worlds always end around the same period of time. Either by chaos heart, black holes, or time being twisted until reality is shattered,
Centuries later, one specific timeline seems to last longer than the others, and Rosa dares to step out to find the reason why. And in order to do so, she has to face her family who never knew she existed.
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manyunhappygreenies · 2 months
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I call this one "dadditude."
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northpearl · 1 month
"omg im the biggest hamilton fan ever" no. ur not him. u will never be him.
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boy how are you still there (positive connotation)
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0vergrowngraveyard · 3 months
4 year old tails when sonic almost gets them both killed for the thousandth time that week: it’s ok you’re so cool and can’t make a mistake ever :D
8 year old tails when sonic creates a minor inconvenience: *changes every entrance code at his labs, locking sonic out of all of them, while googling how to get emancipated at the age of 8*
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johanna-swann · 9 months
Sometimes I look at Buddie (911) and am utterly astounded at how quickly that friendship escalated. Like. They hated each other for three shifts or so, then they pulled a live grenade out of a man's leg and ended that first week of knowing each other with promising to have each other's back "any day".
Only a couple months later they're at a stage in their friendship where Eddie brings Buck along when he takes his kid to see Santa. Which (idk for sure because I'm German and we don't do that here, but) seems like such a family thing? Something you'd take close family or family friends to go do. Not a work buddy who you've known for 3 months.
Then another half year or so later Eddie has a key to Buck's flat and feels comfortable enough to drop in unannounced and leave Christopher there for the rest of the day (also unannounced). I can only assume Buck has a key to the Diaz home at this point, too. At least I can't think of a reason why Eddie would have a key to Buck's flat but not the other way around. [I also want to emphasise that they both have family and/or friends in LA who they've known for longer than they've known each other. It's not a "well, someone should have a key in case something happens and you're my only option" situation.]
A few episodes later we hear Buck say "this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest" - implying that hanging out at the other's home, dropping in without texting first, etc etc is their normal. This is where they're at.
Another few weeks and Buck breaks down screaming and crying in his work dad's arms when he thinks he lost Eddie. Also Eddie changes his will to make Buck Christopher's legal guardian for the eventuality of his untimely death. They haven't known each other for 2 years yet.
There's more after this of course (the movie nights and zoo visits, cooking for each other, saving each other), but really though. It's been only 2 years, less than that even. Insane.
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Richie invites Pete’s family over for thanksgiving which is how Paul finds out that his nephews best friend is Ted fucking Spankoffski’s brother
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frobby · 3 months
thinking about how xanxus's mom named him xanxus cuz it has X for vongola 10th...... girl idk how to tell you this but XX is 20
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radaverse · 23 days
Haven't posted any art on a while so have some lazy PoM doodles
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went through a lot together didn't they
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vaguely-humanoid-form · 2 months
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hiiii 4 lords headcanon beam teehee
ya I'm. sort of getting back into resident evil . lol
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helsingvania · 10 months
I need to point this out because I think a bunch of people didn't watch the end credits of part two and IM OBSESSED AND HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOR HOURS.
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The loth wolf, the purgils following the path that ultimately leads to Ezra all the while the music surging with Sabine's Suite. This reminds me heavily of both the old lothal star maps thrawn showed to Kallus, the mortis gods mural, and even a bit of the menu screens for Jedi fallen order
Here they are in comparison.
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very-uncorrect · 4 months
One of my favourite early years Sonic and Tails dynamics is Sonic deciding he's gonna adopt Tails after approximately 2 seconds of knowing of his existence whilst little toddler Tails is terrified that Sonic is gonna abandon him like everyone else even after months of them travelling together
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ubersaur · 2 years
One or more of these probably will break but i made them as fast as i could
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dee--eer · 2 months
Damn bro, that only took 8 years
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ezlo-x · 1 year
Just found out that totk Ganondorf’s motives was butchered in the English translation!! 😁
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