#persistently again and again and again
ionomycin · 3 months
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kayyqua · 10 months
I can’t breathe normal I can’t swallow normal I can’t let my phlegm do it’s thing I’m fixated I do this thing where I’m checking over these 3 things on a continued cycle day in and out and in and out and in and out and I can’t breathe I can’t think I can’t swallow my phlegm production is too little or too much or too thick or too thin and nothing is right and everything hurts and makes me panic and I’m just
I have no life outside this
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
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reverb in an empty hall.
prints (all proceeds go towards aid for Gaza)
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steveseddie · 3 months
do or do not (there is no try)
for the @steddiemicrofic bonus round: birthday | word count: 290 | rating: t | happy birthday @steddieas-shegoes <3
this is also for my stficbingo prompt: lightsaber
Steve ducks his head as Eddie swings his lightsaber, slaying imaginary Jedis. He’s been doing that since opening his birthday present, squealing excitedly at the toy Steve bought as a joke. 
Eddie’s real present is at Steve’s house. He’ll give it to him after his surprise party- new strings for his Warlock and a signed Metallica record that Steve drove three towns over to get. But if Eddie acts half as excited about those as he’s right now, it’ll be worth it.
“Join the Dark Side or perish,” Eddie says in a deep voice, holding the red lightsaber against Steve’s neck.
“No, thanks?” Steve thinks back to the night they met. “And, why do you keep holding deadly objects against my neck?” 
Eddie shrugs, withdrawing the lightsaber and spinning it, only to accidentally drop it. “Shit.” 
“Not very Jedi Knight of you.” 
He sits next close to Steve on the couch. “I shall convince you to join some other way.” 
“With my good looks. And my charm.” 
“Hmm, done.”
Eddie cackles. “That easy?” 
It was that easy for Steve to fall for Eddie, so.
“Yeah, to really seal the deal though, I suggest a kiss.” 
Eddie’s eyes widen. “A kiss? Seriously?” Steve nods. “Okay. Holy shit.”
And holy shit is right, Steve thinks, as Eddie gives him a short kiss. 
They pull away when Eddie’s walkie crackles- Dustin’s signal. 
“We’ll continue that after my party.” Eddie taps his finger against Steve’s lip.
“How do you-” 
“Robin.” Eddie says, sheepishly. “Don’t worry, I’ll feign surprise. Now c’mon I gotta show Henderson my lightsaber!” He waggles his eyebrows. “And later, I’ll show you my other lightsaber.” 
Steve’s face matches the red lightsaber, which Eddie picks up before dragging him outside.
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allmightyscroll-swag · 3 months
Out of Earshot
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Hmm.... It's almost like something happened that we don't know about......
Finally able to post this! Gonna say straight out the bat; don't look at the consistency of injuries before this point. Just straight up don't. They are NOT consistent at all (but then again this comic was never consistent art wise to begin with, so....)
The turtles have eye colors now! Cause I thought that was cool :)
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They did not, in fact, tell April or Cass about the whole "Leo may be turning into a kraang zombie" situation.
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improper-use-of-germx · 5 months
Do you remember me? We were in the same helium molecule for a while on that red dwarf— yeah I was the other electron! Y'know the universe has expanded so much since then I didn't think I'd see you until the crunch, crazy how things work out haha.
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cozylittleartblog · 10 days
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when valve has enough money to buy god, but they let bots ruin their game for 5 years and dox people 🤖🔫 #FIXTF2
everyone who signs this 100k+ petition will have their name printed and sent to valve HQ. this shit is unacceptable.
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gaytaikawaititi · 8 months
i cannot believe i’m actually enjoying izzy this season, the consequences of his own actions came to bite him in the ass and he can’t cope, he put on blackbeard make up and still served negative cunt, he keeps getting ignored by stede, he lied about ed being alive to make stede feel better, he told fang to unhand him and then cried when he was hugged, he got gangrene, he was bleeding out on the bed while jim was getting some in the same room, he looks like a pathetic flop of a creature and even he isn’t immune to stede bonnet changing something fundamental in him just by being himself, i completely forgot the writers made him actually interesting and a great antagonist before his fans woobyfied his character to death
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arsonistman · 2 months
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Obsessed with how it almost seems like they’re talking to each other
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Poor George just wants to be the eccentric genius of a homey-but-stable agency where he is the far end of the insane spectrum, and instead he got Lucy “I stole a source twice” Carlyle and Anthony “I can take on the mob” Lockwood fucking up his curve. This boy stole and experimented on a skull and yet he has to be the reasonable one now and he hates it. 
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paquita-alpaca · 3 months
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I've been thinking about that tongue a lot
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TONY: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak. Like, 'look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I am losing.'
STEPHEN: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
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badpanduhmemes · 3 months
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Okay, so the new design choices for Shen are bothering me. Like, I know it's Her impersonating him, but I don't like how fluffy they made him. It's messy to look at, and part of his character is metal.
Like, he was supposed to look cold and sleek, like metal. Because it makes him look more lethal, and sharp. (Like a stabby weapon.) But metal is also kind of his element.
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I don't know, but to me the changes make him look less regal and imposing, and more... frumpy?
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we-are-dogclan · 22 days
Moon 72 - Yearning
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(long time no see)
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duncanor · 1 year
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The last page of Chapter #00 of Trigun
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The last page of Trigun Maximum
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willowedhepatica · 5 months
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watching the northern lights 💫 got this fantastic commission by @notenotenotenote3 for my fanfic death doesn't dream
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