buddiebeginz · 2 months
I was talking to a friend earlier and it got me thinking about something.
B*mmy stans project all of the stuff they do onto us to an extent I've never seen with any other fandom discourse before.
They call us homophobic for not liking B/T or T*mmy. Yet they hate on people for shipping Buddie or seeing Eddie as queer. To the point of harassing people for including Eddie and Buddie in pride posts. Continually harassing the 911news account and even trying to dox a journalist for posting about Buddie.
They call us delusional for having watched two men love and support one another for 6 going on 7 years and for thinking there could be something more than friendship there. Even though Oliver, Ryan, and Tim have all said they see what we see. Yet they've seen Buck kiss a guy twice, have very minimal screen time or development and they headcanon that they're in love and will get married in the coming season.
They say we fetishize Buddie. Yet most of the time when our fandom is discussing our ship we're talking about the emotional connection between them. Or how we want to see them finally be together in a canon romantic relationship or as a full fledged family (with Chris). Or have their first kiss. Meanwhile most of their posts are the kind of sex they headcanon Buck and T*mmy have. Hell after that that dinner scene tons of them changed their urls to something with daddy in it (referencing the out of place daddy kink joke). To be clear there's nothing wrong with headcanons about fictional characters sex lives. But the main reason most of us ship Buddie is not just because they're two hot guys who we want to think about f*cking, it's because we're invested in the story of their life together. The same can't be said for B/T.
They say we feminize Buck for Buddie:
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Meanwhile most of their fics/art/headcanons involve T*mmy being the big strong protector rescuing the "damsel in distress" Buck. They constantly talk about how hot it is that T*mmy is this big older "daddy" firefighter who can take care of Buck and guide him in what it means to be in a m|m relationship.
They say we've made Buck's coming out all about Buddie but 1. Eddie and Buck's feelings for him were heavily included in Buck's bi awakening ep. 2. They have made T*mmy synonymous with buck's coming out to the point of saying Buck wouldn't have even realized he liked men without T*mmy. They've even said that if T*mmy and Buck were to break up in s8 that it would ruin Buck's coming out story.
They accuse our fandom of being mean and of harassing the actors including of sending death threats to Lou. Of chasing Lou off of social media and being the one who caused him to stop his cameos. They say we're the reason Oliver chooses not interact with Lou or anything B/T related online. When there has been no proof of any of this. Meanwhile there is proof from their own fandom that Oliver and Ryan have blocked some of them. They have repeatedly tried to pressure Oliver to interact with B/T posts and Lou. They were also leaving comments on the the video of the podcast Ryan did (with Tommy DiDario) where he talked about his s*icide attempt, telling him he should have finished the job.
They call us a cult or BoBs (Buddie or Bust) yet they dress up like Lou and would still be paying for his videos if he was still willing to put them out. They prioritize Lou/T*mmy above any other character on the show. They talk about how T*mmy should get a begins episode. How T*mmy should be a main character. They defend everything T*mmy has ever done including when he was racist and homophobic to Chim and Hen. They harass anyone who has a negative word to say about their ship or Lou or T*mmy much like a cult would protect their leader. They to this day act like everything Lou ever told them in his cameos is the gospel truth.
911 fandom has grown increasingly toxic ever since B/T became a thing and I honestly just can't wait for the day we either find out T*mmy isn't coming back or when his last ep will be. I mean in some ways our fandom won't ever be the same after this. I've seen a lot of ugly sides to people who I had followed for years as Buddie shippers.
It will never not confuse the hell out of me that some people who were big time Buddie shippers for years not only dropped Buddie but turned completely against the ship and our fandom. And all for a ship that is seriously underdeveloped and one that it's clear the show is telling us in flashing neon lights isn't meant to last.
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lover-of-mine · 13 days
Ryan sharing the trailer from the 911news account that the Bt fandom and their queen have such hard core beef with instead of from the offical account.
My guy is so messy 😂😂
I'm obsessed with this guy lol
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tommystummy · 3 months
i mean you want names of bucktommy fans being pieces of shit look at every single person that responds to and likes posts by kinardscoffee on tumblr and you will see the most vile disgusting shit around. And this hag(kinardscoffee aka bree aka the self proclaimed queen of Bucktommy) is even worst on Twitter but you want some examples of how Bucktommy fans are pieces of shit?
Threatening to doxx media members just cause majority of media people are buddie shippers and don't like BT. Kat from Fanatic posted about how a BT shipper threatened to DOXX her on social media. it's on her Twitter.
Bucktommy fans are the ones that said not to donate to the Gaza thing because one of the admins did not like Buck and Tommy. So because of personal preference they told their followers NOT to donate because of a petty shit like that.
Some BT fans on here and on Twitter have DM'd disgusting things to Ryan including posting that Eddie should have an arc where he actually ends up trying to kill himself so that Ryan can relive the past.
911news posted a post during pride month that had Buddie in it as well as Bucktommy and BT fans blew a gasket because how dare queer people see themselves in Eddie a person who even Ryan has said is ambiguous especially post finale....gee I wonder why could it be they're setting up queer Eddie/Buddie? Which is something they've wanted to do for years.
BT fans especially recently have said how they've been blocked by Oliver, Ryan, Tim, and crew members on social media. They've also started to turn their backs on Oliver because he never promotes anything BT yet he'll post gifs of Buddie moments or Buddie stills in his IG stories. It's especially ugly on X the disdain for Oliver now.
So rather then try to say that Buddie fans are pieces of shit you may wanna look in your own fanbase before burying your head in the sand and say "oh we're just vibing". Cause nah man YOU yourself may be vibing but your new fanbase sure as hell isn't.
Like I said… I have Bree blocked so I don’t see that shit anymore. Does that prove I’m doing my Due Diligence?
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lemotmo · 2 months
If you already posted these/answered this recently you can ignore this cause after sending this I’m going to go scroll through your blog to look but what articles are people talking about? I know I saw tweets/posts about a shift/omen from a couple journalists but I haven’t seen any actual articles. Also I only know about 2 journalists in particular have there been more?
Nope, you're right Nonny. I checked again, just to make sure.
I think Ali meant the fact that both official 911 journalists started covering the show on social media at about the same time, using the same phrasings and words. They both talked about the vibe that shifted or something like that.
As far as I know they haven't written a full article yet. I've checked the 911bts and 911news accounts.
Am I wrong? Were there articles and I somehow missed it? Anyone?
There are a few more general articles out there. I also know there is one that talks about Eddie's pornstache.🤭 So she could have also alluded to some of those articles.
EDIT: Nonny, the mystery has been solved. Ali just sent in an ask. I was right before, she did mean the Twitter posts.
You can find her answer here.
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iboatedhere · 2 years
I really dislike that 911News twitter account bc they’re super bias between the 911 shows. And I get it, since OG came first, but if they want to put on their profile description how they give news on both shows then they should provide information for both shows, rt? Literally lone star got 4 mil viewers last night and they don’t even notice them. They only prefer giving the news when the episode is at 3mil viewers and how it’s the lowest rated episode the show’s ever had and just focus on OG🙄🙄
I thought that guy quit? I thought he stopped doing it? Plus those aren’t even the real raising so looking at that is pointless.
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timmtracktimmy · 3 years
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diazevan · 2 years
One of the engines from 911 being used in a pride parade is just my favorite thing ever 🤯💕
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(found via twitter 911news)
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Just so you know, the 911news twitter has added that the show might start back in late march due to lone star 2 hour premier. It seems like they tried to estimate from when lone star is airing, so they dont have a confirmation.
Oh yay okay! I’m down for late March if that’s the date that gets confirmed. I completely forgot about the LS premiere
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
Hey Tina, hope you're doing great! What cast list are you referring to for ep 2? I'm asking because I only know the cast list for ep 1 that 911news on twitter posted and a few people say the folky on fox mess them up regularly and honestly I'm just a but...nervous because Chris isn't listed in ep 1 but Gavin was on set when they shot it, and in on the cast list on imdb for ep 2 Gavin/Chris are listed but they often list everyone that's credited and a few days after it airs it gets changed to "credits only". I did get my hopes up a few times last seasons because I'm always happy to see Chris, but then he wasn't in the episode. But I guess there's no way to be a hundred percent sure who's in it, right? ... I just miss him, a lot. ._. Lots of love!
THE 118 JUMPS INTO ACTION WHEN A CITY-WIDE BLACKOUT HITS LOS ANGELES ON AN ALL-NEW "9-1-1" MONDAY, SEPT. 27 ON FOX The 118 springs into action when a city-wide blackout and a record heatwave causes mayhem in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Chimney confides in Hen about Maddie's condition and Athena's worst nightmare comes true in the all-new "Desperate Times" episode of 9-1-1 airing Monday, Sept. 27 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NIN-502) (TV-14 D,L,S,V) Cast: Angela Bassett as Athena Grant; Peter Krause as Bobby Nash; Jennifer Love Hewitt as Maddie Buckley; Oliver Stark as Evan "Buck" Buckley; Kenneth Choi as Howie "Chimney" Han; Aisha Hinds as Henrietta "Hen" Wilson; Rockmond Dunbar as Michael Grant; Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz; Corinne Massiah as May Grant; Marcanthonee Jon Reis as Harry Grant; Gavin McHugh as Christopher Diaz Guest Cast: La Monde Byrd as Dr. David Hale; Gabrielle Walsh as Ana Flores; Sasha Roiz as Det. Lou Ransome; Claudia Christian as Capt. Elaine Maynard; Noah Bean as Jeffery Hudson; Anirudh Pisharody as Ravi [source] The cast lists tend to have more mistakes than accuracies, and we only know about GW being on set during the first week of filming 🤷‍♀️ It's a waiting game at this point. (side note: Megan isn't credited and I find it hard to believe Buck's new girlfriend/"bisexual bestie" is already sidelined by episode two...something else to look out for.)
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
I need just to take a moment to lol that LS, touted to be the “best” and who made #1 on Mondays while nothing else was on made #5 when it was against actual competition as reported on 911News on twitter. Also, the decision to expand the premiere emergency over 4 eps instead of the typical 3 does not help, no one who watches either of the 911’s want the pacing to be slowed that much for any one emergency storyline. You spend character development over that many episodes not one emergency
Oof... that's not the best spot to be in 😅
And yeah... I think they really put too much faith in the snowstorms-in-Texas story arc. Like yes, it piqued interest because of the snowstorms in Texas last year, but unfortunately to KEEP that piqued interest what you do with that arc is important. And from what I've heard it's... not been all that stellar. So to drag an already meh plot out for four episodes just makes it even less interesting for viewers.
You spend character development over that many episodes not one emergency
Repeating that because 💯💯💯
Character arcs that last that long or longer are great - sorta like Athena and Harry's trauma lasting for a solid seven episodes before it got resolved. But as much as the blackout story arc was literally amazing from front to end other than the embarrassing and offensive eddie shit it would have been REALLY REALLY BAD if that emergency had lasted seven episodes. It would have gotten tedious.
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Trapped hikers rescued after Apple Watch automatically calls 911 Trapped hikers rescued after Apple Watch automatically calls 911New Jersey hiker James Prudenciano credits an Apple Watch with saving his life after running into trouble in a county park....Read More Digital Marketing
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
FYI this account (screenshot below) is made by a B*mmy stan because their fandom is pissed off that 911news has posted some pro Buddie posts. B/T stans have been harassing the 911news account on twitter. Please go show support for the 911news account on twitter and on insta. They put a lot of work into sharing info on the show for us and we really don't want to lose someone like that in our fandom.
Do not follow that new news account but don't harass them either. Just block them. We don't need to stoop down to their level.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
Pretty sure you don't get to call our entire fandom homophobic or a cult when it's become a battle cry for your fandom to scream out canon anytime anyone so much as hints at Eddie being anything but straight. Also let's not forget that multiple people in your fandom attacked anyone who tried to celebrate Eddie and Buddie for pride month including journalists who review the show and the 911news account. Oh and as for being a cult. You can call Buddie a cult when we all all start posting pictures of ourselves dressed in a shirt we bought that we saw Ryan wear one time in a video we paid $200 for.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
calling bucktommy fans b*mmys just reminds me of the gay slurs used against gay men. There’s a better way to say that. Idk why y’all use that when people have said it sounds offensive. to me if someone says something is offensive that’s when you stop saying it. You don’t double down and say well actually it’s not. Because if it’s offensive to someone then you’re still being a twat even if it isn’t offensive to you.
First of all the word you're referring to is "bummer" not "Bummy" which would be a combination of Buck and Tommy's names. As many ship names are a combo of the first names like Buddie is Buck and Eddie.
Second a lot of words sound the same but are not in fact the same. Bummer and Bummy are two different words completely. They don't have the same origin and they don't hold the same meaning.
Also and more importantly a lot of British fans of 911 have responded to multiple posts about this topic (as the word you're referring to is old British slang) and stated that the word "bummer" is not used this way in the common lexicon and likely hasn't been for quite some time.
Furthermore many 911 fans from different parts of the world (including the UK) have also said they use the word bummer in a similar fashion to how we use it here in the United States:
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So does this mean that no one else should ever use that word anymore? And if that's true then shouldn't you be trying to educate people more on why they shouldn't be using the actual word bummer vs people who are using a ship name (again not the same word) made up of two characters names?
I agree that it's important to listen to people when they tell you that something is offensive to them but here's the problem anon. A lot of you B/T shippers are not coming from a genuine place. You're not trying to educate anyone. You're not trying tell us about something (unrelated to shipping) that's upsetting you. You're just trying to control the 911 fandom as a whole. The main reason I know this is because this isn't only issue that's been levied against the Buddie fandom from you all.
Your fandom does this kind of stuff all the time. You try to shame people into behaving in a way you want them to. No halfway decent person wants to be called homophobic, biphobic, ableist, etc but these are all things I've watched your fandom use against anyone who doesn't agree with you.
The reality is you all don't like the ship name Bummy, which fine you don't have to like it. Although it was your fandom who came up with it in the first place, it's where I saw the name to begin with (on twitter). Trust and believe I have better things to do with my time than sit around thinking up ship names for Buck and the guy who he hasn't even called his boyfriend yet.
So your main issue isn't that Bummy sounds like bummer it's that you don't like the name. Plus Lou said he didn't like it (in a cameo) and it just generally sounds silly. Okay so you don't have to use it. You don't get to control how other people talk about your ship and whether or not they talk about it in a positive way.
You also don't get to throw baseless allegations of homophobia at us because a ship name you hate sounds similar to an old slang word. You especially don't get to throw allegations at us when it's been your fandom out there attacking anyone who dared to post anything for Buddie and Eddie during pride month. Your fandom attacking and literally doxxing a journalist for posting positive Buddie content. Your fandom that has repeatedly harassed the 911news account. Your fandom that left comments talking about how Ryan should end his life after he opened up about his s*icide attempt.
Buddie fandom isn't innocent. We've definitely said and done things we shouldn't have. Taken things too far sometimes and I'm sure been our own brand of awful at times too. But the 911 fandom as a whole has never been as bad as it's gotten since B/T became a thing. You all were literally called out by the showrunner ffs. Instead of repeatedly accusing Buddie shippers (many of who are lgbtq+) of homophobia maybe you should start looking around at who is a part of your own fandom and the messed up stuff they've been doing because it's not doing you any favors.
(Fyi if this shows up in other tags besides Buddie fandom that wasn't my intention. I usually do my best to keep my posts out of B/T spaces. I even usually use * to not spell the full names and ships but for the sake of clarity in this post I didn't.)
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
hi lovely! carmen sandiego here. i don't know if this is something that was discussed in this blog before (if it was you can completely ignore this, I won't mind).
you already know that That Fandom got mad with 911news for "promoting their ship" so they created their own updates account a while back (maybe a little less than a month ago?) called 911unbiased.
the funny thing is: the person who created it (clearly a bt shipper) didn't know that an updates account would be so much work, so they basically started an updates account by saying they weren't going to update much 😭 what is the point of an account at all, then? well, to be petty.
they kept they word, though, they didn't update shit. at some point, they tweeted something like "Eddie Diaz might have a mustache this season. Updates to come"
that was, until all the videos from yesterday...
here comes the other funny thing: after not posting a single BTS video or pic for weeks, they posted the Oliver and Ryan video with the caption "Poor Oliver (and the rest of the cast) has to stare at that thing all the time", and then the one where Kenny is filming Ryan and Oliver starts laughing with the caption "Oliver is all of us every time we see Eddies pornstache" which in on itself is not a problem (buddies had made similar jokes tbh) but when you claim to be an "unbiased" UPDATES account... yikes.
some people called them out and they ended up changing the account's @ to 911unbiasedfun 😭 and claimed the criticism was only helping them because apparently "all promo is good promo".
oh, and also they obviously shared a screenshot of the infamous collider article without much clarification, not even saying the source.
honestly, the situation was so bizarre and campy that I had a good laugh with it
Hello my love ❤️
I haven't gotten any updates on the "unbiased" account so this was a ride kapakspskspkapakapa running an update account is WORK. Like, it's hard as hell trying to keep up with everything and dealing with sources and every else, I have mad respect for anyone who actually manages to keep an account like that running, but the fact that they gave up the concept of being an update account is HYSTERICAL. I have been laughing at the whole concept of this since it started and the fact that they can't just actually just give updates because the updates are not what they want.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
their comprehension skills amaze me sometimes. @/_911bts made a whole ass twitter thread explaining what are different roles actors can have, and one of the loudest of those obsessed Lou stans came to the conclusion that they were right when actually the thread explained the opposite 💀
"So the @/collider article is legit. All of this what your stating makes sense...
[They @ another big BT/Lou account here, I'm not copying the user] that article may have some errors but I feel they did get the tea on Lou upgraded to recurring, we won!!"
then @/_911bts responded stating very respectfully that it's not at all what they were saying with the thread, and clarified that if an actor is getting promoted, there will be no doubt of that because ABC will let us all know. and soon they deleted that tweet (i'm guessing because they didn't want to start a ship war on accident or they didn't want that group of crazy bucktommys getting mad at them).
the point is they are still celebrating something that is not a win. it's not a loss either, it's just nothing. it's embarrassing at this point
anyway i'm not much of a spy (because i hate reading their tweets if i can avoid it) but if I can go by a name then i'm choosing carmen sandiego
Hello my love, welcome 🩷
I saw the explanation, it's close to the one I posted last night, but I didn't know they had replied him about it not meaning anything but they deleted it. It definitely would have started something, they pick fights with the 911news all the time so they're probably protecting their peace, smart decision. The fact that 911bts said that a promotion will be information with no room for debate via Deadline and they were ignoring that bit is so.......
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