#A Masterpiece! // Mun Art
yumichikah · 1 year
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-- thanks to @hainekc, I ended up drawing a grumpy Yumi waking up in the middle of the night to a text from a drunk Rangiku. He's _so done_ with her lol.
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betterdcyz · 2 years
Listen the obvious answer is Corinthian and Morpheus right but it’s not just cause they’re neat together and opposite of each other but it’s just the dynamic between creator and masterpiece, the constant need for Dream’s attention while simultaneously trying to be his own person/nightmare and the way you write the Corinthian always kinda teetering on the edge and just the complex relationship dynamic between trying to live up to your creator’s expectations while being subject to the cravings he gave you just chefs kiss
Anyway I have feelings
Anonymously tell me what your favourite ship for my muse is. / accepting always !!
I, too, have feelings about this ship as a whole. It's complex, and complicated 'cos each is different from each other in a sense. He is the artist and Corinthian is the art; Morpheus is the sculptor and Corinthian is the sculpted. Both touch-starved in ways that are different 'cos they had different experiences to gain that touch-starveness. Corinthian is the opposite from Dream, made to be different from what Dream is. A Dark Mirror. He was made to be this and that and everything in between. He wanted Dream's attention since I think he never got much of it. Perhaps at the start, and then never again
And to acknowledge that sentence: I'll re-shape the world to look like me makes me think that's something to draw Dream's attention to him. If all humans somehow look like him. The creation creating something for himself, to be his own man and taste and learn what gains Dream's attention, but to also experience. To enjoy and take pleasure in. To do what you were made to do but in the Waking World!
Then there's the disappointment, and knowing that Corinthian ( in the comics ) felt SHAME. Haha-- *sobbing*
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spellbound-circle · 29 days
⚠️Blood, knife imagery, death, other sensitive conent ⚠️
A video I made for @lilmissrodeoclown ! It describes Marnie's backstory fairly well.
Also enjoy the silly references towards the end!
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multigalaxymuses · 11 months
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Ten of Pentacles. Art by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, from the Shadowscapes Tarot.
Enjoying affluence and financial security, luxury, good fortune, a traditionalist, rooted to convention and to rules.
Her silken attire and golden adornments indicate that her social status is relatively comfortable, curled up as she is against the hoarding Dragon. The winds whisper ancient secrets to the trees. The trees curl and coil their roots around their own nuggets and then with a brush of leaves pass it onto the Dragon. And he in turn sings those words to her, for he has seen much in his centuries and has been steeped in what was. The world is a stained glass masterpiece - a world of art and wealth; and she holds clasped tight a Peach of Immortality and Auspiciousness.
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Hetalia D&D 5e/Pathfinder 1e - Part 4 Western Europe 1
I did a thing yesterday. Got on ChatGPT (I know bad mun) and made rough NPCs for my Pathfinder 1e game. And I used every core character from Hetalia. So, I shared with 3 Hetalia fans I follow and was told to share all of them if I did all of them. Which I did. So here we go.
Race: Half-Elf Half-elves are known for their adaptability and charm, which suits Bavaria's friendly and sociable personality. They also have a rich cultural background, reflective of Bavaria’s heritage.
Bard (6)
Bards symbolize Bavaria's rich cultural history, love for music, and celebration of traditions like Oktoberfest. Their ability to inspire and entertain aligns well with Bavaria's convivial nature.
Bardic Performances can showcase Bavaria’s festive spirit. Focusing on the Masquerade or Soothing Performance bardic masterpieces is a perfect fit.
Rogue (2)
Rogues represent Bavaria’s cleverness and the sometimes mischievous nature of its people. Their knack for dealing with various social situations through deception or charm fits well.
Consider skill focus in Diplomacy, Bluff, and Perform to emphasize Bavaria's charm and ability to navigate social dynamics.
Ranger (2)
Rangers embody Bavaria’s connection to its beautiful landscapes, forests, and mountains. These classes can reflect aspects of the natural world and Bavaria’s outdoor traditions.
Additionally, choosing an urban ranger archetype can highlight Bavaria’s blend of nature and civilization.
Total Level: 10
Stat Recommendations:
Str: 12 (average physical strength for an adventurer)
Dex: 14 (helps in range attacks and rogue skills)
Con: 12 (slightly above average health)
Int: 10 (average intelligence; not primarily a thinker)
Wis: 10 (average; adaptable)
Cha: 18 (high charisma to reflect public friendliness and social skills)
Bard Skills: Perform, Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive
Rogue Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth, Disable Device
Ranger Skills: Survival, Knowledge (Nature)
Negotiator (boosts Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks)
Inspire Courage (early bardic ability)
Dodge (provides an AC bonus; fits well with the rogue aspect)
Background and Personality:
Bavaria in Hetalia is often depicted as jolly, cheerful, and somewhat prideful of their culture. This NPC could be a traveling bard who enjoys sharing tales and music of the region, celebrating festivals, and fostering camaraderie among people. Perhaps they are on a mission to spread joy and unify differing factions through music and friendship, leveraging their skills in diplomacy to resolve conflicts amiably.
Musical Instrument (e.g., Lute or Flute)
Light Armor (to allow for mobility)
Rapier (a classic weapon for a finesse-oriented rogue)
Adventurer’s pack with festive decorations (for festivals and events)
Bulgaria NPC
Race: Human (Variant Human)
Variant Humans allow for additional versatility, reflecting Bulgaria's varied personality and industries.
Fighter (1-10 Levels)
As a proud nation with a rich warrior culture, Bulgaria can embody the Fighter class, showcasing skills with weapons and defensive tactics. He can be very competent in combat, reflecting a sense of martial pride.
Bard (1-10 Levels)
Bards in Pathfinder can represent art, music, and culture, which align well with Bulgaria's historical ties to folklore and storytelling. As a Bard, he can charm others and inspire allies, aligning with the more charismatic elements of his character.
Rogue (1-10 Levels)
Given Bulgaria's sometimes mischievous nature in the series, a few levels in Rogue can reflect stealthy skills, cunning tactics, and the ability to navigate social situations cleverly.
Suggested Build
Level Breakdown:
Fighter 5 / Bard 5 / Rogue 5 (Total Level 15)
Key Abilities:
Fighter: Focus on strength or dexterity, armor training, and combat feats (like Power Attack or Weapon Specialization).
Bard: Use Charisma for spellcasting to aid in diplomacy, perform skills related to singing/dancing, and use bardic performances for bonuses.
Rogue: Stealth, cunning action, and skills involving social interactions, ensuring he can either talk his way out of trouble or get the drop on foes.
Background & Personality Traits
Bulgaria is competitive and sometimes serious, but he can also show a humorous or light-hearted side. He has a strong connection to his culture and is known for pride in his folklore. His mix of abilities showcases strength in both martial prowess and social interactions while emphasizing the humorous but fierce nature of his character in Hetalia.
Sample Equipment
Fighter Gear: Heavy armor, a shield, and a versatile weapon (like a longsword).
Bard Implement: A lute or instrument representing Bulgarian music, along with various artisan tools for local crafts.
Rogue Tools: Thieves' tools and a cloak for stealth.
Roleplaying Tips
Emphasize Bulgaria's balance of seriousness in combat and playfulness in interactions. Use a mixture of combat prowess and charming conversations to create an engaging character that can fit various scenarios in your campaign.
Race: Human
Humans in Pathfinder are versatile and adaptable, which makes them a great fit for Genoa. Additionally, they gain a bonus feat at 1st level and extra skills, both of which represent the resilience and adaptability of Genoa.
Bard (3) - The bard represents Genoa's artistic flair and cultural importance, allowing her to inspire others, use her charm, and have a deep knowledge of her region's history and traditions.
Archetype: Cultured Performer (from The Ultimate Combat)
This archetype can emphasize her elegance and social skills, focusing on performing arts and diplomacy.
Oracle (4) - To portray Genoa's mysterious qualities and connection to deeper wisdom, an Oracle class can represent her foresight and knowledge of past and future world events that affect her people.
Mystery: History - This mystery gives her insights into events of importance and reflects her character's connection to her heritage.
Curse: Haunted - Symbolizes the struggles and lessons learned by her people throughout history.
Diplomat (6) - Choose the Diplomat prestige class from Ultimate Combat to emphasize her role in negotiations, alliances, and cultural exchanges. This class shows her ability to handle complex political situations and reflects her leadership capabilities.
Benefits include: Diplomacy skills, bonus to Diplomacy checks, and other abilities that aid in negotiations.
Level: Total Level: 13 (3 Bard + 4 Oracle + 6 Diplomat)
Key Abilities
High Charisma for bardic performances and diplomacy.
Wisdom for Oracle spells and abilities.
Skills: Diplomacy, Perform (sing), Knowledge (history), and Sense Motive.
Background and Personality Traits
Genoa is charming, artistic, and proud of her heritage. She would likely focus on benefitting her people through diplomacy, cultural exchange, and social engagements. She seeks to preserve her cultural identity while recognizing the importance of tradition and growth. Additionally, she is likely to have a friendly rivalry with other nations while maintaining diplomatic relations.
Sample Stat Block
Race: Human
Classes: Bard 3 / Oracle 4 / Diplomat 6
Abilities: (Point buy / standard array considerations)
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 18
Race: Half-Elf
Half-Elves are versatile and can blend the traits of both humans and elves, which suits Hesse's character and allows for a combination of abilities. They also receive a bonus to skill points, which can reflect Hesse’s diverse interests.
Classes Options:
Druid (1-3 levels):
Flavor: This class reflects Hesse's connection with nature and introverted personality. It allows him to have control over the natural world, summon animals, and use spells that reflect Hesse's love for peace and nature.
Key Features: Wild Shape, Nature Bond (Animal or Terrain), spells such as Entangle and Goodberry.
Rogue (2-3 levels):
Flavor: While Hesse may not be the most outgoing, he could have skills in stealth and observation, representing the subtleties of his character.
Key Features: Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, and a range of skills like Stealth and Perception for his introversion and perceptiveness.
Bard (3-4 levels):
Flavor: Bards can represent Hesse’s artistic side and provide social interaction through music. The Bard’s ability to influence emotions and charm others can tie into Hesse's personality.
Key Features: Bardic Performances, spellcasting (focusing on charm and nature-related spells), and versatile skills.
Example NPC Stat Block
Hesse CR: 5 Race: Half-Elf Classes: Druid 3 / Rogue 2 / Bard 2
Ability Scores (before racial modifiers):
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 16
Cha: 14
Nature (Wis)
Stealth (Dex)
Perception (Wis)
Perform (Cha)
Diplomacy (Cha)
Survival (Wis)
Skill Focus (Nature)
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Iron Will
Leather Armor
Druidic focus (perhaps a pendant featuring a natural symbol)
A magical instrument (such as a pan flute)
A selection of potions (healing, nature-related)
Personality Traits
Hesse is observant but often quiet, preferring to listen rather than speak.
He shows a deep love for the environment and often acts as a protector of nature.
Hesse may have a strong bond with wildlife, often communicating or collaborating with animals in his surroundings.
Roleplaying Tips
Emphasize Hesse's gentle and somewhat shy demeanor in conversations.
Use his knowledge of nature to provide insight or to guide others in the wilderness.
Allow him to use his bardic abilities to uplift and inspire even the most challenged characters during tough moments.
Knights Templar
Name: Sir Jean Lefevre (an original name inspired by the character)
Human (Varisian)
Traits: Varisians are known for their wanderlust and versatility. Their bonus to Dexterity and Charisma reflects the Knights Templar's agility and leadership.
Paladin (Divine Champion) (Levels 1-6, up to level 6)
Key Features: Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Smite Evil, and a strong code of conduct that reflects the honor and chivalry of the Templars.
Paladin Code: Follow a strict code of conduct that emphasizes protection of the innocent, courage in battle, and devotion to their deity.
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Levels 7-10, up to level 7)
Key Features: The Inquisitor showcases the Templar's role as militant protectors. They're skilled in combat and possess unique abilities for tracking and combating evil.
Judgment: They gain the ability to channel their divine energy for different enhancements to i.e. attack, damage, or gaining bonuses.
Warpriest (Battle Cleric) (Levels 11-15, up to level 5)
Key Features: A follow-up class for versatility, it allows for the combining of martial prowess with divine magic focused on combat.
Blessing: They gain the ability to bestow potent blessings upon themselves and allies, representing the Templar's role as both warriors and leaders of faith.
Final NPC Build:
Level: 15 (6 Paladin / 7 Inquisitor / 2 Warpriest)
Abilities and Skills:
Strength: High to reflect a strong combat capability.
Wisdom: Moderate to reflect their perception and ability to use divine spells.
Charisma: High to represent leadership and their divine grace in working with allies.
Weapon Focus (Longsword): A favored weapon for the Knights Templar.
Shield Proficiency: Essential for defending against attacks.
Combat Reflexes: To represent their defensive combat style.
Extra Lay on Hands (if using Paladin levels): To increase survivability.
Heavy Armor: Full plate armor adorned with Christian symbols.
Shield: A large shield with heraldic symbols.
Longsword: A finely crafted longsword for melee combat.
Holy Symbol: Relic representing their faith.
Sir Jean Lefevre is a noble and honorable knight from a distant land, devoted to their god and dedicated to eradicating evil. He wields both sword and faith with conviction, often seen leading charges against enemies of the realm. He advocates for peace and justice, making him a reliable ally for adventurers against dark forces.
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chronicparagon · 1 year
💻🥇 😍
Oh, these are hard ones. There are a lot of people I can think of that fits these. I'll start with a few people who fit these and then make other posts with the other people who fit these.
💻 ― excellent writing
@s-talking is not only an excellent writer, but also a talented artist and created one of the best OCs that I know of. I will be including Envy for being a well-developed OC and I always admired the years of work they put into their muses, which includes Envy.
. Their writing is incredibly intricate and illustrates Envy's perspectives and show how dangerous he is. The Mun's writing captivates readers, drawing them into a story of the darkness of an Eldritch entity driving Envy to delve deeper into madness. I always look forward to seeing more of that. I love his interactions with Harmony and she loves him dearly despite the grim secrets he carries.
Most important of all, the Mun is very kind and a cherished friend. The drabbles and threads we have, the art like the gifts and commissions, and the messages exchanged brighten my day. I often look back at them when things get rough and I find comfort in the pieces. Envy-Mun helped me be a better writer and also a better person with their support and advice. My friend has done a lot for me over the years and I always strive to do the same. They deserve happiness and good things to happen!
🥇 ― well-developed oc
There are a lot, and I mean a lot of OCs that are masterpieces in their own way. They deserve all the love and I am willing to make separate posts for these OCs I have in mind because they deserve the spotlight.
@whispers-in-daydreams has a variety of OCs that have their own stories and Scarlett-mun has put so much love into each of them. Scarlett is my favorite of her OCs because I love her style and she's a baker has has no f***s to give. Harmony certainly admires Scarlett for her beauty and talents. I also love the kinds of trouble that these two get into!
@handcavity made an truly unique OC of a doll that carries the soul of a girl who was betrayed by the cult she was raised in. The OC called Her is a kind spirit who longs for company, but bears a curse that brings others who are close to Her dire consequences. This is different from what we see with haunted dolls because Her is not malevolent or see joy in harming others. She is also alluring but also unnerving. However, Her is not sinister. In fact, she is a tortured soul bound to the doll with a powerful demon.
😍 ― admiring from afar
@spectralhunter is someone I always admired from afar. He does amazing work in his writing and with his muses, both OC and canon. Takumi is a well-developed OC who is a paranormal investigator looking for ways to gain fame on his livestreams and channel. I consider the mun as a friend and I am thankful to have him and Envy-mun as my friends and rp partners. These two are a dynamic duo and seeing their is always a treat!
I followed the Mun for years and led me to also meeting other horror roleplayers who became my friends and great rp partners. I'm grateful for his friendship and the threads and drabbles we write.
@b-erserk makes a great Guts! I started to get into a bit of Berserk and made an AU that would work better for that world. I can't wait to write more with Guts in the future!
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✨ Does the mun read fanfictions and if yes, what is your opinion on them?
"He is more into timeless masterpieces, BUT if there art pieces of fanfiction that would allow him to get deeper into the darkest corners of certain traumatized personality or someone he could relate to(like myself), he shalt read, thinking thoroughly about every word. Also, he says that fanfiction of his times holds way too many "Slaaneshi corruption", whatever that means. As for me, I just cannot understand most of those works."
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ana-moon · 1 year
4 Mun:
Savior: Favorite protagonist? // Variables: Favorite game in the series? Why? // Great city: What is your favorite place in Rapture?// Plasmid: If you lived in Rapture, what would be your go-to plasmid? // Ryan's songbird: Name one character you can't stand. // Great chain: Team Ryan or Fontaine (Atlas)? // Persephone: What's one unpopular opinion about Bioshock that you have? // Accuvox: Favorite audio diary? // Record store: What's your favorite song from the soundtracks?
4 Ana:
Art: Who's your favorite of Rapture's artists, Steinman, Culpepper or Cohen? // Great city: What is your favorite place in Rapture? // go-to plasmid? // Ryan's songbird: Name one character you can't stand. // Aesthetic ideals: What animal would your splicer mask be inspired by?
For mun
Saviour: Favourite protagonist? Delta
Variables: Favourite game in the series? Why? It's a tie between 1&2 the 1st one would always be special, then the 2nd one was really fun and morally challenging
Great city: What is your favourite place in Rapture? I got to say Arcadia. I remember it being my favourite place when I first ever played it too.
Plasmid: If you lived in Rapture, what would be your go-to plasmid? Has to be Incinerate, it'll be able to keep me warm
Ryan's songbird: Name one character you can't stand. Suchong
Great chain: Team Ryan or Fontaine (Atlas)? They're both bad in their own way, but Ryan is better than Fontaine.
Persephone: What's one unpopular opinion about Bioshock that you have? Infinite wasn't anywhere near as good as the other two
Accuvox: Favourite audio diary? Frank Fontain's Sad Saps is an interesting one, it's the beginning of "Atlas"
Record store: What's your favorite song from the soundtracks? I can't just pick one, Lost Soul is amazing, all 3 of Cohen's masterpieces and the Waltz of the Flowers, I love waltz music. The Ocean on his Shoulders. Empty Houses. Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen. Beyond the Sea. Just Walking in the Rain. Liza
For Ana
Art: Who's your favourite of Rapture's artists, Steinman, Culpepper or Cohen? Anna Culpepper, she was smart and worked out who the crazy ones were.
Great city: What is your favorite place in Rapture? Fort Frolic is a lovely place, but Arcadia is always nicer to walk around in.
Plasmid: If you lived in Rapture, what would be your go-to plasmid? Incinerate seems useful when you to light a cigarette, but I don't really use plasmids, they don't seem safe.
Ryan's songbird: Name one character you can't stand. That Cohen guy is a strange. His works are just as strange as he is too.
Aesthetic ideals: What animal would your splicer mask be inspired by? I think it will either be that rabbit one or maybe the cat one.
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kibo-no-akademi · 2 years
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🌊 Angry Sea Dog 🚢
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arsonicversed · 2 years
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The only explanation i have for this is I’m gay, and Karin’s adamantine chains really should be explored more because of how versatile they are especially with how she uses them mostly as offensive weapons than sealing Also pls dont mind the gold chain png brush I used hfekjwhk I was hella lazy on that
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peppermintrcses · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Wouldn't Brier be included in the no sexing the plants rule? :P
Yes, yes she would. The sign was put there for a reason
Sadly, not everyone listens.
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starleyquinne-au · 4 years
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I want to see my little boy (here he comes)
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guiltburied · 4 years
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You get a deadpan kuno 🤲
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just-venti-ng · 4 years
i am blocking you💔✋😭 rude how dare you post without my consent i will never write another letter again
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sherachat · 4 years
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I was peer pressured into drawing Catrouble--- thank you-- I tried really hard guys--- I even somewhat-shaded it also naked cuddles
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Also on my twitter > 3> https://twitter.com/Arson80118915/status/1318044449688244225
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