louisupdates · 4 days
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Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT24: Rio de Janeiro [8.5.2024] 📸 Joshua Halling
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septentrrional · 4 months
Wolfheart @ Quantic, Bucharest, 8th May 2024
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prosy-days · 4 months
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May 8, 2024 - Day 323
I haven't done any knitting since high school and it's interesting trying to pick it back up after doing so much crochet in the last few years.
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phototagebuch · 5 months
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8.5.2024: Regengassi
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nei-ning · 5 months
Been having long weird dreams recently. In one dream I bought little Lars (Tekken 8) figure to a 5yo boy since his mother didn't buy it to him.
In other dream dead hamsters, apparently my pets which I had forgot to feed, became bloody mass and then turned into tiny monkeys!
Last night I had long weird dream. At first I tried to buy a gift to my sister's best friend since she got married. I found NOTHING! As my last effort I tried to buy her a bag of noodles but I didn't get them either! However, I got myself nice little Machamp figure, ahah!
Then, in the same dream, I was in huge bathroom sitting on the toilet already with pants on when Cid (Final Fantasy 7 (remake)) came in to use other toilet. He chuckled at me saying I could do my business and added "Ladies first." I playfully snorted back at him saying I will NOT do that nor even drop my pants as long as he is there. I think he left and gave me my private moment.
Next I was outside and near my local market. This new fusion version of Goku and Vegeta was there (a version which, for my knowledge, doesn't exist here on physical world since I've never seen that for in anime / movies). He was nuts without a nose, this weird spark in his light yellow eyes as he kept going on Krillin, telling all kind of things. Krillin left and the fusion time ended, Goku and Vegeta separating. Vegeta was in his normal form but Goku was actually Vegito (if I remember the name right). He kept talking while I was shown small tree near my local market (that tree doesn't exist). It had big dark green leaves and it made light orange flowers, big ones, and they turned into pumpkins! Vegito kept explaining to Vegeta, who kept nodding with little grin, how they both can manipulate that tree with their thoughts, making it bloom and produce those pumpkins nonstop since those pumpkins were special. They were able to cure dementia and other disease which I don't remember anymore but it was something which doesn't have medication at all.
This same tree also had something to do with Cid and, apparently, you could romanticize him with it! :'D
Dream kept going on and next I was outdoors at the base of little path which went up,past huge red rocky walls. My sister and brother were there with me and I tried to tell them this same dream what I'm telling here now. However, my bro kept interrupting me and my sis didn't pay much attention to me either :'D She was holding a gargoyle statue. It was sitting with wings open, keeping a crystal ball between it's legs. I said "Oh wow, that's amazing." when I saw it. Sis put it on one stone shelf and this gargoyle multiplied. Now there was 3 of them, them all being connected to each other, sitting in a row. I think they all were the same looking and in same position as the first one.
At the end of the dream, now that I was able to tell my dream to my sister, I actually, somehow and by accident for sure, had ended up romanticizing Cid with that damn little tree and it's pumpkins! :'D But it was nice to get cuddles from him! I always thought he would smell bad since he smokes and all that but no, he didn't smell bad at all! Plus he had great humor, ahah! I giggled so much with him :D
Lastly: I also was checking my bank account in my dream, noticing I had got some bonus money 4,111€! I hope this is a good sign! Also, during the dream when I was near my local market, I saw a luggage outside which was black but it was FULLY covered with big clear diamonds! Maybe another good sign?
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scrappycookbook · 2 months
making these today <3
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godsnameisjoy · 5 months
Date: 8 May 2024
Duration: 72 minutes at 11:09 PM
This meditation had the desired depth. Meditational results set off a series of spiritual desires. At every depth that I have found myself in, in the last 24 years, any newly found depth has whetted my spiritual appetite for even greater depths of mind.
Take for instance my recent meditations. I am enjoying a deeply interiorised sense of hearing more than meditations without an interiorised sense of hearing. My hearing didn’t even turn inward during the meditation on the 7th of May. I found that meditation shallow.
My hearing was turned inwards considerably during last night's meditation. I have hardly a memory from the meditation that is within the reach of my recall. And I meditated for 72 whole minutes before my attention told me to stop meditating. Only peace has the power to take one’s attention all the way in.
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thornilee013 · 4 months
And as foretold more 101 plsssssss - @jtl-fics
prev | 101 Ways Not to Say I Do | WW 8.5.2024
Neil had given their former coach the best summary of the situation as possible: “Nicky found out about Vegas.”
“You know, you two still owe me for bailing Andrew out.”
“You enjoyed it, and we never asked you to do that,” Neil had said before rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. “Coach, Andrew and I are technically married.”
“That much has been obvious ever since Andrew gave you a key to his car.”
“No. Legally. We’re married on paper.”
After a long string of swearing under his breath and a sigh, Wymack spoke. “Congratulations, but this couldn't have waited until the morning at least?”
It had taken Neil only a few more minutes to explain the situation to Wymack, and once he hung up on Wymack, he and Andrew had fallen asleep in a tangle of limbs.
Andrew, however, had taken on the role of calling Renee and telling her. 
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formulalakana · 5 months
Käärijä and Loreen on a cover of Aku Ankka magazine 🦆
Jere's ig 8.5.2024
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madfantasy · 5 months
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Clueless Captain
8.5.2024 , Kofi
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louisupdates · 5 months
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Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT24: Rio de Janeiro [8.5.2024] 📸 Karyme França
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Tried to get a couple of miles in before my brain realized it was Monday 😂 I packed a lot in last week and it has rained both yesterday and this morning. My body needs a slow, restoration, day. Good nutrition planned out and some easy movement. This yoga was super nice to round out the without this morning!
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p-h03n1-x · 2 months
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Yibo Official Weibo update 8.5.2024 with Wang Yibo’s birthday greeting
Hello, 27-year-old Yibo~
Time seems to be passing faster and faster. Before we have had the chance to review every page of the past year, you have already embraced the 27th summer of your life.
This year, we've gotten to know you a bit more. Like the ripples caused by a pebble dropped in water, you always manage to bring new and pleasant surprises. You mark the fleeting moments of brilliance in music, and in your roles, we witness your sincerity and passion, your resilience and focus. Although there is always a time difference between people, fortunately, the dawns and dusks you have recorded will eventually be passed to the next person, bringing waves and stirrings.
This year, you have also learned more about this world. Despite the ever-busy and complex schedules, you have adapted to coexisting with time, moving towards inner peace. The world is unpredictable, but you can calmly embrace every sudden downpour, just as you appreciate each blooming wildflower along the way. Accept imperfections, allow regrets, and as the world is vast, please continue to boldly move forward.
Those experiences and their meanings—the damp mud, the wind carrying grit, and the sunrise and moonset outside the window—will all tell you the same thing. Whether you're standing firm and swinging a club or gathering strength to strike with a racket, when the ball comes, just hit it; life is the same way.
Happy 27th birthday to WangYibo! 💚
Today is fantastic, yesterday was not bad either, and tomorrow will surely be even better. The journey of the heart is endless. I wish you to continue exploring between mountains and rivers, and may you grow freely and joyfully!"
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twostonesreverse · 5 months
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sometimesanequine · 2 months
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takovanormalnielie · 5 months
Začly jsme předělávat ložnici. Předělujeme jí napůl, aby každá měla svoje malý království s velkou postelí a velkou skříní na oblečení. Já totiž potřebuju spát sama v místnosti. Během let se moje problémy se spánkem zhoršily natolik, že musím mít naprosto dokonalý podmínky, jinak mám veliký potíže usnout. Potřebuju absolutní ticho a temno, dokonalou teplotu, ponožky, tepláky, tílko, noční košili, špunty do uší, klapky na oči, tenkou mikinu, kapucu přes hlavu, nákrčník, blahaje a minimálně 8 a půl hodiny času. V létě jsem schopná odhazovat vrstvy, abych docílila ideální teploty, ale jinak je tohle můj nutnej set-up. Nesnáším spát kdekoliv jinde než doma. Vlastně i rozestavěná ložnice je do určitý míry problém, ale těším se, až to doděláme a budeme mít každá svůj malej pokojík.
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